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Nuts are very healthy. Every kind of this nutritious product valued in its own way. One of the most common nuts is hazelnut. It has great benefits for humans, but if used incorrectly, it can cause harm. You need to know what kind of product it is and what it is used with. It is part of sports nutrition, is very useful for men, but has a number of contraindications.

Meet Hazelnut

Hazelnut or hazelnut is the fruit of the hazel tree or common hazel bush. This plant is unpretentious and grows well in the Middle East, the Caucasus, and throughout Europe. Hazel can be found even beyond the Arctic Circle. This plant is very patient with the lack of sunlight, grows quickly, and reproduces by root suckers. Often places of forest fires or clearings are overgrown with hazel.

Over many years of cultivation, varieties with thin shells and large kernels have been developed. The most popular varieties are “badem”, “kerasund”, “Crimean hazelnut”, they all grow in Russia.

Hazel has been grown for a long time, not only for its valuable nuts. Everything about this plant is beneficial to humans. Nut kernels are used to make sweets and chocolate. The seeds produce a fragrant oil. It is used in food preparation, as well as in the production of perfumes and the paint and varnish industry. And after pressing, the cake is used as a raw material for making delicious halva.

Pleasant hazel wood white with a brown tint. It is very flexible and multi-layered. These properties allow it to be used for bent furniture parts. After burning such wood, coal is used to prepare hunting gunpowder and pencil leads for drawing. Sawdust is used to clarify wines. Even the bark has benefits; it has good tanning properties and is used for processing and dyeing leather.

The plant itself with powerful roots is planted to strengthen slopes near ravines and slopes, especially where other plants do not grow. And beekeepers collect nutritious hazel pollen for the bees so that they have something to feed them in the winter. Even fallen leaves have benefits; thanks to the large supply of calcium salts, they improve soil fertility.

Useful video No. 1:

What's hidden under the shell

This nut contains large amounts of useful material. Its nutritional value is comparable to meat and fish, which is why vegetarians love hazelnuts so much.

Hazelnuts contain:

  • organic acids (stearic, oleic, palmitic, which stimulate the growth of new cells)
  • vitamin E (helps skin regenerate);
  • B vitamins (strengthen nervous system, protect reproductive system women);
  • potassium and magnesium (supports good condition vessels);
  • copper (helps the production of collagen - this is beneficial for joints).
  • monounsaturated fatty acid(reduce harm from “bad” cholesterol, stimulate weight loss).
  • Paclitaxel (a plant substance that has "anti-cancer" properties)

High nutritional value makes nuts favorite delicacy for everyone, and a favorite ingredient for cooks. But do not forget that this is a very high-calorie product. Per 100 grams there are almost 67 grams of fat, 10 grams of carbohydrates and 17 grams of protein.

Hazelnuts have 5 times more calories than pork, and almost 8 times more calories than dark chocolate. For an adult, it is enough to eat 50-100 grams of hazelnuts per day to obtain the daily requirement of unsaturated fats and other healthy components.

Hazelnuts - beneficial qualities

At all times, nuts were valued for nutritional properties. In years of crop failure, they saved people from hunger. For children, this is not only a treat, but also useful substances for growth and development. Nuts provide good support to the health of men and women. Even sick diabetes mellitus You can eat hazelnuts because they are low in carbohydrates.

Human benefits from hazelnuts:

  1. Thanks to potassium, the functioning of the heart muscle improves
  2. The elasticity of blood vessels is preserved, they help in the treatment of varicose veins in women.
  3. Great content vitamins and minerals – helps strengthen the immunity of adults and children.
  4. The composition of the blood improves and is used in the treatment of anemia and low hemoglobin.
  5. Natural properties make it possible to suppress decay processes, so hazelnuts help cleanse the body.
  6. Thanks to active plant components, the growth of muscle tissue is stimulated.
  7. Helps dissolve stones in bladder and kidneys.
  8. Reduces gas formation in the intestines.
  9. Hazelnuts included in the diet of a nursing mother will increase the amount and fat content breast milk.
  10. It is a preventative agent in the treatment of cancer, since the extract of this nut is included in one of the recognized medicines in oncology.

Very often, hazelnuts are used in ground form. If, after grinding, you mix it with milk or water, you can drink it for lung diseases (bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia). Pounded nuts with honey will help a person with anemia and rheumatism. There are great benefits from hazelnuts with milk or honey during the recovery period after illness.

Walnut oil is good for people with epilepsy. And if you mix it with egg yolk, you get an excellent remedy for burns. It is applied to damaged skin and left until dry.

