The healing properties of pine pollen. Pine pollen: beneficial properties and contraindications

Recipe 1: For tuberculosis

You will need 1 tbsp. pine pollen and 1 liter of honey. Mix pollen with honey until the color of this beekeeping product is uniform. yellow, stir well. Let the mixture sit a little.

Take it three times a day: on an empty stomach in the morning, afternoon and evening, 2 tsp. half an hour before meals (or half an hour before meals). You can drink it with warm milk or a decoction of herbs. It is better to finish the last time of taking this remedy before 19:00. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, after which you can repeat. But do not forget about pauses between doses (about 2 weeks).

But one should not abandon special anti-tuberculosis therapy during such treatment, since the effectiveness of drug treatment together with pine pollen and honey increases approximately 5 times.

Unique fact: There are cases when people recovered completely only by taking pollen with honey. So draw your conclusions, dear readers.

Recipe 2: Before or after surgery

During preparation for surgery, or when the body is depleted, pollen and honey will regulate the functions of the body.

To increase the functionality of your depleted body after (or before) surgery, you can use next recipe. Our favorite ingredients: pine pollen and honey. Take half a tsp. pine pollen and mix with 1 tbsp. healing product beekeeping. Accept this remedy three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

Recipe 3: To remove toxins from the body
To prepare, take green tea, honey, lemon and vodka. You need to brew 1 liter of tea (not strong), then you need to add one tablespoon of honey product, half a lemon and one tablespoon alcoholic drink. Mix everything well and take orally three times a day.

This product will perfectly cleanse the lymph. Toxins will leave your body at an incredible rate, and you will feel much better.

Recipe 4: Healthy and tasty
To prepare this delicacy you need: 50 grams of honey, 10 g of pine pollen, and 100 grams of fresh natural honey. Mix everything in one bowl and stir for a long time until you get a homogeneous mass. This product should be stored in a dark glass container in a cool room. Take one teaspoon three times a day before meals. Very tasty and healthy!

And, by the way, products with pine pollen and honey are not only healthy for the body, but also very tasty. So you can safely give this mixture to children, you won’t regret it. Pine Pollen with honey is the key to your health!

In the article we discuss pine pollen. You will learn how it is collected and how it is useful for the body. We will present many recipes based on this raw material for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Pine pollen is collected from such inflorescences. At the beginning of spring, the pine throws out young buds, which are divided into 2 types: male and female. Male inflorescences contain pollen pine cones. Pine pollen has found application in folk medicine.

The collection of pine pollen takes place approximately at the end of May and lasts no more than 3-5 days. Male inflorescences are cut from the tree, laid out on thick paper and dried in a ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight. Gradually, pollen spills onto the paper. After this, it is collected and sifted through a fine sieve directly into a storage container.

Pine pollen contains:

  • proteins;
  • lipids;
  • organic acids;
  • glycine;
  • threonine;
  • routine;
  • carotene;
  • enzymes;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • vitamins A, group B, C;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese.

About 20 essential amino acids have been found in pine cone pollen., which directly affect the cells of the whole body. This raw material has increased concentration micro- and macroelements. Herbalists insist that pine pollen, due to its beneficial properties, is a unique product that is considered a natural antibiotic that has no side effects.

Pine pollen does not cause allergies even in people with a tendency to allergies to pollen.

Medicinal properties of pine pollen

Pine pollen has the following beneficial properties:

  • restorative;
  • tonic;
  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • antitumor;
  • vasodilator;
  • blood thinner;
  • choleretic;
  • stimulating.

Pollen is used to boost immunity. Antibacterial properties are effective in treating colds, flu. She is treated for bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Pollen is used for treatment cardiovascular diseases. It helps to recover from heart attacks and strokes. Well suited for hypertensive patients to reduce blood pressure. Prevents the development of atherosclerosis, improves blood and lymph flow.

Pine pollen is indicated for various diseases of the hematopoietic system, especially iron deficiency anemia. Helps increase the concentration of red cells, thereby saturating everything internal organs oxygen.

Used in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases. Pollen prevents stagnant bile processes, the formation of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. It is prescribed to lower blood glucose levels by initial stages diabetes mellitus.

The remedy is also indicated for problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is used for constipation, intestinal infections and poisoning. Improves metabolic processes.

