Hormonal balance in the body of a teenager. Diseases of the endocrine system in children

Skin diseases in children are much more common than in adults. This is because children are more sensitive and susceptible to infections. Skin diseases in children are often allergic in nature. Treatment of the disease should begin only when the diagnosis is accurately established and confirmed.

Let's look at diseases that are more common than others.

Atopic dermatitis

is a chronic, genetically determined inflammatory disease skin.

The first and most main reason the onset of the disease is genetic predisposition(relatives suffering from various allergies);

Important! Atopy is the tendency of a child’s body to develop allergies. You can read about allergy treatment.

  1. Increased hyperreactivity of the skin ( increased sensitivity To external factors).
  2. Disruption nervous system child.
  3. Use tobacco products in the presence of the baby.
  4. Bad ecology.
  5. Food contains a lot of dyes and flavor enhancers.
  6. Dry skin.

Important! This type of dermatitis affects children under 12 years of age; at older ages it is extremely rare.

At atopic dermatitis The child’s skin becomes dry, begins to peel, and a rash appears in spots, especially in certain places: on the face, neck, on the bends of the elbows and knees. This disease has a wave-like course, periods of remission (extinction of symptoms) are replaced by periods of exacerbation.

Diaper dermatitis

- is irritable and inflammatory process which occurs under the diaper, due to limited air flow to the perineal skin or prolonged moisture. This is a good environment for bacteria to multiply.

Important! Occurs in babies who wear diapers, regardless of age.

When using diapers and diapers, irritants are:

  1. High humidity and temperature.
  2. Long time contact feces and urine with skin.
  3. Accelerated development of fungal infection.

Big role in in this case plays fungal infection. Scientists have proven that many children suffering from diaper dermatitis have a fungal infection, which is the causative agent of candidiasis.

Important! At the first manifestations of a rash, it should be remembered that the baby may be allergic to new soap, cream, or even new diapers, provided that there have been no hygiene violations.


  1. Children with diaper dermatitis experience severe inflammation of the skin in the perineum and buttocks.
  2. Hyperemia of the skin, blisters or even small wounds.
  3. Very severe inflammation observed in skin folds and between the buttocks.
  4. In this case, the baby will be restless, whiny, and nervous.
  5. Will pull his hands in groin area and try to remove the diaper.


is a skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of itching, and after the appearance of blisters, the blisters at the beginning of the disease are single, later merge and form an inflamed area, which can cause an increase in temperature and disruption of the stomach and intestines.

Reasons that contribute to the appearance of skin diseases:

  1. Hypersensitivity of the skin.
  2. Foods that contain many allergens (citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, honey).
  3. Medications.
  4. Dust or pollen, animal fur.
  5. Infectious and viral diseases.
  6. Cold, heat, water, UV rays.
  7. Insect bites.


  1. The first things to appear with hives are blisters and a red rash that causes itching and a desire to scratch (like a nettle burn).
  2. The child scratches these blisters, causing them to merge.
  3. Localized around the lips, on the cheeks, in the folds of the skin, on the eyelids.
  4. The body temperature rises, sometimes nausea occurs and...

Prickly heat

- this is one of the forms of dermatitis that appears as a result of skin irritation due to increased sweating.

According to symptoms, prickly heat is divided into three types:

  1. Crystalline prickly heat - newborn babies are more often affected by this type; the elements of the rash look like white blisters about 2 mm in size. The rash may coalesce and form large white areas; these blisters are easily damaged, resulting in areas that peel off. The rash is localized on the neck, face, and upper half of the body.
  2. Miliaria rubra - with this type a rash appears in the form of nodules around which hyperemia appears along the periphery. This rash does not go away, itches and when touched causes painful sensations.
  3. Miliaria profunda - with this type, a rash appears in the form of beige or pale pink blisters. The rash can be located not only on the neck, face, but also on the legs and arms. This rash goes away as quickly as it appeared, leaving no traces or scars.

But this type most often affects adults who have suffered from prickly heat more than once, but there are exceptions when children suffer from it.

Important! If a child develops a rash on the skin, it should not be smeared under any circumstances. cosmetic creams or ointments that you once used. Remember - the health of your child is only in your hands!

Causes of the disease:

  1. Very thin and delicate skin.
  2. Active blood supply, as a result of which the baby quickly overheats.
  3. Poorly developed sweat ducts.
  4. High skin saturation with water (92%).


