The uterus is toned during pregnancy, what to do. Uterine hypertonicity in early pregnancy: symptoms, signs, treatment methods

The birth of a child is one of the most joyful moments in a woman’s life. Every expectant mother dreams of carrying and giving birth to a healthy child. As a rule, pregnant women are registered with a doctor who monitors the progress of their pregnancy. Recently, there have often been cases when, after an ultrasound examination, the magical moment of anticipation can be overshadowed by some incomprehensible and frightening diagnosis. One of these diagnoses is increased uterine tone during pregnancy. A disease that may indicate the fact that unfavorable processes are occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. Hypertonicity is the consequences, and, therefore, it is not the tone itself that needs to be treated, but the causes that can cause it. When such symptoms appear, a woman needs consultation and supervision of a doctor, since only a specialist doctor can determine the causes of this condition.


First, let's figure out what this incomprehensible diagnosis means. Uterine tone, or “uterine hypertonicity,” can more often occur in early pregnancy. Uterine tone during pregnancy is contractions that appear before the expected due date. They are felt as pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen (a similar condition during menstruation), sometimes pain in the lower back. It happens that a woman does not detect any foreign sensations in her body, but during an ultrasound examination she shows that she has uterine hypertonicity. The reasons that cause uterine tone can be different, ranging from underdevelopment of the genital organs to anxiety.

The uterus is a female muscular organ that reacts sensitively not only to physical stretching (it grows along with the fetus), but also to nervous impulses: excitement, joy, fear. Any reason can cause pain, but it should not be ignored. As soon as you feel pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor, who, after finding out the cause, will prescribe appropriate treatment.

If bloody discharge from the vagina appears, call an ambulance immediately. This is an alarming sign for increased uterine tone during pregnancy. In this case, the woman needs conservation, direct and constant supervision by a doctor, as well as complete rest.

Doctors identify two types of reasons that can cause an increase in tone.

The first is somatic causes that arise due to biological and physiological problems of the female body. The second type is reasons of a psychosomatic nature, i.e. psychological reasons (these may be current events, peculiarities of perception and response, etc.), which, affecting the nervous system, affect the organs of the mother’s body, which, in turn, respond to stimuli and, thus, a complicated situation is created for the course of pregnancy. As a result, increased uterine tone may occur in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Somatic causes include the following:

– social and biological (living conditions, age, habits, occupation, etc.);

– obstetric and gynecological history (course of the menstrual cycle, consequences of previous pregnancies, gynecological diseases, various pathologies in the development of the uterus);

– extragenital diseases (pathological deviations of the organs and systems of the mother’s body, various types of infections during pregnancy);

– complications of pregnancy (Rh-conflict, placenta previa, severe toxicosis).

You can often hear the phrase “All diseases come from nerves.” But, strangely enough, rarely does anyone pay attention to the psychological reasons for the occurrence of symptoms that cause increased tone.

It is not rational to consider the physical body separately from its psyche.

The disease in every woman may be of the same nature, but the reasons that cause this disease may be different. The effectiveness of treatment and the speed of recovery will depend on how correctly these very reasons are identified.

One can only imagine how differently women with different family situations will react to the message that they need to change their lifestyle during pregnancy. The response will also be different between women with wanted or unwanted pregnancies.


The most negative consequence is spontaneous miscarriage. This will not happen if the woman seeks medical help in time.

Hypertonicity of the uterus can also have negative consequences for the unborn baby. During the disease, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is disrupted, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus and negatively affect its health.

Treatment methods and possible complications

As soon as the corresponding symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor. Depending on the identified causes of this disease, appropriate treatment will be prescribed. More complex situations will require a combination of medical and psychological assistance.

Means that reduce the risk of miscarriage:

Firstly, this is a balanced, vitamin-rich diet for a pregnant woman. Secondly, you should reduce your physical activity; sometimes bed rest is required. Thirdly, methods of drug-free exposure. And lastly, these are medications that reduce psycho-emotional stress and relax the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Some doctors may prescribe antispasmodics and sedatives

remedies: B6 – Magnesium-B6 (it relieves muscle spasms and soothes), valerian, papaverine suppositories, no-shpa. If the tone of the uterus is increased, then it is also very important that the woman has not only physical, but also sexual rest.

Pregnancy is perhaps the most wonderful time in the life of every woman. Waiting for your baby should proceed in calm and harmony. This is important not only for the mother herself and a successful birth, but also for the future health of the child. But, unfortunately, as often happens, sometimes things don’t happen exactly as we would like. Recently, pathologies during pregnancy have become not the exception, but the rule. A doctor friend of mine, who worked in a maternity hospital for more than 40 years, once noticed that even 10 years ago, the pathology department was usually empty, but now there is simply no room there.

But I am writing all this not to scare expectant mothers, but only to warn and once again remind that taking care of your health during pregnancy should be a top priority.

One of the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, constant stress or overwork can be the tone of the uterus during pregnancy. Many women face this problem. But it should be remembered that tone during pregnancy does not mean a possible miscarriage. What is uterine tone during pregnancy and how to determine and treat it in time, you will learn from our article below.

So, first of all, I would like to reassure expectant mothers. Sometimes doctors deliberately or unknowingly aggravate the situation, which has an even more detrimental effect on the situation and the health of the woman and her baby. Having heard a frightening diagnosis and even more depressing comments from her doctor, a pregnant woman gets scared and begins to actively search on the Internet for everything related to the query “pregnancy uterine tone.” That is why I decided to write this article in which I will try to talk as much as possible about this problem.

Pregnancy and uterine tone do not always mean the loss of a child. Uterine tone is uncontrolled contractions in the uterus that can lead to miscarriage. Let's figure out what the uterus itself is.

The uterus is an organ consisting of muscle tissue. The walls of the uterus themselves have three layers:

the first layer covers the outside of the uterus, like a thin film

In the middle between the outer and inner layers there is a muscle layer called the “myometrium”. It consists of connective and muscle tissue fibers

The endometrium lines the inside of the uterus

The increased tone of the uterus during pregnancy is created precisely by muscle fibers, which tend to contract. During the normal course of pregnancy, the uterine muscles should be in a calm and relaxed state, called normotonus. During nervous stress or overexertion, muscle fibers contract, increasing their tone and pressure in the uterus itself. This is called increased tone or hypertonicity of the uterus.

