Is it healthy to drink homemade milk? Dairy products: pros and cons you need to know about. Creamy strawberry cocktail with ice cream

Whatever harm was attributed to milk. It, they say, “glues the walls of the intestines together,” because of it, “poisonous mucus is formed in the body,” and the fathers are the inventors separate power supply They were not allowed to take milk with bread.

Fortunately, all these lumps of dirt did not stick to the lightest drink, since they were thrown by people insignificant in their illiteracy. All arguments against milk were unsubstantiated. The loud scandal was just a desire to become famous, challenging the contradictions of the whole world.

Actually about unique properties milk was known back in the time of Hippocrates, and modern science only proves the rightness of the great doctor and seer. And he goes further, creating new healthy products based on milk. At the moment, more than 100 types of dairy drinks have already been prepared.


Since milk was originally invented by nature for feeding babies, it is easy to guess that it contains all the substances necessary for the body, including immunological protection, and all of them in a balanced and digestible form. And as a result we have the following.

Calcium is best absorbed from milk, so it is recommended to take it for any problems with the skeletal system - from fractures to the prevention of osteoporosis. Milk helps with insomnia.

It expels excess fluid from the body. Hot milk for colds - an indispensable tool. Milk is also good for blood formation. And to reduce stomach acidity. It is useful to take for diseases such as cardiovascular failure, atherosclerosis, obesity, bronchial asthma, liver and kidney diseases.

However, milk also has contraindications. If the body does not produce the enzyme lactase, it is simply impossible to drink milk. And it is not necessary. Intestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea will be aggravated by milk. It is not recommended during operations - for some time before and after. And, of course, if you are allergic to milk.

Fermented milk drinks

Although all of them are prepared from milk, during the fermentation process they develop additional properties that distinguish them from whole milk. The main difference is better digestibility. The fact is that during fermentation, bacteria transform milk protein into more delicate flakes that are better digested by the body. By the way, this is why artificially fed infants in Soviet times were prescribed kefir for feeding, which was prepared in special dairy kitchens.

Of course, all lactic acid drinks are prepared different ways. Lactic acid bacteria, rods or fungi are added to them for fermentation. Some use a combination of microorganisms, for example, Varenets is fermented with both bacteria and lactic acid bacillus. But despite this, in general they are not much different from each other. Except for the taste. And the beneficial properties are almost the same, the difference is very small.

The most remarkable healing property of fermented milk drinks is intestinal health. Lactic acid microorganisms create exactly that beneficial microflora that successfully fights pathogenic microorganisms, inhibits their reproduction and development. I remember how one of the oldest gynecologists in the country strongly advised every woman to douche with kefir so as not to get sick. And this makes a lot of sense.

In addition, while many people are allergic to whole milk, I personally have never heard of allergic reactions to lactic acid drinks.

Curdled milk

It was one of the first drinks made with milk. This product is “prepared” by lactic acid streptococci. Curdled milk is good because it is very well absorbed in the body and has antibacterial properties. This drink can be safely called “the head of everything.” Indeed, quite a lot of different drinks have been created based on yogurt.

Mechnikovskaya yogurt is one of the varieties of yogurt. It is considered more medicinal, although, in my opinion, the difference is small; just for the fermentation of Mechnikovskaya, in addition to streptococci, they also use the Bulgarian bacillus. However, in fairness it must be said that it contains more vitamin A and beta-carotene. But also fat!


This is another type of yogurt, which is also called “Ukrainian yogurt.” Differs from regular topic that milk and cream are used for preparation. Their mixture is heated to 95 degrees and fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus. Therefore, fermented baked milk is a fattier product and has more calories - 84 kcal per 100 g of product.


This type of curdled milk is prepared on the basis of baked milk. Varenets is fermented using streptococci and lactic acid bacillus. The result is a very unique drink that has loyal fans.


This is the most common sour milk drink, which is fermented with special kefir grains. Odes are written about kefir, it is tirelessly researched, revealing new medicinal properties, it is modernized, enriched with useful substances. However, the essence remains the same!

