What is the date of admission to universities? Rules for admission to the university. New document - “Consent to Enrollment”

The 25th is the last day for submitting documents to universities. The most nervous period lies ahead: enrollment as a student. In order for it to pass without much harm to health, applicants must clearly understand both the enrollment procedure itself and the intermediate stages of this process.

So, July 25th is the last day for admissions committees of Russian universities to accept documents from late applicants. The entire next day they will process the received data, and already on July 27, a complete list of applicants applying for admission will appear on the information stand of the admissions committee and on the official website of the university, in accordance with the established procedure. In this case, the lists will be grouped into several conditional groups. At the very beginning there should be the names of applicants who have the right to admission without entrance tests (winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympiads, as well as winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren included in the established one). They should be followed by the names of applicants entering without competition. Next, the names of those who are going to the target enrollment, and the last of the list are applicants applying on a general basis (based on the results of the Unified State Exam). At the same time, universities are required to form lists in each conditional group in descending order of points scored by applicants.

The next stage begins on July 30. On this day, the stand of the admissions committee should be replenished with new information - an order for the admission to the first year of those who have the right to admission without competition, admission without entrance tests and target places. Also (if there are vacancies), a list of persons recommended for enrollment on a general basis should appear at the stand. Similar information should be duplicated on the official website of the university. From now until August 4, inclusive, applicants recommended for enrollment can bring original educational documents to the educational institution. This stage ends on August 5, when an order is issued to enroll those who provided the originals into the first year. Applicants who do not do this are automatically eliminated from the competition and are considered to have refused enrollment.

If there are free places, further enrollment should be carried out from the remaining number of persons included in the complete list by name. At the same time, the scheme will look like this: on August 5, a list of people recommended for enrollment in vacant budget places is published on the university website and on the information stand of the admissions committee. These applicants are given 5 days to provide original documents, until August 9 inclusive. The stage ends with the fact that on August 10, the following order for the enrollment of persons who have successfully passed the entrance examination and submitted the original document of education should appear on the official website of the university and on the information stand of the admissions committee.

As for paying students, on August 5, a list of applicants by name should also be announced, ranked in descending order of the number of points scored (with their indication), highlighting the lists recommended for enrollment in each area of ​​training (specialty) for commercial places. In this case, the actual enrollment of paid students will occur only after all budget places are filled, but will be completed, however, no later than 10 days before the start of classes. Enrollment of applicants applying for part-time studies also ends at the same time.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education and Science will continue to test new rules regarding the deadlines for enrollment in universities. Order No. 1147 of the Ministry of Education and Science was adopted back in 2016, on October 14. According to the text of the order, new procedures for the admission of future bachelors, specialists and masters have been established since 2017. The order gives clear instructions to universities to post information about enrollment deadlines no later than October 1 of the new academic year. The information should also include deadlines for correspondence students. In addition to these innovations, the ministry introduced such concepts as “consent to enrollment,” but first things first.

Stages of enrollment in universities in 2018. Deadlines

In accordance with the new rules, the deadlines for enrollment in 2018 and beyond will look like this:

By 06/01/2018, universities and institutions of secondary specialized education must announce on their websites or specially designated places in institutions:

Number of budget and paid places in 2018,
- total number of places for targeted reception,
- number of places or benefits for winners of Olympiads and All-Russian championships,
- all information about hostels, including prices for accommodation and number of places,
- a complete schedule of entrance tests for applicants (dates and locations are indicated).

- June 20– start of accepting documents for admission,
- July 7– last day for accepting documents from persons applying based on the results of additional entrance exams,
- July 10– the last day for accepting documents from applicants based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently,
- 26 July– last day for accepting documents from applicants only according to the results of the Unified State Exam

University enrollment results 2018

- July 27- last day for educational institutions to publish lists of applicants.

- July 28 - 29- priority admission of applicants entering the university outside the competition and in targeted areas (20% of the number of places at the university),

- July 29- the last day of publication of competitive lists of applicants for 80% of budget places remaining after 20% of priority admission applicants.

