What can you eat before radioiodine therapy? Iodine-free diet - menu for every day, list of allowed and undesirable foods, nutritional rules. Preparing for radioiodine therapy

An iodine-free diet is designed to create iodine deficiency in the body. This must be done before treatment with radioactive iodine. The iodine-free diet was created by our compatriot from St. Petersburg N.V. Fetisova. The iodine-free diet menu is designed for one week.

Features of the iodine-free diet menu

The iodine-free diet menu according to Fetisova has the following features:

  • The menu offered by this diet is designed for a person with average activity and normal weight. If there is excess or lack of weight, as well as in cases where there is reduced or decreased activity, the caloric intake of the diet is adjusted accordingly
  • The daily menu of this technique contains 45-50 mcg of iodine, which fully meets all the requirements before radioiodine therapy. In the final 2-3 days of the diet, all products in which the iodine content exceeds 5 mcg per 100 grams of product are excluded from the diet.
  • It is very important that some dishes on the menu are prepared at home yourself. For example, an iodine-free diet recipe suggests making bread, noodles, cookies, dumplings and dumplings without yolks or milk

Iodine-free diet menu

The iodine-free diet menu is as follows:

First day:

  • Breakfast: dairy-free omelette made from two egg whites with 1-2 slices of bread, as well as weak green or black tea with honey or sugar.
  • Second breakfast: one or two baked apples
  • Lunch: 300 grams of cabbage soup without tomatoes using fresh cabbage, 200 grams of boiled rice, 150 grams of lamb, veal, pork, duck or chicken boiled or fried in vegetable oil, a slice of bread and a glass of cranberry juice
  • Dinner: 200 grams of vinaigrette, a slice of bread and a cup of tea with homemade jam
  • Before bed: orange

Second day:

  • Breakfast: 100 grams of grated carrots with sugar, a slice of pita bread with 20 grams of hard cheese and a cup of tea or coffee with honey or sugar
  • Second breakfast: a cup of tea with 3-4 sushi
  • Lunch: 300 grams of pearl barley or vegetarian rice soup, 200 grams of boiled potatoes, 150 grams of boiled meat goulash, a slice of bread and a glass of apple compote
  • Dinner: 150 grams of mashed potatoes in water, 100 grams of boiled meat (lightly fried after cooking) and a cup of tea with white marshmallows
  • Before bed: pear

The third day:

Fourth day:

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of apple and carrot salad with a spoonful of sour cream dressing, as well as coffee or tea
  • Second breakfast: glass cranberry juice with 3-4 dryings
  • Lunch: 300 grams of pea soup, 150 grams mashed potatoes, 100 grams of boiled meat, a slice of bread and a cup of tea
  • Dinner: 200 grams of boiled potatoes, 150 grams of boiled veal liver and a cup of tea with homemade jam
  • Before a night's rest, a grapefruit or orange

Fifth day:

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of vinaigrette with white beans, a slice of bread and a cup of tea with honey or sugar
  • Second breakfast: one or two apples baked with honey
  • Lunch: 300 grams of homemade dumplings, 200 grams of stew sauerkraut, a slice of bread and a cup of tea with homemade meringue
  • Dinner: 250 grams of meatballs with rice and a cup of tea
  • At night: two or three small tangerines

Sixth day:

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of boiled rice with butter, a handful of raisins and a cup of tea with honey or sugar
  • Second breakfast: 1-2 medium sized apples
  • Lunch: 300 grams of white bean soup, 250 grams of vegetable stew with boiled chicken fillet, a slice of bread and a glass of blueberry juice
  • Dinner: 2-3 boiled potatoes with olive oil, 150 grams of river fish, a slice of bread and a cup of green tea
  • Before bed: medium-sized pear

Seventh day:

  • Breakfast: 200 grams of fruit salad with muesli or oatmeal and a cup of cocoa with water
  • Second breakfast: 1-2 apples
  • Lunch: 300 grams of borscht, 250 grams of cabbage stewed with pork, a slice of bread and a cup of tea with meringue
  • Dinner: 250 grams of dumplings with potatoes and a cup of tea with homemade jam
  • Before bed: medium grapefruit

Radioactive iodine began to be used to treat the thyroid gland more than 60 years ago. Iodine-131 (I-131) is an artificially created radioactive isotope of iodine. Its half-life is 8 days. As a result of the decay, beta and gamma radiation is released, spreading from the source to a distance of half to two millimeters.

