How to heal a severe bruised hand. Effective home treatment for bruised hand on impact. The use of pain relievers and folk remedies

According to statistics, bruised hands are the most traumatized parts of the body. The fact is that in the process of falling, a person instinctively throws them forward. As a result, he may receive a severe injury to his hand.

Severe contusion of the hand: how to treat

The following cases mainly provoke an unpleasant situation:

  • Hit;
  • Hand clamping;
  • The fall;
  • Injury from exercise.

A bruise is damage to soft tissues, skin. It can be accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the ligaments and bones. A minor bruise does not give much discomfort. However, bruising may occur. If the injury is severe, an impressive hematoma will appear. Pulsation and pain during movement may also occur. In this case, you should definitely visit the emergency room. In it, you will be examined for cracks in the bone, tendon rupture, fracture, dislocation.

Important! A bruised hand is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Occurrence.
  2. Decreased hand sensitivity.
  3. Redness of the skin.
  4. Pain that can radiate to other parts of the arm.
  5. Puffiness.
  6. Difficulty moving the limb.

The wrist is known to contain nerve trunks. As a result, the pain due to injury can be bright, then subside, and then reappear. A severe bruise of the hand gives different sensations: burning, throbbing, aching pain, convulsions.

How to tell a bruise from a fracture

The symptoms of a bruised and broken hand are very similar. Attention! An x-ray will help to accurately determine the nature of the injury. If the arm is swollen, the bone is more likely to be affected. But if the tumor gradually fades away, this indicates a bruise or dislocation.

A fracture can be recognized by some of the symptoms. This is bleeding under the skin that does not stop, sharp pain and loss of movement in the hand. If you observe these phenomena, you should immediately go to the doctor. A signal that there is a fracture in front of you may be unnatural mobility of the arm - the limb will dangle. Also, a person who has a broken hand bone is not able to lean on it, hold any objects. With a bruise, this is not observed.

What to do right after injury

First aid for injuries to the hand is to immediately apply ice or something cold to it. This can be water in a bottle, food from the freezer, etc. If you prefer ice, apply it to your skin with a cloth wrap. Otherwise, you can get. Keeping ice and cold food on your wrist is allowed for no longer than 15 minutes.

Important! Folk remedies can also be used as first aid for trauma. Grated potatoes and cabbage leaves give a good effect. The presented lotions can be left overnight. Then they are removed and a net of iodine is drawn to restore blood circulation.

If your hand hurts a lot, you should use an analgesic, for example, No-shpu. In the absence of external damage to the skin, a healing cream can be applied. It is also recommended to fix the arm using a bandage.

Attention! It is forbidden to jerk a limb, intending to straighten it! This will make it even worse. The best option is to go to the hospital for an x-ray.

The use of pain relievers and folk remedies

If there is a bruise of the right hand or left, it is recommended to use medications to relieve swelling. The best creams on the market are Diclofenac Sodium, Ketotifen, Ibuprofen. It is recommended to apply gels and ointments 3 times a day. They are not allowed to be applied to abrasions and scratches.

If there is a large hematoma, you can apply "Badagu". It is applied in several layers, and then a bandage is applied. A day after the brush was bruised, treatment is continued with camphor oil. They just grease their hand. You can buy the product at any pharmacy. Also, 2 times a day, you can rub the affected area with alcohol tincture of rosemary.

Another effective way that can help is a compress. It is prepared from the following components, taken in equal parts:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Vinegar;
  • Water.

They are mixed and applied cold to the brush on the first day. A bandage is applied on top of the arm. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. On the second and third day, the compress is applied again, but already warm.

Any herb, or rather, the chlorophyll contained in it, can also relieve inflammation. Grind any leaves to a gruel. As a result, juice should appear, which will lubricate the affected area.

Another option for relieving pain is taking sea salt baths. Take 5 liters of water, 200 g of salt is dissolved in them. Then it is worth lowering your hand into the resulting solution for half an hour. As it cools down, add hot water.

The healing qualities of aloe are known to everyone. From the plant, you can get an ointment for bruises. Aloe gruel and honey are taken in equal parts. The resulting mixture is applied to the affected area. It relieves pain well.

To stop internal hemorrhage, lotions from the root of the burnet root will help. They relieve pain very well. The crushed root of the plant is taken, it is boiled for several minutes. Then they cool it, wrap it in a bandage and apply it to the site of the injury.

All presented methods are effective and simple enough to execute. However, if they do not help, you should see your doctor right away.

Possible complications

A bruise of the hand on impact, the treatment of which is best done in consultation with a doctor, can give various complications. If the blow itself hits the palm, the ulnar nerve may be damaged. Physiotherapy and taking vitamins will help bring it back to normal.

It happens that due to a tumor in the hand, nerve endings are squeezed. In this case, you should consult a surgeon. He will cut the wrist ligament where the nerve trunks are.

In some cases, bruising can lead to osteoporosis. It is treated with reflexology and physiotherapy.

How to develop a hand

After treatment, it is necessary to perform actions that will help restore the limb. These are simple exercises available to use at home:

  • Imitation of playing the piano. Put your palm on the table, drum your fingers on its surface;
  • Sit with your back straight. Place your palms together and swing them from side to side like a metronome. The exercise must be performed as carefully as possible;
  • Place your hand on the table so that your palm is firmly pressed. Gently lift your fingers up from the countertop;
  • Extend your hand with the palm facing you. Put an eraser in it. Squeeze it with your fingers;
  • Move small balls between your fingers to restore blood circulation.

Attention! The presented exercises can be carried out only after 3 days have passed from the date of the injury. If you are not confident in your abilities, you can sign up for a massage to a specialist. Self-massage should also help. It is performed as follows: with a healthy hand, starting from the tips of the fingers, slowly knead the hand to the wrist. As a result, the swelling will go away faster.

With severe bruises, the doctor may prescribe acupuncture. Just a few treatments will restore hand sensitivity. Correct adherence to the recommendations of a specialist will lead to recovery in just 10-15 days. Ignoring the treatment can cause serious hand problems.

A bruise of the hand is a closed injury to the upper limb, in which the structure of the tissues is not disturbed. The hand can be damaged by impact, falling or squeezing.

Almost 70% of these injuries are minor and do not require long-term therapy. In most cases, treatment is carried out at home.

Serious injuries to the hand in the wrist area cause significant swelling and severe pain. In the future, such an injury can lead to a violation of the innervation of the hand.

This is fraught with complete or partial paralysis of the hand and the formation of a claw-like hand. Dystrophic changes in the bones occur very quickly, and are difficult to recover from.

Symptoms of a bruised hand

Signs of a bruised hand when falling or hitting include:

  • pain in the area of ​​injury. Initially, the pain is strong enough, later it becomes aching and intensifies during physical exertion;
  • hematoma on the back of the hand or palm;
  • feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​the fingers or shoulder;
  • weakness and numbness of the limb, decreased sensitivity;
  • swelling that persists for several days and can spread to a large area of ​​the arm;
  • difficulty moving the arm.

With light bruises of the wrist, unpleasant symptoms occur in the first hours after the injury and disappear within a day, in some cases a bruise remains. In severe injuries, signs of injury may persist for 2–3 weeks, especially if the right (working) arm is bruised.

First aid

In order to reduce pain and prevent the development of edema, the site of the injury should be placed under a stream of cold water or cold (an ice pack or compress) should be applied to it for 5-7 minutes. The interval between procedures should be at least 10 minutes, they are repeated 7-10 times. If a distinctly palpable hematoma occurs as a result of an injury, a puncture is performed.

In order to prevent the development of complications, the injured limb is immobilized. With severe pain syndrome, the patient often cannot adequately assess the condition, therefore, it is necessary to seek the advice of a doctor.

In case of damage to the skin, first of all, it is necessary to treat the wound. For these purposes, antiseptic agents are used (hydrogen peroxide, Chlorhexidine, Cutasept). Deep bleeding wounds require surgery.

Hand injury treatment

To prescribe adequate treatment, you must consult a doctor.

The tactics of treating wrist bruises are selected individually, depending on the injury. If a ligament is sprained or damaged, a tight bandage is used.

External remedies

In order to reduce swelling and eliminate bruising, various ointments, creams and gels are used:



Lioton, Heparin ointment, Liogel (based on heparin)

Drugs in this group improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. They are applied to the area of ​​damage 2-3 times a day and rubbed in with light movements.

