Gems for Pisces women according to horoscope. What stones are suitable for Pisces men?

Talismans, like many other things, should be chosen correctly. An amulet that is not suitable for a person will be of no use, and in general such a talisman can have a negative effect. From this article you will learn which stones are suitable for Pisces women according to their horoscope and date of birth.

Suitable stones

Suitable for women born under the zodiac sign Pisces big number precious and non-precious stones. Below are the best of them along with their magical characteristics.



Masks negative traits Pisces, helps to overcome isolation and become more noticeable. In addition, your appearance improves. The stone helps to properly spend a woman’s strength, saving energy on people unworthy of them. This mineral is best placed in a necklace for maximum effect.


Capable of stimulating an emotional image, but it only affects women who have strong character. Astrologers claim that alexandrite has medicinal properties: cleanses the blood, helps with joint problems, improves digestion.


Drives away negative thoughts and fears of Pisces women, helps to place life goals and priorities. It is well suited for girls who have decided to build a career, as it gives new strength and self-confidence. But this mineral sometimes needs to be removed.


Helps to do right choice and drives away unnecessary anxiety. To attract attention, it should be worn in your left pocket. There will always be prosperity in the house if you place a rather large piece of the mineral in it; it is also excellent for treating certain diseases.

Pearl agate or cacholong

It will teach a woman to trust and give her confidence. He will help you find love and become happy.

Green Diamond

Will flaunt your best qualities. Decorating with it will become a talisman against any negative emotions and will help build relationships with others.


Often placed nearby during meditation and relaxation, as it is ideally soothing nervous system. Therefore, it will become an excellent amulet against rash decisions and bad thoughts. The mineral will help a woman listen inner voice, and its green color relaxes.


Will help a Pisces woman change her life, giving strength and helping her choose the right decision. can act as an indicator: if it becomes darker, then the woman is in danger. Darkness can also speak of sin that lies on the soul.


Protects a woman from negative influences; it should be worn when there is a loss of strength and morale, as it gives energy and joy to life.


Only suitable strong woman, and if you are really like that, you can achieve results in any business.


Develops logical thinking and will help in difficulties. The stone is indispensable when traveling, because it will help you save money and can even bring profit.

Important! When wearing a mineral in any decoration in the shape of a butterfly, harmony and love in the family are guaranteed.


To achieve success and high earnings, you need to wear the following stones:


This mineral is a real magnet for money. But don't forget - money won't appear out of nowhere. He will only help keep you busy high position in meaningful work, thereby bringing in a good salary. Aquamarine is excellent in transactions and journalism because it helps Pisces negotiate and persuade the interlocutor.

Rose quartz

It will also help Pisces become rich. It relieves stress and depression due to routine work, giving Have a good mood and new strength. Strengthens hard work and develops imagination, which will help women make unusual decisions.


The stone will reveal your hidden talents, mostly creative. Develops imagination and creativity, the ability to solve problems out of the box. Perhaps the owner of the hair will become a designer or fashion designer, but she will also be successful in other professions.


Same a good choice for making money, as it makes Pisces more persistent and stronger, which is indispensable in honest work. For Pisces who have a family, the stone will work doubly, because it is called the family stone.

Now you know which stones are suitable for Pisces women and which stones should not be worn. We figured out what properties they have: some of them are protective, some will lead to happiness or wealth. All you have to do is understand which mineral you need, purchase it and learn to appreciate it.

Selecting the most useful stones for Pisces is a task that only the representative of his sign can cope with. The fact is that Pisces are very sentimental people with a rich imagination and a creative mind. Every day they experience a whole range of emotions, so it is sometimes difficult to understand them. But they themselves will easily understand their desires and make the right choice.

The selection of a stone begins with determining the specific date and year of birth. It is equally important to “tune in” to a person in order to understand what features of his nature the gem should embody.

Taking into account the features of the sign

Astrologers believe that Pisces is better pay attention to the following qualities of your sign:

  • sentimentality;
  • extraordinary thinking;
  • highly developed intuition;
  • the ability to feel and understand another person;
  • sacrifice of character;
  • incredibly developed parental instinct.

The best talisman is the stone that combines the ability to develop the creative powers of Pisces and also help her penetrate the secrets of her subconscious. Also stone must have the ability to level out certain weak qualities:

  • vulnerability;
  • indecision;
  • excessive fear of offending another person;
  • reluctance to refuse even strangers;
  • touchiness.

