How to pray on the night of baraat. Advantages of Baraat Night

Night of Baraat (Laylat al-Baraa) is one of the nights revered by Muslims, celebrated on the night from the 14th to the 15th of the month of Sha'ban. Today, from April 30 to May 1, is that same night.

Baraat in Arabic means “non-involvement”, “complete separation”, “purification”.

It is believed that it was on this night that Allah gave the Prophet Muhammad the right of intercession (shafaat) for all Muslims. On the night of Baraat, it is advisable to read the following prayer: “Oh Allah! I resort to Your forgiveness from torment, to Your satisfaction from Your wrath. I am powerless to praise You sufficiently. You are as Great as You have praised Yourself.”

Intercession will be allowed by Allah to be made on the day of the Last Judgment by the prophets led by Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Most High), for all Muslim sinners so that they will be delivered from hellish torment and enter paradise. This is mentioned in the Quran: “On that day, [no one’s] intercession will help, except those to whom the Merciful has given [such] right and whose speeches he will be pleased” (20: 109). After the resurrection, God's judgment will begin. The judge on it will be Allah, the Lord of the worlds. To do this, the angels will gather (hashr) all people to one place (mavkif). People, seeing the hopelessness of their situation, will ask their prophets to intercede for them before Allah. However, each prophet will refer them to the prophet who followed him in earthly life, and finally they will all gather around the last prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Most High), who will declare that intercession is his right. In addition, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) will intercede for the righteous two more times. The second time he will intercede with Allah so that the doors of heaven are opened for the righteous, and the third time he will be an intercessor for some Muslims for whom Allah has assigned a place in hell. Thanks to the prayer of the prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him), Allah will have mercy on these people and open the way to paradise for them.

It was narrated from Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) who said: “Verily, on the Day of Judgment, people kneeling will follow their prophets, saying: “Intercede for us.” To which they will answer: “I’m not for this... I’m not for this.” And so they will go from prophet to prophet until they reach Muhammad, peace and blessings of Allah be upon all prophets. And he, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, will say: “Yes, I am for this, I am for this.” And he will intercede for them in a place of praise.”(al-Bukhari 1748).

Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have said: “I heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “On the Day of Resurrection I will be given the right of intercession, and I will say: “O my Lord! Bring into heaven those who had faith in their hearts (at least) as big as a mustard seed!” - and they will enter (paradise), and then I will say: “Bring into paradise those who had (at least) something (of faith) in their hearts!”»

On the night of Baraat, you should read a lot of dua, ask for forgiveness from Allah and thank Him, and also read a lot of salawat to our beloved prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Most High). Insha Allah, spending this night in a proper manner will elevate your spiritual level and help you in ahirah.

A special prayer is also performed on the night of Baraat, which is called “Salatul-Khair” (salat of good). According to numerous narrations, this prayer lasts for one hundred rakats. In each rak'ah after Surah "Fatiha", Surah "Ikhlas" is read ten times, after the second rak'ah salaam is given. This prayer can also be read differently. After Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas is read a hundred times. Quantity: ten rak'ahs. Total number of suras: one thousand Ikhlas.

Hassan al-Basri said: “Thirty Sahabah told me: “Whoever performs voluntary prayer this night, Allah Almighty will look at that person seventy times with a look of mercy. Every glance of His will remove seventy problems of this person. The smallest reward is forgiveness of sins” (Ghazali, Ihya, 1/209-210).

Also, to the one who performs voluntary prayer, Allah Almighty will send down one hundred angels: thirty of which will delight this person with paradise, thirty will give him a guarantee of safety from the torment of fire, thirty will eliminate worldly adversities, the remaining ten will distance the machinations of the shaitan from him (Elmalili M. Hamdi Yazar, interpretation of the Koran, 6 /4293).

Exactly in the middle of the month of Sha'ban according to the Hijri, Muslims all over the world await the holy Laylat of Al Baraat. In 2019, it will occur from April 19 to 20. This is a special date, because it is on the night of Baraat that the Almighty is favorable to the prayers of believers. He accepts repentance and decides the destinies of people, not sparing his mercy, forgiving and rewarding those who sincerely believe and worship him.

history of the holiday

One night in the middle of the month of Sha'ban, the Prophet Muhammad prayed for a very long time. His wife Aisha saw that he was in the position of sajdah for too long and was afraid that the Prophet ﷺ had died. She walked over and touched the fingers on his hand. Prophet Muhammad moved his fingers and she realized that he was praying. When he finished and returned, Aisha said: “I have never seen you stay in sajda for so long before. To which the answer was: “Do you know what night it is?” She replied: “Allah and His Messenger know.” He continued: “This is laylat nusef min al shaaban (half of shaaban). On this night, Allahﷻ Almighty addresses his slaves. He forgives those who repent and is merciful to those who pray, but He will not forgive those who hate” (Reliable hadith Shuab Al Iman about Aisha 5/140/3 Albaigaki).

The meaning of Baraat night for Muslims

Translated from Arabic, the meaning of the word baraat is “non-involvement” or “purification”; it is also called the night of prayer, answer, endowment (Allah ﷻ gives everyone his share), blessing and grace. Laylat al Baraat is a night of great mercy of the Lord and cleansing from sins. One reliable hadith says: “On this night, Allah looks at the condition of his slaves and forgives all those who repent, except those who worship idols and those who hate.” Another hadith says: “In the middle of the month of Sha’ban, Allah descended His grace over the earth and forgave the sins of people, the number of which is greater than the hairs on the skins of rams of the Kalb family.” But he will not forgive everyone, according to what is told in the hadiths, the following people will not receive forgiveness:

  • polytheists,
  • those who hate Muslims,
  • showing arrogance (wearing clothes below the ankles),
  • contradicting parents
  • breaking off relations with relatives,
  • committing adultery
  • drinking alcohol,
  • spreading slander.

Laylat al-Baraa. Video

How to spend Baraat night, what should you do?

Our Prophet ﷺ informed the Companions: “As soon as night falls in the middle of Shaabaan, spend it in prayer and fast during the day.” Because the Almighty sends His mercy to the earth and asks: “Are there any who repent before Me? Are there anyone asking for My mercy? Are there anyone suffering? and until dawn he listens to the pleas of people. On this blessed night, Muslims turn to Allah ﷻ, thank him, ask him to accept good deeds and forgive all sins.

A Muslim needs to think about his life and all the actions he has committed during the year. If not all his deeds were good, he needs to repent, ask for forgiveness and not make any more mistakes. If you have offended someone during the year, or are in a quarrel, you need to ask for forgiveness and make peace, as brothers should, because we are all brothers.

It is important to renounce any enmity, anger, pride, disobedience to parents with the intention of not committing such sins again. Otherwise, they will keep us away from purification on the night of Baraat. The best way to spend it is by performing namaz and reading the Holy Quran, making dua. Remember the dead and wish for them the mercy of the Almighty, forgiveness of sins. Honor parents, elders, explain to children the importance of the holy night Al Baraat.

Do you need congratulations on this day?

This day is not a Muslim holiday; in honor of this date, the streets are not decorated with lanterns and special dishes are not prepared. Meetings and joint prayers are not held. This night is for reflection, rethinking of actions, repentance, purification. Is the commemoration an innovation? No, Laylat al-Baraat is not an innovation: spending it in prayer and fasting in the morning is sunnah. After Sha'ban comes Ramadan, during which Allah sent down the Holy Quran to people.

How do you spend your time on Baraat night? Let's share in the comments.

In the book “Hazinatul Asrar” in Rivaya, written by Mujahid ibn Abbas (ra), it is said about the Sunnat Baraat of the night as follows: there is a Sunnat prayer consisting of one hundred rak’ahs, one “Alham” is read in each rak’ah and ten times “ Qulhu” and after every second rak’ah salaam is given.

In another rivaya from Annas (ra) it is said that one must perform a ten-rakah sunnat prayer, read “Alham” once and “Qulhu” a hundred times in each rak’ah, and salam is given after every second rak’ah.

Another rivaya from Wasile ibnu Asrar (ra) says that one must perform a complete ablution, put on clean clothes and perform a prayer consisting of four rak'ahs. In each rak'ah one "Alham" and "Qulhu" are read 25 times and after the second rak'ah salaam is given.

Also on Baraat night, each person needs to analyze all those actions that were committed during the year. And if something is discovered that contradicts the commands of the Creator, one must repent and not return to it again. If suddenly someone was offended by you, then you should make peace, as befits brothers. On this night, all believers must distance themselves from such things as anger, enmity, pride and disobedience to parents. After all, all this distances us from barakat (grace) and the value of Baraat.

One should try to spend the holy night of Baraat in vigil, performing prayers, reading the Koran, making dua, visiting elders in order to receive blessings from them. Also on Baraat night, it is recommended to remember and wish mercy, forgiveness, prosperity to deceased Muslims and tell children about the dignity and value of this night.

In addition, we know from the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) that this is one of the nights when the Almighty accepts the prayers and requests of His slaves. Among other things, it is advisable to read Surah Yasin three times this night. The first time with the intention of prolonging life, the second - to avoid troubles and misfortunes, the third - to increase benefits. Know that happiness and salvation are possible if you live according to the commands of Allah (s.t.) and His Messenger (s.t.a.w.). May Allah (s.t.) “justify” all Muslims on this night.

