The most effective poison for humans. Deadly poisons for humans. Poisons of plant and animal origin

There are many poisons of various natures in the world. Some of them act almost instantly, others can torment the victim of poisoning for years, slowly destroying him from the inside. True, the concept of poison has no clear boundaries. It all depends on concentration. And often the same substance can act both as a deadly poison and as one of the most necessary components to maintain life. A striking example Vitamins are such a duality - even a slight excess of their concentration can completely destroy health or kill on the spot.

Here we propose to take a look at 10 substances that are classified as pure poisons, and are among the most dangerous and fast-acting.


Cyanides are a fairly large group of hydrocyanic acid salts. They are all, like the acid itself, extremely poisonous. In the last century, both hydrocyanic acid and cyanogen chloride were used as chemical warfare agents and were responsible for tens of thousands of deaths.
Potassium cyanide also famous for its extreme toxicity. Just 200-300 mg of this white powder, which resembles granulated sugar in appearance, is enough to kill an adult in just a few seconds. Thanks to such a small dosage and incredibly quick death, this poison was chosen to kill Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Goering and other Nazis.
They tried to poison Grigory Rasputin with this poison. True, the senders mixed cyanide into sweet wine and cakes, not knowing that sugar is one of the most powerful antidotes for this poison. So in the end they had to use the gun.

Bacillus anthrax

Anthrax is a very serious, rapidly developing disease caused by the bacteria Bacillus anthracis. There are several forms anthrax. The most “harmless” one is the skin one. Even without treatment, the mortality rate from this form does not exceed 20%. The intestinal form kills about half of those sick, but the pulmonary form is almost certain death. Even with the help the latest techniques treatment modern doctors no more than 5% of patients can be saved.


Sarin was created by German scientists trying to synthesize a powerful pesticide. But this deadly poison, which causes quick but very painful death, acquired its dark fame not in agricultural fields, but as a chemical weapon. Sarin was produced by the ton for military purposes for decades, and it was only in 1993 that its production was banned. But despite calls for the complete destruction of all stocks of this substance, both terrorists and the military still use it in our time.


Amatoxins are a whole group of protein poisons contained in poisonous mushrooms of the amanita family, including the deadly toadstool. The particular danger of these poisons lies in their “slowness”. Once they enter the human body, they immediately begin their destructive activity, but the victim begins to feel the first discomfort no earlier than 10 hours later, and sometimes several days later, when it is already very difficult for doctors to do anything. Even if such a patient can be saved, he will still suffer for the rest of his life from painful dysfunctions of the liver, kidneys and lungs.


Strychnine is found in large quantities in the nuts of the tropical chilibuha tree. It was from them that it was obtained in 1818 by the French chemists Pelletier and Cavantou. In small doses, strychnine can be used as a medicine that increases metabolic processes, improves heart function and treats paralysis. It was even actively used as an antidote for barbiturate poisoning.
However, this is one of the most strong poisons. His lethal dose even less than the famous potassium cyanide, but it acts much more slowly. Death from strychnine poisoning occurs after about half an hour of terrible agony and severe convulsions.


Mercury is extremely dangerous in all its manifestations, but its vapors and soluble compounds cause especially great harm. Even small amounts of mercury entering the body cause severe damage nervous system, liver, kidneys and the entire gastrointestinal tract.

When small amounts of mercury enter the body, the process of poisoning occurs gradually, but inevitably, since this poison is not eliminated, but rather accumulates. In ancient times, mercury was widely used for the production of mirrors, as well as felt for hats. Chronic poisoning with mercury vapor, expressed in behavioral disorders up to complete insanity, was at that time called “the old hatter’s disease.”


This extremely strong poison is found in the liver, milk and caviar of the famous puffer fish, as well as in the skin and caviar of some species of tropical frogs, octopuses, crabs and in the caviar of the Californian newt. Europeans first became acquainted with the effects of this poison in 1774, when the crew on James Cook's ship ate an unknown tropical fish, and the slops from the dinner were given to the ship's pigs. By morning, all the people were seriously ill, and the pigs died.
Tetrodotoxin poisoning is very serious, and even today doctors manage to save less than half of all those poisoned.