Troxevasin, Troxerutin (based on troxerutin)

The action of these drugs is the same as that of drugs based on heparin. In order to quickly get rid of the bruise, they are applied to the damaged area in the morning and evening.

Venitan (based on β-escin)

The substance β-escin is obtained from horse chestnut seeds; it has anti-edema, venotonic and anti-inflammatory properties. The gel is applied to the affected area in a thin layer (do not rub) and leave until completely absorbed. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the patient's condition improves.

In case of severe pain and swelling of soft tissues, combined agents (Dolobene, Indovazin) are used, which include analgesic components and substances that improve blood circulation.

Ointments and gels are used up to three times a day, but they should not be applied to damaged skin.

Oral preparations

If the edema is accompanied by severe pain, drugs for oral administration are used in the complex treatment of a bruise of the hand.

Traumeel S

This is a complex homeopathic preparation of herbal and mineral origin, which has an analgesic and decongestant effect, and also activates the body's defenses.

It is used for tissue damage, dislocations, hematomas and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. On the first day after the injury, dissolve 1 tablet every 15 minutes for two hours. In the future, take one tablet three times a day.

The course of treatment depends on the severity of the injury and can last from 2 to 4 weeks. Combined use with other dosage forms of the drug is possible.

Serrata (Serox, Movinaza)

The main active ingredient of the drug is the proteolytic enzyme serratiopeptidase, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema, fibrinolytic and analgesic effects.

In case of bruises of the hand, the medicine is taken 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, until the condition of the victim improves.


The preparation contains a combination of highly active enzymes of plant and animal origin. The drug relieves swelling well, and also has anti-inflammatory activity.

Depending on the severity of the injury, take from 3 to 10 tablets three times a day. The course of treatment depends on the condition of the person.


This is a combined remedy that contains diclofenac potassium, paracetamol and serratiopeptidase. The drug has anesthetic, antipyretic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory effect. Adults are prescribed 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.


Physiotherapy is an important part of a comprehensive treatment. Patients with severe hand injuries need to develop the limb by performing special gentle exercises:

  • clenching and unclenching of a fist: repeat 10 times;
  • clockwise finger rotation: 10 times for each finger;
  • clenching the fist and rotating the wrist: 10 times in each direction.

Surgical intervention

In some cases, the appearance of edema in the area of ​​the carpal canal causes compression of the ulnar and median nerves, which leads to loss of sensitivity in the hand and impaired flexion of the fingers.

In this case, a hematoma can be cured by dissecting the carpal ligament. The surgeon conducts a longitudinal dissection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue along the intermuscular elevation of the hand. Then a Kocher probe is inserted to protect the median nerve. Above it, the carpal ligament is dissected, and the skin and tissue are sutured with rare sutures.

Traditional medicine

Raw potatoes can help cope with trauma at home. It needs to be grated on a fine grater and applied to the damaged area. Cover with polyethylene on top, fix with a bandage and leave a compress overnight. This helps to eliminate swelling and reduce bruising. The procedure is carried out daily. You can also bandage potatoes, cut into slices, to the injured limb.

In order to prepare a medical compress, natural apple cider vinegar, sunflower oil and water are mixed in equal proportions. A piece of cotton cloth is impregnated with this solution and applied to the site of injury. Cover the top with cling film and leave to dry. The procedure is carried out daily until symptoms are relieved.

If a bruise of the hand is combined with damage to the skin, aloe-based remedy is used. In the process of preparation, the leaf of the plant is crushed into gruel and honey is added. The agent is applied to the injured area and fixed with a bandage. After 2 hours, it is washed off and the procedure is repeated.

In case of bruises of the hand, it is necessary to seek help from the emergency room. After the initial examination and interview, the doctor will definitely prescribe an x-ray, with which you can identify a fracture, dislocation or crack in the bone.


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A bruised palm is damage to the soft tissues of the hand as a result of careless movements or falling. The integrity of the skin and bones is usually preserved. With severe injuries, a hematoma or bruise may form. These injuries are often caused by instinctive hand movements in an attempt to protect themselves from negative external influences, for example, when falling, in a collision, etc.

The main causes and risk factors are sports, children's age, winter season, physical labor. To treat a bruise, cold compresses, anti-inflammatory ointments, and pain relievers are used. In some cases, there is a need for physiotherapy.

Characteristic signs

If, after a blow or fall, a person feels severe pain in the palm, then we are probably talking about a bruise, which is accompanied by several symptoms:

  • swelling on the inside of the palm;
  • bruising and bruising;
  • decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​damage;
  • increased pain that can be given to the fingers or to the forearm area;
  • pulsation in the area of ​​injury;
  • redness of the skin of the palm.

With bruises, arm movements are possible, but they cause severe pain, which in severe cases leads to fainting. In this way, soft tissue injuries differ from fractures, in which brush movements become impossible. In case of serious injuries of the palm, blood flow disturbances are noted, which is fraught with a long rehabilitation period. The first signs of such injuries require medical attention, since we can talk not only about a bruise, but also about a dislocation, fracture or sprain. Diagnostics involves X-ray examination, as well as computed tomography, if necessary.

First aid

To avoid an increase in pain when the palm is bruised and to prevent the spread of edema, the patient must be provided with competent first aid, which consists in the implementation of the following actions:

  • ensuring complete rest for the injured hand;
  • applying a cold compress (ice wrapped in a cloth, food from the freezer, cold water in a bottle, etc.) to the palm;
  • bandaging the palm with an elastic bandage (you can first apply a medicinal ointment);
  • taking an analgesic for severe and persistent pain.

Timely first aid provided is one of the main stages in the treatment of a bruised palm. Its absence within the first thirty minutes after a fall or impact usually leads to long-term therapy aimed at eliminating swelling and extensive bruising.

But exposure to cold should last no more than ten minutes so that there is no frostbite.

It is also possible to use folk remedies for first aid in case of injury. Many people recommend either raw potatoes to relieve inflammation and pain in the injured palm.

Treatment activities

If the diagnosis of contusion is confirmed after the examination, then the treatment of the injured hand should be started. The physician should explain to the patient how to treat this injury. The therapy regimen depends on the severity of the condition, the presence of concomitant injuries, the individual characteristics of the patient's body, etc. Treat bruises at home. The main thing is to follow all medical prescriptions and use the prescribed medications. In addition, the parallel application of methods from traditional medicine is allowed. With a slight bruise, the symptoms go away on their own, and the functions of the injured limb are fully restored.

Drug treatment

For therapy with a bruised palm, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments, pain medications, drugs for resorption of bruises and hematomas are used. For external use, funds from the following list are prescribed:

  1. Ketoprofen.
  2. Capsicam.
  3. Dolobene.
  4. Gel Troxevasin.
  5. Gevkamen.
  6. Ibuprofen.
  7. Badyaga.
  8. Ketotifen.
  9. Traumeel.
  10. Troxerutin.
  11. Diclofenac.

If the patient is tormented by severe pain in the palm, then the use of systemic anesthetic drugs is indicated, for example, Nise, Analgin, Ibuprofen or Movalis.

Traditional treatment

After a preliminary consultation with a specialist, the use of alternative medicine is allowed. It is recommended to do this two days after receiving a bruise and starting drug therapy. The most effective folk recipes:

  1. Apply a gauze bandage abundantly moistened with horsetail herb infusion to the palm.
  2. Apply grated raw potatoes to the sore spot for half an hour.
  3. Make warm baths with the addition of sea salt and essential oils of lavender, rosemary, thyme, etc.
  4. Grate with laundry soap, dilute with water until mushy, add egg yolk. Lubricate the injured limb with the resulting ointment twice a day.
  5. Make a compress of vinegar, vegetable oil and water in equal proportions.
  6. Prepare an ointment from aloe leaves and natural honey, apply twice a day to eliminate pain.
  7. Add a few drops of lavender or thyme essential extract to a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil, apply to the injured palm several times a day.
  8. To relieve the swelling, it is recommended to rub alcohol infusion of wild rosemary into the sore area of ​​the hand.
  9. Treat the damaged palm with melted goose fat.
  10. Apply a cabbage leaf to the limb, fix with gauze or elastic bandage.

If carrying out therapeutic actions does not bring relief and the hand continues to hurt, then it is necessary to undergo additional diagnostics. In such cases, acupuncture or other physiotherapy procedures are prescribed. Usually, in the absence of complications and subject to medical prescriptions, complete recovery occurs no later than one or two weeks.


