How to choose inexpensive sunglasses. How to choose sunglasses based on your face shape and type of protection

Sunglasses are not only a stylish accessory that complements your appearance, but also a means of protecting your eyes from ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on the skin and mucous membranes. And if for protection skin you can use cream, that's all Possible Solution to ensure eye safety - glasses.

Choose the right one sunglasses They will help you in specialized optical shops. Only in this case can you be sure of the quality of the purchased product, confirmed by a certificate. The certificate contains information about the manufacturer, material and level of protection against ultraviolet radiation. The best option is protection from all radiation spectra (UV-A, UV-B and UV-C) in the range of up to 400 nanometers.

Is this accessory necessary?

In the absence of sun protection, the eye muscles reflexively contract. A person automatically begins to squint to reduce the penetration of ultraviolet radiation deep into the retina. If you use low-quality glasses with tinted lenses, but not protective ones, the pupil of the eye remains dilated, and ultraviolet light penetrates it unhindered. IN in this case Corneal damage or other serious complications may occur.

For example, symptoms such eye disease, like photokeratitis, are quite unpleasant: increased tearing, irritation and redness, a feeling of sand in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, and sometimes short-term loss of vision. Therefore, in order to choose Sunglasses, you must remember that cheap products cannot be of high quality.

Which is better: plastic or glass?

Preference is given to plastic for its lightness and practicality. These glasses are more difficult to break, and they have more variety in design than frames with glass lenses. Glass, in turn, can be traumatic and unsuitable for a child, and is also not entirely suitable for people leading an active lifestyle.

Today, plastic glasses have additional coatings. For example, polarization. It helps improve contrast and eliminate extraneous glare. Therefore, such glasses are especially relevant for drivers. However, the plastic may become scratched over time.

How to check sunglasses?

To check whether the lenses have a polarizing coating, you need to look at a special screen or sticker available on stands in optical stores. First with glasses, and then without them. If the picture is visible only with glasses, then their lenses have the desired coating.

You can also check polarized glasses by looking through their lenses at a computer LCD monitor or display cell phone. Coated glasses cause the screen image to darken when you turn your head.

To check Polaroid glasses, you need to find on inside temples are marked with Polaroid branding and a four-digit model code with one capital letter, indicating color. The lenses must have a sticker with the manufacturer's logo. A passport for this model in Russian is provided with the glasses. Moreover, the model code indicated in the description must correspond to the indelible code on the bow. You can check the polarization of Polaroid glasses using the methods described above.

How to choose the right sunglasses?

Frame selection

The frame of glasses should not put pressure on the bridge of the nose and temple area. Glasses should be comfortable. If you have a wide nose bridge, it is better to opt for frames with nose pads. Nylon is considered to be the most practical material for frames: thanks to its flexibility, it prevents many damages caused by careless handling.

Frame with wide temple limits peripheral vision, therefore its use is undesirable when driving a vehicle.

It is better to choose frames according to your face shape. The easiest way to choose glasses is for a classic oval face shape: almost all models are suitable for such people.

Those with a long face will look better with large, chunky frames of any shape, while small, rimless glasses will not look right.

A round face is best suited to wide frames, square or rectangular in shape.

Large round glasses or aviators will look ideal on a square-shaped face, and you should choose frames with a low bridge that will visually round the face.

The following principle will help you choose the right comfortable sunglasses: the upper border of the frame should be located strictly on the line of the eyebrows, and not be higher or lower. The size of the frame should not exceed 1/3 of the size of the face, then the glasses will look more harmonious. The frame should not be too narrow or small. Its function is to protect the eyes and the skin around them. If sunlight penetrates from these sides, it is better to refuse to buy such glasses.

Size selection

The glasses must fit correctly. In order to check if they are large, you need to lower your head down, turn left and right. Suitable glasses will remain in place in this case.

Lens color

When choosing the color of lenses, keep in mind that the safest for the eyes are gray and green. In addition, these colors do not distort shades environment, which makes them stand out when it is necessary to use them indoors and outdoors. Golden-yellow lenses block blue light, and therefore can only be worn in cloudy weather. Mirror lenses reflect sunlight, which is why they are so popular among climbers and alpine skiers.

