Micropolarization of the brain in children: indications and contraindications for a course of tcmp. Micropolarization procedure for the treatment of neurological abnormalities of the brain TCM of the brain and speech understanding

The brain and nervous system as a whole - complex structure human body. Continuous impulses from neurons control the functioning of all organ systems, human behavior, perform unconscious functions (breathing and digestion), allow the perception of various sensations (pain, temperature, etc.) and predict actions and actions.

Pathologies and diseases of the central nervous system(CNS) quite a lot, they often prevent a person from leading a normal lifestyle. For treatment neurological diseases Doctors use a range of methods, from medications and physical therapy to surgery.The technique of brain micropolarization is still considered controversial, despite its positive therapeutic effect. What is the procedure? What are the indications and contraindications?

How transcranial micropolarization works

The essence of micropolarization is to stimulate the affected neurons and restore them normal functioning using direct current of minimum frequency. The prefix “micro” denotes microcurrent, its intensity is approximately 100 μA (for comparison, in other aggressive procedures a current of 1 mA is used). “Polarization” is the electrical process of stimulating the cell membranes of the brain.

Over the course of many years of research, scientists have discovered that microcurrent of such power has a beneficial effect on brain cells, restores and corrects their functions. The minimum frequency of the current imitates the intensity of natural impulses that occur every second in the brain, which makes the procedure as safe as possible.

There are two types of micropolarization - transcranial (brain stimulation) and transvertebral (impact on different segments of the spinal cord). Transcranial micropolarization (TCMP) is used to treat children with various neurological disorders.

During the procedure, a special helmet with attached electrodes is placed on the child's head. The placement of the electrodes is purely individual; it depends on the diagnosis and location of the affected area of ​​the brain. The technique allows for systemic and local (point) impact on a specific area.

Micropolarization of the brain in children helps to completely restore normal reactions of the nervous system (motor, speech, mental functions) and improves metabolic processes in cells.

During the session, the child can talk, draw, read, watch TV or do puzzles. The procedure is completely painless and lasts about 1 hour. The duration of the course is determined by the doctor (neurologist or psychologist). On average, for a positive result you need to conduct 2 courses per year, 10 sessions each.

What are the indications for the procedure?

Before starting therapy, the child undergoes a thorough medical examination. In addition, parents should mentally prepare their child for the upcoming treatment - this will relieve him of unnecessary stress, anxiety and fear.

Indications for TCMP:

The method is truly universal. It can be applied in various fields and for various diagnoses. Treatment is allowed for both children and adults.

Who is prohibited from undergoing treatment?

The nervous system is a rather fragile structure, so various interventions in its functioning must be taken seriously. There are a number of diseases for which the procedure must be abandoned.

Contraindications to TCMP:

  • malignant formations brain (oncology);
  • pathology of cardio-vascular system;
  • infectious and colds with high temperature (in in this case need to wait for recovery);
  • wounds or unhealed stitches on the scalp;
  • skin pigmentation, rashes, any neoplasms in the places where the electrodes will be attached;
  • Availability foreign objects in the skull (after injury or surgery);
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the effects of electric current.

Micropolarization is a rather soft and gentle procedure. That is why in severe mental or genetic disorders it may not give the desired results. In this case, it is more advisable to use more aggressive therapy.

Severe forms of diseases are not a contraindication to treatment, but it is necessary to understand that therapy may be ineffective.

However, if other techniques are not effective, doctors use micropolarization - minimal results are better than no results at all.

Features of TCMP

TCM causes a lot of controversy and controversy. Electric shock treatment comes as a shock to many parents. Some believe that electrodes can literally“fry the brains” of the child, but this is not so, and the safety of the procedure has been fully confirmed.

To date, the technique has not found widespread use in the world. Until now, the procedure is undergoing various tests and studies, and a complete database of results is formed for each diagnosis.

As for the results of treatment of children, they are quite satisfactory:

  • after therapy there is an improvement in memory and thinking;
  • psychological and emotional disorders decrease or completely disappear, sleep normalizes;
  • children become more sociable, active, depressive views on life change to positive emotions, interest in the surrounding world appears;
  • positive effect of treatment of various developmental delays - the child’s speech becomes meaningful and clear, improves physical activity(we recommend reading: how is speech delay diagnosed and treated in children 2-3 years old?).

The first results of treatment are observed much earlier than with other types of therapy.

Data for children with autism and Down syndrome are conflicting. Scientists have not yet been able to study and identify all the features and details of the functioning of the brain of such patients. In most cases, the effect of TCMP was minimal or absent. But the fact has been reliably confirmed that microcurrent did not worsen the condition of any of the patients.

