What belongs to protein foods is a list of products of plant and animal origin. Protein-rich foods: benefits and possible harm

As a rule, food rich in protein is of interest to those who have taken charge of themselves, started losing weight and visiting Gym. However, any person should understand food products, because without this it is simply impossible to create a healthy diet for yourself that would help maintain health and vitality at a high level. From this article you will learn what foods are rich in proteins, as well as why they are needed and what will happen if the body lacks them.

Why do you need food rich in proteins?

Proteins (proteins, polypeptides) are important element human nutrition, the presence of which is necessary for a healthy. They perform a lot of important functions:

  • collagen forms the basis of all bones, tendons, cartilage, and is responsible for the elasticity of the deep layers of the skin;
  • keratin is the basis of hair and is important for maintaining hair health;
  • protein is generally important for protecting the body from the accumulation of toxins;
  • protein found in blood and other fluids human body, is able to neutralize viruses and bacteria.
  • During digestion, protein breaks down into amino acids - some of them go to build muscle tissue, and some are converted into glucose, which provides energy.

Thus, including in your diet sufficient quantity squirrel, you support health, beauty and various important functions body.

The richest food in protein

Food containing maximum amount Proteins are products of animal origin. Scientists have found that proteins of this type are better absorbed by the body. In addition, this category is considered to be a complete protein food, because in addition to proteins, it also contains a full set of amino acids (unlike protein plant origin, in which the set is incomplete - the only exception is soybean).

So, protein foods of animal origin include:

  • meat (beef, pork, game, etc.);
  • poultry (chicken, turkey, goose, etc.);
  • fish (trout, pollock, herring - any variety);
  • eggs (especially quail);
  • milk and all dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;

It is these foods that provide maximum long-term saturation and benefits for the body. By consuming them daily, you help your body receive all the necessary substances.

Protein-rich plant foods

Plant foods can also contain protein, but, except for soybeans, these products do not contain all the necessary amino acids (valine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, isoleucine, lysine, phenylalanine). In order to receive them in the right quantity, it is worth taking them in the right combinations:

  • mushrooms + cereals;
  • mushrooms + nuts;
  • legumes + cereals;
  • legumes + nuts;
  • legumes + legumes of another type.

In addition to mushrooms, legumes and nuts, this list also includes seeds, persimmons, ginger, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, avocados and asparagus. A complete list of foods rich in protein can be seen in the table.

Signs of protein problems

Knowing what foods are rich in protein, you can intelligently build your diet and avoid unnecessary deviations from the norm in both directions. After all, the diet should be, first of all, balanced and harmonious. Let's look at the signs that your diet is not structured correctly in terms of protein.

When there is a lack of protein in the body, the following symptoms are observed:

  • physical weakness;
  • decreased sex drive;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • amyotrophy;
  • in children - growth retardation.

To build muscle and recover after workouts, you need to add enough protein to your diet. Proteins are involved in fat burning metabolism and reduce hunger.

In addition, protein slows the release of carbohydrates into the blood, which will help prevent blood sugar spikes that stimulate fat storage and reduce vital energy levels.

An ordinary person needs at least, 1 g of protein per kilogram of body weight to maintain muscle mass.

Protein intake to build muscle needs to be increased 2-3 times. To achieve this value, you need to fill your grocery basket with products with high content squirrel.

Animal products

Many animal products contain the full range of essential amino acids.

These foods are generally low in carbohydrates, but the fat content may vary.

  • Eggs. One large egg contains about 6 g of protein - this is almost an ideal food for growing muscles, since its bioavailability (i.e. how much protein from food can be absorbed by the body) is higher than in any other product. However, egg yolk is high in fat, so it is best to separate it from the whites to reduce the amount of fat in your diet.
  • Pork. High-quality pork protein supplies the body with branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), allowing muscles to maximize recovery after training. Choose lean fillets for grilling or oven-roasting steak—this will provide 1 gram of protein for every 7 to 11 calories of meat.
  • Beef. In addition to protein, beef is a source of creatine and iron, which help muscles function properly. Limit yourself to lean cuts of meat with 5% fat content.
  • Skinless chicken or turkey breasts. White meat chicken and turkey provide more protein than other parts of the bird with minimal fat content, making this product a must-have on your menu.


