Physical exercises for prostatitis at home. Exercises for the prostate and potency

Prostatitis is a disease that most men cannot escape. Whether it will go into the chronic stage or be cured at the initial stage directly depends on how attentive you are to your health. Exercises for prostatitis solve the issue of congestion, the main cause of this disease. If there is a means to eliminate not the effect, but the cause, a reasonable person will always take advantage of it.

How to force yourself to do exercises with prostatitis

Every person is suggestible to a certain extent. If he repeatedly hears the same thing, he begins to believe it. But a reasonable person does not take his word for it, but pays attention to this persistently offered information and checks its plausibility as much as possible.

Men use logic to assess situations and circumstances. To make a decision, they need to make sure that it (the decision) is fully justified.

Almost everyone knows about the benefits of therapeutic exercises for prostatitis. But not everyone includes a set of exercises in their daily schedule.

The reason is that most men want solid proof that his time and effort will not be in vain. For many, it is much easier to take the doctor’s prescriptions and wait for recovery than to change their lifestyle to include systematic exercise of dubious, in their opinion, usefulness.

Complete clarity about what happens to the prostate during the exercise and how beneficial it is for it will help make a firm decision to begin a new period of life aimed at combating the disease.

Which prostatitis can be cured by exercises?

It is important to understand that there are two main causes of prostate disease:

  1. Poor circulation leading to congestion;
  2. Infection.

We conclude: therapeutic exercises for prostatitis are necessary.

There are sets of exercises that are effective for chronic and... But in the latter case, physical activity must be combined with taking antibiotics. There are sets of exercises recommended at the initial stage of the disease.

You need to decide which complex is suitable in this particular case, and begin to implement your decision to regain your male health and maintain it.

When performing exercises for prostatitis, the following happens in the prostate gland:

  • The muscles surrounding the prostate and itself contract (it is partly a gland and partly a muscle);
  • Blood flow in the vessels is stimulated;
  • The blood begins to remove stagnation products;
  • Cell nutrition is normalized.

Exercises to treat prostatitis at home are simple and do not require significant physical effort. For those men who have to sit a lot, special “sedentary” gymnastics have been developed.

4 exercises for the treatment of chronic prostatitis

This set of exercises was originally developed by osteopaths to get rid of problems in the hip joints. In the process of practical application of gymnastics, it was noticed that it surprisingly actively stimulates the prostate gland and increases potency. Over time, it became clear that this set of exercises helps get rid of prostate adenoma and has a positive effect on all areas of men’s health.

There are contraindications:

  • Postoperative period;
  • Exacerbation of diseases of internal organs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Infectious and viral diseases;
  • The first six months after a heart attack and stroke;
  • Aortic aneurysm.

You can do exercises with a gradual increase in load and carefully monitoring your well-being:

  • For inguinal hernias and abdominal hernias;
  • For intervertebral hernias;
  • For high blood pressure (with blood pressure monitoring before and after exercise);
  • With exacerbation of prostatitis.

Basic requirements: all exercises of the complex are performed on a fairly hard surface, with a small pillow placed under the head. Gymnastics are done smoothly, avoiding “jerky” movements.

1st exercise

  1. In a lying position, stretch your arms along the body;
  2. They rest lightly on the soles of their feet and slowly and smoothly begin to bend their knees. Pulling your legs towards you, at the same time spread your knees as far as they can;
  3. Return the legs to their original position;
  4. Repeat at least 12 times. Optimally – 15-20 times.

2nd exercise

  1. Lying on the floor, stretch your arms along your body. Legs bent at the knees, feet together;
  2. Slowly and evenly spread the knees as far as possible;
  3. Return the legs to their original position, slightly straining the legs. With little effort, press your knees together at the final stage of the movement;
  4. They start with 10 approaches and work their way up to 15-20.

3rd exercise

  1. Performed in a lying position on the stomach, arms along the body;
  2. Bend the right leg at the knee and slowly lift it up, then slowly lower it. There is no need to try to raise your leg as high as possible. This is not required;
  3. Repeat similar movements for the left leg;
  4. For each leg you need to do 6-12 exercises.

4th exercise

  1. Perform while standing, feet shoulder-width apart;
  2. Slowly, without haste, do shallow squats, while simultaneously stretching your arms in front of you;
  3. When moving up, the legs are not fully extended at the knees;
  4. In this exercise, it is important to do squats of small amplitude, shallow. The entire complex is performed without fully extending the legs at the knees;
  5. Repeat 6-12 times.

This therapeutic exercise can be done at any time of the day.

Exercises for congestive prostatitis

The main goal of any therapeutic exercise is to activate blood circulation. The purpose of exercises for prostatitis is to “disperse the blood” in the pelvic area. When performing exercises, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not interrupt movements, moving from one exercise to another and between approaches of the same series (stimulation of blood circulation will be more effective if the load on the muscles is continuous);
  • An excellent result is the appearance of a feeling of warmth in the pelvic area, so you need to strive to achieve this result;
  • When performing any exercises for prostatitis, you can simultaneously squeeze and unclench the muscles of the anus, which will provide an additional effect in eliminating congestion in the prostate gland;
  • Before starting therapeutic exercises, it is advisable to warm up the entire body with a series of simple movements, thereby stimulating blood circulation throughout the body.

1st exercise: “walking” on the buttocks

Perform while sitting on the floor. Alternately lifting your hips, move your body forward. This exercise focuses on fluid movement. In this case, the load in the pelvic area will be more significant.

