Disinfect aquarium fish with potassium permanganate. Carrying out disinfection in the aquarium. Hydrogen peroxide in an aquarium in emergency situations

Aquarium soil should be prepared before placing in the aquarium. Regardless of what it is and where you purchased it, it must be washed thoroughly to free it from debris and suspended matter. After all, even if it is clean in appearance, if it has a chemically safe composition, during packaging, storage, and transportation, it could very well acquire a variety of undesirable additives: for example, shavings, pine needles or dust, which are removed precisely during washing.

Preparing soil for an aquarium is carried out as follows: the material for the soil is poured into a plastic bucket and filled with water. It is not recommended to use chrome-plated or enameled containers for washing. After all, sharp edges in combination with the considerable weight of the soil may well damage the coating and chip the enamel. Preparing the soil begins with thoroughly washing it. The result will be much better if the soil is washed in small portions, about three or four kilograms each. Even if this takes a little more time, it will save energy and, most importantly, improve the quality of washing. It is recommended to do the washing in running water, stirring the soil vigorously with your hands (provided, of course, that you are sure that there are no piercing or cutting chips or particles in it), although it is best to use a strong wooden spatula for this purpose. Flushing is carried out until the water flowing from the ground becomes completely transparent.

The water in the rinse bucket should be changed as often as possible. The substrate should be washed, as noted just above, until the water gets rid of signs of turbidity. After all, if you wash the sand and stones carelessly, the water in the aquarium will soon become cloudy from dust. Dust will certainly rise up and form a film on the surface of the water, which will interfere with gas exchange. And there is no need to entertain vain hopes that the filter will later eliminate such a problem. Some of the dust, of course, will settle, but it will rise up every time the fish want to dig into the ground. A handful of soil thrown into a bucket will tell you better than any words that the preparation of the soil for the aquarium has been completed. If there is no stirring of the water, then the work has been done efficiently.

Preparation of the soil in some way presupposes its sterility, so that there is no place in the tank for snail eggs or other embryos of any kind. As a rule, disinfection is carried out by calcination, boiling or chemical disinfection. Boiling with water for 15 minutes with continuous stirring of the soil is considered the most in a simple way its processing. After this, the soil must be washed with warm water.

To disinfect the aquarium soil, it is absolutely necessary to calcine it in the oven or boil it; how to prepare it, for example, for calcination, you ask. Place on a baking sheet and place in the oven for half an hour at approximately one hundred degrees. Please note that if the soil is plastic, this procedure is contraindicated for it; in this case, only washing is carried out. Chemical disinfection involves the use of a 10% solution of ordinary chlorine. The soil is poured with it, and after two hours it is washed with plenty of water until there is no chlorine smell left. Then the container is filled with water again, a dechlorinator is added (a tenth of the recommended dose), sand and stones have been lying in this water for 15 minutes, gradually the entire soil composition is mixed, then the water is drained, the soil is thoroughly dried.

Preparing soil for an aquarium with dark colored soil light color It is carried out like this: the starting material is placed in a supersaturated solution of potassium permanganate, known to everyone, kept for two to four weeks, then washed well.

For a soft-water aquarium, the soil, if it contains a lot of carbonates or marble, is freed of magnesium and calcium using a 30% citric acid solution. Process gravel and sand in an enamel bowl, stirring its contents with a stick until gases (bubbles) cease to be released. Then the soil is washed in running water for two hours. It should be noted that caution is required when working with acids. Acidify the water after chemical treatment not required.

Before using aquarium soil, always test it for suitability for use in a soft water aquarium using a calcium test. If you have a commercial test for nitrates (a bottle labeled “contains hydrochloric acid”), it is not difficult to check the soil. Take a bottle with the test and drop a couple of drops onto the soil - if it bubbles and hisses, such soil has no place in the aquarium. If there is no specialized test, you can use regular citric acid. Pour a small amount of soil with water 1:1 and add citric acid to the solution at the rate of 3 grams per 100 grams of soil with water. The soil for an aquarium is unsuitable if bubbles appear, which means great content calcium and therefore water hardness (pH) such soil will only increase. If there is no choice, and you have to take soil from increased content hardness salts, then using the same citric acid you can get rid of excess calcium.

The need for complete disinfection aquarium infrequently, but still sometimes occurs. Moreover, it is not necessary that your fish have obvious infectious diseases - the aquarium should be disinfected when new residents move in, even if everything is fine with the previous ones. It may contain hidden infections, which do not affect healthy fish, but can be activated, for example, under stress.