Kefir has complete proteins (like other fermented milk drinks), is very well absorbed, has antibacterial properties, stimulates digestive tract. Kefir has a funny contradiction - it has both a laxative and a strengthening effect. Remember! One-day kefir weakens, and three-day kefir strengthens.


A relatively recent invention that has become very popular. In fact, this is also yogurt, which is fermented with a special yogurt starter made from Bulgarian bacillus and a special strain of streptococci. It has almost all the properties of other fermented milk drinks.


But here the difference will be more significant. In terms of chemical composition and calorie content, acidophilus is similar to kefir. But! The acidophilus bacillus with which this drink is prepared takes root better in the intestines, lives in it longer, which means it will maintain cleanliness and beneficial microflora in the intestines for a longer period than other lactic acid drinks. In addition, acidophilus bacteria themselves produce antibiotic substances in the intestines. In addition, they are resistant to the effects of some antibiotics, such as chloramphenicol, which means that after treatment with such antibiotics, the microflora in the intestines will not change. Moreover, it is acidophilus bacteria that successfully fight fungi, preventing them from becoming active and multiplying.

In general, of most fermented milk drinks, it is acidophilus that has the greatest medicinal properties. But there are not very many regular fans of acidophilus products - it must be that not everyone knows about their medicinal properties.

Hello, friends!

In our today's topic “Healthy Fermented Milk Products” we will try to find out what are the benefits of fermented milk products and which one is better to drink. At first I wanted to talk about my favorite kefir, but then I thought that there are a wide variety of fermented milk products, so I wonder which one is healthier?

The benefits of fermented milk products

All fermented milk products are derivatives of milk, obtained by fermenting it by introducing various types sourdough As a result of almost identical technological processes with only some peculiarities, the process of fermentation occurs: the breakdown of milk proteins or, simply put, curdling.

These products differ only in the essence of the starter.

What products are fermented milk products?

Fermented milk can be divided into two groups, the first includes products of fermented milk fermentation with a fairly dense structure, such as:

  • curdled milk
  • yogurt
  • Ryazhenka (or Varenets)
  • matsoni
  • bifidok
  • sour cream
  • cottage cheese.

The second group includes products obtained by mixed fermentation; two processes occur simultaneously in them - fermented milk and alcohol. They are more liquid in structure and have a harsh taste. These include:

  • kefir
  • kumiss
  • ayran.

What are the benefits of fermented milk products?

All products contain the basic raw material - milk, and therefore, just like the original product, they are rich in protein, without which our life is not possible. Protein is needed for metabolic processes in the body, it is important for the formation and strength of muscles. If we don't get enough protein, we get sick.

Fermented milk products are good source squirrel - building material for our muscles and immune system.

The products we are considering contain quite a lot of calcium and phosphorus, as well as vitamin D, which are especially necessary in old age, because such people often experience their deficiency, so they simply must drink kefir and other drinks of this class every day.

Thanks to beneficial bacteria are mediators in the normalization of acid-base balance, stimulate good digestion, reduce the intensity of putrefaction processes in the intestines, normalize the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, Bladder, help the intestines work and, which is very important not only for older people, but for everyone in general. Therefore, a glass of kefir or a jar of yogurt at night is the key to a normal toilet in the morning.

Constant consumption of fermented milk products leads to the fact that acidic environment suppresses the development of putrefactive intestinal microflora, resulting in improved intestinal motility, appetite and metabolism.

It has been scientifically proven that fermented milk can lower blood pressure, not by much, only by 5%, but this is already good. They work like medications like enalopril or captopril.

Promote weight loss, despite the fats they contain. It's all about choosing a product with the least amount of fat content.

Why fermented milk is better than milk

If fermented milk products contain the same amount of useful substances as milk, why are more of them recommended, and there has long been controversy surrounding milk as to whether it is beneficial or harmful?

I, too, have always been interested in this question and I finally found the answer for myself from Dr. Komarovsky.

And it's not just about bacteria.

Milk contains a special sugar called lactose. And nature came up with the idea that the younger a person is, the higher the lactose activity, and with age it becomes less and we stop absorbing milk. About 70% of people are lactose intolerant. This is the main reason why milk is more useful for children at the age of a mammal, so to speak, since they absorb it better.

