The happiest zodiac signs in. Send by email

When it comes to difficult life situations, people are looking for help from qualified specialists. However, some questions can only be answered by the stars. They are the ones responsible for the favor of fortune and its changeable nature. Thanks to the astrological forecast for 2018, a person can adjust his own behavior in order to attract luck to his side. It is important to prevent potential mistakes in a timely manner, and then everything in life will be fine. Let's study the star horoscope for all zodiac signs.


Even such energetic guys as Aries will find it difficult to keep up with rapid success. Today this butterfly flutters carefree, but tomorrow it is nowhere to be found. These transitions somewhat disorient the self-confident representatives of the sign, who are accustomed to seeing the goal before their eyes. To catch a butterfly in a net, you will probably need the help of friends. A dog always sincerely strives to please a person. Therefore, every advice received from loved ones must be taken into account. This will allow you to achieve the desired success in the second half of the year.


Despite the favorable location of the stars, Taurus will have to take serious care of their health. Consistently putting your ideas into practice takes quite a lot of energy. Therefore, the winter period should be devoted to prevention and muscle relaxation. At the same time, the Dog will regularly encourage them to work. It is necessary to find the right balance. Purposeful and persistent Taurus always want to give their best. However, this is fraught with problems with the musculoskeletal system, which will make themselves felt in the second half of the year. It is better to move in small steps, but true ones. And then the desired results will not keep you waiting. By the way, Lady Luck and the Dog are preparing an unusual surprise for Taurus regarding personal life.


The serene representatives of the windiest sign were lucky this time too. Nothing can disturb their airy mood, since no problems are expected in 2018. Old questions will gradually be closed, and the emergence of free time will allow you to finally choose Right way. It is enough for a dog to be somewhere nearby for Gemini’s calmness to be unshakable. This state of affairs can safely be considered a success.


If anyone will have to work in the coming year, it will be the cautious Cancers. The established world of these amphibian representatives will undergo a radical shake-up. Reconsidering values, receiving an inheritance, getting engaged to a loved one - all the most important milestones in life risk coming true with the arrival of the Dog. She will not allow Cancers to sit quietly in one place. Will charge you with inspiration, new ideas, meeting people the right people. Creative representatives of the sign will be especially lucky. Their love for their own business will finally bear fruit. The rest should rely on the support of friends. Every close person in 2018 he will become a conductor of advice from the energetic Dog. And it’s better to listen to them.

a lion

The star chart predicts vigorous activity for Leo in 2018. Their drive for success will have an excellent chance to be realized. It is important to try to cover the maximum range of difficult issues. One of them contains the key to solving most of Leo's problems. After answering this difficult question, representatives of the fire sign will be able to make friends with Yellow Dog. And she will not leave you in trouble, she will become the best assistant to the royal cats. Therefore, brave Leos can prepare for material well-being.


The forecast for 2018 for the most earthly sign of the Zodiac may seem surprisingly simple. Thanks to the patronage of the Earth Dog, Virgos will be able to fully realize their potential. And it lies in the ability to get to the bottom of the deepest truth, to see the world without rose-colored glasses. These sensible guys will become the beacon of peace that all people, without exception, strive for. Their authority will strengthen in the coming year, and own desire ideally it will begin to sprout. It is important to devote as much time as possible to your personal life, since there is no end to the requests of others. It is better to control this process.


The most harmonious sign of the Zodiac is about to undergo serious changes. The dog will not leave balanced Libra alone, pushing them in every possible way towards active activity. They should remember 2018 for learning new skills or even jobs. Persistence and the desire to achieve success will definitely be rewarded towards the end of the year. A devoted assistant will bring a bone for agreeing to play his game. However, you shouldn’t forget about rest either. In the middle of the year, it is advisable to relax and gain strength. And then luck itself will knock on the door.


Representatives of the element of water are inevitably expected to change. They always have a curious relationship with the earth. Either it fills up their streams, becoming an insurmountable obstacle on the straight path, or it gives way inch by inch its ledges. Therefore, only the most persistent will be lucky in 2018, as they will grow in all directions. Self-education, strong discipline and a mystical sense of intuition will allow Scorpios to get rich despite all prejudices. Any error should be taken as a hint. It's just by-effect vigorous activity. There shouldn't be any problems with people. The ability to see through them is too great.


