Which obstruction predominates in childhood? Signs of intestinal obstruction in children and treatment methods. Classification of intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction is fraught not only with pain and poisoning of the body, but also threatens the life of the child as a whole. It is very important to understand what to do when it occurs and to be able to recognize the first symptoms of the disease.Intestinal obstruction can occur even in a baby who is unable to tell his mother about his problems. Parents should know how to help their child.

Intestinal obstruction can be either acquired or congenital.

What is intestinal obstruction and for what reasons does it occur in children?

Intestinal obstruction is a partial or complete disruption of the movement of digested food and feces in the intestines, associated with a failure in motor function intestines or with the occurrence of a mechanical obstruction. Intestinal obstruction occurs:

  • congenital - occurs due to abnormalities in the development of the intestinal tract;
  • acquired, which, in turn, is divided into mechanical and dynamic.

Congenital intestinal obstruction in newborns is associated with abnormal fetal development or disease. The main symptom is the absence of stool, because it should appear in the baby immediately after birth. The baby's intestines in the womb are filled with fluid, which after the baby is born is released in the form of primary feces - meconium. Then physiological feces are formed, which are released after each feeding. Newborn vomiting, abdominal distension, and restlessness suggestive of abdominal pain suggest obstruction.

The acquired form is typical for older children, because it appears as a result of previous diseases. It occurs suddenly, and it is often possible to accurately determine the moment of onset of the pathology. Obstruction is accompanied severe pain, bloating (usually asymmetrical), vomiting.

There are other factors that contribute to the occurrence of pathology:

  • violation of the infant's diet (early or too late introduction of complementary foods), inflammatory diseases intestinal tract;
  • entry of a foreign body into the intestine;
  • hardening of stool with the formation of stones caused by poor diet or digestive disorders;
  • surgical interventions;
  • volvulus.

All cases of intestinal obstruction are accompanied by severe symptoms. At the first suspicion of a pathology, you should consult a doctor.

Types and symptoms of pathology in children of different ages

Intestinal obstruction of any etiology threatens the baby with serious consequences. For timely detection of pathology, it is useful to know what symptoms indicate its presence in a child under one year of age or older, what forms the disease has, and how they differ.

How to distinguish defects in the structure of the intestines in a newborn? What diseases threaten the development of obstruction in an older baby? Is it possible to prevent this terrible disease?

Intestinal obstruction in children most often occurs before the age of 2 years. Later onset of pathology is rare.

The disease is classified according to its causes, degree of damage, localization, and course.

Full and partial

Partial intestinal obstruction has less severe symptoms than complete intestinal obstruction. It has several stages:

  1. On early stage discomfort appear after 12 hours: feeling of heaviness, bloating, vomiting. The pain may wax and wane. Functional narrowing of the intestine leads to a sharp pain attack that lasts several minutes.
  2. Intermediate is accompanied by unremitting pain, intoxication, swelling, and dehydration.
  3. The late one comes in a day. Body temperature rises, urination is impaired. The child has difficulty breathing.

Complete obstruction is a consequence congenital pathology, occurs after surgical intervention and in a number of other cases. It is characterized by severe symptoms, the absence of discharge of not only feces, but also gases.

Congenital and acquired

Both congenital and acquired forms can be either complete or partial. Congenital obstruction is detected in the first year of life.

It is expressed in defects in the structure or functioning of the intestines:

  • complete obstruction of any segment of the intestine, caused by the presence of sections that do not communicate with each other (atresia), sections separated by a membrane (membranous atresia), or replacement of a part alimentary canal fibrous cord (fibrous atresia);
  • narrowing of the intestinal lumen, leading to difficulty in moving food;
  • compression of individual areas due to lack of rotation digestive tract during intrauterine development: the intestine is compressed by other parts of the intestine that are in the wrong position;
  • abnormal anatomical structure other organs, leading to compression of the intestinal area;
  • blockage of the intestines with too viscous meconium mass, preventing their exit.

The main symptoms of congenital obstruction are stool retention, vomiting in the first days of life, an admixture of bile in vomit, bloating. These signs should alert you and help diagnose the pathology in time.

Acquired obstruction in most cases appears in infants from 4 months to a year. Most often it is intussusception. This means that parts of the intestine curl inward into the affected area. The sudden onset of pain and swelling suggest the presence of dangerous illness. The causes of acquired obstruction can be: adhesions, polyps in the intestines, worms, hernias and neoplasms.

