Causes and types of alcoholism. Alcoholism – what you need to know? Types of drunks

In everyday life, a drunkard is considered to be someone who is constantly seen “tipsy” and smelling of alcohol. If not every day, then often. How does narcology look at this problem?

Please note: despite the fact that ordinary people consider drinking alcohol in significant quantities to be drunkenness, most specialists working in this field consider any intake of alcohol to be drunkenness.

And it doesn’t matter whether you drink at least once a day, at least once a year, at least for the first time in your life. That is, if he took a dose, it means he was drunk.

But is this a disease? Of course not. Not yet….

Alcohol dependence is a pathological craving, the impossibility of normal human life without drinking alcohol. Drinking becomes an important part of these people's existence.

It all starts with hanging out with friends over a bottle of beer several times a week. But, over time, such gatherings can develop into addiction, especially if they are abused.

As a result, the patient no longer needs company; he drinks alone, for days and even weeks without a break.

During this period, a person’s life positions change, values, family and close circle fade into the background. The craving for alcohol becomes irresistible and the patient cannot fight it on his own.

Most alcoholics who go through various stages of the disease, confidently heading towards chronic alcoholism, do not understand the seriousness of the problem. Treatment in this case will be ineffective, since the patient simply does not recognize his addiction.

Which means he won’t fight her. However, this is one of the main conditions for returning to normal life.

To treat alcoholism at any stage, a person must understand the seriousness of the problem. Accept your painful condition and have a desire to get rid of addiction. Otherwise, each treatment method will be ineffective.

Human alcoholism is the most common form of substance abuse. This is a dependence on the use of alcoholic beverages, manifested on a physical and psychological level.

Mechanisms of psychological defense of alcoholics

The question of the pathogenesis of the disease remains undeveloped, although attempts have been made to thoroughly study the problem (this, in particular, is the science of pathological anatomy).

This was not successful because drinking affects people differently. Some people develop mental disorders quickly, while for others this process occurs slowly.

The effect of alcohol on internal organs was also studied, after which only one pathological radical was discovered, called hypoadrenergy.

Drunkenness is characterized by increasing signs of mental disorders, causing specific damage to various internal organs. The main thing is that the neurotransmitter systems are activated.

Because of this, the threshold of sensitivity to pain increases, and certain behavioral reactions and emotions are formed. After an imbalance in the activity of the central nervous system, withdrawal syndrome develops.

Oxidized alcohol causes the formation of a toxin - acetaldehyde. It causes chronic intoxication, and this poison has a particularly strong effect on the liver and brain tissues, and the walls of blood vessels.

People suffering from alcohol addiction have a specific psychology. It is aimed at denying the problem as such.

Thus, a kind of protection is formed at the subconscious level. A person thinks that when he wants, he can quit, and he justifies drinking alcohol for various reasons.

Such causes of alcoholism are divided into several groups:

  • The traditional factor is that a person is motivated to drink alcohol by some holiday or significant event.
  • Pseudocultural reason - drinking alcohol is justified by a rare type of drink or an original preparation recipe.
  • The attaractic excuse is that a person drinks to relieve stress.
  • Hedonic addiction – alcohol is used as a drug that gives a feeling of euphoria and confidence.
  • Submissive factor - drinking is consumed “for company”, when a person is not able to resist the persuasion of others.

There are several types of alcoholism, which have their own characteristics and manifestations.

Psychological reasons

Often the cause of addiction is human psychology, which complicates social adaptation. These factors include the following aspects:

  • lack of self-confidence and timidity;
  • impatience and increased irritability;
  • anxiety, heightened sensitivity and egocentrism.

Genetic predisposition, career failures, regular stressful situations or family discord can become an impetus for the development of the disease. The formation of the disease occurs for a number of reasons, which depend on factors affecting a person’s life

Social factor

Alcohol affects more than just physical health. Dependence on alcoholic beverages also affects the psycho-emotional state. That is why, when treating alcoholism, consultation with a psychologist is necessary.

Types of alcoholism

In its classical development, alcoholism goes through three stages:

  1. Initial– lasting from 1 to 6 years. It can be shortened to a year or last a lifetime, with a slowly progressive course.
  2. Developed clinical manifestations. Most alcoholics are in this stage, one lasts the longest period, on average 10-12 years.
  3. Ultimate– lasting about 5-7 years.

Experts distinguish several types of pathology.


This form of the disease is characterized by regular consumption of alcohol, regardless of its strength. The important point remains to achieve the required degree of intoxication.

As a rule, this phenomenon is characteristic of the second and third stages of the pathological process. Those around him constantly note the patient’s unhealthy addiction, since it is impossible to hide the daily intake of ethanol.

Drinking alcohol becomes a kind of ritual. This often happens when a person is rewarded for hard work - after which he also rewards himself with a glass every day. This process can continue every day. Weekends are accompanied by meetings with friends, which are also spent drinking alcoholic beverages.

Chronic drinking of alcohol provokes changes in the reactions of the entire body:

  • there is a loss of control over the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • a hangover syndrome appears, accompanied by hand tremors, sweating, depression, and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • tolerance to alcohol increases significantly, although for the initial stage these manifestations are not very pronounced;
  • symptoms of alcoholic psychosis appear.


A characteristic feature of a drunkard is drinking alcohol for several days without a break. There are cases of prolonged drinking over several months. This reaction is observed in those who do not have the opportunity to drink alcohol daily.

A person can drink a glass first in the evenings alone. When some kind of psychological disorder occurs, he is able to go on a binge.

It is extremely important to identify the reason that provoked the onset of binge drinking. When recovering from such a state on their own or through special medications, the patient may unexpectedly go on a binge again.

It is important to help a person get out of this state. First of all, you should limit your intake of alcoholic beverages and ensure the person gets healthy sleep.

Sometimes this is not easy to do, and you have to resort to tricks to give sleeping pills. However, you are not allowed to choose your own medications, since medications may be contraindicated if you are intoxicated.

When a person’s condition has returned to normal, the patient needs to restore the body’s water balance. It is advisable to give the drunkard plenty of fluids or put on an IV in case of a strong gag reflex when drinking water.


This form of alcoholism is characterized by a person hiding his addiction to alcohol. As a rule, this phenomenon is characteristic of people who consider their addiction to be a shameful act. In addition, they also experience a certain fear, especially public figures, for whom reputation still has some meaning.

At first, a drinker can still hide his addiction; those around him cannot immediately recognize his dependence on vodka. However, over time, the symptoms begin to appear more clearly.

Against the background of these disorders, various kinds of pathologies begin to develop, and behavioral perversions appear. Often, changes in external data clearly indicate alcohol abuse.

These manifestations are especially pronounced in females.

With this type of pathology, the patient can regularly take low-alcohol drinks in small doses or choose large doses of ethanol, however, at a certain time. Secret alcoholism often accompanies chronic or binge drinking forms of the pathology.


Household drunkenness causes an unhealthy lifestyle for people who adhere to bad habits associated with drinking alcohol. This is not a pathology, but only a bad habit.

Treatment of the first stage of pathology

Initial stage therapy is based on studying the activity of organs and the nervous system, which often cease to function properly due to drunkenness. Diagnose:

  • liver diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • initial symptoms of hepatitis;
  • pancreatitis.

You can carry out health-improving activities yourself. A person may attend work and socialize with others in an attempt to mask the addiction.

Sometimes this home treatment option must be carried out under the supervision of a psychologist to identify the provocateur of the onset of alcoholism. Relatives must constantly support a sick person.

An important point at the first stage is their help so that the pathology does not develop into a more severe form of the disease.

Treatment of the second stage

When a patient is diagnosed with stage two alcoholism, treatment requires more careful consideration. Therapy is resorted to in the absence of the patient’s desire to carry out health-improving measures.

