Asparkam - instructions for use. Overdose of asparkam is fatal

Asparkam is a drug that belongs to medications that help regulate metabolic processes. With its help, the patient can restore electrolyte balance and regulate cardiac activity.

Before purchasing and starting to take it, read the instructions for it and consult a doctor, since taking Asparkam simply for prevention is dangerous. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure that there is a lack of potassium in the body.

This is a drug high degree absorption. Asparkam is excreted from the body by the kidneys. An overdose is possible both with too rapid administration of the drug and with a significant increase in the recommended dose.

This medicine is able to regulate electrolyte balance by improving the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the space between cells.

Its action reduces the conductivity and excitability of the myocardium, so Asparkam can be classified as an antiarrhythmic drug.

It also reduces sensitivity when taking glycosides.

The drug Asparkam: indications for use and contraindications

In case of disturbances in the functioning of the heart and hypokalemia, the doctor may prescribe Asparkam.

Indications for use of this drug, which are indicated in the instructions:

  • Insufficient blood supply to organs in heart failure.
  • Atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, which developed due to insufficient oxygen supply to the heart.
  • Violations heart rate of various etiologies.
  • Previous myocardial infarction.
  • Complications from an overdose of glycosides.

Asparkam is available as a solution in glass ampoules. Their volume can be different: 5 ml, 10 ml, 20 ml. They are packed in a thick cardboard box, lined with corrugated paper. The drug is accompanied by instructions that provide information about indications and contraindications for taking the drug.

You can also find Asparkam tablets at the pharmacy. The indications for the use of this form of medication are similar, but it is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Asparkam is prescribed if the patient is diagnosed with potassium and magnesium deficiency, as well as for heart disease. It is used if the patient has had a heart attack and with coronary heart disease, as well as with rhythm disturbances. It will be useful for chronic circulatory failure, and after conditions that lead to a lack of potassium and magnesium in the body.

The use of this drug can improve metabolic processes. It is used in the complex treatment of edema and cramps together with diuretics.

The effect of the drug on the body occurs due to its constituent potassium and magnesium, which have the ability to penetrate into the intercellular spaces.

Use for various purposes not indicated in the instructions is permissible if you know the principle of action of the medicine and the characteristics of your body.

Asparkam can be used both in sports and for weight loss alone or in combination with other medications:

  • Asparkam and Riboxin. Asparkam is a drug that helps quickly restore electrolyte balance. In addition to therapeutic and preventive purposes, it is used in bodybuilding. It can reduce fatigue, which contributes to more speed dial muscle mass. Magnesium, which is part of it, is involved in protein metabolism and is a supplier of energy for muscle building. With the help of Asparkam, athletes have the opportunity to eliminate the lack of magnesium and potassium salts, the loss of which occurs during forced drying and weight loss. To increase endurance in bodybuilding, Asparkam is often used in combination with Riboxin. This complex of drugs allows you to increase the effectiveness of training, protects and increases the productivity of the heart muscle. They are also used to prevent cardiac arrest from overload and myocardial diseases.
  • Asparkam may be useful for weight loss. In order to free the body of toxins, it is recommended to drink a lot of fluid, which flushes out not only harmful substances, but also useful ones. With Asparkam you can replenish this supply and regulate metabolism. Of course, before using the drug, it is better to consult a doctor, since it is not a dietary supplement.
  • Asparkam can be used for hangovers, especially if alcohol abuse is persistent.

When taking the drug in order to replenish the ions of salts washed out of the body during training, poisoning and weight loss, it is better to take the medicine in tablets. Droppers and injections of the drug Asparkam, indications for the use of the drug are more related to the treatment of diseases and arrhythmias.

Prices for Asparkam, unlike Panangin, are much lower. It is an analogue of this medicine and there are many positive feedback people who used it. Dr. Komarovsky’s forum also mentions the use of potassium and magnesium aspartate in pediatrics for infants in the presence of cysts and cerebral edema.

Medicine Asparkam in medicine: how to take Asparkam for adults and children

One of the inexpensive and effective drugs in the pharmacy chain, which can help maintain normal heart muscle and regulate metabolic processes in the body - this is the medicine Asparkam.

How to take Asparkam so that the course of treatment brings maximum benefit, the doctor will prescribe after carefully studying the test results.

After all, this is not a dietary supplement and taking it without prescription is dangerous, as it can lead to an excess of potassium in the body.

The medicine Asparkam, as prescribed by a doctor, can be taken as part of complex therapy, including to neutralize an excess of cardiac glucosides.

Asparkam tablets are quite convenient for patients to take at home, since not everyone has the opportunity to organize intravenous administration medicines.

How to take Asparkam for adults? The drug is prescribed 1 or 2 tablets 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 21-31 days. If necessary, it can be repeated.

A single oral dose for adults is no more than 500 mg. During this procedure, you need to be careful and ensure that the medicine enters the body slowly. The drug may be taken once or twice a day, depending on the doctor’s prescription. Intravenous solutions are administered for treatment and in rare cases for prevention. It is imperative to ensure that the injected liquid is clean and transparent. If under any conditions it becomes cloudy, then it cannot be used under any circumstances.

Aspark for children and infants

Taking the drug for children infancy can be prescribed only based on the results of tests by a doctor. First of all, in case of potassium deficiency in the baby’s body. For children, Asparkam is prescribed in the form of tablets; the medicine is administered intravenously only exceptional cases, in particular when there is a threat to life.

It is important to monitor your baby, because hypokalemia can be detected by symptoms such as weakness, drowsiness, low blood pressure, rhythm disturbances and palpitations. Additionally, dry skin and regurgitation may occur.

