Original photographs. Ideas for a photo shoot at home

Nowadays, photography has become an integral part of the life of almost every person. Everyone has phones with built-in cameras, amateur digital cameras, film cameras, instant cameras, DSLRs and many, many others. We love photography and love being photographed. But how can you do it very beautifully? How to make a photograph look like a work of painting? Just photographs are no longer enough for us; we want original photographs, preferably with some kind of idea.

Imagine that you are an artist and you are going to paint a picture. First of all, you will probably decide on a genre: be it portrait, landscape, still life or something else. Next, having decided on the genre, you will most likely find the subject you want to draw. And then build a model and get to work. So?

It’s completely similar with photography, because Good photo is a work of art just like painting. Therefore, you also need to approach the photography process seriously, thinking about every detail: how to set the light, what pose the model should take, what focus to set, and much more. You can learn all this by attending photography courses.

The hit accessories for photo shoots in 2015 were huskies. See how it looks in the video.

In the art of photography (as in painting) there are various directions, for each of which you can choose many ideas that will help you create original and interesting photographs. Here are a few of them:

Ideas for wedding photography

The article used the work of the studio

Ideas for creative photography

In principle, ideas can be common for each direction. But how to find them?

How to look for ideas for a photo shoot?

Just look around, observe, get creative and don't be afraid to use ordinary objects and places in extraordinary ways! In our work, we identify 6 main factors that help us find and develop ideas for future photographs.

First factor - Model
A model with her appearance can give you a great idea for a photo shoot. For example, if a girl has long hair, she can be photographed so that it flutters in the wind. You can immediately add a long dress here (the third factor is clothing). Or if the girl big eyes, then your task is to convey this beauty, to emphasize it. Chat with the model: together you can think through perfect image. But for the image to open completely, it is necessary a nice place.

Second factor - Location
In fact, many photographers begin their search for ideas precisely from the photographic location, and only then adjust everything else to it - the model, clothes, accessories. Each place is good in its own way. Selecting a location is a very responsible matter. After all, this is not just a wall or a bush - these are various details that complement your picture. For example, it could be the ruins of a house, a beach, a park bench. For each place you can create a unique image and story.

The third factor is clothing
Beautiful and original clothes are what shows the character of your model. A strict suit on a brutal man against the backdrop of a stone wall will emphasize his masculinity, or a bright, airy sundress worn by a girl with freckles and braided hair running across a field will show her innocence.

Fourth factor - Accessories

Accessories are a very powerful element. And in Lately very popular, especially in wedding photo shoots. The accessory can be anything: a kite, bubble, letters, flowers. In addition, accessories can be mixed. With the right approach, having the right accessory in the frame completely changes the idea of ​​the photograph, and this is important, again, if you have. For example, a couple in love hugs next to a scooter on a beautiful beach or field strewn with flowers.

Factor five - Light
Yes, it is light that can give you a great idea! Various lighting schemes and additional lighting sources can be used not only in the studio, but also outdoors. This is perhaps the most powerful tool in the hands of a photographer, if, of course, he knows how to work with light. The simplest thing is Christmas tree with garlands. After such a photo, a bright festive impression remains.

Factor six - ability to work in Photoshop
Photoshop allows you to completely transform the resulting photo, but it requires the right shot. And this is a whole science, which we will talk about separately in another article. But to make it clear, let's give an example:

Places that will help you choose and implement any idea for a photo shoot.

Before choosing a specific idea for photography, it is worth choosing a specific location. And so that the selection process is not so difficult, we have selected for you the most advantageous and relevant ones, containing a wide range for creativity.

1. Photo shoot on the street.

A completely simple, cheap and very profitable option. After all, no models can compare with the beauty of nature! Bright colors of autumn, warm summer sunsets, snow fairy tale in winter, blooming spring gardens, sea coasts... the list is endless. When photographing outdoors, there is no limit to your imagination: single shooting, landscape, romantic, family, children's and many other options - get creative!

