How unpleasant this crunching in the knees is! Causes of pain and crunching in the knees. Treatment with medications and folk remedies

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The knee joint is the largest joint in the human body.

It is formed by three bones: the femur, tibia and patella. The ends of the bones, like any joints, are covered with cartilage. Its thickness is about 5 cm, which is sufficient to minimize the friction of the bones against each other.

Cartilage has a dense consistency necessary to absorb shock when walking.

The joint is also formed by intra-articular cartilage: lateral and medial spacer plates consisting of cartilaginous and fibrous tissue. Their function is to ensure the proportionality of the articulating surfaces of the joint.

Inside the joint there is a thick mass called synovial fluid. It is necessary to prevent wear of the joint, as it lubricates and nourishes its surface. The shape of the knee joint is block-rotational.

The joint can move in the frontal (flexion and extension) and vertical (rotation of the tibia in a bent position) planes.

The joint itself, tendons and muscles are surrounded by three articular bursae, which contain fluid. They are necessary to facilitate the work of the joint.

The main functions of the knee joint include: movement in space and maintaining the human body in a standing position.

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What does a crunch in the knee joint indicate?

When a joint moves, the articular elements move or stretch. The joints may crack or make other sounds.

The appearance of a crunch indicates that the cartilage tissue inside the joint has begun to deteriorate.

This may indicate the onset of any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Sometimes clicking in the knee is physiological in nature and can last for several years.

This includes cavitation, pathological displacement of the kneecap and the ligaments touching the bony protrusions.

What do unpleasant sounds indicate?

The appearance of a crunch in knee joint can happen for a number of reasons. These may be various diseases, heavy physical activity and other factors.

Diseases that cause clicking in the knee:

  • calcium deposits;
  • sclerotization of soft tissues.

Also, crunching in the knees when bending and squatting can cause:

  • high load on the knee, lifting heavy objects;
  • high heels and other uncomfortable shoes (heels more than 4 cm);
  • excess body weight;
  • sedentary or sedentary lifestyle;
  • abuse of spicy, salty foods and sweets.

A traumatologist will help you understand the main reason causing this unpleasant phenomenon.

Risk factors

The main predisposing factors include: :

  • age-related changes (decrease in body reserves, gradual wear and tear - aging, chronic diseases);
  • heavy physical activity, especially among athletes (microtraumas of the joint, chronic diseases of the ligaments and cartilage of the knee);
  • - a decrease in calcium levels, which is more common in women who are over 40 years old or in people with calcium metabolism disorders;
  • congenital disorder of the structure of the knee joint, flat feet, different lengths of the lower extremities;
  • advanced chronic diseases, old injuries, non-compliance with recommendations recovery period after previous knee injuries.

Features of crunching during extension-flexion and walking

During flexion and extension, crunching can occur for several reasons.

This could be the beginning inflammatory process or dystrophic changes. With arthrosis, such changes begin with the cartilage, which becomes cloudy and loses its elasticity. At the same time, its surface is erased and, in some places, compacted. When bending, a crunching sound appears, which intensifies as a result of lubrication disruption.

The main reason why knees crack when squatting is lifting something heavy that puts stress on the legs. Heavy weight also puts stress on the knees, which leads to crunching.

Inactivity and constant sitting in one position leads to swelling of the legs. All this is difficult to bear when standing up. Staying in the same position and suddenly changing it also leads to crunching and clicking.

It can also be the consumption of salt and various spices, sweets, which provokes deposits in the knee joints.

And if there is still pain, then we can talk about hidden signs polyarthritis, rheumatism, polyarthrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Therefore, if your knee crunches when bending, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Excess weight is the main reason for creaking knees while walking. It is difficult for the knees to withstand such a load. Gradually, this can lead to complete wear and tear of the knee joints.

What to do if your knees are cracking?

  1. News active lifestyle, engage in physical exercise including simple exercises and light loads. It is very useful to perform “bicycle” and “scissors” exercises, which strengthen not only the skeletal system.
  2. Exercises have a positive effect aqua aerobics, since the load on the legs is significantly reduced. Exercise strengthens muscles and joints.
  3. Balanced diet- an important component of joint health. It is recommended to increase the amount of foods containing calcium. You need to drink more mineral still water.
  4. If you experience crunching in your knees due to excess weight, you should include it in your diet. more fruits and vegetables, lose weight.

From folk remedies to reduce unpleasant sounds and sensations in the knee, the following recipes are recommended:

  1. Compress from a mixture of citrus juice and vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5. The mixture is applied to a gauze pad and applied to the sore spot for 1 hour. After the procedure, you need to have a massage and wrap yourself in a warm scarf. It's best to do everything before bed.
  2. Ointments based on snake or bee venoms, which are rubbed in with massage movements.

If the problem is caused by arthritis or arthrosis

If arthrosis or arthritis is diagnosed and crunching in the knees causes pain, doctors prescribe treatment with anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. drugs.

Ointments with a warming effect containing bee venom are prescribed locally.

For rheumatism, treatment is aimed at reducing inflammation and pain, as well as preserving the functioning of the joint and the patient's performance.

Hormonal disorders

In case of hormonal imbalances, especially for women during menopause, crunching is treated with hormone replacement therapy. The cause of the disease is a decrease in the female sex hormones estrogen. An endocrinologist prescribes treatment.

Prevention and complications

It is better to take care of your health before your knees hurt and prevent the occurrence of creaking knee joints using preventive measures.

The main methods of prevention include:

  • daily gymnastics (exercises “bicycle”, “scissors”);
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, UHF heating, ultrasound, magnetotherapy);
  • rubbing and massage using medicinal ointments, dimexide;
  • compresses based on milk and wheat bran(The mixture is applied to the knees, covered with film, wrapped in a warm scarf, after 30 minutes, washed off and smeared with nourishing cream);
  • try not to overcool the joints;
  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to take warm baths to reduce tension in the joint.

