An old man's legs are swollen, what should I do? Swelling of the legs in older people. How to get rid of leg swelling in the elderly if it is caused by hypothyroidism

Swelling of the legs is an unpleasant phenomenon that causes a lot of inconvenience. In older people, edema occurs more often; the cause of its occurrence is difficult to determine. But often swelling is a sign of a serious illness that requires drug treatment.

Severe swelling in men and women that occurs in old age is an alarming symptom. The cause of swelling may be the natural processes of aging, but often, the appearance of swelling indicates a disruption in the functioning of the human body. It is difficult to figure out what exactly led to the development of swelling, but it is possible.

What to do if your legs swell? The answer to this question is quite simple, you need to see a doctor. But if a visit to a specialist is postponed indefinitely, it is worth knowing that the following reasons could lead to the development of swelling:

  1. Heart failure
  2. Kidney dysfunction
  3. Deep vein thrombosis
  4. Poor nutrition
  5. Problems with excess weight
  6. Liver diseases
  7. Disruption of lymph outflow
  8. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract)

Insufficiency or other diseases of the heart and blood vessels can cause fluid to accumulate in the body. As a result, swelling occurs. It appears in the ankle area and rises higher.

Impaired kidney function causes excess fluid to accumulate in the body. This is evidenced by severe sweating, constant thirst and impaired urine flow.

Swelling and redness are a sign of deep vein thrombosis. Violation of the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the lower extremities leads to changes in the color of the skin and the formation of swelling.

Excess weight leads to the development of swelling. Metabolism in the body is disrupted, which contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid.

Pronounced swelling of the feet may indicate traumatic injury. Signs of injury develop rapidly, including pain, swelling and discoloration of the skin. Most often, pain bothers a person when performing habitual movements.

The most severe pathology is considered to be a violation of lymph outflow. This leads to the development of “elephantiasis”.

Legs swell in older women: cause

Elderly women are at risk; they most often complain of swelling in the legs. In addition, such a pathology may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain that occurs when walking;
  • unpleasant burning sensation;
  • heaviness in the legs.

These symptoms indicate that the cause of swelling is varicose veins. It is necessary to treat varicose veins under the supervision of a specialist. Since the disease can cause severe complications, such as:

  • blood clot formation.
  • disruption of blood flow to tissues.
  • formation of trophic ulcers.

Most often, swelling of varicose veins occurs at the end of the day. They have a pronounced character and are accompanied by heaviness in the lower extremities.

The causes and treatment of leg swelling in the ankles should be determined by a doctor. Therapy is carried out after some diagnostic studies.

Diagnostic methods

There are several examinations that will help identify the cause of swelling:

  • you need to donate blood for analysis;
  • undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys and liver;
  • do an ECG or ECHO of the heart;
  • contact an endocrinologist.

In heart failure, increased swelling is observed. It can affect not only the legs, but also the arms and face.

Swelling in older people occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it often bothers patients who are in a supine position for a long period of time.

In order to diagnose edema, it is enough to consult a general practitioner. He will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, refer you to another specialist.

In order to determine the degree of swelling, the doctor must press the ankle area with a finger. If a pronounced finger mark remains in the area of ​​pressure, this indicates high swelling of the legs.

In addition, subcutaneous administration of the solution is used. After the injection, the doctor evaluates the rate of fluid absorption and the degree of swelling of the lower extremities.

Depending on the cause of the formation of edema, treatment can take place in several stages and can be carried out by various specialists.

Swelling in the legs in the elderly: treatment

Your doctor should advise you on how to relieve swelling; if necessary, it is possible to use the following methods of therapy:

  1. Taking diuretic medications.
  2. Wearing compression garments.
  3. Use of ointments and creams.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies.
  5. Maintaining physical activity.

Diuretics will help reduce swelling, but it is recommended to take them in limited quantities and after the recommendation of a specialist. Excessive consumption of diuretics or herbs with a diuretic effect leads to the leaching of beneficial microelements from the body.

Compression stockings are recommended for older people to evenly distribute the load on the ankle.

Foot cream or ointment will help relieve fatigue and remove swelling. You can smear your feet with a similar product and place them on a pillow, so that the lower limbs are above the level of the head.

In addition, it is recommended to take medications for varicose veins. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve blood flow to the lower extremities and help reduce swelling.

Therapy using alternative medicine is used as a complex therapy. It enhances the effect of drug treatment and helps reduce swelling in the lower extremities.

The following herbs can be used to reduce swelling:

  • knotweed;
  • bearberry;
  • oregano;
  • rose hip.

Herbal medicine using herbs has a beneficial effect on the entire body and leads to an acceleration of metabolism.

Physical activity is indicated for older people; it should be moderate. It is recommended to do yoga or gymnastics. Many people suffering from swelling prefer Nordic walking with poles. It has a beneficial effect on the body and helps strengthen the muscles of the whole body.

Nordic walking with poles

Nordic walking is a unique method that allows you to quickly get in shape and normalize the condition of your entire body.

The main advantages of this method include the following positive consequences:

  1. Burns more calories than regular walking.
  2. During training, the muscles of the lower and upper extremities are involved.
  3. While walking, cardiac activity improves and lung function normalizes.
  4. Increased sense of endurance.
  5. Coordination improves.

For most older people, heavy physical activity is contraindicated. But this method of playing sports allows you to improve the general condition of the body, normalize blood flow to the lower extremities and get rid of swelling.

Nordic walking with poles is used in therapy for the recovery of patients who have undergone surgery.

Nordic walking with poles helps correct posture and is indicated not only for swelling, but also for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine.

Possible complications

One of the most common complications of swelling is the development of “elephantiasis” - this disease is characterized by excessive growth and swelling of the limb. The result of the development of the disease is that the limb or limbs become too heavy to lift. A person cannot fully move, and disability develops.

The accumulation of lymph leads to the formation of ulcers and warts on the skin of damaged limbs. Severe hypertrophy develops, which affects the functioning of the entire body as a whole.

Initially, the disease may have signs of varicose veins, but the patient experiences unusual, severe swelling of the limbs.

Elephantiasis is treated in Israel using the latest technologies. Therapy uses antibiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the body and prevent the development of the disease. Treatment is exclusively conservative and does not require surgical intervention.

Erysipelas, caused by infection with streptococcus, can provoke the development of elephantiasis. In this case, elephantiasis develops as a complication after an infectious disease.

Elephantiasis occurs with damage to the deep veins and leads to thrombophlebitis and damage to the lymphatic vessels.

Swelling of the legs in older people is a phenomenon that occurs quite often. It can bother a person for several years. In this case, you need to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms. Swelling may be a sign of a serious medical condition, such as heart failure, cirrhosis of the liver, or kidney problems. But a similar phenomenon can also occur against the background of natural aging processes. If the swelling is chronic, then you should consult a doctor and find out the cause.

As people age, they increasingly face the problem of swollen legs; the cause in older women can be very different: from a harmless reaction to the weather to symptoms of a serious illness. How should you behave and what should you do in such cases?

The main cause of leg swelling is fluid retention in the human body. This may happen due to:

  1. “Elephantiasis”, in which there is a disruption of lymph flow in the skin and subcutaneous tissue, which causes fluid retention and severe swelling of the extremities.
  2. The presence of diseases of the kidneys, intestines, thyroid gland, heart, lungs.
  3. Fatigue, lack of sleep.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids, especially before bed.
  5. Hot weather, when natural swelling increases.