IN for cosmetic purposes use nut oil with egg yolk as a hair mask. After several procedures, your hair will become shiny, smooth and healthy. These masks are especially useful for girls with blond hair, because it is naturally brittle.

Walnut oil is also used to care for nails. It is rubbed into the nail plate after treating the nails. Vitamins will nourish the skin around the nail and help strengthen it. Girls apply hazelnut oil to their eyelashes if they want to increase their thickness.

Possible contraindications

You cannot get much harm from the nut if you follow the rules of a healthy diet. But you should use hazelnuts with caution if you have a diseased liver, since their high calorie content puts a serious strain on this organ. For metabolic diseases, you should eat any nuts in limited quantities. If you have problems with digestive tract There are contraindications for eating hazelnuts. It is difficult and takes a long time to digest, and in some diseases it is completely prohibited.

Hazelnuts can also cause allergic reaction. To prevent such properties from appearing, you should not eat raw nuts. It is enough to heat the nut kernels in a dry hot frying pan for 5 - 7 minutes, and then they will be easier to digest. Children under 2 years of age should include nuts in their diet only after consulting a doctor to avoid diathesis and allergic manifestations.

Uncontrolled consumption of hazelnuts may cause headache caused by spasm of cerebral vessels. In order not to harm the body, you should eat no more than 100 grams at a time.

We select and store correctly

It is very convenient to buy already shelled nuts. But beneficial features They are better preserved under the shell, where the kernels are reliably hidden from mold and damage. Also, under the shell, the kernels are protected from light, which harms the nut because fat oxidation begins. When buying unshelled hazelnuts, you should choose nuts of medium size, without visible damage, and without traces of mold. It's good if they are about the same size. When the size of the nuts differs, it means they are mixed from different batches - it is not known where and how long they were stored.

If you have to buy already peeled kernels, then you need to choose lighter nuts (they are fresher). They shouldn't have unpleasant odor and shine. The kernels shine after rubbing vegetable oil, which hides traces of damage and decay.

It is advisable to dry purchased hazelnuts, this way they will retain their properties longer. valuable properties, then store in a dark and dry place. But hazelnuts cannot be stored for a long time. Nutrients decrease with shelf life. In six months, only half of them will remain. And eating spoiled kernels is dangerous to health; they can cause poisoning or other harm to the body.

Nuts and slimness

Although hazelnuts are high in calories (700 kilocalories per 100 grams), when consumed wisely they do not lead to weight gain. Nuts are good at satisfying the feeling of hunger that constantly accompanies weight loss. When eating, you can replace butter with nut butter, which will also have a positive effect on health and weight.

For followers of vegetarian nutrition, hazelnuts are a substitute for animal protein in the diet, which is very important for the normal functioning of muscles and blood vessels. When losing weight, the body does not normally receive nutrients, but hazelnuts in the diet can make up for this deficiency.

It is not the calorie content of nuts, but the high content of vitamins and beneficial elements that make them so tasty and nutritious.

Useful video No. 2:

Hazel or hazelnut, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which are still discussed by nutritionists, grows in European and Asian countries. Historians confirm the fact that some ancient peoples, thanks to their hazelnut reserves, survived cold and hungry times when the seedlings of wheat and rice completely disappeared. They ate it raw and hot, made flour, butter and paste.

Hazelnuts appeared thanks to the painstaking work of breeders who crossed different varieties of hazel, and then selected bushes with the largest and most delicious fruits.


Hazelnut fruits are high in calories; 100 g of raw hazelnuts contains 651 kcal, and 100 g of roasted hazelnuts contains 704 kcal. It is nutritionally superior to bread, milk, chocolate, fish and meat. Nut filled essential amino acids, contains 20% protein, vitamins B, C, E, microelements - magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc. The kernel is very oily - it contains 60% oils consisting of organic acids - oleic, palmitic, stearic. They prevent the formation of cholesterol and prevent heart disease. 350 g of hazelnuts will provide the daily calorie requirement for an adult.

Benefits of hazelnuts

As a dietary product, hazelnuts are used as a means of treating and preventing anemia, varicose veins, phlebitis, diabetes, cancer, impotence, and prostatitis. The high calcium content strengthens bones, muscles and teeth, zinc is beneficial for the production of hormones, and potassium helps the functioning of the nervous system.