When special bacteria are added to milk, the latter break down milk sugar and multiply, feeding on lactose, the content of which, as a result, decreases.

Unlike milk, fermented milk is better absorbed and therefore great amount people cannot drink milk, but can drink fermented milk products.

Although everything is individual, if a person tolerates milk normally, then let him drink it for his health.

The best healthy fermented milk products


Probably the most popular and favorite drink is kefir, which is made from pasteurized cow's milk by fermentation using a special kefir starter, which includes yeast fungi and thermophilic streptococcus, which is not killed by heat treatment.

As a result of their fermentation, alcohol is released. Its share is negligible, so children can drink kefir. The alcohol content increases only with prolonged storage. But the yeast contained in kefir can cause allergies in some people, so this kind of complementary food should be given to small children carefully and in small doses.

Acetic acid bacteria contained in kefir add pungency to it and give it a unique, sourish-sharp kefir taste and smell, unique to this drink.

I don’t know if old technologies are being followed now; judging by the terrifying labels with incredibly long shelf life, they are being forgotten. Real kefir can be stored for no more than 5 days and, depending on the level of acidity, accumulation of alcohol and carbon dioxide, it can be weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day) and, accordingly, it has different effects. Thus, daily kefir weakens, while three-day kefir, on the contrary, strengthens it, although it contains more other beneficial properties.

The fat content of kefir only affects weight and cholesterol levels. But with its low fat content and increased content protein kefir can be very useful for liver diseases, pancreas and atherosclerosis.

In addition, kefir is useful:

  • For gastrointestinal tract
  • it lowers cholesterol levels
  • improves appetite
  • normalizes kidney function
  • enhances secretion gastric juice
  • removes toxins from the body
  • calms the nervous system
  • improves sleep.

It is better to use it in the evening.

Curdled milk

At home, yogurt forms on its own when milk sours in a warm place, which may take two days. To speed up the process, stir a spoonful of sour cream into the milk.

In industrial conditions, yogurt is fermented using lactic acid streptococci with the addition of Bulgarian bacillus.

This product contains no yeast, no acetic bacteria, no alcohol. This product is low-allergenic and can quench thirst and hunger.

The amount of useful substances is equivalent to kefir and other fermented milk products, because they have the same mother - milk.

It is useful to drink yogurt during various diseases for a speedy recovery, pregnant women, elderly people.


The drink is prepared from baked milk, per liter of which a glass of sour cream is added and left to ferment for 3-4 hours; streptococcus bacteria are added at the factory.

It has a viscous, thick structure with a more delicate taste than kefir.

Ryazhenka perfectly quenches thirst in hot weather, increases appetite, and promotes good functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

But it has the highest calorie content among other fermented milk products, so you won’t be able to lose weight by drinking a glass of fermented baked milk.


A product of the same fermentation of milk with special bacteria, yogurt is also produced with the addition of starches, cream, and pectin. Compared to kefir, it has a less acidic environment and is very popular with children, especially yoghurts with the addition of fruits and berries.

But the most useful is bio-yogurt, which smells not of fruit, but of milk, which does not contain modified starch.


The fermented milk product bifidok is the same kefir, enriched in addition to fermented milk bifidobacteria, but yeast is not added to it, so bifidok has a softer and less sour taste.

The drink effectively improves the condition of the intestinal microflora and directly affects the condition of the skin. This is a drink of beauty and youth.

Useful for strengthening the immune system, preventing dysbacteriosis, indispensable for children for growing organisms, and for gastrointestinal diseases. It is enough to drink a glass of bifidoc 2-3 times a week to feel its effectiveness.


I really respect and love matsoni, a fermented milk product that is sold in our stores. This national drink of the Caucasians is sometimes compared to yogurt, although in fact the manufacturing technology is rather close to yogurt, but it has a sharper taste.

Just like other healthy fermented milk products, matsoni contains quite a lot of protein, vitamins, it helps improve blood circulation, intestinal activity, lower cholesterol, eliminate toxins, strengthen nervous system, building muscle mass.


The drink of heroes, kumys, known since ancient times, is made from mare’s milk using a special ferment.

It is quite liquid, slightly foaming and emits bubbles of carbon dioxide.

Rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, vitamins, antibiotic substances.

Kumis not only quenches thirst and hunger at the same time, while never overloading the stomach, it is truly an elixir of health and longevity. It gives special vivacity, good color face, nourishes, strengthens, renews and treats many ailments from tuberculosis and gastrointestinal diseases to diseases of the nervous system, and is a good antidote for poisoning.

I won’t talk about cottage cheese and sour cream for now; it was the drinks that worried me today.

Contraindications for use

Fermented milk products are unique and have virtually no contraindications; on the contrary, they are useful for both the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

They can only cause individual intolerance to milk sugar - lactose, which can manifest itself as bloating and discomfort.

Some people may be allergic to milk protein, and in this case, of course, consuming fermented milk can lead to problems such as skin rashes or bronchospasms.

Due to yeast fungi, kefir provokes thrush, so it is not indicated for women suffering from this disease.

High fat content of some foods excessive consumption can lead to increased cholesterol and obesity.

Which fermented milk product is healthier?

I think it is difficult and even impossible to determine the healthiest fermented milk product.

The concept of the usefulness of a product is very relative; this is an individual matter. It is necessary to take into account taste preferences, and the tolerability of a particular product. If kefir is poorly absorbed, then it might be better to drink fermented baked milk, but if it’s good, why should you give it up?

The main thing is that you like healthy fermented milk products, then by choosing any of them, you will receive both benefit and pleasure.

Alexander Baturin, professor, doctor medical sciences, Deputy Director for scientific work State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences:

The inclusion of milk in the diet not only provides the body with complete animal proteins, optimally balanced in amino acid composition, but is also an excellent source of easily digestible calcium and phosphorus compounds, as well as vitamins A, B2, D. Simultaneous intake of the above mentioned nutrients helps to increase the body's defenses against various unfavorable environmental factors.

The calcium contained in milk is very necessary for women (especially in menopause), children, teenagers, old people. Calcium is needed for normal development healthy teeth and bones and plays an important role in metabolism.

At the same time, milk fat, like any other animal fat, enters the body in large quantities, can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, increase cholesterol levels in the blood serum, and disrupt metabolic processes in the liver. Therefore, in case of metabolic disorders, diabetes, obesity, as well as in old age, preference should be given to low-fat milk of 0.5-1%.

Tell me, what dose of milk should be consumed for the normal maintenance of nutrients in the body?

Marianna Trifonova, nutritionist, chief physician of the Center for Aesthetic and rehabilitation medicine"Emerald":

The average annual milk consumption rate for an adult, recommended by the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, is 392 liters - this is a little more than a liter per day.

One glass of milk (200 ml) contains 25% of the daily value of calcium, 22% of the daily value of vitamin B2, 21% of the daily value of vitamin D, 18% of the daily value of phosphorus, 13.5% of the daily value of protein.

However, it must be remembered that the rate of milk consumption depends on a number of factors, such as gender and age characteristics, physical activity, seasonality, pregnancy, and diet (for example, if you eat foods with high content calcium - broccoli, sardines, peanuts, black beans, your milk supply will be lower). Therefore, to determine your individual milk intake, it is important to consult a professional nutritionist, and at the same time find out whether you suffer from milk intolerance.

They say that milk is a very healthy product, nutritious and increases our vitality. Many people believe that milk should not be drunk, that after seven years the human body does not have the necessary enzyme for its complete digestion (lactose). This is true?

Marianna Trifonova:

Indeed, in ancient times adults did not drink milk, because when the period breastfeeding ended, the human body stopped producing lactase, an enzyme necessary for the absorption of milk sugar. However, several thousand years ago in Europe, a mutation occurred in the gene responsible for the production of lactase. The gene stopped “turning off” with the passing of childhood. Of course individuals Individual intolerance to milk, so-called hypolactasia, may occur.

All healthy children under 3-5 years of age have high lactase activity. As we grow older, there is a decrease in enzyme production, which is caused by the action of the lactase gene. Between 10 and 18 years, the level of lactase production inherent in each person is finally formed, which persists in subsequent years. A decrease in enzyme activity occurs in different ethnic groups With different frequency. Individual milk intolerance among Eastern Slavs and Europeans in general is less than 10%.