Other nuances of choosing sunglasses

Taking into account fashion trends, dragonfly-shaped glasses are most often recommended for women, and aviator glasses for men. Fans of stylish looks prefer to regularly change the color of their lenses: from black and gray to dark red and brown. Particularly popular is the graduated color of lenses, thanks to which the glasses have a dark tint on top, gradually turning transparent at the bottom.

Hair color is also an important criterion when choosing a frame model. So, for example, dark, blue or light green frames are more suitable for blondes, but not black. Those with dark hair can choose sunglasses in both light and dark frames.

Also, do not forget about clothing style. The chosen model of glasses should not be dissonant with him. For example, if you adhere to an avant-garde style of clothing, then the classic shape of the frame is unlikely to fit into this image sunglasses.

For those who have vision problems, you can choose photochromic lenses with diopters that remain transparent indoors, and when exposed to bright light sunlight are getting dark. In addition to the vision correction function, these glasses are equipped with ultraviolet protection. Before purchasing such glasses, you should consult with an ophthalmologist. The doctor will write a prescription for the selection of lenses with the required number of diopters.

In addition, you need to take care of proper care for glasses. For this purpose, you can additionally purchase a special case (it is better if it is a hard case). Lenses should be wiped with a special cloth made of thin suede or a cloth with a fleecy surface. It should be remembered that glasses should not be placed on the table with the lenses facing down - this will damage the coating of the lenses.

Sunglasses are not only a fashion accessory, but also an excellent means of protecting your eyes. Today it is difficult to imagine a person who would walk in the summer without glasses. Modern manufacturing companies supply store shelves with various accessories for every taste and budget. You can find colored or tinted lenses enclosed in a plastic or iron frame. When choosing sunglasses, you need to pay attention to important aspects.

Why are sunglasses needed?

The main task of the accessory is to minimize the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the eyes and the skin around them. However, it is important to remember that not every sunglasses can perform this function.

Fashion trends leave their mark on society. People choose sunglasses without paying attention to their quality. Indeed, in such a matter, the main thing, in the opinion of many, is beauty and compatibility with clothing.

But in fact, you need to choose glasses that are not only beautiful, but also of high quality. Lenses should protect the cornea from ultraviolet radiation and protect the delicate skin around them.

Otherwise, you run the risk of cataracts or eye degeneration. Such consequences will be extremely sad. The sun is especially harmful to older people, drivers and those who work a lot at the computer.

What can the sun do to your eyes?

Experts in the field of ophthalmology advise to be more careful about the accessories that are used to protect the eyes. Ultraviolet rays damage not only vision, but also general condition human health. After just 2-3 hours of walking without glasses, colossal discomfort begins, which manifests itself in severe eye pain.

More sad consequences are manifested in the following:

  • loss of vision (partial);
  • getting a burn to the eye cornea;
  • the onset of cataract development.

However, it should be understood that direct ultraviolet radiation does not always lead to severe dysfunction. Sometimes, after a long stay in the sun without glasses, pain, tearing, decreased quality of vision, etc. appear. This is the beginning of something more, you need to consult a doctor or immediately buy sunglasses.

Skiers, snowboarders, polar explorers or drivers often face the problem of blinding blindness. This is a burn of the eye cornea that occurs due to the reflective surface. For example, snow or water.

There is a single rule: the higher the sun's activity, the more aggressive the effect of ultraviolet rays. If you add to this reflective factors in the form of blinding snow or water, you expose your eyes to danger 3 times or more.

Types of sun lenses

Many people mistakenly rely on the frame when choosing glasses, but in the case of eye protection, such a decision is reckless. To prevent the sun from affecting the retina and cornea, it is necessary to select high-quality lenses. Dark glass does not always indicate protection from ultraviolet radiation; some coatings simply do not cope with their task.

It should be remembered that low-quality lenses (fake) will lead to even greater harm. Under the influence of the sun, the pupil becomes narrow, and in such glasses it absorbs the entire solar wave, as if remaining in the shadow.

Today there are several main types of lenses - glass, plastic, made of polycarbonate. Each material is endowed with its own positive and negative qualities.