Acne in children is a disease of newborns that manifests itself in small rashes white, which are localized on the baby’s chin and cheeks. They can appear in the first 6 months of a child’s life, this is due to hormonal changes that occur in the baby’s body.

Important! Also this view skin disease may appear during adolescence.

  1. Blocked ducts sebaceous glands.
  2. Changes in the child's hormonal levels.
  3. Excessive amounts of estrogen (female hormones) entering the body.

Symptoms: Acne appears as single papules, white or slightly yellowish.

Over time, they can turn into blackheads. Acne usually goes away quickly, within 14 days, after it subsides there are no scars or spots left on the skin.

But the situation can be complicated by acne infection. Signs of infection are swelling of the skin where acne is present and redness. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.


Boils in children are a skin disease caused by staphylococci. The presence of boils on the child’s body indicates serious disorders in the baby’s body.

The reasons for the appearance are divided into 2 types:

  1. Mechanical effects (wearing clothes that are too tight and do not fit).
  2. Failure to comply with hygiene rules (scratching the skin with dirty hands, rarely changing diapers, irregular bathing).


  1. Malnutrition of a child.
  2. Diseases of the baby's endocrine and nervous systems.
  3. Congenital or acquired immunodeficiency.

The boil has its own stage of development, which is determined by the symptoms:

  1. First, a hard infiltrate appears with unclear boundaries, which gives pain.
  2. Swelling forms along the periphery, around the boil, and the pain increases. After which the boil itself opens and the purulent contents and the core, which is formed from dead leukocytes and bacteria, come out of it.
  3. After this, the ulcer on the skin heals, leaving behind a scar.

Important! A boil located on the head is especially dangerous; it can infect other areas of the skin.


A carbuncle can also form - this is an inflammatory process of several boils united with each other.

In this case it is violated general state child:

  1. The child's weight may decrease.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. Skin turn pale.
  4. Weakness.
  5. Increase lymph nodes, not far from a nearby boil.

Making a timely and correct diagnosis is a direct path to success in treating your child’s skin disease, remember this!

Hormones play an important role in the proper maturation of the body. They are responsible for the growth of the body, mental development, puberty. Therefore, endocrine disorders in childhood lead not only to various diseases, but also developmental delays that simply cannot be compensated for in adulthood. IllnessNews will tell you what symptoms should alert parents and become a reason for examination by an endocrinologist.

Growth hormone (somatotropin) is responsible for the growth of bones in length - it is under its influence that children “stretch out” literally in a matter of months. Of course, growth is due not only hormonal influence, but also by heredity. But parents should still carefully monitor the child’s health if active growth is not observed during certain periods.

Basic parameters of the increase:

  • 1st year of life - body length increases by 25-30 cm.
  • 2nd year - up to 12 cm.
  • 3rd year - approximately 6 cm.
  • 10-14 years (for girls) - about 8-12 cm.
  • 12-16 years (for boys) - 10-14 cm.

Activation of growth hormone and sex hormones in adolescence called the pubertal leap, during which body length can increase by 20%. Such a sharp increase in bone length is possible only when they still have “growth zones” - specific cartilage tissue at the ends. After it ossifies completely, the activation of somatotropin can lead to the growth of bones in width and their deformation, but will no longer be able to significantly affect the growth of the child. Therefore, if body length does not increase properly, you need to contact an endocrinologist as soon as possible.

Risk of diabetes in children

Doctors distinguish 2 types of diabetes. The first (insulin dependent, complete lack of the hormone insulin) most often manifests itself in childhood, as it is associated with the pathology of the pancreas. The second (insulin resistance - the immunity of cells to the hormone), on the contrary, is considered an acquired disease and more often develops in adults who are obese and have an unhealthy diet. However, doctors note that last years Type 2 diabetes has become significantly younger and is now found even in schoolchildren.

Risks of developing the disease:

  • Type 1 diabetes: 2-5% - if the mother is sick, 5-6% - if the father is sick, 15-20% - if both parents are sick.
  • Type 2 diabetes: the onset of insulin resistance after 40 years in 50% if one of the parents was sick. Moreover, the key factor is not so much heredity as eating habits and lifestyle.