Leg swelling is more common in women than in men, especially in old age. With age, metabolic processes slow down, the function of the endocrine glands decreases, which leads to loose tissue and fluid retention. This can also be facilitated by the presence of a large number of diseases that provoke fluid accumulation.

In older people, the legs become very swollen due to insufficiency of the muscular walls of the veins, which can cause blood stagnation, which causes swelling, pain, and deterioration in general health. Problems with veins can occur for various reasons:

  • venous thrombophlebitis - thrombosis, that is, the formation of blood clots in blood vessels, as well as inflammation of the walls of the veins, which prevents the free flow of blood;
  • poor nutrition;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • excess body weight, which creates a lot of stress on the legs;
  • flat feet;
  • improperly fitted shoes (too tight, too stiff, lack of instep or too high instep).

Signs of swollen feet

What symptoms may accompany leg swelling in an elderly person?

  1. The legs increase in volume, swelling is observed (swelling of both the feet and legs may be observed).
  2. There are marks and stripes on the skin from shoes, socks, and tight-fitting trousers.
  3. When you press on the skin, a mark appears that disappears almost instantly.
  4. Leg pain may be present.
  5. Burning (feeling like legs are on fire).
  6. Heaviness or weakness in the legs, which gets worse when walking.
  7. If the cause of swelling is kidney disease, not only the legs, but also the face may swell, dark circles appear under the eyes, the color and amount of urine excreted change, swelling predominates on the backs of the legs.
  8. With varicose veins, swelling appears gradually, intensifies in the evening, often more pronounced on one limb, veins may appear, and characteristic capillaries appear.
  9. If you have problems with the thyroid gland, small pits appear after pressing on the skin, along with this, swelling of the tongue, drowsiness, and constipation are observed.
  10. If you have problems with the intestines, swelling may also appear.
  11. With thrombophlebitis, along with swelling of the legs, pain, redness, and a burning sensation in the veins are observed.
  12. With cardiac diseases, the legs often swell at the bottom, in the ankle area.

What to do if your legs swell?

To make sure that the patient really has swelling of the lower extremities, you should:

  1. Measure your ankle circumference every day, write down the results, and then compare them. If there are changes, we can talk about edema.
  2. If possible, raise your legs higher than your body to slightly reduce swelling.

If you have swelling of the extremities, which is accompanied by weakness in the legs, you should contact a qualified doctor who will prescribe the necessary examination, find out why the legs are swollen and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Self-medication, which is practiced by older people, is not recommended. Often, if a grandmother has swollen legs, pain and weakness in her legs, she prefers to use traditional medicine recipes and treat the swelling on her own. This approach can sometimes relieve symptoms temporarily, but most often this treatment does not address the underlying cause of the swelling.

Unfortunately, many elderly people are alone, there is no one to monitor their health and help with the provision of qualified medical care. In such cases, the state should provide free medical care to single and low-income elderly people. If an elderly person has relatives and close friends, they can monitor their health status and provide the necessary assistance.

Diagnostic measures

To prescribe the correct treatment, a comprehensive examination of the patient is required. To determine the causes of swelling of the limbs, the doctor prescribes the following diagnostic procedures:

  • collecting anamnesis - it is necessary to find out what complaints the elderly have, what their lifestyle is, information about chronic diseases and their current state of health;
  • examination of the patient;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • dopplerography;
  • cardiac diagnostics;
  • lymphoscintigraphy;
  • CT scan of the pelvic organs;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Methods for treating swelling

What to do if your legs swell? Treatment is prescribed by the doctor depending on the diagnostic results. The most important thing is the treatment of the underlying disease, which causes swelling of the limbs. Your doctor may prescribe pills or ointments to relieve symptoms.

  1. Limit fluid intake after 18.00.
  2. Limit salt intake, which retains fluid.
  3. Get rid of excess weight.
  4. Choose the right shoes.
  5. If you have problems with veins, it is recommended to wear therapeutic compression garments (socks, tights).
  6. Sleeping with your legs elevated above your body will reduce swelling in your feet.
  7. Take a therapeutic massage course.
  8. Move more, take walks, swimming, special physical exercises are recommended (bicycling, rolling the foot from heel to toe and back, while sitting, crush a pillow with your feet or roll out a rubber ball with your foot). It is important to avoid overexertion.

Folk recipes

If the cause of edema is fluid retention, you can use the following recipes:

  1. Include pumpkin and pumpkin juice in your diet.
  2. Take a decoction of oak bark.
  3. Take an infusion of pine cones every day before bed.
  4. Take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l. calamus root tincture (a pinch of dry root per 1 glass of vodka, leave for 10 days).
  5. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. after eating, infusion of knotweed, horsetail and birch buds (1 tablespoon of mixture per 1 liter of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 1 hour).
  6. Take 0.5 tbsp. infusion of birch leaves.
  7. Foot baths with sea water (sea salt solution), infusion of herbs (mint, chamomile, birch leaves).
  8. Compresses on the legs. To do this, dissolve rock salt in cold water and soak a towel in the solution.
  9. Apply grated potatoes to the swelling areas.
  10. Freeze herbal decoctions or infusions in ice trays and rub the cubes on your feet.

It is not recommended to use any traditional methods without prior consultation with a doctor and diagnosis, since you can get rid of symptoms only for a limited time, but without treating the underlying disease they will soon return.

When self-medicating, there is a risk of using drugs that have contraindications for concomitant old diseases that the patient is not aware of, therefore, when prescribing any treatment methods, you should consult a doctor.

Edema of the legs in older people is the accumulation of large amounts of fluid in the tissues and occurs for physiological or pathological reasons. A doctor should advise on how to treat such a condition, based on the individual characteristics of the body. However, emergency methods for removing fluid and eliminating unpleasant symptoms should be known to every person.

The article discusses the most common causes and methods of treatment (pharmacy and folk remedies) for swelling in old age in men and women.

Causes of swelling in old age

Fluid accumulation in soft tissue can occur for many different reasons. A medical specialist must give an accurate answer, based on the results of the examination.


The main physiological reason for the formation of edema after 50-60 is excessive stress on the legs. The condition of the body worsens with age, a person becomes less resilient and mobile. It is these factors, with an active lifestyle, that provoke fluid stagnation.

Swelling of the lower extremities can also develop as a result of a sedentary lifestyle or prolonged stay in one position. In such situations, fluid accumulates in a specific area and does not spread throughout the body.

The causes of swelling of the legs can be:

  • improper, unbalanced diet;
  • excess weight;
  • adverse reactions to the use of any medication;
  • drinking large amounts of water;
  • wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes;
  • prolonged exposure to high temperatures ();
  • sedentary lifestyle.

If swelling of the legs was caused by physiological factors, then you can easily get rid of it without the use of pharmacological drugs. You just need to adjust your diet and weight, buy comfortable shoes, reduce the intensity of your exercise, or, conversely, start moving more.

Pathological factors

Severe swelling in older women and men is only a symptom of a disease progressing in the body. To eliminate this condition, it is necessary, first of all, to contact a medical specialist and identify what is causing the swelling.

The most common cause of swelling is heart failure, so-called cardiac edema. An increase in leg volume occurs due to poor blood circulation due to disruption of the heart muscle.

