Is it possible to get rid of kyphoscoliosis: diagnosis and treatment of the problem. Kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine: types and treatment Kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine treatment

A severe form is kyphoscoliosis. The difference from simple scoliosis is that, along with lateral bending, there is deformation in the anteroposterior direction. Adults and teenagers often face this problem.

What happens to the spine

The human spine consists of several sections. Almost every one of them has a slight bend. There are kyphosis (and sacral) and lordosis (and). This configuration of the spine ensures its mobility and proper distribution of the load. With kyphoscoliosis, pathological curvature occurs in the thoracic region (less often in the sacral region) in combination with lateral displacement and rotation (rotation) of the vertebrae.

This pathology is very common. Boys get sick several times more often than girls. Initially, scoliosis develops, and then pathological kyphosis. This problem is very relevant due to the fact that a severe form of the disease causes neurological disorders and dysfunction of vital organs (lungs and heart).

Deformation degrees

Depending on where the spine deviates, left-sided and right-sided kyphoscoliosis are distinguished. There are 4 degrees of severity of this pathology:

  1. Kyphoscoliosis of the 1st degree occurs most easily. With it, the angle of deformation in the anteroposterior direction ranges from 45 to 55º. Displacement and rotation are expressed slightly.
  2. At degree 2, the angle varies from 55 to 65º. The twisting of the vertebrae is significant.
  3. With grade 3 of this pathology, the angle of curvature is 65–75º. Such people develop permanent deformation of the chest. It is formed, which complicates movement and work activity.
  4. The most dangerous is stage 4 kyphoscoliosis. With it, the angle of curvature exceeds 75º.

Why does deformation occur?

It can be primary () and acquired. Known following reasons kyphoscoliosis in children and adults:

  • congenital anomalies;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • rickets;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • myopathy;
  • neurological pathology;
  • connective tissue deficiency;
  • poor posture;
  • improper development of musculoskeletal tissue.

The predisposing factors are:

  • past polio;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • rheumatism;
  • poor nutrition;
  • deformation or shortening of the lower limbs;
  • congenital hip dislocation;
  • injuries during childbirth;
  • dysplasia;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • hard physical labor;
  • incorrect posture when written work or when using a computer;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of muscle training.

Congenital right-sided kyphoscoliosis can be detected in children aged 6–12 months. Often this deformation is detected simultaneously with malformations of the genitourinary system.

Acquired kyphoscoliosis thoracic of the spine is detected mainly at the age of 13–15 years, when active formation of bone tissue occurs.

Signs of deformation

The symptoms of this pathology in adults and children are very specific. With congenital kyphoscoliosis, the following signs are observed:

  • protrusion of the spinous processes of some vertebrae;
  • hump in the chest area;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades.

Symptoms are detected when the child begins to stand. Initially, the deformation is unstable. It disappears when the child lies down. If left untreated, the curvature becomes permanent. Over the years, the deformation progresses. IN adolescence symptoms of kyphoscoliosis are more pronounced. They include:

  • slouch;
  • backache;
  • shortness of breath.

The appearance of patients changes. Due to excessive curvature of the thoracic region in the anteroposterior direction, stooping appears. It is characterized by a sunken chest, forward and drooping head, and drooping shoulders. The person's back becomes round. In severe cases, a hump forms.

Photo. Increased rib spaces

Palpation reveals weakness of the anterior muscles. abdominal wall. When examining patients, a lateral deviation of the spinal column from the vertical axis to the left or right is detected. The rib spaces on one side become wider (see photo).


Persistent deformation is the cause of overload. If kyphoscoliosis is not treated in a timely manner, the following consequences are possible:

  • paresis;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • disc protrusion;
  • formation of intervertebral hernias;
  • myositis;
  • arthrosis;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs;
  • chest deformity.

When the spine is deformed, the mobility of the respiratory muscles decreases. This causes a decrease in lung capacity. Such people experience shortness of breath during physical exertion. With kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine, gas exchange in the lungs is disrupted. The consequence is an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood.

A change in the shape of the chest with this pathology causes cardiac dysfunction. Complications from the digestive system are less common. Severe increases the risk of developing cholecystitis and dyskinesia biliary tract. TO possible complications refers to (damage to the hip joint).

Presence of kyphoscoliosis high degree leads to disability.

Patient examination plan

If there is a deformation of the chest or lumbar region spine required comprehensive examination. To confirm the diagnosis you will need:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • palpation;
  • listening to the lungs and heart;
  • radiography;
  • CT or MRI;
  • neurological examination.

An X-ray image is taken in 2 projections. It is determined in degrees. To do this, the doctor draws several lines on the image and determines the angle of the pathological bend. For kyphoscoliosis, consultation with a neurologist is often required. Reflexes, sensitivity and range of motion are examined.

In case of complications from other organs, consultation with specialists is necessary.

How to cure the sick

Treatment of kyphoscoliosis is carried out by an orthopedist together with a neurologist. The main aspects of therapy are:

  • wearing orthopedic devices in the form of;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

Exercises are selected for each patient separately. The doctor must take into account contraindications. Therapeutic gymnastics has highest value with 1 and 2 degrees of kyphoscoliosis. Exercises are performed in specialized institutions. The duration of one session should be at least 30–40 minutes. Exercises can be performed while lying on your back, stomach or standing. During gymnastics, special benches, ribbons, rollers, sticks, weights and inclined planes are often used.