Therefore, if there are diabetics in the family, it is important to pay maximum attention to the child’s healthy diet and exercise. Consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary for the following symptoms:

  • Sudden weight loss or gain.
  • Constant feeling of thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Itchy skin, poorly healing wounds.
  • Slow recovery after ARVI or other infectious diseases.
  • Changes in character: fatigue, drowsiness or, conversely, irritability.

Hormones thyroid gland(triiodothyronine T3 and thyroxine T4) significantly affect the growth and development of the child. It is with them, in particular, that it is connected mental development, they also interact with somatotropin and sex hormones. In fact, disruptions in the synthesis of T3 and T4 affect the child’s health as a whole; moreover, these are the types of endocrine disorders that occur most often. For example, congenital hypothyroidism (lack of hormones) is observed in 1 out of 4000 newborns in the Russian Federation. Thyrotoxicosis (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland) is more often diagnosed in adolescents.

Such endocrine disorders may initially appear general symptoms deterioration of health. With hypothyroidism, a child is characterized by:

  • Fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness.
  • Learning problems, poor assimilation of information, difficulty remembering.
  • Weight gain.
  • Growth slowdown ( thyroid-stimulating hormones affect growth hormone).
  • Fragility, thinning hair.
  • Swelling (especially swelling of the face).

For thyrotoxicosis:

  • Irritability, tearfulness, often aggressiveness.
  • Enlargement of the neck (goiter).
  • Bulging eyes.
  • Unhealthy thinness, weight loss with normal appetite.
  • Dry thin skin.

Signs of impaired synthesis of sex hormones

Sex hormones become active starting at the age of 8-10, and by the age of 12-14 their influence is clearly visible in the development of the child. In boys, puberty occurs several years later than in girls. Sex hormones are very important not only for fertility function, but also for proper development body. Their shortage can even affect mental abilities child, children with such endocrine disorders often experience developmental delays. At the same time, the synthesis of estrogens and androgens is closely related to the production of thyroid hormones, the functioning of the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and other organs endocrine system. Therefore, such hormonal imbalances are often a sign serious illnesses. Delayed sexual development may be a consequence of hypothyroidism, and excessive production of hormones may generally indicate the presence of tumors.

Warning symptoms that parents should pay attention to:

  • Secondary sexual characteristics appear before the age of 8 (in girls) and before the age of 9 (in boys).
  • Secondary sexual characteristics do not appear until 14-15 years of age. For example, a boy’s voice does not become rough, and a girl does not begin menstruation.
  • Marked growth retardation compared to peers of the same sex.
  • Only some of the secondary sexual characteristics are observed. For example, in girls only pubic hair appears (may be a symptom of an adrenal tumor), but their figure does not change, the mammary glands do not enlarge, and menstruation does not begin.

The listed symptoms should be a reason for full examination child to an endocrinologist. The doctor conducts a physical examination: hormonal imbalances are reflected in appearance, so often already at this stage a specialist may suspect possible violations. But to confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to carry out laboratory examinations. Among standard procedures The following diagnostics are carried out:

  • Blood tests for hormones (sexual, TSH hormone, responsible for the synthesis of T3 and T4).
  • X-ray of the hands and wrist joints(the size of bone growth zones is checked). An important study when choosing treatment for growth hormone deficiency.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
  • Additional examinations of the endocrine system. They are carried out when there is excessive production of hormones to identify possible tumors.

Do you want your child to develop harmoniously? Don’t forget to show it to the endocrinologist - this is what our expert, pediatric endocrinologist Ph.D. says. Tatiana Varlamova.

Is the child’s character deteriorating, is he growing too rapidly or, on the contrary, is he suffering because he is the smallest in the class, too plump and chews all the time, or, on the contrary, he is thin and categorically refuses to eat? “Transitional age,” we say, “time will correct everything.” And, exchanging experiences with other parents, we are convinced that our baby is still nothing, but the neighbors’ son...

Diabetes makes you look younger?

Modern children have become shorter, but fatter, because they do not eat properly, get sick more often and are nervous, to say the least - mentally unbalanced. These are the gloomy conclusions reached by experts dealing with children’s health at the All-Russian Forum “Health of the Nation,” held in Moscow this spring. Latest results scientific research allowed us to assess the real state of children's health, which is very different from official statistics.

