Horoscope for the sign of Cancer. Financial horoscope for the year of the Rooster

Now it’s time for Cancer to say goodbye to the Monkey, don’t be sad, the Cockerel will protect you all year, because you are the most sensitive sign of the zodiac.

Before you do something, you always think, and the Cockerel will not rush you, but on the contrary, will give you time to think and take on some of the troubles. Everything will be smooth at work, the Fire Cockerel has already dealt with your boss, so no one will offend you.

In 2077, Cancers need to start playing sports, no matter what, don’t be so lazy and go for a run. And if you are already involved in some kind of sport, that’s very good.

  • Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07) In the coming year, your joints may bother you, but it’s not that big of a deal. terrible problem. Go to the doctor, he will find a medicine for you. Better yet, go to a sanatorium; this is a great place to improve your health and relax too. Believe me, this is very useful for any organism.
  • Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07) In the year of the Rooster you will work a lot, but this can be harmful to your health, it is possible constant fatigue, which will make you want to just fall and sleep anywhere. Stop overloading yourself, it’s better to go to your relatives in the village, take a walk fresh air, they've been waiting for you there for a long time. Well, or gather your family and go to some island; swimming in the sea and relaxing on the beach is just what you need.
  • Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23) In 2017, you will have to limit yourself a little in your diet. Replace greasy fried potatoes with chicken with cottage cheese and berries. Also try to give up alcohol; drinking fresh juice every day will be much healthier. On top of that, it would be good to go in for sports, it will be healthier for you and you can easily improve your figure.

Family horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

Try to be more patient and look for a compromise in any dispute. Your family will appreciate it.

  • Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07) In the new year, you should find time to spend with your household. On any busy day, find at least an hour for them, or even better, the whole day. On weekends, for example, go outdoors and have a picnic, or just a small celebration for no reason will please everyone. After this, your relatives will take more care of you.
  • Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07) This year, without a doubt, any day after work you will be happy to run home, because a delicious dinner awaits you there. There will always be such warm relationships in your family, but in order to prepare an unusual dinner, you need funds; it is more pleasant for the housewife to cook when there are a variety of products in the house. So it depends on you, but don’t expect problems with finances, everything will be fine.
  • Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23) In 2017, your desire is to improve family relationships and make them ideal. This, of course, will be easy for you, the main thing is not to become too caring, otherwise it will only scare your relatives. Be careful. You don’t need to constantly monitor your loved ones, they also need personal space, so you can do without it.

Children's horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

Little Cancers in the year of the Rooster will show a lot of goodwill, but sometimes they will seem quite adults. This is normal, just spend more time with the kids.

Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07) It is this year that children will surprise their parents with their arts, their Creative skills they just don't know boundaries. Save their creations. You can even send them to a competition. Little Cancer must have his own room, where they can come up with new activities. Better yet, make a room for your child in the style of his favorite cartoon or fairy tale.

Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07) Children born during this period will want to become too independent. Soon he will become interested in what is in the neighboring yard, and then he will get ready to travel. Such desires of the child do not need to be suppressed. On the contrary, try to support him and not laugh at the inquisitive baby. Go on a hike, there will definitely be something for him to do, perhaps you have a future traveler growing up.

Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23) Your child will easily carry out any assignment, the main thing is that he is interested in this matter. There is no need to force your child to do boring things; the child must choose for himself what interests him and what he would like to do. They will also become more inquisitive; get ready to answer a variety of questions, because this knowledge will definitely be useful to the baby.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

A whole bunch of romantic surprises await Cancers; you should be prepared for constant walks, going to the cinema and gatherings in cafes.

  • Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07) For free Cancers there will be no problems in love affairs, up for adventure? So go ahead, Cockerel has found some suitors for you. But for married people, it’s better to limit yourself to flirting only, don’t go any further. Don't make your other half distrust and be jealous of you.
  • Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07) You are very flighty by nature, and the Cockerel likes it. He doesn't mind helping you understand novels. There is no need to promise something to each of your suitors, because this can lead to bad consequences. I don't think you would like to see these fans meet and start sorting things out. Be more specific. If you already have a significant other, it's time to become husband and wife, a lot of courtship and romance awaits you.
  • Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23) In 2017, try to become a little more attentive, take care of the feelings of your significant other, and watch your behavior. After all, one thoughtless word can greatly upset the chosen one. To strengthen your relationship, arrange a trip for two to some resort or just to nature. No matter how long you have been together, this will definitely be remembered for a long time.

Business horoscope for 2017 for Cancers

Get ready for success, this year any business will go well. With a little effort, you can easily achieve your goal.

  • Cancers 1st decade (22.06-1.07) Your abilities in the service will surprise anyone, thanks to this there will be no competitors nearby. But once you're successful, don't forget about the people who helped you get there. In addition, they will help you out more than once in the future. You still need to respect your boss, even though you are needed in the service, but you also need to be grateful for the help.
  • Cancer 2nd decade (2.07-11.07) In the year of the Fire Rooster will appear in your head great amount ideas, this is all that will help you get to the highest position. When concluding deals, you don’t need to listen to other people’s advice; even friends can sometimes make mistakes. Your best assistant in this matter will be your own instinct; it will help you choose the best option.
  • Cancer 3rd decade (07/12-07/23) In 2017 you will find many new business partners who will help you achieve career growth. And Cockerel will help you stay at the very top of power. But often such success can make you lose your mind, so try not to forget about your loved ones who have always helped you. This way you can earn a lot of money, don’t forget to spend some of it on your family, they also made a big contribution to your development.

Horoscope by year of birth


In 2017, an increase in finances is expected, quite good. Therefore, it’s time to learn how to spend them correctly, don’t waste them. Many things are simply not tender to you, if you count all the money you spent over last year for extra items, you will get a rather large amount. You are an adventure lover, but still everyone sometimes wants a little peace and comfort. For this, go home, your family is waiting for you, they are ready to fulfill any whim.


You have many unique talents, you can conquer anyone with them. Creative people They won’t miss this opportunity, so get ready for acquaintances that will make you famous in the future. There will be many offers, you can think a little about where it is better to apply your talents. It’s best to get into creativity; ideas are already ripening in your head that can easily be turned into reality.


