What education should an optician have? Municipal government institution "Education Management of the Bagansky District" of the Novosibirsk Region. What functions does the controller perform?

Have you decided to pick up glasses or contact lenses. Who should I contact: an ophthalmologist or a medical optometrist?
Today, both ophthalmologists and medical optometrists are involved in the selection of vision correction products. What's the difference?
The science of ophthalmology and the specialty of an ophthalmologist have been known since ancient times. Hippocrates and his students studied eye diseases and looked for the first methods of treating them.
The science of optometry is much younger. The term "optometrist" was coined by Landolt in 1886. meaning "point collector". Before this, in the 19th century, there was a division between “making” and “refractive” (i.e. those who fitted glasses) opticians. The latter later began to be called optometrists (in our country “Medical optician-optometrist”). The first school of optometry was founded in 1850-1900 in the USA.

Optometry as a science and as a separate specialty is officially recognized:

  • V North America(Canada and USA);
  • in Latin America and some Caribbean countries;
  • in most English-speaking countries, including the UK, Ireland and Australia;
  • in Europe, including Spain, Germany and France;
  • in Asia, including Malaysia, China, Hong Kong, Thailand and Taiwan;
  • in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel;
  • in Russia.

In our country, the history of the development of optometry as a separate medical specialty began at the end of the 20th century. In 1983, an order was issued by the USSR Ministry of Health “On approval of the regulations on the optometry office and paramedic ( nurse) in optometry".
The history of optometry as a science in Russia is inextricably linked with the name of such an honored scientist as Yuri Zakharovich Rosenblum.
Since 1987 Yu.Z. Rosenblum headed the laboratory of ophthalmoergonomics and optometry at the Research Institute of Eye Diseases named after. Helmholtz. Together with prof. E.S. Avetisov, he created a new direction in ophthalmology - ophthalmoergonomics, which studies the role of vision in labor activity. Closely related to this is the study of optical vision correction - optometry. In these directions Yu.Z. Rosenblum was a leading specialist in our country. Monograph “Optometry” Yu.Z. Rosemblum is a reference book for both ophthalmologists and medical optometrists to this day.

So, what is the difference between an eye doctor and a medical optometrist?

Based on the approved by the Ministry of Health and social development RF "Unified" qualification directory positions of managers, specialists and employees", section " Qualification characteristics positions of workers in the healthcare sector", ophthalmologist (specialist with higher medical education) has the right to:

  • carry out a list of works and services for diagnosing the disease, assessing the patient’s condition and clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care;
  • carry out a list of works and services for the treatment of a disease, condition, clinical situation in accordance with the standard of medical care;
  • conduct an examination of temporary disability, refer patients with signs of permanent disability for examination for a medical and social examination;
  • develop a scheme postoperative management patient and prevention of postoperative complications;
  • prepare medical documentation;
  • conduct an analysis of morbidity in your area and develop measures to reduce it;
  • carry out clinical examination and evaluate its effectiveness;
  • carries out sanitary educational work, organizes and supervises the work of nursing staff.

A medical optician-optometrist (a specialist with a secondary medical education in the specialty “Medical Optics”) has the right:

  • carry out research of patients' vision functions using modern ophthalmic diagnostic equipment;
  • carry out visual acuity testing, perimetry, refractometry, ophthalmometry, biomicroscopy, tonometry; research binocular vision, determine the type and degree of ametropia, the presence of astigmatism;
  • diagnose the main signs of diseases of the organ of vision;
  • select vision correction products and give individual recommendations for their care;
  • provide emergency medical care at acute diseases and damage to the organ of vision (including removal foreign bodies from the surface of the conjunctiva of the eye);
  • Receive patients in the pre-medical reception room.

Thus, both specialists can select glasses and contact lenses, but if an ophthalmologist receives knowledge in optometry as part of his large surgical specialty, then a medical optometrist narrowly specializes in the selection of vision correction products.
Both ophthalmologists and medical opticians-optometrists working in the Ochkarik optical salons constantly improve their level of knowledge in optometry, periodically train with specialists from European schools (Germany, France), and take part in international conferences.

