Cerebrovascular insufficiency treatment. Cerebrovascular accident

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience 10 years.

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The human brain is made up of more than 26 billion nerve cells, which affect not only the intellect, but also the functioning of the entire organism. Impaired cerebral circulation leads to, and therefore, failures in all systems. Even light form pathology is a serious risk of disability, and severe - death. Let's figure out why normal cerebral circulation is so important and what to do to stabilize it.

At every age, problems with blood supply to the brain carry their own dangers, but they are all equally serious, and if they are not treated, the consequences will become irreversible.

In children

In newborns, blood flow in the arteries should be 50% greater than in an adult. This is the minimum at which its development will be normal. If the total cerebral blood flow in a child reaches 9-10%, then this condition is critical. The baby will suffer from negative symptoms and will seriously lag behind his peers in mental development.

Important! The difficulty of treating cerebrovascular accidents in children lies in the fact that the side effects of drugs have a serious impact on the fragile infant body. And lack of treatment means a high risk of death.

Poor hemodynamics and blood supply in children lead to:

  • poor concentration;
  • learning difficulties;
  • reduced level of intelligence;
  • swelling of brain tissue;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • epileptic seizures.

In adults

In addition to negative symptoms, adults with poor circulation also experience worsening mental activity, and there is a high risk of becoming disabled or dying. In a special group are people with osteochondrosis, which impairs the work vascular system supply to the brain due to slipped discs or herniations.

Trauma or surgery can cause or also a tumor in the neck, which can cause a lack of oxygen in the organ. Poor blood circulation in the brain is dangerous for people of all ages.

In the elderly

Vascular genesis of the brain is a common diagnosis for older people. This is the name for a complex of problems with blood vessels, the cause of which is impaired blood circulation. The risk group includes those older people who were previously diagnosed with problems with the blood, its circulation, or pathologies of the organs responsible for this process.

This also includes heart patients or patients with inflammatory process in the vessels of the body. All this can lead to the inability to self-care or death if there is no treatment.

Why does it occur?

Most often, the cause of impaired blood flow in the brain is pathologies in the blood vessels, which invariably lead to oxygen starvation of the organ. The most common problems are:

  • thrombus formation;
  • pinching, narrowing or bending of a vessel;
  • embolism;
  • hypertension.

The latter most often leads to pressure surges in the vessels and provokes their rupture. Sclerosis is no less dangerous for them, plaques of which form blood clots over time, worsening their throughput. Even a small lesion can affect general blood flow and lead to a stroke - an acute disorder of cerebral circulation. Changes in vascular tone can also cause problems with blood flow.

Often the cause of impaired supply and outflow of blood from the brain is osteochondrosis. Head injury or constant feeling of fatigue are also leading causes of circulatory problems.

Types of violations

Doctors divide problems with blood circulation in the brain into:

  1. Acute, the development of which is rapid, so his life depends on the speed of providing assistance to the patient. It may be hemorrhagic or. In the first case, the cause of the pathology is a rupture of a blood vessel in the brain, and in the second, hypoxia due to blockage of the vessel. Sometimes an acute disorder occurs due to local damage, but vital areas of the brain are not affected. The duration of the symptoms of the pathology lasts no more than 24 hours.
  2. Chronic, developing for quite a long time and over initial stage having weak severe symptoms. After some time, the pathology begins to rapidly progress, which leads to the severity of the clinical picture. They are often diagnosed mainly in older people, which makes therapy difficult due to a number of concomitant diseases chronic type they have.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

They can be divided into chronic, acute and in children. Development and clinical picture each state will be different.

  • Chronic slowly progressive disorders

With such pathologies of cerebral circulation (CPC), symptoms increase gradually, divided into 3 main stages:

  1. Minimum severity of fatigue, headaches, vertigo. Restless sleep, increased irritability and absent-mindedness, the first signs of memory deterioration.
  2. Cognitive function decreases and symptoms become more pronounced. Remembering even simple things is even more difficult, everything is quickly forgotten, and irritability becomes stronger. The patient's limbs tremble, his gait is unsteady.
  3. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system are more severe, speech is incomprehensible and unrelated.
  • Acute disorders

More than 65% of stroke victims did not feel any symptoms preceding it, only mild fatigue and general malaise. When this occurs, a person may experience a severe headache, limbs may become numb, and loss of consciousness may occur. A short rest brings everything back to normal, and the person feels good. He doesn’t even think that it was a transistor attack, a cerebral attack or.

The symptoms of a transistor attack pass quickly, but you need to know them:

  • slurred speech;
  • strongest;
  • vision problems;
  • lack of coordination.

It is more difficult to determine a lacunar stroke by eye, because its symptoms are not so pronounced, which makes it even more dangerous, because it can occur in any part of the brain. The patient has:

  • speech becomes slightly incoherent;
  • hands and chin tremble slightly;
  • involuntary movements may occur;
  • slight lack of coordination.

In children

Infants have no sucking reflex, the child sleeps poorly and cries for no reason. The muscles will be in decreased or increased tone, possible strabismus, hydrocephalus and problems with heartbeat. Older children are less active than their healthy peers; they have poorer development of the psyche, speech, and memory.


All patients who are at risk due to existing diseases leading to problems with cerebral circulation must undergo an ultrasound scan of the vessels of the neck and brain. At the first suspicion of this pathology, this study will also be prescribed.

MRI results are more complete and allow us to identify even the smallest areas of emerging or existing problems that were caused by oxygen deprivation. Laboratory blood tests are prescribed according to indications and depending on concomitant diseases.


It doesn’t matter what problem was diagnosed, vertebro-balisar, diffuse or microcircular, therapy will be prescribed according to the pathology. Chronic venous or vascular disorders from blood clots, high blood pressure and cholesterol. At acute attack urgent assistance will be provided health care. If this:

  • stroke - stabilization of respiratory function, blood flow, decrease in blood pressure;
  • - elimination of swelling, measures to restore organ functions.

