Can moles appear? At what age is it best to get rid of moles? Why do new moles appear on the body?

Even though most people have enough big number similar epidermal structures on the face and body, often the appearance of a nevus becomes an unpleasant surprise, which makes its owner wonder why moles appear. Let's try to figure out what a pigmented neoplasm on the skin is and how moles appear on the body and face.

What are moles?

In order to determine what becomes the etiotropic factor in the formation of a mole, it is necessary first of all to understand what a nevus is at the physiological level. In fact, a mole consists of epidermal cells that contain an excessive amount of the natural pigment melanin, which is responsible in the body for the color parameters of hair, eyes and skin color.

An accumulation of pigmented particles can be located at any level of the dermis, which will directly affect the shape and structure of the nevus. Depending on this factor, the following forms of pigmented formations are distinguished:

  • Flat;
  • Lumpy;
  • Hanging;
  • Subcutaneous;
  • Angular;
  • Spicy, etc.

In addition, the color of such an epidermal structure may also be different. The most common moles are brown, black, red, flesh-colored, pink and blue, but in in this regard There are no restrictions and depending on the amount and type of melanin, nevi can have any color.

Moles on the body: reasons for their appearance

Several factors can become a trigger for the formation of a mole on the body, each of which is characteristic of a particular period in a person’s life. Dermatologists say that the vast majority of moles in people appear as a result of the following conditions:

    Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
    Under the influence of intense sun or ultraviolet rays of a solarium, human skin begins to actively produce a pigment - melanin, which accumulates in cells, causing a phenomenon such as tanning. When there is an excess of such radiation, an accumulation of melanin in the cells of a certain area can occur. An accumulation of pigmented cellular structures will appear on the human body as an epidermal mole.

    This factor most often provokes the formation of small, nodular nevi, which often form colonies consisting of several similar structures located in one area of ​​​​the body. Doctors say that most moles formed as a result of intense solar radiation are melanoma-hazardous, that is, they are prone to oncological degeneration and the development of skin cancer;

    Hormonal imbalance.
    Being natural regulators that control the flow of all physiological processes in the body, hormones can provoke the formation or disappearance of nevi. It has been proven that pituitary hormones have a particularly strong influence on the process of formation of moles on the body, which can also lead to changes in the color, shape and size of pigmented structures. Determining why moles appear during pregnancy, puberty, or taking hormonal hormones medications, especially close attention should be paid to the hormonal mechanism of their formation;

    Hereditary predisposition.
    Based on the results of many studies, regarding true reasons the appearance of moles on the body, it was possible to establish the role of the genetic component in the process of formation of pigmented nevi. In this case, heredity influences not only the number and nature of pigmented formations, but can also affect the localization of the structure. Thus, if a mother or father has a fairly large epidermal formation in a certain place on the body or face, then there is a high probability that a similar structure will appear in their child;

    Viral agents.
    This factor is especially relevant if it is necessary to determine why hanging moles appear on the body. The fact is that approximately half of all cases of the formation of hanging nevi are associated with the penetration of the human papillomavirus (HPV) into the patient’s blood, which provokes the division of epidermal cells, forming a convex skin formation;

    Injury to epidermal structures or other moles.
    When answering the question why moles appear on the body of an adult, the correct answer quite often is mechanical damage skin, which may be accompanied by the release of pigment and its accumulation in a certain epidermal zone. In addition, doctors have noticed that when a long-formed mole is torn off or injured, new nevi often form in the area of ​​nearby tissue;

    Vascular pathologies.
    Disorders of the cardiovascular system, as well as morphological changes in large and small vessels, can cause red moles to appear on the body. The color features of such nevi are associated precisely with this feature of their etiology.

Sometimes it is not possible to identify a clear cause for the formation of a nevus on human skin. In this case, you should be especially careful external characteristics such a structure of idiopathic origin.

Why did moles begin to appear on the body?

Many patients note that the appearance of multiple moles on the body often occurs at a certain life period. So it should be understood that a newborn baby does not have nevi on his body, while by 6 months the first manifestations of pigmented skin structures may appear on his skin. In childhood, the appearance of new moles is a normal reaction of epidermal structures to the active growth of the child and exposure to environment.

The next peak of intensification of the process of nevus formation different types and size occur during puberty, which is quite understandable from the point of view of hormonal changes that are characteristic of this time period. Most often the process continuing education The development of new pigmented spots ends at about 24 years of age, after which the appearance of moles is the exception rather than the rule. Representatives of the fair sex often experience the formation of hanging moles while carrying a child, breastfeeding, or entering the phase of menopausal restructuring of the body.

At the same time, with age, not only does the likelihood of the appearance of new structures decrease, but also the natural discoloration and elimination of those moles that are already present on the human body occur. Thus, doctors say that when a person reaches the age of about 80 years, not a single nevus will be found on his skin. Interestingly, the skin does not lose its ability to produce melanin, which is manifested by age-related hyperpigmentation, the foci of which should not be confused with the appearance of moles.