Asparkam is prescribed to infants if there is a need to take diuretics and glucocorticoids. It prevents the development of hypokalemia, very dangerous condition for the baby.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Unfortunately, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women are not immune to health problems.

During pregnancy and lactation, it is important to know how to take Asparkam. This must be done very carefully and under the supervision of a doctor.

It is prescribed for obvious disorders or as part of complex therapy.

Simply for prevention, taking this medication is not permissible. In some cases, it is prescribed to pregnant women to improve heart function and for coronary artery disease, as well as to prevent potassium deficiency if a severe disorder has been observed.

The combination of the drug with diuretics is prescribed if the use of strong diuretics is necessary, as well as in the complex treatment of hypertension and swelling, including of the brain. Diacarb and Furasemide are diuretics that help remove excess fluid from the body. Asparkam's task is to restore potassium and magnesium in the blood, which are washed out in the process.

The combination of drugs for a newborn is Diacarb and Asparkam. These two drugs are prescribed to newborns if there is significant brain dysfunction, brain cysts are present, and there is increased intracranial pressure.

These medications will also help remove excess fluid from the ventricles of the brain. Diacarb is a remedy that removes excess fluid from a child’s body, while Asparkam replenishes the level of potassium in the body to avoid serious complications, up to cardiac arrest.

Asparkam: side effects and contraindications

If there are violations in metabolic processes or a deficiency of potassium and magnesium from food, the doctor may prescribe Asparkam. Side effects are extremely rare, but the patient should be aware of them. Depending on whether it is administered intravenously or taken orally, there are slight differences in how the body monitors for negative reactions.

If you plan to take Asparkam, contraindications should be studied very carefully to avoid harm to the body.

It is good to take Asparkam with saluretics and corticosteroids to avoid a decrease in potassium levels in the body. It reduces the toxic effects of glucosides.

Asparkam should be used with caution with potassium-sparing diuretics and antidepolarizing muscle relaxants.

If anesthesia is planned and the patient is taking Asparkam. Side effects from their simultaneous use can be expressed in depression of the central nervous system and increased neuromuscular blockade.

Asparkam is often prescribed along with diuretics, including Furasemide. This is justified by the fact that their exposure can lead to the leaching of potassium and magnesium from the body. Their reserves definitely need to be replenished.

Eat the following contraindications, in the presence of which the use of the drug is prohibited:

  • Individual sensitivity and intolerance to its components.
  • Kidney failure and other disorders of their functioning.
  • Addison's disease or chronic failure adrenal cortex.
  • Increased level potassium and magnesium in the blood, since an excess of these microelements is no better than their deficiency.
  • If the patient is in a state of cardiogenic shock or atrioventricular block.
  • Severe forms myasthenia gravis.

When taking a course of treatment with the drug, you need to take care of organizing control over the content of microelements in the blood so as not to harm your body.

Asparkam is a potent medicine. It should not be taken without a doctor's prescription. It does not affect the patient's alertness or ability to drive or perform activities requiring increased concentration.

Side effects of the drug are rare, but if you notice the following reactions from the body, you should stop taking the medicine and consult a doctor:

  • Nausea, dryness oral cavity and vomiting.
  • Discomfortable sensations in the abdominal area.
  • Gastrointestinal bleeding.
  • Hypotension.
  • Myocardial conduction disturbance.
  • Symptoms of paresthesia include numbness and tingling.
  • Convulsions and decreased reflexes.
  • The appearance of allergies of unknown etiology.
  • Respiratory depression.

These side effects may occur if the drug is taken in case of oversaturation of the body with magnesium and potassium. To stop them, you need to cancel it and consult a doctor about prescribing therapy to neutralize unpleasant manifestations from the body.

An overdose of the drug is possible both with a significant increase in the recommended dose, and with too rapid administration intravenously. In this case, hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia develop, which can be very unpleasant, and even life-threatening symptoms. When they appear, you need to stop taking Asparkam. Contraindications can play a decisive role; you should not ignore them. Hyperkalemia can be successfully treated with the drug Resonium A.

An excess of potassium leads to an increase in muscle tone, arrhythmia, and even cardiac arrest. Paresthesia of the extremities may also occur.

An excess of magnesium can help reduce pressure, including intracranial pressure, with depression of the respiratory center, which can be accompanied by convulsions and arrhythmia.

To treat this condition, calcium gluconate or calcium chloride is administered, the dose of which is determined depending on the severity of the patient's condition. Also, in parallel with this, respiratory function is maintained, if necessary. In exceptional cases, hemodialysis is prescribed to correct the patient’s condition and bring his body back to normal faster.

The drug Asparkam and its analogues

The pharmaceutical network has a wide selection of drugs. Many drugs have dozens of analogues. If you decide to replace one medicine with another, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to avoid misunderstandings. Since you may not know some of their features that are not written about in the instructions.

The drug Asparkam is domestic analogue Panangina. They contain potassium and magnesium salts in a balanced combination. Panangin is used to treat angina pectoris, heart failure, arrhythmia and replenish potassium deficiency. As prophylactic it is prescribed to strengthen and nourish the heart muscle.

Panangin is produced in the form of dragees, covered with a protective coating, which protects the mucous membrane from the effects of the active active substance. There is also an analogue of Asparkam, which can be purchased at a pharmacy if necessary.

The drug Asparkam is a generic version of imported Panangin. It is believed that the degree of purification of the raw materials is lower, so it is cheaper. It is available in tablets, which imposes some restrictions on taking the drug for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Both drugs are recommended to be taken after meals. They have almost identical contraindications. In order for the magnesium included in their composition to be absorbed, vitamin B6 is additionally prescribed. Asparkam is produced by different pharmaceutical companies, which is reflected in the name of the medicine.

