How to help your lungs cleanse. How to cleanse your lungs after smoking. Folk recipes

If you have finally been able to get rid of such a bad habit as smoking, then this article is just for you; below we will tell you how to cleanse your lungs of tars, toxins and other contaminants in short time and without much effort.

Many people, having said goodbye to the nicotine monster, decide to start new life, in which the cigarette will no longer be present, but, unfortunately, the symptoms of an ex-smoker constantly accompany the person, bringing him a lot of discomfort. Therefore, in order for you to be able to breathe deeply again without coughing up mucus, we have compiled several points below that will help you answer the question “how to quickly clear your lungs?”

How to understand that the lungs are being cleansed

The first step to recovery, and accordingly, a sign of cleansing of your lungs, is coughing up phlegm. This reaction of your body first of all indicates that the process of getting rid of garbage has begun and it is irreversible; now you need to put in a little more effort.

The first step is inhalation

Inhalations are the most effective remedy that should be used first when cleansing. We advise you to contact the nearest clinic to undergo one course of inhalations (it is advisable to visit the inhalation room at least 10-15 times).

Second step - sport

If you still doubt whether it is possible to cleanse your lungs, then the first procedure did not make your life easier. physical state, and you still want to get rid of lung contaminants as quickly as possible. In this case, you must begin to actively engage in sports exercises. It is best to use areas for sports in clean air and preferably closer to water bodies and plants, at least thanks to this your blood will circulate better and your body will become younger, more beautiful and healthier. In order for our operation called “cleansing the lungs of a smoker” to start working as quickly as possible, we advise you, in addition to jogging in the clean air, to also visit the pool, yoga classes, or just a gym.

The third step on the path to success is proper breathing

Cleaning a smoker's lungs with breathing exercises. Today, there are many complex ones that can help you cleanse your body. Below are a few of them:

  1. The first exercise must be done as correctly as possible. Initially, you will need to stand on two supporting legs, placing them shoulder-width apart. Next you need to do deep breath and begin to sharply exhale the air in bursts (as if cutting it off), while drawing in your stomach. Such exercises should bring you into a state of peace and complete peace.
  2. The second exercise helps a person concentrate on his thoughts. Stand exactly on two supporting legs, look at a point at eye level, fix your gaze. Begin to slowly and deeply inhale air through oral cavity and then sharply push it out of the opening of the nose. After several repetitions, you need to speed up until the ability to inhale deeply is exhausted. This exercise must be performed more than 20 times.
  3. In addition to the two above exercises, there is one more, which is the most effective. Lie on your back, take a deep breath and blow out your abdominal cavity. Breathing must be fixed for no more than 10 seconds, after which you can exhale slowly and slightly abruptly. This procedure must be repeated about 5 times.

Having become familiar with the main and really effective exercises, in the future you will be able, without anyone’s prompting, to answer for yourself one of the main questions in our lives: “Is it possible to cleanse the lungs?”

The fourth step is a good bath

In order for the body to cleanse itself of toxins as quickly as possible, we recommend that you visit the bathhouse at least once a week for several months in a row. In addition, do not forget that we are cleaning the lungs of a smoker as quickly and efficiently as possible, so it is necessary to drink real herbal tinctures more often.

Step Five - Teas Made from Real Herbs

Fir, mint, sage, oak leaves, currant leaves, chamomile leaves, etc. can serve as an excellent medicine for cleansing the body. You need to brew one pot of herbs and breathe in a little aromatic vapors that will relax you and immerse you in a world of peace and tranquility. We advise you not to go out into the cold after the fumes and not to talk to others for the next 30 minutes.

Step six - proper nutrition

Since childhood, we all know from the lips of our mother or grandmother that onions and garlic have certain antibacterial properties that help our body fight various harmful substances. The task set before us, called “cleaning the lungs of a smoker,” is no exception. In order for such a product to benefit you, you first need to chop it finely, add water and mix with sugar. Next, you need to consume the previously prepared decoction, three to four tablespoons throughout the day. The duration of the procedure should be at least a week.

In addition to the above, we advise you to pamper your broths, but only in a warm or hot form, and in order for the results not to be long in coming, add onions and garlic to their composition. First of all, chicken broth helps the mucus in the lungs begin to liquefy faster and, as a result, be eliminated from the body. Also, do not forget that the lungs of a smoker.

The seventh step is the use of folk remedies

About resins, slags, etc. With the help of nutrition, sports and breathing exercises, you and I are already aware, but only a few people know how you can become healthier with the help of folk remedies, so below you will be presented with several available for you. modern man recipes

  1. A tincture containing pine buds, is the most effective remedy that promotes the rapid removal of sputum. To prepare this miracle tea, you will need one tablespoon of kidneys and 200 grams of warm boiled water. You can use the prepared medicine only after several hours of infusion for one week.
  2. On various Internet resources in Lately You can often come across a question from ex-smokers: “Is it possible to cleanse the lungs with violet and oregano?” The answer is simple: “Of course, yes.” Moreover, this decoction is one of the best folk remedies of our century. To prepare it you will need one spoon of violet and one spoon of oregano, then you need to pour them into several glasses warm water and leave for at least an hour. You need to drink the decoction three times a day, without using sugar.
  3. Another way to quickly and effectively cleanse your body of impurities is a decoction prepared with milk and oats. To do this, you will need to boil milk (0.5 l) in a saucepan and add a glass of oats. Once the contents begin to boil, reduce the heat and leave on the stove until it has evaporated by half. Then you need to strain the broth through a sieve and drink it half an hour before meals. The procedure must be repeated throughout the week.

We have described everything above possible ways lung cleansers that you can use at home. In addition to the above, you can also resort to modern medicine, but, unfortunately, as practice shows, these methods are today are not 100% effective.

Good health and success to you!

After quitting smoking and in case of diseases of the respiratory system, it is necessary to cleanse the lungs and bronchi. Such procedures can be done in a hospital, but it costs a lot. You can do this at home minimal costs. In folk medicine there are many effective recipes and useful tips, which will help to safely and quickly cleanse the lungs and bronchi.