In therapy, different types of medications are used that cause aversion to alcohol. With the help of drugs, the patient’s primary reflexes are affected.

Your doctor may prescribe the drug Disulfiram. The product is safe for non-drinkers.

However, if it is mixed with ethanol, quite unpleasant sensations are noticeable in the body, which contribute to the deterioration of well-being.

Among folk remedies, thyme-based decoctions are most often used to combat this problem. When this drink is mixed with alcohol, severe vomiting occurs.

Detoxification of the body is based on the use of a set of medical measures, which, by analogy, resemble those present in severe intoxication. This method of treatment manages to cleanse the body of harmful toxins, as well as alcohol breakdown products in the blood, liver cells and digestive tract.

However, such procedures will not yet overcome the psychological problem.

Psychological assistance can have a positive impact on the patient, provided that the patient himself desires to get rid of such a habit. Practice shows that these methods of psychological treatment are highly effective.

Approximately 80% of people with weak character, after psychological therapy, were able to realize the harm of alcohol and truly experience an aversion to drunkenness. Using this technique, it is possible to defeat the disease when the pathology is still at the second stage.

Of no small importance is social adaptation, which helps the drunkard choose the right decision to get rid of the disease. Although the patient cannot yet solve this problem on his own.

This is what social adaptation is for. Doctors help the patient establish relationships with society and return to work and family.

This technique is also effective if the client himself desires to defeat the green snake.

Treatment of the third stage

At this stage, treatment, although difficult, is possible. The patient must be hospitalized in order to restore his damaged organs, as well as provide the required psychological assistance.

At this stage, the patient does not have a hangover syndrome, so the person needs to completely give up alcohol. This can be done voluntarily, but if it doesn’t work out, you will have to solve the problem forcibly.

Such measures are necessary for detoxification, in order to then begin treatment of the affected organs. With the help of special medications, the doctor relieves pain and restores normal functioning of the body. Upon completion of drug therapy, the person’s social adaptation begins.

Stage 3 pathology is treated with the following procedures:

  • hypnosis;
  • coding;
  • other non-traditional methods (certain exercise, sport).

The patient’s alcohol and drug addiction can be cured even at the third stage. In the absence of proper therapy, the prognosis is disastrous - death. But the disease of the fourth stage cannot be cured, since the body has already undergone the permitting processes of all tissues, systems and organs - a pathopsychological process has developed.

Every year the number of people suffering from alcoholism is constantly increasing. Moreover, recently women and children have begun to join their number.

The public is concerned about the rapid spread of alcoholism, although it considers it less dangerous than drug addiction. Doctors have destroyed this misconception by officially proving that alcohol is a narcotic poison.

Table. Annual alcohol consumption per capita in liters

Many reasons influence the development of alcoholism. Its stages are individual for each organism. Experts distinguish four types of the disease:

In the process of treating alcohol addiction, several features were identified that characterize the specific differences in the course of the disease.

  • chronic alcoholism;
  • drunken;
  • secret;
  • pub;
  • female;
  • children's

The last three varieties are the most insidious. Beer water is dangerous due to its smooth flow and transition to other types. Women's and children's diseases are transient and difficult to cure.

Alcohol addiction is traditionally one of the most significant social problems of modern society. Today there are various methods and methods for treating alcoholism.

A leading role in the success of therapy is played by timely seeking help from professional specialists. Don’t leave addicted people alone with their misfortune - call a rehabilitation center.

The harm of alcohol addiction is obvious!

First of all, this is irreparable damage to health. Its result is the loss of social status, family, work, friends and even life. Not everyone can clearly distinguish the line between holiday drinking and the onset of alcohol addiction. It is necessary to be careful about the consumption of alcoholic beverages and limit their presence in everyday life.

Degrees of intoxication

1st stage of alcoholism

There is a strong craving for alcohol, loss over the amount of alcohol consumed.

A few years earlier, the above-mentioned experts gave their classification of alcohol dependence.

Primary in their classification. She is also called neurasthenic.

At this stage, a person develops a craving for alcohol and a state of euphoria. Tolerance to the doses of alcoholic beverages taken gradually increases, and asthenic symptoms are observed: - fatigue; - irritability; - insomnia. The form of alcohol consumption changes: from episodic to systematic use.

There is a loss of control over the amount of drinking.

Stage 2 alcoholism

Drug addiction, characterized by an increase in pathological craving for alcohol, an altered form of alcohol intoxication, the appearance of ACC and disorders of the psyche and internal organs.

Stage 3 alcoholism

Both in everyday drunkenness and in alcoholism, there are three degrees of intoxication:

  1. Idegree (mild). External signs of intoxication are subtle. There is an improved mood, talkativeness, relaxedness, and ease. But even with a mild degree, inhibited reactions are observed. Blood alcohol content 0.5 – 1.5 ‰;
  2. IIdegree of intoxication (medium). It is observed in a person with pronounced euphoria, or vice versa – anger, depression, inappropriate behavior, attacks of aggression, complete disinhibition, inflated self-esteem, self-praise. Externally – red face, impaired speech and gait, uncoordinated movements. A drunk person gives off a strong smell of alcohol. Alcohol concentration is from 1.5 to 2.5 ‰. Contents above these numbers indicate the presence of severe intoxication.
  3. IIIdegree (severe). With this degree of intoxication, the drunk cannot maintain balance when walking, speech is difficult and slurred, there is a disturbance in orientation, failure to recognize people, and stunnedness. Gradually, the patient develops a narcotic sleep, which can turn into a coma and end in death. Blood alcohol content is 3-5 ‰. Above these values, poisoning is fatal.

Based on what data can we understand that the patient is no longer just a drunkard, but an alcoholic? The answer to this question will be found in the clinical manifestations of the stages of alcoholism, which we will talk about in the next article.

The main symptom of stage II alcoholism is withdrawal syndrome (hangover). Everyone knows the word. But let’s understand its meaning carefully, because there is a significant difference between what is usually meant in everyday life by the word “hangover”.

Drinkers at stage III of alcoholism become completely desocialized. They have no housing, no family, no work, and there is pronounced personality degradation.

In addition to the generally accepted gradation that describes the stages of the problem, which is described in detail in the articles on our resource, there are other classification options.

Bechtel stages

The famous Russian psychiatrist Bechtel studied the problem described for a long time, after which he divided the patients into the following degrees of alcohol intoxication:

  1. Withdrawals. People who rarely drink drinks containing alcohol. This category includes individuals who drink alcoholic products a maximum of twice a year in a volume of up to 200 ml.
  2. Casual drinkers. This subgroup of the population uses no more than 150 ml of strong alcohol several times a month.
  3. Drinkers in moderation. These are people who drink strong alcohol once a week or month in a volume of up to 150 ml (maximum 400 ml).
  4. Regular drinkers. These include people who drink quite often - up to two times a week. In this case, the volume of strong alcohol consumed reaches 300 ml at a time, sometimes half a liter.
  5. Habitual drinkers. The category describes people who drink more than half a liter of strong alcohol several times a week.

Bechtel recognized the basis of the classification as the amount of alcohol consumed and the frequency of its use.

Stages of development of addiction according to Fedotov

Another famous Soviet psychiatrist named Fedotov recommends dividing drunks into four independent categories, based on the degree of the patient’s addiction to fairly strong drinks.

  1. First stage. Characterizes people who strive to drink alcoholic beverages to eliminate unpleasant sensations and obtain relaxation.
  2. Second stage. People belonging to this category are characterized by increased tolerance to previously habitual doses of alcohol, which is why they have to steadily increase the amount of alcohol taken to obtain the desired euphoria.
  3. Third stage. Fedotov included in this category patients with developed withdrawal syndrome, causing characteristic mental as well as physical disorders. To relieve withdrawal symptoms, the patient must recover from a hangover. The doctor will certainly diagnose such a person with chronic alcoholism.
  4. Fourth stage. An extremely unpleasant category that completes the development of pathology. The patient has all the characteristic symptoms of severe damage to most internal organs; mental disorders are even visually noticeable. Such pathological manifestations are greatly aggravated by further drinking. The fourth stage precedes death.