The rehabilitation period involves the implementation of special exercises and self-massage for the complete recovery of the bruised palm. The more attention you pay to the injured limb, the more effective the result will be. Recommended exercises:

  • put and press your palm to a horizontal surface, carefully raise all fingers, or each of them in turn, repeat several times;
  • imitate movements as when playing the piano;
  • play with small balls, moving them between the fingers, such an exercise is effective for restoring blood circulation;
  • clench your hand into a fist and unclench it;
  • take a small object in your hand, for example, a matchbox, squeeze it with your fingers, then open your palm;
  • press your palm to a horizontal surface, bring your fingers together and spread without lifting your hands;
  • perform rotational movements with a brush;
  • use special hand trainers;
  • knead plasticine or clay in the injured hand.

When performing the exercises, there should be no pain, discomfort. They must be performed carefully, without sudden movements, so that the development of the limb does not lead to complications.

It is also recommended to self-massage the bruised palm with a healthy hand as follows: gently knead the limb, starting with the fingers and ending with the wrist. If you devote at least ten minutes a day to massage, the healing process will accelerate. If necessary, you can contact a professional. After severe bruises, rehabilitation includes physiotherapy procedures:

  • paraffin baths;
  • acupuncture;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • electrophonophoresis;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • electric shock;
  • infrared laser irradiation.

The action of physiotherapy is aimed at eliminating pain, restoring the motor activity of the limb after a bruise, enhancing local blood circulation and relieving tissue swelling, preventing the infectious process and muscle atrophy.

Treatment of a hand injury resulting from a fall or impact is based on the results of instrumental studies. This type of injury is characterized by multiple subcutaneous hemorrhages, visualized as hematomas. Often, with bruises, tears of tissues, joints and tendons are diagnosed, accompanied by severe pain syndrome. In the therapeutic regimens of patients, traumatologists include pharmacological preparations for internal and external use, exhibiting anti-inflammatory, analgesic and decongestant activity. To enhance the clinical efficacy of drugs, physiotherapeutic procedures are performed, and sometimes it becomes necessary to empty significant hemorrhages and traumatic synovitis using puncture or arthrotomy.

Treatment tactics

The hand, or the distal portion of the upper limb, consists of the bones of the wrist, metacarpus, and fingers (phalanges). Her contusion belongs to a large group of injuries, most often detected among closed injuries. The complex anatomical structure of the hand becomes the reason for a thorough differential diagnosis of X-ray examination. Only after the exclusion of fractures, and sometimes the patient is prescribed treatment. When choosing conservative therapeutic techniques, the attending physician must take into account which part of the hand was injured:

  • a bruise of the fingers is manifested by pronounced symptoms: strong, hemorrhages, swelling, the occurrence of a protective limitation of the mobility of the fingers of reflex pathogenesis are characteristic;
  • a bruise of the metacarpus can provoke a protective reflex of the fingers, if the person has not been helped in a timely manner. Unlike damage to other parts of the hand, injury to the metacarpus is visualized in the form of extensive hematomas both on the inner surface and on the palm;
  • bruises of the wrist are rarely isolated, can be accompanied by nerve damage, manifested by acute pain sensations that radiate to the fingers, convulsive contracture. Sometimes wrist injuries complicate neurotic disorders, degenerative changes in the bones.

The most pronounced clinical manifestations are when the entire hand is injured. The cause is not a blow, but squeezing of varying degrees of duration. Pain syndrome is often combined with shock, semi-fainting, and decreased functional activity of the hand. Medical attention is not required if there are only such signs of injury:

  • weak intensity of pain that occurs only when you touch the injured part of the hand;
  • slight swelling, swelling;
  • no damage to the skin;
  • a small hematoma that does not spread to adjacent tissues.

If there are wounds, scratches, abrasions on the skin, then their improper treatment will lead to infection with pathogenic bacteria with the development of symptoms of general intoxication of the body. In such cases, antibiotic therapy is needed using external and local drugs that have a wide range of side effects.

For severe bruises of the hand, electrophoresis with anesthetics is used - novocaine, trimecaine, lidocaine. During the procedure, under the influence of an electric current, they penetrate into the deepest tissues, stopping the inflammatory process, quickly eliminating discomfort and swelling.

A group of pharmacological preparations for external use used in the treatment of hand contusions The name of pharmacological drugs and their cost in rubles
30 g (30), 30 g (36), Ketonal 30 g (220), 40 g (70), 30 g (230), Ketoprofen 30 g (50), Artrosilene 30 g (315), 20 g (190) , Nimesulide 20 g (130), Dolgit 20 g (140), Indovazin 40 g (240)
Angioprotectors Troxerutin gel 2%, 40 g (49), Troxevasin gel 2% 40 g (220), Troxevasin Neo gel 40 g (290), Heparin ointment (76), Hepatrombin ointment (200), Hepatrombin gel (220), Venolife ( 500), Dolobene (300), Trombless (315)
Viprosal 50 g (260), Capsicam 30 g (220), Apizartron 20 g (270), Nikoflex 50 g (230), Efcamon 25 g (130), warming up (100), Espol 30 g (150), Finalgon 20 g (270)

First aid

Damage to the proximal hand after some time can cause dystrophic changes in the bone structures of the wrist. This occurs as a result of the rapid spread of edema immediately after injury, provoking a violation of the blood supply to the tissues. The severity of pain increases, congestion occurs, small nerves are damaged. Therefore, the timely provided first aid prevents the development of complications and significantly accelerates recovery. You can help the victim in the following ways:

  • fixation of a bruised hand... It is possible to immobilize this part of the arm using a scarf or medical elastic bandage of any degree of elongation. The fixing bandage should not squeeze the hand unnecessarily, disrupting blood circulation and increasing swelling;
  • cold compress... A plastic bag filled with ice cubes and wrapped in a thick cloth must be attached to the site of the injury. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes, otherwise there is a possibility of frostbite. Only after a 15-minute break can you start cooling the hand again. If there is no ice, you can use a bag of frozen mixed vegetables, meat or fish;
  • taking an antihistamine... It is advisable to give the victim a tablet of any antiallergic drug from the home medicine cabinet - Loratadin, Zirtek, Zodak, Claritin. Antihistamines have a pronounced anti-edema effect. When offering a person Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, it is necessary to take into account the side effects of the drugs: drowsiness, decreased concentration.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in tablets, capsules, pills, suspensions will help to relieve pain: Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Ketorolac. If the victim has acute or chronic pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, NSAIDs should not be used. In this case, Analgin or Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol) can be used to relieve pain.

The final stage of first aid is escorting the victim to the traumatology department. After the examination, the patient will be sent for X-ray, if necessary, a brush or a plaster bandage will be fixed, and medications will be prescribed for further treatment at home.

For the treatment of bruises, a physiotherapeutic procedure is used - with refrigerants (ether, ammonium nitrate, liquid nitrogen, chloroethyl). It reduces the excitability of nerve fibers, blocks their conduction. Muscle relaxation occurs within 10-15 minutes after the start of the procedure, it is manifested by a decrease in pain as a result of reflex muscle spasm at the site of injury to the hand. Cryotherapy has not only analgesic, but also anti-edema effect.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Treatment of a bruised hand almost always begins with the use of NSAIDs. To reduce the severity of pain in the first few days, patients are prescribed oral medication (Nise, Ketorol, Nimesil, Ibufen, Ortofen). Since non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa, any proton pump inhibitors (Omez, Pariet, Ultop, Esomeprazole) are prescribed to the patient to prevent its ulceration. As the soft and articular tissues of the hand regenerate, the dosage of NSAIDs decreases, and after 4-5 days, these drugs are canceled. Unlike systemic agents, local treatment is carried out until the symptoms are completely eliminated. The greatest therapeutic efficacy is typical for such ointments, gels, creams:

  • Ketoprofen(Ketonal, Artrosilene). Any gel or cream with ketoprofen is the most successful form for local anti-inflammatory and anti-edema treatment. Thanks to the ethyl alcohol in the composition, rapid absorption of the active ingredient is ensured, the passage of its maximum concentration through the skin barrier. A feature of this group of NSAIDs is their rapid accumulation in damaged tissues;
  • Nimesulide(Nise, Nimulid). Nimesulide, which belongs to the group of sulfoanilide compounds, has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory efficacy, is well tolerated by patients, and is relatively safe. The active substance enters the systemic circulation in a minimal amount that cannot cause side effects;
  • (Voltaren, Dolobene, Ortofen, Diklovit). An important component of the therapeutic effect of drugs with diclofenac is its anti-inflammatory and analgesic clinical effects. External agents reduce the intensity of pain by not only relieving inflammation, but also by a complex effect on the mechanisms of pain perception, both at the central and peripheral levels.