Transcranial micropolarization of the brain (TCMP) is a type of therapy that is based on continuous exposure to certain brain structures through a low-intensity electric current. TCMP was developed by scientists from the Institute of Experimental Medicine in Leningrad. On this moment this procedure is carried out in some medical institutions in different countries for therapeutic effects on patients of any age.

There are procedures such as transcranial and transvertebral micropolarization of the brain (TCMP and TVMP). TVMP is carried out relative to the spinal cord, while at the same time, TCMP involves the brain.


This method of therapy can be used for patients with pathologies of the nervous system, such as:

  • hyperactivity;
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD);
  • tics and neurosis-like pathologies;
  • psychosomatic diseases;
  • speech pathologies in pediatric patients;
  • traumatic brain injuries and their complications
  • epilepsy (therapy is not carried out in all centers, since there is debate about the appropriateness of such therapy for epilepsy);
  • children's cerebral paralysis(cerebral palsy);
  • psycho-emotional diseases;
  • delayed psycho-neurological development in children;
  • organic lesions of the central nervous system;
  • depression, fears;
  • enuresis;
  • aggression;
  • encopresis;
  • diseases of the optic nerve;
  • neuroinfections;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • headache;
  • transformations of the brain due to age.

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Transcranial micropolarization for a child is no different from a similar procedure for an adult.

Before the procedure, you should be examined by an appropriate specialist who will issue a referral. This could be a speech therapist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist, neurologist or physiotherapist.

First, an EEG (electroencephalography) should be performed to assess brain function and damage. This study During the course of treatment, TCMP is performed repeatedly to monitor the effectiveness of therapy over time.

At possible indications the doctor may refer the patient for the procedure.

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Technique for transcranial micropolarization of the brain

TCMP is performed using a device for transcranial micropolarization. Electrodes are connected to the device, which are fixed in correct position special helmet. After fixing the electrodes, the specialist selects the necessary parameters and starts the device. After starting, it begins to influence the brain with a permanent flow of electric current, which does not exceed the strength of its own processes in the brain and is calculated in amounts up to 1 mA. This way there is no aggressive stimulation to the brain that occurs in other electrical treatments.

A TCM session lasts from half an hour to 50 minutes. The patient is allowed to go about his business during the procedure. These can be both personal matters (for example, reading a book), and additional procedures in complex therapy(for example, classes with a speech therapist or rehabilitation specialist).

This type of treatment is allowed with medicated sleep. It is also allowed to use the TCM method while on mechanical ventilation.

Transcranial micropolarization can be used as an adjuvant therapy for various pathologies in children and adult patients, and is also used as an independent therapeutic method. The procedure regimen is prescribed individually and depends on the disease itself, the affected area of ​​the brain and other factors. However, in all cases, one procedure will not bring the expected result. You should undergo a course of treatment consisting of at least 10 sessions. Recommendations may be given regarding additional activities such as general body massage, speech therapy massage, sessions with a psychologist, physical therapy and classes with a speech therapist. To consolidate the effect, you should repeat the course after 5-6 months.

Contraindications for carrying out

Contraindications to TCMP are:

  • brain tumors (malignant);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in severe stages;
  • not intact skin on the head;
  • presence of foreign objects in the skull;
  • diseases in acute form or exacerbation of chronic diseases of various etiologies when body temperature is higher than normal, as well as illness connective tissue systemic in nature;
  • on the areas of the head where the electrodes are supposed to be attached, there are tumors, pigmentation, and rashes;
  • individual hypersensitivity to electric current.

There are some conditions in which TCMP is not advisable due to its low effectiveness. However, sometimes specialists prescribe transcranial micropolarization, since it cannot cause harm to these groups of patients, but gives little chance of positive dynamics. Among these pathologies:

  • severe psychiatric illnesses;
  • mental retardation;
  • autism;
  • Down syndrome;
  • other genetic diseases.

During the therapeutic course, it is additionally prohibited:

  • take psychotropic medications, in particular nootropics (TCMP is a complete replacement for taking nootropic drugs);
  • take a course of acupuncture;
  • undergo a course of vibration stimulation;
  • undergo a course of electromyostimulation.

Consequences after the procedure

The effects that TCMP has on the patient’s body are divided into:

  • local (tissue) reduction of inflammation, size of affected areas and swelling due to a positive effect on the nutrition of brain tissue
  • systemic electrical current directed to the brain promotes change functional state its neurons. This restores brain regulation various functions by improving the interaction of various structures of the brain and its nerve cells.