This raw material is also used as a component in the production of skin and hair care cosmetics. It has proven itself to be an excellent anti-aging product: it evens out skin color, has a lifting effect, and smoothes out wrinkles.

How to take pine pollen

Pine pollen is taken in its pure form, mixed with honey or water. Let's look at how to take pine pollen for various diseases. Most often it is mixed with other useful ingredients, such as honey, water, or consumed in its pure form.

Against cough

When preparing, do not add pollen to boiling milk; first, remove it from the heat and let it cool slightly.


  1. Milk - 1 l.

How to cook: Add pollen to milk. Let sit a little, strain.

How to use: Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day until recovery.

Result: Reduces sore throat, relieves sore throat. Has a good expectorant effect.

For digestion

Pine pollen with honey has an enveloping effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy is especially effective for constipation.


  1. Pine pollen - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Honey - 1 l.

How to cook: Pour pollen into honey, stir until completely dissolved. If the honey is too thick, lower the jar of the product into warm water at 40-45 C so that it melts.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon three times a day for 2 weeks.

Result: Improves intestinal motility, has a laxative effect.

From pressure

The healing properties of pine pollen are used for hypertension.


  1. Pine pollen - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Honey - 1 tablespoon.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Take 0.5 tsp. 2-3 times a day for 21 days.

Result: Dilates blood vessels, thins the blood, helps lower blood pressure.

For increase therapeutic action use honey of liquid consistency. If you suffer from an allergic reaction to bee products, use water to prepare the medicine.

For bronchitis and asthma

There is no quick cure for bronchitis and asthma; antibiotics often have to be used. Pine pollen is a natural antibiotic that will relieve symptoms of respiratory distress.


  1. Pine pollen - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Honey - 1 l.

How to cook: Stir the pollen well in liquid honey and leave for 1 day.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon three times daily.

Result: Liquefies mucus, activates the secretory functions of the bronchi.

For depression

The benefits of pine pollen have been proven in depressive states. Use vodka to prepare the medicine good quality, beware of the surrogate.


  1. Pine pollen - 50 grams.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour vodka over the pollen and leave for 3 days.

How to use: Take 30 minutes before meals three times daily. Dosage - 1 teaspoon.

Result: Improves mood, increases vitality.

For potency

Pine pollen is effective against inflammatory diseases genitourinary system, inhibiting potency. In this case, the product is consumed in its pure form, 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 1 month, then a break of 3 weeks, and again you need to repeat the course.

For the liver

Pine pollen is good for the liver. This remedy is recommended even with this serious illness like cirrhosis. The method of preparation and dosage is the same as in the recipe for digestion.

For weight loss


  1. Pine pollen - 0.5 teaspoon.
  2. Water - 200 ml.

How to cook: IN warm water dissolve the raw materials.

How to use: Take the drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Take your time, drink in small sips. Course duration is 10−14 days.

Result: Improves metabolic processes. Can be taken during diets without fear of depletion of the body.

Is it possible to give pine pollen to children?

The use of pine pollen for the treatment of children is allowed only from 6 months. Start with a small pinch. If the baby’s condition does not change over the next 24 hours, the dose can be gradually increased. Children 1−3 years old are prescribed 1/6 teaspoon, 3−7 years old 1/3 teaspoon, at the age of 8−14 years — ½ teaspoon.

By the way, this remedy is taken not only internally. Babyline dermatologists have developed baby powder with pine pollen. The annotation states that the powder protects sensitive skin baby from irritation, redness and diaper rash. Recommended for every diaper or diaper change.

Where to buy pine pollen

Where to buy pine pollen? The product can be purchased in pharmacies, on the market or in online stores.

There are also many different dietary supplements with pine pollen on sale now. New Era pine pollen is especially popular. According to the instructions, to maintain wellness 1-2 tablets 3 times a day are enough. But during the period of illness, you need to start with 3 tablets per day, gradually increasing the dose to 6-9 tablets.

Coniferous plants, including pine, are real storehouses of useful, even unique substances. Traditional healers have long noticed such features of these representatives of the flora and very successfully apply them in practice. With the help of potions prepared from various parts pine trees are used to treat many, including very dangerous diseases. So, how is pine pollen useful, what is its use in folk medicine, what ailments does it help with, I will consider contraindications for use for you, dear reader, and reviews about its use.

pine pollen, beneficial features

First of all, it should be noted that pine pollen does not contain any dangerous chemical compounds. The use of drugs from it is completely safe. In addition, we are talking about a hypoallergenic substance, the use of which is extremely rarely accompanied by allergic reactions.