A little test ahead fiery Sagittarius. Earth and fire are not very friendly, and therefore the Dog may at first ignore the representatives of the sign. Many things will end without much success. The first half of the year will seem completely devoid of luck, but this is a deceptive impression. In order for all doubts in your own abilities to evaporate, it is recommended to rest before the end of summer. This will allow your head to gain clarity, and logic to once again prevail over the tricks of fickle intuition. And then the end of the year will take place under the auspices of the already friendly-minded Dog.


Luck will not escape Capricorns. Earth signs The dog is favorable. However, with one warning. The determination of the representatives of the sign to material well-being can deprive them of other pleasures in life. That's why faithful assistant the person will in every possible way push Capricorns towards other goals. For example, arranging your personal life. Shouldn't you consider it a stroke of luck to meet amazing person? And, especially, a wedding? Instead of chasing one fat hare, it is better to choose a good hunt for white rabbits. A few big-eared ones at the end of 2018 will pleasantly amuse Capricorns’ pride.


Wherever luck shines for Aquarius! All material issues will be resolved at the beginning of the year. Any undertaking will go like clockwork. The only thing to avoid is bragging about your successes. It is better to give positive energy to everyone around you with just your smile. Since the absence of problems in business can turn your head, it is recommended to take the highest possible level. A sincere desire to achieve it, and the guarantee of a hardworking Dog must show results before the end of the year. The main thing is to believe in your lucky star.


It costs the nimble Pisces nothing to fool the slow Dog around their finger. Therefore, the latter will not even try to control the movements of representatives of this sign. Luck will flow into the hands of Pisces itself, without the slightest effort. In order not to waste the gifts of favorable fortune, it is strongly recommended to make large investments in real estate in 2018. A contrast with an active lifestyle is necessary. Maintaining balance is the recipe for success. And after the transaction is completed, you can afford an exciting journey. This will please the playful housewife of the year.

According to astrologers, 2018 will not be burdened by shocks and turmoil. The period is expected to be very productive. The greatest success awaits those who engage in creative work, and for some representatives of the Zodiac circle, opportunities open up that one can only dream of.

Which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2018


A period of prosperity and well-being is coming for Scorpios; they will be helped by Jupiter, the planet of good luck and great happiness. The gas giant will stay in the constellation of the same name until November 8, 2018, and then move to the house of money. Scorpios will feel more free and confident, they will be lucky in big things and in small things. The stars advise trying your luck in the lottery or taking part in prize draws.

2018 will be very successful for creative representatives of this sign. Neptune's transit through the house of self-expression creates a need for recognition. Any projects related to art will be successful and profitable. Scorpios' talents will be appreciated.

Favorable months in 2018: January, September, October, December.


Aquarius will experience incredible luck in the professional sphere thanks to Jupiter’s presence in the house of career until November 8, 2018. An excellent period for strengthening your authority among colleagues, career achievements and self-realization. Aquarians will easily win the favor of management and can also count on support influential people.

The transit of Uranus through the houses of connections and family will bring positive changes related to the social circle and home. It is possible to move, purchase your own home, and make life-changing acquaintances.

Favorable months in 2018: January, February, May, September, October.


For Taurus, 2018 has prepared many pleasant surprises and unexpected gifts from Fate. The transit of Saturn and Pluto through the house of aspirations will force you to reconsider your views on life and affect your worldview. The period is very good for education, acquiring new skills, research activities. The knowledge gained this year will help representatives of this sign achieve their goals.

Jupiter will be in the house of partnership until November 8th. He will bring positive changes with him: promising business cooperation, marriage, profitable deals and agreements.

Favorable months in 2018: April, May, June, September.


In 2018, Libra can make a real breakthrough in life. Circumstances will be as good as possible. Libra owes a lot to the influence of Jupiter, which entered the house of money this year and will remain there until November 8, 2018. There will be a real opportunity to improve social status, open new sources of income, and increase capital. Towards the end of the year, representatives of this sign will be able to make a major acquisition, for example, buy a car.

From January 14 to August 15, the quarry house will host White moon. If Libra takes the chance, they will be able to step onto a new rung on the career ladder.

Favorable months in 2018: July, August, September, October, November.

During the first eight months of 2018, the support that people from your inner circle will provide will be extremely valuable. Do not doubt their devotion: this quality is very pleasant faithful dog, and strong relationships promise to bring success to any joint projects. Towards the end of August, luck will move to the sector of your horoscope that is responsible for love affairs, romance and creativity. Don't be afraid to fall in love and give love! The power of this feeling can overcome any obstacles and transform the world.