The principle of action of all non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is based on the suppression of the activity of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which triggers the production of mediators of pain, inflammation and edema - bradykinins and prostaglandins. Ointments and gels with NSAIDs are used 2-3 times a day. After their application, the analgesic effect occurs after 20-30 minutes, and lasts several hours. Ointments are not prescribed by traumatologists if there are lesions on the skin of patients - scratches, cracks, abrasions. The main contraindication for their use is individual intolerance to the active ingredient and auxiliary components.

The clinical efficacy of local treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs has been confirmed by the results of numerous randomized controlled trials. All NSAID ointments showed statistically significant benefits over placebo. At the same time, the NN1 index after 2 months of therapy for Diclofenac gel was 11, and its solution was 6.35.

In the treatment of bruises of the hand, the combined drug Indovazin is actively used. Its anti-inflammatory effect is provided by the non-steroidal agent indomethacin, and troxerutin restores the integrity of damaged capillaries. This versatile clinical efficacy allows you to quickly eliminate even severe pain. By improving microcirculation, bioactive compounds, nutrients and oxygen enter the tissues of the hand, accelerating the healing of hematomas.


Treatment of a bruise of the hand resulting from a blow or as a result of a fall is carried out to minimize possible complications. Often they are provoked by extensive hematomas, which have arisen due to damage to small blood vessels and the release of biological fluids into the subcutaneous tissue. To prevent the development of events in such a negative scenario, immediately after diagnosing a bruise, traumatologists prescribe ointments and gels with an angioprotective effect to patients. The course use of external agents prevents an increase in the extensibility of blood vessels, the occurrence of venous stasis, improves lymphatic drainage and microcirculation by increasing the resistance of capillaries. Rapid resorption of hematomas also provide the following clinical effects of angioprotective ointments:

  • decrease in capillary permeability;
  • decreased adhesion of leukocytes to vascular walls;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration due to the supply of a sufficient amount of molecular oxygen;
  • relief of inflammatory processes by enhancing the vasoconstrictor action of adrenaline;
  • blocking the production of free radicals.

In the treatment of hematomas, Troxerutin gel and its imported analog Troxevasin have proven themselves well. External drugs have a high degree of bioavailability, while any absorption into the bloodstream does not occur. After applying the gel-like product, it is quickly absorbed and evenly distributed in the subcutaneous tissue. Contraindications to the use of Troxerutin are intolerance to the active or auxiliary ingredient and the presence of microtraumas on the skin.

In the treatment of bruises, ointments with angioprotective activity necessarily alternate with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and (or) external preparations with a warming effect. The time interval between their application is 1-3 hours.

Another effective remedy for eliminating hematomas is Hepatrombin - a combined agent with anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, regenerating activity. Such a multifaceted therapeutic effect is provided by the combined composition of the drug for external use:

  • heparin has a pronounced anti-edema effect, normalizes blood circulation in damaged soft tissues, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • allantoin ensures tissue proliferation, accelerates metabolic processes, relieves inflammation;
  • dexpanthenol improves transdermal absorption of heparin, accelerates tissue healing by restoring optimal metabolism.

In addition to the listed ingredients, the Hepatrombin gel also contains essential oils of lemon and coniferous trees. They contain a huge amount of biologically active substances - bioflavonoids, phytoncides, saponins. The addition of these herbal components enhances the therapeutic effect of the agent by providing an antibacterial and antiseptic effect.

External preparations with a warming effect

Traumatologists do not recommend using ointments with capsaicin, bee or snake venom, camphor, gum turpentine in the first two days of treatment for a bruised hand due to the likelihood of the spread of the inflammatory process to healthy tissues of the hand. It is advisable to use external agents with a warming effect after relieving pain and swelling. Their action is based on persistent expansion of small vessels that are located in the subcutaneous tissue and are most often damaged during injury. An increase in the diameter of the capillaries leads to blood flow to the affected tissues, providing them with biologically active substances.

Most often, the following warming agents are used in the treatment of bruises of the hands:

  • Finalgon... The active ingredients of the ointment nonivamide and nicoboxil dilate blood vessels, activate metabolism, and stimulate blood circulation. The ointment is not used in the treatment of children under 12 years old; when applied to large areas of the skin, it provokes the development of an allergic reaction. A special applicator is attached to the package to minimize contact of the burning agent with the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • Capsicam... The active ingredients of the ointment are gum turpentine, camphor dimethyl sulfoxide, nonivamide. After applying the agent to the bruised area, after 20 minutes, the intensity of pain decreases and a feeling of warmth arises. Capsicum is not prescribed during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, as well as in childhood. The average duration of a therapeutic course is 7 days;
  • Nikoflex... The ointment contains hot red pepper extract, ethylene glycol salicylate and ethyl nicotinate. Nikoflex is characterized by absorbing, local irritating and analgesic activity. In places where the external agent is applied, the temperature rises, accelerating microcirculation. Nikoflex is not used in the treatment of bruises in children, pregnant and lactating women.

External remedies with red pepper extract, bee and snake venom are not suitable for all patients. In people with sensitive skin, and on the hands it is especially thin with a small layer of fat, after applying the ointment, an intolerable burning sensation and even pain may occur. The upper layer of the epidermis quickly turns red and swells. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to squeeze a small amount of the product out of the tube and rub it lightly into the wrist. In the absence of any discomfort, after 20 minutes, you can start treatment. If preliminary testing has not been carried out, and the burning sensation is unbearable, then moisten a napkin in any vegetable oil and wipe the skin.

In case of individual intolerance to ointments, you can warm the bruised brush with linen bags filled with flax seeds or large. To quickly dissolve bruises, you can use a heating pad filled with water (temperature about 40-45 ° C).

If a person decides not to go to a hospital, then he must take into account the peculiarities of the development of the consequences of a bruise in this part of the body. When deeply located tissues are injured, even according to the results of an X-ray examination, it is difficult to establish the degree and nature of dystrophic changes. After bruised fingers, symptoms do not appear immediately, but gradually. Therefore, it is impossible for a person to independently assess the extent of the injury, and a delayed visit to the doctor will cause the development of complications, many of which are difficult to treat.

According to the international classification of diseases ICD, the code of the classifier of hand contusion is S60.2. S60 class characterizes multiple superficial and unspecified injuries of the wrist and hand.

A bruise of the wrist is a closed injury without violating the integrity of the surface layers of the skin in the area of ​​the wrist joint. The trauma is characterized by rupture of small blood vessels, damage to nerve endings at the site of impact, and significant concussion of soft tissues, which suffer as a result of sharp pressure to the bone.

Injury to the wrist can result from:

  1. Falls on an outstretched arm when the wrist is in an extended state;
  2. Strikes to the wrist joint with a blunt object;
  3. Pinching the hand between two hard surfaces;
  4. Hitting a heavy object.

At the moment of mechanical impact, with a bruise of the wrist, acute pain appears. Subcutaneous bleeding (hematoma) compresses the surrounding tissue, which causes a gradual increase in pain in the arm and impaired motor function of the wrist joint. The hematoma spreads to the entire bruised surface, manifesting itself in a purple color, which gradually changes to yellow and greenish.

The wrist joint, on the one hand, is formed by the ends of the ulna and radius, and on the other, by the small bones of the wrist. Numerous ligaments are located around the articular bag, allowing the hand to move in different directions.

The brush consists of 3 parts. The wrist is formed by eight bones arranged in 2 rows. From them 5 metacarpal bones depart, forming the basis of the hand. The phalanges of the fingers are attached to them. There are many tendons and nerves in the hand to provide small movements. She is well supplied with blood.

Hand injuries are widespread and varied. After providing first aid for such injuries, you should consult a doctor, because the consequence may be loss of hand function.

Contusion and compression

Injuries to the wrist joint are very painful, since the capsule is not protected by muscles. With a bruise of the hand, swelling quickly appears, and subcutaneous hemorrhage, a hematoma, is often formed. This is especially true for fingertip injuries such as being hit with a hammer.

