Is it necessary for a child to clean his ears? How to properly clean a baby's ears? How to clean your ears

With the arrival of a baby in the house, young parents have many questions. Advice from older relatives becomes irrelevant, and information on the Internet is contradictory. Is it possible or not to clean the ears of small children? How to clean your ears correctly and not cause harm? What do modern doctors say about this? The answers to these and other questions are in the article.

Infants can only clean the outer part of the ear.

To clean or not to clean - that is the question

Is it possible and necessary to clean children's ears? Despite the widespread belief that wax is a sign of unkemptness, there is no need to clean children’s ears again, and even less so to clean out discharge from the ear canal. The ear canal contains glands that produce wax. In addition, unnecessary dead cells are separated from the skin, but there is no need to rush to clean all this from the child’s ears. Let's find out why.

Sulfur is not the most useful substance in the body, sometimes it causes itching, and it looks unpleasant, but despite these factors, it performs a protective function, namely, it does not allow the eardrum to dry out. In addition, sulfur does not allow pathogenic microbes and dirt to penetrate inside the ear canal. Earwax deficiency leads to various diseases. On the other hand, the more thoroughly we clean it out of our ears, the more it is produced. It turns out that by thoroughly cleansing, parents complicate the situation.

Undoubtedly, the released wax can cause a plug and interfere with the functioning of the ear, thereby impairing hearing. However, the human body participates in natural cleansing processes. The ear canals contain villi that push the wax out, where it can be easily removed. These villi begin to act actively during jaw movements, during eating, talking, laughing, etc.

Is it really not worth cleaning your ears at all? Hygiene is important, but only the outer part of the ear needs to be cleaned. The sulfur that has come out needs to be removed.

If a child has an earache or hearing has deteriorated, and parents suspect the presence of cerumen, they should not try to cope with this problem on their own. Such manipulations should be performed by a pediatric ENT specialist.

If the ears are not properly cleaned in children under 1-2 years of age, otitis may develop. Cases of violation of the integrity of the eardrum when trying to pick in the ear canal are not so rare. Even if the listed unpleasant consequences do not occur, cleaning the inside of the ears on your own does not lead to anything good. The sulfur will only penetrate deeper inside and form into a dense plug that will have to be removed in the hospital.

How to clean the ears of a child under one year old and older?

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Newborn babies' ears are cleaned with folded gauze or a cotton swab with a stopper at the end. A rolled-up cotton pad will do. It is strictly forbidden for a one-year-old child to use chopsticks for adults. If you move them carelessly, you can damage your child's eardrum. For children over one year old, cotton swabs should also be used with extreme caution.

There are a few basic principles to keep in mind:

  1. Do not wet cotton swabs. As a last resort, you can dip it in warm boiled water.
  2. If there are formations on the auricle and behind it, do not try to get rid of them yourself, but consult an ENT specialist.

If a baby has formations in the ear, it is better to seek the help of a specialist

Algorithm of actions

Don’t forget that the less parents meddle in their child’s ears, the better. Care is only necessary for hygiene purposes. Once a week in the evening after taking water procedures, it is enough to simply wipe the auricle. Near the ear canal, only the wax that is visible on the surface can be removed. Reaching deep into a child's ear to clean is strictly prohibited.

In infants, the eardrum is not yet strong enough and is located close to the ear opening. That is why children under 3 years of age need to be cleaned with extreme caution.

A sequence of actions for cleansing the hearing organ of an infant, which is also suitable for older children:

  1. Place your baby on his side so that he is comfortable in this position. For very young children, it is better to clean their ears during sleep.
  2. A cotton pad or baby cotton swab can be slightly moistened with warm boiled water. It is important to use a new Q-tip for each ear. Gently wipe the visible part of the ear.
  3. Do not immediately remove dry crusts on the ears - it will hurt the child. First you need to soften them with oil or baby cream, and then carefully remove them.

To clean children's ears, you need to use special cotton swabs with a limiter.

What are the dangers of poor ear hygiene in children?

The desire of parents to penetrate as deep as possible with a cotton swab in order to get more sulfur can lead to dire consequences for the baby. The slightest unfortunate movement (a child flinching, sneezing, etc.) can lead to injury to the delicate eardrum.

The child may become deaf for some time (and possibly forever). Restoring hearing in this case is extremely difficult. It all depends on the scale of the rupture and the timeliness of treatment.

