Who is a parapsychologist and what does he do? Psychics. What is parapsychology

Surely, many people wonder whether magic or similar manifestations exist in the world. Such a mystery troubles human minds for a huge amount of time and there is no answer to this question today. Many serious educational institutions are working on the problem of proving magic and paranormal abilities.

Parapsychology is that complex of sciences that strive to prove and demonstrate with a practical example the extrasensory capabilities of humanity. To what extent these desires can be translated into reality is worth understanding:

Origin of science

The academic community has always called this discipline a pseudoscience. Most scientists claim that no official experiments have ever been conducted in this area, there are no publications on this subject, and the results are purely individual.

The term “Parapsychology” appeared in 1889, thanks to Marc Dessoir, and it means near-psychological research. And this new word became popular after the first issue of the Journal of Parapsychology was published in 1937.

How to determine your paranormal abilities

It is generally accepted that every person has extraordinary abilities, but not everyone knows about them. For some, such abilities may be clearly expressed, while others need to listen to themselves to determine their presence. How to develop certain abilities:

  • First, decide what abilities you want to develop in yourself, it could be telekinesis, predictions or something else. Try to strengthen your intuition;
  • Conduct training on guessing anything. Try predicting the outcome of a football match or horse race;
  • There will be mistakes at the beginning, but don't be discouraged. Paranormal abilities are associated only with feelings and not with a sound mind. Think more often about the fact that you have already learned to predict the future;
  • Do not forget that the unknown will open to you when you yourself are ready for it.

Ongoing scientific research

All branches of parapsychology have collected a rather large database of results to date. There really are people in the world who can easily see blindfolded, move objects with the power of thought, or have the power of hypnosis. Parapsychology claims to be a separate science, however, this issue also requires a number of requirements.

All research must take place officially on the territory of scientific laboratories. And if we take into account all the specifics of this industry, then the design of the research conducted should not affect the beliefs of the subjects themselves.

According to most scientists, all parapsychological research conducted is an ordinary deception. There are no specialists in this field who have received an education appropriate to their occupation. Science is much more than programs, technologies and various methods of proving its existence.

Training in extrasensory perception and clairvoyance in working with the energy of parapsychology

Today, there are a lot of trainings dedicated to teaching clairvoyance and much more from the realm of the unknown. But you should only begin to understand your abilities within yourself. Here are some tips:

  1. You can learn to receive information from the outside only after creating complete harmony and silence within yourself. Meditation, relaxation, visualization and other techniques can help with this. When you learn how to build a monologue with your own “I”, you can proceed to the next step;
  2. At this stage, you can try an interesting experiment. Spread your fingers and look at your hand against the background of the wall. After a while you should see some kind of glow from it. It is generally accepted that such a glow represents the human etheric body, which is the grossest part of our aura.

With the help of such training, you will begin to see more than you think. Establishing daily contact with your inner world will help you understand what paranormal abilities you have.

Magic and parapsychology: analysis of the characteristics of psychological influence

Yogis perfectly demonstrate the power of human imagination and the influence of parapsychology on it. They are able to stand in the cold for hours without clothes and still not freeze. Their skin will not become cold, but will become covered with beads of sweat, precisely because of the power of their own suggestion and imagination. Such abilities speak of a person’s parapsychological capabilities. Anyone who convinces himself that he has incredible abilities, with perseverance, will sooner or later acquire them.

Despite the fact that the scientific world completely rejects the recognition of parapsychology as a separate discipline, history suggests that such a branch of human capabilities as parapsychology has always been something very interesting and fascinating the minds of many people. You can learn to believe in miracles even when everyone says the opposite.



The following exercises will teach you fast and deep relaxation, in which the brain generates alpha and even theta waves, necessary in parapsychological practice.

1. Find a place where nothing will disturb you and make yourself comfortable. Turn off your phone for a while.
2. Close your eyes and visualize the sun directly above your head. Imagine that the number 3 is drawn in the very center of it.
3. The sun slowly descends, passing through your body, warming and relaxing it.
4. You feel warm and feel your body relax.
5. When the sun reaches the tips of your toes, allow it to move freely out of your body.
6. Now visualize the sun with the number 2 above your head.
7. Allow sun No. 2 to pass through the body in the same way as in the previous case.
8. You feel warm and relaxed again.
9. Now visualize sun #1 above your head. Let it also pass through the body.
10. You have now achieved complete relaxation.
11. Say to yourself: “To reach the basic psychic level, all I have to do is mentally count from three to one with my eyes closed.”
12. Open your eyes.

This exercise will open new horizons for you. Over time, your consciousness will be programmed so that if you close your eyes and count from three to one, you will achieve the required state. - You learn active visualization, which causes a feeling of warmth and relaxation, you comprehend the mechanism of programming your consciousness, including visualization and instructions to the subconscious.