Among dairy products there are many options with different fat content.

Don't completely cut out fat; its absence will interfere with the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and calcium, which are beneficial for bone health.

  • Cottage cheese. This product is loaded with casein, a slow-breaking protein that supplies vital amino acids to your growing muscles.
  • Yogurt. In addition to the protein component, yogurt is rich in probiotics, which will help the intestines function properly. Choose yogurt without additives or sugar.
  • Cheese. Be careful - in addition to protein, cheese contains a significant amount of fat. Choose hard cheese with reduced fat content.
  • Milk. This product is a source of premium whey protein with a biological value slightly less than that of eggs. Choose 2% milk for an optimal balance of fat and protein.

Fish and seafood

Seafood is an excellent source of protein because it contains almost no fat.

Fish contains fat, but it is rated as beneficial to the body due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Tuna. This fish is easily digested by the body and contains premium quality protein. You'll also get a bunch of B vitamins and a powerful dose of the antioxidant selenium along with the tuna.
  • Halibut. Among white fish, halibut contains the optimal ratio necessary for the body microelements. Pacific halibut is generally more valuable biologically than Atlantic halibut.
  • tilapia. This fish contains a noticeable amount of protein combined with a mild, delicate taste.
  • Salmon. Red fish is quite fatty and has a high protein content. However, omega-3 fatty acid, contained in it, help fight fat accumulation.
  • Shrimps. This product contains high-quality protein with a minimum amount of fat and carbohydrates, as well as B vitamins and iron.

Plant products

Plant foods, along with protein, include significant amounts of carbohydrates.

Vegetable protein provides an incomplete spectrum of amino acids, so it is ideal to use such products as a side dish for meat or poultry. This is a great way to increase your protein intake, as well as fiber and a range of vital minerals.

  • Lentils. In addition to protein, lentils are a source of iron, molybdenum and folic acid necessary for the functioning of muscle fibers.
  • Buckwheat. Healthy product, which improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol and controls blood glucose levels.
  • Legumes. Soybeans, beans and peas are rich in protein; soybeans are even higher in protein than meat. Add legumes to soups, salads and side dishes with meat dishes.
  • Tofu. Soy cheese is a concentrated source of all the proteins provided by soy. It can be added to salads, grilled or fried with eggs.
  • Quinoa. This whole grain contains iron, magnesium and manganese in addition to protein.
  • Nuts. Walnut, cashews, almonds, along with their high protein content, are rich in healthy fats. Choose small quantities of unsalted nuts for a snack or to add to a salad.

Rating of high protein foods

The products in the table are ordered by protein content per 100 grams of uncooked product. When choosing, pay attention to the quantitative ratio of proteins and fats.

Place Product Protein content per 100 g of raw product Protein:Fat Ratio Calorie content
1 Soybeans 35 2:1 381
2 Pork 27 2:1 242
3 Beef 26 5:3 250
4 Cheese 26 1:1 360
5 Chicken breasts 23,6 25:2 113
6 Tuna 23 23:1 101
7 Red lentils 21,6 20:1 314
8 tilapia 20 12:1 96
9 Salmon 20 3:1 142
10 Nuts 20 2:5 607
11 Shrimps 19 17:2 95
12 Halibut 19 6:1 102
13 Cottage cheese 5% 17,2 7:2 121
14 Turkey breasts 17 10:1 104
15 Egg yolk 16 4:7 322
16 Quinoa 14,1 5:2 368
17 Eggs 13 6:5 155
18 Buckwheat 12,6 4:1 313
19 Egg white 11 55:1 52
20 Red beans 8,4 28:1 93
21 Tofu 8,1 2:1 73
22 Peas 5 25:1 73
23 Yogurt 2% 4,3 2:1 60
24 Milk 2.5% 2,7 1:1 52

Not covered in the article

Everyone needs protein: those following paleo or vegan diets, or those simply counting macronutrients to build muscle mass. We have prepared full list, which includes products rich in protein of the highest quality with a full set of amino acids, can be included in a diet for any nutritional purpose, which will accelerate muscle growth, control hunger, lose weight excess weight and diversify the menu.