Additionally, they will remove the manifestations of negative symptoms, so in case of numbness, massage, some folk remedies, diet and recovery stage to increase the elasticity of blood vessels.


It consists of 3 stages:

  1. Reconvalescence, which is designed to restore both biological and mental problems in the body.
  2. Readaptation is to allow a person to adapt to their usual way of life.
  3. Resocialization - adaptation to society.

The first stage of rehabilitation is carried out in a clinic or under the supervision of qualified personnel at home. For the second and third, the patient must stay in special institutions, such as sanatoriums, dispensaries and dispensaries.


Problems with blood flow in the brain can result in:

  • thrombus formation, which will provoke;
  • rupture of the vessel, resulting in hemorrhage;
  • swelling of the organ.

Any of these options for the development of pathology, even with timely assistance, carries a high risk of disability and even death. The latter most often occurs with global lesions or lack of medical assistance during an attack.

Preventive actions

It is always easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Therefore, to avoid problems with cerebral circulation, you need to adhere to the following medical recommendations:

  1. Sedentary work and physical activity should be balanced, without distortions in any direction.
  2. Maximum positive emotions, reduce stress to a minimum and depressive symptoms. A state of increased nervousness negatively affects the nervous system and brain function.
  3. Have a clear sleep schedule so that the body receives good rest and was ready for the stress of the working day.
  4. Be outdoors more often. It is better to walk in the park or forest. Hiking perfectly strengthen the body, especially in fresh, clean air.
  5. Make your diet complete and balanced, eat in small portions at strictly allotted times. Don’t even overload the body healthy food. Make it a rule to have several fasting days a week. But not the tough and hungry ones, but give preference to baked apples, prunes, and cheese.
  6. Monitor your body's water balance and drink what you're supposed to. daily measure liquid, which must be calculated using a special formula, based on your weight. But you don’t need to drink forcefully, drink everything in moderation and without forcing yourself. At the same time, give up tea and coffee, giving preference to pure mineral water, preferably without gases. The usual diet should be formed with a predominance of greens, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, boiled lean meat and fish. Cook soups with water. Sweet tooth should give preference healthy treats from proper nutrition, and even they should be eaten no more than 100 grams per day.
  7. Take place regularly medical examinations so that pathology can be detected at an early stage.

Cerebrovascular accident belongs to the group of diseases of cardio-vascular system(code according to MBK-10 IX 110-115). Treatment of such diseases should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

The use of traditional methods, especially in the acute phase of the disease, is not recommended.

However, in chronic stage, as well as during the rehabilitation period, treatment with folk remedies for cerebral circulatory disorders is simply necessary. It is part of a complex to restore the body.

Folk remedies are the best way to prevent the problem.

Cerebral circulation is an ideal system that works on the principle of communicating vessels. If an area of ​​the brain needs more blood, vessels transfer blood there from other areas. As demand decreases, blood volumes return to standard parameters.

This allows for optimal supply of all parts of the brain and spinal cord blood in needed by the body quantities and solve the problem of blood supply, for example, during physical activity or sports.

However, this ideal system fails if blood flow through any of the vessels is obstructed.

Imagine what would happen if you blocked a stream with a stone. The water will begin to erode the channel and eventually spill over the floodplain. The same thing happens with blood vessels.

If obstacles form in any of the vessels in the form of blood clots, embolisms, cholesterol plaques, then the blood begins to circulate poorly, the pressure on the walls of blood vessels increases, and this can result in a stroke, cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction ( acute insufficiency blood supply to individual parts of the brain).

Why do these obstacles form in the blood vessels? There are many reasons, let’s list the main ones:

  1. Metabolism and fat balance disorders.
  2. Smoking and alcohol.
  3. A sedentary lifestyle, working in one position, especially if the head is in a constant position.
  4. Osteochondrosis (salt deposition) cervical spine spine.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Age-related changes in blood vessels - atherosclerosis.
  7. Chronic fatigue.
  8. Diabetes.

These reasons can work in combination or individually, and this is a signal that it is urgent to take action to prevent cerebrovascular accidents.

Initial cerebrovascular accidents


You should worry if:

  1. You feel dizzy for three or more days in a row.
  2. If you suddenly begin to lose your vision.
  3. If you begin to get tired quickly, it is difficult to remember information and forget the recent past.
  4. If you suffer from frequent headaches.
  5. If you see that you are losing coordination of movements.
  6. If your gait has changed, it may be difficult to lift your feet off the ground.
  7. If you feel numb from time to time different areas bodies.

These symptoms can appear all at once or partially, but even one of them should be a signal to urgently consult a doctor and take preventive measures acute stage diseases.


Doctors distinguish three stages:

  1. Chronic. Develops slowly. Signs of the disease do not appear for a long time. The appearance of the first symptoms is also often ignored. However, if the disease is not treated, it can lead to stroke and complete personality degradation.
  2. Transient. Develops against the background of chronic disorders. It might start suddenly epileptic seizure, sharp numbness of body parts, severe sharp headaches. However, such conditions, as a rule, last no more than a day.
  3. Acute phase of the disease. It occurs suddenly and develops in two types. Ischemic type - cerebral infarction occurs, hemorrhagic type- stroke.

How to treat cerebrovascular accident with folk remedies

Folk remedies can be very effective in the treatment of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). You just need to decide what exactly you want to fight - the causes or the consequences of the disease.

If you have not yet experienced the acute stage of the disease, then you need to actively get involved in the fight for your health.

