Fun indoor games for kids. Card file (senior group) on the topic: indoor games with children

Multi-colored ball

The teacher reads the lines of a poem by V. Suslov.

Multi-colored ball

Jumps along the path

Along the path, along the path,

From birch to aspen,

From the aspen tree turn -

Straight to Ira

To the garden!

The players throw the balloon (ball) in a circle. The person who receives the ball knocks it off the floor, after which everyone runs away, and the driver tries to “smear” the running participants of the game with the ball. The player who was hit by the ball again invites everyone into the circle and throws the ball to any player. The ball is passed around the circle again.


The teacher invites the players to sit freely in the classroom. Then he explains the conditions of the game, after which he recites poems by I. Tokmakova.

Rain, rain, drop,

Water Saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut.

And he got tired and stopped!

Everyone performs voluntary movements. With the last word “stopped,” all movements stop and the participants in the game freeze. The presenter, passing by them, notices the one who moved. He leaves the game.

Again, the presenter and a group of guys who have dropped out of the game recite a poem. It sounds loud and cheerful, but not very fast. Movements can be very diverse, but while standing still. At the end of the game, the host marks those who performed the most beautiful or difficult movements. It is possible to reward the “most persistent” participant in the game.

Merry ax

This game can be played both outdoors and indoors. The guys stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. The leader, passing behind the players, hides a small object from any player - a “small hatchet”. Then everyone together (or the leader) recite the text of I. Demyanov’s poem. The one of the players who received the last words (but preferably not the one with the hidden object) goes to look for an axe.

Egor took an ax in the corner,

I went into the yard with an ax,

Egor began to repair the fence,

Yegor lost his axe.

So he is still looking.

Look for an ax too!

Triangular cap

The game develops attentiveness and coordination of movements. The players are randomly placed in a circle in the classroom. The presenter explains the conditions of the game, then says the words:

My cap is triangular,

My triangular cap.

And if the cap is triangular,

This is not my cap.

Repeating the words a second time, players show a triangle of fingers on the word “triangular”. Next, in addition to showing the triangle, the players should lightly hit themselves in the chest on the word “my”. Then, pointing the triangle towards themselves, the players must touch their heads on the word “cap”. In the future, everyone playing together with the leader pronounces the words and performs all 3 actions. The words are repeated faster and faster with each repetition. Those who are confused leave the game and only repeat the words. The one who doesn't go astray wins.

Be careful!

The game stimulates attention, promotes learning, quick and accurate response to sound signals.

The guys stand in a group, freely, but at arm's length from each other. March music (or any rhythmic) sounds. Children march to music and may perform dance moves.

In this case, the game director randomly gives commands at different intervals. Children must implement movements in accordance with the command.

For example:

"Bunnies!" Children jump, imitating the movements of a hare.

"Horses!" Children hit the floor with their feet.

"Crayfish!" The children back away.

"Birds!" Children run with their arms outstretched (imitating the flight of birds).

"Heron!" They stand on one leg.

"Frog!" They squat and jump in a squat position.

"Doggies!" Children bend their arms (imitating the movement when a “dog serves”) and bark.

“Chickens!” Children walk around, “look for grains” on the floor and say “Ko-ko-ko.”

“Cows!” Children stand on their hands and feet and say “Moo-moo!”

The game can last 20-25 minutes. At the end of the game, the teacher marks the most attentive.


The game promotes the development of volitional (voluntary) attention.

Children walk in a circle one after another, holding hands. Musical accompaniment at march tempo is possible. At the leader’s signal, the players stop, clap 4 times, turn 180° and begin moving in the other direction. The direction changes after each signal. If the child gets confused and makes a mistake, he leaves the game.

These are the poses!

The game can be used to develop observation and memory, it will contribute to the development of children's relaxedness and their communication abilities.

At the request of the children, five players are selected from the group. One of them is the driver, the rest are spectators. Children show the driver “their poses.” He goes around the children and remembers their poses. Then the children go into the hall and sit on chairs, and the driver repeats the poses in the sequence in which he saw them.

The “spectators” shout whether the pose is repeated correctly or not. If incorrect, one of the “spectators” (optional) goes “on stage” and repeats the pose.

The game is repeated 2-3 times until everyone is sure that the poses are shown correctly.

Mysterious proverbs

This game helps develop speech junior schoolchildren, logical thinking, introduces to the origins of oral folk art.

The teacher offers simple proverbs. The guys must explain what it means, what is the meaning behind it, and why it arose in people’s everyday life.

The master's work is afraid.

Every master in his own way.

A jack of all trades.

If the tailor spoils it, he will iron it out.

The potatoes are ripe - get down to business.

Without labor there is no fruit in the garden.

As is the care, so is the fruit.

More action - less words.

Every person is known in action.

There is grief - grieve, there is business - work.

Without discipline, living is not good.

Bread earned is sweet.

He who has dexterity acts dexterously.