Glass lenses

Not many people know that even completely transparent (not tinted) lenses protect against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. If you like this option, you don't have to buy glasses with black or dark brown lenses. The main thing is that they are slightly darkened.

Glass lenses may become too fragile under mechanical stress. But nevertheless they plastic is better The new ones will resist scratches. You should not buy glass glasses for playing volleyball or football on the beach, or for those who drive a car.

Plastic lenses
Lenses of this type, unlike glass ones, do not crumble into small particles upon impact. In most cases, a long crack remains in the plastic, which then leads to the lens splitting in two. But the fragments will not get into your eyes.

The material has the ability to pass ultra-violet rays. Therefore, you should not count on 100% protection for your eyes and the skin in their area. In addition, at temperatures above the prescribed norm, glasses may lose their shape. Plastic lenses are stored in a case.

Polycarbonate lenses
For those who don't know, polycarbonate is an impact-resistant material that is also endowed with the properties of protecting the cornea from direct ultraviolet rays. The lenses are made of polycarbonate with a thickness of 1-2 mm, thanks to which the glasses can withstand tests even with a pistol shot (small caliber).

Also, numerous studies have proven that polycarbonate does not break even when hit by a hammer. We can conclude that sunglasses with such lenses will be the most durable. They do not scratch or crack, but you will have to pay a decent amount for the accessory.

Most often, polycarbonate-based lenses are produced by famous Italian brands. They not only do not transmit ultraviolet radiation, but also have the ability to eliminate glare (snow, wet asphalt, etc.). These lenses are ideal for drivers, skiers and those who spend a lot of time near the water.

Light transmission of lenses
Accessories sold in specialized stores opticians have a passport. There should also be a sticker on the glasses that indicates the degree of light transmission of the lenses.

If you notice a “0” mark on the accessory, this indicates complete light transmission and no retinal protection.

When the number “1” is on the lenses, the accessory will protect your eyes by 40-65%, no more.

With a value equal to “2”, about 35-20% of ultraviolet rays will reach the retina. These glasses are good for use in the city.

Models with an indicator of “3” are ideal for carrying out any work on the street. Also this option Should be chosen by people who spend a lot of time at sea or are going on vacation.

When marked at “4”, about 5-8% of the light reaches the retina. The accessories are suitable for skiers and those who travel a lot in hot countries with the sun constantly at its peak.

If you don't notice any markings on your sunglasses, prepare for zero effectiveness. Such accessories will not protect the retina, so you should wear them no longer than two hours.

The color of sun lenses and the degree of their darkening affect the perception and well-being of the eyes. Conventionally, these characteristics are divided into 2 subspecies; let’s consider them in order.

Lenses of green, gray, and brown shades are pleasant to wear; the eyes do not get tired in them as much as when wearing other types of glasses.

Orange, red, pink, yellow not advisable to wear. During use, such accessories distort visual perception, affect the psyche, contribute to eye fatigue.

A mirror coating would be an ideal option, but if worn incorrectly, such glasses will quickly scratch and interfere with “viewing”. The accessory should be kept in its case at all times.

Lens coating

There are polarized and photochromic coatings on sunglasses lenses. Spraying plays a role, so let's look into the subtleties of choice.

Polarized lenses
Polarized coating has the best protective characteristics of all available types of lenses. A positive feature is that glasses of this kind protect the eyes equally well, even if there is a sudden change in sun exposure.

For example, while driving a car it suddenly began to rain. The asphalt will begin to glare, glasses will prevent the impact on the eyes, reflecting bright flashes. The same goes for relaxing on water or snow.

Glasses with polarized lenses should be preferred by car drivers. This accessory will prevent glare from the wet road and the impact of oncoming headlights.

Before purchasing, make sure that the lenses are of sufficient quality. Ask the seller for a passport, which will contain all the necessary information. It is important to look for the label “polarized lenses” or “anti-reflective coating”.

To be sure of the quality, put on your glasses and pick them up mobile phone. Set the brightness on your smartphone to maximum and rotate the gadget at a certain angle. If the lenses begin to visually darken, this indicates eye protection. You can take this option.

