Where is the 45th parallel located? Golden parallel. What's in the southern hemisphere?

In Crimea, not far from Koktebel, near the road there is a blue sign with the inscription “The Golden Parallel passes here.” I am sure that most people are encountering this concept for the first time; I have never come across such a term before.
And since there is something new and unknown, it’s worth watching and finding out.
I suggest you take a walk, the places are very beautiful.

2. There are no precious metals on the “golden parallel”, but from a geographical point of view the place is unique. The 45th parallel runs exactly halfway between the North Pole and the equator. It turns out that there are the best climatic conditions here. Here I was not surprised, but received another confirmation. Favorite Crimea!

3. We were in those places at the end of May, we were in flowering time.

4. If you go up from the sign, you will get to Mount Klementyev, also known as Uzun-Syrt. Gliding developed here. I recommend checking it out even if you have only flown in the passenger seat of an airplane.
There is a steep path up to the glider-monument, and there is a detour road. This time we took the road.

5. If you wish and the weather is good, and the weather there is usually favorable for flying, you can fly.

6. I like wandering there, magnificent views, space, nature.

7. Take care of nature!

8. At the top there is a paragliding club and a whole town with hotels, cafes, where sky lovers from all over the world gather.

9. From the road, you can relax and drink tea in the cafe upstairs.

10. Very cozy and aviation interior.

11. From the top there is a view of the entire valley and Kara-Dag. After a break, it’s worth going even further, to a place that has the romantic name “Starfall of Memories.” I’ll tell you about it separately.

12. This is such beauty on the “golden parallel”.

And we are going to Crimea again. Third time this year. See you!

A geographical map is not just a sheet or roll of paper, it is a special historical and geographical chronicle of events, various events: joyful, tragic, the history of entire nations... But there are the most important “heroes” on the map, without whom any map would lose all meaning - these are important lines on the map, parallels and meridians.
Today we will take a fascinating walk along one of these imaginary lines - along 45° north latitude. For Krasnodar residents, this is not just a number, but also the breadth of their hometown.
Yes, yes, Krasnodar is located exactly in the middle between the equator and the North Pole, this latitude corresponds to the temperate zone,
but, I would say, south-temperate, judging by the weather)))))
Let's say that parallels and meridians are conditional lines drawn on geographic maps and globes that serve to measure the coordinates of points on the earth's surface - longitudes and latitudes. Meridians converge at the Earth's poles, and parallels are parallel to the equator. The definition of the equator as the zero parallel is accepted. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees. The 45th parallel is located exactly halfway between the equator and the north pole. Exactly at 45° north latitude, that is, on the most central, mid-parallel of our hemisphere, there are many interesting geographical objects - our Krasnodar, neighboring Stavropol, cities of the Crimean Peninsula...
How much has been written and said about the wonderful climate of our region, determined by its geographical location, because thanks to it, the region is characterized by the most important climatic feature: a long summer day and a sufficient amount of solar heat. Precisely beneficial warmth, and not equatorial heat or northern cold.
It’s a pity that not earlier, but only in September 2009, Krasnodar residents still paid tribute to the geographical location of the city - they put up a sign of the 45th parallel! The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the day of the city of Krasnodar. Now the sign attracts the attention of Krasnodar residents and city guests walking in the park; visiting this remarkable place is included in excursion routes around the city. And we will go to him now!

Memorial sign "Geographical parallel 45 north latitude" located on the territory of the Sunny Island park. It is very large and really surrounded by green trees! But few people know that this is not just a park, but a natural monument:

The architectural structure itself was installed at the suggestion of the Krasnodar branch of the Geographical Society. True, first to the author of the project, Vladimir Petrovich. Litvinenko, an honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society, a member of the Council of the Krasnodar regional branch, had to prove the right of this symbol to exist. The memorial sign itself is quite modest; it is a painted wooden arrow on an iron support.
Armed with information gleaned from the Internet about what the Sign looks like, I went to look for it in Sunny Island Park! How could it be otherwise - I had a methodological day, but in the light, I urgently needed to engage in self-education)))))

But before entering the park, I stopped near the monument to the liberators of Krasnodar from the Nazis.

I walk further and doubt a little whether I will find a relatively small sign in a huge park? The mind advises me to ask and clarify, but my intuition arrogantly tells me that I will find it myself! Well, let's see...