Now we will begin an exercise that will teach you to achieve the level of consciousness necessary for psychic practice. Over time, try to enter this state very quickly (almost instantly), with your eyes closed and open. This will make you a real psychic. The exercise will require you to visualize even more complexly, but you must learn to reach this level of consciousness. Read the description of the exercise several times to remember it well and fix it in your mind.

1. Sit back and relax, as in the previous exercise.
2. Close your eyes.
3. Visualize a spiral staircase with ten steps leading to the basement.
4. Visualize yourself standing on the top step.
5. Go down one step and say: “Deeper level of consciousness.”
6. Continue down the steps, repeating these words.
7. Having descended to the lowest step, say: “I have now reached the basic level of consciousness that allows me to begin psychic practice. I can reach this level at will with my eyes open or closed. To do this, I need to mentally count from three to one ".
8. Open your eyes.

Repeat the same exercise with your eyes open. I recommend practicing this exercise at least once a week.

You will learn to reach a basic psychic level of consciousness at will. To do this, you just need to mentally count from three to one. This will take no more than two seconds. When I repeat this exercise, an imaginary staircase automatically appears in my mind's eye, intensifying the sensation. You too can conjure up the image of a staircase in your mind by counting from three to one. This will consolidate the success you have achieved.


1. Find a quiet place and get comfortable. Turn off your phone.

3. Build your body image.
4. Imagine a bright, powerful positive light completely surrounding your body.
5. Say: “This powerful positive light is my psychological shield.”
6. “This light will repel all negative energies and protect my consciousness from dangerous programming.”
7. “This light will allow my consciousness to be programmed only by positive energy sources.”
8. “This psychological shield will be with me from now and forever.”
9. “I perfectly understand and realize the danger posed by evil thoughts and intentions that may arise in me.”
10. “I will be able to suppress all my negative energies by mentally or out loud saying only: “No, I don’t want these thoughts!” The negative energy will be suppressed by the positive energy. It will be hidden within me and will not be directed to the mind of the Universe.”
11. Open your eyes.

I recommend that you go to the basic psychic level and evoke an image of your body surrounded by protective light the day after this programming. If the image of your body appears immediately surrounded by light, this is a very good sign. Be sure to say, "This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you." After this, you will not need to program yourself again until you feel that your evil thoughts and intentions have weakened your psychological defenses. In this case, when trying to visualize the body surrounded by protective light, the person notices that the light has become dimmer. Then you will need to repeat the exercise to create a psychological defense program.

Try to make it a rule to immediately mentally say to yourself: “No!” if you notice that your thoughts have taken a negative direction. Try to immediately switch your consciousness to something positive. A good way to switch your own consciousness to positive energies is a short prayer or simply continuously repeating to yourself a phrase like: “Every day I will try to be kinder and better.”


1. You will most likely already be at the basic psychic level when you encounter negative entities.
2. If not, then go to the main psychic level.
3. Pointing in the direction of the hostile energy source (demon, if you prefer), snap your fingers.
4. While doing this, say mentally or out loud: “Shrink!” - and the source of hostile energy will immediately decrease by half.
5. Continue pointing, clicking, and saying, “Shrink!” until the source of hostile energy disappears.

By the way, I advise you to teach your child this simple technique - as the simplest remedy to help against nightmares and evil visions. After all, children most of the time are at the basic psychic level; they do not need to be taught this. The child’s brain, even while awake, very often functions in the alpha rhythm, which allows him to learn and remember everything new so successfully.

Most ordinary people are not in danger of encountering evil entities, but some may encounter them. Danger will arise if a source of negative energy enters his body and becomes the owner of his soul. This can happen to you, but only in cases where:

You are unable to control the situation under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
When, out of stupidity, you literally invite negative energy to enter you.
This can happen as a result of intense fear when you give in and allow evil energy to take over you.
If your aura is deeply distorted or you suffer from a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia.

1. Enter an altered state of consciousness.
2. Forgive yourself and mentally ask for forgiveness from the person you unwittingly harmed. Do this by turning to the Higher Consciousness, which loves you both equally.
3. Send impulses of love, peace and support to the person you have harmed.
4. Try to mentally completely correct the situation. Visualize the "victim" with his reputation completely restored, surrounded by everyone's respect, etc.
5. Program yourself to catch the moment when you are just about to form a negative impulse. This will help you restrain yourself and stop in time. Ask the Higher Consciousness to help you control yourself better and make you kinder.

You can repeat these techniques several times to neutralize the evil that has formed. Sometimes just awareness and repentance for what you have done is enough.

You can send positive energies of love and support to anyone and they will physically feel it. This is quite easy to do. You need to go to the basic extrasensory level, visualize, as far as possible, your desire. It is advisable to say the words out loud. For example, to send love and support to my mother, I mentally visualize her and say, “I love you, Mom. I am sending you the energy of the cosmic mind.”