Bismillahi rragmani rragyim. Allahumma, ya zalmanni wa la yumannu ‘alaihi, ya zalali val ikrami, ya zat'avli val inaami, la ilaha illa anta zahra llajina wa zharal mustajirina va amanal khaifina.

Allahumma in kunta katabtani (katabtana) ayindaka fi ummil kitabi shakiyyan (ashkyiyaa), av magruman (magrumina), av matrudan (matrudina), av muktarran ‘alaiya (‘alaina) fi rrizkyi famgyu.

Allahumma bifaslika shakyavati (shakyavatana), va gyirmani (gyirmanana), va tardi (tardana), va iktara rizkyi (rizkyana), vaasbitni (vaasbitna) ayindaka fi ummil kitabi sa'idan (su'adaa) marzukyak (marzukyina) muwaffakyan (muwaffak) ina) lilhairati, fainnaka kulta va kyawlukal gyakkyu fi kitabikal munzali 'ala lisani nabiyikal mursali yamgyu lagyu ma yashau, va yusbitu, va ayindahu ummul kitabi. Ilahi (ilahana) bittajallil azami fi laylati nnisfi min sha'banal mukarramillati yufrakyu fiha kullu amrin gyakim. Wa yubramu an takshifa 'anni ('aina) minal balai ma a'lamu (na'lamu), wa ma la a'lamu (na'lamu), wa ma anta bihi a'lamu, innaka antal a'azzul akram.

Wa salla Allahu 'ala Sayyidina Muhammadin wa alihi wa sagbihiwa sallam.

In the name of Allah (s.t.), Merciful to everyone in this world and Merciful only to believers in the next world!

O Allah (s.t.)! Your Generosity directed me to You, and Your Mercy led me to You. I turn to You with something that is not a secret to You. I ask You for something that is not difficult for You. After all, it is enough for You that You know my condition, even if I do not make a request.

O He who has the power to eliminate misfortunes, remove from me the burden of troubles and worries. There is no deity to be worshiped but You, and You are far from any shortcomings! When Prophet Yunus turned to You with a prayer: “I am one of those who harmed himself,” You answered him and saved him, and promised that You would also save those who do good.

O Allah (s.t.)! O Possessor of Grace, who does not need the mercy of anyone. O Possessor of Greatness, O One in Whose power is the good of all worlds! There is no deity to be worshiped but You!

You help those who ask You for help, You protect those who ask You for protection, and those in danger resort to You. You are the one we strive for! If You have written me in the Preserved Tablet as lost, deprived, exiled and poor, O Allah (s.t.), You will erase this record of me lost, deprived, exiled and poor. O Allah (s.t.), and write me down in the Preserved Tablet among the well-behaved, and those to whom benefits are extended, and whom You favor in performing good deeds.

You said in Your Book, revealed in the language of the Prophet Muhammad (s.t.w.), and Your word is true: “Allah (s.t.) erases the record that He wants to erase, and writes down what He pleases. And the Almighty has a Preserved Tablet. O Allah (s.t.), for the sake of the manifestation of Your greatest Mercy on the middle night of the month of Sha'ban, take away from us the troubles that we know about and those that we do not know about. After all, truly, You are the Most High, the Great.

Blessings to Allah (s.t.) and peace to our master Prophet Muhammad (s.t.a.w.), his family (community) and companions.”

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

We praise Allah, turn to Him for help, ask for forgiveness and repent before Him, resort to His protection from the evil of our souls and from the filth of our deeds. The one whom Allah leads to the straight path, no one will lead astray, and the one whom Allah leads astray, no one will guide him to the straight path.

We testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah, and we testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger, may Allah bless and greet him, as well as his family, all his companions and all who followed in his footsteps until the Day of Judgment .

This work consists of two chapters:

1) Some hadiths that mention the virtues of the month of Sha'ban

2) An innovation associated with the celebration of the night that falls in the middle of Sha'ban (Night of Baraat).

Some hadiths that mention the virtues of the month of Sha'ban

2) It is reported from the words of Abu Salama that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said:

لَمْ يَكُنِ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَصُومُ شَهْرًا أَكْثَرَ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ فَإِنَّهُ كَانَ يَصُومُ شَعْبَانَ كُلَّهُ وَكَانَ يَقُولُ خُذُوا مِنَ الْعَمَلِ مَا تُطِيقُونَ فَإِنَّ اللهَ لَا يَمَلُّ حَتَّى تَمَلُّوا وَأَحَبُّ الصَّلَاةِ إِلَى النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَا دُووِمَ عَلَيْهِ وَإِنْ قَلَّتْ وَكَانَ إِذَا صَلَّى صَلَاةً دَاوَمَ عَلَيْهَا

“The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not fast more than during Sha’ban, he fasted throughout Sha’ban. He said: “Do things that are within your power, for truly Allah does not get tired of [your worship] until you get tired of [it]. The most favorite prayer for the prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the one that is performed with duration, even if it is small (insignificant), and if he [started] to perform any [type of] prayer, then he performed it for a long time.” (Reliable hadith).

Abu Salama is reported to have said: “I heard Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) say:

كَانَ يَكُونُ عَلَيَّ الصَّوْمُ مِنْ رَمَضَانَ فَمَا أَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ أَقْضِيَ إِلَّا فِي شَعْبَانَ

“It happened that I still had a debt of fasting from [the past Ramadan], and I could not make up for it except in Sha’ban » (Reliable hadith).

It is reported from Abdullah ibn Abu Qais that he heard Aisha say:

كَانَ أَحَبَّ الشُّهُورِ إِلَى رَسُولِ اللَّهِ — صلى الله عليه وسلم — أَنْ يَصُومَهُ شَعْبَانُ ثُمَّ يَصِلُهُ بِرَمَضَانَ

« The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) most of all loved to fast in Sha'ban and connected it with Ramadan» (Hadith is authentic).

It is reported from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

إذا انتصف شعبان فلا تصوموا

“When Sha’ban reaches the middle, do not fast.” . (There is disagreement among scholars regarding the authenticity of this hadith, and the most correct opinion is that this hadith falls under the category of shazz hadith).

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

لَا يَتَقَدَّمَنَّ أَحَدُكُمْ رَمَضَانَ بِصَوْمِ يَوْمٍ أَوْ يَوْمَيْنِ إِلَّا أَنْ يَكُونَ رَجُلٌ كَانَ يَصُومُ صَوْمَهُ فَلْيَصُمْ ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمَ

“Let no one under any circumstances fast a day or two before the onset of Ramadan, except those people who observe their fast, they fast on that day.” (This hadith is authentic, reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim)

سُئِلَ النَّبِيُّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : أَيُّ الصَّوْمِ أَفْضَلُ بَعْدَ رَمَضَانَ ؟ فَقَالَ : شَعْبَانُ لِتَعْظِيمِ رَمَضَانَ ، قِيلَ : فَأَيُّ الصَّدَقَةِ أَفْضَلُ ؟ قَالَ : صَدَقَةٌ فِي رَمَضَانَ

“The Prophet was asked: “What is the best fast after fasting in Ramadan?” The Prophet replied: "Fasting on Sha'ban to exalt Ramadan". Then the questioner asked: “What is the best almsgiving?” The Prophet replied: "Alms in Ramadan" (weak hadith).

It is reported that `Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) said: “One night I lost the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), I left [the house] and found him in Baki`. He said: “Are you really afraid that Allah will do bad things to you and His Messenger?!” I said: “O Messenger of Allah! I thought you went to one of your wives.” Then he said:

إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ يَنْزِلُ لَيْلَةَ النِّصْفِ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ الدُّنْيَا ، فَيَغْفِرُ لأَكْثَرَ مِنْ عَدَدِ شَعْرِ غَنَمِ كَلْبٍ

“Indeed, on the night that falls in the middle of Shaban, the Blessed Almighty Allah descends to the nearest sky and forgives [so many people] that exceed the number of hairs on the Kalbi sheep.” (weak hadith).

It is reported from the words of Abu Musa al-Ash'ari that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

إن الله ليطلع ليلة النصف من شعبان، فيغفر لجميع خلقه، إلا لمشرك أو مشاحن

"Allah looks at his slaves on the night that falls in the middle of Sha'ban, He forgives all His creatures, except the polytheist and the envious villain." (good hadith, see: Sahih al-Jami, 1819.).

It is reported from Ali ibn Abu Talib that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

إِذَا كَانَتْ لَيْلَةُ النِّصْفِ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ فَقُومُوا لَيْلَتَهَا، وَصُومُوا يَوْمَهَا، فَإِنَّ اللهَ تَعَالَى يَقُولُ: أَلَا مِنْ مُسْتَغْفِرٍ فَأَغْفِرَ لَهُ، أَلَا مِنْ مُسْتَرْزِقٍ فَأَرْزُقَهُ، أَلَا مُبْتَلًى فَأُعَافِيَهُ ، أَلَا كَذَا أَلَا كَذَا حَتَّى يَطْلُعَ الْفَجْرُ

“When the night of the middle of Shaban comes, then stand that night in prayer and fast during daylight hours. Verily, at sunset [before this night] Allah descends to the nearest sky and says: “Are there not those who ask for forgiveness, I will forgive them! If there are no those who ask for provision, I will provide for them! Are there any who are in distress, I will deliver them! Aren't there those...! Aren't there those...! And this will continue until dawn." (weak hadith).