A regular cotton swab for the ear is not suitable for getting rid of wax inside the ear. It can only push the sulfur deeper, which will provoke the formation of traffic jams in the future.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

If you are not sure how to properly clean the ears of a month-old baby, then contact your pediatrician who will teach you how to do this. If an unnatural rash or tumors form on the ears, immediately contact an ENT specialist.

Young children can sometimes push small objects into their ears. You should not try to remove the foreign body yourself. When a foreign object enters the ear, it irritates the internal environment. If parents try to remove it themselves, there is a high probability of severe damage to the ear cavity, which can lead to suppuration and inflammation. If your baby puts something in his ear, it is important to go to the doctor immediately.

Do not postpone your visit to the doctor if you notice that:

  • No wax is released from the ear canal. You should not get it out yourself. The doctor will be able to solve this problem quickly and without pain.
  • The baby's ears smell unpleasant.
  • Discharge comes out of the baby's ear canal.
  • The sulfur has changed consistency and color. The shade of sulfur in its normal state is from yellow to brown. If the color has changed, an urgent consultation with an ENT specialist is needed.
  • The ear became red and inflamed.

When a young mother begins to care for her baby, she immediately has a lot of questions.

And this is absolutely normal, because every woman not only wants to take care of her baby, but also not harm her.

That’s why the question of how to clean your baby’s ears and how to do it as correctly as possible continues to be relevant.

Simple process or vice versa? Is it possible or not to clean your ears?

It may seem that there is nothing extremely complicated in regular ear cleaning. Indeed, all you need to do is buy a package of ear sticks in a store or pharmacy, moisten them with warm water or hydrogen peroxide, insert the stick into the child’s ear and twirl there. As it turns out, this approach is completely wrong and even dangerous.

Doctors forbid cleaning a child's ears. They allow you to clean just the shell of the ear, but under no circumstances should you climb inside the ear. Parents, remember! Only the ear canal should be cleaned!

You can’t clean your baby’s ears this way for the following reasons:

— the walls of the toddler’s ear canal are very easily injured;

— the baby’s eardrum can be injured by chopsticks;

- each movement of the cotton swab does not so much help remove wax from the little one’s ear as push it deeper and deeper; The sulfur gets compressed over time, which can result in a plug, which makes hearing difficult and causes unpleasant sensations for the child.

How to properly clean a child's ears? From sulfur to sulfur plug

There is another reason why it is better not to clean your child's ears with cotton swabs. Sulfur is a natural lubricant that is necessary for the proper functioning of the baby’s hearing organs (and not only). The lack of it in the ear canal must somehow be compensated. And when the mother carefully removes it from the baby’s ear, she creates a certain deficiency of the necessary secretion.

The result will be more active work of the sulfur glands. That is, the more often the secretion is removed from the child’s ears, the better it will be produced.

But if it does happen that sulfur plug does occur, under no circumstances should you remove it yourself, at home! There is a huge chance that these actions can cause injury to the child’s ear. You should definitely show the baby to an otolaryngologist and not take any independent action.

How to properly clean a child's ears? Self-cleaning baby's ears

It turns out that nature designed it so that our ears can clean themselves. The glands - sebaceous and sulfur - which are located in the ear, skillfully secrete a special secret that protects the ear from damage. In the ear, epithelial cells are constantly being renewed from the eardrum outward.

In addition, the temporomandibular joint and its structure also had a hand in the self-cleaning of the ears. During normal conversation, coughing, sneezing, laughing or the process of eating food - that is, during any movement of the jaw, wax accumulated in the ear and dead epithelial cells are expelled from the ear.

How to properly clean a child's ears? When and with what?

How should parents carry out the process of properly cleaning their child’s ears? From the above, we can already conclude that you should not “climb” a cotton swab inside the hearing organ. On the contrary, the auricle, in which there is an accumulation of released wax, needs to be cleaned.

It is best to do this in the evenings, while bathing the baby. There are two simple reasons here. According to the first, the baby actively sucked on his mother’s breast all day, which made it possible for the secretion to come out from the depths of his ears. And according to the second, due to the action of warm water, sulfur always softens and is much easier to remove. It is enough just to rinse the baby’s ears with ordinary water with your fingers, without using additional products. Afterwards you can dry it with a diaper or soft towel.

Over the course of a week, you can additionally clean the baby’s ears once or twice with a piece of gauze twisted into a thin flagellum.