Preventive methods

Prevention of NMC includes herbal preparations of three directions of action:

  1. Cleaning blood vessels.
  2. Decreased blood pressure.

Lemons, oranges and honey. Take just two - 2 lemons, 2 oranges and 2 tablespoons of honey.

Grind the citrus fruits in a meat grinder, first removing the seeds (no need to peel the skins), mix with honey and leave to grind in a warm place, then transfer to a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Take 2 tbsp. l. three times a day.

Hop. It is good for them to clean blood vessels when diagnosed with thrombophlebitis. Pour one tablespoon of hop cones (chopped) into a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes and drink immediately. Do this procedure three times a day for a month.

Garlic with horseradish and lemon. This remedy perfectly cleanses blood vessels in older people suffering from atherosclerosis, relieves spasms and shortness of breath. Mix crushed garlic and horseradish in any equal proportions.

Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Before use, mix 1 teaspoon of the composition with freshly squeezed lemon juice also in the amount of 1 tsp. Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals. You drink for 2 months - then a month off, and you can repeat the course.

Mulberry. 10 fresh leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the mulberries and simmer for several minutes. After that, put it to rest. Drink throughout the day instead of tea. Every day you need to make a fresh decoction.

Orchis. Cut the fresh root of the plant (8-10 tubers) in half and pour medical alcohol(200 ml) for two weeks. Infuse in a dark place. Ready tincture drink 1 tsp in the morning on an empty stomach.

Use for one and a half months. After a month's break, the course can be repeated. The tincture strengthens thinned blood vessel walls, normalizes blood pressure, and improves memory.

Periwinkle and Hawthorn. Take one part of fresh periwinkle leaves, chop them and boil them in 0.5 liters of water for 4-5 minutes. Then add two parts of hawthorn leaves and fruits and boil for another 5 minutes.

Then you need to let the broth stand for three hours. Strain and take half a glass of liquid before meals three times a day. You need to drink this decoction regularly for at least a month. The product effectively restores blood supply to the brain.

Metabolic disorders lead to fatty deposits that interfere with normal blood flow and salt deposition.

Salts not only interfere with the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, but also lead to squeezing of blood vessels. And this is a direct path to hypertension and stroke.

Therefore, normalization of metabolic processes - important stage prevention of cerebrovascular accidents.

Diet for cerebrovascular accidents: avoid fatty meats, fatty foods, fried. Reduce your intake of sweets, give up chocolate. Reduce salt intake. It is better, of course, to abandon it altogether, if possible.

What you can't drink is alcohol. And while strong alcoholic drinks are still permissible in minimal quantities, beer is strictly prohibited.

Massage. Massage the cervical spine, shoulders, scalp with light circular movements and stroking. Comb your hair with a massage comb more often. All this promotes blood flow to the head.

. Physical therapy includes a whole range of exercises:

  1. Exercise 1. Smooth tilts of the head back, forward, left, right and circular movements.
  2. Exercise 2. Stand straight, bend your elbows with clenched fists, while lowering your head down, then stand straight again.
  3. Exercise 3. Hold your breath as much as possible, note the time, divide the result by 2. This number is the time from which you should start holding your breath, gradually increasing it to the maximum possible result for you.

This complex must be done daily. Each exercise - at least 10 times.

Well, here are some general preventative tips:

  1. It is important to choose the right position for sleeping when cervical osteochondrosis with cerebrovascular accident. Avoid sleeping on your stomach. Choose a small, rectangular, firm pillow that touches only your head and neck.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle and take up swimming and jogging.
  3. Stop smoking.
  4. Get more rest.

If you missed the period when preventive actions could significantly improve your condition, and the disease has progressed to the acute stage, then it is better for you to postpone folk remedies for the period after the crisis.

Call an ambulance immediately, and while it is rushing, you need to take some steps to provide first aid.

Emergency care for acute cerebrovascular accident:

  1. Observe bed rest. Don't move.
  2. Take your regular blood pressure medications.
  3. Drink rosehip tincture. This is a diuretic that will help reduce blood pressure.
  4. Use alcohol tincture valerian in order to breathe its vapors. This is a strong sedative. It will help relieve stress during the acute phase of the disease and alleviate suffering.

After a stroke or cerebral infarction, it is important to take measures to restore blood supply to the brain.

Celandine. A decoction of this healing herb will help restore impaired functions. 1 tbsp. l dry herb pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Drink 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for three weeks. You can repeat the course only after 3 weeks.

Herbal balm with paralysis after a stroke. Buy the heart mixture at the pharmacy. To this herb add dry plantain, chaga mushroom, string, immortelle, yellow celandine - only 2 tbsp. l., 100 g of green buckwheat, 100 g of millet, 100 g of soybeans and 100 g of millet.

Scroll everything through a meat grinder and pour vegetable oil(2/3 - mixture, 1/3 - oil). Leave for 2 months in a dark place. After this, strain the tincture and heat it to 60 degrees. Let it steep again for another 30 days.

The balm is ready. Rub it into paralyzed areas at night for one and a half months. After a break of 10 days, repeat the course.

These folk remedies, together with a set of physical therapy exercises, will help you restore your health. Remember, the maximum of lost functions after a stroke or heart attack is restored within the first three months.

But, of course, it’s better if it doesn’t lead to a stroke. Be attentive to yourself and at the first symptoms of cerebral circulation disorders, consult a doctor. Folk remedies will help you get back, prevent relapses and significantly improve your quality of life.

Insufficient nutrition of the brain is called circulatory disorder, which can be caused by various factors. Lack of timely therapeutic treatment can lead to irreversible consequences, including death.

People at risk need to know the symptoms and treatment of cerebrovascular accidents.

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    Causes of pathology

    The most common cause of cerebrovascular accidents is hypertension. Due to the increased level of pressure, blood vessels undergo changes and lose their elasticity, which causes slow blood circulation. Even the slightest fluctuation in pressure leads to a disproportion between the need and the amount of blood delivered to the brain.