I stop in the center of the bridge over the waters of Lake Staraya Kuban (an oxbow lake in origin) and admire...

The round silver structure is an ice skating rink.

The newlyweds are hanging up their family locks here too!!!

And ahead you can see the place where warm waters are discharged by the Krasnodar Thermal Power Plant.

I zoom in, but you can’t see it very well, but you could hear the rumble perfectly!

Here we are on the main square! Ooooh, I notice the map of the park, smiling smugly, because now the search for the Sign will become much easier, but...

I carefully study the entire diagram, but the location of the Sign is not indicated there... How? Is it really less important than cafes and carousels? So, you have to look for it yourself...

The park has a stage for celebrations and

There are a lot of playgrounds and carousels. I was surprised by the large number of children and teenagers (approximately 6-10 grades) walking in the park. I'm surprised, because... the time was 13-00! Children after first shift more couldn’t walk there, and the second shift - already couldn't... Strange.

It was possible to take a photo next to such an unusual slingshot.

But I decided to treat myself to ice cream - even though autumn had arrived, it was Krasnodar - during the day it was up to 30 degrees Celsius.

I was interested in the safari park, but it was expensive, and I wanted to come here with MMM.

A lot of guys were training on the tennis court...

The little ones enjoyed riding down this unusual slide.

We could have walked further, but we really wanted to drink coffee, especially since there was a stall and tables nearby. Having decided that I needed to refresh myself, I bought a chocolate donut and coffee, turned towards the park and... immediately saw the much-needed Sign of the 45th parallel!

Now I can show you the exact landmark - it is located on the main alley on the right side, immediately after the entrance to the safari park, opposite the tennis court.

To be honest, I was expecting something more monumental, but... Still very beautiful and unusual!

After standing and looking at how carefully the workers were removing the leaves that had already begun to fall, I decided to take another walk in the park...

It was cool in the park, there were benches everywhere, and there were always trash cans next to them.

Meanwhile, I went out to the water. There were many groups of vacationers on the shore, apparently celebrating something and immediately cooling off in the warm water. And the water here is really warm - this is due to the discharge of warm water from the thermal power plant. I remember that as children we sometimes came to this park to swim; the water here was always warmer than in the Kuban River.

You can also meet fishermen on the shore. I wanted to ask one of them if there was a catch, but the man either pretended not to hear, or actually didn’t hear out of frustration - he didn’t have any fish.

Favorite swimming spots are immediately visible.

Meanwhile, I had already approached the exit from the park...

So, this time my intuition did not disappoint me, the geographical walk was a success: The memorial sign “Geographical parallel 45 north latitude” was found, photographed and described!

In Russia, the 45th parallel also passes through Anapa, Stavropol, outskirts of Vladivostok. In Stavropol, for example, there is a street called the 45th parallel, reflecting its exact latitudinal position.

Baikonur(Kazakhstan) is also located approximately at the 45th parallel. Equidistance from the equator and the north pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit and their further control. Alternate runways for the Burans (one of which can be seen near Simferopol) were also built at approximately the 45th parallel to ensure maximum ease of control of the space shuttle during landing.

By the way, about Crimean peninsula. According to the traveler and scientist researcher Voloshin, in Tsarist Russia a railway project was developed that would run along the 45th parallel, connecting England with India, and it would pass through Crimea.
“The golden mean of planet Earth” (that’s what Crimean scientists like to say) passes in Crimea through Mount Klementyev, where the Koktebel gliding center is located. It was in this place that a memorial was erected on December 3, 2009 sign“The 45th parallel is the Golden mean of planet Earth” (this sign was in the form of a stone). The initiator of the installation of the sign was the public organization "Active Tourism Club of Crimea". Did you notice? In the same year as Krasnodar!
And now it is installed in this place pointer about crossing the 45th parallel:

It is located next to the Feodosia-Koktebel highway at the foot of Mount Klemenyev. Staged in May 2014 (as part of the Crimean Aviation Games festival). The sign is made in the form of two shields with the inscription: “The Golden Parallel passes here.”