One of the main causes of swollen legs is impaired kidney function. In such cases, excess fluid begins to accumulate due to the fact that the urinary organs cannot cope with the timely removal of it from the body.

Kidney and heart diseases are the most dangerous conditions for a pensioner. Delayed treatment or ignoring violations can result in death.

The occurrence of swelling is also observed with the progression of the following conditions and diseases:

  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • intense mechanical damage to the leg area;
  • varicose veins;
  • inflammatory processes in the body;
  • development of thrombophlebitis;
  • metabolic disorders.

What symptoms are accompanied by

In old age, the legs most often swell at the bottom of the feet. This is due to the fact that this area bears the greatest load. A little less often, fluid accumulation is recorded in the area of ​​the lower leg, thigh and fingers. Two or one limb may swell at once.

Edema is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the affected area;
  • feeling of discomfort when walking;
  • excessive fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • general deterioration of condition.

The symptoms become most pronounced in the summer.

It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, find out the cause of the pathology and begin to treat it. After all, swelling of the feet not only worsens the quality of life, causing discomfort, but also creates problems with choosing and wearing shoes.

How does swelling form?

Swelling of the legs can form in the following ways:

  • due to blockage of the venous space or an increase in the amount of blood fluid, hydrostatic pressure increases;
  • due to a decrease in the number of protein fractions, the oncotic pressure of blood plasma decreases;
  • as a result of the progression of inflammatory processes, arterial permeability increases;
  • as a result of the progression of obstructive processes, the drainage ability of the lymphatic system deteriorates.

It is very important to find out the true cause of swelling, because the treatment method completely depends on it. Swelling occurs due to excess blood flow from the arteries. The liquid that accumulates in the intercellular space has minimal viscosity and a low content of protein elements.

In the case of lymphatic edema, the intercellular fluid becomes more viscous and contains a higher content of protein microelements.


If an elderly person's legs swell, it is necessary to immediately contact the nearest medical facility for a detailed examination. During the diagnosis, the doctor will determine the type of edema (pathological or physiological) and find out the cause of its occurrence. To identify provoking factors, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • general examination and questioning of the patient;
  • laboratory examination of blood fluid;
  • detailed urine analysis;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • X-ray of the sternum and lower extremities.

To determine the size of the swelling, doctors perform the Macllur-Odich test. The doctor injects saline under the patient's skin. a solution that provokes false swelling. Next, the specialist observes the reaction: if the artificial swelling resolves very quickly, then the real swelling is of impressive size.

There is another Kaposi-Stemmer test. It involves capturing the skin around the foot. If there is no skin fold, then fluid accumulation in the lymphatic system is confirmed.

If there are symptoms indicating the course of a disease of any vital system, additional diagnostic procedures may be prescribed.

Based on the results of the study, the doctor explains what to do with swollen limbs and which treatment method is best suited for your case.

Treatment of swelling in the elderly

Treatment of swelling in the legs in elderly people should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified doctor based on the results of the examination.

Self-medication in such a situation is unacceptable, because inappropriate therapeutic manipulations can not only be ineffective, but also cause serious harm to the health of the pensioner.

Methods for eliminating edema include using:

  • oral and topical medications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • folk recipes;
  • physical exercise.

Folk remedies and physical exercises are usually used to enhance the effectiveness of the main treatment method.


An elderly person with swelling of the legs is prescribed diuretics. Their action is aimed at removing excess fluid from the body by stimulating the urinary system. Most popular:

  • Furosemide,
  • Uregit,
  • Arifon,
  • Torixal,
  • Veroshpiron,
  • Lasix,
  • Diuver,
  • Trifas,
  • Ionic,
  • Acrapamid,

Each drug is unique and has certain contraindications. If you prescribe a decongestant yourself, serious consequences can develop. That is why the choice of the most suitable remedy should be made by the attending physician.

Local treatment with ointments and creams

The use of local medications is indicated only to eliminate symptoms (pain, swelling, discomfort). They are most often prescribed for physiological swelling.

The most popular local remedies are:

  • Lyoton;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Venozol;
  • Venitan;
  • Ginkor.

Creams, ointments and gels are not suitable for treating swelling that has developed as a result of disease progression.

Other drugs

Ordinary medications with a diuretic effect are not able to cure edema resulting from pathology. In such cases, doctors may prescribe additional groups of medications.

With progression of varicose veins and diabetes:

  • Dioflan;
  • Venarus;
  • Ascorutin;
  • Detralex;
  • Normoven.

To prevent the development of hypokalemia (insufficient amount of potassium in the blood), Asparkam or Panangin is prescribed.

To eliminate edema from hypertension, use:

  • Indal;
  • Indapaphone;
  • Arifon.

They not only stabilize blood pressure levels, but also have a diuretic effect on the body.

Do not choose or prescribe medications for yourself. Choosing the wrong medications can be fatal.

Folk remedies

Treatment of edema with folk remedies is considered quite effective. The most commonly used infusions and decoctions are:

  • parsley root;
  • flax seeds;
  • rosehip;
  • oregano;
  • bearberry.

The components are mixed in a ratio of 1 tsp. crushed plant per 200 ml. boiled water.

You can prepare an infusion of horse chestnut. You will need a glass of crushed plant and one and a half glasses of vodka. All ingredients are mixed and infused in a dark place for 8-10 days.

Effective folk recipes for local use.

  • Wax, olive oil and water are mixed until a homogeneous suspension is formed. Wait until it thickens and apply to swollen areas. You can additionally wrap the limbs with cling film.
  • To prepare the brine solution you will need 1 kg of salt and a bucket of water. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. You need to moisten a small cloth or towel in the resulting liquid and apply it to the lumbar region every day before going to bed. Within 14 days you will notice amazing results.
  • The crushed wood lice must be mixed with water and brought to a boil and done.
  • Camphor and olive oil are mixed in proportions 1:1. Wipe the affected areas of your legs with the resulting suspension daily.
  • Euphorbia and egg are mixed until smooth. Every day before going to bed, you need to apply the resulting product to the swollen areas.
  • A bath of juniper, sea salt, mustard, soda and a liter of boiled water will help to immediately relieve a pensioner from discomfort and pain in the lower extremities.

When using any of the above folk remedies, you should consult your doctor.

More recipes and ways to relieve puffiness in the article:.

Special attention should be paid to nutrition. It should be balanced and not contain harmful, fried, salty and fatty foods. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of foods that contain large amounts of water. It is recommended to give preference to spinach, almond butter, sweet potatoes, and sunflower seeds.


Unfortunately, older people are often no longer able to perform common physical exercises. But there are also less intensive actions that can help retirees.

Do the following exercises daily:

  • while sitting or lying down, bend and straighten your lower limbs;
  • sitting on a stable chair or sofa, make a movement as if you were pedaling a bicycle;
  • tense and relax your gluteal muscles;
  • Lying on your back, try to bring first one and then the other leg to your chest.

It is necessary to perform physical exercise every day or every other day. The number of repetitions depends on how you feel.

Nordic walking

Nordic walking is a very useful sport for older people who suffer from frequent swelling. During classes, a person overcomes long distances with the help of special high sticks. If you periodically practice Nordic walking, the following changes will occur in your body:

  • body weight will begin to decrease;
  • performance will improve;
  • blood pressure is normalized;
  • the degree of endurance will increase;
  • the functioning of the immune system will improve;
  • the functioning of vital organs is stabilized;
  • metabolic processes will be regulated.

