Mos gor ped uni silver university. “Silver University”: how Moscow pensioners learn to use smartphones. Logistics of admission to Silver University

Pensioners will not enjoy a peaceful old age. A number of national and regional projects aim to encourage social activity among older people.

Gray beard - run to your desk

Recently, the government has become involved in the education of the elderly. Studying is free, and programs are designed taking into account the capabilities of gray-haired students. You can find out what kind of education and where exactly to get it from your territorial social security office. The regional branch of the Union of Pensioners of Russia will also help you get your bearings ( , telephone numbers of the central office in Moscow: 651-38-69, 651-38-68).

The country is aging, and the state is opening a new page in its attitude towards pensioners, explains Valery Ryazansky, head of the Union of Pensioners of Russia, State Duma deputy. - In retirement, a person cannot be left alone with his thoughts and pills.

Forms, faculties and methods of moving away from sad thoughts are different in each region. For example, in Chelyabinsk, 60-70-year-old students of the People's University of the Knowledge Society learn computer literacy in the regional library. As, by the way, in Moscow. In Kolomna, at the People's University, an elderly person can study throughout his life. The oldest listener is 87 years old, ladies predominate.

At the nuclear shipbuilding center in Severodvinsk, pensioners are trained at the Senior University (don’t smile, this is the official name) “Golden Age”. Northern seniors are taught the art of crocheting, tapestry weaving, choral singing, and financial literacy. If desired, former submarine builders can gain carving skills. What is carving? Imagine: the art of artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits.

Anti-wrinkle laptop

The project “Computer Academy for Pensioners” was created by military pensioner Sergei Avdevnin. He is a doctor by profession, born in the Volgograd region, served in Transbaikalia, in Mongolia, a participant in hostilities as part of the UN contingent and a Chernobyl liquidator. Now lives in Donetsk. The veteran has mastered website building and teaches seniors for free.

On the computer education website ( it clearly explains what a browser and a text editor are, how to register a mailbox, and conduct personal correspondence. And in general, he teaches how to earn extra money on the Internet instead of working as a banal night watchman.

By the way, in the Kursk region they decided to train 3,000 pensioners in universities for the elderly, providing a choice of six faculties: computer science, gardening, health, culture and art, law, spiritual revival.

Do you think the elderly are all lining up to garden? Not at all. Vegetable gardening took only third place in the ranking of preferences of old people. The second is spiritual rebirth. And the majority rushed to the Faculty of Computer Science.

The attraction of older people to high technology is a useful trend. Perhaps the first address that a person retiring should remember is the portal of state and municipal services: You need to start with the “Retirement” section and then go through all the resources you are interested in: obtaining certificates, medications, benefits.

For a well-deserved rest

In addition to the list of benefits provided by the state, there are many age-related discount programs.

Each city and region has its own offers. This means that you will have to find out on your own which days and in which theaters and cinemas tickets are sold at a discount. Museums also offer discounts for senior citizens.

For example, a regular entrance ticket to the Tretyakov Gallery costs 300 rubles. For a pensioner, visiting the complex on Lavrushinsky Lane costs only 70 rubles. Entrance to the exhibition halls of the Engineering Building is slightly more expensive - 80 rubles.

Ticket to the Main Museum Complex of the Hermitage - 400 rubles. And pensioners are allowed in for free.

Many travel agencies, shipping companies and air carriers offer discounts to older travelers. Often this is a way to attract customers to the so-called. “low season,” and, according to the press secretary of the Russian Union of Tourism Industry Irina Tyurina, there is almost no mass retirement tourism in Russia in the sense in which it is understood in the United States and the European Union. As a pleasant exception, the PCT cites the “Winter in Tunisia” program (

They are offered by the Moscow company Nouvel Trans, a large Russian operator in Tunisia, explains Irina Tyurina.

The company agreed with three four-star hotels in Sousse and Hammamet. In winter there is 15-20 degrees in the shade, fresh vegetables and fruits, a good level of local medicine. Tours are designed for a vacation of up to 85 days, the cost of the most expensive tour for double occupancy in a room is $2,300. Flight and two meals a day included. If you choose a short (up to a month) vacation, you do not need a visa.