2. Visualize a blackboard on the wall, similar to a school board, with small pieces of chalk in special recesses.
3. Mentally take a piece of chalk and draw a large circle on the board.
4. Write your initials inside the circle.
5. Now erase the initials, but leave the circle.
6. Mentally tell yourself: “I can visualize whatever I want, whenever I want.”
7. Now erase the circle and open your eyes.

This exercise will help you create something that is not there and then mentally change what you have created. You will also convince your subconscious mind that you can do this of your own free will.


1. Go to the basic psychic level.
2. Visualize an airplane flying very high.
3. Imagine that the plane leaves a long white stripe behind it.
4. Let the plane “write” your name in the sky.
5. Try to very clearly visualize your name written in a white blurry line remaining after the plane.
6. Allow the wind to carry your name higher and higher towards cosmic consciousness.
7. Mentally say to yourself: “Every day I become a more and more skilled teleporter. Every time I do visualization, I improve my skill.” Open your eyes.

Through this exercise, you improve your visualization and program your subconscious mind, continually convincing it that you are becoming more and more skilled at teleporting.


1. Go to the basic psychic level.
2. Visualize your body image. Examine it carefully from all sides.
3. Mentally describe what you see. For example, like this: “Thick blond hair, a small mole on the left cheek, long legs,” etc. Try to be very precise.
4. Carefully study your own body until its appearance becomes familiar to you.
5. Mentally say to yourself: “I can conjure up in my mind the image of any living being at my own request.”
6. When you're done, open your eyes.

In the future, in parapsychological practice, you will have to very often mentally imagine the image of another person in order to come into contact with him. Once you learn to accurately visualize your body, you will do so with ease. You do not interfere in the personal life of another person by evoking his image in your mind. You are just entering into psychological contact with him. The image of a person that appears in your mind (or any other creature or entity) does not necessarily have to be photographically accurate. Its image may be somewhat blurry. This is your idea of ​​him rather than an accurate depiction. You may even see something completely formless. Whatever the image of a being that appears in your consciousness, it is absolutely accurate in essence - it is given to you by cosmic consciousness, although a photographically accurate image may remain a mystery to you.

Remember what I told you earlier. Imagine that you understand everything that you fail - this helps a lot. In any parapsychological practice, clear visualization of the image is simply necessary. The better you see in your mind's eye, the better the results.


1. Go to the basic psychic level.
2. Form an image of the body in your mental field of vision. Explore it carefully. Examine the heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, cardiovascular system, nervous system, lungs, eyes, muscles, skeleton, etc.
3. Take your time - do it very carefully.
4. Try to regulate and tune those organs that you think are not functioning well. Let your imagination tell you how to do it.
5. When you finish the examination, say: “I am healthy now” and open your eyes.

In the next lesson we will learn to form a “vessel of desires”, work with a dictionary for predictions, make mental journeys into the past and future...


1. Having clearly defined your goals, draw a diagram. It is advisable to select appropriate drawings or photographs for the segments. Think carefully about every word. Try to be concise and as precise as possible.
2. Close your eyes, go to the main psychic level and clearly visualize the goal.
3. Say it out loud. For example: “I want to become the head of my department,” or: “I want a new Cherokee-TM jeep.”
4. Open your eyes and fill in the next sector in a similar way. When filling out a new segment, repeat each time the wish written in the previous one.
5. When you have written down all your wishes, re-read the entire diagram again: your name, date, “from a Higher Source,” “without harming anyone,” and list the written goals one by one. After reading the next wish, stop for a moment, think through everything again, weigh it and proceed to the next one.
6. After reviewing the entire diagram again, close your eyes, go to the main psychic level and say out loud: “The goals written in the “vessel of desires” are exactly what I need. I ask the Higher Consciousness to help and guide me to achieve these goals."
7. Place the “vessel of desires” in a secluded, safe place, for example, in one of the drawers of the closet.
8. During the first thirty days after you have filled the “vessel of desires,” review and repeat everything that is written down, as indicated above. When you enter the basic psychic level, your eyes can be open, whatever is more convenient for you. If you have mastered exercise No. 10, you will succeed without difficulty. Note: you can view the chart several times a day if you find it necessary, but you must do this once a day for the first month.
9. After the first thirty days, review your desires as described above at least once a month for a year.
10. After the first year, look into the “vessel of desires” at least twice a year. The more often you review your desires, the more effective your program towards Higher Consciousness. You will likely find that your Higher Consciousness will begin to push you in several directions at once, as if asking you to choose the best opportunity to achieve your goals. Sometimes his “work” is so unnoticeable that you realize it only after achieving what you want. However, sometimes the instructions of the Higher Consciousness are clear and unambiguous, like thunder. Don't waste your time - don't think about how the Higher Consciousness helps you. Be happy that it “works” and works for you. The higher consciousness itself will choose the best path to success. When you finally achieve your desired goal, be sure to write on the corresponding sector of the circle: “Thank you!”

