Pain in the wrist joint of the left hand. Causes of hand swelling. Deforming osteoarthritis of joints

This alarming symptom. Fluid retention in tissues indicates serious problems in the body. The etiology of this condition may be different. Most often, swelling indicates problems with the heart or kidneys. However, there are many other diseases that are accompanied by fluid accumulation. Next, we will consider in detail the causes and treatment of swelling of the hands. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to accompanying symptoms. After all, it may indicate a possible disease.

Heart diseases

Edema is one of the symptoms of heart failure. Swelling is more common lower limbs. However, as the heart function deteriorates, the patient develops swelling in the hands, face and torso.

Swelling is observed on both limbs and is moderate. A characteristic feature heart failure is a blue discoloration of the skin of the hands (cyanosis). The swollen areas are cold to the touch. This indicates a violation of the blood supply.

Swelling usually occurs in the evening. IN daytime There is no swelling of the extremities. This is due to the fact that in the evening the heart gets tired and begins to pump blood worse. As a result, congestion occurs in the veins, which leads to swelling in the legs and hands.

Heart failure is not a separate disease. This is a syndrome that occurs when various pathologies: heart defects, coronary disease, myocarditis. Edema is accompanied by chest pain, tachycardia, and difficulty breathing.

Vascular disorders

Swelling of the hands may be associated with impaired blood flow and decreased vascular tone. Let us consider such pathologies in more detail.

Superior vena cava syndrome is a consequence of organ diseases chest: lung tumors or cysts, neoplasms thymus gland, inflammation of the mediastinum. As a result of compression of the superior vena cava, stagnation of blood and lymph occurs in the arms, neck and shoulders. This leads to the formation of edema.

With this pathology, swelling occurs not only in both arms, but also in the entire upper body. Patients are concerned coughing with shortness of breath, weakness, fast fatiguability. The skin acquires a bluish tint due to impaired blood supply.

May cause swelling in one arm. This disease is otherwise called Paget-Schroetter syndrome. Blood flows from the arms into the superior vena cava. When a vessel is blocked by a blood clot, congestion occurs in the upper extremities. As a result, edema forms due to the accumulation of interstitial fluid.

The cause of this disease is severe physical labor. Due to the strong load on the shoulder girdle, the muscles injure the subclavian vein. This leads to the formation of blood clots. Swelling usually forms on the arm that is exposed to more stress. There is swelling not only of the hand, but also of the upper limb. The skin becomes cyanotic, patients complain of aching pain in the injured hand.

Swelling of the hands may be a sign of Steinbrocker syndrome. This condition is a consequence of osteochondrosis cervical spine. Due to impaired innervation, the tone of the blood vessels in the hands is disrupted. With this pathology, slight swelling of the hands occurs. Patients complain of severe pain in the arms and shoulder girdle, which is not relieved by taking analgesics. The skin of the fingers looks pale and smooth, and sometimes there is a bluish discoloration of the extremities. Numbness of the hands is often noted.

Decreased albumin in the blood

The hands may swell due to a decrease in albumin levels in the blood. These protein substances are responsible for retaining fluid inside the vessels. If the production of albumin decreases, then water comes out and accumulates in the tissues. This leads to the appearance of edema.

A decrease in albumin levels is a sign of the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis, cancer). Albumin is produced in hepatocytes. These cells are destroyed in liver pathologies, as a result, protein production decreases.
  2. Kidney diseases. Normally, albumin should not pass into the urine, since it cannot pass through the kidney filter. With pathologies of the excretory organs, kidney filtration is impaired. As a result, the protein ends up in the urine. At the same time, the body loses a large number of albumin.
  3. Protein deficiency in food. A lack of protein in the body can occur due to starvation or an overly strict diet. A lack of protein in food leads to decreased production of albumin by the liver.
  4. Gastrointestinal diseases. Pathologies small intestine often lead to inflammation and disruption of the permeability of its wall. Because of this, proteins from food are poorly absorbed into the blood. This leads to a decrease in the amount of albumin.

Endocrine pathologies

Swelling of the hands is observed in some diseases endocrine organs. This may be one of the signs of myxedema. The disease is characterized sharp decline functions thyroid gland. The content of hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine - decreases in the blood. These substances are responsible for protein metabolism. With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, the level of proteins in the blood drops. As a result, proteins accumulate in tissues, which leads to fluid retention and swelling.

The hands most often swell with myxedema. The skin on the affected areas is cold to the touch and dry, often covered with cracks. Hair falls out in areas of swelling. The condition of the nails deteriorates, they become brittle and thinned.

Myxedema is accompanied by bradycardia, low blood pressure, lethargy and drowsiness. Women develop infertility, and men develop impotence. Patients gain weight, experience frequent headaches and dyspeptic symptoms (constipation, nausea, lack of appetite).