Excessive amounts of hormonal substances secreted by the thyroid gland lead to cardiovascular problems, weight loss, disorders nervous system, sexual dysfunction. To stop the production of excessive amounts of the hormone, treatment with iodine-131 is carried out. This method is also used when tumors appear in the thyroid gland.

The method is based on the ability thyroid gland absorb all the iodine in the body. Moreover, its type does not matter. After entering the thyroid gland, I-131 destroys its cells and even cancerous (atypical) cells located outside the thyroid gland.

Iodine-free diet for treating the thyroid gland with radioiodine - studying the principles and features

When all the tests have been completed and the thyroid gland studies have been completed, the doctor together with the patient determines the date of the test. therapeutic procedure. Its effectiveness is about 90% the first time. When repeated, the figure reaches 100%.

The entire therapeutic period is divided into three stages: preparatory, the procedure itself and rehabilitation time. It is important to know in advance what they are so that no requirement or question from the doctor is taken by surprise. Understanding and cooperation on the part of the patient increases the chances of a successful procedure.


An iodine-free diet before radioiodine therapy is considered the most important event. The beginning of the period is discussed with the doctor, but occurs no later than two weeks before the procedure. The task of the thyroid gland at this time is to “starve” for iodine so that when I-131 enters the body, maximum dose went to the thyroid gland.

Exclude from the diet:

  • seafood, especially seaweed;
  • soybeans and other legumes;
  • products colored red;
  • iodized salt;
  • any medications with iodine.

Concentration thyroid-stimulating hormone need to be increased so that the thyroid cells absorb iodine as much as possible. Its quantity should exceed the norm.


Thyroid treatment radioactive iodine takes place in the hospital. You don’t need to take a lot of things with you, because you won’t be able to use them anyway. Before the procedure, the medical staff provides disposable clothing. The patient deposits his belongings until discharge.

The doctor suggests taking a capsule with iodine 131 with plenty of water. Some clinics use iodine solution. Since the introduction of a radioactive isotope is unsafe for healthy people, medical staff is not present in the room, and the patient now needs isolation.

After a few hours, the following symptoms may appear:

  • dizzy;
  • nauseated even to the point of vomiting;
  • areas where radioactive iodine accumulates hurt and swell;
  • the mouth feels dry;
  • dries eyes;
  • the perception of taste changes.


The first days after the procedure, rules of behavior and personal hygiene are prescribed. They must be followed so that iodine leaves the body as quickly as possible, and also so as not to harm others.

  • to drink a lot of water;
  • take a shower 1-2 times a day;
  • regularly change underwear and clothing in contact with the body;
  • men are instructed to urinate only in sitting position;
  • after visiting the toilet, flush the water twice;
  • do not have close contact with family and other people, the ban especially applies to pregnant women and children.

After a few days, the doctor determines a further plan drug treatment. By scanning gamma radiation, the location of metastases is identified.

The use of iodine-131 has certain Negative consequences. Their development is possible, but not necessary:

  • tumor small intestine;
  • autoimmune ophthalmopathy;
  • hypothyroidism requiring lifelong treatment hormonal drugs;
  • in men, sperm activity decreases, temporary infertility is possible (up to two years);
  • in women there may be a violation menstrual cycle. It is necessary to avoid pregnancy for one year and stop breastfeeding.

Iodine is an important element that is found in small doses in water, air, soil and almost all living things (from plants to mammals).

This substance is vital for all people.

When there is enough iodine in the human body, the body functions correctly, and therefore enjoys life in all its manifestations.

