Graduation with your favorite fairy-tale characters. Graduation in kindergarten "Magic Keys"

Our children do not really like the fairy tales that our parents read to us. But they enjoy watching new films based on Disney and other film studios. This is understandable, because in them even older characters are shown in a new way, with humor and in a modern way. That's why we had the idea to come up with a graduation script in kindergarten By modern fairy tales so that the children like it. Everything will happen in game form, so young graduates will not be bored. And so, we look and take new ideas for ourselves.

In a certain kingdom, in a distant state...

Here the music from the Disney screensaver plays and the good fairy appears.

No no! All wrong! What do you want to do – ruin our holiday?

On the contrary, we want to celebrate, today is our kindergarten graduation!

High school graduation?! It's easy to arrange!

The fairy waves her wand, music plays and the fairy continues.

In one distant kingdom, where a kind king and a beautiful queen ruled, a happy day has come. The students of the Royal Academy for Young Skills stood on the threshold of a significant event - their last day in the castles awaited them. Yes – it was their graduation day. And so the holiday begins.

Children enter the hall in pairs to the accompaniment of solemn music. They can come in and walk around beautifully. You can go to the waltz, spinning in it.
When the children have walked, they stand in one line.

Here they are - our young beauties and young fellows - our graduates and the hope of the kingdom!
During the years that they spent within the castle walls, they learned a lot. They had best teachers and educators who were invited by the king himself from all over his vast kingdom. The teachers taught the children to read, write and other sciences. And they are already ready to do the next one important step In my life.

Music plays and Puss in Boots appears.

Puss in Boots:
Do you know who I am? That's right - I'm a cat in boots. I helped one baron arrange his life and I will help you. But you just have to try for this! You are ready?

Playing with children is a profession.

You need to prepare pictures, for example: different equipment, scissors, computer, sports equipment and so on. All the pictures lie upside down on the table so that no one can see them. Children take turns choosing any picture, looking at it and telling Puss in Boots and other guests what this item is and what profession it is needed for. And so all the children take turns.

Puss in Boots:
Well done, you can cope without me. That's why I go where my help is needed. But finally, I want to listen to beautiful poems from you.

Children recite poems in the form of a skit. A skit about professions and how adults help children choose a profession.

Absolutely all the heroes of fairy tales live in our fairy-tale kingdom. And today many of them came to us for the holiday. We welcome a new guest!

Rapunzel appears.

Hello, dear children! Good afternoon parents! Do you recognize me? As soon as I found out that it was your graduation, I immediately decided to attend the celebration. Look at my hair - see how long it is and how it is braided. Surely mothers of girls know how difficult it is to braid their hair every morning and straighten their hair again in the evening. That's why I want to play with moms. You are ready?

Game with moms.

Each team has three mothers. They have three different colored ribbons. Each mother holds one ribbon, and the other ends of the ribbons are held by the teachers. At Rapunzel's command, mothers must begin to braid their hair from ribbons. At the same time, you cannot let go of the ribbons from your hands, and you need to squat under the ribbons, step over them and do everything else to braid the braid. The winner is the team that braided the hair first and did not break the rules.

It looks something like this:

Did a great job. I could trust you with my hair too. Now let's play with the children!

Playing with children.

We divide the children into teams and give each team a puzzle from the cartoon Rapunzel. On command, the teams must begin to assemble the puzzle. Whichever team does it faster wins.

Great job you did! Well, it's time for me to return to my castle. But in parting, I would love to hear you sing.

Children perform a song.

You can sing an ordinary song about childhood and kindergarten, or you can come up with your own song.
Watch the video where children perform a beautiful song at graduation at a preschool educational institution:

Do you hear any noise? I wonder who it could be? Only someone very big can make such noise.

A moment later, Kung Fu Panda appears in the hall.

Here I am! How long it took me to get to your fairy-tale kingdom! It’s good that there was a path between China and the kingdom, and I walked along it and walked and now, three months later, I’m with you!

Panda! How is it possible, don’t you know that it has long been possible to reach us using more modern methods?

Yes? What are these?

Children, let's help Panda find out how to get from China to our kingdom?

Playing with children.

To play you need to prepare different sounds. For example, how a train travels, how a steamship floats, how an airplane flies, how a car drives, and so on. But you need to prepare other sounds, for example, the cry of seagulls, the sound of a stream or thunder.
We take turns turning on the sounds, and the children guess them. And then they say whether it is possible to get from China to the kingdom using this.

That's how it goes! How much different options There is. I don’t even know how I can get back now? Maybe by plane - it’s very fast. Or maybe on a boat - I’ll admire the ocean. And if I travel by train, I will see beautiful forests, fabulous lands and meet my old friends.
Yes, we need to think about this! Can you help me think? The best thing that can help me is dancing. When I look at a dance, I immediately come up with something interesting.

Children show dance.

You can choreograph your own dance or watch how other kindergarten graduates danced.
Watch the following video:

Great dance! Now I have figured out how to get to China. I'll take the train to the ocean first. Then I’ll cross the ocean by boat, and fly over the impenetrable jungle by plane. That's how I get home.

Well, our fabulous graduation is coming to an end. There's just a little time left. And we will spend this time for a reason. I know that the children have prepared poems for their parents and teachers. And now they will tell them to all of us.

Children recite poems.

But now it’s definitely time to say goodbye. But in parting, I ask all of you, children, to come to the tables. There are sheets of paper and pens on the tables. Write your goodbye wishes, and then we will hide their magic chest. And we will close the chest with eleven locks. After each year of school, one lock will open on the chest. And after eleven years, the chest will be completely open, and you will be completely grown up, you will be able to see your wishes again and remember how small you were.

Children write wishes, after which all the sheets are placed in a chest. Next, the celebration moves to the dining room, where a feast and dancing take place.


- create conditions for a festive mood and solemn atmosphere;

- call positive emotions;

- bring joy from participating in a festive event and in all types of activities at the holiday.

Equipment: costumes of holiday heroes, a satchel, a ball, stars with wishes written on them, cubes with letters.

1st presenter. Good afternoon, dear guests!

2nd presenter. Hello, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and everyone who came to the music room of the kindergarten on this exciting day for us.

1st presenter. The years fly by very quickly. Before we know it, kids become schoolchildren.

2nd presenter. Today we see off our graduates to school. A very important page in the life of preschool children has been passed.

1st presenter. Opens up for the guys new page, interesting and exciting - school awaits them. Meet the graduates.

The presenters call the names of the children who come out to bow.

2nd presenter. A difficult road ahead into the world of adulthood school life. And today they, beautiful, cheerful, smart and, of course, a little excited, came to their first prom in their lives.

1st presenter. Let us once again greet our graduates with loud applause.

There is applause.

2nd presenter. It has already become a tradition to start the prom with a wonderful dance - a waltz. So let's not give up on it. We give this waltz to all guests.

Children perform “Waltz” (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance rhythms for children”).

1st presenter. We give the floor to our guys.

1st child

Our favorite kindergarten,

The kingdom of fairy tales is golden.

We ask you not to forget

We say goodbye to you.

2nd child

Kindergarten has become our home,

Let's say in this sad hour

To your teachers:

We love you with all our hearts!

3rd child

Even the sun is shining

It became brighter above the ground,

To give us all

This is a graduation holiday.

A. Metzger

Children perform the song “Goodbye, kindergarten” (music by G. Levkodimov, lyrics by V. Malkov).

1st presenter

It is always very difficult to part with childhood.

The white boat has sailed and cannot be returned.

Memories bright feeling

It will become stronger the longer you live.

M. Ryabinin

2nd presenter. But I wonder what our guys dream about? They will tell their secret in funny ditties.

Children perform ditties.


We'll sing ditties for you


Because we are children


My years are getting older

I'll be seventeen

Who should I work with then?

What to do?

Strive for knowledge.

To become very smart

And travel abroad.


I'll run for president

I will receive presents.

I will rule the country

Increase everyone's salary.

1st girl

I want to be a star

I am not silent about this.

Without much difficulty

I'm always ready to sing.

2nd girl. I would become a teacher, let them teach me.

3rd girl. Think about what you said, children will torture you.


We sang ditties for you,

Clap, try hard.

It was you who raised us,

You figure it out.