As a bonus, the company gives SIM cards to a local telephone company, according to which the cost of a 30-minute call with Russia costs 300 rubles, and all incoming calls are free.

Such tours were first offered three years ago; since then, more than a thousand Russians aged 60 to 85 have spent the winter in Africa. The company says that the majority of clients are intelligent retirees - former teachers, college professors, professors. Previously, pensioners were transported by charters and Turkish Airlines, now they fly with Air France and Alitalia airliners: a flight with a connection in Paris or Rome takes five hours.

For a pensioner, almost 70 thousand rubles is decent money, but children and grandchildren help out. By the way, having mastered a computer and learned English, you can independently, without the help of travel agencies, find discounts and book hotels around the world. For less money it is quite possible to comfortably spend the winter in Thailand or Venezuela.

And anyway, who said that a Russian pensioner is necessarily a poor and sick person? The author of these lines met a married couple in Portugal: Muscovites, they live in a dacha, they rent out a city apartment and use their income to fly to different parts of the world 3-4 times a year. Traveled halfway around the world. In the intervals between travels they live like everyone else - honestly and modestly, and solely on their pension.

How are they

Every country has hotels and seasons when seniors are offered significant discounts. February in Bermuda is for those over 50. In Switzerland, the season for pensioners (women over 62 and men over 65) is from October to March.

Some do not expect mercy from above and fight wrinkles with all available means.

Galina Chuvina, a city swimming pool attendant from Sasov (Ryazan region), became interested in the sport of knife throwing after her retirement. And she set two world records.

The oldest DJ on the planet was our man: Boris Karaulov, member of the DJ s Krugozory duo. He started his career as a DJ when he was 60. He got up every day at 4.00 and set aside two hours for physical education. The most famous composition: “Old age will not end.” He died last year from a stroke at the age of 72.

Pensioner in numbers

There are 30.7 million citizens over working age in the country (22.1 million women and 8.6 million men). Of these, according to the Ministry of Economic Development, 8 million are working, 12 million are ready to go to work.

The average salary of a working male pensioner last year was 19.6 thousand rubles, for women - 13.7 thousand. Pension - 6.5 and 6 thousand, respectively.

A pensioner suffers from 5-7 chronic diseases at the same time. Out of 100 old people, 8 never leave their houses and apartments, and 5 are bedridden.

MOSCOW, November 1. /TASS/. This year, more than 2.5 thousand elderly Muscovites will be able to receive additional education at the Silver University, the first university for the older generation, which begins its work on November 1. This was reported by the press service of the capital’s Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population.

“In 2017, 2.6 thousand people will undergo free training at the Silver University,” the department said in a statement.

The educational project is being implemented by the department together with the Moscow City Pedagogical University. Its goal is to create conditions for professional and creative longevity, socio-cultural development and expansion of the social circle of older citizens.

Older Muscovites are offered general developmental programs in five faculties: humanities, health and safety, mass communications and computer science, culture and creativity, and psychological support for the individual. These programs will be taught for one to two academic hours weekly, for a total duration of 48 hours.

We also offer training in vocational training for a nanny, a doll maker, or a green farm worker. The duration of professional programs is 160 hours, two to three academic hours per week for one academic year.

How to become a student

Educational areas, as the department said, are located in every administrative district of Moscow.

Any pensioner in the capital can become a participant in the project; to do this, they must submit an application to the social service center at their place of residence.

After the formation of groups according to training programs, an employee of the social service center notifies the project participant about his enrollment in the selected faculty. At the end of the training, a certificate of completion of a general developmental or professional program is issued.

Due to the fact that the number of places in groups is limited, candidates for training are included in the list of those waiting for subsequent admissions, the department added, noting that the implementation of the educational project for the elderly will continue in 2018.