This sport is a summer sport. In the absence of rain and moderately warm weather, you can practice Nordic walking in the autumn-spring period.


Massage can be performed three times a day for 10-15 minutes.

First you should wash your hands and the area of ​​your legs that will be massaged. Next, a special (you can use ordinary children’s) cream is applied to the limbs. Massage movements should be slow and not too intense. Using circular, tapping and kneading movements, you should massage the entire leg area: from the feet to the hips.

Prevention of swelling

To prevent the formation of swelling, you should adhere to the following preventive recommendations:

  • eat a balanced, rich diet, permanently eliminate harmful foods from your diet;
  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • spend more time outside, if possible, choose walking rather than traveling by car, minibus or bus;
  • if you have to constantly be in one position, exercise periodically to allow the blood to spread evenly throughout the body;
  • drink about two liters of plain water daily;
  • get rid of bad habits (alcohol and cigarettes have a bad effect on the condition of blood vessels);
  • At the first deviation in health, attend a consultation with a medical specialist;
  • undergo a routine examination annually.

By following these rules, you can reduce the likelihood of swelling.

If an elderly person's legs swell, this is a sure sign that treatment should be started without any delay. It will not be possible to turn a blind eye to this problem, since swelling causes severe pain and forces you to say goodbye to your usual way of life. To fight this disease, you first need to find its causes.

How does edema manifest in older people?

In most cases edema occurs in older people. This is explained by the fact that during the aging process, completely natural changes occur in the human body (failures in the metabolic process, difficulties, disruption of the functioning of internal organs).

Edema of the elderly brings quite many inconveniences: sharp pain, itching, possible appearance of a large number of ulcers. If this disease makes itself felt, you should treat it with the most careful attention. After all, as a rule, swelling signals serious problems in the body. Very often, the cause of swelling of the legs in an elderly person is various diseases of the internal organs.

This disease can bother you constantly, or it can remind you of itself from time to time. One way or another, if an elderly person’s legs swell, this causes him a lot of discomfort - walking causes severe pain, while sitting or lying down one has to constantly look for at least some comfortable position. In addition, finding suitable shoes is added to the list of problems.

Weakness, general malaise, psychological and physical fatigue- this is a far from complete list of complications that arise with edema in older people. Swelling usually affects the ankle joint, in some cases spreading to the toes and soles.

If an elderly person does not stand up, swelling may form in the lumbar region. This disease is very dangerous and can lead to pulmonary edema and the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Edema in an elderly person, depending on its causes, can be localized either on one limb or on both at once.

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Edema in the elderly: causes of the disease

Among the main causes of edema are:

    Violation of venous outflow of blood. Swelling is accompanied by severe pain and bloating. This case requires immediate surgical intervention;

    Blood clots as a result of varicose veins. Edema occurs due to lack of physical activity (long trips, bed rest), as a result of which blood stagnates in the vessels and blood clots form. In this case, the swelling is localized in the feet and ankles. The pain syndrome is of an increasing nature;

    Vascular rupture, muscles and/or bundles as a result of the injury. The pain manifests itself instantly;

    Chronic diseases in which the outflow of fluid from the body is disrupted;

    Varicose veins which can lead to the formation of blood clots. In such a situation, a person experiences pain as a result of prolonged exercise. If swelling occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. First of all, in cases of this kind, the doctor prescribes dopplerography of blood vessels;

    Heart failure an elderly person swells. In this case, the feet, the pain radiates to the thigh. You should be examined by a cardiologist, first of all, do an ECG;

    Pulmonary edema as a result of pulmonary hypertension;

    Apnea syndrome in sleep, chronic lung diseases, heart failure when the right ventricle is working. In such a situation, treatment is carried out by a therapist. The disease is diagnosed using echocardiography;

    Kidney diseases. As a result of kidney failure, circulatory disorders, protein imbalance, and nephrosis occur. You should be examined by a urologist;

    Liver diseases can also lead to edema in older people. As a rule, this occurs due to hypertensive syndrome. It is necessary to consult a hepatologist, take all the necessary tests (pay special attention to globulin and albumin);

    Impact of excess weight on the functioning of the circulatory system of the body of an elderly person;

    Effects of certain drugs.

Read material on the topic: Treatment of the elderly

How does leg swelling occur in older people?

Excessive accumulation of intercellular fluid, and as a consequence the formation of edema, can occur in several “scenarios”:

    as a result of local venous obstruction and increased blood volume hydrostatic pressure increases;

    as a result of hypoproteinemia (decrease in the concentration of protein fractions) there is a decrease in the oncotic pressure of blood plasma;

    due to the influence of inflammatory mediators capillary permeability increases;

    due to obstructive processes drainage abilities of the lymphatic system deteriorate.

When treating edema in older people, elucidating the mechanism of their formation and choosing treatment methods, it is very important to study the composition of the intercellular fluid. For example, the intercellular fluid is characterized by low viscosity and protein concentration during venous edema of the legs. Edema occurs due to excessive inflow from the capillaries.

With lymphatic edema, the outflow of fluid through the lymphatic vessels is disrupted, and the intercellular fluid has a higher viscosity and protein concentration.

How is edema diagnosed in older people?

An elderly person suffering from swelling of the legs there is an increase in tissue of the lower extremities, they acquire a looser and softer texture. In such a situation, doctors perform the McClure-Odich test. It consists of injecting a physical solution under the skin, as a result of which tissue swelling is artificially created. The faster the resulting blister resolves, the greater the swelling in an elderly person.

Also the presence of edema can be diagnosed by visual examination. When palpating the edema, noticeable marks remain.

Determination of lymphedema is carried out using blood tests, urine tests, ultrasound examination of leg vessels and phlebography. Also in this case it applies Kaposi-Stemmer test. If no fold is formed when the skin of the foot is grasped, the patient is diagnosed with edema.

How is treatment done if an elderly person has severe swelling?

As a rule, treatment of edema in older people prescribed depending on the reasons that led to its emergence. In most cases, primary care, removal of excess fluid and pain relief is carried out with the help of decongestant diuretics. It is also recommended to take diuretic infusions of medicinal herbs.

In case of varicose veins external use of an ointment or gel containing horse chestnut extract (such as Venozol or Venitan) is prescribed. This medicine can improve blood circulation, prevent the formation of blood clots, get rid of inflammation and increase tone in blood vessels.

Read material on the topic: Diseases of the elderly

Among the most effective means are Lyoton gel, Traxevasin gel, Ginkor gel, which allow you to relieve swelling in a fairly short time, acting directly on the cause. If an elderly person suffers from varicose veins and their legs experience constant stress, it is recommended to wear compression knitwear.

This material also helps relieve swelling faster, allowing your feet to rest. It is worth paying attention to special tights.

If the cause of edema in an elderly person is renal failure, it is necessary first of all to deal with this particular disease and restore the normal functioning of the kidneys. In case cardiac edema It is recommended to take diuretic medications, such as Furosemide.

However, you should be careful; excessive use of this drug can cause hypokalemia. To avoid such consequences, you should also take Panangin, Asparkam.

Also, swelling in older people can occur due to high blood pressure. In this case, doctors prescribe Indal, Arifon, Indapafon- medications that have diuretic effect.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances and do not take medications without a doctor's prescription. You should not rely on the advice of pharmacists at the pharmacy when choosing medications, this can lead to completely the opposite result.

