Brazilian Portuguese for beginners. Learning Portuguese: where to start? Is it difficult to learn Portuguese?

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Description of the section “Books on the Portuguese language”

In this section, we provide you with free download Books on the Portuguese language. Portuguese is a language of the Romance group of the Indo-European family of languages. Developed from the medieval Galician-Portuguese language. Writing based on the Latin alphabet. It is the second most widely spoken Romance language after the closely related Spanish and one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

Portuguese speakers are collectively called Lusophones, named after the Roman province of Lusitania, which roughly corresponded to the territory of modern Portugal, and the totality of Portuguese-speaking territories is Lusophonia.

In addition to books, the site has Portuguese audio courses. We highly recommend the book “Visa to Portugal - Audio Course of the Portuguese Language”. The book contains more than 400 necessary words, phrases, and expressions. All everyday topics, from greetings and words of politeness to questions that will help you not get lost in an unfamiliar city, find the right place, register at a hotel, explain yourself in a restaurant or store.
Also includes sections on meetings, dating and nightlife.

From books you will learn that Portuguese writing is based on the Latin alphabet, with a number of diacritics. The principle of “as you hear is how you spell” is observed less consistently in Portuguese than in Spanish, which is why Portuguese is somewhat more difficult to learn.

You can also download Portuguese language tutorials. The tutorials are very easy to learn. The material will contain words first in Russian, then in Portuguese with transcription. For a better understanding of diction, listen to the pronunciation in audio files.

Knowing the Portuguese language will help in many ways - you have decided to relax in sunny Portugal, you are going to meet friends, or you are going to start a partnership. In any case, knowledge of Portuguese will be, if not a big plus, then a good assistant in achieving your goals.

Portuguese using the method of Elena Shipilova

The author of the channel and professional teacher Elena Shipilova gives the most basic Portuguese language course, consisting of 7 lessons. This course for beginners will help if superficial knowledge is required.
Visitors to the channel will be able to learn about tenses and study the main verbs of the Portuguese language, Elena will talk about the rules of composing sentences.
The channel has added video lessons for learning other languages ​​in the same concise form - you can learn other popular languages, for example, English, German, Italian.

Portuguese with Roman Stelmakh

The channel's host, a Ukrainian immigrating to Portugal, talks about Portugal in Russian. His YouTube page contains many video lessons with materials for learning, including the Portuguese language.
Here you can master the initial level of language proficiency, raise your level, and get to know Portugal and its peculiarities. A visitor to the channel will be able to learn about Portuguese cuisine and other features of the country.

Portuguese lessons with Elena

The visitor will find video courses of Portuguese for beginners on the channel. The author of the channel is a native speaker, she has lived in Portugal for more than 10 years and will talk about how to behave in everyday situations where Portuguese may be needed. Subtitles and explanatory captions appear in the video as needed. Audio lessons on Portuguese pronunciation are available.
All training takes place in Russian. The materials do not claim to be a full-fledged course, but they can be a good help in learning the language. Short videos will help you get acquainted with Portuguese cuisine, study and life.

Portuguese with Sandra

A charming teacher with an elegant accent, Sandra, will tell all the guests of the channel about Portuguese in Russian. Here you can find Portuguese courses for beginners and tourists. There is a video about the most common mistakes made by learners of Portuguese. All information is presented in a non-standard, interesting way, designed to remember the lessons for a long time.

Portuguese with Amir Ordabayev

Amir will help you learn the language using Michel Thomas’ special method for Russian speakers. The channel's materials will help those who want to improve their level of proficiency in Portuguese to achieve their goal; there is also a video for beginners to learn the language. Training materials are usually given in the form of presentations with explanations in Russian and Portuguese, which will help improve grammar and pronunciation. On the channel you can also find videos about traveling around the world.
The author of the channel is a polyglot, so on his channel you can also find materials for learning other languages ​​- English, German, French, Dutch, Kazakh and many others.

Portuguese with Skylcclub online

The authors of the channel promise that after completing the classes, the student will be able to speak a foreign language and negotiate with foreigners.
The channel contains materials for learning Portuguese, English, German and Russian as a foreign language. Regarding the Portuguese language, the channel has videos that will introduce the initial level of learning - listeners will become familiar with grammar, be able to expand their vocabulary and learn how to learn the language faster.

