Social project "Children of the same sun". Project: “Center for Independent Living of Disabled People Socially significant projects for disabled children examples

Natalia Mukhamatchina
Social project “Childhood without borders”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Star"

Social project

The project was compiled:

Mukhamatchina Natalia


1. Information card

Name project« Childhood without borders»

Justification of relevance and social significance Project Child's Problem having limited opportunities, is not that he cannot walk, see, hear or speak, but that he is deprived childhood, is deprived of communication with peers and other children, separated from ordinary children's affairs, games, worries and interests. Such children need help and understanding not only from their parents, but also from society as a whole; this is the only way they can understand that they are really needed, that they are truly loved and understood. The integration of children with developmental problems into the environment of ordinary peers is a quite common phenomenon in all highly developed countries of the world. That's how it is today social order of society and the state. TO MADOU kindergarten"Star" A compensatory group has been opened for children with disabilities, which is attended by 10 people. The project will help children realize their creative abilities outside the educational program.

Goals and objectives project GOAL: Creation optimal conditions for implementation

individually – personal characteristics children with

limited health opportunities.


1. Inclusion of children with disabilities V

various types of individual and collective activities, expanding their range of interests and creative opportunities.

2. Introducing them to an active, creative lifestyle.

3. Help your child with limited opportunities to realize their importance in a group of peers and society.

Brief content summary project Children with disabilities need to realize the child’s potential and create conditions for their comprehensive development, not only within the framework of an adapted program. Subject design activity is the organization of leisure activities for children with disabilities in MAOU kindergarten"Star" in group No. 1 "Sun".

In the proposed design activities used personal experience teacher

Project Designed for children of all ages.

Deadlines project 2015

Material and technical base and estimated cost project Purpose of expenses Amount

1 Purchasing materials for making crafts

3 Purchasing prizes for events

5 Transport costs (trips) 500 rub.

Total 2000 rub.

2. Relevance and importance this problem.

"We are worried about

what kind of person our child will grow up to be;

but we forget that he is already a man"

Stashia Tauscher

One of the current socially-economic and demographic problems modern Russian society is the inclusion of children with limited opportunities into society.

The main problem of children with limited opportunities lies in disrupting his connection with the world, in limited mobility, poverty of contacts with peers and adults, in limited communication with nature, inaccessibility of a number of cultural values, and sometimes even basic education. This problem is the result of the prevailing social consciousness, which sanctions the existence of a developmental environment inaccessible to a child with disabilities. A child with a disability may be as capable and talented as his peer who does not have health problems, but inequality of opportunities prevents him from discovering his talents, developing them, and using them to benefit society.

The child is not a passive object, but developing person who has the right to satisfy diverse needs for knowledge, communication, and creativity. A child with a disability needs not only certain benefits and privileges, but conditions and environment for comprehensive individual development.

Working with "special" children, I cannot help but note how important and interesting it is for them to live and enjoy with their peers, participate in various events, and delight others with their creativity. From the first days I observed how my students strive to prove themselves. How important it is for parents to receive attention from the teacher and MADO specialists. With what pleasure children participate in various activities, trips, holidays. This is how the idea for this was born project, in which I presented my personal experience.

3. Collection and analysis of information on the selected problem.

Inclusive education enables all children to fully participate in the life of the community kindergarten, has resources aimed at stimulating the equality of students and their participation in all aspects of the life of the team.

L. S. Vygotsky pointed out the need to create a learning system in which a child with limited opportunities would not be excluded from the society of children with normal development.

TO MADOU kindergarten"Star" A group has been organized for children with disabilities, which is attended by 10 children. The emphasis is on the fact that every child needs to create favorable conditions for his development, upbringing and learning, to meet his educational needs.

Most parents of children with special educational needs need professional, systematic assistance to their child. Studying the educational needs of parents of group No. 1 "Sun" I learned that not everyone has the opportunity to take their children to different clubs, an art school, where a child with disabilities could show his talent, his creativity, so the need arose to create project« Childhood without borders» .