The disease can and certainly should be treated, no matter what its stage. The main requirement is the presence of the patient’s desire. Although it is better to avoid a situation where it is no longer possible to save a person without the professional help of an experienced narcologist.

Each disease develops according to its own laws, and alcoholism is no exception. A person smoothly and imperceptibly overcomes the degrees of alcoholism. It is unknown how long each degree of alcoholism will take; each body resists differently.

Some people are not dependent on alcohol at all. As a result of research, scientists have determined that this dependence is usually genetic. However, one should not discount family and work troubles that can push a person towards alcoholism.

Traditionally, there are four stages of alcohol dependence.

  • The first is characterized by increased frequency and increase in alcohol intake,
  • The second involves increasing resistance to alcoholic beverages and the appearance of pronounced abstinence,
  • At the third stage, the patient drinks systematically, actively degrades and loses health.

Alcoholics in stage three rarely survive the 5-year threshold without professional help. Binges can last until the body is no longer able to accept alcohol.

Alcohol addiction occurs in several stages, which differ in symptoms and are characterized by various mental disorders of a person, as well as his physical condition.

Female alcoholism

Typically, psychological dependence develops in the initial stage. With the help of alcohol, a woman drowns out the unsettled personal life, problems at work, and the pain of losing a loved one.

Gradually, addiction develops into a physical form. And then drinking strong drinks becomes a necessity.

Female alcoholism develops rapidly, and very often has a secret form. Therefore, others notice the problem only by the appearance of changes in appearance, which occurs in the second or third stage, when it becomes difficult to get rid of it on your own and treatment takes longer.

The liver and pancreas suffer the most from alcohol abuse in women.

Very often, female alcoholism leads to promiscuity, which, together with a lack of personal hygiene, causes sexually transmitted diseases. Excessive alcohol consumption during the period of conception and pregnancy is very dangerous.

This leads to a difficult pregnancy, premature birth and pathologies of fetal development. Often children born to alcoholics have a bunch of diseases and are lagging behind in mental and physical development.

Such a grief-stricken mother is unable to care for her baby and places him under the care of the state.

Signs of alcohol addiction

Here are the characteristic symptoms that help diagnose alcoholism:

  • binge drinking;
  • absence of a gag reflex after drinking a large dose of alcohol;
  • loss of control over the amount of drinking;
  • partial retrograde amnesia;
  • withdrawal syndrome.

Acute intoxication

The diagnosis is considered fundamental if there are persistent disorders due to intoxication. You should also pay attention to the following criteria:

  • dose level;
  • how long has passed since drinking alcohol;
  • concomitant organic pathologies;
  • social circumstances.

Use with harmful consequences

The pattern of drinking alcoholic beverages is harmful to health. A negative impact can be exerted not only on the physical level in the form of various kinds of diseases, but also on the mental level (for example, the presence of secondary depression after intoxication).

Diagnostic manifestations:

  • direct damage to physical and mental health;
  • confirm the diagnosis of negative social consequences.

Alcohol use with harmful consequences for the patient is not diagnosed if a dependence syndrome is present. Such a diagnosis simultaneously excludes alcoholism itself.

Dependency syndrome

This term defines a combination of cognitive, behavioral and physiological phenomena when alcohol consumption becomes dominant in the system of life values. To be diagnosed with addiction disorder, at least three of the following symptoms must be present:

  • strong need to drink;
  • impaired ability to independently control alcohol consumption (its beginning and end);
  • withdrawal states;
  • high tolerance;
  • forgetting other interests, increasing recovery time after drinking alcohol;
  • continued drinking, despite the harmful consequences - liver damage, deterioration of cognitive functions, depressive states.

Dependency syndrome is a sufficient reason to diagnose alcoholism, although Russian psychiatry is more strict in this regard.

Cancellation states

The diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of a group of symptoms that appear as a result of the cessation of drinking after repeated long-term continuation. The withdrawal syndrome is very limited in time, its duration depends on the doses consumed before abstinence.

Systematic consumption of large doses of alcohol is the most obvious sign of alcoholism. The main factor complicating the detection of the disease and its treatment is the presence of hidden signs.

Even those close to the addict may not see their presence. The patient himself is aware that real changes are taking place, but ignores them.

The disease begins with a feeling of discomfort in the absence of alcohol.

Visible manifestations of alcoholism:

  • craving for alcohol;
  • shifting the focus of interests towards alcohol topics;
  • change in behavioral pattern;
  • change of life priorities;
  • insusceptibility to the arguments of others;
  • loss of social skills and connections.

As a result of prolonged exposure to alcohol, the addict’s body undergoes radical changes physiologically and psychologically.

Main signs of alcoholism:

  • The need to drink alcohol
  • Loss of control over alcohol consumption,
  • Loss of gag reflex
  • Increased alcohol tolerance,
  • Systematic use.

How to recognize an alcoholic

Naturally, diagnosing chronic binge drinking alcoholism is not at all difficult. It is much more difficult to recognize a person on the verge of alcohol addiction. However, if you do this in time, you can save him without allowing the disease to develop. Therefore, it is so important to notice the first signs of alcoholism in women and men.

What does an alcoholic man look like?

It is easy to recognize a patient with alcoholism by his unkempt appearance, red, puffy face and peculiar behavior. A drinking man is not interested in work, he has no hobbies or hobbies, he constantly conflicts with loved ones because of drinking.

An alcoholic continues to drink no matter what. He constantly needs more and more alcohol, he is not lazy to spend a lot of time looking for it.

The first signs of alcoholism in men appear long before the disease enters the first stage. If you notice them on one of your loved ones or friends, you need to react immediately. Alcoholism in its early stages is much easier to treat. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

External signs of alcoholism in women

In female representatives, alcoholism is usually indicated by indifference to one's own appearance, unkemptness and untidiness. Beginning alcoholics may try to hide their illness, but they are still betrayed by hand tremors, a rough voice, and a lack of interest in work and even entertainment.

Signs of alcoholism in women on the face: bags under the eyes, flabby, saggy, wrinkled skin, puffiness and unhealthy complexion. Alcoholics can be betrayed by red or jaundiced eyes and a thick layer of makeup, which they apply in the hope of hiding the traces of their drunkenness.

Advice! If you notice an increased craving for alcohol in one of your loved ones or friends, you need to tell him about the possible consequences of his bad habit. If a person does not change his lifestyle in time, he cannot avoid alcohol addiction.

Symptoms of alcoholism

One of the first obvious symptoms of alcohol addiction is a craving for alcohol. If the patient does not take it “on the chest,” he remains in a depressed state. Continuing with everyday activities, the addict remains depressed. His thoughts are focused on realizing opportunities to drink.

This behavior brings out the essence, alcohol is a drug. The addiction in this case is not so lightning fast, but the result is the same. Harmless parties with beer can become the first, disastrous step towards a big trouble, from which it is impossible to get out without the help of specialists.

In the absence of counteraction to addiction, symptoms of chronic alcoholism begin to appear. A demonstration of this state is an active rejection of the sober state.

All alcohol-containing drinks are used indiscriminately as “medicine”. This period is characterized by a lack of control over the amount of drinking.

Increasingly, an alcoholic becomes susceptible to sudden attacks of aggression and paranoia.

Each person is individual, but with prolonged use of alcoholic beverages, sooner or later alcohol dependence still occurs. This could happen in a year or in 5 years.

At the first stage, signs of alcoholism practically do not appear. The addict is simply looking for an excuse to drink again, but his behavior and appearance do not betray the disease.