Reasons for changes in moles

Regardless of the reason for the formation of a pigmented area of ​​the epidermis, attention should be paid to any changes that occur with nevi localized on the body or face. The fact is that the answer to the question of why moles grow, why a nevus itches or hurts, often becomes the likelihood of its malignant transformation, which can end up like this for the patient. the most dangerous condition like skin cancer.

That is why, noticing any aesthetic or physiological changes pigmented structures, you should immediately contact a specialist dermatologist or oncologist, who will determine the need to remove such a mole, and also carry out a diagnostic study of its tissues.

The NEOMED clinic offers its clients the services of highly qualified specialists who are ready to diagnose and remove moles, regardless of their nature, size and location, using the modern high-tech hardware of the medical center.

Many people ask the question: “Why do moles appear?” People have many different beliefs that explain the origin of these formations on the skin, even the places of their appearance can sometimes be explained this way, but all these are just guesses, not scientifically substantiated in any way. Most people develop moles on their body, regardless of age and many other factors. So for a more complete, accurate and reliable answer to the above question, it is necessary to clarify what birthmarks are.

What is a mole?

A birthmark, or mole, is an acquired or congenital formation on the skin. Its color, size and shape may vary. It can be located at the level of the skin or rise above it. When a skin cell becomes overfilled with pigment, a melanocyte is formed, and when blood vessels grow, an angioma appears.

Pigmented birthmarks are present in almost all people over 10 years of age. Most often they appear on the face. There are practically no pinpoint birthmarks in infants, but in the first years of life they begin to appear. Largest quantity age spots appear during puberty due to the action of hormones. Less noticeable formations begin to become larger, and their color may also change. Often, new birthmarks appear in pregnant women, and old ones may change color and size.

Important! Birthmarks can appear on any part of the body, including mucous membranes.

Why do moles appear?

So why do moles appear? Moles appear due to the local concentration of a pigment such as melanin. When the formation does not protrude above the surface, melanin accumulation was in the epidermis. If melanin has accumulated in a deeper layer, the formation may protrude above the top layer of skin.

There is no exact scientific data on how moles appear, but the main causes of nevi are considered to be:

  • Sun rays . When exposed to the sun for a long time, the DNA in the body undergoes certain changes, which increases the likelihood of birthmarks;
  • Hormones. During pregnancy in women, as well as during puberty in adolescents, the pituitary gland begins to actively produce hormones. Among them there are also those due to which the concentration of melanin in tissues increases;
  • Genetic predisposition. The information embedded in DNA is transmitted through generations, this may also apply to the location of birthmarks on the body;
  • Injuries and viruses. If the integrity of the nevus is violated, there is a risk of introducing any infection into the body. Some injuries can provoke the appearance of new moles.

Typically, the color of moles varies from brownish to black, and they can appear on any part of the body. They can disappear as unexpectedly as they appeared, but more often this happens due to serious sunburn or in connection with the development of certain skin diseases. In women, the appearance of moles, as mentioned above, may depend on hormonal surges during pregnancy, after an abortion, after childbirth and during menopause. In men, this may be a sign of testicular damage, disruption of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, with an increased amount of estrogen, and so on. Various diseases, infections, congenital defects, stress - all this may well trigger the appearance of moles on the human body.

Considering why moles appear, you should follow some rules to reduce the risk of their formation to a minimum. You need to spend less time in the open sun, visit the solarium less often, and take care of your hormonal levels and general health.

Important! Many moles on a person’s body usually indicate a weak protective function his immunity.

Types of moles

Why does a mole of one type or another appear? interest Ask. Factors in the formation of moles often determine their appearance. There are many moles and several principles for their classification. It all depends on morphological characteristics neoplasms. The two standard types, vascular and pigmented moles, differ in the reasons for their appearance - the proliferation of blood vessels or an excess of melanin in the cells.

Based on the color of the formation, there are:

  • Red (hemangiomas);
  • Black and brown (common moles, as well as dysplastic nevi);
  • Blue-blue nevi;
  • Violet (bulging, warty birthmarks);
  • White (epithelial-fibrous growths).

By size they are distinguished:

  • Small moles (up to 1.5 mm);
  • Medium (up to 10 mm);
  • Large (over 10 mm).

According to the form of education they are divided into:

  • Flat (have a smooth surface);
  • Convex (with a rough surface);
  • Warty growths (sometimes growing on a stalk).

It is not always possible to determine with sufficient certainty what causes this or that type of birthmark. Sometimes many moles appear at once, and sometimes they are only single formations on the skin. Why many moles appear and are ultimately difficult to get rid of - a doctor can shed light on this after a certain set of examinations and examinations. Most birthmarks are not dangerous to humans and do not require treatment. But under the influence of external factors, pigment formations can degenerate into one of the malignant cancer tumors - melanoma.