A person gets iodine from food. This substance comes in small doses with water and air. The body needs it for the thyroid gland. If it is not enough, hypothyroidism, atherosclerosis, and goiter occur. The hormone thyroxine (interrelated with iodides) affects the development of the body and metabolism. Foods rich in iodine help burn calories, fat is converted into energy, hair roots are strengthened, immunity is increased, and the risk of cancer is reduced.

Iodine and selenium are closely related. These hormones synthesize ATP. Iodine deficiency causes a decrease in metabolism. It affects the functioning of the central nervous system.

Pregnant women and children under 15 years of age should get enough of this element from their diet (). You will find out which product contains more iodine from the table and detailed list in the middle of the article. Children with iodine deficiency find it difficult to learn; new skills and knowledge are learned less well. It is also useful to add iodized salt to your diet.

Signs of shortage

If a person does not get enough iodine when intrauterine development, then hypothyroidism develops, which becomes cause deep violations during the functioning of higher nervous activity.

What does it contain?

What foods contain iodine and where is it most? important element? There is a lot of this substance in marine and ocean inhabitants and plants. The table will tell you better where the most iodine is in food. These are fish, seafood, kelp. These are the main natural sources natural iodine, which is extremely beneficial for the thyroid gland. To know where iodide is, you need to keep a list or table with exact numbers on hand.

The iodine content in food products is indicated in the table. And the lists will tell you which food is best to exclude from the menu and which to add. Find out what your iodine level is: high, low, normal, low or high. If you have increased level, then you need to consume less food. For the thyroid gland, it is important how much iodide a person consumes.

An adult needs 150 mcg of iodine per day. Children need 120 mcg. Pregnant women - 175-200 mcg.

  • White beans. Legumes have a low glycemic index. Metabolism improves.
  • Sea kale. This is what contains a lot of iodine. Kelp has a minimum of calories, which is especially important for those who want to lose weight. Laminaria is also used to make “nori” sheets into which rolls are rolled.
  • Strawberry. In winter there is no juicy and delicious strawberries. But in the summer you need to eat 200 grams of this product. One serving contains 13 mcg.
  • Prunes. Thanks to the use of this product, the likelihood of obesity is reduced, bones are strengthened, and blood sugar levels are reduced. Prunes also contain beta-carotene and vitamin K.
  • Shrimps. This seafood gets rid of free radicals, which are the cause of many diseases. The functioning of the brain and nervous system improves, memory functions are normalized, and the risk of brain diseases is reduced.
  • Cod, tuna. This fish is a source of protein, so useful to people who monitor nutrition. Fish contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamins E, B.
  • Turkey fillet. This product is useful for those who are on a diet and want to get rid of extra pounds.
  • Potato. To maintain the benefits, you need to eat baked potatoes. The body protects itself from diseases of the nervous system, the bones are saturated with calcium.

The following foods are rich in iodine:

  • algae, seafood, fatty sea and ocean fish;
  • fruits and berries: grapes, apricots, plums, apples;
  • meat: chicken, turkey, nutria, rabbit (if the animals eat accordingly);
  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • vegetables: carrots, salads, beets, tomatoes.

If there is little iodine, then foods contain tens of times less of this element. Many soils that are located far from the sea store a minimum of this substance.

Iodine deficiency causes depression, disrupts brain functioning, and stimulates excess weight. To protect yourself from such troubles, you need to eat foods that contain more iodine.

In addition to plants that are sources of this substance, there are antagonist plants. This flaxseeds, raw cabbage, soy. There are substances that prevent iodine from being absorbed. To compensate for iodine deficiency, it is necessary to enrich the body with foods that contain enough iodine. It's important to remember that most of iodide are destroyed during heat treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to use drugs.

Table of foods containing iodine

If iodine deficiency occurs, then products containing iodine are extremely useful. They must be used in large quantities. Which product is good for the thyroid gland and which is not is determined by the presence of iodide. A table and list of foods for the thyroid gland will help you understand which foods contain a lot of iodine and which are the most beneficial for the thyroid gland? The table will tell you where enough of this substance is found.