Uterine tone can occur throughout pregnancy. Uterine tone in the second trimester usually appears due to work overload or poor lifestyle. In the third trimester, the size of the uterus increases greatly. Uterine tone in the third trimester can lead to premature birth. In this case, the child can already live, but it will take a lot of effort and time to finally leave him.

Preparing for childbirth

During pregnancy, not only the expectant mother, but also her body prepares for childbirth. The uterus gradually grows and increases in size due to the growth of muscle fiber. The amount of enzymes, calcium, glycogen and various trace elements that are needed to contract the uterus during childbirth also increases significantly, in this way the uterus prepares itself for the upcoming birth.

What causes normotonus?

As we said earlier, for successful childbirth the tone of the uterus must be normal. Hypertonicity, or when the uterus is toned during pregnancy, occurs when any processes that cause normotonus are disrupted. What are these processes?

All human organs are literally stuffed with nerve endings and receptors. And the uterus is no exception. The nerve endings of the uterus send signals to the central nervous system and ANS, i.e. central and autonomic nervous systems. Already at the very beginning of pregnancy, impulses begin to arrive in the central nervous system of the expectant mother, which notify the brain about the onset of pregnancy, which, in turn, leads to the appearance of a pregnancy dominant in the brain. The brain itself inhibits many nervous processes, due to which pregnancy becomes the main thing in a woman’s life, pushing all other tasks back. If a woman is overexerted at work or has experienced severe nervous shock or fear, then points of excitation may form. They negatively affect the dominant pregnancy and lead to an increase in uterine tone.

Throughout the 39 weeks of pregnancy, the uterine receptors and spinal cord have reduced excitability. This, in turn, ensures a normal pregnancy throughout the entire period. By the time the time comes to give birth, the excitability of the brain increases significantly.

Progesterone and FPS

Hormones are also responsible for the normal course of pregnancy. For up to ten weeks, one of the most important roles is played by progesterone, a hormone in women produced directly in the ovary by the so-called “corpus luteum.” VT appears at the place where the egg is released and sent into the uterine tube. During pregnancy, the corpus luteum of the ovary transforms into the corpus luteum of pregnancy and actively promotes the production of estrogen and progesterone for up to ten weeks. After this period, VT decreases along with the synthesis of progesterone.

Progesterone is an essential element of normal pregnancy and normal uterine tone. It reduces the ability of the uterus to contract and also reduces intestinal tone. This is why many pregnant women suffer from constipation. Progesterone also affects the central nervous system, causing many pregnant women to often feel tired and drowsy.

The FPS is the fetoplacental system, which consists of the liver, adrenal cortex and placenta of the woman and child. FPS promotes the production of estriol, a hormone that helps regulate blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. When the production of estriol is disrupted and the FPS is not functioning correctly, anomalies occur in the development of the child.

Causes of uterine tone

According to the observations of experts, an increasing number of women are faced with such a problem as uterine tone during pregnancy. The causes of this complication lie in various problems.

Uterine tone in early pregnancy can occur due to improper hormone production. The main hormone responsible for maintaining normal tone in the uterus is progesterone. Numerous conditions can affect the quality of its production. If there is too little progesterone in the body, a miscarriage may occur.

Conditions in which there is a lack of progesterone are:

Genital infantilism is incomplete development and growth of the organs of the reproductive system. In such a case, the not fully developed uterus may contract due to too much pressure on it.

Hyperandrogenism is an increased amount of male hormones in a woman’s body that can be produced by the adrenal glands. This problem manifests itself even before pregnancy. Possible irregularities in the menstrual cycle, excess hair, problem skin, the condition of which worsens before menstruation. Hyperandrogenism may not manifest itself externally. In this case, in order to identify it, a blood test is necessary.

Hyperprolactinemia is an increased level of prolactin in a woman’s blood. Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. With this deviation, infertility most often develops. Before pregnancy, hyperprolactinemia manifests itself in the form of milk discharge from the nipples and an irregular cycle.

Before pregnancy, infertility, endometriosis, and fibroids indicate that the body has problems with the production of hormones. During pregnancy, such anomalies can cause increased tone and miscarriage.

In addition to problems with hormones and nerves, there are some other prerequisites for the development of uterine tone. The reasons also lie in the tissues of the uterine walls and fibers themselves.

Endometriosis is the growth of the lining inside the uterus in uncharacteristic areas.

Myoma is a benign uterine tumor.

Inflammatory diseases of both the uterus itself and the appendages, which could have been suffered long before pregnancy itself.

Uterine tone before childbirth can also occur due to polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancies or an oversized fetus. In case of disruption of the central nervous system, the process of regulating muscle contractions in the uterus is disrupted, which also leads to an increase in tone. Such failures can be caused by too heavy physical exertion, constant stress, infectious and inflammatory diseases, for example acute respiratory infections, influenza, pyelonephritis.

Symptoms and signs of uterine tone during pregnancy

Doctors know exactly how to determine the tone of the uterus. Contact him immediately if you feel heaviness or pain in the lower abdomen. Although quite often, back pain in the early stages of pregnancy does not indicate an emerging problem, but only that the body is adapting to the fetus growing inside it, trying to accept it and coexist with it as comfortably as possible.

But still, if you feel contractions or squeezing and unpleasant pain in the lower abdomen, then it is better to pay attention to this. Such sensations, which can bring both very noticeable discomfort and practically not be felt, can indicate uterine tone. During pregnancy, the symptoms of this disorder can manifest themselves in completely different ways. Therefore, once again we strongly recommend that you contact a qualified specialist.

Diagnosis of uterine tone during pregnancy

When a pregnant woman consults a doctor with suspicions of uterine tone during pregnancy, signs of which can appear at all stages of pregnancy, the doctor must first interview such a patient. The main cause for concern may be pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. The abdomen and uterus seem to “turn to stone” when uterine tone occurs. Symptoms may also include minor bleeding.

For diagnostics use:

Palpation, i.e. feeling and feeling the abdomen of a pregnant woman. The normally soft belly and uterus of a woman become hard as a stone with increased tone. This is clearly felt when palpating a pregnant woman’s abdomen while she lies on her back.

An ultrasound can determine local or total thickening of the muscular layer of the uterus.

Tonuometry uses a special device with a built-in sensor to help accurately determine the tone of the uterus.

What to do with uterine tone?