It has also been noted that Orthodox churches have been built along the “golden parallel” since ancient times, often in deserted places. Later, settlements began to be built near the temples. It is known that when the great migration of peoples took place many years ago (both from north to south and from west to east), the movement of people often took place along the path along this parallel. Ufologists explain this by internal energy movements. But... no one knows for sure...

But these signs, reminiscent of crossing 45° north latitude, are located in Croatia.

In Crimea, on Mount Klementyev, on the territory of the Koktebel Gliding Sports Center, a sign with the coordinates of the place - 45 degrees 00 minutes north latitude - and the text was fixed on the central stone in 2009: “The 45th parallel passes through this place - the Golden Mean of planet Earth. From here there is the same distance to the Equator and the North Pole (about 5 thousand km in each direction)”…

In 1884, in Washington an international conference was held at which it was decided to consider the meridian passing through the axis of the main telescope Greenwich Observatory on the outskirts of London, the zero point for longitude and standard time throughout the world.

The Greenwich Meridian symbolically divided planet Earth into the western and eastern hemispheres.

Parallels and meridians are conventional lines drawn on geographic maps and globes that serve to measure the coordinates of points on the earth's surface - longitude and latitude. Meridians converge at the Earth's poles, and parallels run along planet Earth parallel to the equator, which is considered the zero parallel. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees.

The Crimean Peninsula lies in the middle between the Equator and the North Pole of the Earth, located at the 45th parallel of northern latitude.

Crimea is located in the Golden Middle of the Earth, at an equal distance of 5000 kilometers from the equator and the north pole. The wonderful location of Crimea in the middle of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere is very symbolic and favorable for life. The 45th parallel north latitude is the golden mean of planet Earth, creates the most important climatic feature of our peninsula: a long summer day and a sufficient number of sunny days and warm seasons. In Crimea there is no equatorial heat, no northern cold, no long cloudy days without sun.

Detailed articles about significant points of Crimea through which the Golden Mean of planet Earth passes.

In 1925, in the guidebook “Crimea” article published Maximilian Voloshin“Culture, art, monuments of Crimea”. The story about the Crimean railway project running along the 45th parallel deserves special attention in the article:

« Here - through the Crimean steppes to the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and from there An old caravan route ran through the Caucasus and Persia, which died out after the Ottoman Empire lay down on all trade routes leading through Western Asia, and Vasco de Gama opened new sea directions.”

Europe still needed an overland trade route from India and China. England, as the metropolis of India, was most interested in it. The capture of Sevastopol and the blockade of Russian ports in 1855 did not give England anything. The English government was forced, against its will, to establish a real blockade of Russian ports. However, lard, hemp, flax, and flaxseed were sent from Russia to Prussia and ended up in England at inflated prices.

Before the start of the First World War The tsarist government of Russia, under pressure and at the request of England, developed project for the construction of a railway along the 45th parallel.

The railway line was supposed to pass through London, Paris, Lyon, Turin, Lombardy, Venice region, Trieste, Slovenia, Harvatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, Odessa, Nikolaev, Perekop, Dzhankoy, Vladislavovka, Kerch, bridge across the Kerch Strait, Taman Peninsula, along the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, through Turkey, and Persia to India.

During the First World War Russia has already completed surveys for the construction of the bridge via the Cimmerian Bosphorus (Kerch Strait) and work was carried out in many other areas, but the civil war and the October Revolution of 1917 put an end to these plans.

“Undoubtedly, the railway line will sooner or later pass through the ancient caravan routes, and then Crimea will again be in the middle of the great European route from Europe to Asia, which will completely transform its commercial and political significance.”

At the 45th parallel - the Golden Mean of planet Earth, in Soviet Crimea there was The most powerful telescope for astronomical observations of stars was built.

In the Soviet Union, near Yevpatoria in Crimea, it was built Space Communications Control Center, which operated smoothly thanks to consistently clear weather and clear skies.

Baikonur Cosmodrome also built approximately at the 45th parallel north latitude. Equal distance from the equator and the North Pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit, but also good space communications and flight tracking .

Spare lanes for takeoff and landing of Buranov were also built at the 45th parallel, which ensured ease of control of the space shuttle during landing. One of the runways is located near Simferopol.

Finally, there are absolutely mystical facts of the 45th parallel north latitude , not amenable to rational explanation. Local historian Oleg Shirokov devoted an interesting study to “subtle power connections” that seem to attract the Christian shrines of Crimea to the 45th parallel north latitude.