There are also hadiths about the merits of the month of Sha'ban and about performing special prayers, which were identified by hadith scholars as fictitious and fabricated. For example, the following hadiths are attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him):

رَجَب شَهْرُ اللهِ، وَشَعْبَانُ شَهْرِي و رَمَضَانَ شَهْرُ أُمَّتِي

“Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaban is my month, and Ramadan is the month of my Ummah (community).” (hadith is fabricated).

One of these hadiths says that, addressing Ali ibn Abu Talib, the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) allegedly said:

يا علي من صلى مائة ركعة في ليلة النصف من شعبان، يقرأ في كل ركعة بفاتحة الكتاب و (قل هو الله أحد) عشر مرات . قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : يا علي ما من عبد يصلي هذه الصلوات إلا قضى عز وجل له كل حاجة طلبها تلك الليلة

“O Ali, whoever prays one hundred rak’ahs on the night of the middle of Sha’ban, and in each rak’ah recites Surah “Opening the Book” and Surah “Say: He is Allah One” ten times, then to any servant of God who performs these prayers, Allah (Great and Glorious is He) will certainly fulfill all his needs that he will ask for that night.” (hadith is fabricated).

Another hadith says:

من صلى ليلة النصف من شعبان ثنتي عشرة ركعة، يقرأ في كل ركعة (قل هو الله أحد) ثلاثين مرة ، لم يخرج حتى يرى مقعده من الجنة

“Whoever on the night of the middle of Sha’ban prays twelve rak’ahs, and in each rak’ah reads “Say: He is Allah One” thirty times, he will not leave [his place] without seeing his place in Paradise.” (hadith is fabricated).

An innovation associated with the celebration of the night that falls in the middle of Sha'ban (Night of "Baraat")

إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ إِنَّا كُنَّا مُنذِرِينَ * فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ

“We sent it down on the Blessed Night, and We warn. All wise matters are decided in it.” (Quran, 44: 3, 4).

It is reported that interpreting these words of the Almighty, `Ikrima (may Allah bestow his mercy on him) said that this is the night that falls in the middle of Sha'ban, on this night all the affairs of the next year are confirmed, those who are destined to live are determined, and those who perform the Hajj are recorded, then nothing is added or subtracted from this.

We see that regarding the words of Allah " on the Blessed Night "There are two opinions:

# First opinion– the verse talks about the Night of Predestination, and this is precisely the opinion of the overwhelming majority of scientists.

# Second opinion – This verse talks about the night of the middle of Sha'ban. This is the opinion of `Ikrima.

The correct opinion is that of the majority of scholars that the Blessed Night referred to in the verse is the Night of Determination, and not the night of the middle of Sha'ban. Allah (Holy and Great is He) said: “... on the blessed night" , and then clarified his words by saying: “The Quran was revealed in the month of Ramadan” And “Verily, We have revealed it (the Quran) on the Night of Destiny.”

The statement that this night falls in the middle of Sha'ban is an unfounded opinion because it contradicts the direct and clear Qur'anic text. All the hadiths cited by some people to confirm that the Blessed Night falls on Sha'ban contradict the direct text of the Qur'an and have no basis. None of the hadiths they cite have an authentic isnad, as Ibn al-'Arabi and many other hadith experts said. With all this, one can only be sadly surprised when you see a Muslim who goes against the clear verses of the Koran, having no basis either in the Book of Allah or in the reliable Sunnah.

From all this it is clear that the vast majority of scholars say that annual gatherings in mosques in honor of the middle of the month of Sha'ban should not be held. This is heresy and innovation in Religion.

If people perform prayer individually at home or outside the mosque in a small group, then scholars have two different opinions regarding such an action:

First opinion– this is an innovation. This is the belief of the scholars of Hijaz, such as `Ata and ibn Abu Muleyqa, the scholars of Medina, the students of Malik and other scholars.

The more correct of the two opinions is still the first, that is, the opinion that any celebration of the middle night of Sha'ban is an innovation. As for the second opinion, it can be refuted by several arguments:

1) First argument.

There is no reliable information that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) celebrated this night. It is also not known that at least one of the companions (may Allah be pleased with them) celebrated it. This is also unknown from the Tabiyins, except for the three that Ibn Rajab mentioned, and from whom this phenomenon eventually spread. If other Tabi'in celebrated this night every year and somehow highlighted this night in a special way, it would be widely known and would not be limited to only three Tabi'in. Therefore, we can say that the celebration of this night is an innovation and heresy, and there is no indication of the admissibility of this either in the Qur'an or in the Sunnah, and there is no consensus among scholars (ijma') on which one could rely.

Ibn Rajab himself also said: “There is nothing reliable regarding the dignity of the night of the middle of Sha’ban either from the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) or from the companions. It is reliably known only from a group of Tabiyins from among the famous scientists of Sham." .

2) Second argument.

Ibn Rajab cited the names of those Tabiyins who revered this night and celebrated it by performing certain rituals of worship in the mosque, and then he himself mentioned that their source was the Jewish traditions that reached them (Israiliyat). The question is: since when did Jewish traditions begin to be used as one of the arguments of Sharia?!

He also mentioned that people adopted from these three Tabi'in the practice of honoring the middle night of Sha'ban. In this regard, another question arises: since when did any actions of the Tabiyins begin to be used as one of the arguments of Sharia?!

Neither Jewish traditions, nor even the deeds of the Tabi'een are Sharia arguments and sources from which we can draw the laws of our religion.

3) Third argument.

Scientists who were contemporaries of those Tabiyins who first began to talk about the dignity of the middle night of Sha'ban expressed their censure to them for this, but none of the admirers of this night brought any argument in their justification and could not refute those who condemned them. And what can we say if among those who expressed their censure to them was `Ata ibn Abu Rabah himself, who was known as the mufti of his era and about whom the companion ibn Umar said: .

4) Fourth argument.

إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَيَطَّلِعُ فِي لَيْلَةِ النِّصْفِ مِنْ شَعْبَانَ فَيَغْفِرُ لِجَمِيعِ خَلْقِهِ إِلَّا لِمُشْرِكٍ أَوْ مُشَاحِنٍ

“Allah looks at His creations on the night that falls in the middle of Shaban, He forgives everyone except the polytheist and the envious villain.”

This hadith does not contain any indication that the night of the middle of Sha'ban should be somehow celebrated and distinguished from other nights. An authentic hadith, which is cited by Imams al-Bukhari and Muslim, says that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

يَنْزِلُ رَبُّنَا تَبَارَكَ وَتَعَالَى كُلَّ لَيْلَةٍ إِلَى السَّمَاءِ الدُّنْيَا حِينَ يَبْقَى ثُلُثُ اللَّيْلِ الْآخِرُ يَقُولُ مَنْ يَدْعُونِي فَأَسْتَجِيبَ لَهُ مَنْ يَسْأَلُنِي فَأُعْطِيَهُ مَنْ يَسْتَغْفِرُنِي فَأَغْفِرَ لَهُ

“Our Gracious and Exalted Lord descends every night into the nearest sky, when the last third of the night remains, and says: “Whoever calls on Me, I will answer him!” Whoever asks Me, I will give it to him! Whoever asks Me for forgiveness, I will forgive him.” .

Therefore, the condescension of Allah Almighty (Holy and Great) and forgiveness of creatures is not limited to just one or a few nights a year.

5) Fifth argument.

Those scholars who argued that a person performing prayer on this night individually or in a narrow circle is not a blameworthy action did not support their opinion with any Sharia arguments, and if they had such arguments, they would certainly have brought them.

Those who condemn the celebration of the middle night of Sha'ban are guided by hadiths about the prohibition of introducing innovations into religion. For example, the following words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) speak about this:

من عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد

(i.e. Sharia), then his case will be rejected" .

Many reliable hadiths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and traditions of the Companions speak about the prohibition of innovations in religion and warn against it.

Shaykh ibn Baz said: “As for the opinion of al-Auzai (may Allah grant him his mercy) about the desirability of individually standing this night in prayers (i.e., not in the mosque) and the opinion on which Ibn Rajab chose, they have a strange and weak justification. After all, it is known that if any deed is not approved as an element of Sharia through Sharia arguments, then Muslims are not allowed to perform it, thereby introducing innovations into the religion of Allah. It doesn't matter whether they do it individually or en masse, secretly or publicly, because the following hadith covers it all: “Whoever does any deed [in religion] that is not in accordance with it (i.e. Sharia), then his case will be rejected.” This is supported by other arguments that point to the prohibition and danger of innovation.”

After the sheikh cited verses, hadiths and sayings of great scholars regarding the traditions that have come down to us on the subject of the middle night of Sha'ban, he said: “From the verses, hadiths and statements of the scholars cited above, it becomes clear to those who seek the Truth that spending the night falling in the middle of Shaban in prayers and other acts of worship, and fasting on the day following that night is a bad innovation according to the overwhelming majority of scientists. This matter has no basis in the pure Shariah. This innovation began to be practiced only after the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). For those who seek the Truth, the words of Allah (Great and Glorified is He): "Today I have perfected your Religion for you" (Quran 5:3) , as well as other verses with a similar meaning.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

من أحدث في أمرنا هذا ما ليس منه فهو رد

“Who will introduce into our business (i.e. in Sharia) what does not apply to it, then it (the innovation) will be rejected.” .