All cells of the body are made of it, it is responsible for muscle growth and the feeling of satiety. This is the perfect tool for any purpose! It is very important to consume it in sufficient quantities, but we must not forget about diversity, since each type has its own amino acid composition. Find out which foods are high in protein and enrich your diet with something beyond chicken and protein powder with these great sources.

6 g in 1 large egg

Egg whites are one of the most optimal sources of protein. Eggs are cheap, can be cooked in a variety of ways, are low-carb and rich in branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). Opt for eggs with added Omega-3 fatty acids: they will make your morning scrambled eggs even more nutritious.

Hard-boiled eggs are the most convenient protein-enriched food that you can take with you everywhere. You can also replace whey protein with egg protein in shakes.

High protein dairy products

Greek yogurt

23 g by 227 g

Greek yogurt is notable for the fact that its protein content is almost twice as high as other yogurts. It is also rich in calcium, which promotes bone health, and probiotic bacteria, which normalizes intestinal function. Choose yogurt without fillers to control your sugar intake and your weight.

14 g per half cup

Eat cottage cheese at night as a healthy protein snack. It contains a lot of casein - milk protein, which takes longer to digest than whey. Slowly digested protein supplies your muscles nutrients all night, preventing catabolism. Plus, you won't wake up hungry at 3 am.

Swiss cheese

Swiss cheese saturates the body with protein like no other type of cheese. Therefore, it is impossible to think of a better muscle-forming component for sandwiches and burgers. For those worried about calories fatty types Swiss cheese, it is worth paying attention to dietary ones: they contain only 1 g of fat per 8 g of protein, and they taste no worse.

2% milk

8 g per glass

You can choke on nasty, watery skim milk, or you can instead enjoy 2% fat milk with a rich flavor. The fat contained in milk will ensure better absorption of vitamin D and help achieve normal macronutrient levels.

Organic milk contains record levels of nutrients and Omega-3s. Dissolve protein powder in it and get a champion shake.

Whey or casein protein powders

on average 24 g in 1 scoop

Whey protein contains no impurities, is quickly digested, and almost all of its calories come from protein. It is easy to use: you just need to mix it with water in a shaker. Protein powder will help you out when you need to quickly eat a ready-made product with the highest amount of protein, for example, after completing a workout, having breakfast on the go, or when you eat low-protein foods.

To suppress hunger for a long time, replace whey with slow-digesting casein protein. Although it does not reach your muscles as quickly, casein powder will keep you full for a long time and help you burn fat without sacrificing muscle mass.

You can also use protein powder to make protein pancakes. If you're tired of shakes, eat these pancakes as a pre-workout or post-workout snack.

At hypersensitivity For artificial sugar substitutes, look for protein powder without sweeteners or with stevia.

average 16 g per glass

Give your regular protein shake a boost of vitamins by pairing casein or whey protein with fruit. You can also buy ready-made smoothie drinks, but make sure they contain enough protein (at least 20g per 300-400ml bottle) and not just fruit, otherwise you will end up with extra sugar.

To make a plant-based smoothie, use vegan protein powder instead of casein and whey, which contain animal proteins. A mix of rice and pea proteins perfectly stimulates muscle growth.

Frozen Greek yogurt

6 g per half cup

Frozen Greek yogurt has a crunchy, creamy consistency similar to ice cream. But at the same time, it contains almost twice as much quality protein. Compare products from different brands, and look for yogurt with the least amount of sugar (or make your own). Some manufacturers list fruit first and then sugar, which is actually a big plus.