Due to the lack of carbohydrates, it is eaten without the risk of gaining weight or gaining weight. The substances contained in it help cleanse the liver of toxins and harmful toxins. It strengthens the immune system and is a powerful energy source for the body. It is eaten for hypertension, heart, kidney and liver diseases. Regular consumption of nuts increases the flow of breast milk and increases its fat content. Hazelnuts also help get rid of cholelithiasis, prevents flatulence.

Hazelnut for men

Nuts are considered a masculine product due to positive influence for potency. They also act as prophylactic against prostatitis and heart diseases - the modern scourge of the majority of the male population.

Hazelnuts contain vitamin E, which regenerates cells and prevents premature aging. Strengthens bone tissue, which is especially important for men susceptible to physical activity. Iron, which the nut is rich in, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation.

As you know, a man’s task is to achieve success in his work, no matter how much time and effort it consumes. Eating fast food, not many of them watch what they eat and, as a result, suffer from ulcers, intestinal disorders, vitamin deficiency, overwork.

The best restorative remedy in such a situation would be hazelnuts. Instead of a sausage roll or a fried pie, experts recommend eating a handful of nuts, which will satisfy your hunger, activate your brain and remove toxins from the body. Fiber, which hazelnuts are rich in, will help protect against flatulence and intestinal diseases. All this will contribute to good health and ability to work.

Hazelnut for women

Women love to eat nuts. Naturally, not everyone allows themselves to eat nuts out of concern for their figure. But in vain. Despite their calorie content, they consist of vegetable proteins, quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Even a few hazelnut kernels will provide:

  • normal heart function;
  • protect against breast cancer and benign neoplasms;
  • will effectively increase performance;
  • relieve chronic fatigue and get rid of characteristic circles under the eyes;
  • will increase attentiveness, improve memory;
  • will have a beneficial effect on appearance - strengthen hair and nails, improve complexion, and most importantly, get rid of early wrinkles;
  • they treat female infertility and reduce pain syndrome during menstruation;
  • used in diets for weight loss - nuts promote rapid absorption of nutrients by the body;
  • It is known that women most often suffer from rheumatism, and hazelnuts reduce its symptoms.

Benefits for pregnant and lactating women

A few nuts a day will allow you to:

  • strengthen the immunity of mother and fetus;
  • accelerate the development and growth of muscle tissue of the unborn child;
  • will help to properly form his cardiac and vascular system;
  • will prevent anemia;
  • high content folic acid will help form the nervous system and prevent the development of pathologies in the developing organism;
  • improve ducts, make milk fattier and more nutritious for babies
  • will relieve anxiety and worry of the mother and newborn.

Hazelnuts for children

Nuts are great for children healthy treat, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of many unpleasant diseases. Hazel kernels accelerate fat metabolism, help the development of bone and muscle cells, strengthen the developing nervous system.

In ancient times, hazelnuts were fed to children suffering from increased gas formation. For these purposes, modern mothers make nut milk: 100 g of hazelnuts are ground and mixed with milk, adding honey and vanillin for taste.

Children under 3 years of age are not given any nuts, and upon reaching of the required age You are allowed to eat no more than 10 pieces. in a day.


Important! No matter how useful the product is, to maintain wellness it should be consumed in moderation. Since hazelnuts have beneficial properties, they also have contraindications for overeating. Daily dose The amount of nut consumed should not exceed 50 g.

You should not consume hazel in excessive quantities, so as not to overload the body with fiber, which is difficult to digest in high dosages. Hazelnuts, consumed without measure, threaten to set excess weight, vascular spasms, nausea, headache. Nuts are not recommended for those suffering from chronic disorders of the pancreas, liver and intestines.

Where is it used?

Use in cooking

Peeled hazelnuts lose their quality and are used in cooking along with the inner husk, filled with minerals and vitamins. It is often used in confectionery production. Chopped nuts are added to candies, rolls, cakes, chocolate, ice cream, nut creams and pastries.

It is used as a savory addition to meat dishes, appetizers and sauces. The kernels are eaten raw and fried, whole or split. They are often used in nut mixtures with the addition of goat milk, dried fruits and honey. This delicacy not only has an amazing taste, but also has healing properties, improving blood circulation, toning muscles, regulating blood pressure, and relieving stress.

In medicine

The medicinal properties of hazelnuts are limited not only to the beneficial kernels, but also to the components of the tree and fruit - the shell, bark and leaves. A tincture of dried ground hazelnut shells treats colitis, ulcers, hypotension, hemorrhoids, adenoma, fibroma.