Belous O.I., teacher of MBDOU d/s No. 30, Leningradskaya station, Leningrad district

1. The ringleader

The players form a circle, facing the center. The driver steps aside, as he should not see who will be chosen as the ringleader. The ringleader's task is to show various movements, which the rest of the players must immediately, keeping up with him, repeat: clap their hands, squat, jump, shake their fingers, etc. The leader is called into the circle. And he begins to walk inside it, looking closely to see who is commanding the players. The ringleader must change movements imperceptibly, choosing a moment when the driver is not looking at him. If the driver guesses the ringleader, then he changes roles with him.

2. Mousetrap

The players are divided into 2 unequal subgroups: the smaller (for example: 2 people) form a circle - a “mousetrap”, the rest of the “Mice” are located behind the circle. The players - “mousetrap” - hold hands, raise their hands up, forming a hoop. The “mice” begin to run into the “mousetrap” and run out of it. Children forming a “mousetrap” say the words:

How tired we are of mice,

All? gnawed, that's it? ate

We'll set a mousetrap

And we'll make you all run away!

At last words the children give up and the mousetrap slams shut. Those who do not have time to run out of the circle are considered caught and stand in a circle, in a “mousetrap”.

3. Sentinel

“Sentry” - sits on the ground in the center of the circle. He is blindfolded. The rest of the children stand outside the circle. The teacher points his hand at one of the players. He begins to carefully approach the “sentry”. Hearing steps or rustling, he must point with his hand where these sounds are coming from. If he points correctly, he changes places with the person walking. If not, then the movement continues. The one who manages to cross the circle continues.

4. Together along the path

A line is marked on the floor of the room with a colored cord. Mother and child stand next to each other at the beginning of the line. The mother invites the baby to “take a walk along the path.” At the same time he pronounces the words:

Together along the path,

together along the path

Our feet are walking:

One, two, one, two -

Our feet are walking.

Over the bumps, over the pebbles,

Over bumps, over pebbles...

In the hole - bang!

The child follows his mother along the line. To the words “over the bumps,” they jump together on two legs, moving slightly forward, hands on their belts; to the words “into the hole - bang!” they squat down, put their hands on their knees. When the mother says: “We got out of the hole,” the child gets to his feet with her.

5. Airplanes

A circle is laid out on the floor of the room with a cord - this is an airfield. The mother explains to the baby that now they will turn into airplanes together. Then she says:

Airplanes are flying

And they don’t want to go to earth,

They are flying merrily in the sky,

But they won't collide with each other.

The airplanes, represented by the child and the mother, with their arms spread out to the sides, begin to “fly” outside the circle. After 30 seconds mom says:

Suddenly a big cloud flies

Everything became dark around.

Airplanes - your circle!

After these words, mother and child run in a circle - “the planes are landing at the airfield.”

6. The cat came to the stove

Mother and child join hands, forming a circle. The mother reads a poem, shows the movements, and after her the child repeats the movements and words.

The cat came to the stove,

The cat came to the stove,

(Walk in a circle, holding hands)

He found a pot of porridge

I found a pot of porridge there,

(Walk in a circle in the other direction, holding hands)

And there are rolls on the stove,

Oh, delicious and hot!

(Stop, turn to face the center of the circle, clap their hands)

Pies are baked in the oven,

(Bend forward, arms forward, palms up)

They are not given into your hands.

(Straighten up, hide their hands behind their backs)

For this game you will need balloons and adult lungs. Blow up some balloons. Give the players a task to ensure that the balls always fly and do not fall to the floor. Let them blow on them or throw them with their hands.

8. Blow on the ball.

Another game with balloons. The number of balloons that are inflated corresponds to the number of players. Children stand in a line and each is given a ball with the player's name. The task is to blow on the ball to the finish line. The first one wins. This game perfectly develops children's lungs, so it can be played as often as possible and not only in kindergarten, but also at home.

9. Get dressed.

This is a team game. Divide the children equally into two teams. Place one sweater and hat on two chairs. At the signal, each player must run up to a chair and put on their clothes. He got dressed, undressed and stepped aside. Then the next player runs up and does the same. The team with all the players putting on their clothes the fastest wins. This game is more suitable for middle and older groups, since kids are unlikely to be able to put on a jacket or other clothes themselves.

10. Felt boots.

It seems to me that she is so mobile the game will do and for junior groups. Again, the children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a pair of felt boots, and not ordinary felt boots, but adult ones. Children should fit them right into their shoes. Also, children are given one flag. A chair is placed in front of each team at a distance of approximately 5 meters. The first players from the team must run to their chair, walk around it in a circle and return back, passing the flag to the next player. The team whose last player is the first to finish the relay wins.

This ball game is about sleight of hand. More suitable for middle and older groups. Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. The most awkward player who fails to catch the ball is penalized. The punishment is to stand on one leg and catch the ball. If he does not catch the ball, then his punishment is increased - to stand on one knee. The next time he fails, he will need to get down on two knees. But if the punished player catches the ball, then all previous failures are forgiven.

12. Overtake.

This outdoor game in kindergarten is for endurance. Children are lined up in a straight line. At the same time, they should squat down and keep their hands on their sides. The task is to jump to the finish line, for example, to the opposite wall. The one who jumps first wins. And anyone who stumbles during the race is out of the game.