What is “Consent to Enrollment” in the new procedure for admission to universities?

The most important change in the procedure for enrolling in universities since 2017 can be called the introduction of a new document called “Consent for Enrollment”. It is submitted by the applicant to the admissions committee of the educational institution no later than 2 days before the release of the university’s order on enrollment with the obligatory indication of only one specialty. At the same time, the applicant, as it was before, can apply for admission to 5 universities at once (no more) and indicate in his application a maximum of 3 specialties; it is important not to miss the deadline - no later than 2 days before the release of the admission order. Consent to enrollment is necessary for enrollment in any specialty, any educational program; it indicates data regarding admission and acceptance. Those applicants who submit documents within the target enrollment quota must submit consent for enrollment immediately with the application for admission and the original document of education.

Terms and procedure for enrollment in master's programs from 2018

For admission to the master's program, the start date for accepting documents and the completion of entrance examinations are determined in accordance with the above rules, while universities finish accepting documents no earlier than August 10.

Rules for admission to universities will not change

Schoolchildren and their parents are accustomed to the idea that the rules for admission to higher education institutions change every year. Starting from 2016, permanent rules are being established that will not change every year, which means that graduates will be able to collect all the necessary information about admission in advance: prepare for a core subject, pass the required exams, collect the necessary documents in a timely manner and submit them on time.

Order No. 1147 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 established the procedure for admission to universities for bachelor's, specialist's, and master's degree programs for subsequent years. In accordance with the order, all comprehensive information about admission must be posted on the official websites of universities no later than October 1, including information on admission to correspondence courses.

Opportunity to enroll without Unified State Exam results

As before, the new order retains the opportunity to enter universities based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the university independently. This applies to applicants with secondary and higher professional education, foreign citizens and those who missed the deadline for taking the unified exam due to health reasons. Moreover, for “profile” applicants who have received secondary vocational education, the university may establish entrance tests not in general school subjects, but offer tests in accordance with the profile.

Opportunity to receive up to 10 additional points

The admission procedure retains last year's innovations - the opportunity to receive up to 10 additional points for individual achievements, and universities independently set the rules for assigning additional points. The changes affected the recognition of diplomas with honors in secondary and higher vocational education and medalists who graduated from school in previous years. Previously, additional points were awarded for an “excellent” certificate of secondary general education in the last year of graduation.

Results are recognized for 4 years

The admission rules preserve the special rights of winners and prize-winners of the final stages of the Olympiads included in the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Of course, the profile of the Olympiad must coincide with the chosen field of study at the university. Winners and runners-up are still considered equal to applicants who received the maximum 100 points for the subject, but now they will be able to use this right for 4 years.

New document - “Consent to Enrollment”

The main change in the 2016 admissions campaign concerned the enrollment procedure. As before, an applicant has the right to submit applications to no more than five higher education organizations and in each application can indicate three areas of training (specialties). However, no later than two days before the release of the admission order, the applicant must submit another document to the admissions committee, indicating only one area of ​​training (specialty). This new document was called the “Consent to Enrollment.” It is required for enrollment in any educational program; it specifies the conditions for admission and the grounds for admission.

An applicant within the target enrollment quota, simultaneously with submitting an application for admission, submits an application for Consent to Enrollment, attaching the original education document of the established form.

Main enrollment deadlines in 2016

July 26 - completion of acceptance of documents required for admission (from persons applying for study without entrance examinations conducted by the university).

No later than July 27 - posting lists of applicants on the official website of the university and on the information stand.

Priority Enrollment Phase(without entrance tests, within a special quota, targeted admission).

July 28 - completion of accepting applications for “Consent to Enrollment”; July 29 - order for enrollment within quotas.

First stage of enrollment for the main competitive places (80% of budget places).

Until August 1 - completion of acceptance of applications for “Consent to Enrollment”; August 3 - order for enrollment in competitive budget places.

Second stage of enrollment for the remaining competitive places (20% of budget places).

