Useful properties and use of pomegranate peels in folk recipes

As he insists folk wisdom, a substance consumed in small doses is a medicine for the body, in large doses it is perceived as poison.

Pomegranate peels, the benefits and harms of which are enormous, deserve to tell readers in detail about them medicinal properties And possible contraindications.

Properties of pomegranate peels

Not knowing about the benefits of pomegranate peels, most people throw this product away. In fact, for many diseases, the use of medicines prepared from pomegranate peels will give results.

By using the medicine from the pomegranate peel, you can get much more benefits than by eating the grains or drinking the juice of this berry. In its rich composition, vitamins PP, B, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron are especially valuable for us.

In addition to the fact that it can be a medicine for low blood pressure, colds, infectious diseases, pomegranate peels can provide the body with a sufficient level of iodine, potassium, iron, and strengthen it as a whole.

In addition, the peel contains substances that can fight harmful bacteria. This is especially valuable in the summer, when the risk of contracting infectious diseases such as cholera, salmonellosis and others increases.

Interesting! Hippocrates knew about the benefits of pomegranate peels back in those days. He used them successfully to treat dysentery. The result could be seen after just five hours.

Such medicinal properties are explained by the fact that the peel of this fruit contains polyphenols - strong antioxidants that can suppress the developing dysentery bacillus.

As a remedy for diarrhea, pomegranate peel can also be used to treat children. But it is worth remembering: this allergenic product Therefore, compliance with doses must be strict.

Pomegranate peel will also bring relief to those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Let's talk further about how to prepare medicine to combat the above diseases and others.

Is there any harm from treatment with pomegranate peels?

Of course, the benefits of using medicines prepared using pomegranate peel are much greater than possible harm. But in case of an overdose, a drink such as pomegranate peel tea can lead to vomiting, convulsions, bleeding, and partial or complete loss of vision.

Pregnant women should use it with caution (at a reduced dose).

You should not eat pomegranate peel in the following cases:

If the patient is allergic to it;

For diseases such as hepatitis, hemorrhoids, constipation;

For the treatment of liver and kidney diseases;

In the presence of chronic diseases, since pomegranate can increase their symptoms;

Without consulting a doctor, especially if you are taking medications based on pomegranate peel. The fact is that in the peel of this fruit, along with useful ones, there are also harmful substances, such as isopelletierine, alkanoids, pelletierine.

Benefits of pomegranate peels and treatment methods

We have already talked about the benefits of eating pomegranate peels. But this is not apple peel, which is also pleasant to eat. Next, we will consider methods of preparing the medicine.

Preparation of pomegranate peel

You can buy dried pomegranate peels at the pharmacy, but why not do it yourself. We wash the pomegranate, remove the seeds and internal partitions along with the white part of the zest, as it gives bitterness. In addition, the most valuable thing in the peel is in top layer. Now the peel needs to be dried,

How to make pomegranate peel powder

Grind the peel into powder using a coffee grinder. After grinding, the powder is poured into a glass container, after drying. To do this efficiently, it is best to pour the crushed product onto a napkin, cover the top with gauze, and loosen it periodically.

You can grind the peel first, or you can dry the peel before brewing. But this product is more rigid and more difficult to grind.

How to prepare a cold brew

The cooking method is quite simple. To do this, take 1 teaspoon of pomegranate peel powder and dissolve in 250 ml warm water and stir. After the infusion has stood for about an hour, it can be considered ready for use. Use a cold infusion to wash wounds, and gargle with it for coughs and sore throats. If the infusion seems too unpleasant to taste, you can add a little honey to it.

Pomegranate peel decoction

For preparation, use 1 teaspoon of crushed peels, add 500 ml. hot water, leave to brew. You can strain it and use it for its intended purpose after the broth has cooled.

It is used to treat the following diseases:


Pomegranate tea

There are several cooking options. Here's one of them. Pomegranate powder is added in equal proportions to green tea, bringing to four tablespoons, and poured with boiling water. You can add mint or ginger and bring to a boil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 50 grams of peel powder with two glasses of water and leave for 6 hours.

2. Bring to a boil, leave on low heat, stirring constantly. It is necessary to ensure that the amount of liquid is reduced to half.

3. Remove from heat. When the liquid has cooled, you need to drink it all on an empty stomach, then give an enema or drink a laxative.

Maintaining oral hygiene

The composition of many toothpastes that can fight unpleasant smell, includes pomegranate peel extract. This medicine can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take pomegranate peel powder, dilute it with water and rinse your mouth twice a day.