It would be more correct to slightly moisten the gauze with ordinary boiled water or oil. Some parents use cotton wool for the same purpose. Not a bad choice either. But sometimes it can disintegrate into fibers and adults will “forget” a piece of it in the baby’s ear, thereby causing him some inconvenience.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The accumulation of wax occurs in children's ears in the same way as in their fathers and mothers. And “kind people” often advise parents to clean their baby’s ears every day and as deeply as possible so that “a plug does not form.” Unfortunately, many mothers do this, not even suspecting that such deep cleaning of the ears is permissible only under certain circumstances and exclusively by an ENT specialist.

How should you really clean your toddler's ears?

Is it possible to clean the ears of an infant - how often and how can you clean children’s ears at home?

Cleaning children's ears should be carried out strictly according to the rules and as carefully as possible!

Remember that the eardrums of a newborn baby are not yet protected. In addition, the length of the ear canals remains small. Therefore, we perform this procedure carefully and according to the instructions!

Why clean your toddler’s ears, and is it even necessary?

Of course it is necessary. But - not too often, and without much zeal.

As for earwax, which so irritates mom and dad, it’s forbidden to clean it out at all.

Despite its unattractive appearance, there are several functions that it performs in the body:

  • “Lubricates” the eardrum, preventing it from drying out - helps moisturize the ear canal.
  • Provides the function of protecting the ear canal from the entry of germs, dust, etc.

In addition, it is worth noting that after deep cleaning of the ears, this substance will be released many times faster, so mother’s diligence is of no use here.

Also, deep cleaning can lead to...

  1. Penetration of infection.
  2. Injury.
  3. Otitis (note: ear cleaning is the most common cause of otitis in babies under one year old).
  4. Violation of the integrity of the eardrum.
  5. The formation of an even denser sulfur plug.
  6. Hearing impairment.

If you suspect that there is a wax plug and requires immediate removal, immediately go to an ENT specialist!

It is forbidden to perform such manipulations yourself!

What else do you need to remember?

  • How to clean your ears? The most popular options are a flagellum made from a cotton pad or an ordinary CHILDREN'S cotton swab with a limiter. This restriction prevents the stick from penetrating too deeply into the ear and protects it from injury. Important: a cotton bud can leave lint in the baby’s ear, which can not only cause discomfort, but also inflammation.
  • At what age should I start? Cleaning the ears is a delicate process, and in the first weeks of a baby’s life such a procedure is unnecessary. You can start cleaning after 2 weeks, when the baby adapts to the outside world.
  • What can't you clean? Any devices that are not intended for these purposes - from matches and toothpicks to ordinary cotton swabs. Also, you should not use oils, milk and other “improvised” means to lubricate the flagellum or stick.
  • Permitted means. The list consists of only 1 item: hydrogen peroxide – exclusively fresh and not higher than 3%. True, babies don’t need it for regular ear cleaning either, and besides, it’s permissible to use the product no more than once a week.
  • How often to clean? Starting from 2 weeks, your baby's ears can be cleaned once a week or a week and a half. The procedure includes cleansing the auricle and the area around the outside of the ear.
  • When to clean? The ideal option is to bathe the baby, feed it and immediately start cleaning the ears. After bathing, the wax in the ears will soften, and as a result of sucking movements it will come out from the depths of the ear canal.

How not to clean your baby's ears?

  1. With untrimmed nails.
  2. Use a toothpick or a match with cotton wool wrapped around it.
  3. A flagellum made of unsterile cotton wool.
  4. With penetration deep into the ear.

Prevention of ear diseases - remember the main thing!

  • Peroxide should not be used if there are problems with the ears., and wax plugs are dealt with quickly and professionally (and safely!) by an ENT specialist!
  • After bathing, check that no moisture remains in the children's ears.. If it is available, we use flagella from cotton pads, with which we carefully absorb water in the ears.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

  1. If you suspect a sulfur plug.
  2. If there is discharge or blood from the ears.
  3. For unpleasant odor from the ears.
  4. When the color and consistency of sulfur changes.
  5. If redness or inflammation occurs.
  6. If a foreign body gets into the ear.

How to properly clean the ears of a newborn baby - instructions and rules for cleaning the ears

The main rule for cleaning children's ears is caution and a sense of proportion.