In addition to taking pills and using ointments, Doctors recommend fighting swelling by positioning your legs higher than your head.. To do this, you should lie on your back with a pillow under your feet.

Will help get rid of pain and burning in the legs contrast shower– a change in temperature helps to increase the speed of blood circulation in the vessels. An excellent way to prevent blood clots is to exercise daily.

Treatment of edema in the elderly with folk remedies

In order to prevent and treat edema in older people, it is recommended not only to use infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, but also make certain changes to your diet. The main goal here is not to overload the body and do not allow excess liquid to accumulate in it. Keep salty, sweet, smoked and pickled foods to a minimum in your menu.

Try to eat more watermelon, melon, blackberry, persimmon, rowan– they can replace diuretics. For many, the big secret is the similar effect of rice porridge. Avoid drinking green tea and fruit juice before bed to avoid sleep problems.

Read material on the topic: Nutrition for the elderly

Self-prepared food will help solve the problem of leg swelling in older people. horse chestnut infusion. Crushed horse chestnut is infused with vodka for 10 days. This remedy will be especially useful for people suffering from varicose veins.

Another effective remedy is parsley root infusion. Chop a tablespoon of parsley and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. The next morning, filter the prepared solution and drink it throughout the day.

In the summer, it will help fight leg swelling in older people. walking through the dew barefoot. After this, it is recommended to take baths with sea salt. If there is no sea salt, replace it with iodized food grade salt.

Flax seed decoction will help older people in the fight against edema, which they have not been able to get rid of for a long time. Boil 5 teaspoons of seeds in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes. Infuse the resulting liquid in a warm, dry place for two hours. If desired, you can add a little lemon juice to make the taste more pleasant. Take the decoction up to 8 times a day, 100 ml, the course of treatment should not exceed three weeks.

It will also help solve the problem of leg swelling in older people. Kalanchoe infusion. Pour vodka over the crushed plant and leave for 15 days. Rub the resulting product onto swollen parts of the body.

9 ancient recipes for treating leg swelling in older people

    If you have been bothered by leg swelling for a long time, o protect them at night with a self-prepared plaster of water, wax and olive oil. Repeat the procedure regularly.

    Prepare a saline solution(1 kg of salt per bucket of water). Soak a terry towel in the resulting liquid, wring it lightly and apply it to your lower back. This procedure has a diuretic effect. After regularly performing it before bed for two weeks, you will notice that the swelling has subsided significantly.

    Help for older people in the fight against swelling of the legs baths with a strong decoction of wood lice.

    You can prepare a good herbal diuretic yourself by mixing 100 ml carrot, cucumber and lemon juice. It is recommended to drink a warm drink three times a day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    The famous Bulgarian healer Vanga was treated for edema using spurge and egg yolk. She applied the mixture obtained from these two ingredients to the swollen area.

    Another proven folk remedy - a mixture of olive and camphor oil. Rub the affected area of ​​your body regularly.

    Steam your feet in herbal baths. Insist chamomile flowers, mint and birch leaves for an hour, then add hot water and soak your feet for 10 minutes. Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 38°C.

    A bath of juniper berries, 100 grams of sea salt, mustard powder, two teaspoons of baking soda and 1 liter of water will help relieve pain due to swelling of the legs in older people.

    It will help prevent the formation of blood clots, improve blood circulation and relieve swelling of the legs in older people. use of contrast baths. Immerse your feet alternately in cold and then in hot water.

Prevention of edema in older people

Even if swelling of the legs does not torment an elderly person so often and does not cause severe discomfort, preventive measures should be followed in order to prevent complications.


Often the cause of swelling of the feet in older people is incorrectly selected shoes - too high a heel, or too flat a sole. The best option would be shoes with medium heels, which will improve blood circulation, and as a result, the likelihood of swelling will be minimized. In addition, in such shoes your feet will get the least tired.

Salt and water

As you know, edema is formed as a result of the accumulation of an excessive amount of intercellular fluid. In turn, salt retains water in the body. Try to consume as little salt and foods containing it as possible. Be especially careful in the warm season, when the constant feeling of thirst is particularly intensified.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity can lead not only to the appearance of edema in an elderly person, but also to the development of more serious diseases (varicose veins, for example). Keep this in mind and try to do at least two or three exercises every day.

Read material on the topic: Exercises for older people

Sleep and rest

Failure to follow a daily routine will certainly affect the condition of your body at any age. In older people, this will primarily manifest itself in the appearance of edema.


The use of certain medications can lead to edema in older people. If this problem occurs, consult your doctor, who will help you choose a more appropriate remedy.

Aging is a natural process, during which metabolic disorders occur and the functioning of system organs is disrupted. Because of this, edema appears in old age. They may cause severe pain, itching, and a large number of ulcers. It is necessary to be attentive to the disease; swelling can be a dangerous signal; it indicates that a malfunction has occurred in the body; timely treatment is necessary. Edema is often caused by diseases of the internal system organs.

Symptoms of edema in older people

Signs of the disease can be constant or periodic; with edema, a terrible feeling occurs - bloating, the person feels discomfort, he is uncomfortable. Can't find the right shoes for himself. Constantly looking for the best position to put his leg in order to get rid of the pain.

Also, with edema, older people experience general malaise, pain, and the person gets tired both physically and psychologically. The swelling is located near the ankle joint, in some situations it affects the sole and toes. If a person is lying down, the swelling begins to localize in the lower back and radiates to the feet. This swelling occurs due to the fact that a person does not move, constantly lies down, the lungs often swell, and serious heart diseases occur.

Swelling affects both one limb and several. It all depends on the cause of the swelling. Treatment methods depend on what caused the disease. There are acute and chronic forms of edema.

Acute form of edema

If one leg is affected, this indicates problems with the veins. Only the attending doctor, who will prescribe the necessary tests, will help you find out why this type of edema occurs.

Most often, this type of edema is provoked by venous thrombosis, traumatic injuries, inflammation, infection in the lymph nodes, joint diseases, and subsequently unbearable pain appears and it is difficult to move.

Causes of edema in old age

Swelling worsens in summer. It is important to first determine the cause of the disease and then undergo a course of treatment. The main causes of edema include:

1. Acute venous insufficiency, in which venous outflow is disrupted. Then severe pain appears, during which swelling increases and bloating occurs. In this situation, surgical treatment is necessary.

2. Thrombosis with varicose veins. Swelling appears after a long trip, if a person has been on bed rest for a long time, his lower limbs are immobilized. When blood stagnates, blood clots begin to form, which impairs blood flow. The pain in this situation is increasing, swelling affects the ankles and feet. With the disease, the color of the skin may change, swelling prevents a person from fully moving

3. Edema in older people due to injury, when ligaments, muscles, and small vessels are torn. When injured, severe pain occurs.

4. Chronic edema occurs due to diseases in which a large amount of fluid begins to accumulate in the body and the outflow of fluid is disrupted.

5. Varicose veins of the legs appear due to impaired blood circulation; the disease is dangerous because it ends in thrombosis. The pain is aggravated after heavy exertion, if a person carries a heavy load or is overloaded. When the patient notices that the swelling is increasing, an urgent need to consult a doctor. Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels is prescribed.

6. Swelling in heart failure. The pain is localized in the foot and radiates to the thigh. In this situation, it is necessary to undergo an ECG. The cardiologist prescribes treatment.