  • A decoction of the shell has established itself as a miraculous remedy for the prevention of prostatitis. 2 kg of nuts are separated from the shell, which is poured into 3 liters. water. Bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes. Then the broth is left in a steam bath for 4 hours, cooled and filtered. The resulting light brown product with a volume of 2 liters. will have no taste or smell. It is stored in the refrigerator and consumed 2 tbsp. within 8 weeks. Then they take a break for 2 months and repeat the phytocourse.
  • Hazel leaves are no less in demand in folk medicine. They contain vitamin C, carotene, essential oil, alkaloids and other useful substances.
  • Tea from the leaves has a tonic and general strengthening effect. It is drunk for migraines, stress, depression, asthma, stomach ulcers, and neurosis. Hazelnut leaves tbsp. for 250 ml. boiling water is brewed like regular tea and infused for 40 minutes. It is taken for adenoma and fibroma. The entire infusion is drunk in sips over several approaches.
  • At high blood pressure They recommend a decoction of hazel plus. 1 tbsp. pour a glass of hot milk over the inner husk, leave for half an hour, and after straining, add honey. Take three times a day.
  • A decoction of ground hazelnut kernels, crushed bark and leaves is used for enemas, 60 ml each. Before bedtime. Tbsp. herbal raw materials are brewed in a glass of boiling water, boiled for half an hour and, after cooling, filtered.

Hazel bark contains a lot important components, including essential oils that have antiseptic, antipyretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is used for the treatment of varicose veins, capillary hemorrhage, and leg ulcers. IN traditional medicine Doctors recommend that patients use bark and roots harvested in the spring. They have astringent and antipyretic properties.

tbsp of ground bark, pour 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 4 hours, filter and drink half a glass three times a day as a tonic for varicose veins.

Infusions are used as lotions for periphlebitis and ulcers to narrow blood vessels. Hazel bark is crushed and mixed with lard. Apply the mixture to the affected areas.

Hazelnut oil

It is extracted by pressing the nucleoli without heating. The result is a light, volatile, aromatic product with a huge amount essential acids, has high nutritional value and is rich in many vitamins. Hazelnut oil contains carotenoids, tocopherols, phosphorus, copper, iron, calcium. It is transparent and has an amber tint. Its aroma is subtle, nutty, almost imperceptible.

It is used as an additive and in its pure form. Store for no longer than six months in a closed, airtight container in the dark and at a low temperature. It fits perfectly on the body, is almost weightless, and has a refreshing, mattifying effect. Excellent for tightening the pores of oily and problem skin. When applied to the face, it is instantly absorbed without remaining on the surface. Doesn't have an oily feeling.

It is added to snacks, salads, and cold dishes. The nutty delicate taste will add subtle notes to desserts. Used in soap making, preparation of aroma candles, as an additive in cosmetical tools– creams and lotions, it is used for oil lotions in the treatment of rosacea. Works great for caring for hands and cuticles.

It has healing qualities, is easily absorbed, and prevents heart disease. Stimulates easy cleansing of the body and eliminates kidney stones.


Hazelnut oil has significant beneficial properties, and there are no contraindications to its use. Suitable for both oral and external use. It is worth limiting its use if you are highly sensitive to the components it contains.

Try baking a delicious pumpkin muffin with hazelnuts and prunes, video recipe

Everyone knows that nuts are a healthy product. The subject of today's article is cultivated forest hazel - hazelnuts; the benefits and harms of this nut make many people eat it daily. Today the product is not considered an essential food, but its beneficial properties are enormous.

Even our ancient ancestors consumed this product and valued it as beneficial for the body and very nutritious. Now the picture is clearer, scientists have studied hazelnuts, the harm and benefits of the product now lie on the surface. In modern times, the nut is not only eaten raw, but also fried, boiled, salted and made into nut butter.

Contents and benefits of consumption

The fruit of the plant contains considerable benefits; hazelnuts have retained all the advantages of their wild ancestor - hazel. It contains many vitamins, minerals and extracts. All of them have a good effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reproductive function, help reduce blood cholesterol:

  • B vitamins. Have a positive effect on the growth and functioning of muscles and the heart.
  • Vitamin E. Will be especially useful for women; it is often called the women's vitamin.
  • The plant extract paclitaxel is known for its anti-cancer properties.
  • Palmitic, stearic and oleic acid– block the accumulation of cholesterol.

For sports, a diet that contains hazelnuts is well suited; the benefit of this product is also in its high calorie content. In 100g. nuts contain 690 kcal, it can be a good substitute for bread. The fruit also contains a lot of minerals:

  • Calcium will strengthen your teeth and bones.
  • Magnesium promotes normal function nervous system.
  • Manganese has a positive effect on growth and sexual function.
  • Zinc is essential for male sexual function and interacts well with vitamin E.