It is possible to achieve a lot in the year of the Rooster, but your perseverance may not be appreciated by your colleagues, try to tone it down a little. You can take risks, success is possible here, and your loved ones will not let you get into a bad situation. At the slightest danger they will stop you. Be careful with your suitors, do not give unnecessary hopes. Otherwise, as soon as you get a little distracted, a different name will appear on your passport.

Cancer-Rabbit (Cat)

A lot awaits you in the Year of the Rooster pleasant surprises, among the people around you you will become a more successful and serious person, luck will help you win the lottery, and you will simply be given gifts more often. Don't be so gullible, some may take advantage of this and do some nasty things. So it's better to check people and everything will be fine.


You will be the most active this year, thanks to this you can achieve many heights. But there is no need to show off your successes and constantly brag to your friends. Such behavior may be perceived incorrectly, and loved ones may even be offended. But there will be a chance to meet your other half, since communication with the opposite sex will go with a bang. Get ready for constant dates and acquaintances, and to always be ready for this, go to a beauty salon. After this, there will definitely be no chance for anyone not to notice you.


You are very charming, use this for your intentions. It is very easy for you to conquer and charm business people; they will not resist such pressure. Anyone will want to do business with you, show how educated you are, and then you will be in first place among the most influential people. So financial increases are long overdue. If you have decided to become a businessman, then 2017 is the time to fulfill it.


There will be no obstacles on your path to fame; Cockerel has already taken care of that. Rivals, as soon as they hear about you, will let you go ahead, while others will not mind concluding an agreement with you, these people have been pleasant to you for a long time, so expect lucrative offers. Love will definitely come in the new year, but don’t forget about everything, always remember that your soulmate will always be happy to receive gifts from you, and providing for your chosen one is an important matter.

Cancer-Sheep (Goat)

The Fire Cockerel is ready to do whatever you want for your comfort, he really liked you. So you can calmly walk and not worry about anything. In 2017, you may want to show off your talents, and this is very a good option. Everything is possible for you this year, luck will always be somewhere nearby, it will help you in any matter. You can also get support from your loved ones; it won’t hurt anyone.


There will be a lot of people who want to get to know you in the coming year, don’t be scared and don’t push them away. On the contrary, try to reciprocate and make as many friends as possible. Such friends will help you at the most unexpected moment. Have you already forgotten about your old friends from school? It's time to remember your youth, go to the city where you lived as a child, where your former classmates are already waiting for your visit. Throw a party and recreate the fun of prom.


You, like no one else, are guaranteed the protection and help of the Rooster, so expect many lucrative offers. They will do so thanks to their ability to negotiate, their diplomatic abilities will be at the highest level. Entrepreneurship is another option to prove yourself; as you noticed, there will be many chances to earn extra money. This means there will be more finances. To store them, you need to find a place where they could further increase.


There will be a bright streak in your life for almost the entire year; do not be afraid and do not think that a dark streak will begin soon. Just be happy about your success. The Cockerel has prepared a lot of surprises for you, several useful acquaintances and meetings. They can change your condition for the better. There will be only one problem with finances - what to spend so much money on? So start thinking now.

Cancer-Pig (Boar)

Your perseverance and desire to achieve success will be noticed by influential individuals who will help you with advice and finances; they have already gone through all this and know exactly how to help you. It's time to think about your own appearance, buy a business suit, because now people meet you based on their clothes. Your family will also begin to please, they will find everything in themselves hidden talents, so the path to success will not be too difficult.

Take a break!

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Cancer man 2017 - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

General trends

The year of the fiery Rooster will be very stressful for representatives of this zodiac sign. Events will occur that will require maximum concentration from stubborn Cancer. But, if you don’t hide from the current circumstances, then everything will end well. That is why, already at the beginning of the year, representatives of the sign should learn composure, attentiveness, and balanced decision-making.

Excessive emotionality, which is inherent in all Cancers, can interfere with the implementation of your plans. Although the horoscope favors making a breakthrough or realizing an idea that has been put off until now.

Keeping previously made promises will be a useful activity. This will increase your reputation, which will be useful when solving other problems.

You must strive to make new acquaintances. The Cancer horoscope indicates that among them there will be people who will help in professional growth or achieving personal harmony.

A new hobby or training will help Cancers get rid of unnecessary hesitation when making important decisions. It is especially useful to develop communication skills.

In the second half of the year the situation will become less tense, however, there is no need to relax. The horoscope does not recommend undertaking any undertakings during this period. It is also better to postpone marriage to a later period, for example, the very end of 2017.

Situations may arise in the family and at work that will require Cancers to demonstrate leadership qualities. To make your task easier, it is better to call reliable colleagues or friends for help. The result will be much higher.

2017 will be very favorable for communicating with family members. The stars even advise you to remember those relatives with whom you have not had contact for a long time. Relationships with children and grandchildren will be very harmonious. In the second half of the year, it is worth paying more attention to the education and development of children.

Cancer love horoscope

It is very important for representatives of this zodiac sign to feel love for their person. Only in this case are they able to achieve great goals and not be afraid of their desires.

The Year of the Rooster is a good time to get married. If Cancers already have a relationship, and the partner does not move on, then it is worth taking the initiative. The stars recommend that single people take a closer look at their colleagues, because among them, most likely, there will be a future spouse.

Having children will also benefit those born during this period. Even in those couples where there were disagreements, the appearance of a baby will strengthen and preserve the relationship.

Regardless of whether representatives of the zodiac sign are single or in a marital union, everyone should express their negative emotions in the presence of a partner. The Fire Rooster can provoke conflicts. In the first quarter of the year, feelings of jealousy will be especially pronounced. To maintain a relationship, you will need endurance. The love horoscope indicates the need to search for common interests. Even a renovation project, buying household appliances or a car is suitable. You need an object about which you will have to talk a lot with your loved one. This will help maintain a trusting relationship.

Financial horoscope for the year of the Rooster

Cancers should not count on high profits in 2017. Current needs and new projects will require investments, so debts are likely to appear. All loan payments must be repaid on time. To minimize investment risks, you should approach all investments carefully.

In the first half of the year, the issue of material wealth will be especially acute. Some representatives of the zodiac sign may start saving a lot.