If you want to get highly professional portrait photographs, then go to a photo studio. You can rent a room for photography quite inexpensively, but you need to take some points into account. When choosing a photo studio, pay attention to the area of ​​the room - it should not be less than 30 sq.m., and the ceiling should not be less than 3 m high. It is also worth considering the power of the light sources, it should be at least 500W. An additional advantage will be good props for photography. If the photo studio you choose meets these parameters, then you can safely start creating stunning photographs. As additional advice on how to conduct it, we can offer you to come up with an original theme based on your desires or the desires of your model (or models). For example, girls will like to create the image of a vamp, or, conversely, a gentle beauty. But keep in mind that to create thematic photos you will need costumes, additional props and the services of a makeup artist. But the result will justify all the costs, rest assured!

It's expensive, but incredibly beautiful and chic. Your photos will not leave anyone indifferent. The most beautiful thing is to photograph weddings, couples or just girls in beautiful long dresses among the splendor of ancient buildings. Photos taken at sunset or twilight turn out especially well. This way the landscape becomes more romantic and mysterious. If you absolutely can’t afford photography in a palace, then alternative option there will be an abandoned building. For example, an old manor, castle or palace. This idea is somewhat adventurous, even risky, but at the same time, you are guaranteed wonderful pictures and an unforgettable experience.

Having decided on the locations, we form specific ideas for them. So:

A boat is one of the main romantic accessories. A date on a boat, silence, solitude - no one will refuse such photos! Boats are usually located in beautiful parks, so a photo shoot on a boat will highlight the beauty of the natural landscape.

Each season is beautiful in its own way, and as photographers we are interested in capturing them all. In autumn there are beautiful leaves, in winter there is fluffy snow. All these weather attributes very beautifully complement any wedding, model or wedding.

A mask is an accessory option for a photo shoot. Using a mask adds mystery and mystery to your photos.

A car is a very popular idea for photography, especially loved in photo shoots and photographs of long-legged girls.

Cafes or restaurants usually allow photography. A cafe is a beautiful place for a photo shoot; pictures near the bar counter look especially good.

Dogs, cats, horses and your other favorite animals are ideal for good photography.

There are a huge number of different props for a photo shoot. There are even companies that rent out any accessories and even organize entire photo zones.

A park bench, just like a boat, is a great place to photograph couples in love.

But no matter how good the composition, know that a good photograph depends, first of all, on the photographer and on his desire to learn and comprehend the art of photography. So get creative - everything is in your hands!

Freezelight is a special technique for painting with light. With this interesting technique you can create very interesting effects.

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Well, some inspiration:

Photography enthusiast Stevie Beats regularly photographs jets in motion. Of course, you and I are unlikely to ever work on shooting such a subject, but it would be interesting to find out how he prepares for photography and implements it.

"When photographing an aircraft that is flying at 400-450 knots, the camera setup becomes increasingly complex."

The advanced focusing systems on modern DSLRs allow you to capture sharp images with continuous autofocus, even when the subject is moving quickly. Reducing quantity active points Focusing helps improve autofocus performance.

"A slow shutter speed of about 1/800-1/1600 can give you clear shots while moving, but if you also want to blur the background, then increase the shutter speed. Try working with values ​​​​of 1/125-1/500 sec."

Original animal photos

While you may be able to create a nice portrait of your cat or dog, here's your chance to freshen up an ordinary shot by adding some ideas and creativity to it. To do this, you will have to follow your pet, trying to catch the original moment from an unusual angle.

Street photographer Leslie Ann Herculaneum is a frequent observer of street animals and has photographed them numerous times from all angles. Here's what he advises aspiring photographers:

"The most important thing at the heart of captivating pet photography is a story that can capture the viewer's imagination. Be a little out of the loop and let the story evolve independently of you. Also, don't be afraid to experiment with composition."

Flash assistant in creative photography

Not only is fill flash useful for adding extra light, but it also helps bring out detail in dark and light areas, making your photos look sharper.

The trick here is to underexpose the frame and turn on the flash. As a result, it turned out that the light of the blue sky became much darker, and therefore more interesting. Obviously, the shot was taken during the day, but such an original effect with the sky will make viewers wonder how this photo was created.

Beaches are very suitable for experimenting with flash and this effect. There you won't have any background elements that could make the frame look too heavy. You will be free to experiment with various options. It is not recommended to shoot during the day; this effect will come out well at sunset.

Attention to detail

When faced with a beautiful rolling landscape or an unusual embankment, you rush to grab your wide-angle lens and capture all that beauty as wide as possible. But why not concentrate on the details that usually go unnoticed.