« I wonder what many Christian churches were built on this line, and in places either located in the forest, or where people had not previously settled.

Convent of St. Paraskeva near the village of Topolevka(Belogorsky district). And again the church is exactly on the 45th parallel, and the place for the monastery was chosen in the forest area. And there is no evidence that there was once a village here or that people lived at all.

St. Nicholas Church is located exactly at the 45th parallel in the village of Mazanka near Simferopol in Crimea. There were no villages here before, and only retired Russian soldiers founded here in 1784 “The Settlement of St. Petersburg Huts”, and the place for the temple was clearly not chosen by chance.

We move further along the 45th parallel to the east of Crimea - and the church medieval Armenian monastery Surb Khach (near Old Crimea) It turns out that it was built at a point equidistant from the equator and the pole - and also in a dense forest.

It is not known how people chose places for temples - did they have such good astronomical instruments or did people choose these places “with their hearts”? Crimean villages and monastery buildings may be a hundred meters slightly north or south of the 45th parallel, but places of churches do not know mistakes!».

The natural phenomenon of the 45th parallel of northern latitude should also be noted.

Saki lake– drainless salty lake in the city Saki, 19 km from Yevpatoria. Coordinates: 45° 7 ‘ 33.99″ N 33° 33’ 43.62″ E. In this place nature created the rarest storehouse of healing resources in Crimea . Mud (sulfide silt of the coastal type). The healing mud of Lake Saki is a giant natural laboratory where a miraculous balm is prepared, known since ancient times. Like others saltylakes Crimea, it is shallow, its greatest depth is about 1 meter. Length lakes about 5 km, width from 0.5 to 2 km.

Well known to botanists Mount Kubalach, in the Belogorsky region. Z here on the highest massif of the Inner Range of the Crimean Mountains grows Kuznetsov's cyclamen.

To the natural phenomena of the 45th parallel This beautiful flower can be considered an absolute unique in a large family cyclamens, the rarest endemic of Crimea, named after the famous botanist. In its natural state, Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows only in Kubalach - and, imagine, nowhere else in the world!

On the slopes of Mount Kubalach there is another wonderful natural phenomenon of the 45th parallel - source Ak-Su - “White water”, reminiscent of the legendary Belovodye - Shambhala. According to one version, the mythical abode of freedom and wisdom Shambhala was sought in a huge mountainous country Gobi, stretching along the 45th parallel of northern latitude...

Temple of the Sun on the map of Crimea. GPS Coordinates: 44°24’24″N, 33°44’34″E Latitude/Longitude.
No one can say for sure about the time and origin of the Sun Temple. Geologists claim that the Sun Temple appeared as a result of an earthquake and destruction mountains Ilyas-Kaya (Mount Elijah) , the wreckage of which was accidentally disintegrated into the shape of a giant stone flower . Esotericists see an alien observatory in this place and claim that powerful streams of cosmic energy pass through the Temple of the Sun. At the top of Ilyas-Kaya stood the Orthodox Church of St. Elias, built by Byzantine Greeks on the 45th parallel, this place has been prayed for centuries, and has strong energy. You can climb to the remains of the Christian monastery of St. Elijah, destroyed by the Turks, along a clearly visible path trodden by tourists and pilgrims. At the top of Mount Ilya, you can walk around the stone foundation of the monastery, touch the history, and admire the surrounding landscape from above.

During the Great Patriotic War and the occupation of Crimea by the Nazis, Hitler’s special unit “Annenerbe” (ancestral heritage) conducted secret experiments in places of power. The Annenerbe agents were passionately interested in mystical rituals and were looking for ways to gain world domination. One of the hypotheses was the assumption that major world events occur under the influence of the Temple of the Sun.

After walking the path to the Sun Temple, wander around the surrounding area and feel the energy of the place.

Independently traveling tourists stop here for the night in tents. Some sleep in the open air. Those who wish can watch the bright Crimean stars at night, and the picturesque sunrise in the morning. If you're lucky, you can see the fog dissipate and the outlines of massive mountains emerge from the milky haze.

