My wrist joint hurts, which doctor should I go to? Wrist pain - causes, diagnosis, treatment

One of the most common problems is discomfort and painful sensations in the area of ​​the right wrist. The latter may be a consequence mechanical damage or the banal development of “tunnel syndrome”, “rigid hand syndrome”.

The situation associated with overstrain of the hand, and most often it is the right one, occurs among office workers who work with a computer mouse, and those who regularly write - teachers, schoolchildren, etc.

Why else might your wrist hurt?

Pain is a consequence of development pathological process V:

  • Bone tissue.
  • Longitudinal muscles.
  • Nervous.
  • Vascular circulatory system.
  • Bundles.
  • Tendons.

Based on such a large number of causal sources of pain in the right wrist, self-medication by taking painkillers and warming ointments is highly not recommended. It is best to seek help from a specialist who will make a diagnosis based on the examination and accurately determine the damaged joint structure:

  1. Synovial membrane– arthritis, synovitis, post-traumatic condition.
  2. Ligaments– sprain, damage after physical overload.
  3. Bones– dislocations, fractures, degenerative changes in bone tissue, disorders of the body's metabolic processes.
  4. Vesselsvarious diseases, blood flow disturbances.
  5. Nerves– the previous nerve conduction is insufficient, inflammation in the spinal region, with complications in the limbs.

All this refers to chronic manifestations that do not have a precise definition. Acute pain have a precise form of origin and are usually the result of fractures and other physical damage.

The most common diseases right hand based on structural pathology of the joint

  • Gout and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Polyarthritis.
  • Osteoarthrosis.
  • Bekhterev's disease.


The symptomatic picture manifests itself in different ways throughout the day. As the load on the wrist increases, so does the pain. As a rule, this is a tingling sensation, followed by an increasing feeling of heaviness when moving the wrist.

In addition to these main symptoms, the following may also appear:

  1. Redness of the lower wrist.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Itching with a red rash (may be a natural expression of carpal syndrome.
  4. Physical limitation of mobility in the wrist (one of the most serious complications).
  5. Incorrect position of the hand in a relaxed state.


Consists of two stages. The first is a consultation with a therapist, during which complaints are recorded in the hospital record and recommendations are given. general plan. The therapist may also prescribe a course of painkillers or a group of anti-inflammatory drugs, if, of course, the inflammation is particularly severe.

Based on the conclusion obtained, the diagnosis becomes more narrowly focused. The patient may be referred to specialists such as:

  • Traumatologist.
  • Orthopedist.
  • Rheumatologist.
  • Neuropathologist.

Those mentioned, in turn, decide to carry out accurate diagnosis, consisting of:

  • Visual inspection and assessment of current joint mobility.
  • Changes general analyzes and synovial fluid.
  • CT or ultrasound.

Treatment and drugs

As mentioned earlier, pain can have both acute and chronic manifestations. If physical damage to tissue or bones has been noted, the surgeon will handle the treatment. He also prescribes and adjusts the course of the medication component of the recovery program. In addition to medications, the surgeon performs a number of instrumental measures, 80% of which require prior use of painkillers.

In all other chronic failures, the immune system will most likely be to blame. endocrine system. In both cases, a specialist can formulate a course of treatment based on the following drugs:

  1. NSAIDs are anti-inflammatory drugs that do not contain hormones.
  2. Hormonal medications - the essence of the intake is precisely to enhance the analgesic effect, reduce swelling and slow down the destruction of the damaged structure as much as possible.
  3. The therapeutic complex against gout is a targeted effect on the cause of pain (in some cases, in combination with NSAIDs, it is used to neutralize urate stones.
  4. Antibiotics.
  5. Chondroprotectors.

How to use?

These medications are taken only as prescribed by a doctor. Daily rates and frequency are indicated in the instructions. In case of significant exacerbation or inflammation, the doctor personally adjusts the dosage.

Warming ointments can be used at your own discretion, without the recommendation of a specialist.

Wrist pain cannot be ignored. This is fraught with complications. The most severe of these may be loss of functionality after critical destruction of the joint.

If you are right-handed, then you probably know what pain in the right wrist is. It causes a lot of suffering and makes it impossible to work. This place connects the hand to the bones of the forearm; it is very mobile and vulnerable. Any problems in its operation are fraught with future loss of joint mobility, so it is better to immediately establish their cause.

WhyDoes the bend hurt and “creak”?

The causes of pain in the wrist of the right hand are numerous and varied - from pathologies of joints, muscles, tendons, bone tissues to banal overexertion. Additional symptoms help determine what exactly triggered the extremely unpleasant sensations.

