Organizational charts of a tattoo parlor. Opening a tattoo parlor - business plan. What I have at the moment

Today, opening a tattoo parlor is a profitable type of business. This is due to the following reasons. Firstly, people have long loved to decorate their bodies with various patterns and designs. Secondly, this is due to people’s desire to express themselves. That is, a tattoo is a great way to show your individuality. Thirdly, the demand for these services is experiencing another wave of popularity. Such trends are reflected in a fairly quick payback period, which is 7 months, the break-even point is 4 months.

To open a tattoo parlor you will need to hire 8 employees. You will also need to rent a room. The minimum area is 40 m2. You can look for premises in the central part of the city for the convenience of clients. You can consider premises on secondary streets.

The main services of the tattoo parlor: tattooing and permanent makeup. On average, 150 people will be clients of the tattoo parlor every month. Of these, 90 will apply tattoos, 60 will sign up for permanent makeup. The average cost of 1 tattoo is 3,500 rubles, permanent makeup - 4,500 rubles. As a result, the financial indicators of the project are as follows:

  • the amount of initial investment - 489 000 rubles;
  • monthly profit - 118 000 rubles;
  • payback period - 9 months;
  • break even - 3 months;
  • return on sales - 37% .

2. Description of the business, product or service

Today, tattoo parlor services are experiencing a new wave of popularity. This is due to the growing desire of people for self-expression. Such trends open up great prospects for those who want to open their own tattoo parlor.

The main services of the tattoo parlor will be tattooing and permanent makeup. It is also worth noting that this activity requires licensing in accordance with the nomenclature of medical services of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. As a result, before opening a business, it is necessary to carefully study the legislative framework and prepare documents to obtain a license.

You also need to find a good room to open. The minimum area is 40 m2. The premises will include:

  • 3 treatment rooms
  • technical area
  • client reception room

It is worth noting that the premises must meet the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service. This will allow you to quickly get a conclusion and get to work. It is advisable to rent premises in former medical offices. This will allow, firstly, to reduce repair costs, and secondly, it will allow you to comply with all requirements. The premises can be located both on central and secondary streets.

Also, for high-quality work of a tattoo parlor, you need to purchase equipment. The main equipment will be:

  • tattoo machines
  • power unit
  • pedal for car
  • adjustable chair
  • autoclave for storing and disinfecting equipment
  • tool table
  • irradiator for room disinfection
  • lamp
  • cash register
  • computer
  • Printer
  • sofa
  • armchair

It is worth noting that the main requirement for equipment and premises is sterility. All equipment and premises must be disinfected after each procedure. You also need to use a lot of disposable consumables during your work. When choosing equipment, you must rely on the experience of tattoo artists, who must also have a medical education or certificates. This will help avoid significant problems with law enforcement and clients.

3. Description of the sales market

The main target audience of the salon are residents aged 18 to 35 years. Currently, tattoos have become a way of self-expression, rather than belonging to a group. The ratio of men and women is approximately the same.

Also, when opening, you need to identify the main competitors in your city. Study their prices and services. Try to identify their main advantages. This will allow your club to choose the best format and distinguish itself in front of clients.

When opening a salon, it is also advisable to already have an initial base of potential clients. This will help spread the news about the opening of the salon faster and make the first profit.

4. Sales and marketing

5. Production plan

6. Organizational structure

The full calculation of the payroll, taking into account the bonus part and insurance premiums, is presented in the financial model.

The fashionable wave of tattooing has once again covered the world, and this business can become very profitable and successful. However, having a number of significant and important features, it does not allow itself to be the destiny of any willing entrepreneur.

Tattoos have long ceased to be perceived as an integral element of the army, bikers, informals or representatives of the criminal world. Today, with its help, people express their thoughts, feelings, and worldviews. Tattoo is slowly turning into artistic painting and a special direction of art; tattoo specialists call themselves artists and craftsmen, but salons in the domestic space remain in limbo. And there are many good reasons for this.

Features and pitfalls of business

Before opening a tattoo parlor, it would be a good idea to find out that the very concept of a tattoo is not defined in any way by law. For this reason, everyone who wants to conduct business legally, and not hide in rented apartments and underground establishments, faces a number of difficulties.