Pine pollen contains the following substances beneficial to humans: rare proteins, essential amino acids, minerals, essential oils, flavonoids, enzymes, vitamins, tanning agents, phytoncides and polysaccharides.

Some substances that make up pine pollen have pronounced antioxidant properties, which are extremely beneficial for the human body. Thanks to these compounds, it is possible to avoid the development of certain serious diseases, including cancer.

Pine pollen is an excellent remedy that slows down the aging process. Medicines prepared from it allow you to prolong the youthfulness of your skin and hair and slow down the appearance of age-related pathology, return previously reduced mental capacity and so on.

Pine pollen flavonoids can improve blood lipid composition, which is an excellent means of prevention cardiovascular pathology. In addition, these substances normalize heart rate, improve functional state myocardium (heart muscle), increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Pine pollen is an excellent remedy for hangover syndrome. Some of its substances chemical composition are able to bind potentially dangerous toxins (products of ethanol metabolism), facilitating the functioning of the liver and excretory system.

Using potions from pine pollen, they prepare excellent tools for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis. Regular use of these drugs can reduce swelling of the pelvic organs, which will restore urodynamics and reduce the intensity of pain.

Pollen is a real remedy for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. The use of such medicinal drugs stimulates endocrine function pancreas and normalizes the processes of glucose utilization by peripheral tissues.

Pine pollen, contraindications

Medicinal drugs prepared from pine pollen may be unsafe in the following cases:

Kidney failure;
Spicy and chronic hepatitis;
Lactation period;
Increased sensitivity.

In addition, there is a pathology of blood clotting.

Taking into account the contraindications, you can experience the effect that pine pollen has; you just have to figure out how to take it...

Uses of pine pollen

Pine pollen for prostatitis

To prepare a healing potion you will need one heaped tablespoon of pine pollen and a liter of honey. Both ingredients need to be mixed thoroughly, after which the healing remedy is ready. There is no need to insist or endure anything.

Pine pollen in folk medicine for hypertension

As mentioned above, pollen does not contain compounds that are toxic or dangerous to humans. Because of this, for hypertension, it is recommended to use it in its pure form, one teaspoon twice a day, with half a glass of plain water.

The duration of treatment should be exactly 21 days. After a 2-week break, treatment can be resumed. Experts claim, not without evidence, that such treatment of hypertension is not inferior in effectiveness drug therapy.

Pine pollen as an immune booster

To prepare this remedy you will need high-quality flower honey and pine pollen itself, but unlike the previously given recipe, you need to prepare the drug immediately before taking it.

One serving of the drug consists of half a teaspoon of pollen and half a tablespoon of honey. All ingredients should be mixed and consumed 30 minutes before meals. Treatment with pine pollen continues for 30 days. You can conduct 2 such courses per year.

Well, now it’s time to say whether pine pollen is good for business, what do people say about its use?

Pine pollen, according to American experts, does not cause allergies and therefore has no contraindications. Its systematic use increases vitality and rejuvenates the body.

It is one of the few sources of natural testosterone and its precursor – androstenedione. They call it the elixir male power or Viagra for the whole body.

Pine pollen has no contraindications

In men suffering from decreased sexual activity, after using pine pollen, complete recovery occurs in 80-90% of cases - this result was shown by studies conducted in the USA and Switzerland. This is because pine pollen is rich in “male” hormones, and when it enters the body, it “saturates” it with androgens.

The accessible power of nature

Pollen ripens in strobili, or anthers - “male” flowers located at the ends of the side shoots, mainly on that part of the tree that faces south. Pollen sacs are located on the strobila scales.

When is pine pollen collected?

IN middle lane In Russia, bright green male inflorescences usually appear in mid-May. As the pollen matures, their color changes to yellowish; When pressed, the anthers secrete a cloudy juice. Fully mature inflorescences turn yellow and stop releasing juice—it’s time to collect pollen. This must be done within 3 days, until the anthers open.