To avoid complications, such as joint limitation, the appearance of various leg diseases, you should go to the doctor as early as possible. You cannot self-medicate, otherwise the disease will progress.

From timely treatment inflammatory diseases and injuries, the future health and mobility of the knee joint depends.

The structure of the joints in the knees allows for natural extension and flexion of the limb. In the absence of pathologies, they are not accompanied by sounds or pain.

During the first symptoms of crunching knees, few people think about treatment. Most patients try to find ways to remove the crunch on their own.

Rarely does anyone take into account that crunching could be a symptom serious illness and require immediate treatment. What to do if you have a crunch in your knees? Need to find out real reasons crunching in the knees and choose the right treatment.

Crunching in the knee joints: causes, treatment

Unnatural sounds, such as crunching, may bother you during certain movements. It can be repeated periodically or constantly accompany similar actions. Crunching occurs most often when squatting, walking up stairs, performing physical exercises and other movements of the limb.

Is there always a crunch? when squatting has pathological causes and needs emergency treatment? Before deciding how to cure a crunching sound, how to get rid of unpleasant sounds, you need to find out why such strange symptoms. Understanding the origin of unnatural sounds on your own is problematic. Therefore, it is better to find out which doctor to contact if you have a crunch in your knees.

Many doctors say that in the absence of pain, crunching in the knees is not scary and no special treatment is needed.

What explains unpleasant clicks and crackles that occur during passive or active movements of the leg and forced stretching?

When the joint moves, due to the separation of the mating surfaces of the bones, negative pressure is formed in the cavity, which contributes to the appearance of vacuum bubbles. Because of this, the so-called vacuum pop subsequently occurs, which is explained in medicine by the theory of cavitation.

Indeed, such a crunch in the knee joint does not require treatment.

It is worth thinking about the treatment of crunching during extension, flexion, and other movements.:
  • When constant repetition unnatural sounds when performing movements;
  • In case of pain;
  • in the absence of a refractory period with periodic absence of crunching;
  • When the motor abilities of a limb are limited.

A similar crunch when bending or extending requires treatment, as it indicates certain diseases.

It happens that the knee crunches due to diseases of cartilage damage and changes in structure:
  • osteoarthritis;
  • some types of arthritis.

A similar crunch when squatting, and sometimes while walking, requires long-term treatment, at least maybe initial stages disease and not accompanied by pain. A neurologist or orthopedist will tell you how to eliminate crunching in the knees with arthrosis.

What to do when there is a crunch with sharp pain in the knee? Seek medical help immediately. After all, such a combination may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or traumatic

A crunching sound with sharp pain may be a sign of traumatic injury.


Here are some examples:

  • bursitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • meniscus injury;
  • patelo-femoral syndrome;
  • various fractures;
  • sprains or torn ligaments.

Which doctor treats similar diseases? If you suspect an injury or an inflammatory process, you should first contact a traumatologist, who will tell you how to treat a crunch in the knee joint.

There are other factors that contribute to the impairment of the functional abilities of the knee joint, which provokes the appearance of a crunch.

The appearance of unnatural sounds may be due to:
  • large body weight, most often excess;
  • for hereditary reasons;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • age characteristics, applies to the older generation;
  • viral infections;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • overload of joints;
  • inappropriate shoes;
  • as well as high-heeled shoes;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • diseases associated with salt deposition;
  • frequent injuries.

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for preventive measures, performing special exercises from crunching in the knees, as well as redistribution of loads.

Quite often, a properly adjusted diet for cracking knees allows you to get rid of unpleasant sensations.

Excessive consumption of sweet, fried, salty, fatty, smoked foods affects the appearance of strange sounds in the joints. By excluding such products from your diet and making cereals, vegetables, lean meat and fish the basis of your diet, you can get rid of unpleasant clicks without the use of medications.

For such a crunch in the knees, treatment with folk remedies is effective.

How can you cure crunchy knees?

The treatment itself involves diagnostics designed to find out the origin of the pathology, and allows the doctor to choose the right treatment regimen.

Usually the surgeon conducts a preliminary examination, after which he prescribes the necessary diagnostic tests. activities in the form:

MRI for pathology diagnosis

  • laboratory research which most often include general tests If the pathology is suspected of being infectious, additional types of tests may be needed;
  • X-ray examination;
  • Ultrasound of adjacent tissues;
  • computer or magnetic resonance tomography, which allows a thorough study of possible pathology.

Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor chooses the most effective methods treatment.

To solve the problem joint crunch required A complex approach, including drug therapy, auxiliary treatments, and compliance special recommendations on nutrition and physical activity.

Knee treatment regimens joint is quite similar, but requires proper adjustment, depending on the individual needs of the patient.

Drug treatment

Before any treatment of knee joint pathologies, pain and inflammation are first relieved. In this case, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications are taken. Provides external and indoor application medications in the form of injections, .

chondroprotector injection procedure

The course of therapy can last up to two weeks, and if necessary, it can be extended by the doctor. Nonsteroidal drugs have a whole complex side effects. Therefore, if possible, a minimum course of medication is selected or preference is given to an anesthetic ointment for crunching knees.

To restore structural changes affecting cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors are prescribed. These are the latest medications consisting of chondroitin or glucosamine. They actively help joint regeneration, which eliminates painful and unpleasant symptoms.

Such medications can be taken in tablet form, which requires a long and repeated course. To speed up therapeutic effect injections may be given directly into the affected joint.

Treatment must be accompanied by vitamin therapy.

Preference is given to drugs that can stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissue and activate the passage of impulses along nerve fibers.

Expensive but effective treatment by injection into the joint is considered hyaluronic acid. Drugs in this group are able to replace synovial acid, creating natural lubrication in the joint, which helps eliminate crunching during physical activity.

Have proven themselves well and dietary supplements. Using approved products from this group, you can safely restore cartilage tissue and improve the composition of intra-articular fluid by saturating it with amino acids and other useful components.