  1. On the one hand, the salon can be partially equated to a treatment room. This means that every employee must have a valid medical book, but the question of whether they have a medical education remains open.
  2. The sanitary and epidemiological service will never miss the opportunity to conduct an extra check in the salon. Back in 1998, the main state. The sanitary doctor (albeit in Moscow) approved certain “Methodological recommendations”, according to which artistic tattoo parlors should be set up, equipped and functioning. However, entrepreneurs prove that it is almost impossible to follow the requirements and standards established there. The SES, as a rule, makes claims only to the premises, but also monitors the order of work. And often regulatory authorities can abuse their position due to the uncertainty of legislation.
  3. The register of labor professions does not contain such specialties as “tattoo artist” or “master of artistic tattooing and piercing.” This makes it very difficult to register employees and maintain internal documentation.
  4. Even if you consider yourself a good artist, but at the same time you have only tried to tattoo a few close friends, then it is better to invite real experienced artists to work in the salon - with a name and an established clientele, because few will go to a beginner. The tattoo community is special, so developing a reputation will be a very important point.
  5. This is a seasonal business. The flow of customers tends to increase during warmer periods, especially before the holidays. But often such visitors come with small orders: a one-time small tattoo, correction for previous work, other additional services, if you have them (permanent tattoos, tattoos or henna designs, body art, piercings, etc.). In winter, only real fans and faithful adherents of tattoos can come to you, who consciously choose designs and are ready to cover almost the entire body with them. The rest is practically simple.
  6. The caste of masters and specialists in their field has a whole set of unwritten rules. For example, they can dissuade a visiting client from getting a tattoo if they see that he is not ready for it or came following a momentary desire. A drawing should be a part of a person, because in ancient times it was not in vain that a tattoo could even change the fate of its owner. Also, many artists have their own forbidden themes (intimate places, Nazi themes, etc.). But their main law is considered to be the most responsible attitude towards the health and safety of the person who has entrusted their work to them (as you understand, we are not talking about do-it-yourselfers in the yard or at home).

So, taking into account all of the above, if you have not yet lost the desire to create this business, feel free to proceed to creating a business plan.

Distribute and organize work correctly

As with opening any other business, in order to open a tattoo parlor, you will need to draw up a clear and competent business plan. This way you can give yourself simple step-by-step instructions, predict expenses, distribute finances correctly, think about possible risks and ways out of them. Of course, this will greatly simplify your work and protect you from unnecessary unforeseen fiascoes.

  1. Thoroughly study the situation in your city. You need to know exactly how many open and operating salons with similar services already exist, how they function, what their prices are, how many clients they have, what else they offer besides tattoos, how they survive in the winter, what is the shortage, etc.
  2. Take care of the legal and financial side of the issue. This will take a lot of effort, nerves and time.
  3. Find and prepare a suitable room. Do not forget about the requirements of legislative bodies. Think about whether you will rent it (you will still have to make repairs, decorate and furnish your salon) or buy. The last option, of course, is more profitable in the long term, because then you will be investing in your own property. But it all depends on your financial capabilities.
  4. Purchase equipment, materials and other necessary attributes. Decide whether you will deal exclusively with tattoos, or provide a full range of possible services.
  5. Select staff.
  6. Engage in advertising and promotion.
  7. Meet your first client.

In order to raise the image of your salon in the eyes of the target audience and bring in an additional flow of clients, over time you will be able to think about holding various master classes in the field of tattoos, as well as opening your own store based on the salon, where you can sell equipment, consumables, decorations, etc.

Legal registration of business

Before you open a tattoo parlor, you will have to prepare and complete all the necessary documents. Since you will mainly work with individuals, it would be more appropriate to register as an individual entrepreneur. is not so simple and less profitable financially (taxation, etc.), however, this form of entrepreneurship provides more opportunities and prospects for development.

When setting up a salon as a treatment room, you will have to take care of a whole package of documents:

  • you will need a separate license only for piercing (piercing of the earlobes, wings of the nose, abdomen, eyebrows, tongue and other parts of the body);
  • if you have registered your business as an individual enterprise, then the SES may not require employees to have a medical education, but will require medical books with up-to-date and regularly performed medical examinations. Moreover, there are unspoken requirements that a client can get a tattoo only after providing an appropriate certificate from a doctor (dermatologist or cosmetologist) stating that there are no contraindications for the procedure (allergic reactions, diseases, etc.). If such a doctor is not on your staff, then you will have to send people to the clinic for examination so as not to risk it;
  • choosing a form of taxation (or - simplified system), opening a bank account for non-cash payments, purchasing a seal - these are the standard necessary steps, as when opening any other enterprise;
  • Rospotrebnadzor issues you a work permit, and you must obtain registration and certification of OKVED codes (for the entire list of services that will be provided in your salon). You should decide in advance whether you can build a business on tattoos alone, or whether it makes sense to resort to an integrated approach;
  • you will need to draw up a production control plan and keep a sanitary log where data on all inspections and other activities (sterilization, disinfection, etc.) will be entered;
  • The premises in which you plan to open must be inspected by commissions of the sanitary and epidemiological service, local administration and public utilities, fire supervision and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You need to have all the permits for renting or purchasing this property, and also obtain permission from them to be able to conduct your business.