To combat cough and sore throat

IN folk medicine Pomegranate peel has long been used to combat sore throats. To do this, the crushed peel is diluted with water and the throat is periodically rinsed with this mixture.

Will help overcome cough next medicine:

1. Take 8 parts of crushed pomegranate peels and add part pink salt.

2. Add enough water to get a thick paste.

3. Roll into small balls.

Take one ball 3 times a day. It needs to be resolved.

Hair and skin health

If you take pomegranate seed oil in combination with pomegranate peel extract, this promotes the rapid synthesis of procallogene. This compound promotes rapid cell growth, subsequently stopping the aging process of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Pomegranate peel has a good effect on hair health. Although the scientific value of the peel of this berry has not been proven, many people successfully use it to get rid of dandruff and in the fight against hair loss.

In addition, pomegranate zest with rose water helps get rid of pimples and acne.

The ornamental plant pomegranate gives its miracle fruits - pomegranates - in late autumn. The healing properties of pomegranate have been sung since the times of ancient Indian manuscripts and Greek scriptures. And today, pomegranate has not lost its popularity. Pomegranate fruits, seeds and peel very useful, have medicinal properties. Pomegranate contains a large number of polyphenols, vitamin C and unsaturated fatty acids, which affect the production of nitric oxide. This substance improves permeability blood vessels, which increases blood circulation in the body and prevents the formation of blood clots.

1. One of healing properties pomegranate - fight against anemia, pomegranate fruits, pomegranate juice increase hemoglobin. For anemia, drink diluted pomegranate juice 0.5 cups 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 months.

2. The bark of ripe pomegranate contains the alkaloids peltierine, isopelletierine and methylisopelletierine, which have a strong antihelminthic effect. To get rid of worms, infuse 40-50 g of crushed bark into 400 g cold water for 6 hours, and then simmer over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated. The cooled broth is filtered and drunk in small portions within an hour, after an hour they drink a laxative, and after 4-5 hours they do an enema.

3. Pomegranate peel and fruit They have astringent properties, so they are used against diarrhea, diarrhea, colitis and enterocolitis. The pomegranate peel is dried, crushed and taken, adults - a pinch 3 times a day after meals, and children are given - freshly squeezed juice, diluted half with water. When infectious diarrhea, polyphenols contained in pomegranate peel effectively reduce the growth of dysentery bacillus and other pathogens.

4. An aqueous decoction of pomegranate peel or its juice is used to gargle the throat (for sore throat and pharyngitis), the oral cavity (for gingivitis and stomatitis), and disinfects the mouth and throat. Tannins relieve pain, and organic acids destroy infection.

5. Pomegranate fruit- useful for diabetics. To do this, drink 100 g of juice 4 times a day before meals.

6. Removes radiation. Pomegranate juice is very useful for anyone who works with radioactive isotopes or lives in an area of ​​high radiation.

7. When oily skin, acne, make a mask from lightly toasted, crushed pomegranate peel mixed with creamy or olive oil. Store this mixture in the refrigerator and apply to the skin no more than 2 times a week. Dried peel powder can be used effectively to treat acne on the skin, burns, cracks and scratches.

8. Pomegranate seeds very gently reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients. And membranes from pomegranate fruits, dried and added to tea, will help calm the nervous system, get rid of anxiety, and improve night sleep.

9. Increases the activity of hormones. Pomegranate seeds contain oils that restore hormonal balance in organism. Therefore, pomegranate seeds are eaten, they are especially useful for painful periods, headaches and menopause.

10. For different inflammatory diseases(kidneys, liver, ears and eyes, joints, gynecological organs) a decoction of pomegranate peel helps. 2 teaspoons of crushed pomegranate peel are poured into 1 glass of hot water, boiled in a water bath for 30 minutes, filtered, squeezed and diluted with boiled water to the original amount. Take 50 g 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Pomegranate peel contains a small amount of very toxic substances - alkaloids. Never exceed the dosage of decoctions, otherwise increased blood pressure, dizziness, blurred vision and convulsions. In addition, the organic acids of pomegranate juice can greatly destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, always dilute the juice with water.

An aqueous infusion of dry peels of Pomegranate fruits cures many diseases. It's universal natural medicine: aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels. It cures damage from any strain of diseases: Dysentery, Salmonellosis (about 400 strains are known), Cholera, Typhoid fever, Stomach and intestinal ulcers ( small intestine), Colitis (large intestine), Dysbacteriosis, Acute appendicitis and the need for surgery disappears, treat with this infusion for a week.