Also, for hypokalemia, the doctor may prescribe modern drug Kalinor.

Among the relative analogues of the drug Asparkam are Pamaton and Panangin. Despite the fact that they also contain magnesium and potassium, it is present in a different dosage than in Asparkam. Therefore, pay close attention to your doctor’s prescription, since an excess of potassium is just as harmful as its deficiency. An analogue of Asparkam can be purchased, but it may be more expensive.

Depending on what pharmaceutical company produces the drug, prices may vary. The domestically produced drug Asparkam is not expensive and is available to almost any citizen who needs it. Some manufacturers can produce the drug only in a certain form, since the technology for producing only this has been developed.

Asparkam can be bought freely in the pharmacy chain, but despite this, everyone should know that its uncontrolled use for the purpose of prevention is unacceptable. Having studied the information on the Internet, numerous reviews of people who used the medicine when available serious illnesses and to improve metabolism, conclusions can be drawn about the effectiveness of the drug.

It copes well with cramps and swelling. It also alleviates the condition of people with certain heart diseases for which it is indicated for use. If used when losing weight, it not only replenishes the balance of microelements in the body, but also reduces cravings for sweets. There are also references to the fact that the medicine helped four-legged pets, in particular cats, who had heart problems.

“Asparkam” is a drug that normalizes electrolyte balance, regulates metabolic processes in the body and serves as a source of potassium and magnesium. It belongs to the group of metabolites, replenishes the body with the indicated macro and microelements and has an antiarrhythmic effect.

The number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases is growing every year. For some of these pathologies, doctors prescribe the drug “Asparkam”. Unfortunately, not everyone knows or understands what it is and what it helps with. In addition, this drug has many analogues, which differ significantly in price. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail what kind of medicine this is and whether it is necessary to buy expensive analogues. After all, many of us are accustomed to thinking that if a drug is cheap, then the effect is inferior. expensive analogues. Moreover, Asparkam is available without a prescription.

"Asparkam" composition

In the dry language of the instructions, 1 tablet of the drug contains:

Potassium aspartate – 175 mg

Magnesium aspartate – 175 mg

1 ampoule of 10 ml:

Potassium aspartate – 0.45 grams

Magnesium aspartate – 4 grams

Auxiliary elements for tablets are talc, starch, usually corn, calcium stearate and Polysorbate-80.

For injections - sorbitol and distilled water.

As you can see, this drug contains only two main active elements: potassium and magnesium. But they are the ones responsible for normal electrolyte balance, participate in the conduction of nerve impulses and maintain normal heart rhythm.

These two elements are very important for health. Moreover, potassium is considered the most effective. Magnesium primarily serves as a conductor of ions into cells. The required amount of these elements provides:

Normal conduction of cardiac impulses;

Elasticity of blood vessels;

Reduced blood viscosity;

Adjustment of metabolism in the heart muscle;

Proper functioning of myocardial muscle contractions.

Their functions in the body are strictly distributed. Potassium helps provide a variety of nerve endings in the form of impulse signals, organizes muscle function, promotes normal functioning heart muscles.

With a lack of this macroelement in the body, the conduction of nerve impulses is disrupted. The use of potassium in a small dose helps to dilate arteries, and in large doses, on the contrary, narrows them. Potassium has a weak diuretic effect.

Magnesium is the main component, which, in combination with other compounds, is responsible for the energy balance of the body, normalizes the balance of electrolytes, membrane permeability and neuromuscular excitability. In addition, magnesium is involved in cell division and growth. Its deficiency leads to lethargy and other side effects.

What is Asparkam prescribed for?

Not many people know that the drug “Asparkam” is prescribed mainly for patients who have a lack of potassium in the body. Why is there a deficiency of this element? There may be several reasons:

Even with proper nutrition minerals enter the body in small quantities;

A lot of potassium and magnesium are lost during heavy sweating in hot weather or during heavy physical activity;

Hormonal disorders, diabetes, metabolic disorders interfere with normal absorption;

Diseases gastrointestinal tract also affect the absorption of potassium and magnesium;

Disorders digestive system, for example, diarrhea, also affect the absorption and assimilation of these elements;

Excessive use alcoholic drinks, caffeine, and some medications can also lead to their leaching from the body.

In such cases, “Asparkam” is prescribed, because, if there is a lack of some elements in the body, others take their place. For example, if there is a lack of potassium, it will be mixed with sodium, which retains water in the body. As a result, the cells swell and cannot perform their functions, and edema occurs. This affects the overall functioning of the heart and muscle contraction is impaired.

It is prescribed to those who often experience the following symptoms:

Muscle spasms and vascular spasms, especially at night;

Heart rhythm disturbances;

Anxiety, irritability, tendency to depression;

Gallbladder dysfunction and urolithiasis.

Also, Asparkam can be prescribed in areas where there is a potassium deficiency. It is recommended to take it with some diets for weight loss, when there is a possibility of a lack of these elements, or for digestive disorders.

"Asparkam" indications for use

Most often, this drug is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, such as angina, arrhythmia, or heart problems.

This drug helps in eliminating binge drinking and in the treatment of alcoholism, relieving nervousness and irritation, and restores potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body.

Indications for taking the drug in complex treatment may include diseases such as:

Potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body;

Ischemic disease;

Heart rhythm disturbances;



Diseases of the inner ear;

Post-infarction period;

Increased intracranial pressure;

Atrial fibrillation.

The drug is prescribed for chronic circulatory disorders.

When taken, potassium and magnesium quickly enter all tissue cells and are distributed throughout circulatory system. The drug is removed in about two days. If kidney function is impaired, this process may take longer.

What medications should I take Asparkam with?