Having formalized the activity, you can begin to deal with organizational issues.

Search and preparation of premises

Rent, as usual, turns out to be one of the most expensive business items. Of course, the more prestigious the location, the closer to the center, the more expensive the prices will be. But a tattoo parlor is precisely the type of activity where the location of the premises is not such an important point. It is not at all necessary to pay an inadequate price for rent in the center, because people will go to a real specialist to the other end of the city, out of town, and even to another city.

Sometimes budding entrepreneurs rent space in existing beauty salons, hair salons, spas or fitness centers. There, your costs will be kept to a minimum, and such cooperation can be very mutually beneficial at first. If you want your establishment to be completely independent, then you will have to spend a lot of effort finding a suitable premises, because it must meet numerous requirements of SES, SNIP and others:

  • it is necessary that you already have all the infrastructure and connection to all communications;
  • standards of natural and artificial lighting, ventilation and air conditioning must be observed;
  • if the premises are located in a residential building, then it must have a separate entrance. Also, based on other sanitary requirements, in the room where the procedures will take place, the floor, ceiling and walls must be washable to ensure sterility. For one master's workplace it is necessary to allocate at least 12 square meters. m. area;
  • Inventory and auxiliary materials should be stored in a separate room;
  • You will also need to equip a toilet, a room (utility room) for staff’s outerwear and special clothing, and, if possible, a wardrobe with a waiting room.

So, to open a salon you will need a room of 15–30 square meters. m, which will meet all the requirements and standards of government agencies. If you manage to rent a room where a dental or massage office was previously located, then it will be with conditions as close as possible to what you need.

If this is not your property, then you should not invest in major renovations. Make a small redevelopment to make it convenient for the craftsmen to work. The main thing is the atmosphere, the original design, but don’t copy others, but rather create something of your own. You can make a gallery of your artists' works to decorate your salon.

Equipment and types of services

The wider and more diverse the range of your services, the more profit your business will generate, and the easier it will be for you to withstand competition and avoid downtime. In any case, first study the existing demand so as not to get into trouble, because equipment and materials cost a lot.

The basic kit you will need includes:

  • special tattoo machines (it’s better to take professional and expensive ones, because you won’t earn much with cheap ones). Usually the master uses 3 types of machines in his work - with one he applies a contour, with the help of another he paints over this contour with color, and with the third he applies shadows;
  • sets of needles and paints for tattoos;
  • piercing kit;
  • device for permanent makeup;
  • laser equipment for tattoo removal (if you provide such a service);
  • packages of flash sets or tattoo sketches;
  • stencils for temporary tattoos and paints for body art;
  • various consumables and other materials (disinfectants, analgesics, gels and ointments with anesthesia effect, napkins, gloves, sterilizers, shoe covers, medical masks, caps, aprons, sheets, etc.).

If you are going to equip a store for sale, you will have to take care of installing shelving or display cases. Don’t forget about the necessary furniture in the salon:

  • table or couch for the client;
  • a separate special chair, which will have many modes and the ability to adjust height, tilt, etc.;
  • An LED lamp will help you create ideal lighting that will not distort colors, and you will also need an irradiator to disinfect the room;
  • Equipment for a sterilization room also costs quite a lot. Experts say that it is better to use autoclaves, although they are more expensive, since dry-heat ovens can easily ruin the entire instrument.
  • also purchase office equipment (a computer for processing drawings, a telephone printer), hangers, a sofa or chairs for waiting visitors, a table in the reception area where you can lay out catalogs with descriptions and photographs of your work, a TV.

You will have a lot of expenses, but that is not all that is needed to open a tattoo parlor.

Search for masters

As mentioned above, this moment is almost the most difficult in the whole process. Professionals value their work highly enough and already have their own clientele. Why should they come to you? Unless you can interest them in some way (as a rule, this is expressed in almost half of the revenue).