"I think this type of photography is actually much more complex than large format landscape photography," says award-winning landscape photographer John Gibbs.

“Most often, such a subject is worth photographing, moving away from the usual stereotypes. You need to think about diagonals and zigzags that will help keep the viewer's eye in the frame. It’s the lines and interesting angles that will help you take a photo that can intrigue and attract the attention of the public.”

"From a technical point of view, it's worth shooting at shutter speeds around 1/400 - 1/800 so that the entire frame is clear and sharp. "Try using Live View, which will help you achieve the best depth of field."

An unusual look at ordinary things

You don't need top-notch technology and unusual places filming to create abstract photographs. Thus, the photograph by Andy Bell shows a concrete strip on the harbor wall next to a puddle in a car park.

Andy's Photo Blog is full of inspiring photos like this one that can turn our perception of reality on its head.

“To create a creative shot, you need to get out of your habitual way of thinking and look at the world upside down,” he says. “If you add reflections, stripes and non-standard elements to the plot, the composition can become more interesting.”

“The wind also creates interesting patterns and can help you see original frames and stories in ordinary objects. Filming in such weather is much preferable than in calm conditions.”

“During operation, the camera can focus not on the object you want to focus on, but on the foreground subject. So you'll probably have to manually adjust the focus."

Looking "to the floor"

To create creative photography, you need a little spontaneity. If so, why not take your wide-angle lens and go outside to photograph... the floor.

Instead of walking with with one eye closed, staring at the viewfinder with others, chop from the shoulder, without thinking about anything. Hold the camera low and point the lens down. This will not only give you more interesting view, but will also allow you to remain unnoticed by passers-by.

You can use Live View mode, but keep in mind that in sunny weather there may be problems with detail. After shooting, you may have to crop some of the photos.

Original shadows

Many photographers would be horrified at the thought of bright sun and dark shadow in their photo. But while everyone is sitting around waiting for the golden time, why not take advantage of the opportunity for shadow photography?

Cities and towns built up with high-rise buildings can look quite photogenic if you focus on shadows. If such photographs also contain human figures and their shadows, it will be even better.

Photographer Michael Ares once had the opportunity to capture just such a moment. He came to his aid with this Nikon camera D7000 and 18.0-55.0mm f/3.5-5.6 lens.

"I was walking along a bridge in Whittier, California, and noticed the picturesque shadows of palm trees late in the day. There were interesting repeats of the pattern in the shadows, and I realized that this could become the basis for an interesting shot. I had to wait about half an hour for an element to complement the composition ", then I met this cyclist. The result was very interesting, in my opinion."

Top down

The reason for the success of many photographs is the participation of the viewer in what is happening. We bring to your attention an interesting approach to this type of shooting. The idea is to photograph your feet at the most interesting moments and in unusual situations. This could be sidewalk, sand, etc.

If you are suddenly overtaken by a creative impasse, have run out of new ideas, or are just looking for a little hint for photographing a girl, then you can use sketches as a starting cheat sheet, because they are one of the the most important stages preparation for . The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photos you will receive as a result of photography. Many professional photographers use this technique when preparing for and during a photo shoot. Poses of girls for a photo shoot from this article should be used as initial recommendations, and it is best to review and discuss suggested angles with your model, especially if she has little experience. This way, you will be able to establish psychological contact with the model. During the photo shoot, do not hesitate to ask the model for her opinion on which poses she likes best. This helps both the model and the photographer feel more confident, and in the end, get decent results. It will be very useful if before the photo shoot the model thinks about what she wants to see in the pictures, what she wants to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Maybe something romantic? Or some special character traits? What types of poses will work best for her? The following poses are a hint not only for the model, but also for the photographer; you can print them out or send them to your phone and carry them with you as a cheat sheet that will help you in difficult times.

In this article, each pose presented has a photograph as an illustration. All pictures are taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //500px.com), copyright belongs to their authors.

So, let's look: successful poses of girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often, when shooting portraits, both the model and the photographer forget about the position of their hands. However, something creative can happen if you ask the model to play with her hands, trying out different positions on her head and face. The main thing to remember is one rule - no flat, tense palms: the hands should be soft, flexible and, preferably, they should not be facing directly into the frame with the palm or back of the hand.