    The second cause of the disease is atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. They attach to the walls of arteries and veins, reduce their lumen, and when platelets settle on them, a blood clot is formed - a thrombus. The danger of blood clots is that, as they grow, they can completely block the blood flow, or, when they break off, clog blood vessels in the brain, resulting in an acute cerebrovascular accident - a stroke.

    Long-term stress and syndrome chronic fatigue are also the causes of the development of the disease in adulthood.

    Brain circulation in children is disrupted much less frequently than in adults. This is due to the fact that in childhood Atherosclerosis is extremely rare; their vessels are more elastic and not subject to changes that occur in hypertensive patients.

    That is why the causes of cerebral circulatory disorders in children differ from those that provoke poor blood flow in adults.

    The main causes of NCM are intrauterine fetal hypoxia, difficult pregnancy, prolonged labor, and infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy. The baby’s blood circulation is affected by the mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy: prolonged stress, bad habits, poor nutrition. Also provoking factors are congenital diseases of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the blood vessels of the brain and spinal cord, and early arterial hypertension.

    The listed reasons can cause circulatory disorders in adulthood, but, as a rule, these conditions are detected at birth or in the first years of a child’s life.

    Cerebral circulation in children and adults is impaired due to the following reasons:

    • Heart failure, chronic diseases heart and blood vessels.
    • Compression of blood vessels by the cervical vertebra.
    • Traumatic brain injuries, brain surgery.
    • Vasomotor disorders of the nervous system.
    • Infectious vasculitis.
    • Thrombophlebitis.
    • Severe intoxication with medications and narcotic drugs.
    • Diseases of the endocrine system.
    • Systemic and rheumatoid diseases.
    • Diabetes.
    • Overweight.

    Regardless of the cause of poor circulation, lack of nutrition affects not only the brain, but also all organs and systems of the body. Therefore, it is important to promptly eliminate provoking factors and take measures to improve blood flow.

    Classification by type

    Cerebrovascular accidents are divided into two types: chronic (CNMC) and acute (ACMC).

    Chronic cerebrovascular accident develops slowly, gradually affecting brain tissue, leading to disruption of its functions and irreversible damage. The main reasons for its development are arterial hypertension, vascular atherosclerosis, and heart failure.

    Despite the fact that stroke is considered a “senile” disease, it also occurs in childhood. Among children with cerebrovascular accidents, about 7% suffered a stroke.

    ONMC are divided into 2 types:

    1. 1. Ischemic stroke - blockage of the arteries of the brain occurs, resulting in acute hypoxia, necrotic lesions form, as a result of which brain cells die.
    2. 2. Hemorrhagic stroke - rupture of blood vessels in tissues occurs, hematomas are formed, pressing on adjacent areas of the brain.

    Separate from strokes, there is another type of acute disorder - subarachnoid hemorrhage, in which a rupture of blood vessels between the membranes of the brain occurs. Most often this type is caused traumatic lesions cranium, less often - internal factors: aneurysm, vasculitis, chronic diseases of the vascular system.

    General symptoms

    Signs of cerebrovascular accident are classified into 2 types:

    1. 1. Focal - these include hemorrhagic changes, cerebral vascular infarction, hemorrhages between the membranes.
    2. 2. Diffuse – characterized by minor hemorrhages, cysts, tumors, and small necrotic foci.

    Any of the pathologies associated with poor blood flow has its own special symptoms, but there are also general symptoms, characteristic of all diseases:

    • Loss of coordination.
    • Sudden headaches.
    • Dizziness.
    • Numbness of the limbs and face.
    • Impaired cognitive functions.
    • Decreased vision and hearing.
    • Hyperexcitability, nervousness, outbursts of aggression.
    • Decreased memory and intellectual abilities.
    • Feeling of noise in the head.
    • Fast fatiguability.
    • Decreased performance.

    These symptoms can appear individually or in combination. And if three signs are observed at the same time, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident acute and chronic form manifest themselves in different ways, so they should be considered separately.

    Chronic circulatory disorder

    Chronic cerebrovascular disease develops gradually; there are three stages of its progression with increasing symptoms. For encephalopathy - organic damage brain, the following signs are characteristic:

    1. 1. At the first stage, manifestations are weakly expressed. First there is fast fatiguability, headache and dizziness. The patient begins to sleep restlessly, becomes irritable and absent-minded, and notices memory impairment.
    2. 2. At the second stage, coordination is impaired: the gait becomes uncertain, shaky, and hand tremors may be observed. Memory becomes even worse, concentration decreases, forgetfulness and irritability progress.
    3. 3. The third stage is characterized by noticeable disturbances motor functions, unrelated speech, dementia develops.

    Symptoms of encephalopathy in infants:

    • Lack of sucking reflex.
    • Disturbed sleep, causeless crying.
    • Increased or decreased muscle tone.
    • Abnormal heartbeat.
    • Belated first cry.
    • Strabismus.
    • Hydrocephalus.

    Older children experience decreased child activity, poor memory, and delayed mental and speech development.

    Cervical myelopathy is also a chronic disorder; its three stages are accompanied by certain symptoms:

    1. 1. The first or compensated stage is accompanied by increased fatigue, weakness and slight muscle weakness.
    2. 2. At the subcompensated stage, muscle weakness progresses, reflexes and sensitivity decrease, and muscle spasms occur.
    3. 3. At the last stage, the following occur: paralysis, paresis, disruption of organ function, practically complete absence reflexes.

    The disease may be accompanied by fever and fever. It is worth noting that symptoms can manifest themselves differently, depending on the severity of the disease and the condition of the person’s body. The presence of chronic pathologies contributes to a more rapid progression of CNM.