Who needs to cleanse the lungs and bronchi

The respiratory system is a kind of filter that helps retain harmful substances that can enter the human body through the air. Under normal conditions, the lungs and bronchi regularly cleanse themselves. However, if there is a malfunction in their work (for example, when staying in a harmful gas environment, diseases of the respiratory system, smoking), then this can lead to serious problems not only to the respiratory organs, but to the entire body.

During illness, the bronchi narrow and fill with mucus.


When smoking, the lungs and bronchi are exposed to maximum attack by harmful substances. And even when a person gets rid of a bad habit, the body still for a long time is being restored. The rehabilitation period, during which harmful substances obtained during smoking are completely removed from the bronchi and lungs, can last up to 15 years!

The degree of contamination of the respiratory system depends on the length of smoking. IN pulmonary alveoli When you inhale smoke, harmful resins accumulate, which clog them, blocking the access of air to the vessels. If you do not cleanse the lungs and bronchi, the body may not return to normal for many years after quitting smoking.

However, with proper cleansing of the respiratory system, positive changes can occur within a couple of months.

When smoking, the respiratory system suffers, and subsequently the entire body.

Respiratory diseases

During inflammatory processes, a large amount of sputum accumulates in the respiratory organs. They interfere with normal ventilation of the lungs, and also serve as a real “breeding ground” for harmful bacteria. If the lungs and bronchi are not cleansed in time, the diseases can become chronic.

Unfavorable environment

Living in an area with polluted air and working in hazardous industries have a detrimental effect on respiratory system. All harmful substances in the surrounding air settle in the lungs. If you do not cleanse them promptly and regularly, then with a long stay in an unfavorable environment you can get a lot of health problems (from a general decrease in immunity to silicosis).

Using folk remedies to cleanse the lungs and bronchi at home

Efficiency medicinal plants proven in rehabilitation procedures of the respiratory system official medicine. You can buy all the herbs needed for home recipes at the pharmacy or collect and prepare them yourself.

Herbal medicine is a powerful assistant in cleansing the respiratory system

An infusion of 16 medicinal herbs to cleanse a smoker's lungs

You will need:

  • pine buds;
  • primrose;
  • tricolor violet;
  • sweet clover;
  • fennel;
  • piculin;
  • licorice;
  • lungwort;
  • horsetail;
  • soapwort;
  • plantain;
  • thyme;
  • elecampane;
  • fragrant violet;
  • elder.

Mix all ingredients in equal parts. If there are not enough ingredients, you can shorten the recipe. But the most effective effect on the body will be an infusion of all sixteen herbs. Pour 1.5 tablespoons of the mixture into 2 cups of boiling water. Leave in the thermos for 2 hours. Drink before bed.

Drink daily for one week.

Oat milk


  • oat grains - 1 cup;
  • milk - 2 glasses.


  1. Pour 1 cup of oat grains with hot milk.
  2. Place on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, until the volume is reduced by half.
  3. After this, remove from heat, cool and strain.

Drink the decoction in one sitting 1 hour before meals. Grind the remaining oat grains and eat 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 1 hour before meals. Repeat the procedure for 5 days.

Infusion of pine buds

You will need:

  • young pine buds - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 glass.

How to cook:

  1. Place a spoonful of kidneys into a thermos.
  2. Pour 1 cup boiling water.
  3. Leave for 1 hour.
  4. Strain the resulting infusion, divide into 2 parts and drink after meals for 3–5 days.

It is advisable to use green pine buds collected in June for this.

Pine milk

This recipe will help cleanse the lungs even in the most advanced cases. For example, after prolonged smoking or after many years of chronic diseases respiratory system.

A remedy made from pine cones will help cleanse the lungs even in the most advanced cases.


  • milk - 0.5 l.;
  • green Pine cones- 3 pcs.;
  • pine resin - a piece with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm.


  1. Wash the pine cones thoroughly under cold water.
  2. Pour into a thermos, pour boiled milk over it.
  3. Add resin.
  4. Let it brew for 3-4 hours, strain.

Drink 1 glass twice a day - in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed for 1-2 months. The same cones can be used to prepare the remedy up to three times, thoroughly rinsing to remove any remaining milk.

Honey milk


  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Heat the milk (do not bring to a boil), mix with honey, drink at night.

Milk with honey - plain and accessible remedy to improve respiratory function

A complex that helps cleanse the lungs during illness: infusion plus rinse

For infusion:

  • coltsfoot leaves;
  • violet grass;
  • liquorice root.

Mix the ingredients in equal quantities, 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture. Let it brew for 30 minutes, strain. Divide into several small portions and take throughout the day.

For rinsing:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • sage flowers;
  • peppermint flowers;
  • fennel.

Mix 3 equal parts each of chamomile, sage and mint with 1 part fennel. Pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes. Gargle at least three times a day.

Duration of the course (taking the infusion plus rinsing) is one week.

Herbal tea

You will need:

  • plantain - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lungwort - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mullein flowers - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Veronica flowers - 2 tbsp. l.

1 tsp. pour 150 ml of boiling water over the mixture. Divide into 2-3 parts and drink throughout the day. Course - 14–30 days.

Complex for easy separation of sputum: infusion plus inhalation

This complex helps cleanse the bronchi with difficulty breathing and poor sputum separation.


  • sage leaves;
  • liquorice root;
  • pine buds.


  1. Mix in equal quantities.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture with 2 cups of boiling water.
  3. Let it brew for 3 hours, strain.
  4. Drink 2 tbsp. l. every 3 hours.

When heated, this infusion can be used as a liquid for inhalation. To do this, pour 0.5 cups of infusion into a shallow bowl, place on water bath, bend over the container, cover with a thick towel and inhale the steam for about 10 minutes.

Radish compress

Grate fresh young radish (about 3-4 tablespoons). Spread the resulting pulp over gauze folded in four, with an area of ​​about 10x15 cm. Lie on your back. Place the compress on the chest, avoiding the heart area. Cover the top with plastic wrap and a warm blanket. Keep it on until burning and discomfort appear.