1st teacher

Yes, there are many different professions,

But the road to them is difficult.

Become a teacher, driver,

Businessman, sailor,

Conductor and actor

President and doctor

You will remember, friends,

It is impossible without teaching.

A boy runs in with a backpack behind his back - Petya Lentyaykin.

Peter. Who said it's impossible? Here I am, Petya Lentyaykin, I don’t like to study.

2nd presenter. What a suspicious name. And you say the wrong words. It’s better to say parting words to our children, future first-graders.

Peter. Don't go to school. School years are terrible, the most, the most terrible. I have already been to first grade twice, and second grade twice.

2nd presenter. So are you a loser?

Peter. I am not guilty. I came across the wrong teachers. Take me to school with you, maybe I’ll study well with you!

2nd presenter. Okay, what is that behind your back, it looks like a backpack? There should be a diary in it. Can I see what you were assigned for reading? Here is a task to solve riddles. Have you completed it?

Peter. No.

2nd presenter. Guys, let's help Petya and do it for him homework in reading.

There is a house, whoever enters it will acquire intelligence. (School.)

If it lies on the table, then the food appears on its own. (Self-assembled tablecloth.)

What object lies on the floor at home but flies in fairy tales? (Carpet plane.)

They were waiting for mother with milk, but they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these little children? (Kids.)

While eating rolls, a guy rode on a stove,

He rode around the village and married the princess.

Who is this? (Emelya.)

What do wizards wave when they cast a spell? (With a magic wand.)

Well, Petya, we guessed the riddles and completed the reading task. Let's see what is assigned in mathematics. Did you solve the problems?

Peter. No.

2nd presenter. Guys, let's help solve the problems so that Petya doesn't get a bad mark.

May beetles lived under the bushes by the river:

Daughter, son, father and mother, who managed to count them?

Seryozhka fell into the snow, followed by Alyoshka,

And behind him Irinka, and then Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

The hedgehog gave the ducklings

Eight brand new boots.

Which one of the guys will answer?

How many ducklings were there?

Seven sparrows landed on the beds,

They jump around and peck at something without looking back.

The cunning cat suddenly crept up,

He immediately grabbed one and rushed off.

This is how dangerous it is to peck without looking back,

How many sparrows are there in the garden now?

(Six flew away.)

Petya, you need to do your homework, and then you will do well at school.

Peter. I'll quickly run to school.

Petya runs away, leaving his backpack.

1st presenter. He ran away and left his backpack behind. Let's see what else is in it. (Names the objects that are in the backpack, but does not take them out.)

Guys, let's play school. I will name the lesson for which the student must prepare. You need to quickly get those supplies that will be useful, for example, for a drawing lesson.

The game “Get ready for the lesson” is played.

Now you know everything you need to take with you to school. But the little mice from T. Efimova’s poem take not only books and notebooks:

Two mice were going to first grade for the first time.

They took pens and notebooks, each took a chocolate bar,

Paints to paint and a pillow to take a nap.

We took our clubs, we took our helmets – that’s all for a change.

And also a tape recorder to make your sleep pleasant.

The mother mouse told them:

- We need to remove the excess

So that you don’t play, and don’t jump, and don’t sleep at school.

Mama Mouse helped and packed the backpacks herself.

And now for a fun break.

Children perform a dance (chosen by the teacher).

2nd presenter. And there’s also a book in the backpack. What a beautiful book of fairy tales. Let's open it on any page and read it.

In the depths of the forest there was a hut. Anyone who entered this forest could no longer find their way back, because Baba Yaga lived in that hut.

Baba Yaga runs in on a broom.

Baba Yaga. Stop, the apparatus is not letting me down, carrying me above the ground. Wow, where did I end up? Did you take my fairy tale to read?

2nd presenter. Hello, Grandma Yaga. This is us, the guys from kindergarten. We're having fun today because it's a holiday.

Baba Yaga. What kind of fun is this all of a sudden, is it your birthday?

2nd presenter. No, the kids are going to school, and that’s why the holiday is a prom.

Baba Yaga. What kind of holiday is this, what kind of ball is this? Who gave permission for such an event?

2nd presenter. Grandma, don’t be angry, because the guys love you and have always been waiting for such a cheerful old lady to visit.

Baba Yaga. Yes, I'm so cheerful and lively. What, you don’t believe me? Well, play with me, you can even tease me, I won’t be offended.

Game "In the Dark Forest"

There is a hut in the dark forest,

It's standing backwards.

There is an old woman in that hut -

Grandmother Yaga lives.

Crochet nose, big eyes,

Like lights are burning.

Wow, how angry

My hair stands on end.

Children perform movements according to the text, and at the end of the game they run away from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga. It's okay for you to tease. Better ask, and I will sing. The children applaud.

Baba Yaga sings (to the tune of the robbers’ song from the film “The Bremen Town Musicians”).

They say I'm Grandma Ezhka,

And I limp a little

It's like my nose has become a hook,

Curls, curls - all upright.


Oh, la, la, oh, they are inventing in vain,

Oh la, la, oh la, la, oh ma!

I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful

And you laugh in vain,

Take a better look

My whole soul is inside.


And I don’t like to dance alone. Come on, where are my gentlemen? (He brings several boys onto the stage and dances with them.)

Oh, I’m tired, I’ll sit and look at the girls.

2nd presenter. Yes, our girls are very beautiful today.

Baba Yaga. Not these ones, but the ones over there that took first place in the competition because they sang a song about me. Let's meet, meet.

Children sing a song about Baba Yaga (at the teacher's choice).

We made the old lady happy, I go into a fairy tale with a calm soul. Study well at school, but don’t forget to look into fairy tales, because “There is a lie in a fairy tale, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” Hey, handsome guy, come on, see the old lady off.

The boy accompanies Baba Yaga to the door of the hall and waves to her.

1st presenter

We will study at school

Definitely a "five"

In gym class

Let's play with balls.

Ball competitions are held.

2nd presenter. Our children's dream at school is to study only for “B” and “F”, to find new friends, to see their class and their first teacher sooner. Oh, I unnoticed I found myself in a fairy tale...


I hear you want to dream,

Just talk about your dream.

I look at the stars in the night sky,

Now I’ll tell you about the secrets of the stars.

I took a few stars with me,

There are already too many lights in the sky.

I know everything, the stars tell everything. Here you are, boy, I know your name is Nikita. And you dream... Oh, you’re still small to dream about this. But this girl’s name is Masha, and she dreams... oh, what a beautiful dream.

1st presenter. Suleiman, give our guys a stellar dream, because you can do anything.

Suleiman. Oh, most beautiful of stars, help me arrange my stars on your magic carpet.

Game "Our Desires"


Let's run in circles now

One after another all forward.

And the star will now show

What awaits us all in the future?

Children jump around the carpet to the music, and at the end of the music they take one star. A wish is written on the back of it. Each child reads what is written on his star. For example, I want to learn to drive a car. I will only study for straight A's. I want to find a seven-flowered flower. I will be a military man and pass all my physical education tests with excellent marks. I'll go to trip around the world on a big ship.

I'll tell you guys this:

Dream more often, and I will help.


2nd presenter. Well, let's turn another page of the magical book of fairy tales.

Three girls sit on a bench.

1st presenter

Three girls on a spring day

Were in a nice mood.

On the bench they cooed and dreamed about the future.

1st girl

If only I were a queen

Then for the whole baptized world

I would prepare a feast.

2nd girl

What a miracle, sister.

If only I were a queen

Then there would be one for the whole world

I wove fabrics.

1st girl

Canvas? Well, you say too

Why does the king need mats?

2nd girl

Do you think he needs

Burnt pancakes?

Both girls(turn to the third girl)

Why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

3rd girl

I want to study at school, I promise not to be lazy.

Because when I grow up, I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer, and be friends with mathematics.

Master geography in order to see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian, biology, French

You need to study at school to be the smartest.

1st girl

The smartest, that's how it is!

And aren't you tired?

2nd girl. Why do beauties like us go to school? We will find suitors for ourselves anyway.

The girls approach the boys and take them out to dance.

Children perform “Tango” (from T. Suvorova’s program “Dance rhythms for children”).

1st presenter. Girls dream of grooms, people dream of happiness, guys dream of school, new friends, a kind teacher and good grades.


