Looking for a thing in a dream and not finding it. Why do you dream about looking for something or someone? Dream Interpretation: interpretation options. What if you dream of looking for a person

In a dream you can search for various objects, friends, family members, children, vital public places, restaurants, attractions, roads. In fact, you can only look for yourself in your dream. Searching in a dream is a good sign; you will certainly be able to find what you need in reality. Let's look at what it means to search in a dream using dream books.

Basic values

  • The items you are looking for in a dream will soon be needed in reality. Looking for shoes and out-of-season clothes in a dream means a long journey. Looking for a charger, a phone - for a trip to a place where autonomy is required.
  • Looking for a handkerchief - it is quite possible that you have already been struck down by an insidious virus or the time of an allergy is approaching. Try to remember the objects that you happened to look for in a dream in order to be well prepared for possible problems in reality.
  • Finding shoes can mean not only a change of place, but also a change of fate. If you happen to be looking for a formal or wedding outfit, don’t expect much joy from the event. Most likely, what you have been waiting for will happen, but is it fortunate? It's not too late to give up and change your fate.
  • If you happen to be looking for your lover or loved one in a dream, this means deceit on the part of the object of passion. They flirt with you, increase their worth, play and look for the limits of permissiveness. Whether or not to believe in such a naive deception is up to you to decide.
  • Looking for your pet, dog, cat means that you would like to find a soul mate, friend, husband, girlfriend in real life. A person next to whom you will feel easy and comfortable.
  • Looking for a stolen car or other personal means of transportation in a dream means disappointment, deception in your most sincere and daring hopes. Transport in a dream plays an important role in advancing the main goals in life. A stolen vehicle means that you have lost hope and are trying to find it. In real life, you will have to take decisive action. Give up illusions, raise documents, contact lawyers and demand your share, compensation. The more you rely on the honesty and kindness of deceivers, the less chance you have of regaining what you lost. Don't be afraid to anger unscrupulous business partners.
  • Looking for a job in a dream means that you are not confident in your position in reality. Most likely, this is true. Review suitable options in advance and send emails. Start a rumor among your friends that you are in search, wait a while.
  • Looking for a house or the right address in a dream means you are confused in the flow of data and have difficulty analyzing the situation. Stop, slow down, give yourself time to comprehend the situation. If you are looking for a house, but it disappears from sight, is not listed, is hidden in the courtyards, you cannot find the entrance and you have to wander in circles - you are being fooled and led by the nose for an unknown purpose. Understand the motivations of the people around you and decide for yourself how important their whims are to you.
  • Looking for lost documents, a passport - you are afraid of losing yourself in the most literal sense of the word. There is a possibility of getting into an extremely unpleasant situation, which the dream quite directly warns about.
  • Trying to find water means you are looking for special talents in yourself. If you want to find a stream, a river, a lake with drinking water, a spring, you need a job that you like. If you are looking for an underground source with a frame or a twig, you consider yourself a person endowed with a special gift.
  • Looking for treasure is a dream similar in actual meaning to searching for water. You are striving to find something that will add additional value to your life, allow you to make your own choices, manage and command other people, and lead the lifestyle you like without asking anyone.

Nightmares associated with searching in a dream

Mothers often dream of searching for children who got lost while out for a walk, in a shopping center, or in another city. The dream means anxiety, fear for the future of children, but it also has a second meaning. Mothers who really should be concerned about where their children are now do not ask this question.

And you have some excess free time, which you compensate for with excessive care. Find time for yourself in your world. For dancing or yoga in a group, for visiting the pool or refresher courses, just for solo walks. Find time for yourself personally, without the slightest benefit to your home. Otherwise, you will ruin your children and your own life at the same time and equally successfully.

Finding a way out of a closed space. A complex dream, similar in plot to a not so simple thriller. It is necessary to find a solution to the riddle and a way out of the room in a short time; additional conditions are optional. Such a dream means severe mental anxiety, time pressure in real life and a high risk of depression.

You cannot get out of such a situation on your own. If dreams with labyrinths and creepy buildings and traps haunt you quite often, it is better to consult a psychologist for qualified help. It is quite possible that there is a manipulator in your environment who is driving you into a dead end.

Even a vacation on a desert island cannot solve the problem. A common dream option is searching for a way out of a nailed-up coffin, a grave, or a crypt. It's not that you're burying yourself alive, but the environment around you is clearly hostile. It is necessary to find a way out of a real impasse.


A search in a dream always corresponds to a search in real life. Perhaps you are forced to look for a way out of the current situation - do it actively, a way out will not be found on its own. You can search for yourself and your place in life until you are very old, and only a few lucky ones find a way to fulfill themselves without delightful self-deception.