Dangerous moles

Why do dangerous moles appear? The most potentially dangerous birthmarks are considered to be those that appeared in adulthood and changed their appearance, constantly susceptible to injury and more than 10 mm in diameter. In extremely rare cases, congenital benign formations in children they degenerate into a cancerous tumor. Sometimes it is worth examining birthmarks to make sure that no changes have occurred to them. In this situation, any changes, even seemingly insignificant ones, should be of concern, because they may turn out to be initial stage dangerous disease. To avoid serious consequences Treatment of such diseases should begin in advance.

Regardless of why certain formations on the skin appeared, any neoplasms susceptible to mutations should be monitored. If there are doubts about the benignity of the emerging nevus, it is better to show it to an oncologist or dermatologist. It is quite difficult to diagnose birthmarks on your own. Typically, non-dangerous birthmarks look like outlined spots of small size, having a uniform structure and not particularly protruding above the skin level. Their color can be very different. So only a doctor can determine the exact type of formation after a special examination - dermatoscopy. No doctor can answer for sure why malignant tumors appear. It is known that exposure to external factors, such as excessive amounts of sunlight and some other reasons, increases the risk of transformation of a benign tumor into a malignant one.

When determining the degree of safety of skin formations, experts use the dermatological rule ABCD, which is an abbreviation where the letters from left to right mean English words: asymmetry, border, color, diameter. It is on these indicators that the doctor bases his conclusions on the level of danger of a particular birthmark. If necessary, he may prescribe removal of the skin lesion.

Where moles come from is no longer so unclear. The reasons for the appearance of moles on the body can be many factors, a large percentage of which are most likely still unknown to science. It doesn’t matter whether these are small age-related moles or large birthmarks of newborns that appear only a couple of days after birth and disappear throughout life, a large number of moles on the body or just a couple small formations– studying the structure of similar elements of the skin, finding the cause of the appearance of moles, monitoring their development and timely treatment if necessary are important point maintaining human health, requiring special attention.

Moles ordinary people can name any tumor on the body. Strictly speaking, this medical term does not exist. In order to know why moles appear, it is necessary to determine their true name and exclude a malignant nature. These various formations form throughout life and can be located at the level of the skin or rise slightly above them. In the vast majority of cases, they are safe and do not affect human life in any way. However, in some situations, which will be discussed below, appearing moles represent mortal danger, which is why they require an immediate radical approach to treatment. Why, if there are any suspicious changes on the skin, you cannot postpone a visit to a specialist who will clarify the nature of the disease and prescribe effective help.

Why do moles appear? Main reasons.

Regardless of the true nature of a particular formation on the body, there are a number of main reasons that answer the question of why moles appear. There are several classic causes of pigmented or vascular formations (red moles) on the body and face. These include:

  • heredity - the process of the appearance of moles is often genetically determined;
  • sun tanning - since ultraviolet radiation causes increased formation of melanin in the skin, there are many pigment cells;
  • hormonal imbalance - a violation of the amount or ratio of certain hormones becomes the reason why moles appear on the body;
  • radiation – leads to changes in the DNA structure of skin epidermal cells and the appearance of various birthmarks;
  • exposure to infectious agents, usually viruses.

The essence of the problem is turning off the genes that control the excessive proliferation of melanocytes and other skin cells. Or vice versa, the inclusion of genes that enhance reproduction.
Classic causes affect most people and usually result in benign changes to the skin. However there is separate category painful conditions that become the reason why moles of one or more types appear are not always benign. In fact, there are quite a lot of rare syndromes and conditions. Below are the main ones. These include:

Why do moles appear? Varieties and diseases.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome.

This pathology is a syndrome with multiple moles (nevi) throughout the body, which are irregular in shape, often large in size and practically do not rise above the surface of the skin. The syndrome is associated with the appearance of melanoma in at least one blood relative. It is exclusively hereditary in nature, and transmission is carried out according to the dominant type. This means that the reason why moles appear is the transmission of altered genes from parents. A newborn most often does not have moles on his body; nevi form under the additional influence of external factors with age. This is why many moles appear on the body and face, not inclined to merge with certain characteristics. The latter include:

  • large sizes in diameter, more than 5 mm;
  • the process is multiple, distributed over all parts of the body;
  • the predominant color of the formations is dark brown;
  • there may be redness around emerging moles;
  • most often localized in places protected from direct sunlight.

The disease is dangerous due to its potential degeneration into melanoma. The risk of melanoma developing in one of the nevi is 20 percent. If the age of a patient with dysplastic nevi is over 55 years old, then the risk increases to 70 percent, and upon reaching 75 years old, the prognostic chances of avoiding melanoma are reduced to zero. This is why it is necessary to regularly see an oncologist, photograph and measure the most suspicious of moles with a ruler.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome. This is one answer to the question of why moles appear.

Seborrheic keratosis is the most common reason the appearance of new moles. Its manifestations are extremely varied.

Multiple seborrheic keratosis.