Very soon, very soon

I'll go to school.

And for the first lesson

The bell will call me.

I'll grow up over the summer,

To make it visible to everyone,

That it's time to go

I'm in first grade.

The song “We are now students” plays (music by G. Struve, lyrics by K. Ibryaev).

1st presenter

The fairy tale is over, we are in kindergarten again,

It's time to say goodbye.

How fast our dear children are growing,

How quickly the years pass.

2nd presenter

Everything passes, but we are a little sorry,

That a page of childhood is closing.

Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten

You will never return.

And again we give the floor to the main heroes of our celebration - the graduates.

The children take flowers for the employees, and the presenters bring out cubes with letters.

1st child

Today we all stand before you,

A little tired, but proud inside.

In five years in the garden we have become more mature,

We stand handsome, no matter what you say.

2nd child

We want to say “thank you” for everything

To all those who raised us so carefully.

To everyone who treated, fed, protected

And he loved naughty people very much.

3rd child

We will never forget the teachers and nanny,

We will miss you at school and visit you sometimes.

We'll get straight A's

We will never forget you.

4th child

And our manager is a beauty,

He can handle everything.

And her work is extensive,

And thank her very much.

5th child

We are leaving kindergarten

But still, there is no need to be sad.

After all, on a golden autumn day

We will all go to school together.

But we will always remember

The first time we came here.

Children perform the song “Goodbye, kindergarten” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).


Just one word we want

Add up from capital letters,

We want it for you today

Speak with love.

Children use large cubes to form the word “thank you.”

All(together). Thank you!

The children give flowers to the kindergarten staff.

Congratulations from the head and presentation of diplomas. Congratulations to the parents.

Goodbye, kindergarten! year 2014.

(children stand at the entrance to the hall with flowers in their hands)

Ved (to parents):

Dressed up children, quiet mothers...

Our last holiday is today for you!

He was always the main one in kindergarten

Today the guys are leaving us.

(to the music, children enter the hall in pairs and pass through the center)


Today it is impossible to contain the excitement -

Your last holiday in kindergarten.

Our hearts are both warm and anxious,

After all, the children have grown up and are going to school.

These are our unique ones:

……………………………… And ………………………………….,

……………………………… And ……………………………………

(the named children come forward, make a slight bow and stand in pre-designated places)


Guys! We sincerely congratulate you!

You go to school - to study, to make friends.

We wish you all success and health

And never forget your kindergarten!

1st child:

Our kindergarten, goodbye,

We're going to first grade

And, although the parting is sad,

Don't worry about us!

Everything we've been taught

We will always remember!

We know that we were loved here,

Years passed here day after day.

2nd child:

We used to play school

But the game is over.

We are envied today

Preschool children from the yard.

This holiday is a day of farewell -

Sad and cheerful.

Our kindergarten, goodbye!

ALL: Hello, hello, school!

3rd child:

We promise - this is how we will learn,

So that everyone will finally know about us

So that you can hear this everywhere:

From "Kolobok"? Well, then, well done!

And today, on the farewell day,

We will not lose heart

We will remember our kindergarten,

Good words to remember!

4th child:

With tender sadness, “Goodbye!”

Let's tell the group we are dear,

We never parted with her,

Only on weekends.

In September other children

They will come to you in our group,

Well, we'll close the doors -

Great things await us.

5th child:

Kindergarten, thank you!
You taught us a lot
Into the world of art, singing, dancing
He opened the doors wide.

6th child:

We especially want to say

“Thank you” to the teachers!

You have so much knowledge and strength on us,

They spent their souls!

Lessons from your kindness

They are unlikely to be forgotten

After all, you are from morning until dark

They replaced our mother.

7th child:

Our group is not more beautiful -

Clean and bright all around!

Maybe at our nanny's

Five or six or ten hands?

Thanks for your effort,

For cleanliness, attention

Our ………………………………………………………

8th child:

My health is fine

Because in the morning

Exercising in a bright room

It was interesting for us!

Do physical education

We all adored

Strength, spirit, muscles

Strengthened in games!

Thank you for this,

Marina Yurievna!

9th child:

We fantasize, we play,

Putting something together

In a great mood

In an unusual office.

Knows everyone by name

And will always help us

Guzelia Rashitovna!

10 reb:

“Eni” is mom, “these” is dad,

And “gaile” means family.

Learn Tatar language

Now I will be at school.

From adults and from all the children

We are speaking:

ALL: Bik zur rahmet, Nuria Khabutdinovna!

11th child:

For feeding us deliciously,

Thanks to our chefs!

So strong and big

We couldn't grow without you!

12th child:

Thanks again to the doctors -

You saved our health.

You were kind to us

And they fed me vitamins,

And our gratitude

Even for vaccinations!

13th child:

White napkin, clean sheet,

The apron and scarf shine white!

To keep it clean, simply top class,

Our Natalya Dmitrievna took care of us!

You accepted us as babies,

Now we say goodbye to you.

14th child:

Who's in charge seriously?

The whole household? Our caretaker!

Always skillfully in her hands

Any business is controversial!

She's always fine

Paint, brooms, notebooks.

Thank you for this, Nasima Nukhovna!

15th child:

From all parents and children

Let's say "thank you" together

For our wonderful kindergarten

Our manager!

Thank you, Tatyana Alexandrovna!


16th child:

Our kindergarten staff!

From noisy and loving children

Please accept this award -

Our smiles and these flowers!

(they give flowers, sit down)

Ved: Guys! How time flies! Just recently, it would seem, you were brought here, but someone was brought in in the arms, you were so small, and today is your prom! We usually invited the kids here to say goodbye to you, but today we decided to just show them to you on the screen.



Unnoticed, oh, how unnoticed

It's time to part ways!

And already the sounds of the waltz are enchanting,

The children are spinning in a whirlwind of dance!



And we also know the poems

And now let's read them.


Ved: Guys, do you want to go to school?

Children: ….

Ved: But I know one boy, Vova, who was a very lazy person and a dreamer... However, now you will see everything for yourself...



Vovochka! Come here!

Oh, there's one problem with you!


It's just punishment with my son!

To provide education

You need to work hard!

He doesn't want to study!



I'm coming, now!

What happened to us again?

Mom /reproachfully/:

Well, son, stop sleeping!


Here's another! It would be a concern!

Mom /strictly/:


Vovka /agreeing/:

Okay, okay, I'll read it

Even though I’ve known everything for so long!


Oh, why do I need science?

I'm already quite smart!

I would like to lie down and lie down,

And dream a little...

Eh, what a waste of leafing through books,

Better once again sleep!

Sleep from all diseases

Ten times healthier!

/takes the Primer, lazily leafs through it, throws it aside, picks up Fairy Tales, flips through it, as if reading:

In some kingdom

In some state

Once upon a time there lived a King,

Great sovereign.


I wish I could become a King now!...

I wouldn't care!

I wouldn't do anything

Don't scold me...

/yawns and falls asleep over a book/

/the Tsar comes out, holding a bucket and a brush, painting the fence, singing/


In fairy tales the royal age is long,

But the Tsar is also a man!

I don't know boredom

I'm a jack of all trades!

Eh, I’ll shake the old days,

Let anyone be jealous!

I paint fences

To become more beautiful!


Hey, Tsar - sir!

Why are you working alone?

/The king fearfully runs up to the throne, puts on the crown, sits down, picks up the scepter, takes a dignified pose)


Wow, how you scared me!

How did you end up in a fairy tale?

And I decided to work hard -

I can't sit idle.


Kings are not supposed to!

The servants can handle this!

Tsar (gets up from the throne, takes off the crown, takes up the brush again)

And you, little guy, where are you from?

To advise kings?

The king must work hard

So as not to get lazy at all!

(Vovka is already sitting on the throne, wearing a crown, lounging)


Well, what kind of King are you then?

Are you always working?


What will people in the kingdom say?

If the Tsar is a slacker?


Receive guests with honor -

This is the King's work!


You may be young, but you are lazy,

Yes, and also talkative.

If you were already big -

Off with your head right away!

Give me the throne quickly!

Give back the crown!

(sits on the throne, puts on the crown)

Okay, I'll check now

Are you fit to be a king?

