Autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst thing. What to expect? Signs and symptoms. Autoimmune thyroiditis - diet and lifestyle Autoimmune thyroiditis - can you sunbathe?

Autoimmune thyroiditis- one of the most common diseases in Russia, especially in areas remote from the sea. But not every person realizes that his thyroid gland is not working at full capacity: this can only be detected by passing a special one. And therapists give directions for this test not so often, not seeing the need for it. The fact is that symptomatic picture The disease is so vague that even an experienced doctor will first of all assume the presence of other, non-endocrine pathologies.

AIT - what is it?

When our the immune system begins to attack the cells of its own body, this process is called autoimmune. A certain virus enters the body, penetrates inside the cell and remains there, and the antibodies of our immunity do not have the ability to “get” the virus out of the cell in order to destroy it; their arsenal of capabilities is only the destruction of the cell along with the “enemy”.

Viruses enter the thyroid gland very often. The organ, located on the front surface of the neck, serves as a specific filter for the air we breathe, so all pathogenic organisms enter the thyroid tissue. Of course, not every person will immediately develop thyroiditis; this requires a hereditary predisposition, but considering how many people already suffer from this pathology, you can be sure that almost everyone has a relative with this autoimmune disease.

When immune cells attack an organ as a target, they damage it, after which it becomes scarred - gradually covered with replacement tissue, as happens in a disease called autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst thing that can be expected is that the organ will heal completely and stop producing hormones. Fortunately, all of these hormones are already available in a synthetic version in the form of tablets that will need to be taken as part of replacement therapy.


When a person hears the name of a diagnosis that sounds impressive, it seems to him that the disease is very dangerous. And he begins to look for information on the topic “Autoimmune thyroiditis.” The worst thing to expect is, as some people think, because, at first glance, they really make you tense. But it is important to remember that for most people it is a complete surprise, that is, they did not even suspect that they were sick with something. Therefore, of course, there are symptoms of AIT, and the list of them is wide, but to live life to the fullest together with them it is quite possible.

And this is the main problem of such a pathology as autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst thing is that you can wait endlessly for signs of the disease, but they will never appear until the function thyroid gland will not disappear completely.

It makes no sense to list all the symptoms, because the thyroid gland produces hormones that participate in absolutely all systems of the body. When an organ is damaged, the amount of hormone in the blood becomes less and all organs suffer. But only those systems that were problematic in the first place clearly signal this.

If a person has AIT, he will be rewarded with asthenia, irritability and drowsiness, a person with weak digestive system will suffer from constipation and diarrhea and so on.

Therefore, when it comes to the diagnosis of “autoimmune thyroiditis”, the worst thing to expect is that the clinical manifestations will not make it possible to quickly make a diagnosis by contacting to the right doctor. In most cases, a person will rationalize all symptoms, explaining them as a characteristic of temperament or external factors.


When a person sees an endocrinologist, the question of making a diagnosis is only two questions: laboratory tests blood:

  1. Firstly, this is blood for the content of thyroid hormone in the blood (T4) and pituitary hormone (TSH), which interacts with the thyroid gland, and the production of these hormones is always interrelated: if TSH decreases, T4 increases and vice versa.
  2. Secondly, this is an analysis for the presence of antibodies to thyroid tissue cells.

If tests reveal both the presence of antibodies and an increase in TSH level, a diagnosis of autoimmune thyroiditis is made. The worst thing to expect is that the diagnosis has led to a final diagnosis, and now you will have to be treated for life, unless, of course, science invents other methods to replace replacement therapy.


When the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient quantity hormone, the treatment is simply to give it to him in pill form. For this purpose, there are drugs on the pharmaceutical market:

  • "L-thyroxine";
  • "Euthirox".

The drugs are available in different dosages: 25, 50, 75, 100, 150 mcg. The doctor prescribes treatment starting with the smallest dosage, gradually increasing it and determining the dose that the person will drink constantly throughout his life. Therefore, when diagnosed with “autoimmune thyroiditis,” the worst thing to expect is the need to take the drug on an empty stomach every morning, regardless of the circumstances. But in fact, patients quickly get used to it.

Dosage adjustment

Of course, a certain one-time dosage will not last a lifetime, since the organ (thyroid gland) continues to be destroyed under the influence of antibodies and will produce less and less natural hormone. In addition, factors such as weight and even climate change can influence fluctuations in hormone levels.