However, by being patient, Cancers will be rewarded. In the second half of the year, the horoscope predicts a new cash flow. This will be associated with making a profit from projects, promotions, increased bonuses, etc. But the money received should not be spent thoughtlessly. By listening to the advice of friends or those who work in the financial sector, you can invest it profitably.

At work, you need to prepare for the fact that there is a high probability of making mistakes. Moreover, even those that seemed to be forgotten can emerge. Because of this, in the first half of the year, careers will be jeopardized. big sign question. Cancers need to demonstrate their best qualities superiors and colleagues. It is worth being polite with some employees, avoiding possible disputes, and providing information in a timely manner.

Gaining new knowledge will allow you to look at business processes differently. In the second half of the year, some Cancers will want to completely change the scope of their activities. There they will be able to achieve good results.

Those employed in the IT field are highly likely to receive a new offer for promotion or transfer to another company. The horoscope recommends accepting it, as this will determine the next 3-4 years of your life path.

Cancer health sphere in 2017

The year of the Rooster marks a period of energetic and emotional growth for Cancers. Already at the beginning of the year it will seem to them that they are able to move mountains. Even minor colds will bypass them. Representatives of the sign should spend their own strength wisely. Otherwise, you can quickly create a state of chronic fatigue.

If the horoscope does not foresee any failures in the main systems of the body, then your nerves should be protected. In the spring, you can arrange a course of relaxation procedures, take a course of vitamin B, after consulting with your doctor.

To master methods of psychological relief, you can attend several personal growth trainings or seminars.

IN autumn period the stars are well positioned for cleansing procedures. You can plan weight loss: it will be easy and effective. It is also useful for those who have bad habits to break with them. This will give additional ease and strength to implement your planned projects.

If Cancer’s own health does not fail, then loved ones may have problems that will have to be solved for them. Particular attention should be paid to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Cancer woman and events in her life in the year of the Rooster

Representatives of the fairer sex who were born during this period are in great need of a protector. But it is extremely difficult for them to trust a man. Excessive suspicion, self-doubt, doubts prevent them from enjoying personal happiness. The 2017 horoscope is favorable for the start of new love relationships, which women of this sign have been waiting for. Most likely this will happen in late spring or early summer.

Those who are already in a relationship should expect marriage proposals during this same period. If it doesn't come, it's worth initiating a conversation about it.

Family Cancers will have to pay a lot of attention to both their children and their spouse.

The special charm, which will appear from the very beginning of the year, should be used not only to strengthen personal relationships. In professional activities, this will allow you to get lucrative contracts or even promotions. But work shouldn't come first. Those who work with papers must carefully double-check what they have done. When signing contracts or complex legal documents, it is better to consult with specialists.

Many temptations await you in the first half of the year beautiful ladies outside of your hometown. Eat too much, spend too much Money, or have a fleeting romance. But if they succumb to temptation, they run the risk of greatly regretting it. The horoscope strongly recommends giving up office romances during business trips.

In the fall, charming Cancers will be drawn to creativity. The Cancer woman will want to realize herself or change her appearance. The update will be beneficial, because it will give new positive emotions that will prevent the blues from developing.

Horoscope for Cancer men for 2017

The Fire Rooster will give courage to many men born during this period. They will be able to lead others, which will allow them to begin those projects that until recently seemed like a dream. Relations with partners, investors, and representatives of the banking sector will develop favorably. The only thing that is high is the risk of a crisis in your personal life. Those born after July 14 may not have time to do it.

The stronger sex may not like the fact that they are stimulated to active actions. After all, they understand how dangerous it is to rush during this period. This can apply to work and love relationships. Many will make extraordinary decisions, and some will completely refuse to continue the story.

Business will start to pick up in the fall. But it is important not to make irreparable mistakes, so the horoscope insists that Cancers listen to others. Large businessmen will benefit from attracting third-party consultants. This will allow us to outline new development horizons.

Career plans will be implemented more slowly than desired. But interesting offers will do.

The birth of a child can radically change your life. A Cancer man may feel an urgent need for this, starting in August. For many married Cancers, this will allow them to start their relationship anew.

Cancer – astrological forecast for 2017

What awaits the Cancer sign in 2017 for the Red Fire Rooster. Horoscope and astrological forecast for the sign Cancer for 2017.

2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster, promises tension and several black streaks for Cancer. However, a craving for traditions, stability of relationships and principles, an aversion to risk and a lack of inclination to make rash decisions should help people born under this sign in 2017. The main thing is to curb your selfishness and stubbornness.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, Cancer will have to endure difficult periods, which will require him to mobilize all available forces. And those who endure all the hardships and trials with dignity will be fully rewarded.

2017 is literally destined for meaningful achievements. It's time to deal with what Cancer has been putting on the back burner: go on a diet, go to Gym, get rid of bad habits, etc.

The first half of the year will be especially stressful for the sign. Nevertheless, people under the auspices of the Moon have sufficient strength to overcome all obstacles and emerge victorious.

A warning for Cancers for 2017: do not allow others to take advantage of your good nature and sit on your neck. Pay special attention to rest, perhaps individual. Tourist trips abroad will be extremely successful. If there is no opportunity to visit world attractions, you can arrange a heavenly holiday at home, filling hot bath by watching your favorite movie or visiting the nearest amusement park.

Astrological forecast for Cancer for 2017

Cancer: horoscope for 2017 from Vasilisa Volodina

Financial horoscope for Cancer for 2017:

In 2017, representatives of this sign should devote themselves to proceedings with debt obligations. If Cancers owe money to relatives and friends, this will be an excellent opportunity to resolve all financial problems. It is recommended to pay off bank loans gradually, adhering to the repayment schedule.

If the sign itself acts as a lender, you should discard all embarrassment and remind the unscrupulous borrower of the need to return the money. By the end of spring, financial life will stabilize and there will be clear progress. There will be bureaucratic obstacles in the preparation of financial documents.

By the end of 2017, Cancer can safely count on a salary increase or a decent bonus.

Professional horoscope for Cancer for 2017:

An atmosphere of stability will reign at work. All that is required of Cancer is to actively engage in the work process, pick up the usual rhythm and not be distracted by problems that are not worth his attention. Relations with colleagues and superiors will remain at the same good-natured level.

Already in March, old unfinished business, which the water sign of the zodiac had forgotten about, will remind you of themselves. This time we will have to bring them to the end.