It is interesting to note that the famous Japanese delicacy fugu fish is prepared from fish in which the content of the most dangerous toxin exceeds lethal doses for humans. Lovers of this treat literally entrust their lives to the art of the cook. But no matter how hard the chefs try, accidents cannot be avoided, and every year several gourmets die after feasting on a delicious dish.


Ricin is an extremely powerful poison plant origin. The greatest danger is inhaling its smallest grains. Ricin is about 6 times more powerful a poison than potassium cyanide, but it has not been used as a weapon of mass destruction due to purely technical difficulties. But various intelligence services and terrorists are very fond of this substance. Politicians and public figures receive letters filled with ricin with enviable regularity. True, the case quite rarely ends in death, since the penetration of ricin through the lungs is quite low in efficiency. For a 100% result, ricin must be injected directly into the blood.

Vi-Ex (VX)

VX, or, as it is also called, VI gas, belongs to the category of chemical warfare gases that have a nerve-paralytic effect. It was also born as a new pesticide, but soon the military began to use it for their own purposes. Symptoms of poisoning with this gas appear within 1 minute after inhalation or contact with the skin, and death occurs within 10-15 minutes.

Botulism toxin

Botulinum toxin is produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which is the causative agent the most dangerous disease– botulism. This is the most powerful poison organic nature and one of the strongest poisons in the world. In the last century, botulinum toxin was part of the arsenals of chemical weapons, but at the same time active research concerning its use in medicine. And today great amount people who want to at least temporarily restore the smoothness of their skin experience the influence of this terrible poison, which is part of the most popular medicinal product“Botox”, which once again confirms the validity of the famous saying of the great Paracelsus: “Everything is poison, everything is medicine; both are determined by the dose.”

Poisons have been used from ancient times to the present day as weapons, antidotes, and even medicine.

In fact, poisons are all around us, in drinking water, in everyday objects and even our blood.

The word "poison" is used to describe any substance that can cause a dangerous disorder in the body.

Even in small quantities, the poison can lead to poisoning and death.

Here are some examples of some of the most insidious poisons that can be fatal to humans.

1. Botulinum toxin

Many poisons can be lethal in small doses, so it is quite difficult to single out the most dangerous one. However, many experts agree that botulinum toxin, which is used in Botox injections to smooth out wrinkles is the strongest.

Botulism is serious illness, leading to paralysis, caused by botulinum toxin, which is produced by bacteria Clostridium botulinum. This poison causes damage to the nervous system, respiratory arrest and death in terrible agony.

Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, double vision, facial weakness, speech impediments, difficulty swallowing and others. The bacterium can enter the body through food (usually poorly canned foods) and through open wounds.

2. Poison ricin

Ricin is natural poison obtained from castor beans castor bean plants. A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea and diarrhea (possibly bloody), low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death may occur within 36-72 hours.

3. Sarin gas

Sarin is one of the the most dangerous and deadly nerve gases, which is hundreds of times more toxic than cyanide. Sarin was originally produced as a pesticide, but the clear, odorless gas soon became a powerful chemical weapon.

A person can be poisoned by sarin gas by inhaling or exposing the gas to the eyes and skin. Initially, symptoms may appear such as runny nose and chest tightness, difficulty breathing and nausea.

Then the person loses control over all functions of his body and falls into a coma, convulsions and spasms occur until suffocation occurs.

4. Tetrodotoxin

This deadly poison found in the organs of fish of the genus pufferfish, from which the famous Japanese delicacy "fugu" is prepared. Tetrodotoxin persists in the skin, liver, intestines and other organs, even after the fish has been cooked.

This toxin causes paralysis, convulsions, mental disorder and other symptoms. Death occurs within 6 hours after ingestion of the poison.

Every year, several people are known to die painful deaths from tetrodotoxin poisoning after eating fugu.