Authorized by doctors reception Piaskledina 300 with crunching knees, since this drug is able to regulate metabolic processes and have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Piascledine 300 stimulates collagen synthesis, which triggers cartilage regeneration and inhibition of degenerative processes.

There are also effective safe ways , how to remove crunching knees using ointments with popular names. Yes, application Fastum Gel, Fanigan Fast Gel, Liaton, Diclofenac helps eliminate soreness and inflammation. When applying ointments made on the basis of poisons (bee, snake), blood flow and, accordingly, nutrition of joint tissues improves.

Non-drug treatment

Supportive therapy methods are an integral part of comprehensive treatment of the knee joint. Pills and injections alone cannot cope with the problem of crunching in the knee. Therefore, you should not neglect the recommendations for rehabilitation and prevention, hoping for the help of a “magic” pill.

First of all, when crunching, provoked by injuries or inflammations, immobilization is provided to the injured leg. For this, various bandages, elastic bandages, orthoses and even splints or plaster casts can be used.

During rehabilitation the patient may need crutches or a walking stick. All this helps reduce the load on the affected knee and prevent further complications.

For any pathologies of the knee joint, physiotherapy is recommended in the form of:
  • laser exposure;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • UHF;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • electrophoresis.

This treatment helps restore the functional abilities of the knee by improving blood flow and nutrition, as well as stimulating the muscle tone of the periarticular tissues and accelerating the conduction of nerve signals.

For speedy recovery knee doctors recommend taking treatment courses:
  • manual therapy;
  • vacuum therapy;
  • various massages;
  • reflexology;
  • balneotherapy.

Not least of all is therapeutic gymnastics. Without dosed, competent loads on the pathological joint, it is impossible to get rid of the crunch. Only regular acceptable physical activity allows you to keep muscles and ligaments in good shape, and the joint itself in working condition due to sufficient production synovial fluid.

This auxiliary treatment not limited. There are many effective ways to treat knee crunch with folk remedies.

Treatment of Crunch in the knee joint with folk remedies

This method could be a good addition traditional therapy. You should resort to such types of treatment only after consulting a doctor. After all, any untested recipe may contain components that do not fit with the main treatment drugs or may provoke unpredictable and allergic reactions.

Simple but effective The method of treatment is the use of gelatin for crunching. To prepare healing agent pour 5 grams into a clean container in the evening. gelatin and fill it with water in the amount of 200 g. The next morning the gelatin will swell, turning into a jelly-like mass. You need to add a little more water (50 g) to it and stir well. Drink a similar mixture every day from the morning before the first meal.

Oil treatment will also help
crunch in the knee. To prepare compresses, eucalyptus is used, as well as fir oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

A compress is prepared using vegetable oil. orange juice. To prepare healing mixture mix 100 gr. butter with juice of one large fruit orange The fabric is moistened in the resulting composition and applied to the affected joint. Wrapping the knee in film and a warm cloth, leave the therapeutic compress for up to half an hour.

Chalk can also be used effectively from crunching knees in healthy lifestyle recipes. From finely ground chalk and fermented milk products a paste is prepared in the form of kefir or sour cream, which is applied to sore knee. Such an application is covered with cling film and secured with a bandage. Chalk treatment can improve blood flow and relieve pain, which helps eliminate crunching.

Timely diagnostic examination, which helps to detect the pathology that provoked the crunch in the knee, and complex therapy able to stop the disease and prevent its development.

Crunching in the joints does not necessarily accompany pathology; quite often it does not pose a danger. But it is impossible to ignore constantly occurring sounds, especially if they are combined with discomfort and pain. The causes and treatment of crunching knees is the topic of today's conversation.

Why do my joints crack?

Physiological crunch

The structure of the knee joint resembles a hinge: the head of the other enters the cavity of one bone, and during movement they move relative to each other. To facilitate sliding and reduce friction, the joint produces articular (synovial) fluid.

The liquid is heterogeneous; it contains foreign inclusions, among which the least “dangerous” are carbon dioxide bubbles. If, when bending and straightening your knees, you hear soft clicks or a crunch that does not manifest itself physically, the cause of such a crunch is bursting gas bubbles. After some time, they form again and the crunching resumes.

The knees can crunch barely noticeably or, on the contrary, quite loudly. Such sounds are not pathological and do not pose a danger.

Another reason for a “safe” crunch is contact ligamentous apparatus and sections of bone that form the joint. Such sounds are especially frequent in adolescence during the period of skeletal formation.

However, according to statistics, approximately 15% of people whose knees click and creak suffer from an initial form of arthrosis. How not to miss the onset of the disease?

Pathological crunch

If the joint crunches during physical activity: squats, then the causes of extraneous sounds may be:

  • joint inflammation, since the tissues swell, become deformed, and increase in size, which leads to constant contact with the articular surfaces. A characteristic feature arthritis and similar diseases are pain;
  • joint deformity and disruption of its functioning. Arthrosis is often accompanied by a decrease in the amount of joint fluid;
  • violation of water-salt metabolism. The accumulation of uric acid salts in tissues leads to limited mobility, tissue swelling and severe pain. Without treatment, gout causes lumps, protrusions, and tubercles to form on the surfaces of the bones;
  • joint injury, fractures, cracks prevent normal functioning. Incorrectly fused bones and unregenerated joints can cause the development of arthrosis;
  • pathological processes occurring in the liver, disrupt collagen synthesis and reduce ligament mobility, hence pain and crunching in the joints;
  • obesity- excess weight causes additional, sometimes excessive stress on the joints. It is especially hard on the knees and hip joint, since they bear the main burden;
  • high heel shoes. Physiologically, nature provides for walking on a level foot; the heel causes a redistribution of the load and puts additional stress on the knees.

What to do if your knees are cracking

To understand what a crunch in the knees means - harmless gas bubbles or the beginning of a serious illness, you should undergo an examination to diagnose the cause of the unpleasant sounds. You should urgently consult a doctor if pain, swelling, joint swelling, limited mobility, or numbness are added to the sounds.