4. Implementation of the action plan project.

To achieve goals project We divided all activities into stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (March 2015):

Diagnosis of children and survey of parents;

Study of literature;

Coordination of a joint action plan;

Preparation of event scenarios, selection different levels competitions;

Introducing children and parents to the implementation plan project.

Stage 2 – practical (April – November 2015)

Implementation plan project

No. Name of event Dates Interaction

with parents Interaction with specialists

1 Participation in the MADOU painting competition "World - childhood June 2015

2. Participation in an international Internet craft competition "Step forward" May 2015

3. Calendar and thematic holidays of MADOU and groups:

"Friends Day"

"Health Day"

"Mothers Day"

"Autumn Holiday"

"Christmas story" During a year

Participation of parents in all activities together with children

4. Travel:

*to the monument to military glory

*to the local history museum

*to the library Throughout the year

5. Theater club "Magic chest"

During the year Teacher additional education

6. Ecological circle

"World of Wonders" During a year

Stage 3 – final (December 2015):

Summing up the implementation work project;

Coordination of further plans.

5. Expected results project.

1. As a result of this project every child can self-realize,

spend your leisure time qualitatively.

2. Child with limited opportunities will be included in various types of individual and collective activities, not only in the group, but also in the MADO, which will contribute to the expansion of his living space, the restoration of his individual and social value.

3. A disabled child’s overall positive dynamics will increase emotional mood– from wariness and apathy to a joyful desire to create, communicate, share your achievements with peers and parents, expand social contacts, will be overcome socio- cultural and psychological isolation, self-esteem will increase, and the possibilities of mutual understanding between children and parents will expand.

4. A disabled child will have the opportunity to be creative, to creatively comprehend the world, to perceive the creativity of others and their own.

5. Parents and theirs "special" The child gains invaluable experience of joint communication and mutual understanding.

“It is extremely important not to confine abnormal children into special groups, but to practice their communication with other children as widely as possible.”

Vygotsky L. S.

The problem of disability has a long history. For a very long time, this problem was considered mainly medical, and its solution was the prerogative of doctors. However, with the development of society and a number of sciences, including applied ones, the problem of disability increasingly became a public problem. This problem especially concerns disabled children, as the number of such children increases every year.

Every year in Russia fifty thousand people are born with disabilities from childhood. If in 1990 one hundred and fifty-one thousand such children were registered with social protection authorities, currently there are about 1 million children with disabilities, and this figure is increasing every year.

In the Omsk region there is a trend towards a decrease in the level of disability of the population: as of January 1, 2008, there were 169.2 thousand disabled people (8.4% of the total population of the Omsk region), as of January 1, 2009 - 164.4 thousand disabled people ( 8.16%), as of January 1, 2010 - 159.4 thousand disabled people (8.1%), as of January 1, 2011 - 157.3 thousand disabled people (7.9%), as of January 1, 2012 - 153.8 thousand disabled people (7.8%), of which 7.2 thousand children are disabled.

There are 1,550 disabled people living in the Novovarshavsky district, 98 of whom are disabled children. There are 27 children with disabilities living in the Novovarshavsky settlement and Krasny Yar.

Despite these positive trends in changes in disability indicators, an important social problem remains unresolved - the elimination of barriers for people with disabilities in all spheres of life. Of course, a lot is being done to remove these barriers. For example, in the Omsk region there is a long-term target program " Accessible environment". Its goal is to ensure unimpeded access to facilities and services in priority areas of life for people with disabilities and other groups of the population with limited mobility. Hospitals, clinics, medical units, maternity hospitals, theaters, libraries, cultural centers, and art schools will become more accessible for people with disabilities. , secondary schools, lyceums, swimming pools, stadiums, Sport halls, athletics arenas, sports complexes, ski and hockey bases, indoor skating rinks.

Education of disabled children using distance learning technologies has been carried out in the Omsk region since 2009.