I am 87 years old. I heard that at my age milk is harmful. Is it so?

Marianna Trifonova:

There are many common misconceptions about milk. One of them is that milk is supposedly unhealthy for older people. Indeed, several thousand years ago only children could drink milk. When the breastfeeding period ended, the body stopped producing lactase, making ancient adults completely intolerant of milk. However, during the course of evolution, the gene responsible for the production of lactase stopped “switching off” with the passing of childhood, and today adults can drink milk with peace of mind. Moreover, there are a number of so-called “age-related” diseases, for example, osteoporosis, for the prevention of which it is absolutely necessary to introduce milk and dairy products into the daily diet.

Is it true that milk can be consumed instead of protein shakes to build muscle more effectively?

Alexey Tikhonov, world and European figure skating champion:

You correctly noted that people who want to increase muscle mass, often consume additional doses of amino acids. For example, they drink so-called protein shakes. But in fact, synthetic amino acids are absorbed by our body in a very limited quantities. It is much healthier and more effective in this sense to eat meat, vegetable protein, milk and dairy products, since the protein in this case is absorbed almost completely. That is, in order to achieve maximum results and become the owner beautiful figure, we only need a balanced diet, rich in natural proteins, and intense physical activity.

I would like to know which milk is natural milk?

Mikhail Dryashin, Chief Editor website

Most likely, when wondering about the naturalness of milk, you are concerned about whether the milk you buy is obtained by diluting milk powder. In accordance with the Technical Regulations “On Milk and Dairy Products”, this kind of product has the right to be called not milk, but only a milk drink. Moreover, the fact that the milk drink is obtained from powder must be reflected in the information on the packaging. So any milk from a bona fide producer that is on store shelves is natural.

What should I find out to know if milk is good for me?

Mikhail Dryashin:

Milk is beneficial for the vast majority of the population of our country. Exceptions are extremely few and are associated with certain diseases or individual intolerance to milk sugar or protein. To find out whether milk is good for you personally (if you suspect otherwise), you should consult your doctor.

For many years now I have been buying milk at the market by hand. How safe is it?

Mikhail Dryashin:

Fresh milk obtained from a healthy cow is the most beneficial for health, but is often unsafe: within a few hours after milking, bacteria from the air begin to enter it. To minimize the risk of poisoning, thermal methods for processing milk have been invented. A modern processing method – ultra-pasteurization – helps to most fully preserve all the benefits of fresh milk. In just a few seconds, the milk is heated and instantly cooled, after which it is immediately poured into multi-layer cardboard packaging under sterile conditions. This milk is marked with the Highest Milk Standard sign. Pay attention to the products you eat, because our health depends on them.

The stores offer a large selection of milk in different packages: plastic, glass, cardboard. Which milk should you choose?

Mikhail Dryashin:

Milk in plastic bottles makes up only part of the products presented on the shelves. Plastic bottles have many advantages - they are convenient, stable, and light in weight. However, they also have disadvantages: the problem is that plastic bottle does not provide milk full protection from the light. Light, primarily sunlight and the light of fluorescent lamps, which, as a rule, illuminate the trading floors of stores, destroys milk proteins and fats, which oxidize under its influence. In addition, light can lead to the loss of vitamins contained in milk. Light-proof packaging, such as a cardboard bag, preserves the benefits of milk much more effectively.

What is normalized milk?

Svetlana Denisova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Children's Clinic "Zdorov Smolodu" on Shchelkovskaya

Normalized milk is milk with a certain, guaranteed mass fraction of fat. Traditional meanings are 1.5% for milk with low content fat and 3% for milk of the standard category, but milk with such a low fat content as 0.1 and 0.5% is also found. Simply put, normalization is bringing milk to required norm fat content

They say that milk is very useful product, nutritious, increasing our vitality. Many people believe that milk should not be drunk, that after seven years the human body does not have the necessary enzyme for its complete digestion (lactose). This is true?

Svetlana Denisova:

Lactose enzyme deficiency occurs in both very young children and older people. Most often, this condition is temporary and is associated either with immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract (in young children) or with chronic diseases (in adults). Milk is a very healthy product - it contains everything you need nutrients, as well as calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins. Milk is especially useful for children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly.