We list the main factors leading to such a problem as pain in the wrist of the right hand:

  • tunnel, or carpal, symptom (otherwise known as carpal tunnel syndrome, CTS). He often makes his right hand his target and represents a sad result of tense and long work at the computer, handicrafts, drawing and drawing, driving. It's all anatomy's fault. In the carpal tunnel, the tendons are located next to the median nerve. Therefore, if inflammation begins in them or swelling develops, the nerve is compressed and pinched. This causes severe pain, limited mobility, numbness in the fingers and palms, and muscle weakness in the arm. CTS often occurs in pregnant women, and this is associated with weight gain and swelling;
  • peritendinitis. This disease affects the wrist extensor tendons. It manifests itself as severe pain and swelling. When pressing, the pain becomes more noticeable, and with intense movements you can hear a slight creaking sound;
  • osteoarthritis of the wrist joint. Occurs if, after a fracture of the scaphoid bone, it does not heal. Premature wear of cartilage also leads to the development of osteoarthritis, chronic inflammation and permanent excessive stress on the joint. You can recognize the disease by the following symptoms: almost complete loss of mobility of the hand, pain in the wrist of the right hand when bending and a pronounced reaction to pressure and attempts to move the hand;
  • joint inflammation - rheumatoid arthritis. It can attack on the sly and is distinguished by the fact that it affects symmetrical joints, “starting” from small ones. They lose the ability to move with the same amplitude and become larger and more painful. Over time, flexion and extension become inaccessible, and swelling causes compression of the tendons;
  • hygroma (cyst formed by blood plasma). Looks like a bump on the wrist;
  • necrosis of the wrist bones. Young men are more likely to suffer from this problem. The disease consists of softening of bone tissue and its deformation. It lasts for years, exacerbation (during which intense pain bothers) alternates with periods of remission;
  • injuries. They usually happen if a person puts his right hand in the fall or receives a blow to this area. This leads to a fracture, sprain or dislocation. The injury may cause severe or moderate pain. The wrist turns blue, swells, and acquires pathological mobility.

Moreseveral causes of pain in this place

Separately, it should be noted cases when wrist pain is associated with general diseases and is their symptom. These include:

  • tuberculosis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • psoriatic arthritis;
  • cardiovascular diseases, impaired blood circulation;
  • neoplasms in the right limb;
  • alcoholism.

Only after visiting a doctor and comprehensive examination, including x-rays, blood tests and other diagnostic procedures, you can accurately name the diagnosis and begin treatment.

Whatcan be done, but what home remedies should I avoid?

If such a problem happens to you, then immediately limit the load on your hand. To make the pain subside somewhat, try to find the most pain-free position and secure the joint with a bandage (simple or elastic).

A cool compress helps with swelling. Take a few ice cubes out of the freezer, wrap them in a bag and a thin towel, and place them on problem area. Warming the wrist without finding out the cause of the pain is contraindicated!

Read also:

The following measures will help reduce pain and inflammation:

  • ginger root compress. It should be crushed, pour boiling water, boil, and leave. Cool the broth, soak a piece of fabric in it, wrap the folded area (up to 20 minutes);
  • apply a whole or chopped burdock leaf to the affected area;
  • Twist a Kalanchoe leaf in a meat grinder, pour in 1 liter of vodka, leave for 5 days. Before going to bed, rub your sore wrist.

If pain in the wrist of your right hand bothers you and deprives you of sleep, treatment can be carried out using anti-inflammatory ointments (not forgetting about contraindications!) Good effect give Ibuprofen, Troxevasin, Diclofenac. But warming ointments with bee venom, red pepper extract and local painkillers in sprays are best not to be used on your own, especially when it comes to injury.

Taking analgesics and NSAIDs will temporarily relieve pain, but they have a lot of contraindications and can cause dangerous adverse reactions. Therefore, if it is not possible to urgently consult a doctor, and the pain is unbearable, then you can take one tablet of Nurofen or Ibuprofen, but getting carried away with them is extremely dangerous.

Whenshould I rush to the doctor?

If the joint is bothering you, then in any case you need to contact a specialist: a therapist, a traumatologist, a surgeon, a rheumatologist. But you should urgently visit the clinic if:

  • there was damage (even minor) to the wrist as a result of mechanical impact or lifting a very heavy object;
  • the pain arose without apparent reason(“from scratch”) and does not go away within two days;
  • swelling appeared, the hand lost sensitivity, and its mobility decreased;
  • has deteriorated sharply general state(heart pain, fever, weakness).

If you have severe pain in your wrist, you won’t be able to put up with it for long. It’s not for nothing that even the sayings reflect the importance of this organ: in the absence important subject They say “it’s like having no hands.” The wrist is, of course, not the whole hand; the term describes only the part that connects the forearms. It is formed by eight bones. Every day, the department is exposed to numerous loads, as it is the most mobile part of the hand. Statistics show that of all the pain syndromes affecting the hands, it is in the wrist that discomfort occurs most often.