This is a benign process on the skin in people over 30 years of age. It is a hereditary disease that is greatly aggravated by sunburn, which is characterized by the appearance of nevus-like rough brown moles that clearly rise above the surface of the skin. Why moles appear of this type- pigment cells multiply with the simultaneous growth of horny masses on the surface of the skin. The elements are more likely to occur in areas that are exposed to sunlight. External signs of emerging moles seborrheic keratosis:

  • round or ellipsoidal plaques on the body or face with the presence of scales, do not merge with each other;
  • clear demarcation from surrounding tissues; it seems that moles are somehow attached to the surface of the skin;
  • the dimensions can be very large - up to 15 cm, the edges are uneven;
  • the surface of moles is extremely varied, often there are black or white inclusions (horny cysts);
  • there is itching and bleeding from injuries;
  • The disease is benign and rarely causes squamous cell carcinoma skin.

Multiple senile angiomas.

These are benign vascular formations (red moles) that occur in people of all ages. age group. They just grow to large sizes in old age and begin to get injured and bleed. And, in youth, they do not cause much concern. Even when there are a lot of them. Because they are small. The reasons why red moles appear on the body are unknown. Hereditary predisposition and connection with herpes viruses type 8 are assumed. They are located everywhere on the skin of the body, limbs, less often the face, slightly rising above it. Why red moles appear is due to the growth of small vessels in the upper layers of the skin. They have an exclusively benign course. The main manifestations can be represented as follows:

  • semicircular small formations on the skin, size no more than 5 mm;
  • never merge;
  • color – ruby ​​red;
  • not associated with tanning, located in large numbers throughout the body;
  • more common in people with fair skin;
  • clinical prognosis is favorable. Usually do not require any intervention.

The most common answer to the question of why red moles appear is the development of senile angiomas. Most likely related to viruses.

Many flat brown moles on the body - actinic lentigo. The reason is sunlight.


They are brown, pigment-rich spots on a light background of the skin. Flat moles of various sizes and shapes, but always with clear contours. There are three types of lentigo:

  • simple;
  • solar (actinic);
  • malignant lentigo.

Simple lentigo appears in adolescence, sometimes in childhood. Has nothing to do with tanning. The answer to the question why moles of this type appear is hereditary defects. It looks like a round-shaped spot with clear contours, absolutely flat, clearly standing out against the light background of unchanged skin. Common sizes range from 3 to 5 mm. Can form on mucous membranes. The appearance of these moles is not dangerous; it is only an aesthetic defect.

Solar (actinic) or senile lentigo has a clear connection with tanning and age. It is characterized by its appearance on open areas of the body, most often the arms and face. It has the appearance of a spot that does not rise above the skin, with clear contours and a multifaceted shape. The process appears after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Typically for older people living for a long time in regions with hot sun and young people who use solariums. Why moles of this type appear is due to acquired damage to the DNA of skin cells and a violation of the proliferation of melanocytes.

Lentigo maligna(Dubrey's melanosis) is a malignant process prone to degeneration into melanoma. Forms in people over 50 years of age. It presents as one large hyperpigmented spot with very intense accumulation of melanin. Dimensions reach up to ten centimeters. Localized anywhere on the body, face or limbs. The contours are uneven, erosion and bleeding often appear. A typical precancer, the risk of melanoma from Dubreuil's melanosis is more than 50 percent.

Generalized epidermal nevus.

The disease consists of multiple warty growths over the entire surface of the skin. Why these moles appear is due to an intrauterine defect during the formation of the epidermis. With age they grow in height and become more noticeable. Key Features:

  • total distribution on the skin;
  • looks like dark small warts, merging and rising above the skin;
  • typically concentrated in the form of parallel lines;
  • except aesthetic defect, do not pose a danger.

Xeroderma pigmentosum.

The disease is a hereditary process in which there is a sharp pathological increase in the sensitivity of the skin to insolation, which is why moles of the most different types from benign to malignant. Most doctors are not aware that there are now 8 types of xeroderma pigmentosum. They all develop at different speeds and have differences in intensity and nature of manifestations. 7 types are transmitted by a recessive type, one type by a dominant one. The course of the disease is exclusively progressive; the development of the pathological process has a clear stage, which has different clinical symptoms.
Typical changes for stage 1:

  • after exposure to the sun, exposed skin becomes inflamed;
  • at the site of inflammatory changes, flat dark spots, not rising above the surface of the skin;
  • peeling of the skin is observed in the area of ​​changes;
  • outwardly they look like black freckles, very widespread on the surface of the skin;
  • each subsequent impact sunlight enhances manifestations.

Stage 2, which develops after 4-5 years, is characterized by:

  • thinned areas on the skin with malnutrition, where cracks and ulcers form;
  • variegation of the skin pattern - non-pigmented atrophied areas alternate with hyperpigmented black moles;
  • black warts (seborrheic keratosis) appear, which are clearly visible on the skin;
  • cartilages are affected - the shape of the nose changes, ears, vision is impaired.

The third stage is terminal, characterized by the progressive appearance of foci of malignant tumors and death from metastases of melanoma or squamous cell skin cancer.

Gorlin's syndrome.