Useful for kyphoscoliosis:

  • spreading and bringing together the elbows;
  • abduction of the lower limb on the side of the convexity of the spinal arch;
  • raising the pelvis above the floor while lying on your back;
  • putting your hand behind your head;
  • raising upper limbs in a standing position.

After completing a set of exercises, you need to rest. Exercise therapy for kyphoscoliosis is combined with massage. It improves metabolic processes and increases muscle tone. For grade 2 spinal deformity, wearing a corrective corset is indicated. It eliminates stoop and restores the normal position of the vertebrae.

For kyphoscoliosis it is necessary:

  • reduce the load on the spine;
  • go swimming;
  • stop jumping and weightlifting;
  • eat well;
  • drink vitamins.

Conservative therapy is not always effective. May be required. It is indicated for grade 4 kyphoscoliosis, severe pain, neurological symptoms and dysfunction internal organs. Spinal alignment during surgery is accomplished using various metal hooks, rods, and screws.

With grades 1 and 2 kyphoscoliosis, the prognosis is most often favorable. At stages 3 and 4 of the disease it worsens. Full recovery spine is rarely observed. Thus, the combination of pathological kyphosis with scoliosis is dangerous for children and adults due to possible complications.

Kyphoscoliosis is a pathology that combines two diseases (scoliosis and increased kyphosis). The disease manifests itself as simultaneous convexity of the vertebrae backwards and sideways relative to each other. Most often, kyphoscoliosis is diagnosed in teenage boys; girls of the same age are four times less likely to get sick.

Pathology in adult patients occurs against the background of untreated kyphoscoliosis in childhood, constant impact on the spine negative factors. It is important to diagnose the disease in time and begin appropriate therapy; lack of treatment leads to improper location of internal organs and other pathological processes.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Thoracic kyphoscoliosis (ICD-10 code - M41) has not been fully studied, about 80% of cases in medical practice with unknown etiology. Congenital pathology often combined with incorrect location of internal organs, underdeveloped genitourinary system, other serious anomalies. The disease in adults develops against the background of many unfavorable factors.

Depending on the cause of the disease, kyphoscoliosis is divided into two types:

  • congenital,
  • acquired.

The first type of disease is formed as a result of the presence of additional vertebrae, genetic defects cartilage, bone tissue that were formed against the background of genetic failures or negative impact on the mother’s body while carrying a child.

It is difficult to make a diagnosis immediately after birth. After birth, all people have a straight spine; natural curves are formed in the first year of life, at the moment when the baby learns to sit and walk. It is at this stage of development that parents notice defects, and doctors make a diagnosis of kyphoscoliosis. Although medical workers There are rare cases where grade 2-3 disease was diagnosed immediately after birth.

Acquired kyphoscoliosis develops throughout a person’s life under the influence of many negative factors:

  • weak muscle corset. Insufficient development of the back muscles during the period of active growth of the spine (12-14 years) does not keep pace with the skeleton, which leads to curvature of the spinal column;
  • sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary work and lack of physical activity negatively affect the entire body, leading to the development of many spinal diseases;
  • psychological factors. Most people who constantly slouch are trying to protect themselves from environmental pressure from colleagues, family, and friends. Incorrect posture is the main provoking factor;
  • excessive physical exercise(this category includes professional athletes or inexperienced individuals who practice without a coach);
  • illnesses suffered in childhood (rickets, encephalitis, polio);
  • traumatic injuries chest area spine, previous operations in this area.

There are a lot of provoking factors. Often, a combination of unfavorable circumstances leads to kyphoscoliosis. Taking good care of your health and timely therapy is the key to preventing various ailments.

Symptoms and stages of development

To assess the severity of changes in the spinal column, experts have identified several stages of development of kyphoscoliosis:

  • first. The displacement of the vertebrae towards the central axis of the spine is almost imperceptible. Normally, the angle of curvature is 45 degrees, but with this form of kyphoscoliosis it is only 55 degrees. Symptoms in this case are mild: there is increased fatigue after physical exertion, shortness of breath is noted. The curvature is noticeable in an upright position upon careful examination of the victim’s chest;
  • second. The pathological process is already more noticeable, the angle of deformation already reaches 65 degrees. If you look at the patient standing upright, the asymmetry will be noticeable. Constant fatigue, shortness of breath is complemented by constant back pain, regular loss of sensitivity in the limbs;
  • third. Occur in the spine irreversible processes, the deflection angle is more than 65 degrees. The lungs are strongly compressed by the ribs, which increases painful sensations, makes normal breathing difficult, shortness of breath becomes constant. Pain in the thoracic region and problems with the cardiovascular system are noted. The victim constantly stoops, which leads to the formation of a hump;
  • fourth. The deformity of the spine is pronounced; the curvature affects not only the thoracic spine; the pelvic bones and the entire spinal column are involved in the pathological process. The victim complains about constant pain, paresis of the limbs and numbness in different parts of the body are formed. At this stage, a clearly formed hump is noticeable.

Considering the above-described manifestations of kyphoscoliosis, you cannot delay going to the doctor. If there are irreversible consequences in the spinal column, it will not be possible to completely cope with the disease.


If you suspect kyphoscoliosis, visit a neurologist or orthopedist. The specialist will conduct an external examination of the patient: palpation of the chest, neck, and limbs. Such manipulations will allow you to evaluate muscle strength, sensitivity, nerve conduction, reflexes, and the presence of spinal deformity in different projections.

To confirm or refute the diagnosis use:

  • radiography,
  • laboratory research.