Where did the problem come from?

Only a doctor can understand exactly why there is pain in the wrist joint. The doctor interviews the patient, establishes the specifics of the case, sends for x-rays and other studies, analyzes the information received and draws final conclusions. True, not every person has the opportunity to visit a specialist in a timely manner, but pain syndrome not so strong that it interferes with work, so ordinary people delay going to the clinic. However, there are cases when a person himself can figure out why his arm hurts and what to do about it.

Most often, pain in the right or left wrist is caused by an injury (sprain, fracture). Dislocations are not uncommon, especially if work or other daily tasks involve increased load in your arms. The level of damage varies quite widely. There are known cases where fractures did not manifest themselves as pain at all, but went away on their own, without foreign aid and overlays plaster cast. Another scenario is also possible, when a seemingly simple bruise received completely by accident causes unpleasant sensations for a long time.

How to identify?

If pain in the wrist is caused by an injury, it is usually accompanied by swelling of the limb and stiffness of movement. If you neglect the case, do not start treatment or choose the wrong therapy, there is a risk of loss of arm mobility. However, such serious cases do not occur very often; they are much more typical, as can be seen from medical practice, sprain. If minor injury, then the damaged area does not swell or swell, you can move your hand, but unpleasant sensations appear at the moment of flexion and extension of the organ. The average level is a ligament rupture. It can be noticed by an extensive hematoma, swelling, swelling of the affected limb. There is pain even if you don’t disturb your hand. As a rule, the organ loses mobility.

If it bothers you a lot strong pain in the wrist, possibly due to a severe sprain. A detailed examination shows a complete tissue rupture, the joint loses its integrity. This is accompanied by swelling of the limb, acute pain syndrome, total loss mobility of the diseased organ.

Carpal syndrome

Often the possible causes of wrist pain are of interest to people who are forced to type on a computer keyboard for a long time. The peculiarities of the movements are such that the tendons quickly wear out, the nerve roots become inflamed, and this affects the performance of the ligament apparatus. More often the pain occurs in right hand, but can bother both limbs. Left-handed people usually have pain in their left hand, as the load on it is greater.

It can be assumed that the cause of pain in the wrist is carpal syndrome if the palm becomes numb and muscle weakness is felt when trying to grasp an object with the hand. The pain is localized in the wrist. There are many cases where this form was observed against the background of spinal injury. The risk group includes those suffering from vertebral hernias and osteochondrosis.

Sick joints are such a hassle!

Feature of the wrist - very extensive network blood vessels, an abundance of small elements. All this makes the area extremely vulnerable. Statistics prove that arthritis, arthrosis, which is a common cause of pain in the wrists, is more common among those who are forced to work in the cold, in cold water. Risk group - workers Agriculture, builders and employees in similar fields of activity.

The essence of arthritis is inflammation of small joints. This causes swelling skin the damaged area turns red. If pain in the right wrist or left is accompanied by just such a symptom, it makes sense to assume that the cause is arthritis. The sensations are sharp and unpleasant, acute, resonate in the palm, elbow, and are activated by movements. Arthrosis is another joint disease that causes severe pain. The pathology is systemic and leads to disruption of the shape and functionality of the articular area. The patient cannot move the affected limb normally and flexibility is lost.

Pathological process in tendons

The cause of pain in the right or left wrist can be hidden in a variety of pathologies affecting the tendons. Such diseases develop gradually, smoothly. At first there is slight discomfort in the affected area, a slight pain gradually appears, and over time the syndrome intensifies. If the situation develops according to this scenario, it is necessary to see a doctor as quickly as possible - tendon injuries threaten irreversible loss of limb mobility. Cause improper operation and degenerative changes This tissue can develop a variety of pathologies.

Pain in the right wrist and the left are often bothersome due to tenosynovitis. This disease is diagnosed if the syndrome occurs when a person bends his thumbs. It is in the tendons responsible for this process that the disease is localized. Another common disease is tendevitis. The term describes the inflammatory processes of the areas responsible for the bend of the hand and the connection of the wrist and metacarpus. More often, tendewitis occurs in athletes, construction workers - those who perform numerous monotonous movements and are faced with a heavy load.

What else is possible: reasons

Treatment of pain in the wrist of the left or right hand should begin with the formulation accurate diagnosis. If the victims are localized in areas responsible for wrist joint, then the doctor diagnoses peritendinitis. The pathology is manifested by severe and sharp pain in the wrist area. Soon the patient cannot move normally thumb, at the same time the mobility of the index finger is lost.