According to the decade

Each zodiac sign corresponds to three periods, which are equal to 10 days. The division by decade is important from the point of view of characterizing a person’s type, his psychological image. Based on this knowledge, you can choose a talisman that will have the most beneficial effect:

  1. Born in the first ten days (February 20 – March 1) are influenced by Saturn - the planet of restrictions and struggle. Such Pisces have a strong, resilient character. They can endure a lot to achieve their cherished goal. They are helped by: moonstone, tiger's eye, aventurine, amethyst and heliotrope. They help bring into life faithful people, give determination and courage, protect from troubles.
  2. Pisces 2nd decade (March 2-11) are under the protection of Jupiter. These are extraordinary people with a philosophical mindset; they tend to make global plans and boldly undertake their implementation. The following are in harmony with such interesting natures: opal, pearls, hairy stones and corals. They help you transition to a new one life stage, give hope and promote the development of intuition.
  3. Finally, born in the third decade (March 12-20) are strongly influenced by Mars. It's pretty brave emotional personalities who are used to expressing all their thoughts directly. Such energetic people are helped by: alexandrite, ruby, garnet, diamond, amber, sapphire, aquamarine, tourmaline. These gems awaken vital energy, help to find faithful like-minded people and also endow their owner with wisdom.

By date and year of birth

In date of birth great importance has a specific year. The influence of the type, which is determined by eastern calendar, quite noticeable for Pisces. For example, amethyst corresponds to active and decisive Tigers. It helps treat diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. Diamond and topaz are also suitable for them. They develop business skills and help a person become a true leader.

And for cozy, kind Hares, it is preferable to choose pearls - stone money luck, as well as emeralds and sapphires, which bring happiness to personal life and give peace of mind. Garnet, ruby ​​and turquoise are suitable for the Noble Horse. They help maintain an active business pace and also facilitate the establishment of contacts with people of different types.

If we talk about which gem is suitable in its properties for a particular person according to the horoscope, it is important to take into account both the place and even the time of birth, which are calculated individually by the astrologer.

Fish Stone: photo gallery

Talisman stones for men

The representative of the stronger sex, belonging to the sign of Pisces, is a very unusual man. He is charming, sensitive and sincerely cares about all those close to him. He does not seek career fame at any cost and tries to find harmony with everyone around him. He is also a great artist, an amazing storyteller with a rich imagination. Therefore, such extraordinary men you can choose among the following gems:

  1. Amethyst will become a personal talisman that will always come to the rescue in a moment of doubt. This stone allows a person to relax and plunge into a light trance so that the subconscious can suggest the desired idea. In addition, amethyst harmonizes energy flows and allows the Pisces man to feel more confident.
  2. Pearls give good luck in business and attract financial well-being. It puts its owner on an active wave and activates his business sense. Thanks to such properties, things at work will inevitably go uphill.
  3. Opal is conducive to communication with the weaker sex. In addition, it helps a man discover rare qualities in himself, which also strengthens his faith in his capabilities.

Stones for Pisces woman

Graceful, sweet and very cozy people are girls of the Pisces sign. It’s as if they always live in another world, often hovering in the clouds, but at the same time they are always ready to quickly come down to earth and come to the aid of people dear to their hearts. In addition, these are wonderful mothers who love their child infinitely. Of course, such a manifestation of care can be harmful in some way, so it is important for Pisces women to learn to moderate their emotions and listen to the voice of reason. Astrologers recommend such women emphasize on next stones:

  1. Moonstone awakens sensuality and allows Pisces women to appear before a man in all their glory - feminine, graceful and infinitely charming.
  2. Aquamarine guarantees emotional stability and the acquisition of long-awaited peace of mind. It harmonizes a person’s own energy and protects him from emotional disorders. In addition, the stone helps to use its feminine charms, which no representative of the stronger half of humanity can resist.
  3. Mother-of-pearl and pearls act in a similar way: they help to reveal your best qualities and also suppress fears and the influence of complexes.
  4. Chrysolite sets you up for a good, optimistic wave, and perfectly lifts you out of a depressive state.

Universal Gems

For representatives of the sign, regardless of gender and specific date of birth suitable gems are:

  1. Heliodor stabilizes the constantly changing mood of Pisces, bringing it out of a long-term blues. In addition, the stone helps to relax and open best sides character.
  2. Opal plays several important roles: it protects its owner from envious people, and most importantly, it helps to find love. For married women serves as a kind of family talisman and protects the hearth.
  3. Aquamarine awakens the imagination, allows you to move to a new stage of life and gives confidence in your own abilities.
  4. Agate works in a similar way. And its white varieties are able to pacify their owner, giving him real spiritual comfort.