Photochromic coating
In addition to blocking light, sunglasses with photochromic coating also block some UV rays. An accessory with polarized lenses cannot boast of this quality.

This option is suitable for categories of people who are afraid of light or feel discomfort from bright illuminations. To create a photochromic coating, specialists resort to the use of special sputtering materials. They have no effect in sultry heat, but are great for wearing in medium to low temperatures.

Accessories of this kind are not suitable for wearing on the beach. But they will be effective for drivers who spend a lot of time driving at night. Due to its good light reflection, photochromic coating is ideal for skiers when the reflection of snow greatly affects the retina.

Choosing sunglasses for driving

  1. In most cases, drivers choose glasses for themselves based on comfort and the correct shape of the frame. Such people do not follow fashion. The accessory must completely protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Drivers need to choose correct color lenses The glasses should have a green, brown or grayish tint. Lenses of these colors are great for driving and do not create artificial glare from the road. In this case, it is much more comfortable to control the situation.
  3. When choosing glasses with lenses in mandatory An anti-reflective coating must be applied. This addition is present on all high-quality and expensive accessories. Most suitable option There will be an accessory with polarized lenses.
  4. Glasses of this quality improve visibility by filtering out excess light. The only disadvantage of such models is that they are not available with diopters. The use of such glasses is acceptable with temporary wearing of lenses to improve vision.

Choosing sunglasses for children

  1. If you decide to purchase high-quality sunglasses for your child, in this case you should not save. Consider models marked “Polarized.” Glasses with special lenses prevent bright glare and refract the reflection of rays from bright surfaces.
  2. An accessory with polarized lenses blocks almost 100% reflected rays. Regular glasses with dark lenses only slightly refract glare and sunlight. As for the material, it is better to choose an accessory made of polycarbonate plastic.
  3. Such glasses do not distort the image and color, they are difficult to break and scratch. For a child, such indicators are important. In case of an unforeseen situation, the baby will not be injured by a shrapnel.

Round face

  1. If you have a round face, it is recommended to choose glasses with wide frames. In this case, the shape of the accessory should resemble cat eye or a drop.
  2. You should not choose glasses with a strict round shape. You can also consider an attribute with rectangular or square lenses. Keep in mind that these glasses are only suitable for thin necks.

Square shaped face

  1. Owners of this type of face are recommended to consider an attribute with thin frames and oval-shaped lenses. Keep in mind that when choosing glasses, they should not be wider than your head.
  2. If you accidentally purchased glasses that are wider than your face, your face will appear much bulkier. Also, do not consider too miniature models.

Triangular shaped face

  1. This type of face is quite rare. In this case, with the help of glasses it is necessary to visually correct the appearance of the head. An accessory of the correct shape will make your eyes, forehead and hide a small chin appear smaller.
  2. It is recommended to consider models with round lenses, but the attribute should not be too large. In this case, glasses with additional stickers and decorations will not spoil the appearance at all. Consider classic style glasses.

Oval shaped face

  1. If you have an oval face type, you are very lucky. In this case, there will be no problems with the selection of points. Consider the attributes of absolutely any style. If your budget allows, you can change the attribute every season.
  2. The only problem with an oval face is that you need to visually make your head wider. It is not recommended to consider glasses with invisible or narrow frames. Give preference to extravagant models.
  1. It is recommended to select an accessory with a plastic frame. If you often visit the beach, metal material is completely contraindicated in this case. This frame reflects the rays better, thereby exposing the face to pigmentation and burns.
  2. If you are choosing glasses not for driving, give preference to mirrored lenses. The latter, in turn, better reflect ultraviolet rays. When vacationing at a resort with the scorching sun, you must wear glasses that will cover most faces.
  3. Not worth it sunny days wear an accessory with blue or pink lenses. They transmit ultraviolet radiation well and do not protect the eyes at all. This attribute is best worn on cloudy or cloudy days.

If you want to purchase really high-quality glasses that will meet all the requirements, you should purchase the attribute in professional stores. An ordinary accessory with dark lenses does not at all guarantee protection from harmful radiation. On good glasses there must be a protective film. Choose the option marked “High UV-protection”.