Gout and sore wrist

Sometimes treatment of pain in the left or right wrist is necessary due to gout. The pathology is accompanied by the accumulation of salts in small joints. For this reason, the hand loses mobility, the person experiences pain, often quite severe. The process is explained by metabolic disorders, which causes the concentration of salts of certain types of acids to increase in the blood. Articular cells are able to accumulate these compounds, but the formation of such deposits soon causes severe pain. As a rule, gout is accompanied by numerous foci of inflammation.

Considering different variants causes and treatment of pain in the wrists, it must be recognized that some forms are a very complex case. Gout is one of these, since the patient’s joint tissues become deformed over time. Pathology affects appearance, skin. Areas close to the foci of inflammation are constantly hot, and the person himself looks unhealthy. Especially serious condition occurs if the patient consumes fatty, meat foods in unreasonably large quantities.

Pregnant women often experience wrist pain. Doctors call this carpal tunnel syndrome. If at the beginning of the pregnancy pain appears rarely and does not cause any particular concern, then closer to childbirth such sensations may be a cause for concern. It is quite possible that the root cause is a violation of the integrity of what is located in the upper limb. Carpal tunnel syndrome can be triggered by the kilograms a woman gains during pregnancy. Additionally, the situation is complicated by edema, which many expectant mothers are prone to.

As practice shows, the described syndrome can provoke not only pain in the wrist, but also a burning sensation in this area. Others describe the sensation as tingling. It is known that the syndrome can cause tremors. Often the pain becomes stronger during the rest period, especially at night, and this interferes with sleep. Nervous damage is explained by a violation of the tissue element located near the first four fingers. But the little finger never bothers me. If not only the wrist, but the whole hand hurts, the cause is not carpal tunnel syndrome, but something else. As a rule, in addition to pain, pregnant women are worried about edema, swelling, and overall health becomes worse. In most cases, discomfort goes away on its own immediately after childbirth. In rare cases, this takes some time.

Wrist hurts: why?

It happens that a person has not received any injuries or bruises, but this area still hurts. There are cases where unpleasant sensations are explained by stress on the joints. This is the name for movements that are repeated frequently and for a long time. Tennis players, violinists, drivers and other people involved in activities that require repetitive hand movements are more susceptible to wrist pain. Such physical activity can cause inflammation and stress fractures. It is especially dangerous to repeat the same movements for several hours in a row, day after day.

Another common cause of pain is rheumatoid arthritis. This immune disease, in which the body's defenses incorrectly perceive body cells and attack them, assessing them as infectious agents. More often, with arthritis in this form, both wrists hurt at once. Another one possible reason- ganglion. In this case, a cyst is formed in the wrist from above. The size of the tumor and the severity of the pain syndrome correlate. It is known to medicine and the risk group includes young people and middle-aged people. A feature of the pathology is the destruction of the bone elements of the wrist due to insufficient blood flow. The disease progresses over time.

To avoid pain, warn

If treating wrist pain is not always easy, then... preventive measures They are not particularly difficult, the main thing is to be systematic. The very first and most important thing is gymnastics for the joint, which increases the tone of organic tissues and strengthens the muscles. A few exercises are enough during a regular exercise routine - twirl your fists in different sides, rotate your palms, stretch your fingers. In short, everything was as taught in physical education lessons. Surprisingly, it really works! If gymnastics does not help and discomfort begins to bother you, then it’s time to think about changing your lifestyle. The first step is to evaluate what is putting stress on your wrists and minimize those movements. When grasping objects, you should tense your hand, and not just your fingers. Regular gentle massage of the limbs will not be superfluous.

To get the maximum benefit from playing sports, you should allocate at least 45 minutes to such activity every day, and it is better to devote a whole hour. It is not necessary to train hard, forcing the body to fight heavy loads. You can do simple ones, but useful exercises. Due to regular, uniform load, blood flow is activated and the quality of work improves. respiratory system, which means that all tissues and organs will be saturated with oxygen and nutritional components. This has a positive effect on both bone and muscle tissue. If mild pain in the wrist has already begun to bother you, regular training with reasonable loads will help completely get rid of this problem - unless, of course, the cause is inflammation, when the affected area needs rest.

Lifestyle and health

To avoid further encounters painful sensations in the wrist, people who are forced to type on a computer keyboard for a long time take constant breaks at least once an hour. During your rest, you need to shake your hands several times, stretch your fingers, and sit down a dozen times. If work involves frequent contact with vibrating objects, it is necessary to use protective gloves with vibration-absorbing pads. When playing sports, you should protect your wrists from overexertion and use elastic bandages to strengthen a potentially weak area.