High protein seafood

Next view foods containing the most protein, after chicken eggs These are seafood that are not only healthy, but also very tasty, which is important when the diet has been going on for more than a week and food simply doesn’t fit into your throat.

Yellowfin tuna

25 g per 85 g serving

This fleshy inhabitant of the seas and oceans is a storehouse of easily digestible, high-quality protein. It is extremely healthy because it is extremely rich in vitamin B and the powerful antioxidant selenium. Try to buy tuna caught with a hook or lure: it is considered to have the longest shelf life.

23 g per 85 g serving

Along with white fish, halibut plays a leading role when it comes to protein sources for building impressive muscles. An 85 gram serving of this fish contains less than 2 grams of fat. Pacific halibut is able to retain its beneficial substances longer than Atlantic halibut.


25 g per 85 g serving

This seafood product is gaining increasing popularity among fishmongers. So in search the right way build granite-strong muscles, you'll be a fool if you lose sight of this quintessential protein in its purest form. Frozen octopus is even preferable to fresh octopus, because as a result of freezing the meat becomes softer.

23 g per 85 g serving

Wild representatives of salmon, which include sockeye salmon, not only have a brighter taste compared to their artificially grown relatives, but can also boast a large amount of protein. Plus, you get access to a huge supply of long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids, renowned for their fat-burning properties. Choose fish with skin, so during the cooking process the taste and aroma will be even more expressive.


21 g per 85 g serving

Protein-packed tilapia, available at most seafood stores, is delicately flavored and will provide your muscles with all the essential nutrients. Look for American-grown fish, as they are much safer than imported products from Asian countries.


24 g per 85 g serving

Surprisingly, anchovies take first place among canned protein products. Due to their small size, they accumulate fewer toxins than larger ones. big fish. You can get rid of excess salt by keeping the anchovies in water for half an hour. Then you need to drain the water and dry the fish.

Longfin tuna

22 g per 85 g serving

Rejoice, budget shopper! Inexpensive canned longfin tuna has a richer protein composition compared to expensive canned white tuna. To protect yourself from consuming extra calories due to diluted vegetable oil, give preference to canned food without oil.

Canned tuna is a low-calorie food. To prolong the feeling of fullness, combine it with fat-containing food, such as olives.

21 g per 85 g serving

The humble canned sardine is back in style! This high-protein fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. It also contains less mercury because it is small and low in the food chain. To dilute its strong taste, mix it with mashed potatoes or cauliflower.

High protein meats

The best high protein foods are animal foods because they are the only ones that have a full range of amino acids (nonessential and essential). If you want to receive daily norm from plant foods, then you won’t be able to limit yourself to just one type. You will have to combine several foods at the same time to nourish the body with all the amino acids.

Beef (top or bottom round)

23 g per 85 g serving

Together with steaks from this less fatty meat, you consume 1 g of protein for every 7 kcal. At the same time, ribeye can boast approximately 1 g of protein for every 11 kcal. Moreover, round steak belongs to a more economical category. Thin pieces of meat, such as round and loin steaks, are easy to dry out, so it is recommended to quickly fry them over high heat until medium rare.

Ground beef (10% fat)

18 g per 85 g serving

Using 10% fat ground beef ensures the rich flavor of your burgers or meat loaves. In addition to proteins, this red meat also contains the notorious creatine. If you have some extra money, you can opt for grass-fed beef, which is more nutritious than its factory-fed alternative.

Pork chops (boneless)

26 g per 85 g serving

Pork chops are easy to cook, and the abundance of amino acids in their composition gives you every right to gorge yourself on them like a pig. Tip: To tenderize the chops, dip them in a brine solution of a quarter cup of salt and 4 cups of water. Soak the meat in the resulting marinade for 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Chicken breast (boneless, skinless)

24 g per 85 g serving

Chicken breast has long been a universally recognized cliche in bodybuilding and weight loss. It is this part of the chicken carcass that is the optimal source of protein with the greatest content protein without fat and carbohydrates, and should always be present in your menu. To save money, stock up on chicken breasts during sales periods when prices are reduced.