Asparkam is sometimes prescribed when taking other medications to reduce them side effects. For example, such as potassium deficiency or heart rhythm disturbances. There are also drugs with which Asparkam is prescribed without fail.

Such drugs include:


Cardiac glycosides.

The first two drugs are strong diuretics. When they are taken, sodium and potassium salts are intensively washed out of the body.

Taking glycosides, especially long time, can lead to heart rhythm disturbances: the heart rate slows down, which can lead to the development of arrhythmia.

"Asparkam" tablets instructions for use

In tablet form, Asparkam is available in blisters of 10 or 50 pieces per package. Take it orally 30 minutes after meals, 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. The specific dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on the patient’s health condition and other related factors. The general course of treatment is 1 month.

In some cases, the course can be repeated, but subject to constant monitoring of potassium concentration in the blood. But in any case, the exact dose and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, taking into account all concomitant diseases.

Asparkam tablets are intended to compensate for the lack of potassium and magnesium, including coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and arrhythmia. The use of Asparkam in tablets also increases the effectiveness and improves the tolerability of cardiac glycosides. This drug is often prescribed as an adjunct to such treatments, which helps avoid overdose.

Asparkam also significantly reduces the risk of cerebrovascular diseases, including cerebral hemorrhages, subarachnoid hemorrhages, and fatal cerebral stroke.

"Asparkam" in ampoules instructions for use

“Asparkam” in ampoules comes in packages of 5 or 10 pieces, containing inside a transparent, sometimes slightly yellowish, liquid, which includes the main components potassium and magnesium.

The drug is administered intravenously using a drip or intravenously. When administering the drug through a dropper or as an intravenous injection, it must be diluted with a special saline solution consisting of 0.9 percent sodium chloride or 0.9 percent glucose solution.

The exact dosage is determined by the doctor individually for each patient, depending on specific disease. But in any case, the drug must be administered through a dropper at a rate of 20-25 drops per minute. The medicine is also administered intravenously as an injection slowly, no faster than 5 ml of the drug in 1 minute. The course usually lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Indications for the administration of Asparkam in injections are the same as in tablets. They are used as an adjunct to the main treatment for arrhythmia, heart failure, myocardial infarction with the administration of cardiac glycosides in order to reduce side effects and overdose that are inherent in the administration of such drugs.

How to store Asparkam

“Asparkam” is a List B drug. It should be stored in a dark, dry place, away from sunlight and light. Do not use beyond the expiration date.

Contraindications to the use of Asparkam

Asparkam is a cheap drug compared to its analogues, but everyone should not drink it uncontrollably. Like any drug, this one also has its contraindications, under which its use is prohibited. Such contraindications include:

Exacerbations associated with impaired renal function;


Individual intolerance;

Addison's disease;



Low pressure;

Excess of magnesium and potassium in the body.

The use of Asparkam is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children under 18 years of age. Although this drug can be prescribed during pregnancy, it is under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

Side effects may occur during use:

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;

Discomfort in the epigastric region;

Exacerbation of peptic ulcer;

Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;

Dry mouth;

Decreased reflexes;


Muscular atrophy;

Vein thrombosis.

In case of an overdose of the drug there may be:



Rapid breathing;

Severe redness of the face;

Such phenomena may occur more often with intravenous administration of the drug and can be resolved by administering calcium gluconate.

Asparkam during pregnancy

Asparkam is not recommended for use in the first three months of pregnancy. In the future, its use is possible, but under the strict supervision of a doctor and if it is impossible to replace it with other medications. It is prohibited to take Asparkam during breastfeeding.

Asparkam for children

The use of Asparkam by children is prohibited. But in exceptional cases it is still prescribed. For example, with signs of epilepsy in childhood it may be prescribed in small doses.

Pediatricians can prescribe this drug in case of potassium deficiency in a child, but for children over 1 year of age. If blood tests for potassium content show hypokalemia, then, regardless of the reasons that caused this condition, the child may be prescribed Asparkam in the form of tablets.

Parenteral administration of the drug is allowed only in case of a threat to life.

Symptoms of potassium deficiency in children may include:


Falling indicators blood pressure;


Muscle weakness.

Other symptoms may indicate potassium deficiency external indicators, for example, dry skin, vomiting, flatulence.

Reasons that can cause potassium deficiency in a child may be:

Prolonged diarrhea for a day or more;

Severe vomiting;

Kidney or liver diseases;

Pathology of the digestive organs;

Use of corticosteroids;

The use of drugs that wash away potassium.

If a child exhibits the above symptoms, it is necessary to take a blood serum potassium test. If potassium deficiency is confirmed, the child may be prescribed Asparkam. The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually for each child.

For children, Asparkam is used in the treatment of arrhythmia caused by inflammatory damage to the myocardium due to complications of bacterial or viral infection. The dosage is again selected individually. Usually the course of treatment is 7-14 days.

The intake rate for children is prescribed depending on age and is:

Up to 1 year - 1/4 tablet per day;

From 1 year to 3 years – 1/2 tablet per day;

From 3 to 6 years – 1/2 tablet 2 times a day;

From 7 to 10 years – 1/2 tablet 3 times a day;

From 11 to 12 years – 1 tablet 1 or 2 times a day;

From 13 to 16 years – 1 tablet 2 times a day;

From 16 and older – 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Pediatric doctors also prescribe Asparkam when a child is treated with diuretics in order to reduce the risk and avoid potassium deficiency in the body. Only a doctor can tell you how to take such drugs together with Asparkam.

Interaction of Asparkam with other drugs

At simultaneous administration Some drugs may be incompatible with asparkam.

Asparkam and potassium-sparing drugs can lead to the accumulation of potassium in the blood.