Therefore, at least once every six months, it is necessary to take a test that determines the amount of TSH and T4 in order to understand whether the dosage of the drug needs to be increased or decreased. In any case, the dose change should not exceed 25 mcg in 14 days. With the right treatment, a person will not experience any unpleasant symptoms a disease such as autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst thing to expect is that treatment will require regular blood donations, which means visiting a clinic and being patient in queues at the treatment room.


If one of your close relatives suffers from AIT, there is a high probability of getting sick too; the pathology is especially often transmitted from mother to daughter. It is impossible to completely eliminate the risk of the disease, but it is possible to delay the onset of the pathology process as much as possible. To do this, you need to take iodine preparations, for example "Iodomarin", according to the instructions. Endocrinologists claim that taking iodine and regular rest on the seashore can increase the level of the thyroid gland's defenses against antibodies and adjust the functioning of the immune system.

In addition, it is important to avoid factors that can provoke the development of the disease:

  • work or living in an environmentally unfavorable region is contraindicated, for example, for a person who has high risk If you get AIT, you shouldn’t get a job at a gas station;
  • it is important to avoid stress, not only emotional, but also physical, such as climate change;
  • it's important to protect yourself from colds, which make the immune system aggressive, and especially monitor the absence of foci chronic infection in the nasopharynx.

In these simple ways you can save yourself from the risk of developing a pathology such as autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst thing to expect: prevention may seem frivolous to a person, because it includes a list simple recommendations healthy image and life. And in this case, a person, without following the recommendations, is likely to encounter the disease.

Weight gain

According to the majority of patients who have been diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis, the worst thing to expect is manifestations in the form of weight gain, which will be uncontrollable and rapid, because the doctor suggests taking hormones!

In fact, when the metabolism is deficient, it actually slows down, and a person can gain weight. But replacement therapy drugs normalize the level of the hormone, so with the right dosage, the metabolism of a person with AIT is the same as that of any other person. In order to protect yourself from gaining weight, it is enough to simply “stimulate” your metabolism by eating often, in small portions.

There is a probability of recruitment excess weight not due to fat mass, but due to the accumulation of lymph. Therefore, endocrinologists advise their patients to monitor the amount of fluid consumed. You need to drink 1.2-2 liters of liquid per day, and you will have to give up the habit of drinking tea not because of thirst, but because of boredom. And this, with a diagnosis of “autoimmune thyroiditis,” is the worst thing to expect from the realm of prohibitions, because otherwise the life of a person with AIT is no different from the life of a healthy person.

AIT and pregnancy

Today, the diagnosis of AIT is increasingly being made to very young girls, although previously, according to statistics, the disease was detected at the age of 40-45 years. But absolutely all diseases become “younger,” not just endocrine pathologies.

Often young girls think that when diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis, the worst thing to expect is infertility. But this idea is fundamentally wrong, because with compensated AIT-euthyroidism, a woman is completely fertile and can have children. True, before this she will have to visit a family planning office, report her illness, so that the doctor can advise her on how to change the dosage of the replacement therapy drug from the first weeks of pregnancy.

AIT and life expectancy

Most people think when they are given absolutely any diagnosis, including “autoimmune thyroiditis,” that the worst thing to expect is a shortened life. In fact, in many countries it is recommended to take thyroid hormone after a certain age, even without diagnosed AIT, to prolong life and preserve youth.

Autoimmune thyroiditis occurs regardless of iodine consumption, which, as is known, is not produced in the body. Most doctors believe that iodine in autoimmune thyroiditis (Hashimoto's hypothyroidism) increases the manifestations of the pathology. This opinion is partly confirmed by the more frequent occurrence of this disease in populations with increased iodine intake.

In addition, it is iodine that stimulates the synthesis and activity of the thyroid enzyme thyroid peroxidase (TPO), which is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones. And this enzyme is the target of autoimmune attack in patients with autoimmune thyroiditis.

As shown clinical practice, the proportion of those for whom the potassium iodide-containing drug Yodomarin has a negative effect on autoimmune thyroiditis is significant. Main indications for use of this medicine– not a treatment autoimmune thyroiditis, and prevention of iodine deficiency in the body, as well as endemic, diffuse non-toxic or euthyroid goiter.