High and low

Depending on the location of the affected area, the disease is classified into high and low types:

  1. High (small intestinal) obstruction is accompanied by early vomiting. There is no excretion of feces because the intestines are empty. The process of absorption of fluid from the intestines is disrupted. Fluid coming from the blood accumulates. This leads to peritonitis and gangrene.
  2. Lower (colon) obstruction is accompanied by increasing constipation, abdominal pain, and accumulation of gases. Vomit smells like feces or contains fecal matter.

Dynamic and mechanical

The dynamic form occurs as a result of disruption of the functioning of the circulatory system or central nervous system. Divided into spastic and paralytic:

  • the spastic appearance is accompanied by painful attacks, rare vomiting;
  • the paralytic type is more dangerous and occurs when intestinal tone decreases and peristalsis ceases.

The mechanical form occurs as a result of obstruction of the intestine by neoplasms or fecal stones. It is accompanied by severe cramping pain and is fraught with tissue death and peritonitis.

Acute and chronic

The acute form of the disease is the most dangerous. It begins with severe pain, then intoxication sets in, and the pain decreases. The abdomen is swollen, feces and gases do not pass away. Symptoms are observed 12-36 hours after the onset of the disease. Then comes terminal stage characterized by dehydration, damage internal organs, nervous system. Urgent surgery required.

Chronic form caused by the presence of tumors or adhesions. The symptoms are less pronounced, and the pain that occurs goes away on its own. The chronic form can become acute.

Diagnostic methods

To make a preliminary diagnosis, the doctor conducts an external examination, collects information about previous diseases and accepted medicines. The main diagnostic method is fluoroscopy. With its help, the diagnosis is confirmed and the location of the damaged area is determined. The image allows you to differentiate mechanical obstruction from paralytic obstruction.

Additionally, it may be assigned ultrasonography, as well as a blood test. Sometimes a CT scan is prescribed to clarify the details.

Features of treatment of newborns and older children

Advanced cases can only be cured with surgery. Children with suspected obstruction are immediately hospitalized.

In case of congenital obstruction, surgical intervention cannot be avoided - its early implementation increases the newborn’s chances of successful outcome. Other forms of the disease can often be cured conservative methods. For any type of obstruction, it is important to seek medical help at the very first symptoms.

Conservative therapy

In the initial stages, treatment methods such as gastric lavage, enemas, IVs, and the administration of painkillers are used. It is possible to use a nasogastric tube to remove contents from the intestines and stomach.

In what cases is surgery required?

The problem can be eliminated with surgery, but sometimes it is effective conservative therapy. The higher the blockage occurs, the more difficult treatment. The prognosis depends on the timeliness of diagnosis.


Intestinal obstruction in children can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, symptoms appear in the newborn after a short time after birth. The course of the disease depends on the degree of blockage.

If intestinal obstruction in a baby is not diagnosed in time, this can lead to intestinal rupture and peritonitis.

The acquired form is most often diagnosed in infants aged 4 months to one year.

Classification depending on the mechanism of formation:

  • Dynamic. Occurs when intestinal motility is disrupted and mesenteric circulation slows down. It can be spastic (with prolonged intestinal tension) and paralytic (with relaxation of the intestine).
  • Mechanical. Occurs when physical blocking intestines, for example, a foreign body, worms, tumor.

According to the degree of obstruction:

  • Full. Poses a threat to the child's life. The baby cannot have a bowel movement and emergency surgery is required.
  • Partial. The intestinal lumen is not completely closed.

According to the level of intestinal involvement:

  • Low. The blockage occurs in the small intestine, ileum, or colon.
  • High. Occurs when the duodenum narrows.

According to the nature of the flow:

  • Spicy. This form is characterized by pronounced symptoms.
  • Chronic. This form develops with high obstruction. Symptoms increase slowly, pain is minor.


Causes of congenital intestinal obstruction in a child:

  • malformations of the intestine during the embryonic period;
  • pathologies of other gastrointestinal organs.

The blockage is formed at the stage of intrauterine development.

Causes of acquired intestinal obstruction in a child:

  • poor circulation in the intestine;
  • stagnation of feces in infants (meconium ileus);
  • formation of adhesions in the intestines;
  • blockage of the intestine by a tumor, foreign body, helminths, lump of food;
  • intestinal diverticula;
  • hernias in the abdominal cavity;
  • twisting or bending of the intestines;
  • intussusception (a condition in which the intestines fold in on themselves);
  • overeating due to prolonged fasting;
  • impaired peristalsis due to immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • complication after surgery on the abdominal organs;
  • long-term use of medications.