Risky inheritance
Diabetes mellitus type I. Risk of inheriting insulin dependence diabetes, the so-called diabetes of the young, is small.
The likelihood of a child getting sick:
2-3% - if the mother is sick
5-6% - with diabetes in the father
15-20% - if both parents are sick
10% is the incidence of diabetes among siblings with diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus type II is caused by hereditary predisposition much more strongly:
40-50% - if one of the parents is sick. True, the disease usually occurs after the age of 40.
50-80% - if the parents are also diagnosed with obesity in combination with type II diabetes, the so-called diabetes mellitus of obese adults.

According to Science Center Children's health at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, only 2% of school graduates can be considered healthy. Over the past few years, there have been 8.5% fewer children with normal physical development. A generation of relatively healthy children is growing, or, as doctors say, “healthy patients.” The term “retardation” appeared, that is, a slowdown in physical development and formation functional systems in children and adolescents.

And quantity endocrine disorders in children over 15-20 years has increased significantly. This is due, firstly, to the epidemic of our century - obesity. Secondly, with the increasing number of cases of diabetes (both insulin-dependent - type I diabetes, and type II diabetes, which was previously called diabetes of the elderly), it has become significantly younger and is now increasingly beginning to develop in children.

Naturally, this is connected with both ecology and urbanization, that is, with the costs of city life. And, of course, with food. On the one hand, children began to eat more, but on the other hand, this is not always what they need. Often, even at home, children are treated to fast food and sweet drinks - not only carbonated drinks, but also sweetened “morsiki” and “kompotiki”.

In addition, children move less, and this contributes to the development of functional disorders.

But the main risk factor is family history. True, if there are cases of diabetes in the family, this does not mean that the child will definitely get sick, but he is at risk. This means that he needs special supervision from an endocrinologist (2-3 times a year) and nutritional correction. Nowadays there are a lot of cases of obesity in children - I and II degrees! A violation fat metabolism leads to violation carbohydrate metabolism and the development of diabetes.

Typical mistakes of parents:

  • Overfeeding a child. If the child is healthy, but thin, and has poor appetite, this may be a manifestation of gastroenterological diseases or increased excitability. This means that it makes sense to show him to a neurologist and gastroenterologist, but just not force him to eat, making painful hysterical performances out of feedings.
  • Unhealthy diet: foods containing trans fats (cookies, chips) and excess sweets. The child's diet must be balanced.
  • Failure to regularly check the child's body mass index.
  • Feeding newborns throughout the day without stopping at night. Common mistake mothers - give the baby the breast at night every time he wakes up. So he has a need to eat and drink all the time. But the number of fat cells is formed precisely during this period of development - before the age of two years!

Alarming symptoms:

  • Child after transferred adenoviral infections, or childhood illnesses cannot recover for a long time.
  • Feels thirsty often and drinks too much liquid.
  • He urinates frequently and profusely.
  • He remains in a state of lethargy and irritability for a long time.
  • He begins to lose weight noticeably.

This possible signs diabetes Therefore, you should immediately check your blood glucose levels.

Height and bone age

When a child lags behind his peers in growth, this is perceived as a tragedy by both the parents and himself; adolescents experience this especially painfully.

Why does a person’s height depend? It is influenced by two main factors - genes, that is, heredity, and again nutrition in early childhood. Tall parents usually have taller children, and vice versa. And, if the parents are above average height, and the child is lagging behind, you need to check his level somatotropic hormone(STG).

Severe (especially chronic) diseases can also reduce growth rates. A weakened baby temporarily switches the energy that should have been spent on growth to the healing process.

An important role is played by the mother’s health during pregnancy, as well as the individual characteristics of metabolic processes in the child’s body.

And the functions of the glands have a very large influence on growth internal secretion- thyroid gland and sex hormone testosterone. An increase in its production stimulates bone growth up to a certain limit, but later it begins to suppress growth zones, stopping growth. This can be observed in young men during puberty, when the acceleration of growth is replaced in the period of maturity (at 16-18 years old) by its stop.

Norm and deviations:

It is very important to monitor growth rates during the first two years of life.