For more information about the rules for collecting pine pollen, watch the video:

How to collect pine pollen?

to his wide range use in folk medicine, pine pollen also owes its antioxidant potential, 20 times higher than antioxidant activity"ascorbic acid"

Pine pollen is collected by shaking the strobili over the paper. Then the pollen is dried in a dark place and sifted.

If the moment of pine flowering is missed, use it based on its pollen. Manufacturers “complete” the medicinal properties of dietary supplements by combining pollen with other natural ingredients. Thus, pine pollen enriched with oligosaccharides from the well-established company “New Era Health Industry” will cleanse the intestines, and in combination with ginseng, relieve fatigue and increase immunity. In total, the company offers about 10 useful combinations.

Natural dietary supplements, or biologically active additives were invented in order to compensate the body's needs for vitamins and microelements. Read all the details about what dietary supplements are and what benefits and harm they cause to the body.

Nutritional and medicinal value of pine pollen

Representing the male reproductive cells of pine - gametes, pine pollen has a rich composition that ensures the development and viability of the embryo.
Possessing a reserve of more than two hundred biologically active components, this “coniferous healer” practically does not lose their percentage after dehydration, remaining extremely useful and nutritious product even after cleaning.

It contains about 30 mineral compounds; vitamins B1 and D3, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and retinol. All of them are necessary to regulate metabolism and carry out biochemical reactions.

You will learn more about the benefits of pine pollen from the video:

Cosmetologists value pine bud pollen for its presence nucleic acids and recommend taking it internally to prevent “sagging” of the skin. External products enriched with pine pollen are purchased antiseptic properties and actively eliminate youthful acne and ulcers on the skin.

Cope with acne will help too. Thanks to its disinfectant properties, it relieves inflammation, regulates blood circulation, and improves complexion.

Among the therapeutic properties exhibited by pine pollen are stimulation and improvement of cellular oxidation, normalization intestinal microflora, “feeding” and rejuvenation of liver cells and the body as a whole.

But the main thing is that pine pollen has a high content of amino acids that stabilize hematopoiesis and enzyme synthesis.

In most foods, amino acids are linked into protein structures. The amino acids of pollen are not bound, and when they enter the body, they are immediately involved in protein synthesis.

Athletes have the greatest need for protein. Pine pollen often becomes a springboard to success for them. Taking it 1 tsp. 3 times a day for 3-4 weeks, they are fully prepared for the resumption of increased physical activity.

Admission sufficient quantity amino acids “inhibits” the reactions of free radical oxidation, and at the same time the processes of mutation of healthy cells slow down, say oncologists, who also assessed the medicinal properties of pine pollen - its anti-carcinogenic and immunostimulating effects.

How to take pine pollen?

To restore vitality and increase the body's resistance, adults take 1/2 tsp. pollen three times a day for 30 days.
Children's dosage is half as much. The frequency and duration of administration is the same as for adults.

You should not deviate from the recommended regimen for taking pollen - large amounts of it cause inflammation in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
Excessive amounts of pine pollen can lead to stomach problems

The specific smell of pollen sometimes causes nausea in pregnant women.

Therapeutic effect

“Coniferous healer” is often used to prepare medicinal potions:

  • A sweet medicine - pine pollen with honey will help you get rid of lingering bronchitis within a week: mix 1 tbsp. take it and liquid honey half an hour before meals 3 times a day;
  • To increase your strength before surgical intervention or to recover from it, take 3 times a day a mixture of ½ tsp. pollen with 1 tbsp. honey Course – 3 weeks.

The following method of using pine pollen is recommended for people prone to mood swings, with a tendency to depression and chronic fatigue:

  • Pour 50 grams of pine pollen and 100 grams of its anthers into 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave for 3 days. After filtering the finished product, add 1 tsp. it in tea or still mineral water. Take in 3-week courses, taking a 7-day break between them.

    This tincture calms the nerves and irritates the receptors responsible for the production of one of the “pleasure hormones” - dopamine.

