Peg mgf application dosage. Forum about bodybuilding, powerlifting, sports nutrition and training. Side Effects of MGF Peptide

So, I think, every user of peptides has encountered the problem of how to properly dilute peptides, in the right proportion, in order to obtain a convenient amount of substance for a certain amount of solution, as well as how and with what to dilute these miracle drugs.

Today I will help you understand this in simple and accessible language.

Let's start with Solvents, what are they?

  1. Water for injection: the simplest and easiest option, sold at the pharmacy, costs mere pennies.
  2. Lidocaine: local anesthetic, good only when using “painful” peptides. Sold in pharmacies and just as cheap.
  3. Germicidal water is a solution containing 0.9% sodium chloride and 0.9% benzyl alcohol. In my opinion, this is the biggest scam of ashes sellers. Because If this is an awesome solvent, then why isn’t it sold in pharmacies?! Try typing “Buy bactericidal water at a pharmacy” into Google and what will you see, the first 10 pages are occupied by sellers of what?? Well, you understand, I think... the rest is taken up by simple water for injection. Everything is banal, the cost of a bottle is 20 rubles, they sell for 300 rubles, the margin is colossal, hence the stories about it.
  1. With divisions into 40 units (volume in milliliters = 1 ml) i.e. on this syringe, if you dilute the “CJC 1295 2mg” bottle by 2 ml, then we will get 100 mcg of V by 4 units or 1 tenth of the total V.
  2. With divisions of 100 units (volume in milliliters = 1 ml) on this type of syringe if
  3. dilute the bottle of “CJC 1295 2mg” by 2 ml, then we will get 10 units of 100 mcg of the drug or 1 tenth of the total V.

Now let’s move on to the main part of our article and look at each of the main products separately, namely how and in what proportions peptides should be diluted to make them more usable.

Let's start with the fact that NANOX Bio peptide ampoules contain 2.5 ml of water. It’s better to fill in the solvent with a regular 2 or 3 cc syringe; it’s simply more convenient and faster than using insulin.

GHRP 2 or 6

CJC 1295

Simple SGS contains 2 mg of the substance in an ampoule. We dissolve in 2 ml to get 100 mcg per 10 units or 4 units (depending on the type of syringe), which corresponds to a single dosage.

CJC 1295 DAC

It's much easier here because... “Long” SGS is given twice a week at 1000-2000 mcg, and the vials contain 2000 mcg, which can be diluted by 0.5 ml if you put one bottle at a time, or 1 ml and divided into two injections of 0.5 ml each.

HGH 176-191

"HGH" contains 2 mg of the drug per bottle. We dilute it by 2 ml to get 100 mcg for 10 units or 4 units, which is equal to a one-time minimum dose.


Here again, everything is not complicated, because... There is a loading phase in the first week of administration equal to 10 mg, then we will administer one bottle containing 2 mg at a time. We dilute with any amount of solvent, but no more than 1 ml, so as not to push a lot of liquid under the skin, because 0.5 ml will resolve faster than 1 ml.

Ipamorelin, Sermorelin, Hexarelin

Ipa, Sulfur, Hexa have 2 mg in an ampoule. It is best to dilute them by 2 ml to get 100 mcg per 10 units or 4 units, which corresponds to a single dosage.


"PEG" contains 2 mg of the substance in a bottle. It will be very rational to dissolve in 1.2 ml of water because... a single dose is 500 mcg (one 4th of the total amount). With this proportion, we will get 500 mcg of the drug per 12 units or 30 units.


MGF contains 2 mg of substance. Because it is given at least 1000 mcg at a time, into a pair of trained muscles, then again it is appropriate to dilute it with 1 ml of solvent and divide it into 2 injections into the left and right bitsunya, for example.


The ampoule of "Gonads" contains 2 mg of the substance. You need to dilute by 2 ml to get 100 mcg per 10 units or 4 units.


MT-2 contains 10 mg of the drug per ampoule. It is convenient to dilute by 2 ml to get 500 mcg per 10 units or 4 units.

Thank you all for your attention, I hope you found this article useful. Your Pep Land.