There is a higher risk of experiencing wrist pain if metabolic processes in the body are disrupted. To prevent this from happening, you need to be responsible about your diet, eat right, and not consume too much fat and salt. It would be reasonable to completely abandon fast food, sweet carbonated waters, which disrupt the functioning of the most different systems body. People whose diet is rich in vitamin D and calcium, which are essential for bone health, feel better. Dairy products and different varieties of cabbage are rich in these compounds. Don't forget about fish oil and nuts.

I'm worried about unpleasant sensations: how to help?

Treatment for wrist pain should be prescribed by a doctor. Therapy is selected based on the cause of the problem. In particular, if a bone fracture is observed, a plaster cast is most often applied. In this case, you will have to take sick leave for at least a month, and sometimes the treatment extends for six months. Much depends on the specifics of the injury, as well as on the patient’s age and individual characteristics. For example, with diabetes, any injury heals much more slowly than in a person with proper metabolic processes in the body.

If after a fall there is sharp pain in the wrist, treatment involves providing first aid - fixing the joint to reduce discomfort. Immediately after this, they call an ambulance or help the victim get to the nearest hospital to the traumatology department. If the injury is open, first stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet. Light anesthesia is carried out using ice. Fixation is carried out using a bandage. The limb is attached to a splint so that bone fragments do not move into the soft tissues.

What else will help?

Sometimes ointments and gels are used to relieve wrist pain. If the doctor detects a severe form of arthritis, arthrosis or other diseases, they may prescribe injections or tablets. To enhance the effectiveness of the medication program, the patient is referred to physical therapy. Common techniques are electrophoresis, UHF, massotherapy, treatment with magnetic field. To eliminate the pain syndrome, a course of painkillers may be prescribed, and if an inflammatory process is detected, medications that relieve it. Sometimes your doctor will recommend a treatment program with medications designed to protect and improve joint function. Calcium supplements are helpful, and for swelling and pain, corticosteroids may be prescribed. If all the described measures do not show positive result, held surgical intervention.

Traditional recipes for pain

If there are no signs of a fracture, a sprain is excluded, and the pain, although disturbing, is not very severe, you can try to cure it traditional methods. If the symptom appears frequently, put five garlic cloves through a garlic press, add half a liter of apple vinegar, half a glass of vodka and three-quarters of a glass of water. The liquid is placed in the refrigerator for two weeks, stirring three times every day, then filtered and added to the composition with 15 drops essential oil eucalyptus and used for rubbing. Frequency of use - twice daily, program duration - a couple of weeks.

If a diagnosis such as tenosynovitis is made, you can make an ointment from chamomile and baby cream. The components are taken in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. The finished medicine is applied to the affected areas in the evening, shortly before bedtime, and fixed with a bandage.

If the pain has developed against the background of an inflammatory process, take 220 ml of boiling water for 10 g of crushed dried St. John's wort, mix everything in a thermos and let it brew for at least half an hour. The product is intended to be consumed half a glass three times daily for two weeks.

If pain is observed when stretching, you can make a medicine with a mixture of lemon and garlic juices. The products are taken in equal proportions, sterile gauze is soaked in the finished composition and a bandage is fixed on the sore area of ​​the arm. It is necessary to hold the gauze until it warms up to skin temperature.

If detected benign neoplasm, You can also try home remedy on a raw egg. The product is mixed with half a glass of wine vinegar, a thin cloth is soaked in the medicine and applied to the affected area for a couple of hours.

Wrist pain indicates injury or development serious illness, since the section of the upper limb is responsible for the rotational functions of the hand. After a bruise, if severe discomfort occurs, it is necessary to provide qualified first aid.

Wrist pain may be due to injury or the development of a disease.

Where is the wrist?

The wrist joint is located at the base of the hand, consists of 8 bones - the radius, ulna and five metacarpals, connecting the hand and forearm. Thanks to the special structure of the bones, the hand can move in all three planes. The composition of the wrist can be seen in more detail in the photo.

Carpal bones

The human wrist contains many important nerve fibers and blood vessels of the hand. In case of injury, chronic diseases they are injured, which causes complete or partial loss functional abilities palms.

Why does my wrist hurt?

The wrist is responsible not only for rotation and other movements of the hand, it accounts for the bulk of the power loads of the upper limbs, so pain varying degrees intensity often occurs in this area of ​​the arm.

Wrist injuries

After a fall with emphasis on upper limbs, a direct blow to the hand often causes severe pain, which indicates a fracture, dislocation or sprain; such injuries are often diagnosed in children, athletes, and during ice conditions. In any case, a person will feel acute discomfort, the mobility of the joint changes, and swelling quickly appears on the wrist.

Types of wrist injuries and their symptoms:

  1. When a fracture occurs, a characteristic crunch is often heard, followed by sharp pain. Visually, you can see deformation of the joint, unusual mobility, and a noticeable swelling and hematoma appear in the damaged area.
  2. With a dislocation, only minor pain and swelling of the wrist are observed. But similar symptoms can also occur with a mild fracture; injuries can only be differentiated using an x-ray.
  3. Sprain or rupture of the ligaments of the right or left hand - frequent injury after training with heavy load on the arms. The pathology is characterized by instability of the joint, acute attack pain, swelling of the damaged area.