Precious varieties

Among the gemstones that have a beneficial effect on Pisces are:

  1. Diamond is especially suitable for business people holding leadership positions. Unbending will, self-confidence and determination - these are the qualities that it develops in its owner.
  2. Ruby is guaranteed to distract from gloomy thoughts and allows Pisces to understand that life really is wonderful.
  3. Sapphire is a gemstone that represents spiritual wisdom. It will be a very necessary gift for mature Pisces, as well as believers and creative people.
  4. Emerald enriches with its energy and allows you to cope with weaknesses; protects against unreasonable actions and emotional decisions.

Astrologer's advice on choosing a stone and talisman (video)

Which stones are contraindicated for the sign

It is believed that Pisces should not wear stones that have a strong energy of their own. The fact is that these people have a strong but sensitive character. They easily convey the state of their interlocutor, and even if he didn’t say anything, such people can understand a lot by reading between the lines. That's why Astrologers believe that the following gems should not be worn:

  • lapis lazuli;
  • obsidian;
  • sardonyx;
  • yellow topazes;
  • olivine;
  • jasper;
  • nephritis.

These gems have quite strong waves. They can suppress the energy of Pisces and make it despondent. Along with the recommendations described, you should also take into account your own preferences, as well as the characteristics of your body.

Other amulets and talismans

Pisces is also protected by other amulets - colors, metals, plants and others:

  1. The colors of luck are shades of soft lilac, lilac, violet, and almost any tone from the palette of blue and green. If we add silver here, we can say that Pisces is protected by a good half of the range of colors that are familiar to us.
  2. Among metals, silver is the patron saint. Noble, with modest shades, it has long been distinguished by its beneficial and protective properties.
  3. Violet, forget-me-not and jasmine are the amulets of the sign from the world of flowers. They personify natural, modest beauty, connection with the highest, as well as grace and elegance of manners.
  4. Trees of luck - willow, pine and linden. They symbolize longevity, vitality and tenderness, pure love.
  5. In the animal world, the most beneficial influence is the fish themselves. They symbolize harmony, wealth and success. It would be nice for fish to have an aquarium - it will act as a kind of sedative. The turtle also has a positive effect - figurines in the form of this animal will become a reliable Pisces amulet.

How to choose a profession for Pisces (video)

It is preferable for a sentimental and artistic Pisces woman to choose natural stones with a calm, peaceful energy. It’s no secret that representatives of this sign have very developed intuition, so trusting your own feelings is the best decision.

Pisces women are perhaps the most mysterious, mystical and, at the same time, charming personalities. People born under this sign have good intuition, sensitivity and are able to see through people and understand literally everyone.

Pisces are by nature prone to magic and the occult; they believe in everything mystical and unknown. Therefore, the right choice talisman for fish, supported by their strongest faith, will truly manifest its magical and healing properties.

People born under the sign of Pisces are suited to many gemstones. However, choose exactly your stone, which will become the most powerful magical talisman, follows, relying on internal sensations.

For girls

Nice, sophisticated, sensitive Pisces girls should choose their talisman based on their own needs, because each stone has certain magical and healing properties.

For girls born under the sign of Pisces, you should choose your talisman from the list of stones, suited to their horoscope- This:

  • Pearl;
  • Aquamarine;
  • Chrysolite;
  • Moon rock.

According to tradition, it is not customary to buy pearls yourself; they must be given as a gift. Jewelry with pearls is an ideal gift for a Pisces girl on her birthday, especially on her coming of age. Pearls are very suitable as a talisman for Pisces girls. It will help them stabilize their emotional mood, give them happiness and good luck. Pearls are considered a symbol of love and among some peoples it is presented as a gift to the bride from the groom upon engagement.

Aquamarine This is perfect for emotionally unstable fish who go “from one extreme to another”; it will help them gain stability and find inner harmony. In addition, this stone helps with work and study, improving concentration.

Chrysolite best suited for people leading an active lifestyle and professional athletes. He protects such people from possible dangers and injuries associated with increased risks in their way of life.

Moon rock– a talisman of creative, sensitive, emotional and easily vulnerable people. It helps to achieve great success in creativity, stabilizes emotional condition. Also, this talisman will help you find the most true love to those who sincerely desire it. You can choose these stones to make jewelry, or wear them on a chain.

The most ideal option for the strongest magical talisman for fish is a pendant in the form of two fish, whose eyes are made of the preferred stone.


A Pisces woman is very easy to distinguish from other zodiac signs; as a rule, she is a well-groomed woman with good taste with modesty and charm.