Video: how to choose sunglasses

For many people, sunglasses are just a fashion accessory. However, first of all, they are intended to protect the eyes - both in the summer and on a resort vacation at any time of the year, and during winter sports.

The choice must be approached very responsibly, because low-quality glasses can cause harm instead of benefit.

Vladimir Neroev, director of the Helmholtz Moscow Research Institute of Eye Diseases, tells how to choose sunglasses.

Why does the sun harm your eyes?

Pigment provides natural eye protection melanin, the amount of which in the eyes decreases with age. Therefore, intense exposure to solar radiation on the eyes can lead to problems and cause eye diseases such as central degeneration or cataracts.

For example, even short-term observation solar eclipse without appropriate eye protection led to a decrease in people's vision, which was subsequently only partially restored.

What is sunlight

Sunlight is primarily a combination of ultraviolet (UV) and infrared radiation. Depending on the wavelength, UV radiation is divided into:

Longwave ( type A rays) is the least dangerous range (it is what causes tanning), but the effect accumulates over a lifetime and accelerates skin aging,
- medium wave ( type B rays) – in this range the radiation has a higher energy and, being present in sufficient quantity, causes dermatitis, burns and other skin damage,
- shortwave ( type C rays) is the most dangerous range, but it is almost completely delayed ozone layer earth's atmosphere.

Ultraviolet radiation is uneven at different latitudes. It is much more intense near the equator, decreasing as it moves away from it. Ultraviolet radiation poses the greatest danger during the daytime.

Its influence increases when reflected from certain surfaces, increasing the total dose. For example, snow reflects about 90 percent of sunlight, water about 70 percent, and grass only 3 percent.

Infrared radiation largely dissipated due to atmospheric moisture, but can also represent serious danger, especially in combination with ultraviolet light.

What to consider when choosing glasses

The selection of sunglasses in stores is so wide that it can be very difficult to sort through them. To make the right choice, you need to understand where and how you are going to use your sunglasses.

High-quality glasses not only protect your eyes, but also provide comfort and image clarity. Ideally, sunglasses should change the brightness of the image, but not change the color rendition.

Choosing material

Lenses made from quality polymer materials, for example, from polycarbonate, block ultraviolet rays of types A and B. Glass also significantly blocks ultraviolet radiation, but not completely.

But infrared radiation, which is also undesirable for the eyes, passes through both plastic and glass.

Light and color

It would seem that the darker the glasses, the better they should protect the eyes. But intensely colored lenses are not always able to block solar radiation.

If the lenses just painted and do not have UV protection properties, its dose is even greater than that received through a transparent lens. After all, the pupils dilate behind dark lenses. Therefore, poor-quality sunglasses contribute to greater eye damage from ultraviolet radiation.

This is especially true for children and adolescents, since they are more likely to be outdoors during the day than adults.

A good addition to sunglasses - visor or cap. They block about half of the sun's rays.

Radiation protection

Quality sunglasses have a special marking, helping you make the right choice depending on your needs. The level of protection is indicated in the inserts supplied with the glasses. They also contain information about the conditions in which the glasses are recommended for use (mountains, water surface, city, etc.).

There are five categories of sunglass filters with varying levels of darkening and UV protection:

- «0» – light transmission 80–100 percent. Minimum protection against all types of ultraviolet radiation.
- "1" , "2"– light transmission, respectively, 43–80 percent and 18–43 percent. These glasses are recommended for use in urban environments, since they only partially protect against ultraviolet radiation.
- "3"– light transmission 8–18 percent. This type of glasses can be chosen for regular beach holiday and going out into nature.
- "4"– light transmission 3–8 percent. This is a very dark filter designed for high altitudes and hot countries.

Polarized lenses

Polarizing filters block the eyes intense light reflection from surfaces (wet asphalt, snow, ice, water), leading to poor visibility. By cutting off the harmful part of the “light”, they provide more comfortable and clear vision.

Photochromic lenses

Photochromic lenses are able to respond to ultraviolet radiation by changing the amount of light transmitted. They are used in so-called chameleon glasses, which darken in the sun, and in the absence of sunlight their lenses become transparent. There are sun lenses, combining both polarization and photochromic properties.

