Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after. Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky. Irkutsk State Agrarian University: encyclopedic reference

Irkutsk State agricultural university trains engineers, economists and managers in the agricultural industry, as well as agronomists, livestock specialists, veterinarians, biologists and tourism specialists.

In 1934, the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute was founded, consisting of four faculties: agronomic, zootechnical, veterinary and mechanization Agriculture. Over more than 80 years of existence, about 45,000 specialists have been trained for the agro-industrial complex of Siberia, other regions of the country and foreign countries. Graduates of the Academy successfully work throughout Russia and abroad in leadership positions, working as specialists in large industrial, educational and scientific organizations and enterprises.

On this moment The university provides training in 20 undergraduate and 12 graduate areas, in two specialties - “Veterinary Medicine” and “Economic Security”.

The university includes the College of Automotive Transport and Agricultural Technologies, which offers secondary education programs. vocational education(full-time and part-time education).

A Center has been established at the University creative development. The Center has studios: Folklore and choreographic ensemble "Altan Sag", VIA "Charaa-Kara" - throat singing, Studio of modern dance "Diamant", Vocal ensemble "Yablonka", KVN department and pop vocal department. Students of the Center take an active part in all the affairs of the university, performing concerts in other educational institutions, clubs, festivals and competitions in the city, region and region. During the training, TsTR participants master not only performing skills, but also acquire the skills of a leader and organizer, as they independently prepare competitions, theme evenings, presentations, KVN games, and holiday concerts.

Federal state budget educational institution higher education Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after A.A. Ezhevsky - higher educational institution. Based in the village of Molodezhny (). Rector - Gennady Ordenovich Takalandze (since 2011).

Irkutsk State Agrarian University: encyclopedic reference

The university was opened in October 1934. At that time it was called the East Siberian Agricultural Institute, later - the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. The institute was located in a former building on the street. Timiryazeva, 59. The university worked as part of 4 faculties: agronomic, zootechnical, veterinary and mechanization. 2 faculties had 5 courses at once, since students from several agricultural universities were transferred to Irkutsk. In 1934, 125 people entered the first year, 100 entered the preparatory department, and up to 300 students studied in total. By the early 1940s, a canteen, workshops, and a dormitory for students were built.

The development of the institute accelerated in the 1950s. The institute then accepted about 300 first-year students and graduated 100–150 specialists annually. In 1957, scientific councils were created to defend candidate dissertations. At this time A. Men was studying at the institute. In 1964–1969, the first stage of the new institute complex was built in the village of Molodezhny. In 1973, the creation of the CC began. In the 1980s, the institute had a Chita branch of correspondence education, 2 educational and industrial complexes (Tulunsky and Ust-Ordynsky), 3 educational and experimental farms (Oekskoye, Molodeznoye, Goloustnoye). In 1966, the Faculty of Advanced Training for Agricultural Specialists began operating.

Over 50 years, the institute has trained 18 thousand specialists. In the 1980s, the institute had 6 faculties: agronomics, economics, zoo engineering mechanization, game management, and electrification. In 1984, it employed 6 professors and 114 candidates of science. In the 1990s, it was renamed the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy.

Irkutsk Historical and local history dictionary. - Irkutsk: Sib. book, 2011

In 2012, according to the results of an inspection by the Russian Ministry of Education, IrGSHA was recognized as an ineffective university.

In December 2014, it became known that the university was renamed Irkutsk State Agrarian University.



The rectors of the university during its history were:

    M. S. Persov (1934–1935);

    A. M. Ionov (1935–1937);

    D. I. Kazintsev (1938–1940);

    I. E. Makarov (1940–1941);

    G. I. Nazarov (1941–1945);

    V. S. Dyakov (1945–1949);

    P. V. Revyakin (1949–1951);

    K. F. Rudko (1951–1957);

    I. P. Drozdov (1957–1960);

    N. P. Gunichev (1964–1966);

    A. N. Ugarov (1966–1970);

    G. Ya. Sokolov (1970–1984);

    I. P. Terskikh (1984–1989);

    V. N. Ryzhikov (1989–1992);

    Yu. E. Vashukevich (2006–2011);

    G. O. Takalandze (2011 to present).

The university was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1984) by the People's Khural of Mongolia and the Order of Friendship of Peoples (1985) by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

History of the Faculty of Economics of the Irkutsk State Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The history of the Faculty of Economics begins with the formation of the Economics Department within the Faculty of Agronomy. Subsequently, in 1965, a decision was made to create an economics faculty at ISHI on the basis of the economics department. The organizer and founder of the Faculty of Economics is Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Kazansky, who headed the Department of Organization of Agricultural Production for more than 30 years. During the existence of the faculty, it was headed by:

    Professor A.M. Kazansky (1965 - 1967);

    Associate Professor I.A. Pudeev (1965-1967);

    Associate Professor V.I. Larionov (1974-1979, 1995-2000);

    Associate Professor E.P. Borvenko (1980-1984);

    Associate Professor Yu.M. Uvarov (1985-1994).