Single practitioners are a problem in the tattoo business, which is why there are so few truly large and successful tattoo shops. With piercings, body art or permanent makeup, things are somewhat simpler.

However, the personnel issue can still be resolved. There are several ways:

  • If you are a master yourself, then all that remains is to develop a name, style and authority. Your work will speak for itself over time. Experts advise obtaining at least a secondary medical education in order to have minimal knowledge about the anatomy and features of the human body, as well as about medicine. drugs. It is also necessary to constantly improve your skills as a craftsman and artist;
  • you can train newcomers and future employees (there are many advanced training courses or even training in this art from scratch). Each master can form his own “school”, and then the students, already practicing, develop their own style and develop in the profession;
  • collaborate with other specialists and craftsmen.

Remember that the popularity of your salon depends on the qualifications of those who work for you. Here, mistakes are almost impossible to correct, so you have no right to make them.

Tradesmen's salaries usually depend on how many clients they serve. That is, with the popularity of the salon, the experience of the master and the increase in the number of satisfied visitors per day, the interest rate will also rise.

You can do your accounting remotely, but whether to hire an administrator and a cleaner depends on the situation.

Promotion and advertising

Due to the specific nature of your business and small client audience, you cannot do without advertising. You need to be heard and known. To do this, you can use a variety of methods: print advertisements in specialized newspapers, magazines, put them up in the form of posters, leave business cards and advertising booklets in beauty salons and spa salons, massage parlors, hairdressers, fitness centers. You can also invest in outdoor advertising on buildings and a large, beautiful sign.

Create a website and invest in its promotion. Be sure to list all the services provided there, indicate the price list, post photographs of your best or exclusive works, and reviews from grateful clients. Use social networks and forums to spread information about yourself.

There are also specialized tattoo festivals, exhibitions and conventions. Participation in them is necessary and very useful for everyone who wants to gain a thorough foothold in this business.


How profitable and successful your salon will be depends on who will work in it and how you promote it. On average, experts estimate the profitability of this business at 20–30%.

Approximate costs

(prices are in rubles)

Now you know how much it costs to open a tattoo parlor. As you can see, the initial investment is very impressive. Depending on the city (the capital or a small town, the cost of rent, equipment and other factors, the figure can range from half a million to several million rubles. However, having developed a good client base in the first year, you will recoup the investment in your business in 1.5– 3 years.

With proper organization of the business and good craftsmanship, your tattoo parlor will begin to generate a stable high income.

  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
    • Monthly expenses
    • Monthly income
  • Business technology

Business plan for opening a tattoo parlor in rented premises in a city with a population of 350 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to our calculations, opening a tattoo salon for one workplace will require about 800 - 850 thousand rubles:

Description of services provided

Prices for services in our salon will be set at average market levels. So, a tattoo measuring 3x4 cm will cost from 1000 rubles. On average, an hour of work will cost the client 3,000 rubles, and re-covering an old tattoo will cost from 2,500 rubles. In addition, the salon plans to provide a number of other services: permanent makeup, piercing (including extreme and intimate piercing), body modification (scarring, implantation), training in the art of tattooing.

Download business plan for a tattoo parlor

How to start a tattoo parlor business

To open a tattoo salon, it is planned to rent a small room with an area of ​​20 square meters, located in the basement of an apartment building. This space will be enough for one master to work and receive one visitor. The foot traffic of the place also does not matter much, since most clients will go to the salon purposefully. Therefore, on such an item as rent, you can save significantly. The monthly payment will be only 14 thousand rubles. The sanitary requirements for tattoo parlors will be met in full:

  • The area of ​​the room will be at least 20 square meters. m.;
  • A separate entrance to the premises will be installed;
  • At least 12 sq. m. will be allocated per workplace. m.;
  • The ceilings, floors and walls will be painted with non-toxic paint, with the possibility of regular washing.

It is planned to employ 3 experienced tattoo artists. Requirements for applicants: a portfolio of successful work, the ability to communicate competently with clients, resistance to stress. Payment for labor will be piecework - 30% of paid work.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering this business?

Individual entrepreneurship (IP) will be registered as an organizational form. OKVED code - 93.02 “Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons.”

Which taxation system to choose for opening a tattoo parlor

UTII (“imputation”) will be used as a taxation system - this is the most profitable special regime, in which the payment will be no more than 10 thousand rubles per month. With UTII, it is not necessary to install and register a cash register, and regular sales receipts can be used to pay the buyer. Tattooing activities are not subject to licensing.

