Chronic osteochondrosis of the cervical spine treatment. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment methods. Who should not do therapeutic exercises?

Osteochondrosis cervical spine spine can cause more intense Clinical signs than degenerative changes of this kind in other parts of the spinal column. This is due to the fact that poor circulation in this area leads to oxygen starvation of the brain. Symptoms may vary depending on the extent of the pathological process.

For treatment at home, with the permission of a specialist, you can resort to using medications aimed at relieving inflammation and pain. Therapeutic exercises and massage are effective, but they also have their limitations. As a complement to these conservative measures, folk remedies can be used.


Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine may result from various factors.The reasons are identical for both men and women:

  • incorrect posture;
  • scoliosis;
  • overweight;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • spinal injuries;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • nervous shock, frequent stress;
  • constant tension of the back muscles in the cervical region.

The mechanics of the occurrence of osteochondrosis is associated with increased loads on this part of the spine, compensated for by spasms of the neck muscles. As a result, blood circulation in this area is disrupted, and degenerative changes occur in the cervical spine.


The symptoms of the disease depend on the stage of the pathological processes. In total there are 4 degrees of development cervical osteochondrosis:

StageCharacteristic symptoms
FirstIt appears slightly. Usually there is mild tension in the muscle ligaments and mild pain in the area of ​​the nerve nodes.
SecondDisc protrusion occurs, as a result of which the intervertebral gaps decrease and the fibrous rings begin to gradually collapse. Pain syndromes may intensify due to pinched nerve endings
ThirdThe symptoms worsen significantly: the pain becomes constant and begins to radiate to the shoulder and upper limbs. When palpating the affected area, the discomfort increases sharply; feelings of numbness and tingling of the fingers may occur as hernias form. Neck mobility is impaired, joints become stiff
FourthCharacterized by complete destruction intervertebral disc, which leads to pinching of the connective tissue. As a result of such changes, a person develops symptoms such as:
  • dizziness;
  • lack of coordination;
  • noise in ears

The symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis differ from diseases affecting other parts of the spine. This is due to the location of the vertebrae in this section much closer to each other. Relatively low height intervertebral discs leads to the fact that clinical signs appear acutely even with minor pathological changes in their structure. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine very often occurs with compression of the nerve roots and spinal cord.

Symptoms may vary depending on which vertebrae are subject to degenerative-dystrophic changes. Usually the main symptom is pain in the neck, which is transmitted to various areas of the body: sternum, arms, chin, etc. When turning the head, a characteristic crunch may occur. Pinched nerves and blood vessels can cause numbness in the tongue and fingertips. Pain syndrome may vary:

KoreshkovyCaused by a pinched nerve. The pain has a descending, acute character. It spreads to the shoulder, forearm and to the fingertips. With radicular syndrome, a sensation of goosebumps and tingling may occur. Another characteristic feature- decreased elasticity and firmness of the skin, slight swelling and blanching
Vertebral arteryOccurs when the vertebral artery is compressed. The pain is pulsating or burning in nature and affects the eyebrow area, temple, back of the head and crown of the head. It is usually constant, but can also be paroxysmal.

Discomfort increases after prolonged movement or being in an uncomfortable position. When the body weakens, the symptoms may expand with manifestations of nausea and loss of consciousness. If blood flow to the brain is disrupted, symptoms such as:

  • decreased hearing acuity;
  • noise in ears;
  • lack of coordination;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • Pain in the eyes
Cervical migraineIt is provoked by irritation of the sympathetic nodes, which causes disturbances that occur in the brain. These include pathologies of vascular reactivity and blood circulation. This results in the following symptoms:
  • tinnitus;
  • tachycardia;
  • congestion in the ears;
  • mild pain in the head, reminiscent of noise
HypertensiveIt is characterized by increased intracranial pressure. With hypertensive syndrome, the headache has a bursting character and can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Exacerbation of the disease leads to an increase in body temperature


It will not be possible to completely cure osteochondrosis and get rid of its manifestations forever, but you can eliminate the symptoms. For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you can use conservative methods aimed at reducing pain syndromes, dysfunction of the spinal roots and preventing complications of the degenerative process in the intervertebral discs.

For this use:

  • medicines;
  • massage;
  • Exercise therapy (physical therapy);
  • folk remedies.

Self-medication for spinal pathology is prohibited. All therapeutic measures and methods used must be discussed with a specialist and used at home with his approval. If conservative methods are not effective (if you cannot get rid of pain), you should consult a doctor, as you may need surgical intervention.


For cervical osteochondrosis, analgesics are used to relieve pain. They can be used in the form of tablets and capsules. However long-term treatment analgesics leads to irritation of the mucous membrane digestive tract, so they should not be taken frequently. The most popular and effective drugs from this group are Piroxicam and Diclofenac.

To relieve inflammatory processes, steroid and hormonal drugs are used. If analgesics do not affect the pathological process, these medicines relieve pain. Typically used local action in the form of ointments or tablets based on hydrocortisone, dexamethasone and prednisolone.

Chondroprotectors are recommended for the restoration of intervertebral discs. They contain substances that are substitutes for components cartilage tissue, - hyaluronic acid and chondroitin. However, the effectiveness of these groups of drugs is possible only with long-term use.


Muscle relaxants are used to relax the muscle structure. They help further reduce pain. They are used in the form of injections. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, drugs containing glycerin and benzimidazole are most effective.

Vitamins are necessary to improve the conductivity of nerve fibers and the condition of peripheral nervous system. Use water soluble vitamins B1, B6, B12 and fat soluble vitamins A, C, D.

The most convenient form of medications for treating osteochondrosis at home is ointments and gels. There are various types of external use agents: warming, anti-inflammatory, analgesic. The most popular drugs are Fastum-gel, Nurofen, Voltaren Emulgel.


For cervical osteochondrosis, massage should be performed carefully, without excessive force. Incorrect manual therapy may lead to complications. When massaging, you need to pay attention to the cervical region, upper back and collar area.