3. You are probably familiar with such a compositional rule as.

4. A very cute pose for a sitting model - with your knees together.

5. Another open and attractive pose - the model lies on the ground. Get down and take the shot almost from ground level.

6. And again, an option for a lying position: you can ask the model to play with her hands - fold them or calmly lower them to the ground. A great angle for shooting outdoors, among flowers and grasses.

7. The most basic pose, but it looks simply stunning. It is necessary to remove from lower level, walk around the model in a circle, taking pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the arms, hands, and head.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions of your legs and arms, focusing on the model's eyes.

9. Cute and playful pose. Great for almost any setting: on the bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a photo of the model from a low position, focusing on the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to demonstrate beautiful figure models. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette against a bright background.

11. Another friendly pose for a seated model. Position the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest and the other leg, also bent at the knee, lies on the ground. The gaze is directed into the lens. Try using different shooting angles for better results.

12. A great way to demonstrate all the beauty and plasticity of the model’s body. Can be used as a silhouette pose against a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with plenty of possible options. Let the model experiment with the position of the hips, arms, and head.

14. Simple and at the same time elegant pose. The model is turned slightly to the side, hands in the back pockets.

15. A slight forward tilt can unobtrusively emphasize the model’s shape. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. A sensual pose with raised arms emphasizes the smooth curves of the body. Well suited for slim and fit models.

17. The options for posing in full height are simply endless; this position can be taken as a starting point. Ask the model to easily turn her body, change the position of her arms, head, direction of gaze, etc.

18. This pose looks quite relaxed. Don't forget that you can lean against the wall not only with your back, but also with your shoulder, arm or hip.

19. Full-length shots are quite specific and are better suited for tall, slender models. Here's a little secret: the model's body should resemble English letter S, weight is transferred to one leg, arms are in a relaxed state.

20. One of best poses for slim models with a huge amount possible options. To get the best position, ask your model to slowly change the position of her arms and continuously bend her body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and draperies. With their help you can get sensual photographs. It is not necessary to expose your entire back: often, even a slightly bare shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. A good pose for a photo shoot and an excellent angle from which the model appears slimmer. The model stands sideways, with her chin slightly down and her shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often, ordinary poses are the most successful. The model should transfer the weight of the body to one leg, while bending the body into an S-shape.

24. The model touches a vertical surface, such as a wall or tree, lightly with both hands. The pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model is blessed with beautiful long hair– be sure to show them in motion. Ask her to quickly turn her head to allow the hair to develop. Experiment with shutter speed to get clear or blurry shots that highlight movement.

26. In the next pose, the model is sitting on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, you can get a thematic photo (for example, the girl was cold, and now she is resting and warming up).

27. An excellent and comfortable pose that is suitable for a photo shoot in the house, studio on the couch and more...

28. A beautiful pose for a model sitting on a sofa.

29. Excellent for photographing a model sitting on the ground. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. You can experiment in a sitting position; you should not limit yourself only to certain subject poses.

31. It is believed that crossing legs and arms between people creates a certain psychological barrier, and this is not recommended when taking photographs. However, this is not always the case. The photographer should try to take a photo where the model's arms are crossed over her chest. This is a great pose for a women's photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy

32. It’s not always worth coming up with a certain hand position. It is completely normal to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing to remember is that while standing, the model must transfer her body weight to one leg.

33. Another example of a full body photo pose that is perfect for a photo shoot. The girl's hands, fully or partially, are in her pockets.

34. This pose is perfect for a summer photo shoot. Ask the model to take off her shoes and walk slowly.

35. The model’s hands behind her back, an unusual, but very open and sincere pose. The model can also lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, a very simple, and at the same time, effective position is suitable. The model stands slightly sideways, with her face turned towards the photographer, her head tilted slightly to the side.

37. The model will look very harmonious in the frame if you place both hands on your waist. The pose is suitable for half-length and full-length portraits.

38. If there is any nearby tall item furniture that you can lean on with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create a formal, but at the same time free and inviting pose.

39. Another good position is to sit on something. Well suited for both indoor and outdoor shooting.

40. An example of a feminine and winning pose for a full-length shot of a model.

41. A rather complex pose, due to the fact that you need to convey the movement of the model. However, if done correctly, the reward will be a great, elegant fashion shot.

42. Great pose, although it will require certain camera settings: the girl is leaning on a fence or bridge railing. A large aperture will provide shallow depth of field and a blurry background.