7. Edema due to pulmonary hypertension.

8. Night apnea, chronic lung disease, heart failure when the right ventricle is working lead to swelling. Diagnosed using echocardiography data. Often the treatment is carried out by a therapist.

9. Kidney diseases often lead to edema in old age. Due to renal failure, blood flow is disrupted, protein imbalance and hydronephrosis occur. In this situation, consultation with a urologist is necessary.

10. Liver diseases lead to edema, which occurs if homeostasis is disturbed; in the analysis it is necessary to pay attention to globulin and albumin. Often swelling due to the liver is caused by hypertensive syndrome. Treatment methods are selected by the hepatologist.

11. Excess weight loads the circulatory system of an elderly person, which is how edema occurs.

12. Some medications often lead to edema.

Diagnosis of swelling

A patient who has swelling of the lower extremities, the tissues increase slightly, they become loose and soft. It is necessary to perform a McClure-Oditch test. A saline solution is injected subcutaneously, then the tissues swell. Using the method, you can find out about the speed at which the liquid is absorbed; if the swelling is severe, the speed is high.

In addition to carrying out a visual inspection, you need to touch the swelling with your finger, a trace will remain. This indicates that the hole is large and the swelling is deep.

Lymphedema is determined using the Kaposi-Stemmer test. The result is positive if you grasp the back of the skin of the foot and do not form a crease. Additionally, blood and urine are examined; it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs and phlebography.

Methods for treating edema in the elderly

The most commonly prescribed drugs against edema are diuretics; with their help, you can remove excess fluid that accumulates in the tissues and get rid of pain. It is effective to use herbal teas that have a diuretic effect.

Place your feet higher than your head. Lie calmly, you need to put a pillow under the ankle joint, this way you can get rid of the unpleasant sensations. Take a contrast shower to improve blood circulation. Every day you need to do exercises, with their help you can get rid of stagnation, this is the best prevention of varicose veins and edema.

Leg swelling in older people is common. The body can react in this way to the weather or signal a serious illness developing in it. And a natural question arises: what to do if an elderly person’s legs swell? First you need to find out the cause of the pathology. If your legs swell, the cause in older women can be very different. Swelling of the legs means that fluid is retained in the body. This may happen for one of the following reasons:

  1. The so-called elephantiasis: lymph flow in the legs is disrupted, as a result, fluid is retained and the legs become swollen.
  2. Diseased kidneys, intestines, heart, lungs, thyroid gland.
  3. Chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, lack of rest.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids, especially in the evening.
  5. High ambient temperature, which is a natural cause.

According to statistics, leg swelling in older people varies depending on gender. In women, they are formed several times more often than in men, their peers. This condition causes severe discomfort; some people suffer from pain, a feeling of heaviness, and the inability to put on their usual shoes. Along with this, there is a decline in vital energy, depressed mood, and a deterioration in general well-being. In severe cases, ulcers may appear on the legs.

In addition to the above reasons, legs may become swollen due to illnesses such as varicose veins, joint diseases, excess weight, fractures and leg injuries, or as a result of the side effects of certain medications.

Swelling of the legs can be a consequence of the natural aging processes that occur in the body. With age, metabolism slows down, the functioning of all human organs deteriorates, tissues become porous, as a result of which fluid is retained in them. Therefore, slight swelling of the legs in an elderly person may be normal. It’s a completely different matter if the hands and face also swell, and the swelling is large and bluish in color. This most likely indicates the presence of some disease.

Swelling with varicose veins

Fluid in the human body moves through 2 systems: venous and lymphatic. As blood moves through the veins, they are closed with valves to prevent it from flowing back. Sometimes the valves malfunction, blood can stagnate in the lower extremities, as a result, the walls of the veins stretch and become weak. Then varicose veins appear. When blood stagnates, it can penetrate into the tissues, and fluid is also retained, causing swelling.

Over time, spider veins become visible on the legs, and then veins begin to protrude. But sometimes varicose veins can only manifest as swelling, and either one or both legs can swell. The reasons for this are hidden vascular diseases. To make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, the patient is usually referred to an ultrasound scan of the blood vessels of the legs.

What are the causes of leg swelling in older people suffering from varicose veins? The older a person is, the more fragile his blood vessels become. Therefore, about 90% of elderly people have a disease such as varicose veins. If the disease is treated correctly and in a timely manner, the outflow of blood in the legs is normalized, and the manifestations of swelling of the legs are reduced.

This disease is treated mainly locally, that is, anti-inflammatory and analgesic gels and ointments are prescribed. It is recommended to wear special compression stockings or tights, or to wrap your legs with an elastic bandage. At the same time, the vessels are compressed, and blood flow in them improves. Drugs are prescribed in tablets to strengthen blood vessels and reduce swelling.

If varicose veins are not treated in time and left untreated, blood clots can form in the vessels and thrombophlebitis occurs. In this case, most often the foot and lower leg swell, the skin on them is cold to the touch, and pain is felt when touched.

This disease is very dangerous, as the resulting blood clots clog the blood vessels. And if the blood clot comes off, then in a very short time a large artery can be blocked. At the same time, the person’s well-being sharply deteriorates, and if resuscitation measures are not immediately carried out, death is almost inevitable.

With this disease, swelling of the legs in older people is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and lower back, pale skin, shortness of breath, and sometimes fever. An elderly person suffering from thrombophlebitis often experiences swelling of the left limb. The disease is treated with medication or surgery. People who frequently fly long distances and bedridden patients are at risk. Prevention of the disease includes proper nutrition, the use of special medications, and regular medical examinations.

The causes of the disease are varicose veins and impaired blood flow, so it is very important to start treatment at the first signs of varicose veins.

Heart diseases

The causes of deteriorating health in older people are often heart disease. The heart is a pump that pumps blood constantly throughout life, without stopping for a minute. Over time, the heart ceases to cope with its main function, as a result of which the blood supply is disrupted, and every organ suffers from a lack of blood. Often older people suffer from pericarditis, ischemia, rheumatism of the heart, myocarditis, and suffer myocardial infarction.

Swelling of the legs in older people is often associated with heart failure. Along with this, a person notices the following symptoms:

  • dizzy;
  • there is a darkening in the eyes up to loss of consciousness;
  • shortness of breath is observed;
  • the skin takes on a pale, grayish tint;
  • a person feels interruptions in the functioning of the heart.

Over time, heart failure progresses. And if at first heart pain and shortness of breath appear only after physical activity, then gradually they begin to occur at rest. Then urgent treatment is needed. It includes the use of medications, adherence to a strict diet, and special physical training. Good heart function is very important, which is why you should not wait for problems to appear, but take care of it in advance. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases is a correct lifestyle, a balanced diet, and a calm emotional state.

Joint disorders

When your legs are swollen, your joints hurt, and your body temperature is elevated, it could be arthritis. Any joint can be affected, but the disease most often attacks the knees. In this case, the knees swell, the skin on them is red, inflamed, and hot to the touch.

Arthritis can be infectious when an infection enters the joint along with the bloodstream. The most common causes of infectious arthritis are staphylococcus and salmonella. The disease has unpleasant symptoms and even more severe consequences. The disease destroys the joint, and if treatment is not started in a timely manner, it can even result in the death of the patient.

Treatment should begin at the first signs of the disease, then it can still be cured with drug therapy. Subsequently, a course of antibiotics and analgesics are used to relieve pain. If therapy fails, surgical treatment is used.

