What is better suppositories pimafucin or clotrimazole. Comparison of clotrimazole and pimafucin. Which drug is preferable during pregnancy?

Currently, agents for the treatment of thrush are actively used. local therapy. Their use helps to create a sufficiently high concentration of the drug at the site of the disease, capable of destroying the pathogen and avoiding undesirable effects on internal organs. Thrush remains a disease in which it is very difficult to guarantee the patient an unconditional and final recovery - its causative agent is an opportunistic microorganism that is certainly present in the human microflora. Currently, the most popular drugs for the treatment of thrush are Clotrimazole and Pimafucin.

Clotrimazole is an antifungal agent with sufficient wide range action (it is active against many pathogenic and opportunistic mycotic infections), but to achieve results, compliance with the regimen of use of the drug prescribed by the doctor is mandatory. When using Clotrimazole, it is necessary to remember that the main criterion for starting treatment should not be simply identifying the pathogen in smears taken from the vaginal mucosa (it should always be detected there, and the absence of Candida albicans indicates deep dysbacteriosis). Therapy should begin only after the patient develops characteristic clinical picture diseases.

It is pointless to use the drug in the hope of avoiding the occurrence of thrush in the future; a cure for this disease depends on the possibility of successfully eliminating all provoking factors - in the case of candidiasis, it is necessary not only to influence the pathogen, but also to increase the body’s own immunity and eliminate dysbiosis.

Currently, for the treatment of thrush, Clotrimazole can be used both in the form of suppositories intended for insertion into the vagina, and in the form of an ointment. Your doctor should advise you which dosage form of the drug to choose. In some cases, the patient has to use vaginal suppositories and apply ointment to the external genitalia and perineal skin. In both cases, the drug is applied after toileting the genitals; Clotrimazole is usually used in the evening.

It is important to remember that if thrush is detected in a woman, her sexual partner should also undergo treatment - men are prescribed only Clotrimazole ointment.

The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but in most cases it is limited to the use of Clotrimazole for a week, and then a repeated medical examination is required. The drug is usually well tolerated, the likelihood of side effects very low, but if there is hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug (allergy), you must inform your doctor about this - he will be able to replace this drug with another.


No less popular means For effective therapy Pimafucin remains for thrush. The active component of this drug is the antibiotic natamycin, which has a fairly wide spectrum of antifungal activity. Experts consider the main advantage of Pimafucin to be high efficiency in local use and minimal entry of the drug into the systemic circulation. That is why Pimafucin can be freely used to treat pregnant women at any stage.

Typically, the course of treatment takes from 3 to 6 days; during therapy, it is necessary to insert the suppository deep into the vagina. If necessary, the doctor prescribes additional treatment of the skin of the perineum and external genitalia with Pimafucin ointment.

As in the case of using Clotrimazole, Pimafucin in any dosage form It makes no sense to use it for prophylactic purposes - the causative agent of candidiasis is normally found in smears taken from the vagina. Treatment should only be prescribed when the amount exceeds normal indicators. Accordingly, it is pointless to continue therapy, hoping to completely destroy the pathogen - improvement becomes the criterion for cure general condition patients and disappearance pathological symptoms, characteristic of thrush.

The only exception to this rule is during pregnancy - consecutive prophylactic administration of Pimafucin vaginal suppositories for three days immediately before the date of birth is recommended if a woman has symptoms of candidiasis during pregnancy.

Features of the treatment of thrush in men

In the case when Clotrimazole and Pimafucin are prescribed in for preventive purposes For the sexual partner of a woman suffering from thrush, the duration of treatment is determined by the woman’s condition - how many days she continues treatment, the same time the man should apply ointments containing these drugs to his genitals.

If a man is found to have Clinical signs disease, then a doctor should diagnose it (in men it is impossible to diagnose thrush based on the clinical picture alone), and a treatment regimen is prescribed based on the examination results. In men, the presence of manifestations of thrush is a sign of deep damage immune status, and solve the problem exclusively by prescribing drugs for local treatment impossible.

Other drugs to treat thrush

In addition to Clotrimazole and Pimafucin, various medications can be used to treat thrush. The most effective of them are considered to be drugs that contain clotrimazole analogues (ginesol, mycoseptin, fluconazole) - some of these drugs can be administered once orally.

The use of drugs that contain the antifungal antibiotics nystatin and levorin is steadily declining today - their effectiveness against the causative agent of candidiasis is low, and the likelihood of side effects (including deep dysbacteriosis) is quite high. Methods traditional medicine can only be considered as aid– they should only be used in addition to therapy prescribed by a doctor.

Or thrush are creams and ointments that allow you to get rid of the disease in a short time. The use of a particular ointment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the clinical picture of each specific case of the disease. The ointment is a common medicine, it is absorbed into the blood differently and can have therapeutic effect on the body as a whole. Pregnant women should use ointments and creams for thrush only after medical consultation. The most commonly prescribed ointments for thrush are clotrimazole and pimafucin.