5. Potassium cyanide

Potassium cyanide is one of the fastest deadly poisons known to mankind. It may be in the form of crystals and colorless gas with a bitter almond odor. Cyanide can be found in some foods and plants. It is found in cigarettes and is used to make plastic, photographs, extract gold from ore, and kill unwanted insects.

Cyanide has been used since ancient times, and in modern world he was the way death penalty. Poisoning can occur through inhalation, ingestion and even touching, causing symptoms such as convulsions, respiratory failure and in severe cases death, which may occur in a few minutes. It kills by binding to iron in blood cells, making them unable to carry oxygen.

6. Mercury and mercury poisoning

There are three forms of mercury that can be potentially hazardous: elemental, inorganic and organic. Elemental mercury, which found in mercury thermometers, old fillings and fluorescent lamps, non-toxic on contact, but may be fatal if inhaled.

Inhalation of mercury vapor (the metal quickly turns into gas when room temperature) affects the lungs and brain, turning off the central nervous system.

Inorganic mercury, which is used to make batteries, can be fatal if ingested and cause kidney damage and other symptoms. Organic mercury found in fish and seafood is usually hazardous over long-term exposure. Symptoms of poisoning may include memory loss, blindness, seizures and others.

7. Strychnine and strychnine poisoning

Strychnine is an odorless, white, bitter crystalline powder that can be acquired by ingestion, inhalation, solution, and intravenous injection.

They receive it from the seeds of the chilibuha tree(Strychnos nux-vomica), native to India and South-East Asia. Although it is often used as a pesticide, it can also be found in drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The degree of strychnine poisoning depends on the amounts and route of entry into the body, but to cause serious condition, a small amount of this poison is enough. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle spasms, respiratory failure and even lead to brain death 30 minutes after exposure.

8. Arsenic and arsenic poisoning

Arsenic, which is the 33rd element in the periodic table, has been synonymous with poison since ancient times. It was often used as a poison of choice in political assassinations, as Arsenic poisoning resembled cholera symptoms.

Arsenic is considered heavy metal, whose properties are similar to those of lead and mercury. In high concentrations it can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as abdominal pain, seizures, coma and death. In small amounts, it can contribute to a number of diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

9. Poison curare

Curare is a mixture of various South American plants that were used for poison arrows. Curare was used in medical purposes in highly dissolved form. The main poison is an alkaloid, which causes paralysis and death, as well as strychnine and hemlock. However, after paralysis occurs respiratory system, the heart can continue to beat.

Death from curare is slow and painful, as the victim remains conscious but cannot move or speak. However, if you apply artificial respiration before the poison settles, the person can be saved. Amazon tribes used curare to hunt animals, but the poisoned animal meat was not dangerous to those who consumed it.

10. Batrachotoxin

Fortunately, the chances of encountering this poison are very small. Batrachotoxin, found in the skin of tiny dart frogs, is one of the most powerful neurotoxins in the world.

Frogs themselves do not produce poison; it is accumulated from the foods they consume, mainly small bugs. The most dangerous poison content was found in a species of frogs terrible leaf climber, living in Colombia.

One specimen contains enough batrachotoxin to kill two dozen people or several elephants. I affects nerves, especially around the heart, makes breathing difficult and quickly leads to death.

1. Botulinum toxin

Many poisons can be lethal in small doses, so it is quite difficult to single out the most dangerous one. However, many experts agree that botulinum toxin, which is used in Botox injections to smooth out wrinkles, is the strongest.

Botulism is a serious paralyzing disease caused by botulinum toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. This poison causes damage to the nervous system, respiratory arrest and death in terrible agony.

Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, double vision, facial weakness, speech impediments, difficulty swallowing, and others. The bacterium can enter the body through food (usually poorly canned foods) and through open wounds.

2. Poison ricin

Ricin is a natural poison that is obtained from the castor beans of the castor bean plant. A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea and diarrhea (possibly bloody), low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death can occur within 36-72 hours.

3. Sarin gas

Sarin is one of the most dangerous and deadly nerve gases, hundreds of times more toxic than cyanide. Sarin was originally produced as a pesticide, but the clear, odorless gas soon became a powerful chemical weapon.