Liver and kidney diseases

Often, in elderly people, the legs become very swollen due to chronic or acute diseases of the kidneys and liver. The feet are predominantly swollen. Additionally, the amount of urine produced decreases and bags form under the eyes. Often a person suffers from diarrhea.

Edema of the lower extremities occurs in people suffering from liver cirrhosis, hepatosis or hepatitis. These are serious diseases and are treated in a hospital setting. Liver diseases often appear in late stages, since this organ does not have nerve endings. Therefore, great attention should be paid to deterioration of well-being, the appearance of symptoms other than pain, for example swelling of the legs.

Legs swell with pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, kidney stones. The kidneys are a very important organ, so these diseases must be treated promptly and fully. Otherwise, they can go into a chronic stage, which significantly reduces the quality of life, especially in older people.

Elephantiasis is another disease that most often affects one limb. At the same time, it swells so much that it resembles an elephant’s leg, and becomes many times thicker than a healthy one. Therefore, walking becomes very difficult and sometimes impossible.

Manifestations of dropsy

With a disease called dropsy, a lot of fluid accumulates under the skin, in the abdomen, brain and other organs, including the legs. This is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of other diseases. It can also occur in the presence of certain factors, for example:

  • in case of poisoning;
  • during prolonged fasting;
  • after the bite of any poisonous insect;
  • after injury or mechanical compression of any part of the body;
  • for heart diseases;
  • for diseases affecting the central nervous system.

The pathology manifests itself in different ways, but there are also common symptoms for all types of dropsy:

  • swelling and soreness of the area;
  • the skin at the site of swelling turns pale, swells, and becomes cold;
  • the dent that remains after pressing on the sore spot does not level out for some time;
  • general health worsens, the person feels weak and constantly tired;
  • if the swelling is large, for example in the legs, it is difficult for a person to move.

Dropsy that affects the legs is called hydrarthrosis. It occurs as a result of tuberculosis, syphilis, osteochondritis. The knee joints are most often affected. At the same time, the legs swell and joint mobility is limited. It is treated by piercing the joint and pumping out the resulting fluid.

The cause of edema can be chronic lung diseases and obesity. With excess weight, the circulatory system of an elderly person experiences additional stress, which leads to stagnation of fluid in the tissues. Swelling can be a side effect of certain medications.

Injury to soft tissue can also cause a tumor. Small vessels and capillaries are damaged, especially in older people, since they are fragile at this age. If you apply cold to the injured area, the swelling subsides after a few hours. When the cold does not help, you need to contact a medical facility, as the injury could be more serious than it seemed at first.

In old age, it is very important to eat right. Eating large amounts of salty, pickled, spicy foods and liquids leads to the formation of edema. Therefore, older people should follow a diet.

With each passing year, the human body ages. In their youth, many people are negligent about their health. And in old age, you have to pay for the mistakes made in your youth with health problems and the occurrence of various diseases.

If an elderly person's legs swell, this is an alarm signal. It’s better to play it safe and see a doctor than to start the disease. After all, a disease that is not cured in time threatens to become chronic, severe complications, and other troubles that can be completely avoided by paying attention to the first symptoms.

The onset of old age is characterized by a slowdown in metabolism and stagnation of fluid in the tissues of the body. Discomfort and pain appear. Swelling of the legs in older people warns that there are problems in the state of health, so you need to take them seriously.


Signs of leg swelling in people can be constant or intermittent. Swelling can affect one leg or both. There are two forms of swelling: chronic and acute. Any isolated area of ​​the legs, such as the ankle or toes, may swell. This is explained by the presence of heart failure in a person, immobilized position. The occurrence of puffiness in people is associated with stagnation of excess fluid in the space between the cells.

Normally, all waste water should be transported from the intercellular space through the venous bed using capillaries. This process can be hampered by problems with blood pressure in peripheral vessels and the permeability of vessel walls. The presence of proteins and sodium in the blood also affects.

Edema is especially difficult for older people to bear. Due to the deterioration of metabolism, a decrease in metabolic activity and the functioning of internal organs begins. An elderly person feels discomfort due to a feeling of fullness. In addition to pain in swollen legs, the patient experiences fatigue and general malaise. The person makes attempts to find a suitable body position to stop the pain. Very severe swelling creates problems with putting on and selecting suitable shoes. Manifestations of swelling of the legs occur especially often in people in the summer.


The causes of leg swelling in older people are represented by many factors. Swelling of two limbs at the same time indicates problems in the functioning of the heart, cardiovascular system, and kidneys. Therefore, it is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis, find out the source of the disease, and prescribe appropriate treatment. In this regard, a visit to the doctor is the very first step on the path to recovery. You should see a specialist at least once every six months. The acute type of edema occurs due to diseases such as vein thrombosis, joint problems, injuries and inflammation. The chronic type of leg swelling in people occurs due to problems with the outflow of fluid. It accumulates in the legs and brings pain, squeezing the tissues. Causes of edema:

  • Limb injury is accompanied by tissue swelling due to damage to ligaments, muscles and blood vessels. There is a change in skin tone and pain.
  • Acute venous insufficiency. The cause is impaired venous outflow and a problem with hemodynamics. Swelling is accompanied by pain and a feeling of fullness.
  • Thrombosis with varicose veins is characterized by swelling of the foot and lower leg. In this case, one leg is affected. It occurs as a result of a violation of the outflow of blood in the veins, which increases hydrostatic pressure. Prolonged stagnation of blood in the veins provokes an increase in pressure not only in them, but also in the capillaries. There is lower pressure in the intercellular space than in the capillaries, so fluid is squeezed into the tissue, leading to edema. Provoking factors are long flights and trips, and a stationary body position.
  • Right ventricular heart failure is accompanied by swelling of both feet and legs. The reason is the retention of excess fluid in the vessels of the systemic circulation. Pressure forms a slowly disappearing hole. In this case, the help of a cardiologist is necessary.
  • Kidney diseases. Swelling begins in the eye area and gradually moves to the legs. Impaired blood flow leads to an imbalance of protein and oncotic pressure. A urologist or nephrologist can help.
  • A diseased liver leads to swelling. Normally, the organ produces albumin proteins, which have hydrophilic properties, retaining fluid and providing the necessary oncotic pressure. Oncotic pressure prevents excessive transfer of water from the blood into tissues and promotes its reabsorption from tissue spaces, therefore, with a decrease in the amount of proteins in the blood plasma, tissue edema develops. A diseased liver stops producing protein and oncotic pressure decreases. Swelling occurs. Consultation and examination with a hepatologist is necessary to determine serious liver diseases, such as cirrhosis or liver cancer.
  • Varicose veins of the legs. The cause of edema is improper blood circulation and the formation of blood clots. Lifting weights and physical activity causes pain. Swelling of the extremities may be asymmetrical. If swelling increases, you should urgently seek medical help from a phlebologist (a specialist who diagnoses, treats and prevents vein diseases) or a surgeon.
  • Excess body weight becomes a colossal burden on the functioning of the circulatory system, the functioning of the heart and the entire body. The examination and fight against obesity must begin with a visit to an endocrinologist.


Swelling of the legs in older people leads the tissues to a pasty state. The tissues become loose and increase in volume. The McClure-Odich test involves injecting a saline solution under the skin. The resulting swelling makes it possible to determine the rate of spread of fluid in the tissues. Severe swelling is accompanied by a high rate of resorption of saline solution. When pressing with a finger on the site of swelling, a noticeable mark in the form of a pit remains.