    Signs of acute illness

    Statistics show that about 70% of patients did not feel symptoms of a stroke, the only thing they felt was fatigue and weakness, but they attributed it to general malaise. There is a concept of “micro-stroke”, in which the patient suddenly experiences a headache, faints, feels numbness in the limbs, but does not attach any importance to this, especially since the condition improves after rest. And the patient does not even suspect that he has suffered a transient ischemic attack or a lacunar stroke that affects small-diameter vessels.

    Transient ischemic attack is a cerebrovascular accident with rapidly disappearing symptoms.

    Symptoms of this condition:

    • A sharp decrease in speech clarity.
    • Strong headache.
    • Short-term visual impairment.
    • Loss of coordination.

    With a lacunar stroke, there are no pronounced symptoms, which is difficult to diagnose and can lead to serious consequences.

    What the patient may feel:

    • Slight incoherence of speech.
    • Movement disorders.
    • Tremor of hands and chin.
    • Involuntary movements of the hands.

    These conditions require urgent medical intervention to avoid irreversible consequences.

    With ischemic and hemorrhoidal stroke, the symptoms are more pronounced. The main signs are a sharp, often throbbing headache, a skewing of the facial muscles to one side, and a severe impairment of motor functions.

    Other signs:

    • Sharp pain on one side of the head.
    • Dizziness.
    • Dilation of one pupil (from the side of the stroke).
    • Incoherent speech.
    • Decreased vision, double vision.
    • Numbness of the face or limbs.
    • Nausea.
    • Sharp weakness.

    The severity of symptoms varies from person to person. Three tests can be performed to determine signs of acute circulatory problems:

    1. 1. Ask to smile.
    2. 2. Raise both hands.
    3. 3. Say your name.

    During a stroke, the patient will not be able to smile straightly - the smile will be skewed, one arm will remain in place or will rise much more slowly. Speech will become slurred or disappear completely. The manifestation of these symptoms requires urgent hospitalization.

    How to determine stroke in children?

    Symptoms of stroke in children are similar to those in adults, but there are also some special differences. Stroke in newborns can be suspected if the following signs are present:

    • Limb spasms.
    • Swollen fontanel.
    • Breathing problems.
    • Developmental delay.
    • Involuntary rhythmic eye movements.

    The risk group includes children with intrauterine developmental delay who were born in rapid labor with congenital heart and vascular diseases.

    In younger children preschool age The symptoms of a stroke are the same as in adults, but the difficulty of diagnosis is that children cannot always complain of feeling unwell.

    When to be wary:

    • Speech sharply deteriorates, or the child stops speaking completely.
    • Involuntary movements of the limbs occur.
    • One of the pupils is greatly dilated.
    • Motor functions are impaired or completely absent.
    • Hearing impairment is observed.
    • Speech perception is sharply reduced.
    • The occurrence of seizures.
    • Involuntary defecation and urination.

    An older child may complain that he has a headache, feels numbness in his arms or legs, or sees spots before his eyes. If these signs are present, parents should put the child to bed and call an ambulance.

    Therapy methods

    Treatment of cerebrovascular accident requires a long time. Therapeutic actions aimed at ensuring normal level blood circulation, normalization of blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels, maintaining normal amount electrolytes, relieving swelling and eliminating the causes of the disease.

    First stage inpatient care includes removal of vital dangerous conditions, intensive therapy is carried out with the help of painkillers, antioxidants, and anticonvulsants.

    What drugs are prescribed:

    1. 1. If the cause of the disease is too thick blood and a tendency to thrombus formation, anticoagulant drugs are prescribed: Curantil, Fragmin, Clexan, Curantil, Thrombo ACC. For children, Heparin injections are most often chosen.
    2. 2. Blockers calcium channels- improve microcirculation, relax arteries, prevent the formation of blood clots. These include: Veropamil, Finoptin, Lomir, Gallopamil, Bepredil, Foridom. These drugs are contraindicated for children and are prescribed only as a last resort.
    3. 3. Antispasmodic drugs: Noshpa, Drotaverine hydrochloride. Relieves vascular spasms, thereby improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.
    4. 4. Vascular-active drugs suppress platelets, dilate blood vessels and improve intercellular metabolism in the brain. Means of this group: Vasobral, Nitsergolin, Sermion. In childhood, Cinnarizine, Vinpocetine, Euphyllin.
    5. 5. Neurotropic and nootropic drugs for children and adults are mandatory. They relieve the effects of hypoxia, improve intercellular metabolism, and promote the formation of new vascular plexuses. In addition, they have a positive effect on cognitive functions, restore speech, memory and improve psycho-emotional mood. The most effective remedies: Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, Piracetam, Encephabol, Gliatilin, Mexidol, Pantogam.

    Timely treatment of the chronic form will avoid complications and the occurrence of acute cerebrovascular accident. Unfortunately, in most cases, stroke leaves consequences and requires constant maintenance treatment.

    In some cases, when blood circulation is impaired, surgery is prescribed. Main indications for surgery:

    1. 1. Extensive hemorrhages and hematomas.
    2. 2. Blockage of blood vessels with blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
    3. 3. Brain tumors and cysts.
    4. 4. Damage to blood vessels.
    5. 5. Lack of positive dynamics from conservative treatment.

    There are several types of interventions, and the attending physician decides which one to choose based on the severity and cause of the disease. The prognosis after surgery is usually positive, provided the patient follows all recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

    As a conclusion

    For treatment to have a positive effect, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle, refuse bad habits, study physical therapy. You should give up junk and fatty foods, reduce stress levels and get more rest.

    Poor blood circulation in the brain is a disease that requires constant monitoring. If the patient has such a diagnosis in his anamnesis, he needs to visit a neurologist and therapist twice a year, and also undergo examinations: EEG, ECG, general analysis blood, platelet levels, vascular ultrasound, and others as indicated.