Having gained life-giving energy on the way back, you can go down to the sea near The southern point of Crimea is Cape Sarych. The path to it begins south of the Sun Temple. A rocky path descends to the sea between bushes and junipers, past a spring with the purest drinking water. The trail ends on a wild beach with huge bizarre boulders; the place here is clean, the sea water is clear. A real Black Sea paradise!

At the chairman's Society for the Revival of Koktebel Culture", poet Vyacheslav Lozhko has a wonderful poem dedicated to 45th parallel of Crimea :

Five thousand to the north, five thousand to the south,
During the flight you will look around.
Our spiritual center is our native Koktebel,
With harmony of heart you are near.

In Crimea, on Mount Klementyev, on the territory of the Koktebel Gliding Sports Center, a sign with the coordinates of the place - 45 degrees 00 minutes north latitude - and the text was fixed on the central stone in 2009: “The 45th parallel passes through this place - the Golden Mean of planet Earth. From here there is the same distance to the Equator and the North Pole (about 5 thousand km in each direction)”...

In 1884, in Washington An international conference was held at which it was decided to count the meridian passing through the axis of the main telescope Greenwich Observatory on the outskirts of London, the zero point for longitude and standard time throughout the world.

The Greenwich Meridian symbolically divided planet Earth into the western and eastern hemispheres.

Parallels and meridians are conventional lines drawn on geographical maps and globes that serve to measure the coordinates of points on the earth’s surface - longitude and latitude. The meridians converge at the Earth's poles, and the parallels run along planet Earth parallel to the equator, which is considered the zero parallel. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees.

The Crimean Peninsula lies in the middle between the Equator and the North Pole of the Earth, located at the 45th parallel of northern latitude.

Crimea is located at an equal distance of 5,000 kilometers from the equator and the north pole. The wonderful location of Crimea in the middle of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere is very symbolic and favorable for life. The 45th parallel of northern latitude is the golden mean of planet Earth, creating the most important climatic feature of our peninsula: a long summer day and a sufficient number of sunny days and warm seasons. In Crimea there is no equatorial heat, no northern cold, no long cloudy days without sun.

Detailed articles about significant points of Crimea, through which the Golden Mean of planet Earth passes, were written by our contemporaries, local historians and travelers Sergey Tkachenko and Oleg Shirokov. However, they are far from the pioneers of this Crimean phenomenon.

In 1925, in the guidebook “Crimea” article published Maximilian Voloshin “Culture, art, monuments of Crimea”. The story about the Crimean railway project running along the 45th parallel deserves special attention in the article:

« Here - through the Crimean steppes to the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and from there an old caravan route ran through the Caucasus and Persia, which died out after the Ottoman Empire laid down all trade routes leading through Western Asia, and Vasco de Gama opened new sea directions.”

Europe still needed an overland trade route from India and China. England, as the metropolis of India, was most interested in it. The capture of Sevastopol and the blockade of Russian ports in 1855 did not give England anything. The English government was forced, against its will, to establish a real blockade of Russian ports. However, lard, hemp, flax, and flaxseed were sent from Russia to Prussia and ended up in England at inflated prices.

Before the outbreak of the First World War, the tsarist government, under pressure and at the request of England, developed a project for the construction of a railway along the 45th parallel.

The railway line was supposed to pass through London, Paris, Lyon, Turin, Lombardy, the Venetian region, Trieste, Slovenia, Harvatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Romania, Odessa, Nikolaev, Perekop, Dzhankoy, Vladislavovka, Kerch, the bridge over the Kerch Strait, the Taman Peninsula , along the Caucasian coast of the Black Sea, through Turkey, and Persia to India.

During the First World War, Russia had already completed surveys for the construction of a bridge across the Cimmerian Bosphorus and work was underway on many other sites, but the civil war and the October Revolution of 1917 put an end to these plans.

“Undoubtedly, the railway line will sooner or later pass along the ancient caravan routes, and then Crimea will again find itself in the middle of the great European route from Europe to Asia, which will completely transform its commercial and political significance.”

At the 45th parallel - the Golden Mean of planet Earth, in the Soviet Crimea, the most powerful telescope for astronomical observations of stars was built.