  • In the first year, children grow by an average of 25-30 cm, in the second - up to 12 cm, and in the third - 6 cm. Then rapid growth gives way to so-called uniform growth, that is, an increase of 4-8 cm per year.
  • At first puberty Children typically experience growth spurts again. This period rapid growth caused by the influence of sex hormones - a hormonal “surge”.
  • For girls, this period begins at the age of 10 (maximum at 12), when they gain an average of 8 cm per year.
  • In boys aged 12-14 years, the increase in height is on average 10 cm per year, with possible individual deviations of 1-1.5 years.
  • During the puberty “leap” (for boys this usually occurs at 13-16 years old, for girls at 12-15), both main indicators of physical development - height and body weight - intensively manifest themselves. In a relatively short period of time, height can increase by 20%, and body weight - even by 50%.
    In girls, this “jump” can begin at 10.5 years, reaching its greatest expression by 12.5. And their body growth continues until they are 17-19 years old.
  • At the beginning of puberty, boys lag behind girls, and at about 14.5 years old they begin to intensively catch up with them, and their growth continues until about 19-20 years old.

Alarming symptoms:

  • Indicators of weight and height may vary - it depends on the individual characteristics of a particular child, so the reason for concern should not be one number, but a stable age-related trend of lagging or accelerating growth. Genes play a big role here, but the hereditary program can fail for some external reasons.
  • Adolescents in physical and sexual development may be delayed by 1-2 years compared to their peers who are intensively involved in sports with constant physical activity(gymnastics, wrestling, etc.).
  • Chronic diseases, for example, gastritis, gastroduodenitis, which sometimes occur almost asymptomatically in adolescents, can significantly affect growth retardation.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system, such as arterial hypertension, rheumatism, heart defects, some pulmonary diseases, also contribute to a decrease in growth.
  • And, of course, endocrine diseases, the first signs of which sometimes appear in early age, and sometimes only in adolescence, lead to a slowdown in the child’s physical development - and primarily to a decrease in height.

It is important not to waste time, to promptly notice that the child’s growth is not normal, and be sure to contact specialists - a pediatrician and an endocrinologist.

It is also necessary to check the bone age - its correspondence to the passport age - and growth zones. For this they do X-ray hands and wrist joints. The growth zones are clearly visible in the picture. If these zones close at the age of 14-15, it means that the child will no longer grow, and this is an unfavorable sign.


The last two decades have been marked by a steady increase in thyroid diseases in children. In addition to burdened heredity, the region of residence also plays an important role. If there is a lack of iodine in the region, its deficiency must be replenished with the help of iodine preparations - iodomarin, potassium iodide, etc.

How do hormones function?
The endocrine system consists of endocrine glands such as the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, etc. Hormones (endocrine substances) are secreted by the endocrine system directly into the bloodstream and regulate vital processes in the body. All over the world in Lately There has been an increase in diseases associated with endocrine system disorders. Moreover, most endocrine diseases manifest themselves in childhood. Typical symptoms of endocrine disorders - unreasonable fatigue, sudden mood swings, irritability, obesity or sudden weight loss, too early or delayed puberty - should serve as a serious reason to contact an endocrinologist.

To some extent, insufficient physical activity and even too much time at the computer at an early age can provoke the development of thyroid diseases, such as autoimmune thyroiditis - a deficiency of thyroid hormone, which leads to further functional disorders.

If after a careful examination and ultrasound it turns out that the gland is enlarged, but the level of thyroid hormones is normal, then iodine supplements are sufficient. If the hormone level is increased or decreased, serious correction and treatment with hormonal drugs is necessary.

Doctors do not confirm the widespread belief that the hormones that the mother took during pregnancy also lead to the development of endocrine disorders in children. Hormones are usually prescribed to women with problems reproductive system- miscarriage, etc. Such a course of treatment under the supervision of a doctor almost never - there is a lot of research on this topic - does not affect the health of children. On the contrary, in the correct, precisely selected dosage hormonal drug helps maintain pregnancy. Hypothyroidism can also be congenital - it is hereditary disease, when a child is already born with a “bad” thyroid gland. Therefore, since 1992, we have been screening newborns for endocrine diseases.

Such early diagnosis is very important: if treatment is started immediately (and children with hypothyroidism need lifelong treatment), then developmental delays can be avoided.

Cases congenital hypothyroidism in Russia they average 1 in 4000 newborns. That's why best prevention endocrine system disorders in children - examination of pregnant women in early dates when the formation of the nervous system and thyroid gland in the fetus occurs.