Clotrimazole for thrush

Clotrimazole is a powerful antifungal agent. When it enters the human body, it finds the source of the disease, that is, Candida, and destroys its cell membranes. The fungus itself becomes unviable. Using the ointment in small quantities will block the spread of cells throughout the vaginal mucosa; a large dose of the drug will lead to their complete destruction. Clotrimazole ointment is applied at least twice a day. It should be carefully rubbed into damaged areas of the mucous membrane. After using the product, it is recommended to lie down for 15-20 minutes until it is completely absorbed. Sexual intercourse during treatment is not contraindicated, but it is best to abstain from it. In addition, the sexual partner should also undergo treatment, since thrush is transmitted through sexual contact.

Clotrimazole ointment is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding a child. In rare cases of using the drug, side effects appear in the form of burning, itching and redness at the sites of its local application. An overdose of the drug is not possible due to its local application. There are no contraindications for use. Clotrimazole ointment can be used with other medications, but it helps reduce the effect of some antibiotics, including nystatin. If no positive trends in the treatment of thrush are observed within a month of using the drug, you should seek the help of a specialist.

In most cases, clotrimazole is able to eliminate the main symptoms of thrush, but to completely destroy the fungus it should most often be used complex treatment tablets and ointments. If thrush has not been completely cured, it will appear again in the near future. Often, when treating thrush with ointment, an improvement in the condition is observed already in the first days of its use, but this is not a reason to abandon treatment. You should definitely complete the course prescribed by your doctor.

Pimafucin for thrush

The main active component of pimafucin is a special substance - natamycin; the auxiliary components are potato starch, calcium carbonate, talc, titanium oxide, sucrase, etc. Pimafucin is an antifungal antibiotic from the macrolide group and has a fungicidal effect. Natamycin has a destructive effect on membrane cells microorganisms, thereby completely destroying them. The period of treatment with the drug is determined depending on each specific case of the disease. After the main signs of thrush disappear, it is recommended to use the cream for several more days.

In carrying out clinical trials pimafucin took part a large number of women, including pregnant women, with various diagnoses of diseases caused by fungi, including thrush. Positive result occurred already in the first days of using the drug in 95% of patients. The results of the studies also proved the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of recurrent candidiasis. After only 3 days of using the ointment, pregnant patients observed the disappearance of the main signs of thrush, the well-being and condition of the fetus improved, and in some cases the symptoms of threatened miscarriage were eliminated. What follows microbiological examination vaginal discharge showed complete absence fungal cells and spores. The result was unsatisfactory in women who had repeatedly suffered from thrush and underwent repeated courses of medication, which could provoke the development of resistance of this infection to treatment with traditional antifungal drugs.

Pimafucin cream is applied topically, by gently rubbing into the affected areas of the skin and mucous membrane, at least 2 times a day. Long-term use of the cream does not have a negative effect on the vaginal mucosa. After applying the cream, it is recommended to lie down for a few minutes. The course of treatment lasts at least 7-9 days. In this case, it is recommended to treat thrush in a sexual partner, even in the absence of its main signs.

Pimafucin is one of the few drugs that are not contraindicated during pregnancy. The main active component of the drug is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes, which means it does not enter the bloodstream and cannot affect the development of the fetus. Pimafucin cream is completely non-toxic and can be used even on later pregnancy and immediately before childbirth. Usage this drug can prevent the transmission of the disease from mother to child during its passage through the birth canal.

Side effects of the drug are very rare. Among them: diarrhea, nausea, burning and tingling in the area of ​​application. The main contraindication to the use of pimafucin cream may be hypersensitivity to its main components. The drug is often used to treat thrush in newborns.

Pimafucin can be used not only for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis, but also candidiasis of the skin and nails, dermatomycosis, external. To date, an overdose of the drug has not been observed. Pimafucin is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.

It should be remembered that creams and ointments are medicines, and therefore it is recommended to consult a specialist before using them. During pregnancy, this is the main condition for their use.

I had to buy Pimafucin quite recently due to an exacerbation of thrush, I already wrote about this earlier.

My first acquaintance with Pimafucin suppositories took place four years ago and then they did not help me at all. Now I had to buy them, since my baby is breastfed. The main component in Pimafucin suppositories is the antibiotic natamycin, which is not absorbed into the bloodstream. female body and accordingly does not have a bad effect on him. Thus, Pimafucin suppositories act directly in the vagina and only on pathogenic microorganisms, which is suitable for breastfeeding. Pimafucin is sold in a cardboard package with three or six candles and instructions inside. The drug is mainly used for candidal vaginitis. As my practice has shown, three suppositories did not help me at all, I had to use 2 more, but it was 5 suppositories that got rid of thrush, or more precisely, got rid of the symptoms, now we are treating thrush differently, giving up sweets, etc.