The disease occurs due to a genetic defect, and skin manifestations are only part of the syndrome. Moles with moderate pigmentation appear on the skin, rising above the surface of the skin, which are actually basal cell carcinomas. Key Features:

  • typical location: head and neck;
  • the size of basal cell carcinoma moles ranges from small to large, often ulcerated;
  • the edges of the formations are raised like a roll;
  • accompanying defects in the form of dental cysts, altered skull shape, multiple bone defects.

When more and more new moles such as basal cell carcinomas appear on the body, with age it becomes increasingly difficult to treat them in a timely manner. Some of the basal cell carcinomas become huge, which is why patients die.

The answer to the question why moles like basal cell carcinomas appear on the body is due to Gorlin syndrome. Some of them are hanging.

Tuberous sclerosis.

A rare genetic abnormality that is characterized by nervous system and skin with typical changes. Tumor-like benign processes form in various organs, which partially disrupt their functions. Why do moles appear on the skin - for the same reason as in the internal organs with this pathology. Changes on the skin are different:

  • hypopigment spots - light lesions on the skin, asymmetrical, sometimes large;
  • tumor-like benign tumors of the face - dense formations rising above the skin with a pink-red color, the outer surface is shiny;
  • shagreen skin - areas of darkening of the skin of the body of a dense structure, rising slightly above the general background, usually yellowish or pink in large size.

Skin problems do not cause serious disorders; the prognosis depends on the condition of tumors in the internal organs.

Generalized Kaposi's sarcoma.

This tumor disease circulatory system with the involvement of lymphoid tissue, skin and multiple damage to organs and systems. Occurs exclusively against the background of immunodeficiency. Carriers of the HIV-AIDS virus, as well as organ recipients, are more likely to get sick. Why moles appear - the disease thus gives new metastases to the skin with Kaposi's sarcoma. Skin manifestations of the disease can be characterized as follows:

  • reddish spots that quickly become bluish;
  • as the spots progress, they merge, nodes form, which die off with the formation of ulcers;
  • typical localization – lower limbs;
  • in advanced stages – a continuous change in skin color with various external manifestations– from bluish spots to nodes and ulcers.

The prognosis is always unfavorable, the disease progresses and leads to death.

Multiple metastases of melanoma.

Melanoma is extremely malignancy from pigment cells. Rapidly metastasizes to various organs. Why moles appear on the body with melanoma - new metastases grow around the original tumor or scar after its removal, or in a completely different place. The spread of metastases on the skin indicates a very rapid progress of the tumor. Typical skin manifestations are:

  • many black growing moles on the skin;
  • rise above the surface;
  • fused to surrounding tissues;
  • there is a compaction under the skin of varying severity;
  • May bleed on contact;
  • ulcerations are possible;
  • large affected area, possible fusion;
  • the general condition suffers.

The prognosis for this type of “moles” is extremely unfavorable.

In contact with

Many people are not interested in the meaning of moles on the body, and in vain, because these formations on the skin can be very dangerous for the body. There are many types of such formations, they differ in shape, size, color. Some people have them great amount, others have only a few, but everyone has at least one. Read why these formations appear on the skin, how to understand which of them are dangerous, get acquainted with in effective ways removal.

What are moles

Every person should know the nature of the formations that scientific language They are usually called nevi. Moles are a concentration of melanocyte cells. Melanin, the pigment that determines color, is concentrated in them. They come in different shades Brown, black, red, yellow and even purple. According to their shape, they are classified as flat, convex, hanging, lumpy, or with a stem.

Moles are of a similar nature to birthmarks. The difference is that the former can appear, change and even disappear throughout life (the most active period is from six months to 25 years), while the latter are given to a person from birth. They can be located on any part of the skin: both the face and the body. There are cases of their occurrence on mucous membranes.

Why moles appear

You have already read that pigmented formations can appear and disappear at any age, but what does this depend on? Factors that provoke the appearance of moles on the body:

  1. Heredity. Often in children, nevi appear in the same areas as in their parents, and sometimes in even greater numbers.
  2. Sun rays. Melanin under their influence is produced several times more intensely. Staying in the sun for a long time is dangerous not only because new ones can form, but also because old ones can transform into a tumor, even malignant.
  3. Viruses, injuries, radiation, x-rays. Under the influence of each of these factors, melanocytes can group and come to the surface of the skin.
  4. Hormonal changes. Any surge in hormones (especially in women) can trigger the appearance or disappearance.
  5. Cluster of blood vessels. Nevi occur due to the accumulation of small processes of blood vessels.
  6. Dysfunctions internal organs and systems. More often lead to the appearance vascular nevi. They can develop due to dermatological diseases, dysfunction of the large intestine, pancreatic dysfunction, and imbalance of lipid metabolism.

Reasons for the appearance of moles on the body in women

The occurrence of nevi is directly related to hormonal surges, of which female body there's plenty going on. The reasons for the appearance of moles on the body in women can be changes in the body associated with pregnancy (nevi often form on the skin of the abdomen, legs), menopause, and puberty. Sometimes, although rarely, they occur before or during menstruation.