Exercise 2: squeezing the ball between the thighs

There are two variations of this exercise: squeezing the ball with your thighs while lying down and standing. Each of them has the same effect on the prostate: it stimulates blood circulation. There are different recommendations for the speed of performing squeezing movements. Some experts advise doing this slowly, others - quickly, in series of 15-20 movements. You can choose the pace of classes that you like best.

Exercise 3: weighted leg pull-ups

  1. Sit on the floor on a mat, body slightly tilted back. Legs extended. Hands rest on the floor;
  2. Raise your feet 10-15 cm above the floor surface;
  3. Pull your legs towards you, bending your knees. If a physically fit man feels that this load is not enough for him, he can simultaneously spread his arms to the sides or stretch them out in front of him;
  4. Repeat 10-20 times.

4th exercise: active foot movements

  1. Lie on your back, legs extended;
  2. They begin to spread and bring their feet together, gradually accelerating the pace;
  3. Repeat the movements for 1-1.5 minutes.

5th exercise: jumping

When performing this exercise for prostatitis, they strive to pull their knees as high as possible. It is advisable that when jumping they are at chest level. In one approach - 10 jumps. Do 2-3 approaches.

Exercise 6: running in place

While running, try to raise your knees so that they are at chest level.

Exercises to prevent prostatitis

This set of exercises is effective not only for the prevention of prostatitis. It can also be performed at the initial stage of development of this disease.

You will need a gymnastic mat, or something that replaces it.

1st exercise

This exercise is effective not only for treating and, but will also help with hemorrhoids and rectal problems.

  1. Get on your knees, feet pointing back, heels apart. Keep your knees together;
  2. They sit on their feet. Palms on knees;
  3. Squeeze the sphincter muscles of the anus for 3-5 seconds and relax;
  4. Perform for 3-5 minutes. Optimally - until discomfort appears.

2nd exercise

This exercise should be performed on an empty stomach.

  1. While standing, bend forward and place your palms above your knees;
  2. Inhale deeply while simultaneously drawing in your abdominal muscles. Maintain this state until discomfort appears. Exhale slowly and relax;
  3. Repeat 12-15 times.

3rd exercise

  1. They approach the wall, bend their right leg at the knee, and place their feet against the wall;
  2. Slowly bend the left leg at the knee, squat and at the same time stretch the inner thigh muscles;
  3. Change legs;
  4. Repeat 10-20 times.

Stretching exercises can be performed not only against the wall. A good result is obtained by stepping over 2-3 steps with a simultaneous half-squat on one leg and stretching.

4th exercise

  1. Lie on the floor, raise your knees, legs parallel to the floor;
  2. Perform “bicycle” movements, pointing the feet upward;
  3. Repeat for 1-2 minutes.

Prostate massage. Technique from Taoist monks.

To perform, kneel down and turn your torso to the left or right. For people who are overweight or lead a sedentary lifestyle, this can be difficult. Therefore, before performing the exercise, do a warm-up, after which, standing on your knees, the body can be easily turned in any direction.


  1. Net on the floor, tuck your right leg under you;
  2. Bend your left leg at the knee and place it behind your right;
  3. The right elbow should be on the left knee;
  4. The left hand is placed behind the back, the palm resting on the floor;
  5. As you exhale, lean on your elbow with effort and turn your body to the left;
  6. Repeat 5-7 times;
  7. Change position and turn the body to the right.


For self-massage of the prostate, you will need any of these products: moisturizing gel, nourishing cream, Vaseline.

  • They kneel down and turn in any convenient direction;
  • Apply the gel to the index finger;
  • Insert a finger into the anus until the pineal seal is felt;
  • With delicate stroking movements they begin to press on the prostate;
  • If you feel the urge to urinate, you need to endure it;
  • Massage the prostate until translucent discharge appears. This is the so-called “prostate juice”;
  • Pay attention to the color of the liquid. If it is whitish, this is normal. If it has a yellowish or greenish tint, stop the massage. This color indicates a sluggish inflammatory process in the prostate.

Exercises for prostatitis for those with a sedentary lifestyle

1st exercise

  1. Sitting on a chair, relax, with one hand clasp the hand of the other hand clenched into a fist;
  2. Place your hands on your lower abdomen;
  3. As you inhale, with a fairly sharp movement, lightly press down on the lower abdomen, and while exhaling, release it. The movement of the hands should be directed not only towards the stomach, but also downwards;
  4. It is advisable to feel how the lower abdomen is slightly pulled up;
  5. Soon after starting the exercise, a feeling of warming up of the hands and warmth in the lower abdomen should appear;
  6. Perform for 3-5 minutes at the beginning of the course, increase to 7-10 minutes.

2nd exercise

While in a sitting position, they squeeze the muscles of the anus and try to pull them up as high as possible. Alternate compression and relaxation of muscles until fatigue or discomfort appears. This is a very effective exercise for eliminating congestion in the prostate.

3rd exercise

At the same time, clench your fists and the muscles of your anus. At the same time, the whole body will involuntarily tense, and it will straighten slightly. Hold the tension for 2-3 seconds, relax your fists and muscles. The body will also relax. Repeat at least 10 times.

4th exercise

Squat down so that the genitals are in a free position. By straining the muscles, they try to pull them (the genitals) into themselves. Repeat until a feeling of discomfort or fatigue appears. You can do several approaches throughout the day.

5th exercise

Perform “belly breathing”: while inhaling, push the abdominal muscles forward and hold your breath for a couple of seconds. As you exhale, pull in your abdominal muscles as much as you can. Repeat 10-15 times or until you feel tired.