13. Crows and sparrows.

In this game, children are divided into two teams. One team is called sparrows, the other is called crows. The teacher explains the task to each team. For example, the “sparrows” team, as soon as their name is called, should lie down on the floor, and the “crows” team should stand on chairs. All movements are performed quickly. The one who gets it wrong is eliminated from the team and the game. Those who have more players left on the team at the end of the game win.

14. Put on your hat.

This is very fun game to the music. Children stand in a circle. The teacher turns on the music and gives them a woman's hat. The children pass it on among themselves. The teacher suddenly stops the music, and the player who has the hat in his hands must quickly put it on his head and walk around the circle with a feminine gait. If he hesitates, he is eliminated from the game. By the way, instead of a woman’s hat, you can use a cowboy or military cap. Then here you will need to portray a cowboy or a soldier.

The two most dexterous children are chosen. Their task is to catch other players. To do this, they must hold hands to form a circle (ring) and catch other children with this ring. The caught player moves aside.

16. Fishing.

The players stand in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. He must take a thick rope or rope and twist it along the bottom, trying to touch the feet of other players with it. The players, in turn, jump up so that the fishing rod does not hit them. Whoever fails is eliminated from the game.

17. Christmas tree.

This game is suitable for children's New Year's parties. The teacher says: “We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest there are different Christmas trees: wide, low, tall and thin. At the word “tall” players raise their hands up, “short” players squat and lower their hands, “wide” players expand the circle, “thin” players narrow the circle. The next time the teacher says these words not in order, but scattered, trying to confuse the children.

19. Animals.

Outdoor games in kindergarten should focus not only on dexterity, but also on attentiveness. For example, the game "Beasts". Children choose their driver, who will play the role of Owl. The owl's duties include only hunting. All other children are forest animals. The teacher says “day”. The players begin to run around the room and have fun, but with the word “night” they freeze, and an owl comes out hunting. Anyone who moves or makes any sound becomes the owl's prey, that is, leaves the game.

20. Frozen.

Children stand in a circle with their arms extended forward. Two pre-selected drivers run in a circle in opposite directions and try to touch the palms of the participants. Those touched are frozen and out of the game.

21. Bunny.

One of the players becomes a bunny and stands in an organized round dance. Children dance in a circle and sing:

Bunny, dance,

Gray, jump.

Turn around, sideways,

Turn around, sideways!

There is somewhere for the hare to jump out,

There is room for the gray one to jump out!

The impromptu bunny needs to try to jump out of the round dance.

22. Guess what kind of animal it is.

The driver sits with his back to all children. Each player in turn approaches him and makes a sound, depicting any animal, for example, a cow. The driver guesses what kind of animal it is.

23. Guess who it is.

The driver again sits with his back to the other children. They take turns coming up to him and saying any word. The driver's task is to guess the name of the speaker.

24. Three.

Two participants are selected. One symbolic prize is placed in front of each person. The presenter calls numbers in a scattered manner, for example, 1, 5, 9, 15, 20, 33, 39, 65, etc. d. As soon as the number 3 is said, players must grab their prize. The one who gets there first wins.

25. Air, water, earth.

This kind of game is not only active, but also aimed at children's intelligence. The players sit in a circle. The leader walks in front of them and says “earth, air, water,” changing the arrangement of the words each time. Having stopped near any child, the leader says a word, for example, “earth.” And the child in response must depict any animal walking on the ground. When the word “water” is said, the player depicts a fish, and when the word “air” is used, the player depicts a bird.

26. Feed the rabbit.

A rabbit with a carved mouth is drawn on thick Whatman paper. The players stand in a row. The first person is given a carrot and blindfolded. The task is to put a carrot in the rabbit's mouth. If he fails, he is eliminated from the game. Having completed the task, the player passes the carrot to the next one.

27. Get into the hole.

You need to play this outdoor game in kindergarten outside while walking. The teacher digs 3 identical holes in the sand at a distance of 0.5 m. The player moves a couple of steps away from the hole and throws a small ball into it. If he hits, he moves on to the second hole, and then to the third. Then it repeats everything, but in reverse order. But if the player does not hit the first hole, then he leaves the game.

28. Travel.

Using different colored chalks, the presenter draws winding and intersecting “paths” on the asphalt. Players must choose a “path” for themselves and walk it to the finish line, never leaving the distance.

29. Steal a carrot.

The teacher draws a circle with a diameter of 8 m. Places 10 cubes in the circle. In this game, the circle symbolizes the vegetable garden, and the cubes symbolize carrots. One guard is selected from the players. His task is to protect the carrots. The remaining players become hares. They must try to steal these carrots from the garden circle. Whoever the “watchman” catches is eliminated from the game. The winner is the most dexterous, i.e. the one who stole the carrot and was not caught by the “watchman”.