To avoid skin irritation, apply baby cream or a thin layer of oil to your breasts before using the compress.

"Live" radish

Take a whole fresh medium-sized radish. In the upper part, use a knife to make a depression measuring approximately 3x3x3 cm. Place 1 tsp in it. honey. Place the radish in a glass of water so that its lower part is immersed in the liquid. Drink the contents of the vegetable once a day. Fill the empty cavity with honey again. Course - 1 week.

Radish with honey is a centuries-old and highly effective folk remedy for diseases of the respiratory system.

Pine tea for persistent cough


  • pine needles;
  • spruce needles;
  • fir needles;
  • cedar needles.

You can take one type of pine needles or mix several types in any proportions and combinations. 1 tbsp. l. raw materials pour 1 cup of boiling water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes, strain, add honey. Drink in small sips throughout the day, dividing into 3 parts. Take 3–5 days.

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil not only facilitates easy removal of mucus from the respiratory system, but also actively kills viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Inhalations with it will help restore the functioning of diseased bronchi.

If you don’t have a special electric inhaler, you can use a simple home method. Pour hot water into a shallow bowl and place in a water bath. Place 5-10 drops in water eucalyptus oil, lean as close to the water as possible, cover with a thick towel, breathe in eucalyptus vapor for 5–7 minutes. It is advisable to carry out the procedure daily for 1 week.

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil help to easily remove mucus from the respiratory system

Tea with thyme

Thyme helps thin mucus, relieve spasms, and destroy germs. You will need:

  • dry thyme herb - 1 tsp;
  • honey - to taste;
  • water - 250 ml.

1 tsp. thyme herbs pour 1 cup hot water(not boiling water), leave for 15 minutes, strain, add honey (to taste). Take up to 5 glasses per day for 10 days.

Infusion of coltsfoot


  • coltsfoot leaves - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 250 ml.

1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over coltsfoot, leave for 15 minutes, strain. Take 3 times a day after meals, 1 tbsp. l. within 1 week.

Ivy infusion

Ivy effectively relieves spasms, kills bacteria, and thins mucus in the bronchi. Take:

  • ivy leaves - 1 tsp;
  • water - 250 ml.

The resulting infusion can be drunk like regular tea, 2-3 times a day for 1 week.

This unusual dish helps cleanse the lungs and also improves the body’s immunity, weakened by smoking and disease. It is prepared in the same way as any regular jam.

For preparation, young pine cones are taken. They should be green, with a light coating of resin.

Cone jam will boost the body’s immunity weakened by smoking and disease.


  1. Rinse the cones thoroughly in cold water.
  2. Place on the bottom of a wide saucepan (be prepared for the fact that the resin is very difficult to wash off the dishes).
  3. Pour water so that it covers the cones by 15–20 cm.
  4. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  5. Cook for 8 hours, remembering to skim off the foam.
  6. Strain, remove the cones.
  7. Mix the resulting broth with sugar in a 1:1 ratio.
  8. Cook for another 1 hour.

It should work out delicious jam with raspberry color. Take 2 tbsp. l. twice a day, regardless of food. Treatment should continue for at least 5 consecutive days.

Milk with fennel (2 preparation options)

  1. Option 1. Add fennel fruits (0.5 tsp) to boiling milk, let it brew for 5 minutes, strain.
  2. Option 2. Mix ready-made hot fennel tea with boiling milk in a 1:1 ratio.

Take hot before bed for 5 days.

Lingonberry juice

Mix pure natural lingonberry juice (without additives) with honey to taste. Take 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day.

It has a particularly strong effect in combination with taking a decoction of strawberries.

Corn silk


  • corn silk;

Grind the dried corn silk into a homogeneous powder. Mix this powder with honey in a ratio of 1:2.

Take 1 tsp before meals. up to 5 times a day for a week.

Badger fat: ingestion plus rubbing

Badger fat helps cleanse and restore the respiratory system after prolonged smoking or illness. It improves the body's immunity, increases hemoglobin, enhances the regeneration of damaged tissues, has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.

Badger fat should be used comprehensively, combining oral administration with rubbing.

It can be taken orally not only in its pure form (many people cannot tolerate its specific taste and smell), but also mixed with other ingredients (with milk, honey, jam, etc.).

Badger fat helps cleanse and restore the respiratory system after prolonged smoking or illness.

In addition, you can prepare a rather tasty “Badger Chocolate” remedy.

To do this you will need:

  • dark chocolate - 1 bar;
  • cocoa - 6 tsp;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • badger fat - 3 tbsp. l.

Melt badger fat, chocolate and butter, gradually add cocoa, mix everything thoroughly, cool and put in the refrigerator.

Take up to 4 times a day, 3 teaspoons. Can be spread on bread. It is recommended to drink it with a decoction of St. John's wort or rosehip.

The course of treatment depends on the condition of the body. Most often, treatment lasts 1–2 months. However, long-term smokers may need more than three months to recover.

Also badger fat you can do rubbing. They are especially useful for respiratory problems caused by infection.

The procedure should be done before bedtime. First, intensively rub your back in the bronchi area, then your chest (no more than 10 minutes on each side). Then put on warm clothes, cover yourself with a blanket, drink hot tea and fall asleep.

Infusion of violet and oregano

You will need:

  • dry violet - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oregano - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Mix herbs, pour boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Strain the resulting infusion, divide into three parts, and take throughout the day. The course of treatment is 1–2 months.

Garlic onion syrup

Have to take:

  • onion head - 1 pc.;
  • head of garlic - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 2–3 tbsp. l.

Finely chop the onion and garlic, add sugar and let it brew for 2 hours. When the syrup appears, strain and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth.

Take the resulting product 1 tablespoon after meals up to three times a day for a week.

Breathing exercises

In order for the cleansing of the bronchi and lungs to be successful, it is necessary to regularly breathe fresh air. Even ordinary half-hour walks will have a beneficial effect on the body. You need to get into the habit of walking every day in the park or in the forest (the ideal place is a pine forest), preferably early in the morning or in the evening before bed.