Turkey breast

24 g per 85 g serving

Similar to chicken, this large game will saturate your body with protein, with virtually no impact on the caloric intake of your diet. Like pork chops and chicken, turkey breast is recommended to be pre-marinated in saline solution. Those concerned about the use of antibiotics in mass production in poultry plants may want to look for turkeys labeled "antibiotic-free."

Corned beef

24 g per 85 g serving

Corned beef is high in protein and tastes delicious. Try making a saute of corned beef and chopped vegetables with a side dish of rice. You can place the resulting stew on rye porridge, generously seasoning the dish with mustard.

Canned chicken

21 g per 85 g serving

White minced meat chicken meat Infuses high-quality protein into your sandwiches and salads. Use it in the same way as canned tuna. Compare brands, and look for low-sodium canned foods to help prevent water retention.

Roast beef

18 g per 85 g serving

Roast beef is not as fatty as you might think, and has a richer amino acid composition than other delicacies. Just like steak, pasture-raised beef is more nutritious. Use roast beef to make a spinach and red onion sandwich, or eat it plain.

Canadian bacon

15 g per 85 g serving

Canadian bacon is the best protein product compared to regular bacon, as it contains approximately 6 times less fat. And yes, you just got permission to eat bacon.

21 g per 85 g serving

Looking for a good protein option for breakfast? This savory pork sausage turns ordinary scrambled eggs into a flavorful gourmet dish. It will also enhance your lunch or dinner as an addition to pasta, soup and salads. Spanish sausage is cured and completely ready to eat. But Mexican chorizo ​​is a semi-finished product.


18 g per 85 g serving

Pepperoni's unusually high dose of protein makes this salami a healthy addition to pizza or salad. The amount of sodium in them may vary, so compare products from different brands to find the lowest amount of sodium.

Roasted Turkey Breast

18 g per 85 g serving

Sliced ​​turkey allows you to fill up with virtually fat-free protein, so don't hold back. Avoid flavored turkey and other delicacies, because they contain a lot of unnecessary things: salt, sugar, synthetic flavorings.

Beef jerky

13 g per 28 g serving

Eating healthy means avoiding potato chips and microwave popcorn. However, you can still enjoy jerk beef jerky, a salty treat that won't derail your fitness goals. You can keep a couple of bags of this snack in your desk at work for an afternoon pick-me-up. Choose products from manufacturers that do not use glutamic acid and nitrites.

Plant foods that are high in protein


20 g per glass

Heart-healthy beans are a fantastic cheap vegetarian source of protein. Of all the legumes, beans are most often found in the form of canned food. It contains a lot of fiber, which plays an important role in proper nutrition.

Bean puree with garlic and lemon – good analogue usual hummus.

Dried lentils

13 g per 1/4 cup

Cheap dried lentils will help boost your protein, fiber and a range of essential minerals. What distinguishes lentils from other legumes is that they do not need to be soaked for a long time and tediously. It is enough to simmer it for about 20 minutes over low heat until softened. For a balanced lunch, mix boiled lentils with chopped chicken breast, chopped vegetables and lemon dressing.

Peanut butter

8 g per 2 tbsp. spoons

Although peanut butter is not the most popular among nut butters, like almond butter, for example, it is the leader in terms of protein content. However, be sure to check labels for added sugar. The ideal option would be natural oil, made from just peanuts. Some stores may allow you to grind your own nuts to suit your taste.

If you're trying to control your weight, look for powdered peanut butter. It is also rich in protein, but less fat. You can even add it to baked goods.

Nut mixes

6 g per 57 g serving

With nuts (peanuts, cashews and almonds), you can easily enrich your diet with protein and healthy unsaturated fats. Keep a pack of assorted nuts in your glove compartment just in case you get hungry. To reduce your sodium intake, look for packages labeled "unsalted."