Diagnostic methods include:

  1. Visual inspection, palpation of the joint;
  2. Collection of analyzes;
  3. Radiography;

Magnetic resonance therapy provides the clearest picture of the situation. Along with a direct examination of the joint, the condition of the kidneys and liver is examined.

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Traditional medicine treatment methods

Physiological crunching, if it does not cause psychological discomfort, does not need to be treated, it does not pose a danger.

After the examination, it becomes clear what the cause is and what disease needs to be treated to eliminate unpleasant symptom including.

Therapy includes several stages:

  • reduction (elimination) of pain - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibufen, nimesulide, diclofenac and others);
  • relieving inflammation and swelling - pepper-based ointments, snake venom, dimexide improve blood circulation and nutrition, promote lymph outflow;
  • restoration of functions cartilage tissue and mobility of the joint as a whole - chondroprotectors, which can be taken in the form of capsules or tablets (Teraflex), injected intramuscularly (Alflutop), injected directly into the joint cavity (only in a hospital, done by a doctor!).

How to treat crunchy knees with folk remedies

If a joint creaks and crunches, but there is no way to urgently visit a doctor, you can try the recipes offered by alternative medicine.

Dishes with gelatin

To increase joint mobility, treat and prevent diseases, recover from injuries and fractures, it is recommended to consume jelly, jellied meat, and jellied meat daily.

When preparing jellied meat, you do not leave it to harden, but drink the warm broth obtained after boiling beef on the bone for 4-5 hours. You need to drink 1.5 glasses 3-4 times a day for a month.


Substances that fresh parsley is rich in stimulate liver function, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on joint health.

If your knee joint is crunchy, you need to prepare an infusion of parsley and take it for 14 days.

To prepare, parsley roots are washed, finely chopped and poured into a thermos, after which ½ liter of hot boiled milk is poured. After 12 hours, the infusion is ready; it needs to be strained through cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is the daily dose, which must be drunk in three doses.


Chop and mix parsley roots and herbs (100 g each), add ½ liter of hot water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for another 5-6 minutes, then cool and strain.

Add 1-2 tbsp to the decoction. l. honey and juice of one lemon. Drink in the morning, taking 6-7 sips. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.


Mix freshly squeezed juice of one medium orange with 0.1 liters of vegetable oil, thoroughly moisten the resulting mixture with gauze folded in several layers. Apply a compress to the sore joint, cover with cling film and a warm diaper on top. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, the duration of the course is 2 weeks.


Grind the bran and pour in warm milk. After swelling, approximately 20-30 minutes later, the mass is applied to a gauze bandage and a compress is made. The duration of the procedure is 1 hour. You can use it in the same way. cereals(3-4 tsp per 0.2 l of boiling water).

Prevention of cracking knees

Plays a huge role in maintaining joint health proper nutrition. The diet should include:

  • rich foods - milk and dairy products, hard cheeses, sesame seeds, dill, basil, parsley, fatty sea ​​fish, nuts, seafood, chocolate;
  • vitamin A (carrots, egg yolk, watermelon, peaches, blueberries), B 1 (cabbage, carrots, peas, potatoes), B 2 (milk, cottage cheese, nuts, eggs), B 6 (tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, oranges) , D (red fish, dairy products), E ( vegetable oil, sea buckthorn, almonds, cherries), C (citrus fruits, rose hips, parsley, black currants, Bell pepper), K (pumpkin, tomatoes, peas);
  • products containing .

Smoked and salted foods are not good for joints.

Physical education classes and swimming will be beneficial.

A set of exercises for knee pain according to Bubnovsky

Sharp pain physical exercises will help relieve pain in the back and knees:

  1. Lunges forward on your knees (for each step). To perform the exercise, you need to get on all fours, crawl forward at each step, straightening one leg and lowering your body to the floor.
  2. Lying on your back, hands behind your head, do crunches. Feet should be pressed firmly to the floor. Place a salt heating pad under your back.
  3. In the same position, simultaneously raise the leg bent at the knee and pull the knee towards the opposite elbow.
  4. Walk on your knees (back straight).
  5. Kneel down, straighten your back, place a gymnastic mat or rolled towel on your calves. Lower your pelvis onto the mat as low as possible, remain in this position for 20-30 seconds, and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise without a mat.
  6. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you. Holding the toe of your foot with your hand, bend your leg at the knee, then straighten it and hold it suspended. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.
  7. “Walk” on your buttocks, hands clasped in front of your chest.
  8. Do push-ups from the floor, crossing your legs at the knees and raising them above the floor.

A simple exercise to develop the knee joint

From this video you will learn one simple exercise that will help develop the joint after an injury and simply strengthen the knee. Do it and be healthy!

Crunching in the knees is just a symptom that can be completely harmless if it is not accompanied by pain and discomfort. You need to listen to your body, take care of it, eat right and provide feasible physical activity. No doctor will help if you don’t take care of your health yourself.

Probably every person has had creaky knees at some point? For some this happens rarely, for others more often. Some people worry about this, while others treat it with humor.

So what is this: pathology or a normal physiological process?

Before considering a crunch in the knees, its causes and treatment, you should understand the mechanism of such an event.

What is a crunch in a joint?

The anatomical structure of a movable joint (including the knee) is very complex. Essentially, it is a joint consisting of a head, a socket and ligaments. One of essential components The joint is synovial fluid, which serves to soften friction. It contains air or, to be more precise, carbon dioxide. So, why do the joints in the knees and other parts of the body creak?

When flexing and extending, the pressure in the joint changes. At the same time, the carbon dioxide bubbles burst, emitting a characteristic ringing sound, which is called crunching. After some time (on average 20-30 minutes), the air again collects into bubbles, and the process repeats. Sometimes the crunch is quite noticeable, but many people do not pay attention to it. Or the sound is so quiet that it is not audible at all.