After evening swimming in the daily “mode”, it is recommended to prevent the following infant problems:

  • Scabs behind the ears. They usually appear due to milk running down the cheeks and getting into the folds of the ears. Without proper care every day, milk residues dry out and turn into irritating and itchy crusts. It is recommended to wipe the skin behind the ears daily and thoroughly absorb moisture with a cotton pad after bathing.
  • Crusts are like an allergy. They can also occur behind the ears due to the use of low-quality children's cosmetics or due to errors in the mother's diet.
  • Diaper rash behind the ears . Most often they occur due to poor drying of the skin after swimming or insufficient hygiene. After bathing, you should not immediately pull on the baby’s cap - first make sure that there is no moisture left in the ears and behind them. If diaper rash does not go away, consult a doctor.

How to clean children's ears - instructions for parents

Rules for cleaning the ears of older children - how often can you clean the ears?

Older children and newborn babies also clean their ears without much zeal to avoid ear inflammation, skin irritation and other troubles.

Ear treatment is sufficient for a healthy baby once every 10 days and easy cleaning of the ears after swimming.

How to use hydrogen peroxide to remove a plug for a large child?

  • We buy 3% peroxide at the pharmacy (ideally 1%).
  • We use only warm solution!
  • Dilute peroxide 1 to 10 with boiled (distilled) water.
  • We place the baby on his side and instill 3-4 drops of the product into the ear using a regular syringe (without a needle, of course).
  • We wait 5-10 minutes and carefully treat the area around the ear canal, removing wax. It is forbidden to go inside the ear!

Remember that a 6% peroxide solution can cause a chemical burn!

Pediatricians answer all important questions about ear cleaning for newborns and older children

Moms always have a lot of questions about cleaning the ears of little ones.

The most popular of them with answers from pediatricians - for your attention!

  • During cleaning, the child started bleeding from the ear - why, and what to do? The most common cause is trauma to the ear canal. True, damage to the eardrum cannot be ruled out. In this case, it is recommended not to delay and immediately contact an ENT specialist.
  • A child coughs or sneezes while cleaning his ears - is it harmful to continue cleaning his ears in this case? Of course, you should not continue - there is a risk of damage to the eardrum and serious injury to the ear.
  • There is a suspicion that the child has wax in the ear. Is it possible to clean your ears at home? It is not recommended to remove wax plugs at home yourself! A specialist removes plugs quickly, using special tools and rinsing.
  • After cleaning the ears, the child constantly cries, the ear hurts - what to do? The main cause of pain after ear cleaning is too aggressive and deep cleaning. It is unacceptable to climb inside the ear canal! If the baby cries constantly, even when the ears are cleaned externally, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor - otitis media may develop or there may be an injury.
  • Is it harmful to put hydrogen peroxide in a child’s ears to remove wax? This product is not recommended for cleaning the ears of babies under 6 months. Also, peroxide should not be used for otitis media and hypersensitivity. The decision to use peroxide is made by the ENT specialist, depending on the disease.
  • How to dry your child's ears after bathing? It is unacceptable to dry your ears with a hairdryer (this also happens), warm them up with a heating pad, use a syringe, shake your baby, or shove sticks into your ears to absorb water! Moisture is removed by blotting with a cotton pad or inserting cotton wool to a depth of no more than 0.5 cm. After bathing, the baby is placed on one side so that all the water drains out, and then onto the other side.

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In principle, you and I have already received the answer - no way. But what does this mean? Let the child have dirty ears? Why can't you clean them? After all, adults clean their ears. It turns out that your ears really don't need to be cleaned. Inside. Our ears have an absolutely unique structure, thanks to which they clean themselves. A special secretion is secreted inside our ear - earwax. This is a lubricating protective material that prevents the penetration of bacteria and protects the ear from damage. The spent wax is slowly pushed out into the auricle. It is pushed out due to the fact that you and I make chewing movements, yawn, thus helping the ear canals push the wax out. Accordingly, sulfur enters the ear. And this is what you and I must clean! Both adults and children should clean only the ears and in no case the ear canal itself.

Now we answer the question - how to clean a child’s ears.

  • Ear hygiene is a daily procedure. It can be performed both in the morning and in the evening. In the morning it is convenient to deal with the ears during general hygiene. In the evening it is very good to clean the ears after bathing the child.
  • It is imperative to clean not only the ear itself, but also wipe it with a damp cloth behind the ear. Children's ears often sweat. And dirt accumulates behind the ears. In order to avoid inflammatory processes, it is necessary to wipe behind the ears daily to remove dirt and remnants of the epithelium.
  • When swimming, water can get into the ear canals. As a rule, children don't like it. Therefore, it is best to ensure that water does not get into the ears. But if it does happen, it’s okay. Just after bathing, place the child for a few minutes, first on one side, then on the other. Water will flow out of the ears. Then the ears will need to be blotted with a clean towel or diaper.
  • Each ear should be wiped with a separate cotton swab or a separate special cotton swab with a limiter.