August 6 - completion of acceptance of applications for “Consent to Enrollment”; August 8 - order for enrollment in competitive budget places up to 100% filling.

Alumni Advice

If you are going to participate in the general competition for budget places, then after submitting your documents, carefully monitor the ranking lists by name. Starting from July 27, the lists are posted on university websites and are regularly updated. Your chances of admission may increase if applicants with a higher score do not submit original documents. If you did not pass the competition at the first stage of enrollment, then there is a high chance of being enrolled in the second - the passing score in the second wave is usually lower. Soberly assess the situation, react in a timely manner and you will succeed! Good luck!

We are entering university. Tactics and strategy of actions of applicants and their parents

You have probably already chosen the universities and faculties where your grown-up child wants to study. You may have already sent the documents to the admissions committee. And the most important, most exciting question remains: will they enroll or not? What else can you do to get into your desired educational institution? Something is possible!

Check the documents again

Of course, you have already studied the websites of the institutes and know what documents are required for admission. Check again to see if you have collected everything correctly?

To participate in the competition you will need:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate with an attachment;
  • original documents confirming benefits (for preferential categories, target participants, Olympiad participants)
  • (sometimes) medical certificate 086/U (this document is not mandatory, it should be checked on the university website).

What might you be missing?

Firstly, if the child did not graduate from school this year, but recently retook the Unified State Exam, he should indicate in the application, the result of which exam should be taken into account(after all, they are all in the all-Russian database).

Secondly, do not forget about such an important thing as extra points for individual achievements! The admissions committee can add up to 10 points for sports and scientific achievements, as well as for participation in volunteer activities - carefully study this section on the university website, the requirements of educational institutions vary. Another ten additional points can be earned for an essay - the same one that was written in winter for admission to the Unified State Exam. Commissions of humanities faculties are especially often interested in them; some are even ready to extract them from the database and independently re-evaluate them using a 10-point system. So be sure to indicate that you wrote the essay!

Applicant's calendar: don't miss the moment!

Key dates for admission to university are very important. We would like to note that if your child has passed the Unified State Exam and will not take entrance tests and creative competitions, then you have not missed anything yet.

  1. Start of accepting documents - June 20(for full-time and part-time studies in bachelor's and specialty programs).
  2. Completion of acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation - July 7.
  3. Completion of the acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for study based on the results of other entrance tests conducted by the higher education organization independently - July 10.
  4. Completion of acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training without passing the specified entrance tests (based on the results of the Unified State Exam) - 26 July.
  5. Posting lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand - no later than July 27.
  6. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons applying without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas - July 28th.
  7. An order for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, from among applicants without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas - July 29.
  8. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage - August 1.
  9. Order on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled - August 3rd.
  10. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places until 100% of the main competitive places are filled - August 6.
  11. An order for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled - 8 August.

Please note that these dates, specified in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 N 1147 (as amended on November 30, 2015), are marked “no later.” Be sure to check the university website for the exact dates!

Differences in the 2016 admissions campaign - cancellation of priorities, statement of consent to enrollment (relevant in 2017)

The fundamental difference in the 2016 admissions campaign is the abolition of taking into account priorities for admission. Previously, when applying to a university for two or three specialties (training programs), you could indicate your preferences with the numbers 1, 2 and 3. If you did not take your preferred specialty, you were automatically excluded from this list and included in the next one. Now the applicant participates in the competition on an equal basis in all specialties (remember, an application for admission can still be sent to five universities for three specialties (training programs) each).

But where you ultimately decide to enroll will be determined by your application for consent to enrollment. This is just a new thing this year - without this document, an applicant cannot become a student, even if he heads the rating list and brought the original educational documents to the university.

The procedure for admission to the university in two waves

So, what does the admission process look like this year? You bring documents to the admissions committee according to the list above >>>>. After this, you watch with excitement the progress of your name in the ranking of applicants. Almost all major universities today indicate in the ranking which of the applicants immediately submitted consent for enrollment and original documents (i.e. they are quite serious), and who are not (i.e. they consider this university as a backup option). On the 27th you will see the final list on the university website.