Bean chips

4 g per 28 g serving

When you're looking for some crunch in your chips, you won't find a better option than protein-rich black bean chips. Plus, they can be dipped in Greek yogurt.


12 g per 85 g serving

If you decide not to eat meat, tofu will provide you with soy protein. Firm tofu slices can be cooked using the stir-fry method. They can also be grilled to give the cheese a smoky flavor. A good marinade makes all the difference. You can even add tofu to your smoothie instead of protein powder.


8 g per half cup

Another great vegetarian product. These nutritious greens soya beans will fill your diet vegetable protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. To prevent edamame from becoming boring, you can cook shelled frozen beans according to the recipe from the package using lemon juice, paprika and salt as seasoning.

Green pea

7 g per glass

High-protein vegetables can be hard to come by, but green peas have enough protein to make you want to keep them in your freezer at all times. Peas also contain a lot of fiber, which can help control weight and curb cravings for junk food.

wheat sprouts

6 g per 28 g serving

A grain of wheat has three components: the kernel, the bran and the germ. The latter has the highest nutritional value, and is rich in plant protein. This is a great protein addition to oatmeal, pancakes and even shakes.

Soba noodles

12 g per 85 g serving

These Japanese rye noodles are the best protein alternative to any wheat pasta, so don't hesitate to choose them when you want to have a pasta night. Moreover, these noodles cook in half the time of regular whole grain wheat pasta. To remove excess starch that makes the noodles sticky, rinse them after draining them in a colander.


8 g per glass

Compared to other grains, South American quinoa (which is technically a seed) is a completely unique product, characterized by a complete set of amino acids. This makes it a complete protein that stimulates muscle growth. Toasting quinoa in a dry frying pan or sauté pan before simmering in water can enhance its natural nutty flavor.

Today, in the diet of our compatriots, one can note the presence of some deficiency in the consumption of complete proteins (), which, one way or another, are important for every living organism.

But many people do not even suspect that protein is the main building material, which takes an active part in the formation of muscle fibers, strengthening hair and nails, and also helps maintain body weight at the proper level.

But, unfortunately, the human body is not endowed with the ability to store proteins for future use, so the only source will be the regular consumption of protein-rich foods.

Its daily norm for a person is calculated as follows: with a measured lifestyle, 0.5 grams will be enough. pure protein per 1 kg of body weight, with active sports and the desire to strengthen muscle mass– 2 grams, pregnant women and nursing mothers – about 1 gram.

List of High Protein Foods

1. Meat

Poultry meat is a very good and useful source irreplaceable and easily digestible protein (about 20% of the total mass). In addition, such meat, unlike other types, has low level calorie content, plus a range of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Beef is practically not inferior in its beneficial properties to poultry meat and contains about 25% complete animal protein; it is also rich in essential and non-essential amino acids, B vitamins and iron. For the greatest beneficial effect It is recommended to eat boiled or stewed.

Veal - meat is rich in complete protein and is much easier to digest by the body than pork. Divided into several categories. The first or second is best. They contain about 20% healthy protein and no more than 2% fat.

Horse meat is divided into several categories. The best choice is category 2 meat, which has a protein content of 21% and is also rich in potassium and iron.

Rabbit meat differs from other types in its taste and special benefits for the body of every person. This dietary product contains about 21% complete protein, plus iron, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and many other beneficial minerals.

Pork - this product has a minimum of connective fibers, which is why the meat has a softer taste and is very popular with people. But it is not always healthy, for example, some varieties of pork have a very high percentage of fat content and vice versa low content protein (fat 50%, protein 12%). Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, it is better to refuse such a product in favor of pork tenderloin (protein 20%, fat 7%).

2. Chicken eggs

The next product after meat, which contains a huge amount of complete, easily digestible protein (17%), as well as omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sulfur. Particularly rich in minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.

Despite the fact that the yolk also contains not entirely healthy fats, experts note that their negative impact on the body is neutralized by the presence of a component such as lysine. In addition, all the main minerals and vitamins are concentrated in the yolk!

