Manual machine for corrugated sheets. Production of profiled sheets - what equipment is used? How to install rolling shafts and run the device


Profiled metal sheets or corrugated sheets are quite often used in construction. The material is both reliable and inexpensive. As a rule, corrugated sheeting is used when installing a temporary structure (for example, a warehouse hangar). The material is also used in the process of roofing installation and cladding work. The production of corrugated sheets does not involve large expenses. Some construction companies manufacture the material directly on site.

Types of equipment for the production of corrugated sheets:

  • mechanical sheet benders;
  • pneumatic;
  • hydraulic;
  • magnetic;
  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic production lines.

Mechanical sheet benders

To produce a profiled surface of a metal sheet, the cold stamping method is used. But first you need to select several sheets with a previously applied zinc or polymer coating.

There is a special machine on which corrugated sheets are made in piece quantities. In particular, it can be used to bend additional elements - ridges, valleys, aprons and small sheets of corrugated sheets.

To operate such a machine, human muscular strength is required.

Let's consider the technical capabilities of metals for processing:

  • The thickness of the steel should not exceed 1 millimeter;
  • The maximum length of the sheet should be about 2 meters;
  • The bending angle should be 150 degrees.

Place the sheet on the equipped table, press it with a bar and use a lever to bend the desired profile. A manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets is relatively inexpensive and does not take up much space. This machine is not suitable for bending profiles on polymer sheets, as the protective layer can be damaged. Vulnerable areas will become covered with rust and the sheet will leak.

Mechanized sheet benders

Mechanized equipment is represented by pneumatic, magnetic and hydraulic machines. The scope of application of mechanized equipment does not differ from the field of mechanical equipment. However, the reviews are much better. The sheet bender has an electromagnetic workpiece clamp. This allows you to bend steel, copper and aluminum profiles. For example, a manual machine for corrugated sheeting does not bend the workpiece along its entire length and does not automatically determine the angle of 360 degrees.

The pneumatic machine includes a punch. Using this device, a metal sheet is pressed into the matrix. Compressed air is required to operate the punch. The power of such a machine is significantly higher than that of a manual one. This allows for a 90 degree bend angle, as well as automatic calculation of length and thickness.

Using hydraulic equipment for profiled sheets, you can obtain various types of profiles (read: ""). At the same time, the production of large volumes of corrugated sheets is ensured. A hydraulic press operates on the same principle as a pneumatic one. Sheet bending for corrugated sheets can include numerical control. Presses vary in their performance. If you are using semi-automatic or automatic devices, you can select punch and die settings. This allows you to see the sheet model in the graph and set the work speed. As a rule, only large factories can afford such expensive equipment. A private company or individual entrepreneurs can rarely afford to purchase a press. Therefore, they use a manual machine to make corrugated sheets.

Corrugated sheet manufacturing technology

In order to produce a large batch of profiled sheets with different characteristics, the cold rolling method is used.

The production line includes:

  • unwinder;
  • rolling machine;
  • scissors;
  • receiving device;
  • automatic process control system.

Using universal technologies for the industrial production of profiled flooring, it is possible to produce all profiles on one sheet.

The advantages of this method are:

  1. No rolls or errors in geometry.
  2. Exact geometry of each profile.
  3. Uniform metal tension along the length and width, as well as high quality work (profile lines do not crack).

Manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets, look at the video:

It is quite profitable to produce and sell corrugated sheets. That is why the machines are so popular among various enterprises.

The equipment is installed in separate workshops, in which certain requirements must be met:

  1. Using a lifting device that places the rolls on the unwinder. This process cannot be carried out manually.
  2. The minimum temperature in the workshop should be +4 degrees. This is due to the fact that polymer coatings crack at lower temperatures.
  3. Availability of space for rolls, manufactured orders and other materials.

If you decide to use profiled sheets for roof installation, then do not forget about sound insulation. Because when it rains, metal makes quite a lot of noise. Profiled sheets can be purchased directly from manufacturers. In addition, you can contact specialized stores that, in addition to selling the material, will provide free delivery. If you purchase corrugated sheeting at a factory, then most likely you will transport the material yourself. In any case, before purchasing profiled sheets, it is important to view photo and video materials on the Internet. From them you will learn, for example, how a manual sheet bender for corrugated sheets works.