Recipe for preparing a water infusion of dry fruit peels grenade and its applications.

Place approximately 10-12 g of dry pomegranate peels into a preheated cup, glass or glass jar and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them (you can pour 200 ml of raw water into this container, add 10-12 g of pomegranate peels and bring to a boil with an electric boiler, but do not boil). Cover and leave for 25-30 minutes, then you can drink 20-25 ml at a time. Drink on an empty stomach, with the 1st dose in the morning, after sleep, and the 4th dose at night, before bed. Do not throw away the crusts; the infusion continues.

Alcohol is contraindicated during this treatment. The essence of treatment is that in everything gastrointestinal tract All pathogenic bacteria are constantly suppressed (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their locations are successfully colonized by healthy bacteria necessary for humans.

In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates treated cut and puncture wounds. A clean (cotton) cloth, previously moistened in an aqueous infusion of dry crusts, was applied to the wound. pomegranate fruit. This cloth was kept constantly damp until the wound healed.

Called the king of fruits for its vibrant appearance, extraordinary fresh taste and health benefits. Adults and children love sweet burgundy grains, but rarely think about what properties the seemingly inedible skin has. In fact, pomegranate peels are a useful addition to the sweet pomegranate, which is used in folk medicine to treat and prevent many diseases.

Composition and beneficial properties of pomegranate peel

The crimson pomegranate peel, like the massive pericarp, is not inferior to, and sometimes even surpasses, juicy berries in terms of the amount of healing substances. Their pomegranate peels beneficial features and contraindications due to chemical composition fruit. The nondescript skin contains a powerful dose of antioxidants, tannins, modifications of the peltierine alkaloid, B vitamins, vitamin C and PP, valuable organic acids and minerals. If you regularly consume pomegranate peels, the health benefits become noticeable and tangible because:

  • “Bad” cholesterol is broken down, reducing the load on the cardiovascular system.
  • The heart and blood vessels strengthen, become elastic and less susceptible to fragility.
  • Slags and toxins are removed from the body.
  • Happening effective cleansing liver.
  • Immunity increases.
  • Increases resistance to colds.
  • The functioning of the digestive system improves.
  • Are slowing down inflammatory processes.
  • Work is regulated nervous system, the mood improves.
  • Are decreasing discomfort during the menstrual cycle.

For diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders, you should drink a decoction of pomegranate peels, which have an astringent effect and reduce inflammation. This remedy is also effective against many types of helminths.

A large number of ascorbic acid promotes accelerated healing wounds, strengthening teeth, bones and mucous tissues. Regular rinsing with decoction helps cure diseases oral cavity, eliminates unpleasant odor. And rinsing the sinuses helps in as soon as possible cure rhinitis.

Pomegranate peel powder is widely used in cosmetology to eliminate skin inflammation, stop bleeding and restore integrity. skin. Also, the antitumor effectiveness of the fruit skin has been proven in practice.

Harvesting and storing fruit peel

To save valuable properties First of all, pomegranate peels are necessary. In Russia, the pomegranate season begins in the fall, and the fruits begin to show off on store shelves. Therefore, it is better to harvest dried peel during this period.

Give preference to heavy, medium-sized fruits with a uniform, beautiful color, without cracks, dents, white or yellowish spots. The pomegranate peel should be thin, tough and completely cover the pulp.

Wash and dry the pomegranate thoroughly, remove the tasty pulp and white films that protect the grains. It is believed that bitter pericarp is best not eaten. But its beneficial effects on the body have been proven by research, so you should not neglect this beneficial component of pomegranate. More often, white part added to tea to treat colds.

The medicinal properties of pomegranate have long been used in folk medicine. The benefit of the culture lies in the vitamins and organic acids it contains. The bark of the fruit is rich in tannins, which prevent the development of diarrhea. Preparing the medicine begins with preparing the crusts and then drying them. It is not recommended to use pomegranate decoction for a long time. Long-term use can cause gastritis or ulcers.

Proper drying of crusts

Preparing the peel for use includes several main steps:

  • The pomegranate is washed under running water and dried with a paper napkin or towel.
  • The peel is carefully removed from the fruit with a knife. Pulp layer white does not contain useful substances, so it should be separated as much as possible from the upper layers of the crust.
  • The prepared pieces are thoroughly wiped, then placed on a clean cloth or napkin and covered with gauze. For quick and uniform drying, it is recommended to lay the workpieces in a thin layer and turn them over daily. The peel covered with mold must be thrown away.