It is important to find out the root cause of the disease and the degree of its development. Based on the data obtained, the physician makes a final diagnosis and selects the necessary therapeutic course.

General rules and effective treatment methods

Successful treatment without surgery of thoracic kyphoscoliosis is possible only in the initial stages of the disease. The selection of manipulations depends on the patient’s age and the severity of spinal curvature.


Effective medications:

  • painkillers. For mild pain, Analgin and No-Shpa are used. Severe pain requires the use of opium or mixed analgesics: Morphine, Tramadol, Vicodin;
  • . Provide a complex effect (painkiller, anti-inflammatory). Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Ketanov are used;
  • . Used for cupping muscle spasms, muscle relaxation (Baclofen, Tizanidine);
  • hormonal agents for severe inflammation (Flosteron, Diprospan);
  • (Dona, Arthra) are intended for restoration cartilage tissue;
  • antidepressants, vitamin complexes, local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory ointments, gels.

All medications are selected by an experienced specialist, Self-medication is strictly prohibited!

Check out the selection effective methods at home using traditional medicine.

The rules and features of using the drug Sirdalud with muscle relaxant properties are described on the page.

Physiotherapy and lifestyle changes

Kyphoscoliosis must be treated comprehensively; the use of medications will not correct the situation; only unpleasant symptoms will be relieved.

The following procedures will help cope with curvature of the spine in the thoracic region:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • paraffin applications;
  • electrophoresis;
  • laser use;
  • acupuncture;

Important! It is recommended to review your diet. A balanced diet will help strengthen the immune system and reduce weight (in most cases, the pathology is accompanied by obesity of varying severity). Lean on low-fat varieties meat, porridge, dairy products, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. You will have to give up fried and too salty foods and give up bad habits.

Gymnastics and exercise therapy

Kyphoscoliosis requires specific consultation with a doctor. Considering the side of the curvature, some exercises should be performed on one side.

Exercise therapy for the treatment of cophoscoliosis:

  • stand up straight, lock your arms, and while inhaling, lift them up while standing on your tiptoes. Stay in this position for thirty seconds;
  • Lie on your stomach, lift one leg up, parallel to your arm. Swap the limbs, repeat the manipulations ten times;
  • a similar starting position, stretch your arms forward, move them back, imitating “rowing” with your hands while swimming. Lift your legs off the floor; they should be in constant static tension.


If there are no positive results after conservative therapy or an initially advanced situation, doctors recommend treating kyphoscoliosis surgically. Specialists use special screws, hooks, and other products that allow the spine to be secured in an anatomically correct position. After the manipulations, the patient is recommended to wear a special plaster corset for several months. Rehabilitation period is very important, so do not ignore the recommendations of doctors.

Possible complications and prognosis for recovery

A pathologically curved spine leads to overload of its individual segments. This contributes to the formation of secondary degenerative processes in the tissues of the spinal column. In children, it is formed, which is accompanied by numerous... Negative changes accelerate the course of kyphoscoliosis and lead to the development of neurological complications.

At stages 3-4 of the disease, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems actively suffer. Against this background, the volume of the lungs decreases, which entails oxygen starvation brain, the whole organism as a whole. Compression of the heart provokes heart failure, and digestive problems are observed.

If kyphoscoliosis is detected in a child, then the critical age is fifteen years. During this period, the active growth of the spine is completed, which negatively affects the treatment. Until this point, parents can carry out conservative therapy, which will give positive results. If the right moment is missed, it is impossible to completely get rid of stages 3-4 of the disease without surgical intervention.

Preventive measures

Specific recommendations will help prevent spinal curvature to prevent degenerative processes in the vertebrae and weakening of the back muscles:

  • normalize your diet. The food you consume must contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • play sports. Physical activity- the key to a strong muscle corset, strong immunity;
  • sleep on a hard bed, choose an orthopedic mattress, a low pillow;
  • arrange it properly workplace. This will help maintain proper posture without reducing visual acuity;
  • Avoid wearing heels higher than 4 cm.

Parents should take care of their child’s posture from birth. As an adult, stick to preventive recommendations. When the first symptoms appear, consult a doctor; do not delay treatment.

Read more about characteristic symptoms and the features of treatment of thoracic kyphoscoliosis, find out after watching the following video:

Kyphoscoliosis is a disease accompanied by excessive thoracic curvature of the spine (kyphosis) and displacement of its axis in the lateral plane (scoliosis). This combination of deformations leads to some specific symptoms, different from hyperkyphosis and classic scoliosis.

To assess the severity of the disease, in medicine it is classified by degree:

1st degree kyphoscoliosis is accompanied by a slight displacement of the spinal axis (angle 45-55 degrees) with slight twisting of the vertebrae (rotation); 2nd degree kyphoscoliosis is characterized by a curvature angle of 55-65 degrees and a tortuous course of the spinal column axis; Grade 3 leads to visible deformation of the chest and the appearance of a vertebral hump; 4th degree kyphoscoliosis is accompanied by severe curvature of the spine with a curvature angle of more than 75 degrees.

Depending on the direction of the curvature, there are 2 types of disease:

Right-handed. Left-handed.

Depending on the etiological factor allocate the following types pathologies:

Congenital. Acquired.