Looking for like-minded people and friends is a good thing, especially in youth, when even similar favorite music can become the basis of a strong friendship. The search for treasure, money, wealth of fame and influence is one of the main plots of human history. If you manage to find what you want in a dream, good luck awaits you in real life. If the search is not completed, you are on the right track, but have not yet achieved your main goals.

This dream often means an attempt to reach his heart, feelings, and also try to understand him as a person. In some situations, looking for a person in a dream means that he is indifferent to you and treats you with distrust, as well as an indicator of an insincere and false attitude in reality.

Very often in dreams people continue to search for someone who escapes in life. Whether it will be successful or not depends on how lucky your efforts were and whether you managed to find it or not. This is why you dream of losing a person and spending time and energy trying to find him or waking up in unpleasant anticipation.

Close and dear people

Various anxieties and concerns may be associated with them. The Dream Interpretation writes that quite often the fear of losing such a person begins to express itself in the fact that you have to walk the streets in anxiety, trying to find him.

The modern dream book does not interpret a dream in which you have to look for a person when it is caused by news or similar problems in someone's life.

For example, you watched a program in which a person disappeared or was found, after some time, then you may dream that you are losing a daughter, son, or even a spouse.

Sometimes such night pictures repeat scenes from a film, a program, or illustrate the story of a friend whose relative has disappeared.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are simply inspired by impressions and conversations.

But if you are worried about something and you suddenly had to look for a loved one in a dream, the dream promises you a quarrel, misunderstanding and a conflict situation with him.

Sometimes such a vision means that in some life situation he will turn away from you and will be unavailable.

Therefore, mothers before adolescence begin to dream that you have to look for your son or daughter, spending a lot of time and effort on this. The same is true for the dreams of a wife who worries about her husband. Nightmares about how he might cheat on you or simply pack up his things and leave one day often mean that you will actually quarrel with him or simply have a disagreement.

Why dream of looking for a person you like, but you are not dating him? This dream often predicts troubles and quarrels for you. If he doesn't know about your crush, pay attention to the place where you start looking for him.

If it is connected with your place of activity, work, then in reality the seeker is trying to understand the direction of his activity, the secrets of success or wealth. In some cases, a lost person shows that you want to achieve some interesting life goal, wealth or simply material acquisition. Sometimes the people we are looking for in a dream show the way not to them, but to the solution to some problem in life.

For example, a girl may be looking for a guy she knows, but in life she will need not so much him as confirmation of her attractiveness and tenderness.

This is very important for people who are completely unsure of themselves and want to feel more interesting. Therefore, you should not be surprised if in a dream you begin to look for your boss in order to kiss him, although in life you do not allow such thoughts.

Finding the right person safe and sound in a dream is a sign of joy. You will be able to solve a problem or get an answer to a question of interest.

The dream book writes that finding in a dream an acquaintance or someone who interests you in a dream as sick, maimed, wounded or killed means that you will soon cease to be interested in him.

Modern books indicate that very soon your relationship with him will go wrong due to severe disappointment. If this person died or was killed, then in fact he will live very well, but at the same time you yourself will lose interest in him.

Look for an important person whom you only know from a dream

This could be a civil servant, a boss, or just someone who manages various affairs, but you are unfamiliar with him. Such a dream may mean that you want to find support and support in some life situation, and the profession of this person can play a very important role here.

If you are looking for a doctor, then such a dream means trouble, as well as a desire to restore mental comfort and balance. In some cases, such a dream means that you are subconsciously looking for a healthier, both physically and mentally viable way to improve your mood and life.

It is believed that searching in a dream is a search for one’s purpose in reality, looking for a sign to the path of one’s happiness. To put it simply, it is a search in reality for a forgotten or lost object or person.

A found item means success in business, good luck and an inner feeling of making the right choice. If you can’t find what you want, there is no inner peace, stress and anxiety in reality.

General meaning

A long search in a dream means searching for yourself. The discovery is characterized by the emergence of talents in reality. This is often the case with a person - he does not suspect that he can draw or play the guitar. The subconscious shows the way to our inner world. You can use a dream book to look for the secret meaning.

Advice! When you wake up, immediately write down your memories. With every minute after waking up, we forget our dreams. You can put a notepad or voice recorder near your bed.

Disappointment sets in if you still can’t find an object in a dream. Pictures can be forgotten. The feeling of not finding the thing you were looking for is transferred to life.

The dream turns into the collapse of plans, desires and hopes. But what is found is joy, good mood and the fulfillment of plans for the person who saw such a dream.