For a long time I did not crave milk: it caused discomfort when consumed. And now it’s the other way around. Is this normal?

Svetlana Denisova:

Discomfort when drinking milk occurs due to problems with digestion, after intestinal or viral infections. After recovery, tolerance to foods, including dairy, is restored. In addition, although cow's milk has same composition, it has different tastes and different processing, and the human body reacts differently to these parameters.

Cow's milk, the benefits of which are explained by the large number of useful substances contained in it, is a product known to mankind since ancient times.

However, in last years There are different opinions about the benefits of cow's milk: a number of researchers still consider milk the most useful and necessary product for humans, others talk about the disadvantages of this product and negative impact on the human body.

To understand which opinion is more correct, it is worth carefully studying the arguments of opponents and supporters of milk consumption.

Cow's milk - source of origin, processing methods and chemical composition

Cow's milk is a product of the secretion of its mammary glands. At the same time, the most useful milk is that which is located inside the cow’s mammary glands and has never come into contact with air. The reason for this is that the fats in milk that have been exposed to air are partially oxidized. However, even such milk does not lose its nutritional value for the human body.

Calorie content of cow's milk 52-64 kcal per 100 grams depending on fat content. Cow's milk contains a number of substances necessary to the human body. First of all, it is vitamin B12. This substance is vital for the proper functioning of the human nervous system, and is also involved in the process of hematopoiesis. It also contains other B vitamins, vitamins D, E, PP, beta-carotene, lactose and others. Milk contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates and amino acids, useful to people. Cow's milk contains a lot of microelements, among which calcium is the most valuable. Chemical composition cow's milk is constantly changing depending on various factors: stage of lactation in an animal, breed of cow, its nutrition and conditions of detention.

Overall, considering modern methods production and storage of milk, we can distinguish the following types of this product:

Whole milk. It is completely natural product, which was not subjected to any influence other than straining. Heating, dilution, defatting, evaporation changes the original chemical composition of milk, such a product can no longer be called whole milk. Nowadays such milk can only be purchased on agricultural farms and from village residents.

Pasteurized milk. Milk that has been heated can be called pasteurized. There are several ways to pasteurize milk: long-term pasteurization, in which the product is heated to a temperature of 63 – 65 °C for half an hour; short pasteurization, in which milk is heated for one minute to 85 – 90 °C; flash pasteurization, which is carried out within a few seconds, while the product is heated to 98 °C. This treatment is carried out to destroy various microorganisms in milk, as well as to increase the shelf life of this product. Many experts believe that nutritional value such a product remains virtually unchanged. However, other researchers believe that the value of such a product is significantly lower compared to whole milk, since proteins, vitamins and microelements in milk are influenced elevated temperatures change their connections and formulas.

UHT milk is a product made by heating whole milk once to 125 – 150 °C for 2-3 seconds. After this, the milk is poured into sealed containers under sterile conditions. This processing method allows milk to be stored for more than a month. However, this treatment destroys almost everything useful material in milk.

Cow's milk - benefits for human health

The chemical composition of milk makes it a unique source of nutrition for humans. It has a significant impact on our body positive influence and provides it essential vitamins and microelements.

Yes, thanks to the large number calcium, milk has a positive effect on the condition of human teeth and bones. Therefore, people who consume milk reduce the risk of dental problems. It is also recommended to consume milk to keep bones strong and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Protein, which cow's milk contains in large quantities, promotes the growth and strengthening of human muscles. Therefore, this product is especially popular among athletes seeking to build and strengthen lean body mass.

Vitamins, contained in cow's milk, help reduce stress levels in humans. Therefore, a glass of warm milk - The best way relax and relieve tension accumulated during the day. It can also reduce the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome in women, relax the body and reduce nervous tension in this period.

Scientists in the UK, after analyzing numerous studies, came to the conclusion that milk helps lower blood pressure, reduces the risk of stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. In addition, cow's milk helps get rid of heartburn, improves digestion, gives a person a feeling of fullness and, thus, promotes weight loss.

