Ear mites in dogs treatment at home. Drops against ear mites: the best options for cats

Cases no self-recovery was observed when infected with ear mites, so you can’t count on everything going away on its own. Delayed treatment or non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations leads to the development of complications and the chronic phase.

What's happening

Ear pliers using powerful jaws chelicerae destroy the surface of the epidermis and feed on secreted tissue fluid and lymph.

Otodectosis is divided into three stages:

  • weak - itching, redness of the skin of the ear canal lasts 4–5 days, crusts occupy a quarter of the ear area;
  • medium - brown crusts spread over half of the auricle, exudate is released from the ear with unpleasant smell, local body temperature rises;
  • strong - the dog is in a depressed state, severe scratching of the muzzle and submandibular region, appear purulent discharge, difficulty chewing food.

Launched the disease leads to otitis, inflammation and perforation eardrum , hearing loss. IN severe cases required surgical intervention. Hematomas and wounds in the area of ​​the ears are not uncommon. In a chronic process, inflammation of the external auditory canal flows into the tissues of the middle and inner ear, and from there to meninges. As a result, the dog may die from meningitis.

Ear mites in dogs

How to make a diagnosis

If the dog shakes its head or rubs against a surface, scratches its ears with its claws, which means you need to be prepared for an unpleasant diagnosis. Otodectosis should not be confused with ordinary ear inflammation, in which the ear discharge is not so large.

The basis for determining the disease are:

How Find out on your own at home if your dog is sick, if it is not possible to see a doctor? To do this, secretions are collected from the ears and placed on a white sheet of paper. With otodectosis, dark inclusions are visible. These are waste products of ticks. If there is no inflammation and elevated temperature body, you can start treatment yourself.

Treatment and prevention

First of all, a dog infected with a tick must be isolated from other animals until full recovery. It is important to clean the ear very well And ear canal, otherwise the mites will survive and the treatment will not give results. Using a cotton swab soaked in chlorhesidine, thoroughly rinse both ears.

How to treat at home

Anti-tick medications are used in strict accordance with the instructions. Treatment at home includes:

Drugs for treatment

Means for treating ticks Available in the form of aerosols, ear drops, ointments. Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores have a wide range of insectoacaricidal drugs that quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Treatment of complicated forms is carried out antimicrobial drugs system property. Such medications are administered to a sick dog subcutaneously or intramuscularly. However these agents are highly toxic Therefore, treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. After the symptoms disappear, the ears are treated with acaricidal preparations for prevention.

When working with acicides comply with the means personal protection - the dog is treated in a ventilated room, making sure that the medicine does not get on the mucous membranes of the animal and humans.


The dog should not have contact with sick animals. It is necessary to ensure (especially in the summer at the dacha) that she is free-ranged as little as possible.

Before treatment, to prevent re-infection, all animals must be treated with acaricides- preparations to combat ticks in the form of powders and sprays for local use. In pet stores you can buy shampoos with insectoacaricidal properties.

Disinsection (destruction of ticks) must be carried out in all places where the sick dog was.

This article explains which medications are best to use and what not to do. In addition, here is information about what needs to be done to prevent your dog from developing ear mite, which is also called the skin beetle.

In official medical language, the problem is called otodectosis and is an infection of a dog with ear mites. The carpet beetle is a representative of the class of arachnids and belongs to the subclass of arthropods. This is a fairly small insect that settles in the ear canal of dogs. The leather beetle grows to a length of no more than 1 mm and affects animals, regardless of gender or age, although young individuals suffer more from ear mites.

Often, advanced cases of the disease lead not only to hearing loss in the dog, but also to its death. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to diagnose the problem in a timely manner and begin its treatment.

If there are other animals in the house, they should also be inspected for ear mites. Cats are the most sensitive and often affected, so they should be examined first. If necessary, the procedures must be carried out with other animals. In any case, preventive measures never hurt.

On a note! Before starting treatment, you must carefully study the instructions for the drug, and if necessary, consult your doctor. It is very important to take into account all the nuances so as not to harm the animal. If, after using the drug, an animal develops adverse reactions, then use of this drug should be discontinued.