At the second stage, it is easier to identify an alcoholic, since without a glass of alcohol he cannot:

  • experience positive emotions;
  • to feel yourself confident;
  • receive emotional release.

He is tense, there is nervousness and fussiness. Alcohol becomes the center of such a patient’s existence; all company and communication are reduced to drinking.

Abuse of drinks in this case occurs on average 2-3 times a week or more often, and the dose of alcohol consumed is 5 times higher than the original. The following symptoms may be present at this stage:

  • severe withdrawal syndrome (alcohol withdrawal syndrome);
  • lack of gag reflex from drinking too much;
  • uncontrolled drinking of alcohol;
  • binges;
  • short amnesia.

Also, a patient with alcoholism may experience manifestations of a hangover syndrome:

  • aches throughout the body;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dry mouth;
  • severe dizziness and pain;
  • trembling in the body;
  • painful sensitivity to light and sharp sounds;
  • redness of the eyes.

To understand that a person suffers from alcoholism, you need to take into account his gender. men and women differ in the manifestations of this disorder.

A man addicted to booze will drink alone, replacing traditional get-togethers with friends, the desire to drink will overshadow all other interests, and his mood will change quickly. Without alcohol, he becomes aggressive and impatient, but everything changes as soon as he drinks at least a glass of alcohol.

In women, the symptoms of the disease are expressed differently. In an addict, the presence of the disease is noticeable on the face:

  • bags appear under the eyes;
  • the face becomes puffy;
  • the capillary network protrudes;
  • the voice becomes rougher.

As a rule, women do not admit their addiction by drinking alone in the evenings. At the same time, the mood can quickly change from aggressive to whiny.

Diagnosis of the disease

Deterioration of a person’s condition associated with drinking strong drinks indicates alcohol dependence. Those around the patient observe the following manifestations of the disease:

  • a person experiences an irresistible desire to drink, which even the closest people cannot distract from;
  • a previously calm person becomes withdrawn, an active person shows aggression;
  • withdrawal syndrome or physiological withdrawal state appears;
  • there is an inability to self-control while drinking alcohol;
  • others notice the absence of signs of intoxication when consuming doses that previously caused intoxication;
  • the ability to perform actions related to physical activity, coordination of movements, and intellectual abilities decreases;
  • reluctance to give up alcoholic beverages, despite deteriorating health and psychological state;
  • Most of the time is spent on performing the actions necessary to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages.

An experienced narcologist will not find it difficult to determine the presence of alcohol addiction in a person. In the early stages, data obtained during a survey can be indicators of the disease.

Usually the doctor asks how long and what kind of alcohol the patient drinks, whether he has drunkenness, hangover syndrome, how much alcohol he usually drinks, and other questions.

In later stages, an alcoholic can be identified by appearance. Usually the addict has:

  • redness of the skin on the face;
  • clouding of the whites of the eyes;
  • expressionless facial expressions.

Also, in the second and third stages, concomitant diseases of the internal organs (liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, hypertension and others) join the pathological dependence. To determine the general condition of the patient, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of mental and physical health.

Is it impossible to cure alcoholism???

Therapy at an early stage of the disease, when there are no irreversible diseases, has a positive effect. Important treatment factors are the patient’s consent and complete abstinence from alcohol-containing products. In each case, the narcologist selects individual methods taking into account the causes of the disease, social characteristics and personality type.

Options for adjuvant therapy include:

  • coding that has a psychological impact;
  • psychotropic medications that improve the functioning of the nervous system;
  • taking medications and herbal components that cause aversion to alcoholic beverages;
  • vitamin therapy aimed at restoring the body;
  • detoxification with special solutions that promote the removal of alcohol breakdown products from the body.

In addition, symptomatic treatment is prescribed according to indications. It eliminates the dysfunction of internal organs associated with excessive alcohol consumption.

Modern medicine uses innovative methods for treating alcohol addiction. These include: plasmapheresis, bioxenic therapy, ILBI.

All these methods are aimed at eliminating acute conditions, but do not provide a 100% guarantee that the patient will not return to his old ways. Even 50 grams of any alcohol-containing product can revive addiction.

Therefore, after treatment it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol. Only by abstaining from strong drinks can you avoid addiction.

  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Alcohol dependence has long been recognized as a medical problem and is included in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). This is a dangerous and unpredictable disease that can eventually lead to death. The disease code is F10.

It is almost impossible to get rid of alcohol addiction on your own, even in the early stages. Therefore, it is so important to contact doctors as early as possible to help cope with the disease and prevent it from developing into a chronic phase.

Today, there are many drugs and techniques aimed at combating addiction. The selection of a treatment method must be carried out strictly individually, in accordance with the results shown by the analysis and other studies previously completed by the patient.

You can save a person from addiction by causing him an aversion to alcoholic beverages. All existing methods are aimed at achieving this goal. One or more methods are chosen as therapeutic therapy:

  • medication treatment;
  • psychotherapy and hypnosis;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • acupuncture;
  • traditional treatment;
  • dietary supplements;
  • innovative methods.

Before using this or that method, you need to find out its contraindications and get detailed advice from a specialist. It is possible that the technique is absolutely not suitable for the patient and may even cause harm. The choice of how to combat the disease must be made by the doctor. Monitoring the patient’s condition during treatment is also important.


During therapy, drugs are used that create a persistent aversion or indifference to alcoholic beverages.

With this method, the patient requires strict and constant clinical monitoring. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to undergo examinations and tests. Accordingly, such a fight against the disease must be agreed upon with the patient. He must understand and admit his problem, and most importantly, want to overcome it.

Tablets for alcohol addiction can also be taken at home, provided that the patient has done the necessary research and the therapy has been agreed upon with the doctor. The consequence of uncontrolled treatment without a doctor’s prescription can be a tragedy. All medications for ethylism are dispensed from pharmacies with a prescription.

Encoding using disulfiram-containing drugs is considered the most effective. The patient develops a persistent aversion to alcohol due to the fact that after taking the next dose, his condition sharply worsens.

After completing the full course of treatment, the patient will be disgusted even by the thought of drinking. Medicines act on the liver's enzyme production system, destroying the breakdown of alcohol.

This leads to a sharp accumulation of acetaldehyde in the patient’s blood, leading to a serious deterioration in well-being.

After drinking alcohol, such people experience:

  • severe headaches;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • jump in blood pressure.

Disulfiram-containing agents include:

  • Antabuse;
  • Esperal;
  • Disulfiram.

Coding for alcohol dependence can be carried out using drugs of various forms (tablets, injections, implants). All products are presented in modern pharmacy in a wide range.

The tablet form of the medication is perfect for therapy at home, but implants or injections must be done in a clinical setting, under the supervision of a doctor.

Alcohol brings a person a feeling of euphoria, pleasure that comes due to the stimulation of opioid receptors. Treatment can overcome this process. If you block it, the patient stops getting joy from drinking and the addiction loses its charm.


Treatment of alcohol addiction is always aimed at the psyche and perception of a person; it is important to give the addict a feeling of disgust for alcohol. A psychologist can work with the patient, who helps him take a worthy place in society and return to his family, resume a sober lifestyle, and learn normal behavior in various situations.

Psychiatry is one of the popular areas in the treatment of ethicism. Classes can be conducted individually or in small groups. You can undergo treatment anonymously.

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against alcoholism is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about getting coded? This is understandable, because alcoholism is a dangerous disease that leads to serious consequences: cirrhosis or even death. Liver pain, hangover, problems with health, work, personal life... All these problems are familiar to you firsthand.

Consequences of alcoholism

The most dangerous and common problems with alcoholism are alcoholic psychoses. Among them there are acute and chronic. The most famous acute psychosis is “delirium tremens” (delirium tremens), which occurs in 75% of complications. Most often it affects patients in advanced stage 2 of alcoholism.