In addition, you need to regularly do breathing exercises for deep ventilation of the lungs. In this way, the body will be able to better saturate itself with oxygen, the regeneration of damaged tissues of the respiratory system will occur faster, and sputum will be discharged much more productively.

All breathing exercises are best done while fresh air, Outdoors. If this is not possible, then in a well-ventilated room, standing next to open window.

Breathing exercises fresh air helps cleanse the bronchi and lungs

Exercise 1. Diaphragmatic breathing

  1. Before starting the exercise, you need to place one palm on your stomach and the other on your chest to better feel your breathing.
  2. Take a smooth deep breath. In this case, first the lower part of the lungs should be filled with air (the stomach should stick out a little), then the solar plexus area, and then the chest (the chest should rise under the palm).
  3. Exhale, releasing the air from yourself into reverse order. Smoothly lower your shoulders, alternately releasing the air from your chest and then your stomach.
  4. Repeat 15–20 times for 2 approaches.

The strongest effect can be achieved by conditionally dividing the breathing areas into 6–7 parts and filling them with air one by one.

Exercise 2. Nose-mouth breathing

  1. Inhale air deeply and slowly through your nose.
  2. Exhale sharply and quickly through your mouth, making the sound “ha”.

Repeat 30 times for 2 approaches.

Exercise 3. Fractional exhalation

  1. Inhale deeply and then exhale gradually, releasing the air in small portions, holding your breath for a second 5-7 times during one exhalation.
  2. Repeat 15 times for 2 approaches.

Exercises should be stopped when severe dizziness or an attack of nausea.

You need to do gymnastics every day for at least a month. It will relieve congestion in the respiratory system and help cleanse the lungs and bronchi of accumulated tars and toxins after smoking.

Cleansing the bronchi and lungs in the bath and sauna

Baths and saunas have almost the same effect on the human respiratory system as inhalations. Therefore, when cleansing the lungs and bronchi, visiting them can be a very effective additional procedure.

When visiting a sauna, phlegm and toxins are more easily removed from the bronchi

High temperature and high air humidity contribute to the dilation of blood vessels; phlegm, toxins, tar and nicotine accumulated during smoking are more easily removed from the bronchi. For achievement maximum effect You can add an infusion of medicinal herbs or essential oils to the bath water.

Massage to cleanse the bronchi

Acupuncture, acupuncture, and massage are used to cleanse the respiratory system. Among these methods there are also those available to non-professionals. A simple massage to cleanse the lungs and bronchi can be done at home.

  1. Place the patient on a flat surface, apply baby or massage cream to the skin of the back.
  2. First, lightly massage the sides towards the center of the back, then up the spine to the head.
  3. Then sharply hit the upper back with the edge of your outstretched arm. You need to make sure that the blows are intense, but not too strong.
  4. Complete the massage with light stroking movements.

Massage to cleanse the bronchi and lungs - video

Contraindications and possible risks: who should not cleanse the respiratory system

When using funds traditional medicine It is very important to maintain the correct dosage. Plant-based natural ingredients are gentler than synthetic substances. But if they overdose, you can get serious poisoning and cause great harm to the body.

A contraindication to the use of any product is individual intolerance to its components. This could be an allergy to herbs or lactose intolerance.

It is important not to forget that for some diseases (for example, hypertension) high temperatures. Not all people can visit saunas and steam baths.

Massage is prohibited if you have tuberculosis, previous pneumothorax, or heart problems.

In addition, there are contraindications under which it is strictly forbidden to cleanse the respiratory system:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • the presence of genetic pathologies;
  • decreased immunity;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • smoking.

You should begin cleansing the lungs and bronchi after completely quitting smoking and recovering from diseases (or exacerbation of chronic conditions). Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to consult with a therapist.

It is obvious that smoking is harmful to the body. Tobacco smoke contains a large percentage of toxic substances and carcinogens. Nicotine accumulates in the body, which increases the negative impact on organs and systems.

The lungs are most susceptible to the effects of tobacco smoke. To help yourself at least a little, you should take care of thoroughly cleaning this organ from the accumulation of toxins. How to cleanse your lungs after smoking? There are methods that allow you to quickly and effectively cleanse your lungs after smoking.

Changes that occur after quitting cigarettes

Nicotine entering the body contributes to the formation of addiction. By giving up a bad habit, you can note the development of certain changes that initially have a negative impact on the body. It is worth remembering that negative changes last a short time, so you should be patient and under no circumstances stray from your intended goal. During the adaptation period, the body undergoes a number of changes, which include:

  • Decline immune system, which increases the level of susceptibility to a variety of infectious diseases. Quite often, a smoker becomes infected with one or another infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Instability of psycho-emotional state. The manifestation of this type of disorder is characterized by frequent changes in mood, the appearance of irritability and nervousness.
  • Kit excess weight. Having pushed cigarettes into the background, a person begins to find salvation in food.

Quitting smoking will help you cope with the difficult adaptation period and restore the normal functioning of all organs and systems in a short period of time.

Methods for cleansing the body from smoking

Clearing your lungs of nicotine is quite simple. To do this, you can use a variety of methods. Typically, recovery takes about 10-14 months, but it is worth remembering that everything depends on the severity of the addiction and the individual characteristics of the body.

To the most effective ways cleansing the lungs should include:

  • Inhalation method in combination with taking medications. Experts advise adding to this method the use of decoctions based on juniper, lavender, wormwood, mint and eucalyptus, which cleanse the bronchi and lungs. The body will recover gradually.
  • High tempo physical activity, improving ventilation lung tissue. However, it is worth controlling the intensity of the exercises, since the first time the lungs are not able to cope with the sudden load.
  • Breathing exercises that increase your level vital capacity lungs. Yoga classes are great. Breathing after prolonged smoking becomes intermittent and rapid.
  • Proper nutrition. It is important to maintain balance and consume the required amount of protein foods, vitamins and phytoncides.
  • Systematic visits to baths and saunas will help expand skin pores. This will increase the output surface. This is explained by the fact that skin covering It is considered the largest organ in terms of length, through which toxic substances are released from the body.
  • Weekly walks in the coniferous forest. The air in such an area has a positive effect on the condition of lung tissue due to great content phytoncides. Thus, the body will cleanse itself much faster. Recovery of the body is possible only 12-24 months after quitting tobacco.