The problem of a child with disabilities is not that he cannot walk, see, hear or speak, but that he is deprived of childhood, deprived of communication with peers and other healthy children, separated from ordinary children's activities, games, concerns and interests. Such children need help and understanding not only from their parents, but also from society as a whole; this is the only way they can understand that they are really needed, that they are truly loved and understood.

In the Novovarshavsky district, distance learning for children with disabilities has been introduced. Therefore, the process of mastering school curriculum is going well, homeschooled children are practically keeping up with their peers. But today, one of the unsolved problems of disabled children in our village living in families is isolation from communication with peers. This is especially true for families in which a disabled child is educated at home and does not attend secondary school. In these families, as a rule, someone is forced to constantly be with the child. Having conducted a survey of 27 families where disabled children live on the issue of organizing joint leisure time, we made the following conclusions: 82% of parents are forced to constantly be with their child; 54% of the parent community supports the initiative to organize joint communication and leisure. After analyzing the current problem, we came up with the idea of ​​organizing a project to create an environment to overcome the social isolation of disabled children.

Objective of the project: creating an environment to overcome social isolation of disabled children

Project objectives:

  1. Create an initiative group to implement the project goal.
  2. Study the legislative and regulatory framework on the topic of the project.
  3. To attract the attention of the public and students to the problems of children with disabilities.
  4. Define a circle public organizations, government agencies and all interested parties in solving this problem who can provide assistance.
  5. Develop an action plan for project implementation.
  6. Prepare New Year's gifts for children with disabilities.
  7. Organize leisure time for children with disabilities by holding a traditional New Year's party for them with the involvement of students from the Novo-Warsaw Gymnasium.
  8. Expand students' knowledge about people with disabilities.
  9. Implement the project.
  10. Analyze the work results.

So what's the matter essence of the project?

In December, everyone is overcome with a feeling of anticipation of the holiday and magic. Everyone begins to believe in miracles. What can we say about children? For them, December is the most exciting month of the year - Santa Claus is about to come and fulfill all their wishes!
Sick children who are doomed most to spend their lives in the hospital or at home, they are absolutely also looking forward to magic in the new year - perhaps it will be the year that brings the long-awaited recovery and joyful smiles.
Everyone is looking forward to New Year's celebration, prepare for it in advance. Groups gather to make it more fun. They prepare gifts for each other. And only disabled children cannot meet New Year in the circle of their peers. But they also want to have friends, communicate, give and receive gifts from their friends. Therefore, we decided to hold a campaign to make gifts for disabled children for the New Year. The prepared gifts should be given to children with disabilities at a New Year's party specially organized for them. And also visit all the children who will not be able to attend the New Year's party, also give them gifts and chat with them.

The main causes of childhood disability in the Omsk region

Table No. 1

Structure of primary disability among disabled children by type of disease, as a percentage of the total number of children recognized as disabled for the first time
Nosological forms Year
2009 2010 2011
Total, of which: 100,0 100,0 100,0
tuberculosis 0 0,1 0,1
neoplasms 5,5 6,0 4,2
illnesses endocrine system, eating disorders and metabolic disorders 6,3 4,6 6,6
mental disorders and behavioral disorders 25,2 23,4 28,9
illnesses nervous system 10,8 13,3 13,3
diseases of the eye and adnexa 2,1 2,3 2,7
diseases of the ear and mastoid process 2,3 3,2 2,6
diseases of the circulatory system 0,5 1,1 0,6
respiratory diseases 0,2 0,8 0,4
digestive diseases 0,9 1,1 1,1
illnesses musculoskeletal system And connective tissue 4,1 4,3 4,8
illnesses genitourinary system 1,5 1,0 0,2
congenital anomalies and developmental defects, deformities and chromosomal disorders 31,0 30,2 27,0
certain conditions that arise in the perinatal period 3,6 3,2 1,7
injuries, poisoning and some other effects of external causes 3,4 2,2 2,8
other diseases 2,6 2,5 0,1

Implementation of the project “Children of the same sun”

Project partners:

  1. Administration of Novovarshavsky urban settlement.
  2. BU Omsk region " Comprehensive center social services population of the Novovarshavsky district."
  3. Novo-Warsaw children's health and educational center.