Children of alcoholics are susceptible to various mental and behavioral disorders - this is a hereditary factor. The percentage of people dying from pathology is growing every year in Russia.

Alcoholism is a type of drug addiction and its consequences can be very sad, both for the patient himself and for his environment.


As a result of prolonged drunkenness and binge drinking, a person develops mental disorders, as a result of which he becomes uncontrollable and inadequate. In addition, many systems and internal organs can no longer function normally without alcohol.

Gradually, regular alcohol abuse leads to cell death and a person can become disabled or even die.

Alcoholic drinks have a particularly strong effect on the functioning of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems, interfere with the normal reproductive function of the body, and also affect the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs and liver. In general, a person’s well-being deteriorates significantly.


Constant binges cannot but affect the behavior of the drunkard. He becomes irritable, aggressive, antisocial. In accordance with this, unemployment is constantly growing, there is an increase in the number of road accidents, and the crime rate is trending upward.

First of all, a person’s family and close people suffer from alcohol addiction. As a rule, with chronic alcoholism, a person can no longer work, and accordingly, family income drops sharply, which provokes conflicts. He can also show aggression and even raise his hand.


As the disease progresses throughout the country, the number of sick people increases, which means the state will have to pay for sick leave. The birth rate is also declining, which creates a labor shortage.

If it happens that a person becomes disabled due to long-term alcohol addiction, the state will have to pay benefits so that the patient can live.

That is why it is so necessary to turn to specialists for qualified treatment of alcohol addiction. This will allow you to avoid many personal and social problems, maintain your health and family well-being.

Rehabilitation after treatment of the pathology is of great importance for the patient. A good remedy would be to attend group psychotraining sessions, where a former alcoholic can learn to live again, remember what is dear to him and what he needs to strive for. During this period, family support is extremely important to avoid the return of the disease.

Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the condition of the body. Alcohol abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences and serious pathologies. But all these factors do not in any way affect the popularity of this product. Alcohol production is one of the largest.

Types of alcoholic beverages consist of dozens of items, and it is not possible to list all brands existing today.

Alcohol brands are some of the most expensive, alcohol production volumes around the world are staggering, and new types of alcoholic beverages are emerging with amazing regularity.

Alcohol is a faithful companion to any feast. Weddings, birthdays, corporate parties and other events do not take place without the use of alcoholic beverages. Today the assortment is so rich that everyone can find a drink to suit their taste.

The wealth of choice leads to the problem of how to choose a drink that will appeal to everyone. Alcohol products can be classified in several ways. The first way is to classify drinks according to the method of their production:

  1. Drinks produced using a fermentation procedure.
  2. Drinks made by distillation.

This classification allows us to divide all types of alcoholic beverages into several categories, which differ in their main components. Such components can be fruits and vegetables, as well as various cereals.

The second way to classify alcohol is to divide products according to the following three criteria:

  • low alcohol;
  • medium strength drinks;
  • strong.

Low alcohol drinks

The category of weak alcohol includes those products whose alcohol content does not exceed eight percent. This category includes sweet alcoholic drinks, beer and some national products. The list of low-alcohol drinks includes more than ten items.

Beer. One of the most popular alcoholic products around the world. The history of this intoxicating drink goes back more than several thousand years. Countries such as Germany, Russia and the Czech Republic are considered recognized brewers. The strength of beer starts at five degrees and goes higher. In addition, beer can be produced both in non-alcoholic form and with a very high strength.

Braga. The basis of this product is vegetables and fruits. Braga is obtained as a result of fermentation and often acts as the main component in the production of moonshine.

In general, all types of alcoholic drinks are divided into groups depending on their strength.

Toddy. Toddy is made in South American countries from the sap of palm trees. To make the product, a fermentation technique is used.

Kvass. The history of this drink goes back many hundreds of years. Traditional kvass, made from sour milk, contains about one and a half percent alcohol.

Cider. The strength of cider depends primarily on the country in which it is prepared. In France, cider is made with two percent alcohol content. In Germany, this percentage can be increased to seven. Apple juice is used to make cider. All fermentation processes are based on a technique that eliminates the addition of yeast.

Perry. Perry is one of the drinks whose preparation method is similar to cider. Perry juice and sugar are used to make Perry. The strength of this drink ranges from five to eight and a half degrees.

Khuremge. A traditional alcoholic product originally from Buryatia. Khuremge is made from whey. The strength ranges from two to eight degrees.

Icewine. This drink can be classified as one of the varieties of wine. The fact is that the drink is made from grapes, but the fruits of the plant must survive frost. It is thanks to this approach that the drink got its name. The strength of this wine is about eight degrees.

Togba. Togba is an alcoholic drink that originates from Nepal and according to legend is madly adored by yetis. Togba is made by fermenting cereals. This alcohol must be consumed hot, using a straw.

Handi. Handi is an alcohol originally from India. Only women have the right to produce such a product, and the manufacturing process follows strict rules. The strength of Handi is eight degrees, and rice, herbs and the roots of some plants are used to make it.

At least 100 types of alcoholic beverages are available today using various additives and preparation techniques.

Medium strength drinks

This type of alcohol includes drinks containing up to thirty percent alcohol. The following products can be included in this category.

Mead. A product obtained by mixing alcohol and honey.

Mulled wine. This subtype of wine is made from fruits and spices.

Wine. One of the products that is rich in its subspecies. There are more than a hundred types of wines, which differ in composition and preparation methods. The strength of the wine can reach twenty-five degrees. Countries such as France and Spain are considered recognized winemakers.

Sake. Wine, which is considered to be the birthplace of Japan. This type of wine product is made from rice, and its strength is about twenty degrees.

Port wine. Another branch of the wine family. Port wine is made from a special type of grape and its alcohol content reaches twenty percent. The birthplace of this wine is Portugal.

Madeira. Another type of wine from Portugal. The strength of Madeira is about twenty degrees. The main feature of this drink is that high temperatures are used to produce it.

Sherry. The peculiarity of Spanish Jerez is that the fermentation of grapes occurs under a kind of film of a special type of yeast. The strength of Jerez is twenty degrees.

Marsala. Product from the wine family. The strength of Marsala is approaching eighteen degrees. Marsala is considered a dessert subtype of wine, originally from Sicily.

Malaga. This wine product got its name from the place of production, the Spanish Malaga winery. The strength of the resulting product can range from thirteen to twenty-two degrees. Several types of grapes are used for production.

Both strong and low-alcohol drinks are very harmful to the body in excessive doses.

Tokay. The wine comes from Hungary, which is considered to be a separate product. The strength of Tokaj is twelve percent. The main component is a special type of honey.

Vermouth. According to one legend, vermouth was created by Hippocrates himself in the fifth century BC. When preparing vermouth, medicinal herbs and plants are used. The main component of this fortified wine is wormwood. Today, vermouth is traditionally made in Italy and France.

Champagne. A wine with sparkling quality, which many associate with solemnity and mystery. Champagne is produced by winemakers from the small province of Champagne. This French product contains up to thirteen percent alcohol.

Sato. Sato is one of the brightest representatives of the wine family. This Thai type of wine is made from rice grains. The alcohol content of this alcohol is about ten degrees.

Cynar. Italian composition containing a mixture of artichokes, spices, special herbs and seventeen percent ethyl alcohol.

Campari. A liqueur named after its creator G. Campari. To prepare liqueur, fruits and herbs with a bitter aroma are used. The alcohol content in this liqueur is about twenty-eight percent.

Kumis. The homeland of kumiss is Central Asia. This drink is made from milk, yeast and alcohol. There are several options for preparing kumis, varying in strength. The maximum strength of kumys is forty degrees.

Grog and punch. These drinks are combined because both are derived from independent products. Grog is rum that has been diluted to reduce the strength of the product. Punch is a product obtained by mixing certain types of wines and fruit juices.