Question: “HOW TO retrain a baby to go to the litter box (she is 4 months old)? » - 3 answers

You will need

  • Disinfectant;
  • Ultraviolet lamp (if available);
  • A saucepan for boiling soil (if necessary).


1. The simplest way is processing aquarium hot water, ideally with boiling water. In this case, all germs and microorganisms will die. Be careful: the water temperature must be increased gradually so that the glass does not crack. But this method is only suitable for seamless aquariums and structures with hard glue - it looks like ceramics. If the glass is sealed with soft silicone sealant, hot water will make it soft and the aquarium may begin to leak, and the glued container may even fall apart.

2. One more effective method- a strong disinfectant. You can treat your aquarium with a powerful liquid cleaner or a chlorine solution. But after treatment, the aquarium must be thoroughly rinsed, since even small residues of the cleaning agent can kill the fish. Ideally, the aquarium should be thoroughly rinsed several times, then filled with water, allowed to stand for a day and then rinsed again.

3. Also for disinfection aquarium You can use hydrogen peroxide. It is weaker than previous options, but safer. Of course, the aquarium will have to be washed with water, but not so intensively.

4. For processing aquarium You can use regular table salt. First, make a paste of salt and water and use a soft sponge to treat the glass and seams. Then fill the aquarium with water, add salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water and leave for a couple of hours. Then drain the water and rinse the aquarium thoroughly - salt is harmful to many species of fish, and for some it is fatal.

5. Another disinfection method that can be applied even to aquarium plants without the risk of destroying them is potassium permanganate. Make a medium pink solution and rinse the aquarium, wiping the inside with a soft sponge. Then wash the aquarium with water. Plants for disinfection should be placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 10-15 minutes. Do not overdo the concentration - there is a risk of burning the plants and staining the glass with a brown coating.

6. There is a drug that can be used to disinfect an aquarium even with fish - methylene blue. It has bactericidal and fungicidal properties, but is practically harmless to living organisms. The drug is available in the form of drops; for disinfection you need to dilute it in a ratio of 2 ml per 10 liters of water. The only drawback is that it paints everything blue.

7. There is another gentle method of disinfection that does not harm plants and fish - an ultraviolet lamp. This option can be used either independently or in combination with the above. Using the lamp is simple: use it for several days instead of a regular lamp.

8. When the need for disinfection arises aquarium, the question arises: what to do with the soil. The most effective way is to boil it. In this case, all microbes die with one hundred percent probability.


If the fish were sick, but you cured them, still disinfect the aquarium. The infection may be latent and will manifest itself sooner or later.

Helpful advice

Be sure to ask your family or friends to help you; it is very difficult to manage even a small aquarium alone.

Proper aquarium care - disinfection

Do not forget that an aquarium is a real home for fish. He, like human habitation, needs cleaning. If a person can provide himself with frequent cleaning, then such a luxury is not available for fish, so it is the owner who must disinfect the aquarium and monitor the condition of his pets. Many people know about this, but not everyone knows how to disinfect an aquarium correctly.

Primary activities

On-line disinfection measures

If the aquarium is already functioning, but something bad happened and various bacteria and algae began to appear in it, then disinfection cannot be avoided. It is urgent to save plants and fish from there.

All fauna that was in the contaminated aquarium must be treated antibacterial solution. The most popular is a mixture of 10 mg penatsillin per 2 liters of water. Keep the plants in it for about 3 days. Don’t be afraid, nothing bad will happen to the plants during this time. The aquarium itself can be disinfected with a special bactericidal lamp every day for 20 minutes. Disinfection of the aquarium is necessary even if there are no visible problems. Preventive actionsThe best way maintaining the health of fish and other inhabitants. The next disinfection begins with disinfecting treatment of all surfaces. The simplest means at hand are potassium permanganate and peroxide. Remove all the fish and decor from there, then fill it to the edge with 3% peroxide or a dark solution of potassium permanganate. Leave everything for 5-6 hours. After this, thoroughly rinse all surfaces and corners.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to wait that long, then you can use the express method. Buy a special solution at the pet store that is designed to disinfect all surfaces. Don't forget to wear gloves before working. If you have the opportunity to treat everything with formaldehyde, chloramine, hydrochloric acid, then use this option.

To disinfect plants, it is necessary to prepare a penicillin solution in a ratio of 10:2. Leave all the plants there for about three days.