30. Trap.

A game of skill and speed! Several participants join hands and form a circle. The rest depict birds and insects, for example, butterflies, bees, flies, mosquitoes, titmice, etc. The presenter gives a signal and the “trap” opens - the children in the circle raise their hands up. At this time, all birds and insects can walk, run and jump in the trap. The next signal is emitted and the trap closes. Everyone who did not manage to run out of the “trap” finds themselves trapped and stands in a circle, replacing other participants, who become birds. There are no winners in this game. The main thing here is fun and laughter!

31. Over bumps through the swamp

The teacher distributes the children into teams. In front of each team, bricks are placed at a certain distance. The goal of the game is to walk along a given section of bricks without touching the floor with your feet. The team whose last player reaches the goal first wins.

32. Make a figure

The children run away. At a certain signal from the teacher, they must take some pose that would display an animal or a flower, a tree, geometric figure etc. The children whose figures best correspond to the given ones win.

33. Find the color

Children stand in a circle and, at the leader’s command, look for objects of the named color in order to touch them. The loser is the one who touches the desired thing last. He is out of the game.

34. Living - non-living

The presenter names living and inanimate objects, and the children answer in chorus only “living”, and are silent when they answer “inanimate”. The children who make the fewest mistakes win.

What to do when it’s dreary and cold outside, it’s raining, or you’re just tired of wiping your pants on the slide near the entrance? It's time to collect fun company playful boys, dreamy girls and... play at home! But not by bending over the screen of a tablet or phone, but simply. Simply, simply, simply...

1. Keen eye

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: dishes (jar, bowl, pan, etc.), sheet of paper, scissors.
Preparation: Before the game begins, participants must carefully examine the selected container and try to mentally imagine it.

Rules of the game: At the signal, players must cut the lid for the selected vessel. The winner is the one whose cap matches the hole of the selected item as accurately as possible.

2. Plucked chicken

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: clothespins.
Preparation: Divide into 2 teams: “chickens” and “catchers”.

Rules of the game: The “catchers” attach clothespins to their clothes (the same number, so that everything is fair). Their goal is to catch up with the “chickens”. If the “catcher” has caught the “chicken,” he attaches a clothespin to her. By the way, it is the “catchers” who will be “plucked”. Moreover, the more the “catcher” is plucked, the better! Victory will go to the one who gets rid of his clothespins the fastest. Then the teams change places and the game continues.

3. Whose shoe?

Number of players: 3 or more people.
Props: shoes of the players, a blindfold for each player.
Preparation: Take off your shoes and put them in a pile.

Rules of the game: Players stand in a circle with a mountain of shoes in the center. Blindfolded. The presenter shuffles the shoes and gives a signal. Everyone starts looking for their shoes (you can try them on). Anyone who thinks they have found their shoes should put them on and stay in them until the end of the game. Everyone takes off the bandages and looks at the result.

4. Living node

Number of players: 4 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Stand in a circle.

Rules of the game: At the command of the leader, the players extend their right hands into the center of the circle and take someone by the hand (you cannot take a neighbor). The players then extend their left hands and do the same. But! You cannot take the hand of someone you are already holding with one hand. The result is a living node. The leader’s task is to untangle the knot without breaking his hands. Players, at his request, can step over each other, climb between hands, etc.

5. Great cook

Number of players: 2 or more people.
Props: 2 spoons (forks) and fruits (vegetables), blindfold.
Preparation: wash fruits (vegetables).

Rules of the game: The volunteer picks up spoons (forks) and by touch tries to recognize the fruits (vegetables) that the presenter slips to him. You can use potatoes, carrots, onions, pears, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc.

6. Conductor

Number of players: 5 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: The players stand in a circle, one person goes out the door.

Rules of the game: A “conductor” is chosen from the remaining players in the room. He shows how to play musical instruments, and the rest repeat all the movements after him. A guesser enters the room during a “concert” and must determine who the “conductor” is. If he manages to do this in less than three attempts, he stands in a circle, and the former “conductor” walks out the door.

7. Salad

Number of players: 6 or more people.
Props: cards with the names of vegetables/fruits (according to the number of players), chairs (one less than the number of players). The names on the cards may be repeated, for example, 2 apples, 3 pears, etc.
Preparation: Hand out cards to players.

Rules of the game: Everyone sits on chairs, one remains in the circle (he also has a card). The presenter (the one standing) shouts: “Pear!” Those who have a card with this name must change their place. The driver takes a chair and one of the players is left without a seat, he stands in the center of the circle and the game continues. You can shout out two or three names at once. At the word “Salad!” all players change places.

8. Who is faster?

Number of players: 10 or more people.
Props: an object as a prize (apple, stone, etc.), a coin.
Preparation: Everyone is divided into two teams, stand or sit opposite each other, and hide their hands behind the backs of their neighbors. The leader stands at one end of the chain, and the prize item is placed at the other.

Rules of the game: The presenter tosses a coin. If the coin lands on heads, nothing happens, the coin is tossed again; if it lands on heads, the last player on each team must shake hands with his neighbor. So, along the chain, the signal is transmitted to the other end. The last one must grab the prize. The player who did this first brings his team a point, moves back to the end of the chain and the game continues. The team with the quickest change of players wins.