So, the doctor made a disappointing diagnosis - the uterus is in good shape. "What to do?" is the first question a woman might have. First of all, don't be scared or panic. The more you worry, the lesser the possibility of reducing the tone of the uterus during pregnancy becomes. And it’s quite possible to do this.

Treatment and prevention

First of all, consult your doctor and find out how to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy. Absolutely every pregnant woman with uterine tone is prescribed bed rest, sedatives, and medications that reduce spasms and general activity of the uterus.

Most often, when diagnosed with “uterine tone,” treatment is carried out only in the hospital. First of all, sedatives are prescribed, because the stress associated with the possibility of termination of pregnancy further increases the tone of the uterus.

If abnormalities are detected, uterine tone during pregnancy, the treatment of which depends on the causes of its occurrence, is relieved by taking special medications. If there is a lack of progesterone, Utrozhestan or Duphaston are prescribed.

All kinds of antispasmodics, such as No-Shpa or Papaverine, are quite effective in combating uterine tone. During treatment, monitoring of sugar, heart rate and blood pressure is required.

Another excellent remedy is Magne B6 - a drug that replenishes the lack of vitamin B6. It is also prescribed for disorders associated with uterine tone. Magne B6 during pregnancy is prescribed for threatened miscarriage and uterine hypertonicity. The increased content of magnesium in it makes it possible to improve metabolic processes in the body, as well as increase immunity and support the nervous system.

Magne b6 during pregnancy replenishes the necessary supply of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the body, the need for which increases significantly during pregnancy. The drug contains a large amount of pyridoxine, namely vitamin B6. This vitamin takes an active part in metabolic processes and also has a positive effect on the nervous system. It increases the level of absorption of magnesium into the blood and cells. Taking Magne B6 during pregnancy, the instructions for which must be read before taking, is prescribed by a doctor. The average duration of taking the drug is approximately one month. After normalizing the level of magnesium in the blood, stop taking Magne B6 during pregnancy. The dosage for adults is 3-4 ampoules per day, for children – 10-30 mg/kg, i.e. approximately 1-4 ampoules.

Adults can take Magne B6 tablets in the amount of 6-8 pieces, and children - 4-6 per day.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that during pregnancy it is very important to take care of yourself. This applies not only to the last weeks, when the baby is about to be born. It is important to understand that a healthy lifestyle, proper sleep, proper nutrition, lack of stress, nervous and physical stress, and giving up bad habits are not just postulates repeated a hundred times, but a real guarantee of your health and the future health of your child. Good luck and less stress!

A lot of changes occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy that are aimed at bearing a child. But the greatest transformation occurs with the baby’s temporary shelter – the womb. These changes are joyful and exciting for any expectant mother, because they are associated with the emergence of a new life. Unfortunately, it also happens that not all changes bring only joy; some are fraught with danger for the baby and mother. A woman may encounter one of the unpleasant diagnoses, “Uterus in good shape,” at all stages of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to understand the essence and causes of this condition of the uterus in order to recognize the symptoms in time and seek specialized help.

The uterus is a special organ that is capable of reaching from small size (7-8 cm in length) and weight (about 50 g) to large size (37-38 cm in length) and weight (1-1.2 kg without a child and amniotic fluid) in a relatively short period of time ), and then return to the original settings.

The uterus is a cavitary muscular organ, which distinguishes between the body, isthmus and cervix. The body of the uterus faces upward, and its highest part is called the fundus of the uterus. Its walls consist of 3 layers:

  1. The endometrium is the inner mucous layer facing the uterine cavity. It is he who is updated once a month during menstruation. When pregnancy occurs, this layer thickens and supplies the fetus with all the necessary substances in the early stages, thanks to the abundance of blood vessels.
  2. The myometrium is the most powerful layer, which consists of smooth muscle fibers. Moreover, these fibers are located in several layers and in different directions, which gives them extreme strength. It is due to this layer that such global changes occur in the uterus during pregnancy. Muscle fibers not only increase in quantity, but also lengthen tens of times and thicken 5 times. Such changes are observed in the first half of pregnancy. In the second, stretching and thinning of the walls occurs, and by the end of pregnancy the thickness of the uterine walls is approximately 1 cm.
  3. The perimeter is the outer serous layer. It is loose connective tissue that covers the uterus.

Uterine tone during pregnancy

Tone is the tension of muscle fibers. It is vital for maintaining a certain position or pressure in the cavity - in this case we are talking about normotonus. And hypertonicity is pathological, i.e. excessive tension and even contraction of muscles. This is exactly what doctors mean when they say the phrase “the uterus is toned.” A short-term increase in uterine tone can occur with laughter, sneezing or orgasm - this does not cause discomfort to the woman and does not pose a threat to the fetus.

A persistent increase in uterine tone carries the threat of miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth in later stages of pregnancy. And even if this does not happen, the child’s condition worsens because too tense muscle fibers squeeze the blood vessels: the delivery of oxygen and nutrients deteriorates. And this is fraught with hypoxia and delayed fetal development. Therefore, women with uterine hypertonicity need close attention and medical supervision. Unfortunately, in the modern world, this is the most common diagnosis.

Causes of increased uterine tone

The causes of hypertension are varied, and are often a consequence of other problems accompanying pregnancy.

  1. Deficiency of the hormone progesterone. This is the most common cause of uterine hypertonicity in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The main function of this hormone is to prepare the endometrium for the implantation of the fertilized egg and relax the myometrium. Accordingly, with insufficient progesterone production, increased tone of the muscle fibers of the uterus will develop.
  2. Severe toxicosis. Toxicosis leads to hypertonicity when it is accompanied by severe vomiting, because contractions of the abdominal cavity during this act also affect the uterus.
  3. Anomalies of uterine development. Increased tone in this case occurs due to the irregular shape of the uterus, which means that the muscle fibers are located abnormally. This reason will manifest itself in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
  4. Rhesus conflict. Rh factor is a specific protein found on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells). Approximately 85% of the population has it, and 15% does not. If the mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive, then the woman’s body perceives such a child as a foreign object, and the immune system produces antibodies. They are aimed at expelling what they consider to be a dangerous foreign object. Through a complex chain of biochemical reactions, uterine hypertonicity and miscarriage occur. It is noteworthy that the first pregnancy with Rh-conflict goes well, because Not enough antibodies are produced to trigger a rejection reaction.
  5. Overstretching of the uterus. This situation can occur with polyhydramnios (increased amount of amniotic fluid) or with multiple pregnancies. The protective mechanism in the uterus turns on, and the muscle fibers contract excessively. This reason is important in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  6. Infections and inflammatory processes. When they are present in a woman’s body, biologically active substances are synthesized that stimulate contraction of the muscle fibers of the uterus, which leads to hypertonicity.
  7. Malposition. In the 3rd trimester, for example, the transverse position of the baby can lead to increased tone of the uterus and cause premature birth.
  8. Abortions and miscarriages that a woman has had in the past can also greatly affect the contractility of the uterus in the present.
  9. Social factors. Unfavorable factors that can enhance the normal tone of the uterus are heavy physical labor, occupational hazards, constant stressful situations, poor nutrition and chronic lack of sleep, as well as bad habits. Such factors have a detrimental effect on the activity of a woman’s central nervous system, which disrupts the balance of regulation of uterine contractions and increases tone.