To lead the kingdom,

The Tsar must be literate!

Look, here are the letters in a row

They stand neatly.

Come on, have a clear head,

Make words out of them.


This is me quickly! One two Three,

Look at the word!

(puts it wrong)

Tsar: You did it wrong!

Vovka: Ah, well, yes... Now I've fixed it...

(wrong again)


Servants! Hey! Hurry here,

Punish the impostor!

Vovka (for children):

Help me at least!

Don't blow my head off!


(children make up the words “STUDENT” and “BELL”)


King, check the assignment

And put on your crown!

(points to his head)


Do you know my royal law?

Drive out of the kingdom

All the talkative idlenesses,

Careless and lazy!

(shoos Vovka away)

Ved: Oh you, Vovka - Vovka. You don’t know how to read and write, you fall asleep over your textbooks, and when you went to kindergarten, you probably didn’t like to sleep at bedtime - an hour?

Vovka: How do you know?

Ved: Yes, I know... Our kids don’t like it either.


Ved: Of course, this dance is a joke, and the guys slept well, worked out, and played, and they will sing about this to you now in their ditties.


Ved: As you can see, our children did not waste their time. But there are some guys who lose. And I’ll tell you even more - there are such evil wizards who find this time! However, first things first...


(evil wizards come out - the Old Man and the Old Lady, talking as they walk)

Old man: Yes, such a difficult day today - not a single dirty trick, not a single harm! We are also called “evil wizards”!

Old lady: It's old age! Our strength is no longer the same - we are in our old age, in retirement. When you were young, you probably remember how cleverly everything worked out!

Old man: This means we need to get our years back! And look younger! And with new strength to harm, harm and harm. (rubs his hands)

Old lady: How can we get younger?

Old man: You know, there are some guys who waste their time. So we must choose this time and take it for ourselves!

Old lady: Yes, but how will you take it, is it time? After all, it’s not a wallet! This is not a thing!

Old man: For people it is not a thing, but for us it is very much a thing! It's like sand, lost time. You just need to collect it with a broom and put it in a bag. And at the same time say the spell: “Chirliks-mirliks!” Sharanda-baranda! What left you has come to us!” And then we will knead dough from this sand, bake flat cakes, eat it and... get younger!

Old lady: Is that really true? And will I be young again? Where will our old age go?

Old man: And old age will pass on to the children. They will turn into old people instead of us, can you imagine? It’s both good for us and bad for people!

Old lady: This is great!

Old man: Quiet! Did you remember the spell?

Old lady: I ​​remember.

Old man: Then we take the bags and get to work!

(Petya appears with a backpack behind his back, assembling a transformer as he goes)

Old man: Boy, aren't you going to school today?

Peter: I? How can I not go? That’s exactly where I’m going to school now!

Old man : So the bell rang a long time ago!

Peter: Oh, I’ll make it in time! It's never too late to come to school! I want to learn how to assemble a transformer faster than Kolka, so that he won’t be confused anymore!

(continues to play, at this time the Old Man opens the bag)

Old man:

(sweeps it into a bag, Petya goes backstage. Zina comes out and hits the ball as she goes)

old lady : Oh, girl, how cleverly you play ball! Won't you be late for school?

Zina: To school?

(continues to play. Having come to his senses, he catches the ball and holds it in his hands)

Oh, to school? I’ll go now, just play a little more... (continues playing)

Old lady: Chirliks-Mirliks! Sharanda-baranda! What went from you has come to us!

(Luba comes out)

Lyuba: Oh, Zina, hello! What a cool ball you have! Let's play together - you throw it to me, and I'll throw it to you!

Zina (joyfully): Come on!

Old Man and Old Lady: And to school?

Zina and Lyuba: We'll make it!

(The Old Man and the Old Lady begin to sweep into the bag, the girls, playing, hide behind the scenes)

It seems that we succeeded!

And you doubted it! Now it's time for the scones!

Well, that's me in a second! One or two and you're done!...Here, look how they turned out! Now I'll eat one!

No, I'm first!

Why are you the first? We spent time together, and I baked some cakes, so I was the first!

Let's not argue! It doesn't matter now who is first. The main thing is that we are getting younger now! Let's eat together, for 3-4!

Well, okay, come on! 3-4!

(they eat cakes. During this entire dialogue, the wizards dress up as children)

(Petya and Kolya come out to meet each other. Petya has a beard and a hat, a backpack behind his back, and the same transformer in his hands)

Peter: Hello, Kolka! Look how I've already learned!

(twists the transformer)

Kolya (confused): Hello, grandfather. How do you know me?

Peter: What are you doing, Kolka? What kind of “grandfather” am I to you?

Kolya: But we don’t know each other... Ah, you’re probably Mishkin’s grandfather?

Peter: Why did you get everything right, “grandfather” and “grandfather”! That's how I give it now, you will be a “grandfather”!

(clenches fists)

Kolya: Oh, sorry, grandpa, but I think I'll go.

(walks away, backing away)

(a ball rolls out at Petya’s feet, he picks it up and begins to play; Zina and Lyuba run out after the ball, having turned into grandmothers)

Zina and Lyuba : Grandpa, this is our ball!

Peter : Do grandmothers play ball?

Zina and Lyuba: What kind of grandmothers?

Petya: You are grandmothers.

Zina and Lyuba: Are we grandmothers?

(look at each other, scream in horror)

Zina: I'm not a grandmother, I'm Zina from 1st "b"!

Lyuba : And I'm not a grandmother! I'm Lyuba from 1st "b"!

Peter: So I’m not a grandfather, I’m Petya from your class!

(The Old Man and the Old Lady run out, turned into children, run, jump rope, have fun, shouting joyfully: “It worked! It worked!” and run away)

Ved: Our dear grandmothers and you, grandfather! Oh, I mean, I wanted to say Zina, Lyuba and Petya! Do you want to know what happened to you?

(heroes nod their heads)

Ved: I think our guys will be able to explain it to you.

Children: …..

Ved: Guys, who do you think can help them now? Maybe Old Man Hottabych? Or a goldfish? Or who else?

Children (offer):...

(Baba Yaga appears to the music)

Baba Yaga : Look, Old Man Hottabych will help them! gold fish will fulfill their wishes! What about Baba Yaga? Not a sorceress already? So you don’t believe in my magical power? Now I’ll put a spell on you all, turn you into spiders - worms, frogs - jumping frogs, you’ll know!

(begins to cast spells)

Shalds - shalds, 3 jugs without water...

Ved: Oh-oh-oh! Wait, wait! How will I “bewitch”? What kind of “frogs are jumping frogs”? Come up with one too! Such a misfortune happened here - you see? Evil wizards have bewitched children and we urgently need to disenchant them! And you, too, it seems to me, are not a very kind sorceress? Well, that’s what they say in fairy tales...

Baba Yaga : Am I not kind? How could such a thing even occur to you? Yes, there is no one kinder than me in the whole wide world!

(approaches the characters, looks at them, touches them)

Wow, what a grandfather you have here! And grandma is okay, they’re so delicious! Oh, what am I talking about?

Ved: And she said “kind”!

Baba Yaga: Yes, I am kind, kind! That's it, it came out! So you say you need help? Break the spell? This is me now, this is me in an instant! You need a magical watch to get back lost time.

(takes watch out of bag)

Stand in a circle and help me!

(children stand around their grandparents and Baba Yaga, Baba Yaga casts a spell)

Baba Yaga:

They say it's witchcraft

Nonsense and self-indulgence!

Although I don’t believe in nonsense,

Little by little I conjure:

Tsamba, dramba, scallop,

Fried bag of toads!

Kroll - trolls - profutrolls

Without mustard and without salt,

I'll conjure, whisper,

Do everything as I want!

(turns the clock hands to reverse side, the heroes turn into children again, stand in a general circle, everyone claps, shouts “thank you,” and sits down)

Baba Yaga: All I want to ask you is – why are you gathered here today? What kind of holiday is it?

Ved: I guessed it, it’s a very big and very important holiday - we’re seeing our kids off to school today.

Baba Yaga : School, school... I’ve already heard this somewhere... Ahh, I remembered! I know this song! Here, listen.

(sings): Staining a notebook with blots

And, like a chicken, write

Only get D's

And offend girls

They teach at school, they teach at school, they teach at school.