You can also add some comments and your thoughts. I recommend that every time you write down a new wish, you set a date so that you know how long it took you to accomplish your plan. In some cases, you may want to reconsider your intentions regarding your chosen goal. It's okay, it's normal.

If you want the Higher Consciousness to no longer help you achieve your plans, write in the appropriate sector in large letters: “CROSS OUT” and record it in your consciousness, as described above. It is desirable that this sector contains the date of acceptance of the goal and the date of its cancellation.

Note: If you change your goals too often, it means you are not serious about your goals. In addition, such inconstancy means for the Higher Consciousness that your desires, apparently, are not very strong, and it will not take you seriously. If this happens, then it will remain deaf to your requests, and then the whole undertaking will not make sense. I warn you again: all this is much more serious than it seems at first glance. However, sometimes you can still change your intentions, there is nothing wrong with that, such is human nature. You can also modify the goal a little: for example, instead of wanting to “get a college degree,” write “get a draftsman’s degree from a technical school.” In this case, write down the changes in the corresponding sector of the circle of desires and fix them in your consciousness. You can fill the “vessel of desires” with new goals whenever you see fit.

If you don't have enough space on the old diagram, draw a new one. Personally, I have never used a circle with more than eight sectors. As soon as I reached the designated goal, I entered a new desire into the vacated sector. This allowed me not to scatter my efforts. However, this is my personal business, this is my choice. You do as you see fit. After all, these are your desires, and only you can decide what they will be.


1. Take out the dictionary and place it either on your lap or on the table in front of you, whichever is more convenient for you.
2. Close your eyes, go to the main psychic level.
3. Say loudly and clearly the question to which you would like to hear the answer.
4. Then flip through the pages of the dictionary and stop at the one where you think the answer to your question is. It is quite possible that you will have to leaf through the dictionary from cover to cover several times back and forth. Don't let this bother you, the main thing is not the speed, but the accuracy of the answer. The moment you reach the right place, place your fingertip on the place where you think the right answer is. Without lifting your fingertip from the paper, open your eyes and read the word it points to. After reading the definition of this word, you will find the answer to your question.

You should think something like this. Suppose you ask, “What will my future be like if I become a professional writer?” You flip through the pages of the dictionary, find the point you need, and then look at the definition of the word your finger is pointing at. Let's say he pointed to the word "trifle." One of the definitions of this word means meager earnings, modest remuneration. After this, it should be clear to you that by becoming a writer you will not earn much money and it is unlikely that success will await you in this field.

Use a dictionary for predictions more often, this is good practice, and this activity can give you a lot of useful information.

I would recommend that you keep a diary in which it is advisable to write down the questions and answers obtained using the dictionary. The fact is that some of the answers obtained using the dictionary may seem strange or even meaningless to you, but after some time it will become clear that this is not the case. After all, you are turning to the future, and after some time, maybe even several years, you will be convinced that the dictionary’s answers turned out to be amazingly correct. In any case, a diary is an excellent tool for self-control and improving your skills.


Sit back, relax. Turn off your phone.

1. Close your eyes and go to the basic psychic level.
2. Say to yourself: “Now I am going to the Coast of Time. To do this, I need to mentally count from five to one.” Mentally start counting down: 5-4-3-2-1. With a count of "1", visualize a white, clean sandy beach on the Blue Ocean Coast. The ocean is calm, it brings peace to you. The sandy white beach stretches to your left and right.
3. You are on the real Coast of Time, stretching along the vast Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness.
4. Stay for a while, enjoying the warmth and beauty of this wonderful place. You feel complete peace.
5. Now look to the right. Past time stretches in this direction. The coastal haze hides from you everything that happens in the distance.
6. Now turn your gaze to the left. The future stretches in this direction. And here the coastal haze does not allow you to see into the distance.
7. Mentally tell yourself: “I can return here, to the Coast of Time, of my own free will. To do this, I will only need to close my eyes, go to the main psychic level and count from five to one.”
8. Now mentally count from one to five. At a count of 5, the Coast of Time will disappear from your mental vision.

By practicing this exercise, you will learn to reach a new mental level. This is a very powerful level, it will allow your consciousness to be anywhere in the Universe at any time!


Sit back, relax.

1. Close your eyes.

3. Go out to the Coast of Time, mentally counting down: 5-4-3-2-1.
4. Turn right and start moving forward in the direction of the haze that hides the Coast from you.
5. Having entered a cloud of fog that hides everything around you, direct your consciousness into the past, mentally repeating a phrase like: “I want to go back in time, to the day when I turned 3 years old.”
6. The fog clears before you, and you find yourself in the past.
7. To leave the past and return to the Coast of Time, say to yourself: “And now I wish to return to the Coast of Time,” and allow the thick clouds of fog to thicken around you.
8. Continue back through the thick fog until you find yourself in the present time of the Coast.