Alarming symptoms:

  • Slowdown in growth rates.
  • Weight disorders - both deficiency and excess. If the child is too fat, this may indicate a metabolic disorder.
  • With a deficiency of thyroid hormones, children are lethargic, pasty, weak - they get tired quickly compared to their peers, and get up very hard in the morning.
  • If the gland is overactive, weight loss and increased emotional excitability are observed, especially in girls. They become whiny, even aggressive, hand tremors may appear, increased eyeballs, difference in pressure - decreased diastolic and increased systolic (pulse), thin, tender, even dry skin and general fussiness of movements.

An experienced doctor can identify violations by the way the child enters the office: this is noticeable in his plastic behavior, hyperactive behavior, and excessive fussiness.

Gender issues

Puberty in children is mainly determined by heredity, but not only genetic characteristics determine the type of development of the child, but the nationality and race of the parents - children of southern or eastern peoples, for example, ripen earlier.

How to determine ideal weight child?
For children from 1 year to 12 years, deviation of body weight from ideal can be assessed in points - from five to two. Body mass index (BMI) for children over 2 years of age is calculated using the same formula as for adults: weight in kg divided by height in cm squared.
5 points - exact correspondence of the child’s weight to his age
+4 – slightly overweight
+3 – moderate overweight
+2 - pronounced excess weight
-4 - mild underweight
-3 - moderate underweight
-2 - severe weight deficiency

Estimation of body weight in girls

Age, yearsBMI score in points
-2 -3 -4 5 +4 +3 +2
1 14,7 15,0 15,8 16,6 17,6 18,6 19,3
2 14,3 14,7 15,3 16,0 17,1 18,0 18,7
3 13,9 14,4 14,9 15,6 16,7 17,6 18,3
4 13,6 14,1 14,7 15,4 16,5 17,5 18,2
5 13,5 14,0 14,6 15,3 16,3 17,5 18,3
6 13,3 13,9 14,6 15,3 16,4 17,7 18,8
7 13,4 14,4 14,7 15,5 16,7 18,5 19,7
8 13,6 14,2 15,0 16,0 17,2 19,4 21,0
9 14,0 14,5 15,5 16,6 17,2 20,8 22,7
10 14,3 15,0 15,9 17,1 18,0 21,8 24,2
11 14,6 15,3 16,2 17,8 19,0 23,0 25,7
12 15,0 15,6 16,7 18,3 19,8 23,7 26,8

Estimation of body weight in boys
Age, yearsBMI score in points
-2 -3 -4 5 +4 +3 +2
1 14,6 15,4 16,1 17,2 18,5 19,4 19,9
2 14,4 15,0 15,7 16,5 17,6 18,4 19,0
3 14,0 14,6 15,3 16,0 17,0 17,8 18,4
4 13,8 14,4 15,0 15,8 16,6 17,5 18,1
5 13,7 14,2 14,9 15,5 16,3 17,3 18,0
6 13,6 14,0 14,7 15,4 16,3 17,4 18,1
7 13,6 14,0 14,7 15,5 16,5 17,7 18,9
8 13,7 14,1 14,9 15,7 17,0 18,4 19,7
9 14,0 14,3 15,1 16,0 17,6 19,3 20,9
10 14,3 14,6 15,5 16,6 18,4 20,3 22,2
11 14,6 15,0 16,0 17,2 19,2 21,3 23,5
12 15,1 15,5 16,5 17,8 20,0 22,3 24,8

You can calculate the ideal weight for your child, taking into account his constitutional body type, using the formula: MI = (P x G): 240, where MI is the ideal body weight in kg; P—height in cm; G - circle chest in cm; 240 is a constant calculation coefficient.

A sign of normality or deviation can be the sequence of appearance of secondary sexual characteristics: in girls, the mammary glands must first develop, then hair growth occurs in the pubic area, then menstruation occurs. If the sequence is broken, this is not a sign of a disease, but a reason to consult an endocrinologist. When girls have hair on their arms, legs and back, it is necessary to eliminate excess androgens by doing special studies. If they are in excess, we can talk about pathology of the adrenal glands. If hormonal background Normally, this may be a manifestation of a constitutional feature.

Normally, at the age of 8-9 years, girls show the first signs of maturation: the nipple areas begin to protrude a little, slightly change color and shape. And then, from 10-12 years old, a redistribution of adipose tissue, development of the mammary glands, etc. gradually begins to occur. The first menstruation normally appears at 12-14 years old, but fluctuations are possible in the range from 10 to 16 years - in the northern areas.