9. Mechanisms come to life

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: No.
Preparation: Players are divided into two or more teams. Each team, secretly from their opponents, decides which mechanism (vacuum cleaner, washing machine, hair dryer, etc.) she will depict.

Rules of the game: Everyone must take part in the dramatization. You can imitate the sounds of a mechanism, depict dimensions with your hands, but you cannot speak. A team gets a point if they guess the opponent's mechanism. Those with more points win.

10. We're tired of meowing!

Number of players: 8 or more people.
Props: blindfolds according to the number of players, chairs to limit the space.
Preparation: Players are divided into two teams: one – piglets, the second – kittens.

Rules of the game: Kittens should meow, and piglets should grunt. Everyone is blindfolded and shuffled among themselves in a circle of chairs. You need to get your team together as quickly as possible without leaving the circle.

Two fishermen are chosen, the rest of the players sit in a circle with their hands clasped together. They represent the bank of a river, and the hands folded on the knees represent borders. One of the fishermen walks along the shore, holding a small fish in his hands. He puts his hands with the fish in the hem and quietly places it on one of the players. The second fisherman must guess who has the fish. If he does not guess right away, then he is allowed to name the names of 2-3 more children. The first fisherman sits down, the second lowers the fish into the net, and the one who found the fish goes to guess.

Outdoor games indoors The sea is rough

Depending on the number of players, chairs are placed in two rows so that the back of one chair touches the back of the other. All participants in the game sit on chairs. The driver says: “The sea is worried.” The players get up and run around the chairs. “The sea has calmed down,” says the driver, and the children take the empty seats. Someone will be left without a seat, since one chair is occupied by the driver. The one who missed it goes to drive.

Rules. 1. Players are not allowed to run close to the chairs.

2. You can take an empty seat only after the words: “The sea has calmed down.”

Outdoor games indoors

Marine figure

This is a very famous and popular game. Participants stand all over the site. Together with the presenter, they raise their hands up, smoothly move them left and right, depicting waves and say the rhyme:

The sea is agitated once

The sea is worried two, the sea is worried three,

Marine figure

Freeze in place!

The players stop and freeze in a pose depicting a figure. The presenter declares the winner the participant who came up with the most beautiful position.

Outdoor games indoors

Sly Fox

The players go in a circle and say:

"We're going in circles,

We call the fox

Let him not open his eyes,

Then the children stop, and the one whom the adult points to asks: “Sly fox, where am I?” The person standing in the center must, without opening his eyes, approach the one who asked the question, touch him and say: “Here you are!”

Outdoor games indoors

Teams of 5-8 people play. The first participants jump from the starting line from a place, pushing with both feet. The second numbers jump from the landing site. Then third ones, etc.

The team that covers the greatest distance wins.

Outdoor games indoors

Blind between the lines

Two parallel lines are drawn on the board at a distance of 3 cm from each other, 1 m long. Blindfolded, you need to draw a line with chalk between these lines, without ever touching any of them.

Draw a snowman without eyes and nose. Children finish drawing it with their eyes closed.

Place cubes on the floor. Children with their eyes closed walk between them or step over them.

Outdoor games indoors


Children stand in a line, a few steps from the pretend forest. Take turns saying: “I’m going into the forest, I’ll hunt (animal)” and take a step. The one who reaches the forest first wins. You can go for berries, mushrooms, flowers, fish, etc.

Outdoor games indoors

Cones, acorns, nuts

Children are divided into threes and stand in a circle facing the center. The leader is in the center. The player closest to the center in each three becomes a “cone”, the middle one becomes an “acorn”, and the one farthest becomes a “nut”. At the command of the presenter, for example: “Bumps!” all the “bigwigs” must change places, and the presenter tries to take the place of one of the “bigwigs” at this time. The one who is left without a place becomes the leader.

Outdoor games

Go to the bell

Two players are called. One is given a bell, the other is blindfolded. The one with the bell stands in one place and rings, but rings only three times, when the blindfolded player raises his right hand up. The blindfolded player must find the player with the bell.

Outdoor games

Where does the bell ring?

One child is blindfolded. The second one walks around the room with a bell and rings it. different places. The first person guesses where the call was made, naming the place of the sound in relation to himself: “they rang to my right,” etc.

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Outdoor games indoors

Thread and needle

Everyone stands in a column and takes each other by the waist - this is a “thread”. The “needle” becomes ahead, runs and leads the “thread”. The task of the “needle” is to break or tangle the “thread”.

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Outdoor games

Caught a fish!

The players tie a 1.5 m long thread to their belt with a short stick at the end (a fish). The task is to catch as many fish as possible (that is, step on a stick dragging on the ground and tear it off). The player who loses the fish is eliminated from the game. The winner is the one who tears off the most sticks and, cleverly dodging, keeps his own.

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Outdoor games indoors Earth, water, air

The players form a circle, and the driver stands in the middle with the ball. The presenter says one of three words: “EARTH”, “AIR”, “WATER” - and throws a ball to someone. The catcher returns the ball and names the animal, bird or fish in accordance with the task. A player who violates the rules of the game (answers incorrectly or does not catch the ball) receives a penalty point.