Sudden movements can also cause crunching. This occurs if the ligament touches a protruding area of ​​the bone. In addition, in children and adolescents, doctors note increased joint mobility due to the newly developing musculoskeletal system. Over time, tissues become less mobile, and the intensity of sounds decreases.

In other words, crunching in the knee is a normal physiological process that accompanies flexion and extension of the joint. Why are some people so worried about this? Clinical statistics show that 15% of the world’s population has this symptom. primary symptom arthrosis. That’s why they worry, because such a disease is not to be joked about. Let's look at the reasons for the occurrence of pathological crunching.

Causes of pathological crunching

The body's signals about various disorders are not always perceived correctly by a person. If you hear a crunching sound in your knees when walking, the reasons for it can be either harmless or very serious:

  1. Inflammatory process in the joint(arthritis, bursitis, etc.). When moving, the swollen tissue clings to the bony protrusions, which is what causes the sound. Feature- pain with every click.
  2. Arthrosis. Atrophy of cartilage tissue impairs the function of the entire joint. This is often due to a decrease in the amount of synovial fluid.
  3. Salt deposits. The surface of the joint becomes rougher, and additional hooks for the ligaments are formed on it.
  4. Injuries. Physical damage disrupts the natural structure of the joint. These could be either improperly healed fractures, microcracks, or other problems. The result is often post-traumatic arthrosis, and not just crunch.
  5. Liver failure. The liver synthesizes collagen, which is essential for cartilage tissue.
  6. Excess weight. Excessive body weight increases the rate of wear and tear on the functional components of the knee.
  7. Wrong shoes. High heels shift balance from the heels to the phalanges of the toes, which disrupts the natural distribution of stress in the knee.

As can be seen from this list, the causes of clicking sounds sometimes indicate the development of pathology. Identifying it can be very problematic. And special attention should be paid to the crunch in the knee, because this joint takes the greatest load. How is the disease diagnosed?

Symptoms and diagnosis of pathology

Characteristic clicks are heard only when moving. If at the same time a person feels pain, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. Additional symptoms V in this case swelling and stiffness of the joint will appear. To accurately determine the pathology, it is necessary to perform a set of measures, because further treatment will depend on this:

  1. X-ray examination.
  2. Computed tomography (CT).
  3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  4. Blood analysis.

X-rays and CT scans do not always provide reliable results due to the fact that cartilage tissue is not displayed on such images. Therefore, doctors prefer MRI, which clearly demonstrates the condition of the joints.

Diagnosing pain and crunching in the knees, the causes of which are often very vague, the doctor mandatory performs ultrasound of the liver and kidneys. If the liver is responsible for collagen synthesis, then the amount of synovial fluid is directly related to the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, it is also recommended to laboratory analysis blood to exclude rheumatoid factor.

Official medicine

After clinical examination The patient can be told exactly why the joints in the knees are crunching, and what to do about it. There are a lot of medications on the pharmaceutical market, but the choice of treatment method will depend on the identified disease. After all, you will have to cope not with the crunch itself, but with the illness that provoked it.

Doctors distinguish 3 stages on this path:

  1. Eliminate pain.
  2. Getting rid of inflammation.
  3. Cartilage restoration.

To overcome pain, analgesics are prescribed. However, this will not solve the problem, because pain is a consequence, not a cause.

If the patient experiences swelling, it is recommended to use special ointments:

  1. Pepper-based medicinesGolden Star", Finalgon). Active components warm the joint, improve blood flow and relieve swelling.
  2. Preparations based on snake venom(Viprosal). They resolve swelling very effectively.
  3. Preparations based on dimexide. Acting as a solvent for other components, dimexide in its pure form serves as an excellent remedy for inflammation in the joint.
  4. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam). Prescribed only if other means have not helped.

Coping with pain and inflammation is not that difficult, but restoring cartilage will be more difficult. For this purpose, special drugs are prescribed - chondroprotectors. This group includes various means, however, treatment in this way takes time.

Depending on the cause of the crunching in the knees, 3 types of medications are prescribed:

  1. Oral (Teraflex, Artra).
  2. Intramuscular (Adgelon, Alflutop).
  3. Intra-articular (Fermatron, Sinvisk).

Chondroprotectors activate the synthesis of cartilage tissue, which is usually disrupted in arthritis and arthrosis. Such medications should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, and injections are given exclusively in a hospital setting.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicines good recipes. They are useful if the patient does not want or cannot take medications.

From pharmaceuticals Side effects occur quite often, which is why people turn to more gentle drugs. However, you need to understand: treatment for cracking knees with folk remedies sometimes lasts several months.

Treatment of joints with gelatin at home

Jelly is not only a delicious culinary dish, but also a storehouse of collagen, which is so necessary for cartilage tissue. It is sold in almost every grocery store, and even a child can handle the preparation according to the instructions on the package.


Another culinary dish will cope with a crunch in the knee - jellied meat. Only you need to consume it not in a frozen form, as many are used to, but warm. IN medicinal purposes You will need boiled liquid in which beneficial substances accumulate during heat treatment:

  1. Beef joints and bones are used as the basis.
  2. They cook for 5 hours.
  3. Drink the resulting liquid 4 times a day, 300 g each, preheating it to 40 °C.
  4. The course of treatment lasts 1 month.

Parsley infusion

Traditional treatment for cracking knees. Parsley

In medicine, parsley is used as choleretic agent. In fact, the plant stimulates liver function, the deficiency of which can cause cracking in the joints. Prepare the infusion according to this recipe:

  1. Place 1 cup of chopped parsley roots in a thermos.
  2. Pour in 0.5 liters of boiled milk.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Strain.
  5. Drink 1 day in advance, divided into 3 servings.
  6. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Another remedy based on parsley and celery will help with crunchy knees:

  1. Mix 100 g of chopped parsley and celery roots.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Cook over low heat for 7 minutes.
  4. Cool and filter.
  5. Add the juice of 1 medium lemon and 2 tablespoons of honey.
  6. Drink 5-6 small sips a day.
  7. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  8. After a 1-week break, repeat the medication.