Medicinal properties

What does it have at various diseases hazelnut properties, beneficial elements in it have a positive effect on the body in case of vascular diseases and varicose veins, rheumatism and even reduces the risk of anemia. It is recommended to eat it for hypertension, as well as for diseases of the bronchi and lungs. They say that the product has a positive effect on the dissolution of kidney stones.

A truly phenomenal property of the product is the prevention of putrefactive processes in the human body. That is, it will be useful if you eat a lot of proteins, risking getting sick with purulent dyspepsia. If, for some reason, you Lately If you have been eating poorly, then the beneficial properties of hazelnuts will help you rehabilitate yourself.

If you often feel tired, a couple of nuts will come in handy. Substances included in the composition of the fruit actively fight the syndrome chronic fatigue, helps overcome depression. This product brings so many benefits because it contains many microelements and vitamins, the combination of which has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

For the fair sex

The benefits of hazelnuts for women during pregnancy were described in detail in a feature article. Now let’s try to get around this special period of a woman’s life and look at other benefits of this wonderful nut. And there is still something to talk about, because it has a special effect on the fair sex.

A woman's consumption of 40-50 grams of the product per day for a week will maintain hormone levels. The effect of the product on the skin and hair has also been proven, they become strong and healthy. It has also been noticed that nails become less brittle.

For the strong half of humanity

What are the benefits of hazelnuts for men? interest Ask. The fact is that the nut contains maximum amount proteins, this element is involved in muscle growth processes. The product will be a good natural component of the diet of athletes.

Other important factors:

  • Stimulates testosterone production.
  • Has a positive effect on the prostate.
  • Incredible benefits for potency.

Men who consumed 40-50g of roasted hazelnuts. per day, more likely to stay strong in bed after age 50

For children

Nowadays children spend a lot of time behind screens, the vitamins in the product will preserve your child’s vision. It has also been proven to have a positive effect on the immune system. Separately, it is necessary to mention the improvement of motor skills, which is very important for a developing organism.

In what form is it best to consume?

The fruits of the plant are consumed raw and fried, less people They know that there is hazelnut milk, the benefits and harms of which are also colossal. Hazelnut oil is also produced; the benefits and harms of this product are no less significant.

If speak about raw foods and fried, then raw is definitely better. When roasting, any useful component is lost by approximately 10%. Hazelnut oil is actively used for cosmetic purposes. Experts notice a positive effect on the skin, which is important for women.

In the form of milk, hazelnuts can be used to prepare various foods. The positive properties of such dishes will be another plus for you. It also has excellent taste, which is probably why it is so expensive. The price of vegetable milk is about 300 rubles per liter.

Possible negative

It just so happens that almost every product we talk about has another side of influence. Hazelnuts have the same properties, chemical composition and nutritional value have more positives than negatives. So who may be contraindicated and how the product may be harmful.

If you do not adhere to the consumption norm (up to 50 grams per day), then you risk spending the day with headache pills. Exceeding the limit provokes vasospasm in the brain. Too much hazelnuts will negatively affect people with diabetes.

Always remain true to the golden proverb: much of it is bad. Consume milk, butter, or just raw or roasted hazelnuts in moderation and you will be happy.

Hazelnuts and hazelnuts are the same thing, they differ only in size. Hazelnuts are all nuts of large-fruited varieties of hazel (common hazel and large hazel). Hazelnuts have high nutritional value, so they are grown on large farms in Italy, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, and Catalonia.

Hazelnut tree grows in forests and farms

Characteristics of common hazel

Hazelnut (hazel, hazel) belongs to the Hazel genus of the Birch family. This is a deciduous plant, a shrub. Hazel usually grows on the edges of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. What does common hazel look like:

  1. The hazel bush reaches five meters in height.
  2. The crown has a shape similar to an egg.
  3. The bark of the trunk is light brown, smooth, the bark of the branches is covered with light fluff.
  4. The leaves are similar to birch, round or ovoid with a pointed tip. The leaf color is dark green.
  5. The fruits are large nuts in a strong shell. The outside of the nuts is surrounded by leafy shoots.

For forestry, hazel is a weed. It quickly reproduces by vegetative means, forming root suckers, and occupies the entire area of ​​​​deforestation.