Symptoms of increased uterine tone during pregnancy

The symptoms of hypertension are not difficult to detect, although they will differ at different stages of pregnancy.

In the 1st trimester, they will manifest themselves as nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the lumbar region or sacrum. Characterized by constant pain. But in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, in addition to pain, it will be possible to visually detect an increase in the tone of the uterus, because the stomach acquires literally stone density. It is possible that bloody discharge from the genital tract may occur, which is a more ominous sign and can lead to miscarriage or premature labor.

Braxton Hicks contractions may occur at the end of the second and third trimesters. In this case, the uterus also becomes hypertonic, but they are distinguished by their short duration and painlessness. Their goal is to prepare the uterus for the upcoming birth. In the last weeks of pregnancy, it becomes increasingly difficult to determine the increase in tone. The baby kicks noticeably, and the uterus reacts to this by contracting muscle fibers. Then it’s worth paying attention to how painful and regular such contractions have become.

If any of these symptoms occur, you should immediately seek qualified help.

Diagnosis of increased uterine tone

First of all, diagnosis begins with interviewing the pregnant woman. Here you need to clearly and with all the details tell the doctor about your suspicions and feelings. After the interview, the gynecologist will begin to examine the pregnant woman in a gynecological chair.

Often, uterine hypertonicity can be detected during a routine gynecological examination of a woman, without any special examination techniques. But, even if the doctor is confident in his own diagnosis, he will definitely send the woman for an ultrasound to confirm. This study will much more accurately assess the condition of the myometrium, and will even be able to determine on which wall of the uterus the tone is expressed, whether it is local or general.

There are more focused devices with built-in sensors that measure the strength of uterine contractions. This study is called tonuometry. Often, this type of research is rarely used, limited to an examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound scan.

If there is no doubt about the diagnosis, do not panic. In most cases, pregnancy with uterine hypertonicity ends favorably, and excessive worry will not help, but will only aggravate the situation. The main thing is timely recognition of the threat, proper treatment and inner peace.

Prevention and treatment of uterine hypertonicity

The main thing, of course, is the correct work and rest schedule, as well as adequate sleep and avoidance of stressful situations. Equally important will be regular and, if possible, long stay in the fresh air.

In the 2nd trimester, when the uterus is already quite enlarged and pain may appear in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to wear a special bandage. This simple device will help to evenly distribute the load throughout the pregnant woman’s entire abdomen and prevent excessive stretching. In addition, wearing a prenatal bandage helps reduce lumbar pain.

If, after being diagnosed with “hypertonicity of the uterus,” the doctor suggested you hospitalization, think carefully before refusing. In the hospital, you will be freed from all physical stress that is inevitable at home, freed from unnecessary worries, you will be able to take additional tests on the spot, and will be under round-the-clock medical supervision. Remember that the health and life of your baby may depend on your decision.

If, during regular examinations, it is determined that the pregnancy is going well and everything is fine with the child, but hypertonicity manifests itself irregularly and with minor spasms, then it is possible to cope with it on your own. Most often, antispasmodics are used for this, for example, the well-known no-shpa. You can use suppositories containing papaverine. Such sedative and relaxing drugs as hawthorn, valerian and motherwort will not be superfluous. Avoid alcohol tinctures of these substances and give preference to tablet forms.

Magnesium preparations in combination with vitamin B6 are also recommended. They help strengthen the nervous system, relieve muscle tension and increase the body's resistance to stress. Your supervising doctor will advise you which drug to choose.

For more serious symptoms, of course, you should not self-medicate. Moreover, it is necessary to treat not the symptom itself, but the cause that caused it. For example, if hypertension is caused by progesterone deficiency, doctors will prescribe progesterone replacement therapy until the placenta is fully formed. Specific treatment is available in case of Rh conflict and other reasons.

Relaxation techniques for uterine hypertonicity

It is very important for a pregnant woman diagnosed with uterine hypertonicity to learn relaxation techniques. Despite their simplicity, they are quite effective and do not require any special conditions.

It has long been an established fact that if you relax the muscles of the face and neck, other muscles of the body automatically relax along with them. Among them is the myometrium. The main thing in this technique is that when the first signs of increased uterine tone appear, sit comfortably and relax the neck and facial muscles as much as possible. It may be difficult at first to cope with the anxiety caused by the appearance of hypertension. In this case, you need to concentrate on the details. For example, first focus on the muscles of your forehead and feel their tension. Then calm your breathing, inhale slowly and exhale just as slowly. It is better to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Throw all extraneous thoughts out of your head and don’t pay attention to your surroundings. Now relax the muscles of your forehead, feel how the tension leaves them.

After this, move on to relaxing other muscle groups: head, cheeks, lips, chin and even the tip of the nose. Don't forget to breathe calmly. When you relax all the muscles of your face and neck at this pace, you will notice that the rest of your body has joined in the relaxation process.

Another simple and effective exercise is the “cat” exercise. You need to get on all fours, arch your back, and throw your head up. Stand like this for 10 seconds and return to the starting position. Don't forget to breathe evenly. In this position, the stomach seems to sag and, accordingly, relaxes. Repeat several times, and then it is recommended to lie down for 30 minutes to 1 hour.

A variation of the “cat” exercise is the position, again, on all fours, but with emphasis on the elbows. You don’t need to bend in it, just stand for a minute or two.

Regular yoga classes for pregnant women and Pilates under the guidance of an experienced trainer help to maintain normal tone.