Congenital kyphoscoliosis of the 2nd degree can be detected immediately after the birth of the child. It occurs due to an abnormality of the vertebral arches, a violation of the transformation of cartilage tissue into bone (osteochondropathia), and weakness of the back muscles (myodystrophy, myopathy). Typically, stage 1 of the disease goes unnoticed, since it does not create any special external deformations of the vertical axis of the body. Only when the child is several months old can a curvature of the spine be suspected based on the asymmetrical location of the vertical axis of the body. In the practice of doctors, there have been cases of detection of grade 3 kyphoscoliosis immediately after the birth of a child, which is associated with intrauterine malformations of the skeletal system. Acquired kyphoscoliosis is classified according to the following reasons:

rachitic – with a lack of vitamin D. It appears several months after birth, when the curvature of the spine reaches 2 degrees; paralytic – formed against the background of polio or childhood cerebral palsy(cerebral palsy); habitual kyphoscoliosis accompanies incorrect posture; rheumatic type is a consequence of damage to cartilage tissue by antirheumatic antibodies; dysplastic – appears against the background of disproportionate growth of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Sudden onset of grade 2 or 3 spinal pathology in children aged 14-15 years most often develops without apparent reason. This type is called idiopathic. A harbinger of its occurrence is scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine) when sitting incorrectly at a school desk or carrying a heavy briefcase. In tall children, pathology is formed on the basis psychological characteristics. They slouch because they want to be shorter (to be comparable in height to their peers).

For stage 2 disease, one of the most severe symptoms is shortness of breath. It appears due to a decrease in volume lung tissue with decreased mobility of the chest due to spinal deformity. Other symptoms of kyphoscoliosis 2, 3 degrees:

pain in the back; cardiac dysfunction; urinary incontinence; fast fatiguability; loss of sensation in lower limbs.

Advanced stages of the disease (grades 3 and 4) lead to disability. It appears due to impaired mobility of the chest, pinched nerve roots in spinal cord. To prevent the development of disability, at the slightest suspicion of spinal deformity, doctors prescribe X-ray examination. It involves taking functional radiographs in the supine, standing, and spinal column stretching positions. To clarify the diagnosis, magnetic resonance and computed tomography are prescribed.

Treatment of the disease is based on the severity of the pathology and the presence of changes in other organs. When there is a curvature of the spinal column of 1.2 degrees, efforts are aimed at creating a strong muscular corset of the back, which will support the axis of the spine in a vertical position.

List of procedures: therapeutic exercises, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy. Deformation of the spinal column of 3, 4 degrees requires treatment surgically. It is carried out for recovery correct position vertebrae For these purposes, special metal rods are used to fix the damaged section in a physiological position. After the operation, the person must walk in a cast for some time. Dysplastic kyphoscoliosis requires the restoration of proportional relationships between bone and muscular system. For this purpose, the orthopedic traumatologist selects a complex of strengthening gymnastics. Indications for surgical treatment:

Low effectiveness of conservative therapy for persistent pain; Rapid progression of the disease with a high probability of formation intervertebral hernia; Cosmetic defects of the back; Severe curvature, complicating the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In most cases, the disease responds well to treatment up to 12 years, while intensive growth of the vertebrae is observed. If detected early in children, grade 1 and 2 kyphoscoliosis can be cured within a year. In some situations, doctors even manage to get rid of 3rd degree curvature without surgery.

To prevent the development of this pathology, the following recommendations must be constantly followed:

Do not carry a heavy bag or briefcase on only one shoulder; Sleep on a hard mattress; Maintain proper posture when sitting, walking, and even when doing physical activity; Exercise daily.

Kyphoscoliosis is a disease that is a curvature of the spine.

Moreover, not just curvature, but accompanied by twisting around its axis and curvature in two planes.

This complex combination of spinal deformities creates difficulties in treatment.

The curvature of the spine during the disease sometimes ranges from 0 to 45 degrees.

It mainly affects children. And it can manifest itself both in childhood and adolescence. After all, it is at this time that the formation and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system occurs.

To understand the features of this disease, you need to get acquainted with all the nuances and features of its course.

This disease can be congenital, starting in the womb.

Congenital thoracic kyphoscoliosis occurs due to developmental disorders of the fetus. The reasons for the development of these disorders are not fully understood.

The danger is that this disease is not always immediately identified. And it doesn’t always show up right away.

It may appear after several months. Or maybe for several months initial stage, and then begin to progress sharply.

The causes of this disease are often:

incorrect posture during a sedentary life and when sitting at the computer for many hours; incorrect posture during lessons at the table; carrying a bag constantly on the same shoulder; complications after this dangerous disease, like polio; cerebral palsy; complication after spinal injury; complications with various types osteochondrosis; in case of tumor development in different departments spine or development of a hernia; genetic disposition.


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There are 4 degrees of kyphoscoliosis:

1st degree (characterized by deviations in the curvature of the spine and torsion); 2nd degree (pronounced lateral deviation, increased tortuosity, disease progression is visible); 3rd degree (deformation of the ribs and chest organs, formation of a hump); 4th degree (has a pronounced severe deformation of the spine, chest and pelvis).

The last degree is considered advanced and very dangerous. It can lead to deformation of the lungs and other organs, and then to disability.

Shortness of breath, signs of heart failure appear, and the syndrome develops pulmonary heart, which is an irreversible complication in which the patient’s life expectancy is reduced by at least a decade.