Many Pisces women remain vulnerable and sensitive with age, as in their youth. Their character resembles the heroine Assol from the novel “ Scarlet Sails" They believe in everything ideal and strive for perfection.

For Pisces women, it is preferable to choose stones such as:

  • Emerald;
  • Sapphire;
  • Amethyst;
  • Aquamarine.

Emeraldmagic stone, which is ideal for people in leadership positions. It gives success at work and attracts income, and also helps maintain family stability.

Sapphire is a very powerful magical stone that should be carefully chosen as a talisman. The fact is that sapphires do not tolerate weak, weak-willed people, so they can only be worn by women with a strong spirit, for whom the talisman will help them succeed in all their endeavors.

Amethysts ideal as a talisman for elderly women. They help maintain health and promote emotional stability. This stone symbolizes goodness and peace.

Aquamarine as a talisman - this symbol of honesty, wisdom, insight and kindness, which patronizes the sign of Pisces.

For love

Pisces girls who dream of great and sincere love should wear it as a talisman, and it will help in finding their soulmate. Pearl will also help Pisces find their love and provide them with a long and happy life with your chosen one.

To find love and family happiness, fish are patronized emeralds and amethysts. To attract love, you need to wear two stones in pairs; earrings with precious stones or a pendant in the form of two fish, whose eyes are made of a talisman stone.


According to the science of the stars, Pisces are most patronized by aquamarine, pearls, peridot, and moonstone. Amethysts, emeralds, and sapphires have a beneficial effect on this zodiac sign. Jade, opal, tiger's eye, amber and garnet can also be worn as talismans.

Astrologers say that categorically not suitable for fish the following stones: rubies, diamonds, serpentine, quartz and yellow topazes.

By date of birth

Depending on the year of birth, you can determine your belonging to a particular sign. eastern horoscope. If you select a stone by date of birth, based on the recommendations of two horoscopes, then the talisman stone will have the strongest magical properties. Stones that are suitable for Pisces, according to the year of birth:

  • Rat - pomegranate;
  • Bull - tiger's eye;
  • Tiger - amethyst;
  • Rabbit - pearls;
  • Dragon – peridot;
  • Snake – chrysolite;
  • Horse – aquamarine;
  • Sheep - pomegranate;
  • Monkey – opal;
  • Rooster – aquamarine;
  • Dog is a pearl;
  • Pig is a moonstone.

Remember that you need to choose a stone intuitively, feeling warmth and inner peace when in contact with it.

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, belongs to water element. The symbol of this sign is two fish tied together with a ribbon or thread and swimming in different sides. The duality of the image means the contradiction between the material and spiritual worlds.

Pisces are considered one of the most mystical signs of the Zodiac circle. They have a gentle character, are sensitive, sentimental, gifted with creative intuition and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of ideals or dear people.

Due to their rich imagination and tendency to live in their inner world, this sign seems helpless and not adapted to everyday life.

A talisman stone that suits this sign is able to protect against evil and activate creativity.

Talisman stones

The water element of Pisces determines the color of the talisman stones: blue, light blue, green, aqua or foam (white, gray, crystal clear).

The most effective amulets are those chosen according to the date of birth. This approach will strengthen the connection between man, the stone and the patron planet.

Each mineral has its own character and power aimed at solving various problems and troubles. Depending on which mineral you choose, different positive traits of a person are activated.

A talisman is a very personal thing; it connects material and mystical space, protects against external and internal negative aspects. Stones should never be stolen or obtained through deception, otherwise the positive energy will be distorted. When choosing a stone, they focus on tactile and emotional sensations: a real amulet seems warm, it’s pleasant to hold in your hands and you don’t want to let go of it.

Dangerous stones for Pisces

The impact of stones on character and energy is very strong. Many talismans can be too powerful and activate negative character traits.

Which mineral is contraindicated for the Water sign? Pisces women should avoid bright red stones. Such minerals will have a suppressive effect and awaken unusual activity.

The contradiction between the soft nature and the motivation of the stone will ultimately lead to depression, or even depression.

The following stones are contraindicated for the water sign of the zodiac:

A well-chosen amulet reveals the best traits in a person. If you wear contraindicated stones, you can disrupt the harmony of the individual, cause depression, depression, attract troubles and resistance from the Universe to all matters and undertakings.

Which of the contraindicated stones can you wear if you like the jewelry? If the mineral is pleasant to hold in your hands, you get the feeling that the stone is in its place, such a talisman can be used. This means that some character trait is very weakened and requires additional stimulation, active influence, and the help of other signs and spheres of influence.

The most mysterious Sign on the astrological horizon. Outwardly very nice, sensitive, kind representatives of the Sign do not always know what they want from the world around them and from themselves, first of all.