Manual sheet bending machine for the production of corrugated sheets LSP2000 is intended for the production of corrugated sheets manually. The machine is positioned mainly for the production of fences from corrugated sheets directly on site. In this model, the sheet bender produces corrugated sheets with a wave height of up to 15 mm, the approximate productivity of the machine is 200 - 300 sheets per shift. For an additional fee, the machine can be equipped with replaceable dies for the production of other types of corrugated sheets with low wave heights.

A reliable steel structure and a multifunctional clamping mechanism make it possible to produce high-quality profiled sheets without much difficulty. These machines have high bending accuracy and eliminate saber-shaped products. In this case, the machine has no restrictions on the depth of feed of the workpiece. This model of manual sheet bender, for ease of operation, has a receiving table. The machine can also be equipped with a metal cutting machine costing 12,000 rubles.

Machine Features:

  • possibility of serial production of corrugated sheets
  • completely solid steel structure of the machine
  • high lift of the clamping beam
  • no workpiece feed limitation - pass-through
  • does not damage the painted metal layer
  • reliable original hinge mechanism
  • ease of use - wave pitch limiter
  • possibility of modifying the machine for corrugated sheeting
  • maintainability
  • reasonable price for a machine for corrugated sheeting
  • quick payback

The main feature of the machine is the ability to bend sheets across into corrugated sheets unlimited width, which is important for the manufacture of fences from corrugated sheets of any width without joints between the columns, unlike rolling mills that roll the profile along the corrugations, which leads to a significant limitation on the width of the corrugated board - no more than 1100 mm, and therefore the fence from corrugated sheets has to be joined in sections - which not very aesthetically pleasing. It’s no secret that most of the profiled sheets are used to make fences.

Nowadays, all building materials without exception are constantly becoming more expensive, and corrugated sheeting, which is very widely used in construction, is no exception. The material is made from a sheet of metal, which is given a certain shape.

The main function of such a machine is cutting and rolling the workpiece, as a result of which it takes the form of a finished profiled sheet. Nowadays, a similar manual machine for making corrugated sheets can be made even with your own hands, if you know how to work with metal blanks and, preferably, have engineering skills.

Automatic and manual machines for the production of profiled sheets

The main difference between corrugated sheets and other similar metal sheets is that the corrugation has a trapezoidal shape. At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to make a machine for the production of such material yourself, but this is not so.

Production lines of such material represent a whole complex of mechanisms, each of which performs its own functions.

Thus, even the simplest automatic line for the production of profiled sheets consists of:

  • unwinder of rolls of metal sheets;
  • rolling mill, where the material is actually formed;
  • scissors that look like a guillotine;
  • receiving device.

It is clear that it is unrealistic to make such an automatic line on your own. But it’s quite possible to make a manual machine that can bend workpieces at the required angle so that you get a sheet of corrugated sheets.

It should be taken into account that a home manual machine will not be able to produce profiled sheets that are too thick - the maximum thickness of the workpiece is about 5 mm.

Preparing supports and table for feeding workpieces

Self-production of a rolling machine begins with assembling a frame to accommodate all equipment components. In this case, it is enough to install reliable supports, securing them to the base: preferably a concrete floor.

Next, a table is assembled, along the surface of which the workpiece will be fed into the machine. Its length should be several times greater than the length of the finished product, since there will need to be free space on the surface to accept the finished product. The optimal table surface material is aluminum sheet.

There should be a special bar on the table that can secure the workpiece to the table using bolts. In the same way, a manual lever is secured, which feeds sheets of material along the table into the machine for corrugated sheets, setting the required feed angle.

Installation of rolling shafts and first start-up

The next component - rolling shafts - is very difficult to assemble with your own hands, so it is best to purchase them ready-made. Finding such devices on the market these days is not difficult.

Using brackets made from metal angles, the shafts are secured to the machine frame near the hand lever.

Having tightened all the bolts not to full strength, the almost completely hand-made machine for the production of corrugated sheets is ready for the first running-in of the material. If the manufactured corrugated sheet has the desired shape, the parts can be secured in place by firmly tightening all the bolts. Otherwise, adjustments are made to certain parts, and the procedure is repeated.

Features of working with a homemade manual machine

Even if you are an experienced craftsman, you should work very carefully on a machine you have made yourself, since any malfunction in any component of the mechanism can lead to injury during its use.

At the same time, we must not forget about safety precautions, working with extreme caution, especially if.