For Food Industry hazelnuts are extremely valuable. That is why it was cultivated and began to be grown on farms. Growing hazel is easy. You need soil rich in minerals (chernozem is excellent), moderate amount moisture, mild climate. There is virtually no need to care for hazelnuts.

Hazel usually takes the form of a bush

How and when does hazel bloom?

Hazel leaves in southern regions blossom into last days March, in the northern regions the crown turns green in April - early May. Hazelnuts bloom in early March before the leaf buds open.

How does hazel bloom? The plant has male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers. The stamens are hidden in catkins, like those of a birch tree. 3–5 earrings bloom from one bud. Under normal conditions they reach 10 cm in length.

Female flowers consist of a pistil and an underdeveloped perianth and have the appearance of a bud. A bright red fluff of stigmas can be seen from the buds. The larger the fluff, the more flowers are hidden in the bud. Hazel is pollinated by the wind. Catkins begin to release pollen in April, a process that lasts about two weeks. Pistil stigmas collect pollen from their plant or from neighbors.

Male hazel inflorescences

Characteristics of hazel fruits

The fruits of common hazel are hazelnuts, almost spherical nuts of light brown color. Compared to other types of hazel, they are large in size, and hazelnuts bear fruit annually. Plants grown in cultivation bear fruit for the first time in the third year of life (after seed germination).

Hazelnuts are one of the most expensive and valuable types of nut. This is due to its unique chemical composition. Hazelnuts contain everything necessary for a person substances. The nutritional value of nuts, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is 98%. To fully cover energy needs, a person only needs to eat 300 grams of hazelnuts per day. Nuts are also rich in the following beneficial substances:

  1. Vitamins - vitamin A (retinol), C ( ascorbic acid), E (tocopherol), group B (thiamine, riboflavin, choline, pantothenic acid, choline, pyridoxine).
  2. Macroelements – calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  3. Microelements – iron, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium.
  4. Unsaturated fatty acids.
  5. Polysaccharides – starch, cellulose.
  6. Amino acids.

Hazelnuts are easily digested and absorbed, so the body receives maximum benefits.

Hazelnuts are extremely nutritious

Applications of hazelnuts

Thanks to its high yield, unique nutritional value Due to their excellent taste, hazelnuts are widely used in the food industry, especially in the confectionery industry. What is made from hazelnuts:

  • oil;
  • hazelnut flour;
  • hazelnut paste.

Flour and paste are added to curd, cheese spreads, ice cream, sweets, and sauces. Whole roasted peanuts are added to chocolate bars and candies.

The quality of hazelnuts is inconsistent; over time, they lose moisture and some nutrients, may gain bitterness. Therefore, a distinction is made between first grade (new harvest) and second grade (old harvest) hazelnuts. The most delicious and healthy products are obtained from young nuts.

Hazelnuts are especially valued in making desserts

Why is it worth growing hazel?

You can get a rich hazelnut harvest from your own garden. Even a novice gardener can cope with growing hazel. Advantages of growing hazel on a private farm:

  1. Endurance, unpretentiousness. The plant adapts well to external conditions and does not require painstaking care. It is important to immediately provide hazel with healthy growth conditions (fertile soil, diffused lighting, moderate humidity).
  2. High yield. Hazel produces rich harvests every year. From one bush you can collect about 7 kg of hazelnuts.
  3. Long shelf life of nuts. At the right conditions the crop retains its beneficial properties and taste for 1.5–2 years.
  4. High price of nuts. If you have planted a lot of bushes, you can sell the nuts to confectionery factories or wholesale centers.
  5. The hazel bushes are very beautiful; the hazel tree on the site looks unusual.

Hazel bushes are usually planted in rows. The row spacing can be used to grow other garden plants.

Hazelnuts produce a good harvest and store well

Varieties of cultivated hazel

Today there are several varieties of hazel that are grown by gardeners. They differ in appearance, yield characteristics and have some care features. The most commonly grown hazelnut varieties are:

  • Barcelona hazelnuts;
  • Cosford;
  • Gallic;
  • Warsaw red.

Cosford hazelnuts were developed in England, while Gallic hazelnuts are a German variety. The origin of the Barcelona and Warsaw varieties is clear from the names. Plants of different varieties have different external characteristics. You can choose a variety based on personal preferences.

Barcelona hazel bushes have powerful growth and form a wide crown. The main advantage of the variety is frost resistance. Hazel will be able to retain buds and flowers after spring frosts. The plant has large leaves, the top plate is dark green, the bottom is lighter. The variety begins to bloom in mid-April. Fruiting begins early. The variety has increased productivity. Hazel fruits are very large, have different shapes(most often flattened). When the nuts ripen, the surrounding shell bursts, releasing them outside.