And only now, after July 27, the real admissions race begins - you can no longer look away from the university website for a minute!

What happens on the 27th? In fact, now the real qualifying competition begins - only between those who brought original documents and consent to enrollment. The university is required to close 80% of the enrollment, while applicants without originals are ignored (even if they are recommended for admission), and those who were at the bottom of the list can move up fairly quickly.

So, on August 3, all universities will enroll 80% of students. Of course, 80% is a rather arbitrary figure; some will want to return the documents after the enrollment order, but in general the main enrollment will be completed.

I didn't get into the first wave. Will the chances be higher in the second wave?

It depends on what university we are talking about. If we are talking about a prestigious metropolitan university and you are literally on the border of the list of those recommended for admission, then you undoubtedly have every chance to study at the university of your dreams.

In a provincial university, the chances of admission may not be higher, but lower, because applicants who did not consent to enrollment in the first wave may give it in the second! This means that many who sought happiness in the capitals will spit on the pie in the sky and return to Siberian universities for tits.

A good example: the admissions campaign at the Mukhomran Fence Construction Institute.

Let's consider the situation using the example of the Mukhomran Fence Construction Institute, widely known in our country (to simplify the situation, we immediately consider only competitive recruitment on a general basis, not taking into account orphans, disabled people and citizens of Crimea)

Situation No. 1

So, 10 people are recruited for the popular chain-link mesh department. 100 applicants submitted documents; their ranked list is available on the institute’s website. Until August 1, 12 applicants brought original documents and consent to enrollment: No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95, 96, 97, 99 and 100 (numbers from the ranked list).

Since the university is obliged to fill 80% of the competitive places in the first wave, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95 will be admitted. Yes, yes, and No. 95 was also accepted.

Situation No. 2

Applicants No. 7, 12 and 95 changed their minds about enrolling in the chain-link mesh department.

Applicant No. 12 brought an application to revoke documents on July 30 at five o’clock in the evening. Since the admissions committee only worked until six, his documents were returned to him on July 31 at 10 a.m., after which he managed to take the train and take his documents to MGIMO, where he also qualified for the competition.

Applicant No. 95, as we remember, was on the enrollment list, but on the morning of August 2 he changed his mind and came to pick up the documents. They were given to him after lunch, and he also rushed to MGIMO. But it turned out that he would no longer be enrolled on August 3, since consent to enrollment had to be given before August 1. Meanwhile, instead of applicant No. 95, applicant No. 96 was enrolled in the chain-link mesh department on August 3rd.

Applicant No. 7 decided that he also wants to go to MGIMO and he probably has a chance to get there in the second wave. He came to the university on August 4 and also submitted an application to revoke his documents, hoping that they would be given to him within two hours. But, since the enrollment order has already been signed, he is now waiting... waiting... waiting...

Situation No. 3

Applicant No. 95, who at first decided to wait for the second wave of enrollment at MGIMO, suddenly thought “what am I exchanging my native Mukhomransk for!” He took the documents from MGIMO and again took them to the fence-building institute, handed over the originals and consent to enrollment to the admissions committee. But it turned out that applicants No. 22, 58, 59, 60, seeing that those whose Unified State Exam results were much worse were admitted, decided to take a risk and also brought original documents and consent to enrollment! Since there were three free places left at the faculty (2 places - 20% of the admission plan, and the place vacated by applicant No. 7), applicants No. 22, 58, 59 were accepted there.

So, as a result, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 9, 22, 55, 58, 59, 79, 96 will study at the chain-link mesh faculty. Applicants No. 60 and No. 95 can try their luck next year, although they are much less capable applicants No. 79 and 96 have already become students. Just like that!

The most popular questions from parents of applicants

- Can a child write a statement of consent along with the application for admission?

Maybe, especially if you submitted original educational documents, but only one statement of consent to enrollment can be submitted to the university.

What if he changes his mind about enrolling in the specialty in which he was enrolled, but chooses another at the same university where he also applied for admission?

You will have to write a review of the application for consent to enrollment and a new consent to enrollment.

- Maybe it’s better to immediately submit the original documents to the chosen university?

- We handed over the original documents, and then decided to take...

And they must be given to you within two hours if you came to the admissions office more than two hours before the end of the working day, or in the morning of the next day if you applied in the evening. Not the most popular universities sometimes try to withhold applicants’ documents after the publication of enrollment lists, citing the need for time to prepare an expulsion order. Know that this is not true! You are still required to return the documents within two hours!


    You may well be admitted to your chosen university in the first wave, even if you are not included in the list of those recommended for admission. The lists are flexible, you can move up the rankings quite quickly. It is important to bring original educational documents and a statement of consent to enrollment on time. You need BOTH of these documents.

    Competition in the second wave may not be lower, but higher than in the first. Please take this into account when planning your admission.

Our editors are often asked what course of action can be recommended for 2016 applicants entering a university on a budget. We answer.

On June 20, the admissions campaign began in higher educational institutions, which in 2016 structurally repeats last year’s: it is also divided into two stages, during which first eighty and then twenty percent of budget places are distributed. Also, applicants can still participate in the entrance competition of five universities. But there is a significant innovation: the need to submit another application - about your own consent to enrollment.

All students, but especially those entering the target enrollment, should remember the new document. The admissions committee of the university with which the agreement is concluded must receive from them both the original certificate and consent to enrollment immediately, which will not allow these children to participate in the competition of other universities.

Main dates for enrollment in the budget department of universities in 2016.

On June 20, the acceptance of documents required for admission to the university’s educational programs begins.

July 26th ends the acceptance of applications from those candidates who apply without additional exams conducted by educational organizations.

On July 27, lists of applicants should be posted on university Internet portals (as well as on stands).

How does priority admission occur without additional university tests (targeted admission, special admission quota)?

July 28th is the deadline for accepting applications for applicants’ own consent to be enrolled in this particular university; two days later, on July 29, the rector’s office issued an order on enrollment according to quotas.

Main competition. First wave of admission (80% of places funded from the federal budget).

On August 1, the commission stops accepting documents on the student’s consent to enrollment. Two days later, on August 3, the admissions committee publishes an order for the admission of students to the budget department.

Main competition. Second wave of student enrollment (20% of budget places).

No later than August 6, the deadline for submitting applications for the candidate’s consent to enrollment ends; no later than August 8, an order is issued with a list of enrolled students.

For creative professions

Applicants to programs that include a creative competition must submit documents starting July 7, 2016.

Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and some other Russian universities that have the right to assign certain professional tests to applicants begin accepting documents from students after July 10. And admissions end, like other institutions, on Tuesday, July 26. This is true in all faculties, in all areas.

The exception is the correspondence departments of universities, for which the Ministry of Education has not established any specific deadlines. Higher education institutions make their own decisions about when to start accepting documents and when to complete this stage. They are only required to post information in advance on stands and on the Internet.

Since 2016, all higher education organizations are required to publish complete and reliable information about places in student dormitories.

Universities were officially banned from announcing the availability of non-existent places in order to attract a large number of applicants. This order came after many frauds related to hostels were revealed. Reliable information about places in dormitories must be published no later than June 1.

The procedure for enrolling college and technical school graduates

Graduates of secondary specialized education institutions have the same rights to enter universities as eleventh-graders. However, college graduates have this advantage: when entering a specialized university based on the results of university tests, they do not have to take the Unified State Exam.

Advice to all applicants

If you are entering a general competition, then carefully monitor the ranking lists of applicants, which universities, starting July 27, post on stands and websites and make amendments every day. Your chance of being accepted will increase if students with higher scores do not bring original certificates. If you fail to pass the competition during the first wave, you can pass it in the second stage, when the passing score is usually lower. Analyze the situation thoughtfully, promptly respond to all changes in ratings and everything will be fine! Good luck!