Such dreams help you find your path in life. If you find a forgotten item, you will feel better. Life becomes clearer when you have a find in your hands. This can be a specific thing, and the meaning of the existence of your Self.

Some interpreters regard search as lack of composure. Such dreams haunt a person who is disorganized, confused and uncertain.

Or a partial attitude towards some object or its actions. To know more precisely what to expect from such a dream, let’s figure out why you dream of looking for certain objects.

People and animals

As the dream book says, looking for loved ones is a bad omen. If, even if you have a soulmate in a dream, you still have to look for him, disagreements are possible.

You may not notice that anything is wrong in the relationship. The dream helps to look for answers and hints that it is time to strengthen relationships.

If you are looking for:

  • Child. This is a need for protection from one's fears, an attempt to find inspiration. Looking for a daughter means wanting to have an affair. Son - new impressions and exploits, the path of courage.
  • Parents - the need for support from loved ones.
  • A stranger - the desire to solve a complex problem, to cope with impending matters. An unknown person can even help you choose the road.
  • Husband or wife - an attempt to improve relationships.

But the meaning of searching for animals is exactly the opposite. If you dream of a kind dog in a dream, it is an opportunity to find a friend. But an angry barker means problems and negativity.

At the same time, if you find a nervous dog and calm it down, defeat it, then this is a solution to difficulties in real life.

It’s the same with other “smaller brothers”. According to the dream book, looking for a kitten, a cat or a cat means defeating your enemies. But a snake almost always means trouble.


Looking for your things indicates an attempt to solve a certain problem in real life. An object can mean a decision. That's what I want to get.

1. Bag or wallet - change in monetary terms. Searching and finding jewelry - to wealth and pleasant cash receipts.

2. Looking for shoes in a dream means preparing for a trip, a long journey, or preparing family members for a trip. Losing shoes speaks of thwarted plans and dashed hopes.

3. Losing women's shoes means separation from your loved one. But there is a positive side to losing your shoes: good changes are coming.

4. Looking for your dress or suit can tell about the inner need for protection, understanding and support.

Transport and housing

If you need a car, it means you want to turn your life around, to rush away from the present moment. A train, for example, signifies a thirst for travel and adventure.

Finding a broken car means stagnation in your business, a difficult situation. Therefore, in such a situation in a dream, a person may be haunted by an obsessive search for a car, wheels or spare parts to get off the ground.

Looking for an apartment or a new house indicates a desire to move, change jobs, or break off a boring relationship with someone. Found room - trying to be alone with yourself.

This includes finding an exit to the road. If you are looking for her, it means you want to finally make a decision. Finding the path will tell you about hesitation in choosing the path. This could be a decision about a place of work or a life partner.
Author: Daria Kurskaya

Find out from the online dream book what you dream about Search by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreting authors.

Looking for what to dream about in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Search:

  • Search - Going to look for a loved one in a dream is a negative sign; your lover is deceiving you for his own gain.
  • Looking for a friend means you won’t be able to avoid gossip and empty slander.
  • Looking for a child in a dream means futile attempts to find inspiration.
  • If you are looking for a mother - for a comfortable existence, for a father - for support from the family.
  • Looking for a daughter in a dream means a love affair, a son means new achievements.

Idiomatic dream book

Looking for what you dream about

Search – “Look for the wind in the field”, “search-fistula”; “looking for a needle in a haystack” - futility, unsuccessful search; "spiritual quest".

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which we dreamed of Searching

Search - The image of a person looking for something means a desire to find a solution to a problem, or to find oneself. that is, to explore everything and find your own path in life that can lead to happiness and satisfaction.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about searching?

Search - Something - loss, not good; search and find - fulfillment of what you want; if you don’t find it, it’s bad; what you’re thinking about won’t come true; looking for good is bad, you will get lost in the forest.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation Search from your dream

Search - Losses, difficulties.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Searching, what does it mean?

Search - In a dream, look for an object, money - If you have not found the object, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true. Change your goal Look for a way out of the building - Changes in your life will happen gradually. You won’t even notice how you find yourself in a new situation. Don't take drastic steps. Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Look for (something) – Uncertainty, there may be losses.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Search for something - To have an unfulfilled desire.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Search - Take a responsible position. Look for fleas - Deception; bedbugs are a loss; in general, it’s always bad to look for them.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about Searching?