Nut kernels have amazing taste. They are juicy and sweetish. Hazel has one drawback: it is susceptible to diseases, especially moniliasis.

Barcelona hazelnuts

Main characteristics of the Cosford variety:

  1. Great vigor, large bushes with a dense crown.
  2. Average frost resistance.
  3. The leaves bloom dark green and begin to turn red in the fall.
  4. The flowering period is early (early April).
  5. The nuts are large, round and flattened. The shell is thin and turns reddish-brown when ripe.
  6. The nut kernels completely occupy the shell and are covered with a fibrous film. The nuts taste juicy and sweet.
  7. Early fruiting.
  8. High yield.
  9. The fruit ripening period is the end of September.

Cosford grows in warm regions. It is important to provide plants with protection from the wind. The variety acts as a pollinator for other varieties (Gallic, Nottingham hazelnuts, etc.). Cosford is characterized by self-pollination.

Cosford hazelnuts produce large nuts

Hazel bushes of the Gallic variety have a crown with medium leaf density. The average plant height is 5.5 meters. Hazelnut leaves are dark green in color and covered with rough hair. Forms in spring a large number of earrings, they bloom in clusters of 6-7 pieces. The standard flowering period is mid-April. The fruits are shaped like a cone and have big size, easily fall out of the fruit shell. The kernels are enclosed in a thick shiny shell. They are dense and moderately sweet in taste.

Gallic hazelnut - late-ripening variety

Gallic hazelnuts ripen later than their counterparts - in early October. Harvest ahead of schedule it is forbidden.

The variety produces rich harvests, but is very demanding in terms of maintenance conditions. Regular application of organic fertilizers is required. It is best to grow hazelnuts on elevated terrain. The soil should not be excessively wet.

The variety is not self-pollinating. It is pollinated by other hazel species.

Warsaw red hazelnuts

Warsaw red belongs to the decorative varieties of hazel. The crown has a spherical shape. The leaves of the plant are red, turning green in summer. The fruits are large in size. The ripening period is the second half of September. The yield of the variety is less than that of the Gallic hazelnut. The flowers are pollinated by other hazel trees.

Hazelnuts are widespread throughout our homeland. Hazelnuts can rightfully be considered one of the healthy products growing in natural conditions. Thanks to their rich chemical composition, the kernels bring visible results to the body. After regular consumption of hazelnuts, all human organs and systems are strengthened. Let's talk about everything in order.

Benefits of hazelnuts

  1. Benefits of hazelnuts for human body big enough. Many people underestimate this nut. The product has a tremendous impact on cardiovascular system, strengthening it to the fullest.
  2. As a result of regular consumption of nuts, the walls of blood vessels become more elastic. Blood flows are cleansed and the functioning of the heart muscle improves. Hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on hemoglobin levels and normalize the balance of blood cells.
  3. Systematic consumption of hazelnuts leads to normal operation protective shell of the body. As a result, lymph circulation and spleen activity improves. In addition, hazelnuts act as a natural antioxidant, removing toxic compounds from the body.
  4. As a result of such manipulations, the work of the liver is significantly relieved, and the intestines, in turn, are freed from slagging. Hazelnut acts as excellent remedy against cancer diseases. The effectiveness of the product is achieved due to the biologically active enzyme paclitaxel.
  5. The chemical composition of hazelnuts has a positive effect on the activity of the musculoskeletal system. Enzymes have a beneficial effect on skeletal muscles. In addition, hazelnuts have a positive effect on appearance a person, the naked eye can see that the skin gains elasticity, and hair and nails return to their original appearance.

The effect of hazelnuts on the body

The undoubted advantage of hazelnuts is that the nut is easily absorbed by the body. As a result natural processes cells are enriched with complete and nutritious enzymes. In addition to the fact that forest kernels have gained popularity in the culinary world, the product is no less in demand in folk medicine.