A wonderful addition to relaxation are the aromas of essential oils and herbal teas. The leaders in achieving a calming effect are herbs such as mint, valerian, lemon balm, and motherwort. They can be used either individually or in combination (2 parts each of mint, lemon balm and valerian with 1 part motherwort). Pour in hot but not boiling water and let sit for 5 minutes. Remember that you cannot make strong tea, because mint, when brewed for a long time, acquires a stimulating effect. You can drink this tea by adding a little natural honey.

As for essential oils, first you need to choose the aroma that suits you from among the relaxing esters. The aroma of jasmine will help relieve stress accumulated during the day and activate the body's hidden resources. Lotus essential oil with its tart-sweet smell will not only calm the nervous system, but also relieve fatigue. Myrrh normalizes sleep and helps cope with stress. Oils of geranium, grapefruit, chamomile, lemon balm and others have similar properties. Just be careful in your choice, many oils have a tonic effect. To ensure that the chosen scent is always available, carry an aroma medallion with you. At home, an aroma lamp will come in handy.

Listening to pleasant music, watching comedy films and reading positive books will also not be superfluous in achieving psychological comfort and relaxation.

If you learn to quickly relax and relieve emotional stress, you can do without additional medications. In addition, if you master relaxation techniques, this will be very useful to you during childbirth.

Nutrition for increased uterine tone

Many experts recommend including in the diet of a pregnant woman with uterine hypertonicity more foods that contain microelements such as magnesium. It not only helps to relax the muscles of the uterus and intestines, but at the same time reduces excessive excitability of the nervous system.

Kale, spinach, and other dark green leafy vegetables are rich in magnesium. Herbs that can be used as seasonings are also high in this essential microelement - coriander, basil and sage. An important condition is to use them fresh.

Some cereals also have a high magnesium content. These include brown rice, barley, wheat, buckwheat and whole oats.

Adherents of dairy products can recommend unsweetened yoghurts and unpasteurized cheeses. Be careful when choosing a manufacturer - buy only those products that do not contain a lot of additives, preservatives and an abundance of sugar. In addition, dairy and fermented milk products are rich in calcium and B vitamins. It is believed that the ratio of calcium and magnesium 1:0.6 is the most balanced in the body. Otherwise, if there is a lack of magnesium, a large amount of calcium will be excreted in the urine, and if the amount of calcium is too high, a magnesium deficiency will be observed.

Bowel problems such as constipation, increased gas and diarrhea can contribute to increased uterine tone. To avoid this, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the intestines, and fiber can best help with this. At its core, this is the coarsest part of plants, a plexus of fibers that makes up the peel, leaves, and shells. When fiber enters the body, it is not absorbed, but is simply excreted unchanged from the body. But despite this, it is one of the most important components of a pregnant woman’s diet. Fiber helps undigested waste leave the body in a timely manner, preventing constipation and fermentation. It also affects the consistency of stool - in case of diarrhea, the fibers swell and the stool becomes denser, and in case of constipation, it helps to soften and smooth excretion from the intestines.

Many people already knew about the existence of fiber, but not everyone is aware that there are its varieties that perform different functions in the body. For example, cellulose and hemicellulose, found mainly in bran, cabbage, beets, cucumber peels, apples and carrots, add volume to stool, which promotes normal movement through the large intestine. Other types of fiber include pectins, lignin, gums, dextrans and others. Some have a greater effect on the emptying of the stomach, others seem to envelop the intestines and prevent excess fats and sugar from being absorbed. This feature of dietary fiber has a beneficial effect on maintaining weight within normal limits.

Therefore, it is very important to include whole grain bread, fresh vegetables and fruits, dried fruits, nuts and legumes in your diet. It is advisable that the daily fiber intake be at least 35g.

Uterine tone during pregnancy. Video

Pregnancy always imposes a lot of responsibilities on a woman.

Firstly, she must be very attentive to her body and well-being. Secondly, she needs to constantly listen to all the changes occurring within her in order to promptly identify various dangers that threaten her baby. And thirdly, monitor your lifestyle and do not deviate from generally accepted healthy norms.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman can be “laid in wait” by various rather unpleasant diagnoses, among which there is such a thing as hypertonicity or uterine tone. Why is such a diagnosis dangerous and how to prevent it in order to avoid it? Let's look further at the answers to these questions.

What is uterine tone?

What is a uterus? It is a hollow muscular organ consisting of the perimeter (mucous membrane), myometrium (middle membrane), and endometrium (inner membrane). The myometrium has the ability to contract, which is necessary during childbirth. But, at rest, this middle shell should be in a relaxed state. This is called normal uterine tone.

When a woman’s uterus begins to contract at different stages of pregnancy, it is diagnosed. True, this is not always attributed to the problem of pregnancy, since constant muscle contraction is normal. They contract during coughing, sneezing, vomiting, gynecological examination, and even during laughter. In medicine, this process is completely normal.

Why is it dangerous in the early stages?

But when the tone of the uterus is too high and the muscles do not relax for a long period of time, this is called hypertonicity of the uterus, and this pathology poses a very serious danger to pregnancy. Hypertonicity of the uterus leads to spontaneous miscarriage if it is observed in the early stages of pregnancy. In the later stages of pregnancy, uterine hyperthiornus leads to premature birth.

It is observed much more often in the early stages than in later stages of pregnancy. In this case, the process of implantation of the fertilized egg or, in other words, the process of its introduction into the uterine cavity, is under great threat. With hypertonicity of the uterus, rejection of the fertilized egg and its death may occur.

If uterine tone is diagnosed before the twenty-eighth week of pregnancy, then in this case we will talk about. If this diagnosis is established later, we will be talking about premature birth.

Uterine tone, diagnosed in early pregnancy, becomes a serious threat to the normal intrauterine development of the fetus. The muscles compress the vessels, and the child will be subject to oxygen deficiency, that is, he will begin to develop hypoxia. The development of malnutrition or growth arrest is also possible, since the fetus does not receive additional nutrients along with oxygen.

Causes of uterine tone

Uterine tone in the early stages of pregnancy can be caused by a lack of such an important hormone for this period as progesterone. Until the fourth month, this hormone must be secreted by the corpus luteum. Its role is to prepare the endometrium for implantation of the fertilized egg and relax the muscles. If there is a deficiency of progesterone in the body, the tone of the uterus will manifest itself one hundred percent.