But for them to benefit you, it is best to boil the egg, since with this method of heat treatment it does not lose its basic qualities (due to the presence of the shell).

3. Dairy products

Cottage cheese is an excellent source of complete protein (14 - 18%). But the main thing is to give preference to its low-fat versions, which have smallest number calories. You can mix it with yogurt or kefir, which will greatly increase its digestibility.

The most the right time The evening is considered the best time to consume dairy products, since they contain a component such as casein, which takes the longest to be absorbed by the body, unlike other ingredients.

Cheese is a protein-rich product, but it is also very energy-intensive, so you should choose the least calorie varieties, for example, feta cheese or feta cheese. It is best to consume cheeses before training, as the resulting extra calories will easily go away with physical activity.

4. Fish

Fish is a dietary, very healthy and tasty product. In terms of the presence of proteins, it is practically in no way inferior to meat (on average about 16% protein). Its highest content is in tuna, cod, flounder, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines and anchovies.

In addition, the fish contains a huge number essential amino acids, and is also rich in iodine, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B, A, E and D.

Its main advantage is the minimal content of connective fibers, mostly presented in the form of collagen (gelatin). Because of this, when cooked, fish meat becomes very soft and easily boiled, and protein is more easily absorbed by our body. The only thing is to give up smoked fish.

5. Vegetables and fruits

It is very difficult for a person unfamiliar with information about what foods high in protein exist to make up their own minds. complete diet nutrition. But we will help you with this!

You should definitely include hard fruits in your daily menu: pears, mangoes, kiwis, pineapples, as well as fruits with pits (cherries, apricots and peaches), since they are all rich in vegetable protein.

If you want to get in shape, you also need to eat as many vegetables as possible. For example, Brussels sprouts have no calories, but they are very rich in protein (about 9%), so eating them will have an extremely beneficial effect on your health and appearance.

6. Cereals

This is a great option for healthy image life. Almost all cereals are very well absorbed by the human body, promoting better digestion.

For example, lentils. It would seem that there is something special about it, but few people know that it is very rich in protein (200 grams contains about 18% protein and only 1 gram of fat). Eat porridge - and you will be healthy!

Final table of protein-rich foods (per 100 g)

Meat and fish:

Name Qty Name Qty Name Qty
Beef 23 gr. Pork liver 19 gr. Anchovies 24 gr.
Mutton 19 gr. Heart 15 gr. Salmon 21 gr.
Pork 26 gr. Lobster 26 gr. Sardines 19 gr.
Veal 23 gr. Sea bass 24 gr. Herring 18 gr.
Rabbit 24 gr. Sturgeon 22 gr. Tuna 24 gr.
Chicken 22 gr. Halibut 19 gr. Mackerel 17 gr.
Roast duck 10 gr. Saida 24 gr. Trout 18 gr.
Boiled sausage 15 gr. Hake 15 gr. Pink salmon 21 gr.
Ham 13 gr. Cod 20 gr. Salmon 21 gr.
Bacon 22 gr. Sprats 18 gr. Flounder 19 gr.
Beef liver 18 gr. Pollock 16 gr. Mullet 26 gr.


Dairy products:

Protein-rich foods are consumed around the world in ever smaller quantities. The trend has been gaining momentum for a long time, adversely affecting human health and the state of the body systems.

Poultry meat is especially rich in the content of this element. It is not only useful, but also indispensable as a source of easily digestible protein. In addition, poultry meat has a reduced weight gain, which will be an additional advantage for those who are busy choosing a diet for weight loss. Such food is rich essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Beef meat

Beef meat has the same set useful qualities, as in a bird. It is worth noting that meat is generally obtained maximum benefit It is better for the body to be consumed boiled or stewed.


Veal is especially rich in proteins and is divided into categories. The first or second are considered the most suitable for consumption.