The product's name Amount per 100 g (in mcg)
Cod liver 370
Haddock 245
Saida 200
Flounder 190
Salmon 200
Freshwater fish (fresh) 245
Sea bass 145
Cod 130
Shrimps 110
Fresh herring 92
Fresh mackerel 100
Salted herring 77
Cooked freshwater fish 74
Frozen fish fillet 27
Raw oysters 60
Oats 20
Mushrooms before 18
Whole milk before 18
Low fat milk up to 15
Processed cheese until 17
Eggs up to 35
Pork up to 16
Butter until 9
Greenery up to 15
Beans up to 12
Beef until 11
Dairy until 11
Hard cheese 11
Peas to 10
Wheat flour until 9
Rye up to 8
Banana up to 0.5
Carrot until 6
Buckwheat (cereal) until 3
Zucchini up to 0.3
Meat (average data) until 3
Beet until 6
Walnuts up to 50
Pollock up to 120
Corn up to 5
Hard cheese until 11
Condensed milk until 9
Kefir from 3 to 9
Green onion up to 5

Find out yours right now!

What foods do not contain iodine? Iodine-free diet before radioactive iodine treatment

People who have problems with the thyroid gland need to either increase the number of iodine-rich foods in the menu, or follow an iodine-free diet, excluding food containing this substance.

Some foods contain little of this substance, so you can eat them as much as you want:

  • fruits (bananas, citrus fruits, currants, pears, cranberries, currants);
  • fresh juices (any);
  • vegetables - forget about potato skins, legumes;
  • unsalted peanuts, almonds and other nuts;
  • sugar, honey;
  • seasonings: fresh and dry herbs, black pepper;
  • vegetable oils;
  • caffeinated drinks, alcoholic drinks;
  • egg whites and products where they are used;
  • fresh meat (you can eat up to 150 g of pork, veal, beef, lamb), cut the meat into small pieces;
  • cereals, cereals (you can eat up to 4 servings daily).

If you need to undergo radiotherapy, you should include in your diet foods that will artificially create iodine deficiency. Daily dose should not exceed 40-50 mcg.

Our thyroid uses iodine obtained through food and water, from which it then produces necessary for the body hormones that regulate metabolism.

Thyroid cells are unique because they are the only cells in the body that absorb iodine. Therefore, before conducting an RAI scan and treating the thyroid gland, patients are shown a low-iodine diet, which is essentially simple, but requires some change in the usual diet.

The most important rule diet is the consumption of foods with low content Yoda.

Iodine is used in the care and feeding of animals and as a stabilizer in Food Industry. Therefore it can be found in different quantities in all foods and drinks.

The biggest sources (and those to avoid) are iodized salt, grains and cereals, some breads, sea ​​fish, shellfish, beef, Domestic bird, pudding mixtures, milk and dairy products.

In many sources, the list of iodine-free products may differ significantly. For example, some argue that when eating potatoes, only potato skins should be avoided, while others are sure that all potatoes are strictly prohibited in this case! Who to believe?

Below is a list of foods based on a low iodine diet that is recommended National institutions Health and the Association of Thyroid Cancer Survivors.

Prohibited foods (very high iodine content): list

Avoid following products on a low iodine diet:
  • Dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, butter, ice cream, sour cream)
  • Egg yolks
  • Seafood (anything from the ocean should be avoided, including fish, shellfish and seaweed)
  • Processed foods (pre-packaged frozen foods, deli meats, hot dogs, bacon, sausage, restaurant and fast food items)
  • Store-bought bakery products (bread and all confectionery products)
  • Soy (including soya beans, soy sauce, tofu and any other soy products)
  • Chocolate (milk chocolate contains dairy, although some dark chocolate may be allowed)
  • Beans (especially red beans).