Portuguese ranks sixth in the world after Chinese, English, Spanish, Arabic and Russian. It originated, like all other Romance languages, from folk Latin. Surprisingly, the Portuguese language in our country is still considered an exotic language. The number of people learning Portuguese is much lower compared to those learning English, German, French or Spanish. Lingust decided to correct this situation by giving you the opportunity to get acquainted with this language.

Currently, the Portuguese language exists in two main varieties - European and Brazilian, which differ in phonetics and vocabulary. In the tutorial presented on the website Fatima and Uwe Brauer() presented European version of Portuguese, however, the features of the Brazilian version are noted in the pronunciation lesson and a separate lesson is also devoted to them, as well as five voiced texts, perhaps later there will be more texts in Brazilian.

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Reasons to learn Portuguese

  • Want a good reason to learn Portuguese? Why don't you like the phrase "sixth place" at the very beginning of the page? This is more than 240 million people, which is about 2.5 times more than German speakers, and almost 2 times more French speakers. And these 2 languages ​​are the most popular in the whole world, not counting English.
  • Get to know Portugal and its capital, Lisbon, one of the oldest cities in the world and one of the most convenient for living. Taste the famous Portuguese port wine. Take your first surfing lessons, as this is the center of the European surf movement. Visit torada - a bullfight in which the animal is knocked to the ground with almost bare hands. Listen to Fado - the music of the Portuguese soul. And much more.
  • Of course, Brazil, the largest Portuguese-speaking country, with its special attractive image of rhythm and color, with its vast beaches, tropical forests, exotic plants and wildlife, resonating music, dance, football, etc. While studying the lessons on the site, start listening to Brazilian speech , and in the end you will understand both versions of the Portuguese language, because for the most part the difference is only in some sounds, and you can get used to them.
  • Besides Paulo Coelho, how many writers do you know? (writing in Portuguese) And there are many of them, and you need to know about them. Luis de Camões, for example. His poem "The Lusiads" is a true national epic. Comoens has been compared to Dante, Virgil and Shakespeare. Jose Maria Esa de Queiroz: his novels enjoyed pan-European success; Emile Zola ranked him higher than G. Flaubert. But how much do these names tell you? There are many other great Portuguese writers: Camilou Castelo Branco ("Portuguese Balzac"), Fernando Pessoa, Jose Saramago, Jorge Amado, Joaquin Maria Machado de Assis, Carlos Drummond de Andrade and others.
  • Music is a great motivation for learning a language. Folk music Fado ( meaning Destiny) plays an important role in the national self-identification of the Portuguese, as it draws a clear line between the bright and lively Spanish rhythms, representing the exuberant and harsh Spanish character, and the soft and melancholic soul of the Portuguese people. Brazilian samba harmoniously combines music, singing and dance. In the 30s of the 20th century, samba became an exponent of the spirit of the Rio de Janeiro carnival, later, in the 40s, it received worldwide recognition and acquired the status of a symbol of the national identity of Brazil.
  • Perhaps you are a challenger. You could have just taken up Spanish, it’s easier. Portuguese has much more complex phonetics and slightly more complex grammar. But there is an opinion that by studying Portuguese, you will be able to understand a little Spanish (Castilian); Having studied Spanish, you will not be able to understand Portuguese. It turns out that once you learn one language, you get the second one as a gift. This is, of course, a joke, but there is some truth in it.
  • Why are you teaching?

Portugal is a beautiful country with a rich historical and cultural past. This undoubtedly affected the manner of speaking. It is based on the familiar Latin alphabet and belongs to the group of Romance languages, which contributes to the ease and relative simplicity of its study.

Portuguese is the official language in 9 countries, which is more than 230 million people. And in sound and grammatical features it is very similar to classical Spanish.

Linguists distinguish 2 types of Portuguese: classical and Brazilian. They are quite different from each other in phonetics, spelling, and grammar. There are many words that, when translated, result in two different versions. This is due to the stability of the language on the territory of modern Portugal and to regular changes in pronunciation and spelling in other countries. Next we will talk about the classic book version; in 2008, the last significant changes were made at the state level.