Quality checking: This peptide was tested in the silverpharm laboratory using HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography), accurately determining the purity of the substance.

Study code: 3031E7D8- enter on the official website of the company

Description of MGF peptide

MGF peptide (MGF) is a mechanical growth hormone, a type of IGF-1. Growth factor is naturally produced during physical activity. It is he who is responsible for the active division of muscle cells and their further growth. However, natural production does not affect reserve cells, and MGF activates even those that are in a dormant state. Thanks to this property, the athlete can achieve maximum effect in a shorter period of time. It is no less important when recovering from injuries, which almost all active people face.


Considering that it acts only on muscle tissue, there are practically no contraindications. There may be redness and itching in the injection area. As before taking all hormonal medications, it is recommended to take a hormone test and an oncology test.

Growth hormone and “mechanics” experience of use

Author: Vladimir Vysloukh
Published in the magazine “Hercules No. 5(17) 2012”
This article is addressed to those who have not tried it yet, but really want to. Professional athletes will never tell you exactly what makes them tick. During the period of preparation for tournaments, they use everything they have enough money for, and often the result is such a “compote” that it is not possible to isolate the work of a particular drug. You can understand them: time is running out, and the risk of not being able to do it in time is great. Nobody wants to experiment.
Growth hormone (GH) is very popular in sports, but many athletes will tell you that in its pure form it does not work. Let's figure out what we want first of all from GR? It doesn’t give much muscle, it doesn’t add strength. Yes, it burns fat great. But using GR simply as a burner is like shooting at flies with a gun. The main feature of this drug is its effect on the ligamentous apparatus, articular cartilage, discs and general tissue rejuvenation. The latter is very noticeable when used by women. The effect is especially pronounced in women over 40 years old. The skin changes before our eyes. Of course, due to the strengthening of ligaments and joints, the strength component also increases, but not as quickly as from androgenic hormones. That's why athletes say that without anabolic steroids (AS), nothing works. I used GH twice to help my joints recover from injuries. I train strictly without AC. The first course was a trial of 4 units every day for 30 days. It was still the old real “Ansomon”. The only thing I saw in the end was abs. Yes, it “dried out” well, but this was not enough to restore it. The second time, six months later, I took 60 bottles of Dynatron, 10 units each. It helped, the joints went away, but not right away. About a couple of months after completing the course, I remembered that I didn’t think about my injuries. The overall impressions of the hormone were very positive. The experience of using GH in the world goes back more than 40 years. During all this time, not a single disease caused by growth hormone was registered. So all the talk about negative post-effects is unfounded. I can confidently recommend it, but it is desirable, as practice shows, that the full course consist of 100 injections of 10 units daily. During the course, side effects are possible in the form of slight water retention, aches in places of injury and drowsiness. All this goes away after the end of the reception. The only unpleasant thing can be the price of the drug. But where have you seen something good and cheap?! And then the price is a good deterrent against crazy “jocks”. Everyone knows, I’ll just give them the opportunity, they’ll experiment until they turn into mutants.
And now the main wish. Women, our beautiful halves, I just want to tell you, don’t even think about doing liposuction, pay attention to growth hormone! The price is comparable, the effect is incomparable! GH burns fat where you want it. At injection sites it simply melts before our eyes.