  1. 1. Stroking - superficial effects on the skin. Performed with hands or fingertips, from the head to the upper third of the middle of the back. From the base of the neck, you can resort to zigzag stroking.
  2. 2. Squeezing - impact on the deep layers of the skin with your fingers (thumb and index) across the neck. This technique is used for tissues located away from the vertebrae.
  3. 3. Rubbing - development of the collar zone in order to warm the skin and increase blood flow. Should be used with extreme caution, without affecting the spinous processes of the vertebrae. Rubbing can be replaced by movements reminiscent of sawing or circular stroking.
  4. 4. Kneading - impact on deep-lying tissues. They have limited use mainly in the area remote from the cervical region - the upper back.

The patient can perform the massage himself - in sitting position. To do this, he can use techniques such as stroking, circular rubbing in the neck and shoulders. It is recommended to combine self-massage with rubbing ointments designed to increase blood flow and relieve pain.

Kuznetsov applicator

Manual therapy can be carried out passively using the Kuznetsov applicator, which is a special device with plastic spikes that act on acupuncture points in the cervical region. Acupressure useful in that it allows you to stimulate skin receptors responsible for physiological processes in organism. In certain cases, the applicator can help to permanently and effectively reduce pain, normalize blood circulation and restore the patient’s performance.

However, there are certain contraindications to the use of a therapeutic device. It cannot be used for infectious, skin, tumor and vascular diseases. Despite the simplicity of the device, it is recommended to first consult with your doctor about the possibility of using it. If during treatment with the applicator there are discomfort, your health worsens, you should abandon it.

For effective prevention You can use special orthopedic pillows for sleeping. With pathology of the intervertebral discs in the cervical region, keeping the head in an uncomfortable position during an 8-hour rest will contribute to the development of the disease.

The advantage of an orthopedic product is that it is a means not only for prevention, but also for treatment - this is the so-called positional therapy. At correct selection Sleeping pillows will significantly reduce pain in the neck area, and you will not need to resort to dangerous self-massage using intense movements.

Exercise therapy

Physical therapy is one of the most effective methods of conservative therapy. However, it must be carried out in compliance with certain rules. It is advisable that the set of exercises be established by a specialist, and the first classes take place under his supervision.

  • clothing should not restrict movement;
  • exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated area;
  • It is recommended to conduct classes no earlier than half an hour after eating;
  • up to 4 workouts must be repeated within a week;
  • all movements must be performed smoothly, since fast action can provoke complications;
  • it is necessary to monitor the pulse;
  • if pain occurs during exercises, you need to replace them with stretching and relaxing actions;
  • the intensity of exercise and load must be increased gradually;
  • exercises physical therapy It is advisable to alternate with gymnastics for proper breathing.

A simple exercise for proper breathing

Exercise therapy for cervical osteochondrosis is not performed in the following cases:

  1. 1. The period of exacerbation of the disease, when pain is pronounced both during movement and at rest.
  2. 2. Dizziness occurs due to poor circulation caused by vertebral instability.
  3. 3. Available acute diseases, occurring with signs of inflammation.
  4. 4. Diagnosed oncological diseases at any stage.
  5. 5. Blood clotting is impaired, that is, there is a risk of thrombosis or a tendency to bleeding.
  6. 6. Poisoning.
  7. 7. Available cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation and arterial hypertension.
  8. 8. Diagnosed with myopia high degree with concomitant pathology of the fundus.
Initial positionSet of exercises
Standing on my feet
  1. 1. Neck circumference. The hands should be used as collar retainers. When neck circumference thumbs should be located in the lower part of the jaw, the rest - at the back under the occipital part. In this position, you need to tilt your head left and right, staying in the tilted state for 2 seconds. After 8-10 repetitions, stop the girth and perform the exercise again.
  2. 2. Hand-supported squats. You need to rest your palms on the tabletop, standing with your back to the table. It is necessary to slightly throw back your head and stretch your body upward, pausing at the maximum mark for 2 seconds, then squat down without letting go of your hands and tilting your head forward. The squat level should be comfortable.
  3. 3. Book on head. It is necessary to place the hardcover edition on the top of your head so that it does not move out. You need to hold out in this state for 3-4 minutes. If a feeling of discomfort appears, the time is reduced. This exercise is designed to return the vertebrae to their physiologically correct position.
  4. 4. Neck flexion with resistance. You should place your palm on your forehead and apply pressure from your hand. At this time, the head should maintain its position for 20 seconds, after which it is thrown back, and a second palm is placed under the back of the head. Then you need to press with both hands at the same time, creating tension for 5 seconds. This exercise is used to relieve spasms and stretch muscles.
  5. 5. Neck extension with head resistance. The exercise is similar to the previous one. In this case, the palm is first placed on the back of the head and presses on it for 20 seconds, without changing the position of the head, after which it bends, the second palm is applied to the forehead and bilateral compression is performed for 5 seconds. This exercise is used to stretch the vertebrae.
  6. 6. Neck bends with resistance. Similar to the previous two exercises, use the palms to create tension. First, tilt your head to the left, left palm Place it on the right temple and apply light pressure, thereby stretching the muscles. Then the exercise is repeated to the right side
Sitting on a chair
  1. 1. It is necessary to place the lower parts of the palms on the temples, while inhaling, close the jaws and tense the muscles. The skin in the temporal region should be pulled upward with your hands. As you exhale, the tension stops and the temples relax. The exercise is repeated up to 5 times.
  2. 2. Hands with palms should be pressed to the cheekbones so that the tips of the outstretched fingers lightly press on the temples. When moving your head slowly back and forth, you need to smoothly guide your fingers up and down, they should reach the top of the head when the head is tilted forward, and fall to the cheeks when it is thrown back. This exercise will allow you to simultaneously tense and relax your muscles and improve blood circulation.
  3. 3. Both hands should be placed on the back of the neck, fingers crossed, while the neck and back should be straight. In this position, you need to perform sliding movements with your fingers while tilting your head

Exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region

Correct and regular exercise for cervical osteochondrosis can relieve tension, increase blood flow, strengthen the neck muscles and improve the mobility of the vertebrae.