If you are severely bruised, you need to take an X-ray, because the bones of this part of the body are very thin and break easily.

First aid consists of applying ice or at least a damp cloth and immobilizing. After edema is reduced and in the absence of inflammation, heating begins. It is recommended to use ointments with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects (fastum gel and others). If blood has accumulated under the nail, it is better to remove it in the clinic's surgery, this will ease the pain.

When the hand is compressed with a heavy object, extensive hemorrhage occurs, the skin and muscles are damaged. In this case, it is necessary to make a tight bandage, apply cold, give the hand an elevated position and be sure to contact a traumatologist. The same help is needed for injuries of the interphalangeal joints. In this case, blood accumulates in the joint cavity, which must be removed.

Ligament damage

Injury of the ligaments of the wrist joint is possible with a sharp movement of large amplitude, for example, when falling on the arm. The same applies to injuries to the tendons on the hand. In the latter case, detachment of small bone fragments often occurs, to which tendons are attached. As a result, a subluxation is formed in the joint, blood accumulates in its cavity.

Such an injury is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and impaired mobility in the affected joint. Sometimes pathological movements occur: flexion of the finger to the side or excessive overextension. This is typical for injuries with a separation of the bone fragment. First aid is cold, calm, and an elevated position of the hand. Then you should contact the emergency room.

The movements of the fingers are provided by groups of tendons: on the outer surface - the extensors, on the palmar surface - the flexors. If the extensor attached to the nail phalanx is damaged, it stops straightening and hangs down.

If the ligament leading to the lower phalanx is injured, a double contracture is formed: the middle phalanx bends, the nail is over-extended, the finger takes the form of a zigzag.

In the latter case, an operation is required to restore the work of the hand.

These movements must be attempted very carefully because they can cause the ends of the tendons to separate, making treatment more difficult.

Therefore, with such an injury, you should immobilize the limb, put a tennis ball or a foam sponge in the victim's palm and immediately consult a doctor, preferably in a specialized trauma department. Treatment is only surgical.

Dislocation and fracture

Deformation of the hand after injury, as well as a violation of its function, may indicate a dislocation or fracture.

A dislocation in the wrist joint occurs as a result of an unsuccessful fall on the arm. In this case, the brush is shifted to the back. Displacement to the palm is rare. Nerve bundles and blood vessels are compressed, which leads to severe pain, numbness of the hand, inability to move, edema and impaired blood circulation.

If the hand is displaced to the back, a deformity in the form of a step is determined in the area of ​​the wrist joint. With a palmar dislocation, the hand is bent, the fingers are compressed.

First aid consists of immobilizing the brush, which must be done with a board, plywood or similar hard object. It is necessary to consult a surgeon.

It is impossible to correct the dislocation on your own, as this will additionally damage the joint.

If one of the bones of the wrist is dislocated, you can feel the bony protrusion at the top of the hand. This is accompanied by swelling of the wrist and impaired movement. Often, patients do not pay attention to this, which leads to a significant deterioration in hand function. If the wrist is injured, a hard splint should be used and an x-ray should be taken.

The same help is needed for a victim with dislocation of the metacarpal bones. This injury occurs when falling onto a clenched fist. At the same time, the dorsum of the hand swells and changes shape. The palm becomes shorter, healthy, the fingers do not clench into a fist.

Bone fractures occur when falls or hits. Their symptoms are similar to those of other injuries to this part of the body: pain, swelling, irregularities in the hand, shortening of the finger. An x-ray is required to clarify the diagnosis. If you suspect a fracture, you should immobilize the hand, apply cold to it, put a piece of foam rubber in your palm and take the victim to the emergency room.

An open lesion can be stabbing, cut, bruised, torn, or chopped. It can be complicated by injury to the tendons, nerves, blood vessels, separation of the phalanx of the finger.

In case of an abrasion, you do not need to see a doctor. The skin is cleaned of impurities and gently washed. Then the wound is treated with a solution of iodine or brilliant green. A small lesion is covered with a bactericidal plaster, if necessary, a sterile bandage is applied.

With cut and chopped wounds, the damage cannot be washed. You just need to carefully clean the surrounding skin of contamination, treat it with an antiseptic and apply a sterile pressure bandage to stop bleeding.

Puncture wounds are characterized by sharp pain and slight bleeding. The edges of the lesion close quickly, which creates conditions for the development of infection. A foreign body is often left deep in the wound. Puncture wounds and bite injuries can cause serious complications, so an anti-rabies / tetanus serum should be administered. A sterile dressing should be applied and a doctor should be consulted.

When the phalanx of the finger is torn off, it is necessary to stop the bleeding with a tourniquet, apply a sterile bandage and urgently go to a surgical hospital. The cut-off fragment is not washed.

It is wrapped in a clean (preferably sterile) napkin and placed in a plastic bag that must be tied tightly. This bag is placed in another one filled with snow or cold water.

During transportation, such a container must be kept in a suspended state to avoid tissue compression.

In case of incomplete separation, the limb is immobilized and cooled. The incident must be immediately reported to the ambulance dispatcher and the victim must be delivered to the surgical department as soon as possible. Often, the detached segment can be restored using microsurgical techniques. The time elapsed since the injury is critical here.

The viability of the brush at temperatures below 4 degrees is maintained for 12 hours, at a higher temperature - up to 6 hours; with a finger injury, these periods are 16 and 8 hours, respectively.


In case of injury to the hand and wrist joint, the limb must be immobilized. For this, standard tires or improvised means are used: planks, pieces of plywood or thick cardboard. The hand must be fixed in such a way that the fingers are slightly bent, the thumb is abducted, the hand is slightly bent towards the back. A soft roller made of fabric or foam should be placed in the palm of your hand.

The splint is bandaged to the palmar surface of the forearm from the elbow to the wrist, its end should protrude beyond the nail phalanges. It should not be strengthened too tightly, as the tissues swell quickly. The hand is placed on the kerchief. The hand is lifted with a healthy hand. Cold is helpful.

If your finger is injured, you can use a ruler. It is bandaged or tied with a scarf from the middle of the forearm. The end of such a splint should protrude beyond the nail phalanx.


You can bandage the wound with a regular bandage, adhesive plaster, or use a small tubular bandage (recommended body parts are indicated on the packaging of such a dressing).

A spiral bandage is applied to one finger. They take a bandage 2-3 cm wide, wrap it around the wrist several times, then lower it obliquely to the nail phalanx along the back of the hand and begin to bandage the finger in a spiral, rising to its base.

Typical symptoms

The first manifestations of a bruised wrist appear at the time of trauma. Forceful action causes sharp pain, the nature of which depends on the force of the blow. After a short period of time, the pain subsides and may reappear after the development of edema or hematoma, when excess fluid irritates the nerve endings.

Swelling of the wrist appears gradually, spreading not only to the palm, but also to the back of the hand. Extensive hematomas appear under the skin, which can be located not only on the surface layers, but also deep in soft tissues. Therefore, bruising often does not appear immediately, but within a few days.

The injured wrist turns red and becomes inactive. Decreased motor activity is accompanied by pain when trying to clench the hand into a fist, straighten the fingers. The hand is painful to palpation, swelling can severely deform the hand.

In most cases, a bruised wrist is complicated by the following symptoms:

  • piercing pain radiating to the fingers;
  • convulsive muscle contractions;
  • contracture - tightening of the skin, which prevents the palm from fully unclenching.

The addition of these clinical signs indicates a traumatic effect on nerve tissues. In addition, severe wrist bruises occur in parallel with palm bruises, which makes the clinical picture more pronounced. Serious injuries can be accompanied by impaired microcirculation of the injured wrist and a deterioration in general well-being up to the development of collapse (loss of consciousness as a result of a sharp spasm of blood vessels).

Wrist injury: causes, symptoms, first aid and treatment

The main cause of a bruised hand is a strong impact on it from a heavy object. Including trauma often occurs during a fall, when the hands can support the weight of a person. Such damage is especially common in everyday life and in sports, since the distal (lower) parts of the upper limbs are the most mobile and are involved in all types of activity.

A bruise is the least dangerous injury that can be sustained by impact or falling. The integrity of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons is not compromised, so recovery takes place as soon as possible. However, a bruise can occur in conjunction with muscle strain and other injuries. In addition, in some cases bruised wounds are diagnosed, which require longer treatment. In such patients, there is a violation of the integrity of the skin and subcutaneous soft tissues, but the bones remain intact.