Another endocrine cause edema may become Parhon's syndrome. In this pathology, the hypothalamus produces vasopressin in increased quantities. This hormone is responsible for diuresis. Excessive amounts of vasopressin lead to a sharp decrease in urination. At the same time, excess fluid forms in the body, which leads to edema.

With Parhon's syndrome, swelling appears in the hands, face and legs. The skin has a pink tint. Convulsions are observed headache, nausea and vomiting.

Lymphatic drainage disorders

Stagnation of lymph is common cause swelling. By lymphatic vessels interstitial fluid leaves organs and tissues. If these vessels become clogged, lymph accumulates and swelling of the hands and other parts of the body occurs.

Allergies can also cause swelling. After contact with irritant swelling may appear on the different areas body, and only on the hands.

With allergies, subcutaneous blood vessels dilate. Their wall becomes permeable, and fluid escapes into the tissue. This is the cause of swelling.

Oncological diseases

Swelling of the hands most often occurs when malignant tumor lungs (Pancoast cancer). The neoplasm is located under the pleura. As the tumor grows, it compresses the subclavian vein, which leads to disruption of the outflow of blood from the lower extremities.

With this disease, swelling occurs only on one arm. Not only the hand swells, but the entire limb from the shoulder to the fingertips. IN severe cases The face and neck may swell. Swollen skin has a bluish tint, with dilated veins visible underneath.

The tumor compresses not only blood vessels, but also nerves. Because of this there is strong pain and numbness in the swollen hand. The disease is accompanied by deterioration in health: headache, high fever, weakness and weight loss.

Among women

Why do women's hands swell? Swelling can be caused by the above pathologies. However, there are cases when the hands become swollen healthy women. This may be due to premenstrual syndrome. In the days before menstruation, the level of the hormone progesterone in the body drops. This substance removes fluid from the body. When progesterone decreases, water is retained in the tissues. Premenstrual syndrome is accompanied by mood swings, tachycardia, weakness, and dizziness.

Swelling of the hands can occur during pregnancy. This is not always a sign of pathology. During gestation, a woman’s body experiences major changes. The patient's albumin levels decrease and the blood's ability to retain fluid decreases. Edema can also be caused by excess salt and fluid intake.

However, swelling in the hands during pregnancy can be a manifestation of a serious pathology - gestosis. Most often, swelling is observed on the fingers and toes. This is accompanied by increased blood pressure, convulsions, vomiting, and headache. A large amount of protein is detected in the urine.

Swelling in one arm may occur in women who have undergone breast removal surgery. During surgery, the doctor excises axillary lymph nodes, since a large number of malignant cells accumulate in them. This often leads to stagnation of lymph in the upper extremities.

In the morning

Why do my hands swell in the morning? The causes of this phenomenon are not always associated with pathology. This may be a consequence of excessive consumption of salty foods and liquids at night. In addition, during sleep, lymph outflow and fluid removal do not occur as intensely as during the day.

However, swelling of the hands in the morning can also be caused by pathologies associated with a deterioration in the outflow of interstitial fluid through the lymphatic vessels and veins:

Morning swelling is not typical for heart failure. Swelling of the arms and legs is more common in the evening hours.

Allergies can also cause swelling of the hands in the morning. People often apply creams and other cosmetical tools. They can act on the body as allergens. Under their influence, the permeability of the vascular walls increases, and fluid leaks into the tissue. As a result, a person wakes up in the morning with swollen hands.

Swelling of the hand in the morning usually does not last long time. They disappear during the day. To determine their cause, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

Right hand is swollen

Swelling of the right hand is often associated with thrombosis of the subclavian vein. This disease occurs due to high physical activity on the muscles of the shoulder girdle and lower extremities. Most people are right-handed and use their right hand to a greater extent when working.

Also, swelling of the right hand can be a consequence of injuries. Swelling is observed after bruises and fractures. Swelling occurs in inflammatory diseases that affect only one limb: erysipelas, osteomyelitis, myositis.

Swelling and pain

Patients often complain of pain and swelling in the hands. If swelling is accompanied by pain, it is most often associated with inflammation of the muscles, ligaments, nerves or joints.

The inflammatory process often develops due to stagnation venous blood in hand. At the same time, toxic substances accumulate in the tissues of the upper extremities. They damage the nerves, which leads to pain. Such pathological manifestations observed in the following diseases:

  • heart failure;
  • superior vena cava syndrome;
  • thrombosis of the subclavian vein.

Pain syndrome can also be observed when arteries are compressed. This symptom is observed when lung tumors and hand injuries. Arises oxygen starvation which leads to tissue death. This process is accompanied by inflammation and pain.

A decrease in vascular tone when their innervation is disrupted (Steinbrocker syndrome) is also accompanied painful sensations. After all, this condition is a consequence of osteochondrosis. With this pathology, the nerves running from the spine to the limbs are compressed. This can cause pain in the hands.

Swollen fingers and joints

Swelling of the fingers and hands is often observed with autoimmune diseases. rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus. This is usually accompanied by severe pain due to inflammation of the joints.