An orange compress will help with a crunching knee. For cooking you will also need vegetable oil, and the whole recipe is as follows:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 1 large orange.
  2. Mix with 100 g sunflower oil.
  3. Soak the gauze in the solution.
  4. Apply a compress to the knee.
  5. Wrap the top with cling film.
  6. Leave for half an hour and remove.
  7. You need to do it every day for 2 weeks.

Bran compress

Weight useful substances found in bran. With the right approach you can get excellent remedy for treating joints and eliminating crunching in them:

  1. Take 1 glass of bran.
  2. Pour 0.5 liters of milk ( room temperature).
  3. Leave for half an hour (until the bran swells).
  4. Spread the resulting mixture onto the joint.
  5. Wrap with a plastic bag and warm cloth.
  6. Leave for 1 hour.


  1. Take 3 teaspoons of flakes.
  2. Pour in 2 cups of boiling water.
  3. Simmer for 5-6 minutes.
  4. Cool.
  5. Apply to the joint.
  6. Perform the procedure daily, each time preparing a fresh decoction.

How to prevent cracking in your joints?

Crunching in the knees when squatting, the causes and treatment of which are closely related, is much easier to prevent. Characteristic clicks in the joints are usually heard during any physical activity or sudden movement. And if we talk about the likelihood of developing a pathological crunch, then a properly formulated diet will help prevent it:

In addition, doctors recommend for preventive purposes exercise. There is no need at all to go to the gym and pump up huge muscles; simple physical exercises will do that will help restore and strengthen your musculoskeletal system.

Swimming will help relieve clicking: it is in water that the load on the joints is minimal. However, you should visit pools that do not add chlorine or silver ions for cleaning. The best option will become a natural body of water (sea, lake, etc.), although in the cold season you can swim in fresh air not always possible.

Petrozavodsk State University Faculty of Medicine

Specialty: general practitioner

Knee crunching or crepitus is a fairly common complaint among patients. Usually older people consult a doctor with it, although it can also occur in at a young age. An extraneous sound can occur when standing up, when climbing stairs or any other movement. A crunch may appear at the most various reasons– from incorrectly selected shoes and excess weight, to injuries and pathologies of the joint. If a person does not pay attention to the problem in time, then over time the joint begins to deform, which can lead to its immobilization.

The right or left knee begins to crack when bending or other movement due to damage to its structures. But, there are cases when extraneous sounds are symptoms indicating the development of certain diseases. To find out the cause, you need to see a doctor and go through a series of diagnostic measures. Crunching in the knees during flexion and extension can occur with the following diseases:

  • Chondromatosis.
  • Meniscus injury.
  • Gouty or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • For metabolic disorders, in particular phosphorus-calcium.
  • Joint hypermobility.

Why do my knees crack? The presenter of the program Elena Malysheva and neurologist Dmitry Shubin will tell:

  • Osteochondritis.
  • Chondromalacia patella.
  • Obesity.
  • Bursitis.
  • The appearance of osteophytes.
  • Knee injuries and components(dislocations, bruises, fractures, sprains, etc.).


As a result of the development of pathology, cells of one type are replaced by others, and chondromic bodies are formed in the knee joint, which block the articulation. The pathology may be congenital or acquired. Congenital chonromatosis is rarely diagnosed. Sometimes, the disease can lead to the development of a tumor.

There are stable and progressive forms of the disease. In the case of stable chondromatosis, 10 to 25 chondromic bodies form in the knee. After this, the development of the pathology stops. With a progressive process, cartilaginous bodies constantly accumulate and in difficult cases can completely block the synovial membrane.

Chondromatosis is pathological process, in which rebirth occurs synovial membrane joint into cartilage tissue

This pathology is characterized by damage to the joint on only one leg. With chondromatosis, the patient is concerned about the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations in the knee joint.
  • Impaired mobility.
  • Crunching noise with any movement.
  • Knees become swollen.
  • Blockades.
  • Visual deformation of the knee joint.


Gonarthrosis is a pathology associated with impaired supply of articular tissues with oxygen and nutrients, as a result of which degenerative processes begin to occur in them, and the joint itself wears out, becomes deformed and begins to crunch when bent. This disease requires compulsory treatment, as it often becomes a cause of disability. Women are more susceptible to gonarthrosis than men. The risk of its occurrence increases over the years.

The main reason for the development of pathology is a disruption of the connection between the mechanical effect on the joint and the ability of its tissues to self-heal. The following types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Primary gonarthrosis. Develops due to genetic disorders, during development hormonal imbalance, circulatory or metabolic disorders, etc.
  2. Secondary gonarthrosis. The reasons for its development may be hidden both within the joint itself and may not be related to it. Intra-articular causes include: trauma (fracture) or surgery during which the meniscus is removed. Extra-articular causes include: dislocation, consequences after arthrodesis.

At the initial stage of development, the patient may not pay attention to the changes that occur inside the knee joint. But over time, gonarthrosis leads to the appearance of pronounced symptoms.

Rheumatologist Pavel Evdokimenko will talk about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating the disease:

There are 5 stages of the disease, each of which has its own characteristics:

  1. Damage to the hyaline cartilage begins. Its cells are gradually destroyed and are unable to perform their basic functions.
  2. Cracks begin to appear in the cartilage and it fragments. Inflammation gradually develops.
  3. There is a significant increase in the size of the synovial membrane, and osteophytes appear on the surface of the bone.
  4. At this stage, the destruction of the cartilage plate occurs. As a result, the joint capsule thickens and cysts may appear.
  5. The articular surface at this stage is severely damaged. Granulation tissue appears.