Symptoms of trauma appear directly at the moment of falling or impact. The first of them is acute pain, which immediately gives rise to warming up the fracture. However, you should not immediately check the mobility of the hand and the integrity of the bones and joints: if they are injured, unsuccessful movements can provoke the displacement of the fragments.

The general clinical picture immediately at the time of injury and during the day after it may differ. It includes the following features:

  • painful sensations, which can be acute or moderate - depends on the severity of the injury, as well as on individual characteristics;
  • decreased mobility of the hand, skin sensitivity disorders may occur;
  • puffiness - occurs on the back of the hand, can spread to the fingers and upper extremities;
  • hematomas (bruises) - develop as a result of damage to small vessels and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

A severe bruise can be confused with a fracture due to the rapid onset of acute pain and decreased wrist mobility. However, the hand maintains the correct anatomical position, the victim can make movements in the wrist joint and in the fingers. Swelling of soft tissues can also cause disruption of blood supply and innervation of the hand, therefore, a feeling of numbness is observed. Pain and loss of sensation can spread to the forearm, and in severe bruises, also to the shoulder.

A bruise of the wrist is a fairly common injury to the upper extremities, which, in addition to painful sensations, can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you should not refuse to see a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, because it depends on how quickly a complete recovery will take place.

The main reasons for this damage are:

  • Fall with the entire weight of the person on the wrist.
  • Intense mechanical impact on the wrist area.

The main manifestations of a bruise are:

  • Complaints about the feeling of pain, which intensifies if the patient tries to move his arm. The patient is worried about intense pain immediately after the injury and for a certain period of time after the injury to the hand. In the area of ​​the wrist there are a large number of nerve endings and in some cases the pain can be given to other parts of the limb: for example, fingers.
  • Limitation of mobility of the affected limb.
  • The formation of edema, which, due to the looseness of the soft tissues in this area, quickly spreads to the back of the hand.
  • In some cases, bruising and bruising may form.

Even if the pain and swelling are not intense, it is better to see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and continue treatment at home.

First aid

In case of a bruised wrist, it is important to provide the victim with first aid correctly.

In the future, it will be necessary to describe in detail to the doctor what procedures were used as first aid, what drugs in what dosage the patient took.


Before starting the treatment of a bruise of the wrist, the doctor conducts an oral questioning: he learns about the complaints that arise, as well as the circumstances under which the injury was received.

It is imperative that an X-ray be taken to distinguish a bruise from a dislocation, sprain, or fracture. The selection of a treatment strategy can only be carried out by a qualified, experienced surgeon or traumatologist.

  • The affected limb must be provided with a state of rest. It is not recommended to lift heavy objects, bags of food, etc. with an injured hand.
  • For severe bruises, it is recommended to use elastic wrist braces, which are sold in pharmacies. The duration of immobilization can be up to 14 days, after which the doctor will conduct a second examination and allow you to gradually return to the usual motor activity.
  • Dry heat can be used 72 hours after damage. To do this, a small amount of salt is heated in a pan, poured into a cloth bag or handkerchief and applied to the affected area, until the contents cool. Alternatively, it is permissible to apply warm paraffin applications, as well as the use of heating pads.
  • Baths based on sea or table salt with the addition of essential oils have a good therapeutic effect. In this case, it is worth remembering that strong steaming of the affected limb should not be allowed.

On the recommendation of a doctor, traditional medicine recipes can be used. To eliminate edema, you can use vegetable oil, vinegar and boiled water. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, heated in a water bath and applied to the fabric. The compress must be applied to the affected area for 20-30 minutes. You can wrap the fabric with plastic on top.

  • Topically applied drugs with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effects in the form of ointments and compresses. To eliminate pain and swelling, drugs for external application from the NSAID group (Ketonal gel, Bystrumgel, Diklak gel) can be used.
  • To enhance the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, it is recommended to apply compresses: a mixture of Dimexidum with Novocaine in compliance with the proportions. The duration of the compress is 30-40 minutes.

After the doctor allows you to remove the fixing bandage and the immobilization process is completed, massage can be used, which helps to normalize blood circulation, eliminate congestion, stiffness, and edema.

  • The massage can be performed independently: for this you need to make gentle massaging movements in the direction from the fingertips to the base of the hand.
  • You can also take a course of therapeutic massage, entrusting the execution of the procedure to a qualified specialist.

In addition to massage, therapeutic exercises can be used, the selection of which is carried out by the doctor. Healing exercises can be used as early as 72 hours after injury.

The patient carries out flexion and extension movements with the hands of the limbs, careful implementation of circular movements is allowed. In the process of performing the movement, the wrist should be fixed.

The lack of timely, qualified assistance or non-compliance with the doctor's recommendations is fraught with the development of complications.

Contusions of the palmar surface can provoke damage to the ulnar and median nerves located close to the skin. As a result, it is possible to develop painful sensations that radiate to the area of ​​the fingers, as well as impaired sensitivity.

Over time, there may be complaints of difficulty when trying to make motor movements with fingers and a hand.

  • To eliminate this complication, vitamin complexes rich in B vitamins and folic acid, drugs that normalize vascular permeability, as well as elements of physiotherapy are used.
  • In severe cases, surgical intervention may be required, during which the surgeon dissects the carpal ligaments and performs all the necessary manipulations in the area of ​​the nerve endings.

One of the most serious complications that can occur at a late stage from the moment of injury is the development of Zudeck's syndrome, accompanied by trophic and vascular disorders.

In this case, there is the development of intense edema in the area of ​​the wrist joint and hand, the skin becomes bluish and can become cold to the touch. The nail plates become significantly thinner, they can become brittle and brittle.

X-rays indicate manifestations of osteoporosis. As a therapy, drug therapy agents are used, which provide muscle relaxant, analgesic effects, as well as vitamin complexes, vascular drugs.

A bruise of the hand during a fall and upon impact is most common, but there is a likelihood of injury for other reasons:

  1. Clamping the hand (at the door).
  2. Sudden collision with various objects and objects.
  3. Sports injuries.
  4. In a child, damage can occur if the toddler falls, as well as during play.

Symptoms of a bruised hand

A bruise of the palm, metacarpal bones, left or right hand has certain signs:

  1. Pain in the wrist. It can be carried to the forearm or fingers.
  2. Hematomas and subcutaneous hemorrhages. They do not appear immediately, but after a few hours.
  3. Problems with motor function.
  4. Swelling.
  5. Feeling numb.
  6. Redness of the skin.
  7. Decrease in sensitivity indicators.

One of the symptoms that distinguishes a bruise from a fracture is the preservation of the functionality of the hand, despite possible difficulties. Any attempt to fully move the arm causes severe pain. If the bruise is very severe, throbbing, burning, and cramps may be felt. There is a chance of fainting due to severe pain.

Signs of a bruised hand when falling or hitting include:

  • pain in the area of ​​injury. Initially, the pain is strong enough, later it becomes aching and intensifies during physical exertion;
  • hematoma on the back of the hand or palm;
  • feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​the fingers or shoulder;
  • weakness and numbness of the limb, decreased sensitivity;
  • swelling that persists for several days and can spread to a large area of ​​the arm;
  • difficulty moving the arm.

With light bruises of the wrist, unpleasant symptoms occur in the first hours after the injury and disappear within a day, in some cases a bruise remains. In severe injuries, signs of injury may persist for 2–3 weeks, especially if the right (working) arm is bruised.

Bruised or broken wrist?

It is difficult to establish the nature of damage based on clinical signs alone. A wrist fracture is difficult to diagnose, but there are a number of symptoms that suggest that a bruised wrist is complicated by a fracture.

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The difference between a bruise and a fracture:

  • In case of violation of the integrity of the bones, the pain takes on an intense chronic character, with a bruise, soreness appears when moving.
  • It is impossible to clench the hand into a fist and hold objects in it in case of fractures.
  • On visual examination of a bruised wrist, an increase may be observed; with a fracture, the hand can be deformed when the bone fragments are displaced.
  • After a bruise, the wrist responds to palpation with pain, the fracture is accompanied by characteristic crepitus in the area of ​​damage.

A hand injury is a closed tissue injury, usually resulting from a blow or fall. It can be accompanied not only by damage to the muscles, subcutaneous tissue and dermis with the formation of a hematoma, but also joints and bone segments - the elbow, phalanges of the fingers, shoulder.