  1. For heart muscle and blood. Thanks to the properly balanced chemical composition of hazelnuts, all functions in the human body, and in particular hematopoiesis, are stabilized. The product has a positive effect on the heart muscle and blood vessels. Mineral compounds take an active part in the formation of red blood cells. Blood levels return to normal water-salt balance, the work of the heart as a whole is stabilized.
  2. For muscle fibers. Hazelnuts are famous for their abundance vegetable protein. The enzyme together with tocopherol is considered better nutrition for muscle fibers of the human body. Experts recommend that athletes consume 30 grams. hazelnuts after hard physical training. Hazelnuts can be considered a natural dope, which will restore the performance of muscle tissue.
  3. For mental activity. It has been scientifically proven that hazelnuts activate brain activity. Regular intake of hazelnuts improves concentration and memory. Experts say that systematic consumption of hazelnuts leads to an increase in the amount of gray matter, which is responsible for emotions, perception of information and speech in people.
  4. For veins It is a known fact that with the help of hazelnuts they effectively fought against varicose veins veins and the formation of thrombophlebitis back in ancient times. If you suffer from an aneurysm, a decoction of leaves and tree bark will come to the rescue. To prepare the drug you need to add 30 grams. dried raw materials in a 1 liter thermos. Pour in boiling water and leave for about 4 hours. No less popular is a wrap made from steamed dry leaves; the product is cooled and applied overnight.
  5. For intestinal motility. Hazelnut effectively launches the motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, appetite increases. To facilitate inflammatory processes the liver needs to prepare a decoction of hazelnut leaves. It is recommended to consume the product a quarter of an hour before a meal, 100 ml.
  6. For the stronger sex. The product has proven itself in the treatment and prevention of prostate adenoma in men. The remedy is prepared using a decoction of the leaves and bark of young tree branches. The raw materials are crushed, brewed in boiling water and taken about 3 times a day. It would not be amiss to use 25 grams. nuts before every meal. Special nut diets for improving potency and increasing sperm activity are quite popular.
  7. For oncological diseases. Not long ago, scientists established the fact that hazelnuts contain a valuable enzyme in the form of paclitaxel. The substance actively resists the development of tumors, as a result of which division is neutralized cancer cells. Systematic consumption of hazelnuts is strongly recommended for breast and ovarian lung cancer in non-small cell form.
  8. For the epidermis. It is enough to prepare the product in the form of a homogeneous mass from natural honey and young hazelnuts. The composition actively regenerates the skin at the cellular level. The mixture is unique and suitable for any type of dermis. As a result of regular use, the protective function of the skin is enhanced and cells are renewed.

  1. For pregnant. The benefits of hazelnuts for the fairer sex during pregnancy have been scientifically proven. The rich chemical composition of hazelnuts enriches the body of the mother and, in particular, the unborn baby with all the necessary microelements. As a result, the pregnancy proceeds without complications, the fetus is formed without deviations. During lactation, the product improves the quality of milk.
  2. For appearance. Active components product in as soon as possible noticeably transform the girl's appearance. High concentration chemical elements has a positive effect on the structure of hair and nails. At regular use hazelnuts, the hair acquires its original shine and silkiness. The skin becomes smooth and velvety.

The benefits of hazelnuts for children

  1. The benefits of hazelnuts are invaluable for a person at any age. You can prepare a particularly healthy treat for children. It is enough to grind hazelnut kernels and raisins in equal quantities, as a result of which the baby will not have problems with the cardiovascular system.
  2. The remedy has also proven itself well as a medicine for rheumatism, bronchitis and pulmonary ailments. The product as a whole increases protective functions body and improves motor skills and vision of the child. It is worth considering the fact that it is not recommended to give hazelnuts to children under 4 years of age.
  3. IN early age The baby's gastrointestinal tract has not yet fully developed, otherwise nuts may cause digestion difficulties. After 4 years, it is recommended to give a child several nuts a week. Carefully monitor the baby’s health and stop the manipulation if there is the slightest deviation.

Harm and contraindications

  1. It is prohibited to include hazelnuts in the daily diet for individuals who suffer from severe diabetes or have chronic diseases liver.
  2. If you neglect the recommended daily intake of the product, you will end up with an unbearable headache. A similar phenomenon occurs due to spasms of the blood vessels in the head.
  3. Be careful when eating hazelnuts if you are obese. Hazelnuts are high-calorie foods, so they can only aggravate the situation.
  4. If you have been diagnosed with atopic diathesis, you should also refrain from consuming forest products. This move is determined by individual diet.
  5. It is prohibited to consume hazelnuts if you have an individual intolerance or ailments associated with the gastrointestinal tract.

Hazelnuts will not cause harm to the body if you follow daily norm product (about 25-30 g). Women and men should not overuse hazelnuts. Otherwise, you will face a number of problems, ranging from obesity to gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, you will have an unbearable headache. If you experience the slightest discomfort, stop eating nuts.

Video: beneficial properties of hazelnuts