In the fall, Cancer will be held accountable to his superiors for mistakes made earlier. There won’t be any particular difficulties in correcting them, and after a couple of days everyone will forget about the incident.

2017 is a great time to learn from experience from senior colleagues, because knowledge is never superfluous. You should listen to what they say. Their desire to help will be quite sincere. Learn to accept help, everyone will benefit from it.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is ideal for establishing relationships with colleagues. Cancer will be able to discover new qualities in them that were not noticeable before.

Health horoscope for Cancer for 2017:

The year will be favorable for those who decide to engage in eastern energy practices (Qigong, etc.) and yoga. Relaxation and spiritual restoration techniques that are popular today will bring tangible benefits. Spa treatment will be effective, especially for representatives of the sign suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

If the vacation has already passed, you can find time for a wellness trip for the weekend, the body will relax, gain strength and tone up.

The second half of the year should be devoted to getting rid of toxins. A healthy diet to help Cancers. There is no need to ruin the body with drastic measures, refusing food altogether, but proper nutrition, eating small portions and avoiding fast food will do the trick.

Salon cosmetic procedures, even the most expensive ones, will not live up to Cancer’s expectations. The right decision if you refuse them, the money will remain where it is, and you won’t have to reap the benefits of an unsuccessful procedure.

Representatives of the sign suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system, should intensify therapeutic or preventive actions. If you have not previously noticed any heart problems, it would be a good idea to undergo an examination to once again make sure normal operation the most important organ.

Cancer: love horoscope for 2017

Love horoscope for Cancer for 2017:

In the first half of 2017 love relationship will develop rapidly and rapidly. It is possible that already in February Cancer will become jealous of his soul mate. Groundless accusations will cause a major quarrel, so it is important to listen to your loved one’s arguments and not make hasty conclusions.

Many representatives of the sign can expect frank declarations of love and evenings filled with romance. You need to make the most of such moments - one step forward can change even hopeless relationships for the better.

The second half of the year will return harmony and peace to family relationships. Mutual understanding and restraint towards each other will help you survive a move or renovation.

In 2017, children will especially demand the attention of their parents born under the constellation Cancer. It is worth checking homework more often, sending your child to a section that will fully reveal the talents of the growing child. Properly organized leisure time will give you a lot of positive emotions and pleasant memories.

Astrological forecast for Cancer men for 2017:

Representatives of the stronger half of the sign will spend 2017 striving to achieve leadership.

In May, a crack may appear in your relationship with your other half; to avoid unpleasant conversations, you should pay more attention to your loved ones. Plunging headlong into the vicissitudes of work, it is important to remember that there are people who need your care and attention.

2017 will be an interesting year in terms of challenges and rethinking of values. Men will need all their faith in a better future.

Close relatives of the zodiac representatives of Cancer may experience serious problems with health, you will be required to quickly respond to the problem, help and care.

Astrological forecast for Cancer – women for 2017:

From the first days of the year, it is recommended to direct the charm radiated by the beautiful representatives of this sign towards solving topical issues and pressing problems. Cancer students will be able to complete their education with dignity. In the spring of 2017, it is important to keep your emotions under control and normalize your expenses. Carelessness in statements and wastefulness will bring scandal to the sign already in the first months of summer.

July and August are favorable for traveling abroad.

The creative ideas that lunar women come to in the fall should definitely be put into practice. The help of a reliable partner will be very helpful. The benefits from the implemented project will not be immediate; you will have to be patient.

see also: Astrological forecast for all zodiac signs for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster:

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer: woman and man

For all representatives of this zodiac sign, I would like to say that the Year of the Rooster will be moderately stressful for them. Perhaps in the coming year you will have to experience a strong moral shock, which will require you to mobilize all available forces to confront these rebellious circumstances.

We want to assure you that you will bravely cope with the impending storm, in addition, you will acquire an invaluable amount of experience and knowledge that will allow you to cope with similar situations in the future without excessive emotionality. According to astrologers, you are most likely to encounter “pitfalls” at work or in the field of professional training.

Horoscope for 2017 for Cancer says that this period will be a significant period where they can only show themselves with the best side. Over the course of several months, you will be able to accomplish something important for yourself and those around you. This is especially true for those things that you have been putting off for so long: quit smoking, start eating right, or talk to a person with whom you have had unresolved issues for a long time.

In addition, in 2017 you will have the chance to meet relatives who live far from you. The most stressful moments will occur in the first half of the year, but since you will enter the era of the Rooster full of strength, you will be able to overcome all these obstacles without difficulty. Those Cancers who will feel some kind of relaxation at the beginning of the year should not try to cheer themselves up.

Such artificial attempts will only lead you to complete exhaustion, and the time spent on raising your spirits will be wasted. But you will need strength in those moments when you need to recover after a difficult and productive period.

During the period under review, Cancers should not show excessive loyalty to those around them, otherwise they will begin to take advantage of your kindness and peacefulness for their own purposes. Try to learn to say no, even to those closest to you. Without a doubt, you need to be kind and understanding, but don't let others get on your neck. You've always been nice to everyone, it's time to be a little selfish this time.

In 2017, you should also rest and relax more: go out of town, to the sea or to the ocean. If you don’t have this opportunity, try to relax at home - take a hot bath, read your favorite book, watch a movie.

The professional sphere promises to exude calm and stability. The main thing is to join the work process in time, pick up the right pace and not be distracted by various little things. As soon as your superiors notice your zeal, they will definitely appreciate these efforts, perhaps even financially. The stars assure you that you won’t need to exert much effort at work, everything will go on a smooth, well-trodden road. But in the middle of the year, according to the 2017 horoscope, old unresolved matters may appear on the horizon and require your attention.

It is also likely that Cancers at work at the end of autumn will reap the fruits of past mistakes that they have completely forgotten about. However, you will easily get out of the situation and end all long-standing problems - this is a period of stability, which means that Cancers will survive the well-forgotten old things without shocks. Particular attention should be paid to relationships with colleagues.

There is a good chance that you will learn something interesting from your colleagues, even from those whom you previously considered not professionals. Listen to the opinions of people trying to help you, because they really do it from the bottom of their hearts. In general, 2017 is an ideal period to “build bridges” with work colleagues and firmly strengthen existing ties.