Allowed products (without iodine): list

  1. This is a low-iodine diet rather than an "iodized diet" or a "no-iodine diet." The goal is no more than 50 micrograms (mcg) of iodine per day.
  2. The diet is followed for a short period of time, usually 2 weeks (14 days) before the scan or radioiodine test.
  3. Avoid food products and drinks with high content iodine (more than 20 mcg per serving).
  4. Any foods and drinks low in iodine are allowed (up to 5 mcg per serving). Limit foods with even moderate iodine content (5 to 20 mcg per serving).
Type of products
It is forbidden

Protein foods that do not contain iodine include egg whites, fresh meats that have not been treated with preservatives or seasonings, game and fresh poultry. Plant sources Proteins that do not contain iodine include unsalted nuts and peanut butter, lentils and beans.
Saltwater fish, seafood or dairy products are not allowed on an iodine-free diet.

Unsalted pasta, rice, matzo and popcorn are allowed. Homemade bread made with non-iodized salt and free of butter or margarine is also allowed.
Keep in mind that most salt used in ready-to-eat foods is iodized, so it's best to purchase salt-free, sodium-free cereals, crackers and breads.

Most fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables and their juices do not contain iodine. Exceptions include spinach, broccoli, rhubarb, maraschino cherries and potato skins. Canned fruits such as peaches, pears and pineapples are ok.
Avoid canned and frozen vegetables with added salt, as they contain iodine.

Soft drinks, coffee and tea made with distilled water, nut milks, rice milks, non-dairy smoothies, beer, wine and spirits are all normal on an iodine-free diet.
Do not add cream or milk to coffee or tea because they contain iodine; choose a non-dairy creamer instead

Other iodine-free foods include dairy-free margarine, vegetable oil, sugar, cocoa powder, marshmallows, dark chocolate, sorbet, plain gelatin, raisins and caramel.

Below is more detailed list Foods allowed on a low iodine diet:

  • Fresh meat (no more than 150-180 grams per day)
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables (potatoes without peel)
  • Frozen vegetables without added salt (except rhubarb)
  • Vegetable oils
  • Low-fat peanut butter and nuts
  • Coffee and tea (without cream)
  • Homemade bread (no egg yolks, dairy or iodized salt in the ingredients)
  • Fresh and dried herbs and spices, including pepper
  • Beer, wine and distilled spirits (wine coolers and flavored liqueurs may contain red food coloring, which is prohibited)
  • Grains, cereals and pasta without high iodine ingredients
  • Canned fruits: pineapple and pears
  • Jams and jellies (no red coloring)
  • Homemade low iodine bread or muffins
  • Oatmeal with the addition of cinnamon, honey and walnuts, fruits
  • Fresh grilled meat, vegetables, fresh fruit or baked apple
  • Salad with chicken or beef, oil and vinegar.

Meat and fish

Asparagus (fresh)

Cherry (fresh only)

Freshwater fish (carp, river bass, lake trout, river perch)
Cranberries (half cup)
Fresh pork
Broccoli (fresh)
Grapefruit juice (half a cup)
Brussels sprouts
Lemon juice (half a cup)
Fresh chicken
Nectarine (1 small)

1 small orange or half a glass of orange juice

Peach (one medium, only fresh)

Pineapple (canned only)

Green peppers
Pineapple juice (half a cup)

Green salad
Plum (2 medium)









Iodine-free diet before radioiodine therapy: menu

Below provided sample menu with an iodine-free diet before treatment with radioactive iodine. The menu is approximate and compiled for one day. It can be adjusted by swapping some products or replacing them with similar parameters from the list of products with minimal iodine content.