How moles appear

Skin cells become more and more melanin pigment and transform into melanocytes. This occurs under the influence of one of the causes of nevi listed above (sun exposure, hormones, etc.). The accumulation of melanocytes is the reason why moles appear on the body. Whatever the nature of the nevus, the mechanism of its development always looks like this.

Types of moles

Formations can look very different, but according to a number of characteristics they are usually combined into several groups. The following types of moles are distinguished according to the nature of their occurrence:

  1. Angiomas. Formed due to pathological transformation of blood vessels. They can be flat or convex, pink, red, purple. They will never become malignant.
  2. Hemangiomas. A type of angioma. They appear shortly after birth in a child, gradually turn red and slightly swell, and have clear boundaries. Most often localized on the neck and face.
  3. Vascular malformation. There are two types of defect. The first is called port-wine stains and affects the torso, face, and arms. At first they are pale pink, but then they become scarlet or crimson, and with any dilation of the blood vessels they acquire brightness. The second type of malformation is a stork bite. Deformation of blood vessels in a child due to excessive pressure pelvic bones moms. These are asymmetrical spots reddish color, which last up to a year.
  4. Lentigo. Flat, different shades of brown. Small, reminiscent of freckles, but slightly darker in color.
  5. Mongolian spots. Clusters of large bluish or brown nevi in ​​the lumbar and sacrum areas, completely flat.
  6. Blue. Dense round small nodules. They can take on all shades of blue. Most often appear on the buttocks, face, and limbs.
  7. Coffee stains. Flat, light shade, different sizes.
  8. White. Appear due to the production of a reduced number of melanocytes.
  9. Sutton's nevi. Flat, the skin around which is not pigmented.

You read about the origins of moles. They also differ in the depth of the skin layer in which they are formed:

  1. Epidermal. IN top layer skin, flat. They most often form in the groin, feet and palms. The shade can range from pale beige to coffee brown.
  2. Intradermal. Convex. They can be smooth or rough, often dark. If hair grows from the intradermal, then this is a sign that it is safe.
  3. Borderline. Flat, any shape, smooth. There is never any hair on them.

Classification by appearance:

  1. Flat. Dry and smooth, they do not pose a health hazard. The most common type for humans.
  2. Warty. Very dark and wart-like. Their condition must be constantly monitored.
  3. Convex. Dark, can be either smooth or rough, covered with coarse or vellus hair.

To size:

  • small – up to 1.5 cm in diameter;
  • medium – up to 10 cm;
  • large – more than 10 cm;
  • gigantic - cover significant areas of the body or face.

Dangerous moles

Some nevi, under the influence of one reason or another, can develop into cancerous tumors. As a rule, this occurs due to injury to the formation or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Dangerous moles are considered to be those that appear in adulthood, rapidly change their appearance and exceed a centimeter in diameter. A person should monitor such suspicious formations very carefully and regularly see a dermatologist.

In Group increased risk their appearance there are people:

  • fair-skinned, red-haired, with many freckles and age spots;
  • have already removed malignant tumors;
  • over 50 years of age;
  • who have many dark ones;
  • quickly “burn” in the sun;
  • whose relatives had skin cancer.

What dangerous moles look like

Several types of formations are considered these:

  1. Nodal. A spot with a surface of uniform color, even black.
  2. Blue. A dense, smooth knot without hair, rising above the surface of the skin.
  3. Halo nevus. A colored formation on the skin surrounded by a colorless ring.
  4. Skin pigmentation. Slightly convex, pale, sometimes covered with hairs.
  5. Gigantic. Any formation of enormous size is dangerous.
  6. Nevus Ota. Dark brown or gray-blue formation, very large.
  7. Dubreuil's melanosis. Precancerous formation with uneven contours.

If dangerous moles look as described above, then there is a high risk of their degeneration into melanoma, a type of skin cancer. It is worth noting that such a tumor is highly treatable if detected in time. You should immediately contact a dermatologist if the following symptoms appear:

  • deformations;
  • discharge of blood or fluid;
  • symmetry violations;
  • burning;
  • changes in surface texture;
  • pain;
  • hair loss;
  • itching;
  • the appearance of ulcers or cracks;
  • seals;
  • inflammation;
  • color changes, appearance of inclusions.

How to identify a malignant mole

You need to periodically examine your body in order to promptly consult a doctor if there are suspicious signals. To determine malignant mole, use the basic rule “AKORD”:

  1. "A - asymmetry." If it is no longer the same shape, it may be reborn.
  2. "K - contour." Jagged, fuzzy, blurry edges – warning sign.
  3. "O - shade." Any changes in color, the appearance of dots, inclusions, stripes and specks may indicate a malignant formation.
  4. "R - size." If it suddenly begins to grow, consult a doctor immediately. The maximum acceptable diameter for the norm is 6 mm.
  5. "D - dynamics." If crusts, cracks appear on the formation, or blood or any substance begins to come out of it, then you need to visit a specialist. Suspect nevi that become too soft, become covered with nodules, become painful, or are surrounded by inflamed red skin. A sudden increase in altitude is dangerous.