Wrist pain can occur due to spinal pathologies - osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia.

When the wrist is dislocated, it swells

What diseases cause wrist pain?

Unpleasant sensations in the wrist area are often professional in nature, appearing in athletes and people who have to work a lot with their hands.

Why does your wrist hurt:

  1. Tendinitis – Occupational Illness athletes, develops due to excessive and regular loads on the wrist. This pathology is diagnosed more often than others, since the membranes through which the tendons of the hand pass are very narrow, any irritation provokes the appearance of lumps and lumps. The main symptom is a characteristic cracking in the tendons that run from the wrist to the fingers, the discomfort increases with exertion, a pronounced pain syndrome gradually appears, and it becomes difficult for the person to grasp large objects.
  2. Tenosynovitis - a disease that occurs in pianists, people who often have to twist linen or rags; without proper treatment, a person can remain disabled. The pathology affects the muscles that are responsible for the mobility of the thumb. The disease is accompanied by inflammation and redness of the skin in the area of ​​the first finger; over time, the epidermis acquires a structure orange peel, severe pain occurs when pressing on the styloid process.
  3. Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS)– this disease is often diagnosed during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester. The reason is an increase in body weight, swelling leads to compression of the median nerve. Symptoms are pain, burning in the wrist when bending, tremors, weakness, numbness of the fingers. In this case, the discomfort does not cover the little finger, the unpleasant sensations intensify at night.
  4. Carpal tunnel syndrome – aching or throbbing pain in the wrist of the right hand is a common problem for programmers, people who spend a lot of time with a computer mouse. During the day, muscles suffer due to excessive and monotonous loads, tendons and nerves begin to swell, which causes discomfort.
  5. Monotonous work can cause the development of peritendinitis– an inflammatory process in the ligaments and tendons, which is characterized by swelling, creaking in the joints, pain that intensifies when touching the affected area.

If wrist pain is accompanied by discomfort in chest area, shortness of breath, disruptions heart rate, you should call immediately ambulance. Similar symptoms may indicate a heart attack or heart attack.

Other joint pathologies

Often, after removing the cast from the wrist, a person begins to experience severe pain in the injured hand - these are manifestations of osteoarthritis, one of the complications of a fracture. Main symptoms – severe discomfort when moving, rotating, decreased mobility, often the joint ache when the weather changes.

Causes of wrist pain:

  1. Hygroma (ganglion) – neoplasm benign in nature, is formed in the area of ​​the wrist joint. The reasons for the development of the disease are not fully understood, but often the tumor occurs due to excessive physical activity, after injuries, hand surgeries. At the initial stage of the disease, a slight swelling appears on the wrist, the neoplasm has an elastic and soft consistency, and there is no discomfort. As the disease progresses, the tumor increases in size, which causes pain when turning or bending the hand.
  2. Arthrosis of the wrist joint is of post-traumatic origin, occurring after dislocations and fractures. The disease is accompanied by joint crunching during movement; at rest, discomfort rarely appears. The mobility of the joint is reduced by at least a third, while its appearance remains virtually unchanged.
  3. Arthritis - infectious lesions of the joint, pain is localized in the wrist or in the area of ​​​​the index and ring finger. Unpleasant sensations intensify at rest, during sleep, in the morning the hands can be completely motionless, the bones of the joints swell, the skin around them becomes hot and red. Gradually, the hand becomes deformed and loses its motor functions.

Hygroma is a benign formation

CTS may be a manifestation diabetes mellitus, arthritis, often appears in women before menstruation. Tenosynovitis can be a consequence of brucellosis, gonorrhea, and rheumatism.

Which doctor should I contact?

A sports doctor specializes in diagnosing and treating wrist pain. If you suspect a hygroma, it is necessary. If the discomfort is long-term and chronic, you will need to consult an arthrologist.

What to do for wrist pain?

Treatment tactics depend on the cause that triggered the pain in the wrist. If a bone is broken, you will have to wear a cast for at least a month, maximum six months, depending on the severity of the injury and the age of the patient.

First aid

If a person falls on his arm, he has severe pain, the limb is swollen, first aid must be provided, which is aimed at fixing the damaged joint and reducing discomfort.

How to provide first aid:

  1. At open fracture it is necessary to stop the bleeding; to do this, apply a tourniquet a little above the wound; be sure to indicate the time of application.
  2. Ice will help eliminate bleeding and reduce pain in case of injury - it should be wrapped in several layers of thin fabric and held on the injured area for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The wound must be covered with a sterile bandage.
  4. The injured limb should be fixed with a splint, splint, or small plate - this will help prevent the displacement of bone fragments.
  5. Go to the emergency room and call an ambulance.