Other reasons for this swelling may be hormonal disorders. With hypothyroidism and premenstrual syndrome, mainly the fingers swell.

Pain in the hands and arms can be a sign of arthritis, synovitis and gout. With these diseases, inflammation occurs in the periarticular and articular tissues. There is hyperemia of the affected areas.

Sometimes the hand appears when tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs with frequent monotonous movements of the hand (for example, when working on a computer for a long time). It is accompanied by severe pain and numbness of the fingers. This pathology is not associated with bone damage, it is caused by a pinched nerve. Swelling occurs due to inflammatory reaction in compressed nerve tissue.


Let's assume that a person's hand is swollen. What to do in this case? We found out that there can be many reasons for swelling. It is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo a diagnostic test.

Before prescribing tests, the doctor will examine and question the patient. You need to tell a specialist about everything accompanying symptoms. This will help determine what research is needed in this case.

The doctor may order the following tests:

  • general analysis urine and Nechiporenko test;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • Ultrasound of the liver and kidneys;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • chest x-ray;
  • analysis for rheumatoid factor;
  • tests with allergens.

Choice necessary tests will depend on the symptoms and examination results.

Treatment methods

Treatment for swelling of the hands is most often carried out conservative methods. To remove fluid from the body, diuretics are prescribed:

  • "Furosemide".
  • "Lasix."
  • "Veroshpiron".
  • "Ezidrex".

For edema in pregnant women synthetic drugs contraindicated. In this case, you should use herbal remedies: "Canephron" or "Phytolysin".

However, it must be remembered that the prescription of diuretics is symptomatic therapy. It is very important to treat the underlying disease that led to the swelling. The choice of drug will depend on the type of pathology. Doctors usually prescribe the following groups of medications:

  • fibrinolytics and anticoagulants (to eliminate blood clots);
  • cardiac glycosides (for heart failure);
  • hormones and iodine preparations (for myxedema);
  • venotonics (for lymph stagnation);
  • antihistamines(for allergies);
  • antihypertensive medications (for gestosis and heart disease);
  • antibiotics (for inflammation);
  • analgesics (for pain syndrome);
  • vasopressin receptor blockers (for Parhon syndrome).

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed: electrophoresis with drugs, UHF, magnetic therapy.

If the outflow of lymph is impaired, tight bandaging is used. A thick elastic bandage is applied to the swollen area. This method of therapy is a type compression treatment swelling of the hands. Instead of a bandage, you can use special gloves or sleeves, which can be purchased at pharmacy chains.

The essence of the compression method is to compress the swollen areas. The accumulated lymph cannot overcome the resistance of the elastic tissue and goes into the vessels.

Surgical treatment is used quite rarely. However, in some cases it is impossible to do without surgery. For example, if the vessels are compressed by a tumor, then it is necessary to remove the obstacle and restore normal lymph flow.

Elimination and prevention of edema at home

How to remove swelling from the hand using folk remedies? At home, you can only try to remove fluid from the body. After all, the cause of swelling is usually complex diseases that cannot be cured with traditional recipes.

However, if the swelling is not caused by serious pathologies, then you can try using the following means:

  1. If your hand is swollen from a bruise, you can wrap ice in a towel and apply it to the sore spot. This will relieve pain and swelling. However, before this you need to visit a traumatologist and make sure there is no fracture or dislocation.
  2. For swelling caused by excessive fluid intake, compresses made from infusions of chamomile, St. John's wort or nettle will help.
  3. Can be cooked diuretic tea from lingonberry leaf. You need to take 4 dessert spoons of crushed dried leaves, pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 20 minutes. This remedy is useful for swelling during pregnancy or premenstrual syndrome.
  4. A decoction of pine buds. You need to take 1 teaspoon of kidneys and boil them in a glass of water. The composition is infused for 2 hours and drunk throughout the day.

If swelling of the hands occurs frequently, but is not associated with any pathologies, then you should pay attention to your diet and drinking regimen. It is necessary to limit the consumption of salty foods. You should not drink a lot of liquid at night. It is useful to take several times a week cold and hot shower. These measures will help prevent swelling of the hands.

Human hands experience numerous loads, because we use them, carrying various objects, performing small movements, including repeated ones. Problems with the hands, primarily pain in the hands, are sometimes initial symptoms systemic joint diseases, and can also accompany diseases internal organs.


Hands are very often injured.