You will be surprised, but among the people with whom you have to spend most time, true friends will be found, although before you would not even think about friendship at work. If you have been thinking about advanced training courses for a long time, then you need to do this in the approaching Year of the Rooster.

All the knowledge gained in these courses will be imprinted in your memory for a very long time. for a long time, and you will not feel any discomfort. Cancers will perform all operations clearly and “automatically”.

Throughout 2017, Cancers will be trying to cope with their debt obligations. It is likely that you have long borrowed money from someone you know, and the Year of the Rooster will be an excellent opportunity to pay the bills. If you have several unpaid loans or installments, then you need to clearly plan your income to include the payment of all these debts without making any delays.

In the case where they owe you, it is better to remind the borrower that the debt is repayable. I would like to note that Cancers will receive an affirmative answer to such a request and will sooner receive their money. Generally, financial position among representatives of this sign it promises to stabilize in the second half of the year. Try to settle all your money issues and unfinished financial matters before the end of the year, so that New Year join without debt.

As for the preparation of financial documents, some difficulties may arise. As expected, various bureaucratic obstacles and formalities will appear on your way from time to time. Towards the end of the year, Cancers can still count on an increase in their cash reserves: you may receive a bonus or increase your salary.

Love horoscope for Cancers for 2017

This horoscope evokes somewhat contradictory feelings. At first, Cancers' relationships will develop quite rapidly, especially in the first half of the year. Sometimes love hurricanes will start to “tear off” the roof of the representatives of the Cancer sign. At the same time, some people born under this star will begin to show excessive jealousy towards their significant other, and completely groundless jealousy.

If you want to avoid loud scandals and breakups, we advise you to postpone such a manifestation of love and behave a little more restrained and more reasonable. Try to listen to your soulmate, and Ottelo’s style has never made anyone happy. It is possible that jealousy will be shown in your direction.

Again, in order not to run into trouble, try to have a calm and reasonable conversation with your loved one, explain the reasons for all your actions. Despite all this, 2017 will still be full of pleasant moments and unexpected surprises from your partner. Most Cancers will encounter tender and romantic confessions, pleasant dates and other positive events characteristic of this area. Try to enjoy every minute and remember these rosy days well.

Already starting from the second half of the year, Cancers will be able to feel dramatic changes in their personal lives. Real long-awaited harmony will begin in the relationship; all the quarrels and misunderstandings that happened earlier will be settled at one fine moment. This will allow Cancers to finally understand themselves and their feelings. Even everyday problems will cease to worry you, and you will not react to them so sharply.

Married couples who have long been planning to make some kind of major purchase for their home (furniture, household appliances, plumbing fixtures) should definitely make such valuable acquisitions. Renovating an apartment or changing the design will be very successful. Don’t worry about doing something wrong, because the likelihood of making a mistake in this matter is extremely small.

However, if you are planning to buy and sell real estate, then it is better not to do it in 2017. Stars recommend to Cancers Special attention pay attention to the safety of your apartment or house.

Carefully examines the suitability of wiring, sewer pipes, and the serviceability of electrical and gas appliances. If you notice a problem, try to fix it as soon as possible or purchase new equipment. An excellent option would be to insure all your property against accidents.

In 2017, Cancers should show maximum attention to their loved ones and relatives. Be prepared for the fact that they can turn to you for help at any time, and you must give useful advice. It is possible that you will throw all your strength into helping your family and sacrifice personal time, but this sacrifice will not cause you discomfort; on the contrary, inexhaustible optimism will only cheer up your relative or friend.

Throughout 2017, Cancers who have children will begin to actively participate in their lives and upbringing. They will devote all their free time to their children, in particular, helping with homework. Probably, at the beginning of the year you will have a desire to send your child to some kind of developmental courses or section to reveal his talents. Be sure to listen to what your child wants, and only then make the final decision - this year you will be able to easily get along with each other.

The first half of 2017 will be an excellent period to engage in some useful procedures and activities that you have dreamed of for so long. This could be yoga, Pilates, bodyflex and other healing courses that will certainly benefit your body. Even during the period under review, it is advisable to start practicing spa treatment, because it is during this period that it will have its maximum effect.

Wait. Everything you need will come in due time. Your mistress, the sensitive Moon, will at times bring turmoil into business, but persistent Saturn will help you pull yourself together at the right moment and not miss favorable opportunities. In the fall, prudence will not hurt, especially in family matters. This is where the real surprises await you!

Forecast for Cancers by time of year


Inaction is an important part of movement. The period of calm and contemplation will last until the end of winter. A last days February will be a turning point for many.


Sensuality will awaken with the first rays. The stars are pushing you to internal changes, self-analysis. Energy and strength are growing every day. It's time to show everything you are capable of.


The Sun and Venus will keep you romantic all summer long. But we must not forget about business. Business activity begins in August. Make the most of this period.


You've worked hard enough. It remains to sum up the results and make a small foundation for the future. Do this now so that you can spend the end of the year in pleasant pre-holiday chores.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

The clouds have cleared, and the sun has shone in the horizon of your life, bask in its rays and smile, happiness will find you.

✓ Love: an ocean of feelings

Romantic Neptune is in your symbolic house of love. You tend to invent a lot for yourself; you see reality the way you want. If an acquaintance occurs, you will begin to idealize your partner. But this can lead to disappointment.

In the spring you will be drawn to adventures. You will want to forget about everything and literally fall into the pool of passion. Don't let yourself relax! Ask a friend you trust to look at your actions from the outside. Let someone else evaluate what is happening. Then, after comparing your feelings and the information received, you decide how to behave and what to do. At the end of summer, there is a risk of committing a rash act and falling under the influence of a not very honest person.

But in the fall, a calmer time will come, and you will be able to take a break and at the same time think about the situation. Most likely, you will decide that it is better to stay with your own and not change anything. In any case, while you have time to weigh everything again and make an important decision.

✓ Family: don’t make commitments

Winter hibernation ends, and with it the peace that reigned at home. Loved ones can't sit still, so this year it will be difficult to get everyone together. You shouldn’t insist on your own; the method of force doesn’t work now. The family will demand more freedom, and you will have to come to terms with this. If you are planning a move, then do these things in the summer. During this period, your finances will be better, and you will have more free time.