Marketing plan

There are only two tattoo parlors in our city today. Of these, only one can seriously compete with our salon, as it has a sufficient staff of experienced craftsmen, modern equipment and an extensive client base. However, this salon operates in a completely different area of ​​the city, so geographically it will not have a serious impact on the promotion of our services. The salon plans to advertise its services in different ways: distributing leaflets, advertising brochures, outdoor advertising. But the most effective, in our opinion, will be the promotion of services on the Internet. For this purpose, a business card website will be created with a detailed description of the organization’s services, prices and advantages of the salon. In addition, a decent portion of the funds will be allocated to Yandex-Direct contextual advertising.

Financial plan

High-quality financial calculations almost completely eliminate unplanned expenses, and this is the key to the success of any undertaking.

Monthly expenses

Total - 84 thousand rubles.

Monthly income

  • The average bill for the service is RUB 3,000.
  • Number of clients per day - 4 people.
  • Working days in a month - 22
  • Revenue per month - 264,000 rubles.
  • Payment for craftsmen (30%) - 79,200 rubles.
  • Income per month - 184,800 rubles.

How much can you earn from this business?

Net profit: 184,800 - 84,000 (fixed expenses) = 100,800 rubles per month. Business profitability is 38%. However, it is impossible to achieve such indicators from the first days of work. You still need to develop a client base and win the trust of visitors. According to our calculations, the salon will reach its revenue targets within 10 to 12 months after opening. That is, you can count on a return on investment only after 15–20 months of work.

We recommend download tattoo parlor business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

How to choose equipment for a tattoo parlor

To provide services and perform tattoos, you will have to purchase a large amount of special equipment. It must be of high quality, because the image depends on the machines. A professional master must have at least 3 machines. A standard set of equipment for a tattoo parlor includes:

  • A special table, but which the visitor will lie down;
  • Special armrest (there should be 2 of them);
  • Irradiator for carrying out disinfection procedures;
  • Sterilizer;
  • Apparatus for applying images - from 3 pieces.

The business will also need paints and disposable personal hygiene products - sheets, robe, slippers. If in a tattoo salon it is possible not only to apply, but also to remove the old design, you need to purchase a special device. Manufacturers of equipment for tattoo parlors from America and Europe have proven themselves to be excellent.

What documents are needed to open

The first thing you need to do when starting a business is to register an LLC. You will definitely need permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate, and local authorities.

Do I need a business permit?

A tattoo parlor must have a special medical license. In addition, each workplace in the salon is subject to certification.

Business technology

The success of a tattoo salon depends on the talent of the artists, the competent implementation of an advertising campaign, and an impeccable reputation. It is recommended to have a doctor on staff, so the client can feel more relaxed. Tattooing is a job involving blood, which is why you should be especially careful about the cleanliness of the room and the sterility of the instruments. Everything should be neat and in its place. If we talk about opening technology, then you will need to purchase equipment, rent premises and register a business. But the main thing remains the professionalism of the master. Compliance with business goals will lead to the prosperity of the salon and ensure a constant flow of clients.

It is difficult for people in creative professions to organize a profitable business. One of the exceptions is body painting masters. How to open your own tattoo parlor from scratch, what you need for this, how much money you will have to invest, and what kind of profit you can expect - a detailed business plan will provide answers to all questions.

Attitudes towards tattoos in Russia have changed greatly over the past twenty years. If earlier tattoos indicated that a person belonged to the criminal world, an informal movement or a military environment, now everyone can apply drawings and inscriptions to the body. It became fashionable, technologies and materials improved, and legal tattoo parlors appeared.

Business Features

The tattoo business has a lot in common with beauty salons, but there are also some nuances:

  1. When applying a tattoo, damage to the skin occurs, which is fraught with infection and inflammation. Therefore, increased SES requirements are imposed on cleanliness, hygiene and disinfection in the salon, and technicians must have medical records.
  2. If the salon hires workers, then difficulties arise with official registration, since the law does not include the profession of “tattoo artist.”
  3. As with doctors, people prefer to go to a tattoo artist with a good reputation, often through the patronage of acquaintances or friends. It is very difficult for a novice entrepreneur who has undergone training, but without work experience, to promote a business on his own - he will have to hire specialists with an established clientele.
  4. A massive influx of clients in tattoo parlors is observed before the start of the summer season. Tattooing is not recommended during hot months due to the negative effects of sunlight and high temperatures on the healing process.
  5. Professional craftsmen have their own customs and unwritten laws. A permanent tattoo is a painful procedure, the design remains for life, and it is problematic to remove it. Therefore, a specialist may refuse to work if he sees that the client was frivolous in the choice of topic, place of application, or has health difficulties.