If you study regularly 2-3 times a week and repeat the material regularly, you will be able to understand everyday topics quite well in 2-3 months. And in a year you can reach a quite decent level - speaking with a dictionary. Learning Portuguese on your own is as difficult as any other; it will take a lot of time and strong motivation.

Portuguese on your own

Learning Portuguese is quite easy, especially if you have a base of learning other languages ​​and experience doing the exercises. It is quite simple, there are only feminine and masculine genders, a minimum number of incorrectly inflected verbs.

In general, the process of learning any language consists of interconnected stages, which must be completed sequentially, adding complexity gradually. Difficult tasks in the first stages of training can kill any enthusiasm completely. The results of each school day should be tangible - this could be a new word, rule, or analysis of a famous song. It is best to share your achievements with like-minded people.

At the first stage, they traditionally get acquainted with pronunciation and “try” the sound of words by ear. Typically, a minimum of text and a maximum of graphic materials are used here:

  • the alphabet and pronunciation of some letters and syllables;
  • learning simple monosyllabic words and concepts, most often as examples of the sound of individual letters;
  • audio materials - music, simple nursery rhymes and poems in Portuguese.

All exercises are aimed at gradually getting used to the sounds of speech, improving pronunciation and broadening your horizons. Next, text materials and more complex tasks are added, aimed not only at sound, but at reading and understanding the written text. The following exercises are added:

  • written tasks related to the sound of individual words;
  • sight reading simple phrases and short simple sentences;
  • analysis of syllables and diphthongs obtained by combining two vowels or a vowel and a consonant.

At this stage, you can diversify the training with video materials for children with Portuguese subtitles to reinforce the perception of sound, pronunciation and context. It is still difficult to pronounce meaningful phrases and expressions here. But a personal dictionary appears with the first words in Portuguese and a translation, which will help you periodically refresh your memory of already learned information. By the time you read the first simple sentences, several months may have passed. A little later you need to add to the training:

  • writing letters and simple monosyllabic words to reinforce material using rote memory;
  • reading short texts of a basic level of complexity with a gradual increase in level;
  • video materials with subtitles in Portuguese to get used to spoken language.

Reading texts should cause a certain complexity and the need to use a dictionary; ideally, to learn something new, you need to understand about 70% of the text. At 90% or more, the complexity of the texts needs to be increased. You will already need methodological materials and a variety of written exercises to develop motor skills and consolidate the studied material.

Only after passing the basic stages with good results can you move on to reading books, studying grammatical and spelling rules, and watching films in Portuguese. The final stage can last indefinitely; you can improve the language all your life, because even the Portuguese themselves do not know it 100%. At this stage, you can use a complex of text, audio and video materials; you will find the following useful:

  • audiobooks and music in Portuguese;
  • adapted books from basic to high level;
  • a variety of video materials (it’s better to watch videos on interesting topics);
  • communication with native speakers in language centers, on special forums or other network resources.

These materials are available online or on bookstore shelves, so you don't have to regularly attend a language school to learn from books. But at the first stage, the help of a teacher will still save you both nerves and time. Setting your own pronunciation is a very difficult undertaking; learning the phonetic features of a language on your own is almost impossible.

How can you learn Portuguese?

These mandatory, or basic, stages will have to be completed, no matter which training option you choose. Without phonetic foundations it is difficult to pronounce words correctly, and without pronunciation of letter combinations it is almost impossible to learn to read books. There are several options for learning Portuguese (as well as any other) with the help of a teacher or native speaker. The most popular of them:

  • language schools and language courses with experienced teachers and homework;
  • online courses where you can get recommendations, help and support at all stages of training;

  • specialized chats and forums, where teachers and native speakers themselves often offer their help;
  • personal lessons with a teacher - they are much more expensive than any other options, but are great for emergency study;
  • Armed with a phrasebook and a Portuguese dictionary, head to Portugal.

A trip to a country where everyone speaks Portuguese can cost a lot of money, but it can also bring more results than a couple of years at a language school. Here you should choose according to your capabilities and desires, and also based on the timing and purpose of training. A single trip for a work purpose requires one level of language proficiency, while living in the country and working in a technical specialty is completely different.