Symptoms of intestinal obstruction depend on the nature of the course and the degree of blockage. For acute form The following symptoms are typical:

  • the child feels severe pain in the abdomen, which can last from 2 to 12 hours;
  • after painful sensations subside a little, signs of gastrointestinal dysfunction appear (bloating, flatulence, constipation);
  • after a day, the pain becomes unbearable, and the child’s condition worsens.

For chronic intestinal obstruction cramping pain appear after eating. Babies are bothered by constipation and frequent vomiting.

In children under one year old

Infants are not able to describe their complaints, so parents need to carefully monitor the baby’s condition.

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in infants:

  • Arises sharp pain and abdominal cramp. The child cries and clenches his legs. He cannot sit still, he tries to take a position in which the painful sensations. After a while, the baby suddenly stops crying. The attacks may recur after 15-30 minutes.
  • Stool mixed with blood and mucus. Evacuation occurs after crying.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting after an attack. Vomit may be mixed with bile.
  • Bloating and lack of stool (with complete blockage of the intestine). Partial blockage may result in diarrhea.

If treatment is not sought immediately, newborns may develop a fever.

In children after one year

The manifestations are:

  • attacks of cramping pain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • nausea and regular vomiting;
  • stool retention, problems with bowel movements.

At profuse vomiting symptoms of dehydration occur.

Which doctor treats intestinal obstruction in children?

You need to contact pediatric gastroenterologist and a surgeon.


The diagnosis of “intestinal obstruction” in children is made on the basis of the following examination:

  • Examination of the child. The doctor palpates the abdomen. During palpation, swelling and pain are detected. A lump may be felt in the abdomen.
  • X-ray of the abdominal cavity.
  • Ultrasound. Is over informative method diagnostics rather than x-rays.
  • Air or barium enema. Air or barium is injected into the rectum. With intussusception, this technique is not only diagnostic, but also treatment.


Intestinal obstruction in newborns is best treated in the surgical department.

Before the baby is delivered accurate diagnosis, there is no need to do an enema, give a laxative or rinse the stomach.

Treatment is carried out only after full examination. It can be conservative or operative.

In the absence of complications, therapy consists of eliminating the symptoms of intoxication and removing intestinal blockage. The set of events looks like this:

  • To stop an infant from vomiting nasal cavity a probe is inserted to remove stagnation upper sections digestive tract.
  • With severe peristalsis, the baby is given antispasmodics.
  • Painkillers and antiemetics are prescribed.
  • Recovery water-salt balance solutions are administered intravenously.
  • In case of intussusception, an air enema is given during the day. This procedure allows you to get rid of intestinal obstruction in newborns in 50-90% of cases.
  • A rectal tube can help treat volvulus.

In case of complete obstruction, surgery cannot be avoided. A bowel resection is performed (the affected area is removed).


In most cases, it is impossible to prevent intestinal obstruction. The only preventive measure is proper nutrition. Must be included in baby's diet dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, prunes and dishes with high content fiber.

The prognosis is favorable if help is provided to the baby in a timely manner. If not diagnosed in a timely manner, intestinal obstruction can cause infection and death of the baby.

Useful video about acute intestinal obstruction

Parents often encounter problems with their children. As a rule, discomfort quickly passes after light massage, but you can’t treat them too carelessly. If symptoms appear frequently, it may be intestinal obstruction in children - serious problem which requires treatment.

Classification of intestinal obstruction in children

There are different types of disease. Intestinal obstruction in children is classified as follows:

  1. Dynamic. It develops due to a slowdown in regional mesenteric circulation and changes in the central nervous system, which is responsible for the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Adhesive. Such intestinal obstruction in children becomes a consequence of disorders caused by adhesive process in the abdominal cavity. This form of the disease is considered the most common.
  3. Congenital. This is a consequence of pathologies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract. Congenital obstruction can sometimes develop in the womb.
  4. Acquired. It is usually observed in children from 4 to 5 months to a year.
  5. Spicy. Very dangerous species illness. If acute intestinal obstruction in children is not treated in any way, this can lead to tragic consequences.
  6. Full. Such obstruction also poses a danger to the baby’s life. When sick, stool various reasons cannot leave the body at all.
  7. Partial. Partial intestinal obstruction in children occurs as follows: the intestinal lumen does not close completely, and feces can pass out, but they do so very slowly.
  8. Chronic. It develops when suspicious symptoms are ignored for a long period of time.
  9. Strangulation. This intestinal obstruction in children is characterized by twisting of the intestine around the longitudinal axis.
  10. Obstructive. With this type of disease, the contents of the intestine move with difficulty, but compression of the mesentery is not observed.