The target audience of the salons consists of young people under 40 years old; older people rarely decide to be shocking.

Business plan

Taking into account the specifics of the industry, a business plan for a tattoo parlor is drawn up with financial calculations:

  • choice of range of services;
  • rental of premises;
  • equipment purchase;
  • business registration;
  • hiring staff;
  • advertising;
  • calculation of starting investments, income and expenses.

Range of services

Mostly masters offer the following services:

  1. Tattooing according to standard templates from catalogs and on individual orders. There are black and white tattoos, colored ones, glowing in the dark, creating the illusion of volume, masking skin defects. Depending on the complexity of the work, the cost varies from 2000 rubles. up to 5000 rub. for an area the size of a pack of cigarettes.
  2. Tattoo removal using laser technology. The most expensive service, costs from 50 rubles. per square centimeter.
  3. Cosmetic tattoo (tattoo). It is done to save time or correct the shape of individual parts of the face - lips, eyelids, eyebrows, cheekbones. Cost - from 2000 rubles. up to 10,000 rub.
  4. Piercing is the piercing of various parts of the body for insertion of jewelry into holes. The cost of the puncture procedure is from 500 rubles. up to 2,500 rub.
  5. Henna painting (mehendi or mehndi). This is not a tattoo, but temporary oriental-style designs that disappear after about three weeks. Cost about 600 rubles.

In addition to the standard set, you can conduct master classes for those who want to learn how to make tattoos or henna designs, sell piercing jewelry, and practice body art.


Once the list of services has been determined, you can look for premises. A good option is a room in an existing beauty salon, spa center or sports club. Cooperation with these establishments will allow you not to delve into the complexities of the standards of the SES and other authorities, as well as attract clients of your landlords.

If you open a separate establishment, then it is optimal to find non-residential premises on the ground floor of a building that previously housed a hairdressing salon or dentistry. In this case, you also won’t have to spend a lot of money on major repairs and communications. The area for placement does not matter much, although the center is preferable.

One master's workplace requires 8-10 sq. m. of space, plus a toilet, reception desk, storage room for tools and other materials. The more services you plan to provide, the more space you will need - to equip workplaces, storefronts, and place equipment.

Finishing materials must be moisture-resistant, the floor must be tiled, since after serving each client, disinfection must be carried out. The premises must have water supply, sewerage, heating, and ventilation.


Specialized tools and equipment have been developed for modern tattoo parlors. The most necessary items for work:

  • Tattoo machines. High-quality drawings are created by 3 types of machines - for contour, filling and shadows.
  • Tattoo machine.
  • Laser for tattoo removal. Costs from 150,000 rubles. up to 250,000 rubles, which is why the procedure is so expensive.
  • Chair for clients. It looks like a dental one, with the ability to change height and tilt.
  • Autoclave. Used to sterilize instruments.
  • Lamp for room disinfection.
  • LED lamp. Tattooing requires good light.

The salon needs to be furnished and purchased office equipment:

  1. Chairs for staff.
  2. Sofa or chairs for waiting visitors.
  3. Reception desk or desk.
  4. Cabinets, racks for storing tools and materials.
  5. Showcase for selling jewelry and accessories.
  6. A computer for keeping records and storing a portfolio of orders in electronic form.
  7. Camera.
  8. MFP (printer, scanner, copier).

The following consumables are used in the tattoo parlor:

  • needles and paints;
  • brushes for henna designs;
  • stencils;
  • preparations for disinfection and pain relief;
  • gloves, masks, shoe covers;
  • capes, aprons, napkins;
  • stationery;
  • catalogs with sketches of tattoos.

Experts do not recommend saving at this point in the business plan. It is better to purchase high-quality equipment and materials to eliminate the possibility of injury and infection.

You can download it here for free as a sample.


When the preparatory work on the premises is completed, before opening a tattoo parlor, it is necessary to officially register the business. The best option for the owner is to become an individual entrepreneur. Then you need to submit documents to the tax office, select OKVED and a simplified taxation system.