Scientific research over the last decade has found that, firstly, a sharp increase in iodine content in the body can cause reactive hypothyroidism. And secondly, what is intolerance high content iodine is associated with a deficiency of the trace element selenium, and iodine acts synergistically with selenium. Therefore, a balanced intake of these elements into the body is necessary: ​​50 mcg of iodine and 55-100 mcg of selenium per day.

Selenium is especially important in autoimmune thyroiditis induced by iodine: the results of numerous studies have shown a significant decrease in the level of serum antibodies to thyroglobulin TgAb after the use of drugs containing selenium (on average daily dose 200 mcg).

Drug treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis

As a result of autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland, the production of thyroid hormones decreases and hypothyroidism occurs, so medications are used to replace the missing hormones. This treatment is called hormone replacement therapy and is lifelong.

The main thyroid hormone thyroxine is practically not produced in autoimmune thyroiditis, and endocrinologists prescribe the drug Levothyroxine, L-thyroxine or L-thyroxine for autoimmune thyroiditis. The medicine acts similarly to endogenous thyroxine and performs the same regulatory functions in the patient’s body. oxidative reactions and metabolism of basic substances, the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. The dosage is determined individually - depending on the level of thyroid hormones in the blood plasma and taking into account the patient’s body weight (0.00014-0.00017 mg per kilogram); tablets are taken once a day (in morning time, half an hour before meals). The drug Eutirox for autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as Eferox, are just different trade names Levothyroxine.

Since the production of protective antibodies against the tissues of the own thyroid gland is increased in this pathology, no immunomodulators are used for autoimmune thyroiditis - due to their ineffectiveness and uselessness. For this reason, the immunomodulating anti-inflammatory drug Erbisol does not need to be taken for autoimmune thyroiditis.

Is the corticosteroid drug Diprospan prescribed for autoimmune thyroiditis? Given medicine has immunosuppressive, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory and anti-shock properties, which help when subacute or amiodarone-associated thyroiditis is added to autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as with the development of a giant goiter or mucinous edema. However, all endocrinologists have recognized the ineffectiveness of corticosteroids in the standard treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis - due to the ability of drugs in this group to aggravate hypothyroidism, in particular, to block the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone, synthesized by the pituitary gland (TSH). In addition, significant doses of corticosteroids reduce the conversion of thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3).

Next question on medications: Wobenzym and autoimmune thyroiditis. The list of indications for use of Wobenzym includes: enzyme preparation, which contains animal enzymes and plant origin– along with other immune-related pathologies, autoimmune thyroiditis is listed. IN official instructions The ability of the enzyme complex to influence the body’s immunological reactions and reduce the accumulation of antibodies in affected tissues was noted for the drug. Domestic experts prescribe Wobenzym, but the American Food and Drug Administration does not consider this drug a medicine.

Endocrinologists also recommend taking vitamins for autoimmune thyroiditis in the form of various multivitamin complexes, including those containing microelements, especially selenium (see section Iodine for autoimmune thyroiditis) and, of course, vitamins B12 and D. Rose hips can be used as a vitamin remedy for autoimmune thyroiditis - in the form of an infusion.

Biologically active complex with folic acid, vitamins C, E, group B and iodine - Femibion ​​is not prescribed for autoimmune thyroiditis, but is recommended to be taken by pregnant women for normal development fetus

The antibacterial drug Metronidazole is not used in routine medical practice for autoimmune thyroiditis; it is prescribed only for inflammation of the thyroid gland of a bacterial nature.

For the treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis, homeopathy offers an antihomotoxic injection and oral administration Thyreoidea Compositum, which contains 25 ingredients, including folates, iodine compounds, extracts of sedum, colchicum, hemlock, bedstraw, mistletoe, etc.

According to the instructions, this homeopathic medicine activates the immune system and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, and is recommended for use in cases of thyroid dysfunction and autoimmune thyroiditis.

Among side effects an exacerbation of existing hyperthyroidism, a decrease in blood pressure and body temperature, convulsions, enlarged lymph nodes, etc. were noted.

It should be borne in mind that surgical treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis - by thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland) - can be used when the size of the gland rapidly increases or large nodes appear. Or when patients are diagnosed with hypertrophic autoimmune thyroiditis, which causes compression of the larynx, trachea, esophagus, vessels or nerve trunks located in the upper mediastinum.