Cerebrovascular accident is one of the most dangerous pathologies. After all, the brain controls all processes in the body: breathing, heartbeat, motor activity, speech, thoughts. If such a misfortune occurs, then social vitality goes downhill, in the worst case, human life fades away.

The symptoms of the pathology will be different for each person, since they completely depend on the severity of the process and the location of the pathological focus.

According to the severity of the process, they are distinguished:

An acute violation of the blood supply of certain vessels entails a sharp lack of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues, which causes hypoxia of the area, ischemia and further death. Therefore, symptoms will depend on the location of the outbreak.

Acute cerebrovascular accident can cause short-term pathology: transient ischemic attack (TIA) and ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.

Chronic disruption of the blood supply to blood vessels and the nutrition of certain areas of the cortex and white matter of the brain leads to the development of dyscirculatory encephalopathy.

Blood supply to the brain

Knowing the location of the lesion is very important for an objective choice of further treatment tactics and will help to quickly cope with the disease. To do this, you need to know the anatomy of the location of blood vessels in the brain.

The blood supply to the brain is provided by vessels that originate from two different sources: the carotid arteries and the vertebral arteries. The main arteries in which blockage of a vessel or its rupture most often occur are the cerebral arteries: the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries.

Depending on the location of the ischemic focus, the pool in which blood circulation is impaired is determined. The anterior and middle cerebral arteries originate from the carotid arteries, which causes a higher incidence of damage than the posterior cerebral artery. This is explained by the fact that the force with which blood flows through the vessels of the brain is greater in the anterior and posterior cerebral arteries, since the carotid artery is in close proximity to the heart in relation to the vertebral vessels.

Causes of blood supply disorders

The reasons for the violation of sufficient blood supply may be various pathologies and processes:

  • Vessel aneurysm.
  • Thrombosis - the formation of a plaque on the wall of a vessel with an increased content of cholesterol in the blood, lipoproteins high density at the injured site of the endothelium. The plaque grows, gradually obscuring the lumen of the vessel. This results in chronic insufficiency cerebral blood supply, which can turn into an acute one. This can happen if a blood clot completely blocks the lumen of the artery, and an area of ​​the brain stops receiving oxygen and nutrients.
  • Kinks of blood vessels.
  • Malformations - accumulation small vessels, which intertwine with each other and form peculiar knots. They are insolvent and under any stress (physical, emotional) due to increased blood flow they can rupture, which will lead to hemorrhage in the brain.
  • Embolism with gas, thrombus, air.
  • Hypertension - increases the risk of hemorrhage due to uncontrolled blood pressure. There are two reasons for the manifestations, which arise when arterial hypertension: high blood pressure, which exerts a greater force on the vessels and reduces their resistance, and rigidity of the vascular wall (rapid wear of the vessels with increased work in resistance high current blood due to hypertension).
  • Chronic fatigue - the brain needs to receive more blood and oxygen with increased activity, which quickly depletes the body and brain activity, which can lead to chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency.
  • Concussions, head injuries, bruises and hemorrhages.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis - vertebrae and hernias are compressed vertebral artery, which causes insufficient nutrition of the brain tissue of the posterior cerebral artery basin.

Acute cerebrovascular accident

Acute cerebrovascular accident causes the following diseases:

  1. Hemorrhagic stroke;
  2. Ischemic stroke;
  3. Transient ischemic attack.

Symptoms of acute disorder brain activity vary according to the location of the lesion and can be observed in the patient in varying degrees and duration:

  • General cerebral symptoms - dizziness, nausea, vomiting, depression of consciousness (from stupor to coma) - occur due to swelling of the brain and tissue pressure on the meninges;
  • Impaired sensitivity;
  • Violation motor activity- from mild paresis to plegia;
  • Violation of the correct full activity of the senses;
  • Loss of coordination;
  • Brainstem symptoms - disturbance of respiratory activity, cardiac activity, vision, hearing, swallowing (the centers for regulating the listed functions are located in the brainstem);
  • Decreased cognitive abilities of a person - impaired mental activity, deterioration of memory, speed of thinking;
  • Convulsions, epileptic seizures.

Ischemic stroke differs in that the disorders occur against the background normal pressure and is caused by blockage of the supply vessel. The tissue does not receive the necessary substances, ischemia occurs, against the background of which venous congestion can occur.

This will provide the first symptoms - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, acute headache. Next, the ischemic area ceases to perform its functions, and some of the above symptoms appear. If ineffective or untimely treatment the area becomes necrotic, and lost functions cannot be restored.

Hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures as a result of high pressure and vascular tension, aneurysm, cerebral vascular malformation. This type of stroke, unlike ischemic stroke, is often accompanied by clouding of consciousness.

The focus of hemorrhage can be so large that the brain tissue is displaced to the side, which entails dislocation syndrome - deviation along the axis (often with ventricular hemorrhages) and further wedging of the brain stem into the foramen magnum. This is the opening through which the spinal cord connects to the brain. This phenomenon is very dangerous for human life.

Clinically, a transient ischemic attack completely resembles an ischemic stroke, but differs in that the symptoms disappear without a trace within 24 hours. This syndrome is caused by spasm of the vessels that supply the pathological area or by a passing thrombus (embolus that has independently passed beyond the occluded part.

Diagnosis of strokes consists in correctly collecting anamnesis of the disease and life, identifying all clinical manifestations and conducting instrumental methods research.

Most informative method is CT or MRI. More often used computed tomography, since its advantage is the rapid detection of fresh blood in soft tissues. The lesion can not be seen immediately, but after a few days. In this case, in order not to waste time, the diagnosis is made at the clinic and the appropriate therapy is selected.