There are also many other hadiths with a similar meaning.

In an authentic hadith, which is transmitted in the collection of hadiths “as-Sahih” by Imam Muslim from the words of Abu Hurayrah, it is said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

لاَ تَخْتَصُّوا لَيْلَةَ الْجُمُعَةِ بِقِيَامٍ مِنْ بَيْنِ اللَّيَالِى وَلاَ تَخُصُّوا يَوْمَ الْجُمُعَةِ بِصِيَامٍ مِنْ بَيْنِ الأَيَّامِ إِلاَّ أَنْ يَكُونَ فِى صَوْمٍ يَصُومُهُ أَحَدُكُمْ

“Do not set apart the night of Friday from other nights for standing [additional night prayers], and do not set this day apart from other days to observe fasting on it, except for the fast that one of you observes [regularly].” .

And if the selection of any particular night among other nights for the purpose of worship were allowed, then the night of Friday would be more worthy than other nights, because, as is known from a reliable prophetic hadith, Friday is the best of the days on which the sun rose Sun .

When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) forbade the allocation of Friday night for acts of worship, he thereby indicated that other nights, all the more, cannot be singled out in any way and especially celebrated with any types of worship. An exception can only be made if there is a credible argument indicating the permissibility of such actions. For example, all nights of the month of Ramadan and especially the Night of Destiny are allowed and even encouraged to celebrate with special zeal and diligence in acts of worship and prayer, because this command comes directly from the prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He encouraged Muslims to make more efforts during this month and worship Allah as much as possible, as did the Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). An authentic hadith says:

مَنْ قَامَ رَمَضَانَ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا، غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ, وَمَنْ قَامَ لَيْلَةَ الْقَدْرِ إِيمَانًا وَاحْتِسَابًا، غُفِرَ لَهُ مَا تَقَدَّمَ مِنْ ذَنْبِهِ

“Whoever observed Ramadan with Faith and hope, his previous sins will be forgiven; whoever stood [in prayers] on the Night of Destiny with Faith and hope, his previous sins will be forgiven.” .

If “The Night of Mid-Shaban” or “The Night of the First Friday of the Month of Rajab” or “The Night of Transference and Ascension” were allowed to be celebrated by performing worship, then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) would have pointed this out to us and explained it to his community and would do the same himself. If something like this had actually taken place, the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) would have brought it to us and would not have hidden anything. The Companions were the best and most sincere of people after the prophets (peace be upon them). However, as we have already learned from the above statements of scientists, neither from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) nor from the companions there are any reliable hadiths indicating the dignity of the “Night of the First Friday of Rajab” or the “Middle Night of the Month of Sha’ban”. It becomes clear that the celebration of these two nights is an innovation in Islam, and, accordingly, celebrating them with any form of worship is also a vicious innovation.” .

Allah knows better about this. Praise be to Him, peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad, as well as his family and all his companions.

From the book “al-Bida` al-hawliya”
Author: Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz
Ibn Ahmad at-Tuwaijiri
Translation: Abu Yasin Malikov R
Editorial: WhyIslam. ru

`Aisha daughter of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq- mother of the faithful, wife of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). She was born seven years before the Hijra. He married her in Mecca, but began to live with her only in Medina. `Aisha was the only one of his wives whom he married when she was a girl; all the other wives had already been married before. `Aisha was the beloved wife of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). When the hypocrites accused her of infidelity, Allah sent down verses in the Quran speaking of her innocence and exposing the machinations of the hypocrites. She remembered by heart many words of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and conveyed many hadiths. `Aisha was undoubtedly the most knowledgeable of all women. The Sunnah contains many hadiths talking about the dignity of `Aisha. When the prophet died (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), she was eighteen years old. 'Aisha died in 58 AH. at the age of sixty-seven years.

The hadith was cited by al-Bukhari in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih”, a publication accompanied by commentaries “Fath al-Bari” (4/213), hadith No. 1969, and by Muslim in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih” (2/810) , Hadith No. 1156 and No. 175.

“Hadith sahih/authentic hadith”(حديث صحيح) is a hadith that has a continuous chain of transmitters (isnad), all of which are trusted (`udul), accurate. An authentic hadith must also be free from any anomalies (shuzuz) and hidden flaws (`ylal).

Abu Salama ibn Abdurrahman ibn 'Auf ibn Abdul'auf al-Qurashi az-Zuhri- a great expert on hadith and one of the outstanding scholars of Medina. They say that his real name is Abdullah, according to another version it is Ismail, but he was widely known by his kunya Abu Salam. He was always in search of knowledge, he was a very strong specialist in fiqh, and people sought to gain knowledge from him. Died in 94. at the age of seventy-two.

You can read a more detailed biography of Abu Salama in the following works: “at-Tabakat” (5/ 155-157), “al-Maarif”, ibn Qutayba, p. 238, “Tabakat al-Fuqaha”, al-Shirazi, p. 61, “Tazkirat al-khuffaz” (1/63), “Tahzibu al-tahzib” (12/115-118).

Here the Arabic language expression of exaggeration is used, the purpose of which is to indicate multiplicity, which is clear from the context. When Aisha says that he fasted throughout Sha'ban, then from the context of this hadith and other prophetic hadiths it is clear that we are talking about fasting on most days of this month, but not on all of its days.

The hadith was cited by al-Bukhari in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih”, a publication accompanied by commentaries “Fath al-Bari” (4/213), hadith No. 1970, and by Muslim in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih” (2/811) , Hadith No. 782.

“...and I could not make up for it except in Sha’ban” - those. she could not make up for the fast throughout the year and did it only in Sha'ban, i.e. in the month immediately preceding Ramadan.

The hadith was cited by: al-Bukhari in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih”, edition accompanied by commentaries “Fath al-Bari” (4/189), hadith No. 1950, and Muslim in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih” (2/802 , 803), Hadith No. 1146.

Abdullah ibn Abu Qais Abu Aswad al-Nasri al-Himsa(sometimes they say Ibn Qays, sometimes he is called Ibn Abu Musa, but the correct one is still Ibn Abu Qays). Al-Ijli said about him: “Coming from Sham, reliable transmitter (sika), tabiin (disciple of the companions)”. Abu Hatim said: “This is a good transmitter of hadith (Salihu-l-hadith)”. Al-Dhahabi said: “Good (Salih), truthful (saduq)”. Ibn Hibban mentioned him among the reliable transmitters. At the Battle of Yarmouk he served in the cavalry.

You can read a more detailed biography of Abdullah ibn Abu Qais in the following works: “Tarihu al-sikat”, p. 273, biography No. 879, “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (5/140), biography No. 653, “ al-Kashif" (2/120), biography No. 2955, "Tahzibu at-tahzib" (5/365, 366), biography No. 631.

Hadith cited by: Ahmad in the collection “al-Musnad” (6/188); Abu Dawood in the collection “al-Sunan” (2/812), hadith No. 2431; an-Nasai in the collection “al-Sunan” (4/199); Ibn Khuzaimah in the collection “as-Sahih” (3/282), hadith No. 2077; al-Hakim in the collection “al-Mustadrak” (1/434), he also said: "Authentic according to the terms of the two sheikhs(i.e. al-Bukhari and Muslim) but they didn't bring him" Imam al-Dhahabi in the book “at-Talkhis” expressed his agreement with the words of al-Hakim.

Abdurrahman ibn Sahr ad-Dausi, known as Abu Huraira,- a great companion, accepted Islam in 7 AH, after which he was constantly with the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), accompanied him everywhere and served him, thanks to which he preserved and transmitted more hadiths than anyone else. 5374 hadiths were transmitted from him. In the early years of Islam, when he left his homeland and moved to Medina, he was very poor and lived under a shelter built near a mosque for the poor and destitute. An authentic hadith reports that Abu Hurayrah complained to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) about forgetfulness, then the prophet ordered him to spread his rida (a piece of cloth covering the upper part of the body), then he spread it, then pressed it to himself. Abu Hurayrah said: “[After that] I did not forget anything that he told me.”

Umar ibn al-Khattab appointed him governor of Bahrain. He then returned to Medina and settled there. Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) died in 57 AH. or in 58 AH. or 59 AH, but it is more widely believed that he died in 59 AH. at the age of seventy-eight years.

Hadith cited by: Ahmad in the collection “al-Musnad” (2/442); Abu Dawood in the collection “al-Sunan” (2/751), hadith No. 2337; At-Tirmidhi in the collection “as-Sunan” (2/121), hadith No. 735, where he said: "Good reliable hadith". He also said: “Some scholars say that the meaning of this hadith is as follows: [The prohibition of fasting in the second half of Sha'ban is addressed] to those who had not fasted at all before, and when only a few days of Sha'ban remained, they suddenly began to fast in order to exalt the month Ramadan". This hadith was also reported by: ibn Majah (1/528), hadith No. 1651; ad-Darimi in the collection “al-Sunan” (2/17), chapter 34.