A person can be poisoned by sarin gas by inhaling or exposing the gas to the eyes and skin. Initial symptoms may include a runny nose and chest tightness, difficulty breathing and nausea.

Then the person loses control over all functions of his body and falls into a coma, convulsions and spasms occur until suffocation occurs.

4. Tetrodotoxin

This deadly poison is contained in the organs of fish of the genus pufferfish, from which the famous Japanese delicacy “fugu” is prepared. Tetrodotoxin persists in the skin, liver, intestines and other organs, even after the fish has been cooked.

This toxin causes paralysis, seizures, mental breakdown and other symptoms. Death occurs within 6 hours after ingestion of the poison.

Every year, several people are known to die painful deaths from tetrodotoxin poisoning after eating fugu.

5. Potassium cyanide

Potassium cyanide is one of the fastest killing poisons known to mankind. It may be in the form of crystals and a colorless gas with a "bitter almond" odor. Cyanide can be found in some foods and plants. It is found in cigarettes and is used to make plastic, photographs, extract gold from ore, and kill unwanted insects.

Cyanide has been used since ancient times, and in the modern world it has been a method of capital punishment. Poisoning can occur through inhalation, ingestion and even touching, causing symptoms such as seizures, respiratory failure and, in severe cases, death, which can occur within minutes. It kills by binding to iron in blood cells, making them unable to carry oxygen.

6. Mercury and mercury poisoning

There are three forms of mercury that can be potentially hazardous: elemental, inorganic and organic. Elemental mercury, which is found in mercury thermometers, old fillings and fluorescent light bulbs, is non-toxic if exposed, but can be fatal if inhaled.

Inhaling mercury vapor (the metal quickly turns into a gas at room temperature) affects the lungs and brain, shutting down the central nervous system.

Inorganic mercury, which is used to make batteries, can be fatal if ingested and cause kidney damage and other symptoms. Organic mercury found in fish and seafood is usually hazardous over long-term exposure. Symptoms of poisoning may include memory loss, blindness, seizures and others.

7. Strychnine and strychnine poisoning

Strychnine is an odorless, white, bitter crystalline powder that can be acquired by ingestion, inhalation, solution, and intravenous injection.

It is obtained from the seeds of the chilibuha tree (Strychnos nux-vomica), native to India and southeast Asia. Although it is often used as a pesticide, it can also be found in drugs such as heroin and cocaine.

The degree of strychnine poisoning depends on the amount and route of entry into the body, but a small amount of this poison is enough to cause a serious condition. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle spasms, respiratory failure and even cause brain death within 30 minutes of exposure.

8. Arsenic and arsenic poisoning

Arsenic, which is the 33rd element in the periodic table, has been synonymous with poison since ancient times. It was often used as a poison of choice in political assassinations, as arsenic poisoning resembled the symptoms of cholera.

Arsenic is considered a heavy metal with properties similar to those of lead and mercury. In high concentrations, it can lead to symptoms of poisoning such as abdominal pain, seizures, coma and death. In small amounts, it can contribute to a number of diseases, including cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

9. Poison curare

Curare is a mixture of various South American plants that were used for poison arrows. Curare has been used for medicinal purposes in a highly diluted form. The main poison is an alkaloid, which causes paralysis and death, as well as strychnine and hemlock. However, after respiratory paralysis occurs, the heart may continue to beat.

Death from curare is slow and painful as the victim remains conscious but unable to move or speak. However, if artificial respiration is applied before the poison settles, the person can be saved. Amazon tribes used curare to hunt animals, but the poisoned animal meat was not dangerous to those who consumed it.

10. Batrachotoxin

Fortunately, the chances of encountering this poison are very small. Batrachotoxin, found in the skin of tiny dart frogs, is one of the most potent neutrotoxins in the world.

Frogs themselves do not produce poison; it is accumulated from the foods they consume, mainly small bugs. The most dangerous levels of poison were found in a species of dire frog that lives in Colombia.