Thus, the self-assembled machine for corrugated sheeting is ready. The principle of its operation is very simple:

  • the workpiece sheet is placed on the table;
  • using a special bar, the workpiece is fixed on the table;
  • using a manual lever, the optimal angle for feeding material into the rolling shafts is set;
  • At the exit, the finished sheet should move freely on the table.

In order to avoid any work-related injuries, when working with such a machine, you must always adhere to safety regulations.

The machine on which corrugated sheeting is produced is a very dangerous piece of equipment, since it has many cutting and piercing components that can pose a danger to the operator. Therefore, working on the machine is only allowed in protective clothing and goggles.

Before each work with such a manual device, you should carefully check the functionality of all its components. It is highly not recommended to bend very thick metal sheets on manual machines.

Thus, having the skills to work with metal materials, even with your own hands you can make a mechanism for rolling corrugated sheets, which will ensure a fairly high quality of the resulting product. The main thing is not to make any mistakes when assembling it, and also remember the rules for safe use.

Drawings for making a machine yourself


Corrugated sheeting is the most versatile and modern coating. Today you can easily make corrugated sheeting for a facade or roof. Our article will tell you about the installation of profiled sheets and the technologies for producing the material.

Corrugated sheets can be used as:

Stages of production of profile sheets:

  • project development taking into account parameters;
  • production on rolling equipment;
  • transportation and delivery of products.

Requirements and production of material

The metal profile for the roof is made from steel using the cold method. Corrugated sheets come with or without a protective coating (polymer, enamel).

Each type of corrugated sheet has its own thickness. When using high-quality raw materials (for example, steel), the material is produced with a zinc coating of 26 microns.

If the thickness of the coating is reduced by half, then wear of the material increases. Therefore, it is very important to use both first-class raw materials and high quality equipment.

Requirements for designing the production of corrugated sheets:

  • the presence of a concrete floor with a flat surface in the production area;
  • use of equipment with a carrying capacity of more than five tons;
  • the minimum room temperature should be 4 degrees;
  • the presence of special gates for unloading and loading finished material;
  • availability of premises for storing steel coils;

Requirements for equipment placement:

  • convenient location of machines for their unhindered maintenance and repair;
  • installation of unwinding devices near raw material storage areas;
  • If there is not enough space in the premises, place the warehouse in a neighboring building.

Technology and process of manufacturing profiled sheets

The first step is to draw up a design sketch and make mathematical calculations. After this, the color and thickness of the future material are selected.

Stages of corrugated sheet production:

  1. Installation of rolled steel into the unwinding device of the machine.
  2. Movement of corrugated sheeting along the machine to special scissors. They cut off the excess sheet.
  3. Adjusting the length and number of sheets using the control panel.
  4. Automatic rolling of steel sheets.
  5. Their further cutting in accordance with previously established parameters.
  6. Marking and packaging of finished sheets in film.

Rolling machines for the production of corrugated sheets

The production equipment includes in its structure the cold rolling method and the hot method of processing metal sheets. The most common method is cold processing. It does not require complete heating of the raw material at the beginning of work.

Thanks to special lines, the material is rolled and cut. perhaps in the form of profiling, that is, the material takes on a profile shape.

Profiled sheets come in various modifications. The machine equipment is responsible for this. After the production of corrugated sheets, the type is determined.

In accordance with the stages of mechanization, the machine for metal profiles varies:

  • automated equipment;
  • manual machine for rolling corrugated sheets;
  • removable and mobile equipment.

Mobile equipment is used for the production of arched corrugated sheets. It is advisable to produce such sheets directly on the construction site. Arched corrugated sheets are used in the construction of hangars, grain storage rooms or airfields.

Composition of the profile production line:

  • roll unwinder;
  • rolling mill for profile formation;
  • guillotine-shaped scissors;
  • receiving device;
  • automation.

Equipment workflow stages:

  1. Placing the galvanized sheet on a special unwinder;
  2. Receipt of strip feedstock into a special machine for rolling corrugated sheets, which contains a certain number of pairs of stands. This affects the quality of the product.
  3. After passing through the stands, the steel sheet acquires the previously planned geometry.

It is worth noting that today the demand for corrugated sheets is growing every year. Therefore, many experts believe that investments in the production of rolled steel quickly pay off. A large selection of construction companies provide a wide range of similar services.

Today, corrugated sheets occupy a leading position among products made from rolled sheet steel. It is needed for the construction of fences, roofs and of course wall structures. Naturally, the production of corrugated sheets is increasing due to such great popularity.