The most common means:

  • Isopropane 70%;
  • Ethanol 70%;
  • Sidex;
  • N-propanol 60%.

You can wipe the plants with these products just once; this will be enough to kill the pathogenic sphere. These products are sold in pet pharmacies. The rest of the equipment should be boiled. To be sure, keep them in boiling water for at least 20 minutes. The more time they spend in boiling water, the less chance the bacteria have to survive. Please note that rubber, plastic and thermometers should never be boiled.

Choose the most convenient method for yourself and enjoy the view of a beautiful, healthy aquarium with happy fish.

Disinfection of the aquarium and aquarium equipment

Inorganic disinfectants

To completely disinfect the aquarium and equipment, you first need to decide on the solution that will be used to treat all surfaces. The simplest and most easily accessible are a solution of hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate. The aquarium is filled to the brim with a 3% solution and left for 4-5 hours or washed with the product high concentration. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent disinfectant because it has the ability to completely decompose; Moreover, the decomposition products are not dangerous for fish. But remember that it can damage human skin, so disinfecting an aquarium should only be carried out with gloves and goggles. A light solution of chloramine, formalin, bleach and hydrochloric acid will also perfectly clean the aquarium.

Disinfection with alcohols

Special disinfectants for aquariums

Disinfection by boiling

Restarting the aquarium

Restarting the aquarium: possible reasons

What could be the reasons for restarting an aquarium with fish?

Quick restart

Aquarium flora, soil and decorations

the washing up

Direct restart

Restarting an aquarium after fish illness

Restarting the aquarium, disinfection

This process is the most time-consuming. It must be produced if the pathogens are dangerous to fish and plants. infectious diseases settled in the ground, on plants and interior decoration parts.

As in other cases, the fish are moved to a quarantine vessel, where they are treated. All other parts of the aqua system are subject to mandatory disinfection (the container itself, equipment, plants, soil, filter, thermometer, aerator, design items).

You can pour water with washing powder into the jar in the proportion of 400 g of powder per 30 liters of water. All surfaces are thoroughly washed, and then the aquarium is rinsed several times. warm water. After this, a new one is poured pure water, which stands for a day, then drains.

What to do with vegetation?

How to clean and wash an aquarium: rules, methods, video examples

Washing and cleaning a new - purchased aquarium

Routine cleaning and washing of the aquarium

Planned and global cleaning of the aquarium is carried out by experienced aquarists. Perhaps the most main question here - how often should it be done? I hasten to happily inform you that it is not necessary to completely wash the aquarium often. Such cleaning is carried out approximately once every 5 years. This period is purely individual and depends on the number of fish and plants in the aquarium.

Routine cleaning of an aquarium is carried out more thoroughly than washing a new aquarium. Such an aquarium is washed with chemicals several times, the growths are mechanically removed and scraped off, the aquarium is subjected to heat treatment. After washing, it is advisable to leave such an aquarium to dry for at least a day.

Washing and cleaning the aquarium in emergency situations - after illness and treatment of fish

Aquarium disinfection

Unfortunately, it happens that an infection gets into the aquarium. As a result, the fish get sick and need treatment, and the aquarium needs total disinfection.

In such cases, a simple wash will not do. Infected aquariums are filled to the brim with disinfectants for a day. The easiest way to fill an aquarium with bleach or other household disinfectants. Please note - DISINFECTANTS!!! Not all household chemicals has disinfectant properties, read the instructions for the product.

In addition, all aquarium equipment is subjected to heat treatment - boiling.

Since some people in “Cleaning the Aquarium” include the concept of weekly cleaning of the aquarium, we will also cover this issue.

Weekly washing and cleaning of the aquarium

When cleaning your aquarium weekly, you should strictly follow the following procedure:

1. You get the equipment: filter, aeration, thermostat. Everything is washed and put aside.

2. If necessary, plants are cared for and trimmed.

3. Clean the walls of the aquarium. Use a sponge or special scrapers and glass cleaners.

4. If necessary, siphon the soil. There is no need to clean the soil weekly, especially if there are live plants in the aquarium.

5. Only after this is the water changed: the old water is drained and freshly settled water is added.

6. The cleaned equipment is installed back.

Do not forget to wipe the aquarium lid and lamps from the inside at least once a month.

After all manipulations, the aquarium is wiped with a dry cloth; stains can be removed using a window cleaner.