Treatment of acute cerebrovascular accident is basically the same, aimed at restoring damaged cells and reduction of the necrosis zone. For this purpose, preparations of B vitamins are used (to restore the myelin sheath), metabolic preparations (to improve nutrition and rapid cell recovery; help cells that perform double workload), preparations aimed at eliminating complications (pulmonary edema, brain swelling, cardiac arrest, dislocation syndrome), neuroprotectors (drugs that protect brain cells from harmful environmental influences).

One distinctive feature in the treatment of various types of pathology - drugs aimed at eliminating the cause of symptoms. At ischemic stroke They use drugs that can thin the blood, increase its rheological properties and fluidity. For this purpose, anticoagulants of direct action and then indirect action are used initially. After normalization of blood flow, patients switch to lifelong use of antiplatelet agents.

Hemorrhagic stroke, on the contrary, requires the use of hemostatic agents - prothrombin, aminocaproic acid and other drugs.

Chronic cerebrovascular accident

Discirculatory encephalopathy can develop due to 3 factors.

  • Multi-infarction conditions - the reasons for this development of the disease are embolization of small vessels of the brain with blood clots from the heart. They appear as a result of development atrial fibrillation hearts.
  • Binswanger's disease provokes thickening of the walls and narrowing of the lumen of the small arteries of the brain, which is why the white matter often suffers. Neuronal death is observed locally, scattered throughout the brain tissue.
  • Impairment of the patency of the main arteries supplying the brain - the vertebral and carotid arteries. Blood flow decreases over time, so chronic insufficiency of blood supply to the brain occurs.

These causes cause symptoms such as sleep disturbances, deterioration of cognitive abilities (becomes worse memory, they stop solving complex logical tasks, thinking deteriorates), dementia is observed (memory loss in various manifestations).

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by collecting anamnesis. At that moment, the doctor must suspect a certain diagnosis, which must be confirmed instrumentally.

The patient should consult with an ophthalmologist to examine the fundus of the eye, since the retina is a mirror of the blood vessels of the brain.

Angiography is performed. It will identify small and large blood clots or spasms that lead to permanent occlusion of small vessels.

Drugs to improve cerebral circulation

Cerebrovascular accident What are the symptoms?

An electroencephalogram will show those small tissue lesions after blockage of blood vessels. Potentials are recorded from healthy living tissue. Changes in the electroencephalogram will show organic changes in the brain substance.

Treatment of chronic dyscirculatory encephalopathy is carried out with drugs that improve blood rheology and blood flow in the vessels. In essence, the treatment consists of metabolic drugs that strengthen the vascular wall, reduce blood viscosity, improve its rheological properties, control thrombus formation and the amount of cholesterol and lipoproteins of various groups in the blood.

Correct timely treatment will help protect yourself from complications and death.

Мозговое кровообращение - это движение крови в системе сосудов головного и спинного мозга. In a pathological process that causes cerebrovascular accidents, могут быть поражены магистральные и мозговые артерии (аорта, плечеголовной ствол, а также общие, внутренние и наружные сонные, позвоночные, подключичные, спинальные, базилярная, корешковые артерии и их ветви), мозговые и jugular veins, venous sinuses. The nature of the pathology of cerebral vessels can be different: thrombosis, embolism, kinks and looping, narrowing of the lumen, aneurysms of the vessels of the brain and spinal cord.

Концепция сосудистой мозговой недостаточности в целом определяется как состояние диспропорции между потребностью и доставкой крови к мозгу. В основе ее лежит, чаще всего, ограничение кровотока в атеросклеротически суженных мозговых сосудах. При этом временное снижение системного АД может явиться причиной развития ишемии участка мозга, снабжаемого сосудом с суженным просветом.

По характеру нарушений мозгового кровообращения выделяют начальные проявления недостаточности кровоснабжения мозга:

  • острые нарушения мозгового кровообращения (преходящие нарушения, подоболочечные кровоизлияния, инсульты);
  • chronic slowly progressive disorders of cerebral and spinal circulation (dyscirculatory encephalopathy and myelopathy).

Chronic cerebrovascular accident- dyscirculatory encephalopathy is a slowly progressive cerebrovascular insufficiency, cerebral circulatory failure, leading to the development of many small-focal necrosis of brain tissue and impaired brain function.

Transient cerebrovascular accidents - acute disturbance of brain functions of vascular origin, which are characterized by the suddenness and short duration of dyscirculatory disorders in the brain and are expressed by general cerebral and focal symptoms. The most important criterion for transient cerebrovascular accidents is the complete reversibility of focal or diffuse neurological symptoms within 24 hours. The following forms are distinguished: transient ischemic attacks and hypertensive crises.

Ischemic cerebrovascular accidents arise as a result of local cerebral ischemia and are manifested by focal neurological disorders and, less commonly, a disorder of consciousness. Local cerebral ischemia develops due to thrombosis or embolism outside or intracranial arteries, in rare cases, cerebral hypoperfusion due to systemic hemodynamic disorders. In cases where neurological disorders resolve within 24 hours, the disease is regarded as a transient ischemic attack. If neurological disorders persist for more than a day, ischemic stroke is diagnosed.

Causes of cerebrovascular accidents

The main reason is atherosclerosis. This is a disease accompanied by the formation of fatty plaques on the inner walls of the arteries, gradually blocking them and impeding blood flow through them. Before clinical symptoms appear, narrowing carotid artery may be 75%. Platelets accumulate in affected areas, forming blood clots, the separation of which from the wall of a blood vessel can lead to blockage of blood vessels in the brain. Blood clots can also form in the brain. Other causes of cerebrovascular accidents are heart disease and blood vessels, degenerative changes cervical spine. Stroke can be caused by rheumatic heart disease, changes in the heart valves, migraines, stress and physical overexertion. Impaired cerebral circulation can be a consequence of trauma, for example, resulting from a short-term pinching of the neck by a seat belt (the so-called “whiplash”) in a traffic accident. Due to a slight tear in the wall of the carotid artery, blood begins to collect in it, which leads to blockage of the artery. Cerebral circulation disorders can be caused by: cerebral bleeding, radiation sickness, complicated migraine, etc.