Project budget

Estimated expenses:

Estimated income:

Budget deficit: 700 rub.

Target audience of the project: disabled children from 6 to 17 years old.

Project implementers: students of the Now Warsaw Gymnasium.

Expected results:

Implementation of this project will allow:

  • reduce the communication deficit of a child with a disability;
  • eliminate the isolation of children of this category in society;
  • make friends among healthy peers;
  • healthy children learn more about the problems of children with disabilities;
  • healthy children to learn delicacy, tolerance, and understanding of their peers with disabilities;
  • organize creative charity activities among gymnasium students;
  • organize and hold a New Year's party for children with disabilities;

Project implementation stages

Stage number Stage name Contents of the activity Deadlines
1 Preparatory 1) problem analysis social adaptation children with disabilities through communication with peers who do not have health problems;
2) searching for ways to organize joint recreation for children with disabilities and gymnasium students;
3) conversations about the problems of disabled children, registration of action participants
September – November 2012
2 Organizational
  • organizing the work of the creative group;
  • organizing coordination and interaction of work to attract sponsors and philanthropists.
3 Basic
  • Job creative groups;
  • making New Year's gifts;
  • holding an entertaining and theatrical performance;
  • visiting disabled children at home.
December 2012
4 Analytical 1) summing up the results of the project;
2) discussion of plans for further work in this direction.
January 2013


Disabled children are part of the human potential of the world and Russia. A quarter of Nobel laureates are people with disabilities. Blind Homer and deaf Beethoven, Yaroslav the Wise and Franklin Roosevelt were disabled. People with disabilities can do everything or almost everything. They take part in the Paralympic Games and take prizes, striving to be noticed.

The implemented project did not leave a single child with disabilities unattended. Allowed them to feel like necessary, full-fledged members of society. Provided an opportunity to communicate with peers. At the same time, healthy children learned more about the problems their peers, disabled children, face.
This project confirmed that all children are children of the same sun, and therefore should live, study and communicate together, without dividing into sick and healthy.


  1. Report on the situation of children in the Omsk region in 2011.
  2. Resolution of the Government of the Omsk Region on the approval of the long-term target program of the Omsk Region "Accessible Environment" for 2013-2017.
  3. Social protection disabled people //

Relevance Disabled children and children with disabilities are a serious tragedy and pain in our society, so it needs to be solved through unification various structures and the feasible contribution of the younger generation, boys and girls. Such children need, first of all, personal communication, affection, tenderness and care, which is not replaced even by the conditions created for their living in orphanages. Therefore, at the pedagogical meeting of the Center for Additional Education of Children, it was decided to create social project"Life in motion."

Objectives: Create a data bank of disabled children and children with limited health capabilities. Reaching children. Organization of leisure time for disabled children. Promotion of development creativity children with disabilities, the use of their creative and intellectual potential. Expanding children's horizons, acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities through familiarization with various types creative and social activities.

Implementation methods Barrier-free environment, or “Lend a helping hand.” World AIDS Day. Children Protection Day. Annual socially oriented event “Children are our pride”. Charity event “Seven Me!” Annual Charity Event “Student Be Prepared!” Charity event “Become Santa Claus!” and Charity event “Christmas Tree of Goodness”. Competitions: presentations, videos, photos, etc.

Man is born and lives on Earth in order to do good. Maybe this is why even in the old alphabet, when the letters of the alphabet were designated by the words closest to a person: Z - “earth”, L - “people”, M - “thought”, and the letter D was designated by the word “GOOD”. The alphabet seemed to call: People of the Earth! Think, Think and Do Good!

Each of us has a little sun inside us. This sun is kindness. A kind person is one who loves people and helps them. Kindness, the ability to feel the joy and pain of another person as your own, a sense of mercy ultimately make a person a HUMAN.

