Bleeding at 3 weeks of pregnancy from conception. What happens in the third week of pregnancy. Colds. SARS, fever, flu

The gestation period of 3 weeks from conception corresponds to an obstetric period of 5 weeks.

In the third week, signs
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This is the first week after a missed period, so most women during this period are already aware of their situation.

Signs of conception that has occurred

Along with joyful anticipation, the time comes for a quick change of mood

If you have a regular cycle and no disruptions are observed, then at three weeks the test will already show 2 stripes, and you will know for sure that conception has taken place. Of course, in the case of an unplanned pregnancy, the expectant mother may still have no idea about anything, but most women at this stage are already entering a time of joyful anticipation, carefully analyzing all their feelings and sensations.

The following signs are typical for 3 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. Change in taste, increased appetite.
  2. Drowsiness, lethargy, severe fatigue.
  3. Painful sensations in the chest.
  4. Increased sensitivity to odors.
  5. Frequent urination.
  6. Intestinal disorder.
  7. Increase in basal temperature.
  8. Dizziness, nausea.
  9. Light nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  10. Light brownish discharge or slight bleeding.

As a rule, the behavior of the expectant mother is now changing greatly. Irritability, tearfulness, sudden mood swings - these symptoms are very common for a 3-week pregnancy. The woman is not yet accustomed to her new position; it is difficult for her to fully understand what is happening and accept all the upcoming changes. Now you need to try to avoid unnecessary worries, rest more often, relax, rejoicing at the beginning of this stage of life.

What will ultrasound diagnostics show?

An ultrasound examination at 3 weeks of pregnancy is usually performed by the most impatient mothers and women for whom this event was very welcome and long-awaited. At this time, the study is carried out using both an abdominal (external) sensor and a transvaginal one:

  • a couple of hours before visiting the ultrasound room, a woman needs to drink at least a liter of liquid - this will allow for a more accurate, detailed examination;
  • the doctor will determine the size of the fertilized egg;
  • will accurately determine the gestational age;
  • determine which wall of the uterus the egg is attached to;
  • will assess the condition of the endometrium, ovaries, and corpus luteum.

If you perform an ultrasound at 3 weeks, you will be able to see a tiny embryo in the photo. Its tail and head will be especially clearly visible, and on the device’s monitor you may be able to see the rudiments of future arms and legs.

Ultrasound at such a short period of time has its pros and cons. There are cases that at approximately 3 weeks and 3-4 days of pregnancy they report that the fertilized egg is too small, so they are diagnosed with a “frozen pregnancy”.

This is serious stress for a woman, and given that in many cases there is not enough data to make a correct diagnosis and it is not confirmed in the future, this can bring unnecessary worry and also provoke severe nervous breakdown.

The benefit of ultrasound in the 3rd embryonic week is the ability to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy before it causes serious damage to the genital organs and requires emergency surgical intervention.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, embryo development is already in full swing, but the probability of miscarriage is very high. These two factors are a good reason for a woman to take her health and lifestyle seriously.

At this time, it is important to follow the rules of food intake and it is also necessary to form your own diet

NutritionIt's time to reduce your consumption of fatty, salty, fried foods. Try to steam, boil or stew food. Eat only healthy foods every day - fruits, vegetables, cottage cheese, cereals, cereals, fish, lean meat. Avoid fast food, carbonated drinks, and chips - they do not provide any benefit to the body and contain many harmful ingredients.
SexOften in women at the 3rd week of pregnancy, libido increases, which is due to the action of hormones. You should not refuse intimacy if you do not experience pain during the process, and there is no bleeding after intercourse.
SmokingIt can be very difficult to give up such a bad habit; ideally, this should be done long before conception occurs. However, if you still smoke, do everything you can now to get rid of this addiction as soon as possible. Toxic substances contained in cigarettes have a bad effect on the development of the placenta and can also cause oxygen starvation in the child.
AlcoholAlcohol during pregnancy is prohibited from the first days until birth. The mother and fetus have a common circulatory system, so everything that enters the woman’s body simultaneously reaches the embryo. Alcohol can cause serious developmental defects and cause fetal alcohol syndrome in a newborn.
MedicinesStarting from the 2nd week, as well as throughout the first trimester, a woman is strictly not recommended to take any medications, since most of them are toxic and negatively affect the formation of the baby’s organs. Any treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will select the least dangerous drugs.
Daily regimeStarting from the 3rd embryonic week of pregnancy, the woman begins to experience a strong feeling of drowsiness. Now it is very important to rest as much as possible - the expectant mother needs to sleep at least 8 hours during the night, and if fatigue comes in the middle of the day, try to find an hour or two for daytime sleep.

Changes in the body

All women, without exception, are interested in how the embryo develops in the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception, and what happens in their body at this time.

Typically this period is characterized by the following processes.

  1. The embryo size reaches five millimeters in length and weighs approximately 3.5 g.
  2. The organs of the respiratory system, liver, and pancreas are formed, and the neural tube is finally formed.
  3. In the child’s body, cells are formed, from which female or male reproductive cells will subsequently develop.
  4. The embryo is separated from extra-embryonic organs - the amniotic sac, yolk sac, and future placenta.
  5. Rapid hormonal changes continue in a woman’s body, and hormones necessary for pregnancy are actively produced.
  6. The mammary glands continue to enlarge - this process is closely related to the production of estrogen.

At 3 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is already clearly visible in the photo, and when visiting an ultrasound diagnostic room, a specialist can record the first contractions of a tiny heart.