Ibn Rajab in the book “Lataif al-Maarif”, page 142, said: “This hadith was reported by: Ahmad, Abu Dawud, at-Tirmizi, an-Nasai, ibn Majah, ibn Hibban in the collection “al-Sahih”, and al-Hakim along the chain from `Ala ibn Abdurrahman, from his father, from Abu Hurayrah , after which he mentioned the hadith. At-Tirmidhi and others called it authentic, but scholars disagreed regarding the authenticity of this hadith. If we talk about recognizing the hadith as authentic, many have done this, among them at-Tirmidhi, ibn Hibban, al-Hakim, at-Tahavi, ibn Abdulbarr. However, at the same time, scholars who were greater in their knowledge than those who were mentioned spoke about the unreliability of this hadith; they said that it is an unsuitable hadith (hadith munkar). Those who considered the hadith weak (da'if) include such scholars as Abdurrahman ibn Mahdi, Imam Ahmad, Abu Zur'a ar-Razi, al-Asram. Imam Ahmad said: “Al-`Ala did not transmit a hadith more unsuitable than this,” after which he refuted the authenticity of this hadith with the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “ Do not preface Ramadan by fasting a day or two [before it begins]", which is reported by al-Bukhari and Muslim, from this hadith it is clear that it is possible to precede Ramadan more than two days in advance." Al-Asram said: “All hadiths contradict this hadith,” after which he pointed to those hadiths that say that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) fasted Sha'ban completely and combined it with Ramadan, as well as the prohibition of fasting a day or two before the start of Ramadan. Thus, this hadith is included in the category of “shazz” hadiths (rare hadiths that contradict more reliable hadiths, which indicates the likelihood of an error by one of the transmitters) and contradicts reliable hadiths. At-Tahawi said: “This hadith is abrogated (mansukh),” and at-Tahawi also argued that there is a unanimous opinion of all scholars (ijma`) that there is no need to act in accordance with this hadith. [But in any case] most scholars are of the opinion that there is no need to act in accordance with this hadith."(end of quote from the book “Lataif al-Maarif” by ibn Rajab).

"Hadith Shazz/Anomalous Hadith"(حديث شاذ) is a hadith that is transmitted by acceptable hadith transmitters, but its meaning contradicts other hadith transmitted through more reliable and authoritative transmitters, which is something of an anomaly. Consequently, such a hadith is rejected, despite the fact that its isnad consists of reliable narrators.

“...except for those people who keep their fast” - we are talking about people who regularly observe voluntary fasts, such as weekly fasts on Mondays and Thursdays, the fast of Dawud (a constant fast every other day, i.e. a day fasts, a day not fasts), a vowed fast (nazr) or a fast of duty , left over from last Ramadan.

The hadith was cited by: al-Bukhari in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih”, a publication accompanied by commentaries “Fath al-Bari” (4/127, 128), hadith No. 1914, and Muslim in his collection of hadiths “al-Sahih” (2 /762), hadith No. 1082.

Ummu Salama Hind bint Abu Umayya ibn al-Mughira ibn Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Makhzum al-Qurashiyya al-Makhzumiya- mother of the faithful, wife of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Her father was Huzeifa, known by the nickname Zadu-rraqib (Traveler's Supply), which he received due to his generosity. Umm Salama was previously the wife of Abu Salama ibn Abdulasad ibn al-Mughira, who was her cousin on her father's side. She alone accepted Islam before the Hijra; together with her husband they moved to Ethiopia, avoiding persecution from the polytheists of Mecca. In Ethiopia, they had a son named Salama. They then returned to Mecca and soon moved to Medina, where they had a son named Amr and two daughters Durrat and Zaynab. Abu Salama fell as a martyr as a result of a wound received in the Battle of Uhud, and Ummu Salama was left a widow. In the 4th year The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married her. Ummu Salama was a very wise, beautiful and sensible woman. Ummu Salama died in 59 AH. and was the very last wife of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) to leave this world.

Hadith cited by: Ahmad in the collection “al-Musnad” (6/300); an-Nasai in the collection “al-Sunan” (4/150), chapter No. 33; at-Tirmidhi in the collection “al-Sunan” (2/120), hadith No. 733, and said: “The hadith is good (hasan)”; al-Tahawi in his comments to the book “Sharh Maani al-asar” (2/82).

Osama ibn Zayd ibn Harisa ibn Sharakhil al-Kalbi- a companion, he is often called the favorite of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the son of his favorite. His mother Ummu Ayman was at one time the nanny of the prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Osama himself was born during Islam, and when the prophet died, Osama was twenty years old. Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, having become caliph, immediately confirmed the appointment of Osama as commander of the army, which the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself made before his death. Umar ibn al-Khattab also highly valued and respected him. When, after the murder of the righteous caliph Usman ibn Affan, a period of unrest and civil strife began, Osama retired from all affairs and did not take any part in the unrest on either side. Died in Medina in 54 AH.

Hadith cited by: Ahmad in the collection “al-Musnad” (5/201); al-Nasa'i in al-Sunan (4/102), al-Albani said: “The isnad of this hadith is good (hassan), it contains Thabit ibn Qays, he is an honest transmitter (saduq), sometimes he makes mistakes, as stated in the book “Takrib”. The rest of the hadith transmitters are completely reliable (sikat).". (See: “Silsilatu al-ahadith al-sahiha” (4/522), hadith No. 1898).

"Hadith Hasan/Good Hadith"(حديث حسن) – a good hadith, just like an authentic one (sahih), can be used as an argument in religion. A good hadith is a hadith that has a continuous chain of narrators (isnad), all of which are reliable (`udul), but have a lower degree of accuracy than in an authentic hadith. Just like an authentic (sahih) hadith, a good (hasan) hadith must be free from any anomalies (shuzuz) and hidden flaws (`ilal).

Anas ibn Malik ibn an-Nadr ibn Damdama ibn Zayd ibn Haram an-Najari al-Khazraj al-Ansari Abu Sumama- a companion of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his servant. He took part in the Battle of Badr before reaching adulthood. He was one of the companions who transmitted many hadiths (muksir), two thousand two hundred and eighty-six hadiths were transmitted from him. Born in Medina, he accepted Islam as a child and served the prophet for ten years until his death (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Caliphs Abu Bakr and Umar appointed him ruler of Bahrain (this historical territory is much larger than the modern state of Bahrain) and expressed their gratitude to him for his sincere and good work. Then he moved to Damascus, and later to Basra. He died at the age of over a hundred years in Basra in 91 AH. He was the last Companion to die in Basra. He left behind about a hundred children and grandchildren and was one of the richest companions, which is one of the signs of the prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), who prayed for Anas when he was still a boy, saying: “O Allah, give him much wealth and children and enter him into Paradise.” .

You can read a more detailed biography of the blessed companion Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) in the following works: “al-Bidayatu wa an-nihaya” (9/98-102), “al-Isaba” (1/84, 85) , biography No. 277.

The hadith was cited by at-Tirmidhi in the collection “as-Sunan” (2/86), hadith No. 657 and said: “Sadaqa ibn Musa, in their opinion (i.e. among hadith scholars), is not a strong transmitter”; at-Tahawi in the book “Sharh Maani al-asar” (2/83); al-Bagawi in the book “Sharh al-Sunnah” (6/329), hadith No. 1778; Ibn al-Jawzi in the book “al-`Ilal al-mutanahiyya” (2/65,66), where Ibn al-Jawzi said: “This hadith is not authentic. Yahya ibn Ma'een said: “Sadaqa ibn Musa is a nobody (i.e. a very unreliable transmitter).” Ibn Hibban said: “This hadith was not composed by him (Sadaqa ibn Musa), but when he transmitted it, he altered the traditions, and therefore his hadiths are no longer acceptable for use as an argument.”.

"Hadith da'if/Weak Hadith"(حديث ضعيف) is one of the types of unacceptable hadiths (hadith mardud). A weak hadith is one that does not meet at least one of the conditions of a good hadith (hadith hassan). A weak hadith is not used as a sharia argument. Sometimes some hadiths that have a low degree of weakness can be used, that is, hadiths in which the conditions of a good hadith (hasan) are not greatly violated, but even so, these hadiths have a very narrow field of application and are rejected at the slightest contradiction with stronger hadiths. For example, weak hadiths (da'if) can be used if their meaning is confirmed by reliable (sahih) and good (hasan) hadiths.

Kalb- This is one of the clans of the Kuda'a (قضاعة) tribe; Harisa al-Kalbi, the father of Zayd ibn Harisa, who was a freedman of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), also belonged to this tribe. During the Jahiliya (pre-Islamic era), these tribes lived in Dawmat al-Jandal (Dema), Tabuk and on the outskirts of Sham. The Kalb clan originates from their ancestor, whose name was Kalb ibn Barra ibn Sa'lab ibn Hilwan ibn 'Imran ibn al-Hafi ibn Quda'a. See: al-Ishtikaq, ibn Durayd, pp. 20, 537-543; “Subh al-a`sha” (1/316), Mu`jam kabail al-arab” (3/991-993).

Hadith cited by: Ahmad in the collection “al-Musnad” (6/238); At-Tirmidhi in the collection “al-Sunan” (2/121,123), hadith No. 736, where he said: “We do not know this hadith, traced back to Aisha, except through this isnad, through al-Hajjaj. I heard Muhammad (al-Bukhari) weaken this hadith.". At-Tirmidhi also said: “Yahya ibn Abu Kathir did not hear (i.e. did not adopt hadiths, did not study) from `Urwa. Muhammad (al-Bukhari) said: “Al-Hajjaj did not hear from Yahya ibn Abu Kathir.” This hadith was also reported by Ibn Majah in the collection “al-Sunan” (1/444), hadith No. 1389; Ibn al-Jawzi in the book “al-`Ilal al-mutanahiyya” (2/66), hadith No. 915, where Ibn al-Jawzi quoted the words of at-Tirmidhi, as well as the following words of ad-Darakutni: “This hadith is transmitted in several ways, its isnad is confusing, contradictory (mudtarib), unstable (gaira thabit)”.