43. A great pose if done with its features in mind. The correct placement of the arms and legs plays a decisive role here. Ideal for any body type. Please note that shooting should be done from a slightly elevated position.

44. A great pose for intimate photography. Well used in different conditions, on the bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting pose. We take the angle from the bottom point. Top part The model's body is slightly raised and her head is slightly tilted down. The legs are bent at the knees upward, the feet are crossed.

46. ​​This pose is not the easiest. There are a few things to pay attention to: the arm the model is leaning on should be facing away from the body, the abdominal muscles should be under control, and the legs should be extended. The pose is ideal for a sporty body type.

47. The next difficult pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For successful final result he must take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, arms, waist (there should be no folds in the skin!), hips and legs.

Of course, programs like Photoshop can take your photos to the next level. new level. But to take truly unforgettable and creative photos, you don’t have to rely on processing. Your most important “program” is your imagination. Turn it on and with ingenuity, creativity and some aids you can take original photographs that will be remembered for a long time.

(Total 8 photos)

1. Take a photo on the asphalt.

Thanks to photographers like Jason Lee and Dave Ingledow, you realize that being a parent is such a joy. You don't need Photoshop to take a fun photo of your child like this. Just take colorful crayons, find more or less clean asphalt and go! Your daughter can dance in the rain, and your beloved son can save the world as Superman!

2. Traveling legs.

If you love to travel but don't like to be photographed, only take pictures of your feet! This is exactly what Tom Robinson began to do in his project. It all started in 2005, when he and his girlfriend began traveling around the world, and in 2001 they got another pair of legs in the photo - baby legs that belonged to their daughter. Not bad idea!

3. Replace famous landmarks with cheap souvenirs.

Photographer Michael Hughes began doing just that in 1998. He replaced famous landmarks with souvenirs. You can borrow this idea too.

4. The illusion of the superman.

Next time you and your significant other are looking for creative ways to shoot, look down. That's exactly what Aaron Wilcox did when he filmed these two lying on the pavement. You simply lie down on the ground next to some ladder, where the photographer climbs. Voila, and you are already a superhero with superhuman strength!

5. Long exposure sparklers.

No photoshop, just long exposure and sparklers! Belle Rempert took this romantic photo of the newlyweds. True, someone will have to run around the newlyweds with sparklers. You can also write the word love in the air or draw a heart.

6. Bring out your pet's personality.

Forget about the old boring photos of dogs and cats. Better look at the pictures of Ben Torode and his cutest kittens Daisy and Hannah. As Ben himself says, “you need to play with the cat’s instincts in order to motivate it to do something.” It would be good to use a high-quality camera and lens.

7. Recreate a childhood photo.

How much have you changed over the years? These changes will be clearly visible in photographs such as, for example, the photographs of Irina Werning in her Back to the Future project. Irina photographs people in the same places, in the same clothes and in the same pose as in childhood.

8. Show how you and your pet have grown together.

Since we're talking about childhood photos, why not involve your pet in them? Such photographs show how much you love your Barsik or Sharik, because you grow and develop together.

It’s hard to imagine summer without relaxing on the beach. However, do not rush to sit on the sunbed. Take a walk along the coast. Take photos of children frolicking in the water, beautiful (almost naked) girls, groups playing beach volleyball, couples on catamarans. Capture moments of joy and warmth in photographs that will especially delight you in a few months.

2. Organize a beach party with friends

Gather your friends on the beach. You can organize a party in Hawaiian style by taking care of the accessories. Someone in your company has already had children - great! Let them build sand castles. At this time, adults should not sit idle either - let them take a ball, badminton rackets or Frisbee.

By organizing such a party and taking good care of the details, you will not only receive gratitude from your friends for a great weekend, but you will also be able to take photos that radiate joy and warmth. And they are always successful.

3. Look up

In nature, where you can see open sky, you can spend hours watching the clouds. Train your imagination: imagine what the clouds look like. And in the city, look at the roofs of buildings. Many architectural details deserve more attention. It’s even better if you take an architect friend with you who will tell you about individual elements - a great opportunity to expand your vocabulary.