All exercises in this complex are performed while sitting, which is very convenient for those who spend a lot of time driving or at desk work.

Kegel exercise

The Kegel exercise is known for its effectiveness in training intimate muscles in women. But it is no less useful for men:

  • Stimulates blood circulation in the prostate;
  • Increases the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • Helps to gain control during sexual intercourse.

A prerequisite is the presence of an erection.

It is advisable to perform Kegel exercises in the morning, during an erection. But you can do it at any other convenient time. A small weight is tied in the area of ​​the external groove of the penis. By tensing the muscles, they lift the load as much as possible. The duration of training is chosen individually.

What is useful to do for prostatitis

A modern man does not always manage to find time to perform exercises that require him to lie down or stand. In this case, you can take on several exercises that are done while sitting and gradually develop the habit of doing them.

It is important to understand that only systematic stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvic area will allow you to forget about problems with men’s health.

A very good way to prevent prostatitis is walking. But the result will only be if you walk at least 3 km per day. Walking on the street can be replaced by walking in place or using a treadmill.

During an exacerbation of the disease or if you have doubts about the usefulness of certain exercises, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will explain what exercises should be done for chronic, congestive, and acute prostatitis.

The disease can be cured with an integrated approach. Exercise alone may not be enough in some cases. Along with performing therapeutic exercises, you can carry out medicinal treatment, do microenemas, and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Hirudotherapy and herbal medicine give good results. You can pay attention to traditional methods of treating prostatitis. An integrated approach to getting rid of the disease will certainly give a positive result and allow you to forget about problems with men’s health.

The development of prostatitis is preceded by congestion in the pelvic area. Lack of circulation and blood flow creates the necessary conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms, which in turn provoke acute or chronic inflammation.

Physical exercises for prostatitis are included in the course of treatment of the disease. Exercise therapy and sports are indicated for the treatment of prostate inflammation during the period of non-exacerbation and as an effective preventive measure.

Is it possible to play sports with prostatitis?

During the period of exacerbation of the disease, severe pain makes it impossible to play sports. As the patient recovers, treatment of prostatitis with physical exercise is introduced into his routine. Properly selected gymnastics can alleviate a man’s condition and reduce symptomatic manifestations.

On the other hand, physical Exercises for prostatitis can cause a lot of harm. During the period of acute inflammation and chronic congestion, any injuries to the prostate gland and nearby parts lead to a sharp deterioration in well-being. Several basic recommendations regarding exercise have been developed.

What kind of sport is useful?

Methods of treating prostatitis with the help of physical exercises are aimed at gentle stimulation of the muscle tissue of the pelvic organs. In this case, power loads are completely eliminated. Preference is given to gymnastic techniques that use stretching and smooth movements.

The following sports are useful for prostatitis:

  • Gymnastics and exercise therapy.
  • Running and Nordic walking.
  • Swimming and hippotherapy (horse riding).
In severe cases, physical therapy for prostatitis is carried out in the pool. By swimming you can reduce the load on the pelvic area, while at the same time providing the necessary innervation to the internal organs. As the patient recovers, classes are moved to the gym.

What sports should you not do?

Power loads are contraindicated. Prostatitis occurs in athletes leading an active lifestyle. Strength exercises overload the rectum and create the preconditions for the development of hemorrhoids, which also does not have the best effect on the condition of the prostate gland.

If absolutely necessary, with prostatitis (excluding acute periods), you can go to the gym. Exercises are selected to minimize the load on the prostate. If you experience dizziness, discomfort and pain in the groin and perineum, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Gymnastics for prostatitis - sets of exercises

Exercising speeds up the healing process and serves as a good preventive measure for inflammation of the prostate gland. For prostatitis, you need to do exercises that stretch the muscles located in the pelvis.

Over decades of fighting the disease, effective methods have been developed and gymnastic procedures have been selected that have a beneficial effect on the entire body and specifically on the prostate gland and its surrounding organs.

It is impossible to get rid of prostatitis with physical exercise alone. You will still need to undergo a course of drug therapy, including antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Playing sports shortens the recovery period of the genitourinary system, prevents relapse of the disease and helps keep your body in good shape.

Moreover, the most effective gymnastic practices for prostatitis resemble exercises for the “lazy”. The exercises do not involve active movements. In addition, some types of gymnastics can be practiced right in the office or at home, without being distracted from everyday activities.

Bubnovsky's exercises

Initially, Bubnovsky’s technique was developed for patients with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The doctor's main idea is that any problems in the body cause problems in the spinal column. It is not surprising that Bubnovsky’s gymnastics eventually began to be used to prevent and treat prostatitis.

The doctor has developed a way to diagnose disorders and verify the presence of congestion in the pelvic area. To do this you need:

  • Get into a position typical for squats: feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised above your head.
  • Perform deep squats so that your pelvis drops below your knees.
If a man was able to perform the exercise at least 100 times, and after that his legs did not hurt, then there is no congestion or disturbances in the blood flow of the muscles. In another case, there is a high probability of developing prostatitis; you will need to perform a set of exercises to prevent or combat the disease:
  • Scissors - the exercise is performed while sitting, hands resting on the floor. Scissors do about 30 seconds. To increase efficiency, raise your arms to chest level or sit on a chair.
  • Half-bridge - the man lies down on the floor. Raises the pelvis as you inhale and returns it to its original position as you exhale.
  • Push-ups - exercises are done with emphasis on the floor or, to reduce the load, leaning on the wall. Exhale as you rise, inhale as you descend.
  • Torso rotations - in a standing position, rotate the hips.