Loads such as running, jumping, swinging and pushing, and lifting weights are prohibited. You should also avoid hands-on and hanging exercises. With the permission of the doctor, the patient can play sports if he has previously practiced training, but only with a complete exercise program.


  1. 1. Compress from horseradish leaves. The plant has anti-inflammatory properties. Horseradish leaves should be young and fresh. They are immersed in boiling water for a few seconds, after which they are immediately applied to the cervical spine. The top of the applique is covered with cellophane and a warm scarf. Keep the compress as long as possible. It is advisable to apply the bandage at night and remove it the next morning.
  2. 2. Alcohol compress. You will need 300 ml of medical alcohol, 10 tablets of analgin (powder), 10 ml of iodine and 10 ml camphor alcohol. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together. Gauze is moistened in the resulting solution, applied to the sore neck, and covered with polyethylene and a warm scarf. Keep the compress for no more than 2-3 hours, since alcohol can cause irritation. skin. This method is contraindicated even for minor damage.
  3. 3. Potato and honey compress. 1 large raw potato is grated and diluted with 2 tbsp. l. honey The resulting mixture is spread on a cloth, which is attached to painful area. The compress is removed after 2 hours.
  4. 4. Ointment with hops. 1 tbsp. l. powder obtained from hop cones is ground with 1 tbsp. l.fresh butter. The resulting ointment is applied to sore spot and insulate.
  5. 5. Elecampane decoction. The root of a plant of the second year of life in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water. The solution is boiled for 10 minutes over low heat, then filtered. The remedy from elecampane is used for compresses applied to the spine area. The application is removed after 20 minutes. This product is also used for baths, and the amount of raw material is increased to 10 tbsp. l.

To relieve pain, the following recipes are recommended for oral administration:

  1. 1. Tincture for pine buds. They are harvested in the spring, choosing specimens measuring at least 15 mm and no more than 20 mm. The collected raw materials are thoroughly washed, ground in a coffee grinder and diluted with sugar in a 2:1 ratio. The ingredients are mixed together and stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. The resulting product is taken 1 tsp. 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. The tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 1 year.
  2. 2. Celery juice. The root of the plant is grated and the juice is squeezed out. They drink it 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals. Sometimes mix 1 tbsp. l.juice with a glass of boiling water, infuse for 2 hours. This composition is taken 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals 4 times a day.
  3. 3. Infusion of celery root. 3 g of raw materials are filled with 500 ml of boiling water, wait until it cools completely and consume 20 ml before meals.
  4. 4. Decoction bay leaf. Place 12 g of raw material in an enamel bowl and pour in 300 ml cold water, boil for 5 minutes, then leave for 3 hours and filter. The product is consumed throughout the day between meals in small sips. The rest is drunk before going to bed. The course of treatment is 4 days, then take a week break and repeat it. As a preventive measure, therapy is carried out every spring.

For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, you can drink herbal teas with general strengthening effect.Beneficial drinks using:

  • lingonberry and birch leaves;
  • chamomile;
  • linden flowers;
  • rosehip;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • horsetail;
  • motherwort.

What are the most important symptoms of osteochondrosis are briefly described in this video:

Blood pressure surges

Unstable is caused by impaired blood flow in the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for the functions of the vascular-motor center.

Sudden fainting or syncope

Occurs when the cerebral arteries spasm due to a short-term cessation of blood flow through the vertebral arteries. The patient can be quickly brought out of the state of loss of consciousness by laying him down so that his legs are slightly higher than his head - the flow of blood to the brain allows the person to be brought back to consciousness. After a fainting attack, reversible problems with speech and movement may occur for some time due to a brief stop in blood flow.

Pharyngeal symptoms

Often they can be the only sign indicating cervical osteochondrosis. Expressed as tickling, dryness and sensation, difficulty swallowing. Symptoms are associated with compression of the nerve plexuses responsible for the innervation of the pharynx. It is necessary to differentiate such manifestations from a similar clinic with inflammation or neoplasms.

Increase in body temperature

For cervical osteochondrosis, this is not the most typical symptom; it is observed rarely and locally: in the cervical and collar area, with slight redness of the skin.

The clinic of osteochondrosis in the cervical spine may be, firstly, varying degrees severity, it depends on the stage of development of the pathology, also during periods of exacerbations they are brighter, and secondly, they develop into certain syndromes.

Symptoms depending on the stage of cervical osteochondrosis

Stage I

The beginning of degenerative processes in the cartilage of the vertebral discs. Symptoms are mild and sometimes may not be observed at all. The first signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine:

  • discomfort in the neck, arms, shoulders, sometimes turning into pain;
  • headache;
  • light restriction motor activity neck;
  • rapidly passing visual disturbances;
  • decreased sensitivity of the skin of the collar area.

Important: these symptoms become more pronounced when the head is tilted.

As a rule, patients do not seek treatment, believing that all symptoms are associated with fatigue, stress, age, and lack of sleep.

Stage II

At this stage, the intervertebral spaces begin to narrow, the collagen fiber of the fibrous ring of the disc is destroyed. Noticeable pain symptoms of a point nature appear due to compression of the nerve trunks, which intensify with movements of the neck and. Here you can already suspect cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms of which are as follows:

  • severe pain in the neck, sometimes with;
  • the skin of the shoulders and arms loses sensitivity almost completely;
  • headaches are frequent and do not go away for a long time;
  • visual impairment with spots in the eyes;
  • ringing and noise in the ears;
  • weakness of the muscles of the upper limbs;
  • decreased clarity of tendon reflexes;
  • shooting pain with recoil;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat, problems with swallowing;
  • sleep disturbances, usually insomnia.

Holding the head in one position for a long time leads to severe pain. At this stage of the disease, patients already come to the doctor for help.

Stage III

The fibrous ring in the disc is destroyed, hernias form. spinal deformation, displacement and dislocation of the vertebrae are observed due to their weak fixation. The symptoms are as follows:

  • intense, sharp pains in the neck, collar area, heart area;
  • the sensitivity of the scalp on the back of the head, in the shoulder area is impaired, up to complete absence;
  • hernia of the cervical spine;
  • paresis and paralysis of the upper limbs;
  • tendon reflexes are practically not observed.