Create an email, respond to a message on social networks, find your favorite movie on YouTube, buy a plane ticket online, connect to a wi-fi network - manipulations that citizens easily perform every day. However, for older people, these seemingly simple actions turn into an impossible task. The program “You Can’t Be Afraid, Use It, or a Smartphone for Everyday Life” helps Moscow pensioners understand modern technologies. The Moscow Government University is implementing it as part of the city project “Silver University”.

The trend of modern education is lifelong learning. Elderly residents of the capital can gain new knowledge at the Silver University. As part of this urban educational project, training is provided in six programs at the University of the Moscow Government.

The course on learning how to use a smartphone is especially popular among students. More than 600 people (54 groups) have already trained under the program “You can’t be afraid, use it, or a smartphone for everyday life.”

In September, another group completed the training; all participants were given certificates of successful completion. They shared their impressions of the course.

Tatiana Milchenko 74 years old, she is a former preschool teacher. The courses helped her master a wide variety of instant messengers, and now she easily communicates with relatives living abroad:

“I want to keep up with young people and be able to competently use modern technologies. I myself used a computer before the course, but I could only perform the simplest actions; I had long wanted to expand my knowledge. Now I can talk via video conference with numerous relatives and friends from Ukraine, Mexico, and Australia. In Soviet times, we could not even imagine that this was possible. You see a person’s facial expressions, this is incomparably richer than just communicating on the phone. I am happy that I live in this amazing time! I am delighted with the people who came up with this program for us! It's free, which means it's available to everyone. Before this course, all the programs and applications were downloaded to me by my children and grandchildren. And now I can do it myselfI installed Viber, I can download and save my favorite movies from YouTube.”

Galina Mamotova 67 years old, she is a former teacher. What brought her to the course was her lack of confidence in using a smartphone and her desire for self-development:

“When people retire, they drop out of society for some time. My professional life ended seven years ago. Of course, I don’t want to sit at home, I need development. When I got my hands on a mobile phone, I was worried and afraid. I realized that if I don’t overcome this fear now, then later I will completely fall behind in life. I went to support centers of cellular operators and asked that they install different applications for me. But I was afraid to figure it out myself: where to use wi-fi and what it is, how to master this or that function. Now a different world has just opened up for me! The benefits of this course are invaluable! I tell my friends how interesting it is to study here and receive help from teachers.”

Rose Kadysheva 71 years old, she worked as a human resources employee for the last few years, but the organization closed:

« The company I worked for was liquidated, and I had a lot of free time. And I’m a person who’s not used to sitting still, so I immediately started thinking about how to keep myself occupied in an interesting and useful way. I have owned a computer since 1980, I remember when the first robotrons appeared then. Of course, technology is now at a completely different level. My husband and son gave me a smartphone. But courses helped me learn how to use it. It was very interesting, I didn’t miss a single lesson. I would also like to mention our incredibly patient and sensitive teachers!”

The group teacher spoke in more detail about the training program Oksana Ruban:

“Our program is aimed at ensuring that older residents use mobile devices in their lives as much as possible, use the Internet confidently, and use it to resolve their issues with government services, communication, purchasing tickets, etc. We understand what mobile devices are and their settings. We learn to use a video camera and shoot video. We show you what YouTube is; educational videos are especially popular with them: how to do your hair, how to make something, how to cook. We study what online stores and transport applications are, create email and master instant messengers. We show you how to make an appointment with a doctor online. For them, all these opportunities are a real discovery,” says the teacher.

According to the teacher, such students need a special approach:

“In this work you need to have patience, try to explain as clearly, clearly and in detail as possible; unnecessary information confuses older people. This is a different generation that perceives information differently. Former techies grasp the material more easily, but I am of the opinion that anyone can master this course.”

Applications for studying at the Silver University are accepted at the territorial Social Service Centers.

In total, since April 2018, 850 pensioners have completed training at the University of the Moscow Government under the following programs: “You can’t be afraid, use it, or a smartphone for everyday life”; "Management of an apartment building"; “English for a guide in Moscow”; “Basics of active longevity: great opportunities of the silver age”; “5 steps to volunteering at a young age”; “Painting from scratch (right hemisphere drawing).”