And for asthmatics, the benefits of pine pollen are absolutely invaluable: active ingredients“turn off” the cough mechanism, and after 2-3 years of using the syrup prepared on its basis, you can completely forget about inhalers:

  • Pour 0.5 kg of pine anthers into half a liter of boiling water, after dissolving 0.5 kg of sugar in it. After a couple of hours, squeeze the cooled syrup through a sieve; cover it and leave it in a dark place for a day. By morning, sediment will appear in the vessel (later you can brew tea from it), so pour the syrup into a ceramic or wooden bowl and put it in the refrigerator. For 3 weeks, drink a tablespoon of syrup half an hour before each of 3 meals. Take a week's break - to note the absence or resumption of attacks - and again take the syrup for 3 weeks. Gradually the regimen is relaxed, bringing the dosage to 1 tsp.

Here I tried to collect greatest number recipes of traditional medicine from famous herbalists and healers, which have been tested for decades, or even hundreds of years. I always gave my child pine pollen with honey. He almost never suffered from viral diseases, except for chickenpox in childhood.

Preparation of flowers.

Pine is a dioecious plant; we used male flowers, with pollen. Young, unblown flowers will add a delicate sourness to the syrup. Floral scent and lots and lots of pollen - in the second stage (see photo). When the inflorescence dusts off and becomes elongated and dry, it is of little use and you don’t have to collect it. It is very convenient to take anthers in places of mass planting, the trees there are not tall, it is convenient to pick off the inflorescences without damaging the branches. Pine begins to bloom at the end of May, the flowering period is less than two weeks (depending on the weather), so you need to seize the moment. The inflorescences break off easily, but care must be taken not to damage the vegetative buds at their base. Theoretically, it is good to collect inflorescences in wet weather. Now many people have a question, how to collect it? It is not difficult to assemble this at all, as it seems at first glance, the most important thing is to accurately guess the time of assembly. Usually pine trees bloom together with apple trees, in the middle zone around May 9-16. Pine buds scales were shed at the ends of the branches, male inflorescences appeared, at first greenish color, when pressed, juice flows out of them.

Then the inflorescences will begin to turn yellow and turn green-yellow. In this case, there are 1-3 days left before collection. 1-2 days are given to collect pine pollen, after which all the pollen will be in the air. You can stretch this period a little by choosing pine trees first on the south side, in the clearings, and then in the depths of the forest.

The cut anthers (flowers) are laid out in one layer on a paper bed. The place for drying should be dry and warm, without drafts - an attic, a glazed balcony, etc. When dried pollen from the inflorescences spills onto the paper, it is sifted and separated from small scales.

This is done like this: a plastic bag is put on a sieve with the smallest cells possible (you can take a new garbage bag). The bag is secured to the sieve with an elastic band.

Be sure to place paper under the bag - otherwise it can be accidentally punctured and pollen will spill out. Ultimately, you will end up with pollen in the bag with a small admixture of very small scales.

Although there are, of course, disadvantages when collecting pollen. And that's why.

1. You can collect anthers only from the lower branches of a pine tree - you won’t cut down the entire tree for the sake of pollen. And mature pines, growing alone in the sun and having fluffy lower branches, are rarely found in the forest. In a pine forest, the trees do not have lower branches, and there is little sun there. There is little pollen, and only on the top of the tree. Therefore, a lot of time is spent finding trees from which pollen can be collected.

2. It is very difficult to determine when to collect anthers. Today, let’s say it’s cloudy, the spikelet is not yellow enough and releases juice when pressed. And tomorrow - a hot, sunny day - and it is dusty. If you touch it, all the pollen will be in the air. And they begin running from one tree to another in search of anthers that have not yet opened. And the next day they will all open up and the collection will end there. Therefore, it is clear why no one collects pollen in large quantities. Personally, I find it easy to collect pine pollen. I hold the bag under the flower when I pick it, and the pollen falls into the bag, falling off, and I also put the pine flower there.

3. From one bucket of anthers you get not one liter of pollen, but exactly half less - half a liter. You need to sift for a long time and carefully through a very fine sieve, otherwise small brown scales from the anthers will get into the pollen, and the color of the pollen will become the same as that of “Tiensha” pollen - brownish, and not lemon-yellow, which is what we got. Now it’s clear why “Tienshi” pollen is brownish in color - it is obtained by grinding the pollen along with the scales. And the more its color differs from yellow, the less pollen it contains. So it’s up to you to decide whether to sow well or not. If for yourself the answer is clear - sow.

You can use pollen like this: a third of a mayonnaise jar of pollen - the rest is honey. Mix well and apply on the tip of a teaspoon twice a day. It is especially good for children for prevention purposes, there is no allergy.