This is a severe stage of the disease, in which the patient is no longer able to support his head on his own. Ischemia of the spinal cord and compression of the spinal arteries lead to paralysis and paresis in other parts of the body and spinal stroke.

Syndromes caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Non-specificity and a large number of variety of symptoms accompanying cervical osteochondrosis make diagnosis and further treatment, since some of them may be a sign of completely different diseases. Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis fall into certain groups called syndromes. Their presence and severity may indicate pathology in the cervical spine with specified localization.

A group of common syndromes:

Otherwise called cervical radiculitis. It combines symptoms associated with pinched nerve roots of the cervical vertebrae. Characterized by “goosebumps” in the affected area, tingling in the fingers and forearms, and pasty skin spreading to certain fingers.

Irritative-reflexive. Burning and sharp, sometimes radiating to the chest and shoulder, occurring when the position of the head and neck changes, when sneezing, and when turning the head sharply.

Elena Malysheva and her constant assistants talk about pain, symptoms and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the video:


  • headache, intermittent or constant, throbbing;
  • discomfort during certain movements, including after a long static position;
  • weakness, nausea, loss of consciousness;
  • hearing loss, balance problems;
  • decreased visual acuity.

Cardiac. An almost identical picture with angina pectoris often leads to incorrect diagnosis and treatment. The syndrome appears due to irritation of the phrenic nerve receptors, partially involving the pericardium and pectoralis major muscle. Thus, spasms in the cardiac region are more of a reflex, as a response to irritation of the cervical nerves. Symptoms:

  1. Sudden onset, prolonged pain, aggravated by sudden movements of the neck, coughing, sneezing, which does not go away when taking heart medications.
  2. The ECG does not show any disturbances in the blood flow of the heart muscle.
  3. Sometimes there may be extrasystole and.

Vegetative-dystonic syndrome. Subluxation of the first cervical vertebra with displacement can lead to the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. VSD is not a definite diagnosis, since it does not have severe symptoms. There may be neurological signs, symptoms of impaired cerebral blood flow, racing intracranial pressure, muscle spasms. As a result, the patient's complaints boil down to dizziness, decreased visual acuity, loss of consciousness, headaches, and nausea.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis

The described condition of the spine is very serious pathology which, if neglected, leads to, as the pain subsides, the patient switches to. Go to courses medicines joins, exercise therapy, usually prescribed at the stage of remission. In difficult cases, osteochondrosis is treated with surgery.

In this video you can see what a short one looks like for beginners:

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative disease that affects the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine.

Degenerative changes usually develop in the most mobile parts of the spine, therefore, in the cervical spine, due to disturbances in the structure of the vertebrae, the nerve roots at the level of C5, C6 and C7 most often suffer.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis can be observed in people of any age, and especially among the working population from 30 to 50 years old. Some people suffer from this disease, sometimes without even knowing the cause of the ailment, because degenerative changes in the cervical spine occur unnoticed. Timely treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will return a person to excellent health and give him health in the future.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis has a number of features in comparison with lumbar and thoracic ones. They are determined by the structural features of the vertebrae of this department, the size of the structures of which is much smaller than the vertebrae of other departments. It must be taken into account that the cervical region is the most mobile; it is almost constantly loaded, since it supports the head. Osteochondrosis usually affects the most mobile segments, which subsequently determines the symptoms of this disease.

Despite the prevalence of this disease and achievements in modern medicine, the pathogenesis of cervical osteochondrosis has not been fully studied. It is known that the disease can develop against the background of metabolic disorders in the cervical spine, which over time leads to changes in the structure of the intervertebral discs and vertebral bodies.

Osteochondrosis can be caused by incorrect posture, excess weight, back injuries, and curvature of the spine. Excessive exercise, improper training, stressful situations, a sedentary lifestyle can also provoke the occurrence of osteochondrosis. And, of course, we must not lose sight of infectious diseases, as well as elementary hypothermia, since this can subsequently cause the occurrence of osteochondrosis.

Degree of development of osteochondrosis

The disease goes through several stages in its development, during which the spine undergoes pathological changes:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis 1st degree. Symptoms are minor. Mainly there is tension in the muscle ligaments and slight pain in the area of ​​the nerve nodes. Therapy includes the use of physiotherapeutic procedures, vitamin complexes, exercise therapy. Ointments for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the neck during this period are quite effective and effective means.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebra at the second stage characterized by disc protrusion. There is a decrease in intervertebral gaps and gradual destruction of the fibrous ring. Pain syndromes are likely to occur because nerve endings may be pinched.
  3. On the third degree all symptoms worsen - the pain becomes constant and severe, spreading to the shoulder area and upper limbs. When palpated cervical area the pain increases sharply, numbness of the fingers and muscles may occur as dangerous hernial formations develop. Stiffness occurs in the joints, and their mobility deteriorates sharply.
  4. Fourth degree. The intervertebral disc is completely destroyed and replaced connective tissue. Dizziness intensifies, and loss of coordination appears, since the vertebral artery that supplies the cerebellum and the occipital lobe of the brain is involved in the process.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine differ from the manifestations of this disease in other parts of the spinal column. This is due to the fact that in the cervical region the vertebrae are located closer to each other, the intervertebral discs have a relatively small height, which leads to the appearance of a clinic even with the most minor pathological processes. Also in the cervical region, compression of the nerve roots and spinal cord occurs more often.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis manifest themselves differently, depending on which vertebrae are damaged by the disease. First of all, most patients feel pain in the neck; pain can also occur in other parts of the body: in the arms, in the heart area, chin, and so on.

A person may also hear a crunching sound when turning the neck. Due to pinched nerves and blood vessels, a person may experience numbness in the tongue and fingertips. The patient will complain of decreased hearing and vision, high blood pressure and weakness in the muscles of the arms and legs.

Characteristic syndromes for cervical osteochondrosis are:

  • radicular syndrome;
  • vertebral artery syndrome;
  • cervical migraine syndrome;
  • hypertension syndrome.

All these syndromes are accompanied, first of all, by different types pain.