In the fall, distant relatives will remind you of themselves. You may have to go to them to resolve a number of important issues. Don't make any commitments; they will be difficult to fulfill.

✓ Friendship: new acquaintances

A friendship that was barely glimmering will get a second wind. The person with whom you were connected through formal communication will become closer. You may have common affairs and projects. This year, your support will not be those people you have known for a long time, but those you will meet now.

During the summer, socialize as much as possible. You will accidentally find yourself in a company where you will meet a very interesting person. Relationships will not be easy, but don’t give up, look for a common language.

And in late autumn, most likely, the circle of acquaintances will narrow. You will have well-founded complaints against your friends, but this is not a reason for separation. It's just that some people will fade into the background.

✓ Health: at your own pace

Energy potential slightly reduced. And although in general you will feel quite good, you may feel some pain. Look for available measures to restore internal balance. For some it is yoga classes, for others it is regular walks in the fresh air.

The end of winter and mid-summer are perhaps the most alarming months. During this time, try to reduce any stress. And on the eve of spring, it would be good to go to a sanatorium to support yourself. Pay special attention to nutrition.

Start good habits and try to follow them. It’s not worth starting active sports yet. You can quickly burn out, and there is also a possibility of injury. Live at your own pace, that's the most important thing. But don't let yourself be lazy!

✓ Finance/career: teamwork

At the beginning of the year it is likely financial difficulties. Changes are coming at work, and, alas, they will not be joyful for everyone. See challenges as a push to action. In the summer you will be forced to solve serious problems. Most likely, you will have to remember something you did a long time ago. But previous experience will help you adapt faster to new conditions, and you will achieve good success.

At the end of summer, life will begin to boil with the same force. Interesting business offers will appear. Financial affairs will also go uphill. And although you can’t expect big profits just yet, you will be pleased with the result.

In mid-autumn, turn to your colleagues for help, do not decide anything on your own. There is a person in your immediate environment who can and wants to help you. Act together and do not dictate your own rules of the game. Now, being in the shadows will only benefit you. And you will perform feats later, next year.

Prognosis for women

The Cancer woman will find new points of support and take on the role of leader in a very unusual and interesting matter.

Look around, there are plenty of reasons to be happy! True, at the beginning of the year you will be too preoccupied with personal problems, so you are unlikely to notice anything.

Don't get caught up in what's happening. Events that happen in winter will not affect your future life in any way. In the spring, something will change, and you will realize that all your fears were in vain. In May, new dreams and hopes will appear, you will become more aware of your desires. This is a very comfortable and calm period.

The financial situation is stabilizing. Closer to autumn, friends will receive an original and, at first glance, fantastic offer. Feel free to get down to business, your inspiration and activity will help you accomplish the almost impossible. And you will finally fully experience the joy of life and see how many wonderful people there are around.

Born from June 22 to June 30

You are a source of fresh ideas. Be inspired to implement them. True, in practice everything will not turn out quite as in dreams. Don’t give up on what you have planned, look for other means, try other methods. Be prepared for the fact that the result will not be immediately obvious. Be patient and work. Know that you are on the right path.

Born from July 1 to July 11

Throughout the year, you will be torn by conflicting desires. Follow your inner feelings, take a closer look at the circumstances. July and August are the most successful times for you. Try to give your best and have time to do everything planned. It’s better to relax in the fall, when there are significantly fewer successful opportunities.

Born from July 12 to July 22

Time for inspiration. You will want to create, learn, learn something new. And even though there are a lot of household chores, find time for yourself. Right now you can discover new talents and make your hobby your life’s work. In the second half of the year you will become a participant in an unusual project. Be brave, don’t refuse the gifts of fate!

Forecast for men

The Cancer man will stop chasing fleeting mirages and will find his happiness in a quiet family circle.

The time has come for a conscious, serious choice. From the previous bustle and race, only fatigue and devastation will remain. Unexpectedly for yourself, you realize that you were striving for absolutely the wrong thing. The only thing you want is understanding and warmth.

In spring you will be surrounded by a whirlpool of things to do. Despite the fact that everything is going well, you will not leave the feeling that your efforts are in vain.

But at the end of summer, you will finally understand what you really need, what your soul strives for. This will help you understand close person. You will still hesitate and rush around for some time. But at the end of the year, make your final decision, although this is not easy to do. The reward will be peace of mind and complete inner harmony.

Born from June 22 to June 30

At the beginning of the year, memories will come flooding back, and in your mind you will always return to the past. Don’t look for answers to today’s questions in past events, move forward more confidently. What has always been easy can now be difficult. It's probably time to change the way you act and think.

Born from July 1 to July 11

The first half of the year will pass in pursuit of impressions. New friends and hobbies will appear. But as autumn approaches, suddenly everything gets boring and you want to retire. Not only habits will change, but also taste. You will understand what you need to be happy. Don't be afraid to change, it's all for the better.

Born from July 12 to July 22

Events will begin to unfold regardless of your desires and efforts. Something will happen that will greatly affect you. Disappointment is not a reason for despondency. There is no need to worry about the future; you have done everything to prepare for the leap forward. The last step remains to be taken, but for some reason you hesitate. The sooner you start transforming, the sooner you will achieve success. Mid summer - best time to get started new life.

Forecast for Cancers born in the year...

A sincere smile attracts good luck. Meet
every day with joy and gratitude,
then your life will be transformed...


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Keep your distance! You don't need to get too close to anyone (especially at work). Focus on what interests you personally. Save money, and by the end of the year you will make a decent capital.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

The roads of life are winding and unpredictable; going ahead means acting to your own detriment. You will have to adapt to people, circumstances, plans... Learn flexibility, and great success awaits you.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Despite the discontent of others, you will achieve your goal. Just don’t lose all your friends along the way. Be attentive to your surroundings and do not make new acquaintances unless absolutely necessary.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Be more modest and simpler in your desires. And although this is a year of favorable opportunities for you, you should not overestimate your own strengths. Better take care of your health, it can let you down, especially in the second half of the year.