For wounds on the wrist, you need to apply a bandage

Doctors do not recommend taking painkillers or sedatives before examination and x-ray, so as not to smear clinical picture. If the pain syndrome is very severe, you can drink Ketanov, be sure to inform a specialist about this.

Treatment with drugs

For elimination discomfort in the wrist, drugs are most often used for local application– ointments, gels, tablets and injections are prescribed for advanced, chronic and severe forms diseases. Additionally, they must use physical therapy methods - electrophoresis, mud applications, magnetic therapy, UHF, massage.

Main groups of medicines:

  • painkillers – Tylenol, Ketanov;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Ortofen, Larfix, prescribed for arthritis, osteoarthritis;
  • chondroprotectors - Artra, Teraflex, tablets and ointments are prescribed for arthrosis to restore joint mobility;
  • antirheumatic drugs - Arava, Imuran, are necessary to prevent the development of irreversible changes in the joints due to arthritis;
  • calcium preparations – Kalcemin, necessary for fractures;
  • corticosteroids - Prednisolone, Celeston, quickly eliminate pain from arthritis and arthrosis;
  • combined products - Dolobene gel eliminates swelling, inflammation, relieves pain, Diklak has antipyretic and antirheumatic effects.

If medication and physical therapy do not bring relief, the patient is recommended to undergo surgery.

Tylenol is an effective pain reliever

How to treat with folk remedies

If you develop pain in your arm, but there are no signs of a fracture or sprain, you can get rid of the discomfort yourself at home using alternative medicine.

Effective methods to combat wrist pain:

  1. With strong chronic pain in the joints you need to chop 5 large cloves of garlic, add 500 ml apple cider vinegar, 50 ml vodka, 150 ml water. Place the liquid in the refrigerator for 14 days, shake 3 times daily. Strain, add 15 drops eucalyptus oil, rub into the wrist twice a day for two weeks.
  2. For tendovaginitis, you should prepare an ointment from an equal amount of crushed chamomile inflorescences and regular baby cream without additives. Apply the product before going to bed, secure with a bandage on top.
  3. To eliminate inflammation, pour 10 g of crushed St. John's wort into a thermos, pour 220 ml of boiling water, and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.
  4. When stretched, mix equal proportions of garlic and lemon juice, saturate a piece of sterile gauze with the solution and fix it on the wrist. Hold until the temperature of the bandage is equal to body temperature.
  5. For hygroma, combine 50 ml of wine vinegar and a raw egg, soak a thin cloth in liquid, apply to the tumor, hold for 2 hours.

St. John's wort decoction helps relieve inflammation

The easiest way to get rid of pain and inflammation in the joints is to tie a red woolen thread on your left wrist. During the inflammatory process, the movement of blood in the capillaries slows down, the wool is a source of a small charge of static electricity, which leads to an acceleration of blood movement - pain and swelling disappears.

Temporary pain in the wrist can cause tiring and monotonous hand work. But if the discomfort is constant and accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you need to undergo examination, start drug treatment. Otherwise, the hand may completely lose motor functions, which will negatively affect your performance.

The wrist is the section of the upper part of the human hand that connects the bones of the forearm to the hand. Even though it is small in size, the wrist is a rather complex structure and has a composition of 8 polyhedral bones. Due to the fact that the wrist is located in a very mobile part of the hand, it is systematically subject to heavy loads. The consequence of this may be a situation where regular pain in the wrist area may appear. It is worth noting that this phenomenon is quite common. In addition, the appearance of wrist pain can affect the ability of any person to work.

It is worth noting that if your wrist and joint hurt regularly, you need to immediately see a doctor. The thing is that self-medication and ignoring pain for a long time can contribute to the emergence of negative consequences. The very first thing you need to do is contact a traumatologist, surgeon or rheumatologist.

Cause of wrist pain

It is worth noting that the appearance of pain significantly reduces the performance of a person’s hand; the joint cannot withstand the load. Please note that there are diseases that have symptoms such as constant pain in the left or right hand. These diseases include injuries or injuries, various pathologies, the causes of which will be determined by the doctor.

Traumatic injuries

Damage to acute form the wrist itself. This type of injury includes various fractures, dislocations and sprains. Please note that injuries have varying degrees of severity, and accordingly they are accompanied by a wide variety of pain symptoms. In medicine, there are times when fractures cause absolutely no pain and pass in a fairly calm manner. It is worth noting that people systematically fall, and as a result of the fall, hands appear, which can also disturb the joint. In a large number of cases, after a fall, the hand swells and is limited in movement. If inappropriate treatment is carried out in this case, then it can lead to loss of hand mobility

Flexions for the hand that are uncharacteristic for it. In this case, sprains or tears directly in the wrist are common. The symptoms are the same with fractures. These injuries require long-term treatment by a doctor and systematic monitoring of the injury. The thing is that they have a great health hazard.