The use of Pimafucin is simple; at night you need to insert the suppository deeper into the vagina. Previously, I douched before a candle, but this time I simply had no time, the child wants to see his mother around the clock. At night I use cotton panties and a disposable pad, since in the morning the candle begins to leak, it is in the morning that I get up at night to see the baby, so I tracked this process. The Pimafucin suppository begins to leak in the morning, so I changed the disposable pad more often in the morning.

The symptoms of thrush disappeared on the fifth day, i.e. I had to put 4 candles. When using Pimafucin, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse, and the man should smear male organ special ointment, for example Clotrimazole.

The price of Pimafucin is high, for three candles it costs about 250 rubles, i.e. six candles will cost around 500 rubles, expensive. However, when there is no choice, you have to buy. Although 3 years ago I bought a cheap one Russian analogue Primafungin suppositories, but this time I didn’t find them. It is the price of Pimafucin that I do not like about this drug.

Pimafucin must be stored in the refrigerator, so candles are room temperature may melt. Candles white odorless, oily to the touch.

The use of Pimafucin is simple, however, in order for the suppositories to help me, I also used Viferon suppositories after a course of treatment for thrush.

The pharmacy also advised me to buy tablets in addition to the suppositories. of the same name, however, their cost was even higher, around 400 rubles, so I decided to go on a diet, more positive things in life and movement. Therefore, it’s already been a week without thrush.

Pimafucin is overpriced, but I liked everything else this time!

Why do you need bifidumbacterin for thrush?

Almost every woman has to deal with candidal colpitis at least once in her life. After all, for the appearance of this unpleasant illness you do not always need serious reasons, sometimes stress, taking antibiotics or excessive intimate hygiene.

In most cases, only the destruction of candida fungi is not enough to radical treatment, it is much more effective to restore the microflora in the vagina in a complex manner. For this purpose, you can use bifidumbacterin for thrush or even after another vaginitis. What kind of drug is it and how to use it correctly?

Causes of thrush recurrences

Thrush – insidious disease, she is prone to constant relapses, even despite treatment. Many women suffer from the presence of cheesy white discharge, itching and burning in the vagina, not knowing what to do about it.

The first episode of candidal colpitis in most cases occurs in acute form. It is simply impossible not to notice the profuse leucorrhoea, itching, and redness. But all these symptoms are quite easy to muffle by using at least one antifungal suppository or taking a pill. Most women do exactly this, taking a step towards chronic candidiasis. And after this, with the slightest decrease in protective forces or stress, thrush appears again, often not in such a bright form, but still bringing constant discomfort, refusal of intimacy, etc.

The problem lies in the following. No one is safe from candidal colpitis, since it is just a violation of the vaginal microflora. As soon as the number of Dederlein sticks is reduced by several orders of magnitude, the mushrooms already begin to multiply intensively, closing vicious circle and leading to thrush. But it is always important to discover the reason why this happened, often this is taking some kind of medication, severe stress, sexually transmitted infection, constipation, etc.

Thus, the main cause of chronic candidiasis is symptomatic treatment, which does not eliminate the factors that provoke new episodes of thrush.

What is the right thing to do if a woman has symptoms of the disease? It is recommended to do the following:

  • There is no need to self-medicate; you should consult a specialist.
  • It is imperative to complete the entire prescribed course, without ignoring the “last candle” or any individual drug.
  • Before any therapy, it is advisable to do a bacteriological culture from the vagina. At the same time, it will be clear which flora prevails and to which drugs the fungi are most sensitive. The fact is that these microorganisms, like bacteria, have learned not to accept many drugs, showing resistance to them. If the treatment is prescribed empirically, the woman eventually arrives at the chronic process: the fungi that cause candidiasis in her no longer respond to any medications.
  • It is also important to get tested for other sexually transmitted infections. They can occur hidden, however, if they are not cured, candidiasis will be a woman’s constant companion.
  • If after the completed course of therapy the thrush recurs, the subsequent regimen should be taken more seriously. Treatment of chronic thrush continues for 3 to 6 months at intervals of taking tablets and suppositories. This is precisely the period required to completely restore the flora and restore the body’s defenses.
  • It is advisable to treat the sexual partner, despite the fact that the role of this method of transmission is a very controversial issue today.
  • Recurrent thrush is an indicator of dysbiosis not only in the vagina, but in gastrointestinal tract, urinary system and other organs. Therefore, in order to radically recover, it is necessary to adjust the diet and restore the flora in all other parts of the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract. And bifidumbacterin after thrush or similar drugs help with this.
  • The most important thing in preventing new episodes of candidal colpitis is eliminating provoking moments. Often these are hidden forms of diabetes, sexually transmitted infections, excessive use of fragrances in personal hygiene, etc.