The clinical picture changes as the disease progresses:

Initial degree of disease practically does not give any symptoms, except perhaps faster fatigue and slight shortness of breath during physical exertion. Indeed, at the 1st stage of development of this disease, noticeable external deviations of the spinal axis have not yet formed. This disease can only be suspected by a slight asymmetry of the vertical axis, and even then only upon careful examination. And now at the second stage the asymmetry is already more visible; it can be easily seen by standing the child upright and looking at the back. And then attentive parents begin to sound the alarm. In addition, the child not only experiences increased shortness of breath, but also back pain, accompanied by urinary incontinence and loss of sensation in the lower extremities. Shortness of breath when third degree The development of the disease is further intensified due to compression of the lungs by the ribs of the chest. Slouching and disturbances in the functioning of the heart and vascular system. 4th stage- the heaviest. It is accompanied by curvatures not only of the spine and ribs, but also of the pelvis, severe pain in the back area, an increase in the size of the hump, numbness in the legs and arms due to pinching of the spinal cord by deformed discs.

The photo shows 2nd degree kyphoscoliosis on MRI

To make a correct diagnosis and determine the stage of the disease, examinations and consultations with an orthopedist and neurologist are usually prescribed.

During the examination, the deformation of the spine in various positions, the preservation of tendon reflexes, whether there is numbness in the legs, etc. are assessed.

The angle of deformity is determined using an x-ray, which can be taken while standing or lying down. MRI and computed tomography may also be prescribed.

Evaluated by palpation skin sensitivity legs, it is checked whether reflexes are preserved and whether muscle efforts are symmetrical.

Treatment for kyphoscoliosis depends on the degree of the disease.

In grade 1, the goal of treatment is to form a corset of muscles and improve joint mobility. The complex of treatment for kyphoscoliosis should include:

back massage; manual therapy; physiotherapy; gymnastic exercises; acupuncture.

Should be subordinated to the same goals healing procedures and with stage 2 disease. Therefore, the procedures prescribed to the patient are the same as for patients with the first degree.

Stages 3 and 4 of the disease are treated surgically. The operation is necessary to fix the spine in the desired position using metal structures.

After the operation, the patient lives in a corset for several months. But even after a successful operation, the lungs will not straighten out. Their volume will remain the same as before the operation.

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The therapy is based on the following methods:

Physiotherapy. It is the basis of preventive correction. The exercises are aimed at forming a strengthening corset of muscles, to strengthen some muscles and relax others. The doctor selects them. It is better to do this under the supervision of exercise therapy instructors. Uncontrolled and increased loads will only lead to worsening. You shouldn’t invent exercises and do them yourself. If you have kyphoscoliosis, you can’t even jump. Wearing a corset. With the help of individually selected orthopedic corsets and reclinators, you can develop normal posture and stop the development of the disease at the initial stage. Physiotherapy. It is prescribed to relieve pain, improve blood circulation and eliminate muscle dystrophy. Acupuncture. Helps get rid of pain, also helps normalize blood circulation in the spine, eliminates congestive painful phenomena. Manual therapy. It helps improve posture, normalize gait, and eliminate deformation of discs in the spine and joints. Medicines. These are painkillers and restoratives. Among them there are those that stop inflammatory processes. They are prescribed by a doctor to relieve inflammation and pain.

Surgical intervention is prescribed when it is detected Hard case curvature of the spine, accompanied by severe pain, progressive neurological disorder, dysfunction of organs located in the compressed chest, and pelvic deformation.

During the operation, a structure of metal rods and hooks is installed, with the help of which the spinal axis is aligned and the vertebrae are fixed in the desired position.

After the operation, the patient must wear a plaster corset for more than six months.

You just need to remember that the operation will not correct the already damaged shape of the lungs and will not change their volume. But after it you can improve the saturation and enrichment of blood with oxygen.

If kyphoscoliosis progresses, osteochondrosis, disc deformation and the appearance of spinal hernias may develop. Arthrosis may also occur.

The consequence of such disorders can be infringement of the spinal cord, which will lead to numbness of the limbs and dysfunction of the pelvis.

This disease limits the functionality of the diaphragm. Because of this, the load on the chest muscles increases and lung capacity decreases. As a result, little oxygen enters the blood, and carbon dioxide getting bigger. Deformation of the chest leads to deformation and disruption of the heart.

The digestive organs also fail.

Prevention needs to be done with early childhood and continue all the time, especially if there are cases of scoliosis or other postural disorders in the family.

What are preventive measures?

exercise, which helps improve muscle tone and posture; a backpack that correctly distributes the load on the spine; a student’s workplace that helps maintain posture; The child should sleep on a hard bed; You cannot carry weights in the same hand or a bag on the same shoulder; the load should be equal on both shoulders.

Kyphoscoliosis is a disease of the thoracic spine that combines signs of scoliosis and kyphosis. With scoliosis, the spine is curved to the right or left side, with kyphosis - the bend increases posteriorly.

Long-term sitting position negatively affects posture. In children with incorrect posture, scoliosis first develops, and then kyphosis is added to it. The disease is more common among boys than girls.

To compensate for the load, there are several curved areas in the spine, which external signs humans do not have. Due to unfavorable factors, these areas become more curved, which can lead to damage not only to the entire spine, but also to individual intervertebral discs. As a result, kyphoscoliosis may develop.

Scoliosis and kyphosis develop mainly in children during growth. If the spinal muscles are injured or intervertebral discs, then the development of kyphoscoliosis is possible. The main cause of the congenital form of the disease is possible anomalies of intrauterine development.