You should start training with a light load. Only 4-5 approaches per day are required. You can get rid of stagnation in the pelvis by increasing the number of sessions up to 10-15 times.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics resembles the exercises recommended by Academician Norbekov for healing prostatitis. This is explained simply. Some exercises are universal and therefore used in different techniques.

Dr. Bubnovsky points out the need for gymnastics in conjunction with kinesiotherapy, spinal stretching, etc.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

The set of exercises is inextricably linked with proper breathing, which plays a decisive role. Strelnikova’s gymnastic exercises initially lacked active movements. I needed to focus solely on breathing. Over time, physical exercises were added for greater effectiveness.

To combat prostatitis, the following complex of therapeutic exercises has been developed:

  • Spring - the patient, sitting on a chair, simultaneously clenches his fists and anus, while his body involuntarily tenses. After this, you need to relax and straighten up in your chair. During the exercise, it is important to breathe in short and rhythmic breaths through your nose.
  • Metronome - the patient lies on his back. He turns his knees one by one and tries to touch the floor with them. At the same time, continue to take rhythmic inhalations and exhalations through the nose.
  • Pendulum - a half-squatting man swings his pelvis back and forth. During the exercise, the testicles and penis should not be pinched by tight swimming trunks. Gymnastics is performed naked or in “family” underpants.
  • Tightening the testicles - the man squats down so that the genitals hang freely. The internal muscles pull the testicles up for 1-2 seconds, after which they relax.

Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are designed to improve spermatogenesis and the condition of the prostate gland. Classes are especially effective for combating male infertility.

Kegel exercises

The uniqueness of the technique lies in its effect on the internal muscles of the small pelvis. A set of Kegel exercises was first published in 1948.

An American obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in a California hospital published the results of studies showing the benefits of simple exercises for the female reproductive system. Over time, gymnastics was refined and improved to restore male strength and combat congestion.

The essence of the technique comes down to the impact and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles. Classes are recommended for men with problems with the prostate gland, pronounced dysuric manifestations and related inflammatory processes.

Exercises for training the pelvic muscles are indicated for the following disorders:

  • Decreased erectile function.
The best Kegel exercises for prostatitis do not require physical effort or stress, and are suitable for patients leading a sedentary lifestyle. Here are a few options for doing the exercises:
  • When urinating, you need to stop or at least slow down the flow of urine. In this case, the man will feel that the urethra is retracting. During the exercise, straining the muscles of the buttocks, legs or abdomen is prohibited.
  • The pubococcygeus muscle is slightly tensed as if holding back urination. Count to five. After this, the muscle is relaxed. Count to five again. The lesson is repeated 3 times a day for 10-15 approaches.

Results from using Kegel exercises can be expected within 1 month from the start of classes. If this does not happen, another method is chosen to improve well-being.

Qigong for the treatment of prostatitis

Ancient Chinese medicine has achieved good results in the treatment of disorders of the male genitourinary system. Not only medications are effective, but also Chinese gymnastics.

Almost all methods are optimal for the treatment of prostatitis. But the exercises of Tibetan monks, included in the course of gymnastics called Qigong, deserve special mention.

The principle of the method is based on the interaction of two important components. During classes, a special respiratory system is observed, which connects the energy flows of the human body into a single thread.

Regular practice of ancient Chinese exercises brings the following benefits:

  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Improves the patient's emotional background.
  • Has a general strengthening effect.
  • Brings the tone of the tissues and muscles surrounding the prostate gland back to normal.

The effectiveness of the exercises of Taoist monks is officially recognized by the Chinese Ministry of Health. Gymnastics is included in the traditional, recommended course of therapy.

Prostatitis and running

To treat inflammation of the male genitourinary system, drug treatment alone will not be enough. A complex of exercise therapy is required, and adjustments are made to the usual lifestyle.
  • During jogging, the body is saturated with oxygen, which leads to normalization of the activity of different parts of the human body.
  • Metabolic processes at the cellular level are accelerated.
  • Muscle tissue is strengthened - the flow of oxygen-enriched blood leads to a reduction or prevention of congestion.
  • Lymph flow is stabilized.
  • Medicines are absorbed faster by the body, which enhances the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Running for prostatitis promotes rapid recovery and recovery of the patient. There are some contraindications related to the characteristics of the disease.

To cure prostatitis by running, you should avoid excessive fatigue. If the patient previously led a sedentary lifestyle, the first few sessions are limited to race walking, gradually increasing the load. It is better to run in a forested area, away from highways. Hypothermia and overheating are equally harmful.

The positive effect of running on prostatitis has been noted by leading urologists. Improving metabolism, stabilizing blood flow, getting rid of extra pounds, strengthening muscle mass and stimulating the prostate are just some of the beneficial simultaneous effects of exercise.

Is it possible to do bodybuilding and weightlifting?

Physical exercises for the treatment of prostatitis are necessary, but preference is given to gymnastic procedures. Strength loads typical of weightlifting and bodybuilding are contraindicated for several reasons:
  • Injury to the prostate gland - when lifting a load, stress is placed on the prostate gland area. During chronic or acute inflammation, any physical impact on the prostate is prohibited. In some cases, the patient is recommended to wear a bandage.
  • A negative effect on the rectum is the professional disease of bodybuilders, hemorrhoids. Disorders of blood circulation in the rectum due to hardening of the venous nodes often affect the man’s prostate.

Doing weightlifting with prostatitis is strictly prohibited. Going to the gym and working out your muscles is allowed, but strength exercises on the pelvic area are completely excluded.