How to remove moles on the body

Dangerous and suspicious formations are removed by medical indications. Another person can remove moles on the body by at will, if they cause him aesthetic or practical discomfort (they cling to clothes, constantly get touched by nails). There are several ways to get rid of nevi: laser beam, surgically, radio waves, liquid nitrogen. Each of them needs to be discussed in more detail.

Laser removal

Very gentle and effective method destruction of formations with a directed beam. Laser mole removal can be performed using two techniques:

  1. Layer-by-layer evaporation. The beam gradually removes layers from the surface to the deep.
  2. Excision with a laser knife. The material after such an operation can be sent for histological examination.


  • the method is absolutely safe;
  • the risk of complications is minimized;
  • there is no blood because laser radiation immediately “seals the vessels;
  • there are practically no contraindications;
  • As a rule, one session is enough;
  • painless (performed local anesthesia);
  • no recovery time after surgery is required;
  • non-contact technology ensures complete sterility;
  • the procedure is carried out very quickly.


  • infection may occur;
  • The wound takes a long time to heal, leaving a scar.


  • diabetes;
  • sun allergy;
  • infections in the body;
  • heat;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • any skin inflammation;
  • pregnancy.

Surgical method

A very affordable method, the only one suitable when there is no possibility of alternative procedures. Surgical method reliable, it is often used for formations with suspected malignancy. The formation and a small area of ​​skin adjacent to it, under the general or local anesthesia excised with an ordinary scalpel. The material can be immediately sent for histological examination.


  • whatever the size of the formation, it will be removed in one go;
  • low price;
  • relapses almost never occur;
  • complete absence contraindications;
  • the method is safe.


  1. It leaves a scar though modern technology applying cosmetic stitches allows you to make it as thin, smooth and invisible as possible. In addition, the use of modern anti-scar ointments will help reduce it to nothing.
  2. The wound takes a long time to heal. It needs to be processed regularly and carefully.


This is the name of the process of destroying formations with liquid nitrogen. To put it simply, the mole is frozen and its cells die from the cold. Cryodestruction is performed without anesthesia at all or with local anesthesia. This procedure will be most effective for flat formations on the body that do not go into the deeper layers of the skin. Nitrogen is applied by lubricating the surgical site with a cotton swab or using a special applicator.

Contraindications for cryodestruction:

  • inflammatory, infectious processes;
  • pregnancy;
  • malignancy of formation;
  • convulsions;
  • epilepsy.


  • removal is painless;
  • the risk of complications is very small;
  • cryodestruction is carried out quickly;
  • the operation is inexpensive.
  • the formation may not disappear completely, because nitrogen does not act on the deep layers of the skin;
  • very high risk of scars;
  • there is a possibility of damaging healthy tissue and causing a burn;
  • at large sizes Several cryodestruction sessions may be required;
  • recovery takes a very long time and during this period the use of cosmetics and exposure to the sun is prohibited.

Video: Why moles appear on the body

An important process: how a nevus appears

The process of formation of the human body is very interesting; this includes the appearance of new moles on the body. The process is very simple:

  1. Skin cells accumulate pigment
  2. Under the influence of melanin, a speck is formed on these cells,
  3. Over time, the pigmented spot acquires its shape, size, color and structure.

The first birthmarks appear when the child reaches one or two years of age, although there may be exceptions. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you have very few nevi, while others are practically covered with them. There is a belief that the owner of many moles - happy man, but whether this is true can only be guessed at.

Nevi are benign tumors of skin cells that have a risk of becoming malignant. But not every mole is dangerous, harmful and scary. It is recommended to remove only those moles that:

  1. cause inconvenience and discomfort,
  2. have a high risk of developing into melanoma due to genetic reasons and
  3. not protected, i.e. when the nevus is often injured or located in an unsafe place.

There are also moles in newborns, but this can be noticed extremely rarely. Such nevi are malformations of the skin, but also have a benign basis. These spots are usually called birthmarks and they grow as the child grows; perhaps, this is the only pigmented formation that does not cause concern as it grows.

Should you beware of the appearance of new nevi?

The appearance of new nevi is promoted by melanin, which is directly responsible for skin pigmentation. But the cause is most often identified by hormonal changes in the body, which is why new moles appear on the body when:

  • you pass teenage years, i.e. you are experiencing puberty;
  • The woman is in a “position”, i.e. pregnant;
  • There is a disease of the endocrine system.

All these reasons are directly and inextricably linked with hormonal changes in the body. But you must realize that nevi are benign formations that only have the risk of becoming dangerous. This is not a malignant tumor that has frozen and does not multiply throughout the body; in this case, pigmented spots would be something to be afraid of.

However, this does not mean that if a new mole appears, you can forget about it and let its development take its course. There are some mole safety rules you need to keep in mind:

  1. always check moles with a doctor, an oncologist, a dermatologist, and Elena Vladimirovna Salyamkina, a surgeon, will help you;
  2. avoid the sun and solarium, ultra-violet rays irradiate the skin and are the most aggressive factor degeneration of a nevus into a malignant tumor;
  3. monitor your hormonal levels and overall health;
  4. pay attention to any changes in nevi (sharp growth, asymmetry, pigmentation, structure, color, halo, discharge from the spot, pain and much more).