Tendon diseases

A variety of pathologies in the tendons can manifest as pain both at rest and at work. Very often during such diseases there is a regular pain syndrome. And if you don’t see a doctor in time, this leads to the hand losing its mobility. Such inflammatory processes have the most different reasons occurrence, and they also differ in their localization.

A disease such as tendinitis, an inflammatory process of the flexor tendons, is quite common among people involved in sports. It is worth noting that people who systematically make rather sudden movements with their hands may also have this disease.

Tenosynovitis is an inflammatory process of the tendons that are responsible for flexing the thumb in every person on the right or left hand. Please note that this disease occurs only in adults and, as a rule, in women. When such a disease appears, severe pain syndromes appear in the wrist, as well as disturbances in the movement of a certain finger. The cause of this disease may be professional activity.

Peritendinitis is an inflammatory process affecting the wrist joint and hand of the right or left hand. During this disease, the index and thumb, and there is also a regular presence of pain.

Carpal tunnel disease

This disease is inflammatory process nerve, it appears at the moment of compression by bone walls. The consequence is the appearance of severe pain, numbness of the hand and loss of motor function some fingers. Often, this disease is observed in people whose work is directly related to fine motor skills. It is worth noting that very often musicians, sculptors, neurosurgeons and artists have this disease.

It is worth noting that people who systematically work on a computer are more susceptible to this disease. This is due to the fact that incorrect positioning of the hand on the buttons and monotonous movements can provoke pain, in particular, the wrist joint or any bone of the right or left hand may begin to bother.

Joint diseases

It must be remembered that pathologies differ due to their great variety. Arthritis and arthrosis are caused by a huge amount negative factors and usually have negative consequences. Deforming osteoarthritis is when the wrist joint, namely the cartilage tissue, is damaged. Typically, this disease is a consequence of broken bones not healing properly. It is worth noting that the symptoms of this disease are severe pain and sensitivity in the area of ​​inflammation.

Rheumatoid arthritis is when damage occurs small joints. With this disease, there is a disturbance in the movement of the upper part of the right hand. The sick person should immediately consult a doctor and have long treatment on top level. Please note that if this disease is not treated, an inflammation process will begin to occur in the body, which can affect important organs.

Prevention of pain

First of all, for prevention, you will need to carry out exercises that will help strengthen the wrist muscles. Remember that at the first symptoms of discomfort you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. In addition, you will need to significantly reduce the speed of the movements performed, and also change your position more often.

When working with a vibrating tool, you need to wear special gloves. People who systematically work at a computer should take breaks every 15 minutes and stretch their joints and fingers. In order not to fall, you need to wear fairly comfortable and stable shoes. In addition, you must refrain from lifting heavy weights.

Diet for strengthening joints

In addition, many doctors recommend the following diet in order to avoid similar diseases that were described a little above.

  1. Products must contain calcium and vitamin D.
  2. You need to eat nuts and fish regularly. These foods contain essential fatty acids.
  3. In addition, you need to regularly monitor your weight and prevent edema.

Treatment with folk remedies

Currently traditional medicine offers remedies that only reduce pain in the right hand. But is it advisable to use them? The thing is that by drowning out the pain once it appears, you deny yourself the opportunity to get rid of it once and for all. Please note that after three days of taking pain medications pain threshold decreases significantly. The consequence of this is that you do not feel the distress signals that your body is sending. Remember, you do not need to treat pain, but look for the cause of its occurrence.

In other words, recovery procedures are required cartilage tissue and eliminate inflammation. To do this, you will undergo physical training complexes, massage and acupuncture, which will be developed in strict accordance with your health. It is worth noting that self-medication leads to quite negative consequences. The whole point is that you are not a doctor and will not be able to correctly diagnose yourself. Well, and on top of everything else, you can, without knowing it, trigger some kind of disease in your body, and subsequently face its complications.

But there are times when the pain doesn’t let you sleep, and you can only see the doctor in the morning. In such cases, you will need to bandage your hand elastic bandage, but not too much. If the hand is pinched too tightly, it can cause significant harm. In addition to everything else, a decoction of rosemary or a nettle bath is perfect; it will relieve pain and the joint will no longer bother you.

But remember that you can suppress joint pain only for a certain time, and after that it will remind you of itself with new strength. Therefore, the best option for you will be to visit a neurologist. It is this doctor who will be able to determine the reasons why the joint is sick.