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Outdoor games


All participants stand in a common circle, counting on first or second. The leader, standing in the center of the circle, rotates the rope, and the players, moving in a circle, jump over it. The player who hits the rope is eliminated. The team with the most players left at the end of the game wins. The game lasts 3 minutes.

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Outdoor games

Fast penguins.

The players are divided into equal teams and lined up in 2 lines. The first participants in the game hold the ball between their legs (above the knees). At the signal, they begin to move forward and, having reached the opposite starting line, pass the balls to the guides of the oncoming columns. If the ball falls, you need to pick it up and continue the relay. The team whose players finish the relay faster wins.

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Outdoor games


Each of the players calls himself some kind of vegetable, fruit, berry: onion, raspberry, apple, etc... Everyone stands in a circle. One of the players - the “gardener” - goes to the middle of the circle. He is asked:

-Who's there?


-What did you come for?

For onions!

The “gardener” must guess which of the guys called himself, for example, an onion; if he guesses correctly, the “onion” must run away, otherwise the “gardener” will catch him.

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Outdoor games

Fishermen and fish.

Children stand in a circle. According to the counting, two guys are selected - “fishermen”, the rest - “fish”. They lead a round dance and say:

Fish live in water

There is no beak, but they peck.

There are wings but they don't fly,

There are no legs, but they are walking.

They don't make nests

And the children are taken out.

"Pisces" scatter in different sides. “Fishermen” join hands and catch “fish”. The “fish” caught by the “fishermen” form a “net” with the “fishermen” and catch the remaining “fish”.

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Outdoor games indoors Rain

The players read the poem:

Rain, rain, droplet

Water Saber,

I cut a puddle, I cut a puddle,

Cut, cut, did not cut.

And he got tired and stopped!

While the text is being read, all players perform voluntary movements. With the last word “stopped,” all movements stop, the participants seem to freeze. The presenter must notice who moved. He is out of the game.

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Outdoor games indoors Do not snooze!!!

Children walk in a circle holding hands. At the leader’s signal “Stop!” players stop, make three claps, turn around their axis and begin moving in the other direction. If a child gets confused and makes a mistake, he leaves the game. The game may end when two or three children remain.

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Outdoor games


The participants of the game stand in a circle, and the “lamb” is inside the circle. Players walk in a circle and say the words:

You are a little gray lamb,

With a little white tail!

We gave you something to drink

We fed you.

Don't butt us!

Play with us!

Hurry up and catch up!

At the end of the words, all players run away, and the “lamb” must catch them.

    

Outdoor games

Father Frost

Santa Claus is selected using a counting rhyme. All players scatter, and Santa Claus tries to touch any player and freeze him. At the moment of freezing, you can take any position. The winner is the one who has never been caught by Santa Claus.

Outdoor games


The players stand in a circle. When the leader says: “Sea,” all players jump forward one step, with both feet at once. And if “Shore”, all players jump back. The presenter may confuse the players. Those who make a mistake squat in the middle of the circle.

Outdoor games

Merry firecrackers

Two teams play. The presenter says: “This is a team right hand. And this is the left hand command. When my right hand moves, the right team should clap their hands 2 times. Under left hand The left team claps twice. I will confuse you." Teams receive penalty points for mistakes.

Outdoor games

Lisa Patrikeevna

The leader is chosen using a counting rhyme. They tease him: “Fox, fox, tail home!” The fox rushes to catch the players, and the one she catches helps her catch the others.

The more players, the more interesting it is.

Outdoor games

Heron at work

A “swamp” is designated on the playing field. One child is chosen as a “heron”, the other children as “frogs”. The “Heron” stands in the swamp, and the “frogs” jump in the swamp and “croak”:

On one leg in a swamp

The heron is standing at work

Counting all the frogs

She leads all day.

But the funny frogs

We would only like to be in the swamp

Croak, play around.

The heron repeatedly raises and lowers its arms to the sides, as if flapping its wings, and says:

Stand on one leg

I'll eat a little frog.

I'll flap my wings,

I'll eat all the frogs.

After these words, the “heron” catches the “frogs” that did not have time to jump out of the swamp.

Beast unknown to science

This game will unite children by creating a common work of art. Although, of course, this is said loudly in relation to the picture that is obtained by the end of the game.

Take several sheets of paper in advance and fold each one several times, like an accordion, then unfold it again. Give a piece of paper with fold marks visible to all children sitting in a circle. Have each player start drawing the head of an animal at the top. This must be done in such a way that others do not see or know what the child is planning to depict. Having drawn the head on the upper part, you need to draw a line for the neck, going slightly beyond the fold line, fold the piece of paper and pass the drawing to the neighbor on the right. He, seeing only two lines indicating the end of the neck, continues to draw the body of the animal (which one he chooses himself), having reached the next fold line, he draws a contour line behind it, bends the piece of paper and passes it on again. So, depending on the number of fold lines you make, the design goes through the hands of three or four artists. The latter finishes drawing the feet (paws, claws, etc.). After this, the drawings are handed over to the leading adult, who unfolds them and shows the guests what they have created. Usually the result is a strange animal unknown to science.