One specimen contains enough batrachotoxin to kill two dozen people or several elephants. The poison attacks the nerves, especially around the heart, making breathing difficult and quickly leading to death.

Alexander Petrov

Let's start with the “king” of poisons – Arsenic. Until 1832, arsenic poisoning was extremely difficult to diagnose, since the symptoms of poisoning with this poison were similar to those of cholera. This similarity made it possible to mask the use of arsenic and its compounds as a deadly poison.

At acute poisoning arsenic causes vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and depression of the central nervous system.

Antidote: water solution sodium thiosulfate, dimercaprol.


Potassium cyanide, or potassium cyanide, is the most powerful inorganic poison. It looks like granulated sugar.

When it enters the body, the cells stop absorbing oxygen, resulting in the body dying from interstitial hypoxia. Potassium cyanide is absorbed very quickly and therefore death occurs within 15 minutes.

Sarin gas

Sarin gas is a poisonous substance with a nerve-paralytic effect.

The first signs of exposure to sarin include nasal discharge, chest congestion, and constriction of the pupils. Soon after this, the victim has difficulty breathing, nausea and increased salivation. The victim then completely loses control over bodily functions. This phase is accompanied by convulsions. Ultimately, the victim falls into a comatose state and suffocates in a fit of convulsive spasms followed by cardiac arrest.

Antidote: Atropine, Pralidoxime, Diazepam, Athens.


Diamphotoxin is the most powerful poison of animal origin on our planet, contained in the blood of the larvae of the South African leaf beetle.

It is capable of reducing the hemoglobin content in the blood by 75% in a short period of time due to the massive destruction of red blood cells.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote.


Ricin is the most powerful poison of plant origin, which is obtained from castor beans of the castor bean plant.

A few grains are enough to kill an adult. Ricin kills cells in the human body, preventing it from producing the proteins it needs, resulting in organ failure. A person can become poisoned by ricin through inhalation or ingestion.

If inhaled, symptoms of poisoning usually appear within 8 hours of exposure and include difficulty breathing, fever, cough, nausea, sweating and chest tightness.

If ingested, symptoms appear in less than 6 hours and include nausea, low blood pressure, hallucinations and seizures. Death can occur within 36-72 hours.

Antidote: There is no specific antidote.

Instantly killing poison is sold in Russian pharmacies

MOSCOW, April 3. From Russian pharmacies And medical institutions The drug Mildronate, produced by Sotex, is being urgently withdrawn. As Vesti reports, under the brand name of a strengthening medicine, the company mistakenly released for sale a product that, in its effect on the body, is similar to potent poisons and is used in medicine only in exceptional cases.

During the production process at Sotex, ampoules were mixed up with injection solutions for the drugs Mildronate 0.5 g 5 ml and Listenon, 2%, 5 ml.

Mildronate is a drug for the treatment of metabolic disorders. It can be used at home and is freely sold in pharmacies. "Listenon" is a drug that causes immobilization of muscles until the entire respiratory system stops. In terms of its effect on the body, it is similar to the poison of the South American plant curare, which the Indians used to smear the ends of arrows. In medicine it is used only for serious surgical operations under the close supervision of anesthesiologists. If "Listenon" is administered to a person uncontrollably, he may die within 30 seconds. In this case, only indirect massage hearts, artificial ventilation lungs and immediate hospitalization.

According to Roszdravnadzor, due to the monstrous mistake of pharmacists in Russia, 23 people have already suffered, two of them died. Having given an injection of immobilizing poison instead of an injection of "vitamin", the patient fell into anaphylactic shock, his heart and breathing stopped.

The central office of Roszdravnadzor suspended the appeal this drug on the territory of the Russian Federation until the causes of the incident are identified. The department also sent a statement of claim to the Moscow Arbitration Court to hold PharmFirma Sotex CJSC liable on the basis of Part 4 of Article 14.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for gross violation licensing requirements and conditions for production medicines The inspection materials were transferred to law enforcement agencies. However, according to some reports, only about half of the deadly ampoules have so far been removed from sale.