It is important not only to quit smoking, but also to cleanse the bronchi and lungs of tobacco

Using one or another method of cleansing the body after smoking allows you to intensively restore the functioning of all organs and systems. Thanks to joint use methods, you can create a favorable situation that promotes the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

Cleansing the lungs at home

How can you cleanse yourself while at home? There are a number of folk methods that can effectively cleanse the lungs at home. Most in an effective way Oatmeal cleansing is considered. Take 200 g of oat grains and 500 ml of milk. Bring to a boil over low heat and leave for 20–30 minutes in a warm place.

A properly prepared mixture reduces by almost 2 times and acquires a light brown tint. The finished composition must be taken in the amount obtained at one time 20 minutes before meals. You should cleanse your body with oatmeal for 60 days before each meal. Organs take a long time to recover.

Eating oatmeal for 5-7 days will worsen the smoker’s condition. As a rule, shortness of breath increases, paroxysmal cough with sputum production. However, closer to the end of the second week of therapy, the state of health improves and the person feels a surge of strength.

Anyone can cleanse a smoker's lungs. It is possible to restore your lungs after smoking only 6–12 months after quitting cigarettes.

Will the lungs recover?

Can the lungs fully recover? Experts say this is possible. As a rule, partial cleansing is possible 120–150 days after quitting cigarettes. During this period of time, purification occurs:

  • trachea;
  • bronchi;
  • lungs.

It is possible to achieve complete cleansing of the respiratory system only 12 months after quitting smoking tobacco products. During this time, stagnation disappears, which provokes the appearance of foci of inflammation. Coughing attacks cease to be suffocating and gradually disappear. The cilia located on the surface restore their activity and are cleared of resin and toxins. respiratory tract.

Signs of cleansing

How do you understand that the cleansing of the body has begun? The main sign indicating the beginning of the recovery process is a cough with sputum production. Thus, accumulated toxins leave the body. The cleaning process is ensured through the following mechanisms:

  • flickering of the cilia of the epithelial tissue of the respiratory tract (direction from bottom to top);
  • secretion of mucus using goblet cells, which are located in the ciliated epithelial tissue;
  • enhancing the synthesis of immunoglobulin.

Gradually this leads to restoration process structure and functioning of the respiratory system. To cure chronic bronchitis caused by smoking, you should completely get rid of the bad habit. After quitting smoking, the mucous membrane is subject to renewal. This helps to sharply reduce coughing and improve mood. This condition increases the psychological and physical comfort of a former smoker.

Cleaning the lungs after for long years Indulging in cigarettes is an important and integral process that contributes to the speedy return of the body to normal functioning. That is why it is absolutely necessary not only to rid yourself of a bad habit, but also to necessary measures to cleanse the lungs of accumulated toxins.

Herbal infusions will help cleanse the lungs

Recipes for folk remedies

Most folk methods of cleansing the lungs effectively cope with their task. Below is a list of the most effective recipes.

Infusion based on oregano and violet

This healing liquid is endowed with mild cleansing properties that allow you to quickly liquefy and reject phlegm. At the same time, the mucous membrane is not irritated at all, and the cough does not intensify. This infusion can cleanse your lungs after years of smoking. To prepare the infusion, add 2 tbsp. l. dry oregano and violets into an enamel container and pour 4 cups of boiling water.

The mixture is infused for 120 minutes. After the specified period of time, it is necessary to strain the liquid composition and divide into 3 equal portions. The mixture is taken before each meal (20–30 minutes before). The duration of therapy is 40–60 days, depending on the severity of nicotine addiction.

Onion syrup

Onion syrup is very effective, allowing you to quickly cleanse your lungs after smoking. Cooking it yourself is not difficult. Cut 2 large onions into small cubes and sprinkle with 4 tbsp. l. Sahara. Having placed the components in an enamel container, leave it for a day in a dark place. The resulting syrup is filtered.

It should be consumed in several tablespoons. l. after every meal. The course of treatment is 2–3 times a week for 4 months. Thanks to the beneficial properties of onion syrup, the body can be cleansed even in people who have smoked all their lives. In addition, onion syrup helps cope with infections chronic type. Folk remedies can clean phlegm no worse than using inhalation.

Herbal infusion

To prepare a multi-component herbal infusion, put 5 g of primrose, elderberry and horsetail in a deep container. In the same proportion, sweet clover, pine buds, poppy, lungwort, plantain, thyme, fennel, and violet are added. The herbs are poured with boiling water and infused under the lid for 4 hours. After straining, the infusion is ready for use. You can drink liquid 30 minutes before bedtime every day. The duration of the course of therapy is 3–5 months.

Systematic consumption of garlic (4-5 cloves daily), which contains allicin, allows you to quickly and effectively thin mucus. The sputum becomes quite liquid and this greatly facilitates the process of its removal from the respiratory tract. In addition, garlic helps disinfect and disinfect the body. Cleaning the lungs from cigarettes in this way is quite effective.

Eating pineapples containing bromelain allows you to achieve a powerful, prolonged effect on the body, namely, reduce cholesterol levels, remove toxic substances, and cleanse the lungs. In addition, pineapples have an anti-inflammatory effect, which is especially important during periods of exacerbation. Sweet fruits help calm the nervous system and reduce the craving for tobacco products. Cleansing a smoker's lungs occurs gradually.

A visit to the bathhouse, after many years of smoking, can be considered mandatory procedure. However, it is worth remembering that such an establishment is contraindicated for certain ailments. Therefore, you should first consult a doctor. Hot air helps normalize blood circulation, dilate blood vessels and bronchi. Together with sweat, harmful substances come out through the skin. healing of all systems and organs occurs simultaneously. Hot air makes it possible to quickly thin mucus and make it easier to cough up, cleanse the bronchi and lungs.