Note. With such drawings you can decorate the room where the celebration is taking place.

Gift tree

Ask the guys if they know where the gifts come from. Where did they get the gifts for the birthday boy (if you are celebrating your child's birthday)? Of course, you will hear plausible explanations from kids and humorous ones from older children. And then you can tell them your version: they say, you don’t know where, but your souvenirs for guests grow on a tree. Don't believe me? Come on, let's show you!

Now feel free to lead the guys into the room where you hung various surprises on strings on a spreading branch attached to the closet. It can be ballpoint pens, small notebooks, chocolates, stickers, decorations - in a word, every pleasant little thing, the weight of which will be supported by the branch you have chosen.

Explain to the children that wood can only be used in a special way, so that the gift is always a surprise, a surprise. Therefore, now all the children will be blindfolded in turn, spun in place, and then given scissors, with which they will go to the generous plant and cut themselves some kind of gift

Note. With older kids, you can add some excitement to this game by hanging inflated Balloons. Then, from time to time, players will accidentally burst the balls with scissors (this usually causes fear and joy at the same time).

Ha ha ha

This game is notable for the fact that it has simple rules and lifts the spirits of all those who play it, those who have already lost, and those who are simply watching it all.

Have the children sit in a circle. One of them will say the word “Ha!” with the most serious look. The player sitting to his right must say this twice already (“Ha-ha”), the person next to him on the right - three times (“Ha-ha-ha”) and so on, each time adding one extra “ha” " Anyone who cannot bear a serious face and laughs or smiles openly leaves the game. He moves outside the circle and gets the opportunity to make faces and grimace, amusing the players and thereby complicating their task. If there are winners in this game - those who were able to pronounce “ha” the longest without a shadow of a smile, and without making a mistake among them, deserve a reward - prepare some funny souvenirs for such an occasion.

Note. This game, although it seems very childish, is precisely why it can be enjoyed by teenagers. It will be funny for them that they, who are already adults and serious, say “ha” with the most ridiculous look, although for some time they can stay on a serious note, demonstrating their lack of involvement in all this tomfoolery.


Of course, it's not good to lie. But for general joy and also for the development of attention, it’s possible.

Children need to sit in a circle. One child will start the game: he will point to any part of his body and call it another part. For example, he will show his elbow and say: “This is mine right ear" The next player must show what is named, that is, the right ear, but say something else, for example, that this is the forehead. Then the next player will show his forehead, etc. Those who got caught (that is, believed the deceiver and showed not what he said, but what he demonstrated) leave the game. Thus, the most attentive players remain, who can then be given a comic prize, for example, a boy - a medal with the inscription “Best Cheater of the Year”, and a girl - powder (with the hint that she was great at “fooling the brains” of those around her, without getting caught herself). to their tricks!).

Note. To prevent children who drop out of the game from being offended or acting naughty, you can leave them in the game, but hand them some objects that symbolize their gullibility, such as floats (indicating that they have fallen for the deceiver’s hook). The one who does not receive a single such badge - the winner - in this case can be given a symbolic fishing rod (made from a strong branch with a fishing line and a hook tied to it). By the way, if you see that there may be two winners, stop the game before one of them gets caught. Then children will be able to use two gift fishing rods in the game “Sweet Catch”, and the course of the holiday will be more logical and organized.

Massive games for children indoors

As already mentioned, you shouldn’t get carried away with competitions during the holiday, but if these are team competitions, the essence of which is not winning, but having fun participating, then it’s a different matter! Below you will find a description of such team games and entertainment for two groups of children.

Sometimes dividing children into two teams turns out to be a difficult task, as adults encounter whims (“I want to be with Sasha”) or tactless remarks (“I don’t want to be with this Petka”). To initially avoid such strife, use the following game method of dividing children into groups.

Picture made from pieces

Depending on the situation and age of the children, you can start the game right away or after telling them the legend.

“A long time ago, in the same kingdom, there lived friendly people who got along well with each other. Together they created wonderful things: paintings, stories, household utensils. Everything worked out for them, because they understood each other from half a word and half a glance and took care of each other. But one day an evil wizard was jealous of their harmony and, when people were painting a picture, he cast a spell, causing their creation to shatter into pieces and, along with these pieces, people scattered around the world. Those who once lived in perfect harmony now do not recognize each other and live separately. But if you put the picture together again, then maybe a miracle will happen, and everyone who contributed their piece to it will be able to find care and understanding from the other creators of the picture - they will become one friendly team.”

Invite the children to check if this is really true? Have each of them come up to you and take one piece of postcard, white side up (prepare two postcards in advance and cut them so that total number pieces were equal to the number of invitees, including your own children). When each guest has a piece of the postcard in their hands, announce the conditions of the game: now you will say a magic phrase (for example: “Look for yours!”) and the children will begin to move around the room, showing each other the pieces. If they realize that they have parts of one postcard, then they unite and together look for the remaining parts.

Note. Thus, by the end of the game you will naturally form two teams, each of which collected the entire picture and showed the results to the rest of those present. Take advantage of the spirit of unity that arose during this task and announce to the teams that the tests of the strength of the spell will continue in the following relay races, where they will be one team.