The corrugated sheet production machine is used to produce corrugated sheet metal sheets. 2 - 2.5 meters - this is the length of corrugated sheeting that a manual machine produces. This machine is several times cheaper than the same rolling mill. It can fit in a very small area. In 8 hours, using a machine for the production of metal tiles, you can make 600 sq.m.. Probably, in our time these are truly remarkable characteristics!

This equipment can be easily adjusted to the desired width of the corrugated sheet. In order to operate the machine for the production of corrugated sheets, 2 people are required. No electricity is required for production, since all the work is done by muscle power. You can organize your production at the construction site and this will bring the production of corrugated sheets closer to your end user. This device is relatively inexpensive and easy to use!

The production of metal tiles and corrugated sheets can be made inexpensive and bring significant profits. Before buying a machine, carefully weigh the pros and cons! By purchasing a manual machine for the production of corrugated sheets at the manufacturer’s price, you save your time and money!


A manual sheet bending machine with a rotating beam is used for the manufacture of additional roofing elements, the manufacture of ebbs, canopies and other various products from sheet metal up to 1 mm thick.
The advantage of our machine is its reliable rigid design, which ensures high-quality bending of the product along its entire length. For the manufacture of the main structural elements of our machine, high-quality steel with the required safety margin is used; the swivel joints are made of metal anti-friction materials with the possibility of periodic lubrication. All these conditions ensure long-term and trouble-free operation of the machine.
The warranty on the machine is 1 year from the date of purchase. After the end of the warranty period, we provide qualified post-warranty service: supply and replacement of spare parts, repairs of varying complexity.
A distinctive feature of our machine from bending machines from other manufacturers is the presence of a removable bending jaw, which is attached to the upper clamping beam of our machine. This makes it possible to replace it in case of damage, or by installing a sponge of a different configuration to be able to produce corrugated sheets of various heights or facade cassettes.

12 main technical advantages

  1. Increased rigidity of machine beams with the ability to adjust prestress.
  2. Strong, reliable and durable rotary joints of the machine with an improved lubricant supply system to the friction units.
  3. Removable upper bending jaw with the ability to quickly replace it with another tool for the manufacture of complex products: corrugated sheets, cassettes of facade systems, etc.
  4. The angle of inclination of the upper jaw is 20°.
  5. The width of the lower turning beam is 18 mm.
  6. The minimum width of an edge bent by 180º is 5 mm.
  7. Simple and convenient protractor stops for limiting the angle of rotation of the bending beam during serial bending of similar products.
  8. Receiving table with adjustable stops to support and position the sheet when performing the same operations.
  9. The maximum opening width of the clamping beam is 65 mm. The clamping beam is closed perpendicular to the sheet being processed, so that the steel sheet does not slip forward and dimensional accuracy is ensured. Compensator springs ensure easy lifting and safe lowering of the pressure beam.
  10. Simple and reliable devices for adjusting the clamping force of the upper beam allow you to quickly and accurately reconfigure the machine for different material thicknesses and install bending tools of different heights.
  11. The use of cutting rollers of increased diameter in the cutting device to obtain a better edge of workpieces.

Contents of delivery (standard equipment):

Roller knife RG

Designed for cutting metal sheets directly on a bending machine. The cutting rollers are made of hardened tool steel, which guarantees an accurate and high-quality cut and a long period of operation (the possibility of repeated sharpening). It is possible to adjust the position of the cutting rollers in relation to the sheet being cut (re-adjustment is used when there is a significant change in the thickness of the metal being cut). The operation of the knife is designed for approximately 25 km of cutting metal 0.5 mm thick.


Designed to visually determine the bending angle of the product.

Bend angle limiter

Installed on both sides of the machine. Used to limit the angle of rotation of the bending beam when producing identical products

Reception table with stops

Used to support and position sheet metal during bending and cutting operations.

Additional handles

Additional handles at the edges of the rotary beam provide more comfortable operation of the machine.

Additional equipment upon customer's request:

Corrugated sponge and corrugated receiving table (makes it possible to produce corrugated sheets with a capacity of up to 300 sheets per shift);
- segmented sponge (makes it possible to produce cassettes);
- additional rolling machine (makes it possible to evenly press the metal 180 degrees along the entire length of the product).

Technical characteristics of RG sheet bending machines:

For availability of machines and production times, please check with our warehouse.