You can clear your lungs of cigarettes with the help of medications


To cleanse the lungs of tobacco, you can use not only folk recipes and methods, but also medical supplies. It is very important that their appointment is previously agreed with the attending physician. The most effective medications that will help cleanse the lungs and bronchi include the following.


It is used in the treatment of acute and chronic respiratory tract ailments, which are accompanied by an increased degree of formation of sputum of excessive thickness. The medicine quickly thins and removes mucus, which reduces coughing attacks and makes them less painful. Ambroxol helps remove tar from the lungs after smoking.

When taking the drug simultaneously with other drugs, no side effects are observed. However, in cases where the patient is taking potent medicines, you should consult with a specialist. By using the medicine we systematically and quickly cleanse the bronchi. Ambroxol is excellent for removing phlegm. It is also possible to remove mucus using home remedies.


An effective mucolytic drug used in the treatment of viral and of a cold nature, as well as for comprehensive lung cleansing in people who have gotten rid of nicotine addiction. Acetylcysteine ​​can be used to alleviate protracted attack cough, thin the accumulation of mucus that settles on inner surface bronchus. The drug allows for gradual elimination of even excessively thick sputum. After clearing your airways, breathing becomes easier.


A real salvation for dry coughs, it perfectly clears the bronchi. The medicine quickly thins and removes mucus from the lungs. The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy chain in the form of syrup or tablets. Both forms cope equally effectively with the task of cleansing the lungs. Treatment will help remove nicotine from the lungs. It is important to use the drug correctly and in a timely manner.

An expectorant. Systematic use allows you to simplify the process of sputum discharge and cleansing of the body. At the same time, the cough becomes more productive, and the bronchi and lungs get rid of stagnation of thick mucus in a short period of time. The drug is manufactured on plant based, which makes it possible to take it during lactation or while pregnant.

The drugs are used not only in the form of syrups, but also in tablets

Cleansing the bronchi from smoking with Mucaltin is quite effective. Withdrawal symptoms in smokers will gradually cease to bother them.


A thinning medicine that helps make the process of mucus rejection easy and painless. The drug has an enveloping and bronchodilator effect. Ascoril is produced on the basis of guaifenesin, recementol and salbutamol. Data active ingredients have a positive effect on bronchial obstruction.

Within a couple of days of taking Ascoril, you can notice a significant improvement in coughing up mucus, the lungs quickly clear, and the amount of sputum decreases. The lungs will clear quickly enough. Nicotine addiction causes irreparable harm to the body, so before you go on your next smoke break, you should answer the question of whether you are really ready to ruin your health for the sake of a moment’s pleasure.

Nature provides for the production of a certain amount of mucus in the bronchi; it is needed to protect the respiratory system. But, with the appearance of inflammation, artificial pollution, bad habits, the process of sputum production is out of control. In this case, the body cannot remove the accumulated mucus on its own. In modern conditions, breathing air that is full of exhaust gases, tobacco smoke, aerosols, you need to systematically help the body cleanse itself. You don’t have to pay a lot of money for this; you can cleanse the lungs and bronchi folk remedies. There are a lot of recipes for herbal decoctions for cleansing the pulmonary system of phlegm; it won’t be difficult to choose something for yourself.

Preventive cleansing of mucus from the lungs and bronchi helps to normalize the functioning of the respiratory system and improve general state health, will reduce the risk of disease.

Indications for cleansing the lungs and bronchi at home:

  1. people working in hazardous enterprises, living in environmentally unfavorable areas and big cities those involved in repair work;
  2. experienced smokers living with smokers;
  3. people who often suffer from colds and chronic bronchitis;
  4. for allergy sufferers.

It is not always possible to change places of residence or work for the benefit of health, but maintaining it on your own is possible for everyone. Clearing the lungs of mucus should be done once a year. It is important to understand the relationship between organs human body: contamination or interruptions in the work of one system negatively affects the health of another. Constant contamination of the lungs and bronchi will ultimately lead to hypoxia of the blood and tissues. Which can cause metabolic disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the heart - vascular system, decreased immunity.

During the cleansing of the lungs and bronchi from dirt, it will help:

  • increase the degree of immune protection;
  • improve overall health;
  • get rid of unpleasant odor from the mouth and plaque on teeth;
  • clear your breath;
  • with saturation of the body pure oxygen, the vessels are cleaned automatically.

Cleaning the lungs with folk remedies, in most cases, if done correctly, ends positive effect. When choosing a prescription, you need to take into account the individual tolerance of all components of the medicine.

Contraindications to cleansing the respiratory system

Any intervention in the functioning of the body, even life-saving and health-improving cleansing, has its contraindications, which must be identified before the procedure begins.

List of absolute contraindications to cleansing the lungs and bronchi:

  1. inflammatory processes in the body;
  2. elevated body temperature, febrile conditions:
  3. convulsions of any origin;
  4. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  5. exhaustion of the body, a state of severe weakness;
  6. anemia;
  7. oncological diseases;
  8. tuberculosis in the active stage;
  9. genetic pathologies of the respiratory system.

Even if you are in excellent health, before starting cleansing you need to undergo an examination and consult with a doctor when choosing a cleansing method.

Viscous sputum is mucus on the walls of the lungs and bronchi; it accumulates in excess with active smoking and frequent colds. In cases of chronic bronchitis or acute respiratory diseases, in viscous sputum particles of pus, blood, and lung tissue are formed. Clearing the lungs of mucus in such cases is urgently necessary, but only after the disease has alleviated. You can remove phlegm from the bronchi using folk remedies using hot expectorant teas and decoctions.

In some cases, you can connect cleansing using breathing exercises and physical activity. Additionally, you can perform the following cleansing exercises:

  1. Take a position lying on your back, put your arms along your body or throw them behind your head. One leg needs to be bent at the knee and rested on the floor, then you need to twist the lower body to the right and left;
  2. Lie on your back with your arms at your sides. In this position, you need to take a deep breath, raising your shoulders, stay in this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

These exercises should be performed daily throughout the course of clearing the bronchi from mucus, 10-15 repetitions. It is important to know that any physical exercise promote the removal of mucus from the walls of the lungs.