In our time of growing social division, many parents, when choosing educational institution For their child, a school graduate, they give preference to “prestigious” universities and “prestigious” professions. But this is not always a guarantee of quick employment and good, and most importantly, permanent income. The fashion for professions and their demand are changing quite quickly, both when the market is saturated with certain personnel, and as a result of development modern technologies. Today, the employer looks not at the fundamentality of the applicant’s theoretical knowledge and not at the diploma of education, but at practical skills and experience, so that the employee can start performing specific work as quickly as possible, without lengthy training. What conclusions can be drawn from this? Firstly, the profession must be guaranteed to be in demand for a long time. Secondly, during training the student must receive maximum amount practical knowledge, skills and abilities, the provision of which is determined by curriculum educational institution, and not the personal initiative of the student. Regarding the first point, we can confidently say that professions related in any way to human health were, are and will always be in demand. I would like to dwell in more detail on one of them. It's no secret that the problem of ensuring quality vision is relevant for all ages and social categories population. Large visual load in schools and institutes, widespread computerization of workplaces, age-related changes vision in almost all people, starting from 45 years of age, and many other factors lead to the fact that most of population uses medical glasses. Any glasses are purchased at an optical salon, an institution whose purpose is to provide the population with means of vision correction. The functioning of any optics is ensured primarily by employees of three fundamental specialties: optician-optometrist, optical consultant and optical master. Due to the above factors and the trend towards deterioration of vision among the population, the optical industry is experiencing a period of rapid growth (in Moscow alone today there are hundreds of optical salons). Against this background, there is an acute shortage of personnel. And, if doctors to some extent provide sufficient quantity medical institutes, and they try to train optical sales consultants on their own, training people on the spot, then it is quite difficult to learn the profession of a master optician. It was included in the list of 86 most in-demand professions in Moscow, which was announced in one of the reports at a meeting of the Moscow City Hall dedicated to discussing the program for the development of primary and secondary vocational education “Workforce” for 2008-2010. The increase in demand for products and the volume of work performed forces optical companies to create additional jobs in workshops, for which they sometimes cannot find an employee for months. And the dismissal of the master becomes emergency. And this is not surprising. In Russia there are only 2 state educational institutions who provide training in the specialty “Medical Optics”. These are the College of Entrepreneurship No. 11 in Moscow and the St. Petersburg Medical and Technical College. Level vocational training The number of graduates from such colleges is very high. The thoroughness of state (and, note, free) education is due to the systematicity and breadth of knowledge, a large number of special disciplines, innovative methods training. Practical lessons in special laboratories equipped with last word technicians (the most famous companies consider it an honor to provide their products for training optician students), practice in the largest and most famous retail optical chains provide invaluable experience. Graduates with this level of training are in great demand among potential employers long before graduation. In addition to the extreme demand, the profession of an optician has a number of attractive advantages: Not only boys, but also girls have the opportunity to obtain this specialty and successfully work in it. In the latest intake of students at College of Entrepreneurship No. 11, girls made up almost half of the study group. And in optical salons, you can increasingly find women among the technicians, whose natural characteristics (for example, attention to detail) greatly help them in their work. Opportunity to work in this profession for people with different psychological characteristics and character types. The work of a master can be quite independent and autonomous, which is very comfortable for introverts (closed people who prefer to minimize communication with others). For extroverts (outgoing, open people) there is an opportunity to communicate with customers, which is always welcome and brings positive results. This work is also quite creative, since no two glasses are the same, and different combinations of frames and lenses always give different results. Glasses are part of style and optics are related to the world of fashion. For many important people, the incentive to work is not the presence of an abstract, distant in time, but a concrete, tangible result of labor. The master can see the direct result of his work - these are finished glasses and the gratitude of the client who received these glasses. This affects a person's satisfaction with their work. The issue of the prestige of the profession is important primarily for the employee himself, as a factor influencing his personal self-esteem and his motivation to work. In European countries, for example in Germany, people with working specialties acquired in the process of secondary vocational education are very respected in society and are always proud and value their specialty. This, of course, is due to better working conditions and wages than ours, which ensure a certain standard of living. But the profession of a master glasses collector in our country is a pleasant exception. Of all the optics employees, he is the most respected member of the team, whose word is the last in all controversial issues, and the result of his work sums up the work of the entire team. Respectful attitude of colleagues and clients towards the master and his professional opinion increases his own importance in his eyes and stimulates further self-improvement to maintain authority, promotes professional growth. The working conditions of a master optician today in most salons are close to ideal. This is an area or room separate from the entire room, a personal space, arranged taking into account the convenience of a particular person, bright and clean. Even the smallest opticians understand that they are not competitive with poor equipment and do not skimp on this issue. The modern equipment on which the master works is almost completely computerized, its cost reaches several tens of thousands of dollars and it is easy and convenient to work on it. The salary is quite decent; and, as in other professions where the amount of work done is important, hard work brings concrete results. Here is just an incomplete list of the advantages of this fascinating profession. We hope that the new things that were presented in this article will influence someone’s choice and the optical community will accept new people into its friendly ranks who are ready to give others the opportunity to see this world better!