Their creativity and talents are unparalleled, but they rarely achieve significant success in this field, preferring to “go with the flow.” Pisces love both recognition and material wealth, but will not bother themselves with finding a way to acquire them.

They have all the makings for self-development and improvement, but Pisces lack the determination and perseverance to achieve any success in this direction. Representatives of this Sign are characterized by frequent mood swings, without visible reasons cheerful and cheerful Pisces suddenly become melancholic and apathetic, then suddenly again acquire optimism and faith in a wonderful future.

Friendly and responsive representatives of the Sign are very trusting and terribly dependent on the opinions of others. Often, Pisces become losers, not so much because of their own laziness or unwillingness to struggle with difficulties, but because of their ability to let through all the negativity of others and take the negative emotions of strangers to heart.

Combination of birthstone and date of birth

Saturn (21.02 - 01.03) - , bloody jasper, tiger's eye - will force romantic and dreamy representatives of the Sign, born during this period, to descend from heaven to Earth and change their lives for the better.

Jupiter (02.03 - 11.03) - hairy, coral, opal - indispensable for Pisces who want to achieve recognition and fame.

Mars (12.03 – 20.03) - tourmaline, chrysolite - are irreplaceable for those who want to achieve all the benefits of civilization on their own, representatives of this Sign.

  1. Opal. The mineral gives representatives of the Sign inexhaustible energy to maintain family and friendly relationships, will become a reliable protector from other people’s evil and envy, and will give a good supply of physical and spiritual stamina.
  2. Jet. A reliable and proven protector of the creative and mental potential of the owner born under the sign of Pisces. Often, representatives of this Sign rush to protect the interests of others and themselves become victims of malicious intent. An amulet with jet will reliably “cover the back” of its owner in such a situation and will force him to be more careful.
  3. Heliodor. Responsible for the mood of Pisces, gives them new hopes and faith in their own capabilities, lifts the owner’s fallen mood, preventing depressive and apathetic states.
  4. Moon rock. It will have a calming effect on the owner, remove nightmares from dreams and the habit of getting nervous over trifles.
  5. Aquamarine. It will teach Pisces to think more about their own interests than about strangers, and will force the owner not to waste money on helping people who are not worth it.
  6. Jasper. It will bring more real, grounded interests into the owner’s life, reduce the owner’s daydreaming, and remove “rose-colored glasses” from his eyes.
  7. Chrysolite. It will make you love your appearance, give you awareness of your own beauty and attractiveness, and confidence in your own importance.
  8. Coral. Gives the owner courage to make a decision important issues, decisiveness in defending one’s own interests. The stone tries to attract to the owner’s side as many interesting events as possible that can enrich its beloved owner. A talisman with coral will reliably protect against all manifestations of other people's magic, strengthen logic and intuitive thinking. Also, the coral will try to comprehensively strengthen physical health your favorite.
  9. Hematite. The mineral will be useful for Pisces who want to change their usual life. The gem will strengthen you physically and spiritually, and will tell you necessary solutions and will give strength to implement the owner’s innovative aspirations. The mineral will make its pet a little more stubborn, but will not allow it to turn into a narrow-minded fanatic of its business.

Stones for a woman born under the Sign of Pisces

Stones for a man born under the sign of Pisces

Nephritis. Capable of turning representatives of this sign into a worthless sufferer, bearing his heavy cross with a martyr's look. The mineral will surround Pisces with loneliness, pushing people close and dear to him away from the owner.

Pisces are the antagonists of Virgo, so sardonyx, jasper, yellow topaz and olivine are completely unsuitable for them. These stones have quite strong energy, just like all minerals of an intense red color, and greatly harm the subtle spiritual world of representatives of a given Zodiac Sign, both physically and morally. For example, all shades force representatives of this Sign to treat loved ones and relatives with cruelty unusual for this Sign, which can undoubtedly lead to a split personality on a spiritual level.

Selecting precious or semiprecious stones As a gift to a person born under the sign of Pisces, one should remember the subtle mental organization of this Sign, the extraordinary sensitivity and internal emotions that he experiences almost from the moment of his birth until his death. Therefore, the selected gem should not dominate. Its purpose is to support and protect the owner in Hard time or when solving difficult problems and carrying out your own plans.

All gem stones recommended for representatives of the Sign should be left alone from time to time so that the negativity accumulated in the mineral can leave the jewelry or talisman, giving the gems the opportunity to cleanse themselves and with new strength attract good luck and protection of the Universe into the life of Pisces.