To open a salon, you need to get a license because the licensing system classifies tattooing as a medical service. To do this, you need to collect a package of documents:

  1. Permission from the city administration to work in rented premises.
  2. Permission from Rosportebnadzor.
  3. Permission from Rospozharnadzor.
  4. Medical license from Roszdravnadzor.

All employees of the enterprise must have medical records; measures for disinfecting the premises and sterilizing instruments are recorded in a special journal. Documentation takes from 3 to 6 months.


If the owner of a tattoo parlor is not a tattoo artist himself, then finding a good artist will be problematic. As a rule, specialists with extensive experience, reputation and a client base work for themselves.

Tattooing is a unique area, with many traditions and features. A beginner has to spend a long time learning not only the technique of stuffing, but also anatomy, studying the properties of materials and drugs. Ideally, you need to have a secondary medical and artistic education.

There are several ways to attract a master to your establishment:

  • Offer a tattoo artist who works from home a legal position, an official salary and a percentage of the proceeds.
  • Hire a part-time specialist from a competing company.
  • Pay for the training of a beginning tattoo artist.

Finding employees to perform tattooing, piercing, and mehendi painting is not so difficult. Large salons also hire a medical professional to examine clients, disinfect and sanitize equipment.

In addition to the main staff, an administrator, an accountant and a cleaner are required. At the project launch stage, these functions can be performed by the entrepreneur himself to save money on salaries.

The amount of remuneration depends directly on the qualifications of the specialist. A tattoo artist with a name works for half the cost of the order, other artists take 20-30%, other personnel receive a fixed rate.

There are very few casual visitors to tattoo parlors, so you will have to invest a large sum in a variety of advertising.

At the stage of decorating the premises, you need to order an attractive sign, come up with an original name for the salon, and install signs. When the salon is prepared for opening, you need to notify as large an audience as possible about this event using:

  1. Advertisements in the press, media, transport, on the street.
  2. Business cards and booklets.
  3. Streamers, city lights, billboards.

The site needs to be given special attention, posting not only a list of services with prices and photographs, but also important information. For example, how to properly care for a tattoo, how to choose a design, advice from tattoo artists and fans. A section with customer reviews and work samples will also be useful.

Participation in festivals, exhibitions and other tattoo-related events will help spread information about the business. In the future, you can provide discounts on services to regular customers, organize master classes and training courses.

Video: how much does it cost to open a tattoo salon?

Economic calculations

To determine how much it costs to open a tattoo parlor, you need to make an estimate of the main investments in the business. Planning future income and expenses will allow you to calculate the profitability and profitability of the project.

Investments in launching the project are:

The wider the range of services that the salon provides, the higher the cost of investment, mainly in equipment.

Fixed monthly expenses of the enterprise:

The revenue and success of the salon depends on the professionalism of the tattoo artist. If an entrepreneur hires a well-known specialist and organizes an advertising campaign, then already in the first month of operation the establishment will receive income that will cover operating expenses. If you have to attract new customers, the payback period can reach 3 years.

The average monthly income of a well-promoted salon with a sales department is about 300,000 rubles, profitability is 30%.

It is profitable to open a tattoo parlor for a tattoo artist with a high level of qualifications, and if you invest in advertising and business expansion, the success of the project is guaranteed.

To launch a small office, it is enough register an individual entrepreneur. This will simplify taxation and accounting. The activities of tattooists are not placed in a separate area, but are equated to treatment rooms.

Therefore, we choose the code OKVED 96.09.– “Provision of other personal services not included in other categories.” If you plan to sell themed accessories, register also code 52.1.– “Retail trade in non-specialized stores.”

A common feature of how to open your own tattoo parlor in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia is licensing, since permanent makeup and tattoos are medical services.

In Russia, the studio needs the following documents:

  • A certificate from the local administration authorizing work in a specific premises, purchased or rented;
  • Permits from Rospozharnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor. The main requirements for the enterprise are the presence of a fire safety system, an evacuation plan, and compliance with SES standards. To properly organize the work and avoid problems with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, familiarize yourself with MosMU in advance;
  • License for medical activities from Roszdravnadzor. Issued within one and a half months, subject to the availability of an equipped workplace. Another option is to hire a professional who already has a license.

Among the mandatory conditions– health records for employees and regular medical examinations.

To open such a business in other countries, study the recommendations of state sanitary services, documents and laws on consumer protection, and consult with a lawyer.


If you are looking for a way to open a tattoo parlor without a license, the only option is at home. But this threatens with non-compliance with sanitary conditions and large fines. In this case, we are not talking about large incomes.