Implemented in accordance with PRikaz of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 11, 2014 “On approval of the federal state educational standard average vocational education in specialty 02/31/04 “Medical Optics”.

Qualification medical optician


reception base

Name of qualification

Duration of mastering PPSSZ basic training


based on the main general education

medical optician

3 years 10 months

medical optician

2 years 10 months


on the basis of secondary general education

medical optician

3 years 10 months

Region professional activity graduates:

Ø providing those in need with means of optical vision correction in specialized organizations, healthcare institutions.

The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

Ø means of optical vision correction in accordance with the needs of the patient;

Ø components, auxiliary materials;
equipment and instruments used in carrying out the relevant work;

Ø primary labor collectives.

Graduates are preparing for the following types activities:

Ø production, control and repair of vision correction devices;

Ø participation in advisory activities in the selection and implementation of vision correction products;

Ø participation in communication and marketing activities in the selection and sale of vision correction products;

Ø performing work in one or more worker professions or office positions.


Medical optics is a specialty for those who want to help people see the world better.

in-demand specialties modern market labor.

The scope of activity of specialists in this profile is the entire technological chain of providing the population with vision correction means (diagnosis of refraction, production and subsequent sale of vision correction means).

With active use information technologies Eye problems have become one of the most pressing. In this regard, the demand for medical optics specialists has increased greatly.The specificity of their activity requires from the master attentiveness, accuracy, good vision and coordination of movements of the hand and fingers. The slightest deviation from the norm can lead to damage to an expensive lens or frame. The next important quality is patience. Working with miniature tools and carefully selecting parts is not an easy task. To create individual orders, you need such qualities as creativity, erudition, and curiosity. The optometrist also participates in consulting clients, so listening skills, communication skills, and tact are important. Ipu


Large visual load in schools and institutes, widespread computerization of workplaces, age-related changes in vision in almost all people, and many other factors lead to the fact that the majority of the population uses medical glasses. Any glasses are purchased at an optical salon, an institution whose purpose is to provide the population with means of vision correction. Due to this,The optical industry is experiencing a period of rapid growth . Against this background, there is an acute shortage of personnel. In addition to being extremely in demand, the profession of a master optician has a number of attractive advantages:

The work is quite creative, since no two glasses are alike.

The modern equipment on which the master works is almost completely computerized, its cost reaches several tens of thousands of dollars and it is easy and convenient to work on it.

Decent salary.

Here is just an incomplete list of the advantages of this exciting profession.


"Medical optics"

"Operational activities in logistics"

Today "Three-Z" » - large federal networkmodern ophthalmological clinics and diagnostic centers.More than 200 thousand patients turn to us annually, choosing the experience, professionalism and attentive attitude of the entire staff " Three-Z."