10. Open your eyes.


Sit back and relax.

1. Close your eyes.
2. Go to the basic psychic level.
3. Exit to the Coast of Time, making a mental countdown 5-4-3-2-1.
4. Now turn left and enter the thick fog that hides the future from you.
5. Having entered the cloud of fog that hides the future from you, direct your consciousness by saying, for example, “I want to be in North Field on January 1, 2020.”
6. The fog clears before you, and you find yourself at the desired point in the future.
7. To leave the future, mentally say: “Now I want to return to the Coast of Time” - and let the fog thicken around you.
8. Go right in the thick fog until you find yourself in the present time of the Coast.
9. Count: 1-2-3-4-5, and the Coast of Time will disappear.
10. Open your eyes.

When you find yourself on the Coast of Time, I advise you to immediately ask your Guardian Angel to immediately return you back to the present time if something happens that requires your presence, for example, a fire in a neighboring house.

As you have probably already noticed, the exercises are becoming more and more interesting, more and more complex. I hope you have good luck and successfully master them. Everything you can do on a basic psychic level, you can do on the Coast of Time. But the Coast of Time is a deeper level. Here you can travel through time and enter a state of deep meditation. Prayers said on the Coast of Time will definitely be heard by the Creator. Here you can come into direct contact with cosmic consciousness and receive advice from it. All psychic practices, all actions, healing, telepathy, predictions on the Coast of Time work more effectively than on the main psychic level. It is advisable to practice on the basic psychic level 90% of your time, leaving no more than 10% for work on the Coast of Time. Staying at this level requires large energy expenditures.

When you learn to move from the basic psychic level to the Coast of Time, you yourself will have to decide how best to use this powerful energy space.

Meditation and prayer are powerful tools for communicating with Cosmic Consciousness, and the Coast of Time is the place most suitable for this!

Personally, I do meditation in the bath. Warm water relaxes me and helps me more accurately imagine the Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness and the Coast of Time - the place where I meditate. When I begin meditation, I enter the waves of Cosmic Consciousness, slowly immersing myself in them until the water reaches my chest. I feel the energy of the Ocean of Consciousness washing my body; the warm water in the bath adds a purely physical sensation, helping me enter a state of meditative trance.

Meditation serves the following purposes:

It allows you to open your consciousness wider and receive energy, information and guidance from the Cosmic Consciousness more fully.
It allows you to come into close contact with the Mind of the Universe and turn to it with your request.

I recommend that you start today and continue to go out onto the Coast of Time every day, sending and receiving mental messages. This will help you open the doors of consciousness more widely, enriching your life and the lives of those around you. You will be able to use your full potential very quickly. You will be better than you were.

Here is a list of what you will achieve most successfully on the Coast of Time:

1. Prayer. The power of your prayer on the Coast of Time will be greatest.
2. Contact with the souls of your deceased loved ones, and over time - other people.
3. Projecting health and healing energy onto others and yourself.
4. Psychometry classes. Mentally staying on the Coast of Time and feeling, “reading” the objects that you hold in your hands, it will be easier for you to establish who they belong to, where they come from, etc.
5. Problem solving. Ask your guardian spirit and Cosmic Consciousness for help. You will probably have to go to the Coast of Time most often for these purposes.
6. Sending love, help and positive energy to other people.
7. Ask Cosmic Consciousness to guide your life.

Of course, you can use the main psychic level for this, but remember: Coast of Time is a much more powerful level! On the other hand, the basic psychic level is achieved much faster and is more convenient, especially if you are not able to close your eyes and completely relax (while driving, for example). In a word, decide for yourself at what level it is better for you to work in each specific case...

Extrasensory perception is a form of perception that does not use conventional senses. Information comes in the form of thoughts, sometimes it can be pictures or voices. All this is individual and can manifest itself in different ways. Varieties of manifestations of extrasensory perception are clairvoyance, telekinesis, telepathy, vision of aura and others.

Often the tendency to demonstrate extrasensory abilities is associated with the size of the psychics’ biofield. It is much larger than the field of an ordinary person. People with developed extrasensory perception can see the aura of living beings, various objects, and also influence them. If there is some kind of negative program in a person’s field, psychics can help get rid of it safely.

Extrasensory perception has become quite widespread among ordinary people over the past decade. This is no longer surprising and many people want to study it. Not everyone wants to heal people, but to use such a gift for your healing as an alternative to pills, then why not?

We all have extrasensory abilities from birth, but as we grow up and socialize, these abilities are forgotten and lost. And all because parents do not contribute to the development of this gift. It is not enough to have it; the development of extrasensory perception must be regular and systematized. If you forget about such development for some period, you will have to catch up not only with new skills, but also with old ones that have become forgotten. This applies to both adults and children.