Resources for learning Portuguese from scratch to conversational level

In addition to traditional books and educational materials, modern technologies offer various websites and applications that can greatly facilitate the entire learning process. Somewhere, methodological literature is freely available, others offer online assignments and tests, and on some sites you can watch video and audio materials.

The following 10 options can be distinguished from online services: is an excellent resource, very popular among students and young people. Here you can choose a level for yourself and learn the language in the form of a game, including through a mobile application for your smartphone.

  • Popular service for accelerated learning – Language marathon Language Heroes . Both native speakers and those wishing to improve their knowledge and communicate with like-minded people gather here.
  • A site where you can improve your knowledge of grammar, or a blog, There are a large number of articles posted here on various topics about the country, cultural characteristics, national holidays, various rules of spoken and written Portuguese speech.
  • You can sing karaoke songs and just listen to your favorite performers on the website . Easy navigation, a large number of famous compositions, divided by genre and artist, lyrics.
  • Online radio for PC or smartphone Tunein , here you can select a radio station of interest from any region of the country and listen to programs in real time.
  • Everyday phrases and spoken Portuguese can be improved using an online resource SempreFamilia . Here you can read articles, do exercises and enrich your speech with simplified everyday vocabulary.
  • Podcasts from native speakers will help you understand spoken language. On the site Audio-lingua materials are presented in 13 popular European languages.
  • Excellent exercises on Portuguese phonetics, recorded by native speakers from Brazil and elsewhere, and an interesting pronunciation guide Forvo.

  • Service for taking online courses – Memrise , including lessons in phonetics, vocabulary and spelling. Here you can select tasks according to your level.
  • For those who want to master the language from books or read famous works in Portuguese interpretation, the following online resources are suitable: Book library and light reading on various everyday topics - online magazine Veja.
  • In the Play Market and App Store you can find dozens of applications for learning Portuguese at any level. To get started, these links will be enough, and advanced students will already find additional resources to help.

Regular classes. If you want to learn something, you need to take regular and fairly frequent classes. As for language learning, at least 2-3 times a week you need to spend 2-3 hours studying new material. Or every other day, but for 40-50 minutes. If less often, everything learned is forgotten, if more often, learning quickly becomes boring

  • Self-motivation and fun. Textbooks and methodological guides will bore even the most motivated student. Diversify the process by watching funny videos, reading materials that are interesting to you, and communicating with like-minded people.
  • Tasks for daily repetition. Come up with traditions or games for yourself to memorize material: word of the day, Portugal day, 2 books a month with writing a review, etc.
  • Begin your lesson by reviewing the material you have learned. A dictionary and a personal workbook will help you not to miss important things and remember all the words. When there is a lot of material, repeat selectively from different parts.
  • Take every opportunity to exercise. It could even be a conversation with loved ones, communication on a forum or in a group, calls on Skype - speaking helps you start thinking close to the original and understanding unfamiliar words in the context of the conversation.
  • Come up with a rating system for yourself. Treat yourself to your favorite pie after finishing a big topic or treat yourself to a new blouse after successfully passing the test. This will help connect boring and difficult studies with prizes and pleasant moments. It is psychologically easier to experience difficulties combined with joyful events.
  • Don't give up immediately at the first sign of boredom. Learning a language for yourself has an unpleasant side - you can quit at any time. If the motivation is your immediate desire, then the frenzy will quickly pass, and the pleasure of understanding speech in a foreign language will come no earlier than six months to a year. To survive this period and actively absorb educational material is a difficult, but completely doable task.

Learning any language is impossible without immersion in the history and culture of the country and people. Portugal is a country that can present you with many surprises. Lisbon is a great old city with many beautiful buildings and architectural monuments. Impulsive and very active Portuguese will appeal to those who like to chat and express their emotions. Culture, holidays, traditions and customs - they are very different from Russians in all areas. And the beauty of the architecture and a large number of attractions will definitely attract you on a tourist visit. Learn Portuguese on your own and have fun, and this country will definitely reciprocate your feelings.