By following the above simple rules, the process of washing an aquarium will not be difficult and tedious, and the result will be as effective as possible.

Useful video on how to clean and wash an aquarium

Hydrogen peroxide for an aquarium: benefit or harm

Operating principle

Treatment of fish

Hydrogen peroxide against algae

Hydrogen peroxide in an aquarium in emergency situations

Is hydrogen peroxide harmful to plants, fish and biofilter bacteria?

Hydrogen peroxide: aquarium disinfection

In high concentrations, H 2 O 2 is a good disinfectant. Kills all microflora, and after treatment there is no need for thorough rinsing (as, for example, after using chlorine-containing products), since it decomposes into safe oxygen and hydrogen.

Disinfection with hydrogen peroxide can be used after an outbreak of infectious diseases, as well as if the aquarium has been attacked by hydras, planaria, or if small snails have catastrophically multiplied in it.

For disinfection, all living things (what we want to preserve) are removed from the aquarium - fish, invertebrates, plants. The soil and equipment can be left inside, in which case it will also be disinfected.

30-40% perhydrol is poured into the aquarium (not pharmaceutical 3%, but a highly concentrated industrial solution of hydrogen peroxide), which is then diluted with water so that the concentration is 4-6%.

After treatment, the liquid is drained, the aquarium is rinsed with clean water, if there was soil, it is thoroughly siphoned off from the remnants of dead organic matter, after which the jar is ready for use. There is nothing alive in her anymore.

If you need to remove planaria and hydra without restarting the aquarium, this can be done in an existing container by adding a pharmaceutical solution to a concentration of 4 ml per 10 liters of water.

Other uses of H 2 O 2

Restarting the aquarium: fast and correct

Restarting a sick and green aquarium

The next day, at eight in the morning, having pulled on fresh superman shorts over my tights, I flew out to buy the aquarium chemicals necessary to start the aquarium!

Purchased: 250 ml. Tetra AquaSafe, 100ml. Tetra Vital, Teta NitratMinus Perls (granules), Tetra NitatMinus (liquid), Bactozym. Along the way, we bought hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy and a package of baking soda at the market.

Upon arrival home, total cleaning and disinfection of the aquarium began. Since the aquarium was not part of the bathroom, I had to wash it in the hallway, fortunately I took the hose from the yacht home with me.

The aquarium was rubbed twice with soda and washed off. Then rinse twice with hydrogen peroxide. Dried with a hairdryer, glued weak points silicone.

Meanwhile, the fish became completely unwell, especially the shifters, who were completely bloated, and their bodies began to become covered with either a fungus or a bacterial infection.

The decision was made for total treatment in buckets. Fortunately, the sick changelings were planted separately from the cichlids and the latter felt better. Nevertheless, a good dose was injected into both Methylenki, Contractal, as well as a solution of tsiprolet(antibiotic).

Somewhere after lunch, we got around to installing the cabinet and aquarium. Everything was measured using a level. Additionally, the bedding was cut from the remnants of the laminate underlayment.

Afterwards, the washing of the terribly green soil began urgently. Manually, about twenty times, I ground and washed it with Domestos. The first five drains of water from under the ground were fictitious black in color, b..! Then, brown... bah! Then green! By the twentieth time, the water finally became light, but I turned green, because... I couldn’t feel my arms or back.

After, not counting wild fatigue, pleasant moments of anticipation began in anticipation of the imminent launch of the aquarium. Soil was poured onto the bottom of the aquarium; Tetra NitratMinus Perls granules were used, which were scattered and evenly mixed with the soil. A Bactozem-a capsule was also scattered at the bottom. Then, the donated and recently washed decor (two driftwood and shells) was placed, a lock and amphorae were removed from the bins and installed. A couple of bushes of Vallisneria and Cryptocoryne were planted. It turned out to be the same design))) But, what can you do, cichlids need to hide somewhere.

Meanwhile, the fish began to surface. Urgently, the aquarium began to be filled with water. The hose was connected to the tap, and the other end was put into the aquarium. Water meter readings were taken. The water is turned on!

When I picked up the aquarium, the “experts” said that it was a 200-liter aquarium, I did not argue with them, although it was obvious to the eye that this was not the case. And now TADAM!!! When the water filled the aquarium to the brim, the water meter showed 400 liters!!! The whole bath)))

As soon as the water filled the mega-aquarium, Tetra AquaSafe and Tetra Vital conditioner (conditioner: vitamins, iodine, etc.), and Tetra NitratMinus (liquid) were added. A Bactozyme capsule was placed in the installed filter, in the compartment with ceramics. Fortunately, I took everything with a reserve, enough for 400 liters.