Watch the video about thrush:


Many people believe that to completely cure thrush it is enough to take a course antifungal drugs. But the option is only suitable if this is an acute episode, and not chronic form, or if there are no serious problems, which will always provoke the proliferation of these fungi.

Treatment regimens for candidiasis usually include the following groups of drugs:

  • Antifungal agents. In gynecological practice, medications based on clotrimazole, miconazole, econazole, butoconazole, fluconazole, and intraconazole are most often used. The range of drugs allows you to choose the most suitable form (tablets, suppositories, cream or ointment), as well as select the desired price range.
  • Antibiotics with anticandidal action. The most commonly used drugs are those based on nystatitis, amphotericin B, and natamycin.
  • Complex drugs, including several groups at once. In most cases, preference is given to this group of drugs for several reasons. Firstly, there is no need to place several suppositories in case of mixed infections. Secondly, it is very convenient to be treated with such drugs when it is not possible to accurately determine the pathogen, but here the components immediately affect the most common infections. Thirdly, hormones are often introduced into the composition, which help achieve quick removal main symptoms of the disease.
  • And this is very important for thrush, when it appears unbearable itching and burning in the genital area. The most popular and effective drugs include the following:
    Macmiror (nystatin + nifuratel),
    Terzhinan (ternidazole+neomycin+nystatin+prednisolone),
    Polygynax (neomycin+polymyxin+nystatin),
    Mikozhinax (metronidazole + nystatin + chloramphenicol + dexamethasone) and others.
  • Preparations to strengthen the immune system. The combination of these agents is especially useful in the presence of concomitant viral infection. Interferon-type drugs are used - viferon, ruferon and the like.
  • Means for restoration of flora. This group drugs is necessary when the main pathogens have already been destroyed, and the “empty niches” are still free. To fill them beneficial microorganisms, which will further contribute to the reproduction of Dederlein rods, are used various groups lactobacilli. For example, bifidumbacterin suppositories for thrush will be very useful.

Why is bifidumbacterin prescribed?

Bifidumbacterin is a drug based on bifidobacteria. One dose (powder, suppository or solution) contains at least 107 living microorganisms.

Getting on the mucous membranes of organs, such great amount Bacteria beneficial to the human body continue to multiply, but in the environment where they ended up. In particular, when using vaginal suppositories or tampons with a solution of the drug, microbes begin to actively colonize the walls of the vagina. In doing so, they create conditions in which other pathogens cannot reproduce. This is due to their antibacterial activity against pathogens.

To treat thrush, bifidumbacterin is available in several forms:

  • vaginal and rectal suppositories,
  • powder,
  • solution for oral administration.

There are also a large number of analogues of the drug with a similar effect, but with other strains of bacteria or with the addition of other active ingredients, For example, ascorbic acid etc.

Treatment rules

Bifidumbacterin is absolutely safe drug, so it can be used without fear during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications to this medicine no, with the exception of individual intolerance. Likewise, one should not worry about development adverse reactions and complications of admission, since there are none. It's simple high concentration beneficial bacteria that already live in the human body.

  • This drug is not the main treatment, so other medications should not be neglected.
  • It is most rational to start using suppositories or tampons with the drug at the end of the course of main therapy or even after completion. This is a kind of prevention of subsequent episodes of the disease.
  • The simultaneous use of not only suppositories, but also the use of a bacterial solution internally is useful. This is due to the fact that with chronic thrush there is dysbiosis in the gastrointestinal tract, without eliminating which it is impossible to cure candidiasis.
  • Not only suppositories, but also tampons soaked in a medicinal solution can be placed in the vagina. To prepare them, you need to take ten doses of bifidumbacterin powder, dilute it in a tablespoon of water. Then moisten a gauze swab with the resulting liquid and place it in the vagina, for example, overnight.
  • If suppositories are used, the usual treatment regimen is as follows: one suppository two to three times a day for a course of at least 7 to 10 days. It is not advisable to place bifidumbacterin suppositories during menstruation, since the bulk of beneficial microbes can leak out along with menstrual flow. If treatment is critical days, you should take a short break or use them rectally at this time.
  • For oral administration, it is recommended to take five 2 - 3 times a day for at least 8 days.

We recommend reading the article about restoring microflora after thrush. From it you will learn about the causes of vaginal dysbiosis, drugs that promote recovery normal microflora, and the need for their use.

A constant balance between beneficial and pathogenic flora in a woman’s vagina allows her to maintain local immunity and prevent many diseases. Bifidumbacterin is a drug based on microorganisms that are normally found in the body (in the intestines, genitals, etc.). The absence of any contraindications or side effects allows it to be used without fear in all groups of the fair sex as treatment or prevention.

If you need to use bifidumbacterin during menstruation, it is better to use oral forms or rectal suppositories.

Thrush again? How to get rid of recurrent thrush?