In the first half of the year, the most successful ideas and opportunities will come from communication, including with close or distant relatives. If you have some task or problem, you shouldn’t think about it alone: ​​talk about your desires out loud, and the Universe will hear you. In the second half of the year, luck moves to the “home” sector of your horoscope: it can literally knock on your door. Changing housing or renovation will be successful; wedding or decision to live together with your loved one.


The first half of the year promises to be successful financially: boldly enter into competition, express your views, defend projects, and they will definitely bring success. In the second half of the year pleasant surprises expected on trips - not long distances, but rather short distances. Important and joyful events can happen in a family or friendly environment. In confusing situations, try to show mental and material generosity: the more often you share goodness with your loved ones, the more you will receive in return.


At the beginning of the year, many work projects are going well, but try to correctly assess your strengths so as not to take on a thousand things at once. To create an action plan, it is good to seek help from a business coach or an experienced mentor. If you can choose the right priorities, then closer to autumn the result will have a positive effect on your finances and, in general, on the state of material resources. Friendly Dog gives one more important advice: To increase your wealth, do not forget to share it with other people.

a lion

Your guardian angels act secretly and do not trumpet themselves at all crossroads. However, during the first seven months of the year, you will receive help when you need it, and support will come exactly where you need it. Your own intuition often provides valuable advice, but sometimes such a decision can be very costly. Perhaps there is an inconspicuous, calm and reliable person in your environment whose role you underestimate. Trust yourself and life: towards the end of the year you will be able to look at everything with new eyes.


The beginning of this year provides a great opportunity to focus on your personal goals. Make wishes and make plans: your most ambitious hopes will come true if you are fair in your judgments and show tolerance for the minor shortcomings of others. Under this condition, casual acquaintances over the next months can develop into reliable and profitable connections. The same character traits will bring good luck in love: an ideal union would be with an older, wiser and more patient partner.


The first half of the year will be filled with vivid emotions related to work, career, public speaking. The events taking place are very positive, but with such an abundance of chances there is a risk of taking on too much. Superwoman is a flattering role, but try to soberly balance your goals, abilities and benefits that each gives you. specific situation. Consider the support of influential people guaranteed, but be sure to express gratitude to them and, in turn, support your colleagues when they need it. At the end of the year you will feel how great a value friendship can be when you see its fruits.


To move in space, to open new horizons in order to see your own future more clearly and understand what, by and large, you want from it - these are the chances that the coming year offers. Whether we are talking about travel or exploring your inner world, the help of an experienced guide or a wise teacher will be invaluable in any travel. With such a philosophical attitude towards life, any social event can provide an opportunity to gain spiritual experience. In the second half of the year, luck will move into the area of ​​your horoscope related to your career: do not miss the perfect moment to “sell” your competencies at a high price, get a promotion, or do something that fully corresponds to your inner beliefs.


The key to good luck this year is your passions. Don’t think that this is just a hobby that brings pleasure and helps you have a good time. If you take your interests and hobbies more seriously, the result may well be commercial success, financial gain and new fruitful relationships. Towards the middle of the year, you can count on receiving money that you have long deserved or that someone owes you. This amount will be very useful to go on your dream trip: from the end of August, any trips will be easy and successful.


For most of this year, luck will accompany relationships in the most intimate sector of your horoscope. Whether we are talking about romantic relationships, warm friendship or spiritual closeness, you enjoy the sincere sympathy of the people around you, attracting their attention and arousing admiration. In other words, your popularity is growing, and this, in turn, is reflected in your projects: do not doubt that they will receive help and support. Show your spiritual generosity, and you will see: love - as it is commonly understood - is far from the only form of close human relationships.


The initial months of this year will be very favorable in order to direct efforts to improve Everyday life, arrangement of life, acquisition of new knowledge and good habits. Try to become a caring, active, “good enough parent” for yourself - and your efforts will be generously rewarded. This attitude also attracts other people: your new image can mark the beginning of close connections or fruitful business partnerships. The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the ideal period for a wedding or the beginning of a life together.


Until mid-July, the most favorable vibrations enliven the sector of your horoscope associated with self-realization, creativity, imagination, as well as love relationships. For you, love is, first of all, creativity in which best qualities and talents, both your own and your partner's. Direct this energy to everything that surrounds you, and you will see how magically you yourself change and how your life is transformed. The empathetic Yellow Dog gives another valuable tip: do not forget to have a sense of humor in those situations that seem too serious or usually cause anger. Success awaits those whose eyes are fixed on their dreams and not focused on small everyday troubles.