Lifting weights must be done extremely carefully. It is better to exclude bodybuilding altogether and limit yourself to other sports activities, at least until a stable remission of the disease occurs.

Walking on the buttocks with prostatitis

A healthy physical exercise to improve blood circulation and restore the pelvic organs. Walking on the buttocks is effective at any stage of prostatitis.

The exercise is performed as follows:

  • Starting position - sitting on the floor. The back is straight, arms extended at chest level, legs slightly apart.
  • The left side of the body rises and moves forward. In this case, the head and shoulders turn to the right.
  • The movements are repeated with the second part of the body.
  • They travel approximately 1.5-2 m.

Walking on the buttocks with prostatitis is used in many gymnastic techniques. The healing technique uses Kegel. Gymnastics according to Atabekov is also based on the use of walking on the buttocks. Exercise improves the functioning of the genital organs, promotes blood flow and cell metabolism.

Nordic walking for prostatitis

Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the patient’s well-being and mood. Race walking additionally strengthens muscle tissue and normalizes metabolic processes in the pelvic organs.

The disadvantage of this method is that it requires a lot of physical activity, especially for a man who has not been involved in sports before. Nordic walking solves this problem.

The technique was developed by Finnish skiers for summer training. The difference between Nordic walking is the use of ski poles during hikes.

Advantages of the method:

  • Metabolism is activated and weight is reduced.
  • It becomes easier for diabetics to control their blood sugar levels.
  • The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves and blood pressure normalizes.
  • Muscle spasms are eliminated and the spine is aligned.

Another argument in favor of Nordic race walking is that during a walk the load on the pelvic area is relieved and evenly distributed on the arms and torso. The absence of mechanical pressure is a necessary condition for rapid recovery of the prostate during acute or chronic inflammation.

Horses and prostatitis

Hippotherapy or horseback riding helps with inflammation of the prostate gland. Horseback riding has a beneficial effect on the human body and normalizes the patient’s psycho-emotional background:
  • The temperature of a horse is 1.5-2° higher than that of a human body. In fact, riding a horse with prostatitis is like using a heated massager. While riding bareback, a load is created on all the muscles of the body, the work of the back, torso and legs is synchronized.
    The heat from the horse's body warms the prostate and surrounding tissues. When riding with a saddle (preferable for non-professionals), there is a mild beneficial effect on the pelvic organs, but without thermal effects.
  • The patient has to tense and relax his muscles, which promotes male health and restoration of potency. Hippotherapy has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the patient. Relieves stress, anxiety and tension. Horseback riding helps overcome the feeling of inferiority often found in men with prostatitis.

Riding a horse without a saddle with prostatitis is contraindicated for a non-professional rider. Improper distribution of the rider's weight places excessive stress on the prostate tissue.

The role of physical exercise in the prevention of prostatitis cannot be underestimated. Patients involved in gymnastics, exercise therapy, running, race walking, hippotherapy or other sports recover faster and are less likely to seek repeated medical care due to the development of a relapse of the disease.

Physical exercises to prevent prostatitis effectively prevent the development of the inflammatory process. General urological recommendation to all patients at risk: lead an active, full life and regularly engage in the sport you enjoy.

Disease with consequences

Prostatitis is the result of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland. This disease occurs exclusively in men. Mostly this disease is observed in men aged 30 to 40 years, but young people from 20 years of age should seriously think about this problem. The first signs are difficulty urinating and a feeling of discomfort.

But adenoma is rightfully considered a more serious disease - a neoplasm on the prostate gland, which is a tumor. Contrary to the belief that the causes of prostate adenoma are hormonal changes in men older than middle age, prostatitis can be a harbinger of adenoma if it reaches an advanced stage.

Engaging in complex and grueling physical exercises for prostatitis in the acute stage, and especially for prostate adenoma, is not recommended. Although for men who feel an inevitable feeling of discomfort, this is already very difficult, and it is doubtful that at least one of them would want to do these exercises.

Why do you need to do physical exercises when detecting prostatitis? This question worries many men who have been diagnosed with the disease.

Physical exercise is of great importance for the treatment and prevention of the disease.

Therapeutic gymnastics helps eliminate inflammation of the prostate gland, increases the tone of the nervous system, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the adrenal glands.

Physical exercises for prostatitis help to avoid various complications and exacerbations of the disease, which significantly worsen the patient’s health.

It is worth noting that exercises for the prostate are only an element of complex treatment, but not a panacea for the disease.

Daily gymnastics

If the frantic pace of life leaves very little time for yourself, then devote 15 minutes a day to a set of gymnastics exercises for the prostate, and you will get tangible results. Gymnastics will be the first step towards eliminating congestion in the pelvic organs, especially after a night's rest. This complex, aimed at improving the flexibility of the spinal column, includes twisting of the torso, head and limbs, flexion and extension, rotation and bending. During these exercises, the muscles of the hip girdle develop very intensively.

The following exercises have an excellent effect for prostate problems:

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Gradually spreading your knees to the side, perform 5-7 half squats.
  2. The position is the same, standing. Place your feet together, then begin to lift your knee up, trying to do it as high as possible. Perform at least 6 sets for each leg.
  3. Change your position to a half squat. Tilt your body slightly forward and begin to smoothly and slowly straighten, while your arms should be spread to the side, as well as one leg. Changing legs, perform 6-9 approaches for each of them.
  4. Take a lying position on your stomach, lean on your hands and for 3-4 minutes try to pump your torso on a small ball.
  5. Use the same ball, sit astride it, and, supporting your body weight with your hands, roll the ball along your perineum. Perform this physical exercise for prostatitis for at least 5 minutes, while constantly increasing the pressure.
  6. Take a lying position again, roll over onto your back and lift your legs up, keeping them straight. Fix your body in the “birch” position. To begin with, hold your legs in this position for no more than 10 seconds, this will prevent you from overloading the muscles right away. Gradually increase the duration of the exercise.