One common cause is bleeding in the brain due to high blood pressure. With a sharp rise in blood pressure, a vessel may rupture, causing blood to enter the brain, causing an intracerebral hematoma. More rare cause hemorrhage is the rupture of an aneurysm. As a rule, related to a congenital pathology, an arterial aneurysm is a protrusion in the form of a sac on the wall of a vessel. The walls of such a protrusion, unlike the walls of a normal vessel, do not have a sufficiently powerful muscular and elastic frame. Therefore, sometimes the relatively small increase in pressure that can be observed during physical activity, emotional stress is quite healthy people, leads to rupture of the aneurysm wall.

In addition, it is very important to remember that cerebrovascular accidents can develop against the background of chronic fatigue syndrome. In this case, a person should consult a doctor as soon as possible for treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. This condition a person can lead to disruption of the functioning of such body systems as endocrine, digestive, and, of course, cardiovascular.

And the constant stressful situations that a person finds himself in also do not give him health. In addition to cerebrovascular accidents and arterial hypertension stress can lead to development nervous breakdowns, dysfunction of the central nervous system. Yes, and cerebral circulatory disorders with stressful situations can also be quite serious.

Symptoms of cerebrovascular accident

Clinical symptoms of initial manifestations of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain are:

  • headache after intense mental and physical work;
  • dizziness, noise in the head;
  • decreased performance;
  • memory loss;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • sleep disturbance.

Focal neurological symptoms in such patients are usually absent or represented by scattered microsymptoms. To diagnose the initial manifestations of insufficiency of blood supply to the brain, it is necessary to identify objective signs atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, vasomotor dystonia and the exclusion of other somatic pathologies, as well as neurosis.

Diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident

For diagnosis it is important:

  • Availability vascular disease for a number of years - hypertension, atherosclerosis, blood diseases, diabetes mellitus;
  • characteristic complaints of the patient;
  • data from neuropsychological studies - the most common MMSE scale for identifying cognitive impairment (normally you need to score 30 points by completing the proposed tests);
  • examination by an ophthalmologist who discovered signs of angiopathy in the fundus;
  • duplex scanning data - the possibility of neuroimaging of atherosclerotic lesions of cerebral vessels, vascular malformations, venous encephalopathy;
  • magnetic resonance imaging data - detection of small hypodense foci in the periventricular spaces (around the ventricles), zones of leukariasis, changes in liquor-containing spaces, signs of atrophy of the cerebral cortex and focal (post-stroke) changes;
  • blood tests - general, sugar, coagulogram, lipidogram.

Recurrent headache, dizziness, increased blood pressure, disturbance intellectual activity- even just absent-mindedness should lead you to a neurologist.

Treatment of cerebrovascular accidents

Treatment should be aimed at preventing the development of repeated PMI and cerebral stroke. In mild cases (disappearance of symptoms of circulatory disorders within a few minutes), treatment with outpatient settings. In severe cases lasting more than 1 hour, and with repeated violations, hospitalization is indicated.

Therapeutic measures include:

  • improvement of cerebral blood flow;
  • rapid activation of collateral circulation;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • relieving cerebral edema;
  • improving brain metabolism.

To improve cerebral blood flow normalization of blood pressure and increased cardiac activity are indicated. For this purpose, korglykon 1 ml of 0.06% solution in 20 ml of 40% glucose solution or strophanthin 0.25-0.5 ml of 0.05% solution with glucose is prescribed intravenously.

To reduce high blood pressure Dibazol is indicated in 2-3 ml of 1% solution IV or 2-4 ml of 2% solution IM, papaverine hydrochloride in 2 ml of 2% solution IV, no-spa in 2 ml of 2% solution IM or 10 ml of 25% magnesium sulfate solution intramuscularly.

To improve microcirculation and collateral circulation use drugs that reduce the aggregation of blood cells. To antiplatelet agents fast acting include rheopolyglucin (400 ml IV drip), aminophylline (10 ml 2.4% IV solution in 20 ml 40% glucose solution).

Patients with severe form of PNMK shown parenteral administration antiplatelet agents during the first three days, then it is necessary to take acetylsalicylic acid 0.5 g orally 3 times a day after meals for a year, and if ischemic attacks are repeated, for two years to prevent the formation of cellular aggregates (microemboli), and therefore , for the prevention of recurrence of PNMC and cerebral stroke. If there are contraindications for use acetylsalicylic acid (peptic ulcer stomach) we can recommend bromocamphor orally 0.5 g 3 times a day, which has the ability not only to reduce platelet aggregation, but also to accelerate the disaggregation of blood cellular elements.

With cerebral edema dehydration therapy is carried out: furosemide (Lasix) orally 40 mg IV or IM 20 mg during the first day. To improve metabolism in the brain, Amin Alon, Cerebrolysin, and B vitamins are prescribed.

As symptomatic therapy in case of an attack of systemic dizziness, atropine-like drugs are indicated - belloid, bellataminal, as well as cinnarizine (stugerop), diazepam (seduxen) and aminazine. It is advisable to use for 1-2.5 weeks sedative therapy(valerian, oxazepam - tazepam, trioxazine, chlordiazepoxide - elenium, etc.).

With PNMK in the internal carotid artery system in persons young angiography is indicated to resolve the issue of surgical intervention. Surgery used for stenosis or acute blockage of the carotid artery in the neck.