It is simply impossible not to inquire what 2018 will be like according to your zodiac sign, because whoever will patronize the representatives zodiac horoscope, depend on events that will happen in the future. Patron of 2018 will be Yellow Earth Dog, which has a fairly calm disposition, therefore, the year is expected to be calm. What can you expect?

The dog is an optimistic, calm (but playful) and quite kind animal, so the time that will pass under its protection is expected to be quite calm. Expected a large number of changes, but they will all happen in a positive way, so you shouldn’t be afraid of them. It is believed that this or that result can be achieved only if a person puts in enough effort and does not pay attention to the difficulties that arise (it will not be possible to do without them). Under the auspices of this animal, it will be possible to easily get rid of old habits, as well as do something new, so no one should refuse to implement long-planned plans.

Horoscope for 2018

Knowing whose year 2018 is according to your zodiac sign, you can make any plans for yourself for the future, so ignore this information definitely not worth it to anyone. A year under the auspices of this animal will be quite successful, but you need to handle money very wisely, because the patroness of the year values ​​frugality and careful handling of financial savings. If you believe the horoscope, this year’s zodiac sign will create the most favorable conditions for business and development, but it is best to pay special attention to these matters in the second half of the year.
According to the horoscope, in winter and spring the currency markets will face all sorts of challenges, so stock markets During this period of time, it is best not to play (or remember that the risk of losing financial investments in given time will be very large). In the fall, it is best to start paying off your own loans in order to clear yourself of debt and meet the patron of the next time period as a completely renewed person.

What awaits the zodiac signs in 2018?

Representatives of each zodiac sign in 2018 can count on good fortune and luck in almost all matters, but it would not be out of place to say that the dog will patronize only those people whose character traits will be dominated by honesty, decency, responsibility and kindness. Aggression, lies and betrayal will definitely not be welcomed by anyone.
The most important year of 2018 will be for the signs that belong to the earth element - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Representatives of these signs will face a significant reassessment of values ​​and the fulfillment of all their plans. Naturally, one cannot give up and hope that all things will be done on their own, but well-thought-out plans will be carried out, the main thing is diligence.
It is difficult to say exactly which zodiac signs will be lucky in 2018, because the year will be successful for almost everyone. However, there is an opinion that the signs of the Earth element, which will be leading in 2018, will be the luckiest. Difficulties await Aries, because in order to achieve success they will have to “bend in” and give in to someone in something, and for their stubborn nature this fact is quite difficult. The lack of desire to change and give in can create a large number of problems in their lives (in almost every area of ​​life), so they will need to learn to hide their negative character traits.
Cancers will be pulled back, so representatives of this zodiac sign need to overcome self-doubt and fear of change, because success will only be possible in this case. Lviv, on the contrary, will have a fairly fun and successful time. They have those character traits that are very close to the patroness of the year, so she will keep an eye on them and guide them on the true path.

What conclusion can be drawn?

People in the year of the dog will hesitate to make decisions, but this definitely cannot be done, because the patroness of the year will appreciate the inviolability of the promises made. The year will be especially successful for marriage, so if lovers plan to unite their destinies with family ties, then it will be impossible to even find a better time for this. However, it is worth preparing for the fact that relationships that drag on for years and do not undergo any development may end, because in this way the Dog will clear the way for people for new people in their lives.
Special attention should be paid to the information that 2018 will not be a very calm year for health, so people need to prepare for all kinds of colds and epidemics. You can avoid diseases with an active lifestyle, proper nutrition and normal rest and sleep patterns.

The patron of 2018 is the Yellow Earth Dog. The owner has an active character and amazing energy potential. After long calculations, astrologers came to the conclusion that in 2018 the most lucky signs Zodiac signs will be Aries, Pisces, Capricorn and Libra. But this does not mean that other people will not be very lucky next year. Almost everyone on Earth will be touched by the Dog’s goodwill and will help them cope with various problems.

Aries: The year for representatives of this sign will begin quickly and will be full of various achievements. Aries has a lot of unrealized ideas in their heads, which in 2018 they will be able to bring to completion thanks to their entrepreneurial spirit. But you shouldn’t be overly self-confident in your own abilities. It is better to keep a person near you who can look at all your actions with skepticism and stop you at the right moment.