The first thing the patient should pay attention to is It's a dull pain, significantly aggravated by bending the knee, any movement, hypothermia or change of weather. As a rule, at the initial stage discomfort occur in the morning, but gradually go away. During bending, you can hear a crunching sound due to the friction of the joints against each other. The pathology is also characterized by swelling of the knee and limited mobility. In advanced cases, it is difficult for the patient to move.

Meniscus injury

Sometimes, as a result of mechanical stress on the knee, damage to the internal or external meniscus can occur. This can happen due to a jump or sudden movement of the knee (flexion, extension, rotation). Symptoms of meniscus damage:

  1. Temporary block of the knee joint. It mainly occurs during squats, when the patient feels resistance when trying to straighten the knee.
  2. or after exercise, when walking up stairs or getting up from a chair.
  3. Clicking noises when trying to move your leg.

The knee meniscus cannot heal on its own. The patient requires surgery.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This pathology has an autoimmune nature and is associated with long-term inflammation of the joint tissues. Damage to one or both joints is possible.

Why rheumatoid arthritis occurs, doctors cannot answer. However, it is believed that hypothermia, injury or physical overexertion. When the disease reaches an advanced stage, the patient cannot fully move the knee.

Common symptoms of the disease include:

  • Pain when moving or touching the joint.
  • Knee stiffness in the morning.
  • Swelling.
  • Deformation of the knee joint, which ultimately leads to its immobilization.

Other causes of crunching

Violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism

The tissue that forms bone is capable of accumulating calcium and phosphorus. If there is a deficiency of these elements in the body, then the bones begin to suffer. This pathology causes the following symptoms:

  • Creaking and crunching in the knee joint during movement (flexion, extension).
  • Joint deformity.
  • Soreness.
  • Impaired knee mobility.


This is what doctors call inflammation that affects the synovial bursa. Based on where the lesion is located, several types of bursitis are distinguished: superficial or deep. More often, damage to the prepatellar bursa, which is located above the patella, is diagnosed, which can appear after injury or physical activity. Sometimes the pathology is infectious in nature and develops in response to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the synovial bursa.

The main symptoms of bursitis are:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Crunching in the knee when bending it.
  • Restricted mobility of the kneecap.
  • Swelling.

Hypermobility syndrome

The pathology is associated with high mobility of the knee joint, which is mainly associated with genetic disorders. But pathology can also occur due to inflammation, hormonal changes or neurological disorders. Hypermobility is associated with impaired production of collagen in the body, which leads to subluxations and sprains.

The main symptom of the pathology is a crunching sound that occurs when bending and other movements. It may be accompanied by pain during physical activity. Sometimes there is swelling around the knee.

Gouty arthritis

The development of the disease is caused by the accumulation of uric acid salts in the human body. Mostly, the pathology is diagnosed in men over 40 years of age.

Rheumatologist Pavel Evdokimenko will talk about the disease in more detail:

Main symptom gouty arthritis– severe pain that cannot be relieved by taking painkillers. It mainly occurs at night. Swelling and hyperemia can be seen at the site of the lesion.

Osteochondritis dissecans

This pathological condition is associated with detachment of the cartilaginous plate. It is diagnosed mainly in men aged 20 to 40 years. Doctors cannot say what causes the development of osteochondritis. It is believed that injuries, high physical activity, which athletes often face, and any changes in blood circulation that occur in the knee joint can lead to such a pathology.

There are several stages of the disease:

  1. First stage. An inflammatory process develops in the synovial bursa, accompanied by pain and swelling that occurs after physical activity. After a short rest they disappear.
  2. The second stage is characterized severe pain, which may not go away for a long time.
  3. Third. The patient suffers from constant pain. If a complete detachment of the cartilage fragment occurs, the joint is blocked and completely immobilized.


The presence of excess weight provokes a huge load on all parts of the joint, as a result of which they begin to collapse over time. Obesity can be caused by hereditary predisposition, overuse food or its high calorie content, physical inactivity or hormonal disorders in organism.

A common cause of crunching in the knee joint is obesity, which places excessive stress on the knee joint, the structures of which begin to gradually collapse

Chondromalacia patella

This pathology is associated with the destruction of the cartilage located behind the patella. As it develops, the cartilage becomes thinner and cracks appear on it. Athletes are more susceptible to chondromalacia than others. Pathology may occur due to abnormal development of the patella, mechanical damage or high load. At the same time, a crunch of the patella and painful sensations even with a slight load on the knee.


Osteophytes are growths of pathologically overgrown bone tissue. Such a process can begin as a result of metabolic disorders and significant loads on the joint. Bone growths cause disturbances in the nutrition of the cartilage, which can cause an inflammatory process and gradual ossification. If the osteophytes are small in size, then they do not cause any discomfort, but when there are too many of them, this can cause damage to the joint. The patient will complain of pain and crunching in the knee.


Among the injuries that can cause pain and crunching in the knee are dislocations, bone fractures, sprains of the ligaments and tendons. All of them require treatment.

Why do my knees crunch when bending or squatting?

Doctors note that crunching is not an independent pathology, but only a symptom that can occur during movement (while running, walking, or simply flexing and straightening a joint). The mechanism for the appearance of extraneous sounds during different movements is practically the same. Typically, such sounds are accompanied by pain.

It is known that in the process of flexion or extension of joints, muscles, ligaments, cartilage and joint capsule take part. Such actions are performed at runtime various exercises, going up or down stairs or just walking. If your knees click, this may indicate the beginning of damage to the joint structures. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to any extraneous sounds.

Crunching in the knee when bending can be physiological or pathological. Physiological is directly related to a sedentary lifestyle. Pathological occurs when a joint or its parts are damaged. In most cases, this is an inflammatory process in the synovial bursa, a change in the size of the joint space, joint deformation and other disorders.

Crunching sound when squatting

This problem is mainly faced by athletes, since the squat is considered a basic exercise. During its execution, the knee joint and surrounding muscles are involved. Therefore, any articular pathology makes this symptom pronounced.

Crunching in the knee when squatting is perhaps the most common complaint that occurs after training in fitness clubs.