Choosing a location

It is easier to fulfill the requirements of public services if there is a specially equipped non-residential space.

Good options are renting an office on the ground floor of a residential building (high-rise building in the “heart” of a residential area, any building in the city center), or in a shopping center.

Before opening a tattoo parlor, for example in a small town, find the most visited place(near a hypermarket, central square, etc.) and rent an office nearby.

Such establishments are still treated as some kind of underground, so choosing a cheaper place on the outskirts and in basements is risky. They will be afraid to come to you.

A profitable tattoo parlor is located not only in places with good traffic, but also near concentrations of potential visitors. For example, in the same building or next to hairdressers, beauty salons, fitness clubs, gyms.

To attract attention, make an attractive sign; signs at the entrance with a list of services and operating hours work well. For the development of a corporate identity, production and installation of signs and other external structures, you will need from $300.

Premises requirements

According to the SES, one workplace requires from 12 sq. m. area. To open an office for one master, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​25-30 square meters. m.

Mandatory requirements:

  1. Separate entrance;
  2. Washable floors and walls to maintain sterility;
  3. Ventilation, plumbing.

Ideally, the office should be divided into two parts - a reception area for visitors with a mini-shop (10 sq. m.) and a workshop (15 sq. m.)

The rental cost is about $350 per month; you will have to invest at least $400 in repairs and compliance with sanitary standards.

Basic services and prices

How to open a tattoo parlor and set prices for services?

The most expensive and profitable service is not drawing, but combining drawings. We also need additional services related to piercing and retail sales of earrings, tattoo and piercing care products.

  • Tattoo – $40-50 for an area of ​​90×55 mm (the average size of a cigarette pack; this is a common way to estimate the size of a design). Artistic tattoo session (2-3 hours) – $70-100;
  • Correction of an old drawing – $80/session;
  • Tattooing (permanent makeup) – $75-200 depending on the type (tattooing eyebrows, lips, etc.);
  • Temporary henna design – from $10-12;
  • Piercing – $8-40. The cheapest service is earlobe piercing. Ear tunnels, cheek and eyebrow piercings cost around $30-40;
  • Laser removal of a pattern from the body – $10/square centimeter.

Equipment for tattoo parlor

How to open your own tattoo parlor, and what is needed for this? In a tattoo salon, in addition to specialized equipment, it is necessary to purchase office equipment, arrange a place for the artist to work on creating sketches and a waiting area for customers.

Equipment for the master, appliances, furniture

  1. Laser device for drawing together – $2500-5000. Well-known manufacturers - Lasertech, ND YAG LAZER;
  2. Armchair with height adjustment, tilt, armrests - $250-300. Inexpensive models used in beauty salons are offered by Wendermann, Relax, SP Lux, COMFORT, Queen;
  3. Tattoo machine(2 pcs.) – $370-400. Verge, Vlad Blad, WTE, Storm;
  4. Pedal for a typewriter – $40;
  5. Tattoo machine(permanent makeup machine) – $500-1000. Bella, Perfect Contour, Biomaser;
  6. Autoclave for storing tools - $250-350. Black Cat, DMETEC, Tau Steril, Kasimovsky Instrument Plant;
  7. Irradiator for room disinfection - $50-60. Armed, Azov;
  8. LED lamp– up to 15 $;
  9. Table for tools – $50-70. Hairway, “Image Master”, Lemi;
  10. Computer— 450 $. HP, Lenovo, Asus;
  11. Laser color printer-300$. Canon, Pixma, HP;
  12. Sofa for clients, a desk and two chairs – $200. “Smart sofas”, Rival, Laguna, VISI.


Before opening a tattoo salon, you should purchase consumables for a month or two in advance:

  • Set of needles for tattoos (50 pcs.) – $15. Verge, Round Liner, Magnum;
  • Tattoo needles(50 pcs.) – $25. Easy Click, Biomaser, Bella, Dragon, Goochie;
  • Dye– minimum 10 colors. One tube of 20 ml costs $2.5. To begin with, we buy 5 tubes of each color, only $125. Brands - Tattoo Ink, Intenze, Millennium Mom's, Tony Polito;
  • Mehendi paint for temporary drawings (20 tubes) – $40-45. Irisk, Satrang, Shelly;
  • Piercing needles, clips, needle earrings – $15-20;
  • Other little things, such as shoe covers, disposable gloves, disinfectants – $60.

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