Normal puberty in boys usually occurs between 9 and 14 years of age. The first signs are enlargement of the testicles, then, after 6 months, the appearance of pubic hair, reaching a peak in the final stage of growth of the genital organs.

Boys at this age sometimes experience swelling mammary glands- one or both, as a rule, this is caused by excess prolactin and does not require treatment. This is not a disease, but a physiological phenomenon - the so-called genicomastia. It may be a consequence of obesity.

Alarming symptoms:

  • Pubic hair in girls in the absence of other secondary sexual characteristics can be caused by a malfunction of the adrenal glands, for example, an adrenal tumor. This serious reason to contact an endocrinologist.
  • Growth retardation compared to peers. In this case, it is necessary to conduct an examination to determine whether the bone age corresponds to the biological age.
  • Obesity in boys can also contribute to pathological development of the genitals.
  • Endocrine deviation - cryptorchidism, when one or both testicles do not descend into the scrotum in time, but remain in the abdominal cavity.
  • Underdevelopment of the genitals, if, for example, a boy at the age of 13 began to develop hair growth (axillary and pubic area), and the genitals are still of child size, the child is taken under the supervision of endocrinologists.
  • Precocious puberty can occur in children of both sexes. This alarming symptom, if secondary sexual characteristics appear in boys under 9 years of age or in girls under 8 years of age. In any case, it is necessary to see an endocrinologist at least once a year, even in the absence of pronounced abnormalities.

Adolescence is a period of rapid growth and formation of the body, when the endocrine system and adrenal glands begin to actively work, and physical and mental changes occur in the child’s body under the influence of hormones. But hormonal levels at this age are unstable, and hormonal imbalance can occur.

Basically, hormonal changes are minor, special treatment is not required and the body returns to normal on its own after some time, but in some cases it is necessary to show the teenager to a specialist.

Causes of hormonal imbalance in teenagers

Hormonal balance is a very fragile thing, and there is great amount factors that can disrupt it. The main reasons can be identified:

  1. Severe stress.
  2. Bad ecology.
  3. Thyroid diseases.
  4. Genetic diseases.
  5. Poor nutrition.
  6. Excessive medication use.
  7. Diseases of the genital area and sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance in Teens

  • Increased sweating. If this sign is not accompanied by other symptoms, then we can talk about teenage hyperhidrosis, a normal variant. It occurs due to constant changes in the level of hormones that affect the sympathetic nervous system, which controls the functioning of the sweat glands. But sometimes increased sweating may be a symptom dangerous diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, increased activity thyroid gland.
  • Acne. Juvenile acne is the most common problem among teenagers and is associated with hormonal imbalance. The balance between androgens and estrogens is disrupted with a predominance of male sex hormones, to which they react negatively sebaceous glands. Typically, teenage acne is not pronounced and goes away on its own without consequences, but in some cases clinical cases required serious treatment antibacterial drugs, both internally in the form of tablets and externally in the form of ointments.
  • Irritability and aggression. Due to the influence of sex hormones on the central nervous system of adolescents, changes occur in their psyche. There is a decrease in the threshold of excitability and instability of the autonomic nervous system. Violations often occur in emotional sphere- unexpected mood swings, increased sensitivity to own feelings and experiences, and callousness and coldness towards others.
  • Weight change. During adolescence, the adrenal glands begin to actively produce glucocorticoid hormones, an imbalance of which leads to speed dial weight. An alarming symptom that requires consultation with an endocrinologist is excessive weight gain or weight loss with normal or increased appetite.
  • Growth disturbance. Height bone tissue occurs under the influence of growth hormone, which is produced by the pituitary gland. A lack of growth hormone leads not only to stunted growth, but also to a delay in the overall physical development of a teenager. Excess of the hormone leads to gigantism.

Hormonal imbalance in boys

At wrong ratio hormones in a boy’s body, if he lacks testosterone, sexual development is delayed. Secondary sexual characteristics do not develop, the voice does not break, and growth remains low. Some teenage boys experience slight enlargement of the mammary glands. This may be a natural and physiological phenomenon that time will pass, or may be a symptom of an adrenal or testicular tumor.