Crunching and pain in the joint

Usually, pain and crunching in the knees when bending or straightening them always occur at the same time, since the reasons for their occurrence are the same. This may be due to injury to the knee joint or degenerative processes in its structures.

Crunching in a child

In children, a crunch may be associated with an injury, high load on the joint, or the development of pathology in it. In children and adolescents, the musculoskeletal system is not yet fully formed, so any disease or injury leads to serious damage to the joint parts and the appearance of a crunch. Babies' bones are not yet very strong due to low content they contain minerals.

Unlike adults, children's knees may creak when walking or any other movement due to:

  1. Congenital pathologies.
  2. Injuries (congenital or acquired as a result of a fall, etc.).
  3. A deficiency of certain minerals in the body, which is usually associated with nutritional deficiencies. For normal development bone tissue, children should regularly receive calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D3 with food.

  1. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Why does it occur this pathology in children it is still unclear exactly. As a result of the disease, the child experiences autoimmune processes when his own tissues are destroyed, which are mistaken for foreign. In this case, the patient has painful sensations and clicking in the knee joint.
  2. Osteoporosis is a pathology associated with the fact that bone thins and becomes fragile. In infants, the disease may be congenital. Acquired osteoporosis may occur due to a disorder in baby food or used to treat certain medications.


To find out what causes the crunch in the knee joint when bending, the patient needs to undergo comprehensive examination. Which doctor should I contact? First, you can contact a therapist who will prescribe a number of examinations:

  • Laboratory tests of blood and urine.
  • X-ray of the knee.
  • Ultrasound of the joint.

Photo: Ultrasound of the knee joint

After finding out the reason why the knee joint crunches and hurts, the therapist will refer the patient to a specialist:

  1. If neurological pathologies are detected (lumbago, pinched nerve, etc.), treatment will be carried out by a neurologist.
  2. A traumatologist deals with the treatment and elimination of the consequences of mechanical damage to the knee joint.
  3. A surgeon performs knee surgery.
  4. An orthopedist treats crunching associated with orthopedic pathologies.

How to get rid of crunchy knees

Only a doctor, after examination and diagnosis, can tell you what to do when your knees creak. Treatment for crunching in the knees when bending them and other movements should be comprehensive. The main thing is to eliminate the root cause of this condition and restore the affected joint functions.

At mechanical damage, the limb should be immobilized. If your knee clicks when bending or other movements, your doctor will prescribe:

  • Diet.
  • A course of drug treatment.
  • Carrying out the operation.
  • Rehabilitation therapy.

Drug treatment and diet

Almost every disease in which the knee hurts and clicks requires taking certain medications:

  1. (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) to relieve inflammation, swelling and pain.
  2. Corticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone) to eliminate the inflammatory process.
  3. Antigout drugs (Colchicine) to reduce the production of uric acid and its removal from the body. (also see others)
  4. Anti-inflammatory drugs (Cyclosporine) to slow down the process of destruction of joint tissue.
  5. Chondroprotectors (Glucosamine, Theraflex) to restore damaged tissue of the knee joint. (Read more at)
  6. Vitamin and mineral complexes to normalize the nutrition of joint tissues and their regeneration.

It is especially important to eat right if the cause of the crunch is obesity, gout or other pathology that may be associated with poor nutrition:

  1. If you have gout, it is important to completely exclude from your diet foods that contain uric acid(sorrel, meat, etc.).
  2. In case of obesity, the diet should be aimed at reducing body weight.
  3. If a disorder of phosphorus-calcium metabolism is detected, the patient should enrich his diet with foods that contain a lot of these substances (dairy products, sea fish, etc.).
  4. To restore cartilage tissue, you should regularly consume products that contain gelatin.


In the case when conservative treatment turned out to be ineffective, the doctor may prescribe an operation:

  • Arthrotomy.
  • Tenorrhaphy.
  • Arthroplasty (ACL).
  • Joint punctures.

Knee arthroplasty

  • Synovectomies.
  • Synovcapsulectomy.
  • Arthroscopy.
  • Endoprosthetics.
  • Meniscectomy.

Each of these operations has its own characteristics. Reviews from patients after ACL plastic surgery or endoprosthetics prove that these operations are effective even in cases of significant damage to the knee joint, when it constantly crunches, hurts, or even becomes completely immobile.

Rehabilitation therapy and traditional medicine

After the full course drug therapy or after surgery, the patient is prescribed:

  1. Physiotherapy (electrophoresis and thermal procedures).
  2. Massage.
  3. Exercise therapy course.

These activities help normalize blood circulation in the damaged area and speed up the healing process.

In this video chiropractor Anton Epifanov will tell you what types of physiotherapeutic treatment exist:

In addition to drug therapy, a patient whose knees creak when bending or squatting can be treated with folk remedies. They have a good effect:

  • Decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs, which are taken orally or used as compresses on the knee area.
  • Ointments and rubs based on mumiyo or bee products.

Prevention of crunching

To avoid a situation where the tendon or joint of the knee crunches and clicks, it is necessary to reduce the load on it. To do this you need:

  • Monitor your weight and, if it exceeds the norm, engage in weight loss.
  • When working sedentarily, take breaks and move more often.
  • Follow the trainer's recommendations when playing sports.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, and for women, avoid high heels.

Also, to prevent the crunch that occurs when bending the knee joint, you should:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. Exercise ( good effect has swimming).
  3. Saturate your diet with foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and contain gelatin.
  4. Treat infectious, endocrine and other diseases in a timely manner.
  5. Maintain drinking regime.
  6. A lot of time walking.

The crunch that appears in the knee when it bends, extends or rotates is not an independent disease, but only a symptom of another joint pathology. If you do not pay attention to it in time, the pathology can eventually lead to immobilization of the joint and disability. Therefore, if you notice any extraneous sound when bending your leg, it is important to consult a doctor to undergo an examination and identify the underlying cause.