Now let's talk about the “mechanics” (peg mgf).
The drug appeared on the market relatively recently. And, like any new product, it attracted a lot of attention. Everyone was waiting for someone to try it and tell us. There was a huge temptation. In fact, without being a hormone and without affecting the endocrine system, peg mgf is designed to work locally and just grow muscles! Without delving into biochemistry, in theory it looks like this: getting into the trained muscle before exercise, peg mgf activates dormant muscle cells. And, thereby, increases their number. Which results in changing your natural physiology. After all, the number of cells is set individually by nature, and it is unchanged. Previously, athletes tried to achieve a similar effect with the help of GH. But the path was long, and the result was not local. Everything grew, mostly ligaments. There was a lot of advice on how to use “mechanics”. There were instructions in the box with the injection, which was very helpful. The ampoule contained 2 mg of powder or 5 units of peptide. I diluted the powder with sterile water for injection, not saline. As it turns out, this is important. We take 1 or 2 cubes of solution and inject with an insulin syringe. So which muscle should you choose? The instructions say; You can inject it subcutaneously into the abdomen, just like growth hormone. Later we noticed that it was better locally into the muscles. Both of my friends chose biceps, a friend decided to grow her buttocks. I settled on deltas. An hour before training, I divided the contents of the syringe in half and injected it directly into the middle bundle of deltas. The most interesting thing began during training. In general, I prefer to train with a large number of repetitions, but with deltoids this is a prerequisite. With this kind of pumping, the burning sensation can be quite strong, but in the case of peg mgf it forces you to hold back your emotions and tears. I pump my delts once a week, so I gave the injections once. After such a workout, you feel full, achy and hard in your shoulders all day long. From about the third injection, you begin to notice that the muscle is slowly but inevitably gaining strength. Further more. Strength also increases. From observations, it can be noted that the drug is equally suitable for both bodybuilders and lifters. What kind of fibers you pump, they add. Note: in quantity! For many women with problematic flat buttocks, this is generally a magic pill. Practice has clearly shown this. Another advantage of “mechanics” is that the muscles gained with its help do not go anywhere! During the month of vacation, I lost 4 kg of total weight, but did not lose any weight in my deltoids. In our Russian reality, there are only two unpleasant things regarding peg mgf. This is the price and the opportunity to buy a “dummy”. If you can go and donate blood with growth hormone, thereby determining whether the GH level has increased or not after the injection, then with peg mgf such tests are not yet done. Here everyone decides for themselves. Choose from a lot of offers and take a look. I opted for protein peptide pharmaceutical products from NK, since the growth hormone from this company was tested in the laboratory, and the results were impressive. And everyone liked him in action. No “tunnel” effect or water retention. And it “dries” well. It also inspires confidence that the company produces its products for the American market, and it comes to us from there. But I think there are other worthy manufacturers. Summarizing all the results, I can say that both drugs are really good, and in the case of peg mgf, I think that it has a great future. For those who fundamentally do not want to use speakers, this is perhaps the only opportunity to get closer to the level of professionals.
It's up to you. Try it.

Mechanical growth factor or MGF is a form of insulin-like growth factor (IGF). The body produces MGF in response to exercise, elevated body temperature, or the use of anabolic steroids.

The drug is supplied as a clear liquid for injection. Due to its short half-life, a polyethylene glycol (PEG) molecule is added to the mechanical growth factor. It does not reduce the positive effects of the substance, but extends the “life” of MFR.

Action of MGF

In order to explain the principle of action of the mechanical growth factor, let’s take a short excursion into the theory. The increase in muscle mass occurs due to the formation of new muscle fibers. They, in turn, are formed from myoblasts. The drug, entering the blood, intensely stimulates myoblasts and increases the number of newly formed muscle fibers. Thus, when exogenous MGF is injected, myoblasts begin to function 3-4 times harder, thereby increasing the number of new muscle cells.

Effects and side effects

Mechanical growth factor has a wide range of positive properties that attract many professional and amateur athletes. Among the main ones are:

  • increase in muscle volume;
  • increase in endurance;
  • fat burning effect;
  • stabilization of blood circulation;
  • getting rid of subcutaneous fluid;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • reduction of “bad” cholesterol;
  • ensuring correct functioning of the heart muscle;
  • acceleration of recovery processes after training.

As for the side effects, they are similar to the side effects from using human growth hormone. The most serious side effect is the risk of developing cancer cells. It should be noted that the risk is development, not education. Thus, the drug cannot cause cancer, but if such cells are present in the body, then MFR will stimulate their growth. Therefore, before starting the course, you must undergo a series of tests and consult a doctor. Other side effects in the form of headache, weakness and high blood pressure are short-term in nature, and most often do not appear at all.

Which is better - PEG MGF or MGF?

As noted above, the difference between PEG MGF and MGF is the half-life. Since the task of MGF is to influence neighboring cells from the injection site, its period of action does not exceed 5-10 minutes. Therefore, PEG MGF was created, whose period of action was significantly extended by PEGylation of the mechanical growth factor.