Expected results The final event of the social project “Life in Motion” is planned to be a charity concert“We are the children of Jida” for June 1, 2015 Children’s Day. Where children can demonstrate their skills, abilities, and results during the year of study at the Central Children’s Education Center; Real material and psychological help disabled children and children with limited health capabilities.

Earn money and decide at the same time social problems- Can. Rehabilitation, training, and employment of people with disabilities are examples of the areas of work of social entrepreneurs. In Russia, this type of business is still in its infancy, but there are already successful examples. Especially for DISLIFE, Everland specialists prepared a review of 6 business projects that have already changed and continue to change the lives of people, including those with disabilities.


Founders of the project: Lyubov Ermolaeva, Alina Zubareva

Year of foundation: 2016

BuySocial is a social online store. Any purchase at is a help to people in need, a contribution to nature conservation or the development of cultural projects.

Everland infographic

All producers are Russian social entrepreneurs and charity organisations. They provide jobs for people with disabilities or older people in the outback. This is an opportunity to earn money and feel needed while doing what you love. Some manufacturers donate their profits to charity, helping people with serious illnesses, children from orphanages, girls who have suffered from violence, and grandparents from nursing homes.

BuySocial's mission is to unite buyers who care about how and why a product is produced, and sellers who, along with the quality of the product, care about their contribution to the development of society and preserving the environment. The project is trying to solve the problem of poverty and usefulness to society.

Lyubov Ermolaeva: “If you decide to start an activity in the field of social entrepreneurship, I advise you to start trying a little bit at a time! Make prototypes and go show them to people - potential buyers of your product or service, constantly testing your hypotheses in practice. Find support from like-minded people—in your team and beyond. Tell us about your ideas and people who share your values ​​will be attracted to you, perhaps becoming partners or clients. You may have an idea for a social entrepreneurship project that no one has done before. Don't be afraid of this, sometimes ideas that seem completely unrealistic at first work! And at the same time, don’t fall too much in love with your idea, check whether other people really need it - your clients and beneficiaries. Be prepared for the fact that you will often have to balance between business and social contribution. Go for it!”

You can find out more about the project at.


Founders of the project: Elena Martynova, Igor Novikov

Year of foundation: 2016

Everland's mission is to help professionals with disabilities achieve professional self-realization.

Everland infographic

Everland was created on an interest-free loan of 4.5 million rubles from impact investor Boris Zhilin. In less than 2 years, the founders of the project invested another 5 million rubles from own funds. Today the project is earning money, and the entrepreneurial part is paying off. The social component – ​​training of specialists and the work of curators – is not yet available. The project employs people with different types disabilities from different regions of Russia and even CIS countries.

The first interviews at Everland took place on August 31, 2016 at Impact Hub Moscow.

Elena Martynova: “If you decide to start activities in the field of social entrepreneurship, you need to build a business plan, evaluate the project carefully, try to outline risk areas and opportunity areas. If there are already operating initiatives in other regions, it is better to negotiate a franchise and use their experience, this will reduce time, reduce financial risks, and be more efficient. If the approach is innovative and no one works like that, try to first understand why? Maybe this is a dead end? If you still have faith in the hypothesis, then get involved and work until the result.”

Igor Novikov: “When implementing, it is important to see and maintain a balance in both components - the effectiveness of solving a social problem and the quality of the service or product for the end client. We must remember that it will not be easy, and do not despair if it is difficult. This is a difficult area, labor-intensive, requiring full dedication, but it gives results and meaning. You can definitely feel like a creator in it.”

Learn more about Everland's work on the project.

"Mom is working"

Project founder: Olesya Kashaeva

Year of foundation: 2012

“Mom Works” is a project that helps young mothers get an education, find work at home, or start their own business. The network of free coworking spaces “Mom Works” is a space where mothers can work quietly while a teacher takes care of their children.