The most common causes of kyphoscoliosis are:

Long-term sedentary work at the computer Unhealthy lifestyle Excess weight Various injuries back and spine Osteochondrosis Previous spinal surgery Hereditary predisposition Poliomyelitis Psychological stress

Appearance of this disease adversely affects the functioning of internal organs. Kyphoscoliosis greatly affects the decrease in lung volume due to decreased mobility of the diaphragm. With a lack of oxygen, gas exchange in the lungs is disrupted, which may result in pulmonary failure. This affects the activity of the heart and blood circulation.

Poor posture can be congenital or acquired. The congenital form of kyphoscoliosis is a pathology of vertebral development. The cause of the disease can also be the formation of extra or fused ribs.

The disease can be detected in a child already in the first years of life. Congenital disease may be accompanied by the appearance of neurological disorders. Already by 6-8 months, when the child begins to sit, curvature is noticeable.

If kyphoscoliosis is detected on early stages development, the disease is easily treatable.

The development of acquired kyphoscoliosis is influenced by many factors. The disease can appear due to injury to the back and individual vertebrae, inflammatory process, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, underdevelopment bone structures etc.

There are 4 forms of kyphoscoliosis:

Hereditary kyphoscoliosis Postoperative kyphoscoliosis Post-traumatic kyphoscoliosis Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis

Hereditary form diseases can manifest themselves and be transmitted through several generations.

Postoperative kyphoscoliosis develops after surgical intervention on the spine. It usually occurs when the doctor’s recommendations and regimen after surgery are not followed.

Post-traumatic kyphoscoliosis occurs after injuries. The disease may appear due to a fracture of the spine in the thoracic region.

If it is not possible to establish the cause of the disease, then a diagnosis is made idiopathic kyphoscoliosis. This is exactly the diagnosis given to teenagers.

The following degrees of kyphoscoliosis are distinguished:

1st degree. Characterized by slight lateral curvature, usually in right side, as well as slight twisting. 2nd degree. It is distinguished by a pronounced lateral deviation and noticeable twisting. 3rd degree. The development of a rib hump and deformation of the chest are characteristic. 4th degree. The spine, chest and pelvic bones are subject to deformation. An anterior and posterior hump is formed.

Treatment is prescribed by an orthopedist taking into account the form and extent of the disease.

The main signs indicating the development of kyphoscoliosis:

Pain in the shoulder blades Stooping Numbness and cramps Dizziness Shortness of breath after exercise Weakness Fast fatiguability Heartburn Constipation Urinary incontinence Disturbances in work of cardio-vascular system

In most cases, the disease is accompanied by neurological impairment.

With congenital kyphoscoliosis, a hump may be noticeable in a six-month-old child. The curvature of the spine is noticeable if the patient is in an upright position. Deformation of the spinal column disappears in a supine position. If the disease is not treated, the curvature will be noticeable in any position of the child.

When the first symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an orthopedist.

Depending on the physiological characteristics body, the shape of the spinal column may not correspond to the required parameters. For this reason, the muscles that are located near the spinal column, as well as all parts of the spine, are constantly overloaded.

Kyphoscoliosis can lead to early osteochondrosis and the appearance of myositis. Protrusion can also be observed intervertebral disc and arthrosis of the joints.

Severe scoliosis is a prerequisite for dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and lungs. In addition, there is a malfunction of the organs digestive system: the functions of individual organs are reduced, their location is disrupted. The patient has an increased risk of developing inflammation, impaired motility and tone of the gallbladder.

An orthopedist is involved in the treatment of kyphoscoliosis, but to diagnose accurate diagnosis It is recommended to consult a neurologist. Qualified specialists will examine the patient, assess the degree of deformation of the spinal column in different positions, sensitivity and tendon reflexes.

In children, direct and lateral radiographs of the spine are prescribed to determine kyphoscoliosis.

If necessary, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography can be performed.

The disease can be completely eliminated only in childhood, since the skeletal system in children is more flexible than in adults. However, properly selected treatment will help alleviate the patient’s condition and reduce the manifestations of the disease.

Treatment of kyphoscoliosis will be effective and successful if you consult a doctor at the initial stage of development of the disease. Depending on the degree and form of kyphoscoliosis and the age of the patient, conservative or surgical treatment is prescribed.

Conservative treatment of kyphoscoliosis involves performing special exercises and using a corset. In the early stages of the disease (grades 1 and 2), it is necessary to perform exercises physical therapy using a corset. Physical therapy helps strengthen the muscles of the back, abs, and shoulder girdle.

A corrective corset can be used as a therapeutic device for fixing the spine. It consists of a frame that follows the profile of a person and is located along the back. The corset has a fastening system with upper and lower belts that cover the human body horizontally. Corsets are made for each individual individually.

To improve blood circulation, increase muscle plasticity, and activate metabolic processes in tissues, physiotherapy is prescribed: massage, acupuncture, kinesiotherapy, manual therapy and etc.

Moderate physical activity and swimming are not contraindicated for patients, with the exception of volleyball and basketball.

On late stages development of the disease, when the curvature of the spine is noticeable, then surgical intervention is resorted to.

Main indications for surgery:

Pronounced pain syndrome; Rapid development of the pathological process; Visible neurological impairment; The bending angle of the curvature is more than 45 degrees.

The operation involves installing special hooks into the vertebrae. To align the spine, special rods are used that are attached to hooks.

This procedure corrects the curvature of the spinal column, improves the balance of the torso, and increases the volume of the chest. All this helps to increase vital capacity lungs.

A patient with kyphoscoliosis should regularly engage in therapeutic exercises, perform special exercises, Healthy food.