Ved: Some song you have is wrong.

Baba Yaga: Why is this “wrong”?

Ved: But listen to what they actually teach in school!

(children - “savages” go to change clothes)


(1 verse in Russian, 2 in Tatar)

Ved: Do you understand what children are taught at school? By the way, Tatar language- Same! And if you had gone to school back in the day...

Baba Yaga: Who needs it, this school of yours? And why are you going there? Maybe it’s not too late - ask your boss, maybe she’ll still keep you in the kindergarten? At school, the lessons are long and long, and the breaks are short and very short... The teachers there know little - they all ask the students more. If only it didn’t exist at all, this school of yours!

Ved: Can you imagine what would have happened then?


(2 savages stage a song)

Baba Yaga : Convinced, convinced, school is needed! Well, not for me, of course – for you! Look how big you have become!

Ved: Do you want to see what they were like before?


(2 rompers, 2 caps, 2 bottles with juice and a pacifier. 2 “babies” and 2 nannies - help the kids get dressed. Dressed kids crawl on all fours to the chairs with bottles, drink juice)

Baba Yaga: Yes, it’s so good that your kids have already grown up. Now it’s probably easy with them.

Ved: Yes, anything can happen... Children, you yourself understand, are like real perpetual motion machines. And our dance is also called that.


Baba Yaga : So what, your kids only dance and run? Do they know letters, for example?

Ved: Well, of course! They can already form words and even come up with many others from one word.

Baba Yaga: How is that possible?

Ved: But look for yourself.


(make all kinds of words from these letters, at this time Rumina changes clothes for the dance)

Baba Yaga : How well done your guys are! And at school they will become even smarter! I felt sorry for sending my Yagusik to school, but now I decided - I’ll give it away!

Ved: And we want to give your Yagusik a gift - this is such a beautiful Primer.

Baba Yaga : Thank you so much! Respected! I’ll run and make my son happy! Goodbye kids, good luck in school! See you again in some fairy tale!


Ved: I see that our guys are ready to please us with their wonderful dance “It’s in the Hat”


(after the dance Rumina changes clothes)

Ved: In the meantime, we will continue playing with the word “FIRST GRADE”.

(parents join)


Well, that's all... The time has come

The one you've all been waiting for.

You were here last time

In this elegant room.



Time flies and it cannot be returned,

You guys have gotten big.

We send you on your way today,

You said goodbye to kindergarten.

We love you all! It's a pity to leave,

But like it or not, it’s time for us to say goodbye.

Our kindergarten will remember all of you...

School is calling! It's time for you! Good morning!

(word from the head, rewarding children, presenting gifts, response from parents)

Solemn music sounds.

The presenters enter.

Ved. 1. How solemn and quiet

The hall froze, what was he waiting for?

Ved. 2. There is an old poplar tree outside the window

Rusting, the leaves sing.

Doves rose to the sky,

Starting your own round dance.

Ved. 1. And so quickly, imperceptibly

This year has flown by too.

Ved. 2. Is it possible not to love children?

Unselfishly, carefully and tenderly?

Children are our happiness on earth,

Our conscience, joy and hope.

Ved. 1. We live with care every hour,

So that the children are better than us.

Ved. 2. Our children are leaving, we know that this is how it should be!

And yet I still have a lump in my throat.

Kindergarten and dolls are being left behind.

And soon the bell will ring for them.

Ved. 1. So, meet - here they are!

Ved. 2. The best graduates!

Children's entrance. Dance.

1. Our hall is accustomed to holidays -

I saw quite a few celebrations!

I've read poetry here more than once

And my mother clapped for me.

2. How many years have we been coming here?

How many tears have been shed here at times.

Here for the first time we beat our knees,

Here they pitied and loved us all.

3. We are leaving today,

Like birds from a nest.

It's a pity I have to say goodbye

Happy kindergarten forever.

4. And today is a farewell day

We will not lose heart.

Our kindergarten will be here for a long time

A kind word to remember.

Ved. 1. So the happy, carefree years have flown by, spent in an amazing fairy-tale world called “kindergarten”

Ved. 2. And today we want to invite you on an excursion to our museum. The exhibits that we collected over the course of 5 years while the children were in kindergarten are stored here.

Ved. 1. Dear guests, today the “Museum of Unusual Things” opens its doors for you!

Fanfare sounds.

They bring in the 1st exhibit - a diaper (folded and tied with a bow)

Ved. 1. Let's remember how it all began.

Like dad was freezing at the maternity hospital,

And mommy shouted to him through the window:

- Was born! Boy! Now we have a son!

Child. Dads walk under the windows, toil.
Dads are walking around, terribly worried.
For no apparent reason they hug,
Out of nowhere they suddenly kiss.
They immediately become tearful,
And they wipe their noses with handkerchiefs...
And outside the windows there are happy mothers

Dance (to I. Sarukhanov’s song “Lyalechka in an envelope”)

Ved 1. This is how our first exhibit appeared. But time passed, the children grew up. And the time has come to go to kindergarten for the children.

The next exhibit is brought in - a pot and a jar of “tears”.

Ved. 2. When you came to kindergarten,

Boys and girls

Moms recently took off your diapers.

They drank from the nipples and sucked pacifiers.

You wanted to go to your mother and sobbed loudly.

But then a week passed, then another.

And you realized that life here is different.

Scene “On the potties” (tantamaresque)

Girl: I’m sitting on the potty, I’m sitting and crying...

Boy: I’m sitting on the potty, I’m laughing and pooping...

Girl: I don’t want to go to your kindergarten, I want to go home to my mother.

Boy: What are you talking about, it’s great here, and there are mountains of toys here.

Songs, dances and poems, and theater and dramas...

Girl: My beloved mother is still missing here!

Boy: This aunt is a teacher, she keeps counting us, counting us.

He thinks that he will lose, but we are all here as one,

Here we are sitting on the potties.

Auntie the cook cooks soup for us and a side dish with cutlets...

Girl: It would be better if we went to the store...

Boy: Why?

Girl: For chocolates.

Boy: Doctors taught us in kindergarten that sweets are harmful.

Girl: They are not healthy, their robes are pale.

Boy: This aunt is the boss here,

Everyone calls the manager

This is the ceiling

Made it beautiful here.

Girl: The ceiling, of course, is great,

Wouldn't fall on us

Boy: That she puffed up her cheeks and sat down on the potty,

Play nice with me, don’t upset these aunts.

It's boring and sad at home, I just watch cartoons,

And if you end up in kindergarten, you’ll fall over laughing.

Girl: Oh, hold on, oh, hold on,

I'll fall off the potty

So be it, they persuaded

I stay in the garden.

Boy: It will be difficult - we won’t cry,

Everything will pass by itself

Nanny will tie our shoelaces.

Auntie will sing music.

Together: Moms, don't worry,

We will find friends.

Every year your children

They will be better and more mature.

Ved. 1. You were once such little kids. Do you remember five years ago when you went to kindergarten?

1. Why didn’t you go?
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

2. I remember crying every day,
I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And someone walked around with a pacifier,
And someone wore diapers.

3. Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.

The bib saved us from the porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.

4. And if we didn’t sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
After listening to “bayushki-bayu”,
We closed our eyes.

5. They were such naughty people,
They fought with their hands and feet.
And some even use their teeth.

After the song, the children sit down.

Ved. 2. Yes, you came to us as kids, cute and funny. You knew little, played pranks and asked thousands of questions.

Ved. 1. Just like these kids.

Children enter to the music junior group. A teacher in a chef's costume, children in caps with ladles.

Playback ml. gr. We need to accumulate strength before school.

We came to your holiday,

To feed you all.

Cooks, come on boldly:

Children. Let's get down to business!

They bring in a pan of “porridge.”

Dance "Merry Cooks"

After the dance, they take gifts out of the pan and give them to the graduates, then they line up along the wall.

Playback ml. gr. The same crumbs

You have arrived at kindergarten.

We learned to stomp our feet.

Now you have grown up.

And we came to congratulate you

With the transition to first grade.

Children Jr. gr.

1. You kids today

Congratulations from the heart.

You are enrolling in first grade

And don't forget about us.

2. You are already quite big.

You are beautiful and smart.