Extrasensory perception will become even more commonplace in the future, and the majority of the population will own it. Now, at the moment of transition of the planet Earth, its vibrations, and at the same time the vibrations of people, increase significantly. And discovering beyond your abilities is a bonus and goes without saying. It's not as simple as it might seem. To raise their vibrations, each person must undergo difficult work on himself, observe asceticism as much as possible and pacify his ego.

At this time, the development of extrasensory perception and telepathy is widespread in esoteric circles, but will soon gain even greater momentum. If a person wants to have such abilities, but the development of extrasensory perception has not yet been observed, you can turn to professional psychics for help. Many of them pass on their knowledge through courses, lectures, and lessons. Some open entire schools where extrasensory perception and its teaching are the main idea. In them you can develop your extrasensory perception, but also learn the basics of healing and energy work.

If you notice that you have some inclinations and you have extrasensory perception, learning will be much easier and faster. Also, well-developed intuition will facilitate learning.

If you are interested in extrasensory perception and where to start learning, then the first thing, of course, you need to try to work on yourself. Practice all kinds of practices and meditations, cleanse your chakra energy channels. Dry fasting can be a big leap forward. In this case, a person’s sensitivity increases significantly. Vegetarianism and a raw food diet are favorable for such development. In general, everything that contributes to spiritual growth and development.

It also happens that a person suddenly develops extrasensory abilities after a lightning strike, an accident, or other difficult extreme situations. It is very important to remember for everyone who is interested in how extrasensory perception develops and where to start, that this work requires a large amount of energy. It is important to be able to replenish stock correctly and in a timely manner. This can be done with the help of the sun, earth, trees. A stable nervous system also contributes to the accumulation of energy.

On the Internet you can find a lot of auxiliary materials for everyone who is interested in extrasensory perception - videos, books, articles, forums with like-minded people. In them you can find a lot of useful information and exercises for development.
It will be very exciting and educational for you to watch a video on the topic of extrasensory perception with stereo images or fractals. Such videos develop the imagination, expand consciousness, and contribute to the vision of a person’s aura. There are a large number of feature films on this topic, and more and more of them have been produced in recent years.

Extrasensory perception can be difficult for beginners, for example, for those who have reduced sensitivity. An excellent activity for developing such sensitivity and extrasensory perception in general is qigong. By practicing it, you will quickly learn to feel energies; for you they will become easily perceived, almost like material objects.

No less important in the development of extrasensory perception for beginners is the ability to distinguish and hear one’s inner voice, or in other words, intuition. There are numerous tests to train it. Equally important is the expressed intention to develop extrasensory perception, and devote a small amount of time every day to visualizing this process. After all, what a person focuses his attention on is what he receives in the future.

Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance

Extrasensory perception and clairvoyance are closely related concepts. Clairvoyance is one of the types of manifestation of extrasensory abilities. This is a hypersensitive perception in which information is perceived by astral vision. Information about upcoming events, current or those that occurred in the past. Clairvoyants describe the process of vision as seeing before your eyes a semblance of a film on which you can view any area of ​​interest in a person’s life.

In order for extrasensory perception and clairvoyance to develop without obstacles, it is important to practice awareness in every moment, which is also a condition for raising vibrations. Only working on yourself will help you reach a higher level of life, become a sensitive being with super abilities.

I am sure that these abilities are present in each of us to one degree or another, but not everyone decides to find practical use for them. People endowed with latent parapsychological abilities must at least have a line of intuition.

The line of intuition is a thin line starting on the edge of the palm at its very base, and running towards the center of the hand (Fig. 169).

Typically this line is very short and thin, although from time to time you will meet people with a very long line of intuition. Long lines of intuition make the task of palmists much easier, since they can be used to judge how a person can most effectively use his talent. If the line of intuition is directed towards the line of the mind, a person can be a wonderful spiritual healer, healer and psychic. If she tends to the line of fate, a person will be able to manifest himself in telepathy, clairvoyance and prophecy. This does not mean that a person on whose hand the line of intuition is directed towards the line of the mind will not make a good clairvoyant. On the contrary, this person, of course, can devote himself to clairvoyance, but his innate talent is more likely related to healing.

Individual people have two lines of intuition running parallel to each other.

This means that they have prophetic dreams. When I meet with such a sign, I advise the client to keep a diary and write down their dreams in it, preferably every morning.

People with the intuition line are very sensitive and caring. They subtly capture the mood of those around them and understand their feelings. They are naturally endowed with healing abilities and are keenly interested in everything related to mysticism and parapsychology.

As a rule, the line of intuition is present on both hands. People whose intuition line is traced only on the secondary hand are aware of their abilities, but are afraid to trust and develop their natural talent.

In addition to the line of intuition, you need to pay attention to the presence of Solomon’s ring on your hand. It is a semicircle encircling the Mount of Jupiter (Fig. 170).

Be careful: the ring can easily be confused with a straight line located on the same part of the hand and known as the line of empathy (Fig. 171).