Well, now, a little sadness. The changelings did not live to see a happy, bright future. They swelled up, rummaged around with a white coating and, alas, fell back. Fearing for the Christmas tree cichlids and angelfish, I decided to transfer them to a newly launched aquarium. I know it’s impossible! He himself was afraid and fussed... but he waited three hours (so that the chemistry would somehow improve the water) and transplanted the cichlids into a new “torn out home.”

The night passed - everyone survived! Second day - everyone is alive, there are no signs of illness! HOORAY!


To quickly and immediately restart the aquarium, you will need:









for the treatment of primary drugs for protozoa, bacteria and fungi




Before restarting, you must think through everything carefully, as well as organize your acquaintances and friends, because... their help is irreplaceable.
I express my deep gratitude to my wife and my cat, who helped me with everything they could in an emergency fish transplant

How to wash plants from an aquarium:: disinfection of aquarium plants:: Aquarium fish

Plants in an aquarium have a beneficial effect on its inhabitants great importance, because they enrich the water with oxygen and absorb what is secreted by the fish carbon dioxide. However, you need to remember that an excess of aquatic plants can cause the death of the inhabitants of the aquarium. In order for plants to grow well and not harm the fish, you should follow certain rules for caring for them.

Question: “Opened a pet store. Business is not going well. What to do? » - 2 answers

You will need

  • - solution of potassium permanganate;
  • - hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • - methylene blue solution;
  • - warm water;
  • - container for washing plants.


1. It is necessary to equip the aquarium with a water filter. It needs to be washed and disinfected regularly (once every 2-3 weeks). Besides, a necessary condition is the presence of backlighting.

2. When treating an aquarium, you need to wash not only the soil and other decorative elements, but also the plants, and it is also advisable to pre-disinfect them.

3. A solution of potassium permanganate is suitable for disinfection. To do this, dissolve 10 milligrams of dry crystalline substance in 1 liter warm water. The resulting solution should be pale pink. Soak the plant in it for 30 minutes, then rinse under running water.

4. You can also use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. You can buy it at the pharmacy. In this case, pour 10 milligrams of the solution into a container with 1 liter of water. It is enough to immerse the plant for 5 minutes, then also rinse in running water.

5. Another disinfection method: use a methylene blue solution. You need to take 0.5 grams of dry preparation and dissolve it in 1 liter of hot water. The solution should have a pale blue color. Cool it until room temperature. Then place the plants in the solution and soak for 10 minutes. After this, rinse in warm water.

6. B specialized stores can buy ready-made product to disinfect plants and aquarium accessories and follow the instructions written on the packaging. Then you also need to rinse the plants thoroughly in warm water.

7. After this, the plants need to be carefully inspected, dead and damaged leaves and other parts must be removed. Too large bushes need to be divided, very long roots should be trimmed. This stimulates their growth and gives decorative look aquarium.

Video on the topic


Helpful advice

If you brought a plant from a natural body of water, be especially careful about disinfection, because your pets may die from the introduced infection.

Causes of diseases: , , Left without a host, they live in the biotope for a relatively short time. Therefore, if the aquarist is sure that the pathogens were the above parasites, then aquarium disinfection optional. In this case, it is necessary to remove the fish from the vessel for 15 days, change the water, and then maintain the temperature in the aquarium at 26-28 degrees for 12 days, of which 3 days - 32-33 degrees. Adult parasites will die in the first three days, and those covered with a cyst, having developed after 3-12 days, will not find a new host and will die after three days (a temperature of 32-33 degrees will kill them). After the specified period, you can release the fish back.

But many pathogens of infectious diseases can live in the aquarium for a long time or remain in the form of cysts, eggs, etc. In these cases, the aquarium , inventory is subject to disinfection.

During disinfection, the aquarium is treated disinfectant solution.

The filter material, sprayers, and nets are boiled for 10-15 minutes. Heaters, thermometers, hoses, filter housing (meaning plastic), rubber suction cups should not be boiled. They are also treated with disinfectant solutions. Sprayers can be kept in nitric acid for several hours. The equipment is treated with a soft brush and washed several times with water. The aquarium soil is boiled for 30 minutes or replaced with new one.