At elevated level testosterone, the boy experiences premature signs of puberty. Rapid development is taking place musculoskeletal system, hair growth in the groin, the penis enlarges, but the testicles still remain small. The physical development of a teenager does not correspond at all to his psycho-emotional development.

Hormonal imbalance in girls

If girls start menstruation too early or too late, this indicates hormonal imbalances in her body. Premature puberty is associated with disruption of the hypothalamus and manifests itself in the onset of menstruation in a girl under 10 years of age, the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics, breast enlargement, and the appearance of hair under the arms and in the groin. If, on the contrary, a girl’s menstruation did not appear by the age of 15, this is a reason to show it off. pediatric endocrinologist. This may be either a normal variant or a sign serious violations in the work of the pituitary gland or ovaries.

In the first couple of years, the hormonal background of a teenage girl is unstable, which is why menstrual cycle not regular. This is due to insufficient levels of progesterone in the blood, which is why the uterine lining is not shed in a timely manner. The cycle becomes regular within a year or two. If this does not happen, it is better to show the girl to a specialist to exclude the presence of diseases of the genital organs or pathological processes in the lobes of the brain responsible for the production of sex hormones.

Treating Hormonal Imbalances in Teens

After thorough examination, the endocrinologist prescribes an individual treatment regimen for the teenager. It can be homeopathic medicines, or synthetic analogues of hormones. IN severe cases appointed surgical intervention, after which it is carried out hormone therapy. Much attention is paid correct regimen teenagers day, good rest, proper nutrition, as well as moderate physical activity.

Endocrinologists can be called conductors child's body, because they are the ones who help him develop harmoniously and in a timely manner. Endocrine disorders can be associated not only with diseases of certain organs, but also with behavioral disorders and even changes in appearance child.

Signs of endocrine system dysfunction in children

Since hormonal disorders can lead to diseases of any system of the body or its individual organs, it is quite difficult to identify specific signs of disruption of the child’s endocrine system. However, there are a number of quite typical symptoms. The most common among them include excess or underweight, excitability, disturbances in physical development child, slow growth rate.

The most typical endocrine disease not only in adults, but also in children, diabetes is currently a problem.

Causes and treatment of diabetes in children

The modern young generation is simultaneously influenced by many pathogenic factors that can cause diabetes even at a young age. These include hereditary predisposition, morbid obesity, and unhealthy diet. All this leads to the fact that the functioning of the endocrine system suffers, and this entails a violation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

In infancy, the cause of endocrine disorders in the future may be thoughtless adherence to the principle of feeding on demand, when the baby receives the breast at the first cry, regardless of his real need. At the age of two years, the amount of future human adipose tissue is formed, so overfeeding can have serious consequences.

When a child grows up and begins to feed on his own, metabolic disorders can be caused by eating foods with high content trans fats and fast carbohydrates.

An unbalanced diet leads not only to diseases of the endocrine system, but also to many other dysfunctions of the body.

The main treatment in this case is the appointment therapeutic diet, as well as constant monitoring of blood glucose levels.

The endocrine system of the child and his growth

Deviation from average norm growth, both larger and smaller, worries not only the child’s parents, but can also develop in him inferiority complexes in relation to other peers. Often, a person’s physical parameters are explained by his heredity, but this is not always true. Pathological changes growth may be associated with endocrine disorders.

If a child’s growth significantly resonates with the parameters of his parents (for example, a child of short stature with tall parents), then he should be tested for somatropic hormone, which is responsible for growth rates. In addition, height and weight indicators should be considered over time, since they can vary significantly even within normal limits.

Thyroid diseases in children

Disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland are determined not only by heredity, but also by a lack of iodine in the body. If additional examination shows that thyroid hormones are normal, then it will be enough for the patient to take the prescribed iodine preparations. If the hormone level differs from the norm for a particular age and condition of the child, serious treatment may be required. hormonal treatment, which should be prescribed by an experienced endocrinologist.

In addition, problems with the thyroid gland can be caused by low physical activity and passion for computers. Thyroid insufficiency caused by these factors leads to further functional impairment.

Early diagnosis of thyroid hormone deficiency allows timely treatment to begin and avoid severe consequences(such as developmental delays). That is why children undergo the first examinations in the uterine period, when the nervous and endocrine systems of the fetus are just developing.