Hands are often subject to injury, of which there are several types. Yes, if damaged ligamentous apparatus of the wrist joint, the pain is initially sharp, later pulling, movements are painful and may be limited. If the phalanx of one of the hands is dislocated, the site of injury swells, obvious deformation is noticeable, and the frequency and number of movements are reduced. If small bones such as the lunate, scaphoid, or pisiform are dislocated, this can lead to significant impairment of the functionality of the hand, but recognizing this type of damage is quite difficult. With fractures of the hand, movement is sharply limited, the site of injury is swollen, and pathological mobility is possible. Treatment of hand injuries can be conservative or surgical. Conservative therapy consists of immobilization with plaster or orthosis, physiotherapy, massage, physical therapy. If necessary, surgery is performed to restore normal anatomical structure brushes


This is an inflammation of the tendons of the hand. If you suspect tendinitis, you should pay attention to the person's type of activity. The disease is typical for people who repeat the same type of hand movements: athletes, loaders, pianists, seamstresses. The pain is not pronounced at first, then becomes acute, especially when the hand is loaded. Patients complain of weakness when working with their hands, swelling, and sometimes crunching along the tendons. Treatment consists of eliminating stress, keeping the hand at rest for several days, and anti-inflammatory therapy ( non-steroidal drugs in the form of tablets and local forms), physical procedures. After the symptoms have resolved, you should gradually begin therapeutic exercises, warm baths for brushes. Tendinitis may recur after returning to previous physical activities.

Tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome)

In the wrist area, surrounded by bony walls and the transverse carpal ligament, the median nerve passes. It may become compressed due to a number of reasons. Among them are called professional activity(working at the computer for a long time, playing musical instruments), hormonal changes, cysts, tumors, fractures in this area. The swollen tissue puts pressure on the nerve and it becomes inflamed. The pain is severe, the hand becomes numb, and the mobility of the fingers is limited. If carpal tunnel syndrome occurs, a change in activity, anti-inflammatory therapy, fixation of the hand with an orthosis, and in some cases surgical correction are necessary.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the hand joints

In this disease, the pathology begins with damage to the cartilaginous covering of the joints of the hand. A more common cause is fractures of the wrist bones, intra-articular fractures of the fingers, especially those that have not healed properly. Arthrosis can also develop due to metabolic disorders, systemic diseases (polyarthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis). Pain occurs with loads on the hand, and when the process worsens, it also occurs at rest. Characterized by a crunching sound in the joint area, deformation, limited mobility, and swelling. Fine motor skills are impaired, which leads to the inability to perform many activities. Treatment of arthrosis is complex (chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics).

Aseptic necrosis

Enough serious illness, most often affecting the bones of the wrist. Blood supply is disrupted bone tissue, which leads to its death and resorption. This area becomes inflamed and becomes very painful both at rest and during exercise; swelling appears. Causes aseptic necrosis: bone fracture or inflammation.

De Quervain's disease

Develops with frequent twisting of the hand and grasping movements, for example, when lifting a child, knitting, or bowling. In this case, the sheath of the extensor tendon becomes inflamed. thumb brushes The pain is disturbing at the base of the first finger, there is also swelling in this area, and a crunching sound is possible when moving. To diagnose de Quervain's disease, you need to bend your thumb, press it into your palm, pinch it with your fingers, and tilt your wrist towards your little finger. This technique will cause pain at the base of the finger.

"Writing" cramp

When typing or writing for a long time, a “writing” cramp may appear, that is, a painful spasm of the muscles of the fingers. People with neurocirculatory dystonia, as well as those who are under stress, are more susceptible to this disease. When trying to write with the brush, weakness and trembling appear. Treatment consists of physiotherapy, relaxing baths, gymnastics, and psychotherapy.

trigger finger syndrome

If a person has constant hand strain (this can also occur in women), synovial membranes, covering the flexor tendons of the finger, swell, and free gliding is difficult. A bent finger becomes difficult to straighten; if effort is made, a click is heard. Over time, pain appears in the area inner surface fingers. In this case it is preferable surgical treatment– dissection of the annular ligament passing in the tendon canal. The mobility of the finger is restored on the operating table.

Gouty arthritis

Attack gouty arthritis provoked by dietary errors - consumption of meat, fatty, smoked foods, alcohol.

When urates - salts accumulate in the joints uric acid. More often the joint at the base of the first toe becomes inflamed, then the process spreads to other joints, including the wrist joint. The pain is very pronounced (burning or throbbing), which is accompanied by swelling, redness and can last up to several days. An attack of gout should be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Celebrex). Prescribed with the exception of meat dishes, legumes, alcohol, tomatoes. Outside of an exacerbation, you need to take allopurinol, which reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood.

Rheumatoid arthritis

In most cases it is systemic inflammatory disease begins with pain in the hands, namely in the joints at the base of the fingers and wrist joints. The lesion is symmetrical, the pain is more disturbing in the morning, combined with stiffness of movement. Also characterized by persistent swelling, hot skin. At a later stage, dense rheumatoid nodules and deformities of the fingers like a “swan neck” or “boutonniere” appear on the hands. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis consists of prescribing basic drugs (methotrexate), hormones (prednisolone), anti-inflammatory drugs and the use of local therapy(physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage).

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Long before the disease manifests itself, small joints of the hands can become inflamed. With low activity of the process, pain may occur in one or several joints and quickly pass. In other cases, swelling, redness, dysfunction, and persistent pain are characteristic. Arthritis is symmetrical. The muscles of the hands atrophy. The basis of treatment is cytostatic drugs, corticosteroid hormones, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes plasmapheresis is required.