The average drying time is 7-10 days. For further use, place the pomegranate peels in paper bags, glass jars, or wrap them in newspapers so that moisture does not penetrate inside. Workpieces should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.

Preparing the infusion

Pomegranate peels for diarrhea are an effective tool for treating diarrhea in adults and children. The effectiveness of therapy depends on strict adherence to the recipe and all its proportions. To restore health, the following instructions are recommended for preparing infusions and decoctions.

The recipe for the water infusion is as follows: 10 grams of the dry product are ground to a powder using a coffee grinder or mortar. The crushed mass is poured with 1 glass of boiling water. The container is covered with a lid on top (an ordinary saucer is suitable for these purposes). The holding and infusion time until ready to use is 30 minutes.

When first taken, the optimal dosage is half a glass. If the patient’s condition has not stabilized 10 minutes after taking the drug, the infusion should be drunk completely. If you are intolerant or unable to use the entire product at once, you can take it according to the following regimen: 2 teaspoons 5 times a day.

Another method of obtaining an infusion is to steam the peel in a teapot. To do this, place a small handful of dried product in it and pour boiling water over it so that the water completely covers the crusts. To maintain temperature and reduce heat loss, it is recommended to cover the kettle tightly with insulation (a blanket, a blanket or a special heating pad). The duration of infusion varies from 20 to 30 minutes. At the end of this time, the infusion is filtered through a strainer or gauze and immediately drunk.

If dried pomegranate parts are not available, you can brew a decoction of fresh peels. In this case, it is necessary to infuse the product a little longer - until the solution is completely colored.

Recipe for pregnant women

WITH unpleasant symptoms Diarrhea during pregnancy can be treated with a decoction of pomegranate skin. Preparation is carried out according to the following recipe:

  1. 1. prepare the ingredients - 25 grams of dry peel and 1 glass of boiling water;
  2. 2. pomegranate peel is cut into small pieces with a sharp knife, you can grind it in a blender;
  3. 3. The prepared peel is poured with boiling water;
  4. 4. Place the container on low heat and boil for 25-30 minutes;
  5. 5. The broth is filtered and diluted with boiled water to a total volume of 1 glass.

The second option for obtaining a decoction is to use a water bath. Pomegranate skins are poured with boiling water according to the above scheme, placed on water bath and stand for up to 25 minutes. Then leave for 40 minutes and take a concentration of 1 teaspoon of decoction per 1 liter of boiling water.

Any substance in small doses is a medicine, in large quantities it is a poison. This is what folk wisdom says. Such a unique product as pomegranate peels, the benefits and harms of which are incommensurable, deserves to be described in detail about all the medicinal properties and possible contraindications.

What are the benefits of pomegranate peels?

When buying pomegranate, we usually do not use the peel of this fruit; it has a tart, bitter taste. The paradox is that there are twice as many useful substances in pomegranate peels as in the grains and juice of the fruit. The peel contains useful elements:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • B vitamins;
  • carotene;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;

Such a rich composition allows the peel to be used for anemia and low blood levels. blood pressure, deficiency of iron, iodine and potassium, as well as related diseases. You can use a decoction of pomegranate peels as a multivitamin and tonic for colds and infectious diseases. However, this should be done with caution - the peel contains a lot of active substances. This:

  • ellagic acid and other natural acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • antioxidants;
  • polyphenols;
  • tannins.

How to prepare an infusion and decoction of pomegranate peels?

Thanks to tannins, alkaloids and polyphenols, pomegranate is effective for the following diseases:

  • diarrhea;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum;
  • periodontal disease and;
  • non-healing wounds and ulcers;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines and genitourinary system.

A decoction is prepared to treat all these diseases in the same way:

  1. Wash one large pomegranate thoroughly. Free it from grains and internal partitions. Remove most white zest covering the inside of the pomegranate peel.
  2. Cut the crust into small pieces, dry in the oven, or naturally.
  3. Grind the finished peel in a coffee grinder, place in a glass container, and store in a dark place.
  4. To prepare a decoction or infusion, take 2 teaspoons of powder, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for at least 50 minutes.

The benefits of pomegranate peels are equivalent to the benefits of this infusion. But it must be applied in different ways:

Contraindications to the use of pomegranate peels

The beneficial properties of pomegranate peels significantly exceed the number of contraindications. The product should not be used by allergy sufferers or people with kidney and liver diseases. A reduced dosage is used to treat children, pregnant women and nursing mothers.