Causes of intestinal obstruction in children

Acquired, chronic, congenital obstruction intestines in children can develop for various reasons. As a rule, the disease appears due to:

A number of factors can cause congenital intestinal obstruction syndrome in children. Among them:

  • intestinal stenosis or atresia;
  • enterocystoma;
  • ring-shaped pancreas;
  • and other malformations of the intestinal walls;
  • Ladd's syndrome;
  • midgut volvulus.

Acquired intestinal obstruction in children

Intestinal obstruction - symptoms in children

Each type of disease has its own symptoms, but there are signs of intestinal obstruction in children that are the same for all types of illness. These include:

  1. Pain. It has a cramping character. Contractions should coincide with the peristaltic rhythm. During an attack of intestinal obstruction, the child demonstrates symptoms very clearly. Because of this, the pain sometimes becomes so severe that the baby may even develop pain shock.
  2. Vomit. If the problem affects the small intestine, then vomiting can be repeated and profuse. There is no relief. With lesions of the large intestine, the urge is usually rare or completely absent.
  3. Stool retention and problems with passing gas. If the colon is obstructed, there may be no gas for several days. In case of defeat small intestine this phenomenon is classified as a late sign.

Partial intestinal obstruction in children

With this form of the disease, the process of movement of feces slows down in a separate section of the intestinal tract. This happens due to partial blockage of the lumen. That is, some of the stool still comes out loose stools. Such intestinal obstruction symptoms in children under one year of age and older have the following:

  • nausea;
  • pain;
  • bloating.

Complete intestinal obstruction

The main signs of intestinal obstruction in children:

  • abdominal asymmetry;
  • flatulence (accompanied by an increase in the size of the abdomen);
  • complete absence of stool;
  • symptoms of intoxication (pallor, weakness, lethargy, fever).

Why is intestinal obstruction dangerous?

This problem needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Otherwise, dynamic intestinal obstruction in children can cause dangerous complications, representing real threat life:

  1. Peritonitis. It begins against the background of perforation of the intestinal walls and the development of infection. Inflammation in the abdominal cavity can lead to sepsis.
  2. Necrosis of the affected area of ​​the organ. If the blood flow to a certain area of ​​the intestine stops, tissue death will begin, which can cause perforation of the walls and release of contents into the intestine. abdominal cavity.

Intestinal obstruction - what to do?

At the first suspicious symptoms, it is advisable to seek qualified help. If intestinal obstruction is diagnosed, treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Self-medication is highly undesirable and can be dangerous. Therapy depends on the form, degree of neglect of the disease, the age of the patient, the characteristics of his body, and the state of the immune system.

Intestinal obstruction - first aid

To improve your child’s well-being as soon as possible, you need to know the basic rules for providing first aid for a problem such as adhesive intestinal obstruction in children. Under no circumstances should you give your child laxatives or give cleansing enemas. Not only will they not bring relief, but they will also worsen the condition.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, in most cases the little patient is hospitalized, and before doctors arrive, the following should be done:

  1. Measure pressure and temperature.
  2. Check your pulse and monitor your heartbeat.
  3. Provide the baby with complete rest.
  4. Give him small amounts of water regularly.

Frequent and severe abdominal pain in a child is a reason to consult a doctor. Moreover, it is advisable to do this as soon as possible in order to start treatment on time and prevent complications. For diseases such as adhesive obstruction in children, clinical guidelines are different. Both conservative and surgical treatment. The choice of method is influenced by factors such as timing of treatment, form of obstruction, and others.

Surgical intervention is usually required for congenital and adhesive types of the disease. In the most severe cases the intestine has to be brought to the anterior part of the peritoneum. If you are late in going to the hospital and necrotic processes begin to develop, you need to remove part of the intestine. Patients with peritonitis are additionally prescribed painkillers, antibiotics, vitamins, and restoratives.

Conservative therapy is prescribed upon early consultation with doctors. Treatment consists of pumping air into the intestines and straightening the intussusception. To make sure that the intestines are functioning correctly, the child is left under the supervision of specialists in a hospital for several days. Excess air is removed through gas outlet pipe in the rectum.