Raynaud's syndrome

The fingers go numb and the skin turns pale. The provoking factor is cold, stressful situations. There is a narrowing of the blood vessels of the skin, as a result of which blood flow to the hands is limited.

Pain in the hands due to diseases of internal organs and body conditions

  1. . In some cases, a heart attack begins with pain and tingling in the hand, most often in the left.
  2. . Due to poor circulation, the hands may become more sensitive.
  3. Pregnancy. Possible numbness, tingling, pain in the hands.
  • If you notice swelling of your hands, remove all jewelry (rings, bracelets) from your hands.
  • If you receive a hand injury, immediately immobilize it and apply ice.
  • If pain occurs during exercise, it should be significantly reduced.
  • If your job involves repetitive movements that cause pain in your hands, try changing your activity or taking a break.
  • Visit a doctor if you have any symptoms: he must establish an accurate diagnosis.

Call your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • After a hand injury, the pain does not go away, swelling and stiffness in movements appear.
  • Swelling of the hand and/or redness and increased temperature of the skin.
  • A sudden tingling sensation in the hand.
  • Numbness of the hand or finger.

Prevention of hand pain

  1. Try to do every day special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the hands.
  2. Take breaks when performing repetitive motions (hammering, rowing, tennis, volleyball, golf, sweeping, knitting, etc.).
  3. Try not to stay in a position with a fixed position of your hands for a long time when reading a book or working at the computer. Do gymnastics, knead the other joints of your hands with your fingers. Keep your posture.
  4. When working with vibrating objects, use special gloves with vibration-absorbing material.
  5. Use equipment when playing sports.
  6. Try not to overcool your hands.
  7. Avoid smoking and consume less caffeine. These substances narrow blood vessels, as a result, blood in the required volume does not flow to the hands.

These measures can prevent injuries and some diseases of the hands.

My hand is swollen, what should I do? What is the reason and how to eliminate this annoying phenomenon?!

Edema itself is an accumulation of fluid in tissues various organs and limbs, while the volume of the skin cavity increases. The cause of edema can be: external factors, and internal. In any case, if your hands are swollen, this is a signal that there has been a failure in the functioning of the organs in the body.

Symptoms of hand swelling

If the hand is swollen, then it is easy to notice with the naked eye, simply by comparing it with the hand of another person. As a rule, the process of swelling of the hands begins with swelling of the fingers. You can conduct a mini-test: apply a little pressure on the supposedly swollen tissue; on healthy skin, the imprint will disappear quickly.

Often the swelling of the left hand is much stronger than the right. The reason is that left hand less exposed to various loads, and therefore blood flow in this limb is slowed down.

Swelling of the hands is usually detected in the morning and disappears during the day. But even in this case, it is worth seeking advice from a specialist. If such a problem is chronic, this indicates serious violations functions of some internal organ. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible, even if complete absence pain.

Causes of hand swelling

Let's try to get acquainted with the most common reasons why the hands swell.

Poor nutrition

Swelling of the hand may be a result overuse any liquid shortly before bedtime. Overeating, drinking alcohol and salty foods can also cause swelling of the limbs. By reviewing your diet and diet, you can easily get rid of this phenomenon.


Very often there is swelling of the hands later pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with the occurrence of the so-called tunnel syndrome, when fluid stagnates directly on the wrists, causing impact (pressure) on the nerve, so often with severe swelling, the hands hurt. Diet and healthy image life - best prevention swelling. But you should still tell your doctor about such problems.


Bruised hand or broken finger. In this case, inflammation is a natural reaction of the body. It is necessary to apply a cold compress and consult a traumatologist.

Allergic reaction

Hands may become swollen and itchy after contact with various detergents. By eliminating the allergen, the swelling will go away on its own within 24 hours. To alleviate the condition, you can take antihistamines.


The swollen appearance of your hands may be side effect from taking a new medicine. It is worth stopping taking the drug and contacting the doctor who prescribed it to you to replace or reduce the dosage.

Kidney disease

For the most part, edema is associated with kidney diseases, because they are responsible for the balance of water in the body. In addition to the hands, other parts of the body may swell. Characteristic general bad feeling, problems with urination. You should not treat it yourself; serious consequences are possible.

Heart failure

Most of all, swelling at night occurs due to heart failure and deterioration of blood flow. Features of such edema: develop slowly, are symmetrically located, and are accompanied by shortness of breath. As heart failure increases, cardiac edema develops. They start from the feet and rise higher as the disease progresses.

Lung diseases

Swelling of the arms can also be a symptom of the development of lung disease if it is accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes in the armpits. It is extremely important to contact your GP and begin treatment.