People with this line treat others with understanding and compassion. And Solomon’s ring, which gives a person an interest in the world of the occult and paranormal, always has the shape of a semicircle.

The presence of a mystical cross in the quadrangle (see Fig. 166) is also a symbol of a person’s deep interest in mysticism and parapsychology. This sign is an independent small cross, the branches of which do not intersect any of the main lines of the hand.

Speaking about the development and practical application of parapsychological abilities, it is necessary to mention that people who are simultaneously endowed with the ring of Solomon, the line of intuition and the mystical cross have a huge advantage over those who are deprived of these signs. However, people who are deprived of the above signs quickly acquire them, once they become interested in the occult and mysticism.


There is no such person who, having come to a palmist, would not be interested in money issues! The money that the client will inherit is represented by a thin curved line located at the base of the Apollo finger from the side of the Mercury finger (Fig. 172).

This line only says that at some point in time a person will receive money by inheritance. But it is impossible to determine exactly when this will happen.

Earned money is represented by a triangle, two sides of which are formed by the intersection of the lines of mind and fate (Fig. 173).

Inside this triangle you will find another triangle, but much smaller. Ideally, the small triangle should be closed, since this indicates that, having earned money, a person will be able to keep it and increase it. A triangle that is only partially closed means that most of the money a person will earn will be spent. If the triangle does not have a third side, this indicates that the person will spend everything he has. The larger the triangle, the greater the person’s financial potential. However, you should not conclude that a client will become a millionaire just because he has a large money triangle. It is necessary to find other evidence that a person will earn a lot of money through hard work, especially those that would indicate his determination.

How easily a person will earn money can be determined by a thin line running from the life line to one of the hills. If the line ends on the mount of Jupiter, it means that the person will eventually make a career. And here we are talking not only about fame and recognition, but also about money. If this line ends on the Mount of Saturn, money will come to the person through hard, monotonous work. If the line ends on the Mount of Apollo, this indicates that the person is lucky to win money. Finally, if the line ends on the Mount of Mercury, it means that the person will earn money in business or it will come to him as a result of serious scientific work.

Lottery winnings are represented by small triangles on the inside of the life line (Fig. 174). The life line forms one of the sides of these triangles, and their location allows you to determine the time when the money will be won.

Money winning triangles are extremely rare, since most of us still have to earn money through hard work. Many years ago, a young man came to me, on whose hand I discovered three money triangles. With some amazement I explained their meaning to him. It turned out that he had already won the lottery once. He had to win two more times!


Travel lines are thin lines located close to the edge of the palm (Fig. 175). Their interpretation must begin from the bottom line and end with the top.

At times, a series of these lines can reach the beginning of the heart line.

Some people have no travel lines on their hands. This does not mean that they will never travel anywhere, but indicates that travel as such is not interesting to them.

On the hands of other people, travel lines number in the dozens. And again, this does not mean that they will travel a lot. Rather, the abundance of these lines indicates that a person dreams of traveling and, if given the opportunity, will immediately go on a trip.

As a rule, people almost always manage to achieve their goal. However, you can often meet a person who has several travel lines on his hand, but he has never left his hometown - life circumstances did not allow him to see the world. It could be family obligations, lack of money or incentive, lack of confidence, or something else.

The vast majority of people fall somewhere between these two extremes. Several distinct, clearly defined lines can be found on their hands. These lines symbolize important trips. The hand of a person working as a steward on board an airplane cannot be affected by all the flights he has made, since he is simply doing his job, of which travel is an integral part. These trips are of little importance to his life. However, you can probably find several clear travel lines on his hand, since, based on his choice of profession, travel interests him and does not tire him. These lines will indicate important trips. As a rule, a clear line symbolizes a person's first trip abroad. Further, only the most important trips are reflected on the hand.

Travel lines are more correctly called lines of restlessness or restlessness.

People who have such lines on their hands are constantly striving somewhere, waiting for something. They cannot stand routine, but they love change and variety. Most of them dream of traveling to exotic countries, and it is these fantasies that are reflected on their hands.


In addition to the life line, many people know the meaning of thin small lines horizontally located on the edge of the palm between the base of the little finger and the line of the heart (Fig. 176). These lines are often incorrectly called matrimonial lines.

In fact, they are called relationship lines, and thanks to them you can determine how many important love unions there will be in a person’s life. You may be surprised, but my clients have repeatedly become married people in whose hands there were no relationship lines. This suggests that they are in a convenient or profitable marriage that does not have much spiritual or emotional significance for them. I have never encountered such a pattern on a woman’s hand, but I have observed it many times on the hands of men.

Most people have one, two, three or four lines of relationships. They are interpreted from bottom to top, from the line of the heart to the finger of Mercury.