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

A fun and slightly reckless year. Plans change dramatically, but this only invigorates you. Let this not be the time for big victories. But it is a period of incredibly exciting travels and adventures.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

The power of desire plus hard work and a little luck - this is the recipe for your happiness this year. Rely only on yourself and believe in your dream, even if others doubt it. Fortune will smile on you.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

You are almost there, you just need to try a little more and wait. There may not be enough patience, endurance, perseverance. Get yourself ready for work. And then fate will meet you halfway and turn the green light on your projects.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Much will seem incomprehensible and surprising to you. From the very beginning of the year, you will enthusiastically begin to solve riddles and comprehend secrets. As a result, you will make a lot of interesting and useful discoveries, and at the same time make real friends.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Be proactive. As soon as you feel that the situation is starting to change, adjust your course of movement. While others are rocking, you will become a leader and lead others. Of course, the course you need.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Listen to others, but trust only yourself. Try not to separate or stand out, go with everyone else. Be very careful, fate is giving you signs. Be able to decipher them.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

More optimism and less anxiety. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and follow a proven route. There is no need to change anything. Your main task this year is to have a good rest!


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You are undoubtedly talented. Tell others about it, show yourself, don’t be afraid to reveal your abilities. This year you have every chance to become a popular and respected person, and not only in your own circle. Go for it, and you will succeed.

Children's horoscope

I love and appreciate you. At the beginning of the year, the baby will become quiet, but by the end of February he will begin to refuse every request. And so the whole year: now silence, now storm. He is going through a difficult period now, help him cope with his bad mood. Tell your child more often that you love and appreciate him.

Horoscope for Cancer for 2017

Horoscope for 2017 for the Cancer woman

The Cancer woman is one of those individuals who tries to cope with any problems on her own and rarely asks for help from others. The stars say that you should not neglect the desire of others to help in Hard time. This may be simple advice on their part, which in fact will turn out to be very significant for the Cancer woman.
The first half of the Year of the Rooster can be filled with financial losses. Excessive spending will lead to a difficult financial situation.
In addition, in the second half of the year, Cancers will have the opportunity to completely change their occupation or move to another city. In fact, the outcome of any business will depend on Cancer's self-confidence and perseverance. As the stars promise, happiness will have to be obtained the hard way.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

Cancer relationships will develop steadily this year. You should not extol your loved one to unprecedented heights. Also, there is no need to be afraid, which have long become a real burden for Cancer, disappointing him more than pleasing him. Perhaps this is how Cancer can feel more free and give freedom to his former lover.
In the first months of the new year 2017, the relationship between Cancer and his partner will not be smooth. Under no circumstances should you allow empty quarrels and sort things out, which is what those born under this sign love to do. Calmness and prudence will help you get out of almost any situation with minimal losses.
As summer approaches, some Cancers will have to test their relationships to the limit. You should not show a negative attitude towards the positions of your loved one. Over time, any situation will be resolved as it should be.
A close relationship with a loved one can improve emotional conversations, a trusting relationship, and the ability to enjoy even the smallest things.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Cancer

2016 turned out to be very difficult in terms of financial condition; frequent business trips, negotiations - all this fairly tired the representatives of this sign.

    1. Fate, as the stars dictate, has decreed that 2017 for Cancer will be a period of capital multiplication.
      In addition, many business transactions will be more successful than last year.
    2. Any efforts of Cancer will be rewarded. An improvement in financial condition can be directly related to his growth in his career. In some cases, Cancers will be able to organize own business, into which they will put a lot of effort.
    3. The stars promise that in the year of the Rooster it’s time to give up obviously uninteresting, unprofitable work. Don't be afraid to express yourself.

The horoscope in 2020 foretells big changes for Cancer both in their personal lives and work. The Metal Rat will test Cancers for courage and ingenuity, so representatives of the element of Water will have to prove themselves accordingly. Having coped with the difficulties standing in their way, this constellation will be able to move on new level and become more confident in yourself. After reading the horoscope for 2020, Cancer will understand that this time will be the most suitable for realizing what he has long put on the back burner. Going to the gym, starting a business or looking for a soul mate - all endeavors will end successfully if you put in every effort.

An interesting fact is that in 2020, those around you will try to take advantage of Cancer’s kindness at every opportunity. The horoscope recommends not agreeing for free, but implementing the requests of friends. Representatives of the element of Water should value their work and time. The financial situation in 2020 will favor Cancers to travel a lot. The stars indicate that the time has come to implement cherished dream and go on vacation.


With the help of their charm and analytical mind, the fair sex will be able to solve current problems easily and naturally. Those born in the year of the Pig will have to face their fears and overcome them. If a Pig woman decides to achieve success in her career, then she will succeed, the main thing is that it is not a negative in her personal life. Those born in the year of the Dog in 2020 will have to learn to enjoy life and worry less about trifles. Dog women need to try to spend more time with their significant other (or in search of one) and less time with their friends.

The Rat girls will lead in their year, and they will definitely be able to realize their plans. The horoscope warns that opening a business or changing work activity will benefit Cancer women who were born this year. In 2020, an unmarried Rat woman will finally hear the cherished wedding march and find feminine happiness. Family Rats need to preserve their love relationships and less often quarrel with their spouse. The Goat woman will face changes in 2020 - this could be moving to another city or new prospects at work.

The horoscope recommends that Tigers stop doubting themselves and their abilities. In the coming 2020, Tiger women will be able to get what they want and change their personal life for the better. The support of friends will help representatives of such an eastern animal as the Snake cope with many difficulties. At the beginning of spring, Snakes need not to tell their colleagues about their plans, as betrayal is possible. In 2020, Snake women should pay special attention to their significant other and regularly spend time with her.

A woman should study the horoscope for 2020 carefully to avoid possible failures. The Ox can avoid a financial crisis if he starts saving. Women this year should borrow less money and try to save up money. Lonely Dragons in 2020 will finally find personal happiness and can even look forward to a wedding ceremony. The horoscope advises family Cancers to try to give the man a chance to decide for himself important questions, and itself fade into the background.

During this period, the Horse will have an ideal opportunity to build a strong love union. The Monkey will be able to easily obtain the benefits that he has long dreamed of. The horoscope indicates that she should less often believe in empty and free promises from friends and achieve everything herself. It will be useful for the Rabbit woman to stop being modest and passionately fight for her beliefs. Some Cancers born during this period will face a painful separation.