Thrush, candidiasis, mycotic vulvovaginitis - all this is the name of the same condition associated with an excessive spread of the fungus of the genus Candida albicans in the vagina.

Thrush is more common in women reproductive age, less common in postmenopausal women and girls.

There are 3 forms of thrush:

  • Candidiasis (asymptomatic).
  • Acute candidiasis (exacerbation of asymptomatic or chronic course).
  • Chronic form (or recurrent thrush).

WITH acute course Most people have learned to cope with the disease, but difficulties arise in treating recurrent thrush. And here we need serious medical examination to identify its causes and ways to get rid of the disease.

Recurrent thrush ( chronic thrush) are repetitions (relapses) of thrush 4 or more times a year. This is either every month, or during treatment once every 2-3 months. This disease occurs in 2-3% of women. It may be caused by insufficient diagnosis of the causes of candidiasis that has arisen for the first time or incorrect treatment.

Mycotic vulvovaginitis, even if it occurs for the first time, should be a “bell” about a deterioration in your health.

There are not so many causes of thrush, but by eliminating them, you will not only forget about recurring thrush, but also gain confidence in the health of the whole body:

  • deficient states of immunity: diseases of the kidneys, liver, intestines; diabetes, lack of work and rest schedule, cachexia, HIV infection, other chronic infections, allergic reactions;
  • uncontrolled or prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraception;
  • hormonal changes in the body: pregnancy, obesity, ovarian dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction;
  • violation of the diet: excessive intake of carbohydrates (sweets, starchy foods), fried and salty foods;
  • uncontrolled long-term use eubiotics;
  • daily use of synthetic pads;
  • washing out flora during deep washing;
  • not treated initial stage candidiasis diseases.
  • resistance to medicines in case of incorrectly selected dosage, self-medication and incomplete course of treatment;
  • violations of hygiene rules: rare practices water procedures or using soap not intended for the area.

Repeated candidiasis can be dangerous due to the development of the following complications:

  1. Severe irreversible changes in the body associated with improper functioning of organs, leading to relapses of candidiasis.
  2. The appearance of bleeding erosions/ulcers in the area of ​​scratching.
  3. Pain during intercourse due to swelling of the mucous membrane and sensation strong burning sensation in the vagina and vulva area.
  4. Serious inflammatory diseases pelvic organs, adhesions and, as a result, infertility.
  5. General discomfort, tendency to depression, neurological disorders.

Recurrence of thrush manifests itself:

  • unbearable itching and burning in the genital and vaginal area;
  • pain from scratching;
  • white “curdled” discharge from the genital tract;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane.

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that the diagnosis of “recurrent thrush” is correct, since there are a number of chronic infections with similar symptoms.

  1. The chronic course of thrush is treated over a long period of time and in combination with other diseases.
  2. Identifying and getting rid of chronic diseases that cause thrush. Including increasing the protective resources of the immune system.
  3. Treatment requires sanitizing the sexual partner.
  4. All medications must be carefully selected and used as prescribed by the doctor. Self-medication can be harmful to health.

When you visit a doctor with repeated symptoms of thrush, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will be sent for a long, more in-depth examination than the first time. With simple brush strokes on the flora, everything just begins. It is necessary to consult with a therapist, where you will be prescribed blood, urine, and stool tests.

It is also advisable to visit an endocrinologist and immunologist. All this is necessary in order to understand why thrush recurs, for the success of treatment and prevention serious violations in organism.

The most effective treatment is an individual integrated approach:

There are several treatment regimens for thrush:

  • using vaginal suppositories 1-2 times a week for a month;
  • usage antimicrobials 1-2 times a week for several months;
  • joint use of vaginal suppositories and medications 1-2 times a week for several months.

5 main components of drugs that can treat thrush

  • Natamycin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Isoconazole;
  • Nystatin.

Ketoconazole is contained in the drugs Ketoconazole and Livarol. These are suppositories that quickly relieve the manifestations of a fungal infection.

The substance Natamycin is contained in the preparations Pimafucin and suppositories Primafungin. The drug Pimafucin is interesting because it exists in tablets, suppositories, and cream, which can be used to treat a sexual partner. It is also safe for pregnant women.

Active ingredient: Clotrimazole. It is basic for Clotrimazole suppositories or cream. It is also no less convenient to use. It is also effective in the fight against gardnerella, trichomonas, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections.

Isoconazole corresponds to the drug Isoconazole. Available in the form of ointment and vaginal balls. The drug Nystatin in the form of ointments and tablets also fights well against many types of fungus and gram-positive infections. Suitable for the treatment and prevention of candidiasis.

There are also new generation drugs, resistance to which is not high:

  1. Preparations: Rumicosis in tablets. The active ingredient is itraconazole, it is usually used when resistance to other drugs has developed. Contraindicated during pregnancy.
  2. Betadine suppositories. Iodine based preparation. Use up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. Also suitable for those who, in addition to fungal infections, have another chronic infection in the vagina. Also, St. Betadine can be used during menstruation, thereby not missing days of treatment.