A love union can be considered permanent, which often, but not always, leads to marriage if the line symbolizing it goes around the edge of the palm and ends on the palm itself. If the line does not reach the middle of the edge of the palm, this indicates that the love union will be short-lived.

The main difficulty that a palmist may encounter when analyzing relationship lines is that if a strong love union is broken for some reason and then restored, this is reflected on the hand in the form of two lines, despite the fact that the partner remained the same the same as before. Things are further complicated by the fact that the double line symbolizes a possible, but not necessarily actual, reunion.


In the past, a person could go to a palmist and find out how many children he would have.

The gypsies were especially famous for their predictions in this area. But the lines of children rather reflect only the childbearing potential of a woman, rather than the actual number of children she will give birth to. Today, when there is such a thing as birth control, it is very common to find people with great childbearing potential, but who prefer not to have children. A hundred or two hundred years ago they would not have been able to do this as easily as they do now!

Children's lines are thin vertical lines located under the Mercury finger and in most cases connected to the relationship line (Fig. 177).

By a man's hand you can only determine the number of children with whom he will be connected by spiritual intimacy. I have repeatedly met men with three children, but with only two strong lines on their hands. This does not always mean that such a man is not the father of one of the children, although this is possible. Rather, it means that he is close to his two children, while the relationship with the third child does not work out.

These lines can appear very quickly. My close friend could not give birth to a child for a long time. In the end, she decided to adopt the baby. Three weeks after the baby moved into her home, a line appeared on my friend's arm, reflecting the fact that she had become a mother.

Parapsychology is a science that studies all kinds of anomalous phenomena associated with the hidden capabilities of human and animal organisms, near and after a death experience. If we translate the meaning of this word from ancient Greek, we can distinguish two words “about” and “psychology”.

In their research, parapsychologists, relying on scientific research methods, parapsychologists try to give answers to questions that are often closed to modern science. Having understood in more detail what parapsychology studies, we can highlight such areas of research as: extrasensory perception, telepathy, telekinesis, transmigration of souls, possession and other areas of esotericism.

The history of parapsychology

The date of birth of the science of the extraordinary abilities of living organisms is not precisely known. We can only say that it originated in the nineteenth century. It was at this time that societies for the study of human psychic abilities began to appear en masse in Great Britain and the United States of America. It is believed that one of the founders of parapsychology in its modern form was the practicing American psychologist and later parapsychologist William James.

Members of the London branch of the parapsychological community included prominent politicians, philosophers, scientists and teachers. Members of the society of that time were engaged in active research in the areas of reading thoughts at a distance, hypnosis and suggestion, calling the spirits of the dead and many others. The first serious parapsychological study is considered to be a census of people who have experience communicating with ghosts, who have seen various kinds of hallucinations associated with this anomalous phenomenon. All data had a clear structure and were statistically processed.

At the beginning of the last century, research in the field of parapsychology was actively conducted at Stanford University in the USA. A little later, specialists from Duke University joined the research. In the fifties, an association of parapsychologists was created in America. The seventies marked a golden era in the study of anomalous phenomena in America. A large number of scientific institutions and research associations are opening, societies and religious groups are being created that devote their efforts to the study of parapsychological phenomena. These organizations conducted extensive research in areas related to rebirth, out-of-body experience, mind reading, predictions of future events, etc.

At the end of the eighties, interest in this area cooled noticeably, which led to the closure of many research centers. But they accomplished the most important task - they identified parapsychology as a separate branch of science. Without a doubt, all promising developments in the field of parapsychology have successfully migrated to the intelligence services and are actively used.

Specifics of the work of a parapsychologist

A parapsychologist is a scientist specializing in the study of anomalous phenomena associated with the psychological activity of humans and other living organisms. So who is a parapsychologist really? Some consider parapsychology to be a pseudoscience, questioning all the results achieved in this direction; accordingly, parapsychologists are charlatans. This happens for a number of reasons. Firstly, modern science is still not able to create an objective practical basis for describing the processes of parapsychology, although there is progress. Secondly, all progressive areas of research that potentially pose a threat to the country's security are classified and subjected to black PR.

Representatives of the official current of science, in criticizing parapsychologists, resort to arguments that in the research of parapsychologists, traditional scientific methodology is violated and all results and conclusions were obtained with many inaccuracies. Often studies are artificially tailored to the desired result.

In turn, researchers of esoteric phenomena claim that many of their studies lie in the spiritual sphere, which cannot be measured by modern technological means. Parapsychologists often have to rely on the properties of human consciousness, and take the word of researchers. The task is further complicated by the fact that there are no two people with the same psyche, which introduces error into the results obtained.

Although the attitude towards the research of parapsychologists is ambiguous, nevertheless, their contribution to the life of modern society is difficult to underestimate. Many modern areas of science have grown and are based on the ideas laid down in this area. And if we turn to popular culture, the contribution of parapsychology is simply enormous. Modern cinematography simply stands on parapsychology as a foundation.