The key point that distinguishes a bruise from other injuries is the integrity of the skin. How to treat a bruised arm depends on the extent and symptoms of the injury. Let's look at it in order.

A bruise can be obtained during physical activity - through carelessness, in case of an accidental fall. Such injuries are common in everyday life, during sports, in winter, when there is ice on the street.

Children fall into a separate risk group, since they are active, and people engaged in manual labor - builders, loaders, handymen. The chance of getting a bruise of the hand, elbow or shoulder increases if safety rules are not followed both at home and at work.

Symptoms of a bruise

A bruised shoulder is accompanied by pain and swelling, after a while a bluish-red bruise develops, which eventually turns yellow-green. A hematoma appears due to damage to the vessels - blood flows out of them and accumulates in soft tissues along with the intercellular fluid.

If the arm does not rise, then the tendons of the shoulder rotator cuff are torn - this requires immediate assistance from a traumatologist.

The larger the size of the bruise and the intensity of its color, the larger the vessels are affected, and the longer it takes for the bruised arm to heal. Symptoms of a blow to the elbow also include hematoma and swelling. The pain is more pronounced, since there are many large nerve fibers here, and movements are constrained.

If, 2-3 days after the injury, the pain and limitation of elbow mobility do not decrease, this indicates damage to the periosteum or accumulation of fluid in the joint - the help of a traumatologist in this case is required.

With a bruise of the hand or wrist, loss of sensitivity in this place due to nerve damage is often added to the symptomatology. Symptoms such as deformity and impaired movement of the fingers, severe swelling that does not subside, can be signals of a fracture.

First-line help for a bruised hand is:

  • apply cold to the bruised area for 20-40 minutes to relieve pain and swelling;
  • in the presence of open wounds, scratches, treat the skin with an antiseptic - brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide or alcohol, you can sprinkle the wound with Cefazolin powder;
  • provide the hand with complete rest by fixing it in a fixed position with an elastic bandage;
  • if the pain is severe, take a pain reliever by mouth (Analgin, Solpadein, Ibuprofen, Pentalgin);
  • local ointments or gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects - Diclofenac, Gevkamen, help to quickly cure a bruised hand, relieve swelling and pain.

In the first hours after the injury, you cannot lubricate the bruise with an ointment with a warming effect (Apizatron, Virapin, Finalgon, Rescuer Forte) or apply any heat. They are used later 1-2 days after reducing swelling and soreness to resolve hematoma and reduce inflammation in the tissues.

For 2-3 days, you can use not only warming ointments, but also simple warm compresses. In terms of healing bruises, Indovazin, Troxevasin, Badiaga cream, Bruise-off are effective.

In case of a bruised hand in a child, after first aid, it will not be superfluous to see a doctor to exclude a fracture, rupture or sprain. If you leave such injuries unnoticed, then in the future the bones may grow together incorrectly, and scars form in the area of ​​the tendons.

At home, the treatment of a bruised hand when falling or hitting can be carried out using folk remedies - compresses from onion gruel, raw or warm boiled potatoes, cloth dipped in a decoction of bitter wormwood, parsley leaves, string or plantain.

They are applied for 2 hours two to three times a day.

Essential oils such as lavender, thyme or rosemary are effective for relieving puffiness and resolving bruises. They cannot be used in their pure form. Add 3-4 drops of phyto essence to 2 tbsp. l. olive, sunflower or any other fatty oil and gently lubricate the bruised area 2-3 times a day.

Complications of a hand injury include:

  • fractures;
  • hemorrhage;
  • tendon rupture;
  • damage to the periosteum;
  • rupture of the walls of large vessels and thrombosis;
  • suppuration of hematoma.

The defeat of the nerve fibers is accompanied by a violation of the motor and sensory functions of the limb. If blood vessels are damaged, then due to rupture of their walls and the formation of blood clots, tissue necrosis can become a consequence of the injury. When the injury is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin, there is a high risk of infection, so it is important to immediately disinfect the wound.

You cannot lean on your hand, you cannot bend your finger. The swelling is strong, the hematoma is extensive, they increase, increasing the severity of the pain, which does not subside even after several hours.

If a fracture occurs, the arm may be immobilized, unnaturally arched, or a painful bulge may develop.

In case of a bruised hand, do not do the following:

  • warming up the injured area immediately after the impact - this will only increase the release of blood into the tissue, and the swelling will increase;
  • massage and rub your hand - because of this, bruising will increase, and if there is a fracture, then bone fragments can affect nerves and large blood vessels;
  • deliberately try to make movements with a limb;
  • press on the hematoma or open it.

For half an hour, apply cold to the bruised area (ice, a bag of food from the freezer) or hold your hand under a stream of cold water, treat your finger with an antiseptic.

If the nail plate is damaged or peeled off, fix it with a plaster, and keep the brush at rest. After 5-6 hours, apply Diclofenac gel to the sore spot, and the next day use warming ointments or a warm compress to relieve swelling and inflammation.

If the pain and swelling of the finger is very severe and does not decrease, be sure to see a traumatologist.

You can injure your wrist in situations:

  • the weight of the body during the fall fell on the outstretched arm;
  • there was a pinch of the hand between objects;
  • hitting a hard object;
  • the blow struck the wrist.
Falling onto an outstretched arm is a common cause of a bruised wrist

With a severe injury, soft tissues are damaged, small vessels and nerves are squeezed, and the skin, bones and connective tissue of the joint remain intact.

Symptoms of a bruised wrist and the degree of their severity appear gradually. This injury is characterized by symptoms:

  • Strong pain. The peak occurs at the time of injury and some time after it, then the pain subsides a little. A new surge is observed after a couple of hours, when the edematous tissues begin to squeeze the nerve endings. More often, there is a throbbing or burning pain, although it can manifest itself in any variation.
  • The appearance of swelling if there is internal bleeding. Moreover, the back of the hand also swells due to its loose fiber.
  • Loss of sensitivity. It can be either complete or partial, it occurs due to pinching of nerve endings.
  • Restricted mobility. It occurs due to edema, hand movements are painful.
  • The appearance of subcutaneous hemorrhage. A bruise of the wrist is rarely accompanied by extensive hematomas.
  • Hyperemia may occur - against the background of an increase in blood flow, there is a reddening of the skin at the site of the injury.

Trauma specialists note that a bruise of the wrist, in most cases, accompanies a bruise of the palm. Ailments will be added to the symptoms of a bruised wrist:

  • very sharp pain of the injured area, radiating to the fingers;
  • contracture - a feeling of constriction;
  • convulsions may occur.

Such a concomitant injury, in the absence of proper treatment, is very dangerous and threatens with trophoneurotic (microcirculation disorders) disorders and dystrophic changes in the wrist bones that are difficult to treat.

A severe injury to the wrist can provoke a deterioration in the victim's well-being. Nausea, dizziness, and fainting are not a complete list of possible side effects.

It is worth noting that general malaise may indicate a fractured wrist.

A fracture of the wrist bones is considered the most difficult to diagnose and treat, since the damage to the small bones at the base of the hand is almost invisible on x-rays.

You need to know the main symptoms of a wrist fracture, and also be able to distinguish them from a bruise. This will be useful when providing first aid to the victim.

Signs of a wrist fracture:

  • Severe pain is persistent or may only get worse.
  • Increasing pain with physical activity. It is impossible to clench a fist, it is impossible to take an object in hand.
  • The arm can be deformed (when the bone fragments are displaced), displaced along the axis.
  • When palpating, you can hear the characteristic crunch of bone fragments. It is better not to touch the limb on purpose, as you can do even more harm.
  • An open fracture is not difficult to recognize.

The only correct diagnosis can only be made by a qualified specialist using additional diagnostic methods (X-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging). If a fracture is suspected, the limb should be splinted (splint) and cold applied, thereby causing vasoconstriction. For an open fracture, it is best to apply a sterile bandage.

Diagnostics and treatment

To determine the type of damage, the victim must be taken to the trauma center. Only a qualified medical specialist can diagnose a wrist injury with precision. After a visual examination, the patient is sent for radiography, which in most cases gives an exhaustive result. If it is necessary to evaluate soft tissues, magnetic resonance imaging is performed.

In case of a wrist injury, the accuracy of diagnosis is of great importance for the choice of treatment tactics and successful rehabilitation of the hand after injury. Maintaining fine motor skills as much as possible is essential to maintaining the ability to perform complex movements at home or in the workplace.