The choice of drug and dosage remains with the doctor, since the exact dosage is necessary specifically for your body. A lack of dosage will not lead to the desired result, and even, on the contrary, will lead to addiction of the fungus and the active substance, but if the dosage is in excess, it can negatively affect your body.

During treatment you should:

  • refuse synthetic fiber pads;
  • maintain hygiene, wash yourself by special means for intimate hygiene or use herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile);
  • stick to a certain diet.

Diet for thrush

During the treatment period, it is important to enrich your diet with vitamins. A large amount of non-sweet fruits and vegetables will enhance the effect of the drugs.

Also, using spices when preparing dishes will help you fight thrush. During this period, it is undesirable to use products containing yeast (baked goods, beer), alcohol, smoked meats, mayonnaise, canned food, sauces.

First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet and, if necessary, eliminate or reduce the amount of foods consumed with high content sugar, salt, smoked meats. Which, above all, will improve your overall health.

To maintain your immunity, you need to provide it with everything you need - i.e. include as much as possible in your diet natural products: vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs. Of course, there is more to be on fresh air, exercise, control your weight.

Secondly, you should wear cotton underwear and try not to get carried away with panty liners. And during menstruation, use pads instead of tampons, since tampons can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

The clothes you wear should not be too tight, as this will increase your temperature. groin area, especially in the hot season. However, dressing warmly is one of the main tasks in winter.

Third, protected sexual intercourse - especially in the initial stages after treatment, so as not to disturb only the established biocenosis of the vagina, it is reasonable to use condoms.

Fourthly, you need to wash yourself 1-2 times a day with water or special intimate care products. The use of products containing alkali or wet wipes is detrimental to the functioning of the bacteria of a woman’s normal flora.

Also, you should not wash deeply, i.e. wash away all the “dirt” from the vagina, so you wash out beneficial bacteria, which protect against imbalances in the vagina. The external genitalia must be washed. The towel should be individual and changed frequently.

Clotrimazole is a broad-spectrum antifungal agent. For external use, the product is released in the form of an ointment or cream containing 10 mg/g of active substance.

Clotrimazole belongs to the antifungal agents from the imidazole group and acts by disrupting the synthesis of ergosterol, which is the main component of the cell membrane of the fungus.

Indications for use of Clotrimazole in the form of ointment and cream

Clotrimazole affects the following types mushrooms:

  • Dermatophytes (epidermophyton, microsporum, trichophyton);
  • Yeast-like and molds (candida, aspergillus, torulopsis, cryptococcus);
  • Dimorphic fungi (blastomycetes).

Pathogenic microorganisms such as trichomonas, staphylococcus, streptococcus, and amoebas are also sensitive to Clotrimazole.

Clotrimazole in the form of cream and ointment is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Thrush in men and women;
  • Trichomoniasis;
  • Fungal infections of the skin and outer ear;
  • Superficial candidiasis;
  • Secondary pyoderma;
  • Onychomycosis;
  • Pityriasis versicolor;
  • Erythrasmas.

Comparison of Clotrimazole cream and ointment

Since different creams and ointments are used to create Excipients, then there are several differences between these dosage forms:

  • The ointment is a fat-based product, which is absorbed for a long time and forms a film on the surface of the skin. Thus, it prevents the formation of a dry crust, under which inflammation can develop;
  • The cream is an oil-in-water emulsion.. It is absorbed very quickly, leaving no marks on clothes. When the cream is applied to the skin, the water quickly evaporates without disturbing the skin’s breathing, while the product has a softening and moisturizing effect;
  • Ointment improves tissue nutrition, eliminates peeling, promotes skin hydration, softens dry crusts;
  • The cream dries out weeping wounds, has a strong local anti-inflammatory effect.

It is better to use Clotrimazole as an ointment: for onychomycosis and severe fungal infections of the skin, when there are a large number of crusts, plaques, peeling, and deep cracks on the surface.

Use Clotrimazole cream: with damage to the mucous membranes, if present on the skin minor damage caused by scratching, or if the damage to the skin is not so serious.

Description of Clotrimazole cream

Composition of Clotrimazole cream:

  • Clotrimazole 10 mg;
  • Cetyl stearyl alcohol is a mixture of stearic and cetyl fatty alcohols, has stabilizing properties and promotes better mixing of components. It also forms a film on the surface of the epidermis, which helps retain moisture;
  • Octyldodecanol – has emollient properties and improves the tactile quality of the cream;
  • Polysorbate is an emulsifier;
  • Sorbitan stearate – emulsifier;
  • Purified water.