“Asparkam” and glycosides – decreased sensitivity of the heart muscle.

“Asparkam” with sodium fluoride and tetracycline reduces the therapeutic effect of these drugs on the body.

"Asparkam" and drugs for cardiac activity - increases their therapeutic effect.

Analogues of the drug "Asparkam"

Among known analogues"Asparkama" are:

Panangin - with the same components, only in lower concentrations;


Potassium and magnesium aspartate;




When replacing one medicine with another, you should definitely consult your doctor. True, in Lately Instead of the cheap and accessible Asparkam, doctors prescribe Panangin. Although Panangin contains the main active ingredients in lower concentrations.

Which is better Asparkam or Panangin

Asparkam and Panangin are drugs of the same action and purpose. One Panangin tablet contains 140 mg of magnesium aspartate and 158 mg of potassium aspartate.

The concentration of these elements in Panangin in injections per 1 ml is 10.33 mg of potassium and 3.37 mg of magnesium, respectively.

Recently, doctors give preference to Panangin, more expensive drug compared to Asparkam. Therefore, which drug to give preference to and what to choose depends largely on the dosage of the active ingredients.

Panangin is produced in the form of film-coated tablets and for some patients this type of drug is easier to swallow.

However, judging by the reviews of doctors and patients themselves, there is not much difference between them. Some patients report less drowsiness when taking Panangin. Again, this may vary depending on the individual. From point of view medicinal action- these are analogues.

Medicine, which is used for complex therapy for cardiovascular problems - Asparkam (magnesium and potassium aspartate). Thanks to the use medical product, osmotic intracellular pressure is maintained, energy in the body is replenished. The medicine has a number of indications/contraindications, its dosage is described in the instructions, but the doctor can prescribe it individually, which depends on the disease and its stage. Asparkam is effective not only for therapeutic activities, it is also used for prevention.

Release form and composition

Many pharmaceutical companies produce medicines in several dosage forms. Today there are three versions of it, which are sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price:

  • Asparkam tablets for oral administration;
  • solution for injection (prescribed intravenously) – 5, 10, 20 ml;
  • solution for droppers, infusions (prescribed intravenously) - bottles of 200, 400 ml.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The basis of the effect of the drug on the body is considered to be the function of aspartates to transport magnesium and potassium ions inside cells and carry out ion exchange. Aspartates take an active part in metabolic processes that take place in the human body. According to the instructions, the use of tablets and ampoules has a beneficial effect on the regeneration of electrolyte balance, restores magnesium and potassium deficiency, and reduces the level of excitability and conductivity of the myocardium.

The drug normalizes metabolism, fights circulatory failure, and has an antiarrhythmic effect. Asparkam effectively reduces the degree of myocardial sensitivity to glycosides and reduces the manifestation of their toxic effects. The drug in any form is quickly and easily absorbed and excreted with the assistance of the kidneys. The maximum concentration of potassium and magnesium is observed a couple of hours after taking the medication.

Indications for use

The main indications for use in the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases according to the instructions are as follows:

  • IHD ( ischemic disease hearts);
  • digitalis intoxication (poisoning with cardiac glycosides);
  • manifestations of arrhythmia;
  • heart failure;
  • the period after a heart attack;
  • ventricular and atrial extrasystole, supraventricular paroxysmal tachycardia;
  • the medicine replenishes the deficiency of magnesium and potassium ions in the blood, due to which the heart muscle is strengthened;
  • restoration of electrolyte balance;
  • potassium replenishment in athletes (for example, during bodybuilding). It should be combined with the drug Riboxin to enhance the effect.

How to take Asparkam

So that the treatment gives only positive effect and there is no overdose, you need to know how to properly use Asparkam - a source of potassium and magnesium. You should strictly adhere to the instructions and recommendations of your doctor. The dosage of the drug depends on the form of release, the type of disease, its severity, and the individual characteristics of the sick person.

In ampoules

The solution in ampoules is administered intravenously with a syringe or used for infusions (droppers). Injections are given every day 2 times (10-20 ml one intravenous injection). The average duration of treatment is five days. Before administering the product, it is diluted with half the amount of saline solution (sodium chloride 0.9%). The ampoule is unsealed before use, the required amount of medicine is drawn into the syringe, and then saline solution. The medication is administered very slowly.

The drug for infusion (droppers) is administered exclusively intravenously. For the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases, the doctor prescribes 300 ml of solution twice a day. The maximum duration of procedures is 5 days. According to the information available in the annotation for the drug, intravenous infusions are carried out at a rate of 20-30 drops per minute.


The drug in tablet form is taken orally whole, washed down with a small amount of water. It is not recommended to bite, chew or crush the pills. Asparkam tablets are taken three times a day, 2 pieces. Duration treatment course- three to four weeks. If the attending physician considers it necessary to consolidate the result, he will prescribe another course in 2-3 months. For preventive purposes, take 1 pill orally 3 times a day after meals.

For children

According to the instructions, Aspark is allowed for infants and older children only when a small patient is diagnosed with a lack of potassium ions in the blood or hypokalemia. The child is prescribed a special laboratory blood test. If the results of the study indicate the presence of pathology, then pills are prescribed (regardless of the reasons that caused the disease). Children are not given medication intravenously; this is done only in isolated cases when the baby’s life is in danger.