Traditional treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis

Genetically determined failure of the immune system makes traditional treatment autoimmune thyroiditis applicable mainly as aid to relieve some symptoms of the disease (hair loss, constipation, joint and muscle pain, higher level cholesterol, etc.).

However, herbal treatment can also be useful for stabilizing the thyroid gland. Thus, it is recommended to use the cinquefoil plant for autoimmune thyroiditis. The roots of white cinquefoil (Potentilla alba) contain a lot useful compounds, but for the thyroid gland the main medicinal qualities consist of the presence of iodine and selenium. You need to prepare an infusion from the dried and crushed roots: in the evening, pour a tablespoon of raw material into a thermos, pour 240 ml of boiling water and leave overnight (at least 8-9 hours). During the week, take the infusion every other day - 80 ml three times a day.

Folk treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis with celandine ( alcohol tincture) from a biochemical and pharmacodynamic point of view is not justified; In addition, the chelidonine alkaloids and sanguinarine contained in this plant are poisonous. And the feasibility of using blue-green algae (dried cyanobacterium Arthrospira) in the form of a Spirulina dietary supplement for autoimmune thyroiditis has not been studied.

There are recipes that “combine” seaweed and autoimmune thyroiditis. For example, some advise drinking a decoction of a mixture of kelp, plantain and pine buds; others - be sure to include iodine-rich seaweed in your diet. There is no need to do either one or the other. Why, see above - section Iodine for autoimmune thyroiditis. And in South-East Asia widespread consumption seaweed in large quantities often ends in thyroid cancer: this is how arsenic, mercury and radioactive iodine compounds accumulated by kelp affect this sensitive organ.

Physiotherapy for autoimmune thyroiditis

We must immediately clarify: physiotherapy for autoimmune thyroiditis will not restore destroyed thyroid cells and will not improve the synthesis of thyroid hormones. It is possible to use electrophoresis and massage for autoimmune thyroiditis only to reduce the intensity of myalgia or arthralgia, that is, symptoms.

Ozone therapy is not used for autoimmune thyroiditis, but oxygenation is used to improve blood supply to organs and combat oxygen starvation tissues - prescribed quite often.

Most endocrinologists consider blood purification, that is, therapeutic plasmapheresis for autoimmune thyroiditis, to be useless, since it does not affect the cause of the pathology, and autoantibodies reappear in the blood after the procedure.

By the way, about cosmetic procedures. Neither hyaluronic acid injections, nor silicone injections, nor Botox are acceptable for autoimmune thyroiditis.

Concerning physical therapy, then light aerobics is most suitable for maintaining the mobility of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis with yoga - breathing exercises for training the diaphragm and pectoral muscles and feasible exercises to strengthen the muscle corset.

Lifestyle with autoimmune thyroiditis

In general, as you already understand, the usual healthy lifestyle with autoimmune thyroiditis changes somewhat...

As obvious symptoms of Hashimoto's hypothyroidism appear, such as weakness, joint and muscle pain, irregular heartbeat, unsteadiness blood pressure, the question of whether it is possible to play sports no longer arises, especially since doctors in this condition advise patients physical exercise minimize. Some doctors say that for people with serious dysfunction thyroid gland and an irresistible feeling of fatigue, it is better to completely abandon muscle activity for a while. In addition, disruption of metabolic processes in the body can be accompanied by increased injuries - dislocations, sprains and even fractures.

Restrictions with autoimmune thyroiditis may also affect the sphere of intimate relationships, since a persistent decrease in libido is often observed.

On issues important to patients - the sun and autoimmune thyroiditis, as well as

sea ​​and autoimmune thyroiditis - experts give the following recommendations:

  • ultraviolet radiation for any problems with the thyroid gland should be minimal (no lying on the beach);
  • sea ​​water rich in iodine can be harmful if the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the blood is elevated, so only your attending physician can give a specific answer to this question (after passing the appropriate test). Also keep in mind that you should not swim for more than 10 minutes at the hottest time of the day, and after swimming in the sea you should immediately take a fresh shower.

Diet and nutrition for autoimmune thyroiditis

To manage the disease, diet and nutrition in autoimmune thyroiditis are of utmost importance.

Firstly, the violation general exchange substances requires a slight reduction in the calorie content of the daily diet - see Diet for thyroid disease.