Radicular syndromes

When a nerve is pinched, the patient experiences acute pain that is descending in nature. The pain spreads from the neck to the shoulder, from the shoulder to the forearm, then affects the fingers or both hands.

A person experiencing radicular syndrome in the neck may feel “goosebumps” and tingling sensations. The elasticity and firmness of the skin decreases, paleness and slight swelling appear.

Vertebral artery syndrome

With this syndrome of cervical osteochondrosis, a throbbing or burning headache appears, spreading to the superciliary region, back of the head, temple and crown. As a rule, the pain is constant, although in some cases it can be paroxysmal.

Increased pain is observed after prolonged movement or being in an uncomfortable position for a long time. If the body is weakened, nausea and loss of consciousness may occur. Auditory disturbances may occur: noise, decreased hearing acuity, disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. Possible effects on vision: decreased visual acuity, eye pain.

Cervical migraine syndrome

In case of “cervical migraine” syndrome, irritation of the sympathetic nodes is observed, which leads to impaired reactivity of cerebral vessels and impaired circulation.

As a result, hypertension may develop, often accompanied by:

  • stuffy ears;
  • noise in the head;
  • ringing in the ears.

Hypertension syndrome

At hypertension syndrome is determined . The headache is more of a bursting nature and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis, an increase in temperature and.

Why is osteochondrosis of the neck dangerous?

If the disease occurs at a young age, one should expect possible complications in all parts of the spine:

  1. Hernia of the cervical spine ( intervertebral disc);
  2. Radiculopathy of the cervical roots;
  3. Intervertebral protrusion (protrusion) in the cervical region;
  4. Vertebrogenic cervicalgia, cervicothoracalgia, cervicobrachialgia, cervicocranialgia;
  5. In advanced cases, large osteophytes of the cervical spine, paresis, problems with the vertebral arteries, etc. can form.

If treatment for osteochondrosis is started on late stages, then this will only relieve pain and inflammation. It will be more difficult to completely get rid of negative changes. This is only possible with long-term and complex treatment.

A specialist will tell you how to treat neck osteochondrosis. He may recommend pharmacopuncture, vacuum, manual or laser therapy, dry traction or electrical stimulation. After several sessions the pain goes away. But it is important to carry out the full course of treatment.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and its complications must be treated using conservative methods that are aimed at eliminating pain syndromes, dysfunction of the spinal roots, as well as preventing progression dystrophic changes in the structure of the spine.

In cases where conservative treatment is ineffective, then for certain indications it is carried out surgery, where the volume depends on the clinical manifestation of osteochondrosis and the level of damage. The most effective result in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is considered to be a comprehensive treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

Drug treatment

At home, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with medications may include:

  1. (for example, indomethacin) for 1-2 weeks 2-3 times a day. These medications are usually taken after meals.
  2. Muscle relaxants (sirdalud, miolastane) to improve muscle tone and relieve muscle spasm.
  3. Corticosteroids used for intense pain in combination with analgesics.
  4. Diuretics, reducing swelling in the area of ​​inflammation - diacarb.
  5. Novocaine and lidocaine blockades– subcutaneous or intramuscular injection of the drug at several points around the cervical vertebrae.
  6. Chondoprotectors for the restoration of hyaline cartilage (artra, rumalon, alflutop).
  7. B vitamins. They improve metabolic processes in nervous tissue and normalize neuromuscular conduction.

Some healing effect provide ointments and gels for external use (Finalgon, Fastum gel and others).

Physiotherapeutic and alternative treatment

Non-drug treatment is prescribed for any stage of cervical osteochondrosis and may include:

  1. Amplipulse therapy (treatment with modulated currents);
  2. Reflexology;
  3. Orthopedic gymnastics;
  4. Classes on special simulators;
  5. Massage;
  6. Methods of manual influence;
  7. Electrophoresis (administration of medicinal substances through the skin using electrodes);
  8. Magnetotherapy (exposure to magnetic fields);
  9. Ultrasound therapy;
  10. Laser therapy.

In advanced cases and in the presence of complications, doctors resort to surgery.


It is required if all measures aimed at relieving the inflammatory process at stages 3-4 of the disease have not led to any results. The usual period of therapy in this case is about six months. But the course of treatment for cervical osteochondrosis can be reduced if the patient experiences a stable deterioration in health.

Paralysis of the limbs and unbearable pain are indications for early surgery.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home

At home, cervical osteochondrosis can be treated with no less success than in a clinic. The main thing you need for effective treatment- This is a systematic and competent approach.

It is important to include in the treatment program dosed physical activity and gymnastics for the neck. It should also be taken into account that the increase in the number and intensity of exercise should be gradual so as not to cause harm to the weakened spine.

And if you don’t yet know how to treat cervical osteochondrosis at home, we will be happy to give you a few useful recommendations. Among the folk remedies for osteochondrosis of the neck, it is recommended to take decoctions or infusions of herbs, as well as rub the ointment into the problem area.

  1. Horseradish leaves. For inflammation of the vertebrae in the neck area, take fresh leaf horseradish, apply to the problem area and wrap a scarf around your neck. In a similar way you can use cabbage leaves, which should be slightly beaten with a kitchen hammer before application.
  2. Ointment with hops for osteochondrosis of the neck. To prepare it, grind a tablespoon of hop cone powder with a tablespoon of fresh butter or unsalted butter. lard. The resulting ointment is applied to the sore spot and insulated well. With regular use of the ointment, the pain subsides and inflammation goes away.
  3. Elecampane root. It is important to use the roots of plants of the second year of life. Proportions for preparing the decoction are 2 tablespoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water. Boil the roots for 10 minutes over low heat, then strain. Use a decoction of elecampane for compresses on the spine twice a day for 20 minutes. The same decoction is useful for baths, just increase the amount of raw materials to ten tablespoons.
  4. Rubbing. Half a glass of elderberry and two glasses of alcohol are infused for seven days in a dark place. Then rub this remedy into problem areas of the neck.
  5. Compress of honey and grated potatoes: mix the ingredients and place on the neck-collar area for 20 minutes, after wrapping the mass in gauze (to make it easier to clean). Apply it while at rest so that your body position is still and comfortable. It is enough to apply a compress once a week.