So that we can reach you

You must stand on your toes.

3. Very soon, very soon

You are entering school.

It's time to wish

“No fluff, no feather!” to you!

4. Your dolls are sad

The bears were sad.

You need it more now

Notebooks, pens, books.

Ved. 1. Yes, it's time to say goodbye to your favorite toys.

Reb. Goodbye toys: nesting dolls, little bunny.

Yula and the cars, and you, little bear.

Farewell to all dolls, we will not forget you.

Let us go to school, but we will remember you!

Dance with toys.

After the dance, the toys are given to the kids, and the kids leave the hall to the music.

Ved. 1. And we have the next exhibit in line. So, welcome.

A pillow is brought in while the music is playing.

Ved. 2. Kindergarten is not a school.

Everyone plays all day long.

They sleep in beds at quiet times,

They are saving strength in reserve.

Sketch “Quiet Hour” (all roles performed by children)

Dev. 1. A-pchhi!
Dev. 2. Be healthy!
Playback Quiet Liza Kuznetsova!
Dev. 2. Tanya, Tanya...
Playback You again!
Dev. 2. I wish her health! What is she - deaf?
Dev. 1. I can’t hear, I was sleeping!
Playback Hush, Tanya!
Dev. 2. Lied! Is it possible? Who sneezes in their sleep?
Playback Stop it! All! With us - have you forgotten? Quiet hour!

Boy 1. Oh, look, Seryozha, a fly

On Polina's pillow

Boy 2. What kind of fly is this?

Dev. 3. Right now I’ll give you a pillow.

Boy 1. And Sveta has a dragonfly.

Play: Close all your eyes. I have no peace with you.

Boy 3. gets up.

Playback Sasha sleep! Well, what is it?

Boy 3. Do you hear Matvey snoring?

Pretends to be asleep.

Boy 4. Sneaky! You will receive it.

Dev. 4. Natasha disturbs my sleep; she pinches my hand.

Dev. 5. I didn’t bother her at all, I straightened the pillow.

Playback Children, sleep - quiet time!

I know for sure for you

Daytime sleep is still beneficial!
Let's turn on the lullaby.

And we quietly fall asleep.

Dance "Quiet Hour"

Ved. 1. And this exhibit remains in our museum, since children will not need it at school.

Ved. 2. And we meet the next exhibit.

A “milk tooth” is brought in.

Ved. 2. There is a popular saying: “If a baby tooth falls out, it’s time to go to school.”

Song "Milk tooth".

Ved. 1. And we continue our tour of the museum.

Ved. 2. Now I want to present to you the most expensive exhibit for us, here we have collected everything bad habits, which our children got rid of. Please help me bring this exhibit.

The presenters carry the jar, drop it, and the lid opens.

Ved. 1. Ah! What will happen now?

Bad Habits comes on to the music.

Ved. 1. Oh, hello aunties, who are you? Perhaps you are late guests? Come in, have a seat.

Habits laugh.

1st visit What kind of aunties are we? That made me laugh!

2 priv. And we are not guests. That's a funny teacher you have.

Ved. 1. And if you are not guests, then who?

1st visit We are your sisters.

Together. Bad habits.

2 priv. We in your group have been living with you for a long time.

Ved. 2. And our children do not have bad habits.

1st visit Oh oh! So really not? And who sat over porridge for an hour at breakfast, shedding tears?

2 priv. Who took three hours to get dressed for a walk?

Ved. 1. Yes, this happened. But this won't happen again. Our children have become adults, they are going to school, but they won’t take you, bad habits, with them.

1st visit How can they not take it? How can they not take it? We are dissenters!

2 priv. We will also go to school with them. We are nowhere without them.

Ved. 2. No way! You will part with them! At school, our children will be exemplary, neat, diligent, and they will have only good habits.

1st visit Take us, take us to school. We want to be with you.

2 priv. We have already collected our briefcases. We have everything ready. Here are our portfolios.

Briefcases are shown.

Ved. 1. I wonder what you put in your briefcases? They are too huge.

1st visit Huge? Yes, first-graders carry so much to school, their briefcases are too heavy to lift. They don’t need to buy backpacks, but suitcases on wheels.

2 priv. So we have put together everything we need. Now we'll show you.

He gets it and shows it.

Here's a pillow. I can sleep during class if I get tired.

1st visit Here's some chocolate. Get some food if you need it.

2 priv. Here's a mobile phone. Play games.

1st visit Here are the buttons. Place it on the girls' chairs.

Ved. 2. It seems like you don’t know at all what to take with you to school?

1st visit How do we not know? We know everything.

Ved. 2. Now I’ll tell you riddles about school supplies. Let's see how you guess them.

2 priv. We'll guess, of course, guess.

Ved. 2. Guys, don’t tell them the answers. And you, habits, listen carefully.

Every student must take with him to school...

1st visit Picnic. Here I have (shows) Yes, guys, did I guess correctly? A picnic to eat during class. No? What should he take? Diary? Why take it... it’s not tasty at all. What is it for? Oh, I see.

Ved. 2. To write with pens, we will prepare………

2 priv. Bed. Lie down on the bed and write to yourself. Right guys? No? And what?

Ved. 2. So that the pencil doesn’t disappear, let’s put it in...

1st visit Into the basement! Let it lie in the basement for safekeeping.

2 priv. To the channel! You need to throw it into the channel. He won’t disappear, who will hiccup him in the canal? Nobody. Right? No? Where should it be removed?

Ved. 2. You don’t know anything and don’t know how to put together briefcases. Look, you now

The guys will show you how to assemble briefcases.

Game "Collect a briefcase"

Ved. 1. This is how quickly and correctly our children collected their briefcases.

1st visit You have collected everything, only the most important things are not in your portfolios.

Ved. 1. What is the most important thing?

2 priv. Breakfast. But what about it? Mom or dad must put breakfast in the child’s briefcase. The child is hungry, and he doesn’t even have anything to eat.

1st visit Would you like us to teach your parents how to pack breakfast for school?

Ved. 1. Teach, very interesting.

Habits take out two tables.

2 priv. So that's it. (Performs actions with comments) Take a sausage, take a bun, put together a sandwich. Now we wrap this sandwich in a piece of paper and put it in a lunch bag.

1st visit Now put the apple and juice in the same bag. Now you need to tie this bag with a ribbon. So that all this does not fall apart in the briefcase. Take a ribbon and tie it. All. The first grader's breakfast is ready.

2 priv. Well, parents, have you learned how to pack your child’s breakfast?

Ved. 1. Of course, we learned. Now we will show you. And at the same time we’ll play.

Game "Collect Breakfast".

Two pairs of parents are called, mom and dad. Dad holds right hand mom for left hand or left behind the right, and with their free hands they do what their habits showed.

1st visit Well, that's it. We are ready to go to school. The children collected our briefcases and our parents provided us with breakfast. We can go.

Ved. 2. We have already told you that we will not take you to school with us. Why do we need bad habits at school?

1st visit Ah well? We taught you how to collect briefcases!

2 priv. We taught you how to pack breakfast.

Ved. 1. We taught you how to collect briefcases, but you don’t need breakfast at school. There are canteens there. Children are fed in them.

1st visit And we can teach you something else. For example, at school you have to sit at a desk like this, but you don’t know how.

Ved. 2. We can. Show me guys.

2 priv. And at school, you have to raise your hand like this, but you don’t know how.

Ved. 2. We can do the best we can. Show me, guys.

2 priv. What to do, what to do?

Ved. 1. Expensive habits. Would you like me to tell you what you need to do to get your children to take you to school with them?

Habits. Of course we want!

Ved. 1. To get your kids to take you to school, you need to develop good habits. Useful.

1st visit Exactly!!! Right.

2 priv. We need to become good! I will make it a habit to get up on time in the morning so as not to be late for school. Is this a good habit?

Ved. 1. Of course it’s good!

1st visit And I will make it a habit to do my homework on time. Is this also a good habit?

Ved. 1. Yes! This is also a good habit; this habit will be very useful for children at school.

2 priv. So, will you guys take us with you? Hooray!!!

1st visit Hooray! Hooray! Let's go again and put the briefcases together correctly. We need to get ready for school!

2 priv. Let's go to. Goodbye, guys. Meet me at school!