In the Soviet Union, near Yevpatoria in Crimea, it was built Space Communications Control Center, which operated smoothly thanks to consistently clear weather and clear skies.
The Baikonur Cosmodrome was also built approximately at the 45th parallel of northern latitude. Equal distance from the equator and the north pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit, but also good space communications and flight tracking. Alternate runways for takeoff and landing of Buranov were also built at the 45th parallel, which ensured ease of control of the space shuttle during landing. One of them is located near Simferopol.

Finally, there are completely mystical facts that cannot be explained rationally. Local historian Oleg Shirokov devoted an interesting study to “subtle power connections” that seem to attract the Christian shrines of Crimea to the 45th parallel north latitude.

« It is interesting that many Christian churches were built precisely on this line, in places either in the forest, or in places where people had not previously settled.

Exactly at the 45th parallel it is located near Simferopol. There were no villages here before, and only retired Russian soldiers founded the “Sloboda of St. Petersburg Hutted House” here in 1784, and the place for the temple was clearly not chosen by chance.

Convent of St. Paraskeva near the village of Topolevka (Belogorsky district). And again the church is exactly on the 45th parallel, and the place for the monastery was chosen in the forest area. And there is no evidence that there was once a village here or that people lived at all.

It is not known how people chose places for temples - did they have such good astronomical instruments or did people choose these places “with their hearts”? In addition, villages and monastery buildings may be a hundred meters slightly north or south of the 45th parallel, but there are no mistakes in the places of churches!”,” concludes Oleg Shirokov.

The natural phenomenon of the 45th parallel of northern latitude should also be noted. Well known to botanists Mount Kubalach, in the Belogorsky region. Z here on the highest massif of the Inner Range of the Crimean Mountains grows Kuznetsov's cyclamen.

This beautiful flower is an absolute unique one in a large family. cyclamens, the rarest endemic of Crimea, named after the famous botanist. In its natural state, Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows only in Kubalach - and, imagine, nowhere else in the world!

On the slopes of Mount Kubalach there is another wonderful natural object - source Ak-Su - “White water”, reminiscent of the legendary Belovodye - Shambhala. According to one version, the mythical abode of freedom and wisdom, Shambhala, was sought in the vast mountainous country of the Gobi, stretching along the 45th parallel of northern latitude...

At the chairman's Society for the Revival of Koktebel Culture", The poet Vyacheslav Lozhko has a wonderful poem dedicated to the 45th parallel of Crimea:

Five thousand to the north
Five thousand to the south
And the center of the Earth is here, nearby!
Strive to Koktebel,
my distant friend -
You will look around the whole Earth.
Hence the 45th parallel
To the left, to the right, everything continues.
The center of spirituality is our native Koktebel,
Oh, how many famous names there are here
and traditions!


On Mount Klementyev, on the territory of the Koktebel Gliding Sports Center, the participants of the conference “Crimea: culture, knowledge, activity” on December 3, 2009 held a cultural event “45th parallel - the Golden mean of planet Earth”. A memorial sign to the 45th parallel was inaugurated here.

For those who have forgotten - a little geography from a school textbook. Parallels and meridians are conventional lines drawn on geographic maps and globes that serve to measure the coordinates of points on the earth's surface - longitudes and latitudes. Meridians converge at the Earth's poles, and parallels are parallel to the equator. The definition of the equator as the zero parallel is accepted. The North Pole has a latitude of 90 degrees.

The 45th parallel is located exactly halfway between the equator and the north pole. Exactly at 45 degrees north latitude - that is, at the most central, mid-parallel of our hemisphere - lies the Crimean Peninsula.

This is quite symbolic. The remarkable location of Crimea on planet Earth, at equal distances from the equator and the North Pole, in the middle of the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, determines the most important climatic feature of the peninsula: the long duration of the summer day and a sufficient amount of solar heat. Precisely beneficial warmth, and not equatorial heat or northern cold. Thus, the 45th parallel designates Crimea as the most favorable place for life.

Figuratively speaking, we can say that the territory lying on the 45th parallel is located in the Golden Mean of planet Earth.
What are the most significant points of Crimea where the Golden Mean of planet Earth takes place?

Local historians and travelers Sergei TKACHENKO and Oleg SHIROKOV wrote detailed articles about this. However, our contemporaries are not, strictly speaking, the “discoverers” of this Crimean phenomenon. And it’s even more gratifying that the palm here belongs to Maximilian VOLOSHIN.