Everland infographic

The mission of the project is to solve problems of material income among young mothers by providing them with the opportunity to earn income during maternity leave, improving the standard of living of young families and providing women with opportunities for self-realization, professional development and income generation without interruption from raising children.

Photo courtesy of the project.

Olesya Kashaeva: “We help young mothers overcome such difficulties as planning their time, fear of being away from their child due to employment or absence on work issues, combining raising children with fulfilling job responsibilities.”

You can learn more about "Mom Works" at.

Charity Shop

Project founder: Daria Alekseeva

Year of foundation: 2014

Charity Shop is a social business that generates funds for programs charitable foundation"Second wind". You can buy things in the project stores famous brands, donated by the townspeople, and with the proceeds the fund is engaged in recycling things into poor condition, provides jobs to people from socially disadvantaged groups and provides clothing to the poor, including people with disabilities. The Charity Shop's mission is to financially support these programs.

Everland infographic

The Charity Shop's mission is to use unnecessary resources (clothes tired of previous owners) to generate benefits - new jobs, recycled materials, helping people in crisis.

Photo courtesy of the project

Daria Alekseeva: “If you decide to start activities in the field of social entrepreneurship, treat your business as a commercial one. If your business model doesn't fit and you earn less than you spend, it's not the high social burden that is to blame, but poor management. Think about what, besides the environmental or social component, makes you truly needed and competitive.”

Walk in the Dark Museum

Project founder: Elena Stakheeva

Year of foundation: 2016

“Walk in the Dark” is an unusual museum, the exhibition of which is immersed in absolute darkness! At the Walk in the Dark Museum, people learn a lot about themselves, as all senses except sight are put to the test. The project influences perception healthy people lives of people with disabilities.

Everland infographic

The mission of the Walk in the Dark Museum is to give people the opportunity to new experience and getting to know the world of blind people.

Elena Stakheeva: “If you decide to start an activity in the field of social entrepreneurship, you need to understand what motivates you in the first place - the desire to create something new, build theories, take risks, assemble a team and manage it, solve the problems of all participants in the process, or do good? If the first, start boldly, don’t waste time, big victories and a lot of interesting things await you along the way. If you mostly just want to do good, I recommend getting a job in one of the existing projects and making a difference there.”

Photo courtesy of the project.

You can order a walk in the dark at the project.

Opportunity to develop your own project

If you yourself want to become a successful social entrepreneur, you have the opportunity to take part in the all-Russian competition program of Rosbank and Impact Hub Moscow - “START DIFFERENTLY” for projects that help people with disabilities.

Finalists will be included in a part-time incubation program, where they will work on the development of their project together with experienced experts. The authors of the most effective projects will receive a travel grant for studying in France (I place), 200,000 rubles (II place) and 150,000 rubles (III place).

Photo courtesy of the competition organizer

Ilya Polyakov, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank: “Often social entrepreneurs focus on one income model - paid services for beneficiaries, in particular people with disabilities. Since a significant part target audience is practically insolvent, the social entrepreneur does not understand how to cover costs, how to set pricing and work stably. A sustainable financial model is a constructor made of many elements: the ability to work in a team, build a marketing strategy, enter into profitable partnerships, inspire, resolve legal issues, etc. This is exactly what the participants of “START DIFFERENT” will learn.

Co-founder and director of Impact Hub Moscow Ekaterina Khaletskaya: “The development program “START DIFFERENTLY”, which is organized by Rosbank with the participation of Impact Hub Moscow, is a new format for Russia: firstly, it is designed specifically for those social entrepreneurs who employ people with disabilities or improve their quality of life in other ways. Secondly, it includes training for selected participants and awards for three winners (grants and a trip to France to exchange experiences). Thirdly, the program is practical: participants will test income models with the support of a curator who will help set goals and move towards them. The “START DIFFERENTLY” project involves Rosbank employees as consultants and nationally known experts in social entrepreneurship. Applications for participation are accepted until July 16.”

Read more about the competition at.