Calf: people who were born under the star of Taurus must definitely take care of their health. Next year will be eventful and fruitful, so hard-working Taurus may “give up” their positions by the middle of it. You especially need to stay healthy in the winter months (January and February), protect yourself from various infections, hypothermia and stress. You must understand that by overworking in the office, ignoring the signs sent by the body, you can earn serious illnesses, which will put you in a hospital bed for a long time.

Twins: Representatives of the Gemini sign will feel unusually easy and confident in 2018. Global problems they will not care, because they will try to renounce the whole world. This tactic will allow people to forget about illnesses and stress that lead to mental disorders. Gemini will not be able to completely close themselves in a “cocoon” - already in February and March they will become very media personalities and make many successful acquaintances. In addition, Gemini will have a plan in their head, which, after implementation, will bring good income to the owner.

Cancer: This difficult year for Cancers will be extremely important. Despite the fact that victories will not be so easy, requiring the strongest dedication from representatives of the sign, they will still achieve success in their career, business, and love. Throughout the entire period under review, Cancers will experience an incomprehensible feeling of fear and fear of losing everything they have. Astrologers recommend getting rid of such feelings, because they will interfere with a sober assessment of life situations.

A lion: What will 2018 of the Year of the Dog be like for Leos? In 2018, they will gain incredible confidence and determination, and will be ready to do anything to achieve their goals. Let's say more, Leos will begin to improve themselves, which will lead them to a qualitatively new level of life. They will bestow their attention on their parents, significant other, children, and harmony will illuminate their existence. Even at a time when discord begins in the family, Leos will not run away from problems; on the contrary, they will rush into the breach and resolve all misunderstandings at once.

Virgo: With the advent of 2018, Virgos will begin to help everyone around them, sometimes forgetting about their own problems and health. Persons born under this star will try in every possible way to achieve heights, both in their careers and in everyday life, but will have little success in this. This is due to their diversity, which draws different areas, forcing you to quit things halfway. If Virgos want their luck to continue in 2018, then they should not rush, but carefully think about their behavior and actions.

Scales: in the year of the Dog, representatives of this zodiac sign will set a goal and achieve it by any means. The composure and restraint that is inherent in this sign will help them in this. Negative factors, which periodically pop up on the way of Libra will not unsettle them, will not cause special harm health. Probably, one of them will decide to change their field of activity and this will be the right decision. After all old job brought only troubles and frequent quarrels with her loved one.

Scorpion: people of the specified zodiac sign in 2018 will be able to show everything they are capable of. Their activity will be encouraged by the Dog and they will receive a pleasant reward for their efforts. Despite their temper and loud caustic statements, Scorpios will not lose loved ones; on the contrary, their comments will always be appropriate and will help people accept the right ones, and most importantly, effective solutions. In 2018, representatives of this sign will demonstrate to others their acumen and business drive, capable of tearing down the hardest walls.

Sagittarius: these individuals are famous for loving freedom and travel. In 2018, Sagittarius will rush from side to side, torn between their favorite activities. This state of affairs will not allow you to develop effectively and build long-term relationships with the opposite sex. You won't spoil your luck if you change. There is no need to be guided by emotions, always soberly assess the situation, and then victory will not be long in coming.

Capricorn: At the beginning of 2018, Capricorns will be looking for ways to make big profits. Moreover, the ways to achieve their goals are not important to them, so they can even go over their heads. Aggressive behavior will be patronized by warlike Mars, which means Capricorn will definitely achieve what he wants. Being carried away by one area of ​​life, people of this sign completely forget about others. The dog is unlikely to appreciate such behavior, so success may slip through the hands of Capricorns.

Aquarius: a person born under the sign of Aquarius will exude a smile and joy throughout the year. It will be a pleasure to be in company with them, because cheerful people attract like a magnet. The creativity of Aquarius will help them earn money and fulfill many of their desires. These people will not have any particular financial difficulties, so we can say that a year will pass successful.

Fish: Pisces will be in a great mood in 2018. Last year ended very successfully for them and they, full of enthusiasm, are ready for new achievements. Hard work and perseverance will help you cope with all the tasks assigned, showing your superiors that you are a valuable personnel. Perhaps in the middle of the year Pisces will receive an offer to transfer to a more prestigious job. There is no need to refuse such a gift of fate, because it can radically change your life.