Thus, milk is a healthy and tasty natural product that can support the human body in good health. physical fitness, and can also serve as a preventive measure for various diseases. Therefore, many people should include this product in their daily diet.

Cow's milk is harmful to humans

Many scientists talk not only about the benefits, but also about the dangers of milk. In particular, they note frequent allergic reactions for milk. Such reactions are caused by milk sugar (lactose) intolerance, which occurs in 15% population. This intolerance is expressed as follows: after drinking milk, a person begins to severe bloating stomach and diarrhea. Allergic reactions to the protein casein, which is found in large quantities in cow's milk, are also common.

However, when talking about allergic reactions to milk, it is worth keeping in mind that the frequency of these reactions varies at different nations . Among representatives of the European ethnic group, milk intolerance does not occur very often, on average it is 2-5% of the ethnic group. At the same time, among the peoples of Asia and Africa, milk intolerance is much more common, up to 50-75% of the ethnic group. This is explained by European peoples are better suited to consuming this product at the genetic level than Asians and Africans.

Also, many adherents of the theories vegetarianism and raw food diets talk about other disadvantages of drinking cow's milk. Thus, according to some researchers, milk increases the acidity of gastric juice, which increases the risk of developing stomach ulcers.

A number of scientists believe that drinking cow's milk increases the risk of breast, prostate and bladder cancer. However, it is not known which component of milk increases this risk. Some scientists blame milk sugar for this, others blame the hormone estrogen, which is found in milk. At the same time, milk is known to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer.

It is worth noting that modern milk producers very often introduce hormonal drugs And antibiotics. Such methods certainly have a negative impact on the quality of milk and its beneficial properties. In this context, the most useful milk is that produced by farmers in villages where cows live in natural conditions, eat fresh food and grass, are not exposed to hormonal drugs and antibiotics.

Cow's milk in the diet of pregnant and lactating women

Pregnant and lactating women have a greater need for calcium, proteins and vitamins. To satisfy this need of the body, they should include cow's milk in their diet. The benefits of this product during pregnancy and breastfeeding are explained by the following:

Milk is a source of calcium necessary for the formation skeletal system and a child. This product also helps replenish calcium reserves in the mother’s body.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, milk becomes a source of animal protein, which is necessary for the formation of the fetus and proper physical development child.

Drinking milk has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails of a pregnant woman.

Lactic sugar contained in milk helps better absorption calcium. It also helps strengthen the immune system.

Thus, cow's milk and other products made from it are indispensable both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Except in cases of individual intolerance and allergies.

Cow's milk for children: benefit or harm?

For many years, cow's milk was considered suitable nutrition for babies whose mothers were unable to feed them with breast milk. However latest research show that feeding infants cow's milk is not as healthy and safe as previously thought.

Of course, cow's milk contains many useful elements. However, this composition of milk is by no means beneficial to the baby’s body, since he is not able to absorb these substances.

The enzymes contained in cow's milk do not meet the norm for a child. Therefore, his body will not be able to fully absorb such nutrition, and undigested food remains will irritate the baby’s intestines.

Too much great content casein protein in cow's milk can cause allergic reactions;

Too high a fat content in cow's milk causes overload of the child's body;

The amount of vitamins and iron in cow's milk is not enough for a growing body;

A minerals Cow's milk, on the contrary, contains too much. Therefore, feeding cow's milk may put too much strain on the baby's kidneys.

For the reasons listed above, modern doctors not recommended feed children with cow's milk until they are 2 years old. The ideal food for such children is breast milk, and if breastfeeding is not possible, it is necessary to select a suitable mixture whose composition is as close as possible to the composition breast milk.

Thus, the harm and benefits of drinking cow's milk depend from many factors: from the processing methods to which the product was subjected, from the conditions in which the animal lives, from the individual characteristics of each person and other factors. Therefore, each person must decide on the need to use this product individually, taking into account their individual characteristics.

Milk is a liquid product of the physiological secretion of the mammary glands, obtained from an animal during the lactation period without any foreign additives. It is intended for feeding newborn babies who are not yet able to feed themselves. Many products are made from milk, such as kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, as well as a huge variety of hard cheeses - this has already become a whole branch industry. Milk can be condensed or dry; it is often used in cooking, adding to confectionery. Prepared on the basis of milk baby food and all kinds of mixtures, porridges and milk soups.