There are various theories and arguments on the Internet on the topic: “Which is better PEG MGF or MGF?” Unfortunately, all these arguments cannot be confirmed or refuted due to insufficient research on the drug. The only thing you can rely on is that PEG MGF is much more popular than regular MGF. Therefore, if there is demand, then the product lives up to expectations. In addition, a number of reputable sites dedicated to iron sports also incline their choice towards pegylated mechanical growth factor. It’s up to you to decide whether it’s better to take PEG MGF or MGF.

Why is it used in bodybuilding?

The main reason for the enormous popularity of MFR in bodybuilding is its positive effect on the rate of muscle growth. Other advantages include a mild post-cycle rebound (approximately 10-15%) and the absence of the need for PCT.

Another convenient property of the drug is the frequency of injections. If the pegylated form is used, then only 2-3 injections per week intramuscularly are necessary. In bodybuilding, the following dosage regimen is common:

  1. The course lasts 2-2.5 months.
  2. A single dosage of PEG MGF, which provides maximum effect with minimal risks of side effects, is 150-200 mcg.
  3. Permissible storage period of the prepared solution: 20 days.
  4. Injections are given with an insulin syringe.
  5. The best time for an injection is considered to be the period after training (10-20 minutes). During this period, the anabolic response will be much stronger than at any other time.
  6. After the course you need to take a break of 3-4 weeks. This is due to the fact that the body gradually adapts to the drug and stops responding to it.

After reading several reviews from athletes, we can conclude that PEG MGF is a fairly good drug, but it has several disadvantages that are not related to its pharmacological action. Firstly, the pegylation process is very expensive, which directly affects the cost of the drug. Secondly, the market is full of fakes. Therefore, if you decide to buy an MFR, be sure to make sure of its originality, and it is best to purchase it from trusted places.

From us you can buy peptides for sports only from trusted manufacturers!

We bring to your attention a review article on mechanical growth factor (MGF). This peptide is widely used in bodybuilding, and its pegylated version - PEG MGF - is considered one of the most popular and effective means for gaining muscle mass. First, let's tell you what a connection is.

Reception and dosage

Two methods are practiced: subcutaneous and intramuscular administration. The first option gives more uniform growth within one muscle group, and the injection gives more pronounced and local hyperplasia. Choose the option that is more suitable for you.

But the question of PEG-MGF dosage practically does not imply any alternatives. The fact is that the effectiveness of using the peptide depends on three key factors:

  • level of saturation of myosatellite cell receptors;
  • total number of muscle stem cells;
  • feedback mechanism.

Since these factors are individual for each person and determined by the characteristics of his physiology and metabolism, experts recommend adhering to the general scheme. An effective dosage of PEG-MGF is considered to be an injection of 200 mcg into each muscle (the peptide must be injected in pairs). Sodium chloride is used to prepare the solution.

How to take PEG-MGF with other sports drugs? The course can be supplemented by:

  • insulin;
  • somatotropin (growth hormone);
  • AAS (androgens and anabolic steroids);
  • IGF (long);
  • GHRP/GHRH (reducing peptides).

It is worth recalling that the effectiveness of taking any peptides depends on the quality of the drug and compliance with storage rules. We recommend purchasing PEG-MGF from a trusted online store, whose reputation is confirmed by real customer reviews.

Side effects

If you follow the dosage and do not neglect the rules of administration, you are unlikely to encounter negative aspects.

Among the side effects of PEG-MGF, one can highlight the negative impact on the musculoskeletal system, proven in studies by Chinese scientists. Also, in some cases, the peptide can accelerate the process of migration of cancer cells already present in the human body. This effect was scientifically confirmed in 2010. The peptide cannot cause the disease, but it can aggravate it. This only means that before taking it, it is better to consult with an oncologist and undergo an examination.

In conclusion, we would like to add that the PEG-MGF peptide is intended only for muscle growth. Despite its many other therapeutic benefits, we do not recommend using the drug for rejuvenation of the body, immunocorrection, prevention of cerebral ischemia (neuroprotective properties), treatment of heart disease and other ailments associated with inhibition of the synthesis of muscle myoblasts.