Disinfectant solutions:

0.1% solution of potassium permanganate;

3% chloramine solution;

4% formaldehyde solution;

5% solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid;

5% bleach solution.

Order of conduct disinfection aquarium next:, plants, mollusks and other hydrobionts are removed from the biotope (they are subject to separate special treatment, for example, fish -); The vessel is filled with the solution to the brim for one day, the next day the solution is poured out and thoroughly washed several times with clean water. After this, the biotope is started again.

It is useless to use acid preparations, since they do not react to them. For disinfection in this disease, washing powders are used (450 g of powder per 30-40 liters of water). The equipment is also washed in the same solution. After disinfection All items are thoroughly washed several times with warm water and rinsed, then water is poured into the vessel, left for several days, then poured out again and this time filled completely.

At mycobacteriosis The aquarium and equipment can also be disinfected with a 5% solution of bleach or a 3% solution of chloramine: pour 1 liter of solution into the aquarium and carefully wipe the internal and external walls and corners with a rag soaked in it several times a day. After this, the aquarium is rinsed several times, the soil is filled in and filled with fresh, settled water, plants are planted and after a few days the fish are released.

For disinfection can also be used ozonation of water or irradiating it with a bactericidal lamp for 15-20 minutes.

Plants, if they cannot be destroyed, place them in a penicillin solution (50 mg per 10 liters of water). You can also use a solution of bicillin-5 at the rate of 150,000 units per 10 liters of water. carried out in a container with water at a temperature of 24-26 degrees (possibly higher, depending on the type of plant) for 5-6 days (up to two weeks). Disinfectant solution Apply once a day, after changing the water. In the first two hours, the vessel is shaded, then kept under normal lighting.

For some diseases (mainly caused by, for example, , pathogens of which can be at a dormant stage in the form of spores protected by a membrane) aquarium disinfection and aquatic vegetation does not produce results. In this case, the plants are destroyed.

It's obvious that aquarium disinfection- a very labor-intensive operation.
In practice, even experienced aquarists use it quite infrequently: mainly in the event of a mass epidemic. Therefore, the best way is to prevent the onset of an infectious disease in the biotope, which is achieved by quarantining newly arrived aquatic organisms in the aquarium, careful selection and processing of food (live), proper care, daily inspection and culling of fish with suspected diseases, etc.

  • 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate (1 gKMn04 per 1 liter of water);
  • 5% solution of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid;
  • 3% chloramine solution;
  • a clarified solution of bleach containing at least 5% active chlorine;
  • 2-4% formaldehyde solution.

How to prepare a formaldehyde solution

The industry produces either a 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde (formalin) or powdered formaldehyde containing 95% formaldehyde.

To prepare a 4% solution, take 10 parts of an aqueous solution of formalin and dilute it in 90 parts of water.

From powdered formaldehyde, 4 parts of the powder are diluted in 96 parts of water (in this case, the water must be heated to 60-70 ° C).

To avoid precipitation, formaldehyde is stored in well-sealed containers in a dark place, at a temperature not lower than 9°C. If sediment or flakes are still found in formaldehyde, it must be heated to 80-90°C before use.

How to disinfect an aquarium

  • The aquarium, filled to the brim with one of the disinfecting solutions, is left for 12 hours, after which it is washed several times. In case of mycobacteriosis of fish, acid solutions are not suitable for disinfecting aquariums and fish farming equipment, because the pathogen is resistant to them. In this case, you can use detergents, for example, washing powders - “Lotus”, “Crystal”, etc. The concentration of the solution should be quite high - one pack of powder per 30-50 liters of water. The aquarium with this solution is kept for a day. When disinfection is complete, it is washed repeatedly with warm water.
  • Nylon nets, thermometers, heaters that fail due to boiling are placed in an aquarium with a disinfectant solution so that they are completely immersed in it.
  • The most the right way cleaning, sterilization can be called washing the aquarium with the so-called brine - a saturated solution table salt with the addition of a small (1:20) amount of baking soda. An empty aquarium is rubbed from the inside and along the edges with this solution using a nylon cloth (for example, a stocking) and left for 6-12 hours. Then the dried salt is washed off with water at room temperature. The use of cold or hot (over 50°C) water is not recommended.

How to disinfect equipment

The best method for disinfecting fish farming equipment (nets, sprayers, feeders, scrapers, rubber hoses, etc.) is to boil it for 10-15 minutes.