  1. Another reason for uterine tone can be high-intensity toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting. This happens due to the fact that gagging always causes contraction of the muscular system of the entire gastrointestinal tract, including the uterus. As a rule, several attacks of vomiting in a pregnant woman bring the uterus to tone. And, since toxicosis is not completely eliminated in the early stages of pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage with uterine tone remains until the end of pregnancy.
  2. Uterine tone occasionally occurs if a pregnant woman is observed in the mother-father chain. That is, when the expectant mother is Rh positive, and the future father is Rh negative, the woman’s body itself may not accept the fetus. The process of its rejection will be expressed in uterine hypertonicity.
  3. Infectious diseases, stretching of the uterus, inflammation of the genital organs - this is another reason for this unpleasant phenomenon in pregnant women. In this case, excessive stretching of the uterus can occur during multiple pregnancies or when the fetus is too large.
  4. Another reason for uterine tone is altered intestinal motility. When a woman suffers from severe gas formation, she may experience uterine hypertonicity.

Symptoms of uterine tone in early pregnancy

The tone of the uterus can be determined at home, without the help of a doctor, since the symptoms of this condition are extremely simple and typical.

  • In early pregnancy, the first symptom and sign that the uterus has become toned. Is a feeling. A nagging pain may appear, similar to pain during menstruation. This pain can be felt in the lumbar and sacral areas of the back.
  • Already at a later date, uterine hypertonicity is noticeable visually - the stomach becomes compressed and the uterus becomes “stony”.
  • Sometimes hypertonicity of the uterus can manifest itself through spotting vaginal discharge. They usually contain blood impurities. This symptom is dangerous and should not be left without medical intervention. If you consult a doctor in time, it is quite possible to save your pregnancy.
  • Often the tone of the uterus can leak without manifesting itself. That is, a woman may not feel her condition at all.

Diagnosis of uterine tone

Diagnosis of uterine tone can be done in several ways. Often, a gynecologist determines it using simple palpation. But the most common diagnostic method in this case is ultrasound. An ultrasound machine quite clearly determines the state of the uterine muscles.

There are also devices that measure the level of uterine tone.

But many years of practice show that diagnosing this disease is much easier than identifying its causative factors.

Removal of tone and prevention

To relieve the tone of the uterus on your own, at home, you need to do the following: sit down with your legs raised, it is better to lie on your back or side, relax, talk to your child, while stroking your belly. At the same time, it is worth watching the muscles of your face; they should also be in a relaxed state. For greater effect, you can take a warm (precisely warm, never hot) bath. Such actions will help relieve uterine tone if the expectant mother does not have discharge from the birth canal.

Preventing uterine hypertonicity is also quite simple and easy. First of all, you need to protect yourself from various physical overloads and high levels of activity. It is also important to correctly create and adhere to a certain diet and diet throughout the day, get good sleep, and rest more.

The bad habits that the expectant mother had before pregnancy need not be mentioned. After all, it goes without saying that during this period it is necessary to completely forget about them. These habits not only cause uterine tone, but also negatively affect the development of both the mental and physiological abilities of the baby. Is it worth the risk?

And the main method of preventing uterine tone is for the pregnant woman to remain completely calm and in a good mood. It is important to believe that the pregnancy will end as happily as possible, and the most beautiful and intelligent child will be born, and most importantly, completely healthy.

If uterine tone is diagnosed, there is no need to panic and despair; as a rule, doctors manage to maintain a normal pregnancy and minimize the impact of this disease on the development of the child.

In other cases of uterine tone, treatment or relief of this tension will directly depend on the causes of its occurrence.

For example, if uterine tone occurs due to a lack of progesterone, then the woman is prescribed medications with a high content of this hormone. If the reason lies in an excess of male hormones, drugs are prescribed that reduce their levels. If gas formation is high, treatment will be aimed at relieving intestinal spasms and reducing the level of this process. And so on, for each causative factor there is its own treatment method.

Sometimes, when it is not possible to relieve the tone of the uterus, the doctor will recommend hospitalization and treatment in a hospital. You should not refuse this, since it is in the hospital that the woman does not have the opportunity to break bed rest, unlike at home (after all, there is always work at home), and besides, in the hospital the doctor will always be able to keep the condition of the pregnant woman under control, and in the event high risk, quickly provide assistance to maintain a normal pregnancy.

Today in the article you can find out what this means: is the uterus toned? Women hear this diagnosis quite often, but why is it dangerous? What to do in this case?

First, let’s look at the concept of “toned uterus.” What does it mean? From doctors you can hear another name for the diagnosis - uterine hypertonicity. It most often occurs in early pregnancy. As you know, during childbirth the uterus contracts, helping the baby to be born. But in some cases, these muscle contractions occur much earlier than expected.

What does increased uterine tone mean? Sometimes women feel nagging pain in the abdomen or lower back. In other cases, the diagnosis is revealed by ultrasound examination. What does it mean - the uterus becomes toned, what are the reasons? There are an incredible variety of them. After all, this female organ is capable of responding not only to stretching (it occurs as a result of fetal growth), but also to nerve impulses. The latter include conditions caused by:

  • excitement;
  • fear;
  • joy and so on.

Do not ignore abdominal pain during pregnancy; immediately seek the help of a specialist. He will prescribe adequate treatment that can save the baby’s life. The consequences can be the most dire, including termination of pregnancy.

Uterus before birth

First, let's talk about why the uterus is in good shape before childbirth. What does this diagnosis mean immediately before the baby arrives? Let's start with the features of this stage:

  • achieving maximum uterine size;
  • with the correct presentation of the baby, the mother’s belly has the correct oval shape;
  • just before childbirth, the stomach drops.

Is hypertension always observed before childbirth? It is worth remembering that immediately before contractions you can observe the uterus in good shape. What does it mean? Before childbirth, some changes occur in a woman’s body, and hypertonicity is a normal reaction of the body, indicating that labor has begun. During this period, the placenta and pituitary gland produce hormones that can strengthen the muscular structure of the uterus. This is necessary to prepare for the intense tension to expel the fetus. Hypertonicity in the forty-first week is quite normal, the body signals to us that labor has begun, and soon the mother will be able to hug her long-awaited baby.

What is uterine tone?

But what does it mean that the uterus is toned during pregnancy before the expected birth? Let's start with the fact that we are talking about the smooth muscle genital organ, which consists of three layers:

  • perimetry;
  • myometrium;
  • endometrium.