Konstantin Tsaranov, Director of the Center for the Development of Healthcare and Social Sphere of the Moscow Government University: “We see sincere interest and desire to learn on the part of the city residents of the older generation. And we make sure that our educational programs fully meet their expectations. The teaching staff undergoes a very serious selection process. We test not only knowledge of the material, but also the ability to work with older people and choose the right approaches to them. Our listeners study the most relevant, popular and interesting topics for them. For example, how to receive government services in electronic format or sign up for a clinic through EMIAS. All this is aimed at making their lives more comfortable and mobile, and showing them new opportunities. For each course, we prepare special detailed handouts, which our students then use for a long time as instructions on how to use gadgets.”

New training programs were launched in September: "Ticket cashier"and “Our Heritage: Keepers of History.” Master classes on time management have also begun.


A new educational project for older people called “Silver University” started in Moscow on November 1, 2017. Its participants were Muscovites of retirement age: men over 60 years old, women over 55 years old. At Silver University, they can not only have an interesting time, but also acquire knowledge and skills that improve their quality of life. At the end of the training, graduates will be given certificates of completion of the educational course.

1. Who can be a participant in the Project?

A resident who has a place of residence in the city of Moscow and has reached retirement age, regardless of the fact of his employment or other activities.

2. Who has priority rights to participate in the Project?

Citizens enrolled in a program at the CES at their place of actual residence.

Citizens who are in a queue formed when enrolling in a program at the CES at their place of actual residence.

Citizens who have a place of residence and live in the administrative district of Moscow, where the training program is organized.

Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military operations on the territory of the USSR, on the territory of the Russian Federation and the territories of other states, veterans of military service, labor veterans.

Citizens receiving social support in the CSO.

3. Where is the Project being implemented?

On the territory of each administrative district of the city of Moscow and provides for the placement of educational sites in each administrative district on the principle of territorial accessibility for residents of the administrative district. Training is carried out on the basis of territorial social service centers, social service centers and on the basis of educational organizations.

4. How to become a participant in the Project?

* when contacting the Social Service Center, an employee of the institution introduces the citizen to the list of programs implemented in the administrative district;

* to carry out registration, an employee of the Social Service Center offers the citizen to choose three programs that are the highest priority for the citizen;

* a citizen’s appeal to the CSC is recorded in an online form in the form of an application for training by a CSC employee.

5. Logistics of admission to Silver University

6. What documents are required to become a participant in the Project?

To fill out an application and subsequently register as an employee of the Social Service Center, a citizen must have a passport and an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance; when enrolling in a vocational training program - also a document on education and qualifications.

7. What programs can a citizen take part in?

A citizen has the right to participate once a calendar year in one general development program or once in one of the professional programs. Studying simultaneously in general developmental and additional professional programs is not allowed.

8. How long can training take?

8.1. The volume of general development programs is up to 36 hours (include lectures, seminars, trainings and master classes).

* training in general developmental programs is carried out weekly from 3 to 4 academic hours.

8.2. The volume of professional programs is up to 160 hours (include lectures and trainings).

* training in professional programs is carried out weekly from 3 to 6 academic hours, the duration of participation in the Project is one academic year.

9. How will a citizen find out about inclusion in the list of Project participants?

After the formation of groups for training programs, the responsible employee of the Social Service Center notifies the Project participant by phone, in person or by letter to the email address specified during registration.

10. What document is issued after completing training in the Project?

Based on the results of training, a certificate of completion of a general developmental program or a certificate of completion of a professional program is issued.

11. What to do if a citizen registered to participate in the Project is not included in the group of students?

Due to the fact that the number of groups is limited, the citizen is included in the list of those waiting for subsequent enrollment in the group for training. Continuation of the project and additional admission to the Silver University in January 2019.

More detailed information about the Silver University project for residents of the Shchukino, Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, Strogino and Mitino districts can be obtained by phone.