Rechoto. One of the representatives of the wine family comes from Italy. The strength of rechoto is fifteen degrees.

Pisco. French wine, the strength of which is at around twenty-two degrees. Made from grape juice with the addition of cognac alcohol. It is very important that such alcohol must be at least several years old.

Pulque. A Mexican product obtained from the fermentation of agave fruits. The alcohol content in this composition is about eighteen percent.

Most often, strong alcoholic drinks are alcoholic drinks in which the percentage of alcohol is higher than 20

Strong alcoholic drinks

Drinking strong alcohol is dangerous to health. The strength of such a product can reach eighty degrees. The most popular spirits:

  • vodka;
  • cognac;
  • whiskey;
  • brandy;
  • absinthe;
  • sambuca;
  • gin;
  • tequila;
  • chacha.

It makes no sense to describe the above drinks, since most consumers are familiar with these products. Strong alcohol can be made from a variety of ingredients, so it’s worth considering only the most unusual compositions.

Aquavit. Literally translated, the name reads “water of life.” Aquavit is made in Norway from ordinary potatoes. The alcohol content of the product is fifty percent.

Arak. Arak is a controversial drink. For its production, various types of natural raw materials and manufacturing techniques are used. So the strength of such a composition can be from forty to fifty degrees. The homeland of arak is Central Asia.

Pastis. Pastis is one of the absinthe derivatives from France. The history of making this anise vodka goes back about a hundred years. The strength of this vodka is forty-five degrees.

Mastic. Another type of alcohol made from anise. Mastic is a traditional Bulgarian drink and its strength is forty-seven degrees.

Armagnac. The homeland of Armagnac is the province of Gascony, located in France. The alcohol level in the composition is at around forty percent. The production method involves distilling wine from grapes with the addition of fresh berries.

Grappa. Initially, Italian grappa was made from waste wine raw materials. The alcohol content of grappa can reach fifty percent.

Calvados. One of the subtypes of brandy, which is made from apple cider. The alcohol content in this product is on average forty percent.

Kirschwasser. The Kirschwasser was first made in Germany at the beginning of the seventeenth century. The strength of the drink is approximately forty degrees, and the main ingredient is black cherries.

Low-alcohol drinks usually include a wide variety of cocktails, wines, beer, and liqueurs.

Slivovitz. A subtype of brandy, with a strength of forty-five degrees, made from plum juice. The production of this alcohol is established in Bulgaria and Serbia.

Metaxa. Greek composition, which is based on a mixture of grape wine, grape apple brandy and herbal tincture. The alcohol content of metax is about forty percent.

Schnapps. The basis for the preparation of schnapps can be both cereal crops and the fruits of fruit trees. Germany is considered the birthplace of schnapps. The product manufactured in this country contains forty percent ethyl.

Bourbon. An American type of whiskey made from corn cobs. Bourbon strength is about fifty degrees.

Maotai. The birthplace of this drink is China. Maotai is a festive drink, the consumption of which is associated with celebration. It is made from cereals and has a strength of fifty-three degrees.

Ouzo. A mixture of alcohol solution and special herbs. The birthplace of the drink is Greece. The composition contains about fifty percent alcohol.

Cancers. Strong alcohol from Turkey. Raki contains fifty percent alcohol. This alcoholic product is made from grape wine and anise.

Tutovka. Caucasian product made from the fruits of the mulberry tree. This drink has a unique aroma, and its strength is as much as eighty degrees.


The most correct classification of alcohol is to divide drinks by their strength. Knowing the approximate composition and percentage of alcohol content in a liquid, you can calculate not only the correct dosage of what you drink, but also save yourself from the consequences of a hangover.

In our usual understanding, an alcoholic is a degraded, dirty person with overgrown cheeks and an empty look. However, this is not always the case. It happens that an addiction to alcohol develops among respectable businessmen, elegant-looking women, “golden” youth, or a positive family man. Surprisingly, a drunk person lying in the mud is not necessarily an alcoholic, no matter how others think about him. Acute intoxication is not chronic. This can happen to any person who simply miscalculated and drank more than necessary. In most cases, this happens to completely non-drinking people whose resistance to the effects of alcohol is low. Therefore, the concepts of chronic alcoholism, as a disease, and acute intoxication must be separated.

What types of alcoholism are there? The first type is chronic alcoholism. Such people drink both alcoholic beverages and any other drinks containing alcohol in large doses and regularly. This kind of alcoholism develops quickly. Drinking alcohol occurs as a kind of ritual. For example, every day after work a person drinks alone or in the company of drinking buddies as a reward after a “hard” day of work. His close people know about this. In the case of treating such alcoholism, it is necessary to destroy the ritual, remove “drinking buddies” from his life and after work switch to doing some business or useful hobby.

The second type is binge alcoholism, which is also quite common. This type of alcoholism is characterized by the fact that a person can sometimes drink alcohol, but in small quantities. And in the event of stressful situations or an emotional breakdown, a person goes on a binge. He drinks every day, for many days or weeks in a row, and sometimes, in especially severe cases, for months. Having come out of a binge, such a person can hold on for some time and not drink until the next binge. This type of alcoholism is extremely dangerous to health. In this case, the body's tolerance to alcohol is low. When treating, it is first necessary to stabilize the person’s psyche.

The third type is secret alcoholism. A characteristic feature of such alcoholics is that they hide their addiction. The people around him do not know that a person drinks. Influential or famous people suffer from this type of alcoholism. For fear of losing their reputation, they hide their addiction. True, sooner or later the destructive influence of alcohol becomes noticeable, either in changes in appearance, or in the manifestation of characteristic diseases. To hide your addiction, several techniques are used: first, they drink constantly, little by little and low-alcohol; second - they drink a lot, strong alcohol, but at a certain time and under special circumstances.

The fourth type of alcoholism is beer drinking. In this case, the person drinks beer daily, or drinks three or four times a week. Drinks at least one liter at a time. Many people are convinced that drinking beer does not affect health. However, it is not. Beer contains alcohol, which has a destructive effect on the liver, kidneys and brain.

There are also alcoholism in men, women and children. Female alcoholism differs from male alcoholism in that it is much more difficult to treat and has a negative impact on the health of future children. In order to recover from this addiction, you need to go to a rehabilitation center or clinic at your place of residence. All specialized. Medical institutions in Kyiv, Kharkov, Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia and Ukraine offer anonymous, full-fledged comprehensive treatment for alcoholism.

In the article we will consider the types of alcoholism and encodings.

An alcoholic is always understood as a degenerate tramp in dirty, ragged clothes. But absolutely anyone can develop the disease, from a successful businessman to a modest student.

The most common types of alcoholism are domestic, chronic, and complicated.

The signs of this disease are not always clearly expressed. To distinguish real addiction from one-time alcohol abuse, you need to know what types of this disease exist. What types of alcoholism and coding methods exist?

What do we know about this disease?

The causes and types of alcoholism are interrelated.

Alcoholism and the stages of this disease develop in people gradually, similar to any habit or disease. The stages of such dependence are characterized, as a rule, by a gradual increase in the patient’s need for alcoholic beverages. Such people have an inability to control themselves and adequately perceive a given situation. The development of a disease such as alcoholism in men and women is generally the same and has only some distinctive features. The type of treatment for alcoholism directly depends on the characteristics of the human body, and in addition, on the psychological state and stage of the disease.

It is worth emphasizing that alcoholism is an extremely serious disease that requires an immediate response, and in addition, help from relatives and friends of the sick person. which was noticed at the first stage, can be cured quickly enough and prevent further progression of this serious illness in a person.

Now let's move on directly to considering the types of alcoholism.