When choosing sunglasses with photochromic lenses, consider darkening speed and lightening speed, as well as temperature sensitivity.

By the way, photochromic agents– special substances used in the production of such lenses - when low temperatures more active. That is, in the heat, the darkening of photochromic lenses is less, and the eyes are less protected by them.

Over time, the photochromic agents in the lenses may wear out and the lens darkening will weaken. Therefore, such glasses must be regularly replaced with new ones.

How to choose glasses?

1. Decide in advance what you need sunglasses for.
2. If you have vision problems or eye diseases, be sure to consult an ophthalmologist before choosing sunglasses.
3. Do not buy sunglasses from stalls and markets. Quality glasses don't have to be expensive. Choose from those sold in stores, such as tourist shops, that have clear labeling and inserts.
4. Carefully study the labeling of the glasses - it indicates how much ultraviolet rays the lenses of the glasses transmit, whether they are able to adapt to the brightness of the light or remove glare.
5. If you drive a car or often go out into the sun and back, buy glasses with photochromic lenses. To relax in the snowy mountains, it is better to purchase glasses with polarized lenses.

The lenses in Polaroid and INVU glasses are labeled UV-400 or 100% UV-Protection, guaranteeing 100% UV protection. Let's tell you in more detail how it works.

Ultraviolet radiation poses a danger to human eyes: UVA waves are responsible for premature aging of the eyes, UVB can cause irritation of the cornea, UVC are carcinogenic and can damage cell membranes and cause mutations.

The effects of ultraviolet radiation on the eyes are most often cumulative. If you neglect to protect your eyes from harmful radiation for many years, this significantly increases the risk of cataracts and cancer. But there are circumstances in which exposure to ultraviolet light in a matter of days or even hours affects the health of the eyes. For example, many of you have heard about such a disease as “snow blindness” - this is a burn injury to the eye, which often develops in people exposed to ultraviolet radiation reflected from the snow surface - skiers, climbers, polar explorers, winter fishing enthusiasts, etc.

The easiest way to protect your eyes from UV rays is to wear quality sunglasses. But how not to make a mistake when choosing them?

Myths about UV protection glasses:

1. Sunglasses with clear lenses do not protect the eyes.

This is wrong. Untinted glasses can also be excellent eye protection. The fact is that ultraviolet protection is provided by additional coatings or layers in the lens body. And the darkening layer is only responsible for reducing the brightness of the light.

2. D Even non-brand glasses do not protect against ultraviolet radiation.

Let's be honest, numerous professional and amateur tests, publications about which can be found both on the Internet and in various media, have shown that, most often, both Chinese fakes "from the transition" and branded glasses cope equally with ultraviolet protection from official stores.

Does it make sense in this case to buy more expensive sunglasses? This is everyone's personal choice. Obviously, buying items of dubious manufacture is always a risk. Thus, with low-quality sunglasses, there is a risk that their lenses may not have UV protection, or it may be provided by a coating that will quickly wear off during use. In addition, such glasses will be significantly inferior to branded ones in many other respects.

3. Glass lenses protect your eyes better than plastic ones

This really was true, but many decades ago. Thanks to modern technologies High-quality plastic lenses are not inferior to glass ones in terms of UV protection. Let's say more - modern plastic lenses are much better than glass ones if we evaluate them from the point of view of convenience, durability and safety. Glass lenses are quite heavy in weight and are very easy to break with the slightest impact, and the fragments from them can injure you. Plastic makes it possible to produce the thinnest, almost weightless lenses with various inclusions to protect against ultraviolet radiation, eliminate glare, increase the strength of lenses and protect them from scratches.

Read the label: UV-400

A proven brand and the inscription on the label “UV-400” guarantee 100% eye protection from ultraviolet radiation. You can also find the spelling 100% UV-Protection or 100% UV protection. This means that the lenses provide eye protection from all ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of less than 400 nm - that is, from UVA, UVB and UVС rays.

There is also a standard "UV-380" - the presence of this marking means that the lenses block light waves with a length of less than 380 nm. According to most experts, glasses labeled UV-380 provide only 90% eye protection from harmful influences, and only a few experts are inclined to claim that this degree of protection is sufficient for eye health.