This is the answer to the question of how to lose weight with autoimmune thyroiditis: despite the weight gain, no diets for weight loss with this disease can be followed - in order to avoid worsening the condition.

But main question- What should you not eat if you have autoimmune thyroiditis?

On the pages of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (USA), experts advise:

  • Stay away from sugar and caffeine, as both products can increase the production of adrenaline and cortisol (stress hormones), and this will negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • To stop the growth of goiter, you need to eliminate the “gastrogenic factor” - reduce to a minimum or completely stop using inhibitors of the movement of iodine ions in thyroid gland goitrogens, which are found in cruciferous vegetables, that is, in all types of cabbage, rutabaga and radishes - fresh. Heat cooking inactivates these compounds.
  • For the same reason, reduce the consumption of soy and soy products, peanuts, millet, horseradish, flaxseed, spinach, pears, strawberries and peaches.
  • If you have celiac disease, you need to avoid gluten (gluten) - plant proteins from cereals: wheat, rye, oats and barley. The molecular structure of gluten is almost identical to the molecular structure of thyroid tissue, which provokes the production of antibodies.

Here’s what a diet for autoimmune thyroiditis should include:

  • animal protein (helps increase the production of endogenous thyroxine and triiodothyronine);
  • carbohydrates (without them, memory loss, hair loss and cold allergies will increase);
  • healthy fats(fat unsaturated acids) – vegetable oil, fish fat, liver, Bone marrow, egg yolks;
  • selenium (55-100 mcg per day, found in walnuts, cashews, sea fish, pork, lamb, chicken and turkey fillet, asparagus, porcini and shiitake mushrooms, brown rice, etc.)
  • zinc (11 mg per day, found in beef, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, beans and lentils, mushrooms, buckwheat, walnuts, garlic).

According to leading experts at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE), autoimmune thyroiditis is more than just a disease of the thyroid gland. Therefore, treating autoimmune thyroiditis is more than a medical problem.

Diet for autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland is an important part of treatment, which will significantly improve the condition.

The entire lifestyle, including proper nutrition, plays a big role in the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should contact a specialist and follow his recommendations.

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a type of disease associated with.

In this disease, the immune system does not work properly, since the thyroid cells are affected by antithyroid autoantibodies.

This leads to cell destruction. Why does this disease occur?

How does this disease manifest itself?

However, autoimmune thyroiditis can also be asymptomatic. That is, nothing worries you, and only a specialist can identify the disease. With this disease, adjustments to lifestyle and nutrition are necessary.

This disease is benign. If you follow all the specialist’s prescriptions, autoimmune thyroiditis will not bother you.

Diet for autoimmune thyroiditis

A diet for thyroiditis does not imply calorie restrictions. On the contrary, you should not reduce your caloric intake. If it is less than 1200 per day, then your health may deteriorate sharply, and the symptoms of the disease will return.

Therefore, you need to eat foods worth no less than 1200-1300 kcal per day. However, the diet has some peculiarities.

First of all, nutrition should be balanced. The diet should contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and other elements.

Carbohydrates are important; they are necessary for energy.

If there are not enough carbohydrates, hormones will not be produced in the required quantities.

The menu should contain antioxidants (lemon, beets, cabbage).

They help cleanse the body of toxins and free radicals.

During such a diet, you should eat frequently - five to six times a day. You should eat food every 2-3 hours (but you can do it more often, most importantly, not less often).

These are three main meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner.

And also two snacks - between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and dinner. It is also advisable to have a snack before bed, but a late dinner should be light - kefir, apple, vegetables, yogurt.

Permitted and prohibited products

Some foods will have to be completely excluded from the diet. Sugar and caffeine should be removed.

These products promote production. And these hormones negatively affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.

You should not eat cabbage, rutabaga and radishes without processing. But when they undergo heat treatment, they become harmless. Smoked meats, marinades and spicy dishes should be completely removed from the diet.

Since gluten promotes the production of antibodies and deterioration of well-being, products containing it should be excluded.

Gluten is found in wheat, rye, and barley. And the rest of the cereals can and even should be consumed. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat - they are all useful for this disease.

The diet for autoimmune thyroiditis allows the use of many products. For normal functioning the body should eat foods rich in calcium. These are dairy products and eggs.

These foods help prevent osteoporosis.

Products rich in animal protein should also be on the menu. This is meat and fish. You should choose white meat and fatty varieties fish. A diet without fat is indispensable.