At this stage, many women already experience completely clear, unambiguous sensations characteristic of pregnancy. However, you may well not notice anything and continue to lead your previous lifestyle. Both options are completely normal and depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

  1. For 3 weeks, a feeling of nausea and weakness is quite typical - these are the first signs of early toxicosis. Some women manage to carry a child to term without even knowing what it is.
  2. In many cases, the expectant mother has to deal with constant illness until 12-13 weeks. This is a natural and safe process, but if nausea and vomiting intensify and cause significant discomfort, you should seek advice from a doctor.
  3. Pregnancy of 3 weeks is also often accompanied by the phenomenon of frequent urination. This occurs due to the action of hormones, an increase in the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder. It is possible that you will go to the toilet less often in the second trimester as the uterus moves higher into the abdominal cavity.
  4. Increased fatigue and drowsiness can greatly complicate your life, but walking in the fresh air, as well as regular good rest, will ease the condition.
Possible discharge and pain

In the third week, the discharge may be more abundant, but in general it does not differ from normal

Discharge at 3 weeks of pregnancy, as a rule, differs little from normal. They may be more abundant, but the color and consistency should not differ from normal discharge:

  • greenish or yellow mucous discharge with a pungent odor indicates the presence of an infection, therefore requiring immediate consultation with a doctor, the same is indicated by the presence of pus in the mucus;
  • if the discharge is cheesy and has a sharp sour smell, then this is most likely a symptom of thrush or candidiasis; usually this disease is also accompanied by itching and burning in the genital area (thrush often occurs in pregnant women, since a weakened body and hormonal changes increase the risk of developing the disease );
  • the most dangerous is brown or scarlet discharge that begins in the 3rd week of pregnancy, accompanied by cramping or sharp pain in the abdomen; this may be a sign of a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy (in this case, there is a danger to the woman’s life, so urgent medical attention is necessary).

Very often, women feel a pulling in the lower abdomen at the 3rd embryonic week of pregnancy. Most often, these pains are completely safe and normal, but in certain situations a consultation with a gynecologist may be required.

Most often, pain in the lower abdomen is caused by the following reasons:

  • the process of growth of the uterus, tension of muscles and ligaments;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • compression of internal organs due to prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • uterine tone, threat of miscarriage.

If the painful sensations are frequent, cramping in nature, this may indicate a danger of miscarriage. In this case, urgent consultation with a doctor is required. This is also necessary if the pain is accompanied by bloody or brown discharge.

Another reason to contact a gynecologist is pain in the lumbar region, since it can also be an alarming sign.

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In the article we discuss the third week of pregnancy. We will tell you what happens in the 3rd week of pregnancy from conception, what a woman expecting a baby needs to know. You will learn what your diet should be, whether you can have sex, and what can go wrong in the third week of pregnancy.

At the 3rd obstetric week, conception occurs

If we talk about the obstetric third week, then this is a conditional period for the beginning of a new life, and the woman does not feel any changes. The third obstetric week of pregnancy represents the period of fertilization. The egg has matured and is moving towards the uterine cavity. At some point, a sperm penetrates it, and then the zygote will continue to move. This new cell has a full set of chromosomes and is capable of dividing.

The period of three weeks is counted from the first day of a woman's last menstrual period.. The concept of obstetric term is based on this system. According to another system (embryonic), the period is calculated from the middle of the cycle. It is at this time that ovulation and conception most often occur.

If a woman became pregnant 3 weeks ago, the obstetric period will be different. Signs of pregnancy at 3 weeks after complete fertilization are already noticeable and can be felt by almost every woman. Three weeks after conception, a pharmacy test shows two stripes. In a woman’s body, hCG begins to change at the 3rd week of pregnancy.

What are the signs and sensations at 3 weeks of pregnancy? The sense of smell is completely heightened; a woman can distinguish light from dark grapes by smell. Familiar and favorite smells, such as perfume or the aromas of your favorite dishes, begin to irritate you. At 3 weeks of pregnancy, symptoms can be very diverse. It happens that a woman starts eating sauerkraut, pickles, and her favorite type of cheese causes toxicosis.

At this time, symptoms can manifest themselves in any way. Girls who were famous for their lively character and energy can sleep all day long and vice versa. Your mood, habits, favorite foods, activities change, you will even perceive any information differently, and hormonal changes are to blame for all this.

Symptoms during pregnancy in the third week:

  • nipple sensitivity;
  • urination;
  • problems with stool;
  • toxicosis.

Changes in the mother's body at 3 weeks of pregnancy

After 3 weeks of pregnancy, a woman undergoes noticeable changes throughout her body. After a woman finds out about pregnancy, she blossoms outwardly, this affects the condition of her skin, her gaze becomes tender.

Some female representatives can be aggressive and irritated. The uterus and mammary glands swell, hormonal changes begin. Appetite changes; there may be a complete refusal of any food or, conversely, gluttony.

Feelings in the third week of pregnancy

Many people are interested in what happens to the fetus at 3 weeks of pregnancy and how does the woman feel? In fact, at this stage there are no fetal movements; the belly is not yet visible. Due to hormonal changes, the body begins to adapt to the new job.

Many experts note that it is at 3 weeks after fertilization that women miraculously begin to feel their pregnancy. If you haven’t taken a test before, haven’t had any tests and don’t know that you’re pregnant, since there were no signs, then it is after 20 days from the moment of conception that you may experience the birth of a new life.

Sensations in the third week of pregnancy are compared with symptoms similar to those in the second half of the menstrual cycle.

Due to the production of progesterone, the mammary glands become coarse and swell, the nipples become sensitive, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be observed. Women suffering from PMS feel the third week of pregnancy more clearly; they are whiny and irritable.