If cardiac arrhythmia or potassium deficiency occurs in children's body, medicinal product give 7-14 days in the following doses:

  • up to one year – a quarter of a tablet once a day;
  • from 1 to 3 years – half a tablet once a day;
  • from 3 to 6 years – ½ part of a pill twice a day;
  • from 7 to 10 years – half a tablet three times a day;
  • age 11-16 years – 1 pill 2 times a day;
  • over 16 years old – 1 tablet three times a day.

special instructions

The annotation indicates a number of special rules that should be followed when using tablets and solution. Asparkam - instructions for use correct use contains the following notes:

  1. If the solution is administered intravenously too quickly, hyperemia may occur. skin (severe redness tissues due to blood flow).
  2. In those patients who undergo long-term treatment medication, doctors should monitor the serum concentrations of magnesium and potassium, ECG (electrocardiogram) data, which may change.
  3. While using the product, it is advisable to drink vitamin B6, because magnesium will be absorbed by the body only if it is present.
  4. If necessary, the medicine is combined with the use of strophanthin and digitalis products.
  5. The complex of drugs Asparkam + Diacarb (or Furosemide) is prescribed in the presence of epilepsy, increased intracranial pressure, edema syndrome, gout, glaucoma.

During pregnancy

If you study the instructions for use medical product, then it says that tablets or injections should be used with caution during pregnancy. Asparkam does not have a negative effect if taken only according to indications and under the supervision of a physician. The medicine is allowed to be used simultaneously with non-potassium-sparing diuretics. The medication is also suitable for improving heart function if examinations have shown disturbances in this area. Asparkam eliminates hypokalemia in pregnant women and is used for its prevention.

Interactions with drugs

The use of tablets, injections and infusions of Asparkam should be competent, especially when used simultaneously with other drugs. The consequences of the interaction look like this:

  1. Constipation may occur, and the likelihood of developing hyperkalemia will increase when consumed with ACE inhibitors, potassium-sparing diuretics, heparin, beta-blockers, cyclosporine, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  2. Asparkam significantly improves the tolerability of cardiac glycosides and reduces their toxicity, due to the complete elimination of side effects.
  3. Magnesium and potassium aspartate enhances the effect anesthetics and antidepolarizing muscle relaxants, but reduces the effect of taking antibacterial drugs(antibiotics).
  4. The use of Asparkam inhibits the absorption of iron, tetracycline, sodium fluoride, and streptomycin into the body.
  5. The simultaneous use of potassium and magnesium aspartate with glucocorticosteroids and non-potassium-sparing diuretics restores potassium deficiency and reduces the risk of hypokalemia.

Side effects of Asparkam and overdose

Any form of medication can cause side effects when the drug is taken incorrectly. Main consequences:

  • attacks of nausea, vomiting;
  • discomfort, pain, burning in the epigastric region;
  • constipation, upset stomach;
  • flatulence (bloating);
  • feeling of dryness in the mouth;
  • the appearance of ulcers on the intestinal mucosa and/or stomach;
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • bradycardia;
  • bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart block (impaired organ conduction);
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • itchy skin, tissue redness;
  • irritation of the venous walls, thrombosis, phlebitis (when using injections).

When the medication is not taken according to the instructions, or the doctor’s recommendations are not heeded, an overdose of Asparkam may occur. This phenomenon sometimes causes the following side effects:

  • symptoms of hyperkalemia (nausea, upset stomach, pain in abdominal cavity, muscle paralysis, metallic taste in the mouth, numbness of the arms and legs, bradycardia, disorientation in space, weakness);
  • signs of hypermagnesemia ( extreme thirst, drop in blood pressure, arrhythmia, disruptions in neuromuscular transmission, redness of the skin on the face, hyporeflexia, convulsions, breathing problems);
  • ECG examination may show dilatation of the ventricular cardiac complex, high T wave voltage, low P wave voltage.
  • overdose treatment: intravenous administration of calcium chloride, if necessary, hemodialysis.


In order to get only the positive effect of using the medicine and not to worsen your health condition, you need to know about the rules for taking it. The annotation contains a number of contraindications to the use of potassium and magnesium aspartate:

  • hyperkalemia;
  • myasthenia gravis in severe stage;
  • hypermagnesemia;
  • acute or chronic renal failure;
  • first trimester of pregnancy (in the second and third trimester, the medicine can be used only with the permission of the doctor).

Terms of sale and storage

Tablets and injection solution are available without a prescription. The medication should be stored in a dry, dark place at a positive temperature of 15-25 degrees. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years.


The modern pharmaceutical industry produces several versions of drugs that are analogues of Asparkam in composition (contain magnesium and potassium aspartate). The most popular analogues are the following drugs:

  • Panangin (Panangin Forte);
  • Aspangin;
  • Pamaton;
  • Potassium and magnesium aspartate Berlin-Chemie;
  • Potassium and magnesium aspartate.

Asparkam price

The medication can be bought at any pharmacy in Moscow and the region. Judging by consumer reviews, its price is reasonable and low compared to similar medications. The cost depends on the manufacturer of the medicine, the form of its release, as well as the place of sale. Below is a table with the approximate price of tablets and injection solution in different pharmacies.


Each element in the human body performs its own function. If you remove at least one of them, a serious failure will occur in all vital processes. When there is a loss of potassium and magnesium in the human body, this negatively affects the heart, metabolic processes and much more. By taking Asparkam's indications for use, you will find out how this medicine will affect the replenishment of important minerals. However, before using this drug, remember that without medical consultation You should not self-medicate. All about this medicine is below.

Asparkam is not only a normalization of potassium and magnesium levels in the body. This drug restores the balance of electrolytes, thanks to the aspartic acid it contains (transfers ions necessary for full life activity through the cell membrane). Explore detailed information about the action of Asparkam and indications for use below.