4. Meet sunrises and see off sunsets

Summer is the most the right time year to welcome and see off the sun. The sky takes on a wide variety of colors, and the mood inevitably becomes more romantic. Thoughts calm down, and you don’t want to rush anywhere - it’s time to experiment with. Notice how the sun, from different angles, illuminates objects. Capture the magic of shadows that transform the world around you.

5. Rent a boat

In summer, you should also not miss the opportunity to take a ride on water transport. You can take a ticket on a ship or rent a boat. Walking on water is possible not only in the Mediterranean Sea. The rivers and lakes around where you live are beautiful too!

6. Find endangered residential buildings

Take a series of photographs dedicated to dilapidated buildings. Perhaps the residents of these houses cannot wait until their old homes are demolished and they can move into standard new buildings. They can be understood. However, the buildings of the middle of the last century still have their own beauty. And it is very likely that in a couple of decades these houses will remain only in your photographs.


7. Find an exemplary yard

On some houses you can still find signs “Yard of Exemplary Maintenance”, preserved from Soviet times. And in some places, the best-kept yards are still awarded. Hold your own competition: photograph the best playgrounds, the most beautiful flower beds or the most original birdhouses.

8. Spend the whole day at the zoo

Spending a day at the zoo will help you relax and achieve peace. And, of course, the inhabitants of the cells are worth photographing. Photographing animals requires some patience and there is no rush here. Stay near the cage, then perhaps you will be lucky to catch an interesting moment when the animal relaxes. Additional tips:

  • Find out in advance what time the animals are fed so as not to find everyone sleeping.
  • Dress lightly so as not to scare away animals.
  • In many zoos you can buy treats for animals (we are, of course, talking about special supplements, and not about what is sold to satisfy the hunger of visitors).
  • Visit the zoo when the weather is not so good, or on a weekday, so you can avoid crowds of people and screaming children at the cages.

9. Check out the racetrack

Almost every child loves horses. For some reason, this passion goes away with age for most people. However, the photographer should pay attention to these graceful animals. High-quality photographs of fast horses participating in a race, or graceful poses of those overcoming yet another obstacle in a show jumping competition, are highly valued on photo stocks. Even if there are no competitions planned in your city, you can take photos during training at a riding school - even beginner jockeys have enough grace.

10. Cats are the key to success

Where would we be without cats in photography? Come up with a theme and take a series of photos with cats, they will definitely be a success! For example, photograph cats in windows. If you are fundamentally on the side of dogs, then the idea for you is dogs and their owners. Everyone knows the idea that dogs resemble their owners. Try to convey this in your photographs.

11. Arrange a photo shoot for your pet

Surely all your Instagram followers are already crazy about your cat or dog. But try to do a professional photo shoot for your pet. Choose the right background, arrange the lighting. Find unusual angles, experiment with different objects. Finally, dress up your pet if he doesn't mind. The main thing is to be patient! Animals are not the most flexible models. But pictures with them are always very popular.

12. Have fun like you did when you were a kid

How long have you been on amusement rides? Ferris wheels, carousels, waltzing boats, electric cars, a shooting gallery, road trains, a trampoline, a catapult and, of course, cotton candy - all these attributes of amusement parks look great in photographs! You don't have to relive childhood yourself (although why miss the opportunity?), but it's definitely worth capturing all that joy. This idea will be especially useful for those who like to enhance color saturation. This would be absolutely appropriate here.


13. Walk your favorite trail

Let it be yours the usual way to work or to the store. Surely you have already optimized your route and remember every turn. But this time it will take much longer. Try to go through it from beginning to end, paying attention to those details that you miss in a hurry. The camera will allow you to look at the usual road in a new way.

14. Visit the nearest village

Rural motifs are an excellent theme for photos. Take pictures of landscapes, buildings, residents at their usual work, animals. Ask people to talk about themselves. Then you will be able to take not just scattered pictures, but an educational photo story.

15. Photograph hardworking people

As it says folk wisdom, you can endlessly watch how other people work. Ask your friends what they do. Perhaps their work is not as boring as you thought. Of course, you will be especially lucky if you manage to ride in the cabin of a metro train or go into a hangar with airplanes. But office work is also an excellent subject for photography, and quite in demand.

16. Make friends with representatives of “beautiful” professions

Find today make-up artist will not be difficult even within a radius of a couple of neighboring houses. Offer your services to a makeup artist. He will receive high-quality photographs of his work, and you will receive a portfolio of portrait photographs.