Milk is very healthy and rich in many valuable substances: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine and sulfur, as well as chlorides, phosphates and citrates.

9 facts about the benefits of milk

  1. Source of calcium

    Calcium is the most important element milk, which is extremely necessary for the body. It helps prevent some chronic diseases and combat bone loss, migraines, arthritis, cancer, obesity and many other problems.

  2. Normalizes heart function

    Scientific research It has long been proven that consuming milk or dairy products helps prevent the likelihood of developing a stroke and some no less dangerous diseases of cardio-vascular system. Calcium contained in milk reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. And magnesium and potassium act as vasodilators: they reduce blood pressure, normalize it and, by reducing stress, protect the body from dangerous cardiac problems.

  3. Strengthens bones

    Milk with a high content of calcium, essential for health, is necessary for development bone structure and, of course, for growth. Regular use dairy products will prevent dangerous bone disease osteoporosis. Children with low calcium levels have a significantly increased risk of limb fractures and prolonged healing. For older people and women during menopause, milk and dairy products must be included in the daily diet.

  4. Strengthens teeth

    Regular consumption of dairy products is essential to keep your teeth in excellent shape. Pure milk, cottage cheese, cheese or yogurt help preserve tooth enamel by reducing acidity in the body and strengthen the gums, which will reduce the chances of disease or tooth loss.

  5. Prevents body dehydration

    Water or other liquid non-alcoholic drinks, including milk, are vital for the body to function properly, because daily consumption of liquid drinks should be at least 2 liters. Milk also plays a role in hydration and maintains fluid balance in the body, preventing dehydration and other related problems.

  6. Makes skin healthy

    Milk and the vitamins it contains, including vitamin A, help improve skin health. Many people use milk and fermented milk products as all kinds of masks: they make the skin smooth and brighten it. Milk masks help fight dry skin by moisturizing it, they soften and nourish the skin well, and lactic acid eliminates dead cells and thereby rejuvenates the skin. The antioxidant properties of milk eliminate free radicals, so consuming milk can protect the body from aging, slow down the appearance of wrinkles and get rid of skin pigmentation.

  7. An effective weight loss product

    Daily consumption of milk contributes to the complete receipt of vitamins and minerals. It satisfies the body's need for calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and many other useful minerals. Dairy and fermented milk products are simply necessary for the effective functioning of the body; moreover, they are very often used in all kinds of diets for weight loss. Instead of fatty, fried or heavy flour foods, dairy products will become ideal nutrition and will get your body in shape in a fairly short period of time.

  8. Reduces acidity

    Consuming dairy products reduces the chances of acidity in the body. Cold milk is effective means, protecting the body from excessive acidity. This property of milk is especially useful for people suffering from heartburn or stomach ulcers.

  9. Cures cancer

    Milk consumption is an effective treatment for colon cancer. Studies by many scientists show that dairy nutrition helps prolong the life of patients with stomach cancer and duodenum. Also, data from other studies suggests that drinking milk reduces the risk of developing prostate cancer in men and ovarian cancer in women.

5 scientific facts about the dangers of milk

    Research conducted by scientists different countries have shown that cow's milk protein may play a role in triggering type 1 diabetes and trigger a process called molecular mimicry.

    Statistics show that populations that consume more dairy products have higher rates of multiple sclerosis.

    Numerous animal studies show that the main protein in milk (casein) promotes the development of cancer as an initiating carcinogen.

    Milk is perhaps the most common food allergen in the world.

    Most of The world's population cannot adequately digest milk due to lactose intolerance.

Other facts about milk

  • Milk is considered the main source of nutrition for infant mammals.
  • During early lactation, milk takes on the appearance of colostrum, this thick substance is maternal antibodies, they are transferred to the newborn in order to reduce the likelihood of many diseases in the future.
  • India is the largest milk producer in the world.
  • Brazil, China, India and the USA are the main exporters of milk and dairy products in the world.
  • The most powerful importers of milk in the world are Russia and China.