For the treatment of mycoses, the drug is used as follows::

  • The skin is pre-washed warm water with soap. For these purposes you can also use soda solution(1 spoon per liter of water) or oak bark decoction;
  • Dry the skin thoroughly with a towel, Special attention paying attention to the folds of the skin and the area between the fingers;

This article is often read with:

  • The drug is applied in a thin layer 2 – 3 times a day and gently rubbed in;
  • The cream is applied to the mucous membranes in small strips and rubbed in;
  • The duration of treatment should be 2–4 weeks, depending on the disease;
  • In order to avoid relapse of the disease, Clotrimazole cream is used within 2 weeks after the symptoms of the disease disappear.

Description of Clotrimazole ointment

Composition of Clotrimazole ointment:

  • Clotrimazole 10 mg;
  • Propylene glycol – viscous clear liquid, which is a good solvent for compounds of various classes;
  • Polyethylene oxide 1500 is a product that is used as a binder and fixative for fragrances. It affects the melting point, solubility of the active substance and viscosity of the drug;
  • Polyethylene glycol is a viscous liquid that is used as a binder;
  • Methylparaben is a methyl ester of para-hydroxybenzoic acid, used as a preservative and antiseptic.

Mode of application:

  • First, the skin should be washed with warm water and dried thoroughly, paying special attention to the area between the fingers;
  • The ointment is applied in a thin layer to skin or mucous membranes 1 – 3 times a day and rub in gently;
  • Treatment is continued for 1 to 4 weeks. In order to avoid relapse of the disease, the drug is continued to be used for 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear.

Which is better: Pimafucin or Clotrimazole

Unlike Clotrimazole, active substance Pimafucin cream is a polyene antimycotic from the Macrolide group - natamycin. It also has a wide spectrum of action. It is one of the most gentle antifungal agents and very rarely causes side effects. The drug has the most active effect on fungi of the genus Candida. Moreover, it can be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Therefore, for the treatment of candidiasis, especially in pregnant and lactating women, it is worth choosing. To eliminate other diseases, it is better to give preference.

Which is better: Nystatin or Clotrimazole

is a polyene antifungal antibiotic active against fungi of the genus Candida. When used externally, it does not penetrate well through intact mucous membranes or skin, so it is practically not absorbed into the blood.

Often some people have the question: “What better Clotrimazole or Pimafucin? Which of these medications will help get rid of the fungus faster and more effectively?” Inside human body fungi may form in larger quantities than should be normal.

Such an imbalance can be difficult to combat. One of the natural fungi is candida (candida) - a yeast-like fungus, a certain amount of which must be present in the human body. Thanks to specialized antifungal agents, correctly selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the human body, it is possible to significantly reduce their deviation from the norm. Along with the use of medications, you should definitely adhere to diet, hygiene and other doctor’s recommendations.

Which is better Clotrimazole or Pimafucin - drug analysis

Candidiasis – fungal disease, which occurs due to bacterial imbalance in the body due to antifungal therapy, infection, lack of hygiene or other reasons. The disease can be present not only in women, but also in men. The disease can be oral, nail, intestinal, vaginal, urethral, ​​etc. Antifungal agents, such as Pimafucin or Clotrimazole, are produced on the basis of a special substance - imidazole and polyene antibiotics. The main components of these drugs are designed not so much to suppress the activity of the fungus as to neutralize its reproduction.

Thanks to comparative analysis you can consider all the characteristics of the data in more detail medications, which have long been successfully used to treat candidiasis different types. We suggest looking at the list of parameters for each drug in a special table.

Table for comparing two medications - Pimafucin and Clotrimazole

Properties and characteristics

Pharmaceutical product group

Antifungal, fungicidal, antimycotic agent

Product form

1. Cream (2% concentration).

2. Vaginal suppositories(100 mg).

3. Tablets (100 mg).

1. Cream (1% concentration).

2. Gel (1%).

3. Ointment (1%).

4. Vaginal suppositories (100 mg).

5. Solution for external use (1%).

6. Vaginal tablets (0.1, 0.2, 0.5 g).

7. Granules, powders, spray for external use.

Composition of the main and additional components By different forms release of drugs

2. Ointment – ​​natamycin, alcohols, sodium lauryl sulfate, deciloletate, etc.

3. Tablets – natamycin, kaolin, titanium dioxin, sucrose, calcium carbonate, etc.

1. The gel contains clotrimazole (1%, concentration 10 mg/g), macrogol 400, sage extract, glycerol, rectified alcohol (96%).

2. Cream – clotrimazole, polysorbate 60, alcohols, sorbitan stearate, spermaceti (synthetic).

3. Ointment – ​​clotrimazole, propylene glycols, nipagin, polyethylene oxides (400, 1500), methylparaben.

4. Suppositories – 100 mg of clotrimazole per 2 g.

5. Solution – clotrimazole, propylene glycol 400, ethanol (96%).

6. Tablets (vaginal) – clotrimazole (100, 200, 500 mg), silicon dioxide, lactose, starch, sodium lauryl sulfate, bicarbonate, adipic acid.