The pollen is very small and light. 50 g is 150 ml, almost a glass. By volume it is six heaped tablespoons. That is, 50 g of pollen is enough to prepare six liters of a mixture with honey.

You can use pollen for treatment different ways. Can be cooked alcohol tincture or simply brew pollen in milk.

The simplest recipe for preparing medicine from pine pollen: thoroughly mix 150 grams of honey and a tablespoon of pollen until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take a tablespoon three times a day, half an hour to an hour before meals. When treating tuberculosis, the course should last up to 2 months and then be repeated after a two-week break. This treatment does not require discontinuation of drug use. traditional medicine. On the contrary, consuming honey with pollen increases the effectiveness of medical treatment several times.

Sometimes pollen is consumed in its usual form. This method is considered the most popular and simplest. A single dose of pollen is placed on the tip of a teaspoon, and the medicine should be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals. When taking pollen, you should drink plenty of water. In case of more serious forms of tuberculosis, pollen should be consumed three times a day, a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. For a two-month course of treatment, you will have to prepare from 100 to 200 grams of pollen, depending on the severity of the disease.

Alcohol tincture is considered another common way to prepare pine pollen. The inflorescences are poured with alcohol, infused, then filtered, honey and other medicinal plants are added. The tincture is consumed three times a day, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon.

  1. Recipes:

    There are many ways to prepare medicines for the treatment and prevention of diseases based on pine pollen. For example, from pollen and aggregate useful herbs you can make tea. In order for the decoction to have an expectorant effect, you should add oregano, capitula, marshmallow, figs, plantain, coltsfoot, rose hips, thyme and other plants.

Pine syrup "Riddle"

500 g anthers (male inflorescences) of pine
300 g sugar
300 ml water
Cooking method
Sort out the inflorescences and pour boiling syrup of water and sugar (1:1). The amount of syrup is given approximately, I never measured it, I poured it in such a way as to completely cover the pine mass. DO NOT COOK, LET AT LEAST SOME VITAMINS BE SAVED! Press down the inflorescences with a saucer or a small lid so that they do not float, and cover, let it cool. Strain the cooled syrup through a sieve, squeeze out the inflorescences and many people advise throwing them away, but those who live practically in the forest can afford this. We don’t have many pine trees around, so I store the inflorescences in the refrigerator and make tea from them. It’s very tasty..

Let the syrup settle, then carefully drain it from the sediment. The sediment is a layer of pine pollen. To be honest, the taste is nothing special, but pollen is credited with a lot of beneficial properties. And the syrup is special! Sweet and sour, almost without bitterness, with the aroma of flowers and pine resin. Store in the refrigerator.

Vodka tincture of anthers. Immediately place fresh pine flowers with pollen into vodka, at the rate of 2/3 jars of pine flowers with pollen and fill to the top with vodka. It remains empty until autumn. We will need it in the fall.

Tincture of flowers and pine pollen - no more radical remedy treatment various diseases, restoring the body after a serious illness and increasing vitality. If you use this tincture constantly, you are guaranteed to prolong your youth and get rid of many diseases, including chronic ones. This best prevention and treatment of diseases such as oncology of various etiologies, tuberculosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, liver, joints, heart. The tincture can and should be added to decoctions and infusions of other medicinal plants, which greatly increases their healing effect. Perhaps more universal remedy treatment, Russian herbalists - healers did not find in Nature.

For leukemia, cancer of the lungs, stomach and intestines, and almost all malignant tumors give the patient a mixture Pine honey and Tinctures of pine flowers and pollen. Drink usually 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, and in some cases 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals, always in combination with the necessary herbal infusions.

Disease prevention: 1 teaspoon 1 time per day 30 minutes before the morning meal (add to warm sweet tea, water or herbal decoctions and infusions), use constantly. Use for 3 weeks, take a break for a week, then continue treatment according to this regimen.

Pine pollen tincture

Ingredients: natural honey, pine pollen, alcohol.


Pine pollen tincture is a powerful biostimulant that activates everything life processes body, prevents the development and occurrence of cancer.

Take 1 tbsp 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.

There are different ways to use pine pollen. For example, A.P. Popov in his book “Forest medicinal plants"(M., 1978) writes that male inflorescences with pollen are infused in alcohol or brewed with boiling milk, honey, butter, eggs are added: this remedy is recommended for tuberculosis patients.