Habits go away

Ved. 1. The next exhibit of our museum is something special.

They bring in the box.

Ved. 1. This box contains children's dreams. Well, shall we open the box a little so that everyone can find out what children dream about?

Dramatization of "Three Friends".

Presenter: Three friends on a spring day

Were in a nice mood

They cooed on the benches

And they dreamed about the future.

Dev. 1. When I grow up,

I'll get married right away

I will choose a husband, like dad,

To meet me at the gangway.

Oh, I forgot to say:

I'll be flying in the sky.

I want to become a flight attendant

I'll go on the plane.

Dev. 2. Don’t get distracted, Mila,

Dev. 1. And then I will become a mother,

And I'll tell you straight.

What about your children, Natasha,

I won't stuff myself with porridge,

I will take them to the cinema,

Buy them popsicles!

Dev. 2. Would you like to become your daughter?

Dev. 1. You can only dream!

Dev. 2. And I want to become an artist,

To perform on stage,

So that flowers are always given,

They only talked about me.

So that I can be filmed,

The main roles were given,

I received a lot of money

I bought everything I wanted!

Why are you silent?

Are you saying anything?

Dev. 3. I will study at school,

I promise not to be lazy

Because when I grow up,

I want to become a scientist.

And study the computer

Be friends with mathematics

Own geography

To see the whole world.

Geometry and Russian,

Biology, French

You need to study at school

To be the smartest!

Host: This is what our children are like!

Everyone wants to know the world,

Let's wish them good luck

So that all problems are solved.

Ved. 2. Dear guys! We all really want your dreams to come true, so that all your wishes come true. And now I suggest you close your eyes - a surprise awaits you.

The presenters spread blue cloth on the carpet.

Ved. 2. Open your eyes. This is the magical Sea of ​​Desires. We invite girls to make their deepest wishes.

The girls walk onto the fabric, music plays, the girls dream, make wishes, and at this time the boys take the edges of the fabric and sway it. Then the boys come onto the fabric, and the girls move the fabric.

Ved. 1. The next exhibit is the graduates themselves. Look how grown up they have become, how beautiful and solemn they have become.

Ved. 2. Dear parents, from now on graduates are at your disposal. But “graduate” is a complex instrument. When purchasing any tool, we are always given instructions for use. Therefore, we give you instructions for using the graduate product.

Instructions for use of the product “Graduate”.

The product “graduate” is complex. It contains advice from educators and teachers, instructions from parents, fantasies and dreams.

The product "graduate" contains elements such as Napoleonic plans and a passionate desire to do nothing.

The “graduate” product requires special care rules.


It is not recommended to wash the “graduate” product, in other words, give it a wash;
Ironing is allowed as often as possible.

If you do not handle the graduate product with care, it may deteriorate.

If you strictly follow the rules for caring for the “graduate”, then the product can go to a new quality, becoming, for example, an excellent student.

Ved. 2. We really hope that you will handle the “Graduate” product with care.

After all, today your children are leaving our kindergarten safe and sound, so I ask the parent committee to hand over a receipt for receiving the children to our museum.

One of the parents reads from his seat


We, the parents of today's graduates. We issue a receipt stating that we actually receive our children, who have been deposited, raised and educated in kindergarten No. 5.

However, the parent committee notes one circumstance: we deposited small-sized children, but we receive large-sized ones. It is more difficult to feed, clothe, and put on shoes in market conditions. But, nevertheless, looking at the happy, beautiful and inspired faces of children, we hope that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten will help our children at school.

Let this receipt be kept in your museum. And we want to donate another exhibit to your museum.

To the music, parents march around the hall, then line up along the wall.

Genus. (commander). Experimental, parent, search group strict regime with belt-applied control in hopelessly extreme situations...

All. Ready!
Genus. (commander). Our goal:
Genus. 1. Surround our child with care, warmth, attention, so that he grows, grows, grows and grows.
Genus. 2. No, this is not the goal. The goal is to find the golden key with the help of which happiness will be ensured for our children.
Genus. (commander). And for this reason?
All. Not a day without moralizing.
Genus. (commander). Our portrait.
Genus. 1. We are all very different, but when we go in search of the golden key
All. We have the same face

At the same time, the parents hide behind a portrait depicting a searching parent
Genus. (commander). Our emblem.
All. Carrot and stick

The poster shows a belt and a sandwich.
Genus. (commander). Our parent:

One - two (walk in place)
All. Three four
Genus. (commander). Three four
All. One - two
Genus. (commander). Who walks together in a row?
All. Our parent group.
Genus. (commander). Who walks in step together.
All. Make way for us.
Genus. (commander). We are a caring people.
All. We will plow the garden for the children.
Genus. (commander). And as the kids grow up.
All. And the car is right there.
Genus. (commander). The child won't blink an eye
All. He will go to college.
Genus. (commander). How will we complete the science course?
All. We will find grooms and brides
Genus. (commander). What should we take with us on the road to help our children?
All. Money, gingerbread, a bunch of books, for growing children.
Genus. (commander). What more could they want?
All. All they have to do is chew.
They stop walking.
Genus. (commander). Oh, hard life, oh, hard times!
All. Our children are going to school, woe to us for their intelligence.
Genus. (commander). Previously, we blamed the kindergarten, but now who is to blame?
All. We will have to go to school with backpacks with them.
Genus. (commander). Attention! Preparatory group, line up! To take out the handkerchief, stand still! Bring in the scarf!
During the “March” they bring in a large handkerchief with autographs.
Genus. (commander). Dear educators, we give you this handkerchief so that you can dry the abundant tears that will fall from your eyes over the departure of your beloved children.
Genus. And no matter how bitter the moment of parting is, we would like to tell you:
All. We will remember the kindergarten and you especially.

Parents sing a song.

To the tune of “The Team of Our Youth.”
1. Thanks to the wonderful teachers,
You were a second family for the children,
And all mothers and fathers know,
It can be difficult with children sometimes.
Chorus. To captivate and teach children
Surround with your attention
And always be an example in everything,
How difficult it is to be a teacher.
2. And it’s a pity that we are parting so soon,
But time cannot be appeased or contained,
A team of the best teachers,
You could always surprise us.
3. Talents are tested for loyalty,
We have something to thank fate for
And if something happens, then immediately to this kindergarten,
We will bring all our children to you.

Genus. Thank you, bow to the ground,

Please accept us from all the children,

And also carefully, lovingly,

Teach your other children!

Children read words of gratitude to the staff, and parents give flowers at this time.

Congratulations to the watchmen

What's a song without a button accordion?

What is a kindergarten without security?

Check door locks and deadbolts

Windows, bars, and then everything again...

They will check the areas and fencing,

Running water and heating.

Can you sleep on a farm like this?

Our watchmen are not familiar with fear!

Thank you!

Congratulations to the janitor
Our yard is always in order,

The verandas are clean,

Children love it on the playground
To frolic for a reason,
This is all your merit,
Our flower beds and flowers,
Don't get sick, don't get old,
Let your dreams come true!

Thank you!

Congratulations to the laundresses

White napkin, clean sheet,

The apron and scarf shine white,

To keep it clean - simply top class

Lyudmila Nikolaevna took care of us!

Thank you!

Congratulations to the chefs.

We walked outside, worked up an appetite,

The chefs cook deliciously -

You will be healthy and fed!

We tell the cooks:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Go around the white light -

There are no better dishes than yours!
Thank you!

Congratulations to the caretaker.

In whose hands always skillfully
Is any matter controversial?
Who's in charge seriously?
The whole household? Our caretaker!
She's always fine
Paint, brooms, notebooks!

Let the enthusiasm sparkle in your eyes,
And it’s not good for you to be sick.
Let's break up. The hour has struck.
Remember us often!

Thank you!

Congratulations to the speech therapist.

We learned from the heart
We worked with you,
We are friends with sounds
You tried as hard as you did.
Know that we will not let you down,
You are simply our idol!
Let's start talking now
A lot and seriously!

Thank you!

Congratulations to the psychologist

Slowly, slowly,
To a big, complex life
You hold the baby's hand,
They introduced it carefully.

We followed you, barely breathing,
On the road of knowledge,
Children are no longer scared
School assignments.

Thank you!

Congratulations to the music director.