Horse meat or horse meat

From the point of view of the content of protein elements, the optimal choice would be horse meat of the second category, in which the percentage of protein is about 20 of the total mass. Rabbit meat is one of the most useful both in terms of protein content and other substances, minerals and vitamins.


As for pork, beloved by most, it, no matter how ironic it may be, is the most useless of types of meat. Although taste qualities it deserves attention, but nothing more. Protein in this variety is contained in negligible quantities. Moreover, with regard to weight loss issues, pork should be the last product in the daily diet.


It is generally accepted that fish meat is the most dietary product. It contains 16% protein. In addition to protein, fish contains many nutrients and substances, the consumption of which significantly increases general state body.


Everything from chicken to quail can contain up to 17% complete protein, depending on the variety or category. Plus they're rich beneficial to the body acids, minerals and vitamins, and also contain phosphorus and iron.

It is best to consume such a product boiled, because with short cooking, everything beneficial features eggs are preserved in full.

Milk products

The well-known cottage cheese is an excellent source of protein compounds in amounts up to 18%. Of course, the choice should be made in favor of low-fat formulations. Cottage cheese can be additionally mixed with yogurt and fruit, which will have a beneficial effect on overall digestibility.

Like cottage cheese, it belongs to the group of foods rich in protein compounds. It is worth noting that cheese itself is a high-calorie product; its choice should be approached from this point of view - less calories - more protein.

Plant food

Protein-enriched plant products come in a wide variety of varieties. First of all, the list contains vegetables and fruits. For those unfamiliar with which foods are rich in protein compounds, it can be difficult to monitor your diet. Advice: you should include familiar fruits and vegetables in it: pears, oranges and others, Brussels sprouts and potatoes. Carrots, cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers are also high in natural proteins, which makes their consumption necessary.

The list of vegetables and fruits that are especially useful from this point of view is as follows: fruits with pits (apricots and peaches), carrots, onions and zucchini.

There is so much protein in plants and plant foods! And cereals are no exception - they are an excellent option for leading a truly healthy lifestyle. Almost all cereals are food that is easily digestible by the body. Moreover, their consumption helps improve digestion.

To summarize the accumulated knowledge, let’s present the names of products and their protein content. This table will be a godsend for those who are looking for a list of TOP high-protein foods to add to their diet.

  • Beef – up to 24 g;
  • Lamb – up to 20 g;
  • Pork – 25;
  • Veal – 23;
  • Rabbit – 25;
  • Chicken – 22;
  • Duck – 10;
  • Ham, bacon and sausages – up to 18;
  • Liver – up to 20;
  • All types of fish – up to 26 gr.

As for the eggs:

  • Chicken – 7 g;
  • Duck – 3 g;
  • Quail – 6 gr.
  • Milk – from 3 g;
  • Sour cream – 3.5;
  • – from 20 to 25 gr.

Fruits, nuts and cereals - plant foods - are characterized by a small percentage of protein, however, in general, consumption has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and the vegetable protein contained in them is easily absorbed by humans.

Product combinations

It is worth noting that products containing the element in question in sufficient or insufficient quantities can be combined by preparing them according to special recipes. So, poultry meat in apples is a classic for baking in the oven. The protein content of such a finished product is simply impressive and is worth eating regularly. Various vegetable salads with poultry meat and the addition of nuts, which also contain a sufficient amount of protein, will be a godsend for those who appreciate proper nutrition and watches his figure.

Products rich in content useful substances and protein, including a sufficient amount, and store shelves abound with them, and sometimes refrigerators and kitchen shelves. The importance of consuming such products should not be underestimated, because nutrition in general should be varied and balanced. This will provide the body with everything it needs for normal functioning substances. The daily menu should include a wide variety of meats, fruits and vegetables with nuts.

It is worth paying attention to combinations of products in the form of recipes in order to cover the daily intake of food with sufficient protein content. It is also important to remember that the norm is, first of all, your health and you should not forget about it. Amounts of up to 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of a person’s body weight are suitable for consumption. Anything above this value can harm even the healthiest person.

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