In addition, practicing various yoga techniques is rightfully considered no less effective.

An excellent preventive measure and an effective way to combat congestive processes in the body is therapeutic exercises for prostatitis. In addition, for older men, this is an excellent opportunity to prevent prostate adenoma or a way to stop its development and growth.

Gymnastics for chronic prostatitis improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and this is the most effective way to prevent exacerbation of the disease.

Therapeutic exercises for prostate diseases

  1. Exercises with a tennis ball. This is a kind of prostate massage. Take a tennis ball and lower yourself onto it with your crotch. Your task is to maintain balance using your hands. The duration of the exercise is 3-5 minutes. Don't worry if you start to experience discomfort and even mild pain, this is natural.
  2. Squats. Place your feet slightly beyond shoulder width, your feet should be parallel to each other, your arms extended forward. Squat down slowly while inhaling, not too deeply. Fix your body in this position for 3-4 seconds. It is important that you keep your center of gravity on your heels. It is enough to perform this exercise 10-12 times in 2-3 approaches.
  3. Push-ups. Men should not have any difficulties here, because this exercise is familiar to many from school. Depending on the health and physical condition of your body, you can do push-ups from the floor, chair, or any other surface. Go down as you inhale, and as you exhale go up.
  4. Retraction and relaxation of the anus. Synchronicity is important here. Retract your anus as you inhale, and then relax your muscles as you exhale, releasing all tension. The exercise should be repeated morning and evening, up to 20 times for each visit.
  5. Interruption of urination. Don't underestimate this exercise. Its implementation forces you to tense the pelvic muscles, which is very useful for prostatitis. By performing it regularly, you improve blood circulation in the prostate gland. It is recommended to perform this exercise for prostatitis as follows: straining the corresponding muscle group, hold the stream while urinating, making 30 contractions in one approach.

Exercises that work the lower body

  1. Walking on your buttocks. These exercises for the treatment of prostatitis are designed to strengthen the muscle group of the pelvis and hips. They do not require a lot of strength and energy, and therefore it is recommended to perform them as often as possible. In addition, such exercises help improve erection. Take the starting position by sitting on the floor on your buttocks, with your legs extended straight forward. The back should be straight. Try moving without using your hands. Move in small “steps” forward; you can make auxiliary movements in the air with your hands. First forward, then back in the same way.
  2. Hip lift. The good thing about this activity is that it can be done both at home and at work. If you encounter difficulties in performing this exercise, try leaning on some support while doing it, for example, you can hold on to a door frame. Do this prostate exercise while standing. As you inhale, slowly lift your leg, bending it at the knee, until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Next, exhale smoothly - tense your buttocks, and without touching the floor with your feet, move your leg behind your back. Hold it in this position for a few seconds. Do 3 sets for each limb. When performing such physical exercises for prostatitis, it is important not to bend at the waist, keeping your back straight and straight, without bending over.
  3. Lifting the buttocks. Take a lying position, bending your knees, arms freely along your body. Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. As you inhale, lift your pelvis and arch your back, while straining the muscles of your buttocks, fix your body for 1-2 seconds. As you exhale, lower yourself down. This exercise is recommended not only for men, but also for women, since it, in addition to stimulating the prostate, strengthens the muscles of the buttocks.
  4. Leg scissors. It is performed in a lying position, with the lower back pressed to the floor. During the entire exercise, your hands should remain motionless. Stretch them along the body and, bending your knees, lift your lower limbs from the floor by 13-15 cm. This is the starting position. Next, raising your left leg 45°, lower your right leg down until it is 5-8 cm from the floor. Reverse the movement and switch legs. Move them vertically. This exercise has no minimum repetitions.

Chronic prostatitis and physical methods of combating it

Acute and chronic stages of prostatitis do not tolerate serious physical activity, and therefore you should be very careful when choosing exercises for prostatitis at this stage.

For chronic prostatitis, exercises are not significantly different from those performed for any other form of this disease. The only difference is that any complex physical activity should be excluded. Classes should be relatively easy, without causing any particular feeling of discomfort.

Exercises for chronic prostatitis are suitable for solving a number of different male problems, especially if performed systematically. Often, by performing exercises for prostatitis, you not only normalize the blood circulation in the prostate, as well as the pelvic organs, but also relieve stagnation in the body. After all, stagnation of lymph and blood in the pelvic organs and in the prostate area is the main problem for men and contributes to the development of inflammation of the prostate gland.

Physical therapy for chronic prostatitis normalizes the processes of defecation and urination, which are almost always disrupted at this stage of the disease. They directly affect the nerve endings of the muscles, relaxing them, as a result of which the blood and lymphatic vessels in the pelvic organs and prostate stop being compressed, and arterial and venous blood flows are activated.

True, there is one thing. At this stage of the disease, it is important that physical therapy for prostatitis is selected by a proctologist, taking into account various individual factors: the stage of the disease, how the disease manifests itself, what symptoms are observed, the general condition of the body and other characteristics.