All year long, Cancer men will try to maintain leadership positions on all fronts and not give up their place in the sun to anyone. The Pig's other half will sorely miss attention from her loved one. The Pig will be able to strengthen his love relationship if he begins to spend more time with his chosen one. Those born in the year of the Dog must prepare for the struggle. The Dog man will have to make every effort to maintain his relationship.

For the Rat, the horoscope indicates that he should reproach his beloved less often in 2020, otherwise a crack will appear in the couple. If the Rat is friends with his superiors, he will be able to improve his financial well-being. In the coming 2020, the Rat will have a wedding ceremony. Some Rats will be able to find their soulmate at such a celebration, while others will get married. The representative of the eastern animal Goat needs to get rid of pride and vanity in order to maintain friendship with faithful comrades.

In mid-spring, completely free of charge, the Snake will be lucky in the form of a win. The Snake man can count on winning the lottery, a gift from relatives, or an unexpected present from his partner. The Snake will be able to achieve harmony in love relationships if it praises and pampers its soul mate more often. In 2020, the Tiger does not need to test the feelings of his beloved to the utmost. If the Tiger man begins to often give his companion reasons for jealousy, then the union will be under threat.

The Ox man will have to fight temptations all year. To save his family, Cancer, born this year, should put the interests of his beloved first, ceasing to be a sole proprietor. The Dragon will be able to improve his financial well-being if he works harder in 2020 and complains about life less often. If a man born during this period pays attention to his health, he will begin to feel much more energetic and cheerful.

The Horse man with the Cancer sign must study the horoscope for 2020 as carefully as possible. By paying attention to the fight against bad habits, the eastern animal Horse, according to the horoscope, will improve its health. The horoscope indicates that, unexpectedly and for free, Cancer will be able to receive promising advice from colleagues and advance up the career ladder. It is better for the Monkey man to postpone the wedding ceremony to next year, thereby checking his feelings. The stars warn that self-education: attending trainings, reading books and seminars will help improve your career skills.

Pavel Globa

The famous domestic astrologer Globa has his own vision of how Rakov will pass 2020 Globa advises those who were born in the Year of the Pig to say goodbye to bad habits and go in for sports. If the Pig listens to free advice from his other half, he will definitely improve his financial situation. Astrologer Globa believes that it will be useful for representatives of the eastern animal Pig to listen to their intuition, since this approach will help avoid many troubles.

Globa points out to the Snake that in 2020 she will have to stop envying others and take more action to achieve success. According to Globa, if the Snake tries to transform her favorite hobby into earning money, then she will succeed. Astrologer Globa warns the Dragon, as well as the Snake, about the need to be alone less often and spend time among people more often (this will help singles find their soulmate).

According to Globa, the Dog will have to work on his love relationships in 2020. Globa indicates that the Dog should try to find more common topics and interests that will strengthen its union. To avoid a financial crisis in 2020, it is important for the Dog to avoid loans and borrow money less often. During this period, astrologer Globa advises the Rat to try to believe in their bright future and be sad less often. If the Rat remains optimistic all year, then, according to Globa, he will be able to easily overcome the upcoming adversity.

Globa warns that while plunging into work, the Tiger should not forget about his loved ones. The astrologer points out that it is important for the Tiger to spend more weekends with his family. If the Tiger is planning a wedding ceremony in 2020, then he needs to try to save more money to avoid debt. It is the Horse in 2020, according to Globa, who will have to vigorously defend their interests at work in order to achieve success.

The horoscope for 2020 from Pavel Globa for Cancer is an opportunity to avoid mistakes. The astrologer warns that the Monkey’s loved ones will need help in 2020. Globa believes that if Cancer stops thinking only about his own interests and starts taking care of his family, he will feel peace of mind. It will be useful for the rabbit to start traveling in 2020. Astrologer Globa indicates that thanks to travel, he will easily feel the desired satisfaction and discover new horizons for himself.


The Rats will have an eventful year. If a lonely Rat decides to build strong relationships, then she will succeed. Family Rats will have to work on their love union: visit a psychologist, spend time together, find a hobby together with their partner. If Cancers decide to have a wedding in 2020, then they should not deny themselves anything. Absolutely free of charge during preparation for the celebration, they will be able to find support where they would not expect it. The horoscope will favor in building a family: the Rooster, the Tiger and the Rat.

It is recommended to refuse a wedding celebration in the coming year: Pig, Dog, Goat and Snake. The horoscope advises these representatives to check their feelings and not rush into the wedding event. Financial problems can harm the unions of those Cancers who have only recently tied the knot. The horoscope says that all problems can be solved, so there is no need to jump into conflict. In 2020, the Rat's family is expected to experience discord due to everyday issues.

In search of a life partner: Horse, Dragon and Rabbit need to be as attentive as possible. The horoscope warns that at the end of winter there is a high probability of falling into love networks with dishonest companions. In summer there will be the most favorable moment for a wedding celebration for: Ox and Monkey. Overly trusting Cancers will have to rethink their views on love relationships in 2020. The horoscope warns that if this sign listens to the opinions of friends more often, he will avoid possible errors in love.


At the beginning of the year, Cancers should try to resolve all important financial issues and pay off debts. The Rat, Snake and Tiger do not need to try to build a business together with friends in 2020. Such a decision will lead to a break in friendly relations and money problems. Cancers do not need to give money to friends for free and forgive debts out of the kindness of their souls. If at the end of winter they remind their acquaintances or friends about the debt, they will be able to quickly settle current affairs.

The horoscope warns the Pig, Dog and Rooster that their personal problems should not be reflected at work. If this trio begins to devote more time to their careers in 2020, then they will be able to improve their financial situation and count on a promotion. Free advice business-experienced acquaintances will help Cancers (especially Snakes) get what they want. Having decided to start their own business, representatives water element should try to consult with friends more often, so they can avoid possible mistakes.

According to the horoscope, for 2020 the Cancer zodiac sign will have to work carefully on themselves in order to achieve financial heights. The horoscope recommends paying attention to the following points:

  • do not count on free benefits from the stars;
  • do not sign up for dangerous ventures, as such a decision will lead to losses.
  • Having concluded important deals in the middle of the year, Cancers can enjoy life for the rest of the time, since the negotiations will have good prospects for the future (especially for Snakes and Goats).

Cancers should not stand still in 2020 and try to develop and improve themselves more.