A severe bruise of the hand requires a mandatory diagnosis by a doctor and subsequent qualified treatment of a bruise of the hand. Many are worried about how to determine the fracture, because the symptoms of these two injuries are very similar. It is possible to understand exactly whether it is a bruise or a broken arm only with the help of an X-ray. Treatment is given after diagnosis.

Remember that it is impossible to tell a fracture from a bruise on your own. The doctor makes a diagnosis based on examination and X-ray. The main signs of a hand fracture include:

  1. Acute pain and complete loss of hand performance.
  2. The presence of subcutaneous bleeding.
  3. Inability to take something in the hand in case of a fracture of the hand, to rotate the hand or move the fingers if they are also affected.
  4. Inability to lean on a broken arm.
  5. Unnatural mobility of the hand, it feels like it just dangles.

It is important for the sufferer to learn how to quickly heal a bruise or sprain. To relieve puffiness, it is worth using medications - creams, gels and ointments. You can choose Ketotifen, Diclofenac sodium, Ibuprofen, which are considered the most popular. It is recommended to smear them on the damaged hand 3 times a day. In this case, application to open wounds is unacceptable.

In the presence of hematomas and bruises, you can use the "Badyaga". It is applied to the hand in layers and bandaged. A day later, the use of camphor oil is allowed, which is used to lubricate the hand. Twice a day, it is recommended to rub the bruised area with an alcohol tincture of wild rosemary, which has the ability to remove the tumor.

If the bruise hurts for a long time, you should consult your doctor again. With such injuries, there is a possibility of complications that last longer and require additional treatment, for example, physiotherapy or reflexology.

Interested in how to treat a bruised hand, many choose home treatment with folk remedies. A compress is called a good remedy, it can help even in the first day if you apply it cold. The composition contains water, vinegar and vegetable oil in equal proportions. The received remedy is smeared with a hand and bandaged.

Chlorophyll will help relieve inflammation. To do this, you need to take the leaves and grind to the state of gruel. The resulting composition is used to lubricate the injured area, excluding open wounds. Sea salt baths will help relieve or reduce pain. For 5 liters of water, 200 grams of salt is enough. After drawing up the bath, they lower their hand into it for half an hour. If the liquid cools down, it is necessary to top up the hot one.

Spine contusion

It is famous for its healing properties and aloe. At home, you can get an ointment from this plant. It is enough to take equal amounts of honey and aloe. The resulting mixture is applied to the damaged area of ​​the brush. Such a composition has an excellent ability to relieve pain.

Wrist injury treatment and rehabilitation

The healing period for a wrist after an injury can take up to a month. For a speedy recovery, you need to treat the injured arm using all the doctor's prescriptions.

  1. Eliminate potential loads. It is advisable to observe this rule for at least a week and until the pain syndrome passes.
  2. Wear an elastic bandage on the wrist joint for 3 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the injury. In case of serious injury, an orthosis is used.
  3. Apply medications of an anti-inflammatory and analgesic nature (including creams and ointments).
  4. Warm up, but not earlier than 3-4 days after injury. For these purposes, bags of salt or sand, heating pads, light from a blue lamp, paraffin therapy, warm herbal baths and baths with sea salt are suitable. Dry heat is applied for 30-40 minutes 2 times a day. When using baths, water should not be warmer than 38 degrees (36 degrees - for salt). Water procedures take 5 minutes. You cannot steam the injured limb.
  5. Apply compresses to the injury site, no earlier than 3 days after the injury (withstand 40 minutes). You can use semi-alcoholic wet dressings or a compress made from a 25% solution of novocaine and dimexide.

During the rehabilitation period, revitalizing gymnastics and massage sessions will be useful. They can be done not earlier than the third day after injury.

Exercises for physiotherapy exercises are best performed under the supervision of a trainer in the exercise therapy room and only with a fixed wrist joint:

  • rotational movements with a brush;
  • clenching and unclenching of fingers and phalanges;
  • circular movements with your fingers;
  • exercises for the development of fine motor skills;
  • tapping the surface with each finger separately;
  • rolling the ball with the palm.

Do not rush to exercise, overcoming pain.

Healing gymnastics activates blood circulation and helps to avoid possible mobility problems in the joints of the fingers.

Therapeutic massage of the limb should be performed by a specialist and only when all the devices fixing the hand are removed. But at home, you can use the following techniques:

  • stroking;
  • tingling;
  • light pressure;
  • patting the hand.

After a bruise, the hand needs to be restored. To do this, you need to develop it through simple exercises:

  1. Put your palm on the table and drum your fingers on its surface. The exercise is very similar to imitation of playing the piano.
  2. Sit down and align your back. The palms are folded together and swayed from side to side like a metronome. In this case, during the exercise, you should act carefully so as not to damage the brush.
  3. The injured hand is placed on the table surface and pressed firmly without undue pressure. The exercise consists of trying to lift your fingers up from the table top.
  4. The hand is turned with the palm facing you. A small object is put into the palm, for example, an eraser or a matchbox. It is gently squeezed with your fingers.
  5. Small balls are also recommended, which are moved between the fingers to restore blood circulation.

Important! These exercises can be started no earlier than on the third day after the injury. In difficult cases, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

If you cannot restore the functionality of the brush on your own, you can sign up for a professional massage course. Self-massage also helps. It involves gradually kneading the hand from the fingertips to the wrist. This helps to get rid of the puffiness faster.

In case of severe bruises, the doctor prescribes additional acupuncture. Hand sensitivity is usually restored in several treatments. Compliance with the recommendations is a guarantee of the return of the functionality of the limb in 10-15 days.


To prevent injury to the wrist, it is enough to be careful and avoid injury:

  • wear comfortable shoes for the season;
  • not to get involved in extreme sports;
  • observe safety precautions at the workplace.

If an injury has occurred, contact a trauma center for accurate diagnosis, even if at first glance it seems that the injury is not dangerous.

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Complications and consequences

In case of injury to the wrist joint, the median and ulnar nerves can be damaged, which will lead to loss of sensitivity, impaired motor activity and trophic disorders (impaired cellular nutrition).

For such damage, pain is characteristic, shooting into the fingers, subsequently it becomes more difficult to straighten them and deformation of the hand occurs. As a treatment, the doctor will prescribe physiological procedures, drugs that restore the work of blood vessels, and the intake of B vitamins.

You can also encounter the problem of pinching the nerve, this happens due to severe edema. The only solution in this case will be surgery.

Sudeck's syndrome is the most common complication if not treated properly. It is accompanied by a disturbance in the work of the vascular system and the manifestation of trophic abnormalities. The hand at the site of the injury swells greatly, the skin acquires an unnatural bluish tint and shine, the integument becomes cold. Nails may break.

The condition is aggravated by progressive osteoporosis, in which bone tissue is severely affected. The density and strength of bones decreases, which significantly increases the risk of fractures. To treat the consequences of Zudek's atrophy, an integrated approach is used:

  • the use of medications (analgesics, vitamins, drugs that relieve muscle tension and improve vascular function);
  • passing a course of physiological procedures (massage, exercise therapy, acupuncture).

If a bruise of the wrist is diagnosed with a blow or fall, then you should not delay treatment. An irresponsible attitude to one's health can lead to complications associated with dysfunction of the upper limb.

Today, almost all complications are treated. At the same time, they can be avoided if you contact a specialist in a timely manner and adhere to further recommendations regarding treatment.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, who is how to deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the investigation, not the cause ... Nifiga does not help!

Daria 2 weeks ago

For several years I fought with my aching joints until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I have long forgotten about the "incurable" joints. Such are the things

megan92 12 days ago

Daria 12 days ago

megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Well, I'll duplicate it, it's not difficult for me, catch it - link to professor's article.

Sonya 10 days ago

And this is not a divorce? Why are the Internet selling ah?

yulek26 10 days ago

Sonya, what country are you in? In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs, furniture and cars.

Editorial response 10 days ago

Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is not really sold through the pharmacy chain in order to avoid overpriced. To date, you can order only on Official site... Be healthy!

Sonya 10 days ago

I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then, it's OK! Everything is in order - for sure, if the payment is on receipt. Thank you very much!!))

Margo 8 days ago

Has anyone tried traditional methods of treating joints? The grandmother does not trust pills, the poor one has been suffering from pain for many years ...

Andrey 1 week ago

What folk remedies have I tried, nothing helped, it only got worse ...

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