The hadith was cited by ibn Majah in the collection “al-Sunan” (1/455), hadith No. 1390. Al-Buweysyri in the book “Zawaid ibn Majah” (2/10) said: “The isnad of the hadith traced to ibn Musa is weak due to the weakness of the transmitter Abdullah ibn Lahi`a, as well as due to the tricks (tadlis) of al-Walid ibn Muslim.”. This hadith was also cited by at-Tabarani in the collection “al-Mu'jam al-kabir” from the words of Muaz ibn Jabal (20/107, 108). Al-Haythami in the book “Majma' al-Zawaid” (8/65) said: “This hadith was cited by at-Tabarani in the books “al-Mu’jam al-kabir” and “al-Mu’jam al-awsat”, both of them have reliable transmitters, and Ibn Hibban cited it in the collection “al-Sahih”. (See: “Mawarid az-zam’an”, p. 486, hadith No. 1980.

Ali ibn Abu Talib ibn Abdulmuttalib ibn Hashim al-Qurashi- one of the greatest companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and his paternal cousin, one of the ten companions who were delighted with Paradise during their lifetime. He was the second person to accept Islam (the first was Hajija, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)). They also say that he was the third, because before him, along with Khadija, Abu Bakr accepted Islam. When Ali accepted Islam, he was still a teenager. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married him to his daughter Fatima. When the prophet secretly left Mecca for Medina, Ali stayed in his house and slept on his bed to create the impression that there were people present in the house. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), going on a campaign to Tabuk, left him as governor of Medina. Ali participated in all military campaigns, with the exception of the campaign against Tabuk. He became a legend of jihad, was an unsurpassed and skilled warrior who never knew defeat. Under his military leadership, Khaybar was taken. After the death of Uthman ibn al-Affan, he was given the oath of caliphate, and he became the fourth righteous caliph. In the 40th year. he was killed by a man named Abdurrahman ibn Muljam, he was one of the few Kharijite troublemakers who survived the Battle of Nahrawan. In addition to the fact that Ali was known as a warrior and a devoted companion of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), he was also the most knowledgeable and unsurpassed specialist in judging in Sharia.

“Aren’t there those...! Are there any ...!” - this means that Allah will talk about many more good deeds, thereby encouraging people to perform them.

The hadith was cited by Ibn Majah in the collection “al-Sunan” (1/455), hadith No. 1390. Al-Haythami in the book “Majma' al-Zawaid” (2/10) said: “In this isnad there is ibn Abu Sabra, whose name is Abu Bakr ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Sabra. Ahmad and ibn Ma'een said about him: “He invents hadiths.”. Ibn Hajar in the book “at-Taqrib” (3/397) said: “Hadith scholars accused him of falsification”, a similar opinion about him was expressed by al-`Uqayli in the book “Ad-Duafa al-Kabir” (2/271).

Ibn Hajar said: “This hadith was cited by the interpreter Abu Bakr an-Naqqash, and it was also cited by the scholar Abu al-Fadl Muhammad ibn Nasir in his book “Amali” from an-Naqqash in full length (this hadith mentions the virtues of fasting on each day of the month of Rajab separately ), and then said: “An-Naqqash is a forger and a charlatan.” Ibn Dihya said: “This hadith is fictitious.” ( See: “Tabyin al-`ajab”, pp. 13-15). This hadith was also called fictitious: Ibn al-Jawzi in the book “al-Mavdu`at” (2/205, 206); al-Saghani in the book “al-Mavdu`at”, page 61, hadith No. 129; al-Suyuty in the book “al-Lyaali al-masnu`a” (2/114).

“Hadith mavdu`/fabricated hadith”(حديث موضوع) is a false, falsified hadith, that is, these are words invented by some false transmitter and attributed to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

Rakaat (ركعة) – a prayer cycle, each prayer consists of several rakats, obligatory prayers consist of two, three or four rakats. Each rak'ah includes the same set of basic prayer actions: reading the Qur'an while standing, bowing from the waist (ruku`) and two bows to the ground (sujud).

"Opening the Book"(فاتحة الكتاب) is the first surah of the Quran, which is called “al-Fatiha” in Arabic.

"Say: He is Allah alone" is the one hundred and twelfth sura of the Quran, which in Arabic is called “al-Ikhlas” (“Sincerity” or “Purification”).

Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned this hadith in the reference book of fictional hadiths “al-Mawdu`at” (2/127, 128, 129). He reported this hadith in three different ways and said: “We have no doubt that this hadith is fictitious, almost all (jumhur) transmitters of all three isnads are completely unknown personalities (majahil), and among them there are those who are known to be extremely weak transmitters (du'afa bi-marra) . This hadith is absolutely impossible. We see how many people recite this prayer, which on short nights can last all night, and then skip the morning prayer (fajr) and get up lazy the next morning. Some imams of mosques, along with the “ragaib” prayer (in honor of the transfer and ascension) and other similar [innovations], make this prayer a net to lure ordinary people, to increase their authority and supremacy. When telling all sorts of stories in meetings, they often mention these prayers. All this has nothing to do with the Truth.". Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzi in the book al-Manar al-munif, page 98, no. 175, says: "To them(i.e. to fabricated hadiths) include hadiths about prayer performed in the middle of Sha'ban", then Ibn al-Qayyim mentioned this hadith, after which he said: “It is amazing to see how a person who has already inhaled the aroma of knowledge of the Sunnah is seduced by such nonsense and reads it as a prayer.”. Also, this hadith was cited by al-Suyuty in the book “al-Laali al-masnu`a” (2/57, 58, 59) and called it a fake. The same assessment was given to this hadith by Imam al-Shaukani in the book “al-Fawaid al-Majmu`a”, pp. 51, 52.

Ibn al-Jawzi mentioned this hadith in the reference book of fictional hadiths “al-Mawdu`at” (2/129) and said: “This hadith is also fictitious, it contains a whole group of unknown narrators”. He was also called fictitious by: ibn Qayim al-Jawziy in the book “al-Manar al-munif, page 99, No. 177” and al-Suyuty in the book “al-Laali al-masnu`a” (2/59).

Abu Abdullah `Ikrima al-Barbari al-Madani al-Hashimi, a freedman of Ibn `Abbas, a great scholar, an interpreter of the Koran, transmitted hadiths from several companions. He lived in Medina, but later settled in Mecca. Traveled a lot. Ibn `Abbas said: “Believe what he (`Ikrimah) conveys to you from me, he never lied about me.” `Ikrima was one of the most knowledgeable people of his time in the science of interpretation of the Quran. Al-`Ijli said: “He is a reliable transmitter (sika) and he has absolutely nothing to do with what people accuse him of, namely Kharurism (Kharijite sect), and he is Tabiyin.” Imam Ahmad was asked about the quality of the hadith transmitted by `Ikrimah, to which he said: “Yes. What he conveyed can be used as evidence if reliable transmitters (sikat) transmit from him.” Yahya ibn Ma`in said: “He is a reliable transmitter (sika).” 'Ikrima (may Allah grant him mercy) died in 107 AH.

You can read a more detailed biography of `Ikrima (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “at-Tabakat” (5/287-293); “Tarihu al-sikat”, page 339, biography No. 1160; “al-Jarh wa at-Ta`dil” (7/7-9); "Tabakat al-fuqaha", al-Shirazi, p. 70; "Tazkirat al-khuffaz" (1/95, 96).

Ismail ibn Umar ibn Kathir ibn Dau' ibn Kathir al-Basri ad-Dimashqi- a great scientist, interpreter of the Koran, a great specialist, a jurist of the Shafiite persuasion. Born in 700 AH. or a little later. His father died in 703 AH. When in 706 AH. he and his brother arrived in Damascus to gain knowledge from scientists, he was about seven years old. He compiled his famous book of interpretation of the Koran, and he is also the author of the famous and large treatise on history “al-Bidayatu wa an-nihaya” (Russian: “The Beginning and the End”). For a long time he accompanied al-Mizzi and became related to him by marrying his relative. He also accompanied Ibn Taymiyya (may Allah grant him his mercy), loved and respected him very much, for which he was eventually persecuted. Ibn Kathir had an excellent memory and knew how to beautifully express his thoughts both in speech and when composing his works. Already during his lifetime, the works he compiled were distributed throughout cities and countries, and people received a lot of benefit from them. Shortly before his death, he lost his sight. Ibn Kathir died in 774 AH.

“...grazes his sheep too far”- i.e. he is deeply mistaken, looking for the truth in the wrong place, despite the fact that it is right under his nose.

Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn al-'Arabi al-Andalusi al-Ishbili al-Maliki is a great scientist, the author of many works. Born in 468 AH. Traveled in search of knowledge with his father. He received knowledge from scientists in Baghdad, Damascus, Beit al-Maqdis (Jerusalem), Mecca, as well as from some scientists in Egypt. Then in 491 AH. he returned to his homeland in Andalusia (modern Spain). Ibn al-'Arabi (may Allah grant him mercy) died in 543 AH. and was buried in the city of Fasen. He was the author of the following works: “`Aridat al-Ahwazi fi sharkh Jami` at-Tirmizi”, “Ahkam al-Quran”, “al-Masalik fi sharkh Muwatta Malik”, “al-`Awasim min al-Qawasym”, “ al-Mahsul fi usul al-fiqh.” He also compiled another series of thousands of small books, which he called “Anwar al-fajr fi tafsir al-Quran.” He compiled it over the course of twenty years; it consisted entirely of eighty thousand sheets (80,000 sheets! That is, 160,000 pages!) Then this book was preserved in fragments in the personal libraries of different people. He also has many other works besides those already mentioned. Ibn Al-`Arabi was known for his insightful mind, wisdom, and had a noble character. He held the position of Sharia judge in Ishbilya (one of the regions of present-day Spain), and he was highly praised for the way he carried out his work. He was principled and completely adamant. He then left his position as a judge and devoted himself to disseminating knowledge and writing scientific works. With his own money, he rebuilt the protective walls of Ishbilya.

Read more detailed biography Ibn al-`Arabi can be found in the following works: “Bugyat al-multamas”, pp. 92-99, biography No. 179; “Wafayatu al-Aa`yan” (4/ 296, 297); "Tazkirat al-Huffaz" (4/1294-1296); "ad-Dibaj al-Muzahhab", pp. 281-284.

Abdurrahman ibn Ahmad ibn Rajab al-Salami al-Baghdadi al-Dimashki, Abu al-Faraj- an outstanding scientist, specialist in hadith and related sciences. Born in Baghdad in 736 AH, died in Damascus in 795 AH.

Tabiin(تابع) - students of the companions, those who met the companions of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but did not meet him himself, even if they lived in his time.

Sham- a historical territory that includes such modern states as Syria, Jordan, Palestine, all lands occupied by the Zionists, and certain lands of nearby states such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

Khalid ibn Madan ibn Abu Qurayb, Abu Abdullah al-Kulla'y al-Khimsa- Sheikh of the inhabitants of Sham, belongs to the third period (tobacco) of fiqh scholars in Sham after the Companions. Al-`Ijli said: “The scholar from Sham, tabiin, reliable transmitter (sika). Ya'qub ibn Shaiba, ibn Sa'd, ibn Harrash and an-Nasai, they all said: “He is a reliable transmitter, he found seventy companions.” Khalid ibn Ma'dan died during fasting in 103 AH, but some give other dates.

You can read a more detailed biography of Khalid ibn Madan (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “Tabakat”, ibn Saad (7/455); “Tarikh as-sikat”, page 142, biography No. 370; “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (3/351); “Tahzib at-tahzib” (3/ 118-130).

Makhul ibn Abdullah ad-Dimashki– scientist, jurist, fiqh specialist. Praising him, contemporaries said: “ There are only four scholars, one of them is Makhul from Sham" Abu Hatim said: “I don’t know anyone in Sham who understands fiqh better than him.”. Al-`Ijli said about Makhul: “He is Tabiyin, a reliable transmitter (sika). Every time he answered, he certainly said: “There is no power and strength except from Allah, this is my opinion, and opinions can be both wrong and right.”. He was accused of Kadarism (a movement professing the absolute free will of man), but it is also reported that he subsequently returned to the correct beliefs in the matter of predestination. There is disagreement regarding his death, they say that he died in 113 AH, others say in 116 AH, others say in 118 AH.

You can read a more detailed biography of Makhul in the following works: “Tabakat”, ibn Saad (7/453, 454); “Tarikh as-sikat”, page 439, biography No. 1628; “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (8/ 407, 408); “Tabakat al-fuqaha”, al-Shirazi (8/455, 456).

Luqman ibn `Amir al-Wassabi, Abul-Khimsa. Al'Ijli said about him: “ Scholar from Sham, tabiin, reliable transmitter (sika)" Abu Hatim said: " His hadiths can be written down" Ibn Hajar said: " Ibn Hibban named him among the reliable transmitters (sikat)».

The term “Jewish traditions (Israiliyat)” ​​refers to not only Jewish but also Christian traditions, which have been used by some people as an attempt to interpret the verses of the Koran through the prism of the established Jewish and Christian traditions in the interpretation of events described in both the Koran and the Bible. The Israelites were spread mainly through former Jews and Christians who converted to Islam, but having deep knowledge in their former religions, they interpreted some events using their old knowledge. The most famous scholars who used Israiliyat in the interpretation of the Qur'an were Abdullah ibn Salam, Ka'b al-Akhbar, Wahb ibn Munabbih and Abdulmalik ibn Abdulaziz ibn Jurayj.

`Ata ibn ibn Aslam al-Qurashi(freedman of Quraish) al-Makki, also known as `Ata ibn Abu Rabah- was born during the reign of Umar ibn al-Khattab in the village of Jund, in Yemen. He was very eloquent, had great knowledge and spent a lot of time in prayer. Ibn `Abbas (one of the most knowledgeable companions!) said: “Are you collecting questions to ask me while Ibn Abu Rabah is among you?!”(See: “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (6/330)). Ibn `Umar also said that `Ata is the most knowledgeable person in the matter of hajj (pilgrimage) rituals. Scientists analyzing the isnads of the hadith for suitability and unsuitability (jarh wa ta'dil) named `Ata ibn Abu Rabah among the reliable transmitters. Some hadith scholars said that `Ata often made “irsal”, that is, he did not mention the name of the very first transmitter in the isnad (chain) of the hadith, some said that at the end of his life he had already lost the necessary degree of reliability, but upon study it becomes clear that these accusations are baseless. `Ata ibn Abu Rabah died in Mecca in 114 AH, but some say in 115 AH.

You can read a more detailed biography of `Ata ibn Abu Rabah (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (6/ 330-332); biography No. 1839; “Tazkirat al-khuffaz” (1/98), hadith No. 90; “Takrib at-tahzib” (2/22), biography No. 190.

Abdullah ibn `Ubaydullah ibn Abu Muleyqa al-Qurashi at-Taymi al-Makki– A great scholar and expert on hadith, a transmitter of the highest degree of reliability, is on the same level as `Ata ibn Abu Rabah. Abu Zur'a and Abu Hatim called him a reliable transmitter. He served as a Sharia judge in Mecca during the reign of ibn Zubair, and was also a muazzin at the Sacred Mosque (al-Masjid al-Haram). Then he served as a judge in Taif and sought advice from Ibn Abbas. Ibn Abu Muleyqa died in 117 AH.

You can read a more detailed biography of Ibn Abu Muleyqa (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “Tabakat” (5/472, 473); “al-Ma'arif”, ibn Qutaybah, p.475; “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (5/99, 100), biography No. 461; “Tazkirat al-khuffaz” (1/ 101, 102), biography No. 94.

From Ibn Zayd, this opinion was conveyed in turn by Ibn Waddah in the book “al-Bida` wa an-nahyu ‘ankha”, page 46, where he said: “ Ibn Abu Zayd, one of the great Maliki scholars, said: “The scholars of fiqh never did this(i.e. they never celebrated the middle of Sha'ban)."

Imam Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn Abu 'Amir ibn 'Amr ibn al-Harith al-Asbahi, Abu Abdullah al-Madani- a famous scientist, Imam of Medina, an example of piety and accuracy in the sciences. Imam al-Bukhari said: “The most reliable of all existing isnads is the isnad “Malik from Nafi` from ibn `Umar.” Malik was one of the greatest students of the Tabi'een (disciples of the Tabi'een are those who met the Tabi'een but did not meet the Companions), one of the most outstanding scholars of fiqh, and an example of righteousness. Along with fiqh, he paid great attention to the science of hadith and the Sunnah. His most famous book is the collection of hadith "al-Muwatta". Imam Malik was born in 93 AH and died in 179 AH.

You can read a more detailed biography of Imam Malik (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “Mashahir `ulama al-amsar,” p. 140, biography No. 1110; “Tartib al-madarik” (1/ 102-246); “Tahziba at-tahzib” (10/5-9).

Ishaq ibn Ibrahim ibn Mahlyad ibn Ibrahim ibn Matar al-Khanzali, Abu Ya'qub al-Marwazi, better known as Ibn Rahawayh- one of the outstanding and famous scholars of Islam, combined fiqh, hadith, piety, and fear of God. He was born in 166 AH, and some say in 161 AH. He lived in Naisabur and was the most powerful scientist of this city. Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: “We consider Ishaq to be one of the Imams of the Muslims, and no one has crossed the bridge [of this life] more discerning in matters of fiqh than he.”. Ishak himself said: “I remember seventy thousand hadiths by heart and regularly repeat another hundred thousand, and whatever I hear, I memorize it, and if I have learned something, I never forget it.”. Many transmitters transmitted hadith from him, some of the most significant transmitters were such imams of the Sunnah as Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daud, at-Tirmidhi, an-Nasai, Yahya ibn Ma'in and many others. Ishaq ibn Rahawayh died in 238 AH, and, as al-Bukhari said, he was 77 years old at the time of his death. Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi said: "That means he was born in 61(i.e. in the year 61 of the second century AH, in other words in 161 AH).”

You can read a more detailed biography of Ishaq ibn Rahawaykh (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (2/209-210), biography No. 714; “Tabakat al-Khanabil”, Ibn Abu Ya`al (1/109), biography No. 122; “Wafayat al-a`yan” (1/ 199-201), biography No. 85; “Tabakat ash-shafi`iya”, al-Subki (2/ 83-93), biography No. 19.