Drainage massage as an effective remedy for getting rid of phlegm and mucus on the lungs

You can perform the procedure at home:

1. first of all, you need to take a warm bath and steam your body;
2. To moisturize, you can use cream or heated olive oil;
3. massage should be done from the chest and then from the back;
4. Next you need to warm up the skin with massage rubbing movements;
5. Afterwards, a series of vibration taps are performed in the area of ​​the bronchi for 10 minutes;
6. Cover the patient with a warm blanket and allow him to rest and cool down for 30 minutes.

Well of this massage should be at least 10 procedures, carried out every day.
Cleaning of the lungs and bronchi cannot be carried out separately from other organs; cleaning of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract must be carried out before or after any technology for cleaning the lungs.

It is important to remember two stages of action, without which it is impossible to clear the respiratory system of sputum and mucus using folk remedies. The first is the liquefaction of sputum and mucus - this stage is needed to facilitate excretion, thick mucus will not come off the walls of the lungs. Secondly, it is very important to stimulate the work of the epithelial muscles, due to which the sputum will be removed faster.

Popular methods of cleansing the lungs and bronchi

Cleansing the bronchi and lungs has been practiced by people at home for many years, so many popular recipes have accumulated. The most current methods of cleansing today:

  • breathing exercises;
  • cleansing with honey and milk;
  • garlic-onion mixture;
  • corn silk;
  • cleansing with viburnum;
  • soda
  • pine cones, buds and milk;
  • certain foods;
  • cleaning the bronchi with a decoction of viburnum;
  • cleansing the lungs at home using herbal teas;
  • cleansing with Cahors and aloe juice and faith.

Usually, you have to alternate several techniques, since some of them are recommended to be carried out in a short course. For cleaning, it is better to choose a complex of folk remedies and supplements in the form of exercises or massage. It is important to complete the course of procedures; interrupted cleansing will not give any result. During the cleansing, you need to stop drinking alcohol. fatty foods in the diet, caffeine. You need to quit smoking forever if you decide to cleanse your lungs.

Viburnum helps to separate and remove even old and stubborn mucus, improve overall health, and improve immunity.

To prepare the decoction you will need:

  1. viburnum fruits 200 grams;
  2. boiling water 1 liter;
  3. honey 30 grams.

Pour boiling water over the fruits and simmer the broth over low heat for 25 minutes, then cool and filter. Add honey at the end. Take 200 ml 4 times a day. The course of cleansing is 30 days. This recipe should be used in combination with other cleansing methods. Cleansing the bronchi and lungs with folk remedies gives good results, and traditional medicine recipes are always affordable.

Cleaning the lungs and bronchi with this method is considered very effective and beneficial for the whole body.


  1. pine resin (about the size of a coin);
  2. green pine cones 3 pcs;
  3. milk 0.5 liters.

The resin and cones are poured with boiling milk, then you need to leave the infusion for 4-5 hours. Strain the cooled product and take 150-200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of cleansing with this product is 2 months, in special cases you can extend the course. This remedy will cleanse the lungs of mucus without harm, improve breathing and health.

Cleansing the bronchi with vegetables has a long-lasting and quick effect. It’s not enough to just enrich your diet with vegetables and herbs; you need to prepare a special medicinal mixture:
Mix carrot juice (500 ml) in equal parts with beet juice and black radish juice. Combine the juice mixture with vodka (500 ml), mix everything well and close tightly. Do not allow air to get into the drink. Place the bottle (fireproof) in the oven for 2 hours, choose a not very high degree so that the bottle does not burst, the main task is to simmer the composition in the heat. Take 50 ml three times a day after meals. Course duration is 30-35 days.

This remedy for cleaning the respiratory system is especially important after suffering from bronchitis and colds. These vegetables have an antioxidant and disinfecting effect due to the content large quantity phytoncides.

To prepare the syrup you will need:

  1. onion 1 piece;
  2. garlic 2 heads;
  3. sugar 1 pinch.

Everything needs to be finely chopped to a puree, and left to give juice for several hours. Take with caution, 1 tablespoon three times a day. The course of cleansing is a week. Cannot be accepted this remedy people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Cleansing the lungs and bronchi with a mixture of corn silk can only be used in conjunction with other cleansing methods. This remedy helps reduce the acute condition of respiratory tract diseases.

To make the medicine you will need:

  1. dry corn silk;

Grind the stigmas to flour, add honey to them in a ratio of 1:2. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 14 days.

Violet and oregano to cleanse the lungs

Oregano has a strong cleansing and medicinal properties, has a deadly effect on infections and bacteria, and is often more effective than antibiotics. Cleansing the lungs with folk remedies, such as a decoction of violet and oregano, can be started at the first appearance of a cough, since this remedy is healing.

To prepare healing and cleansing tea you will need:

  1. dry violet 10 g;
  2. oregano 10 gr.

Mix the herbs, pour boiling water over them, let them brew for about an hour. Drink 200 ml, 2-3 times a day, more is possible. Good remedy to combat bronchitis and respiratory diseases.

Oats and milk

The most ancient way. To prepare medicinal porridge you will need:

  1. milk 0.5 liters;
  2. 250 grams of oatmeal.

Pour milk over the oats and cook over low heat until the milk is absorbed into the oats and the porridge doubles in size. Next, rub the thick mixture through a grater or sieve, and take 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Cleansing will begin to occur along with increasing coughing and sputum production. When the cough ends and mucus is no longer coughed up, then the cleansing can be considered complete.

Cleaning the lungs and bronchi is easy to do at home using traditional methods. You cannot decide to cleanse the body on your own; it is important to undergo examination by a doctor and take tests to identify contraindications to the cleansing procedure. It is important to follow your doctor’s recommendations, prepare folk remedies exactly as prescribed and take them according to the schedule. Any worsening of the condition: nausea, diarrhea, racing blood pressure, weakness, dizziness - a reason to stop the procedure and go to the hospital.