What happens to the embryo at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

Many people are interested in what happens to the size of the fertilized egg during pregnancy from conception 3 weeks in the photo? The embryo at 3 weeks of pregnancy is very small.

The embryo is in the morula stage - a dense, round lump of cells. The morula turns into a blastocyst. This means that a cavity with fetal fluid is formed inside the lump, in which the baby will develop.

By the end of the third week after conception, the fetus measures 0.1-0.2 mm. The formation and development of the main body systems begins, and the tiny heart will make its first beats. To get an idea of ​​the size and position of the embryo, look at what a baby looks like at 3 weeks of pregnancy in the photo.

3rd week of pregnancy - ultrasound

Ultrasound of the fetus at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Not all expectant mothers do an ultrasound of the fetus at 3 weeks; at this point many still do not know about their situation. If you already know that you are pregnant, or you have suspicions, then go for an ultrasound.

What can be seen on an ultrasound at 3 weeks of pregnancy? From the moment of 3 weeks after conception, an ultrasound can examine a small embryo, its location and other nuances.

An ultrasound can assess the condition of the fetus, the size of the uterus, endometrium, and see where exactly the embryo has attached. The size of the uterus changes during the 3rd week of pregnancy.

An ultrasound determines the exact stage of pregnancy. At this time, ultrasound can be performed using an external sensor or a transvaginal one.

Before going for an ultrasound, look at a photo of the fetus at 3 weeks of pregnancy.

What you need to know about the third week of pregnancy

If during 3 weeks of pregnancy your stomach hurts like before your period, this does not always mean the possibility of a miscarriage. For some women, it is in the third week that such sensations accompany the course of pregnancy.

What is the norm for progesterone at 3 weeks of pregnancy? In the first three months, normal progesterone levels range from 9 to 468 nmol/l. In the third week of pregnancy, progesterone should not exceed 50 nmol/l.

If the delay is 3 weeks and the test is negative, is pregnancy possible? In fact, each body is individual, and it is quite possible that pregnancy will appear on tests a little later. There is also a possibility that you did the test incorrectly. If you think you are pregnant, then donate blood for the hCG hormone.

Lifestyle in the third week of pregnancy

After realizing that you are pregnant, evaluate your lifestyle. There is no need to radically change good habits, but changes are necessary. You should eliminate strength training in the gym, stop training, doing physical work, and getting nervous over trifles. If you smoke, then you should get rid of this habit, since nicotine negatively affects not only you and the people around you, but also the unborn child.

Nutrition at 3 weeks of pregnancy

The first 3 weeks of pregnancy are extremely important in terms of nutrition.

Include the following foods in your diet:

  • lean veal, beef, skinless chicken;
  • lean fish;
  • fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries;
  • boiled eggs;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with minimal fat content;
  • nuts, raisins.

All these products are rich in vitamins and microelements; they help the unborn child build cells, develop properly, and support the expectant mother’s immunity. During this period, you should not eat for two. It is enough to increase your usual consumption by 300 calories.

Divide the food into at least 4-6 meals. Consume more juices, fruit drinks and natural compotes.

In the third week of pregnancy, it will be important to eat berries and fruits with yellow skin. For example - bananas, peaches, apples, apricots, melons, carrots, pumpkins, some varieties of tomatoes. Eat whole grain bread with hard cheese, use natural yogurt without artificial colors.

What can go wrong at 3 weeks pregnant?

If you feel that something has gone wrong, then do not panic. Make an appointment with a doctor, go for an ultrasound. In fact, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then everything should be fine at this stage.

Many women are concerned about the question of what to do if their breasts stop hurting at 3 weeks of pregnancy? In most cases, the pain subsides closer to the 11th gestational week, when the process of enlargement of the lobules in the breast and dilation of the ducts comes to an end.

These are approximate figures and may not apply to every woman. It is quite possible that if your breasts stop hurting earlier than this, then this is just your peculiarity, but you need to consult a doctor.

Ectopic pregnancy at 3 weeks

A sign of an ectopic pregnancy at 3 weeks is the abnormal placement of the egg when it settles before reaching the uterus. Most often it is attached to the fallopian tube, but sometimes other placements are possible.

Diagnosing the ectopic location of the fetus is difficult, since the symptoms of pregnancy are equivalent to normal, normal.

However, ectopic pregnancy is already accompanied by bloody dark discharge in the early stages. When the next menstruation due to an ectopic pregnancy is three weeks old, discharge is possible, only less pronounced than usual. A nagging pain begins to radiate into the anus, and when the fallopian tube ruptures, the pain becomes almost unbearable and blood begins to be released - the woman needs to be hospitalized urgently.

If there is any suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, the woman needs urgent help and consultation with a specialist.

Frozen pregnancy in the third week

Frozen pregnancy at 3 weeks - what is it and how to recognize it? A frozen pregnancy is a normal fertilization that has occurred, but for some reason the fetus has stopped developing.

Frozen pregnancy is characterized by discharge, as during menstruation; it can be scanty or abundant. The discharge may be red, brown, or of an unknown color.

If, at 3 weeks of pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, as during menstruation, this does not always mean any problems with the embryo, but such symptoms may indicate various disorders. If there is any suspicion, consultation and an in-person examination by a specialist is required.

A frozen pregnancy can occur for various reasons. The most common is genital tract infections.

Miscarriage at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Miscarriage at 3 weeks of pregnancy can happen for various reasons. Many women at this stage do not yet suspect the presence of pregnancy and mistake various vaginal discharge for menstruation, thrush or other problems.