    Ivano Ya.M. – 2000-2007.

    Fedurina N.I. – 2007.

After the opening of the Faculty of Economics, according to the order of ISHI No. 272 ​​dated July 24, 1965, the following departments were included in its composition:

economics of socialist agriculture, organization of production in socialist agricultural enterprises, history of the CPSU, philosophy and scientific communism, political economy, statistics and accounting, foreign languages.

For more than 30 years, department teams have trained specialists in agricultural economics and accounting, based on curriculum, reflecting the economic conditions in the country. IN beginning of XXI Along with the traditional training of specialists, new specialties have been opened. In 2001 – “Applied computer science in economics”. In 2004 – “Finance and Credit”.

During the existence of the faculty there have been significant changes in technical equipment educational process. In the 70s, the first computers appeared at the institute. In the early 80s, students used to solve calculation problems computer"NAIRI". In addition, microcalculators were used to teach programming. At the end of the 80s, the first personal computers “Electronics”, “Iskra” and “Neuron” appeared. In the early 90s, classrooms were equipped with personal computers from IBM. From this period Computer Engineering is constantly renewed. Currently, students of the Faculty of Economics study in 8 computer classes, which are local networks with connection to the global network. In addition, computer classes are equipped with the necessary specialized software.

Wonderful teachers and researchers worked at the faculty. Agrarian scientist Kazansky A.M. created a scientific school, preparing more than 30 candidates and doctors of science, many of whom continue to work at the Agricultural Academy. Outstanding scientist economist, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor V.N. Sherstoboev wrote the famous book “Ilim Arable Land”, which is of great value even today. Great organizational and scientific and methodological work carried out by Z.A. Rysmyatov, M.E. Vilchinsky and L.I. Shamshilevich, V.M. Shunkov.


Upon the provision of ownership of the territory of the ski slope in the area of ​​the IrGSHA base, a check was carried out on the legality of the removal and cancellation by the rector of the academy Gennady Takalandze from the state cadastral registration land plot, which is the property Russian Federation and the provision by the administration of the Irkutsk region of part of the specified land plot to the dacha non-profit partnership "Mysovoe".

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 08:00 to 17:00

Fri. from 08:00 to 15:30

Latest reviews from IrSAU

Olesya Stepnova 15:40 07/01/2013

Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Irkutsk. The university offers training in 19 specialties, 11 master's degrees and 13 bachelor's degrees. I entered the Faculty of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine. Training for the veterinary specialty lasted five years. The reception was held on a competitive basis Unified State Exam results, obligatory of which were mathematics, Russian language and biology. The passing score is 135, not so much, I note, for the sum of three exams. At least...

Leonid Danichkin 19:44 05/21/2013

From 1991 to 1996 studied at the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute (ISHI), later it was renamed the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy (IrGSHA), at the Faculty of Game Science. I got in on the first try, although the passing grade was very high; out of two exams in biology and chemistry, I had to score at least nine points and write an essay in Russian for the test. The competition for a place relative to our faculty was 7.5 people per place. The Faculty of Game Science widely...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Irkutsk State Agrarian University named after. A.A. Yezhevsky"

Branches of IrSAU


No. 01390 valid indefinitely from 04/20/2015


No. 01301 is valid from 05/28/2015 to 10/09/2020

Previous names of IrSAU

  • Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for IrSAU

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)4 4 5 4 4
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study50.8 50.04 49.13 47.80 49.12
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget50.96 50.20 49.09 48.84 48.58
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis49.68 49.32 49.33 47.02 50.54
Average in all specialties minimum score Unified State Exam for full-time students38.63 39.28 38.31 36.82 34.99
Number of students4211 4309 4713 4873 5110
Full-time department2118 2256 2319 2618 2618
Part-time department206 159 124 82 30
Extramural1887 1894 2270 2173 2462
All data

The Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy (FSOU VPO IrGSHA) was created in accordance with Resolution No. 1082 of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated May 9, 1934 as the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. The institute began to operate in an ancient building at Timiryazev, 59, consisting of four faculties: agronomics, zootechnical, veterinary and agricultural mechanization. In the first year, a preparatory department was also opened. Two faculties - agronomy and zootechnical - enrolled all five courses at once due to the transfer of students from the Pacific Institute and other agricultural universities in the country to Irkutsk. At this time, ISHI was the only agricultural university in the entire Eastern Siberia.