  • Searching is an action associated with the desire to change something in the current situation.
  • If in a dream a person is looking for something, trying to find it, it speaks of his desire to solve existing problems in reality using his own strength.
  • You are trying to look for an object unknown to you - this is a sign indicating your lack of self-confidence and inability to defend your values. Try to gain this confidence by setting achievable goals and successfully achieving them.
  • Looking for a way out of a confined space - in reality, you will have to get out of a difficult situation. And you will succeed when you ask your friends for help.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

  • Dream about a seeker - Dreams in which people are looking for something can often be dreamed by those who in reality are in a difficult and, at first glance, even hopeless situation. A person feels dissatisfied with the situation in which he is, but he does not have enough self-confidence to change the current state.
  • Looking for a place to stay for the night means that there are trials ahead that will test your strength.
  • When in a dream you have to look for your friend, contact with whom has long been interrupted, in reality you need help, but do not want to accept it because of your pride.
  • You see in a dream that you are looking for a person, and you manage to meet him - in reality, you will be able to change the situation in your favor.

Romantic dream book

Looking for what you dream about

  • Search - People who have to look for any item of clothing in a dream, in reality need protection and care from the opposite sex. Spouses will face quarrels and troubles in the family if one of them dreamed that he was looking for and could not find some thing in the house.
  • Looking for a wedding dress for a long time and pointlessly where it has never been before promises the dreamer big problems with her marriage. You will experience the happiness of family life when you are already at an advanced age.
  • A married woman trying to look for a casual dress in her closet full of clothes is likely to encounter her husband’s misunderstanding.

The newest dream book of Georgy Ivanov

Why do you dream and what does it mean for the dreamer Search

  • Looking for a stranger means trying to solve a rather complex problem.
  • It is unsuccessful in looking for a husband - you are probably in reality making attempts to improve marital relations. If you want to communicate with a man, you dream of a passionate love affair.
  • Looking for a girl or guy - dreams can occur if you are not ready for a serious relationship and are only counting on short emotional adventures.
  • To look with someone - to seek advice.
  • Searching unsuccessfully for a person is an emotional trauma caused by a very painful breakup or the death of a loved one.
  • Looking for a place or object and not finding it means the ineffectiveness of the decisions made to achieve goals.
  • A found item is lost - to feel incompetent in some matters.
  • It’s as if you are looking for something and can’t find it - this dream means losses; one can only hope that the losses will be insignificant; in any case, don’t worry too much; what is destined is destined, and losses often turn into great gains.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Looking for something in a dream means disorganization.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Looking for something in a dream for a very long time and finally finding it means that you have hitherto hidden talents.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Looking for something in a dream and not finding it means frustration.

look for what it means in a dream

If you dream that you are looking for a job, do not lose your vigilance, as you will have a chance to improve your financial situation. If you are looking for a person in a dream, it means you want to solve some problem in real life. If you repeatedly have the same dream in which you are looking for someone, it means that on a subconscious level you are delving into yourself and trying to discover your true needs. If you turn your dream into reality, it will not happen again.
When you dreamed that you were looking for shelter for the night, it means that there will be obstacles on the way to enrichment and prosperity.
Looking for a needle in a dream means vain expectations.

search by dream book

Looking for a child in a dream is a bad sign; it means that many little things and obstacles will not make it possible to resolve the problem that has arisen.

If you dreamed that you were looking for something, it meant losses, damage, a bad omen. Looking for lice means a lie, looking for bedbugs means loss.

what does it mean if you search in a dream

Looking for something in dreams promises that you are dreaming about something unrealizable.

what does it mean if you search in a dream

You dream that you are looking - therefore, you will have the opportunity to get a responsible post.

look for what it means in a dream

Looking for something unknown or any object in a dream suggests a meaningless state of Yin and a useless action of Yang. Staying in a state of indecision, confusion, internal and external damage, hesitation. Looking for unrealized items (for example, a way out of a situation) means rejection of the root of the problem, shows that you do not believe in your own strengths and cannot cope with the piled-up burden of problems, you want to neglect obligations.
Looking for a tangible thing in a dream suggests that even if you manage to find what you are looking for, you will not be able to use it for its intended purpose. All of the above will lead to poor health, and worries can affect the heart. Looking for something while walking through the forest, a deserted road, looking for a way out of the house, a gorge, means that you really want to get rid of the complications that have arisen.

dreamed of looking

Why do you dream Search:
- not for good, for losses
- you are looking and found - your plan will come true
- couldn’t find what you were looking for - bad, dreams won’t come true
- if you are looking for “truth or untruth”, you will get lost in the thicket.

look for what it means in a dream

Looking for a thing, cash - in a dream you did not find what you were looking for, which means that your rosy assumptions and dreams will not come true in the coming time. The intended task needs to be adjusted. If you are looking for a way out of a structure in a dream, changes in your destiny will occur over time, gradually. You may not understand how you will find yourself in a completely different position. This means that it is not advisable to make sudden body movements; only consistency and constancy will push you towards your goal.