The most commonly used:

  • Strong black tea.
  • Olive oil and grated garlic, mixed in equal quantities. This mixture is used to treat the dog's ear canals.
  • A mixture of kerosene and sunflower oil in equal proportions.
  • Iodine and sunflower oil, connected in a ratio of 1:4.

After applying the products, you must wash your hands thoroughly. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the animal is not able to lick the substance, although it is unlikely to get it in the ears.

Infection with ear scabies occurs through contact. Infection occurs not only through direct contact of a sick dog with a healthy one. The owner can easily bring ear mite eggs from the street on his hands, shoes, or clothes.

Symptoms of ear mite infection in a dog (initial stage):

  • Twitches his ear;
  • Shakes his head;
  • Constantly scratches ears with claws or rubs against corners of furniture;
  • Raid in auricle dark (almost black) color;
  • Inflammation, redness, swelling of the ear;
  • Becomes restless, nervous, or, on the contrary, unusually melancholic.

Signs of advanced otodectosis:

  1. Plaque in the auricle becomes abundant, crusts and scabs may be present;
  2. Unpleasant odor from the ear (with complications with otitis media);
  3. The animal scratches its ears until the wounds are painful;
  4. Decreased appetite;
  5. Promotion or Demotion general temperature bodies;
  6. Lethargy, weak state, or vice versa, increased nervousness;
  7. Partial or complete hearing loss;
  8. It is possible to release exudate both from the ear canal and from abrasions from claws.

If you have at least one of the above symptoms, you need to carefully examine the condition of your dog’s ears. If available dark coating sediment-like ground coffee– You need to immediately show the dog to a doctor. Signs to contact the clinic may include redness and swelling of the ear, and an unpleasant odor from the ear.

Methods for diagnosing otodectosis

A complete diagnosis of otodectosis takes place in 3 stages:

  1. The dog owner's oral history of symptoms;
  2. Visual inspection of the auricle;
  3. Checking ear plaque under a microscope.

At home diagnostics ear scabies is not carried out. Sarcoptoid mites have a size of no more than 0.5 millimeters - it is almost impossible to notice them with the naked eye.

Treating ear mites at home

To get rid of ear mites, it is enough to treat the dog’s ear twice with insectoacaricidal agents. Treatment regimen for otodectosis at home:

  • It is necessary to purchase an insectoacaricidal drug from a veterinary pharmacy;
  • Clean the surface of the ear with a cotton swab from scabs and exudate;
  • Treat the ear with the medicine according to the instructions;
  • Massage the folded ear in half to distribute it evenly over the surface;
  • After 10–14 days, repeat the procedure;

If after repeated treatment the symptoms of otodectosis do not go away, you should immediately contact veterinary clinic– the diagnosis may not have been made correctly.

Possible complications

Related ear mite problems:

Treatment of complications of otodectosis is a costly and lengthy process; it is strongly not recommended to engage in therapy on your own - you can cause even more harm.


Modern veterinary medicine offers a wide selection of insectoacaricidal drugs in various forms release. A huge range of products are highly effective due to the low resistance of ear mites to active substances.

Before using any medications, you must preliminary consultation at veterinarian. Complications or individual intolerance to the drug are possible.

Drops in the ears

Drops against ear mites:

Options for ointments against otodecosis:

Aerosols and sprays against ear scabies:

The most effective injections against otodectosis:

Effective drops on the withers against ear mites:

Treatment with traditional methods

Therapy folk ways is not effective method treatment. It is most effective as a preventive measure or as an adjuvant.

In the presence of large quantity For dried crusts and scabs in the auricle, you can use oils (camphor, coconut, etc.). Apply with a cotton pad to soften and further remove crusts.

  • Strong antiseptic can be used green tea(sugarless!). Prevents the development of infections and kills the unfavorable bacterial environment in the ear canal. Green tea lotions should be done twice a day for 10 to 14 days.
  • For disinfection, preventing the development of infection(especially if the dog scratches the ear, injuring it), you can use chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. The treatment is carried out with a cotton swab dipped in the solution, 2 times a day, until the dog is completely recovered.