Chronic appearance

This type is characterized by regular consumption of alcohol, it does not matter at all whether it is a strong drink or not. The most important thing is to achieve the required state of intoxication. As a rule, this is typical for the second and third stages of the disease. Those around him are aware of the patient’s addiction, since it is impossible to hide his daily drinking bouts.

Drinking alcohol is carried out in the form of a kind of ritual. For example, in this way, a reward is given for a hard day of work, and in the evenings a person believes that he deserves a glass or two. This could go on every day. This weekend you will meet a friend with whom you can have a heart-to-heart talk over a bottle of vodka. There are a lot of similar ritual occasions, and everything directly depends on the person himself. Chronic drinking of alcohol can cause certain changes in the body's reaction:

  • Loss of control over the amount of drinking.
  • The development of a hangover syndrome in the form of tremors, sweating, heart rhythm disturbances, and, in addition, depression is observed.
  • Increased At the first stage of addiction, this is not so pronounced, but then gradually this factor manifests itself more and more clearly.
  • Presence of signs of alcoholic psychosis.

What type of addiction is used here? Chronic type of addiction can be done with medication, through psychological influence, or in a complex manner. In order for therapy to be effective, it is necessary to eliminate harmful rituals, and in addition, protect the person from communicating with people with whom he traditionally drinks. At the end of the working day, you need to occupy the patient with activities that will be incompatible with alcohol.

We continue to consider the types of alcoholism and its stages.

Drunken look

Involves drinking alcoholic beverages for up to several weeks in a row without a break. Sometimes such a binge can last for several months. As a rule, something similar happens to people who do not have the opportunity to regularly drink alcohol. They can drink small amounts in the evening, but if psychological instability sets in, they go on a binge. It is extremely important in this case to determine the causes that lead to this condition in order to eliminate them.

When you come out of a binge (it doesn’t matter whether you did it yourself or with the help of doctors), after some time a person may find himself in a similar situation again. Those around you do not always know about the addiction of this type of alcoholic, and therefore, without therapy, the disease can develop into an even more severe stage.

For therapy, it is necessary to remove the patient from binge drinking. First of all, it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of alcohol and give the patient the opportunity to sleep off. It is not always easy to put a drunken person to bed. For this purpose, sleeping pills are used, however, many of them are incompatible with alcohol, and therefore a doctor’s consultation is required.

Once a state of sobriety is achieved, the body’s water balance should also be restored. This can also be achieved by drinking plenty of fluids or using IV drips if vomiting makes it impossible to keep the body hydrated. After a person’s withdrawal from binge drinking, it is necessary to make a decision about his treatment, especially when he cannot cope with it on his own. Many people are interested in what types of alcoholism there are.

Secret view

The main feature of this type of alcoholism is that the person hides the addiction very carefully. This is especially true for women and successful people who consider their addiction shameful. And besides, public figures whose reputation risks being damaged in the event of publicity.

At first, such patients manage to hide their condition, so those around them really do not suspect anything. But with the passage of time, the mystery is revealed, because the symptoms of the problem become very pronounced. Various diseases and behavioral perversions arise. A change in appearance also reveals a person’s secret about his alcohol abuse, this is especially pronounced in women.

With this form, patients adhere to two options: regular intake of low-alcohol drinks in small quantities or large strong dosages, but at a certain time. Often, secret alcoholism is accompanied by binge drinking or chronic addiction.

Beer view

It is characterized, like the chronic type, by some traditionality, for example, in this case a person drinks beer in some specific situations. Many people think that drinking beer will not cause the same harm to the body as other alcoholic drinks. Such a misconception, coupled with regular consumption of beer in quantities of at least a liter per day, leads to persistent addiction.

Not everyone knows the types of alcoholism and its stages. A long-term addiction to a foamy drink leads to no less consequences than a love of alcohol. Often chronic or binge drinking is added to beer alcoholism. A person can supplement his daily beer consumption with drinks with an even higher alcohol content, thus going on a binge.

Separately, we can distinguish a female type of alcoholism. This species is especially dangerous because it develops very rapidly.

Female view

Usually in this case, psychological dependence occurs at the initial stage. With the help of alcohol, a woman can drown out the unsettledness of her personal life, along with problems at work and pain due to the loss of a loved one. Gradually, this dependence turns into physical form. It is at this moment that drinking alcohol becomes a necessity. Female alcoholism can develop very rapidly, and often has a secret form. In this regard, others can notice the problem only by the appearance of a change in appearance, which usually occurs in the second and third stages. At this time, it becomes very difficult to get rid of the problem on your own, and treatment takes longer. The liver and pancreas suffer most from alcohol abuse in women.

Often, this type of human alcoholism leads to promiscuity, which, combined with lack of hygiene, can cause sexually transmitted diseases. Excessive alcohol consumption during conception or pregnancy is very dangerous. This leads to premature birth, and, in addition, to pathologies in the development of the unborn child. Often children who are born alcoholics have a bunch of diseases and are developmentally delayed. Such a mother is not able to take care of the baby and often places the child under state custody.

Below we will consider the types of encodings and their disadvantages.

Household view

Domestic alcoholism is a lifestyle based on incorrect attitudes associated with alcohol. That is, in this case it is not so much a disease as a bad habit. rests on the traditions that exist in society. In addition, it is based on attitudes adopted in a close team among colleagues, relatives and friends. Household alcoholism is characterized by the presence of a number of the following symptoms:

  • A person does not have a morbid addiction to alcohol and, in fact, he can give up alcohol at any time.
  • The need to drink alcohol dictates the occurrence of any situation that involves drinking alcohol, for example, at a holiday, party, and so on. If there is no reason, then there is no drinking of strong drinks.
  • In healthy people, aggressiveness does not increase after drinking alcoholic beverages.
  • The appearance of shame with a feeling of remorse for loved ones immediately after drinking.

Types of coding for alcoholism

Now let's move on to coding. There are several options for coding from alcohol, for example, hypnosis or otherwise hypnotherapy, acupuncture, suggestion and others. Next, we will look at these types in more detail.

Hypnotic sessions

Neurocoding of a sick person with addiction is carried out by a hypnologist. With the help of this method, a person is specifically instilled with a different worldview and is helped to develop a completely new life plan with an absolute absence of alcohol. In addition, the specialist tries to develop in a person a persistent aversion to certain toxic substances.

As a result, a person gives up drinking forever. Finding a real professional hypnologist in the city is quite difficult. It is necessary to contact specialized centers where the patient will be selected a suitable treatment method. Coding alcohol dependence through the use of hypnosis includes various methods. The most common, and at the same time popular among them are:

  • A specially developed method according to Dovzhenko.
  • Conducting psychotherapy.
  • Performing the method of hypnosuggestive psychotherapy.

It is now clear what type of addiction alcoholism is.

Coding with injections

With the help of injections that are given into a muscle or into a vein, this is another type of drug treatment for this disorder. The use of this method is aimed at ensuring that a person develops special reflexes to the absolute rejection of alcohol.

In other words, injections make it possible to code an alcoholic, and at the same time develop in him a stable intolerance to the taste, smell, sight and even the thought of alcoholic beverages. The patient is administered a special medication. Against this background, a person completely loses the desire to drink alcoholic beverages.


This is one of the most effective anonymous encoding methods for such dependency. This method involves sewing a tablet, spiral or ampoule under the skin of the arms, legs or under the shoulder blade using surgical intervention.

The embedded tablet immediately begins to dissolve little by little, and the process of circulation of the drug through the circulatory system begins. Thanks to this, people quickly begin to simply not perceive alcohol. This is a huge advantage of this method, and the cost of such encoding is quite moderate.

Treatment of alcoholism with this method is the most popular in the field of modern medicine today. The fact is that the medicine dissolves quite slowly, and the process itself continues for a long time. During this time, the patient may develop not only a physical, but also a psychological dislike of alcohol. In addition, the general health and appearance of the patient improves. As a rule, just one such procedure is enough to completely stop drinking alcohol.