Therapeutic exercises should be performed only those recommended by the doctor. It is important to ensure that they are performed correctly. Sample exercises:

In a lying position, raise your straight right leg up and lower it down towards your left leg. At the same time, make sure that inner surface right leg touched the floor. Perform with the other leg. Lie on your stomach and slowly raise your legs, first one and then the other. The lower back can be slightly arched. Stand with your back to the wall and take a step forward. Next, place your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly. It is necessary to bend back, while trying to touch the back of your head to the wall. Stay in this position for 10-20 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times. Standing, raise your hands up and clasp them in a lock. Stretch your arms up as you inhale and stand up on your toes a little, then slowly lower as you exhale. Perform the exercise 5 times. Tilt the body to the left and right while sliding the hand along the leg. When bending, the opposite arm rises up.

You should sleep on a hard bed and preferably on your back. You need to move more. Standing on one leg is not recommended. You should sit upright. Carrying bags on one shoulder is prohibited; distribute the load evenly. Do not lift weights or jump.

To prevent the progression of the disease, it is important to teach your child to play sports from childhood and follow the above recommendations.

Kyphoscoliosis in the thoracic region is an orthopedic disease characterized by deformation of the spinal column in two planes at once: an increase in the physiological thoracic curve (kyphosis) and curvature in the frontal plane to the left or right.

Causes of kyphoscoliosis

The spinal column has physiological curves, thanks to which the load is compensated. By various reasons bends can become deformed and strengthened. A bending angle approaching 45°, as well as spinal deformation to the right or left, are pathologies.

Curvature of the spine occurs for the following reasons:

  • abnormal development of the spine in the fetus during pregnancy (congenital pathology);
  • genetic component;
  • injuries;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • polio;
  • inflammatory processes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • tumors.

However, kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic spine is not always caused by any pathology. Curvature of the spinal column can result from:

  • overweight;
  • heavy loads (athletes, loaders, etc.);
  • incorrect posture (schoolchildren, drivers, office workers);
  • sedentary lifestyle.

Kyphoscoliosis is more common among schoolchildren. Curvature of the spine occurs due to prolonged sitting at a desk with incorrect posture, wearing heavy backpacks in combination with insufficient development and increased plasticity musculoskeletal system(juvenile osteoporosis). Often, kyphosis (stooping) is a consequence of the child’s psychological discomfort tall. In childhood, spinal curvature occurs approximately 5 times more often in boys than in girls.

Symptoms of spinal curvature

Kyphoscoliosis can be static and progressive (gradual increase in curvature). Pathology of the spine disrupts the functioning of internal organs:

  • decreased mobility of the diaphragm and, in fact, the chest explains the decrease in lung volume;
  • excessive tension in the respiratory muscles disrupts gas exchange (the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases), leading to heart and pulmonary failure;
  • progressive cophoscoliosis can cause chronic circulatory failure.


  • back pain (thoracic region, often the scapular region), caused by compression of the intervertebral nerves;
  • numbness and weakness of the legs, possible cramps;
  • dizziness, headaches;
  • gastrointestinal disorders (heartburn, constipation);
  • weakness throughout the body;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • a characteristic visual change in posture (kyphoscoliotic posture) and a deformed chest.

Important! Kyphoscoliosis in newborns appears when the baby learns to sit. The curvature of the spine is first noticeable in a sitting position and disappears in a horizontal position. If left untreated, the pathology becomes noticeable in any position of the child. It is worth noting that kyphoscoliosis in newborns develops faster and is more pronounced than scoliosis. Pathological curvature leads to uneven growth of the vertebrae in front and back.

The severity of symptoms depends on the degree of curvature.
1st degree: slight lateral curvature, minimal torsion (twisting).
2nd degree: pronounced curvature in the frontal plane and less noticeable torsion.
3rd degree: deformation of the chest (formation of a rib hump).
4th degree: pathological curvature of the entire body with inclusion pelvic bones, formation of the anterior and posterior costal hump.

The diagnosis of thoracic kyphoscoliosis is usually made on the basis of data obtained during examination of the patient by an orthopedist. To obtain an accurate picture of the curvature, magnetic resonance imaging or x-rays are prescribed. If pathology is identified, consultation with a neurologist and other specialized specialists would be appropriate.

Directions in the treatment of thoracic kyphoscoliosis

In most cases, the curvature of the spine is not given due attention. Meanwhile, progressive pathology can cause serious violations in the functioning of internal organs. Kyphoscoliosis is completely eliminated only in childhood. The skeletal system in adults is less flexible, even correct treatment It will only alleviate the condition and can minimize the manifestations.

Conservative treatment

Effective for grade 1-2 kyphoscoliosis. Return normal shape spine - a complex of individually selected procedures and measures:

  • massage;
  • spinal traction;
  • manual therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • swimming;
  • acupuncture, etc.

All activities are designed to reduce the load on the spine, restore the correct alignment of the vertebrae and strengthen the back muscles. Therapeutic gymnastics plays a major role in the treatment of spinal curvatures. A set of exercises is compiled individually depending on the severity of the pathology, age and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Important! Duration conservative treatment kyphoscoliosis depends on the degree of pathology.

Radical treatment

Curvature of 3-4 degrees requires more radical measures. In this case, they resort to mechanical correction of the spine (wearing immobilizing corsets, using other orthopedic devices).

Important! When using corsets, you should strictly follow the recommendations of the orthopedist, otherwise you can achieve the completely opposite result: the back muscles will weaken even more, and osteoporosis may develop.