A miscarriage is characterized by bleeding of any intensity and pain of a wave-like nature. Miscarriage discharge is mostly red and brown. Sometimes pieces of flesh come out with the discharge. In this case, the woman needs to get help immediately.

Miscarriage can occur for various reasons. The main ones are physical activity, stress, smoking, drinking alcohol, infections and more.

Discharge in the third week of pregnancy

During the 3-week period, various discharges may occur; they do not always indicate pathology, but require examination and consultation with a specialist. Brown discharge at 3 weeks of pregnancy may indicate detachment of the fertilized egg, ectopic pregnancy and the threat of miscarriage.

If during 3 weeks of pregnancy the discharge is bloody, this indicates the development of the placenta, and as it grows, capillaries rupture.

Blood in the third week of pregnancy is not always dangerous, but requires careful monitoring. This is how implantation bleeding can occur - a sign that the pregnancy has begun successfully and the egg has implanted in the uterus.

It happens that at the 3rd week of pregnancy there is a tightening in the lower abdomen. There is no need to panic ahead of time, this may indicate hormonal changes, a cold or another PMS.

Nausea at 3 weeks pregnant

Can you feel sick in the third week of pregnancy? Yes, it can, since toxicosis begins from 2 to 8 weeks. Toxicosis during pregnancy at 3 weeks is noticeable in almost all women.

Nausea mainly occurs in the morning. Toxicosis can begin due to restructuring of the endocrine, nervous and hormonal systems. Review your diet.

Abdominal and lower back pain at 3 weeks of pregnancy

If your lower back hurts during the 3rd week of pregnancy, this may indicate PMS, a cold, or pregnancy. Colds in the 3rd week of pregnancy are not uncommon, as the immune system weakens and the pregnant woman is exposed to viruses and colds. During the season of acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, drink more fruit drinks, vitamins, and warm yourself.

If you have a fever at 3 weeks of pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. Sometimes during pregnancy and PMS, the temperature may change. At low temperatures, tea with raspberries works well. It is not advisable to take antibiotics at this stage, or indeed throughout pregnancy, so take care of your health and dress for the weather.

Is it possible to drink alcohol in the third week of pregnancy?

Alcohol during the 3rd week of pregnancy is strictly contraindicated. As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, eliminate all bad habits. At this stage, all organs of the child begin to develop; no alcohol can be in the diet at this time. And even if a pregnant woman drinks a couple of sips or glasses of wine, there is a risk that this will cause subsequent changes in the child’s brain, the damage from which may not appear immediately.

Once in the blood, alcohol deforms the vascular system, liver, and brain. The mental abilities of a child whose mother drank alcohol will also lag behind those of his peers.

Is it possible to have sex at 3 weeks pregnant?

Is it possible to have sex at 3 weeks pregnant? The issue is controversial, since it depends on the emotional and physical mood of the woman. In general, having sex is not prohibited. If the test shows 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, and you are full of strength and sexual energy, then careful, calm sex will not interfere with normal development. The baby will not get injured, the main thing is that it is vaginal contact.

The embryo itself is surrounded on all sides by amniotic fluid, which in turn is protected by the muscles of the uterus. In addition, the cervix, where cervical mucus is located, protects the baby from the penetration of various microbes.

In what cases is sex in the third week of pregnancy contraindicated:

  • Risk of miscarriage. If the tone of the uterus in a pregnant woman is increased, then, regardless of the period, refrain from intimate relationships.
  • If this is not your first pregnancy, and previous ones ended in miscarriage, frozen pregnancy, or premature birth.
  • Placenta previa. In some cases, placental abruption may occur during sexual intercourse and bleeding may begin.
  • Genital tract infections. The embryo will not become infected, as it is reliably protected from external influences, but for the expectant mother, any bacteria are harmful. The most dangerous are chlamydia, syphilis, and hepatitis. These diseases weaken a woman’s body and harm the embryo.
  • Pathologies of the female genital organs - isthmic-cervical insufficiency or problems of the amniotic sac.

Don’t be shy and ask your gynecologist all the questions you have, including whether you can have sex in the third week of pregnancy.

For more information about the 3rd week of pregnancy, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. In the third week of pregnancy, alcohol and nicotine are contraindicated, since at this time all the baby’s organs are developing at the cellular level.
  2. To know what an embryo looks like at this stage, look at the 3 week pregnancy photo.
  3. Due to hormonal changes in the 3rd week after fertilization, a woman may experience toxicosis, spotting from the vagina and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. It is not necessary that all of these symptoms indicate pathology; in some cases this is a feature of the body.

The third week of obstetric pregnancy coincides with the first week of embryonic pregnancy. At this stage, a woman can already notice the first changes in her body, but neither a test, nor a gynecologist, or even a modern high-resolution ultrasound scanner can reliably confirm the success of conception or the presence of a fetus in the uterus.

What happens at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

At the beginning of the third week, the most important event occurs - the conception of a child. This occurs as a result of the fusion of male and female reproductive cells to form a zygote. But this process is individual for all women. It can occur either on the 12-14th day of the menstrual cycle, or at an earlier or later period.

Fertilization can occur either immediately after sexual contact or a couple of days after it. This is possible due to the fact that sperm remain active for 3-7 days, unlike an egg, which, after being released from the ovaries, is only capable of conception for 12-24 hours.

When the follicle ruptures, the egg, along with the internal fluid, is poured into the abdominal cavity in the direction of the fallopian tubes, which attract it with their villi. In the cavity of the tubes it meets with sperm. After one of them penetrates, its shell becomes impenetrable to the others. From this moment the active process of cell division begins.