Once again I would like to remind you that cervical osteochondrosis can only be treated comprehensive actions. You need to not be lazy, develop a system and stick to it every day. Treatment at home can provide a significant impact on the healing process. And, of course, you should seek the help of professionals, if possible.

Video exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercises have no less effect than drug treatment of osteochondrosis, and are the basis of recovery. The exercises will not take much time, especially since they are easy to do at home.

Gymnastics is aimed at weakening pain syndrome for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, sprained ligaments and relaxation of the neck muscles. But you need to perform the exercises only after consulting a doctor and very carefully so as not to harm the body.

Cervical osteochondrosis (COX) is pathological changes in the vertebrae that lead to ossification of the soft components. As a result, the shock absorption effect disappears; hard bones rub against each other, compressing blood vessels and nerve fibers located nearby. When the cervical vertebrae are affected, patients usually complain of dizziness, pain in the upper back, and migraines. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home can relieve symptoms, however, to completely get rid of the pathology, you will need qualified help: special massage, gymnastics, physiotherapy and medications.

The vertebrae of the cervical spine are located close to each other, so the slightest changes in at least one of them lead to discomfort. In addition, the neck connects the head with the rest of the body, it is in it that the vessels that supply blood to the brain pass through, and when they are compressed, oxygen starvation can develop. Therefore, localization of the pathological process in cervical vertebrae- this is one of the most dangerous forms diseases.

Due to failures in cerebral circulation Patients experience migraines, increased blood pressure (hypertension), and vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD). In addition, problems with the sense organs are often observed - vision and hearing are reduced, coordination is impaired, and the cardiovascular and respiratory systems also malfunction.

In severe, advanced cases, patients develop vertebral artery syndrome. This vessel supplies the cerebellum and medulla, due to its compression, their functions are disrupted. The patient complains of dizziness, darkening of the eyes, and may lose consciousness. Spinal or cerebral ischemia and stroke may also occur.

In addition to the vessels, the vertebrae also contain nerve roots; their damage is called radiculopathy. Bone growths may appear on them, as a result of which mobility in the neck partially or completely disappears.

The most severe complication of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is compression of the spinal cord, which without specialized assistance leads to death.

Causes and symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

The causes of osteochondrosis are always associated with the aging of the body and age-related changes in tissues, however, some factors increase the risk of pathology and rejuvenate it:

  • sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work;
  • long-term regular stay in one static position;
  • excess weight, especially in case of sudden weight gain;
  • constant being in a state of stress, nervous tension;
  • frequent hypothermia of the neck area;
  • autoimmune pathologies in which cartilage tissue suffers;
  • injuries in the neck or back of the head;
  • congenital abnormal structure of the vertebrae.

In addition, heredity and stability will play a big role hormonal levels and metabolism.

Symptoms are mainly localized in the neck, head and upper back. Patients complain of lumbago, increased pain when trying to turn their head, and a crunching sound when moving. Sometimes a person cannot move at all due to severe pain.

In addition to lumbago, sick people are bothered by constant headaches that radiate to the eyes and temples. Vision or hearing may also deteriorate, and a haze appears before the eyes. After sudden movements of the neck, nausea appears, sometimes vomiting, dizziness may occur, and consciousness may be impaired.

Special attention should be paid to radicular symptoms, the manifestation of which depends on the damage to a specific nerve ending:

  • C1 – pathological sensitivity or its disappearance in the occipital area;
  • C2 – the appearance of pain in the area of ​​the parietal bones or the back of the head;
  • C3 – loss of control over the tongue, as a result of which speech is impaired, pain in the neck from the affected nerve;
  • C4 – muscle hypotonicity in the neck and head, breathing problems, pain radiating to the right hypochondrium and the heart area;
  • C5 – pathological sensitivity on the outer surface of the shoulder;
  • C6 and C7 – pain that spreads to the neck, shoulder blade and arm from the compressed nerve root.

Degree of disease development

In the development of cervical osteochondrosis, there are four stages of the disease, which differ in the intensity of symptoms and changes in the vertebrae:

  • In the first stage, fluid reserves disappear from the core of the intervertebral discs, which changes its location, disrupts the functioning and physiological structure. At this stage there are no clinical manifestations, since the pathological process has not yet spread beyond the vertebra.
  • In the second stage, the disc becomes flatter, which increases the load on the ligaments and muscles. They become overexerted and find it increasingly difficult to work normally. Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis may appear already at this stage.
  • The third stage is characterized by striking changes in bone and cartilage tissue, the development of subluxations and arthrosis. A pronounced clinical picture appears.
  • At the fourth stage, the appearance of bone growths on the vertebrae and traumatization of nerve fibers are observed.

Detecting the disease in its early stages increases the chance of full recovery, and late initiation of treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Diagnostic methods

An experienced doctor can easily diagnose cervical osteochondrosis, since the disease has a characteristic clinical picture.

To determine the stage, neglect and extent of the pathological process, the patient is prescribed a number of additional examinations:

  • radiography - changes in the mobility and location of the vertebrae, a decrease in intervertebral spaces, and salt deposits are determined;
  • computed tomography - makes it possible to see ruptures, changes in disc height, vertebral instability, compression of nerve fibers and the spinal cord;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging - allows you to accurately see pathological changes, determine blood flow and the condition of the nerve roots.

Usually, only X-rays of the cervical spine are sufficient; more expensive methods are used in complicated and unclear cases.

Syndromes caused by osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

A syndrome is a combination of several clinical manifestations that are combined into one symptom complex.

The following syndromes are characteristic of osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae:

  • vertebral – pathological processes in cartilaginous and bone tissue vertebrae;
  • cardiac – reminiscent of pathologies of cardio-vascular system, for example, angina pectoris or pre-infarction condition;
  • vertebral artery - compression of the vessels that supply blood to the brain;
  • radicular – dysfunction of the nerve roots.