Smoking a pack of cigarettes a day is people's favorite leisure activity. “I’ll go and have a smoke” - this phrase has become a reason to interrupt work, a necessary waste of money and more. However, the time always comes to pay the bills. In the process of smoking, tar and nicotine enter the body, which, together with other harmful substances, can cause irreparable harm to health.

To get rid of nicotine addiction at home, there are a number of proven methods and methods. We should not forget that after quitting tobacco, you need to cleanse the lungs and bronchi. This will help avoid education malignant tumors, will prevent destruction of the underlying tissue and damage to the mucous membrane. Of course, you can wait until the body cleanses itself. But it’s easier to help him and not risk his health.

The material presented below will help you learn how to cleanse the respiratory system and restore its function.

Preparation and Precautions

Full recovery takes from four months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. The main criterion for clearing the respiratory tract is the availability of free time. You need to act gradually, step by step. If the accumulated sputum is removed quickly, it is possible that it will be released even more, which can impair the patency of the lungs and, over time, can lead to the development of oncology.

From point of view medical practice, treatment begins with folk remedies. Home remedies are gentle on the body and have no side effects. From a variety of recipes, everyone will choose for themselves best option. A balanced diet will also shorten the recovery period for organs damaged during smoking.

You should not suddenly start intense sports training, since during a long run the load not only on the heart muscle, but also on the bronchopulmonary system.

Why cleanse your lungs?

Self-cleansing occurs in people who consume a minimal amount of cigarettes. In other cases, the mucus produced by the cells, which helps remove nicotine, tar, carcinogens and irritants from the respiratory tract, becomes more viscous and sputum removal becomes more difficult. In this case, blockage of blood vessels occurs and gas exchange is disrupted, as a result of which an insufficient amount of oxygen enters the blood.

Cleansing the lungs helps the respiratory system remove harmful substances, cleanse the walls of the bronchi, and enrich the blood with oxygen. All this helps restore damaged areas, improve metabolic processes and improve immunity in general.

Effective folk remedies for removing nicotine and tar

Nowadays, a considerable number of tinctures and decoctions are known that help restore health as a result of quitting nicotine.


Whole oat grains (200 g) are poured into half a liter of milk and brought to a boil over low heat until about half remains. The prepared broth is cooled until room temperature, strain and drink immediately. The remaining consistency is consumed during the day before meals. The duration of the course is 60 days. After the first week, the cough intensifies and sputum is discharged.

Infusion of violet and oregano

Take one tablespoon of dried violet and oregano. Pour half a liter of boiling water and infuse for an hour and a half. Then it is filtered and consumed three times a day. The duration of the procedure is from 30 to 60 days. The discharge of sputum is not accompanied by increased coughing.

Onion syrup

Sprinkle the cut onion with sugar and let it brew for 7 days. Then the resulting syrup is decanted and consumed once a week. IN in this case The effect of the product is slow.

Herbal infusion

You will need: primrose, horsetail, lungwort, poppy, licorice, soapwort, thyme, elderberry, plantain, pikulnik, violet, fennel and pine shoots. One tablespoon of each ingredient is poured into an enamel bowl and filled with two liters of water. Leave for at least three hours. Take 200 ml before bedtime. Course duration is 45-60 days. The infusion has an expectorant effect, promoting the removal of sputum.

Bay leaf

8-10 large leaves are brewed in a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight, then filter and drink half a glass three times a day before meals. Duration - one month.

Honey with lemon

Using a meat grinder, grind the lemon and add honey in a 1:1 ratio. Take one tablespoon before meals. Should be consumed within three weeks. Promotes active discharge of sputum.

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In addition to traditional medicine, to improve sputum discharge, medications are used that anyone can purchase in the pharmacy chain.

Attention! Before use, be sure to consult your doctor.


The active ingredient of the drug is ambroxol hydrochloride, which helps reduce the viscosity of sputum and facilitate its removal from the body. Sold in the form of syrup, tablets and solution.


Ambroxol analogue. Renders similar action. Increases local immunity, relieves inflammation and suppresses substances that contribute to inflammatory process.


Means plant origin. Active substance– leaves of climbing ivy. Has anti-inflammatory antioxidant and antifungal effects. Available in syrup form.


Combination drug sold in tablet form. It has mucolytic, bronchodilator and expectorant effects.


Mucolytic agent with expectorant and antioxidant effects. It is a derivative of the amino acid cysteine. Promotes detoxification of harmful substances. Available in tablet form.


A herbal preparation based on marshmallow root. Envelops the walls of the bronchi, preventing irritation. Has antimicrobial and expectorant effects. Available in the form of tablets and syrup.

Breathing exercises and cleansing procedures

  • Breathing exercises. In combination with medicines and folk remedies, you should do therapeutic breathing exercises. Normal inhalations and exhalations in a well-ventilated room, a simple and proven method of gradually cleansing the lungs and bronchi.
  • Exercises. Perform twice a day, morning and evening 30-40 times. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. This sequence opens the lungs as much as possible. The effectiveness of breathing exercises will increase if you inhale various essential oils during training and drink mineral water.
  • Inhalations. The procedures help in the fight against bronchitis in people suffering from nicotine addiction. Both essential oils and herbal infusions, And saline solution.
  • Bathhouse. Excellent tool cleansing the respiratory tract. Moist steam thins mucus and helps remove it from the respiratory tract, even through skin pores. You can use an oak, birch or fir broom in the steam room. A good addition is the use of essential oils based on eucalyptus, anise or cumin. Essential oils have antiseptic, deodorizing, antiviral, expectorant, healing and tonic effects on the body.

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Special food and diet

There is no strict diet for those who want to get rid of a bad habit. But experts advise including foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. Sauerkraut, rosehip decoction, lemon and other vegetables and fruits will help increase the smoker’s body’s defenses. Eating onions, garlic and ginger is also necessary.