  1. Any fruit juice
  2. Egg without yolk
  3. Oatmeal with your choice of cinnamon, honey, apples, walnuts, fruit
  4. 1 slice of bread - toast (homemade bread, without iodine)
  5. Black coffee or tea.
  1. Rice soup with chicken
  2. Crackers
  3. Brown rice with vegetables (fresh or frozen and cooked)
  4. Fruits - fresh, frozen or canned
  5. Black coffee or tea.
  1. 150-180 g roast beef, lamb, veal, pork or turkey
  2. Potatoes - baked or fried
  3. Vegetables (fresh or frozen)
  4. Salad - fruits or vegetables - oil and vinegar
  5. Black coffee or tea.
  1. Fresh fruit or juice
  2. Dried fruits such as raisins
  3. Fresh raw vegetables
  4. Apple juice
  5. Nuts
  6. Fruit juice
  7. Unsalted crackers
  8. Homemade bread and muffins.

If you wish, you can diversify your menu a little with these recipes:

Blueberry muffins

  • 125 ml. / half a glass of vegetable oil
  • 125 g / half cup sugar
  • 3 egg whites
  • 500 g / 2 cups white flour
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon non-iodized salt
  • 125 g blueberries - canned or fresh.
    Beat sugar and butter with egg whites. Mix thoroughly. Add blueberries to the mixture and form into scones or muffins (you can use muffin tins). Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for approximately 15 minutes or until done (you can check with wooden toothpicks - if you pierce the cake with a toothpick, it should come out clean and dry). Recipe for 12 cupcakes.
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 250 g flour (plain/whole wheat)
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 125 ml. water.
    Whisk two egg whites with the sugar, then add vanilla and stir in the remaining ingredients, then add water to achieve the desired batter consistency. Place a couple of spoons on a greased non-stick frying pan and roll out over its entire surface. You should get about 8-10 pancakes. Serve hot with jam, honey or maple syrup.

Chicken salsa
  • 60 g boiled chicken fillet, cut into cubes
  • 1 finely chopped tomato
  • Half a red onion, chopped
  • Avocado cubes
  • Sliced ​​green pepper
  • Half a teaspoon of olive oil
  • Pepper and chili (optional) to taste.
    Mix all ingredients together in a bowl to make a salad. Serve with baked potatoes or pita bread.
Beef curry
  • 1 kg veal meat, cut into cubes
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 1 red pepper chopped
  • 1 large onion, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon garlic, finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons garam masala ( Indian spice)
  • 2 tablespoons curry powder
  • 1 glass of water
  • Non-iodized salt to taste.
    Fry the onion and garlic for 1 minute in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Add the diced meat and potatoes and fry, stirring well. Sprinkle garam masala over meat and potatoes. Mix well and fry for about 2 minutes. Add the curry powder and continue stirring until the mixture begins to stick to the bottom of the pan; then you need to add about 1 glass of water, salt to taste, cover and cook until the meat is ready and the mixture thickens a little - about 20 minutes. Serve with rice.
    This recipe can also be made with cubes chicken breast.
Pasta with basil
  • 4 cloves garlic
  • 6 tablespoons pine nuts
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 1 large fresh basil
  • 6 tablespoons olive oil.
    Throw all the ingredients into a blender, mix them, and then add the resulting slurry to freshly boiled pasta.
Fried vegetables
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Sliced ​​green, red and yellow peppers
  • Medium red onion, quartered
  • 2 large mushrooms, cut in half
  • Olive oil (or sunflower)
  • A little balsamic vinegar
  • A quarter cup of chopped fresh or 1 tablespoon of dried basil.
    Place all ingredients in a baking dish, pour olive oil and add balsamic vinegar. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.