Spa treatment for autoimmune thyroiditis, it is carried out in the absence of an active process and in a euthyroid state in sanatoriums of a given climatic zone.

The resorts have natural healing resources and special infrastructure. Several natural factors are used for treatment and prevention: climate, water mineral springs, healing mud etc. In the resort area there are sanatoriums - the main type of medical and preventive institutions. They are focused on the treatment of specific diseases, that is, each of them has its own medical profile, notes naturopathic doctor Svetlana Filatova in the book “Treatment of thyroid diseases using traditional and non-traditional methods.”

Climatic conditions, geographical position and natural factors determine the specifics of a particular resort. There are different types:
- climate-therapeutic, where they use the climate of certain geographical zones (deserts, mountains, steppes, coastal areas);
- mud therapy, where as remedy different types of mud are used;
- balneotherapy, in which the most valuable healing factor is mineral water, used for external and internal use.
- mixed resorts with a complex of natural healing factors.

Due to the existing special climatic and natural resources used in resorts various methods healing: climatotherapy, aerotherapy (treatment with the fresh air of a resort), speleotherapy (treatment with the air of caves and mines), heliotherapy (treatment using solar radiation), thalassotherapy (use in medicinal purposes sea ​​water, algae, sea silt and fresh sea air) and balneotherapy (treatment with water from mineral springs).

For the treatment and prevention of thyroid diseases, climate therapy and balneotherapy, and in some cases mud therapy, are recommended. You can use spa treatment for hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis without complications.

For decreased thyroid function, treatment is indicated at resorts with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide waters, for thyrotoxicosis - with iodine-bromine waters, for hyperthyroidism - with radon waters. For patients with thyrotoxicosis, staying at resorts with a humid subtropical climate and sulfide (hydrogen sulfide) baths are contraindicated, but hydrocarbonate-iodine mineral waters are recommended for internal use.

As a rule, the level of thyroid hormones increases in summer and spring, even in healthy people, therefore, patients with reduced or increased function for the thyroid gland, it is better to avoid going to the resort at this time. In addition, endocrinologists say that insolation (that is, exposure to sunlight) is contraindicated for diseases of the thyroid gland. For summer holiday they recommend temperate climate zones. The ideal time of year for treatment in southern coastal resorts is the so-called velvet season. By this time, figs, persimmons and feijoas (the main sources of iodine) ripen, and sea ​​fish, seafood and seaweed are part of therapeutic nutrition.

Balneotherapy is a treatment method based on the effect of mineral waters on the body. Balneological procedures are carried out at resorts where hydrotherapy is combined with proper nutrition, recreation and the influence of climatic conditions. Main components mineral water- sodium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine and sulfates. In addition to the main components, it contains (in different quantities) iodine, silicon, bromine, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. Therapeutic effect possess only water from natural sources. Mineralized (purified with added salts) water does not have such properties.

Thalassotherapy (from the Greek thalassa - “sea” and therapeia - “treatment”) is a method of healing the body that uses natural healing factors located in the seaside geographical area. Fresh air, sea breeze, estuary mud, seaweed, water and southern sun have a positive effect on the entire body.

People knew about the healing properties of sea water long before our era. The ancient Greeks considered the sea a source of life and energy. Swimming in it is good for health, as sea water contains trace elements and minerals, helping to improve metabolism. It has been proven that the composition of sea water corresponds chemical composition human blood. Trace elements and minerals contained in such water quickly penetrate the skin and blood and are distributed throughout the body. Sea waves soothe nervous system, eliminate depressive states, improve mood, massage and tone the body. Under their influence, a person feels a surge of strength and extraordinary lightness. Sea water- one of the main sources of iodine, therefore, for diseases of the thyroid gland, swimming in the sea is very useful.

Ionized sea air, saturated with iodine, oxygen and others useful microelements, stimulates the formation of serotonin, under the influence of which contraction occurs blood vessels, blood circulation and metabolism are normalized, and the functioning of the respiratory organs improves.

Seaweed enriched with iodine and bromine has long been successfully used in modern endocrinology. The cellular activities of seaweed and human skin cells are similar, so everything is biological active substances, contained in lower marine plants, quickly penetrate the body and cause the necessary effect.
For the treatment of thyroid pathologies, sea bathing or baths with sea ​​salt, as well as procedures using seaweed.