Over the 13 years of work, doctors have already performed more than 130 thousand operations.

Modern equipment from the world's leading manufacturers in Europe, Japan and the USA (Carl Zeiss, SCHWIND, Canon, Alcon, etc.) allows you to identify any eye diseases at the most early stages and carry them out timely treatment, achieving maximum results for each patient.


For friends!


The word “optike” (Greek optos - visible, visible) came into Russian to designate such a branch of physics as optics. This science studies visual phenomena. Currently there are many optical instruments, which are an indispensable attribute both for people with poor vision and when operating various mechanisms and devices.

Glasses can be considered a very important optical invention. The very first of them appeared in Italy in the 13th century, presumably in 1284. In China, this item had a special meaning: judges specially wore glasses made of smoky quartz. This helped to hide their attitude towards the verdict that they were announcing.

Description of activity

Nowadays, the field of manufacturing optical products is widespread. Various innovations are introduced into its production, which makes it in demand in many areas. For example, optical advances are actively used in the manufacture of photographic and video equipment, microscopes, telescopes, and binoculars. Optics has a special and, probably, main importance in the field of vision correction. For example, a mechanical optician manufactures lenses and prisms. When making glasses, he strictly follows the instructions in the doctor's prescription, using special technological techniques.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

The main responsibility of such a specialist is the manufacture of optical products. However, before starting glass processing, opticians must check the serviceability of the equipment and set it up. When working on the manufacture of lenses and prisms, he should use techniques such as peeling, polishing, centering, and clearing - all this must be done while observing safety precautions.

Features of career growth

A representative of the optician profession can work in an enterprise that produces optical products or equipment that requires special lenses. Such a professional can work in an optical salon and produce glasses. Size wages This specialist is determined by the place of work, the quality and quantity of created optical products.

Binocular laboratory microscope

You, of course, have seen stores with a large sign “Optics”? It’s great, if you haven’t had to look there yet, then everything is fine with your vision. But your grandparents probably wear glasses. And medical opticians make lenses for them. Today this profession is one of the most in demand, although rare.

Opticians make more than just lenses for glasses. Optical parts are very important and needed for huge amount instruments: astronomical, measuring, navigation. As well as photo and film equipment.

Protozoa optical lenses appeared back in Ancient Egypt and China. In those days they were made from topazes and emeralds. In the 13th century, the production of mirrors and glasses began, and in the 16th they appeared telescopes, microscopes and telescopes.

Time has passed, but the work of an optician cannot be replaced by any mechanisms. Optics needed good vision and dexterous hands, and his movements must be precise and smooth.

At the beginning of his work, the optician receives optical glass from glass factories in the form of blanks. They are as close as possible to the shapes of optical parts (lenses, mirrors, prisms). But they were made a little larger than required, with allowances. By removing allowances with the help of grinding, roughing, polishing, the master gives the details the required form, given dimensions and quality.

A specialist has to deal with a lot of tools and devices. You need to be able to set them up certain modes. In this profession, you must be able to read drawings perfectly, remember shades of color, and the shape of parts. Accuracy, observation and concentration are very important. Even the smallest scratch or a speck that gets on the glass can ruin the part and in most cases such a defect cannot be corrected.

Working with micro-optics is especially difficult. Some of the lenses are so small that they can be used under a microscope. The accuracy of processing parts here is calculated in thousandths of a millimeter, so the craftsman needs to be extremely careful. In the practice of specialists, special orders are often encountered, so the master must demonstrate creative and creative skills.

You can get a specialty as a medical optician in our country in special colleges. At the beginning of training, it is necessary to study the basics of anatomy and physiology human body. Students learn to diagnose diseases of the visual organs and correct their disorders using optical parts. They learn to make modern contact and spectacle lenses and frames. And since, unfortunately, every year an increasing number of people and children suffer from visual impairment, medical opticians will definitely not be left without work.