Patients experience positive changes as a result of completing the course:

  • in case of focal diseases of the brain, due to strokes and traumatic brain injuries, the affected area is significantly reduced, functions impaired due to the development of pathology are restored faster
  • for speech or mental delays development in children, sleep improves with ADHD, general emotional condition, memory functions, attention sharpens, impulsivity decreases, speech develops, the child becomes more diligent and learnable, his level increases social adaptation
  • convulsions and hyperkinesis disappear

Transcranial micropolarization should be performed about twice a year to obtain the most positive result, or more often as prescribed by a doctor (if the patient’s condition does not improve). After the first procedure, the effect is often unnoticeable, although some patients notice changes after the first session. Often, positive dynamics begin to be observed approximately in the middle of the course, and peak severity at the end of treatment and within 1-2 months after.

There are also no special rules for care after therapy sessions. The procedure is painless and the patient does not require additional care.

The nervous system regulates every process in human body. Its activity consists of sending, accompanying and returning impulses to various organs and tissues and back to the nerve centers. When the circulation of these signals is disrupted, various disorders occur, and micropolarization is one of the methods of their treatment.

How the method works

The essence of the work of transcranial micropolarization is exposure to direct electric current weak intensity (less than 1 mA) on individual brain structures. The current is comparable to the body’s own impulses, so this method is not at all aggressive and is suitable for patients even of a young age. Why is micropolarization of the brain prescribed to children? Indications and contraindications for the procedure and what is the goal of treatment?

primary goal- activate the working reserves of the brain and make it work more intensely and productively. The effect of current strengthens connections between nerve cells and restores normal regulation between them by purposefully changing the functional state of neurons.

With systemic (long-term) exposure, stimulation helps restore impaired or inhibited functions of the central nervous system.

There is another type of procedure, the effect of which is aimed at the spinal cord. It is called transverbetal and is aimed at restoring the motor functions of the body.

For what violations is the procedure prescribed?

The effectiveness of treating children with this method is very high. It is used for children who have behavioral disorders, motor dysfunction, and mental retardation. Treatment has a significant effect when:

Also this method can be used as a preventive measure to stimulate the “maturation” of brain processes. In children with the above diseases, a course of stimulation normalized sleep, leveled the psycho-emotional state and eliminated the negative symptoms of hyperactivity.

In victims of traumatic brain injuries, pain is reduced, lost functions are restored much faster and lesions are reduced.

Who should not undergo treatment

Despite its safety, this therapy has a number of contraindications:

Severe mental or genetic diseases, mental retardation, Down syndrome and autism are not contraindications to TCM, but therapy in such cases is ineffective and not very advisable. But some experts still recommend taking the course micropolarization for even the slightest shift in a positive way.

Results from therapy

The effect is observed already from the first current stimulation, although the procedure is always prescribed in a course. The baby's relatives may not notice changes in the child's behavior or physiology, but they are clearly visible on encephalogram. Therefore, it is recommended to undergo a brain examination to see the result confirmed by the study. The most obvious changes after the first session:

In some cases, this type of therapy is superior to drug treatment. The child becomes more sociable, active, and has no causeless mood swings. Doctors offer systemic micropolarization treatment to completely restore the mental and physical functions of the baby’s body.

Features of micropolarization

Can refer for procedures physiotherapist, neurologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist or speech therapist. The patient must first undergo a medical examination to determine possible contraindications and recording the initial indicators (so that you can then track the dynamics).

Often children with increased activity It’s difficult to sit through the entire procedure. It is necessary for the parents to explain to the child what will happen to him and why these manipulations are being carried out, why he must behave calmly and not be afraid. You can come up with some interesting game for him, where, for example, he will be an alien pilot with a bunch of wires on his head. Try it, it will help your baby spend time without getting bored!

During the session, a cap with electrodes is placed on the patient’s head, the other side of which is attached to the desired area of ​​the head. Stimulation lasts about 40-50 minutes. At this time, it is better not to make sudden movements or move away from the device, as this may lead to a change in the position of the electrodes. Often in the offices there are computers next to the machine, on which you can watch a movie or play during the procedures.

The average course consists of 8-12 procedures which are carried out on an outpatient basis. Depending on the result and general condition patient, it is recommended to repeat therapy after 3-6 months for more systematic approach and profound influence.

Where can I get the procedure done?

The possibility of treatment depends on the availability of equipment and specially trained personnel in the clinic. There are two centers in Russia offering this service ( exact addresses can be viewed on official websites):

For most people, treatment is expensive not only because of the cost of the procedure itself, but also because of the need to travel to another city. Lack of similar institutions in other major cities further hampers the development of this treatment method in Russia.


Transcranial micropolarization- an effective method of treating disorders associated with the human nervous system. It combines simplicity, non-invasiveness, precision and selectivity of the brain regions stimulated. Suitable for treatment at different stages of diseases, absolutely safe for children and adults. But it is worth remembering the indications and contraindications for this type of treatment.

The only drawback (besides accessibility) of the system is that it does not affect every patient in the same way: some experience physiological changes, and for some it increases learning ability and socialization, but does not affect the root cause of the disease.