Chicken driver
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 6 skinless chicken breast halves
  • 2 shallots - finely chopped
  • 250 g mushrooms
  • 1 clove garlic - minced
  • 2 large tomatoes - peeled, seeded, chopped
  • Half a teaspoon of tarragon
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Quarter teaspoon black pepper
  • Half a glass of dry white wine
  • Half a cup of chicken broth
  • 1 tablespoon corn flour dissolved in 2 tablespoons water.
    Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium heat and fry chicken until Brown- about 10 minutes. In another frying pan, fry the shallots - cook for 1 minute to soften them, add the mushrooms to them and fry until slightly brown - about 3 minutes.
    Add garlic, tomatoes, tarragon, salt and pepper and simmer for another 5 minutes. Add the wine and beef broth, as well as the fried chicken, cover and simmer until tender, another 20 minutes.
    After this, you need to take the chicken out again and add cornmeal to the sauce. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring, until thickened - about 1-2 minutes, then return the chicken to the resulting sauce. Serve with potatoes and green vegetables.
Vegetable soup
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 2 cups chopped celery
  • 5 carrots, chopped
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 cups tomato sauce
  • 1 cup white beans or kidney beans (cooked)
  • 1 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 2 teaspoons dried basil
  • Half a teaspoon of non-iodized salt and pepper
  • Half a cup of pasta.
    Sauté garlic and onion in a large saute pan for about 8 minutes. Add celery and carrots and cook for another 4 minutes. Add water and tomato sauce and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Reduce heat and add white beans and spices. Cook for 30-40 minutes. Separately boil the pasta and add it to the soup when serving.

Sample menu for 14 days

Using the above recipes and using this table, you can create your own menu for the entire duration of the diet:

Day 1
Hot oatmeal or porridge from wheat cereal with honey or brown sugar.
Fresh fruits.
Coffee or tea with lemon.
Place fried garlic in olive oil on salt-free rice cakes, crackers or crackers.
Homemade soup (such as chicken or vegetable).
Fruits, Marshmallows, homemade popcorn
Day 2
Scrambled eggs made with only egg whites vegetable oil, fried vegetables.
Toast or rice crackers.
Homemade beef or vegetable stew
Popsicles (made from 100% juice) Raw vegetables
Day 3
Fruit smoothie (fresh fruit mixed together).
Pancakes (homemade) or dry cereal.
Coffee or tea with lemon.
Home fried chicken.
Fried potatoes or rice with olive oil.
Stewed vegetables or homemade vegetable stir fry.
Fresh fruit + water / juice / homemade green tea with ice
Day 4
Homemade muffins or toast/crackers with jam or peanut butter.
Coffee or tea with lemon.

Dark chocolate (dairy, salt and soy free)
Homemade sorbet (frozen fruit puree)
Day 5
Salad with homemade dressing
Sandwich made from bread without iodine and fried vegetables, peanut butter and jam,
Homemade chopped beef or chicken.
Avocado puree can be used as a substitute for mayonnaise.
Salad with homemade dressing
Pasta and meatballs/meat sauce made with homemade tomato sauce or pasta with pesto sauce.
Homemade pie or muffins + water, juice/coffee/tea.
Oat cookies, almonds or coconut macaroons).
Raw vegetables.

Low iodine diet (for a week)

This diet option was created by an endocrinologist, Ph.D. Fetisova N.V. (Saint Petersburg). The diet is designed to create iodine deficiency in the body with sufficient nutritional value nutrition before examination or treatment using radioactive iodine. The menu option given here is for 1 week; after this period the dishes are repeated. The published menu is not mandatory - of course, other options for preparing the diet of dishes at the time of preparation for treatment with radioactive iodine are possible, however this option nutrition is designed taking into account the needs of the average person and is very balanced.

Features of the proposed menu option

  • The proposed diet is designed for a person of normal weight and average physical activity. If you are overweight, sedentary life or increased physical activity calorie intake should be adjusted accordingly.
  • The proposed daily diets contain 45-50 mcg of iodine, which corresponds to recommendations for preparation for radioiodine therapy. During the last 2 weeks, you must especially carefully avoid products containing more than 5 mcg of iodine per 100 g of product, i.e. the diet should be practically vegetarian with a small addition of meat (lamb, duck, veal).
  • Daily rations are quite varied and provide a wide choice of dishes. For ease of cooking, individual dishes can be repeated over 2-3 days.
  • An important role in the diet is given to dishes prepared at home without the use of milk, yolks and iodine. food additives(bread, dumplings, homemade noodles, dumplings, cookies)