Painful swelling of the hand


Very often the cause of hand swelling is rheumatism. This is a systemic inflammatory disease connective tissue, mainly affects the joints in the body. Clinical picture: the joints of the hands hurt, swelling appears in the affected area, itching, fingers go numb. Rheumatism is very serious and dangerous disease, since it can spread to the skin, internal organs and affect the brain. If you refuse treatment, “rheumatoid” nodules appear on the skin, and joint mobility may be lost. It is impossible to get rid of the disease completely, but it is very important to start therapy for rheumatism in time and stop its development.


Arthritis of the hands does not only occur in older people; it is characterized by swelling of the hands and severe pain. The cause is usually an infection. The peculiarity is that the disease develops quickly and leads to loss of hand mobility. The patient loses not only his ability to work, but also the ability to cope independently in everyday life. The main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow the treatment prescribed by him, then the destruction of the joints can be stopped


Age chronic illness, which is characterized by gradual deformation (wear) of cartilaginous plates. The most common joint disease in the world. Treatment requires integrated approach, Maybe surgical intervention.


A condition of swelling of the soft tissues of the extremities. It occurs due to a failure in the outflow of fluid through the lymphatic vessels. Symptoms: pain, weakness, limited joint mobility, the skin in the affected area becomes thick and pale.


What to do if swelling of your hands prevents you from doing your usual activities? The first thing that is necessary is to find out the reason for this phenomenon. You can do this yourself, but we recommend that you consult a specialist, as you should not underestimate the problem of edema. Before going to the doctor, you can ease your condition a little with the help of the following tips:

  • It is necessary to improve blood circulation in the wrist by removing any constrictive jewelry
  • Limit liquid intake
  • Organize contrasting hand baths
  • If your joints hurt, then apply painkillers (such as Voltaren, Diclofenac).
  • Make small physical exercise. It is recommended to perform them in the evening, a couple of hours before bedtime. Swimming, running, cycling, etc. are best suited as a last resort, easy charging.

Your health is in your hands, so it’s worth taking care of them. There are many reasons for hand swelling, and they are different for everyone. Therefore, entrust the solution to your problem to a specialist who can not only make a correct diagnosis, but also prescribe effective treatment.

Pain in the hands: causes, symptoms and treatment

The hands are constantly under stress, because every day we do small things with our hands or perform some complex tasks. When your hands hurt, this is a signal of diseases of the joints or internal organs. Read more about the causes and characteristics of hand pain in the article.

Hand injuries

When the ligaments of the wrist joint are damaged, it is felt at first sharp pain, then pulling, moving the brush becomes painful, movements are limited. When the phalanx of the finger is dislocated, swelling appears at the site of injury, and this part becomes deformed. But dislocation of the lunate, scaphoid, pisiform and other small bones affects the function of the hand and is difficult to recognize. If there is a fracture of the hand, movements are sharply limited, the site of injury swells, the hand may move pathologically, and the crunching of fragments can be heard. A plaster cast or orthosis is used to fix the fracture. Usually the doctor prescribes physiotherapy with massage, physical therapy. Sometimes to restore normal structure brushes, perform surgery.

Tendonitis due to overload of the hands

If you are engaged in strenuous activity, the tendons in your hand become inflamed. People who repeat the same type of hand movements are at risk, for example, athletes, loaders, pianists, seamstresses. The pain gradually turns from minor to acute, especially with exertion. Weakness appears in the hands, swelling is noticeable, and the tendons “crunch.” You need to start treatment by reducing the load so that the hand rests for at least a few days. Non-steroidal drugs and physiotherapy help with a gradual transition to special gymnastics. Warm baths relieve tension well.

Features of tunnel syndrome

This syndrome is also called carpal tunnel syndrome, in which the median nerve is compressed (it runs in the area of ​​​​the bone walls and the transverse carpal ligament). Among the reasons, experts highlight professional activity - long hours of work at the computer, playing musical instruments, plus changes in hormonal levels. Provocateurs can be tumors, cysts or fractures. Due to tissue swelling, the nerve is compressed and inflamed. In addition to the pain, there is noticeable numbness in the hand, and it is difficult for the fingers to move. goes numb, mobility of fingers is limited. With this syndrome, you need to change activities, undergo therapy, surgical correction(if necessary), fix the hand with an orthosis.

Deforming osteoarthritis

It is believed that the cartilaginous covering of the joints of the hand is damaged due to fractures of the wrist bones, intra-articular fractures of the fingers (especially if they are not fused correctly), impaired metabolism and systemic diseases(for example, polyarthrosis with rheumatoid arthritis). Pain appears during loading of the hand and even at rest (this is an exacerbation). Crunching of the joints is combined with deformation of the hand, limitation of movements and swelling. It is difficult to do fine work due to impaired fine motor skills. Arthrosis is treated comprehensively - chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory drugs, physiotherapy, massage, gymnastics.

Aseptic necrosis

There is poor blood flow to the bone tissue, so it dies and dissolves. Inflammation causes pain during rest and work, and swelling is noticeable. The causes of aseptic necrosis can be fracture and inflammation of the bone.