How to remove birthmarks

Some birthmarks do not interfere and do not cause problems or discomfort in life, but there are also those that should be removed as early as possible. This includes moles on the palms, feet, hands, neck and face. It is also worth highlighting the fact that to remove new mole can be done completely painlessly. However, some methods of ridding the body of nevi leave no traces, while others may leave a memory in the form of a scar or scar.

If you don’t want to remember where your pigmented spot was, then it’s better for you to use laser excision of the nevus. This method is somewhat more expensive than the classic one, but the risk of a scar or scar after surgery is minimal. Laser technologies allow you to perform surgery:

  • inexpensive,
  • fast,
  • light,
  • bloodless,
  • painless.

In terms of quality, only classical surgical excision of a birthmark can compete with the described method. Many patients are afraid of this method, but in vain, despite its “outdatedness” - this is a reliable and high-quality option. Sometimes a pigmented spot can only be removed with a surgical scalpel. Such cases include situations where you:

  • Large birthmarks
  • Cancerous moles,
  • Difficult to reach nevi.

Besides, surgical intervention has the following advantages:

  1. Minimum contraindications
  2. Painlessness (pain relief is performed),
  3. Possibility of collecting material for histology,
  4. Cost (the cheapest method of mole removal),
  5. Safety.

Is it possible to rely on traditional methods for treating moles?

Many people may be frightened by the appearance of new moles, but not many are in a hurry to see a doctor, but in vain. What are boys and girls trying to do (by the way, there are many more girls with such experiments than boys) to get rid of the nevus for good or make it invisible, i.e. lighten?

A very popular method that came from “healers” and others knowledgeable people- These are celandine lotions that need to be used to cauterize the nevus several times a day. Will help this option get rid of a wart, but not a mole. Self-medication can cause a backlash in the body - the cells will begin to turn into a cancerous tumor, and you won’t even have time to notice it. Many end up in hospitals after a trip to remove or reveal a nevus folk recipes, about which people write so persistently on forums.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Traditional methods treatment has never ended well for anyone. In the best case, nothing will happen to the skin and nevus, in the worst case, you will have to start treatment for the wrong approach to ridding the skin of tumors.

If you want to know whether you can rely on the folk “secret” of nevus removal to help, then there is only one answer - no, it’s impossible. Those who are simply too lazy to do so do not go to doctors. Surgeons in city clinics have long ceased to be in demand due to their overload. It's easier to contact to a good surgeon to remove a mole in a private clinic, where you will be treated with respect and all your wishes will be satisfied. But it is important to choose the right clinic and doctor: a cosmetology office and a beauty salon are not a surgeon’s office where you need to go for help. Before deciding to remove a nevus, you should visit an oncologist, who will give permission for the operation or prescribe a full complex treatment together with excision of the nevus.

How to overcome melanoma formed in a nevus

Both new moles and old ones can develop into melanoma. To prevent this from happening, remember about prevention - protection from ultraviolet radiation by any means:

  • When outside, try to be in the shade, even if you are not on the beach,
  • Avoid exposure to the sun during the most dangerous hours, i.e. from 9-10 am to 16-17 pm,
  • Even on the beach, cover your body from the sun with clothes, at least a pareo or a towel,
  • Use sunscreen before leaving home
  • Remember to always wear hats and sunglasses,
  • You should not replace the sun with a solarium - no less harm,
  • Monitor changes in nevi and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

What is it in external signs Can you independently distinguish a simple and safe mole from a malignant melanoma? To do this, it is enough to conduct a self-examination - look at the moles that cause you suspicion:

  • Nevus color. Pay attention to the color of your spot - it should be uniform over the entire area of ​​the nevus, but if the color differs within the territory of one mole, melanoma should be suspected;
  • Nevus growth. There is nothing to worry about if the pigmented spot grows a little, but if the growth has become noticeable and rapid, it is very unpleasant and significant indicator tumors;
  • Asymmetry. To do this, divide the mole in half visually and carefully compare them, they should be exactly the same. This should also include a change in the boundaries, which have become not only asymmetrical, but also lumpy or blurred.

If melanoma is found in you, the stage of its development will first be determined; there are 4 of them in total. Treatment of melanoma will directly depend on the stage:

  1. At the initial, stage 1, the tumor is simply excised;
  2. In stage 2, a sentinel lymph node biopsy is performed. If it turns out to be affected by a tumor, then they are removed completely. Treatment may be given to reduce the risk of cancer coming back;
  3. At stage 3, the tumor and nearby The lymph nodes. Immunotherapy, chemotherapy or radiation therapy may also be prescribed;
  4. The most severe is stage 4, it is impossible to get rid of it completely, but you can excise the tumor, nodes, prescribe chemotherapy, radiation therapy. However, it is rare to live with such a disease for a long time, as a rule, only a few years after the end of treatment.