Harb ibn Ismail ibn Khalaf al-Khanzali al-Kirmani, Abu Muhammad. Abu Bakr al-Halal said about him: " This is a great man, he personally wrote down the answers to questions that he heard from Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal" Harb himself said: “ These are four thousand hadiths from Abu Abdullah (i.e. from Imam Ahmad) and from Ishaq ibn Rahaweih" He was one of the greatest experts on fiqh in his country. The ruler appointed him chief judge of the city. Died in 280 AH.

You can read a more detailed biography of Harb al-Kirmani in the following works: “Tabakat al-Khanabil” (1/145, 146), biography No. 189; "Tazkirat al-khuffaz" (2/613); “al-Manhaj al-Ahmad” (1/ 394, 395), biography No. 375.

Abdurrahman ibn 'Amr ibn Yukhmad ibn Abdu'amr al-Auza'i, Abu 'Amr- a great scientist, imam of Muslims in fiqh, knowledge and piety. He had an extraordinary memory, worshiped a lot, led a very ascetic and unpretentious lifestyle, and was distinguished by the accuracy of his transmissions of hadiths. Born in 80 AH, he came from al-Awza`a, a village near Damascus. He died in 157 in Beirut, despite his age, he carried out border duty, being in one of the garrisons and guarding the borders of the caliphate along with other warriors of Islam. The cause of his death was that he slipped in the bathhouse, fell and lost consciousness, after which he died without regaining consciousness at the age of seventy.

You can read a more detailed biography of Imam al-Auzai (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “Tabakat” (7/488); “al-Jarh wa at-ta`dil” (5/ 266, 267), biography No. 1257; “Mashahir ulama al-amsar”, page 180, biography No. 1425; "al-Fakhrasat", page 284.

The author said “the majority of scholars”, because if you look at it in general, the vast majority of scholars of Ahli Sunnah completely prohibit the celebration of this night both in the mosque and outside it, and along with this, some of those who allow the celebration of this night consider it blameworthy carry it out during mass gatherings in mosques.

Takyyuddin Abu al-Abbas Ahmad son of the great scientist sheikh Abdulhalima, who in turn was the son of the great scientist sheikh Abu Barakat Abdussalam ibn Abdullah ibn Abu Qasim ibn Taymiyy an-Numeiri al-Harrani ad-Dimashki, better known as Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taymiyya. This is one of the most outstanding scholars of Islam, he was known for his extensive and deep knowledge in all areas of Islamic Sharia, without exception, he was an unsurpassed expert in fiqh, hadith and other sciences, he also had an excellent understanding of the beliefs of sectarians who consider themselves to be Islam and the beliefs other religions. At the same time, he was known for his piety, strict asceticism, unpretentiousness, and a lot of worship of Allah. He was also a Mujahid and took personal part in the battles against the Mongol invaders. Born in Harran in 661 AH. He began teaching, giving fatwas and participating in scientific discussions at the same level as great scientists before he was even twenty years old. He died in captivity in a prison located in the fortress of Damascus in 728 AH. All his works occupy 4,000 notebooks. All of them are well known and do not need to be listed, the most famous of them are such works as “Majmu` al-fatawa” (Book of fatwas), “al-Iman”, “Daru ta`arud al-`aqli wa al-nakl ", "Minhaju al-Sunnah".

You can read a more detailed biography of Sheikh-l-Islam ibn Taymiyya (may Allah grant him his mercy) in the following works: “ad-Duraru al-Kamina” (1/144-160), “Zaylu tabakat al-hanabila” (2/ 387-408), “Fawatu al-wafayat” (1/74-80), “al-Bidayatu wa an-nihaya” (14/117-121).

See: “Iqtida al-syrat al-mustaqim (3/ 626, 627); “Majmu` al-fatawa (23/123); "Ikhtiyarat al-fikhiyya", page 65.

Companion(Sahabi / صحابي) is someone who met the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and died as a Muslim.

Abdurrahman ibn Ismail ibn Ibrahim ibn Uthman ibn Abu Bakr al-Maqdisi, better known as Abu Shama- a great scientist, an outstanding hadith scholar, collector of hadiths, an expert in fiqh and history. Author of many works, such as: “Mukhtasar Tarikh Dimashk”, “Sharh al-Shatibiyya”, “al-Ba’ys”, “ar-Radd ila al-amr al-awwal”, “ar-Ravdataini fi akhbari ad-Davlatain” "and many others. He was born in 599 AH. Abu Shama (may Allah grant him mercy) died as a result of unrest at the hands of a hired killer sent to him in 665 AH.

Abdulaziz ibn Abdullah ibn Abdurrahman ibn Baz. Born in 1330. in the city of Riyadh, at a young age he lost his sight. I memorized the Koran before I came of age. He received knowledge from famous scientists such as: Muhammad ibn Abdullatif, Salih ibn Abdulaziz ibn Abdurrahman ibn Hasan, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim, Saad ibn Hamad ibn 'Atiq, Hamad ibn Faris, but most of all he studied with Muhammad ibn Ibrahim. Ibn Baz studied with him for about ten years. In 1357 took the position of judge of the city of Kharj, where he worked until 1371, then he left this position to devote himself entirely to teaching. After that, he held many different positions in the fields of education, science and conscription. He was a very calm person by nature, and his appearance commanded respect. He was very balanced and reasonable. Sheikh Abdulaziz ibn Baz was known for his concern for the poor and disadvantaged and was noted for his great generosity. Very rarely did he eat in his house without any guests at the table. Some people stayed at his house for quite a long time, and it seemed as if they were living with him. He himself was not at all picky and was not at all interested in the pleasures of this world. Until his death, he constantly gave lessons to his students every day, and also gave lectures at various meetings and on the radio. Sheikh ibn Baz (may Allah grant him mercy) died in 1420 AH.

Mufti- a great scientist with very great knowledge in various areas of Islam, to whom people turn with their questions in matters relating to religion.

Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khattab al-`Adawi, Abu Abdurrahman- a companion, the son of the second righteous caliph Umar, was known for his zeal in knowledge and courage on the battlefield. Grew up in Islam. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) allowed him to participate in the “Battle of the Ditch” when he was only fifteen years old. He moved from Mecca to Medina with his father and participated in the liberation of Mecca. He gave fatwas (religious answers) to people for sixty years. Twice he participated in two military expeditions to Africa. At the end of his life he lost his sight. He died in Mecca in 72 AH. or 73 AH, and was the last of the Companions to die in Mecca. In the collections of hadiths, 2630 hadiths are transmitted from him. He prayed a lot at night and carefully followed the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in all matters. Despite the fact that his father in the Islamic Ummah is considered the best person after Abu Bakr, nevertheless, when people touched upon the topic of the merits of Ibn Umar, they said: “In the time of his father there were those who were equal to his father, and in the time of Ibn Umar he had no equal."

“The Night of Transference and Ascension” (al-Isra wa al-Mi'raj) is a celebration in honor of the night of the transfer of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from Mecca to Quds (Jerusalem) and ascension from Quds to heaven.

Laylatul-Baraat is the night from the 14th to the 15th days of the month of Shaban. This year it falls on the night of June 12th to 13th.

Allah Almighty, before creating the worlds and everything that exists in them, first wished it. Then that night Baraat let the angels know what would happen within one year.
This is one of the nights when the gates of mercy are opened and all duas are accepted. The Holy Qur'an was revealed from the Lawhil Mahfuz (Heavenly Tablet in which everything and what will happen during the year is written down) on this night.
On this night, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) performed many prayers, worships and services. Especially, I read a lot of dua: “ Allahummarzukna kalban takiyan minash-shirki bariyan la kafiran wa shakiyan».

The hadith says:
« On the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban, Allah sends grace to His servants and forgives those who believe in Him. He gives the unbelievers time to think. He leaves those who harbor malice and envy in their souls without attention until they give up these traits».

« When the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban, the night of Baraat, comes, spend it in prayers, and fast during the day! On this night Allah Almighty will ask:“Is there anyone who wants to be forgiven? I'll forgive you. Is there anyone who desires a livelihood? I'll give them. Are there anyone asking for good? I will give them benefits. Are there anyone seeking healing from illness? I will give what they wish." This goes on until the morning».

« On this night, the gates of heaven open, angels bring good news to Muslims and call them to worship. Perform many services on the night of Baraat! Otherwise you will regret on Judgment Day».

« On this night, Muslims who break family relationships, go against the will of their parents and are arrogant will not be forgiven.».

« Jebrail came to me with the words: “Get up, perform namaz and make dua. It is the fifteenth night of the month of Sha'ban»».

Allah Almighty forgives everyone who spends this night in worship, except pagans, enemies of Muslims, murderers of innocents, mushriks, munafiks, priests and sorcerers, misers who drink alcohol, moneylenders, slanderers and gossips, bandits and adulterers.

Children who will be born within a year after the night of Baraat are recorded in a separate notebook. The names of people who will leave the earthly world this year will be written in another notebook. The annual portion of each will be distributed and recorded. On this night, an account of the deeds of each person is presented to Allah Almighty.

« Take Baraat night as a chance, an opportunity! For this is one of the sacred nights. Fifteenth night of Sha'ban. Do a lot of worship. Otherwise you will regret on Judgment Day».