If there is a slowdown in the process of fecal excretion or its complete cessation, doctors say that intestinal obstruction in children has been diagnosed. The disease is complex and multi-causal. Violation cause birth defects development of the intestinal region, motor dysfunction of the organ, growing tumors. The pathology requires immediate medical intervention, as there is a high risk of developing severe consequences up to the death of a child or newborn. The disease is treated with medication, diet therapy, and surgery.

Description of the pathology

Intestinal obstruction in children is a pathology associated with a failure in the process of pushing chyme (broken down food with digestive juice) through the lumen. In babies of the first year of life, the disease is accompanied by severe pain, cramps, and vomiting. Mostly used surgical tactics elimination of pathology, especially in newborns. Older children are prescribed conservative treatment and diet.

In infants, the disease causes severe cramping pain.

Children's intestinal obstruction is a kind of blockage of the lumen. The complexity and severity of the disease depends on the location of the problem - the higher the blockage occurs, the more severe the disease will be. The peculiarity is the manifestation of specifically rapid symptoms in a vivid form. Correct and timely response in the form of treatment determines the outcome. If the chronic form is eliminated with medication, then the acute form can only be eliminated surgically.

Classification of intestinal obstruction in children

Intestinal obstruction in newborns and older patients is classified according to genetics, anatomical-physiological, and symptomatic parameters. Correct definition type of blockage allows you to assign adequate treatment, adjust the intensity of the measures taken. International classification:

  1. Based on origin, a distinction is made between congenital and acquired forms.
  2. According to the mechanism of formation - mechanical, dynamic.
  3. According to the characteristics of symptoms - complete, partial, acute, chronic.
  4. According to the nature of compression of the vessels supplying the intestine with blood - strangulation, obstruction, mixed (with adhesions).


The formation of intestinal obstruction can begin in the womb.

This form of intestinal obstruction is formed in the womb against the background of fetal development anomalies, so the newborn suffers from the first hours severe symptoms dysfunction. When the disease is particularly severe, the baby develops vomiting of bile and bloating. In mild forms of the disease, constipation and vomiting are observed. If this pathology is detected late, the risk of intestinal rupture increases. Manifestations of congenital pathology are stenosis (narrowing of blood vessels, lumen), atresia (fusion of organ walls), and inflammation. This form is typical for newborns.


Pathology is provoked by external or internal unfavorable factors. It most often develops in infants aged from 4 months to a year in the form of intussusception (penetration of one part of the intestine from another) or a mechanical disorder. Adhesions are formed quite rarely. Characteristic Features the disease is unexpected, paroxysmal pain syndrome, which turns into vomiting, and blood and mucus are found in the stool. A childhood illness requires immediate hospitalization of the baby.

The main cause of obstruction is stagnation of feces against the background of weakness (atony) of the intestinal muscles, and, consequently, peristalsis.


Jumps in intestinal pressure provoke peritonitis.

The development of this form is provoked by weakening of the regional blood supply to the mesentery, disruption of water and electrolyte balance, and dysfunction of the central nervous system departments responsible for correcting the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, inflammation develops. The incidence is 10% of all recorded cases. Classification into subforms:

  • paralytic, when the problem of atony arises against the background of the operation and is accompanied by paresis, a jump in intraintestinal pressure, which is fraught with intestinal rupture and peritonitis;
  • spastic pathologies characterized by excessive muscle tension, paroxysmal pain abdomen, no temperature rise, no bloating, but vomiting is possible.


This pathology can be caused by the formation of adhesions in the body against the background of improper wound healing after intervention in the abdominal cavity. Depending on the causal factors There are such subforms:

Intestinal obstruction in newborns and older children develops in 3 stages:

  1. First, initial stage lasts 3-12 hours. Characteristic symptoms are abdominal pain, strong rumbling, flatulence.
  2. The intermediate stage is 13-36 hours. During this period, the baby shows signs of imaginary improvement, which characterizes the beginning of intoxication of the body with partial loss of fluid.
  3. The last, terminal stage overtakes the baby with a sharp increase in symptoms and damage to other organs.


Common provocateurs for the development of childhood intestinal obstruction are the following disorders and conditions:

Each of the listed types of intestinal obstruction is different in infants and older children characteristic symptoms, but there are general signs pathologies such as:


If you notice the first symptoms of the disease in a child, you should immediately seek medical help, because in case of acute late diagnosis is fraught with complications up to the death of the baby.