Such cooperation often has a synergistic effect - the circle of clients of both the photographer and the makeup artist expands.

17. Take a series of portraits of local personalities

It's not about famous people- It’s not so easy to get to them. Start with ordinary citizens. Among them you can also find very unusual people. In parks, near universities, nightclubs, shopping centers, choose the most unusual individuals who stand out from the crowd. Ask them for permission to take photographs. Bright people tend to love attention and will be only too happy to pose for you.

18. Become the biggest fan of local musicians

Even small towns have talent - singers, rock bands, DJs. Attend their performances. And post photos on pages on social networks. There is a high probability that after a couple of albums of high-quality photographs, the musicians will gratefully let you even come to their rehearsal. By the way, classical music performers are no exception.


19. Cheer on your local sports team

Even if you are not a sports fan, and the local team is far from the Champions League, there are plenty of emotional moments in any game. Pay attention to the fans: they believe in their team and sincerely care about it.

20. Find yourself in the middle of the crowd

Whether it's a crowded street during rush hour or shopping mall on a weekend, concert, competition or celebration of an event on a city scale - don’t be afraid to find yourself in the middle of nowhere. Take photo after photo, don't hesitate and don't waste space on your memory card. The crowd changes very quickly and is unique at every moment, like the sea or the clouds. “Catch” bright people, facial expressions, communication between people, or, conversely, those who, surrounded by a noisy crowd, are lonely and thoughtful.

21. Wait for the next bus

On a weekday morning, come to one of the major stops and photograph people waiting for transport - trams, trolleybuses, buses, minibuses, electric trains. Even for a short time at a stop you can take a lot of photos different people. Moreover, they will all carefully peer into the distance, waiting for their transport or thinking about the upcoming working day, but they will not pay any attention to you.

22. Go to the playground

There will definitely be a well-equipped children's playground in your yard or in one of the neighboring ones. Usually, at certain times of the day, children from nearby houses gather here. This time can give you a lot of bright, varied photographs. Or maybe you can even offer one of the parents a personal photo shoot.

23. Attend an exhibition or conference

Of course, not every summer day brings great weather. On a rainy day, it is better to choose indoor shooting ideas. For example, you can go to an exhibition or attend a conference. While those around you are absorbed in the subject of the exhibition or report, you can photograph them - enthusiastic, busy with thoughts and ideas.

24. Go to the market

Notice how beautiful the stalls in the markets are. Sellers present their products in the most attractive way possible. Fruit and vegetable stands tend to be especially luxurious, and the sellers behind them are often very friendly. However, you should not annoy them and take pictures secretly. It’s better to praise the goods and ask permission to take a photo of the seller together with the counter; this will probably only flatter him.


25. Take photos of the cooking process

Get ready. And film the cooking process along the way. Apples, cut into even pieces, sugar, a heap of flour with an egg neatly broken into the center, cream. Or maybe neat slices of onion, cubes of vegetables, minced meatballs, boiling broth. This could make a nice lunch. And at the same time, some delicious photos.

26. Scatter food beautifully

As a child, my grandmother taught me that throwing food away is not good. However, art requires sacrifice! Create food chaos. Or create a picture from colorful pieces. Try photographing splashes of liquids, explosions of bulk products, the process of grinding and mixing. Use a variety of kitchen tools and appliances.

27. Organize a photo hunt... for people

Of course, it is impolite to film people without their permission. Although street photographers often violate the rules of etiquette. And for good reason. The worst that can happen is that you will be asked to put your camera away. At the same time, people who don't know they're being filmed appear more natural.

28. Be a bad photographer

Particularly risky people should try filming people against their will. Irritation, anger and anger are also emotions, albeit negative, but bright and expressive. However, you are unlikely to be able to get a model release for such images. But this will not reduce the artistic value of the photograph.

29. Be a good photographer

The services of a photographer can be useful in organizations such as orphanages and animal shelters. Contact charity project coordinators in your city and offer your help. Do a good deed.

30. Collect

Become a collector of certain objects. It can be road signs, graffiti or bars on windows. Explore your city, but don't forget about the collection when you go on vacation. Create a blog and update it regularly with new “exhibits”. Perhaps others will support you, then your blog will grow into a community. But if not, your collection will still be a great excuse to explore new territories in search of interesting photo subjects.