Prevention. Primary prevention consists of treating intercurrent diseases, sanitizing foci of infection, and controlling water iodization. Secondary prevention and clinical examination are aimed at preventing the progression of the disease and the development of complications. All patients are subject to dispensary registration with examination by an endocrinologist or therapist once a quarter. Once a year—instrumental diagnostics and examination of thyroid hormones, antibodies to thyroglobulin, blood lipids, ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Held replacement therapy with individual selection hormonal drugs. At surgical treatment diseases dispensary observation carried out every 2 months for 2 years, subsequently - quarterly or once every six months. Treatment and rehabilitation measures involve correction of thyroid function, prevention of complications and preservation of working capacity. Indications for surgical treatment are a significant enlargement of the gland, leading to compression of vital important organs, fast growth goiter and goiter that cannot be corrected with medication.

Social labor rehabilitation. Patients are usually able to work; work in damp and cold rooms, with chemicals, chronic stress. With the development of severe or moderate severity thyroiditis, labor rehabilitation corresponds to that for hypothyroidism. Sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out in the absence of an active process and in a euthyroid state in sanatoriums of a given climatic zone. Autoimmune thyroiditis includes juvenile thyroiditis, atrophic thyroiditis, and postpartum thyroiditis.

Trip to the sea, autoimmune thyroiditis

Asked by: Alexander, Bui, Kostroma region

Gender: Male

Age: 53

Chronic diseases: not specified

Hello, my name is Alexander. I ask you to give me a professional answer.
An endocrinologist diagnosed me with “AIT atrophic phorosis subclinical hypothyroidism in the first detection.” I apologize in advance for the correctness of writing off the diagnosis from a prescription.) They prescribed me to take thyroxine daily, 50 mg.
I have a follow-up appointment with the doctor on August 15th. But I want to go to the sea (Lazarevskoye), improve my health, and replenish my body with iodine, I seem to have a shortage of it.
Can I do it?
And second: I read on the Internet about folk medicine Thyroid treatment - flaxseed oil. Is this useful or not?
I'm waiting for advice. Thanks in advance.

How to deal with autoimmune thyroiditis? Take l-thyroxine before donating blood I am 54 years old. My name is Svetlana. About 25 years ago I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and hypoplasia of the thyroid gland. Only l-thyroxine was prescribed. All this time I have been taking 125 mcg. In 2014, I had an ultrasound and was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis and thyroid hypoplasia. Zhel. Left lobe 0.25 mm, right 0.2, isthmus 1-2 mm. There were no operations on the thyroid gland. Please tell me how to stop the destruction of the shields. Glands and what will happen next if it doesn’t exist at all? And one more question, one of these days I’ll go to donate blood for all hormones and antibodies, do I need to take l-thyroxine before and on this day? Thank you for your reply.

A diagnosis of diffuse toxic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland was made Pregnancy 13 weeks: no thyroid ultrasound, tests: T3 sv-8.51 pm, T4 sv-30.22 pm, ttg-0.005 mk, and antibodies to ttg-0.69 units. A diagnosis of diffuse toxic goiter and autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland was made. Please tell me is this true?

3 answers

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Hello, Alexander.

Your diagnosis sounds like “Autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT), atrophic form, subclinical hypothyroidism.”
This diagnosis is not a contraindication to a trip to the sea. However, you should exclude additional consumption of iodine - in your case, this may aggravate thyroid dysfunction.
Concerning linseed oil, then you can take it as an aid; It will not help cure the disease, but it will not cause harm either.

Alexander 2015-07-14 08:25

Nadezhda Sergeevna!
Thank you very much for your answer.
But, as the iodine grid showed, I have problems with iodine. And I thought that I needed to replenish my body with iodine. And this is the sea.
Please advise an approximate schedule for a holiday at sea, I mean “additional iodine intake”
Thanks in advance.

Alexander, the “iodine grid” is a very, very dubious way to determine iodine deficiency.
If you really want to determine the level of iodine in the body, then you need to take a 24-hour urine test for iodine; this is the most informative method.
I repeat that you have no contraindications for a trip to the sea, as for the rest regime - you should avoid excessive insolation, especially protecting the thyroid gland area. I repeat again that with autoimmune thyroiditis, additional sources of iodine (iodized salt, seafood, iodine preparations) will not only not be useful, but also harmful.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Sergeevna.

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