  • Prescribed for very low levels of potassium and magnesium in the body. In such cases, seizures may occur. It is urgent to take this drug and the seizures will stop.
  • Increased or decreased heart rate due to a lack or excess of potassium and magnesium in the body.
  • Atrial beating disorders.
  • Cardiac arrhythmia.
  • Preventing diseases such as heart attack, heart failure or angina.
  • Swelling of internal and external organs. If you combine the drug with Furosemide, it reduces the load on the heart, removes swelling, and reduces body weight.
  • Severe post-alcohol syndrome. Alcohol severely dehydrates the body, and Asparkam helps restore metabolic processes and electrolyte balance.

Release form

Asparkam is available in several forms:

  • Tablet form. One tablet of the drug contains up to 175 mg of the active substance (magnesium aspartate with potassium aspartate). One package contains 10 or 50 tablets.
  • Solutions for administration of infusions (droppers). Contains up to 11.6 g of active ingredient. Available in 400 ml glass bottles.
  • Ampoules for injections. Contents of the main active remedy in each ampoule (10 ml) of the drug - up to 0.4 g. Packaged in cardboard packs of 5 or 10 ampoules (5, 10 or 20 ml each).

pharmachologic effect

Potassium contained in the drug acts as an intracellular cation, which is found in tissues human body. It has a direct effect on the heart muscle, its excitability (due to its ability to slow down the excitability in myofibrils). Second active substance Asparkama - magnesium, is directly involved in a huge complex of enzymatic reactions. Without it important mineral normal growth and cell division are impossible. Thanks to Asparkam, as a source of potassium and magnesium ions, all these processes are restored.

Find out in more detail how else the drug affects human body.

  • Metabolic processes are gradually restored.
  • The work of the heart muscle is normalized.
  • The balance of electrolytes returns to normal.
  • The excitability of the heart and its conductivity are calmed.

Dosage for use

As with other drugs, there is a certain dosage that must be observed in order to avoid unwanted irreversible consequences. So, Asparkam, its indications for use in the following doses for adults and children:

  • Tablet form - one or two tablets twice or three times (maximum) daily half an hour before eating. Children from three years old - a quarter of one tablet, maximum dose per day – 175 ml. The course of treatment is up to 10 days.
  • The solution for infusion is administered intravenously by drip up to two times daily for adults and children. The method of administration is slow (25 drops/min). For adults, dilute with glucose, drop up to 20 ml of Asparkam per day. And for children - up to 10 ml at the same speed.
  • If you are using injection ampoules, then Asparkam is administered intravenously at a rate not exceeding 5 ml/min. Up to two times a day for adults and children.


There is a whole list of diseases and symptoms in the presence of which the use of Asparkam is strictly contraindicated. Check out each of them in more detail below:

  • Renal failure (acute, chronic).
  • Excess potassium (hyperkalemia).
  • Excess magnesium (hypermagnesemia).
  • Dehydration of the body (dehydration).
  • High sensitivity, allergic intolerance active substances of the drug (potassium aspartate, magnesium aspartate).
  • Increased sensitivity, even to drugs such as fructose or sorbitol.
  • Amino acid metabolism is disrupted.
  • Addison's disease.
  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding. However, there are special cases, in which pregnant women are prescribed Asparkam (see below).

Side effects

Asparkam may have side effects. If you experience any of the following symptoms after taking this drug, stop treatment immediately and consult your doctor to avoid irreversible processes. Symptoms indicating a negative reaction of the body to taking the drug:

Composition of the drug

The drug contains the following active ingredients, like magnesium aspartate plus potassium aspartate, as well as aspartic acid. Additionally available Excipients(if these are tablets): talc, Tween-80, corn starch, magnesium stearate. Solutions for injections and infusions contain only active substances in one or another dosage.

Interaction with other drugs

Asparkam can be used in combination with other medications. You should be careful, since the active substance of this drug is not compatible with all medications. This can cause many undesirable consequences and side effects. Therefore, read in detail the list of medications, combining asparkam with which is possible or strictly contraindicated:

  • Asparkam is not required if you are using diuretics that contain potassium-sparing medicinal components.
  • "Cyclosporine." It also contains potassium-sparing components, therefore it is incompatible with Asparkam.
  • Beta blockers (same as the previous drug).
  • Asparkam can be combined with drugs that contain digitalis or strophanthin.
  • If you combine it with medications that contain tetracycline, sodium fluoride, iron, you will get the effect of reducing the toxic effects of cardiac glycosides on the myocardial muscle.
  • The central nervous system, if you combine asparkam with anesthetic drugs.
  • The effectiveness of antibiotics is significantly reduced if a person takes asparkam at the same time.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Negative consequences No adverse reactions were observed while taking asparkam in pregnant or lactating women. But it is recommended to avoid the need to use the drug during such a period. There are certain situations when doctors prescribe asparkam as part of complex therapy during pregnancy if other methods have not helped. Eg.

A preparation based on magnesium and potassium. Necessary for normalizing metabolic processes and restoring electrolyte balance. The main areas of application are cardiology and neurology. Improves the conduction of nerve impulses and metabolism. Used only for the treatment of adults.

  • 175 mg tablets are available in 10 or 50 mg packs.
  • Solutions for administration of infusions (droppers). Available in 400 ml bottles.
  • Ampoules for injections of 5, 10 or 20 ml. Available in packs of 5 or 10 ampoules.

Description and composition

Asparkam is a drug that allows you to normalize electrolyte balance and regulate metabolic processes. It belongs to the group of metabolites, since its intake replenishes the body with macro and microelements that have antiarrhythmic properties. The drug has found wide application in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. vascular system, the medicine is also indicated for people suffering from increased irritability and nervousness.

The drug Asparkam contains 2 active components - magnesium asparaginate plus potassium asparaginate, as well as aspartic acid, also auxiliary components.

Pharmacological group

Thanks to the active components of the drug, Asparkam functions as an intracellular cation, has a positive effect on the heart muscle, and takes part in enzyme reactions in the body.