Back in 1925, Voloshin’s article “Culture, art, monuments of Crimea” was published in the guidebook “Crimea”. This unique “Crimean manifesto” provides a lot of information to an inquisitive mind. The story about the railway project running along the 45th parallel deserves special attention:

“Here - through the Crimean steppes to the Cimmerian Bosphorus, and from there through the Caucasus and Persia ran the old caravan route, which died out after the Ottoman Empire laid down all trade roads leading through Western Asia, and Vasco de Gama opened new sea directions.

But the need for this land route did not go away. England, as the metropolis of India, is most interested in it. Hence the condition dictated to Russia after the capture of Sevastopol.

Hence the 45th parallel railway, the project of which was developed even before the start of the European War; and during it the tsarist government, under pressure and at the request of the same England, had already begun to implement it.

The direction of the line is as follows: London - Paris - Lyon - Turin - Lombardy - Venice region - Trieste - Yugoslavia - Romania - Odessa - Nikolaev - Perekop - Dzhankoy - Vladislavovka - Kerch - bridge over the Kerch Strait - Taman Peninsula - Caucasian coast - and various options through Turkey and Persia to India.

During the war, Russia had already completed surveys for a bridge across the Cimmerian Bosphorus and work was underway on many other sites, but the civil war and new political combinations stopped this work.

There is absolutely no doubt that the railway track will sooner or later pass along the old caravan routes, and then Crimea will again be in the middle of the great European route to Asia, which will completely transform its commercial and political significance.”

At the new historical stage, another transport theme of the 45th parallel sounded in full force - space. Remember: “I believe, friends: caravans of rockets will rush us forward from star to star...”. Crimea played an important role in this grandiose task: it served as one of the space flight control centers (by the way, Baikonur is also located approximately at the 45th parallel). So, equidistance from the equator and the north pole provided not only convenience in launching spacecraft into orbit and their further control. Alternate runways for the Burans (one of which can be seen near Simferopol) were also built at approximately the 45th parallel to ensure maximum ease of control of the space shuttle during landing.

Finally, there are completely mystical facts that defy rational explanation. For example, local historian Oleg Shirokov devoted an interesting study to the “subtle powerful connections” between the line of the 45th parallel and the Christian shrines of the peninsula:

“It is interesting that many Christian churches were built precisely on this line, in places either in the forest, or in places where people had not previously settled.

So, exactly on the 45th parallel is the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Mazanka near Simferopol. There were no villages here before, and only retired Russian soldiers founded the “Sloboda of St. Petersburg Hutted House” here in 1784, and the place for the temple was clearly not chosen by chance.

Next is the convent of St. Paraskeva near the village of Topolevka (Belogorsky district). And again the church is exactly on the 45th parallel, and the place for the monastery was chosen in the forest area. And there is no evidence that there was once a village here or that people lived at all.

It is not known how people chose places for temples - did they have such good astronomical instruments or did people choose these places “with their hearts”? In addition, villages and monastery buildings may be a hundred meters slightly north or south of the 45th parallel, but the places of churches are not known for mistakes!” concludes Oleg Shirokov.

It is worth noting another phenomenon of the 45th parallel - natural. For example, botanists are well aware of Mount Kubalach in the Belogorsk region: Kuznetsov’s cyclamen grows here. This beautiful flower is an absolute unique one in the vast family of cyclamen, a rare endemic (named after the famous botanist). In its natural state, Kuznetsov's cyclamen grows only in Kubalach - and, imagine, nowhere else in the world!

On the slopes of Mount Kubalach there is another wonderful natural object, the Ak-Su spring. The name of the source, which literally translates as “White Water,” is very symptomatic. Doesn't it resemble the legendary Belovodye - Shambhala? According to one version, they were looking for the mythical abode of freedom and wisdom in the Gobi, a huge mountainous country, also stretching along the 45th parallel...

In the twilight of a short winter day, next to the monument to aircraft designer Oleg Antonov, something large was discernible, while carefully covered with a parachute blanket. To the applause and joyful exclamations of the conference participants, the First Deputy Minister of Resorts and Tourism of Crimea, Marina SLESAREVA, cut the ribbon, and those gathered saw a simple but picturesque composition, decorated according to all the rules of Feng Shui (author - Alla NEBREEVA, director of the company "Para-Crimea.Tour") : young acacia trees bordered three hefty boulder stones. On the central one there was a sign with the coordinates of the place - 45 degrees 00 minutes north latitude - and the text: “In this place lies the 45th parallel - the Golden mean of planet Earth. From here there is the same distance to the Equator and the North Pole (about 5 thousand km in each direction).”