The influence of sexual activity on the development of the disease

Many men do not know that sex is one of the best exercises for prostatitis, and definitely the most enjoyable. Regular sexual intercourse relieves blood and lymph stagnation, stimulates the prostate gland, and enhances blood circulation. This means that even with the most acute prostatitis, regardless of the chosen course of treatment, you should not give up intimacy, but rather, on the contrary, have sex more often.

It has been proven that 2-3 sexual intercourse a week is an excellent preventive measure against prostatitis and reduces the risk of relapse, and can significantly shorten the course of the chosen treatment. Please note that interruption of sexual intercourse, as well as delayed ejaculation, are unacceptable in this case. At this time, condoms or hormonal drugs should be the means of contraception.

What it is? Physiotherapy for prostatitis is carried out by the patient independently as prescribed and under the dynamic supervision of a urologist and gives a noticeable improvement and has a positive effect on the body.

Physiotherapy of the prostate is carried out for the purpose of:

  • improving blood flow in the prostate;
  • elimination of congestion in the prostate, better muscle contraction in the pelvic area;
  • reducing pain;
  • relieving inflammation and swelling in the prostate;
  • restoration of the natural function of the gland.

These results are achieved both by hardware procedures through the patient’s skin or mucous membranes, and by physical therapy. Any physical exercise is useful for you, starting with regular morning exercises. Special exercises for the prostate gland have also been developed to strengthen it.

The benefits of physical education

The benefits are scientifically proven.

Treatment of the prostate in men with physical exercise:

Therapeutic exercise can prevent the occurrence of prostatitis, accelerate remission, and consolidate the results of therapy. To protect himself from the sad prospect of getting prostatitis, a man needs to lead an active lifestyle and move more. An excellent solution is to enroll in a sports section, a Health group, or a yoga school. Or learn a set of exercises yourself and devote your free minutes to it.

What can you do?

. Developed by the German doctor A. Kegel, the complex is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum. It is easy to identify them: a man holds the stream of urine when urinating. Those muscles (prostate muscles) that will work in this case need to be trained.

Gymnastics for the male prostate:

  1. We strain the muscles, hold them tense for 4 seconds, and gradually relax.
  2. We alternately tense and relax the prostate muscles. The faster the better.
  3. Smoothly tense the muscles, as when defecating. Let's relax.

In the first lesson, we repeat each exercise eight times. We repeat this cycle five times a day.

We increase the number of repetitions of each exercise in the cycle by four weekly until we reach 45 repetitions. We do this kind of gymnastics every day while the problem is relevant.

Yoga. Any yoga session begins with breathing exercises.

  1. We close our eyes. We fully concentrate on inhaling/exhaling.
  2. We lie down and do relaxation exercises. We relieve all tension, relax the body from the feet to the top of the head.
  3. Let's start with asanas. One of the main centers of vital energy, according to the teachings of yogis, is located between the pubic bones. He is responsible for the genitourinary system. Asanas aimed at stimulating it help overcome stagnation in this area.
  4. Eagle asana to stimulate potency. We stand on a half-bent right leg. Throw the left one over the thigh and shin of the right one. Freeze for a minute. We change legs.
  5. Triangle asana. The back is straight, we stand with our legs as wide apart as possible. We take the left foot with both palms and rest our face on the knee. Hold the pose for 15 seconds. We do the same with the right foot and knee.
  6. Closed ring asana. Lying on your stomach, raise your upper body. We raise our legs, grab our ankles with our palms. Hold the pose for half a minute.

Exercises for the male prostate

A set of gymnastic exercises for the prostate gland

Abdominal breathing exercise:

  1. We take a breath, the deepest one possible.
  2. We inflate our belly.
  3. We hold the pose for 12 seconds.
  4. We draw in our stomach to the limit.
  5. Exhale as much as possible.

We repeat this seven times.

Exercises while lying on your back:

  1. Raise your pelvis, spreading your knees to the sides. So six times per cycle. Three cycles a day.
  2. We bring/spread the legs, bent/extended at the knees alternately. 11 times per cycle. Twice a day.
  3. We alternately raise our legs, bend them at the knees, and apply them to our stomach. Five times per cycle, two cycles per day.
  4. "Birch". We hold the lower back with our hands, direct the pelvis and legs vertically. Five times per cycle, two cycles per day.
  5. Hands behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Move your pelvis to the left (inhale)/right (exhale).
  6. Chin to chest, palms on forehead. Pull your right leg up. Then left. Ten times each.

Standing exercises:

  1. Body tilts left and right. Thirty times.
  2. Swing your legs back and forth. A hundred times each.
  3. Jumping in place. We alternate between high and low. We start with fifty, gradually increase to three hundred times.
  4. Palms on the back of the head in a lock. As we inhale, we half-squat, spreading our knees, lowering our hands to our hearts. Exhalation. While inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Hands down. Gradually bend the right knee, raising the thigh as much as possible. Then do the same with the left knee.
  6. We squat down. As you inhale, we slowly stand up, moving our right leg to the side. Then do the same with the left leg. Ten times each.

Exercises while lying on your stomach:

  1. "Boat". Place your hands along your body and hold it like that. Raise your legs at the same time, without bending, and your upper body. We hold the pose for as long as we can stand it. Let's relax. We repeat three times.
  2. We lie down with our stomachs on the ball (preferably a special “gymnastic” one). We roll around on the ball on the floor for half an hour. Once a day.
  3. Hands along the body. We take turns raising our arms and legs. We do it until we get tired.

Seated exercises:

To protect yourself from the sad prospect of getting prostatitis and other diseases of the prostate gland, a man needs to exercise his prostate and move more. But if the disease has already begun, complex treatment is necessary to overcome it. It includes taking medications according to the regimen, massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and diet.