Lymphedema is determined by the Kaposi-Stemmer test. The inability to form a fold of skin on the back of the foot at the level of the second phalanx indicates a positive test result. There are many methods for diagnosing the causes of swelling in people. It is necessary to do urine and blood tests, ultrasound of the blood vessels of the legs, as well as abdominal organs, and phlebography.


You can take pharmaceutical diuretics (diuretics) and means to increase blood circulation, with the help of which water begins to be removed from the body faster. No less effective are specially created diuretic herbal infusions based on parsley, horsetail, flaxseed, knotweed, elderberry and other folk remedies.

Black radish juice with honey. Thanks to the large amount of potassium salts, this vegetable copes with removing excess stagnant liquid from tissues. The grated radish and the extracted juice are mixed with three tablespoons of honey. Infuse the mixture for ten hours and squeeze. The resulting infusion is taken one tablespoon several times during the day.

Infusion of birch buds. Twenty grams of dry buds are poured with one hundred milliliters of seventy percent alcohol. It is necessary to wait three weeks, leaving the drug in the dark and cool. You need to add twenty drops of tincture to a tablespoon of water and take it twenty minutes before meals.

The first aid in relieving the symptom of swelling can be simply raising your legs to a position above your head. Cool foot baths with sea salt also help. A contrast shower has the effect of increasing blood circulation and pain relief. It is advisable to massage in the direction from the foot to the thigh. Physical exercises for the legs are necessary to avoid congestion in the blood vessels: moving the fingers, rotating the feet, rolling a special rubber ball on the floor.

For swollen feet in older adults, do not rely on home remedies to relieve symptoms. Mandatory assistance from a specialist is required to determine the cause of swelling. He will also give recommendations on the additional use of folk remedies.

Swelling of the upper extremities, the area under the eyes, lower extremities - all this can occur in any person. But, most often, swelling of the legs occurs, and, as a rule, in older people.

Swelling of the legs is a signal from the body that some system has failed. In this case, it is necessary to find the cause and eliminate it.

Edema in older people occurs due to the aging of the body. In most cases, this problem is accompanied by pain, itching and the appearance of ulcers.

Swelling of the legs in the elderly: causes and treatment

Swelling of the lower extremities can occur from time to time, or can be a constant companion of an elderly person. It provokes the appearance of quite painful sensations, bloating, inconvenience and discomfort.

A person cannot choose comfortable shoes or the position of his feet in order to somehow moderate the pain.

Painful sensations, malaise, emotional and physical fatigue are accompanying edematous conditions. Swelling can be localized on almost any part of the legs: ankles, fingers, feet.

In sick people, edema occurs due to heart failure, pulmonary edema, or immobility.

Both legs or just one can swell.

There are two forms of edema: acute and chronic. The reasons for the development of edema of the lower extremities vary greatly and depend on the form of the disease.

Acute form of edema

If left leg is swollen , then this may indicate venous insufficiency. Only an experienced specialist can say why swelling may occur, due to vein thrombosis, traumatic injuries or an inflammatory-infectious process.

If both legs swell, this indicates the presence of kidney disease or ailments of the cardiovascular system.

Chronic form of edema

As a rule, it develops due to the presence of diseases that are characterized by excessive accumulation of fluid in the body.

To eliminate swelling in the lower extremities, it is necessary to first cure the disease that caused its appearance. Treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, and only after a series of necessary examinations.

Swelling of the left leg: causes and treatment

There are plenty of factors that provoke swelling of the left leg. Swelling of one limb can be either a cardiac or a specific pathology. In addition, it can be either bilateral or unilateral.

Taking glucocorticoids or medications prescribed for hypertension may cause swelling in one limb.

Swelling in the left limb, which occurs mainly in the evening and is accompanied by shortness of breath, hypertension or hypotension, painful sensations in the heart (pressing nature) - all these symptoms indicate heart failure.

One of the most severe pathologies - infectious arthritis - can also provoke swelling of the limb. Characteristic signs of arthritis are:

  • unbearable pain;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • redness of the skin;
  • difficulties when trying to make a movement.

If suspicious symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment of the underlying disease helps eliminate swelling.

Lymphedema of the legs: causes, treatment

Lymphatic edema of the legs is a disease that can occur due to impaired lymph circulation or pathological retention of lymph in the tissues.

The main reasons for the development of lymphedema include:

  1. congenital pathology (underdevelopment of lymph nodes and blood vessels);
  2. inflammation;
  3. neoplasms;
  4. damage.

But, most often this pathology is caused by the presence of:

  • renal pathology;
  • heart failure;
  • venous insufficiency (varicose veins, arteriovenous fistulas, postthrombophlebitic syndrome).

Restoring the lymphatic drainage system from the affected limbs is the main task in the treatment of lymphedema.

This disease is treated with:

  • manual lymphatic drainage massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • hardware pneumocompression;
  • wearing compression garments;
  • diets with limited salt intake;
  • physical therapy;
  • Nordic walking.

As for taking medications, the following are prescribed:

  • - phlebotonics with lymphotropic effect;
  • - angioprotectors;
  • - enzymes;
  • immunostimulants.

Swelling of the feet: causes and treatment

Foot swelling, or peripheral edema, may involve more than just the inability to wear shoes. Such swelling is characterized by unbearable itching and painful sensations. In some cases, swelling of the feet leads to lameness.

The main cause of swelling of the feet is the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues. Swelling can be caused by injury or illness that is associated with inflammation.

Taking certain medications can also cause swelling.

Any local damage, trauma, prolonged standing - all this can cause swelling of the feet.

As for treatment, it will again depend on the cause. To eliminate swelling, diuretics are prescribed.

Renal edema

As already mentioned, one of the reasons for swelling of the lower extremities is the presence of kidney disease. This swelling, in most cases, is localized on both legs and affects the back of the leg. Renal edema is not characterized by itching and pain (at the site of edema).

Signs of renal edema:

  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • the appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
  • change in urine color;
  • decrease in the amount of urine.

Treatment of leg swelling with folk remedies

Treatment of edema with medicinal plants is one of the most effective methods. After all, it is not advisable for elderly people to stuff their body with pills; it is already working at half capacity, and medications can further inhibit the functioning of all organs and systems.

But taking certain medications without the knowledge of the doctor is also not recommended. Before using any product, consult your doctor.

Treatment of leg swelling with healing juice

Take beets, carrots, fresh cucumbers, parsley and celery. You need to squeeze the juice out of all the ingredients. A third of a glass is equivalent in effect to one diuretic tablet.

Parsley will relieve swelling of the lower extremities

Take parsley (you can use roots or fruits), wash it thoroughly and chop it. Transfer the finished mixture (one glass is needed) into a thermos and fill with half a liter of boiled water. Leave to brew overnight. The infusion must be strained and squeezed, and then add lemon juice. Use throughout the day (after dividing into three doses). The duration of the course is two days, then a short break (three days) and repeat the treatment again.

Infusion of birch leaves

Take young birch leaves, chop finely and pour two glasses of cooled boiled water. Let it brew for six hours. Drink half a glass before each sitting at the table.

Healing compress

To prepare the product you will need young birch leaves. Wash and grind them. Then fill the raw material with a liter of boiled water and add a little salt (one spoon). Leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Use this infusion for compresses. Apply five times a day.