How often should you clean your child's ears?

Hygiene of the ears and cleansing of the skin behind the ears is a daily procedure. This must be done every day, either in the morning during general hygiene procedures, or in the evening after bathing the child.

As for the ear canals themselves, consultation with doctors is required. Sometimes, due to the structure of children’s ears, it is necessary to instill hydrogen peroxide in their ears once every 7-10 days. So you clean your child's ears with hydrogen peroxide. But under no circumstances should you put a cotton swab or anything else into your ear. Just gently place the child on the side and drop one or two drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear. The child lies on his side for literally 1-2 minutes. Then you repeat the same procedure with the other ear. To ensure that there is no peroxide left in the ear, you need to blot the ears with a clean cotton diaper.

Every day, every person is accustomed to maintaining hygiene. This is a natural process that allows us to maintain neatness and feel comfortable, because by caring for ourselves or our child, we maintain health and good mood.

Every mother wants to take care of her baby, but is afraid of doing something wrong due to her inexperience, causing harm. And here, in the forefront, the question arises: how to properly clean a child’s ears, and should this be done at all?

Which of us has never cleaned our ears? Probably there are no such people.

Of course, ears, like any other part of the body, need regular care.

But do all of us know how to properly carry out this care so as not to cause harm or provoke, for example, otitis media?

To answer this question, let us turn to the structural features of the ears.

The ear contains sebaceous and sulfur glands, which secrete a special secretion that protects the ear from damage. Every second, epithelial cells are renewed from the eardrum towards the ear canal, which contributes to the self-cleaning of the ears.

In addition, the temporomandibular joint in humans is designed in such a way that it allows you to get rid of old epithelial cells and excess sulfur by pushing out due to movements of the jaw (during chewing, talking, laughing, coughing, sucking movements of the baby, etc.). That's why you can't clean your ears deeply; it's very dangerous and can lead to undesirable consequences. You can only clean the auricle, but under no circumstances go into the ear canal.

Everyone should know that only the ears can be cleaned. Ears have the ability to self-clean, so putting any object inside the ear is dangerous! This especially applies to children!

Possible negative consequences of improper ear cleaning:

  • injury to the walls of the external auditory canal or eardrum;
  • the formation of a cerumen plug due to the compaction of wax inside the ear;
  • otitis, penetration of infection;
  • hearing impairment;
  • sulfur deficiency, as a result of which the sulfur glands begin to work more actively.

Therefore, you need to take care of your ears very carefully, especially in newborns. It is important to always remember that sulfur is a natural antiseptic; its presence is necessary to moisturize the ear canal and protect the inside of the ear from pathogenic bacteria.

In the first two weeks of a baby’s life, touching the baby’s ears is prohibited; the baby must adapt at least a little to the world around him.

How often should you clean your ears?

A newborn’s ears should not be cleaned often, once a week to a week and a half, starting at two weeks of age. You can wipe the outer ears with a towel or cotton pad after each bath. We should not forget about the folds behind the ears, where milk that drains during feeding often dries out, forming crusts. These places should always be moistened, and then the crusts should be carefully removed.

The cotton swab pushes the wax through, causing a plug to form.

Earwax glands by their nature protect the ears from infections and various bacteria, which is why the more often we start cleaning our ears, the more wax they need to produce. Rarely, increased secretory function is associated with individual characteristics of a person, but in such situations it is better to contact an otolaryngologist and clean the ears much less frequently.

How to clean your ears

Often we do not think about this issue, preferring to give our choice in favor of cotton swabs.

However, it will be news to many that cotton swabs serve exclusively for cosmetic purposes; they cannot be used to clean ears, like any other sharp objects, such as toothpicks, matches, pins.

They can damage the ear canal and damage the eardrum.

In addition, it is important to remember that pieces of cotton wool, threads, and lint can remain inside the ear, and a cotton swab can compact the wax inside the ear and contribute to the formation of a wax plug, which will force you to consult a doctor due to discomfort in the ears.

Instructions for cleaning the ears of newborn children

The best time to clean your ears is after water treatments. It is necessary to take special cotton swabs with a limiter or make cotton swabs (flagella), lightly moisten them in warm boiled water or a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide (1%) and carefully wipe the outer ear without getting inside. It is important not to forget to wipe, including behind the ears, removing any crusts that have formed.