There are two types of therapeutic exercises for prostatitis:

  1. Exercises to enhance conservative therapy to get rid of the disease.
  2. Preventive.

The key property of therapeutic exercises is not only to improve blood circulation in the prostate, but also to work on the muscles of the groin area and perineum as a whole.

Do not be mistaken that only gymnastics will cure prostatitis. It is only an addition to drug therapy to enhance the therapeutic effect. The disease will be easier to bear if you correctly perform a special set of gymnastics exercises, as demonstrated in the video.

Correctly performing the video gymnastics presented above directs certain muscles to move, which improves the effectiveness of conservative therapy. Accelerating metabolism in the desired area and directing it towards recovery are the main principles of gymnastics for the treatment of prostatitis.

Kegel exercise technique

There is a collection of exercises in pictures, which was developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel. Kegel exercises for prostatitis contain a series of exercises that are effective for improving health in this area, helping to maximize the condition of the prostate gland due to accelerated blood circulation and, as a result, cell metabolism.

All the genius lies in simple things: Kegel gymnastics allows you to perform exercises even without the patient being in the gym and having prior preparation. Many exercises can be done even while sitting still or while walking.

Prostatitis will go away and potency will improve...

Frequent urge to urinate is the main symptom of PROSTATITIS. In 100% of cases, this disease leads to IMPOTENCE. In advanced cases, CANCER develops. It turns out (!) to protect yourself from cancer and completely get rid of prostatitis at home, it’s enough to drink a glass once a day...

Kegel gymnastics: contents of a set of exercises:

  1. Contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the groin area. You need to contract and strain your gluteal muscles with all your might, while simultaneously retracting your anus. For beginners, you should do no more than 10 times per approach, but gradually increase to 50, bringing each repetition to a frequency of 4 times a day. As a result, you will get 4 approaches of 50 times each, for a total of 200. But you should not do this in the first week. The exercise is not intended to pump muscles, but to improve blood circulation and metabolic processes.
  2. Contraction of the perineal muscles for 57 seconds and relaxation for the same period of time. The exercise must be repeated 10 times, gradually increasing the contraction time. Up to 20 seconds maximum.
  3. When relieving a minor need, you need to pause the stream at least 4 times. In this case, it is necessary to tense your muscles. If at the beginning of this exercise there are minor pains in the lower abdomen, do not be alarmed, this is normal. There may also be noticeable pain in the ureteral canal. After 2-3 days of regular exercise, the unpleasant symptoms should disappear.

According to the recommendations of doctors, you should not do all the exercises at once on one day. You need to start with one and gradually add the next ones until the complex is consolidated into a solid system and begins to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

These types of exercises are also designed to prevent hemorrhoids and rectal diseases. Often recommended after prostate surgery and to improve urinary control.

This set of exercises has absolutely no contraindications, as it is designed specifically for a specific muscle area of ​​the perineum.

Other exercises

There are other quite effective exercises for the treatment of prostatitis. Physical therapy is shown in detail in the following video.

These tasks are included in the complex of gymnastics for the prevention of disease; they do not differ in effectiveness from Kegel procedures. This complex is equally useful for chronic prostatitis or its initial stage.

Exercises for lying down

In a supine position you need to:

  • bring and spread bent or straightened legs. You should help with your hands to pull your legs to the level of the plane as close as possible. For example, lying on your back, hold yourself by the ankles, spread your legs to the maximum possible position. The exercise must be repeated at least 10 times, even during the first lessons, and done at least 2 approaches;
  • raise your pelvis and at the same time spread your knees, resting your straight feet on the floor. The exercise is designed for 3 sets of 5-10 movements in each;
  • raise your legs above the floor at an acute angle, bend your knees and press them to your stomach - 5 repetitions of 2 sets;
  • Raise your straightened legs quite a bit from the floor and, leaning on your elbows, raise your torso. Spread and cross your legs in a scissor fashion at least 10 times in 2 approaches;
  • “Birch tree” is a well-known exercise. Raise the pelvis with straight legs, toes pointing up, above the floor and support the lower back with your hands - 5 times, 2 approaches.

Side leg raise

It is necessary to raise both legs a few centimeters from the floor and lower them after a few seconds. Performed at least 10 times, repeated twice.

Exercises while lying on your stomach

While lying on your stomach, do the following:

  1. Raise both legs in turn and hold them there for a few seconds. You need to feel how the gluteal and perineal muscles tense. 10 repetitions, two sets.
  2. Raise your legs at the same time and hold for 5 seconds, 5 repetitions of 3 sets.

Gymnastics in a standing position

The following exercises are performed in a vertical position of the body:

  1. Starting position: rest your hands on your hips. We turn our torso to the left, to the right, and make deep bends forward and backward. Then you need to sequentially: bend down, straighten up and turn to the right, straighten up and bend your back, straighten up and turn to the left. At least 10-15 repetitions once a day.
  2. Standing in the starting position with a straight back, we alternately raise the knee to waist level. Alternately, we do 10 lifts for each leg, 2 approaches.

Such gymnastics is useful not only for the treatment or prevention of prostatitis, it will help maintain a fit appearance in general and circulate blood throughout the body. It is preferable to do exercises in the morning. It is not advisable to exercise before bed, since by going to bed right away, you will make it worse for yourself: all your work will go down the drain.

The full range of gymnastics for the treatment of prostatitis can be studied using a video or become familiar with physical therapy in pictures, where each exercise is clearly shown.