How to disinfect soil

The soil is disinfected by boiling or calcination (30-40 minutes). Decorative roots are boiled for 20-30 minutes.

During the period of keeping purchased fish in a quarantine aquarium or sick ones in an isolation ward, it is best to constantly keep the nets assigned to them in a disinfectant (3%) chloramine solution. It is necessary to ensure that the mesh is completely immersed in the solution. Before use, the net is washed each time. tap water. Twice a week the chloramine solution is replaced with a fresh one.

Inadequate disinfection of aquariums and fish farming equipment further leads to diseases and death of fish.

Disinfection of the aquarium is necessary when the fish are diagnosed with infectious or invasive diseases. Disinfection of an aquarium refers to the disinfection of the aquarium itself, equipment, decorations, fish farming equipment, water, soil and aquarium plants. Inadequate disinfection will cause a new outbreak of diseases in fish with weakened immune systems.
Only temperatures of about 80-100°C kill parasites. The exception is cases when the pathogens are ciliated ciliates, ichthyophthirius, trichodins, costia, oodiniums and monogenetic flukes - dactylogyrus, gyrodactylus. To get rid of the parasites mentioned above, it is enough to leave the aquarium for 7 days without fish at a water temperature of 28-29°C. Protozoa and monogeneans, not finding a host on which they parasitize, die.
In case of plistophorosis, gluteatosis, nodular disease, disinfection of the aquarium does not give positive results. For mycobacteriosis, it is useless to use acid preparations, since the bacteria are resistant to weak acids.
We begin disinfecting the aquarium. We free, clean and only then disinfect each part. Aquarium plants are rarely sent for quarantine; it is better to destroy them, since pathogens of fish diseases can be in the form of spores protected by a shell, so disinfection of vegetation positive result will not give. Disinfectants for the most part toxic materials that can harm fish and plants. Therefore, after disinfection, the aquarium, decorations, and equipment should be rinsed with clean water.
Commercially available household disinfectants based on alcohols, phenol, aldehydes and detergents are not intended for aquarists - their residues will lead to poisoning. After using such disinfectants The aquarium should be rinsed with plenty of fresh water several times to completely remove any remaining harmful substances.
To disinfect the aquarium, use a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution for several hours. Sometimes they wash with a concentrated solution. Hydrogen peroxide safe remedy, completely decomposes into non-toxic decomposition products. Wear safety glasses and gloves when handling this drug.
Minor traces of 3% chloramine solution or clarified 5% bleach solution left in an unwashed aquarium will damage the skin and gill tissue of the fish. Bleach is a caustic substance that damages nylon nets and metal parts of equipment and is fatal to plants.
Clean with 4% formalin solution, 5% aqueous solution hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, 1-2% formaldehyde solution.
To disinfect the aquarium, detergents and washing powders are used at the rate of a pack of powder per 30-50 liters of water. The aquarium with this solution is kept for a day. After disinfection is completed, rinse with warm water several times.
Iodine-based disinfectants are less dangerous than bleach. Pet stores sell ready-made solutions of iodophors. Equipment is disinfected by immersing it in a solution or wiping the surface. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding solution dilution and exposure time;
Ethyl alcohol is volatile, just wipe the items with alcohol and it will be gone. There is no danger to fish or plants.
Disinfect with a saturated solution of table salt and baking soda 1:20. An empty aquarium is rubbed with this solution using a nylon stocking and left for 6-12 hours. Then the dried salt is washed off with warm water.
A good way to disinfect equipment, but not an aquarium!!!, is to treat it with boiling water or boil it for 10-15 minutes. The filter material from the filter, sprayers, nets are boiled for 15 minutes, the soil is boiled for 30-40 minutes.
Nets and thermometers are kept in a 3% chloramine solution or with a 4% formaldehyde solution in a glass jar.
Use Virkon-S (Virkon-S) - a strong disinfectant for disinfecting aquariums and aquarium equipment as follows:
The drained aquarium is wiped with a sponge (rag) heavily soaked in a 2% solution of Virkon-S. Twice, with an interval of 15 minutes. After the second treatment, the aquarium is left for three hours, then it can be considered completely disinfected. To put the aquarium into operation, simply wipe it with a damp sponge. Additional rinsing, as after using disinfectants household products not required.
Aquarium equipment is soaked in a solution with a concentration of 200 mg of Virkon-S in 1 liter for at least 5 hours. It can be used again after a light rinse.