Taking care of your baby's ears

Basic rules for caring for the ears of newborn babies:

  • the main rule when cleaning children's ears is caution and accuracy; it is important for parents not to overdo it so as not to cause trouble for the baby;
  • It is better to choose the time after evening swimming, when the skin is soft, in this case, excess wax and crust behind the ears are removed faster and easier;
  • Another good time to clean your ears is after feeding (wax itself is pushed out of the ear canals due to sucking movements);
  • many mothers prefer to clean their baby’s ears so that the child does not become capricious;
  • you need to make sure that after bathing there is no moisture left in the ear folds and shell, this can lead to diaper rash (it is important to wipe these areas dry);
  • it is more convenient to clean on the changing table, placing the child on his side;
  • carefully clean the auricle from excess wax with a moistened instrument, not forgetting to wipe the areas behind the ears (do not penetrate into the ear canal);
  • wipe the cleaned areas dry with a towel or cotton pad to avoid diaper rash;
  • be sure to maintain hygiene and use different flagella (sticks) for each ear;
  • It is recommended to perform cleaning near the external auditory canal once a week or a week and a half; you can wipe the auricles and folds behind the ears daily;
  • if water gets into your ears while swimming, you need to place a cotton swab there for a while, which will absorb excess moisture, then remove the swab and cover the ear canal with dry sterile cotton wool for several hours (so as not to get your ears cold);
  • If the baby screams shrilly during the procedure, this may be a signal to consult a doctor; there may be inflammation in the ear or abnormality.
If after water procedures a child is capricious, scratches or rubs his ears, most likely he is worried about wax plugs.

They create a buzzing in the ears, itching, resonance from their voice, cause pain, and the baby begins to hear worse.

After bathing, the wax plugs become wet and increase in volume, thereby putting pressure on the eardrum, which immediately alarms the child.

In such cases, you should not self-medicate; you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

The ENT specialist will examine the child and remove the plug using a syringe and a powerful jet, after which the ears are examined again for the presence of wax and filled with a cotton swab for a while.

It may be necessary to further soften the plug before removing it; for this, the doctor usually prescribes warm vegetable oil or hydrogen peroxide (for children over 6 months) instilled into each ear in the mornings and evenings for three days.

Rules for cleaning the ears of older children

For older children, the basic rules for cleaning ears remain the same.

You should use the same cotton swabs with limiters or cotton swabs, and under no circumstances should you clean the inside of the ear canal, only the auricle should be treated, since the ears independently throw out excess wax into the outer shell.

Basic rules for caring for the ears of young and middle-aged children:

  • It is important for parents to pay close attention to the child’s behavior and promptly contact an otolaryngologist in case of complaints or discomfort in the ears;
  • there is no need to self-medicate, resort to instilling various oils into the ears, it is worth clarifying the diagnosis with a specialist first of all and only then following his recommendations;
  • there is no need to overuse frequent ear cleaning, this will cause accelerated production of wax by the glands;
  • We must not forget that the presence of a certain amount of sulfur inside is a prerequisite for the healthy functioning of the ear, since sulfur is a natural barrier and does not allow bacteria and infections into the child’s hearing organs;
  • during cleaning, it is better to sit the child on a chair and calm him down in advance, so that there is no unnecessary excitement and sudden movements, it is important to try to calm the child and carefully begin to clean the ears using cotton swabs soaked in warm water or cotton swabs with a limiter;
  • there is no need to try to tear off the stuck dry wax or crusts, these can easily cause discomfort to the child, you should first soften them with oil or cream and then remove them;
  • It is important for mothers to avoid attempts to get a piece of wax out of the ear canal, this is a high risk of injury to the child, and often such attempts end in a cerumen plug, and maybe otitis media;
  • Some mothers independently wash out wax plugs for their children using hydrogen peroxide, this is a common method, but it is still better to seek advice and an accurate diagnosis from a doctor, since peroxide should not be used for hypersensitivity and otitis media.

In rare cases, a child may place a small foreign object in the ear. Parents are prohibited from removing these items themselves. In this case, the child needs the help of a doctor to minimize subsequent inflammation of the ear cavity.

So, now every parent clearly understands how important it is not only to promptly, but also to clean the ears of themselves and their children correctly. By following simple rules and advice, you can prevent many diseases. Don’t be lazy about changing your habits and teach your children how to maintain proper hygiene, this will help avoid unnecessary problems.