  • ensures the conduction of nerve impulses;
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • reduces blood viscosity;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • improves myocardial muscle contraction.

This mechanism of action of the drug occurs due to the composition of the drug. The presence of potassium in the composition of the medicine provides the nerve endings with the necessary impulses, stimulates the heart, increases the supply of oxygen to the myocardial cells, which improves its functionality. Magnesium, which is also the basis of the drug, is responsible for the energy balance of the body, normalizes the balance of electrolytes, stimulates membrane permeability, and takes part in cell division.

Indications for use

According to the instructions for use, Asparkam is recommended to be taken for pathologies that impair the activity of the cardiovascular system. The medication can be taken in therapeutic or for preventive purposes. Many doctors do not recommend using the drug for children and pregnant women, but as practice shows, there are a number of exceptions and only when emergency taking medication is possible.

For adults

Among the main indications for the use of Asparkam are the following diseases and conditions:

  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmia;
  • increased nervousness;
  • ischemic disease;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • atrial fibrillation.

Other pathologies affecting the heart and blood vessels may also be indications for prescribing the drug, but in any case, taking the drug for such diseases should be combined with other drugs of symptomatic or systemic action.

For children

Asparkam tablets are contraindicated for children under 18 years of age, but if necessary, the drug can be used in solution for infusion. The main indication for prescribing the drug is potassium deficiency in the blood (hypokalemia), which is more often diagnosed in infants. The dose of the medicine in such cases is determined by the doctor and depends on body weight.

It is known that during pregnancy, taking any medication can harm the health of the fetus. Asparkam is no exception. The drug can be prescribed only strictly on the recommendation of a doctor and only when there are no risks for the fetus and the woman herself.


You should stop taking the drug if you have the following conditions and diseases of the body:

  • Hypotension.
  • Hyperkalemia.
  • Hemolysis.
  • Blood acidosis.

The presence of the above diseases in the human body does not allow taking Asparkam. People with kidney or liver failure take the drug with danger and only in minimal doses.

Applications and dosages

As with other drugs, Asparkam can only be prescribed by a doctor, strictly according to indications. The dose of the medicine is determined by the doctor individually.

For adults

It is recommended to take Asparkam tablets 1 – 2 three times a day, with sufficient quantity water. The duration of treatment can take from 10 days to 2 months. If necessary, the doctor may increase or decrease the dose of the medication.

The solution, as well as ampoules for intravenous injections used in inpatient conditions and only when acute disorders functioning of the cardiovascular system. The doctor sets the dose. They depend on the reason general condition patient.

For children

The dose of the drug for children is calculated individually by the attending physician.

For pregnant women and during lactation

During pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed only if absolutely necessary. Its dose and duration of administration are determined by the doctor.

Side effects

According to reviews, instructions for use, adverse reactions organisms after taking Asparkam are rare, but still in rare cases the following symptoms may appear while taking the drug:

  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • muscle pain;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increased sweating.

Such symptoms are a reason to discontinue the drug, consult a doctor who can reduce the dose or stop taking the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

Asparkam is often prescribed in combination with other medications, but it is still important to understand that this drug is not compatible with some medications.

When taking diuretics, you should avoid taking Asparkam. The same applies to taking medications containing potassium. Inhibition of the central nervous system occurs when Asparkam is compatible with anesthetic drugs. Taking Asparkam reduces the effect of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

special instructions

  • At long-term use Asparkam must be taken lab tests blood, urine.
  • If an intravenous solution is used, it should be administered slowly to help prevent the development of hyperkalemia and hypermagnesemia.
  • The drug is often included in complex treatment myocardial infarction or stroke.
  • Taking the drug requires systematic ECG testing.
  • Tablets are the safest form of the drug, but acute period they may not show their effects quickly, so doctors may prescribe the drug intravenously.
  • Prohibited without preliminary consultation doctor to take the drug, increase or decrease the dose.

Asparkam is a relatively safe drugs, used in the treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels. It can be used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes, but its use should always be agreed with a doctor in the field of cardiology or neurology.


  • slow heartbeat;
  • hypotension;
  • nausea, ;
  • paralysis of the respiratory center.

If symptoms of a drug overdose appear, the solution should be administered intravenously calcium chloride, immediately deliver the patient to the hospital, where he will be provided with the necessary health care. Reviews from doctors and clinical observations indicate that in practice, symptoms of overdose after taking pills have not been recorded.

Storage conditions

Asparkam can be bought without a doctor's prescription. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children, away from bright light and sunlight. The optimal temperature is 25 degrees. It is forbidden to take the drug after the expiration date of the drug, which is indicated on the blister of tablets and cardboard packaging.


You can replace Asparkam with the following medications:

  1. - a Hungarian original drug that has the same composition as the medicine Asparkam. It is available in solution for parenteral administration and tablets for oral administration. It should not be prescribed to minors, pregnant or breastfeeding women.
  2. Potassium and magnesium aspartate is available in the form of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion. The drug is produced by several Russian companies. The drug allows you to quickly replenish the deficiency of magnesium and potassium in the body.
  3. Potassium and magnesium forte Evalar is a dietary supplement that helps eliminate potassium and magnesium deficiency in the body. Available in tablets that can be taken by patients over 14 years of age.
  4. Doppelhertz Active Magnesium+Potassium - German biological active additive, which is available in regular and effervescent tablets. In addition to magnesium and potassium, it also contains cyanocobalamin, and regular tablets also contain chromium, iron and zinc. Dietary supplements can be taken by patients over 14 years of age.


The cost of Asparkam is on average 75 rubles. Prices range from 31 to 115 rubles.