De Quervain's disease

Frequent twisting and grasping movements of the hand are fraught with inflammation of the sheath of the extensor tendons of the thumb. This happens, for example, if you often pick up a child, knit, or play bowling. There is pain at the base of the first finger, swelling is visible, and sometimes there is a crunching sound during movement. To determine whether you have this disease, bend your thumb, press it into your palm, pinch it with your fingers, and tilt your wrist towards your little finger. If there is no pain, everything is fine.

"Writing" cramp

Painful spasms in the fingers appear after long periods of typing or writing. Often a “writing” cramp is a companion cervical osteochondrosis, neurocirculatory dystonia and stress. When trying to continue working after a cramp, the hand weakens and trembles. Physiotherapy with relaxing baths, gymnastics, and psychotherapy is definitely needed.

trigger finger syndrome

Constant overexertion of the hand (or during menopause), the synovial membranes that cover the tendons of the fingers begin to swell. As a result, a bent finger is difficult to straighten, and the applied efforts respond with a click. Then with inside fingers there is pain. Surgery is recommended to restore finger mobility.

Gouty arthritis

One of the signs of gout is the accumulation of uric acid salts (urate) in the joints. The process begins with inflammation of the joint at the base of the big toe, moving further, including the wrist joint. Swelling and severe pain in the form of throbbing or burning may last for several days. Sore spot blushes. You can cope with the help of Diclofenac, Celebrex, a strict diet (refusal of meat, beans, alcohol and tomatoes). After an exacerbation, allopurinol reduces the amount of uric acid in the blood.

Rheumatoid arthritis

At first they hurt wrist joints and at the base of the fingers. The lesion is symmetrical, hinders movement, the pain is worse in the morning. In addition to swelling, the skin at the site of inflammation is hot. You can notice rheumatoid nodules with finger deformation on late stages. Treatment requires methotrexate with prednisone, medications to relieve inflammation, massage with exercise therapy and physiotherapy.

Systemic lupus erythematosus

Before the disease manifests itself, inflammation begins small joints brushes. The pain may appear and go away for a short time, but it happens that persistent pain with swelling and redness does not go away for a long time. Atrophy and impaired hand movements are possible. Treatment is based on cytostatic drugs, plus corticosteroid hormones, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Blood purification (plasmapheresis) may be necessary.

About Raynaud's syndrome

The differences between the syndrome are numbness of the fingers and their pallor due to cold and stress. The blood vessels narrow and blood flows poorly to the hands.

Pain in the hands as signals from the body

The harbinger is often pain and tingling in the left hand (sometimes in both or just the right). The sensitivity of the hands increases with, since blood circulation within the body is impaired. Your hands may feel sore, tingling, and numb during pregnancy.

If your hands become swollen, remove all jewelry from your hands. If your hands are injured, you need to fix them motionless and apply cold. When you feel pain after exercise, reduce it. A break or change of activity is recommended when working with repetitive movements when pain in the hands appears. Only a specialist will make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment if: pain does not go away for a long time after a hand injury, there is swelling and movements of the hand are constrained, redness and heat skin at the site of injury, as well as when the hand or fingers are numb.

Prevention methods

Special exercises that strengthen the muscles of the hands are effective. If you have to repeat the same movements many times during your work, take breaks more often. Changing your body posture and the position of your hands helps, for example, while reading or at the computer. Warming up the fingers and joints of the hands and straight posture are helpful. Special gloves help reduce vibrations when working with vibrating objects, and equipment helps reduce the load when playing sports. It is better not to overcool your hands, not to smoke and to consume less caffeine so that the blood vessels do not narrow and blood flows well to the hands.


It always appears on the hand heavy load. Every day people do something with their hands, sometimes perform complex tasks, work all day at the computer. If your hands are sore, this is a signal: pathologies of the joints or internal organs have arisen.

Why does my hand hurt?

There can be many reasons for pain. For example, increased loads arising due to violation of the rest and work regime. The joints of the hand receive microtrauma and hurt if there is a strong load on them.

Unpleasant sensations in the hands can occur if a person suddenly begins to do intense physical exercise. As a result:

  • sprains;
  • bruises;
  • microtrauma.

Pain in the left hand may indicate a cardiac problem, such as ischemia. Another reason is pinched nerve of the cervical or thoracic spine. Similar signs occur in patients who suffer from osteochondrosis or other pathologies associated with hernias, protrusions and injuries to cartilage tissue.

In advanced situations, the innervation of tissues may be disrupted, this leads to the fact that muscle tissue atrophies, a person completely loses control over fine motor skills hands

Other causes include inflammation of the ligaments of the hand and peritendinitis. The problem is related to working on a laptop for a long time. And pain manifests itself even with light pressure. Inflamed joints also indicate infectious processes or disorders in the body's autoimmune system.

When pain occurs in the hands, the reasons can be different: from disease to injury. For example, if the hand is swollen, this is sometimes associated with damage to the thin bones in the phalanges of the fingers.