In 1934, 125 people were admitted to the first year, 100 to the preparatory department, in total about 300 people studied. In 1936, due to the lack of clinics and lack of teaching space, the zootechnical and veterinary faculties were closed; the institute continued to work as part of two faculties: agronomy and agricultural mechanization. From the first days of the Great Patriotic War most teachers and students were drafted into the ranks Soviet army. A military hospital was located in the educational building of the institute, but classes were not interrupted; they took place in the residential building of the teaching staff on Dzerzhinsky Street. In the terrible days of the war, the thoughts and deeds of teachers and students were subordinated to one goal - the defeat of the hated enemy. Despite all the hardships of the war, teachers and students were able to collect and contribute funds for the construction of a tank column - 22,000 rubles and government loan bonds for 12,755 rubles. In March 1944, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief expressed gratitude to the teachers, students and employees of the institute, who used their savings to strengthen the armored forces of the Red Army. Many teachers and students of the institute lost their lives on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. The memorial monument near the institute contains the names of 34 front-line soldiers of the institute who died heroically in the fight against the invaders.

In the early 50s, the institute accepted up to 300 students for the first year, graduating 100-150 highly qualified specialists. It went further development university, the material and technical base was strengthened. Since 1957, the institute began training highly qualified personnel for the Mongolian People's Republic, and in 1973, employees of the Ministry of Agriculture and scientific and pedagogical workers from the Mongolian People's Republic came to the university for the first time for an internship. The next stage in the development of the university was the construction of new educational buildings, dormitories and residential buildings in the 60s of the last century, thanks to which it gradually acquired a modern appearance.

In 1979, the Chita branch of the university was opened correspondence education. In 2000, it was transformed into the Transbaikal Agrarian Institute, a branch of the academy, currently training specialists in full-time and correspondence forms training. In 1996, the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute received the status of an academy. And since 2002, the Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy received the name “Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy” (FSOU VPO IrGSHA).

Over the 70 years of its existence, the Academy has trained about 45,000 specialists for the agro-industrial complex of Siberia, other regions of the country and foreign countries. Graduates of the Academy successfully work throughout Russia and abroad in leadership positions, working as specialists in large industrial, educational and scientific organizations and enterprises. Here are just a few examples: Ezhevsky A.A. - Minister of Transport Agriculture mechanical engineering of the USSR; Maleev V.A. - Head of Administration of Ust-Ordynsky Buryatsky Autonomous Okrug; Elgert N.E. - Head of the Main Department of Agriculture of the Irkutsk region; Popov V.A. - CEO Agrotechsnab; Berdnikov V.A. - deputy gene. Director of OJSC "Maslozhirkombinat"; Golyshev P.V. - General Director of JSC Agrodorspetsstroy; Hanain Khurmetkhan - First Deputy Minister of Finance of Mongolia; Dolgopolov A.A. - rector of IrGSHA; Maltsev V.T. - Director of the Irkutsk Research Institute of Agriculture and many others.

For great and effective work in the upbringing and education of young people, as well as significant scientific and educational activities, the university was awarded state awards: in 1984 - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the MPR, in 1985 - the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

The Academy considers the main directions for the development of agricultural education to be ensuring the availability of agricultural education for rural youth under the experimental program for contract training of rural youth for the implementation of youth policy in rural areas. Our main goal is to improve quality educational process and practical training of students. Currently, an agricultural scientific and educational complex has been created on the basis of the academy. It has already been joined by the Irkutsk and Tulun Agricultural Technical Schools, the Irkutsk Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Irkutsk Regional Institute for Training and Retraining of Agro-Industrial Personnel, the State Educational Institution Training and Production Center, the Irkutsk Industrial Pedagogical College, the Belorechenskoye Agricultural Society, Siberian Institute Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants SB RAS, GOUDOD OSYUN (Irkutsk Young People's Station), GOUSPO PU No. 55 "Zheleznodorozhnik". The main goal of creating the complex is to improve the quality of training of specialists at all educational levels and increase the efficiency of using public funds for the implementation of multi-stage and multi-level vocational education, as well as the implementation comprehensive programs scientific research and socio-economic development Irkutsk region through the integration of its scientific, educational, and innovative potential.

It is no coincidence that the Academy became the venue for a round table on the problems of development of the agri-food sector of Siberia and Far East, international cooperation and investment, held within the framework of the Baikal Economic Forum in September 2004.