Each syndrome has its own characteristic list of symptoms that must be present in a given symptom complex.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of osteochondrosis in traditional medicine carried out through massage, special exercises, physiotherapy and the use of medications. The choice of method depends on the course of the disease: in an acute process, treatment with drugs comes to the fore, and in case of osteochondrosis in remission, physiotherapy and self-massage come to the fore.


To eliminate the cause and reduce the intensity of symptoms, several groups of medications are used:

  • analgesics – eliminate pain, severe pain they are administered intravenously, and when the disease subsides, tablet forms of the drugs are prescribed;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - when taken orally they have an analgesic effect, and when applied locally they relieve swelling and inflammation;
  • muscle relaxants - help to relax the neck muscles, which are in constant tension with osteochondrosis;
  • vitamins – strengthen the general health of the patient.

Drug therapy is actively used in the acute phase of the disease, other methods are used during remission.

Folk remedies

Funds based various plants(decoctions, tinctures or infusions) are often used to prevent relapses of the disease. However, before use folk recipes You need to consult your doctor and make sure there are no contraindications, such as allergies.

Some of the most popular recipes are the use of lilac, dill or hops. Products based on them help fight inflammation, relieve pain, and improve neck mobility.

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis

Massage for osteochondrosis should be prescribed only during remission of the disease. In rare cases, the use of massage therapy in the acute phase is allowed, however, then a specially trained person is needed. It must influence certain points of the body, reflexively affecting the neck muscles; it is strictly forbidden to massage the sore area.

During the procedure, the patient's neck and back muscles are at least, its upper part, should be completely relaxed. You can be in a sitting position or lie on your stomach, but for the first option you should use a special massage chair.

The procedures have the following effects:

  • reduction of pain;
  • relieving muscle tension;
  • improvement of tissue trophism at the site of the lesion;
  • elimination of inflammation.

The most commonly used methods are electrophoresis, balneotherapy, ultrasound, and acupuncture.


Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are allowed to be done strictly during remission, movements in acute phase may lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition. All physical therapy comes down to turning and tilting the head. It is important to perform actions slowly, without sudden movements. If pain occurs, stop exercising and seek advice from a specialist.


Osteochondrosis, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than to treat.

Preventive measures include:

  • posture tracking;
  • neck exercises;
  • breaks when working at the computer, reading, writing, etc.;
  • use of chondroprotectors and vitamins;
  • playing sports.

If a person has a tendency to develop pathology, he needs to periodically visit a specialist and undergo tests. This will help identify the disease early stage and start treatment on time.

Osteochondrosis is a dystrophic-degenerative disease during which the structure and function of the intervertebral discs are disrupted. Osteochondrosis of the neck is a lesion of the cervical spine.

During the pathological process with osteochondrosis of the neck, the pulp of the intervertebral disc (its central, soft part) ossifies, eventually losing its shock-absorbing properties. The cervical spine loses flexibility and mobility, and blood vessels and nerve endings are pinched in the canals between the vertebrae. The peculiarity of this pathology is that its symptoms may resemble signs of other diseases, as a result of which diagnosis of the disease is difficult and adequate treatment is prescribed too late, when irreversible changes have already begun in the cartilage tissue.

Cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms and treatment of which will be described below, as well as cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, develop in middle and older age, earlier in men, and somewhat later in women, and in recent years there has been a significant “rejuvenation” of neck osteochondrosis. Of course, over the years, even in a healthy spine, the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs is eventually replaced by fibrous fibers, becomes denser and hardens. This is a natural process, it leads to a decrease in the mobility of the spine, but, as a rule, is not accompanied by pain, since fibrosis processes do not in any way affect the nerve endings and do not provoke their infringement. In contrast to natural physiological ones, pathological changes in the intervertebral discs, characteristic of osteochondrosis, spread beyond the cartilage, which provokes compression of blood vessels and nerve endings, pain and vascular syndromes.

Causes of cervical osteochondrosis

The upright posture of modern humans and the corresponding distribution of loads across the neck are partly to blame for the development of neck osteochondrosis. spinal column, and natural processes aging of body tissues; in addition, there are a number of provoking factors that contribute to the development and progression of this pathology:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • staying in the same position for a long time while working;
  • excess body weight;
  • previous spinal injuries in the neck area;
  • chronic stress, constant nervous tension;
  • regular hypothermia of the muscles of the collar zone (for example, when being near the air flow from an air conditioner);
  • congenital anomalies of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.

Why is osteochondrosis of the neck dangerous?

First of all, neck osteochondrosis complicates a number of movements, makes them painful, contributing to the patient’s physical inactivity, which in itself is harmful. A vicious circle arises: small physical activity provokes osteochondrosis, which makes the patient even less active physically, which in turn contributes to the progression of the disease.

In addition, the most important nerve plexuses and vessels pass through the canals along the vertebrae of the cervical spine, irritation and infringement of which become the cause of reflex headaches, chronic dizziness, destabilization of blood pressure, which can make the patient unable to work and significantly reduce his quality of life.

A particular danger of neck osteochondrosis lies in its difficult diagnosis and the high probability of incorrect, inadequate treatment.

Symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

Manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis are erased, which greatly complicates diagnosis. As a result, the patient, as a rule, consults a doctor only when the processes in the intervertebral joints have become irreversible. TO the most important symptoms neck osteochondrosis include:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • sudden changes in blood pressure.

All of the listed signs are nonspecific; they can indicate not only cervical or cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, but also many other diseases. Therefore, it is very important for any of the listed symptoms to consult a doctor and undergo a full medical examination, to find out the real reason condition.

In addition, osteochondrosis of the neck is characterized by cervicalgia, or neck pain. It can either be localized in the back, “deep” of the neck, or radiate to the shoulder or arm. A sudden onset of a painful attack is typical - immediately after waking up, after sneezing or coughing, laughing, or sudden movement. The pain, as a rule, is moderate, combined with a crunch in the cervical vertebrae when trying to turn the head, and, if the process has not yet become irreversible, it subsides on its own after some time.