With symmetrical joint damage, inflammation and hyperemia, rheumatoid arthritis can be suspected. This disease worries not only pensioners, but also children and adults.

If there is numbness in the fingers, there is a suspicion of problems with blood circulation in the upper limb. The problem may be caused by an uncomfortable position during a night's rest or the wrong choice of clothing: too narrow sleeves or gloves.

If the hand hurts when a person clenches it into a fist, this indicates inflammatory processes or salt deposits.

Diagnosis of hand joint diseases

Identify diseases of the hand joints in order to prescribe later complex treatment, difficult. In addition to conducting a survey and collecting patient complaints, the doctor carries out clinical examination. Sometimes manual muscle testing is used, for example, to determine what sensations arise when bending the wrist.

In order to more accurately diagnose the problem that caused pain in the hand, instrumental diagnostics may be prescribed:

  • X-ray;
  • ultrasound;

If your wrists are swollen and painful, the cause may be a disease of the heart, blood vessels, or endocrine system. More often similar symptom talking about diabetes mellitus or myocardial infarction, pre-infarction state.

The same symptoms may indicate other pathologies and disorders: vitamin deficiency, problems with hormonal levels. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo diagnostics, because a diagnosis cannot be made only by the presence of signs.

Painful sensations may indicate tendinitis - inflammation in the tendon tissue. With such diseases, the patient is concerned about weakness in the hand, crunching, swelling and exacerbation of pain.

A doctor can diagnose osteoarthritis of the wrist joint - a disease that develops with fractures and improperly fused bones, sprained ligaments, metabolic problems, calcium deficiency, and systemic diseases.

As a result of diagnosis, the doctor can determine necrosis. Other symptoms include:

  • death of areas of bone tissue;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • strong painful sensations while moving your hands, at rest, when touching;
  • swelling, rupture of carpal capillaries.

Thanks to diagnostics, it is possible to establish gout, de Quervain's disease, and lupus erythematosus. Raynaud's syndrome and other pathologies.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a person has pain in his hand when bending, what to do - go to the hospital. Because this symptom may indicate inflammation or salt deposits, it can be difficult to know which doctor to make an appointment with. If you have pain in your hands, consult:

  • traumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist.

When severe pain is associated with damage, contact a surgeon or traumatologist. If the joints are swollen, inflamed and numb, come to a rheumatologist. Signs of carpal tunnel syndrome require consultation with a neurologist.

Sometimes it is difficult to establish the cause of the disease, so you need to undergo comprehensive examination see a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist.

You need to make an urgent appointment with a doctor if:

  • pain in the limb lasts more than 2 days;
  • fingers and palms lose sensitivity;
  • discomfort becomes more intense if a person experiences physical activity;
  • pain is accompanied by deformation of the joints or the entire hand;
  • it is difficult to move the joints of the hand;
  • pain is accompanied by swelling;
  • my hands hurt, it’s hard to bend my fingers.

How to treat pathologies?

Treatment directly depends on what caused it. If your joints and hands hurt, what to do: make a diagnosis. For example, if the pain is caused by injuries: fractures, ligament ruptures, sprains. Timely treatment helps to quickly restore the functions of the injured organ. Recedes as tissue heals pain syndrome.

TO traditional methods include compresses with herbs: nettle, rosemary. Patients make applications with these decoctions. The mixture of herbs is brewed, a warm paste is prepared, applied to the limb and covered with polyethylene. Not always folk remedies bring relief, so those who have pain in their palm should turn to a professional for help.

Since pain syndrome is not an independent disease, it can indicate a number of pathologies. Therefore, diseases need to be treated. And to dull the pain, painkillers are prescribed, and sometimes it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory pills. But such therapy provides only temporary relief because the medications do not address the cause of the pain.

If the reason discomfort hidden in joint damage due to arthrosis or arthritis, then if ineffective traditional methods perform surgery. They can do endoprosthetics, which will help cope with the pain and restore the limbs to their former mobility.

For rehabilitation in postoperative period use physiotherapeutic methods of influence. It is worth taking a course of restorative procedures, signing up for exercise therapy or massage.

Prevention of hand pain

Pain in the right hand may indicate carpal tunnel syndrome - entrapment of the median nerve. Therefore, people who spend a lot of time at the computer keep the mouse in right hand, it is worth doing preventive exercises so as not to feel numbness in your fingers, and then in your entire hand.

To prevent hand pain from bothering you, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • strengthen muscles when easy help gymnastics;
  • make monotonous repetitive movements, while working, do not forget to take breaks every half hour to stretch your limbs;
  • at sports activities use equipment that will protect your hands;
  • do not get too cold, wear mittens and gloves in autumn, winter and summer;
  • stop smoking, because nicotine has a bad effect on blood vessels - they lose elasticity and narrow.

Eat a balanced diet - no caffeine, no excessive salt intake.