The diagnostic tactics used by the doctor are as follows:

  1. Questioning, examination, palpation of the child’s abdomen - to identify the clinical picture.
  2. X-ray examination. It can be carried out with barium contrast, air injection - to determine the places of narrowing, fusion, shortening or lengthening of the sigma.
  3. Laparoscopy. Applicable in in case of emergency- intestinal volvulus, adhesive obstruction.
  4. Ultrasound is an auxiliary examination method.

Intestinal obstruction in children is one of the common manifestations of diseases gastrointestinal tract. When similar symptoms It is imperative to seek advice from a specialist. Early detection and timely health care will help avoid complications in children and eliminate the need for surgical treatment.

Why is it difficult to pass stool?

Intestinal obstruction in children is characterized by difficulty in moving feces through the intestines towards the rectum. As a result, there is an excessive accumulation of feces and gas in the lumen of the digestive tract, and with a long course of the disease, their toxic components begin to be absorbed into the blood, causing severe intoxication.

A child may have one or several causes of intestinal obstruction. Among them are the following:

  • Worm infestation.
  • Congenital pathology.
  • Volvulus of part of the intestine.
  • Foreign objects.
  • Inflammatory processes.
  • High mobility of the cecum.
  • Adhesive disease.
  • Gallstones or fecal stones.
  • Immature peristalsis.

Types of obstruction and their characteristics

The following types of intestinal obstruction can be distinguished in a child:

  1. According to the course: acute and chronic. In children, the acute form occurs more often.
  2. According to the mechanism of occurrence: mechanical or dynamic.
  3. By clinical picture: full or partial.
  4. According to the level of difficulty of passing: high or low.
  5. By origin: acquired intestinal obstruction or congenital.

Acute obstruction in a child develops as a result of prolonged inflammatory process in the wall of the intestine or its mesentery. The chronic form develops over weeks or months. Then she acquires acute course, and the symptoms become more pronounced.

Mechanical and dynamic forms indicate that acquired intestinal obstruction occurs. The mechanical form in children occurs as a result of the formation of an obstacle to the movement of feces. This form is divided into strangulation (malnutrition of the intestinal wall), obstruction (clogging of the intestinal lumen or compression from the outside by hernias, foreign bodies, adhesions, gallstones), mixed. The dynamic form is characterized by weakening of intestinal motility. It can be spastic (wall tone is increased) or paralytic (tone is significantly reduced). Such obstruction in children may occur due to infectious process, renal failure, blood clot in the abdominal cavity.

Congenital intestinal obstruction is a consequence of impaired development of the gastrointestinal tract. Since this happens in the prenatal period, the newborn baby may already have symptoms of the disease. The acquired form is much more common and is associated in most cases with intestinal weakness. Constipation in this case is caused by either adhesive disease or intussusception of one intestinal loop into another. Adhesive disease is much more common than other acquired causes of obstruction in a child.

Complete obstruction in children is life-threatening and requires immediate treatment. Therefore, if the first symptoms appear, you need to consult a doctor. The partial form is associated with a violation of the tone of the intestinal wall.

A high form in a child is characterized by problems at the level small intestine and requires surgical treatment. Its cause is most often adhesive disease. Low obstruction is associated with impaired movement of feces in the large intestine.

Manifestations of the disease

Despite the variety of causes of obstruction in a child, the symptoms are largely similar. Among them are the following:

  • cramping abdominal pain;
  • poor appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dehydration;
  • constipation;
  • difficult defecation.

Adhesive disease in infants may also have symptoms such as blood and mucus in the stool. In this case, pain and vomiting are severe.

If a child has the above symptoms, it is imperative to consult a specialist. Treatment not started on time can lead to various complications in children, even to death.

Methods of therapy

In order to choose the necessary treatment method, the doctor must determine the type of obstruction and the presence of complications. For congenital intestinal obstruction in children, it is indicated surgery. If the form is acquired and there are no complications, a set of conservative measures is carried out in the first six hours after detection. It includes:

  1. Diet.
  2. Taking antispasmodics and painkillers.
  3. Intravenous administration of agents to restore water-salt balance.
  4. Use of enemas.
  5. Intranasal insertion of a flexible probe to stop vomiting.

If there are symptoms of complications, surgical treatment is carried out, which consists of eliminating the cause that caused the disruption of the movement of feces through the intestines. During the first 12 hours after surgery, eating is prohibited. Nutrition is provided by injection.

Thus, obstruction of the digestive tract in children is characterized by a pronounced clinical picture, so at the first symptoms of the disease it is necessary to consult a doctor. To avoid complications, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.