Surgery for kyphoscoliosis is performed in the following cases:

  • diagnosing a severe form of curvature with a bending angle of more than 45°;
  • rapid development of pathology, threat of spinal cord compression;
  • severe pain that is not relieved by medications;
  • cosmetic discomfort of the patient.

During the operation, the spine is strengthened with special correctors (rods, hooks, staples), the result is secured by wearing a corset for several months. During the recovery period, massage courses are also carried out, and the patient is shown special physical exercises.

Important! Without further strengthening of the muscle frame, the result of the operation may be minimized, and the curvature will reappear.

Kyphoscoliosis of the thoracic region is an insignificant, at first glance, pathology, which still should not be left without treatment. One should not despair: step-by-step complex treatment can significantly strengthen the back muscles and eliminate curvature.

Kyphoscoliosis is a disease accompanied by excessive thoracic curvature of the spine (kyphosis) and displacement of its axis in the lateral plane (scoliosis). This combination of deformities leads to some specific symptoms that differ from hyperkyphosis and classic scoliosis.

Classification of the disease

To assess the severity of the disease, in medicine it is classified by degree:

  • 1st degree kyphoscoliosis is accompanied by a slight displacement of the spinal axis (angle 45-55 degrees) with slight twisting of the vertebrae (rotation);
  • 2nd degree kyphoscoliosis is characterized by a curvature angle of 55-65 degrees and a tortuous course of the spinal column axis;
  • Grade 3 leads to visible deformation of the chest and the appearance of a vertebral hump;
  • 4th degree kyphoscoliosis is accompanied by severe curvature of the spine with a curvature angle of more than 75 degrees.

Depending on the direction of the curvature, there are 2 types of disease:

  1. Right-handed.
  2. Left-handed.

Depending on the etiological factor, the following types of pathology are distinguished:

  1. Congenital.
  2. Acquired.

Congenital kyphoscoliosis of the 2nd degree can be detected immediately after the birth of the child. It occurs due to an abnormality of the vertebral arches, a violation of the transformation of cartilage tissue into bone (osteochondropathia), and weakness of the back muscles (myodystrophy, myopathy). Typically, stage 1 of the disease goes unnoticed, since it does not create any special external deformations of the vertical axis of the body. Only when the child is several months old can a curvature of the spine be suspected based on the asymmetrical location of the vertical axis of the body. In the practice of doctors, there have been cases of detection of grade 3 kyphoscoliosis immediately after the birth of a child, which is associated with intrauterine malformations of the skeletal system. Acquired kyphoscoliosis is classified according to the following reasons:

  • rachitic – with a lack of vitamin D. It appears several months after birth, when the curvature of the spine reaches 2 degrees;
  • paralytic – formed against the background of polio or cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • habitual kyphoscoliosis accompanies incorrect posture;
  • rheumatic type is a consequence of damage to cartilage tissue by antirheumatic antibodies;
  • dysplastic – appears against the background of disproportionate growth of the skeletal and muscular systems.

Sudden grade 2 or 3 spinal pathology in children aged 14-15 years most often develops for no apparent reason. This type is called idiopathic. A harbinger of its occurrence is scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spine) when sitting incorrectly at a school desk or carrying a heavy briefcase. In tall children, pathology is formed on the basis of psychological characteristics. They slouch because they want to be shorter (to be comparable in height to their peers).

With stage 2 disease, one of the most pronounced symptoms is shortness of breath. It appears due to a decrease in the volume of lung tissue with a decrease in the mobility of the chest against the background of spinal deformation. Other symptoms of kyphoscoliosis 2, 3 degrees:

  • pain in the back;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • loss of sensation in the lower extremities.

Advanced stages of the disease (grades 3 and 4) lead to disability. It appears due to impaired mobility of the chest, pinched nerve roots in the spinal cord. To prevent the development of disability, at the slightest suspicion of spinal deformity, doctors prescribe an X-ray examination. It involves taking functional radiographs in the supine, standing, and spinal column stretching positions. To clarify the diagnosis, magnetic resonance and computed tomography are prescribed.

How to treat the disease

Treatment of the disease is based on the severity of the pathology and the presence of changes in other organs. When there is a curvature of the spinal column of 1.2 degrees, efforts are aimed at creating a strong muscular corset of the back, which will support the axis of the spine in a vertical position.

List of procedures: therapeutic exercises, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy. Deformation of the spinal column of 3, 4 degrees requires surgical treatment. It is performed to restore the correct position of the vertebrae. For these purposes, special metal rods are used to fix the damaged section in a physiological position. After the operation, the person must walk in a cast for some time. Dysplastic kyphoscoliosis requires restoration of proportional relationships between the skeletal and muscular systems. For this purpose, the orthopedic traumatologist selects a complex of strengthening gymnastics. Indications for surgical treatment:

  • Low effectiveness of conservative therapy for persistent pain;
  • Rapid progression of the disease with a high probability of intervertebral hernia formation;
  • Cosmetic defects of the back;
  • Severe curvature, complicating the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In most cases, the disease responds well to treatment up to 12 years, while intensive growth of the vertebrae is observed. If detected early in children, grade 1 and 2 kyphoscoliosis can be cured within a year. In some situations, doctors even manage to get rid of 3rd degree curvature without surgery.

To prevent the development of this pathology, the following recommendations must be constantly followed:

  1. Do not carry a heavy bag or briefcase on only one shoulder;
  2. Sleep on a hard mattress;
  3. Maintain proper posture when sitting, walking, and even when doing physical activity;
  4. Exercise daily.