Recipe for treating pulmonary diseases and tuberculosis

A tablespoon of pollen (“hill”) is carefully mixed with 1 liter of natural honey until the honey is uniformly colored yellow. Candied honey can be melted in a water bath at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. Take 2 teaspoons of the mixture three times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1 hour after meals. It is advisable to take the last portion no later than 19 hours. The course of treatment is 2 months, then you must take a two-week break. And so be treated until full recovery.

It is good to wash down the pollen with a decoction of herbs. If the cough is with sputum, then use expectorants. There are good pharmacies, but you can prepare the appropriate herbs yourself. They have an expectorant effect (V.P. Makhlayuk. Medicinal plants in medicine. Saratov, 1992) marshmallow, ivy-shaped budra, capitula, veronica, oregano, fig (berries), mantle, coltsfoot, lungwort, forest primrose, plantain, creeping wheatgrass, flat-leaved eryngium, thyme, meadow rank, rose hips, white clearweed .

If the cough is dry, then marshmallow, buckwheat (flowers, meadow clover, flax (seeds), linden (flowers), lungwort, hazelnut (leaves), sunflower (petals), chamomile, licorice, string or pharmaceutical preparations are used, having a softening effect. When harvesting medicinal herbs It is advisable to take into account the phases of the moon. From the new moon to the full moon, the herbs will have a greater expectorant effect, and after the new moon, during damage, they will have a more calming effect.

A mixture of pine pollen and honey is also effective for prostate adenoma, anemia, especially in children, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic fatigue.

The method of treating hypertension with pine pollen stands out. In the morning, once a day, 1 hour before meals, pour pine pollen on the tip of a table knife into a glass of raw milk, stir and drink. Take also for two months with two-week breaks. The effect is very good.

Recipe for tuberculosis. Collect pine male inflorescences with pollen. Then they should be infused with alcohol. Can be brewed with boiling milk. Natural honey should be added to the resulting liquid, egg, butter. Mix everything thoroughly and the mixture is ready.

Application: three times a day. In this case, you should maintain a period of half an hour before eating. Single dose sweets - two small spoons. If you forgot to take honey with pollen before meals, you can do it an hour after the meal.

You need to treat with a honey mixture until complete recovery and restoration of strength. You just need to maintain a course of 2 months, then you should take a two-week break and repeat the treatment again.

Recipe: for prostate disease, childhood anemia and diseases of the stomach and intestines. You need to take one large heaped spoon of pine pollen and mix it with natural honey in a volume of 1 liter. Mix honey with pollen until the mixture turns yellow. If natural honey has already crystallized, it can be melted in warm water.

It is enough to place the container with honey in a basin with warm water, and wait until the honey decrystallizes. It is important that the water temperature does not exceed +40C..+45C, otherwise the honey will lose most medicinal properties. Taking the product is similar to recipe 1, which is described just above.

Recipe: to quickly restore health . Start taking pine pollen along with a large spoonful of natural honey. The course of such sweet treatment can last three weeks. A single dose of honey with pollen is half a small spoon. Frequency of intake of sweets healing agent is three times.

Recipe: for general strengthening. You can use pine pollen in its pure form. In this case, the quantity and frequency of use will be half a teaspoon three times a day. The healing and restorative course of pollen consumption is three weeks or a month.

How to give your child pine pollen

The best option When a child takes pollen, the dose should be gradually increased. Many people recommend starting to give children this product only from the age of 6, but this is up to the parents to decide. It is believed that it is from this age that taking pine pollen will bring maximum benefits to their health.

All people different organism, and especially for small ones, so start giving pine pollen with very tiny doses (1/10 of the dose of an adult serving). If allergic reaction does not occur, then you can gradually increase the dose.

If the use natural immunostimulant prescribed to children, the amount is reduced to one-fourth of a teaspoon of pollen. The frequency of administration remains the same as for adults (3 times a day).

A couple of warnings: any pollen is an allergen; an allergy to flowering, of course, is a contraindication to consuming this delicacy. Another caution - pine can be harmful in case of glomerulonephritis and acute hepatitis. But this is theoretical; in practice, I don’t remember anyone getting sick from our treat.

Hurry to the forest - we've already started pollen