One of the best coding techniques currently used in medicine is a special drug called “Torpedo”. It can block alcoholism for a long time. The patient is administered this medicine intravenously or intramuscularly, and then the body is completely incompatible with the corresponding drinks.

The human body simply stops accepting alcohol. But this can drive a person to absolute despair and serious stress. Thus, after the administration of this drug, the patient will begin to develop psychological neuroses. Against this background, people suddenly stop drinking, as they seriously begin to fear for their lives. Sometimes the consequences of such treatment can be unpleasant, since a person may need psychological help, this depends on the type and stage of alcoholism in narcology.

Carrying out acupuncture

This procedure is also called reflexology or acupuncture. Coding for alcoholism through acupuncture came to us from the ancient medicine of eastern peoples. Such methods have been practiced by peoples for thousands of years. Therapy of alcoholism with acupuncture needles involves influencing bioactive points.

Such techniques are effective only if acupuncture or massage is performed by a person who has experience in psychoenergetic practice. Most people do not believe that this method will help get rid of alcoholism, until they are convinced of it for themselves.

What other types of coding for alcoholism exist?

Coding by photo

Today, coding is very popular, which is carried out using photographs. This coding method is good because a person who is addicted to alcohol does not even know that he is being relieved of this addiction. The fact is that many people suffering from alcoholism do not want to seek help, so they try in every possible way to avoid it. In addition, this coding method does not have the slightest side effects, and it does not pose any harm to health. It is also equally important that the person does not have to go to hospital for inpatient treatment.

The only disadvantage of such therapy is that its effectiveness has not yet been confirmed, and for many it raises doubts and mistrust. Therefore, there is no guarantee that this procedure will produce results. Based on this, people who resort to this technique agree to it, being prepared in advance for the fact that it will not help. It is best to use this technique in combination with medication and psychotherapeutic coding. In this case, the results will be clear.

Coding with laser treatment

Carrying out hardware laser coding for alcoholism is another way to get rid of this addiction. The procedure is carried out with a special laser device capable of influencing biologically active points of the body. It is important to understand that the laser device affects exactly the same points as with acupuncture. Immediately before treatment, a special gel is applied to the skin, after which laser treatment begins.

Under the influence of a laser beam, the patient's alcohol memory is completely erased. It should be noted that this procedure is not easy. With the help of laser treatment, energy flows are cleansed. Laser coding is quite effective, but very individual for each patient. Thus, before starting this procedure, preliminary work is carried out with the patient.

It should be noted that this medical procedure is not cheap, moreover, it has a number of various contraindications, and not every clinic has the necessary equipment. In this regard, you should not give up alternative methods in the form of acupuncture or massage. In fact, no matter what method is chosen to get rid of alcoholism, the main thing is to get the desired result.

Most people tend to believe that alcoholism in its classic manifestation, as a pathological attraction of the body to drink alcoholic beverages in large doses, involves dependence on high-proof alcohol. However, recently, an increasing number of young people under the age of 35 (regardless of social and gender affiliation) are seeking help in the treatment of “beer” or so-called “Friday” alcoholism.

How does this happen?

Friday. Evening. Many young people spend this time in a standard way: having a glass of beer in the nearest pub or in the company of friends, sitting at home. “What’s wrong with that?” many will be surprised. Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in the desire to unwind, communicate with loved ones in a relaxed atmosphere, and relax. However, over time, a person begins to increasingly feel the need for such low-alcohol doping. “Gatherings” begin to take place not only on Fridays, but also on weekends and even on weekdays after work. So, if earlier, in order to get drunk and relax, 1 bottle of beer was enough, then after some time, for the desired effect, you need to buy several bottles of freshly bottled beer.

“Nonsense, this is not vodka! Beer doesn’t make you an alcoholic,” beer lovers continue to reassure themselves. What then can we call that internal state when a person wants beer always and everywhere, without it he cannot imagine his vacation. Others, not without reason, argue that beer alcoholism is in no way inferior to vodka alcoholism, and in some aspects is even stronger. Is it really? And what types of alcoholics exist? Let's try to figure it out.

Typology of alcoholics

Specialists from the UK Ministry of Health, having studied in detail world statistics and the reasons why people begin to systematically drink alcohol, came to the conclusion that there are at least 9 types of alcohol dependent people:

  1. Those who drink to ease or relieve emotional stress.
  2. Conformist drunkards who want to make their life easier in this way.
  3. Drinking out of boredom. Alcohol brings new colors to their lives, relieves them of routine and apathy.
  4. Persons drinking in company. This category of people uses alcohol as a means of win-win communication.
  5. Compensating alcoholics who maintain family ties this way.
  6. Macho alcoholics. Alcohol gives them confidence in their own irresistibility and makes them liberated.
  7. Depressed alcoholics. Such people lack support and confidence, so they seek protection in a glass.
  8. Hedonistic alcoholics want to forget and experience new emotions.
  9. Borderline addiction, in which a person drinks quickly and in large quantities.

Note that it is sometimes difficult to suspect the presence of a problem in the described types of alcoholics. A person can behave adequately in society for a long time, look great and generally be successful. However, left alone with himself, he begins to drink. Based on this, we will highlight the forms of development and course of alcohol addiction.

It is well known that alcohol addiction occurs differently in women, men and adolescents. In women, physiological and mental addiction to alcohol develops faster. Accordingly, it is more difficult for them to resist him. In adolescents, due to the immaturity of the nervous system and the instability of the emotional-volitional sphere, alcoholism, in addition to poisoning the body, brings a lot of other problems (addictive behavior, problems with school performance, aggression, deterioration of mental abilities, etc.). Based on this, alcoholism is usually differentiated into the following types:

  • male;
  • female;
  • children's

According to the frequency of drinking alcohol, alcoholism is:

  • chronic - alcoholic drinks are taken regularly in large doses. Dependence develops intensively, a person loses internal control, he experiences a hangover, and alcoholic psychosis may manifest itself.
  • binge drinking - a person cannot drink regularly, so when he has the slightest opportunity to drink, he cannot stop and goes into binge for several days or weeks. This condition is fraught with exhaustion of the body, the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and cirrhosis of the liver.

There is another similar classification:

  • alpha alcoholism – a person drinks low-alcohol drinks daily;
  • beta alcoholism - a person sometimes resorts to alcoholic beverages;
  • gamma alcoholism - alcohol is consumed rarely, but in very large quantities.

Separately, secret and beer alcoholism are distinguished. With secret alcohol addiction, which is often observed in women (housewives, divorced people), the person is ashamed of her desire, so she drinks only when no one is around. Sooner or later they will find out about the problem due to the woman’s changing appearance or her health problems.

Beer alcoholism, in which a person drinks at least 1 liter of beer daily, is considered the most insidious. Being the result of long-term consumption of beer, it is perceived as a habit, hobby, ritual. Masquerading as an innocent activity, it causes enormous harm to health.

Regardless of the type of alcoholism, this condition develops according to the standard pattern: addiction to alcohol → frequent desire to drink → intractable craving for alcohol → hangover → change in habitual behavior.

Alcoholism is not a problem for Medicon!

Specialists from the All-Ukrainian Narcological Center “Medicon” successfully fight absolutely all types of alcohol addiction. All conditions have been created for a positive result:

  • anonymous stay of rehabilitators;
  • comfortable living conditions and convenient transfer;
  • use of the latest therapeutic techniques;
  • a team of first-class specialists (narcologists, psychologists, social workers);

Treatment of alcoholism takes place both at home (with a team of experts visiting), when a person urgently needs to be removed from a state of binge drinking and detoxification measures, and in a closed hospital. No matter what type of alcoholic you are, it is important that you recognize this problem as quickly as possible and successfully resolve it!