Modern therapeutic techniques make it possible to effectively eliminate diseases of almost any organs and systems human body. For disorders of the nervous system of varying severity and etiology, including in young children, the doctor will recommend transcranial micropolarization. What is this? How is the brain micropolarization procedure performed for children? How effective is TCM? What are the indications and contraindications for the therapeutic course? Let's figure it out together.

Brain micropolarization procedure

The essence of the micropolarization method

The essence of the technique of transcranial micropolarization of the brain is that the patient’s brain is exposed to a weak direct current. Its strength does not exceed 1 mA. Thanks to the use of weak currents, micropolarization does not cause complications and does not provoke side effects. In addition, TCMP therapy is considered safe and can even be used to treat small children. Under the influence of current, the following processes occur:

  • activation of functional reserves of the brain;
  • restoration of regulation of a number of functions;
  • improving the interaction of individual brain structures and its cells;
  • change in the functional state of neurons.

Indications for performing the CNS stimulation technique

Micropolarization of the brain in children is considered one of the most effective therapeutic techniques used for delayed speech development, motor dysfunction, behavioral disorders.

For autism, Down syndrome, mental retardation, serious illnesses mental or genetic nature, the use of therapy in most cases is considered inappropriate. However, doctors recommend taking micropolarization courses for the possibility of a shift (even if small) in a positive direction.

The list of indications for brain micropolarization includes:

  • mental retardation of the first or mild degree;
  • asthenia;
  • tension headache;
  • traumatic brain injuries, including their consequences;
  • visual impairment;
  • sensorineural hearing loss;
  • neuroinfectious pathologies;
  • depression;
  • panic fear;
  • encoporesis of psychogenic etiology;
  • enuresis;
  • excessive childhood aggression;
  • disorders of a neurosis-like, neurotic, psycho-emotional, psychosomatic nature;
  • hyperactivity;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • dysfunction of the speech apparatus;
  • cerebral palsy various shapes and severity;
  • inhibited neuropsychic development.

How does micropolarization occur?

Subspecialists who monitor his condition can refer a small patient for transcranial micropolarization of the brain. A referral can be given by a speech therapist, psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist or physiotherapist.

Many specialists in the field of child neurology, psychiatry and speech therapy prefer transcranial micropolarization

Before a course of micropolarization of the brain, the baby will need to undergo a medical examination to exclude the presence of contraindications, as well as to record the initial state. The latter will be required to track dynamics during therapy. This way you can understand how effective the stimulation is.

Usually a course of transcranial micropolarization is prescribed, consisting of 8-12 procedures, each of which lasts no more than 50 minutes. A special cap with electrodes is placed on the child’s head; the latter are attached to the areas required for treatment. reverse side. Therapeutic manipulations are carried out on an outpatient basis. In order to get a visible and lasting effect, it is recommended to repeat the course 12-24 weeks after the end of the first.

Parents should take into account that during the treatment the little patient should not make sudden movements or twist a lot - this can lead to displacement of the electrodes, and therefore reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.

In many clinics, a computer is placed next to the equipment, on which the child can play or watch his favorite movie during treatment. If such a service is not provided at the medical institution, then parents need to take with them interesting book or a tablet computer to keep your child occupied during therapy.

Efficacy for treating diseases

Transcranial micropolarization is considered one of the most effective methods therapy for nervous system disorders. It is safe and can be used in the treatment of diseases in patients of any age.

It is important to understand that the procedure has different effects on different patients - for some, the therapy eliminates physiological reasons illness, for some it only helps to increase socialization and learning ability. Therapy is prescribed in courses, but the effect is noted after the first stimulation procedure. Of course, it is difficult to notice changes with the naked eye, but they are clearly visible on the control encephalogram.

Treatment allows you to achieve the following results:

  1. the functioning of the pelvic organs is normalized;
  2. motor functions of the upper and lower extremities are restored;
  3. hearing and vision improve;
  4. mental activity increases;
  5. the functioning of the speech apparatus is normalized;
  6. impaired psychological functions are restored.

Contraindications for the procedure

Micropolarization of the brain is considered safe procedure, however, there are categories of small patients who are not recommended to be exposed to it.

Micropolarization is allowed to be carried out if there is no disruption of integrity at the places where the electrodes are applied skin and excessive pigmentation

Therapy should not be administered to children with hypersensitivity to electric current, since the essence of micropolarization lies in the application of precisely this physical phenomenon. Contraindications also include:

  • stenosis of congenital etiology;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • the presence of a rash or excessive pigmentation at the sites where the electrodes are applied;
  • in case of violations of the integrity of the skin on the head;
  • any heart disease;
  • malignant tumors in the brain;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage, accompanied by fever;
  • inflammatory diseases in acute form.