Separately, it should be said about fluctuations in blood pressure with cervical osteochondrosis. This is a nonspecific symptom, but there are some signs according to which it is possible to establish a connection between blood pressure surges and osteochondrosis. This connection is characterized by fluctuations in blood pressure throughout the day. Long-term hypertension, on the contrary, is not typical for osteochondrosis. The reason for pressure fluctuations is a reflex reaction of nerve endings in the walls of blood vessels in response to their irritation and compression. As a rule, surges in blood pressure during osteochondrosis are accompanied by headaches, pain in the limbs, and impaired sensitivity of muscles and skin in the collar area.

In addition, cervical osteochondrosis is characterized by a number of syndromes (combinations of several symptoms):

  • vertebral- a number of symptoms associated with damage to the bone tissue of the vertebrae (pain in the neck when trying to turn the head, impaired mobility of the cervical spine, morphological changes in the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs visually noticeable on the radiograph);
  • vertebral artery syndrome- a number of symptoms indicating a connection between the pathological process and the vertebral arteries. If there is insufficient blood flow in the artery when it is compressed, tinnitus, dizziness, changes in blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, and a feeling of stupor are disturbing. Irritation of the nerve endings in the walls of the arteries is manifested by migraines, flickering “floaters in the eyes,” and a temporary decrease in visual acuity. Oxygen starvation brain tissue that feeds the vertebral arteries, manifested by fainting, chronic drowsiness, mild constant headache, feeling of weakness, decreased concentration and performance. The syndrome is characteristic not only of osteochondrosis, but also of atherosclerosis and other pathologies occurring with impaired circulation in the vertebral arteries;
  • radicular - occurs due to compression of the roots spinal nerves, characterized by a unilateral lesion. Typical symptoms: pain, sensory disturbances, paresis and paralysis of the arms, face and neck;
  • cardiac - a number of symptoms that arise as a result of reflex disorders of the heart (pain, burning behind the sternum, shortness of breath, tachycardia).

Degrees of neck osteochondrosis

First degree- characterizes the initial stage of the disease, clinically manifested by pain in the neck after sudden movements, sneezing. The pain is sharp, resembles a shock electric current. In this case, damage to the capsule of the intervertebral disc is morphologically noted, which provokes irritation of the nerve endings. Neck pain may be accompanied by pain in the back of the head, tinnitus, and flickering of spots before the eyes.

Second degree- period of disease progression. At this stage, pain in the neck becomes constant, there is a narrowing of the intervertebral foramina and, in connection with this, regular infringement of the roots of the spinal nerves and the vessels passing through them. Capsule intervertebral joint becomes thinner, and pathological mobility of the spine occurs in this area. The muscles atrophy. Fluctuations in blood pressure are characteristic. At severe course disease, a “falling head symptom” may appear - the need to support the head with your hand to relieve pain and fix it in a certain position.

Third degree characterized by the destruction of the fibrous ring of the intervertebral disc, as a result of which complications of osteochondrosis may develop: vertebral dislocations, intervertebral hernias, spinal curvature. The pain is intense, radiating to the shoulder, arm, in addition to pain in the neck, headaches, dizziness, sudden jumps in blood pressure are disturbing, the patient loses his ability to work.

Diagnosis of cervical osteochondrosis

The diagnosis of “neck osteochondrosis” is made based on examination and questioning of the patient; the degree of morphological changes in the intervertebral discs can be determined by X-ray examination and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, it is important to exclude other diseases with similar symptoms: heart attack, hypertension, organic damage brain, migraine, which requires consultation with related specialists.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Volume therapeutic measures for neck osteochondrosis directly depends on the degree of the pathological process. Treatment will be more effective the earlier it is started, so it is especially important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, at the first episodes of neck pain, dizziness, without hoping that painful symptoms will pass on their own.

On initial stage disease, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis comes down to eliminating the pain syndrome with the help of NSAIDs and painkillers of local (ointments, creams) or systemic (tablets, injections) action. In addition, the restoration of normal metabolic processes in the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc plays a huge role, for which chondroprotectors are used - drugs that stimulate metabolism in cartilage tissue and normalize its structure. In particular, the drug Dona® has shown its effectiveness in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis - its active ingredient, crystalline glucosamine sulfate, is a source of valuable components of cartilage tissue. It stimulates the production of proteoglycans in cartilage tissue, which form the structure of cartilage. At the same time, glucosamine sulfate suppresses inflammation and destructive processes in cartilage tissue.

As the pathological process progresses, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants can serve as an addition to the described therapy to eliminate muscle spasms. The doctor may recommend novocaine blockades to relieve pain, however this method can be classified exclusively as palliative, allowing the elimination of painful symptoms, but in no way affecting the course of neck osteochondrosis itself. In case of advanced osteochondrosis, the only effective treatment may be surgical treatment, since the possibilities of conservative treatment at this stage have been exhausted.

Well proven: electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, ultrasound therapy, mud therapy. Traditionally, massage and manual therapy are considered important parts of the complex treatment of osteochondrosis. It should be remembered that all physiotherapy methods must be used only if neck osteochondrosis is in remission, otherwise the pathological process can only be intensified. Any manipulations during massage should be as gentle as possible.

Physical therapy (physical therapy) for cervical osteochondrosis

It plays an important role in the treatment of osteochondrosis. Methods of physical therapy are different, however general essence they are unchanged: careful restoration of healthy mobility of the affected area of ​​the spine and the associated stimulation of blood supply and nutrition of cartilage tissue. If you are diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis, exercises should be as gentle as possible and the load on the spine should be minimal. Sharp turns, rotational movements, and deep bends are unacceptable, which can damage the capsule of the intervertebral joint and aggravate the pathological process.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

Cartilage tissue is not restored, and therefore it is advisable to prevent its progression rather than try to treat the consequences later. The basis for the prevention of cervical osteochondrosis is a healthy lifestyle, reasonable mobility, balanced nutrition, body weight control, short breaks for gymnastics when sedentary professional activity. In addition, at the first signs of trouble in the cervical spine, you should consult a doctor and, if indicated, start taking chondroprotectors, for example, which will help normalize metabolism in cartilage tissue and significantly slow down the progression of the disease.