Firefighter school

During this game, children will learn which team members are faster and more collected (literally and figuratively). Invite them to participate in the speed-of-dressing training that takes place during firefighter training (after all, a good firefighter should be able to get dressed in a short period while a match is burning!). Of course, such a workout at a children's party would be a joke.

Place a set of clothes in front of each team, for example a hat, jacket, trousers, boots. The first players of the two teams must approach these piles of things and, having figured out what’s what, put it all on themselves as quickly as possible. When dressing is finished, the player must spread his arms to the sides, and his team should support him with the exclamation “Beauty!” After this, he must quickly undress, and the next player on the team must repeat all these actions. The winner will be the team whose members are able to “dress up” and take off their “working clothes” faster, that is, finish the training first.

Note. To keep the emphasis of this game on fun rather than competition, prepare the most ridiculous clothes you can find. A moth-eaten earflap hat, a pink children's Panama hat, grandma's old jacket, and dad's hunting boots in combination with wide beach shorts will do (the main thing is that all this is large sizes for the convenience of the players). When festively dressed children pull all this on themselves, it will be impossible not to laugh. Don’t waste time and film the “mummers” on a video camera or camera - such pictures will capture the height of the fun and the memories of the holiday will acquire their own unique flavor.

North Pole

This game is similar to the previous one, but requires quick reaction and organization not of each individual, but of all players at once, that is, success in it is influenced by team cohesion.

Find out who in each team is the most curious and not afraid of any challenge. Once two daredevils have been selected, explain to the teams what they will be doing. And they will be busy preparing their curious comrade for the North Pole. As you know, this place is not hot, and they have only five minutes to get ready. Therefore, the task of each team during this time is to have time to put on as many items of clothing as possible on the would-be explorer. Where can I get it? For such a case, you will have to “give away your last shirt,” that is, take off some items of clothing from yourself.

The team that can dress their hero “warmer” will win (and it doesn’t matter if they decided to prepare him for the cold test by wearing an extra tie).

Note. It is better to play one such game so that the children do not have time to get used to it. However, if the previous game caused a lot of emotions in the children and they demand a continuation (“Let’s play this game again!”), then after several more games you can still send the teams back to the North Pole.

Hands up!

This team game can be played right at the table. Have members of one team sit on one side of the table and members of the other team sit on the opposite side. Give the end player of one of the teams a coin. He must pass it under the table to the next player on his team and so on down the chain. At this time, the commander of the other team (children can take turns playing this role) counts to ten. He can do this loudly or in a whisper, evenly or either speeding up or slowing down the count. As soon as he says “ten”, he can command: “Hands up!” Then all players, including the one who has the coin, must raise their clenched fists up. Then the commander gives the command “Hands down!”, and the players place their hands on the table, opening their palms. Naturally, the temporary owner of the coin tries to do this in such a way as to cover it with his palm. All this time, players of the opposing team carefully watch their opponents' hands, trying to guess who has the coin. After completing two commands, they confer and name the player who, in their opinion, keeps the coin. If their guesses are correct, then the coin goes into their piggy bank as a reward for their attention. If they make a mistake, the coin remains on the same team as a reward for sleight of hand.

Note. If there are not so many guests, then you can play another version of this game, when everyone present passes the coin, except for the driver - the commander. He alone is trying to determine the owner of the coin. By the way, this game serves both to entertain children and to develop attention and the ability to subordinate one’s behavior to rules.

Freight train

While the previous game required sleight of hand, players will now need sleight of foot!

Let the members of one team sit in a row on the sofa or on chairs, the second team will also sit opposite. On the side of each team, make a pile of the same number of items (it’s best to take Stuffed Toys- small or medium size).

At the command “Start!” the guys on the same team must start passing toys to each other until they reach the last player - the “last carriage”, who will begin to put them next to him. Does the task seem simple? But there is one “but” here. You can only use your feet. If something slips out when passing from foot to foot, then it should be picked up
So that the bridge does not collapse down,
Let's take brick and mortar for construction,
My fair miss.


Games with tied feet cause children not only joy, but also a sense of cohesion. Therefore, you can safely offer them, for example, such a task.

Divide the guys into two teams and give each a rope about fifty centimeters long. With them, members of one team must tie their legs (at the ankles) with a comrade standing next to them. This way, you won’t end up with a bunch of scattered kids, but two centipedes (which is much easier to manage!).

Now have both centipedes stand at the starting line. Now they will compete in the dexterity of their legs! You can start with a simple task: have them try to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

Then the task can be complicated.

For example, in the middle of their path, place a small obstacle that the children must take turns carefully overcoming, remembering their “neighbor.” Or you can change the trajectory of movement by placing limiters that you have to go around. If the children want to show aerobatics, you can even require them to pass the toy from the first to the last team member as they move.

Note. It is better not to get carried away with complicating the rules when playing this game with young children (up to six years old), since their motor regulation, as well as the ability for joint organized activity, is still far from perfect and they will fall more than they will move forward.

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