Changes in a woman’s body in the third week of pregnancy

The hormone hCG, which begins to be synthesized by the embryonic membrane only a week after fertilization and implantation into the wall of the uterus, triggers hormonal changes in a woman’s body. This hormone signals organs, systems and tissues about pregnancy. From this moment, under the influence of changes in the hormonal system, the woman’s menstruation disappears.

But due to individual characteristics Some women may experience spotting in the first month of pregnancy, as well as throughout subsequent ones. They are not menstruation, but can signal placental abruption or other serious problems.

Signs of pregnancy in the third week

Starting from the third week, a restructuring of the hormonal system begins in a woman’s body, which is primarily aimed at preserving the life of the embryo. But, despite this, not every woman is able to feel the onset of pregnancy during this period. Only those who are particularly sensitive can identify any subjective signs.


  • Increased or loss of appetite;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Dizziness;
  • Changes in taste habits and preferences;
  • Aversion to certain smells (especially perfumes);
  • Minor pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Increased nipple sensitivity;
  • Irritability and other symptoms of the nervous system.

Since the hCG hormone begins to be synthesized by the membrane of the embryo only after implantation, which occurs at the end of the third week, performing the test during this period will not give results. It is recommended to do it only after the delay has occurred. Another option is to take a test in a laboratory, which can accurately confirm or deny the presence of pregnancy.

Woman's feelings

Women usually do not notice any changes in their bodies during the third week of pregnancy. However, after fertilization, as a result of the production of progesterone, they may experience symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, apathy, sudden mood swings, and depression. But they can easily be attributed to premenstrual syndrome.

During this period, some women may feel slight painful sensations in the lower abdomen, which appear at the time of implantation.

They are similar to those that usually occur before menstruation. Pain is the result of the embryo secreting a special substance that corrodes the epithelium. This is how he prepares a place for himself for future “replanting”. The implantation process usually lasts 40 hours, so pain may be felt for 1-2 days.

Discharge from the genital tract at 3 weeks

There is usually no discharge during this week of pregnancy. However, as a result of a weakening of the immune system due to hormonal changes in the body, thick white discharge with a characteristic sour odor and flakes may appear - thrush.

Another type is the slight spotting that accompanies implantation bleeding. They can be very scanty in the form of a small smear or drop of blood, or more abundant, which is associated with the individual characteristics of the female body.

Ultrasound at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound examination in the third week has low information content. Since the embryo is even smaller than a millimeter, visualizing it in the uterine cavity or fallopian tubes is very difficult, even with the use of modern, innovative high-resolution sensors. But An ultrasound scan allows the doctor to assess the condition of the endometrium, which is of great importance for increasing the success of fertilization. However, if specific symptoms are present, an ultrasound may be required to confirm or exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

Fetus in the third week

The third week is the period when the fertilized egg begins to divide and the very first week of the life of the unborn fetus. After the fusion of male and female reproductive cells, a zygote is formed, which continues its slow movement through the fallopian tubes without attaching to their walls. At this moment, all genetic information is also laid down - gender, eye and hair color, etc.

Throughout its progress, which can take from 3 to 5 days, continuous cell division occurs. On the third day, the embryo already consists of more than 30 cells, and a week later - of 250. The embryo is nourished by its own energy reserves and protein synthesized by the glands of the fallopian tubes.

After entering the uterine cavity, it is immersed in the endometrium and attached to the wall. This process is called implantation. Nutrition at this stage already occurs due to the mother’s blood. After implantation into the wall of the uterus, the placenta begins to actively develop and form. During this period, from the cells formed as a result of the division of the zygote, the formation occurs:

  • amniotic fluid;
  • three layers of tissue - the rudiments of future organs.

Possible problems

The third week of pregnancy is the most critical for the proper development and formation of the embryo, since any external and internal factors can affect the process of cell division.

This, in turn, can affect the development of organs and systems of the unborn child.

Since the embryo consists of male and female cells, the body of a pregnant woman perceives it as a foreign body. For this, nature has come up with a special mechanism for suppressing the female immune system. However, under the influence of some negative external factors (alcohol and smoking), a woman may have a miscarriage.

To prevent possible problems and complications, you must:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • minimize contact with patients.

Another possible problem that some women face is ectopic pregnancy. It can be triggered by various factors, the most common of which is obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the embryo becomes attached inside the tube, which leads to rupture. The main symptom of such a pregnancy is severe pain and heavy bleeding.

What should you pay attention to?

Since the third week of pregnancy is the beginning of the life of the embryo, a woman should pay special attention to her state of health, proper lifestyle and well-being.

  • In the first weeks of the intended pregnancy, you need to reduce physical activity, as it can affect the success of implantation. Subsequently, physical activity should not exceed 60-70% of the usual level;
  • When preparing for pregnancy, you should avoid excessive drinking and smoking, as well as taking strong medications. They can cause defects in the embryo, which subsequently cannot attach to the wall of the uterus;
  • Nervous experiences, stressful situations and emotional stress should be limited;
  • The expectant mother's diet should be balanced. The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, plenty of protein (lean meat, fish or chicken), and enough water. It is advisable to exclude junk food, carbonated water and baked goods. To prevent pathologies of the fetal neural tube, it is advisable to add foods high in folic acid (for example, avocado) to the diet.