The drug binds steorols in the membrane of fungal cells, disrupts their integrity and leads to the death of the microorganism.

Blocking the synthesis of fungal proteins (protein group), nuclein acids, ergosterol fungi.

Spectrum of action

Yeast-like fungus, yeast microorganisms, pathogenic fungal microflora, dermatophyte.

Fungi are dermatophytes, yeast-like, dimorphic.

Indications for use




Vaginal, vulvovaginal;


Ear (otitis).



Diaper rash, erosion;



Infectious lichen pink.

Prohibition on use

For people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.



The tablets sometimes cause nausea and diarrhea (diarrhea), which disappear as you continue to take it.

Suppositories or cream provoke irritation, burning, dryness, discomfort of the skin and mucous membranes.

For external use:



Uncomfortable dry skin;



Tingling sensation;


When taken internally - allergies.

How to use - treatment courses, principle of action.

Suppositories are administered 1 pc. within 3 days or a week.

Tablets are taken orally, 1 piece. within 10-20 days.

The cream is applied 3-4 times a day to the affected area.

The ointment is used 3 times a day.

A solution of 10-20 drops 3 or 4 times a day for several days.

Gel 2-3 times a day for 3-5 days.

Vaginal tablets:

1 tablet 2 times a day for 3 days;

1 tablet 1 time per day for a week.

Candles are used for 6 days.

Overdose information

Yes (described in the instructions)

Tablets – “Alpha Normix”, “Nystatin”.

Suppositories - “Clotrimazole”, “Livarol”, “Nystatin” (the cheapest analogue).

For external use - “Kanizon”, “Funugitsip”, “Clotrimazole-Acri”, “Candizol”, “Amiclon”, “Kanizon”, “Imidil”, “Candibene” and others.

Conditions for dispensing at the pharmacy

Without a doctor's prescription


  1. Italy – Temmler Italia, (S.r.L), Astellas Pharma.
  2. India – Sedate Health Care and Shreya Life Sciences.
  3. Poland – GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals and Medana Pharma.
  4. Romania – Hyperion and Magistra C&C.
  5. Russia – companies Akrikhin, Pharmakor Production, Sintez, others.

average price

  • Tablets – 360-400 rub.
  • Candles – 270-420 rub.
  • Cream – 188-250 rub.
  • Candles – from 35 rub. and higher.
  • Ointment, cream – from 65-72 rubles.
  • Vaginal tablets – 75-80 rubles.
  • Solution in drops – 140-150 rubles. maximum.
  • Spray – 60-80 rub.
Monitor the patient's condition

When using candles, it is extremely important to monitor your condition and also take into account the degree of fungal damage. If this mild degree, then it is enough to use one suppository for 3 days.

For complex conditions, a week's course of treatment will be required. Tablets are usually taken as prescribed by a doctor, but you can also follow the recommendations in the instructions. But their use is appropriate for very complex forms of the disease. Creams are usually applied in a thin layer without rubbing, so as not to injure the surface of the skin or mucous membranes.

How medications may differ

The difference between drugs may be in parameters such as price. Much depends on the manufacturer - a domestic product is always cheaper than an imported one. A foreign version of medicines can cost up to 500-800 rubles. Differences should be noted in the following features:

    Pimafucin is practically not introduced into the blood when used, it simply does not get there, so it acts more mildly than Clotrimazole.

    Clotrimazole should not be used in the first trimester, and during subsequent trimesters - with great caution. Pimafucin can be used throughout pregnancy, if there are no individual allergic reactions.

    Clotrimazole is not available in tablets for oral administration (inside the body). There are only tablets for use as suppositories vaginally.

In addition, there are some differences in the indications for when and for what diseases one or another drug should be used.

What are the similarities between the two drugs?

General characteristics of drugs – Clotrimazole and Pimafucin:

  1. Multiple production points that produce both of these drugs.
  2. Both are available in pharmacies without a prescription from a physician.
  3. Both cure candidiasis and other forms of fungal pathologies of any form - from mild to severe.

The pharmacological group of both drugs is almost identical.

Can we say that one medicine is better than another?

How the body tolerates the effects of a particular drug depends healing effect and the effect of the drug on other organs. Each person has his own individual characteristics of the body. In addition, each individual may have other diseases or conditions for which both of these drugs are either not suitable for use or should be used with extreme caution.

When using products for external use, not everyone’s mucous membranes and skin can normally perceive some components of the drugs. While taking pills, some people may experience rejection of the drug by the stomach, intestines, or the liver may react painfully.

But Pimafucin acts more gently, the effect is slightly weaker, but does not create alarming discomfort for the body. Men also note that Clotrimazole ointment is very effective, but it causes some inconvenience in the form of side effects - dry skin, tightness and a slight burning sensation.