The myometrium is a muscular membrane that is characterized by contraction. As a result of this, the concept of “uterine tone” arises. Her normal state is relaxation. If the muscles contract, the myometrium contracts, creating pressure in the uterine cavity.

The most dangerous is hypertension in the first trimester, as it can cause fetal death.


In this section you will learn what increased uterine tone during pregnancy means and what the consequences of its occurrence are. If you have hypertension, you should urgently consult a doctor, because the consequences include:

  • spontaneous miscarriage (the most dangerous consequence that can be avoided if you seek medical help in a timely manner);
  • The tone of the uterus can negatively affect the health of the baby (impaired blood supply that occurs as a result of this disease can lead to oxygen starvation of the baby).

You should not be inactive, because prolonged hypertension can lead to premature birth if it occurs in the late stages of pregnancy. With this disease, children are often born weak and small, because the pinched umbilical cord does not deliver the required amount of oxygen and nutrients to the child.


We figured out the question, what does a toned uterus mean during pregnancy? Now we propose to talk in more detail about the causes of this unwanted and dangerous disease.

Natural causes include:

  • strong laughter;
  • sneezing;
  • orgasm;
  • performing any physical work and so on.

In addition, there are also pathological factors that increase the tone of the uterus, which means their correct treatment. Now we'll figure it out. Among them:

  1. Deficiency of progesterone, a hormone that prepares the endometrium for implantation. It should relax the muscles of the uterus and maintain normal tone.
  2. Production of male hormones in large quantities. This is due to hormonal imbalance, in which case the uterus actively contracts to reject the embryo.
  3. Saddle-shaped and bicornuate uterus. These anomalies are congenital and occur quite often. Some women learn about this feature only during the first ultrasound during pregnancy.
  4. Severe toxicosis. This can be explained quite simply: during vomiting, all the muscles of the abdominal cavity contract. Toxicosis can cause hypertonicity only if it is the cause of weight loss and constant poor health of a woman. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary in order to stabilize the woman’s condition. If the expectant mother eats well, gains weight, and toxicosis does not bother her much, then hospitalization is not necessary.
  5. Rhesus conflict. This problem is relevant for women with a negative Rh factor, if the father is positive. There is a chance of conceiving a child with positive Rh, like the father. Then the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign body, the uterus begins to actively contract, which prevents the fertilized egg from implanting in its cavity. As a rule, the first pregnancy goes well, since the female body produces a small amount of antibodies. With subsequent pregnancies everything is much more complicated.
  6. Diseases of the female reproductive system. This problem is accompanied by a lot of additional symptoms, including: pain, discharge, itching, and so on.
  7. Distension of the uterus (large or giant fetus, twins, polyhydramnios).
  8. Tumors in the uterine cavity.
  9. Stress.
  10. Transverse position of the fetus at the end of pregnancy.
  11. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since with increased gas formation and impaired intestinal motility, the uterus becomes very tense.

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons. That is why you should not self-medicate, consult a specialist. He, in turn, must figure out the cause of hypertension, and only then will he prescribe you the correct treatment.


You have learned what is dangerous and what uterine tone means during pregnancy. The symptoms of this disease are our next question, which we will try to figure out right now.

A woman can independently determine, without the help of a doctor, that her uterus is in good shape. The first signal is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, it is similar to what a woman experiences before her period. In addition, discomfort may be felt in the lumbar region. There may be pain that women experience during contractions. In this case, the uterus can be “stone”.

There is also the following way to independently determine tactilely whether the uterus is in good shape. Lie on your back and try to relax as much as possible. Feel your stomach, if your assumptions are wrong, then it will be soft, otherwise, in terms of elasticity, it will resemble a thigh.

If hypertension occurs in the second or third trimester, you may notice:

  • contraction of the abdomen (determined visually);
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

In addition, the doctor may notice during examination a shortening of the cervix and thickening of the anterior wall.

First trimester

Now we will talk about the dangers of hypertension in the first trimester of pregnancy. It is important to note that in the first weeks (from the fourth to the twelfth) the woman should not experience any discomfort. This is due to the fact that it is during this period that the probability of miscarriage is high. Ideally, the doctor will put forward the following verdict: uterine tone n. What does "n" mean? In medicine, this is customary to denote a good condition that is not in danger.

You should consult a doctor with any problem. If the situation is not serious, then you will be recommended to take a course of “No-shpa”. Hormonal problems can be solved by taking the drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan. If other serious disorders are detected, then urgent hospitalization is necessary.

When you feel aching pain in the first trimester of pregnancy, you need to drink No-shpu and rest a little. Try to calm down, drive all negative thoughts away. If the pain does not go away, then call an ambulance. In the hospital, as a rule, injections of Progesterone are prescribed. For bleeding, use "Ditsinon", "Tranexam" and other hemostatic agents.

2nd trimester

Uterine tone during pregnancy during this period is a fairly common phenomenon. The whole point is that the body begins to train, prepare itself for childbirth. Now a woman’s body is undergoing hormonal changes; starting from the twentieth week of pregnancy, small painless contractions can be periodically observed.

If the situation is serious (pain, bleeding, etc.), then medical supervision is needed. Seek help from a medical facility immediately. Hypertonicity in the second trimester can lead to fetal hypoxia. The doctor who is caring for your pregnancy should definitely play it safe and prescribe the drug Magne B6. He is able to maintain a normal state.

If hospitalization is indicated for you, then in the second trimester of pregnancy, doctors can instantly remove the tone of the uterus using the following means:

  • electropheresis with magnesium;
  • endonasal galvanization;
  • electrorelaxation of the uterus.

These procedures are the safest if there is a threat of miscarriage. Since no medications are taken, the effect can be noticed already during the procedure. In addition, droppers are possible:

  • "Ginipralol";
  • magnesium sulfate.

Drugs are prescribed that partially block calcium channels. Due to this, the uterus cannot contract and the muscles relax. Such medicines include:

  • "Nifedipine";
  • "Corinfar".

Additionally, doctors prescribe special vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

Third trimester

What does increased uterine tone mean in the third trimester of pregnancy? These manifestations are already quite frequent and strong. This is due to the fact that the baby can provoke it himself, since he feels cramped in his mother’s stomach and rests against his legs and arms.