Prevention of otodectosis in domestic dogs

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Observing the basic preventive measures, the dog will remain healthy and long, costly and troublesome treatment will be avoided.

Ear mite prevention measures:

  1. The most effective way Prevention of otodectosis is regular treatment with insectoacaricidal agents. It is necessary to use anti-ear mite products from early spring (as soon as the snow melts) until late autumn (before frost).
  2. Prevention should be carried out regularly throughout the season. You should not delay treating your pet even for a few days, especially if the dog actively communicates on the street with its fellow tribesmen.
  3. If for some reason the animal is not treated, it is prohibited to allow it to interact with other dogs (especially stray cats).
  4. The owner must follow the rules of hygiene - wash his hands after going outside, before petting the pet; Don't let your dog lick your shoes.

Video on the topic

The health of the pet is entirely in the hands of the owner. It is necessary to carefully observe preventive measures, while cleaning the dog’s ears and avoiding the advanced stage of otodectosis. The pet will definitely appreciate the care and attention from the owner.

Ear scabies (scientific name: otodectosis) is a disease caused by infection with a microscopic sarcoptic mite. This arachnid lives under the skin or on its surface, feeding on lymph, blood and particles of the epidermis. The disease affects cats and dogs; it is not transmitted to humans. What is the most effective ear mite treatment for furry households? How to determine that a cat has become infected with otodectosis? Let's figure it out.

Ear mite remedies will help restore your pet's joy of life

Symptoms of ear mites

Usage medical supplies only possible after consultation with a veterinarian. To make a diagnosis, he will take a scraping (smear) from the affected area of ​​the ear. Based on the results of the study, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

Remember that if used incorrectly medicines the disease can progress to a chronic stage.

Symptoms of otodectosis:

· severe itching;

· unpleasant odor from the animal’s ears;

Frequent shaking of the head;

· formation of suppuration, bald patches at the site of scratching;

· appearance dark brown discharge in the ears.

In addition, the cat exhibits anxiety, lethargy, and lack of appetite. Animals become infected from stray cats, dogs, and other sick pets. There have been cases when a furry household member became infected by everyday means. That is, through the outerwear and shoes of the owners.

An effective ear mite treatment for cats

In the treatment of otodectosis they use:

· drugs containing fipronil (Frontline, Bars) or selamectin (Stronghold);

· ear drops (“Amitrazine”, “Acaromectin”);

home remedies (garlic ointment, strong green tea, water solution lavender and almond oil).

Medicines based on fipronil act quickly, but they are less effective than drugs containing selamectin. It is important to know that before using them it is recommended to “deworm” the animal.

Drops from otodectosis fight the mite population, while eliminating inflammation and fungal infection. They contain dimexide, amitrazine, ivermectin and other active substances.

Folk remedies for the treatment of ear scabies are rarely used, as they can provoke a deterioration in the condition of the sick animal. Their use is possible only after agreement with the attending physician.

Treatment of painful areas begins with cleansing. The cat is wrapped in a towel and a special

The cat scratches the damaged surface, ichor comes out, and clogs the ear canal with crusts that look like ground coffee. Favorable conditions are created for the development of conditionally pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

To treat otodectosis, external agents are required that contain acaricidal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory components that are safe for cats. In order for the medications to work, the ear canal is cleaned, freeing the pathological surface from deposits.

Cleaning ears for otodectosis

To clean the ear canal, prepare cotton buds, a specialized product for softening dried ear discharge and a towel for fixation. Cats do not tolerate violence, so the operator cleaning ears must take care of his own safety.

If the instructions for use of the drug stipulate that it should be used as a means to soften crusts, no additional means will be required. The effectiveness of treatment is determined by the presence of a mite in a skin scraping in combination with clinical symptoms. One medication is chosen for treatment. It is prohibited to use two medications containing acaricides. Some drugs have no contraindications for use. But this does not mean that they are completely harmless: very rarely, some cats have a hypersensitive reaction to the components of the drugs.