There are no more interesting things to do

More musical and louder.

We danced with you together

And they tried their best.

You taught us to sing and play and listen.

Even those whose ears were stepped on by a bear.

Thank you!

Congratulations ml. teacher

Our group is always clean.
Both the floor and the dishes sparkle.
Our nanny in the morning
Brings order everywhere.

Yes, and she teaches children
Set the table and be neat,
Every prankster, of course, knows:
Our nanny’s work needs to be appreciated.

Thank you!

Congratulations to the methodologist

To raise children correctly,
There is a lot to know.
You need to know psychology
And know physiology.

To be an ace in pedagogy,
Rhetoric and logic.
But the main thing is to be a methodologist,
Children need to be loved.

Thank you!

Congratulations from the Teachers

Thanks to the teachers
For affection and warmth.
We were next to you
And on a gloomy day it is light.
You pitied us, you loved us,
You raised us like flowers.
Dal that we can't you
Take it with you to first grade.

Thank you!

Congratulations from the manager

And our manager is simply beautiful.
She handles all tasks deftly.
And her work is extensive,

And we will thank her very much

For comfort and beauty,

For warmth and kindness,
For fresh food
And prosperity for the kindergarten!

Thank you!

The manager's word

Presentation of diplomas and gifts to children.

1. Our kindergarten, goodbye!

2. How sad it is to part!

3. And tears themselves roll from the eyes.

4. Our song is a recognition for your love and understanding,

5. Kindness and tenderness to each of us!

6. Say thank you for everything, for everything!

7. Kiss you tenderly and hug you!

8. And don’t cry and say...

All. See you soon!

Children perform the song “Parting” by the muses. etc. A. Evtodieva

Ved. 1. The ball is over and the candles are burning out,

Involuntary tears from the eyes...

After all, I won't meet you tomorrow morning

You on the site as always.

Ved. 2. And our group will be empty,

The toys by the window will be sad.

I know that children grow up,

I know it's time for them.

Child. Don't be sad, we are sad too.

Only tears are not needed now.

Tomorrow to kindergarten, tomorrow to our group

Other kids will come to you.

Final dance

After the dance, with music in the background:

Ved. 1. Our dear children, your last holiday in kindergarten. May you have many, many different holidays in your life, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most wonderful!

Ved. 2. And now we suggest that you take your balloons, the children make their deepest wishes and release the balloons into the sky.

On the street, close your eyes, make a wish, then say the words:

“Balloon, our balloon,

Fly up boldly.

And all my desires

Hurry up and do it!”

We bring to your attention an interesting and funny scenario graduation party for preschool educational institution.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten “In the Clearing of Fairy Tales”

Children with balloons They enter the hall to the recording of the song “Little Country” and dance. When finished, they run up to the audience and throw balls at them. They stand in a semicircle (girls in front, boys between them in the back).

Leading. That's all...

The time has come to part. The road will be waiting for you at school in the morning. You will now be called to class by the Forever Young and Old School Bell.

1st child.

In kindergarten today

Noise and bustle.

All the guys dressed up

Simply beautiful!

2nd child.

It's time to say goodbye to kindergarten

It has come for all of us,

Let's begin, let's begin...

All. Our preschool ball!

Children perform the song “Dreams” (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova).

1st verse.

Children (together). IN open windows flies in

A fine spring day,

And everyone dreams, dreams of happiness,

And maybe that day is not far off.

2nd verse.

1st soloist. I dream of swimming like a fish

2nd soloist. And I'm like a bird flying.

3rd verse.

4th soloist. I dream of distant countries,

I want to go around the whole earth,

5th soloist. I want to understand foreign guests

And have conversations with them.

4th verse.

Children (together).

Dreamers and visionaries

The school is always happy to wait.

We see that everyone will soon achieve their dreams

The paths of knowledge will come.

Two couples spin around as they say goodbye.

A berry girl and a mushroom boy come out.


Merry May will make noise

And it will calm down somewhere,

The dandelion will fly around,

And it will begin...

All. Summer.


We call dreamers

To the clearing of fairy tales,

The good old gnome is waiting there

Our songs and dances.

The music from the TV show “Visiting a Fairy Tale” plays softly. A stump is placed in the middle of the hall, a gnome (adult) settles down next to it: he takes a pillow, puts it on the stump, and dozes off. Children take a triangle and bells.

Children perform the song “In a forest clearing” (music and lyrics by D. Golikova). For the piano introduction, children play the triangle and ring bells quietly.


1. In a forest clearing, where there are porcini mushrooms,

In a forest clearing, where the lilies of the valley are,

There is a huge stump in a forest clearing,

There is fun all night and all day.

Tra-la-la-la-la-la, yes tra-la-la-la-la-la

Ding-ding, bom-bom, ding-ding, bom-bom,

Ding-ding, bom-bom. This is an old gnome

Settled in that stump.

During the loss, children play the triangle and bells.

2. The gnome called the little animals: his squirrel friends,

A slanting bunny, a barefoot hedgehog.

The hedgehog came with a guitar, the hare with a drum.

The squirrels are with a violin, and the gnome himself is with a lyre.

3rd child.

Sorry, gnome, our good gnome,

That your house was disturbed!

4th child.

Leave the stump, your old stump,

Get up, dwarf, it's daylight now.

Dwarf(stretching). Hello my little friends! Why are you among me? broad daylight are you welcome?

Children. We came for fairy tales!

Dwarf. For fairy tales? Do you even know what kind of gnome I am? I am a special gnome and I never tell fairy tales during the day.

Children(talking over each other). Yes, this is the famous Ole Lukoje! Dwarf. Yes, I am the famous Ole Lukoje and I work as a storyteller exclusively in the evening. So in the evening you are welcome- (Falls on the pillow, sleeps.)

Children. Ole-Lukoje! Small! Wake up!

5th child. We really, really ask you to tell us a fairy tale now.

6th child. We're going to school soon! We are in a hurry. We ask you with all our hearts!


Are you going to school? Happy for you!

I wish I could go to first grade myself!

You guys are great, I see!

Well, sit down, I ask!

Children sit on the carpet near Ole Lukoje. The song “Magic Umbrella” is performed (music and lyrics by D. Golikova).


The night wraps itself in a magic blanket, like a mother,

And the green forest, and the river - everyone needs to sleep!

At this hour, sleep comes quietly to every home,

And the good old gnome opens his umbrella.

Children(sing chorus).

Ole-Lukoye, Ole-Lukoye, tell us a fairy tale!

Ole Lukoie, Ole Lukoie, show us a miracle!


For obedient children there is a colored umbrella.

Fairy tales live on the roof there, making friends with the children.

Cheburashka and Malvina sing songs,

Winnie the Pooh and Cippolino are chewing gingerbread.

Children(sing the same chorus).

During the chorus, 5-6 girls spin with umbrellas and twirl them. When the music ends, the children go to their chairs. The girls place the umbrella open against the central wall as a decoration and also sit down.


Here they are, my magic umbrellas.

And in everyone there lives a fairy tale.

I raise the first umbrella,

I rotate it above me,

Unwind your umbrella quickly!

Fairy tale first, appear!

Oh, what is it, nothing works!

7th child.

The secret of your fairy tales has become clear to me,

They don't go into sunlight.

They are waiting for the stars in the sky, they and the moon,

And most of all, there is silence above the ground!

The Time Fairy (adult) comes out.

Fairy of Time.

Okay, I'll try!

Lilac evening, come here,

You, month, light the way to the fairy-tale world.

Girls with light lilac scarves hide behind the wide cape of the Time Fairy and then, together with her, perform a composition to the music “Ah, this evening, the lilac magician” from the film “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville” in a recording or performed by the musical director.


I raise my umbrella again

I rotate it above me,

The letters flashed quickly.

Have you, children, read them?

The letters “KR SH” are pasted on the umbrella. The children guess that this is the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by C. Perrault.

Fairy of Time. Little Red Riding Hood, we are waiting for you!

The Wolf runs out (fragment of music by E. Grieg “In the Cave of the Mountain King”).

Wolf(licks and strokes belly).

You'll have to wait a long time

Had a good lunch today!

Little Red Riding Hood runs out (fragment of the song “If it’s a long, long, long time”).