During this period, it is very difficult for doctors to diagnose hypertonicity, since these may be preparatory contractions. Of course, gynecologists play it safe by sending pregnant women for CTG procedures as often as possible.

It is also important to note that in Europe hypertonicity does not cause such a violent reaction among doctors. They believe that this is a normal condition for a pregnant woman. However, hospital treatment is prescribed for women for whom this symptom causes a lot of discomfort or there is a possibility of miscarriage.

  • "Courantil";
  • "Eufillin";
  • "Trental."

They are necessary for hypertonicity, as they help normalize blood circulation in the uterus. As a result of treatment, the tone returns to normal, the baby receives the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Hypertonicity should not cause a mother to panic; it is a signal that she should pay more attention to her health. Also relevant drugs in this case are:

  • lipoic acid;
  • "Actovegin";
  • "Riboxin";
  • "Calcium pantothenate";
  • "Essentiale";
  • "Hofitol".


We have already said enough about what increased uterine tone means. Now let's talk a little about diagnostics. When contacting a medical facility, the doctor will advise:

  • abdominal examination;
  • examination on gynecological stool;
  • ultrasonography;

By palpation and examination on a gynecological chair, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of the uterus and cervix. Using ultrasound, you can determine: is the tone increased throughout the entire uterine musculature or in certain areas? Do not self-medicate, immediately contact qualified specialists. Now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the well-being of the baby.


How is a toned uterus treated? What does this mean: myometrial tension? With this diagnosis, the woman is individually selected for therapy that helps relax the muscle fibers (that is, the myometrium).

Depending on the degree of danger and cause, therapy can be carried out at home or in a hospital. If you are allowed to be treated at home, then you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations, including mandatory bed rest. As a rule, women cannot fully observe it, because there will always be housework. Doctors recommend treatment in a hospital. The most common drugs to eliminate increased uterine tone are:

  • “No-spa” or “Drotaverine hydrochloride”;
  • "Magne B6";
  • "Valerian";
  • "Motherwort";
  • "Novo-passit";
  • "Duphaston";
  • "Utrozhestan" and so on.

Hospitalization: yes or no?

What does increased uterine tone mean? You also learned how treatment is carried out in a hospital. Now let’s say a few words about whether it’s worth going to the hospital, or whether it’s better to choose treatment at home.

With hypertension, it is very important to maintain bed rest, which is almost impossible for a woman to do at home. After all, it is necessary to do the cleaning and prepare food, but it is not always possible to shift these responsibilities onto other shoulders.

If increased tone is detected at twenty-eight weeks or more, then hospitalization is important for the woman. Modern medicine is able to take out such a baby, he has a chance of survival. Before this date, the chances are extremely low. Therapy is aimed at stopping labor.

No one will send a woman to the hospital by force; the mother herself must understand that the life of the unborn baby depends on this. If the threat of miscarriage is high, then you should immediately go to a hospital for treatment.

Getting rid of it at home

Now let's talk about how to relieve uterine tone during pregnancy at home. Before going to a medical facility, a woman can try the following methods:

  • relax;
  • take a No-shpy tablet;
  • perform special gymnastics.

The following exercises will help with the last point:

  • “Kitty” (up to fifteen repetitions);
  • relaxation of the facial muscles (the chin is lowered to the chest, and the muscles of the face and neck are as relaxed as possible);
  • deep mouth breathing;
  • take a knee-elbow position, linger a little, then lie down and relax.

What does a toned uterus mean in pregnant women: prevention

  1. Calmness of the nervous system.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Gentle work schedule.
  4. Healthy, full sleep.
  5. Compliance with diet and daily routine.
  6. Listen to relaxing music.
  7. Avoid contact with sick people.

These tips will help you avoid many health problems for the future baby and mother.

The diagnosis of “uterine tone” is made to almost every second pregnant woman, both at the beginning of pregnancy and at the end of it. Everyone has heard about the consequences of this condition, and from the first happy days of pregnancy, the expectant mother tries not to lose sight of the slightest deviation from the normal state. That is why many are so interested in what symptoms this unfortunate tone manifests itself.

First, you still need to figure out what it is, and after that it will become obvious how it can manifest itself. So, even from the school desk, we must remember that the uterus is an organ that consists of muscle tissue. We also know that muscle fibers tend to contract. However, the pregnant body is by nature amazing. It is during the happy months of waiting for a new life that the brain “turns off” many functions and directs all its energy to pregnancy. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the muscles of the uterus are calm and relaxed, so that the little person develops in favorable conditions. But everything in our lives is not always smooth and calm. Nervous stress, overstrain, overload, poor lifestyle - all this confuses the “pregnant brain” and it can send the wrong instructions to the uterus. The fibers begin to shrink, their tone increases and the pressure “increases” in the uterus itself. Such contractions can be very dangerous, as they can “push out” the fetus.

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your gynecologist immediately. Only he is able to either confirm or refute uterine hypertonicity. In a clinical setting, this is quite easy to do. Examining a pregnant woman with help, the doctor clearly sees whether the muscle fibers are tense or not. While palpating (feeling), the doctor also feels tension in the abdomen and shortening of the cervix. There is a special drug that is used to measure the strength of uterine contractions during pregnancy. However, it is rarely used, since the symptoms of hypertonicity are noticeable.

The most dangerous tone of the uterus is in the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks). Late diagnosis or ignoring it can cause arbitrary miscarriage. Any pain or strange sensations in the uterine area should be a good reason to consult a doctor. It is necessary to treat uterine tone during this period.

Very often, hypertonicity is observed in the second trimester of pregnancy. However, during this period the uterus begins to “train”, and the woman feels tension and relaxation, but without pain and rarely. The normal state is maintained with a familiar medicine - Magne B6.

But in the last weeks of pregnancy, the tone of the uterus is increasingly difficult to determine. Now it is difficult to distinguish it from preparatory contractions, and the baby himself is pushing his mother, because his tummy is becoming cramped. If, nevertheless, uterine contractions are painful, let alone regular, then consult a doctor immediately. Hypertonicity in the last trimester provokes.

Listen to your “pregnant body”, but don’t panic about anything. Otherwise, you will only make things worse for yourself and your baby. Although the diagnosis of “uterine tone” is common, it almost always has a favorable outcome if the expectant mother is attentive to herself and remembers that pregnancy is a pleasure!

Take care of yourself!

Especially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy