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Third week obstetric period pregnancy- a very important period, both for the expectant mother and for the unborn child. Firstly, most likely, fertilization has already occurred, and the woman is already really pregnant (that is, the embryonic gestation period), although there are no symptoms yet, and the pregnancy test shows a negative result. Secondly, the embryo begins to actively grow, its cells quickly divide. The very first rudiments of various organs and systems are already being formed.

Sometimes during the third week of the obstetric period, fertilization is still occurring. In this case, the woman may not know about her pregnancy until five weeks.

Signs and symptoms of 3 weeks pregnant

Many women have no symptoms and are unaware that they are pregnant. But sometimes, already in the third week, hormone levels rise quite high, and some symptoms arise:
· Implantation bleeding. Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube. After about 4 days, the embryo enters the uterus, where it “swims” in a free state for another 2 days. Then, on days 6–7, implantation: the embryo implants into the wall of the uterus, and does so quite aggressively, destroying the mucous membrane. This may cause slight bleeding. You may notice characteristic marks on the laundry.
· Nausea in the morning (some women also have vomiting). If you experience this symptom in the third week, there is a high probability of one of two options: either you calculated the due date slightly incorrectly, or you are pregnant with twins.

· Changes in the mammary glands. They increase in size, become more sensitive and painful, and the skin around the nipples darkens. This is how the body begins to prepare for breastfeeding.
· Lack of menstruation. Most women don't notice this because many people shouldn't have their periods after three weeks. But if your periods last less than 28 days, you may already suspect that you and your partner are trying to conceive a child.
· Increased fatigue. A woman may notice that she becomes more tired and tired at work. Blame it on hormones progesterone and the colossal amount of energy that the mother’s body spends on the growth of the embryo.
· Frequent urination.
· Increased sense of smell. There are different explanations for this seemingly strange symptom. According to one of them, thanks to a heightened sense of smell, a woman better senses male pheromones, which ultimately increases the chances of successful fertilization during pregnancy. ovulation. It is also believed that a woman begins to smell better due to a “side effect” of increased estrogen levels.
· Changing food preferences. There is a craving for certain types of food and even inedible objects (for example, chalk), an aversion to foods that you previously liked.
· Elevated basal temperature remains. If you measure the temperature in the rectum every day according to certain rules, you will notice that on the days of ovulation it rises slightly. If your temperature remains elevated for 18 days, you are likely pregnant.
· Minor cramps in the lower abdomen. This is a consequence of egg implantation and, possibly, the enlargement of the uterus that has already begun.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

Alarming symptoms are severe bleeding and abdominal pain. They may indicate ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed. The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy is inflammation in the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

Does the test show pregnancy at 3 weeks?

If you haven't had your period in 3 weeks, it's time to buy some home pregnancy tests and start checking. Modern test manufacturers claim that a positive result can be obtained at an obstetric period of 3 weeks and 4–5 days.

All pregnancy tests are based on measuring the level of a hormone in the urine called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Usually its concentration becomes high enough to be detected 2 weeks after fertilization. The accuracy of modern tests is about 99%. The probability of error is minimal.

The test is best performed in the morning, when urine concentration is highest. If you want to get a reliable result, you must follow all the manufacturer's recommendations in the instructions.

If you receive a negative result, this is not a reason to be upset. Perhaps it's too early. Repeat the test in a week. False negative results cannot be ruled out: despite the high accuracy of modern test systems, sometimes, in rare cases, they “lie.”

How long is the third week of pregnancy?

For convenience, gynecologists focus on the obstetric gestational age - it is counted from the first day of the last menstruation (in reality, fertilization occurs approximately 2 weeks later).

Three weeks of obstetrics (also called gestational) term is approximately one week of embryonic life. The embryo is only 7 days old, it barely had time to attach to the wall of the uterus.

What happens to the embryo at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

So, the third week of obstetric pregnancy corresponds to the first week of the embryo’s existence. At this time, a lot of important things happen to him.:
· At the end of the second - beginning of the third week, fertilization of the egg occurs.
· Over the next 4 days, the embryo moves through the uterine ( fallopian) tube towards the uterus. At this time, he does not forget to actively grow.
· For another 2 days the embryo remains in the uterine cavity in a free state.
· Then implantation occurs. The embryo literally “gnaws through” the mucous membrane of the uterus and plunges into it. In the near future, until the umbilical cord and placenta are formed, the embryo will feed on maternal blood.

By the end of the third week, the embryo is a ball with a diameter of 0.1–0.2 mm, inside it there is a cavity with liquid. At this stage it is called blastocyst and consists of 200–250 cells. At the genetic level, his gender, eye color, hair color and many other characteristics are already predetermined. The end of the 3rd week of pregnancy is first critical period of fetal development. Due to the active growth and formation of the rudiments of the most important organs, the embryo is very vulnerable at this time. Any negative influences can lead to his death and miscarriage. Therefore, mother should be as careful as possible and monitor her lifestyle.

What happens to the uterus and abdomen at 3 weeks of pregnancy?

There are no external signs of pregnancy yet and cannot be. The belly will begin to grow at around 12 weeks.

In the third week of the obstetric period, the mucous membrane of the uterus thickens under the influence of hormones and prepares to receive a fertilized egg. The ovary begins to produce the hormone progesterone corpus luteum- a temporary endocrine organ formed at the site of a ruptured follicle from which an egg was released.

Does an ultrasound show pregnancy at 3 weeks?

Transvaginal ultrasound examination (using a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina) at 3 weeks of obstetric pregnancy can be performed for one of two purposes:
· Establish the fact of pregnancy. Naturally, it is impossible to consider “how the egg is doing there” and whether the embryo is developing normally. The embryo is still too small, it is impossible to distinguish anything on it.
· Identify pathologies that may interfere with the normal course of pregnancy and affect the condition of the fetus. For example, uterine fibroids.

Is it possible to see anything during an ultrasound? It depends on what stage of development the embryo is currently at. If it is still moving down the fallopian tube, you probably won't be able to see it. If it has already implanted in the uterus and has grown a little, the ultrasound will show something:

· It's time to buy some pregnancy tests and start getting checked.
· If you haven't reviewed your diet yet, it's time to switch to a healthy diet.
· Surely you have already started taking folic acid at a dosage of 400 mg daily.
· You should avoid smoking (including secondhand smoke), alcohol, caffeine, and taking any medications (except those prescribed by your doctor).

Nutrition rules during pregnancy, common myths

Even at the stage of planning pregnancy, it is important to start eating a healthy diet (in fact, this is always important, but for a woman who is preparing to become a mother, it is doubly important).

There are no special diets for pregnant women. The main rule is that food should be healthy and varied so that your body receives all the substances, minerals, trace elements and vitamins necessary for the growth and development of the child.

You don't have to "eat for two." You may notice that your appetite has increased, but there is no need to specifically try to eat as much as possible. What is important is a varied and nutritious diet, not the amount of food in kilograms or calories. Breakfast is of great importance. Eating well in the morning will help you avoid snacking on fast food and other unhealthy foods before lunch.

Eat at least five different types of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. They will provide you and your child with vitamins and minerals. Fiber contained in plant foods helps prevent constipation and normalize digestion. Fruits and vegetables can be eaten in any form: fresh, frozen, canned. Fresh produce must be washed thoroughly. If pathogenic microorganisms enter the body, this will not at all contribute to the successful course of pregnancy.

Starchy foods should make up a little more than a third of your diet. This group includes: potatoes, bread, pasta, rice, oats, millet, corn, corn flour. They are a valuable source of vitamins, energy and fiber, helping you to eat well without gaining extra calories.

Your body needs enough protein. It is found not only in meat, fish, poultry and eggs, but also in some plant products: beans, soybeans, nuts. The meat should not be fatty. The skin must be removed from the bird. Your diet should include two servings of fish every week. Any animal products must be well cooked.

Dairy products will provide you and your baby with calcium. Eat milk, yoghurts, cheeses, but when buying them in a store, always carefully study the packaging: the fat content should be minimal.

Avoid saturated fats and sugar. Sugar contributes to excessive weight gain, creates additional stress on the pancreas, and leads to tooth decay. Saturated fats also cause you to gain extra pounds and are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis. An approximate list of foods to avoid: butter, sweet spreads and creams, chocolate, cookies, chips, baked goods, ice cream, muffins, cakes, sweet carbonated drinks.

Week 3: Determining pregnancy - video

If conception did not occur earlier, then it will happen at 3 weeks. If by this time your egg has already been fertilized by a sperm, then it moves through the fallopian tubes for about a week, multiplies and continuously divides. And finally, it will attach to the wall of the uterus in the third week of pregnancy, from this moment we can confidently say that the fetus is developing in your body.

At 3 weeks the fetus is very small: in total weight about 3 µg and 0.2 mm in length. But compared to the egg, by this time it had increased and grown disproportionately. After fertilization, the egg becomes zygote and began to divide, while forming new cells. The zygote constantly increases in size and resembles a mulberry. The zygote travels through the fallopian tubes for 7-12 days, then settles into its permanent place of residence. After which she becomes blastocyst.

The blastocyst grows and develops all the time. Soon it becomes hollow inside and noticeably lengthens. Next, an embryo is formed in it, which by 4 weeks is curled up into a cylinder with different ends: a tail is formed on one of them, and a head on the other. Even though the embryo is still primitive and small, its main systems and organs are already being formed.

During this period, the fetus is just settling into your body, which for now perceives it as a foreign organism. There is a struggle between them, if they find a compromise, then soon you will learn about an interesting situation.

Symptoms and signs at 3 weeks pregnant

Not knowing about your pregnancy, you wait for the onset of your next menstruation; you perceive the first symptoms and signs as premenstrual syndrome:

These are all part of the symptoms we experience every month. In the first week, the signs may be the same, so at such early stages we don’t even know what’s happening.

I have a stomachache

In the third week a woman your stomach may hurt like before your period. This means that the blastocyst scrapes out cells from the uterine epithelium and prepares a place for itself to land. Few people feel pain, but if you have a stomach ache at this stage, you can only suspect its real cause if you do a test, go to the doctor and look at all the signs of pregnancy in any sources. Otherwise, you will be sure that menstruation is about to begin, although perhaps much earlier than usual.


Discharge for 3 weeks after conception is called implantation bleeding. The egg implants into the uterus without leaving a trace; apart from abdominal pain, it produces spotting in the third week of pregnancy; this phenomenon does not cause concern. Often a woman thinks that her period is starting prematurely. But as the discharge disappears and menstruation does not occur, the woman will think about the possibility of fertilization. Hormones prevent the onset of menstruation and subsequent ovulation. Progesterone and estrogen begins to be actively produced by the ovaries already from 3 weeks.

For 3 weeks and the discharge is very scanty, in the form of a smear or a few drops or completely absent. They can be:

  • yellowish;
  • pink;
  • creamy;
  • brown.

They can disappear and appear during moments of activity of the “settler” in your body. Literally after 2 days the discharge should stop.

Breasts at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Changes in the breasts are one of the earliest signs. The mammary glands swell and I want to rub them, nipples become hypersensitive and react very painfully to any irritation. The breasts are also enlarged. But premenstrual syndrome has exactly the same symptoms, so a woman does not always guess that she is pregnant based on these signs.


Libido may change for 3 weeks, and in different directions: you may cool down in terms of intimacy with your husband or partner, but you may also experience increased desire. Enjoy it if your pregnancy has awakened a great desire in you. There can be only two contraindications to sex in the third week of pregnancy: the woman’s reluctance and the threat of termination of pregnancy.


Some girls say that they can already feel the pregnancy. Doctors do not rule out such an “intuitive process,” but they believe that vivid, expressed sensations are not yet present at such an early stage.

The described signs and first symptoms, as well as changes in the body at 3 weeks of pregnancy may be characteristic of the menstrual cycle. The most common sensations at 3 weeks of pregnancy are:

  • dizziness,
  • nausea,
  • weakness,
  • change in appetite
  • increased sensitivity of the breast.

But still, most women do not feel anything at all.

At week 3, a home test is unlikely to show you the real picture of what is happening. The deadline is still too short, the delay has not yet occurred. In some cases, especially when you are expecting this pregnancy and ovulation was a little earlier, a very sensitive test will show you a weak second line. But this may mean confusion with timing. It makes sense to take a pregnancy test only after a delay.

HCG at 3 weeks of pregnancy

Don't rely on a home test in week 3: after all elevated hCG levels at this time it can only be detected in the blood, and at the same time taking the test no earlier than the 13th day after conception or the third day after a missed period. In the early stages, the concentration of hCG in the blood doubles every second day, but the diagnostic level is reached only by this time. At 4 obstetric weeks, the hCG level reaches an average of 80 honey/md, but the concentration in the urine is significantly lower than in the blood. Therefore, it is best to determine hCG at 3 weeks of pregnancy using a laboratory analysis.

If an early pregnancy has been diagnosed, an hCG test will show how the pregnancy is developing, determine the gestational age and approximately be able to guess the number of embryos - which affects the level of hCG in the blood.

In addition to hCG, progesterone continues to be synthesized, which is also called the pregnancy hormone. It prepares the uterus for the embryo to settle into it and acts on the woman’s nervous system, creating favorable conditions for the development and maintenance of pregnancy. Therefore, at the slightest threat or risk, the woman will be referred for this analysis.


If you suspect pregnancy at 3 weeks, you can undergo an ultrasound. At this time, research is carried out transvaginal sensor. At 3 weeks, an ultrasound can show where the embryo has settled and can assess the condition of the uterine tissue, which is important.

But for most women, 3 weeks pass in the usual way, as before pregnancy, they still think about the onset of menstruation and do not even think about ultrasound or hCG.

Bleeding and periods at 3 weeks pregnant

For some reason, the blastocyst may not attach to the wall of the uterus. The woman will begin to bleed; if the blastocyst is rejected, this marks the beginning of the menstrual cycle, although it is still too early for her period. In 30 percent of cases, women experience bleeding every month on their period, despite the fact that they are already pregnant. In such cases, a woman may not even realize that life has become infected inside her. This phenomenon is called color pregnancy.

Women often mistake implantation bleeding for menstruation; it does not pose much of a threat. But if the spotting becomes brighter and more intense, then go to the hospital immediately, especially if you know you are pregnant. This is a threat of miscarriage.

Initially, the fertilized egg is a foreign body for the female body due to the content of male cells. The body is trying to get rid of the body, but nature is wise and has invented a whole mechanism to prevent such an outcome - the blastocyst produces a special protein that will lower the immunity of the expectant mother, because of which the body will no longer be able to fight the embryo. The embryo, of course, does not always win. There are a huge number of factors for this and they can provoke a miscarriage as early as 3 weeks of pregnancy. One of these factors is alcohol.

For a fertilized egg, 3 weeks are considered decisive. It either reaches its target and penetrates the uterine cavity, or dies. At this moment the blastocyst is vulnerable. It survives if it turns out to be strong enough and of good quality. Alcohol can speed up such a test; a weak blastocyst will not withstand its blow.

If you took alcoholic drinks for 3 weeks without knowing about it, then don't worry. If the embryo survives, then everything will be fine. But after 3 weeks you need to be careful, because the formation and laying of the most important systems and organs of the fetus begins, and the embryo itself will already depend on you in everything and will receive all the substances that enter your body. Alcohol can cause the development of deformities and various anomalies.

Colds and fever

Lead a healthy lifestyle and pay attention to your health from the first weeks of pregnancy. After all, you can easily catch a cold and get the flu. This is not advisable at this time. But don't despair if you catch a cold at 3 weeks pregnant. Doctors say that within 20 days after conception, the child is protected from exposure to factors, including various medications. Only after implantation, the egg itself begins to feed from the woman, having exhausted its reserves.

If you are aware of pregnancy, do not rush to diagnose yourself. After all, it is possible that this is how signs of pregnancy appear, which may include a cough, fever, and even nasal congestion.

If you measure basal temperature, then you will know about pregnancy, because for 3 days or more, it will rise above 37 degrees. But sometimes you can measure a low-grade fever under your armpit, not understanding where it comes from and thinking that you are getting sick, because you have weakness, fatigue, headache and nausea.

A slight increase in temperature is considered normal in the first weeks, because the body reacts to changes in it. But if you have a fever, then try to do without medications, drink plenty of fluids, apply a compress. If the temperature does not drop, then act. After all, this condition is unsafe for the fetus and pregnancy, so you need to contact your doctor, but it is forbidden to take aspirin-containing drugs during pregnancy.