1st day

Breakfast Protein omelet without milk from 2 proteins (once a week)
Green or black tea is not strong
Bread (hereinafter - bread is better homemade from dough without yolks and milk) 1-2 slices
Sugar or honey
Snack Baked apples 1-2 pcs
Dinner Cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage (without using tomatoes) 300 gr
boiled rice 200 gr
Boiled meat, sliced. sliced ​​and fried in vegetable oil with onions (lamb, duck, veal, chicken, pork) 150 gr
Bread 1 slice
Cranberry juice 250 gr
Dinner Vinaigrette (potatoes, white beans, carrots, beets (reduced quantity), pickled cucumber, sauerkraut, green onion, vegetable oil) 200 gr
Homemade jam
Snack Orange 1 PC

2nd day

Breakfast Fresh grated carrots with sugar 100 gr
Lavash thin 1 slice, 20 g
Hard cheese
Natural tea or coffee
Sugar or honey
Snack Tea
Simple dryers 3-4pcs
Dinner Vegetarian vegetable soup with cereals (rice or pearl barley) 300 gr
Boiled potatoes 200 gr
Boiled meat goulash (boiled meat - lamb, carrots, vegetable oil, dried wheat flour) 150 gr
Bread 1 slice.
Apple compote 250 gr
Dinner Boiled meat, after boiling it can be lightly fried (lamb, duck, veal, chicken, pork) 100 gr
150 gr
Tea with white marshmallows
Snack Pear 1 PC

3rd day

Breakfast Boiled millet with vegetable oil 200 gr
Natural tea or coffee
Sugar or honey
Snack Apple 1-2 pcs
Dinner Homemade noodle soup (no eggs) with chicken broth 300 gr
Vegetables stewed with olive oil (potatoes, zucchini, green beans, a little carrot, onion) with boiled meat (rabbit, veal, young lamb, turkey, duck) 250 gr
Tea with lemon
Snack Tea
Dinner Sauerkraut salad with apple and vegetable. oil 250 gr
Homemade boiled pork 100 gr
Blackcurrant jelly 250 gr

4th day

Breakfast Salad of carrots, apples and 1 tsp. sour cream 200 gr
Tea or coffee
Snack Cranberry juice 250 gr
Simple dryers 3-4 pcs
Dinner Pea soup on the second broth 300 gr
Bread 50 gr
Boiled meat (lamb, duck, veal, chicken, pork) 100 gr
Mashed potatoes with water (without milk) 150g
Dinner Boiled potatoes without skin and fried in vegetable oil 200 gr
Boiled veal liver (can be ground in a meat grinder, add olive oil, fried onions, salt) 150 gr
Homemade jam
Snack Orange or grapefruit 1 PC

5th day

Breakfast Vinaigrette with white beans 200 gr
Sugar or honey
Snack Baked apples with honey 1-2 pcs
Dinner Homemade dumplings (dough without eggs and milk) 300 gr
Bread 50 gr
Sauerkraut stewed 200 gr
Homemade meringue cookies
Dinner Meatballs with rice (with an increased proportion of rice) 250 gr
Tea with lemon
Snack Tangerines 2-3 pcs

6th day

Breakfast Boiled rice with butter 200 gr
Sugar or honey, raisins
Snack Apple 1-2 pcs
Dinner White bean soup 300 gr
Vegetable stew with boiled chicken or duck 250 gr
Bread 50 gr
Blueberry fruit drink 200 gr
Dinner Boiled potatoes without skins with olive oil 2-3 pcs
Boiled river fish 150 gr
Green tea 200 gr
Snack Pear 1 PC

7th day

Breakfast Fruit salad (apple, orange, pear, raisin) with oatmeal or muesli without nuts 200 gr
Cocoa water (but not ready-made chocolate drinks) 200 gr
Snack Apples 1-2 pcs
Dinner Borscht with second broth without sour cream 300 gr
Cabbage stewed with pork or duck 250 gr
Bread 50 gr
Tea with meringue
Dinner Homemade dumplings with potatoes (without eggs and milk) 250 gr
Homemade jam
Snack Grapefruit 1 PC