The meeting on the occasion of the opening of the memorial sign was short, but very meaningful.

“Professionals of the tourism business have gathered here. Like no one else, you are aware of the uniqueness of Crimea, which is so clearly emphasized by the 45th parallel,” said one of the initiators of the action, journalist Vyacheslav KHACHATURYAN.
Then Daniel TIEMEN, director of the Crimean office of the project “Local Investments and National Competitiveness” (LINC), climbed onto the stone symbolizing the 45th parallel. Daniel said that he, a resident of London, had to be in Greenwich Park and see a memorial sign indicating the prime meridian. He recalled that exactly 125 years ago, in 1884, an international conference was held in Washington, which chose the meridian passing through the axis of the main telescope of the Greenwich Observatory on the outskirts of London as the reference point for longitude and standard time around the world. “The Greenwich meridian symbolically divides the Earth into the western and eastern hemispheres. And the LINK project, where I work, intends to combine the capabilities of America and Crimea,” TIEMAN emphasized.

Poet Vyacheslav LOZHKO, chairman of the Koktebel Culture Revival Society, read his new poem dedicated to the significant event:
Five thousand to the north
Five thousand to the south
And the center of the Earth is here, nearby!
Strive to Koktebel,
my distant friend -
You will look around the whole Earth.
Hence the 45th parallel
To the left, to the right, everything continues.
Spirituality center - native Koktebel,
Oh, how many famous names there are here
and traditions!
The paths to space began here a long time ago,
Gliders soar like birds.
We are given the opportunity to feel the earthly sphere here,
Glorious stories Read the pages again!

At the end of the day, the director of the Koktebel Gliding Sports Center, holder of the Order of Courage, Boris NEBREV, took the floor. Boris Albertovich recalled that the place for installing the memorial sign on Mount Klementyev was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the Koktebel Gliding Sports Center, which brings together organizers and supporters of active types of tourism, is also located on the 45th parallel. Secondly, this place is iconic for Crimea: the most important events in the history of active tourism took place here.

85 years ago, in 1924, at the II All-Union Glider Competition on Mount Uzun-Syrt, Oleg Antonov, the future outstanding Soviet aircraft designer, first became familiar with the sky, presenting his first creation - the Dove glider. Konstantin is also there
Artseulov received a diploma as a soaring pilot for No. 1.

80 years ago, in 1929, the VI All-Union Glider Rally took place on Mount Klementyev. A student of the Moscow Higher Technical School, Sergei Korolev, appeared here for the first time. He presented his first soaring glider SK-1 “Koktebel”, on which he himself showed the longest flight duration - 4 hours 19 minutes.

In the same 1929, the central gliding school of Osoviakhim was opened on Mount Klementyev - the “progenitor” of the current Koktebel Gliding Sports Center.

By the way, the new Crimean landmark has a wonderful “big brother” - “Ai-Petrinsky Meridian”. On Mount Ai-Petri, not far from the weather station, on a hillock there is an original-shaped monument: a cast-iron ball on a granite pedestal. The ball symbolizes the globe, and there are signs on the pedestal: one with coordinates, altitude above sea level, the second with the inscription: “G.U.Z. and 3. - O.Z.U. - The main benchmark of Crimean water surveys. - Installed in 1913.”

RepEr (accent is placed on the last syllable) translated from French - mark, sign, starting point. In geodesy, this is the name of a sign that fixes the coordinates of a point on the earth’s surface. Benchmarks serve as reference points for determining the heights of intermediate points on the earth's surface during topographic surveys and survey work.

The “Ai-Petrinsky meridian” was built for the precise topographic “reference” of the work of the Crimean water survey party of the Main Directorate of Land Management and Agriculture - Department of Land Improvements (as the abbreviation G.U.Z. and 3. - O.Z.U stands for), which in 1913-1918 carried out survey work on Ai-Petri and ensured the construction of water supply facilities in Yalta.