List of drugs

The following drugs are used dosage forms:

  • Ointment (gel, liniment):
  • Drops:
  1. Aurikan.
  2. Amitrazine.
  3. Ectodex.
  4. Amit.
  5. Dana.
  6. Mycodemocid.
  • Acaricidal emulsions, aerosols:
  1. Ivermec spray.
  2. Unoiled.

Active components- acaricide Ivermectin, analgesic and wound healing agent. Both hearing organs are treated, even if only one is affected, 1…2 times, duplicating them after 5…7 days. Contraindicated for breeds sensitive to Ivermectin, convalescent and malnourished cats.

Active components - acaricide, analgesic, antimicrobial agent, auxiliary wound healing substances. Both channels are processed 1...2 times, duplicating, after 5...7 days. Contraindicated in kittens up to 2 weeks old, convalescent, and sick.

Aversectin ointment

Active component - Aversectin. To clean the ear from crusts you need additional funds- lotions or Perhydrol. The wool is cut. Apply the ointment, fold the shell in half, and massage the base of the ear. Contraindicated for breeds sensitive to Aversectin, kittens under 2 months old, lactation, convalescent, and sick.

Ear drops. Intended for advanced cases, with the addition of secondary microflora. Contains antimycotic and antimicrobial components, a steroidal antiphlogistic agent. Buried daily for 14 days. Contraindicated in case of perforation of the tympanic membrane.


Ear drops. Contains Diazinon (organophosphorus acaricide), antiseptic, analgesic, synthetic glucocorticoid antiphlogistic agent. The first week the drug is instilled daily, the next three - every 3 days.


Ear drops. The active ingredients are the acaricide Amitraz and Dimexide, which have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The ear is folded and massaged. Treatments are repeated every other week until symptoms disappear.


Ear drops based on Propolis and Sulfur. Preliminary cleaning of the ear canal from secretions is required. Treatment consists of two or three treatments every 5...7 days. The medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women, and those who have not reached one month old animals. Do not use the drug if the integrity of the drum membrane is damaged.

Ear drops. Main active substances are the acaricide Permethrin, the immunostimulant Anadin, and the antiseptic Gramicidin. Preliminary cleaning of the ears is carried out with the same drug used for treatment. The hearing organs are massaged after instillation of the medicine. Therapy lasts 3...7 days. If the use of Anandin is missed once, the course of treatment is resumed.

If the cat shakes its head, prevent droplets from splashing with restraint. Contraindication - violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane.


Ear drops consisting of Amitraz and Prednisolone. The crusts are soaked with a swab soaked in Amit. Ears are treated twice a day. The course of treatment is 3...5 days. If a second infection occurs, change the drug. Contraindications: gestation, lactation, age less than 2 months.

Ear drops consisting of Amitraz, Propolis and Dexamethasone. Apply once, with an interval of 5...7 days. Number of treatments 2…3. Contraindications: gestation, lactation, age less than a month.


Drops in the form of pipettes. The main component is the organophosphate disinfestant Diazinon.

After instilling the medicine, the ears are massaged. A week later, the treatment is duplicated. The medicine should not be used by pregnant or lactating animals, as well as animals under 10 weeks of age.


Drops. Consist of Sea buckthorn oil, Chlorophos, detergent Isopropyl alcohol. Treat once and repeat 7 days later if necessary. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating animals, young animals under 10 weeks of age.


Analogue of Ivermek-gel. Inject into the ears twice with an interval of 3...5 days. Put on the Elizabethan collar until the surface of the ear dries to avoid licking. Animals that have not reached three months The drug is not prescribed to lactating, gestational, or hypersensitive cats of breeds that are hypersensitive to Ivermectin.

Active substance- Ivermectin. Moisten the affected area generously. The treatment is repeated after 8…10 days. Requires 3...4 injections. Before the wetted surface dries, put on the Elizabethan collar. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating and under-one-month-old animals.


An emulsion that is a means of killing insects. The contents of the ampoule (1 ml) are dissolved in 0.2...0.4 l of water and the ear canal is generously moistened. A week later, the procedure is repeated.
